J Jhas he apologized at all to the families
NovaScotiaFreckles Thank you JJ! He goes on and on
Chris LeeNot yet JJ
Truth InAllNot yet JJ
J Jthanks
Julia Rock@JJ not yet. One other fsmily lawyer, Sam, was supposed to be up but we came back with her. Maybe Sam got canned. ?
Julia Jones[message retracted]
Ash Lunnquality assurance on the CI or Witness protection program LMAO
robert thomasHis
body language has changed @Truth InAll because now he gets to talk shop
which, to be honest, he is good at it and probably why he has slinked
to the top of this fetid organization
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersclearly the quality assurance officer is on the ball with the notebooks handed into the MCC 

robert thomaswhat
Truth InAll100% Robert.
Julia RockSam was canned!
robert thomasthis one again
J JRachel has had enough screen time 
Oh Dear
quick no
Ash LunnSam was canned? what you mean? explain?
NovaScotiaFreckles I missed a lot today. Did LB’s lawyer ask him any questions like he did Campbell?
Little Grey Cellsseamus x2
Truth InAllRobin HOIT.
Little Grey CellsRobin is not HOIT
Chris LeeLol
Oh Dear
All these exhibit but no new docs
Peter Bykerno thank goodness! @Freckles
Julia RockAnother family lawyer, Sam, was on the agenda to speak. They didn’t have him speak.
Chris LeeSam is in the tree
NovaScotiaFreckles Good he needs to get
robert thomasnot familiar
Ash Lunnis there a purchase order or invoice for Robins Bussiness cards? and is there a COMM for those?
robert thomasOMG!
Julia Rock Chris, lol!
Julia RockI want to see him cry! I shouldn’t have such high expectations.
Chris LeeHa ha it will come soon
Ash Lunnhe'll cry when DOJ gets ahold of him for throwing those two under the bus this morning
Chris LeeDid he ever. He gave it to them good
robert thomasso
now the excuse for Leather and his crew is the dog ate their homework
and if we made mistakes it's cuz of the soft bigotry of low expectations
Oh Dear
Oh so how much can we cover our ass
Julia Rock@Ash Lunn His job in NB might be GD!
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersprovince of Nova Scotia better file a breach of contract suit save their citizens from the RCMP once n for all
Chris LeeHe will get another bump now
robert thomasthe bloat in the organization is the key to their mistakes and indecision
Julia RockHas he drank any
Oh Dear
worried DOJ will have access ???
Ash LunnChief MacNeil can use these emails and docs so TPD can get policing contract
Nosy Scotianagree @robert
robert thomasalways a qualifier
nikki lewisthey didnt want any oversight, period
Julia RockRobert. Exactly too many people doing nothing.
robert thomasThis guy is unbelievable
robert thomashe wouldn't share that opinion
Oh Dear
just noted it earlier HMMMM
Julia RockMan on a fence! His pants must be simmering, you liar!
Julia RockWhat did you infer?
robert thomasit is always the decision of the Province WTF! When did the RCMP decide they are above any authority
Nosy Scotianalways a but
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersLeather thinks he's above DOJ
robert thomasso many people getting paid a crap ton of money to do nothing
robert thomasthe arrogance of this guy is beyond belief
robert thomasyep always a but
Truth InAllPants on fire.
Chris LeeI love that RumCMP. That is classic
robert thomasso
initiatives are good as long as Chris Leather is the one doing them.
Nothing to see here folks! Shut it down and start the three week
Julia RockWhoever, whenever, wherever, but never Leather!
Chris LeeLol
robert thomaslove that one Julia
Julia Rock@Chris Lee. Wasn’t mine. Another brilliant mind. Who was it?
Julia RockRobert. Not mine. Who said that? I’m a repeater.
Chris LeeI think it was JJ
YESSIRumCMP was my pun but it's copyright free 
Chris LeeIt works for sure
Julia Rock@YESSI thanks. Didn’t want to take your credit.
Truth InAllWill he tear up in his wrap up? I say no.
Julia RockI want tears.
Chris LeeI think he may. He was close yesterday
Tony KBeen long 59 days of this stuff.
Peter Byker@YESSI too kind!
RumCMP for You & Me!
nikki lewisi say no
Nosy Scotianbeen a long 2 yrs
Chris LeeWe need a bookie
robert thomasNo tears.. as he has no soul
Julia RockAsk some real questions.
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersI'd love to see the detachment notebook audits lol
Tony KNo tears but an apology
J Jis that notebook stamped 
Julia RockIPV?
Nosy Scotianquestions were weak. nope jo tears. he's tough. he's Leather
robert thomasyeah and an audit of the evidence rooms too @Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers
Truth InAllVery soon 3 weeks to tan even more for the MCC crew!
Julia RockWhoever Leather!
Chiang LoveI
always knew the RCMP had serious issues but I never imagined that it
could be as bad as it actually is. Rotten to its core, from the head
down, as they say
Truth InAllEnjoy beautiful NS in all her summer glory!
Char DayzI left at 3:15, have I missed anything?
Julia RockConflict?
Truth InAllNothing!
Julia RockNot really I don’t think. IPV just came up with Fitch here.
Char DayzThank you truth inall
YESSIshouldn't be key topic tho
Peter Bykershoehorned in so elegantly
Oh Dear
Total BS
robert thomasnot really @Char Dayz Leather deflected again to Whoever, whenever, wherever, but never Leather!
Truth InAllyou made the right choice.!
Char DayzLol very accurate
J Jgotta jet folks sending positive vibes to all
Truth InAll23
Chris LeeG night jj
Peter BykerHail J J take care
robert thomasthks @J J take care
robert thomas23
Julia Rock@ Robert. I’m going to charge you for usage. Lol.
Char DayzThank you Seamus and to everyone continuing to search for the truth 
Brenda Granttake care J J
Julia Rock@Jj bye
Julia RockWhoever leather.
Chris LeeLol
Julia JonesThat’s
all Fitch is worried about is if rcmp can do better in Ivp. Makes me
sick 23 murdered and she worry’s about something not proven
robert thomasaww
@Julia Rock you're too late I'm broke! have to fill up car with gas and
barely have anything left for beer.. and chips gotta have me storm
chips! Next week I promise!
Julia Rock@Robert. Ok buddy. It’s free.
robert thomasthanks!
Chris LeeMaybe hire Lockyer Julia to sue
Julia RockSeriously IVP - ffs 23 people died! This guy doesn’t know his arse from his head!
Chris LeeIt
just goes round and round. Brass all looking after each other they know
most people don't care about the nepotism and the obvious conflicts of
interest in this whole process
Julia RockChief MacNeil ought to have known? That’s so arrogant.
Truth InAllAnswer that boy.
YESSIculture of humility 

Truth InAllChoke!
Julia JonesFitch was a police chief that’s why this question
Julia RockSimmering.
Julia RockOh he should have! What about your gang!
nikki lewislast he was told by you was that you had him pinned down !
Truth InAllYa told him you had him pinned down dufus!
robert thomasit is never this guy's fault
nikki lewislol snap truth
Truth InAllNo worries we have the guy pinned down ......
Julia RockTeflon Don!
Center HiceThis guy is made of tin ,I m sure he has no heart
David AmosNeed I say that Chief Fitch and her family and friends and I go back to High School Days in Fat Fred City???
robert thomasit is pathetic he is still employed as a Mountie
MHhe's supposed to know why you ghosted hi
Truth InAllHe told MCNeil they thought they had him pinned down. So would you not assume the threat is over?
Nosy ScotianHe got a promotion. Dear God. WHAT a piece of work
Truth InAllHe lied to MCNeil.
MHredder and redder
Truth InAllPinned down my foot!
Oh Dear
Send the RCMP packing they are a sham
Nosy ScotianPin the tail on the donkey
Julia RockRounding home buddy still time to say it wasn’t textbook! Tissues are there, all planning has been done.
Truth InAllAgree Oh Dear!
Albinothey got promoted cause the coverup worked everybody skates away from this
MHhe's admitting it is over whelming and should be shut down and start out simply
Truth InAllI say 1 for no tears and 2 for tears. Vote.
robert thomasIf this guy is among the best of the best them the RCMP gotta go. It cannot be reformed with people like this in charge
Truth InAll1
Brenda Grant1
Nosy Scotian1
robert thomas1
Julia Rock2.
Julia Jones2 fake tears
Peter Byker2
Julia RockMake my day!
Oh Dear
get emotional but no tears "fake"
Truth InAllLol! Julia fake tears!
NS44mine too!
robert thomasgotta go it's beer o'clock and storm chips
MHcrocodile tears tonight at the bar
Oh Dear
Bet they are all grins as soon as they leave
Truth InAllBuskers in town
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersI feel the RCMP standards are to high cuz they won't hire me cuz mean tweets 

Julia RockOh so not listening while she was talking?
MHseems flattered like she's asking his opinion, I think she's slamming the guy YEA
Truth InAllVacation time ! The MCC will be light on staff for 3 weeks.
Center Hice1
MHwho will notice
Truth InAllWe pay for their vacations too.
Peter BykerBon Chance! @Center Hice
Julia RockThe unknown? You don’t know what you are doing now.
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersFitch looks like she's been eating too much macaroni her power suits ain't hiding her widening anymore
Julia JonesTruro
cops are fully trained and fully carbine trained. All cheaper then what
the rcmp have for training…… but they get it done why can’t rcmp with
open cheque books get her done
Oh Dear
only solution is provincial policing NO RCMP
Truth InAllMacDonald is waiting.....
Center Hicelol
trying to catch up I was a bit behind 
Julia RockPower struggle.
Julia Jones[message retracted]
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersLeather loves talking about his plain clothes operators except when Fast n Furious comes up 

Julia RockSenior men.
Julia JonesWhen it’s Stanton’s turn …. She won’t have many questions. It’s all over her head.
MHnot getting enough oxygen thru her mask?
Julia RockAlcohol shot bell?
Oh Dear
RCMP seem to think they are better than other police departments, could be a huge problem
David AmosI
had quite a conversation with Stevey Boy McNeil in 2006 as I was
running against the Attorney General and ex cop Murray Scott As soon as I
stepped to the plate and the MCC came into play Stevey quit
Julia Jones@MH to funny
MHtake away their pretty red uniforms
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersdo you want a Scooby snack Fitch
MHJulia Jones you too
David AmosFitch and her buddies are sorry they stole my Harley
Albinoto get one of their boys gone rogue
Julia RockDuration was a factor!
Oh Dear
So no special OPS happening in those areas ?
Albinoget down here Wortman snapped!
Julia JonesHow much time does Fitch get ? When’s her time up
Truth InAllHe had O’Brien
Truth InAllLol!
Julia RockAlways clean. Just there
Julia RockYou were there so ppl could vent?
Truth InAllCampbell went back to bed
David AmosThe Chief of Police in Amherst ain't calling me crazy anymore
Truth InAllCarrol was distracted I’m sending help for his boy
nikki lewiswho does robin report to
Truth InAllLying officer, you mean.
MHCampbell did say he went back to bed but had to say "I didn't sleep well"
Truth InAllAnswer to
Julia RockNikki it appears to be a six sided triangle.
Becca A phone number on the Business card comes up as Jeff west on Google
nikki lewisDaley
Julia RockSmile. As weird
David AmosAllan Carroll was the corrupt cop who broke the deal I had with his boss Inspector Kingston in Amherst in 2009
Invasionone"Supt. Campbell said that he and the RCMP 'Failed'. Do you agree?"
Julia RockAgree
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersif you put all the Command triangles together you get the 5eyes black cube
David AmosAll my ancestors warned to NEVER TRUST A CAMPBELL
Tony K[message retracted]
NS BluenoseI
feel so bad for the families having to sit through this, make me want
to scream I don’t know how they are going it. Thinking of all of them.
What TheHeckNSLAPSE? That’s a nice way to put it
Becca AShowing up at someone’s door in normal clothes posing as mcc to take statements, then call it a wellness check isn’t ok
Julia JonesFitch MacDonalds belly is rumbling it’s past his supper time. Almost his bed time. Move this along
Truth InAllJulia if only we could see MacDonalds face.
Julia JonesLol
Truth InAllHangry!
YESSI[message retracted]
Becca ABargaining agreements
Julia RockMacDonald hopefully asks him a thoughtful question.
Peter BykerFitch'll cry before ever Leather does!
Julia JonesStanton’s checking her bag for a bar for him or crackers from lunch
Truth InAllLol!
NS BluenoseYou
had people who you sent on. Wild goose chases due to not wanting them
interfering with you opps. So if you had double it would not have
MHno solution here
Julia RockIs Stanton at risk? Why the mask
Truth InAllAgree NS Bluenose.
David Amoshttps://www.upi.com/Archives/1992/02/12/Macdonald-clan-remembers-300-year-old-massacre/1392697870800/
Anita ButtsDon’t worry we won’t miss you 

Julia RockRodier said they would think about using alert ready if there is another incident.
Chris LeeIs that Stanton or Darth Vader
Peter Bykercontagious halitosis?
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