the Nova Scotia Mass Shooting - Aug 28, 2022 - with Paul Palango
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Paul Palango and I will discuss the unfolding public inquiry into the Nova Scotia Mass Shootings.
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smorgdonkeyThey want to drag their feet on everything so that eventually people will start remarking about the cost.
Jill Lol, the inquiry inquiry
NS44Running out the clock
least the Westray Enquiry looked at what happened and it was made known
when things were not done which were supposed to be done.
Kristen StronachThe inquiry needs its own inquiry
Michael Keefewho wrote the article that Paul mentioned?
Michael JubaYes
Michael JubaSportsnet
KarenCB65I loved the story on Sportsnet about the Blairs
Ken Triolmine is circling...anyone else?
Michael JubaI missed it
NS44its called being their guardian lol
Thomas GordonRod on CCFR website describes Lucki's "honesty" in a 15 min. interview, FYI. It's good.
Michael Keefesomeone from the Portapique area asked Jamie Campbell to contact Tyler Blair and it went from there.
nikki lewisyes bless those boys @KarenCB65
was a great story
Table SixMore
info/truth in Paul’s latest Frank article than we heard over the course
of the entire Commission. Hopefully he will discuss tonight!
KarenCB65Yes, Nikki Lewis, thanks for sharing
Michael JubaYou can watch it on sportsnet site
Ryan@nikki lewis thank you boss
Aunt BarbIt was Lucki that said 10000 feet, not Bergerman
NS44Lucki "She doesnt get down in the weeds"
Center Hicehello ,Paul,and Jordan, and all
Chris LeeThey were both a mess
Michael KeefeHi Center Hice!

NS44lucki was dressed very appropriately with her zebras
Nosy ScotianI agree Jordan she had an attitude
NS44her very attire screamed disdain for the process
nikki lewisMCC forced them to not wear their uniforms
Nosy ScotianYes her attire was way to "festive" for me
Center Hicehello Michael 
Michael Keefeallegedly the MCC asked the senior RCMP not to wear their uniforms.
nikki lewisall police giving evidence
NS44No uniform but could still dress for what should be somber sober occasion subject matter imo
Nosy Scotianat least bergerman wore a business suit
Center HiceI agree
Paul Lucki ,and all the white shirts have been a joke .
Kristen StronachThat’s how I feel NS44 wasn’t a great shirt choice lol
nikki lewis100% @NS44
Aunt BarbHalifax and Truro chiefs also in civilian
Sun Shinethey probably didnt want them in uniform incase it traumatized the families
Chris LeeThe shower curtain look is all the rage
Scott McLeod@Nighttime Podcast they were wearing civilian clothes to look softer
Thomas GordonIs dress code mandatory?
Michael KeefeI agree Scott
Kristen StronachI’m
surprised the lawyers let her wear it. I get not wearing uniforms but
lord why the colourful zebra shirt? Just wear a plain shirt?
tarnished badgelucki probably sold her uniform on the rcmp grc buy and sell Facebook group lol
Center HiceAnd
what a difference who the Lawyers really grilled hrm chef, and Truro
chef, but for the r c m p who were responsible for the failure, no
problem. Trying to pass the blame on forces not envolved.
Ryanyou can get married in the serge but can't testify in their uniforms.....
outrage21Enough with the "trigger/trauma" BS!
Brenda GrantLucki was trying to keep up with Paul's shirt lol
Michael JubaJust watched the Blair segment on Sportsnet, very touching well worth watching
Kristen StronachLol brenda
Cape Breton Drone PilotI
believe it serves the RCMP to wear plain clothes as to appear
vulnerable instead of dressing as they uniform as in a
position of power.
Sun Shineit is trauma informed
Center Hicemcc
is a complete joke ,Fitch trying to put responsibility on hrm chef.
what a joke . Fitch needs to crawl back in the hole she came out of.
Scott McLeodthe only ones that have not been trauma informed has been the families and survivors
Sun Shine100% Scott
Darrell Currie@Scott McLeod for certain 100%
Center HiceLucki ,and flunkies under her ,they know nothing ,
Ryanher emails proved it
Center HiceLucki proved how unqualified she is ,and Berg
NS44100% Figurehead
Scott McLeodonce lucki retires i bet she will be in politics
Darrell Currieand Lucki doesn't know how to give an apology!
NS44politically corrected appointee
Center HiceLucki s a mascot
Darrell Curriean apology, BA, HA,HA
Michael Keefe"I'm sorry we weren't what you wanted or needed us to be"
outrage21We didn't ask for an apology. We asked for the truth.
Center HiceYup she needed to splash the water out of her glass a little more lol 
RelaxingfunShe’s a wordsmith
Scott McLeod@Darrell Currie 100%
Thomas GordonHallmark card, lol
Center HiceBergie the dry cry lol 
NS44Doj should look under their mattress for the rest of notes and documents.
Michael Keefemaybe they were among the ones that were shredded
David AmosYO Palango Methinks the Fat Lady ain't sung yet N'esy Pas?
Center HiceDefinitely political,out laying guns for licensed responsible gun owners, thats what that was all about. Your
Paul ,and caller .
Robert BrackenParliament's
shiny pony's obsession with gun control is no secret: the latest OiC
was coming, but this event expedited it, obviously...
NS44released bodycams in 8weeks for uvalde
Center HiceThats legal that was suppose to be above
tarnished badgetake
law abiding citizens guns away but the police can still sell uniforms
and badges and other offical equipment online one of the main weapons
was the rcmp uniform
email the guy read said...anxiously waiting for the Gun list but in his
commentary he he said they Demand the list...his words not what was in
the email
StrawberrymochigunGreat question
Table SixExcellent question!
Center HiceWell said
Ryangreat question!
NS44participant lawyer asked lucki " will not somebody rid me of this troublesome priest"?
Center Hiceplease don't be offended, I know Carry can be spelled different ways lol 
NS44"no special relationship"
Center HiceYup lot of agencies envolved, and why his helpers got off the hook or disappeared 
tarnished badgeI
have eight plus years working in a fallen police officers network you
don't create a memorial police car without a personal relationship with
the police
Center HiceNail on head Paul. And exactly
Jordan ,and Kerry why their hiding it to the depths they are .
NS44bowling ball
Strawberrymochigunthe magick bowling ball
nikki lewisyep @NS44 Mr Scott is awesome lawyer
NS44thank you nikki I couldnt remember his name
he is.
Chris LeeLucki
and Bergerman were as expected. Gave zero info said I can't say for
sure intimately. Don't remember, I'm sorry. Somebody else was doing
that......we did a great job blah blah blah. We are sorry
Center HiceScott and Bryson are Nikki
nikki lewisYes Josh is awesome too, and Ms Goulet Lawyer this week too asked some very good questions
NS44Good lawyers unfortunate they arent allowed to ask good questions
EVELYN D. RAMSAYwell Lisa Banfield would know. Would she be at risk? Surely she'd know if he was an Agent.
nikki lewisyep, gagged from asking good questions, doesnt prevent them from stating something on the live hearing record though
NS44Macdonald"we're just honna roll with it" 
Michael JubaNice lighting Jordan
Center HiceEvelyn I m sure Banfield, and Griffen know a hell of a lot more for sure .
David Amos
Sandy MechefskeSo if he was an agent, why would he kill 23 people?
David AmosFast and Furious
RyanWiley, Melanson, Brown all trained human source handlers
nikki lewis16x visits Wiley,
tarnished badgefast and furious
RyanWortman was flagged by FINTRAC for domestic terrorism in the months leading up to the shootings
NS44Never got to ask who authorized issues management team with John Robin
Michael Keefe@Nighttime any update on the documentary?
Michael JubaWill there be a documentary coming anytime me soon?
Center HiceWortman had way too much money
for how his business was going ,it was dead as heck ,so money
was coming from else where .
Janes BlondThey put him back in to protect him
EVELYN D. RAMSAYso where is Peter Griffon?....and will Lisa disappear as well?
nikki lewiswhy zero charges from US side, they were making calls sunday morning
NS44they arent going with the story griffen made the decals now they try say gc surplus
Chris LeeThe MCC is just a show. They don't want to hurt any feelings and just give the info to passify the public.
David AmosATF
Acting Director, Michael Sullivan (an on-the-record advocate for
stringent gun control) claimed his investigators
NS44they arent going with the story griffen made the decals now they try say gc surplus
Center HiceAnd Griffen got out of there and called the shots on his call . Wortman took the bullet for them all

outrage21I'm not convinced the MCC cares about hurt feelings.
Kristen Stronach
Night Paul stay safe!
Center HiceTake care Paul 
NS44only person who benefitef from lb testifying was herself
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