<rob.moore@parl.gc.ca>, "Ross.Wetmore" <Ross.Wetmore@gnb.ca>,
"robert.mckee" <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>,
Office of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>, "pierre.poilievre"
<pierre.poilievre@parl.gc.ca>, "jake.stewart"
<jake.stewart@parl.gc.ca>, premier <premier@leg.gov.mb.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.ab.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "michael.macdonald"
Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
NightTimePodcast <NightTimePodcast@gmail.com>, nsinvestigators
<nsinvestigators@gmail.com>, "Nathalie.Drouin"
<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, paulpalango <paulpalango@protonmail.com>
down when Higgy became the Bosshog of NB 6 very long years ago
Don't block N.B. Power rate hike, opposition parties tell government
Liberals and Greens say interfering with utility not the best way to help people
Both the Liberals and the Greens say interfering with how the Energy and Utilities Board rules on the 8.9 per cent increase would only perpetuate a history of politically motivated rate decisions.
Liberal energy critic Keith Chiasson said in the legislature the utility was "gouging" ratepayers and told reporters the government "has a role to play."
But party leader Susan Holt, speaking to reporters alongside Chiasson, was quick to add there's a downside to political intervention.
She said the government can't continue to "ruin the utility" by keeping rates artificially low, adding to its debt.
"Our worry is if they force another two per cent increase to N.B. Power, we're going to continue to destabilize our utility," she said.
"The debt is going to continue to grow. The operations won't be able to transition to the kind of green and renewable energy that New Brunswickers want to see from the utility."
Clark, acting N.B. Power CEO, said Wednesday the utility has taken
steps to ensure the rate increase is as low as it can possibly be. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
She said the government must balance that with the fact the 8.9 per cent increase "is too large for many people to handle," and find a way to help.
N.B. Power filed the rate application with the Energy and Utilities Board on Wednesday.
It says it needs the increase to cover soaring fuel costs and other expenses subject to inflation, as well as recent interest rate increases.
But even the 8.9 per cent increase will only be enough to keep the utility financially afloat next year. It won't chip away at the corporation's accumulated $5 billion debt.
Previous governments have imposed small rate increases on the utility or have even stepped in to stop the EUB from approving rates considered too high.
The Higgs government says it won't do that and prefers to look for other ways to help consumers cope with the higher rates, such as energy efficiency programs to encourage people to consume less electricity.
"We have to find a way that the utility can get on a footing going forward," Premier Blaine Higgs said Thursday. "Let the EUB do the process. That's why we have it."
Higgs hinted on Wednesday a new energy efficiency program is coming. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Green Leader David Coon also agreed with that approach.
"We've seen too much of that in the past, and that is the kind of thing that has helped get us to the point where we are now, where N.B. Power is asking for 8.9 per cent."
But he said the province should offer more robust, "properly funded" energy efficiency programs. Higgs hinted on Wednesday a new program is coming.
Pay increases recommended
In a case of awkward political timing, N.B. Power announced its rate application the same week an independent commission submitted a report recommending pay increases for members of the legislature, cabinet ministers and the premier.
MLA salaries were frozen at $85,000 a year in 2008.
The commission recommended that the pay be raised to $93,150, the salary that would be in effect if governments had followed the advice of an earlier independent study to tie pay levels to increases in gross domestic product — essentially, economic growth.
Higgs said he hasn't read the new report, but pointed out that no one else has had their salary frozen for 14 years.
"Should that continue like that? No, I don't think it should continue like that. I think it should be comparable to what everyone else achieves," he said.
The commission is recommending future MLA pay raises be tied to increases for civil servants.
It also suggests the premier's salary be double that of an MLA and that people in other positions, such as cabinet ministers, have their member salaries topped up based on a formula.
The commission itself, made up of retired New Brunswick Court of Appeal justice Margaret Larlee and Moncton lawyer Robert Basque, acknowledged that implementing its recommendations would be controversial.
"The decision will be based on political judgment," wrote Larlee and Basque. "An increase for any reason will be criticized. There is never a good time for one."
is N.B. Power's biggest rate application since 2007, when it asked for a
9.6 per cent increase. That was later lowered to 6.4 per cent, and the
board eventually set the increase at 5.9 per cent. (Mike Heenan/CBC News file photo)
The government is not obligated to follow the commission's recommendation.
Holt did not take a clear position on the proposal, calling it "a tough one."
"I want every tool possible to recruit a great team, so I'm conflicted. On the one hand it will help me build a phenomenal team to represent New Brunswickers. On the other hand it's a really terrible thing to try and oversee your own pay increase."
Coon said he was against a pay increase, especially with New Brunswickers facing higher food, gas and housing prices along with a potential power rate increase.
"The optics would be terrible. We're comfortable in my caucus with the pay we're at right now."
Coon endorsed recommendations in the report to increase the budget MLAs use to pay constituency staff in their ridings.
The commission also recommended a study on whether it would be cheaper to buy MLAs electric vehicles rather than paying them for the mileage they put on their personal vehicles when travelling for their jobs.
NB Power could escape Liberal-promised rate freeze thanks to unlikely source
Green Leader David Coon has long history of battling NB Power initiatives
The likelihood of NB Power having its rates frozen for the next four years appears to have dimmed to near zero given the uncertainty over who will govern the province — even if New Brunswick Liberals manage to retain power — and the utility can thank its old nemesis, Green Party leader David Coon, for the reprieve.
"It's a non-starter," Coon said Thursday about the signature Liberal campaign promise to bypass the Energy and Utilities Board and impose up to $300 million in rate freezes on the financially challenged utility over the next four years.
"Freezing power rates is a bad idea. It's interference in a regulatory process; we've got to look at the best economic interests of New Brunswickers. It would be foolish."
Premier Brian Gallant has said he will seek to find "common ground" with Green Party MLAs in an upcoming throne speech to win enough support to keep governing — a condition the freeze does not meet.
Brian Gallant hinted Thursday the Liberal platform could be modified to
incorporate elements from other parties' platforms. (Photo: CBC)
"We believe we can earn the votes of many in the legislature," Gallant said Thursday. "We want to be able to consult and discuss what should get into the speech from the throne. We are open to other ideas from other political parties "
No Liberal election promise attracted more scorn from Coon during the campaign than the proposed rate freeze, a position he has not budged on since.
Gallant has not said the freeze is dead, but on Thursday sounded like he might be laying the groundwork for its funeral.
"We have to be open to the other political parties platforms, which means we have to put water in our wine for our platform as well," said Gallant when asked if Coon's objections to the rate freeze would be fatal to the promise.
"We are willing to look at some of the elements we put forward in our platform and to say maybe another day."
'They should go forward'
NB Power has been conspicuously silent on what it plans to do with power rates going forward since Liberals first promised a freeze to voters in late August.
It has a longstanding plan to increase rates by two per cent per year or more to retire $1 billion in debt and cope with carbon taxes if they come.
In each of the last two years, the utility has submitted its annual rate application to the Energy and Utilities Board during the first week of October, but this year it has already let that date pass with no word of its intention.
Green Party Leader David Coon opposes the Liberal-promised power rate freeze. (CBC)
Coon said if NB Power is waiting to find out who will be governing the province before applying for new rates, it shouldn't.
"To me, they should be continuing on as required if they are looking for a change in power rates. They should go forward," he said
Coon's history with NB Power
Coon is an unlikely white knight to come to the utility's defence.
He has a long history of opposing NB Power initiatives at regulatory hearings in his former role as executive director of the New Brunswick Conservation Council.
In the early 2000s, he fought the utility's ill-fated, $700-million conversion of the Coleson Cove oil-fired generating station to burn the Venezuelan fossil fuel orimulsion. He later battled executives over what proved to be optimistic plans to quickly and cheaply refurbish the Point Lepreau nuclear generating station.
Coon fought the conversion of Coleson Cove to burn orimulsion — one of
several battles the Green Leader waged against the utility. ((CBC))
Venezuela eventually refused to deliver orimulsion after the Coleson Cove conversion was complete and the nuclear refurbishment went three years late and $1 billion over budget, all problems Coon predicted.
Still, Coon has long been an advocate of NB Power answering to a professional regulator like the Energy and Utilities Board and not to politicians, and he instantly opposed the idea of a rate freeze imposed by a political party on that principle.
Coon said if NB Power executives are grateful for the backing of an old foe against political meddling in its rates, they are not saying.
"I haven't heard from any of them yet," he said.
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2022 03:09:11 -0300
Subject: Hey Higgy do ya think René Legacy and his new boss know how
dumb your buddies within the EUB and the lawyers Richard.Williams and
Nancy Rubin truly are???
To: "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, rene.legacy@gnb.ca,
"keith.chiasson" <keith.chiasson@gnb.ca>, denis.landry2@gnb.ca,
isabelle.theriault@gnb.ca, eric.mallet@gnb.ca, Mike.Comeau@gnb.ca,
hugh.flemming@gnb.ca, megan.mitton@gnb.ca, michelle.conroy@gnb.ca,
kris.austin@gnb.ca, kevin.a.arseneau@gnb.ca, nick.brown@gnb.ca,
dan.murphy@umnb.ca, bruce.fitch@gnb.ca, david.coon@gnb.ca,
andre@jafaust.com, michelle.conoy@gnb.ca, Alex.Vass@gnb.ca,
"Mark.Blakely" <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "martin.gaudet"
<martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>, SWaycott@nbpower.com, "Clark, Lori"
<lclark@nbpower.com>, bruce.macfarlane@gnb.ca, adam.bowie@gnb.ca,
jean-claude.d'amours@gnb.ca, francine.landry@gnb.ca,
jacques.j.leblanc@gnb.ca, benoit.bourque@gnb.ca, gilles.lepage@gnb.ca,
"guy.arseneault" <guy.arseneault@gnb.ca>, daniel.guitard@gnb.ca,
General@nbeub.ca, Michael.Dickie@nbeub.ca, John.Lawton@nbeub.ca,
Dave.Young@nbeub.ca, Ahmad.Faruqui@brattle.com,
Cecile.Bourbonnais@brattle.com, "Petrie, Jamie" <JPetrie@nbpower.com>,
"Robert. Jones" <Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, "John.Williamson"
<John.Williamson@parl.gc.ca>, "rob.moore" <rob.moore@parl.gc.ca>,
"Ross.Wetmore" <Ross.Wetmore@gnb.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
"silas.brown" <silas.brown@globalnews.ca>, "robert.mckee"
<robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, briangallant10 <briangallant10@gmail.com>,
chuck.chiasson@gnb.ca, "Roger.L.Melanson" <roger.l.melanson@gnb.ca>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>,
nrubin@stewartmckelvey.com, sfogel@cija.ca, news@dailygleaner.com,
Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, nsinvestigators
<nsinvestigators@gmail.com>, "Holland, Mike (LEG)"
September 26, 2022
Ms. Kathleen Mitchell
Chief Clerk
New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board
P.O. Box 5001
15 Market Square, Suite 1400
Saint John, NB E2L 4Y9
Dear Ms. Mitchell:
Re: Matter 529 - NB Power 2022 Rate Design Application – Public
Information and Engagement Plan
Further to the Board’s letter of August 24, 2022 and noted as
directive item 3, “NB Power is directed to file with the Board a copy
of interest / response data as well as details of the outreach and
follow up efforts made by NB Power.”
NB Power provides the following information resulting from the
implementation of its Public Information and Stakeholder Engagement
Plan in response to this item:
• NB Power sent more than 10,000 emails to First Nations, various
customers, and stakeholders o the emails primarily targeted customers
in the categories of GS1, GS2, small industrial, net metering, farms,
places of worship, and charities
o of those emails delivered, approximately 5,700 messages were opened
o of those opened, approximately 175 clicked through to the links
provided (either the NB Power webpage, the EUB webpage or to register
for the Information Session)
• Through the notification methods provided (newspaper advertisements,
direct email and social media posts on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn)
NB Power received 65 registrations to attend the Information Session
held on September 21, 2022
• During the period September 14 to September 23, 2022, NB Power
received and responded to eight emails from members of the public to
the NBPowerRateDesign@nbpower.com email address and one email to the
First Nations ProjectConsultation@nbpower.
included the following: o requests for assistance in accessing the
materials on the NBEUB website
o information on changes to power bills / which customers will be
obtaining increased versus decreased rates
o request for more information regarding the proposed rate design application
o what future changes NB Power is proposing for net metering customers
o whether the application includes a First Nations rate
o request for information (e.g., the presentation) from the virtual
Information Session
• On September 21, 2022, NB Power hosted a ‘virtual’ Information
Session on the 2022 Rate Design Application commencing at 2:00 p.m. o
although 65 registrations were received, approximately 31 people
attended the English event and 1 person attended the French event
o it included a presentation about the Rate Design Application and
information on how one could participate in the NBEUB’s regulatory
o the Information Session was recorded and a video of the presentation
will be posted on NB Power’s Rate Design webpage
o 14 questions were asked and answered during the Information Session
question and answer period and one additional question was submitted
at the closing of the event
• there were no questions asked from the Francophone participant
• a Question-and-Answer document will be prepared and made available
on the NB Power rate design website
o at the conclusion of the Information Session, participants were
encouraged to complete a brief survey. A summary of the survey results
will be included in the summary report of the Public Information and
Stakeholder Engagement.
NB Power chose to host a ‘virtual’ Information Session so customers
and stakeholders from all areas of New Brunswick could participate
without having to travel.
As directed by the Board and noted as item 4 of its letter of August
24, 2022, there has been no additional interest expressed by
stakeholders to meet with NB Power on the topic of the Rate Design
The follow up activities include:
• NB Power will continue to provide information to interested
customers and stakeholders via the Rate Design website
• Information will be provided to stakeholders during regularly
scheduled Community Liaison Committee meetings throughout the province
• NB Power will send an email to all those who registered for the
virtual Information Session to provide them with a link to the video
and Q&A document for additional information
• NB Power will continue to monitor and respond to questions received
via the NBPowerRateDesign@nbpower.com email
In addition, NB Power will file the following with the Board by
October 3, 2022:
• A copy of the Information Session presentation (slide deck)
• A copy of the Question-and-Answer document
• NB Power’s summary report of the Public Information and Stakeholder
Engagement, which will include a summary of the Information Session
survey results
Upon the filing of the information noted above, NB Power will have met
all the requirements set by the Board in its letter of August 24. NB
Power therefore respectfully requests that Matter 529 resume, with the
scheduling of the adjourned pre-hearing conference by the Board.
Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not
hesitate to contact the undersigned at SWaycott@nbpower.com or
Yours truly,
Stephen A. Waycott
Director, Corporate Compliance and Regulatory Affairs
NB Power
Not long after the EUB agrees to go forward without much for
interveners in the very important long delayed 357 aka 529 Matter Lori
Clark, the ACTING N.B. Power CEO goes for a lot more gold to play with
by April Fools Day without fear of opposition FROM YOUR OPPOSITION OR
YOUR ACTING public intervenor who refuses to talk to me or answer my
emails Yet YOUR legal sevices department calls me today and plays dumb
Methinks Richard Williams, the province's ACTING public intervenor
knows all about cloaking himself in secrecy and NB Power has the wrong
dude on their side not the public's N'esy Pas?
Interesting quote EH?
"Furey said Wednesday. "So effectively, there were two experts put
forward by the same party, undisclosed to the board or other parties."
Following Furey's remarks, Richard Williams, the province's public
intervenor, weighed in, saying Marshall appeared to attempt to "cloak
himself in secrecy" so as to be seen as an independent expert simply
trying to assist the board in its deliberations.
"It seems obvious, at least to me, that Saint John Energy was hoping
to have... two seemingly unconnected experts that... were sort of
almost on the same page," Williams said."
N.B. Power asks for biggest rate hike in 15 years: 8.9 per cent on April 1
Premier blames climate policies, but CEO says ‘very little’ of hike is due to carbon pricing
The Crown utility says it needs the huge increase in 2023-24 just to cover the "unprecedented challenges" caused by the spiralling cost of energy and inflation as well as higher interest rates.
"We recognize that any rate increase is difficult for our customers," acting CEO Lori Clark told reporters.
"N.B. Power has taken steps to ensure the rate increase is as low as it can possibly be, while ensuring that the utility can continue to cover its services reliably, safely and confidently for New Brunswickers now and into the future."
The rate increase, if approved by the Energy and Utilities Board, would take effect April 1, 2023.
It's N.B. Power's biggest rate application since 2007, when it asked for a 9.6 per cent increase. That was later lowered to 6.4 per cent, and the board eventually set the increase at 5.9 per cent.
the legislature Wednesday, Premier Blaine Higgs blamed the higher costs
driving the rate hike on federal climate policies that he said are
making energy more expensive. (Andrew Vaughan/The Canadian Press)
The utility says energy costs for fuel purchase and electricity imports from outside the province will increase by $102.8 million in the coming year, and recent interest rate increases will add $31 million to the corporation's bottom line.
The application acknowledges that even an 8.9 per cent increase won't be enough to lower its accumulated debt of about $5 billion or increase its equity relative to that debt.
Officials say it may have to seek rate increases of two to 16 per cent in each of the two following years, but because of market volatility it's not applying for hikes for those years yet.
At the legislature Wednesday, Premier Blaine Higgs blamed the higher costs driving the rate hike on federal climate policies that he said are making energy more expensive.
"This shouldn't be a surprise," he said. "The policies that are being put on us now are causing a higher cost of energy in our province.
"N.B. Power is reacting to that. They really don't have a choice."
Clark, however, said that only a small part of the increased costs comes from federal carbon pricing requirements.
The utility says 52 per cent of the rate increase can be attributed to fuel costs, but "very little of that is actually attributed to the carbon pricing," Clark said.
"The carbon pricing itself is in the millions of dollars. Most of it is the result of the increase in fuels that we buy and trade on world markets."
N.B. Power cites pandemic, war in Ukraine
The utility's application mentions carbon pricing and the transition to renewable and low-emitting energy sources as factors in the "significant fiscal challenges" it's facing.
But it also notes that people "across the world" are facing some of the same challenges as New Brunswickers, such as energy price volatility due to the war in Ukraine and supply chain disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The application points out rate increases over the last decade have not kept pace with inflation or with many other provincial utilities' rates.
The request would be for a double-digit increase if not for N.B. Power's plan to shave $50 million from its costs, including by eliminating some positions, officials said.
Province not likely to overrule increase
Clark defended the decision to freeze rates in the last two years due to COVID-19, but she would not say whether earlier rate freezes or below-inflation increases, some of them imposed by governments, had been a mistake.
"There's a lot of blame to attribute in the past, and we're going to focus on going forward and ensuring the utility is healthy for the future," she said.
Resources and Energy Development Minister Mike Holland said he's
strongly in favour of allowing the utility to form its own rate increase
without intervention from the government. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Both Higgs and Energy Minister Mike Holland all but ruled out stepping in to overrule the EUB if it approves the rate increase.
"I'm strongly in favour of allowing the utility to form their own rate increase without intervention from the government, taking heart and knowing that the EUB is there to ensure that whatever increase they come out the other side with, it's legitimate," Holland said.
Higgs noted the recent announcement of a "probably unprecedented" program to provide free heat pumps to households that use electric heat and have an income of less than $70,000.
He said the province will soon announce another program "for other forms of heating as well, to reduce that."
N.B. Power estimates the heat pump program, which also includes insulation upgrades, will lower a household's yearly bill by $500.
EUB agrees intervener acted unfairly toward N.B. Power during hearing
Energy and Utilities Board agreed William Marshall failed to disclose relationship with third parties
The ruling stems from an EUB hearing into a request by the Crown electricity company to increase the amount it charges companies like Saint John Energy and Liberty Utilities to use its transmission infrastructure.
One particularly controversial proposal is a plan to more than quadruple what N.B. Power charges to "balance" the uneven flow of electricity through its system caused by the up and down production of area wind farms.
Saint John Energy and Liberty Utilities are two of eight entities that had representatives submit evidence during the hearing.
Another participant of the hearing, William Marshall, registered to present submissions under his consulting company, WKM Consultants Inc. on his own behalf.
However, N.B. Power lawyer John Furey last month accused Marshall of secretly representing undisclosed third parties, leading to Marshall's admission that Saint John Energy and Liberty Utilities are clients of his consulting firm. He denied he was representing them at the hearing.
Power lawyer John Furey told the EUB that the failure of Marshall to
disclose his relationships to third parties led to missed opportunities
to ask him relevant questions during his submission of evidence during
the hearing. (Graham Thompson/CBC)
Furey later filed a motion asking that the Energy and Utilities Board remove Marshall from the hearing and have his submissions scrubbed from the record.
The parties met virtually on Wednesday for what was supposed to be submissions before the board on the motion. However, on board chair Francois Beaulieu's suggestion, they agreed to discuss the matter through an in-camera alternate dispute resolution process.
The parties came to a unanimous resolution after almost two hours of discussion.
The parties agreed on forwarding to the board an order that WKM Consultants breached the board's rules of procedure by failing to disclose it was retained by third parties, and that this relationship caused potential or procedural unfairness to N.B. Power as the applicant.
The order will also see Marshall withdraw his request to be qualified as an expert witness in the hearing.
Claims of double representation
In explaining the resolution, Furey said Marshall's actions breached the board's rules in two aspects.
He said the first is that by failing to disclose the relationship between his company and other parties to the hearing, N.B. Power missed opportunities to question Marshall in a way that could have revealed relevant information.
Furey also argued that Marshall's submissions afforded Saint John Energy "double representation" during the hearing as the municipal power company already had its own representative.
intervener Richard Williams says Marshall's submissions could be
interpreted as providing double representation for Saint John Energy
during the EUB hearing. (Saint John Energy)
"There was alignment to some extent of the of the positions of those two experts," Furey said Wednesday. "So effectively, there were two experts put forward by the same party, undisclosed to the board or other parties."
Following Furey's remarks, Richard Williams, the province's public intervenor, weighed in, saying Marshall appeared to attempt to "cloak himself in secrecy" so as to be seen as an independent expert simply trying to assist the board in its deliberations.
"It seems obvious, at least to me, that Saint John Energy was hoping to have... two seemingly unconnected experts that... were sort of almost on the same page," Williams said.
After a lunch break, the board reconvened Wednesday afternoon and Beaulieu told the parties it accepted the terms.
"What the board will be doing next is work on preparing an order and have it translated, so that should probably be distributed to all parties in the coming days," Beaulieu said.
The board will hear closing arguments on the hearing on Sept. 9.
Deja Vu Anyone???
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Dickie, Michael" <Michael.Dickie@nbeub.ca>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2022 00:12:12 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks Peter Hyslop can never
deny that folks need an ethical lawyer to act as our Public Intervener
N'esy Pas Lori Clark???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
I will be out of the office from July 22 to August 2, 2022 . If you
require assitance please dial 506-658-2504.
Thank you,
Je serai en vacances le 24 juin au 2 août, 2022. Si vous avez besoin
d'assistance s.v.p. composer le 506-658-2504.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Williams, Richard (OAG/CPG)" <Richard.Williams@gnb.ca>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 16:09:48 +0000
Subject: RE: Matter 529 - NB Power Rate Design / Instance no 559 -
Énergie NB - Établissement des tarifs
To: "Mitchell, Kathleen" <Kathleen.Mitchell@nbeub.ca>,
"JohnFurey@fureylegal.com" <JohnFurey@fureylegal.com>,
"jpetrie@nbpower.com" <jpetrie@nbpower.com>, "NBPRegulatory
(NBPRegulatory@nbpower.com)" <NBPRegulatory@nbpower.com>,
"Sollows, David (DNRED/MRNDE)" <David.Sollows@gnb.ca>,
<Len.Hoyt@mcinnescooper.com>, "jeffery.callaghan@
<rzarumba@ceadvisors.com>, "gerald@kissnb.com" <gerald@kissnb.com>,
"hanrahan.dion@jdirving.com" <hanrahan.dion@jdirving.com>,
"SWaycott@nbpower.com" <SWaycott@nbpower.com>, "bcrawford@nbpower.com"
<bcrawford@nbpower.com>, "George.Porter@nbpower.com"
<George.Porter@nbpower.com>, NBEUB/CESPNB <General@nbeub.ca>, "Dickie,
Michael" <Michael.Dickie@nbeub.ca>, "Young, Dave"
<Dave.Young@nbeub.ca>, "Ahmad.Faruqui@brattle.com"
<Ahmad.Faruqui@brattle.com>, "Cecile.Bourbonnais@brattle.
"rrichard@nb.aibn.com" <rrichard@nb.aibn.com>,
"sussexsharingclub@nb.aibn.com" <sussexsharingclub@nb.aibn.com>,
"margot.cragg@umnb.ca" <margot.cragg@umnb.ca>,
"jeff.garrett@sjenergy.com" <jeff.garrett@sjenergy.com>,
"dan.dionne@perth-andover.com" <dan.dionne@perth-andover.com>,
"pierreroy@edmundston.ca" <pierreroy@edmundston.ca>,
"ray.robinson@sjenergy.com" <ray.robinson@sjenergy.com>,
"sstoll@airdberlis.com" <sstoll@airdberlis.com>,
"pzarnett@bdrenergy.com" <pzarnett@bdrenergy.com>,
"leducjr@nb.sympatico.ca" <leducjr@nb.sympatico.ca>
Cc: NBEUB/CESPNB <general@nbeub.ca>
Good afternoon,
The Public Intervener will be participating in this matter.
Richard A. Williams, Q.C.
Public Intervener for the Energy Sector / l'intervenant public dans le
secteur énergétique
Office of the Public Intervener / Bureau d'intervenant public
(506) 440-8915
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2022 10:19:51 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Methinks you must enjoy the news today about Higgy's
plan with the EUB as much as I do N'esy Pas René Legacy?
To: mpoirier@stewartmckelvey.com, bruce.macfarlane@gnb.ca,
"Adam.Bowie" <Adam.Bowie@gnb.ca>, RCAANC.Media.CIRNAC@sac-isc.
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christopher Stewart <cstewart@stewartmckelvey.com>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2022 13:12:06 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks you must enjoy the news today about
Higgy's plan with the EUB as much as I do N'esy Pas René Legacy?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email. I am no longer with Stewart McKelvey. For
all inquiries, please contact Mathieu Poirier, Managing Partner at
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Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2022 13:14:05 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks you must enjoy the news today about
Higgy's plan with the EUB as much as I do N'esy Pas René Legacy?
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From: Nancy G Rubin <nrubin@stewartmckelvey.com>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 05:00:24 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: A little Deja Vu for Nova Scotia Power and
Emera's Irving buddies in New Brunswick
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
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Matter 529
IN THE MATTER of an application by the New Brunswick Power
Corporation with respect to proposed changes to its rate
structure, rate classes and rate design
Held via Videoconferencing, on August 11, 2022.
Members of the Board:
Mr. Francois Beaulieu - Chairperson
Mr. John Herron - Member
Ms. Heather Black - Member
Counsel to Board Staff - Ms. Abigail Herrington
Board Staff:
Ms. Véronique Otis
Mr. David Young
CHAIRPERSON: So I think everybody is here. So good morning, everyone.
This is a pre-hearing conference in Matter 529 relating to an
application by New Brunswick Power Corporation with respect to the
proposed changesto its rate structure, rate classes and rate design.
Il s’agit de la vidéoconférence préparatoire à l’audience dans
l’instance 529 relative à une demande de la Société d’Energie du
Nouveau-Brunswick concernant les changements proposés à sa structure
tarifaire, ses catégories tarifaires et sa conception tarifaire.
So the panel this morning consists of myself, Francois 7 Beaulieu. I
am joined by members, Heather Black and John Herron.
So for those of you who are not familiar with the Board’s guidelines,
there is just a couple of -- and there is maybe a few individuals that
we haven’t seen before the Board before us, so I will just maybe
reiterate some of these guidelines. If you are on wi-fi sometimes you
may lose your connection so we prefer that you have a hardwire
connection if you have access to one. The use of these headsets are
preferable if you have some because it makes the job of our court
stenographer and also the simultaneous translation much easier for
these individuals. We ask you to mute your microphones if you are not
speaking and to -- so just to eliminate the background noises.
If you have any tabs that are open currently, we ask you maybe to
close these tabs. We have seen over the last two and a half years of
using this type of platform, sometimes if you don’t connect your
computer, you may lose your battery and if you lose your battery, well
you are going to be disconnected from the platform. Activate your
cameras, unmute your devices when you are required to speak. If there
are any individuals that are joining us this morning that require
simultaneous translation, if you look at the bottom of your screen,
there is an icon that talks about interpretation and you will have
access to French language translation if required.
The proceeding -- well the conference this morning will be held in English.
So Mr. Furey, I was just looking at the order and I think item number
of the order required your client to post the notice on NB Power’s
website. I am just wondering if that was done?
MR. FUREY: I am sure it was, Mr. Chair, but I am just getting formal
confirmation of that.
CHAIRPERSON: Okay, thank you.
MR. FUREY: The usual practice, Mr. Chair, is that we would have sent
an affidavit. I just don’t have that atmy fingertips, so that is what
I am looking for.
CHAIRPERSON: And I don’t have it either, and I am just wondering if
Ms. Mitchell could check it.
MR. FUREY: The Board notice is on the website. I can confirm that it
is on the website, Mr. Chair. I am just waiting for confirmation of
the affidavit.
CHAIRPERSON: Okay. So Ms. Mitchell is telling me that we do have that.
MR. FUREY: Okay.
CHAIRPERSON: So thank you for that which basically confirms that it
has been done.
There is a number of parties -- there is a limited number of parties
who have applied to intervene. So I think I am going to deal first
with these intervener requests, and ask the parties if they have any
objections regarding the intervention of the various parties that have
So I am going to start first with the Canadian Manufacturers &
Exporters. So the Board has received an intervener request from this
organization and the Board hasn’t received any objections but I will
canvass the parties to see if there is any objections for the Board to
grant intervener status to the CME. Mr. Furey, any objections?
MR. FUREY: No objections, Mr. Chair. I will advise the Board that I
had a brief conversation with Mr. Marcolin this morning just to
clarify that in fact it is CME that is the intervener, and I won’t put
words in his mouth but I believe he confirmed that. And the reason I
asked the question is I was a little confused by the request for
intervention form that was filed that appeared to be Mr. Marcolin in
his personal capacity but I don’t think that is the case, so no
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. Ms. Rubin, any objections? You may need to
unmute yourself.
MR. RUBIN: I am sorry. No objection, thank you.
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. Mr. Murphy?
MR. MURPHY: No objections here, no.
CHAIRPERSON: Mr. Murphy, are you able to activate your video? Okay. Thank you.
MR. MURPHY: Certainly. Yeah, no objections here.
CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Thank you. Mr. Stoll?
MR. STOLL: No objections.
CHAIRPERSON: And Mr. Williams?
MR. WILLIAMS: No objections.
CHAIRPERSON: And Ms. Herrington?
MS. HERRINGTON: No objection, Mr. Chair.
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. So the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters will
be granted intervener status and will be able to -- will be allowed to
intervene in this proceeding. So the next intervener request that we
have received is from JD Irving, Limited. The Board hasn’t received
any objections, however, as I stated earlier, I will ask the various
participants if they have any objections. Mr. Furey?
MR. FUREY: No objections, Mr. Chair.
CHAIRPERSON: So I understand that Mr. Marcolin is not present this
morning, so is there anybody from the Canadian Manufacturers &
Exporters present today? Mr. Murphy, any objections?
MR. STOLL: No objections.
CHAIRPERSON: Mr. Williams?
MR. WILLIAMS: No objection.
CHAIRPERSON: And Ms. Herrington?
MS. HERRINGTON: No objection, Mr. Chair.
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. So JD Irving, Limited will be granted
intervener status and will be allowed tointervene in this proceeding.
The next intervener request that we have received is from Utilities
Municipal, who represents the Power Commission of the City of Saint
John, Edmundston Energy and Perth-Andover Electric Light Commission.
Again, the Board hasn’t received any objections and we will ask Mr.
Furey if he has any objections.
MR. FUREY: No objection, Mr. Chair.
MS. RUBIN: No objection, Mr. Chair.
CHAIRPERSON: Am I pronouncing your last name correctly?
MS. RUBIN: Yes, you are.
CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Thank you. Mr. Murphy?
MR. MURPHY: No objections.
CHAIRPERSON: Mr. Williams?
MR. WILLIAMS: No objection.
CHAIRPERSON: And Ms. Herrington?
MS. HERRINGTON: No objection, Mr. Chair.
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. So Utilities Municipal will be 19 granted --
yeah, I think I just -- so Utilities Municipal will be granted
intervener status and will be allowed to intervene in this proceeding.
So lastly, we have the Union of Municipalities of New Brunswick. The
Board hasn’t received any objections. Mr. Furey, any objections to be
granting intervener status to this association?
MR. FUREY: No objection, Mr. Chair.
MS. RUBIN: No, Mr. Chair.
MR. STOLL: No objections.
CHAIRPERSON: Mr. Williams?
MR. WILLIAMS: No objection.
CHAIRPERSON: And Ms. Herrington?
MS. HERRINGTON: No objection, Mr. Chair.
CHAIRPERSON: All right. So the Union of Municipalities of New
Brunswick will be granted intervener status in this proceeding and
will be allowed to intervene in the matter.
So that being said, I am just going to take the appearances starting
with New Brunswick Power Corporation.
MR. FUREY: Good morning, Mr. Chair, John Furey. I am accompanied this
morning by George Porter and Steve Waycott.
CHAIRPERSON: Good morning, Mr. Furey. Canadian Manufacturers &
Exporters, I understand that Mr. Marcolin is not here this morning,
however, we did receive an email. The Chief Clerk, I don’t know if
that was distributed to all parties. It was? Okay. Thank you.JD
Irving, Limited?
MS. RUBIN: Nancy Rubin, Mr. Chair, and I am joined by my partner, Conor O’Neil.
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you, Ms. Rubin. Union of Municipalities of New Brunswick.
MR. MURPHY: Good morning, everyone. Dan Murphy, 11 Executive Director
with Union of Municipalities of New Brunswick.
CHAIRPERSON: Good morning, Mr. Murphy. Utilities Municipal?
MR. STOLL: Good morning, Mr. Chair, Scott Stoll.
CHAIRPERSON: Good morning, Mr. Stoll. Public Intervener?
MR. WILLIAMS: Richard Williams, Acting Public Intervener.
CHAIRPERSON: Good morning, Mr. Williams. And New 19 Brunswick Energy
and Utilities Board?
MS. HERRINGTON: Good morning, Mr. Chair, Abigail Herrington and I am
joined by David Young and Véronique Otis.
CHAIRPERSON: Good morning, Ms. Herrington. So normally what the Board
would do at this point in time, we would talk about a schedule and
look to establish a process. But before doing that, there are two
issues that th Board would like to deal with this morning.
One of them is the composition of the panel of this Board. And so the
Board intends to have a full panel which will be consisting of myself,
Mr. Herron, Mr. Stewart, Ms. Black and Ms. Wilson on the panel. That
being said, some parties may know or be aware is that in her former
life, Ms. Black was the Public Intervener of the Province of New
Brunswick for the energy sector and Mr. Stewart was in Ms. Rubin’s
place, I guess, as counsel for JD Irving, Limited.
And the question that the Board has for the parties that are present
this morning is the Board doesn’t see any conflict of interest of
having these two members sitting on the panel of this new application.
As we all know, Ms. Black and Mr. Stewart did participate in Matter
357 which was the matter that laid the foundation to start this
proceeding or this application that was filed by NB Power. Matter 357
has been closed or has been concluded.
And so the Board is wondering if any of the parties have any
objections to having Member Black and Member Stewart as members in
this panel that will be hearing this application by NB Power. And I
will start with Mr. Furey.
And maybe the parties may wish to think about it and maybe to address
this issue in a letter to the Board. However, that being said, I will
just maybe start a conversation on it if Mr. Furey has -- we will hear
Mr. Furey.
MR. FUREY: Thank you, Mr. Chair. No, NB Power has no objection. In Ms.
Black’s case, Ms. Black as Public Intervener had a mandate to
represent the public interest, and I think she is doing so in a
different role now. And in both Ms. Black and Mr. Stewart’s case, I
have no concern whatsoever that either would not be able to put aside
their previous roles and make decisions in the public interest today.
So no objection
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. Ms. Rubin?
MS. RUBIN: Thank you, Mr. Chair. While I don’t have experience before
this particular Board, my experience in Nova Scotia was the former
counsel for Nova Scotia Power was appointed to the Nova Scotia Utility
and Review Board, immediately began to sit and rose to become the
Chair in that role. He did an exceptional job and I’m confident that
both Ms. Black and Mr. Stewart will be able to bring their past
experience and do a job leaving aside their prior roles as well. So I
have no objection.
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. Mr. Murphy?
MR. MURPHY: No objections.
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. Mr. Stoll?
MR. STOLL: No objections. I’m quite confident both Ms. Black and Mr.
Stewart understand their obligations and will be able to discharge
them professionally in this proceeding.
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. Mr. Williams?
MR. WILLIAMS: No objection.
CHAIRPERSON: All right. Thank you. Now the second issue that the Board
would like to deal with this morning is regarding the lack of
intervention in the proceeding based on the intervener requests and
the intervener statuses that the Board has just confirmed.
And I was reading -- well the full Panel did meet this week to discuss
this issue and about the lack of representation of certain classes of
customers that will lay the foundation of other rate design
applications in the future.
So -- and the concern that we have is we -- and it was stated in the
letter that we sent out this week about hearing parties on the issue
of should this process maybe -- I’m going to use a word -- to slow the
process and to maybe educate a little bit more the impact of what this
application may have on the ratepayers.
And reviewing the decision that was rendered by the Board in Matter
357, it was quite clear that in the Board’s view, that under
represented customers, i.e., the residential customers and churches
and farms, should be -- or hopefully would be represented in this
class -- or in this application.
So the Board is wondering if it would be appropriate, before talking
about any schedules, before starting the process, if the applicant
should maybe do some sort of a public awareness campaign about what
the impact of this application may have on certain rate classes.
The Board does note that some of the industrial rate classes are
represented in this application. However, upon reading the evidence of
the utility this morning, I did notice that farms, churches,
charitable organizations may be impacted by the decision that the
Board may be rendering in this application.
And this particular group of customer classes is not represented in
this application. So I’m wondering if -- I’ll be hearing from Mr.
Furey what his thoughts are of maybe putting a pause to the
application and maybe having a discussion of if it would be
appropriate in this matter to maybe have a public education program
put in place in order to inform ratepayers about the application and
about the significance of the application that may have -- that this
application may have in the present and in the future.
So, Mr. Furey?
MR. FUREY: Thank you, Mr. Chair. So let me say firstly that NB Power
is supportive of some form of public engagement. In fact, NB Power has
already tentatively begun to plan exactly that.
I would say that NB Power is open to that being a Board sponsored
process under the Rules -- under Rule 3.4 in particular. But we will
leave that in the discretion of the Board.
NB Power is prepared to do some public engagement of its own and
participate simultaneously in a Board sponsored process.
So there is no question about that. The intention of NB 3 Power with
respect to its current plans, which are tentative pending the outcome
of this pre-hearing conference and the Board’s decision, I wouldn’t
quite describe them as technical conferences, but the intent is that
there would be public sessions where there would be an explanation of
the application, identify potential impacts on particular customer
groups, and the Chair has identified some of them this morning. And
obtain both their feedback and also answer any questions that those
representatives of those various customer groups may have, or members
of those customer groups may have.
We anticipate that it would be a combination of in person meetings and
virtual sessions, to ensure that we have a wide geographic ability
within the province for customers to participate, and there would be
the use of other tools, direct communications. The purpose being that
NB Power would encourage those customers to participate in the
proceeding, whether through letters of comment as permitted by the
Rules, or through the public forum in which case feedback would be
provided to the Board by NB Power.
And again I stress that NB Power does not see that as exclusive. If
the Board wished to conduct a public forum, then NB Power would be
supportive of that and 4 would participate in it in any way that the
Board saw fit.
So the only issue that I hadn’t quite anticipated, Mr. Chair, is the
issue of potential delay of the schedule here. I would like to consult
with my client briefly on that. But I can do that later or I can do it
now. It’s -- I’ll leave it in your hands.
CHAIRPERSON: So maybe on the issue of the schedule, Mr. Furey, it
would probably be appropriate at one point in time, once the Board
hears all the submissions of the parties regarding questions that we
are asking, that maybe the parties convene in a closed session in
order to discuss this issue, or these issues. And maybe as a result of
the conversation that the parties may have in this discussion, that
this will resolve that issue that you just talked about.
MR. FUREY: Certainly. Thank you.
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. Ms. Rubin, any thoughts on the question that
the Board was asking?
MS. RUBIN: I have no views on whether a delay is necessary or not. I
support the initiatives outlined by Mr. Furey.
I did notice that in the proposed filing schedule there is no
opportunities for public letters of comment, and maybe that’s implicit
and can be done at any time. But that may be -- if it is not a routine
practice, that may be an opportunity for the public to submit their
views directly.
The other thing, in terms of the communications, I know in some other
jurisdictions there is active participation by low income advocacy
groups, and I was looking in New Brunswick and I confess, I don’t have
sufficient familiarity as to who could be contacted directly to
solicit interest, but I see there is the New Brunswick Common Front
for Social Justice, who takes public advocacy positions and they may
certainly have views on behalf of low income residential consumers.
And perhaps there is some other list, whether it’s Legal Aid New
Brunswick or some others, they could be contacted directly rather than
just general communications by NB Power.
CHAIRPERSON: So if we -- if that is the case, Ms. Rubin, is it
premature at this point in time to start talking about implementing a
schedule if these individuals haven’t been contacted -- or these
groups haven’t been contacted?
MS. RUBIN: It may be, if this is the first outreach and their first
awareness of it. I guess the length of the delay period -- I don’t see
it as being that long because we are not that far past the point of
filing the application. But whether it’s two weeks or a month or
something, I don’t think it would be any more than that.
CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Thank you. Mr. Murphy, any thoughts?
MR. MURPHY: Certainly support the concept of a public relations
campaign. I know for a lot of our members in the municipal sector
certainly have an interest in this hearing. So I think more work on
that front would be good.
In terms of a delay, I don’t have a sort of position one way or
another. I like the idea of reaching out to some other groups. And we
could also reach out to the social inclusion networks too. They might
have a sense of who may want to comment on this
But no, I think more perspectives are good, but we don’t necessarily
have a position on a delay at this time.
CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Thank you. Mr. Stoll?
MR. STOLL: Thank you, Mr. Chair. I guess a couple points. We do
encourage a broader participant group. I think particularly in this
type of hearing where rate design -- and I hate to use the term --
winners and losers will result. I think that necessitates that we get
as broad a perspective as possible.
A couple of comments on that. I think we have to understand that what
process we allow for these people to come in, we have to be respectful
of the commitment that it requires from their position.
Also I think given the nature of this type of proceeding, it’s
important that their contributions or comments be on the record, so
that they form part of what everybody is seeing. And I think probably
we -- their participation would be encouraged throughout the process,
but I think that the earlier we can have that participation the better
in the process.
And I think it necessarily would need probably a slight delay. I don’t
want to hold up the hearing indefinitely, but I think a small period
of time to maybe outreach to some particular groups, either
representing some of the agricultural industries or the
charitable organizations or the -- certain residential customers,
certainly we have a different regime where interveners have funding
that’s not available in New Brunswick.
So it does create an extra strain or an inhibiting factor for some of
these groups to participate.
So I think we -- any process we have to be conscious of that, and
conscious of trying to obtain the broadest perspective possible and
making it part of the public record at the end of the day so people
understand where we are going and why we are going there.
Those are my comments.
CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Thank you, sir. Mr. Williams?
MR. WILLIAMS: Thank you. I agree with what the Board is suggesting.
The cast of characters on here seems fairly limited and it would be --
it would be good if it could be dealt with expeditiously, but I do
agree that it would be preferable to have some of the rate groups on
the -- you know, on the less than industrial scale involved in this
process. And so I’m in favour of anything that the Board suggests in
that respect.
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. Ms. Herrington?
MS. HERRINGTON: The Board staff don’t have any comments, Mr. Chair. We
are generally supportive of the initiatives that have been proposed to
the extent that they can increase participation in the process.
CHAIRPERSON: Thank you. So I appreciate the comments from all the
parties. I think at this point I’m suggesting maybe that the parties
convene individually from having the Board members present, and if
there is any media present, to maybe having a discussion on what
should be the step forward prior to maybe scheduling or talking about
any schedules.
So I’m going to ask Ms. Mitchell to put myself, Mr. Herron and Ms.
Black and any individuals that are not have been listed as either the
applicant or the interveners, into a waiting room. And I’ll ask Ms.
Mitchell to inform us if the parties have either come to an agreement
on how we should proceed or how this matter should be moving forward
at this point in time.
CHAIRPERSON: So Mr. Furey, I understand that the parties have had a
discussion and there is an agreement on how to proceed or how to move
this matter forward.
MR. FUREY: Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. NB Power has agreed to provide a
written summary of the public information and engagement process that
it proposes to conduct over the next approximately six weeks, and to
provide that to the Board and parties by the end of the day on Monday.
And I understand that parties have agreed that they would file any
additional comments or suggestions or proposed amendments to that
process by the end of the day on Wednesday. And then the Board would
issue direction to NB Power to either implement that proposal or
somehow alter it in any respect that was appropriate for the Board.
And NB Power would then conduct that public information and engagement
process, and we would come back for a continuation of this pre-hearing
conference, I think we suggested at some point in the week of the 26th
of September, but that’s obviously subject to the Board’s schedule.
CHAIRPERSON: All right. So first of all I would like to thank the
parties for coming up with this proposal, and even though there is a
slight delay, like my colleague, Mr. Herron, told me when we were
discussing a few minutes ago, I think hopefully this slight delay will
improve the process that we will be hearing the application and
hopefully this slight delay will be more inclusive in order to have a
broader group of individuals or participants in the hearing.
So we look forward for the comments by the parties and the proposal on
Monday, and this matter will resume and review the proposal and
comments next week, and we will issue the necessary order to NB Power.
So thank you all. And I wish you a good day and this matter is
adjourned. Thank you.
MR. FUREY: Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Certified to be a true transcript of the proceedings of 11 this
hearing as recorded by me, to the best of my ability.
Henneberry Reporting Service
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From: Britt Dysart <bdysart@stewartmckelvey.com>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 05:00:24 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: A little Deja Vu for Nova Scotia Power and
Emera's Irving buddies in New Brunswick
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I am out of the office in meetings much of today, and will not have
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From: "IRVING, SASHA" <Sasha.Irving@emera.com>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 05:00:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: A little Deja Vu for Nova Scotia Power and
Emera's Irving buddies in New Brunswick
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I will be away from the office attending the UARB hearing on the
Maritme Link application from May 28 until the 2nd week of June. I
will be checking email throughout the day and will get back to you as
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For Emera media inquiries other than those related to the Maritime
Link please contact Dina Bartolacci Seely at Dina.Bartolacci@emera.com
If require immediate assistance, please contact Jennifer Neild Cameron
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Sasha Irving
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From: "McLaughlin, Heather" <mclaughlin.heather@
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 05:00:28 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: A little Deja Vu for Nova Scotia Power and
Emera's Irving buddies in New Brunswick
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Assignment editor Heather McLaughlin is out of the office until
Monday afternoon June 3. Please send your emails to
news@dailygleaner.com. For personal assistance, contact Gisele
McKnight at 458-6434.
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From: Shimon Fogel <sfogel@cija.ca>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 07:20:39 -0500
Subject: Re: CBC says A Neo-Nazi estate dispute will be overseen by
two Jewish groups and a very corrupt Attorney General???
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 21:21:07 -0300
Subject: CBC says A Neo-Nazi estate dispute will be overseen by two
Jewish groups and a very corrupt Attorney General???
To: tlsoontiens@stewartmckelvey.
<bdysart@stewartmckelvey.com>, bdysart <bdysart@smss.com>, nrubin
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "marie-claude.blais"
<marie-claude.blais@gnb.ca>, "richard.cohen"
<richard.cohen@splcenter.org>, "Richard.Williams"
From: Charles LeBlond <cleblond@stewartmckelvey.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 00:10:39 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: CBC says A Neo-Nazi estate dispute will be
overseen by two Jewish groups and a very corrupt Attorney General???
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
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From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 21:10:29 -0300
Subject: CBC says A Neo-Nazi estate dispute will be overseen by two
Jewish groups and a very corrupt Attorney General???
To: johnhugheslawoffice@nb.aibn.
<gleblanc@coxandpalmer.com>, cleblond@smss.com,
MLaHood@ccrjustice.org, Marissam <Marissam@yahoo-inc.com>,
"ezra.levant@sunmedia.ca" <ezra.levant@sunmedia.ca>, radical
<radical@radicalpress.com>, "t.wilson" <t.wilson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
sdllaw@gmail.com, ahussain@ccrjustice.org, lgazzola@ccrjustice.org,
pastorscott <pastorscott@redemptiongate.
<mratner@ccrjustice.org>, "Fred.Wyshak" <Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov>,
"justin.trudeau.a1" <justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "marco.morency"
<marco.morency@petitcodiac.org>, marc <marc@lemire.com>,
"marc.garneau.a1" <marc.garneau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "gregory.craig"
<gregory.craig@skadden.com>, "gregor.robertson"
<gregor.robertson@vancouver.ca>, "George.Soros"
<sbell@nationalpost.com>, Mark.Potok@splcenter.org, sfogel@cija.ca,
iwhitehall@plaideurs.ca, pgladman@bnaibrith.ca,
ABromberg@bnaibrith.ca, rmarceau@cija.ca, pam.maceachern@nelligan.ca,
rdholmes@mhklaw.com, Nancy.brooks@blakes.com, paul.schabas@blakes.com,
echerniak@lerners.ca, richard.cohen@splcenter.org,
henry.brown@gowlings.com, staleyr@bennettjones.ca, dodged
<dodged@bennettjones.com>, phoward <phoward@stikeman.com>,
paul@paulfromm.com, Morris.Dees@splcenter.org, jsaikaley@plaideurs.ca,
"michael.coren" <michael.coren@sunmedia.ca>
Cc: "Robert. Jones" <Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, David Amos
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "bernadine.chapman"
<john.warr@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "roger.l.brown"
<roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Ian.Shardlow"
<Ian.Shardlow@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, "danny.copp" <danny.copp@fredericton.ca>,
"Leanne.Fitch" <Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>
Well who gets to oversee the malicious actions of the Attorney General?
Methinks it must be mean old me. Its a dirty job but soembody has to
do it. What say you? Please check the pdf file hereto attached and
argue me in writing if ya dare.
The Chaisson lawyer is a partner in McInnes and Cooper thus he and his
partners have had Hard Copy of some of my concerns about illegal
probate actions practiced against the courts by lawyers for many
years. According to the CROWN Corp known as the CBC(They would not
conceal awful truths would they?) Chaisson dismissed Hughes'
suggestion that the Southern Poverty Law Centre is pulling strings as
"a conspiracy theory." "Where is the evidence? You can't just come to
court and throw wild
accusations like that without any shred of evidence," said Chiasson.
Well trust that I have LOTS of evidence of conspiriacies practiced by
the Southern Poverty Law Center and legions of others that Chaisson
and his fellow lawyers should have disclosed to John Hughes by now.
Perhaps John Hughes should ignore his golfing buddies and finally call
me back. He and I should bury the hachet and he should simply quit
bullshitting me and ask me nicely for an affidavit and invite me to
court on September 10th. The amount being argued within the McCorkell
estate is chump change to me. However the Free Speech issues and the
right to privacy without state intervening on behalf of unethicial
"civil rights" groups certainly is not.
The awful truth is the Attorney General is an elected public official.
The Blais lawyer from Moncton was appointed by her mindless party
leader David Alward to uphold the law not to break it for the benefit
of greedy Yankees. The self appointed Jewish Groups who claim to be
the gusrfians of our civil rights are no such thing that task belongs
to our Justice officials. The Jewish groups should have had no
standing in the mcCorkell matter whatsoever.Hell even Canadian Jewish
lawyers such as Ezzy Baby Levant and Karen Selick agreed with me very
publicly. To watch a corrupt Attorney General and her mindless minions
side with a couple of sneaky Yankee lawyers was truly comical indeed
but to see the Court of the Queen's Bench allow the nonsense of it all
was way beyond ridiculous.
How will the ordinary folk of New Brunswick have any idea what joke
the province may become over this frivolous action if the CBC and
their media buddies do not duly inform them of all sides of the matter
instead of merely slandering people. How many taxpayers dollars have
been spent already on secretive ex RCMP private investigators and the
less that useles litigation team? It had not escaped my notice that
many bloggers etc are not so easily fooled by the Corporate Media. Try
Googling mccorkell new brunswick sometime to see how much of a joke
Maritimers have already become no thanks to Attorney General Blais and
her minions.
Moncton's former city solicitor John Hughes should not have ignored me
years ago so I am not surprised that he ignored once again recently.
The amount of money he wants to argue before the Supreme Court is the
smallest that I have ever seen.
Trust that the pdf file hereto attached proves that I could make
Hughes a very wealthy man if he were even remotely ethical and his
friend Attorney General Blais and her boss Stephen Harper know it.
Its just like I hinted in an email to the Yankee lawyer/preacher
Scotty Baby Lively who is also battling the same SPLC dudes that I
published early this morning before I heard the news today. In my
humble opinion Mr Streed should use his rights in the US of A and sue
everyone of the nastyCanadian bastards ASAP in a US District Court
pursuant to US Title 42 Section 1982. If they wish to attack him he
should at least get to pick the turf.
Hughes contends the Southern Poverty Law Centre is behind the whole
matter and recruited her.
This is "a skillful operation by people who have done this many times,
not only to bankrupt their opponents, but to enrich their own
organization," he said.
But her lawyer dismissed Hughes's suggestion that the Southern Poverty
Law Centre is pulling strings as "a conspiracy theory."
"Where is the evidence? You can't just come to court and throw wild
accusations like that without any shred of evidence," said Chiasson.
How his client pays her legal bills is a matter of client-attorney
privilege, he said.
Judge ruled against cross-examination
Justice Peter Glennie ruled against allowing the cross-examination.
"Cross examination under these circumstances should not become an
application for discovery," he said.
The judge also ruled the temporary injunction should continue until
the hearing on Sept. 10.
"I can't see any good coming out of this," said Chiasson, referring to
the estate going to the National Alliance. "Only evil would come from
Just in case folks think I don't understand the scene laid out above
pehaps they should checkout a letter an evil Special Agent of the US
Treasury Dept wrote me long ago.
Or find some fun in reading illegal ex parte documents filed by the US
Attorney in Beantown in order to try to protect his beloved Cardinal
Bernard Francis Law's evil arse.
They begin around page 100 of this file.
(Wanna see more? Trust that I have lots more All ya gotta do is surf the web)
How about how I used US Title 42 to defend my dumb arse agains the
Janet Reno's pal the VERY VERY EVIL Yankee lesbian Judge Sidney Hanlon
in 2004? Everything Hanlon did against me was ex parte and VERY
42 USC § 1982 - Property rights of citizens
US CodeNotesUpdatesAuthorities (CFR)Current through Pub. L. 113-21.
(See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
All citizens of the United States shall have the same right, in every
State and Territory, as is enjoyed by white citizens thereof to
inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold, and convey real and personal
(R.S. § 1978.)
R.S. § 1978 derived from act Apr. 9, 1866, ch. 31, § 1,14 Stat. 27.
Section was formerly classified to section 42 of Title 8, Aliens and
DOCKET NO. 0407CR004623
v . )
Now comes, David R. Amos, a Citizen of Canada and a Legal
Permanent Resident of the USA and asserts his Constitutional Rights
pursuant to Title 42 Sections 1981, 1982, 1985 and 1986 of the Federal
Code and freely swears under the penalties of perjury that the
following statements are true and to the best of his knowledge.
United States Attorney General Janet Reno came to Boston today to
announce the opening of the new Dorchester District Court Domestic
Violence Session, under a Department of Justice grant given to Boston.
The Judicial Oversight Demonstration Initiative (JOD) grant is for $7
million over five years, contingent on continued Congressional
Judge Sydney Hanlon, presiding judge of the Dorchester District Court,
will run the new domestic violence session. The domestic violence
court session will conduct arraignments, bail hearings, probation
surrenders, and probation reviews. It will also hear all ex parte and
contested civil restraining orders.
BTW lots of people hate lots of other people it is not illegal in most
places that are blessed with common sense. However with the right to
Free Speech come responsibility. Freedom has its limits in a
purportedly "Just" Society. Free Speech does not give one the licence
to injure others with your mouth or pen.
R. v. Lucas, [1998] 1 S.C.R. 439 is the leading Supreme Court of
Canada decision on defamatory libel. The Court held that the freedom
of expression under Section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms is subject to the "reasonable limits prescribed by law" set
out in Section 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Hell some offences come with quite a price tag in the British
Commonwealth. For instance libel and hate speech are illegal under the
Canadian Criminal Code Check Sections 300 and 319 if you don't believe
mean old me.
For instance the Jewish lawyer Ezzy Baby Levant can have fun preaching
hate on Corporate TV against fools as Arty Topham and legions of
mindless anarchists but just like all of you Ezzy dares not to even
breathe my name over the public airwaves if he wishes to keep his job.
This is a comical video.
The wacko Arthur Topham that Ezzy Bay speaks of quite simply does not
know when to shut up. Even while he is being prosecuted under Section
319 and after his strange lawyer Dougy Christie has shit the bed Arty
baby continues to hang himself with his own words. Look what the evil
bastard publishes about a Jewish lady lawyer just because he did not
like her opinion of Southern Poverty Law Center's nasty actions
against the McCorkell estate.
However if you think Arty Topham and his Hitler worshipers are bad,
trust that you ain't seen nothing yet. Check out Ezzy Levant's # 1 fan
and fellow zionist. Ask yourself howcome Mr Baconfat can get away with
publishing such evil things about the Canadian Human Rights
Commissioners and many others for years?
Better yet howcome Arty Topham is too afraid to defend himself from Mr Baconfat?
Howcome Byron Prior is not allowed to?
Friday, October 9, 2009
ByronPrior...euthenasia, lobotomy?
As I research the Byron Prior story it seems like a tragedy that could
only happen in Newfoundland . Byron Prior's siblings has been abused
by generations of his own parents. Such abuse tolerated and enabled by
Bryron Prior's father, and by the entire community from which he is
from. That is the crime here. It would surprise me to find out that
either Byron or one of his siblings is or was the product of incest.
Arthur Topham has writen this about the Byron Prior case with the
assistance and consent of Audrey Prior, Byron Prior's wife.
On March 28th of this year (2009) I received a short email from Byron
Prior, an associate out in Newfoundland, who I have been in email
contact with for a number of years. His case, as explained in the
websites listed in his email below, is most likely one of the best
examples of the power of the provincial and federal courts, aided and
abetted by a complicit media, to shield themselves and their political
cohorts from the scrutiny of public investigation. Byron’s case is a
classic, albeit a relatively unknown one, that epitomizes the level of
corruption which exists within Canada’s politically biased judicial
system and how that system becomes criminal itself in its overt and
covert methodologies used to shield the perpetrators of sexual abuse.
When people of power are accused of wrongdoing and there is good
reason for inquiries to be held then those in such positions exploit
their influence for their own self-serving benefit and to the
detriment of our justice system as a whole.
Byron Prior’s case, like my own fight with B’nai Brith Canada and the
Canadian Human Rights Commission, is purposely kept hidden in the
twilight and shadows constructed by the Zionist-controlled mainstream
media. Our situations are quite different in terms of the underlying
reasons for the persecutions we face but the fact that the system
itself is abusing us both is beyond question. In my case the “crime”
is speaking the truth as I see it about the Rothschild Zionist global
In Byron’s case the circumstances are far beyond anything so
threatening as the intellectual attack that I am being subjected to by
the state and its Zionist manipulators. His story is a macabre horror
story compared to my own, the details of which would provide ample
subject matter for a full length documentary. The reaction, by
Canada’s legal system, to his noble and sincere efforts to gain both
recognition and justice are frightening and ominous.
We have heard Dean Roger Ray tell everyone that freemasons raped Byron
Prior's sister. He has told us the "cover-up"has been perpertrated, by
freemasons, Jesuits, and the illuminati. Now conspiracy retard Arthur
Topham claims kinship with Byron Prior and the involvment of the
"State" and the "Zionists" in his "case" and the Byron Prior tragedy.
Last evening over drinks at "a faculty club" at the U of A, I asked
two members to the Faculty of Law if they knew anything of Mr. Priors
case. Both relied NOTHING other than two "Charter issues" that have
recently dealt with by the Newfoundland Supreme Court . Indeed he was
exculpated and acquitted. None ofus are sure exactly why
Mr.Prior's sexual assault allegations were fully investigated and that
there was NOT enough evidence to lay charges...especially considering
the time that has elapsed. As I understand it ...there is NO legal
means given the lack of evidence to compel Mr. Hickman to provide a
DNA sample. In fact his CharterRights preclude that. That begs the
question are Mr. Priors Charter Rights more important or relevant than
Mr. Hickman's?
So what is justice here? Mr. Hickman ought not be compelled to provide
body samples merely because Byron prior accuses his of something
without evidece, reseasonable or probable cause.There appears to be NO
FACTS in this matter, no evidence to compel further proceedings.
So now with Byron Priors ecouragement the conspiracy constitency has
embraced his cause. The Zionists are to blame, the freemasons raped
his sister ad nauseum...whereas the only conspiracy I see.....is in
Byron Prior's community and his family...they have alll covered up
this disgusting, inhuman incestuous abuse for generations .
Byron Prior is obviously insane ..after all this who wouldn't be...he
should provide the evidence of his allegations to compel a DNA sample
...simply accept the fact there are no legal grounds to forciably
obtain one.
Byron Prior has made a bargain with the devil embracing conspiracy
retards.....he should just put in a deep dark hole.
Posted by Seren at 5:02 AM
Truth matters
Defamation law that ignores truth ruled unconstitutional
Peter Walsh - The Telegram (St. John's, NFLD)
Tuesday, May 6
The Supreme Court of Newfoundland has ruled a law that could send
someone to prison for defamation is unconstitutional.
Justice Lois Hoegg made the decision Friday. Her ruling also struck
down a criminal case by Crown prosecutors against Byron Prior of Grand
Prior claims that in 1966, a justice official in the province raped
and impregnated one of his relatives. Crown attorneys say Prior wore
placards and distributed flyers which published the allegations.
The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary interviewed Prior's relative in
2004 and in 2007, but the alleged victim denied she had been sexually
assaulted or that she even knew the person Prior said had attacked
Crown prosecutors tried to convict Prior of defamation under Section
301 of the Criminal Code, which says "everyone who publishes a
defamatory libel is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years."
The problem is, Hoegg said, the Crown couldn't prove that Prior was
knowingly spreading lies.
"I find that it is not justified, in our free and democratic society,
for the Crown to use the heavy hammer of the criminal law against a
subject for publishing defamatory libel when the Crown is not able to
show that the subject knows that his statements are false.
"The expression of truthful, unpopular or even false statements
deserve protection unless expressed in a violent manner," wrote Hoegg.
Hoegg said if the Crown could prove Prior knowingly published
defamatory libel, it would have charged him under a different section
of the criminal code that says "everyone who publishes a defamatory
libel that he knows is false is guilty of an indictable offence and
liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years."
That law has withheld court challenges. Section 301 - the law which
does not mention the matter of truth - has been struck down as
unconstitutional by three other superior courts in Canada.
"The sections catch different types of offender. To me, it naturally
follows that their purpose or objectives must be different," wrote
Hoegg. "I then determined that the objective (of Section 301) was not
so pressing and important as to override freedom of expression. The
section is offensive to modern day notions of justice."
The decision only applies to criminal applications of defamation law.
Hoegg said Prior could possibly be sued in civil court over his
Three years ago, a federal politician filed a statement of claim in
the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador to have a website that
contained allegations about him by Prior removed. In the statement,
the politician said a website posted by Prior accuses him and other
prominent Newfoundlanders of wrongdoing.
A website containing the allegations is still active ( see 1). Prior
claims to be a victim of physical and sexual abuse.
pwalsh@thetelegram.com 709-364-2323
Dan F said...
2005 01 T 0010
Court File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010
Date of Filing of Document: 25 January 2005
Name of Filing Party or Person: Stephen J. May
Application to which Document being filed relates: Amended
Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim to maintain an
restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of
Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it's entirety, and to refer this
proceeding to case management.
Statement of purpose in filing: To maintain an Order restricting
publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike
the Counterclaim in its entirety and refer this proceeding to case
I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John's, in the Province of
Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and
say as follows:
THAT I am a Partner in the St. John's office of PATTERSON PALMER
solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for
Random-Burin-St. George's in the Parliament of Canada.
THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on
or about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff
Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a
publication called "My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town
with a Secret". In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr.
Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her
mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior's sister.
THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr.
Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit "1" to my
THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts' letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts
received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached
as Exhibit "2".
THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior
swore an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that
publication was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit "3" to my
Following Mr. Roberts' receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews
advised that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and
our firm closed our file.
THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews
following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of
allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of
approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years
old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and
accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I
saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the
author of the material on the site.
THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of
the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false
through a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews'
intentions to commence legal proceedings if the comments were not
removed from the web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is
attached as Exhibit "4" to this Affidavit.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004
voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a
friend of Mr. Prior.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail
from Mr. Amos.
THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard
of Mr. Amos.
THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November
e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a
total of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr.
Matthews' claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews' solicitor. I attach
as Exhibit "7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos
sent to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes
whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of
the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach
as Exhibit "8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter
addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of
Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr.
Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as
Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of
Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law
Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this
letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had
received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous
representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a
letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved
his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts' letter also covered
his reply to Mr. Amos.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on
Sunday, 23 January 2005.
THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike
Mr. Prior's counterclaim.
SWORN to before me at
St. John's, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador this 24th day of
January, 2005.
Signed by Della Hart
Signature STAMP
A Commissioner for Oaths in and for
the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. My commission expires
on December 31, 2009
May 9, 2008 at 11:24 PM
David Raymond Amos said...
Nighty night Danny Doy. Trust that you Fake Left Dudes know less
than nothing about Byron Prior and whatever I learned it was byway of
the school of hard knocks. With luck you are about to get one too
Danny Boy.
Heres hoping I will see your local heroes T.J. Burke and Chucky
Leblanc in court soon let me know if your school gives ya the boot
will ya? I need a good laugh. I am feeling as mean as a snake Werner
lost three cattle just this week like you give a good god damn EH?
Neo-Nazi estate dispute to be overseen by Jewish groups
Two Jewish groups and New Brunswick attorney general to weigh in on case
CBC News Posted: Aug 21, 2013 10:36 AM AT
Three outside groups will be allowed to weigh in on a legal dispute
over a New Brunswick man’s estimated $250,000 estate being left to an
American neo-Nazi group.
Robert McCorkill died in 2004, leaving $250,000 in artifacts and
investments to the National Alliance, a white supremacist group in the
United States.
Robert McCorkill lived in Saskatoon and Ottawa before moving to Saint
John, where he died in 2004. (Southern Poverty Law Center)McCorkill's
sister, Isabelle McCorkill, wants the will quashed and filed an
injunction last month.
When the matter goes to court in September, two prominent Jewish
groups and the provincial attorney general will join her side.
Anita Bromberg is the head of legal affairs with B'nai Brith Canada —
one of three groups granted intervener status in the McCorkill case.
She said neo-Nazi beliefs are on the rise in Europe and a six figure
gift to the National Alliance could breathe life into the movement
"There's still an attraction to this philosophy, and to revive it is a
dangerous concept," she said.
B'nai Brith will be joined by the Centre for Israel and Jewish
Affairs, another of the interveners.
Richard Marceau, the general counsel for the Centre for Israel and
Jewish Affairs, shares Bromberg’s concerns.
"The National Alliance is much weaker than it was in the past and we
don't want to take any chances of money breathing new life into it,"
he said.
The province of New Brunswick, represented by the attorney general,
will also have standing at next month's hearing.
All the interveners will be able to make submissions, trying to
convince the court to wipe away McCorkill's will.
The lawyer representing the interests of the National Alliance did not
object to any of the group's weighing in.
Rare coins, ancient weapons collection
The collection includes Greek and Roman coins that are thousands of
years old, an ancient Iranian sword, Neolithic arrowheads and an
Egyptian stone tablet from the 13th Dynasty, according to a 55-page
appraiser's report from August 2010.
McCorkill was born in 1937, the son of a farmer in Bearbrook, Ontario.
He became a chemist and lived in Saskatoon in the 1990s, when he
joined the National Alliance.
The University of Saskatchewan's Museum of Antiquities was lent a
portion of his coin collection and put it on display for several
When McCorkill moved to Ottawa around 2000, he took his collection
with him. Some of his artifacts remain on loan to the University of
Ottawa's Museum of Classical Antiquities.
He's buried in Saint John's Fernhill Cemetery
Notice Re: Chucky Leblanc and everybody else knows the Wannabe King Makers David Coon and Kris Austin FAILED my ethics tests of their character way too many times by Aug 24h. So who are they to pick Gallant or Higgs to be Premier N'esy Pas?
Brian Gallant<briangallant10@gmail.com> | Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 1:57 PM |
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com |
(Français à suivre)
If your email is pertaining to the Government of New Brunswick, please email me at brian.gallant@gnb.ca
If your matter is urgent, please email Greg Byrne at greg.byrne@gnb.ca
Thank you.
Si votre courriel s'addresse au Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick, svp m'envoyez un courriel à brian.gallant@gnb.ca
Pour les urgences, veuillez contacter Greg Byrne à greg.byrne@gnb.ca
Carmen Budilean<carmen.budilean@greenpartynb.ca> | Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 1:57 PM |
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com |
Merci beaucoup pour votre courriel. Veuillez noter que je ne suis plus au Parti vert du NB. Ce compte sera suspendu sous peu. Si vous avez besoin d'aide, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Cathey Lyons à l'adresse suivante : cathey.lyons@greenpartynb.ca
Stacey Merrigan<smerrigan@hickslemoine.ca> | Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 1:57 PM |
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> |
Please note that I check email twice a day, at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.
If your matter is urgent, you may call the Amherst office at 902-667-7214, or the Sackville office at 506-939-3199.
Thank you for your patience
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2018 12:57:33 -0400
Subject: Chucky Leblanc and everybody else knows the Wannabe King
Makers David Coon and Kris Austin FAILED my ethics tests of their
character way too many times by Aug 24h. So who are they to pick
Gallant or Higgs to be Premeir N'esy Pas?
To: "David.Coon" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
< Kevin.A.Arseneau@gnb.ca>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"
< megan.mitton@gnb.ca>, vern.faulkner@greenpartynb.ca,
smerrigan@hickslemoine.ca, carmen.budilean@greenpartynb.
brfolks@gmail.com, klou.arnold@gmail.com, john.sabine@greenpartynb.ca,
lynayaastephen@gmail.com, gretajdoucet@gmail.com, draddle2@gmail.com,
adrienne.kasdan@gmail.com, sacolwel@hotmail.com,
denis.boulet@greenpartynb.ca, tom.mclean@greenpartynb.ca,
samalex@nbnet.nb.ca, "kris.austin" <kris.austin@gnb.ca>,
"michelle.conroy" <michelle.conroy@gnb.ca>, rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca,
keith.chiasson@gnb.ca, gerry.lowe@gnb.ca, jacques.j.leblanc@gnb.ca,
jean-claude.d'amours@gnb.ca, robert.mckee@gnb.ca,
robert.gauvin@gnb.ca, mike.holland@gnb.ca, greg.thompson2@gnb.ca,
andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca, mary.wilson@gnb.ca, Newsroom
< Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, sfine <sfine@globeandmail.com>,
"jan.jensen" <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
"Dominic.Cardy" <Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, votejohnw
< votejohnw@gmail.com>, jbosnitch <jbosnitch@gmail.com>, "john.green"
< john.green@gnb.ca>, maryann4peace <maryann4peace@gmail.com>, Brian
Ruhe <brian@brianruhe.ca>, paul <paul@paulfromm.com>, "Paul.Harpelle"
< Paul.Harpelle@gnb.ca>, patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>,
"philip.bryden" <philip.bryden@gov.ab.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "bruce.northrup"
< bruce.northrup@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
"brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>,
"jake.stewart" <jake.stewart@gnb.ca>, "Jack.Keir" <Jack.Keir@gnb.ca>,
"greg.byrne" <greg.byrne@gnb.ca>, "len.hoyt"
< len.hoyt@mcinnescooper.com>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre
< andre@jafaust.com>, kelly <kelly@lamrockslaw.com>, tj
< tj@burkelaw.ca>, "Mark.Blakely" <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Gilles.Blinn" <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Cote"
< Gilles.Cote@gnb.ca>, "Daniel.Guitard" <Daniel.Guitard@gnb.ca>,
"Tim.RICHARDSON" <Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>, "jocelyne.roy-vienneau"
< jocelyne.roy-vienneau@gnb.ca>, "Benoit.Bourque"
< Benoit.Bourque@gnb.ca>, "Brian.kenny" <Brian.kenny@gnb.ca>,
"Roger.L.Melanson" <Roger.L.Melanson@gnb.ca>, "Cathy.Rogers"
< Cathy.Rogers@gnb.ca>, "denis.landry2" <denis.landry2@gnb.ca>,
COCMoncton <COCMoncton@gmail.com>, markandcaroline
< markandcaroline@gmail.com>, "martin.gaudet"
< martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>, "lou.lafleur"
< lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca>
What other people say and do in the fat dumb and happy welfare bum's
YouTube's speak volumes sometimes even though Chucky and his "IT Guy"
Andre Faust are the biggest bullshitters in Fat Fred City You both must
remember them N'esy Pas Johnny N'ever Been Good" Bosnitch and Philip
Bryden ?
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2018 02:47:44 +0000
Subject: RE: On Sept 20, 2018 I appeared first on Rogers TV and spoke
of fixing the provincial debt and honouring the contract with the
pensioners Correct?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
assured that your email will be reviewed.
If this is a media request, please forward your email to
Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné.
Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
2018 New Brunswick Provincial Election Saint John Region Candidate Messages
Rogers tv
Published on Sep 20, 2018
The Blaine Higgs Government will immediately eliminate the moratorium
on Shale Gas!
Charles Leblanc
Published on Oct 25, 2018
Shale Gas and Blaine Higgs viewed by Blogger....
Charles Leblanc
Published on Oct 25, 2018
New Brunswick P.C. Leader Blaine Higgs sets the record straight on the
Shale Gas issue!
Charles Leblanc
Published on Oct 26, 2018
---------- Chucky's message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 13:52:39 -0400
Subject: YO Chucky Leblanc Now everybody knows that your buddy David
Coon lied to me at the Stepping Stone just before the writ was dropped
N'esy Pas?
To: jason_paull101@hotmail.com, BrianThomasMacdonald
< BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail.
"jeff.carr" <jeff.carr@gnb.ca>, sweetbends@gmail.com, "carl.urquhart"
< carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, michelle2016@gmx.com, "Trevor.Holder"
< Trevor.Holder@gnb.ca>, gvlemmon@hotmail.com,
craigalbertrector@gmail.com, "jody.carr" <jody.carr@gnb.ca>,
stewartmanuel13@gmail.com, "Stewart.Fairgrieve"
< Stewart.Fairgrieve@gnb.ca>, griffin1@nbnet.nb.ca, "hugh.flemming"
< hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, joyce.wright.panb@gmail.com, "John.Ames"
< John.Ames@gnb.ca>, josievance1@icloud.com, "Lisa.Harris"
< Lisa.Harris@gnb.ca>, art.odonnell@nb.aibn.com, "jake.stewart"
< jake.stewart@gnb.ca>, "serge.rousselle" <serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>,
"david.eidt" <david.eidt@gnb.ca>, "Furey, John" <jfurey@nbpower.com>,
wharrison <wharrison@nbpower.com>, "rick.doucet" <rick.doucet@gnb.ca>,
"David.Coon" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "brian.gallant"
< brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "Tim.RICHARDSON" <Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>,
"dan. bussieres" <dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>, "chris.collins"
< chris.collins@gnb.ca>, "kirk.macdonald" <kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca>,
"Dominic.Cardy" <Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, "jan.jensen"
< jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>, "bill.pentney"
< bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
"Jody.Wilson-Raybould" <Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
< pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Jack.Keir" <Jack.Keir@gnb.ca>, "len.hoyt"
< len.hoyt@mcinnescooper.com>, "greg.byrne" <greg.byrne@gnb.ca>, dcardy
< dcardy@gmail.com>, kelly <kelly@lamrockslaw.com>, "Robert. Jones"
< Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, "steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
"Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "David.Akin"
< David.Akin@globalnews.ca>, news <news@kingscorecord.com>, Mike
Therien <therien.mike@brunswicknews.
< Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, news <news@dailygleaner.com>, news919
< news919@rogers.com>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, andre
< andre@jafaust.com>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, jbosnitch
< jbosnitch@gmail.com>, krisaustin <krisaustin@peoplesalliance.ca>,
nobyrne.ca@gmail.com, cyrille.simard@edmundston.ca
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <mcu@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 17:44:09 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey folks perhaps you should ask the Crown
why my barring notice is in English only
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Minister
of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence
addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay in
processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be
carefully reviewed.
Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, ministre de la
justice et procureur général du Canada.
En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
adressée à la ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir
un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous
assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "MacDonald, Kirk (LEG)" <kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca>
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 17:44:27 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey folks perhaps you should ask the Crown
why my barring notice is in English only
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
The Constituency Office will be closed from August 23, 2018 to
September 25, 2018 inclusively. Accordingly, this email account will
not be active during the same period.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mail Delivery System <Mailer-Daemon@us46.
Date: Sun, 07 Oct 2018 12:44:11 -0500
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
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A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 17:44:12 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey folks perhaps you should ask the Crown
why my barring notice is in English only
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
of Parliament for Vancouver Granville.
This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there
may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
message will be carefully reviewed.
To help us address your concerns more quickly, please include within
the body of your email your full name, address, and postal code.
Please note that your message will be forwarded to the Department of
Justice if it concerns topics pertaining to the member's role as the
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. For all future
correspondence addressed to the Minister of Justice, please write
directly to the Department of Justice at
Thank you
Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
Vancouver Granville.
Le pr?sent message vise ? vous informer que nous avons re?u votre
courriel. En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de
correspondance, il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
votre courriel. Sachez que votre message sera examin? attentivement.
Pour nous aider ? r?pondre ? vos pr?occupations plus rapidement,
veuillez inclure dans le corps de votre courriel votre nom complet,
votre adresse et votre code postal.
Veuillez prendre note que votre message sera transmis au minist?re de
la Justice s'il porte sur des sujets qui rel?vent du r?le de la
d?put?e en tant que ministre de la Justice et procureure g?n?rale du
Canada. Pour toute correspondance future adress?e ? la ministre de la
Justice, veuillez ?crire directement au minist?re de la Justice ?
mcu@justice.gc.ca ou appelez au 613-957-4222.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com>
Date: Sun, 07 Oct 2018 10:44:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
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The response was:
550 Administrative prohibition - envelope blocked -
On 10/7/18, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?
> Leader of the New Brunswick People's Alliance Kris Austin interviewed
> by Blogger!!!
> Charles Leblanc
> Published on Oct 6, 2018
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?
> New Brunswick Green Party Leader David Coon is confronted by Blogger!!!!
> Charles Leblanc
> Published on Oct 3, 2018
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 20 May 2018 21:27:54 -0400
> Subject: Hey folks perhaps you should ask the Crown why my barring
> notice is in English only
> To: jason_paull101@hotmail.com, BrianThomasMacdonald
> < BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail.
> "jeff.carr" <jeff.carr@gnb.ca>, sweetbends@gmail.com, "carl.urquhart"
> < carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, michelle2016@gmx.com, "Trevor.Holder"
> < Trevor.Holder@gnb.ca>, gvlemmon@hotmail.com,
> craigalbertrector@gmail.com, "jody.carr" <jody.carr@gnb.ca>,
> stewartmanuel13@gmail.com, "Stewart.Fairgrieve"
> < Stewart.Fairgrieve@gnb.ca>, griffin1@nbnet.nb.ca, "hugh.flemming"
> < hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, joyce.wright.panb@gmail.com, "John.Ames"
> < John.Ames@gnb.ca>, josievance1@icloud.com, "Lisa.Harris"
> < Lisa.Harris@gnb.ca>, art.odonnell@nb.aibn.com, "jake.stewart"
> < jake.stewart@gnb.ca>
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "serge.rousselle"
> < serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>, "david.eidt" <david.eidt@gnb.ca>, "Furey,
> John" <jfurey@nbpower.com>, wharrison <wharrison@nbpower.com>,
> "rick.doucet" <rick.doucet@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>,
> "brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "Tim.RICHARDSON"
> < Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>, "dan. bussieres" <dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>,
> "chris.collins" <chris.collins@gnb.ca>, "kirk.macdonald"
> < kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca>, "Dominic.Cardy" <Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>,
> "jan.jensen" <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>, "bill.pentney"
> < bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
> "Jody.Wilson-Raybould" <Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
> < pm@pm.gc.ca>
> I bet Brian Gallant, Serge Rousselle, his lawyers, David Coon, Blaine
> Higgs and his Conservative cohorts won't say anything about this
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
> Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2016 17:05:07 +0000
> Subject: RE: So what does Premier Gallant and Minister Doucet et al
> think of my lawsuit? How about David Coon and his blogging buddy
> Chucky joking about being illegally barred from parliamentary property
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.
> Please be assured that your email has been received, will be reviewed,
> and a response will be forthcoming.
> Once again, thank you for taking the time to write.
> Merci d'avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick.
> Soyez assuré que votre courriel a bien été reçu, qu'il sera examiné
> et qu'une réponse vous sera acheminée.
> Merci encore d'avoir pris de temps de nous écrire.
> Sincerely, / Sincèrement,
> Mallory Fowler
> Correspondence Manager / Gestionnaire de la correspondance
> Office of the Premier / Cabinet du premier ministre
>>> This is the docket in Federal Court
>>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.
>>> These are digital recordings of the last two hearings
>>> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/
>>> January 11th, 2016 https://archive.org/details/
---------- Original message ----------
From: Carmen Budilean <carmen.budilean@greenpartynb.
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 18:17:01 -0700
Subject: Notice Re: Attn Anastacia Merrigan I had a conversation with
your client Megan Mitton's husband in May after she spoke on CBC Now
she and her lawyer knows what everbody else knows
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
Thank you so much for your email. Please note that I'm no longer with
the Green Party of NB. This account will be suspended shortly. If you
need assistance please email Cathey Lyons at
Merci beaucoup pour votre courriel. Veuillez noter que je ne suis plus
au Parti vert du NB. Ce compte sera suspendu sous peu. Si vous avez
besoin d'aide, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Cathey Lyons à l'adresse
suivante : cathey.lyons@greenpartynb.ca
Executive director | Directrice exécutive
Phone : (506) 447-8499 | Fax (506) 447-8489
Green Party of New-Brunswick | Parti vert du Nouveau-Brunswick
BTW did anybody but mean old me notice that the Tory Pirate whimped
out of running in Fundy Royal in 2015 but he ran in this provincial
election as an Independent?
The Tory Pirate
Please Note: I am currently campaigning for the up-coming New
Brunswick provincial election. This is NOT my campaign page. That can
be found here. All views expressed here reflect a specific time and
place. They may, or may not, reflect my current thoughts on a given
My name is James Wilson and this is my political views website where I
talk about the policies and parties I support as well as my views on
current events.
I was born and raised in Albert County, New Brunswick (best place in
the world if you haven't heard). I graduated from Mount Allison
University and then set out on a cross-country adventure. After
spending two years in Alberta I returned to New Brunswick. Currently I
work in Moncton.
If I had to sum up my politics in three words they would be:
Efficiency, Accountability, Prosperity. Efficiency because taxpayers'
money should be treated with respect and not wasted. Accountability
because it is the only sure way to protect our freedoms and expose
corruption. Prosperity because the long-term betterment of the lives
of Canadians should be the government's primary concern. Head over to
Where I Stand to find out more.
I don't shy away from issues that I support. I'm a big proponent of
government accountability and weakening intellectual property laws. I
am also a firm supporter of Canada's constitutional monarchy. I
welcome informed discussion and particularly like smart people who
disagree with me.
Federal Politics
At the federal level I support the Conservative Party of Canada and
the Pirate Party of Canada.
I joined the Conservative Party after the 2015 Federal Election as the
party began the process of examining it future and what it stands for.
I am a small-c conservative from within the tory tradition. As such I
consider the Conservative Party to be my
natural home. However, under the leadership of Stephen Harper I grew
increasingly disenchanted with the direction the party was taking.
With his departure I look forward to helping build a strong,
principled alternative to the Liberals.
I joined the Pirate Party shortly after the 2011 Federal Election due
to being completely fed up with the options presented by the
mainstream parties. The party's main focus is protecting privacy,
weakening intellectual property laws, increasing
government accountability, and protecting net neutrality. I have
served in a variety of leadership positions within the party which has
been educational as well as a lot of fun. In 2015 I resigned my
position and membership in the party to more effectively join in the
conversation on the future direction of the Conservative Party.
2012-2015 Political Council Member
2012-2013 Deputy Leader
2013 Party Leader (Interim)
2014 Party Leader
Provincial Politics
At the provincial level I support the People's Alliance of New Brunswick.
I joined the People's Alliance in 2012 after reading about their
policies on their website. As I mentioned above government
accountability is very important to me and the People's Alliance has
made it one of their core issues.
I served briefly on the PANB riding association board for Albert
before I moved out west. I accepted an invitation to serve on the
riding association board again in 2017 as its secretary.
James Wilson for the Albert Riding
September 25 at 12:28 AM ·
Well, the election is over. Its been quite the ride. And with it
looking like a minority government for New Brunswick the next few
years will be interesting. I would like to congratulate Mike Holland
on his victory. You have been handed a great responsibility and you'll
have the chance to show what you can do. And the people of Albert
County will be watching to see if you can deliver. So, no pressure or
anything. ;)
I would like to thanks my fellow candidates Sharon Buchanan, Catherine
Black for Albert, Betty Weir NDP for Albert County, and Moranda van
Geest for taking the time to run in this election. It takes a great
deal of commitment to decide to run and I'm sure you have mixed
emotions about tonight. Relief that its all over, maybe a little
disappointment, or perhaps a bit of second guessing of decisions made
on the campaign trail. From my vantage point you all ran solid
positive campaigns. That is something to be proud of. I will leave you
with the words of Star Trek's Jean Luc Picard:
As for myself, I was offered the position of Chairman of the New
Brunswick branch of the Monarchist League of Canada during the
election. In this position I will work to educate New Brunswickers
about the role the monarchy plays in society and increase appreciation
of said role. That any other projects should keep me busy for a while.
Good election everyone and good night!
Cap-Pele council resolution against Peoples Alliance ignores democracy
October 3, 2018
The Communications Director of the Peoples Alliance is calling
Cap-Pele councils latest attempt to interfere in the provincial
political process as undemocratic and not the mandate of a municipal
council to dictate which political party can represent its
Councillor Hector Doiron presented a resolution to “warn” the other
parties not to work with the Peoples Alliance in the Legislative
Assembly or face a court challenge. Hector, who is a well known
Liberal, accuses the party of “wanting to attack the fundamental
rights of francophones recognized by the Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms.” (Read the article here:
However, in a statement communications director Wes Gullison says the
party has been very clear that it is not revoking rights required by
law .
“The People's Alliance from day one has said we respect bilingualism
and the rights of both official language groups to receive service in
their language of choice anywhere in the province. The party supports
the fact that francophones and anglophones have the legal right to
educate their children in their respective language and culture. In
instances where it makes sense, we have called for sharing resources
such as transportation to school. As most are aware, transportation
based on language has not been legally designated as an acquired
right. The case was put to the New Brunswick Court of Appeals, which
was withdrawn by government.
Secondly we have put forward the idea of merging our two health
authorities into one bilingual health administration which will serve
our hospitals and clinics in both official languages. Some say
separate health administrations is a right and will point to 16.2 of
the constitution, however, when this section was added in the early
1990s it was made clear by the government at the time it was to only
entrench our dual educational systems. No legal declaration has been
sought or rendered in New Brunswick on whether the scope of 16.2
extends into administrating health care. The People's Alliance wish to
make clear, one health administration would serve communities in both
official languages. It is only common sense that community make up
would dictate whether a hospital or clinic operates in french or
english, while at the same time legally being required to provide
service to the public in both languages.
Lastly, the paramedic crisis has resulted in lack of ambulance
coverage in all areas of the province due to a major shortage in
bilingual staffing. This is having serious effects on all New
Brunswickers, in all regions regardless of which language we speak. To
combat this serious gap in vital service, the party has raised the
idea of utilizing language translation lines on all ambulances to
assist our unilingual francophone and anglophone paramedics in order
to fairly comply with “equality of service” required by our official
language act.
Unfortunately, I believe the current misunderstanding of the party's
policies has its roots by those who choose to not understand for their
own political or personal gain. Be noted, the party has never been
asked to sit for discussion by any of these groups raising concerns as
of late, nor have we even been contacted via email or over the phone
to talk about our policies. The party is open to everyone who wishes
to discuss and work together.”
---------- Original message ----------
From: May Atkinson <carletonpcriding@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: RE the NB by election in Carleton Here is my latest complaint
about the SEC, Banksters and Taxmen
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Subject: Fwd: RE the NB by election in Carleton Here is my latest complaint
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Subject: RE the NB by election in Carleton Here is my latest complaint
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Brian Gallant discusses his resignation as premier | Power & Politics
Southwest Magazine S01 E03 Premier Brian Gallant Interview
Liberals promise 4-year freeze on NB Power rates for homeowners, small businesses
PC leader says one way or another, New Brunswickers will pay for a rate freeze

A Liberal promise to freeze power rates for residential customers and small businesses drew sharp criticism from opposition parties Wednesday.
Liberal Brian Gallant said the party would introduce legislation to freeze rates for some customers over the next four years and force NB Power to cut jobs and spending.
"Many people's power bills are going up faster than their wages," Gallant said during a campaign announcement on the lawn of a private home in Moncton.
The legislation would force NB Power to find about $13 million in annual savings to make up for revenue it would have otherwise raised if it could increase the cost of electricity.
NB Power spokeswoman Sheila Lagacé said the utility won't be commenting "as this is an election campaign promise."
Leaders call move 'irresponsible'
David Coon, leader of the Green Party, and NDP Leader Jennifer McKenzie both called the Liberal plan an "irresponsible" move.
"We have a regulatory process that's designed to ensure that any rate increase proposals are properly vetted and if they're not warranted, they're turned down," Coon said, referring to the Energy and Utilities Board.
McKenzie called it a "dangerous path" the Liberals have proposed and suggested a better approach would be focusing on developing renewable energy.
Blaine Higgs, the Progressive Conservative leader, said "putting a political hand-cuff" around the utility will make its financial situation less secure.
"One way or another, the people of the province will pay for a rate freeze," Higgs said in Lamèque.
NB Power forecasts a two per cent rate increase each year as it seeks to pay down its $4.8 billion debt. The utility recorded a profit of $23 million in the last fiscal year.
People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin said in an emailed statement that the Liberal announcement "is an encouraging idea." But he said the financial strain of increasing power bills isn't new.
'A small relief'
"We question as to why only during an election cycle does the Gallant government offer a small relief, after four years of tax increases that have many at the breaking point," Austin said. "Seeing as this promise is coming from the Liberals, is this a promise the people can really trust?"
Annual increases of two per cent per year would cost residential and small businesses more than $13 million a year over the next four years, said Gallant.
The freeze would also apply for municipal utilities on electricity purchased from NB Power for either residential or small business customers.
Higgs, the Progressive Conservative leader, says the Liberal promise
effectively means 'putting a political hand-cuff' around the utility
that will make its financial situation less secure. (Radio-Canada)
The freeze would not apply for large industrial customers.
Asked what would happen if NB Power shifted the rate increase to industrial customers, Gallant said the utility would have to make up the $13 million difference through "efficiencies" in measures the party has proposed.
'Mandate' savings
"We will mandate them to find the $13 million and we will have a discussion with the measures we'll put in place, and we hope they'll come with their own ideas," Gallant said. "With the measures we put in place, we believe we can find the $13 million, but even more than that."
He said the legislation will include an "incentive" for NB Power to cut costs so rate increases aren't required.
"Call it a stick, if you will, but we're going to make it real clear that they're going to have to reduce power rates and that's going to be the case for four years," he said.
No 'weather tax'
A Liberal government would also reduce the size of management at NB Power by 30 per cent and would require a review of senior salaries. It would also set a "cap" on administrative expenses as a percentage of overall expenses.
The Liberals would also prevent NB Power from introducing any kind of "weather tax" to help pay for extreme weather events, he said.
The 2017 ice storm cost NB Power about $30 million.
Voters head to the polls on Sept. 24.
With files from Shane Magee and Nicolas Steinbach
Former NDP leader running under PC banner in provincial election
Dominic Cardy running in Fredericton West-Hanwell
September's New Brunswick election could be the fourth time lucky for Dominic Cardy.
The former NDP leader, who tried to get elected as an MLA three times — in one general election and two by-elections — will be on the ballot again this fall, this time as a Progressive Conservative.
Cardy was the only candidate for the party's nomination in Fredericton West-Hanwell before last week's deadline.
"It's a chance to get in and be part of a Blaine Higgs government and do all the things I've been talking about the whole time I've been in politics," he said, "pushing for genuine progressive, conservative change: fiscally responsible and strong, well-developed social programs."
Cardy became NDP leader in 2011 and ran in Fredericton West-Hanwell in the 2014 election, placing second to PC incumbent Brian Macdonald. He had 29.7 per cent of the vote compared to 35.2 per cent for Macdonald.
Cardy steered the party away from many of its conventional left-wing positions, declaring that government spending was not always the best solution. The party won a record 13 per cent of the popular vote in 2014 but failed to elect any MLAs.
Joining the PCs
He quit the leadership and the party on New Year's Day 2017, declaring he was fed up responding to criticism from long-time left-leaning New Democrats upset with his approach.
He later joined the PC party and became chief of staff to leader Blaine Higgs.
PC Leader Blaine Higgs, left, announced Dominic Cardy, right, would join the Tories last year. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Macdonald announced this spring he was leaving provincial politics.
Cardy said Friday many of his supporters from 2014 have moved to the PCs with him and have encouraged him to run.
"This election has got to be above and beyond party. Party's important, and I think the PCs are the only vehicle to really deliver change in New Brunswick, but we have to bring in folks from across the political spectrum," he said.
Cardy's Liberal opponent, Cindy Miles, acknowledged that he's a high-profile candidate but "I know I have some confusion — is his profile from the NDP or is his profile from the Conservative Party?"
She also pointed to a comment Cardy made last year when he went to work for Higgs. "I enjoyed my time running for office but wasn't, obviously, hugely good at that," he said at the time.
Hanwell priority
As NDP leader, Cardy ran in a 2012 by-election in Rothesay and in another by-election in Saint John East in 2014. He placed third in both races.
Cardy said he's trying again because Higgs has promised to give his MLAs more power in government decision-making.
He doesn't live in Fredericton West-Hanwell, though he lives across the street from one corner of the riding.
The riding includes the rural community of Hanwell, which has been lobbying for a new school for its growing population. The school was ranked as the top priority for the Anglophone West district education council but wasn't in this year's capital budget.
Cardy said the DEC's recommendation should have been heeded by the Liberal government. "We have got to start paying attention to the institutions that exist when it comes to decision-making," he said.
Miles said she supports putting a school in Hanwell "one hundred per cent" but could not explain why the Liberal government hadn't funded the construction.
After the DEC recommendation, "there's a lot of other pieces that would come into place," he said. "I can't speak to it. I wasn't part of the capital budget conversation."
Opting out smart meter program could cost NB Power customers
Power customers in British Columbia, Quebec have faced fees for refusing the installation of smart meters
NB Power customers who do not want a smart meter installed on their home could be facing a stiff fee for that decision, but so far the utility is not saying how much it might be.
"It will be based on the principles of cost causation, but we have not gotten into the detail of what that fee would be at this point," said NB Power Senior Vice President of Operations Lori Clark at Energy and Utilities Board hearings on Friday.
In other jurisdictions that have already adopted smart meters, customers not wanting to participate have faced hundreds of dollars in extra charges.
Thousands of pages of evidence on a number of issues, including smart meters, have been submitted for the 12-day hearing.
In British Columbia, power customers are charged a meter reading fee of $32.40 per month if they refuse a smart meter, or $20 per month if they accept a smart meter but insist its radio transmitter be turned off. That's a cost of between $240 and $388.80 per year for customers to opt out.
In Quebec, smart meters were installed beginning in 2012. Customers who refused the devices were initially charged $98 to opt out plus a meter reading fee of $17 per month. That was eventually cut by Quebec's energy board in 2014 to a $15 refusal fee and a $5 per month meter reading surcharge.
NB Power said it may be a year or more before it settles on its own fee.
"The opt out policy will be developed and implemented as part of the roll out. It will be one of the last things we do," said Clark.
Customers need to be on board
NB Power is in front of the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board seeking permission to spend $122.7 million to install 350,000 smart meters province wide.
meter opponent Roger Richard, right, leads a group worried about human
health problems caused by long term exposure to the devices. (Robert Jones/CBC NEWS)
The meters are capable of transmitting consumption data of customers back to NB Power in real time, which the utility said will allow for a number of innovations in pricing and service.
The meters require near universal adoption by customers to maximize their financial benefit — like eliminating more than $20 million a year NB Power currently spends to read meters manually. The utility has said the switch will not succeed if too many customers opt out.
"We certainly wouldn't be looking at making an investment of this size without having the customer with us," said Clark.
On Thursday, Kent County resident Daniel LeBlanc, who along with Roger Richard, is opposing the introduction of smart meters for health reasons, predicted a cool reception for the technology in many parts of the province.
"If one were to ask most of the people in the rural areas, I'm not sure you would get a lot of takers for this infrastructure," said LeBlanc, who is concerned with the long-term effect microwave frequencies used by the meters to transmit data may have on human health.
That issue is before the EUB next week.
Haven't tested the waters
NB Power acknowledged it has not measured public opinion on adopting smart meters but is confident it can convince customers it is a good idea for them and the utility.
"People don't understand what the smart meter is," said Clark. "We need to educate our customers first to allow them to make an informed decision so that will be part of the roll out plan."
Clark noted that smart meters, helped by stiff opting out penalties, were eventually accepted by 98 per cent of customers in British Columbia and by 97.4 per cent of customers in Quebec.
"We will check and adjust along the way if there are issues with customer uptake," said Clark.
"This is very similar to what has been done in other jurisdictions and they haven't had those challenges."
Efficiency New Brunswick folded into NB Power
Energy Minister Donald Arseneault says the Energy and Utilities Board will provide oversight of agency
Arseneault pitched the change as a way to “maximize energy efficiency” initiatives for homeowners and businesses and also to save money.
“Maximizing energy efficiency will also help New Brunswick families, ensure long-term environmental sustainability in our communities, and create jobs in the construction industry through government support for home renovations,” the energy minister said in a statement.
This is the second Crown corporation that the Gallant government has scrapped in two days.
On Thursday, Premier Brian Gallant announced Invest NB and the Department of Economic Development would be replaced by a single Crown corporation, Opportunities New Brunswick.
This latest move will give NB Power control over energy efficiency initiatives. NB Power will create a new energy efficiency unit within the utility to handle these programs.
Gaëtan Thomas, the president and chief executive officer of NB Power, said in a statement the utility will actively find ways to encourage New Brunswickers to stop paying for power they do not require.
“Bringing these programs into NB Power helps us expand our efficiency investments with the goal of helping New Brunswickers reduce and shift their demand for electricity, defer the need for us to build new generation, rely more heavily on renewable energy, and keep customer rates low and stable for the foreseeable future,” he said in a statement.
Arseneault’s move also comes with an additional political element.
The chief executive officer of Efficiency New Brunswick had been Margaret-Ann Blaney, a former Progressive Conservative MLA and cabinet minister, who resigned in 2012 to take the job.
The patronage appointment became the focus of the Rothesay byelection in 2012, where even some Tories distanced themselves from the appointment.
The high-paying job had been cut by the Tory government and was supposed to be taken over by a senior public servant inside the Department of Environment and Local Government.
When the Opportunities New Brunswick legislation was introduced on Thursday, it included a clause that prevented Robert MacLeod, the president and chief executive officer of Invest NB, from collecting any severance pay and banned from suing the province over his firing two months ago.
MacLeod, a former Progressive Conservative leadership candidate and campaign co-chair, was appointed CEO of the Crown corporation by then-Premier David Alward in 2011.
EUB punts rate hearing as NB Power studies $122M smart meter plan
EUB agrees to suspend hearing so it can deal first with NB Power's proposed $122M purchase of smart meters
The EUB has agreed to consider an upcoming NB Power application to spend $122 million on new "smart meters" for homes and businesses first.

NB Power has been under pressure from the EUB to better match prices it charges for electricity to the cost of producing and distributing power. That could see consumers paying substantially different prices for power between summer and winter — even between day and night.
But the utility has argued there is little room to make substantial changes like that until its entire inventory of power meters is upgraded.
"It is NB Power's submission that the rate design proceeding is … premature because it does contemplate discussion of rate design options that might not be available depending on … (smart meter) deployment," NB Power's senior legal counsel John Furey said during arguments for the suspension.
Tracking more frequent
Unlike current units that have to be physically visited to be read, smart meters will connect directly to NB Power computers, allowing individual customers to have electricity consumption tracked several times an hour instead of once a month.
The utility says this will allow it to charge a variety of rates for electricity — more when consumption is higher, such as in the mornings, on weekends and during winter — and less when consumption is lower.
"We are going from reading a customer's meter once a month, so 12 times a year, up to 12 times an hour," former NB Power executive Neil Larlee said during testimony in front of the EUB last February.
Smart meters for $122M
But the new meters are expensive, an estimated $92 million to acquire one for each customer and another $30 million to have them installed and made operational.
It's an expense that largely requires EUB approval, something the regulator is expected to hear evidence on this winter and rule on by next spring. NB Power said without that decision being made first, redesigning rates made little sense.
Furey, NB Power's senior legal counsel, argued for the delay in the
rate design hearing until the utility installs smart meters, which
record power usage more frequently. (LinkedIn)
Because those who heat with electricity consume large amounts of power during high-demand cold snaps, the rate design process is generally expected to result in higher costs for that group.
However, NB Power has argued smart meters will allow for enough discount periods that electric heat customers who move activities such as laundry, dishwashing and showers into the evening will be able to offset some or all of the increases they experience.
NB Power is expected to formally apply to buy and install smart meters provincewide within the next two weeks as part of its next general rate increase application.
The rate design hearing will resume next fall.
Robert MacLeod, Margaret-Ann Blaney cut in deputy minister shuffle
Efficiency New Brunswick and Invest NB will be closed, ending positions held by Tory-appointed CEOs
Gallant announced on Monday that Invest NB and Efficiency New Brunswick would be “wound up,” meaning Robert MacLeod and Margaret-Ann Blaney would be soon out of a job.
MacLeod, who ran against former premier David Alward in the 2008 Tory leadership race and was subsequently named the 2010 campaign manager, was the chief executive officer of Invest NB.
Blaney was a long-time Progressive Conservative MLA and former cabinet minister. She was given the position of president and chief executive officer of Efficiency New Brunswick, even though the Alward government had eliminated the position by merging it with another position just weeks before.
Both Blaney and MacLeod earned six-figure salaries and both appointments were widely seen as patronage appointments.
Before Gallant was sworn in as premier in October, he told reporters that he was assured by Alward that MacLeod and Blaney would be laid off with six other deputy ministers who were closely associated with the Progressive Conservatives.
When the Liberals took power, however, Blaney and MacLeod were still in their civil service jobs.
The premier's news release doesn't say when Invest NB and Efficiency NB will be closed or what MacLeod and Blaney will be paid in severance.
On Monday, Gallant also announced that three deputy ministers will retire before the end of 2014.
Three deputy ministers were given new departments to run, while three other deputy ministers were given additional departments on top of their existing positions.
Jean-Marc Dupuis was named the province’s interim deputy minister of finance, but he will also keep his job as the deputy minister of Transportation and Infrastructure.
Denis Caron will now become the interim deputy minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture, as well as continue as the deputy minister of Economic Development.
Edith Doucet, the province’s deputy minister of Social Development, will also become the interim deputy minister of Healthy and Inclusive Communities.
Marc Léger, the clerk of the executive council, will be taking on additional deputy ministerial responsibilities that were previously held by political appointees within the Executive Council Office on an interim basis, according to the premier’s statement.
Gallant’s statement said more changes will be coming to the senior level of the public service. He said there will be a restructuring that will cut the number of departments, deputy ministers and other senior bureaucrats.
Brian Gallant mum on future of Margaret-Ann Blaney, Robert MacLeod
Progressive Conservative-appointed bureaucrats are still working, even as other Tories were laid off
Robert MacLeod, the chief executive officer of Invest New Brunswick, and Margaret-Ann Blaney, the president and chief executive officer of Efficiency New Brunswick, were both given high-paying jobs in the Alward government.
On Oct. 3, Gallant suggested the outgoing Progressive Conservative government that appointed them would also send them packing before the Liberals were sworn in.
However, it's now clear that MacLeod and Blaney were not among the six deputy-minister level Tories, who were handed severance packages in Alward’s final cabinet meeting.
On Oct. 10, Blaney was still on the job at Efficiency New Brunswick, though she did not respond to an interview request.
Now Gallant acknowledges it was left to his new Liberal government to deal with these two Tory appointees.
"The past government certainly has done some things when it comes to deputy ministers. There are some things that will continuously have to be dealt with,” Gallant said.
Gallant said he can't go into detail because it's a personnel matter, though it's one that could cost taxpayers six-figure severance payments.
All the premier promised was that he would have more to say on it in the near future.
Both MacLeod and Blaney were high-profile appointments during Alward’s term and both were well-known within the Progressive Conservatives.
MacLeod ran against Alward for the Progressive Conservative leadership in 2008. Alward appointed MacLeod to a senior campaign position in 2010 and then named him as the first president of Invest NB in 2011.
Blaney ran for the Progressive Conservative leadership against Bernard Lord in 1998. She served in several cabinet positions in the Lord and Alward governments.
She resigned from cabinet in 2012 to become the president of Efficiency New Brunswick, a position the Tories had previously cut.
The six deputies who were laid off in the final Alward cabinet meeting were:
- Daniel Allain, who was a deputy minister in the premier's office and former president of NB Liquor.
- Nancy MacKay, who was a deputy minister in the Executive Council office. She had also served as Alward's chief of staff.
- Dallas McCready, who was the deputy minister for strategic initiatives in the Executive Council Office.
- Darell Fowlie, who was on a leave of absence from his job as a deputy minister in the premier’s office.
- Greg Lutes, who was the deputy minister of Tourism, Heritage and Culture.
- Roger Clinch, who was the premier’s chief of staff.
David Alward's Tory deputy ministers face unclear future
Invest NB's Robert MacLeod, Efficiency NB's Margaret-Ann Blaney will be laid off, Brian Gallant says
Gallant told reporters on Friday that he has been assured by Alward that MacLeod will be laid off as president and chief executive officer of Invest NB and Blaney would be laid off as president and chief executive officer of Efficiency New Brunswick.
"We were told that they would be let go, so it is our understanding that at the last cabinet meeting they would have taken care of that," Gallant told reporters on Friday.
Gallant will be sworn in as premier on Oct. 7.
It's normal for top officials who are clearly affiliated with the former government to receive buyouts when there's a change in the party in power.
Gallant said last week that Alward had committed to laying off some politically affiliated deputy ministers. But the status of MacLeod and Blaney was not clear last week.
The premier-designate also said that his deputy minister-level appointments would be merit- and competence-based, not politically based.
Nancy MacKay was Alward's chief of staff before becoming a deputy minister inside the Executive Council Office. (CBC)
But the outgoing premier’s office won't say if all six will leave or what kind of severance they will receive.
According to government records, all of these deputy ministers were paid between $125,000 and $175,000.
The six deputy ministers include:
- Daniel Allain is a deputy minister in the premier's office and former president of NB Liquor. His salary was between $150,000 and $175,000.
- Nancy MacKay is the former chief of staff to premier and now a deputy minister in the Executive Council office. Her salary was between $150,000 and $175,000.
- Dallas McCready is the deputy minister for strategic initiatives in the Executive Council Office. His salary was between $125,000 and $150,000.
- Darell Fowlie was a deputy minister in the premier’s office. He was on a leave of absence. His salary was between $125,000 and $150,000.
- Greg Lutes is the deputy minister of Tourism, Heritage and Culture. His salary was between $125,000 and $150,000.
- Roger Clinch is the premier’s chief of staff. (Clinch was hired in September 2013, so his salary was not included in the last public accounts document. Chiefs of staff are typically paid at the same level as deputy ministers, however.)
When Alward took over in 2010, five Liberal-appointed deputy ministers lost their jobs. Some of the severance packages were spread over a number of years.
Two of those ex-deputy ministers were paid $150,000 in 2011-12, a fiscal year when they were not working for taxpayers, while another collected between $75,000 and $99,000, according to government records.
Blaney, MacLeod severance packages unclear

MacLeod ran against Alward for the Progressive Conservative leadership in 2008. Alward appointed MacLeod to a senior campaign position in 2010 and then named him as the first president of Invest NB in 2011.
Blaney ran for the Progressive Conservative leadership against Bernard Lord in 1998. She served in several cabinet positions in the Lord and Alward governments.
She resigned from cabinet in 2012 to become the president of Efficiency New Brunswick, a position the Tories had previously cut.
MacLeod, left, ran against Alward for the Tory leadership in 2008.
MacLeod was named the president and chief executive officer of Invest NB
in 2011. (CBC)
The MacLeod and Blaney appointments, however, did spur changes to add more transparency to how Crown corporation presidents are selected.
MacLeod turned down an interview request about his potential severance package.
Blaney didn't respond to CBC's calls to discuss her future.
NDP Leader Dominic Cardy will run in byelection
Rothesay byelection is slated for June 25
New Democratic Party Leader Dominic Cardy will run in the upcoming Rothesay byelection in the hope of winning the party's first seat in the legislature since 2005.
"The main reason is, as leader of the New Democrats, we have to show that we're ready to win seats across New Brunswick," he told CBC News.
Cardy officially announced Friday that he will seek the seat left empty by Progressive Conservative Margaret-Ann Blaney, who resigned as MLA earlier this month.
The byelection will be held on June 25.
The NDP will hold its nominating convention for the southwestern New Brunswick riding on Monday night.
The party does not currently have any seats in the legislature.
Cardy, who became leader of the NDP last year, disputes the idea that the relatively affluent riding is not a good fit for him.
"When you've got no seats, every seat seems kind of difficult. I don't view Rothesay as being any different. People have been talking like, 'Oh, there are all these well-off people.' New Democrats are winning seats across Canada in upper income communities, in lower income communities, because we have a message that's positive," he said.
Cardy doesn't think the riding is any more of a challenge than other constituencies.
"I don't think people in Rothesay necessarily have different views on issues like patronage and education and economic development from folks in other corners of the province," he said.
Tory stronghold
Cardy had previously joked with reporters that Rothesay is well-known as a "bastion for socialism" and would be a good fit for his left-leaning party.
Blaney, who stepped down to become the president and CEO of Efficiency New Brunswick, won a clear victory in 2010, earning 56 per cent of the vote, compared to 28.4 per cent for the Liberals and 8.9 per cent for the NDP.
In fact, the Tories have held the Rothesay riding, and its predecessor Saint John-Kings, since 1999.
But a recently-released NDP poll suggests the party is in first place in the Saint John area.
Interim Liberal Leader Victor Boudreau had challenged Cardy to run in Rothesay.
"He is the leader of the provincial New Democratic Party, he doesn't have a seat in the house, and this is an opportunity to show what he's made of," Boudreau had said.
The NDP has been without a seat in the legislature since Elizabeth Weir resigned to become president and chief executive officer of Efficiency New Brunswick in 2005.
The Tories will pick their candidate on Saturday, while the Liberals, who are currently in the middle of a leadership race, will hold their nominating convention on June 5.
The Progressive Conservatives currently have 41 seats in the legislature, the Liberals have 13.
Premier David Alward has said he feels good about the Tories' chances of winning the byelection.
Blaney gets new job despite hiring restrictions
Environment minister can't explain why
The appointment of former New Brunswick cabinet minister Margaret-Ann Blaney to a senior civil service position that had been eliminated two months ago continued to generate political heat Friday with the minister now in charge of Blaney unsure how she avoided government-wide hiring restrictions.
"You'd have talk to HR (Human Resources) on that," Environment and Local Government Minister Bruce Fitch told CBC News.
On Wednesday, Premier David Alward announced that Blaney was resigning her cabinet post as minister of Energy and her seat as an MLA to take a position in the civil service as president of the conservation agency Efficiency New Brunswick.
'It is despicable and unfair that the only guaranteed jobs in this province are those promised to Tory faithfuls.'—Bathurst Liberal MLA Brian Kenny
It's a deputy minister-level post that pays about $170,000 a year, fodder for Opposition Liberals who have denounced it three days running.
"It is despicable and unfair that the only guaranteed jobs in this province are those promised to Tory faithfuls," Bathurst Liberal MLA Brian Kenny told the legislature Friday.
Blaney's appointment comes as the province attempts to eliminate 1,500 civil service jobs over the next three years, a goal that Alward said would limit new appointments.
"We are reducing the number of government employees by eliminating vacant positions and putting hiring restrictions in place," he told the legislature in April, a month before Blaney's appointment.
In addition, Alward announced in March that five deputy minister positions had been eliminated as part of government reform, including the presidency of Efficiency New Brunswick, which was to be filled for free by the Deputy Minister of Environment Denis Caron.
On Friday, Bruce Fitch said he was unsure of how Blaney overcame current hiring restrictions to land the Efficiency New Brunswick appointment or why Caron could no longer do the job.
"Things changed and it is what it is today," said Fitch.
Alward faces tough challenges after N.B. win
Alward cruised to a stunning victory, electing 42 MLAs compared to 13 Liberals but his government is now tasked with following through with their long list of spending promises and tackling the $749-million deficit and climbing debt.
Outgoing Liberal premier Shawn Graham offered a gracious concession speech on Monday from his headquarters in Rexton. But he left his successor a sombre reminder.
"I do wish Mr. Alward well. You know he has a difficult job ahead of him," Graham said.
The Progressive Conservatives made some very pricey commitments during the election campaign.
The Tories have promised to balance the budget in four years. But at the same time permanently freeze property tax assessments for seniors and freeze NB Power rates for three years.
Alward told CBC News on Monday night that he can move toward a balanced budget while keeping those promises.
"We brought forward a strategy on how we will control spending of government and still be able to focus on highest priorities for New Brunswickers," Alward said.
Alward aims to be sworn in on Oct. 12, that's when the tough choices will begin.
The Tory leader has promised to slice the number of cabinet ministers from 20 plus the premier to 15 cabinet ministers plus the premier.
The PCs have included a "10 by 10" checklist of promises that will be completed by the end of 2010.
- Oct. 12: Swear in a new cabinet of 15 ministers, plus the premier.
- Oct. 15: Appoint a new energy commission.
- Oct. 22: Create a premier's citizen engagement unit.
- Oct. 28: Form a finance minister's task force on pensions.
- Nov. 4: Start a review of the $2,500 cap on financial awards for soft-tissue injuries in auto accidents.
- Nov. 12: Announce new legislative committees and allow third parties to participate.
- Nov. 19: Hold forestry summit.
- Nov. 22: Start pre-budget consultation.
- Nov. 23: Deliver the throne speech.
- Dec. 1: Table amendments to the Property Tax Act to freeze seniors' assessments and cap others for two years.
Leadership changes

"It's safe to say as leader of the party tonight, I've enjoyed every moment, but there will be renewal coming forward," Graham said.
The small caucus leaves a thin field of potential leaders.
Victor Boudreau, the outgoing Business New Brunswick minister, was re-elected in Shediac-Cap-Pelé and Donald Arseneault, the outgoing minister of post-secondary Education, Training and Labour was re-elected in Dalhousie-Restigouche East.
Both are considered potential replacements for Graham either on an interim basis or possible future leadership candidates.
Meanwhile, the NDP failed in its effort to elect its leader as Roger Duguay went down to defeat in the northeastern riding of Tracadie-Sheila.
Two new parties, the Greens and the People's Alliance, also fell far short of their own breakthroughs.
SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK - Progressive Conservative Leader David Alward is promising a three-year freeze on power rates if his party wins the September 27 New Brunswick election.
Alward made the promise in Saint John, saying he wants to offer stable power rates to residents and businesses.The Tory leader said an energy commission would be struck to chart a path for NB Power, whose generation assets were almost sold to Hydro-Québec this year under a proposed deal with New Brunswick's Liberal government.
"While a Shawn Graham government tried to convince New Brunswickers that selling NB Power was the only way to achieve rate relief, a knowledgeable and credible group of New Brunswickers have done a thorough analysis of NB Power's finances and are confident with NB Power's ability to commit to freezing power rates until March 31, 2013," Alward said in a news release.
Alward also told CBC News he will soon release a plan to bring the province back to balanced budgets in four years.
Alward said he felt he could eliminate the provincial deficit without raising taxes or cutting services. He said he'd eliminate some government consultants hired by the Liberal government.
The Conservative news release offered no details on how much the three-year power rate freeze would cost provincial coffers.
Kurt Peacock, an intervener in past NB Power regulatory hearings, said a pledge to freeze rates across the board does little to serve ratepayers' best interests. It merely sweeps NB Power's problems under the rug in exchange for electoral gain, he said.
"The Conservatives' pledge to set rate policy by government fiat ensures that if they are elected, they're prepared to make the same mistakes as their predecessors," Peacock said in an email.
"I'm sure that everyone who has participated in the recent regulatory oversight of NB Power would rather see a complete and thorough rate hearing be held instead of more political interference. Over the last decade, the regulator has been much more willing and able to protect the ratepayer from NB Power's cost over-runs than either party in the NB legislature."
Energy Minister Jack Keir also criticized Alward's promise to freeze rates.
"David Alward is spinning so hard his message has veered out of control," Keir said in a statement.
"Setting aside how much some of these statements contradict his past positions, his points today even contradict each other."
Keir said the Tory leader contradicted himself when he said he doesn't want any energy policy decisions made until a policy is released in 2011, but at the same time he announced the rate freeze.
The energy minister also said Alward's promise could jeopardize NB Power's financial situation, particularly with respect to the deferral costs related to the Point Lepreau refurbishment project.
"Even if the federal government were to compensate us for their delays, we would still need to pay for the replacement power cost," Keir said.
NB Power has said it will need to raise power rates to help pay for the $1.4-billion refurbishment of the Point Lepreau nuclear power plant.
The Liberal government had proposed a five-year rate freeze in its attempt to sell NB Power to Hydro-Quebec. The deal died in March and NB Power decided to raise power rates by three per cent.
Kurt Peacock
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Kurt is currently employed as a Historic Sites Administrator for Parks Canada’s Southern NB field unit. He was previously a columnist for the NB Telegraph-Journal. In that role, Kurt had plenty of exposure to government budget documents and developed a quick analytical mind and strong skills in numeracy. Kurt has been a member of Bayview since 2005, ever since Bayview gave him a commercial mortgage to fund the purchase of a Canterbury Street property, and his continued ownership of that building (and the continued mortgage payments at Bayview) have given him a keen appreciation of the cash flow considerations of small business owners in Saint John. Kurt served on the Board of Directors of Bayview from 2008 to 2017 and was a member of the Credit Committee, Audit Committee, and Scholarship Committee and represented Bayview on the NB Credit Union’s Young Leaders Committee. Kurt completed the Credit Union Director Achievement (CUDA) program in 2011. This program focuses on a sound understanding of board governance. Kurt has just been re-elected to the Board of Directors of Atlantic Central representing the NB Regional Group and thought it would be a good idea to re-offer to serve on the Board of Bayview Credit Union in order to help facilitate stronger partnerships between our credit union and similar financial co-operatives throughout the region. Kurt states he would love to once again represent the best interests of Bayview members by serving on the local Board of Directors. |
Frank Jopp
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Frank is a dairy farm owner/operator in Sussex and has been a member of Bayview Credit Union for 26 years. He served a three-year term on the Board of Directors from 2007 to 2010 and is a past member of the Credit and Risk, Audit & Compliance Committee for Bayview. In 2009 Frank completed the Credit Union Director Achievement (CUDA) program. This designation provides a director with a sound understanding of board governance. Frank operates his dairy farm with his son Alex. He started in 1983 with 30 cows in a tie stall and went in 1989 to a free stall with 70 cows in a milking parlor. Since 2014 he is milking with a robotic milking system. In 2017 his dairy farm, Auenland Farm, was the first and only solar farm to go online in New Brunswick. Frank’s volunteer experience includes the following; 30 year membership with the Millstream Fire Dept, 14 year membership with Fundy Search and Rescue where he completed his Search Manager Training in 2017, member of the Local Service District Advisory Committee and past member of the Regional Service Commission #8. Frank will be an asset to the Board because of his experience as a
farmer, a member of different Coops, like SNB Wood Coop, Sussex and
Studholm Coop and the Agropur Cooperative. |
Ryan Lanigan
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Ryan has been a member since 2003 and is presently employed at Omnitech Inc. as a Business Development Associate. Ryan achieved a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science in 2012 from UNB Saint John. Ryan is a player and Executive member of the Saint John Trojans Rugby Club. He has over 10 years’ experience of playing high level rugby and representing the club through a social executive position, as a team leader and media coordinator. He has assisted in the organization of junior rugby camps at Hazen White School in Crescent Valley and volunteers to build a positive club image within his community to grow the sport. Ryan is a member of the Green Party of NB and is the Saint John Harbour RDA President. He is responsible for party operations in Saint John Harbour and fundraising. He organized their 2018 AGM and assisted in the local candidate campaign. With his experience being a board member of the rugby club and political party, Ryan feels he is well aware of the expectations and necessary skills and knowledge to operate an effective board |
Saint-John Harbour Nomination Meeting
** The names of the contestants are in alphabetical order
**In order to vote you need to be a member 14 days in advance. http://www.greenpartynb.ca/join
note that the nomination meeting for the Saint John Harbour riding will
take place on September 27th at 7:00 p.m. at the Social Enterprise Hub,
located at 139 Prince Edward St, Saint John, NB. David Coon, leader of
the Green Party and MLA for Fredericton South, will be present to
support the nominees.
Two entrepreneurs are seeking the nominations for Saint John Harbour
Fredericton, September 27th, 2017
Media Advisory - Two entrepreneurs are seeking the nominations for Saint John Harbour
- The nomination meeting for the Saint John Harbour riding will take
place on September 27th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Social
Enterprise Hub located on 139 Prince Edward Street in Saint-John. David
Coon, leader of the Green Party and MLA for Fredericton South, will be
present to support the nominees.
Seeking nomination for Saint John Harbour are Wayne Dryer and Ryan Lanigan.
is an entrepreneur and partner of Thera Ped. He is also a pastor of
Germain St. United Baptist Church where he realized that the problems
facing individuals in his community could only be resolved by addressing
the social and political structural issues that created them. He became
involved in poverty reduction strategies, social housing, the
opposition to the LNG terminal and in advocating for an alternative to
the P3 funding model for Saint John’s water treatment system. In recent
years he has been a strong opponent of the unjust tax concessions
enjoyed by some large corporations in New Brunswick which are
contributing to the financial difficulties the province is experiencing.
has worked throughout the province of New Brunswick and Atlantic Canada
in numerous industries as a business development representative. He has
seen firsthand and worked with those who are the backbone of our
economy, while also providing innovative solutions for these
organizations and their facilities. He has partaken in the successes of
productive environmental policies and as a result, he was able to
experience the economic growth that comes with it. Over the past
decade, Ryan has been involved with the Saint John Trojans Rugby
Football Club and the rugby community in New Brunswick.
For more information about the nominees please visit:
If you have any questions feel free to call us.
New Brunswick Judicial Appointments Announced
OTTAWA, December 18, 2013 – The Honourable Peter MacKay, P.C., Q.C., M.P. for Central Nova, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, today announced the following appointments:
The Honourable Darrell J. Stephenson, a lawyer with Stewart McKelvey in Saint John, is appointed a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench of New Brunswick to replace Mr. Justice G.S. Rideout (Moncton), who elected to become a supernumerary judge as of April 2, 2013. This vacancy has been transferred to Saint John.
Mr. Justice Stephenson obtained a Bachelor of Laws from the University of New Brunswick in 1985 and was admitted to the Bar of New Brunswick in 1986. Since that date, he has practised with the law firm of Stewart McKelvey and predecessor law firms. He was the Manager of their Corporate Commercial Practice group in New Brunswick from 2001 to 2004. His main area of practice was corporate and commercial law. This expertise was recognized by Lexpert and the Best Lawyers in Canada directory.
Mr. Justice Stephenson was a member of the Canadian Bar Association and the Insolvency Institute of Canada. He was also a member of several civic organisations including the Futures Saint John Advisory Committee and Lord Beaverbrook Scholarship in Law Selection Committee.
The Honourable E. Thomas Christie, a sole practitioner in Fredericton, is appointed a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench of New Brunswick in Saint John to replace Mr. Justice B.A. Noble, who was transferred to Woodstock.
Mr. Justice Christie obtained a Bachelor of Laws from the University of New Brunswick in 1985, a Master of Theological Studies from Queen’s University in 1987 and a Master of Laws from Osgoode Hall Law School in 2011. He was admitted to the Bar of New Brunswick in 1991 and to the Bar of Nova Scotia in 1998. He was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2007.
Mr. Justice Christie has been a sole practitioner operating as Christie Law Office since 2007. Prior to that, he served as Executive Director of the New Brunswick Nurses’ Union and as legal counsel for the Canadian Union of Public Employees. He also practised with Petrie Richmond from 1990-1993. His main areas of practice were administrative law, labour law, employment law and family law.
Justice Christie has been actively involved with the Law Society of New Brunswick and, in particular, served as President from 2008-2009. He is a member of the Canadian Bar Association and a past member of the Canadian Association of Labour lawyers. He was an instructor for the Bar Admission Course and is a former board member and speaker for the New Brunswick Public Legal Education program.
These appointments are effective immediately.
- Paloma Aguilar
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Justice
- Media Relations
Department of Justice
Attorney General (NB), Office of the
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