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From: "Wilson, Mary (LEG)" <Mary.Wilson@gnb.ca>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 00:06:16 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy Why is there no contact info
offered for Maurice Arsenault??? Methinks he could use a friend who
doesn't care for your butter tarts N'esy Pas Dominic Cardy?
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From: Newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 00:06:16 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy Why is there no contact info
offered for Maurice Arsenault??? Methinks he could use a friend who
doesn't care for your butter tarts N'esy Pas Dominic Cardy?
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2022 21:06:10 -0300
Subject: Hey Higgy Why is there no contact info offered for Maurice
Arsenault??? Methinks he could use a friend who doesn't care for your
butter tarts N'esy Pas Dominic Cardy?
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Our political watchers on the wild week in N.B. politics
Play Segment
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It was a busy end of the week in New Brunswick politics. There was the
resignation of Dominic Cardy and Roger Melanson followed by Cardy's
expulsion from the Progressive Conservative caucus and a cabinet
shuffle. Our political watchers, JP Lewis and Katey Davey, weigh in.
Aired: Oct. 17, 2022
Copyright © 2022 The Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick
Tous droits réservés © 2022 le Parti progressiste-conservateur du
364 rue York St. Suite 215, Fredericton, NB E3B 3P7 CANADA
Tel • Tél : 1 (506) 453-3456 Email • Courriel : info@pcnb.ca
Speaking of Copyrights I wonder who wrote many of these words first
Teilor Stone or Jacques Poitras???
PC official wants Blaine Higgs's leadership put to review
PC party official hopes for discussion of N.B. premier's leadership at annual general meeting
In an email to fellow party members, Maurice Arsenault, the PC regional vice-president for southeast New Brunswick, accuses Higgs of a "dictatorial approach."
He's hoping to rally enough PC members to sign letters to trigger a discussion of the premier's leadership at the party's annual general meeting Nov. 4-5 in Fredericton.
"Let me remind it was Blaine Higgs who embraced
Dominic Cardy and Kris Austin without any consultation with our party,"
Arsenault wrote.

Cardy, a former NDP leader, joined the PCs in 2017 but resigned from Higgs's cabinet last week over the premier's leadership style.
The same day, Austin, a former leader of the People's Alliance who defected to the Tories in March, was sworn into the cabinet.
"There's a lot of people who are not satisfied, and everybody's talking about it, and nobody's doing anything about it," Arsenault told CBC News.
"Then Cardy jumped the boat, and he's not the only one who's frustrated, so I believe it was time to put my letter forward."
Caucus backs Higgs
Moncton South PC MLA Greg Turner said he convened a meeting of the PC caucus Monday night after they "got wind" of the letter, and the support for Higgs was unanimous, with no dissent.
"Without exception, [it was] 100 per cent complete endorsement of the premier and his leadership for our province, actually," he said.
"Everybody had a chance to speak who wanted to speak on the subject, and it was very, very positive. Ministers and MLAs alike were unified in our endorsement of the premier and the work we have done and he has done in leading us."
Arsenault, who lives in the riding of Moncton Centre, writes in his letter that Austin "does not adhere to our party's constitution," a reference to the Alliance party's opposition to aspects of official bilingualism.
The PC constitution's principles include a statement that party members support official bilingualism and the protection and promotion of "the diversity of our two linguistic communities."
"It was enough to have Kris Austin" as a PC MLA, but "having him as a minister, I can't stand that," Arsenault said.
Snap vote hurdles
He said he's been told by someone in the party that if he can gather enough support quickly enough, the leadership question can be put on the agenda at the annual meeting.
But the hurdles to a snap vote on removing the PC leader are considerable.
Reviews are automatic when the party loses an election, but when it's in power, 50 party members, including 20 riding association presidents, must ask the president's council for a vote on a review at least 21 days before its next meeting.
The president's council is made up of members the party executive, its regional vice-presidents such as Arsenault and all 49 PC riding association presidents.
It must vote by a two-thirds margin in favour of a leadership review. Only then would a vote by all members on ousting Higgs be scheduled within three months, either at an annual meeting or special meeting.
PC party president Claude Williams says the president's council is unlikely to meet until December and that means it's impossible for a leadership review to get on the agenda at the annual meeting.
Debate has been going on for 'last few weeks'
Williams, a former cabinet colleague of Higgs in the David Alward government, said as party president he cannot take a position on the premier's leadership.
"The debate's been going on for the last few weeks," he said. "I don't have an opinion."
Among Arsenault's other complaints is that Higgs has done nothing to fix health care since firing the two regional health authority boards in July, and has yet to respond to a review of the Official Languages Act that was submitted 10 months ago.
He says he's been hearing "for months" from party supporters wanting a change at the top.
But Turner says Arsenault is an isolated voice.
"We can't lose sight of the fact that this review call is from one member of the party. That's how we look at this. I'm sure there's always people who question the leadership of any organization at certain times for certain reasons."
Higgs recently told Brunswick News that he'll announce during his State of the Province speech in the new year whether he plans to retire ahead of the next election in 2024 or seek another mandate.
But Arsenault says Higgs is "toying with us" and that timing is "disrespectful" for a potential new party leader who would need to establish their own agenda before the 2024 election.
Call for review of Blaine Higgs leadership in NB

Blaine Higgs, Premier of New Brunswick, at the press scrum at the Legislative Assembly, in Fredericton, in October 2022.
In a letter addressed to the members of the executive committee of the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick and of which Radio-Canada obtained a copy, a regional vice-president, Maurice Arsenault, launches an appeal to his peers to initiate a process to review the leadership of Prime Minister Blaine Higgs.
This call comes a few days after the ex-Minister of Education Dominic Cardy set fire to the powder by resigning from his post and publishing an inflammatory letter in which he denounces the actions of Blaine Higgs. Dominic Cardy has since been kicked out of the Conservative caucus.
“For months I have heard [Progressive Conservative Party] supporters want change at the top. Blaine Higgs must be reminded that he was not elected Prime Minister, our party was elected to govern with him as leader. »
— Maurice Arsenault, Regional Vice-President of Westmorland Albert
In his letter, the Regional Vice-President of Westmorland Albert denounces the dictatorial approach of the leader. He also criticizes the arrival of Dominic Cardy and Kris Austin, without any consultation with the party. He writes that the appointment of Kris Austin as Minister is once again a snub to Francophones and criticizes the Prime Minister's management of health.
[Blaine Higgs] is not philosophically aligned to guide a reconstruction of post-COVID society with all its challenges, he believes.
Mauritius Arsenault calls on members to send letters to party chairman Claude Williams by October 28 asking for a leadership review. Maurice Arsenault himself sent a letter to officially make this request.
Before a review process is launched, other Progressive Conservatives will have to add their voice to that of Maurice Arsenault.
According to the constitution of the PCNB, a leadership review may have take place at any time, even when the party forms the government.
To do so, at least fifty party members – including at least 20 constituency presidents – must apply to have the party leadership review placed on the agenda for the next provincial council meeting.
Party chairman Claude Williams says the next council meeting should take place before the end of December.
If two-thirds of council members vote in favor of a revision, a meeting will be convened within three months to hold a secret vote.
In this secret ballot, party members – that is, all citizens registered as members of the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick – will be asked to answer the following question: Do you support [Blaine Higgs ] as Party leader? .
If more than 50% of members say no, a leadership convention will be held within six months to choose a new leader.
In an interview with Radio-Canada on Monday afternoon, Maurice Arsenault said he was confident that he would manage to obtain the necessary mobilization to trigger the process.
I am very confident that I will get the twenties [necessary supports]. Already, I received a dozen comments in my favor and I think the rest will come, not only from the French-speaking regions, from the English-speaking regions too, he says.
With information from Nicolas Steinbach

Editor: Ian Soomersby
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Acting Managing Editor: Barbara Street
Acting Head of Digital: Daisy Disel
Acting Digital Editor:Kann Miracle
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Social Media Editor: Maria Watson
7a North St, Wilton, Salisbury SP2 0HQ
United Kingdom
Blaine W. Higgs
Claude Williams
Vice President
Shawn Morrison
Past President
Chris McLaughlin
Official Representative
Duncan MacDonald
Andrew Dykeman
Official Agent
Robert Hatheway
President, PC Women Association
Sherry MacEachern
President, PC Youth
Will Seely
Capital Region VP
Shawn Douthwright
Capital-Upper River Valley VP
James Grant
North-Northwest VP
Alex LeBrun
Péninsule-Chaleur VP
Lester Young
Westmorland VP
Stephan Richard
Westmorland Albert VP
Maurice Arsenault
Miramichi VP
Eric Walls (Interim)
Saint John-Charlotte VP
Brian Cooke (Interim)
Saint John Kings VP
Francine Quinn-Steeves
Executive Director
Andrea Johnson
Phone: (506) 453-3456
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