Anne Marie EvansTuning in while walking home from work
NS Bluenosealbino no reason not to speak up then

nikki lewisAgree how about it @nightime?
Chris HutchisonThank you so much
@nikki lewis the spitfire
Sun ShineEveryone needs to take care of themselves while following this.
Darrell Currie@Nighttime Podcast you verbalize our situation so great. Thanks
Albinotried telling the neighbors today. 1000 mile stare no comment
Chris HutchisonAgree Darrell
michelle morganScott and Darrell thank you for your voices during your own personal pain. Godspeed to you both 
nikki lewisYes @ryan Tara is the spitfire that is asking the hard questions
Chris HutchisonAgree !!
they might have left it out of the video like the debert stuff?
Cheryl Clarkegoodnight all 
Chris HutchisonNight all !
$35k per participant
EZBENDPURPLEWhat about 2 police departments senior management coverup July 10 SITREP?
do a Nighttime meetup
Patrick PenneyThanks Jordan, be well everyone
Patrick PenneyI will be travelling to NS at that time..
nikki lewisCrickets on that it seems doesn’t it @EZ
where is MSM on that
Kelly MccleanDoing great work.
EZBENDPURPLESad stories but getting people lost in the weed. Lets stay with 23!!
Grumpee ChatFall is the best
Table Six Agree! @EZ
David AmosWhat about Whitey Bulger's graveyard in Yarmouth?
Cheryl ClarkeOctober is my favorite color!!
Darrell Currie@EZBENDPURPLE 23 for sure, lol
Cheryl Clarke
David AmosI have lots of wiretap tapes
David AmosAs the RCMP
Darrell Currie@Nighttime Podcast thanks Jordan
Nighttime Podcastthnx Darrell! G'nite
Jmnl1199Hi Anne be safe
Cheryl ClarkeHey all 
Ken Triolgood evening everyone
Wacko Jackohi ya everyone! feeling good just got power back tonight 
how did u guys make out
Chris HutchisonGood evening all
CaperGalGood evening folks
Jennifer AdcockHey everyone. We just got power back today too
Ken Triolthe screen just turned to Black on mine is everyone else's the same
Wacko Jackosame here
Ken Triolthx
Nic ColeI’ve got power and internet working for tonight
Michael Keefegood evening everyone!
2bskorBack in black like the MCC
Jmnl1199Good evening everyone
Kelly MccleanHello from Moncton.
Chris HutchisonHey Moncton
Michael KeefeHi Kelly from Moncton!
Laura AI was watching on my TV and thought it was a TV issue. Glad to know it's not just me
EZBENDPURPLEI don't think that this is live
Ken Triolwhy?
Nighttime Podcastaudio ok?
ToshSounds good
Ken Triolyes
Cheryl Clarkesounds good
Michael Keefeyes Nighttime
Brenda GrantI have one of Paul's glass it!
Nighttime Podcastthnx
EZBENDPURPLEmagic typing
Jmnl1199Are they on? I see nothing and hear nothinf
Michael Keefeyes Jmnl...they are on
Archon ok
, if you guys have trouble refresh the stream
Nighttime Podcasthit refresh jmnl1199
EZBENDPURPLErefresh fo recording
Jmnl1199Thank you that worked
the cbsa affidavits that came out were from sept of this year ........
nikki lewisGood evening
Patrick PenneyI would like to know what caused GW to snap that night and kill all the locals...
"large sum of cash" found and left by police at the clinic
Nighttime Podcasthey nikki!
Kelly Mcclean215 watching. About 20 have said hi.
Hello to the other 200!
NS citizen"no evidence to lead a reasonable person to believe" it's almost an admission he was working for RCMP, doublespeak
Patrick Penneyhey all from Ontario, will be in NS Thrursday heading to Cape Breton
EZBENDPURPLEphantom views
hit like please, we have 216 people in here and they only have 26
likes. Let’s support them. If it wasn’t for them the truth wouldn’t be
getting out. I appreciate everything they are doing.
Patrick Penneyliked
Kelly MccleanLiked for sure!
ellbregood evening just arrived
NS citizenfast and furious, rcmp just caught in ATF-RCMP covert ops at gun show
NS citizenATF operation I think
Subscribers-only mode. Messages that appear are from people who’ve subscribed to this channel for 1 minute or longer.
Ken TriolI only see 9 likes...mine included
Robert BrackenFast and Furious was a failed ATF operation, with the hope of inspiring the need for more gun control.
EZBENDPURPLEI believe that I saw this somewhere else weeks and weeks ago...
Darrell CurrieHey all. Missed a few minutes but made it.
Nighttime Podcasthey darrell
GlowwatcherI felt he was almost threatening the AG with his silence
Michael KeefeHi Darrell
EVELYN D. RAMSAYHi Kelly :) and I hit liked!
EZBENDPURPLEFast and freezies
NS citizenbrian terry killed with weapons related to fast and furious
NS Bluenoseez yeah somewhere else for sure.... about month and 1/2 ago the last time many months ago ..... maybe over yr ago the first time
nikki lewisWhat we do know is MCC have gone out of their way to get to the truth
nikki lewisNot get to the truth *
NS citizensome of those guns ended up in Columbia, El Chapo, etc
Nighttime Podcastlines open for a question/reaction to the end of public proceedings
nikki lewisPicked and chosen their way through what to take a look at and ignored most of it, including critical witnesses
NS Bluenosercmp watching guns in Montana why would you think they are not involved
nikki lewisWhat relationship does banfield have with agencies ?
EZBENDPURPLEIs NS fast and furious news? Behind... again
EZBENDPURPLEAlmost as though there were gatekeeping
Von Bargen of the alleged immigration scam avec Wortman?
NS citizenNS
blue, RCMP might be making a Canadian gun registry of US gun
sales/owners, ATF not allowed 18 US code 926 prevents ATF from making a
digital record
lilybalm66through the whole MCC, the only mention of Peter Griffin was from Tara Long
did no one notice the authorities saying Wortman and Von Bargen were thought to be running and immigration scheme
NS citizenwhy else would RCMP be watching gun shows?
Maureen or Janice called i think
David AmosThe former ATF boss Michael Sullivan and I go back to 2002
NS citizenATF
not allowed to make a searchable record of gun owners, sales or
registration in any place owned by US, so maybe RCmP does it in Canada
for ATF
EZBENDPURPLERCMP is involved with fast and furious
NS citizenseems likely
EZBENDPURPLEFast and freezies
Kelly Mcclean
NS Bluenose100% Ezbendpurple
Kelly Mcclean@EVELYN D. RAMSAY Supporting these guys who are here every Sunday with us. 
Nicholas Langillethey make the rules. it's easy to be good at hiding stuff when you make the decisions
Scott McLeod@Nighttime Podcast Darrell and I will conference call you for opinion one the end of the MCC
Nighttime Podcastdeal!
Michael Keefehey Scott M
Nighttime Podcastwe will end around 1010p
Scott McLeodhi @Michael Keefe
EZBENDPURPLEMontana/ATF/RCMP fast and furious
NS citizenconspiracy theory or a hypothesis, lol.
Nighttime Podcastgood point
Albinodump the rcmp.
David AmosMichael
Sullivan: Biden's ATF nominee would compromise agency's mission. Here's
howATF needs less politically biased and more mission-focused director
NS BluenoseEZ exactly I wish I was better putting the information out
perpetrator and Kevin von Bargen also communicated with Canada
Recruitment, aprofessional recruitment agency in the Middle East,
regarding this plan."
October 17, 2019, the perpetrator and Kevin von Bargen exchanged emails
discussing the taximplications of their plan. The perpetrator sent Mr.
von Bargen an email stating:
Nighttime Podcastid love to see that COMM Ryan, u got the # handy?
NS Bluenose@ryan where is this information where did it come from
Cheryl ClarkeI'd like to know if Scott McLeod was happy with his lawyer's closing statement
The perpetrator and Mr. von Bargen shared mutual interests and social
circles, andthe perpetrator sometimes asked for Mr. von Bargen’s opinion
on his legal affairs
David AmosIn
addition to serving as U.S. Attorney, in 2006 the President appointed
and then nominated Mr. Sullivan Director of the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
they were running an immigration scam, the ITO email's hinted at it
Anita ButtsFast and furious of course it’s easy to come to Canada everyone is asleep
NS citizenryan
NS citizensee that article on immigration officer officer DM10032 who vanished?
nikki lewisPress also completely ignored SIT report from July 2020 discussed last week ,
NS citizenmarch 2020
David AmosFast and furious began under Sullivan
that wasn't in the forencis audit lol btw
Scott McLeod@Cheryl
Clarke I had a meeting with my lawyer before the closing statements. We
looked at what was important that would not be looked at by others
Nighttime Podcastgreat one ryan, thnx
NS Bluenosethat is garbage ....have you ever seen how that works ...
NS citizen100% nikki
nikki lewisMCC and the rcmp and the DOJ
Cheryl Clarkethank @Scott....just curious if you were happy with him. I felt the lawyers were too lenient.
@NS citizen i didn't, can you send it to me?
David AmosI was involved before the so called begining
Nicholas Langilledoes it slip through or have government officials put pressure on corporate media
nikki lewisStanton’s book theory is what played out
David AmosWho caused the MCC to exist?
NS citizenyep, Stanton's thesis from 2010
Patrick Penney
NS citizenimmigration officer dissapeared march 2020,. not sure if that's connected to pilot project, still weird
NS citizensome unknown guy
David AmosYou know who
nikki lewisRoyal Inquiry is needed now
David AmosNope
Nicholas Langillewhat does a royal inquiry do that this isn't.... they A
NS Bluenose100% Nikki
David AmosAs Palango about my lawsuits
Ken Triolwe say 23
i wonder if the MCC even showed the immigration scam stuff in the video presentation, they excluded the zip tie and bloody gauze
nikki lewisPeople running it that are independent and not puppets of various agendas
NS citizenStanton came up with the idea in 2010
Michael Keefeit might be 22 because GW might not have killed Cory Ellison
ToshDoes Canada have a process for Royal Inquiry like what occurs in Australia?
NS citizentransform public inquiry into symbolic commission to "address historical injustices in established democracies"
Patrick PenneyMichael I am asking that Q
David Amosi talked Palango just once in 2009 and heard enough to figure him out
Nicholas LangilleI
pray one of them either gets the truth or takes a massive settlement.
move assets to a nice warm country and record a statement. we get the
truth. they are agaw
JayOmg, that is so sweet!
Nicholas Langillesafe and can't be touched
Cheryl Clarkeawesome
Michael Keefethat's sweet Paul
Kelly MccleanLucky little guy. Although most don't want to be the subject matter of your writings!!!
Michael KeefeLOL @ Paul
Janes BlondWe need a reporter with a backbone
NS citizengovernment chose a alchemist to transform public inquiry into a symbolic truth commission
nikki lewisRight on Citizen
Mamacita 902I want one!
"your trusted partner in international recruitment" HR Manager Gabriel Wortman, you can't make this shit up
NS citizeninquiry is to discover what happened, truth commission is to achieve operative success: social change
NS citizentransformation vs discovery
NS citizenpretty sketchy Ryan
i thought everyone knew sorry
NS citizenWortman and von bargen up to some strange stuff I mean
EZBENDPURPLEI wonder if VON Bargen was involved in Fast and Furious?
he needed to be on the stand, Von Bargen stated Wortman was redoing his
will/estate to make sure Banfield didn't receive the whole thing/lump
sum and annuity instead
EZBENDPURPLENew York law license
nikki lewisTens of thousands of documents have still not been published to the public by the MCC
Albino@Ryan spell it out for me .what? girls in the trunk what?!
he went to school in the US if i recall
NS citizencould be EZpurple
Patrick Penneynone of the said experts gave an opinion on the events
NS citizenmore tech and centralization
NS citizenpictometry etc
NS citizen"prevent crime before it happens" more digital surveillance garbage
nikki lewisVery courageous of Tara
Cheryl ClarkeTara did amazing!!!
Anita ButtsI am so proud of Tara
NS citizengood speech by Tara, cellevrite RCMP tech
Mamacita 902Tara was absolutely amazing!!
NS citizencellebrite*
NS BluenoseTara was amazing....
EZBENDPURPLEwhy the silence about Tara until now?
NS citizenMacdonald very authoritarian trying to tell Tara what was helpful or not
Chris HutchisonGod bless you family members! I can’t believe what you have had to deal with during this inquiry. Madness
Anita ButtsI heard the clapping
EZBENDPURPLEI wonder where the support was for Tara before?
David AmosGood question
NS BluenoseWhy two and half years later are you only asking about what Tara has to say? She started this fight on day one.
David AmosYup
EZBENDPURPLEAgree 100% NS Bluenose. Almost as though she wasn't supposed to be heard.
NS BluenoseEZ they were hoping she would just go away.... and be able to silence her with everything even with a lawyer
EZBENDPURPLENot sloppy policing
EZBENDPURPLENot at all. RCMP avoided Cobequid 100%
nikki lewisIt’s beyond tragic , rcmp
Patrick Penneywhy do.u think they avoided that area
nikki lewisFailed
NS Bluenoseno not all but those who were not involved but know what went on have to step up
David AmosTara Long was not impressed with Palango either Correct?
EZBENDPURPLE250 evacuation board in CIC. 730 ERT escort that drove by Cobequid
Sun Shinemanipulation
David AmosTrust that the Fat Lady ain't sung yet
nikki lewisHow
can we have any meaningful recommendations when accountability has not
been acknowledged by rcmp and the facts have not been uncovered/
published / coveredby the MCC
Albino@NS Bluenose they're all retired or promoted.
nikki lewiscovered up*
EZBENDPURPLEWhat MSM, alternative/podcasts have interviewed Tara Long at all throughout this whole tragedy?
Patrick Penneyrecomendation will be to get more tax money
AlbinoCovered up fairly efficiently too
EZBENDPURPLEI'd like to see more of her
NS BluenoseNikk the only things they can come up with would not stop anything they haven't found anything ... they avoided finding answers
Cheryl Clarketake good care @Scott and Darrell
David Amos
the Nova Scotia Mass Shooting - Oct 2, 2022 - with Paul Palango
239 watching now
Started streaming 22 minutes ago
8.27K subscribers
Paul Palango and I will discuss the unfolding public inquiry into the Nova Scotia Mass Shootings.
Advance questions and comments can be submitted by voice memo at
Top chat
Anne Marie EvansTuning in while walking home from work
Jmnl1199Hi Anne be safe
Cheryl ClarkeHey all 
Ken Triolgood evening everyone
Wacko Jackohi ya everyone! feeling good just got power back tonight 
how did u guys make out
Chris HutchisonGood evening all
CaperGalGood evening folks
Jennifer AdcockHey everyone. We just got power back today too
Ken Triolthe screen just turned to Black on mine is everyone else's the same
Wacko Jackosame here
Ken Triolthx
Nic ColeI’ve got power and internet working for tonight
Michael Keefegood evening everyone!
2bskorBack in black like the MCC
Jmnl1199Good evening everyone
Kelly MccleanHello from Moncton.
Chris HutchisonHey Moncton
Michael KeefeHi Kelly from Moncton!
Laura AI was watching on my TV and thought it was a TV issue. Glad to know it's not just me
EZBENDPURPLEI don't think that this is live
Ken Triolwhy?
Nighttime Podcastaudio ok?
ToshSounds good
Ken Triolyes
Cheryl Clarkesounds good
Michael Keefeyes Nighttime
Brenda GrantI have one of Paul's glass it!
Nighttime Podcastthnx
EZBENDPURPLEmagic typing
Jmnl1199Are they on? I see nothing and hear nothinf
Michael Keefeyes Jmnl...they are on
Archon ok
, if you guys have trouble refresh the stream
Nighttime Podcasthit refresh jmnl1199
EZBENDPURPLErefresh fo recording
Jmnl1199Thank you that worked
the cbsa affidavits that came out were from sept of this year ........
nikki lewisGood evening
Patrick PenneyI would like to know what caused GW to snap that night and kill all the locals...
"large sum of cash" found and left by police at the clinic
Nighttime Podcasthey nikki!
Kelly Mcclean215 watching. About 20 have said hi.
Hello to the other 200!
NS citizen"no evidence to lead a reasonable person to believe" it's almost an admission he was working for RCMP, doublespeak
Patrick Penneyhey all from Ontario, will be in NS Thrursday heading to Cape Breton
EZBENDPURPLEphantom views
hit like please, we have 216 people in here and they only have 26
likes. Let’s support them. If it wasn’t for them the truth wouldn’t be
getting out. I appreciate everything they are doing.
Patrick Penneyliked
Kelly MccleanLiked for sure!
ellbregood evening just arrived
NS citizenfast and furious, rcmp just caught in ATF-RCMP covert ops at gun show
NS citizenATF operation I think
Subscribers-only mode. Messages that appear are from people who’ve subscribed to this channel for 1 minute or longer.
Ken TriolI only see 9 likes...mine included
Robert BrackenFast and Furious was a failed ATF operation, with the hope of inspiring the need for more gun control.
EZBENDPURPLEI believe that I saw this somewhere else weeks and weeks ago...
Darrell CurrieHey all. Missed a few minutes but made it.
Nighttime Podcasthey darrell
GlowwatcherI felt he was almost threatening the AG with his silence
Michael KeefeHi Darrell
EVELYN D. RAMSAYHi Kelly :) and I hit liked!
EZBENDPURPLEFast and freezies
NS citizenbrian terry killed with weapons related to fast and furious
NS Bluenoseez yeah somewhere else for sure.... about month and 1/2 ago the last time many months ago ..... maybe over yr ago the first time
nikki lewisWhat we do know is MCC have gone out of their way to get to the truth
nikki lewisNot get to the truth *
NS citizensome of those guns ended up in Columbia, El Chapo, etc
Nighttime Podcastlines open for a question/reaction to the end of public proceedings
nikki lewisPicked and chosen their way through what to take a look at and ignored most of it, including critical witnesses
NS Bluenosercmp watching guns in Montana why would you think they are not involved
nikki lewisWhat relationship does banfield have with agencies ?
EZBENDPURPLEIs NS fast and furious news? Behind... again
EZBENDPURPLEAlmost as though there were gatekeeping
Von Bargen of the alleged immigration scam avec Wortman?
NS citizenNS
blue, RCMP might be making a Canadian gun registry of US gun
sales/owners, ATF not allowed 18 US code 926 prevents ATF from making a
digital record
lilybalm66through the whole MCC, the only mention of Peter Griffin was from Tara Long
did no one notice the authorities saying Wortman and Von Bargen were thought to be running and immigration scheme
NS citizenwhy else would RCMP be watching gun shows?
Maureen or Janice called i think
David AmosThe former ATF boss Michael Sullivan and I go back to 2002
NS citizenATF
not allowed to make a searchable record of gun owners, sales or
registration in any place owned by US, so maybe RCmP does it in Canada
for ATF
EZBENDPURPLERCMP is involved with fast and furious
Anne Marie EvansTuning in while walking home from work
Jmnl1199Hi Anne be safe
Cheryl ClarkeHey all 
Ken Triolgood evening everyone
Wacko Jackohi ya everyone! feeling good just got power back tonight 
how did u guys make out
Chris HutchisonGood evening all
CaperGalGood evening folks
Jennifer AdcockHey everyone. We just got power back today too
Ken Triolthe screen just turned to Black on mine is everyone else's the same
Wacko Jackosame here
Ken Triolthx
Nic ColeI’ve got power and internet working for tonight
Michael Keefegood evening everyone!
2bskorBack in black like the MCC
Jmnl1199Good evening everyone
Kelly MccleanHello from Moncton.
Chris HutchisonHey Moncton
Michael KeefeHi Kelly from Moncton!
Laura AI was watching on my TV and thought it was a TV issue. Glad to know it's not just me
EZBENDPURPLEI don't think that this is live
Ken Triolwhy?
Nighttime Podcastaudio ok?
ToshSounds good
Ken Triolyes
Cheryl Clarkesounds good
Michael Keefeyes Nighttime
Brenda GrantI have one of Paul's glass it!
Nighttime Podcastthnx
EZBENDPURPLEmagic typing
Jmnl1199Are they on? I see nothing and hear nothinf
Michael Keefeyes Jmnl...they are on
Archon ok
, if you guys have trouble refresh the stream
Nighttime Podcasthit refresh jmnl1199
EZBENDPURPLErefresh fo recording
Jmnl1199Thank you that worked
the cbsa affidavits that came out were from sept of this year ........
nikki lewisGood evening
Patrick PenneyI would like to know what caused GW to snap that night and kill all the locals...
"large sum of cash" found and left by police at the clinic
Nighttime Podcasthey nikki!
Kelly Mcclean215 watching. About 20 have said hi.
Hello to the other 200!
NS citizen"no evidence to lead a reasonable person to believe" it's almost an admission he was working for RCMP, doublespeak
Patrick Penneyhey all from Ontario, will be in NS Thrursday heading to Cape Breton
EZBENDPURPLEphantom views
hit like please, we have 216 people in here and they only have 26
likes. Let’s support them. If it wasn’t for them the truth wouldn’t be
getting out. I appreciate everything they are doing.
Patrick Penneyliked
Kelly MccleanLiked for sure!
ellbregood evening just arrived
NS citizenfast and furious, rcmp just caught in ATF-RCMP covert ops at gun show
NS citizenATF operation I think
Subscribers-only mode. Messages that appear are from people who’ve subscribed to this channel for 1 minute or longer.
Ken TriolI only see 9 likes...mine included
Robert BrackenFast and Furious was a failed ATF operation, with the hope of inspiring the need for more gun control.
EZBENDPURPLEI believe that I saw this somewhere else weeks and weeks ago...
Darrell CurrieHey all. Missed a few minutes but made it.
Nighttime Podcasthey darrell
GlowwatcherI felt he was almost threatening the AG with his silence
Michael KeefeHi Darrell
EVELYN D. RAMSAYHi Kelly :) and I hit liked!
EZBENDPURPLEFast and freezies
NS citizenbrian terry killed with weapons related to fast and furious
NS Bluenoseez yeah somewhere else for sure.... about month and 1/2 ago the last time many months ago ..... maybe over yr ago the first time
nikki lewisWhat we do know is MCC have gone out of their way to get to the truth
nikki lewisNot get to the truth *
NS citizensome of those guns ended up in Columbia, El Chapo, etc
Nighttime Podcastlines open for a question/reaction to the end of public proceedings
nikki lewisPicked and chosen their way through what to take a look at and ignored most of it, including critical witnesses
NS Bluenosercmp watching guns in Montana why would you think they are not involved
nikki lewisWhat relationship does banfield have with agencies ?
EZBENDPURPLEIs NS fast and furious news? Behind... again
EZBENDPURPLEAlmost as though there were gatekeeping
Von Bargen of the alleged immigration scam avec Wortman?
NS citizenNS
blue, RCMP might be making a Canadian gun registry of US gun
sales/owners, ATF not allowed 18 US code 926 prevents ATF from making a
digital record
lilybalm66through the whole MCC, the only mention of Peter Griffin was from Tara Long
did no one notice the authorities saying Wortman and Von Bargen were thought to be running and immigration scheme
NS citizenwhy else would RCMP be watching gun shows?
Maureen or Janice called i think
David AmosThe former ATF boss Michael Sullivan and I go back to 2002
NS citizenATF
not allowed to make a searchable record of gun owners, sales or
registration in any place owned by US, so maybe RCmP does it in Canada
for ATF
EZBENDPURPLERCMP is involved with fast and furious
NS citizenseems likely
EZBENDPURPLEFast and freezies
Kelly Mcclean
NS Bluenose100% Ezbendpurple
Kelly Mcclean@EVELYN D. RAMSAY Supporting these guys who are here every Sunday with us. 
Nicholas Langillethey make the rules. it's easy to be good at hiding stuff when you make the decisions
Scott McLeod@Nighttime Podcast Darrell and I will conference call you for opinion one the end of the MCC
Nighttime Podcastdeal!
Michael Keefehey Scott M
Nighttime Podcastwe will end around 1010p
Scott McLeodhi @Michael Keefe
EZBENDPURPLEMontana/ATF/RCMP fast and furious
NS citizenconspiracy theory or a hypothesis, lol.
Nighttime Podcastgood point
Albinodump the rcmp.
David AmosMichael
Sullivan: Biden's ATF nominee would compromise agency's mission. Here's
howATF needs less politically biased and more mission-focused director
NS BluenoseEZ exactly I wish I was better putting the information out
perpetrator and Kevin von Bargen also communicated with Canada
Recruitment, aprofessional recruitment agency in the Middle East,
regarding this plan."
October 17, 2019, the perpetrator and Kevin von Bargen exchanged emails
discussing the taximplications of their plan. The perpetrator sent Mr.
von Bargen an email stating:
Nighttime Podcastid love to see that COMM Ryan, u got the # handy?
NS Bluenose@ryan where is this information where did it come from
Cheryl ClarkeI'd like to know if Scott McLeod was happy with his lawyer's closing statement
The perpetrator and Mr. von Bargen shared mutual interests and social
circles, andthe perpetrator sometimes asked for Mr. von Bargen’s opinion
on his legal affairs
David AmosIn
addition to serving as U.S. Attorney, in 2006 the President appointed
and then nominated Mr. Sullivan Director of the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
they were running an immigration scam, the ITO email's hinted at it
Anita ButtsFast and furious of course it’s easy to come to Canada everyone is asleep
NS citizenryan
NS citizensee that article on immigration officer officer DM10032 who vanished?
nikki lewisPress also completely ignored SIT report from July 2020 discussed last week ,
NS citizenmarch 2020
David AmosFast and furious began under Sullivan
that wasn't in the forencis audit lol btw
Scott McLeod@Cheryl
Clarke I had a meeting with my lawyer before the closing statements. We
looked at what was important that would not be looked at by others
Nighttime Podcastgreat one ryan, thnx
NS Bluenosethat is garbage ....have you ever seen how that works ...
NS citizen100% nikki
nikki lewisMCC and the rcmp and the DOJ
Cheryl Clarkethank @Scott....just curious if you were happy with him. I felt the lawyers were too lenient.
@NS citizen i didn't, can you send it to me?
David AmosI was involved before the so called begining
Nicholas Langilledoes it slip through or have government officials put pressure on corporate media
nikki lewisStanton’s book theory is what played out
David AmosWho caused the MCC to exist?
NS citizenyep, Stanton's thesis from 2010
Patrick Penney
NS citizenimmigration officer dissapeared march 2020,. not sure if that's connected to pilot project, still weird
NS citizensome unknown guy
David AmosYou know who
nikki lewisRoyal Inquiry is needed now
David AmosNope
Nicholas Langillewhat does a royal inquiry do that this isn't.... they A
NS Bluenose100% Nikki
David AmosAs Palango about my lawsuits
Ken Triolwe say 23
i wonder if the MCC even showed the immigration scam stuff in the video presentation, they excluded the zip tie and bloody gauze
nikki lewisPeople running it that are independent and not puppets of various agendas
NS citizenStanton came up with the idea in 2010
Michael Keefeit might be 22 because GW might not have killed Cory Ellison
ToshDoes Canada have a process for Royal Inquiry like what occurs in Australia?
NS citizentransform public inquiry into symbolic commission to "address historical injustices in established democracies"
Patrick PenneyMichael I am asking that Q
David Amosi talked Palango just once in 2009 and heard enough to figure him out
Nicholas LangilleI
pray one of them either gets the truth or takes a massive settlement.
move assets to a nice warm country and record a statement. we get the
truth. they are agaw
JayOmg, that is so sweet!
Nicholas Langillesafe and can't be touched
Cheryl Clarkeawesome
Michael Keefethat's sweet Paul
Kelly MccleanLucky little guy. Although most don't want to be the subject matter of your writings!!!
Michael KeefeLOL @ Paul
David AmosFast and furious began under Sullivan
that wasn't in the forencis audit lol btw
Scott McLeod@Cheryl
Clarke I had a meeting with my lawyer before the closing statements. We
looked at what was important that would not be looked at by others
Nighttime Podcastgreat one ryan, thnx
NS Bluenosethat is garbage ....have you ever seen how that works ...
NS citizen100% nikki
nikki lewisMCC and the rcmp and the DOJ
Cheryl Clarkethank @Scott....just curious if you were happy with him. I felt the lawyers were too lenient.
@NS citizen i didn't, can you send it to me?
David AmosI was involved before the so called begining
Nicholas Langilledoes it slip through or have government officials put pressure on corporate media
nikki lewisStanton’s book theory is what played out
David AmosWho caused the MCC to exist?
NS citizenyep, Stanton's thesis from 2010
Patrick Penney
NS citizenimmigration officer dissapeared march 2020,. not sure if that's connected to pilot project, still weird
NS citizensome unknown guy
David AmosYou know who
nikki lewisRoyal Inquiry is needed now
David AmosNope
Nicholas Langillewhat does a royal inquiry do that this isn't.... they A
NS Bluenose100% Nikki
David AmosAs Palango about my lawsuits
Ken Triolwe say 23
i wonder if the MCC even showed the immigration scam stuff in the video presentation, they excluded the zip tie and bloody gauze
nikki lewisPeople running it that are independent and not puppets of various agendas
NS citizenStanton came up with the idea in 2010
Michael Keefeit might be 22 because GW might not have killed Cory Ellison
ToshDoes Canada have a process for Royal Inquiry like what occurs in Australia?
NS citizentransform public inquiry into symbolic commission to "address historical injustices in established democracies"
Patrick PenneyMichael I am asking that Q
David Amosi talked Palango just once in 2009 and heard enough to figure him out
Nicholas LangilleI
pray one of them either gets the truth or takes a massive settlement.
move assets to a nice warm country and record a statement. we get the
truth. they are agaw
JayOmg, that is so sweet!
Nicholas Langillesafe and can't be touched
Cheryl Clarkeawesome
Michael Keefethat's sweet Paul
Kelly MccleanLucky little guy. Although most don't want to be the subject matter of your writings!!!
Michael KeefeLOL @ Paul
Janes BlondWe need a reporter with a backbone
NS citizengovernment chose a alchemist to transform public inquiry into a symbolic truth commission
nikki lewisRight on Citizen
Mamacita 902I want one!
"your trusted partner in international recruitment" HR Manager Gabriel Wortman, you can't make this shit up
NS citizeninquiry is to discover what happened, truth commission is to achieve operative success: social change
NS citizentransformation vs discovery
NS citizenpretty sketchy Ryan
i thought everyone knew sorry
NS citizenWortman and von bargen up to some strange stuff I mean
EZBENDPURPLEI wonder if VON Bargen was involved in Fast and Furious?
he needed to be on the stand, Von Bargen stated Wortman was redoing his
will/estate to make sure Banfield didn't receive the whole thing/lump
sum and annuity instead
EZBENDPURPLENew York law license
nikki lewisTens of thousands of documents have still not been published to the public by the MCC
Albino@Ryan spell it out for me .what? girls in the trunk what?!
he went to school in the US if i recall
NS citizencould be EZpurple
Patrick Penneynone of the said experts gave an opinion on the events
NS citizenmore tech and centralization
NS citizenpictometry etc
NS citizen"prevent crime before it happens" more digital surveillance garbage
nikki lewisVery courageous of Tara
Cheryl ClarkeTara did amazing!!!
Anita ButtsI am so proud of Tara
NS citizengood speech by Tara, cellevrite RCMP tech
Mamacita 902Tara was absolutely amazing!!
NS citizencellebrite*
NS BluenoseTara was amazing....
EZBENDPURPLEwhy the silence about Tara until now?
NS citizenMacdonald very authoritarian trying to tell Tara what was helpful or not
Chris HutchisonGod bless you family members! I can’t believe what you have had to deal with during this inquiry. Madness
Anita ButtsI heard the clapping
EZBENDPURPLEI wonder where the support was for Tara before?
David AmosGood question
NS BluenoseWhy two and half years later are you only asking about what Tara has to say? She started this fight on day one.
David AmosYup
EZBENDPURPLEAgree 100% NS Bluenose. Almost as though she wasn't supposed to be heard.
NS BluenoseEZ they were hoping she would just go away.... and be able to silence her with everything even with a lawyer
EZBENDPURPLENot sloppy policing
EZBENDPURPLENot at all. RCMP avoided Cobequid 100%
nikki lewisIt’s beyond tragic , rcmp
Patrick Penneywhy do.u think they avoided that area
nikki lewisFailed
NS Bluenoseno not all but those who were not involved but know what went on have to step up
David AmosTara Long was not impressed with Palango either Correct?
EZBENDPURPLE250 evacuation board in CIC. 730 ERT escort that drove by Cobequid
Anne Marie EvansTuning in while walking home from work
Jmnl1199Hi Anne be safe
Cheryl ClarkeHey all 
Ken Triolgood evening everyone
Wacko Jackohi ya everyone! feeling good just got power back tonight 
how did u guys make out
Chris HutchisonGood evening all
CaperGalGood evening folks
Jennifer AdcockHey everyone. We just got power back today too
Ken Triolthe screen just turned to Black on mine is everyone else's the same
Wacko Jackosame here
Ken Triolthx
Nic ColeI’ve got power and internet working for tonight
Michael Keefegood evening everyone!
2bskorBack in black like the MCC
Jmnl1199Good evening everyone
Kelly MccleanHello from Moncton.
Chris HutchisonHey Moncton
Michael KeefeHi Kelly from Moncton!
Laura AI was watching on my TV and thought it was a TV issue. Glad to know it's not just me
EZBENDPURPLEI don't think that this is live
Ken Triolwhy?
Nighttime Podcastaudio ok?
ToshSounds good
Ken Triolyes
Cheryl Clarkesounds good
Michael Keefeyes Nighttime
Brenda GrantI have one of Paul's glass it!
Nighttime Podcastthnx
EZBENDPURPLEmagic typing
Jmnl1199Are they on? I see nothing and hear nothinf
Michael Keefeyes Jmnl...they are on
Archon ok
, if you guys have trouble refresh the stream
Nighttime Podcasthit refresh jmnl1199
EZBENDPURPLErefresh fo recording
Jmnl1199Thank you that worked
the cbsa affidavits that came out were from sept of this year ........
nikki lewisGood evening
Patrick PenneyI would like to know what caused GW to snap that night and kill all the locals...
"large sum of cash" found and left by police at the clinic
Nighttime Podcasthey nikki!
Kelly Mcclean215 watching. About 20 have said hi.
Hello to the other 200!
NS citizen"no evidence to lead a reasonable person to believe" it's almost an admission he was working for RCMP, doublespeak
Patrick Penneyhey all from Ontario, will be in NS Thrursday heading to Cape Breton
EZBENDPURPLEphantom views
hit like please, we have 216 people in here and they only have 26
likes. Let’s support them. If it wasn’t for them the truth wouldn’t be
getting out. I appreciate everything they are doing.
Patrick Penneyliked
Kelly MccleanLiked for sure!
ellbregood evening just arrived
NS citizenfast and furious, rcmp just caught in ATF-RCMP covert ops at gun show
NS citizenATF operation I think
Subscribers-only mode. Messages that appear are from people who’ve subscribed to this channel for 1 minute or longer.
Ken TriolI only see 9 likes...mine included
Robert BrackenFast and Furious was a failed ATF operation, with the hope of inspiring the need for more gun control.
EZBENDPURPLEI believe that I saw this somewhere else weeks and weeks ago...
Darrell CurrieHey all. Missed a few minutes but made it.
Nighttime Podcasthey darrell
GlowwatcherI felt he was almost threatening the AG with his silence
Michael KeefeHi Darrell
EVELYN D. RAMSAYHi Kelly :) and I hit liked!
EZBENDPURPLEFast and freezies
NS citizenbrian terry killed with weapons related to fast and furious
NS Bluenoseez yeah somewhere else for sure.... about month and 1/2 ago the last time many months ago ..... maybe over yr ago the first time
nikki lewisWhat we do know is MCC have gone out of their way to get to the truth
nikki lewisNot get to the truth *
NS citizensome of those guns ended up in Columbia, El Chapo, etc
Nighttime Podcastlines open for a question/reaction to the end of public proceedings
nikki lewisPicked and chosen their way through what to take a look at and ignored most of it, including critical witnesses
NS Bluenosercmp watching guns in Montana why would you think they are not involved
nikki lewisWhat relationship does banfield have with agencies ?
EZBENDPURPLEIs NS fast and furious news? Behind... again
EZBENDPURPLEAlmost as though there were gatekeeping
Von Bargen of the alleged immigration scam avec Wortman?
NS citizenNS
blue, RCMP might be making a Canadian gun registry of US gun
sales/owners, ATF not allowed 18 US code 926 prevents ATF from making a
digital record
lilybalm66through the whole MCC, the only mention of Peter Griffin was from Tara Long
did no one notice the authorities saying Wortman and Von Bargen were thought to be running and immigration scheme
NS citizenwhy else would RCMP be watching gun shows?
Maureen or Janice called i think
David AmosThe former ATF boss Michael Sullivan and I go back to 2002
NS citizenATF
not allowed to make a searchable record of gun owners, sales or
registration in any place owned by US, so maybe RCmP does it in Canada
for ATF
EZBENDPURPLERCMP is involved with fast and furious
NS citizenseems likely
EZBENDPURPLEFast and freezies
Kelly Mcclean
NS Bluenose100% Ezbendpurple
Kelly Mcclean@EVELYN D. RAMSAY Supporting these guys who are here every Sunday with us. 
Nicholas Langillethey make the rules. it's easy to be good at hiding stuff when you make the decisions
Scott McLeod@Nighttime Podcast Darrell and I will conference call you for opinion one the end of the MCC
Nighttime Podcastdeal!
Michael Keefehey Scott M
Nighttime Podcastwe will end around 1010p
Scott McLeodhi @Michael Keefe
EZBENDPURPLEMontana/ATF/RCMP fast and furious
NS citizenconspiracy theory or a hypothesis, lol.
Nighttime Podcastgood point
Albinodump the rcmp.
David AmosMichael
Sullivan: Biden's ATF nominee would compromise agency's mission. Here's
howATF needs less politically biased and more mission-focused director
NS BluenoseEZ exactly I wish I was better putting the information out
perpetrator and Kevin von Bargen also communicated with Canada
Recruitment, aprofessional recruitment agency in the Middle East,
regarding this plan."
October 17, 2019, the perpetrator and Kevin von Bargen exchanged emails
discussing the taximplications of their plan. The perpetrator sent Mr.
von Bargen an email stating:
Nighttime Podcastid love to see that COMM Ryan, u got the # handy?
NS Bluenose@ryan where is this information where did it come from
Cheryl ClarkeI'd like to know if Scott McLeod was happy with his lawyer's closing statement
The perpetrator and Mr. von Bargen shared mutual interests and social
circles, andthe perpetrator sometimes asked for Mr. von Bargen’s opinion
on his legal affairs
David AmosIn
addition to serving as U.S. Attorney, in 2006 the President appointed
and then nominated Mr. Sullivan Director of the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
they were running an immigration scam, the ITO email's hinted at it
Anita ButtsFast and furious of course it’s easy to come to Canada everyone is asleep
NS citizenryan
NS citizensee that article on immigration officer officer DM10032 who vanished?
nikki lewisPress also completely ignored SIT report from July 2020 discussed last week ,
NS citizenmarch 2020
David AmosFast and furious began under Sullivan
that wasn't in the forencis audit lol btw
Scott McLeod@Cheryl
Clarke I had a meeting with my lawyer before the closing statements. We
looked at what was important that would not be looked at by others
Nighttime Podcastgreat one ryan, thnx
NS Bluenosethat is garbage ....have you ever seen how that works ...
NS citizen100% nikki
nikki lewisMCC and the rcmp and the DOJ
Cheryl Clarkethank @Scott....just curious if you were happy with him. I felt the lawyers were too lenient.
@NS citizen i didn't, can you send it to me?
David AmosI was involved before the so called begining
Nicholas Langilledoes it slip through or have government officials put pressure on corporate media
nikki lewisStanton’s book theory is what played out
David AmosWho caused the MCC to exist?
NS citizenyep, Stanton's thesis from 2010
Patrick Penney
NS citizenimmigration officer dissapeared march 2020,. not sure if that's connected to pilot project, still weird
NS citizensome unknown guy
David AmosYou know who
nikki lewisRoyal Inquiry is needed now
David AmosNope
Nicholas Langillewhat does a royal inquiry do that this isn't.... they A
NS Bluenose100% Nikki
David AmosAs Palango about my lawsuits
Ken Triolwe say 23
i wonder if the MCC even showed the immigration scam stuff in the video presentation, they excluded the zip tie and bloody gauze
nikki lewisPeople running it that are independent and not puppets of various agendas
NS citizenStanton came up with the idea in 2010
Michael Keefeit might be 22 because GW might not have killed Cory Ellison
ToshDoes Canada have a process for Royal Inquiry like what occurs in Australia?
NS citizentransform public inquiry into symbolic commission to "address historical injustices in established democracies"
Patrick PenneyMichael I am asking that Q
David Amosi talked Palango just once in 2009 and heard enough to figure him out
Nicholas LangilleI
pray one of them either gets the truth or takes a massive settlement.
move assets to a nice warm country and record a statement. we get the
truth. they are agaw
JayOmg, that is so sweet!
Nicholas Langillesafe and can't be touched
Cheryl Clarkeawesome
Michael Keefethat's sweet Paul
Kelly MccleanLucky little guy. Although most don't want to be the subject matter of your writings!!!
Michael KeefeLOL @ Paul
Janes BlondWe need a reporter with a backbone
NS citizengovernment chose a alchemist to transform public inquiry into a symbolic truth commission
nikki lewisRight on Citizen
Mamacita 902I want one!
"your trusted partner in international recruitment" HR Manager Gabriel Wortman, you can't make this shit up
NS citizeninquiry is to discover what happened, truth commission is to achieve operative success: social change
NS citizentransformation vs discovery
NS citizenpretty sketchy Ryan
i thought everyone knew sorry
NS citizenWortman and von bargen up to some strange stuff I mean
EZBENDPURPLEI wonder if VON Bargen was involved in Fast and Furious?
he needed to be on the stand, Von Bargen stated Wortman was redoing his
will/estate to make sure Banfield didn't receive the whole thing/lump
sum and annuity instead
EZBENDPURPLENew York law license
nikki lewisTens of thousands of documents have still not been published to the public by the MCC
Albino@Ryan spell it out for me .what? girls in the trunk what?!
he went to school in the US if i recall
NS citizencould be EZpurple
Patrick Penneynone of the said experts gave an opinion on the events
NS citizenmore tech and centralization
NS citizenpictometry etc
NS citizen"prevent crime before it happens" more digital surveillance garbage
nikki lewisVery courageous of Tara
Cheryl ClarkeTara did amazing!!!
Anita ButtsI am so proud of Tara
NS citizengood speech by Tara, cellevrite RCMP tech
Mamacita 902Tara was absolutely amazing!!
NS citizencellebrite*
NS BluenoseTara was amazing....
EZBENDPURPLEwhy the silence about Tara until now?
NS citizenMacdonald very authoritarian trying to tell Tara what was helpful or not
Chris HutchisonGod bless you family members! I can’t believe what you have had to deal with during this inquiry. Madness
Anita ButtsI heard the clapping
EZBENDPURPLEI wonder where the support was for Tara before?
David AmosGood question
NS BluenoseWhy two and half years later are you only asking about what Tara has to say? She started this fight on day one.
David AmosYup
EZBENDPURPLEAgree 100% NS Bluenose. Almost as though she wasn't supposed to be heard.
NS BluenoseEZ they were hoping she would just go away.... and be able to silence her with everything even with a lawyer
EZBENDPURPLENot sloppy policing
EZBENDPURPLENot at all. RCMP avoided Cobequid 100%
nikki lewisIt’s beyond tragic , rcmp
Patrick Penneywhy do.u think they avoided that area
nikki lewisFailed
NS Bluenoseno not all but those who were not involved but know what went on have to step up
David AmosTara Long was not impressed with Palango either Correct?
EZBENDPURPLE250 evacuation board in CIC. 730 ERT escort that drove by Cobequid
Sun Shinemanipulation
David AmosTrust that the Fat Lady ain't sung yet
nikki lewisHow
can we have any meaningful recommendations when accountability has not
been acknowledged by rcmp and the facts have not been uncovered/
published / coveredby the MCC
Albino@NS Bluenose they're all retired or promoted.
nikki lewiscovered up*
EZBENDPURPLEWhat MSM, alternative/podcasts have interviewed Tara Long at all throughout this whole tragedy?
Patrick Penneyrecomendation will be to get more tax money
AlbinoCovered up fairly efficiently too
EZBENDPURPLEI'd like to see more of her
NS BluenoseNikk the only things they can come up with would not stop anything they haven't found anything ... they avoided finding answers
Cheryl Clarketake good care @Scott and Darrell
David Amos
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