RE: Ed Fast: Freedom? Yeah, right
David Amos<> | Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 5:07 PM | ||||||||
To:,,,,, "blaine.higgs" <>, premier <>,, Connie <>, dd <>, "Marco.Mendicino" <>, mcu <>, washington field <>, "Bill.Hogan" <>,, Newsroom <>,, "Melanie.Joly" <>,,,, "George.Soros" <>, "Jean.Chretien" <>, birgittajoy <>, smari <>, pm <>,,,,,,,, news <>, news-tips <>, "ed.pilkington" <>, postur <>,,,,,, briangallant10 <>, oldmaison <>, "" <>, "fin.minfinance-financemin.fin" <>, Viva Frei <>,,,,,,,,,,, PREMIER <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, Office of the Premier <>, "Candice.Bergen" <>, "pierre.poilievre" <>, sheilagunnreid <>,, | |||||||||
Cc: motomaniac333 <>,,,,,, | |||||||||
| |||||||||
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "King, Bill (Fast, Ed - MP)" <> Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2023 16:59:40 +0000 Subject: RE: Ed Fast: Freedom? Yeah, right… | Ed Fast: Liberté? Et oui Hey Bill King what will your boss and legions of Proud Canadians do if the Crown takes Tamara Lich's Freedom after celebating the Queen's Birthday??? To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. Cc: "Semenchuk, Mackensie (Fast, Ed - MP)" <mackensie.semenchuk.801@parl. Good afternoon David. As you know, this matter is before the courts. As such, we will not be commenting on the proceedings. Sincerely, Bill King Director Parliamentary Affairs Office of the Hon. Ed Fast, KC, PC Member of Parliament for Abbotsford Room 622, 180 Wellington St. K1A 0A6 Office: (613) 995-0183 Cell: (613) 222-2454 E-mail : |
Media Relations-PAB / Relation avec les médias-DGAP (CRA/ARC)<> | Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 5:07 PM |
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Trial for convoy leaders Lich and Barber starts with police witness
Tamara Lich, Chris Barber arrived in Ottawa court Tuesday and greeted by supporters
The high profile trial of two "Freedom Convoy" leaders Tamara Lich and Chris Barber began Tuesday, with Crown lawyers calling on an Ottawa police officer to testify.
The court was shown an 11-minute video of police footage gathered during the protests that became known as the "Freedom Convoy" in February 2022.
Lich and Barber helped lead thousands of protesters and a convoy of truckers to Ottawa, who occupied the streets of Ottawa for nearly four weeks. They rallied the protesters, and told them to "hold the line" when police tried to break up the honking crowds. They also raised millions of dollars for the movement.
The charges against Lich and Barber include mischief, obstructing police, counselling others to commit mischief and intimidation.
During opening statements at the Ontario Court of Justice, Crown lawyer Tim Radcliffe said the case is not about Lich and Barber's political views, but instead how they "crossed the line" in committing the crimes they're accused of.
Lich and Barber have maintained the protests were organized to end COVID-19 mandates.
WATCH | Lich and Barber arrive at Ottawa courthouse:
22 witnesses expected, including former mayor
A small crowd of supporters gathered in and outside the Ottawa courthouse Tuesday. Lich and Barber arrived shortly before the proceedings began and were greeted by their fans.
The two sat in the first row of seats behind their lawyers, flanked by a courtroom of supporters and other onlookers, including news reporters.
Lich arrived in a navy blue suit and crisp white shirt. Barber arrived in a plaid shirt and jeans.
Chris Barber walks into court on Tuesday in Ottawa. (Francis Ferland/CBC)
Day one of the trial began Tuesday with Crown lawyers detailing some of the evidence they intend on calling.
Their highly anticipated, judge-alone trial will hear from several witnesses and view hundreds of pieces of evidence, including 50 videos. The trial is expected to last at least 16 days.
Radcliffe said around 22 witnesses are expected to be called, including senior Ottawa police leadership, city officials and people who lived and worked downtown during the protests in February 2022.
Former Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson and other people working in his office during the convoy are also expected to appear on the stand.
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Sent: September 5, 2023 12:54 PM
To: King, Bill (Fast, Ed - MP) <>; Fast, Ed -
Riding 1A <>;;;; blaine.higgs
<>; premier <>;; Connie
<>; mcu <>; washington
field <>; Brenda.Lucki
<>; Bill.Hogan <>;; Newsroom <>;; Joly, Mélanie - M.P. <>;
Fraser, David :PG <>;;; George.Soros
<>; birgittajoy <>;
smari <>; Prime Minister's Office <>;;;;;;;; news <>; news-tips
<>; ed.pilkington <>
postur <>; melanie.joly@international.gc.;;;; briangallant10 <>; oldmaison
<>; <>;
<>;;;;;;;;;; PREMIER <>; premier
<>; premier <>; premier
<>; premier <>; Office of the
Premier <>; Candice.Bergen
<>; Poilievre, Pierre - M.P.
<>; sheilagunnreid
Cc: motomaniac333 <>;;;;;;
Subject: Re: Ed Fast: Freedom? Yeah, right… | Ed Fast: Liberté? Et oui
Hey Bill King what will your boss and legions of Proud Canadians do if
the Crown takes Tamara Lich's Freedom after celebating the Queen's
On 5/20/22, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Fast, Ed - M.P." <>
> Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 23:18:58 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: Ed Fast: Freedom? Yeah, right… | Ed Fast:
> Liberté? Et oui Guess who called Eddy Baby again today???
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> This inbox will not be regularly monitored until Tuesday, May 24.
> For constituent requests, please email
> For parliamentary requests, please email
> Tamara Lich to find out Wednesday if she's returning to jail
> Freedom Convoy leader compares social media ban to living in 'exile'
> David Fraser · CBC News · Posted: May 20, 2022 5:40 PM ET
> Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich talks to reporters on Feb. 14,
> 2022, in Ottawa. (Frédéric Pepin/Radio-Canada)
> After a two-day bail review held this week, Freedom Convoy leader
> Tamara Lich will find out Wednesday whether or not she's heading back
> to jail.
> Lich, an organizer of the Ottawa protest that brought the city to a
> halt for weeks, was seeking an amendment to her bail conditions that
> would allow her to return to Ontario and to use social media. Crown
> lawyers charged she was in violation of her bail conditions, and
> should be back in jail.
> Lich, who is charged jointly with fellow convoy organizer Chris
> Barber, is accused of mischief, counselling mischief, obstructing
> police, counselling to obstruct police, counselling intimidation, and
> intimidation by blocking and obstructing one or more highways in
> relation to the protest.
> She has been out on bail since March 7.
> 'Didn't see the harm' in Freedom Convoy jewelry
> During Friday's bail review, Crown prosecutor Moiz Karimjee showed a
> social media post featuring Lich wearing a pendant gifted to her. The
> pendant features a truck image and the words "Freedom" and "Canada"
> emblazoned on it.
> Lich, testifying via video from Alberta, said the pendant was gifted
> to her, and disagreed with Karimjee that giving permission for it to
> be posted online violated bail conditions requiring her not to
> "verbally, in writing, financially, or by any other means, support
> anything related to the Freedom Convoy."
> Lich took this photo at the request of a supporter who had sent a
> pendant with a truck and 'Canada Freedom' emblazoned on it. (Facebook)
> The photo of Lich wearing the necklace was posted on a Freedom Convoy
> group page that says "portions of the sale will be donated to Truckers
> Convoy."
> Lich said this wasn't supporting anything related to the Freedom
> Convoy, in part because "there's no convoy to support."
> "I don't see how it's a breach. It's a piece of jewlery that was
> gifted to me," said Lich. "I really didn't see the harm in it."
> She said she took the photo because she was "appreciative" that
> someone had sent her "such a beautiful gift."
> Lich said she had assumed the person who sent the pendant and asked
> for the photo would post it on a personal page.
> The surety tasked with making sure Lich follows her bail conditions,
> whose identity is protected by a publication ban, said they were
> unaware the post or photo existed.
> Social media ban 'comparable to exile'
> Lich is seeking to be able to return to social media. Right now she is
> able to text and call people, but she is restricted from accessing
> social media platforms.
> She said she would like to connect with family and friends who post
> and message her on social media.
> "We live in social media world now, I think being banned completely
> from social media is comparable to exile once upon a time," Lich told
> the court. "I personally don't see why i can't consume my own social
> media and log into it even and stay connected, that's what it's all
> about really, staying connected."
> During examination by defence lawyer Lawrence Greenspon on Thursday,
> Lich testified she also wants her bail conditions changed to allow her
> to visit Ottawa. The reasons are subject to a court-ordered
> publication ban and cannot be disclosed.
> She also testified she would "love to attend" an event in Toronto in
> June to accept a freedom award, "however I won't be breaching my bail
> conditions in order to do so."
> Lich is receiving an award from the Justice Centre for Constitutional
> Freedoms for her work organizing the Freedom Convoy protest that
> occupied some downtown Ottawa streets for weeks earlier this year.
> (
> Award for leading convoy
> On March 28, a charity called the Justice Centre for Constitutional
> Freedoms emailed Lich to notify her she'd been selected for its 2022
> George Jonas Freedom Award, she told court.
> The email, which she read aloud, said the honour was being given "in
> recognition of your leadership role in the Freedom Convoy."
> The award announcement on the centre's website states Lich "took the
> initiative to help organize a peaceful protest and serve as one of its
> leaders. The resulting peaceful protest in Ottawa awakened many
> Canadians to the injustice of Charter-violating lockdowns and
> mandatory vaccination policies."
> The day after receiving the email, Lich emailed back to say she was
> "honoured" to accept. She didn't inquire about whether it would be OK,
> she testified under cross examination by Karimjee.
> Asked whether by accepting the award she was supporting something
> related to the convoy, Lich said, "I guess, yeah. I guess so.
> "I don't feel that this is a breach. I don't feel that that's what the
> recognition is for. ... I feel that the recognition is for inspiring
> Canadians to hold the government to account to the rule of law and to
> uphold their Charter rights," she continued.
> "I guess it is related, because of what happened," she added.
> Lich appears in front of a judge for her bail hearing on Feb. 19,
> 2022. (Lauren Foster-MacLeod/CBC)
> Lich arrested in February
> Lich was arrested Feb. 17 and originally charged with counselling to
> commit mischief, shortly before before a major police operation
> cleared protesters and vehicles from Ottawa streets.
> She was initially denied bail by Ontario Court Justice Julie
> Bourgeois, who told court she found Lich to be guarded and "almost
> obstructive" at times, and who wasn't convinced Lich would go home,
> stay home and stop her alleged counselling.
> Lich and her then lawyer Diane Magas appealed Bourgeois's decision,
> leading to her first bail review in the higher court in early March.
> Superior Court Justice John Johnston ruled in Lich's favour after the
> one-day proceeding, saying she had been a "valued employee" in Alberta
> and had lived a "crime-free" life, and that the risk in Ottawa had
> been minimized after police cleared streets.
> Lich was released after spending about 18 days in custody at the
> Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre. Other bail conditions included that
> she leave Ottawa within 24 hours, refrain from using social media and
> have no contact with certain co-organizers.
> Her surety — who cannot be identified due to a court-ordered
> publication ban — put up a $20,000 cash bond, while Lich herself put
> up an additional $5,000 cash bond.
> CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
> Tamara Lich admits accepting award is related to Freedom Convoy in
> fiery day in court
> Social Sharing
> Crown brings up possible mistrial application, asks judge to recuse himself
> Kristy Nease · CBC News · Posted: May 19, 2022 7:55 PM ET | Last Updated:
> May 20
> Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich talks to reporters in Ottawa on
> Feb. 14, 2022, a few days before her arrest. Her second bail review
> began Thursday and continues in court Friday. (Frédéric
> Pepin/Radio-Canada)
> Tamara Lich admitted in court Thursday that accepting an award for
> organizing the Freedom Convoy "is related" to the convoy, but
> testified she doesn't believe she violated a bail condition not to
> support anything related to the protest that occupied some downtown
> Ottawa streets for weeks.
> She made the comments on the first day of her second bail review in
> Ottawa's Superior Court, a proceeding peppered with tense, dramatic
> exchanges between Crown prosecutor Moiz Karimjee and Justice Kevin
> Phillips.
> Lich, who is charged jointly with fellow convoy organizer Chris
> Barber, is accused of mischief, counselling mischief, obstructing
> police, counselling to obstruct police, counselling intimidation, and
> intimidation by blocking and obstructing one or more highways in
> relation to the protest.
> She has been out on bail since March 7, bound by another Superior
> Court justice's order not to "verbally, in writing, financially, or by
> any other means, support anything related to the Freedom Convoy," and
> to stay out of Ontario, among other conditions.
> Lich emailed to say she'd be honoured to accept
> During examination by defence lawyer Lawrence Greenspon on Thursday,
> Lich testified via a Zoom video link from Alberta that she wants her
> bail conditions changed to allow her to visit Ottawa. The reasons are
> subject to a court-ordered publication ban and cannot be disclosed.
> She also testified she would "love to attend" an event in Toronto in
> June to accept a freedom award, "however I won't be breaching my bail
> conditions in order to do so."
> On March 28, a charity called the Justice Centre for Constitutional
> Freedoms emailed Lich to notify her she'd been selected for its 2022
> George Jonas Freedom Award, she told court.
> The email, which she read aloud, said the honour was being given "in
> recognition of your leadership role in the Freedom Convoy."
> Tamara Lich is receiving an award from the Justice Centre for
> Constitutional Freedoms for her work to help organize the Freedom
> Convoy protest that occupied some downtown Ottawa streets for weeks
> earlier this year. (
> The award announcement on the centre's website states Lich "took the
> initiative to help organize a peaceful protest and serve as one of its
> leaders. The resulting peaceful protest in Ottawa awakened many
> Canadians to the injustice of Charter-violating lockdowns and
> mandatory vaccination policies."
> It also states she "suffered for the cause of freedom by spending 18
> days unjustly jailed, and exemplifies courage, determination and
> perseverance."
> The day after receiving the email, Lich emailed back to say she was
> "honoured" to accept. She didn't inquire about whether it would be OK,
> she testified under cross examination by Karimjee.
> Asked whether by accepting the award she was supporting something
> related to the convoy, Lich said, "I guess, yeah. I guess so.
> "I don't feel that this is a breach. I don't feel that that's what the
> recognition is for. ... I feel that the recognition is for inspiring
> Canadians to hold the government to account to the rule of law and to
> uphold their Charter rights," she continued.
> "I guess it is related, because of what happened," she added.
> Crown asks judge to recuse himself
> Just before a 15-minute late afternoon break, Phillips told court
> Karimjee's decorum surprised him, and asked Karimjee to "contemplate
> that."
> When court reconvened Karimjee said he was just "doing my job" and
> began to list some of his problems with the justice's remarks and
> rulings, including that Phillips had earlier refused to allow the
> email notifying Lich about her award to be submitted to court.
> Phillips interrupted. "I'm not interested in an argument," the justice
> told the Crown. "Proceed with your cross examination."
> "No, I'm not arguing with you —" Karimjee began.
> "I don't want to engage in this," Phillips interrupted again. "Proceed
> with your cross examination. I don't want to hear from you. I want you
> to cross examine the witness. Proceed, please."
> "Your honour, I frankly need to consider whether I need to bring a
> mistrial application given your honour's comments," Karimjee replied.
> "I'm asking you to cross examine the witness, Mr. Karimjee," Phillips said.
> "No your honour, it's more than that," Karimjee replied. "... This is
> a significant case. ... When confronted with things that I believe to
> be improper, I'm not going to remain silent."
> "Have you got a question for the witness?" Phillips asked after a long
> pause.
> "I am asking your honour to recuse yourself," Karimjee replied.
> "That request is denied. Go ahead with your cross examination,"
> Phillips said, and Karimjee promptly continued questioning Lich.
> Off to a rocky start from the get-go
> Proceedings had gotten off to a rocky start hours earlier.
> The Crown had been expected to argue that Lich should be put back in
> jail for allegedly continuing to support the Freedom Convoy, and
> Lich's defence team was expected to fight a bail condition that she
> stay off social media entirely.
> But instead the Crown asked the judge to rule on whether a Superior
> Court justice has the authority to respond to alleged errors of law by
> other Superior Court justices.
> Karimjee argued that Phillips could deal only with arguments about
> material changes in circumstances. Ruling on a fellow justice's errors
> of law could result in counsel seeking bail review after bail review
> until a justice gave them a favourable ruling, Karimjee told court.
> After a 20-minute recess Phillips rejected the Crown's argument,
> opening up submissions to alleged errors of law as well as material
> changes in circumstance. By then it was "regrettably" 12:30 p.m. and
> hearing evidence had still not yet begun, Phillips told court.
> Judge says it's not his job to determine Lich violated conditions
> The Crown's first and only witness was Ottawa police Sgt. Mahad
> Hassan, the file co-ordinator in the case. (Det. Chris Benson is the
> lead investigator, but was busy testifying in a homicide case, court
> heard.)
> Hassan testified he believed the more expensive VIP tickets to the
> Toronto freedom award event would give those ticketholders "a chance
> to meet the VIPs that are featured on the pamphlets" — in this case
> Lich and columnist Rex Murphy.
> During cross examination by Greenspon, Hassan admitted there was no
> mention that Lich would be in attendance.
> While Karimjee was leading Hassan's evidence in chief, Phillips
> bristled at the idea that he might be asked to decide whether Lich
> violated her bail condition, instead of police.
> "That's a task I'm unfamiliar with. I'm not usually a police officer
> of release conditions. ... Are you trying to put me in a position to
> find a breach here, to declare that she's broken the law?" Phillips
> asked.
> Karimjee responded that he's entitled to lead evidence proving Lich
> violated the terms of her release, citing the Criminal Code.
> Lich arrested in February
> Lich was arrested Feb. 17 and originally charged with counselling to
> commit mischief, shortly before a major police operation cleared
> protesters and vehicles from Ottawa streets.
> She was initially denied bail by Ontario Court Justice Julie
> Bourgeois, who told court she found Lich to be guarded and "almost
> obstructive" at times, and who wasn't convinced Lich would go home,
> stay home and stop her alleged counselling.
> Lich and her then lawyer Diane Magas appealed Bourgeois' decision,
> leading to her first bail review in the higher court in early March.
> Tamara Lich appears at her earlier bail review hearing on March 7,
> 2022, as Justice John Johnston looks on. (Alexandra Newbould/The
> Canadian Press)
> Superior Court Justice John Johnston ruled in Lich's favour after the
> one-day proceeding, saying she had been a "valued employee" in Alberta
> and had lived a "crime free" life, and that the risk in Ottawa had
> been minimized after police cleared streets.
> Lich was released after spending about 18 days in custody at the
> Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre. Other bail conditions included that
> she leave Ottawa within 24 hours, refrain from using social media, and
> have no contact with certain co-organizers.
> A surety for Lich — who cannot be identified due to a court-ordered
> publication ban — put up a $20,000 cash bond, while Lich herself put
> up an additional $5,000 cash bond.
> Lich's bail review continues Friday morning.
> With files from David Fraser and Guy Quenneville
> CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "O'Toole, Erin - M.P." <>
> Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 23:18:59 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: Ed Fast: Freedom? Yeah, right… | Ed Fast:
> Liberté? Et oui Guess who called Eddy Baby again today???
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Thank you for contacting the office of Hon. Erin O’Toole, Member of
> Parliament for Durham.
> Mr. O’Toole greatly values your feedback. Please note, this account
> receives an extremely high volume of emails. As a result, we are
> prioritizing constituent emails only at this time. If you are a
> constituent in the riding of Durham and did not include your postal
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> Clarissa.schurter.423@parl.gc.
> Thank you.
> Office of Hon. Erin O’Toole, MP
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Bergen, Candice - M.P." <>
> Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 23:18:58 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: Ed Fast: Freedom? Yeah, right… | Ed Fast:
> Liberté? Et oui Guess who called Eddy Baby again today???
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> On behalf of the Hon. Candice Bergen, thank you for contacting the
> Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition.
> Ms. Bergen greatly values feedback and input from Canadians. We read
> and review every incoming e-mail. Please note that this account
> receives a high volume of e-mails. We reply to e-mails as quickly as
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> If you are a constituent of Ms. Bergen’s in Portage-Lisgar with an
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> Once again, thank you for writing.
> Sincerely,
> Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition
> ------------------------------
> Au nom de l’hon. Candice Bergen, nous vous remercions de communiquer
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> Nous vous remercions une fois encore d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire.
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> Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Chrystia Freeland <>
> Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 23:19:08 +0000
> Subject: Department of Finance / Ministère des Finances
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <>
> Date: Tue, 17 May 2022 15:48:12 +0000
> Subject: RE: I called Ambassador Urban Ahlin and Rob McKinnon again
> before our "Not So Bonnie" Prince Charlie lands in Ottawa Ahlin dared
> to call me rude while denyig the fact I sent hm a important email
> after he pissed me off last week
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 20:17:23 -0300
> Subject: Re: Ed Fast: Freedom? Yeah, right… | Ed Fast: Liberté? Et oui
> Guess who called Eddy Baby again today???
> To:,,,
>, "pierre.poilievre"
> <>, "leslyn.lewis"
> <>,,
> "fin.minfinance-financemin.
> <fin.minfinance-financemin.
>, "Mike.Comeau" <>,
> "hugh.flemming" <>, "blaine.higgs"
> <>, premier <>, premier
> <>, Office of the Premier <>,
> premier <>, premier <>, PREMIER
> <>,, kingpatrick278
> <>, Newsroom <>,
> Norman Traversy <>, sheilagunnreid
> <>, "stefanos.karatopis"
> <>
> Cc: motomaniac333 <>,,
>,, "Candice.Bergen"
> <>, ""
> <>, Viva Frei <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Hon. Ed Fast" <>
> Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 14:34:43 -0400
> Subject: Ed Fast: Freedom? Yeah, right… | Ed Fast: Liberté? Et oui…
> To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> « Le français suivra »
> Friend,
> Pierre Poilievre says that his campaign is about freedom.
> But that freedom only extends to people who agree with him 100% of the
> time.
> Mine is a case in point.
> I spoke out about Pierre’s reckless and, quite frankly, puzzling plan
> to fire the Bank of Canada Governor.
> When it comes to regulating our money system, Pierre seems to think
> that he knows better than the Bank of Canada Governor.
> I strongly disagree with Pierre.
> I don’t believe MPs should stick their fingers into regulating
> Canada’s currency or setting monetary policy. That’s dangerous — and
> wrong.
> And keeping the Bank of Canada independent and away from meddling
> politicians has been a long-established and trusted practice in our
> country.
> Quite frankly, I’m very worried about the serious damage Pierre’s
> highly questionable ideas are doing to the economic credibility of our
> Conservative Party.
> So, I spoke out.
> Then they came after me.
> “Just shut up.”
> That’s what Pierre Poilievre’s MP supporters told me about my efforts
> to oppose their candidate’s reckless policies around the Bank of
> Canada and his DUBIOUS claim that Canadians can “opt-out of inflation”
> by investing in speculative cryptocurrencies.
> Some of the MPs who tried to muzzle me don’t even agree with Pierre’s
> policies themselves.
> But still, they wanted me to keep my mouth shut.
> I refused.
> Instead, I asked our interim leader, Candice Bergen, to relieve me of
> my duties as Shadow Minister of Finance so that I can speak freely
> about the risky and wrong-headed policies being promoted by Pierre
> Poilievre.
> That wasn’t my first choice.
> But I can’t do my job and stand up for Canada if Pierre and his team
> won’t allow me to exercise my right to free speech.
> However, here’s the silver lining…
> I now have even more time to dedicate to electing my friend, Jean
> Charest, as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.
> I trust Jean Charest. He respects free speech – for everyone.
> Unlike Pierre, he isn’t afraid of people who disagree with him.
> And he won’t risk the Conservative Party’s economic credibility by
> promoting dangerous, conspiratorial ideas to win social media “likes”
> from the radical fringe.
> Jean Charest has a proven track record of balancing budgets, lowering
> taxes, cutting red tape, and creating jobs.
> He’s actually DONE the things Pierre can only TALK about.
> If you care about preserving our party’s credibility on the economy…
> If you believe now is the time for serious, thoughtful Conservative
> leadership…
> And… if you want to win the next election, I invite you to click here
> (https://d2y0PW04.na1.
> ) to join Jean Charest’s campaign.
> Trust me, on Jean Charest’s team, “freedom” is more than a slogan.
> Sincerely,
> Hon. Ed Fast, MP
> Ami,
> Pierre Poilièvre dit que sa campagne porte sur la liberté.
> Mais cette liberté ne s'étend qu'aux personnes qui sont toujours
> d'accord avec lui à 100%.
> Ma situation actuelle en est un exemple flagrant.
> J'ai parlé du plan imprudent et, très franchement, déroutant de Pierre
> de renvoyer le gouverneur de la Banque du Canada.
> Lorsqu'il s'agit de réglementer notre système monétaire, Pierre semble
> penser qu'il en sait plus que le gouverneur de la Banque du Canada.
> Je ne suis pas du tout d'accord avec Pierre.
> Je ne crois pas que les députés devraient s'ingérer dans la
> réglementation de la monnaie canadienne ou dans l'établissement de la
> politique monétaire. C'est dangereux - et malintentionné.
> Et garder la Banque du Canada indépendante et à l'écart de l'ingérence
> des politiciens est une pratique établie de longue date et digne de
> confiance dans notre pays.
> Très franchement, je suis très inquiet des dommages sérieux que les
> idées très discutables de Pierre causent à la crédibilité économique
> de notre Parti conservateur.
> Alors, j'ai parlé.
> Puis ils sont venus après moi.
> « Eille, ferme-là. »
> C'est ce que les partisans députés de Pierre Poilièvre m'ont dit au
> sujet de mes efforts pour m'opposer aux politiques imprudentes de leur
> candidat à l'égard de la Banque du Canada et de son affirmation
> DOUTEUSE selon laquelle les Canadiens peuvent « se retirer de
> l'inflation » en investissant dans des crypto-monnaies spéculatives.
> Certains des députés qui ont essayé de me museler ne sont même pas
> eux-mêmes d'accord avec la politique de Pierre.
> Mais tout de même, ils voulaient que je me taise.
> J'ai refusé.
> Au lieu de cela, j'ai demandé à notre chef par intérim, Candice
> Bergen, de me relever de mes fonctions de ministre fantôme des
> Finances afin que je puisse parler librement des politiques risquées
> et erronées promues par Pierre Poilièvre.
> Ce n'était pas mon premier choix.
> Mais je ne peux pas faire mon travail et défendre le Canada si Pierre
> et son équipe ne me permettent pas d'exercer mon droit à la liberté
> d'expression.
> Cependant, voici le bon côté de la médaille…
> J'ai maintenant encore plus de temps à consacrer à l'élection de mon
> ami Jean Charest à la tête du Parti conservateur du Canada.
> Je fais confiance à Jean Charest. Il respecte la liberté d'expression
> – pour tout le monde.
> Contrairement à Pierre, il n'a pas peur des gens qui ne sont pas
> d'accord avec lui.
> Et il ne mettra pas en péril la crédibilité économique du Parti
> conservateur en faisant la promotion d'idées dangereuses et
> complotistes pour gagner des "j'aime" sur les réseaux sociaux de la
> frange radicale.
> Jean Charest a fait ses preuves en matière d'équilibre budgétaire, de
> réduction des impôts, de réduction des formalités administratives et
> de création d'emplois.
> Il a en fait ACCOMPLI les choses dont Pierre ne peut que PARLER.
> Si vous vous souciez de préserver la crédibilité de notre parti sur
> l’économie…
> Si vous pensez que le moment est venu pour un leadership conservateur
> sérieux et réfléchi…
> Et… si vous voulez gagner la prochaine élection, je vous invite à
> cliquer ici
> (https://d2y0PW04.na1.
> ) pour vous joindre à la campagne de Jean Charest.
> Croyez-moi, dans l'équipe de Jean Charest, la « liberté » est plus qu'un
> slogan.
> Sincèrement,
> Hon. Ed Fast, député
> Follow the team that's Built to Win.
> Suivez le mouvement Bâti pour gagner.
> (https://d2y0PW04.na1.
> )
> (https://d2y0PW04.na1.
> )
> (https://d2y0PW04.na1.
> )
> (https://d2y0PW04.na1.
> )
> Copyright © 2022 Jean Charest Campaign, All rights reserved.
> Droits d’auteur © 2022 Jean Charest Campaign. Tous les droits sont
> réservés.
> Jean Charest Campaign, 500-30 Wellington Street West, Commerce Court
> South, Toronto, Ontario, M5L 1E2, Canada
> Unsubscribe
> (https://hs-21574884.s.
> )
> Manage preferences
> (https://hs-21574884.s.
> )
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Fast, Ed - M.P." <>
> Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 02:07:47 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: RE Trudeau Invoking the Emergency Act and
> Freeland defending her liberal democracy byway of her bankster buddies
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Thank you for your email. Due to the large volume of correspondence we
> are receiving at this time, I am temporarily unable to send an
> individual email response to each constituent.
> Please view the following links for my responses on certain topics.
> Canada’s EmergenciesAct:
> Vote of Non-Confidence:
> The citizens of Abbotsford are rightfully perturbed by the events in
> Ottawa over the past several weeks, and I apologize that I cannot
> personally respond to each of you at this time. Suffice it to say that
> I am actively engaged in representing your interests in Ottawa and in
> holding the Trudeau government to account for its actions.
> Sincerely,
> Hon. Ed Fast
> Member of Parliament (Abbotsford)
> On 5/16/22, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> Aitchison: 'The tone of politics in Ottawa has been degrading for
>> decades'
>> May 15, 2022
>> CBC News
>> 3.09M subscribers
>> Conservative leadership candidate Scott Aitchison speaks to CBC chief
>> political correspondent Rosemary Barton. He raised concerns about the
>> tone of the Conservative leadership debate. He's pitching himself to
>> voters as the candidate to put an end to divisive rhetoric within his
>> party and Canadian politics.
>> On 5/3/22, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> https://davidraymondamos3.
>>> Tuesday, 3 May 2022
>>> Anti-abortion activists claim corruption after Tories bar social
>>> conservative from leadership race
>>> https://www.
>>> Anti-abortion activists claim corruption after Tories bar social
>>> conservative from leadership race
>>> Six candidates will be on the final ballot, including Pierre Poilievre
>>> and Jean Charest
>>> John Paul Tasker · CBC News · Posted: May 02, 2022 1:41 PM ET
>>> Composite illustration featuring Conservative leadership candidates,
>>> top row left to right, Pierre Poilievre, Leslyn Lewis, Jean Charest,
>>> and bottom row left to right, Roman Baber, Patrick Brown and Scott
>>> Aitchison. (Blair Gable/Reuters; Frank Gunn/The Canadian Press; Justin
>>> Tang/The Canadian Press; The Canadian Press; Chris Young/The Canadian
>>> Press;Scott Aitchison)
>>> The Conservative Party of Canada today released the list of candidates
>>> who will appear on the ballot when party members vote for a new leader
>>> in September — and it doesn't include three candidates who say they
>>> collected enough money and signatures to qualify.
>>> In a social media post, the party said Conservative MPs Scott
>>> Aitchison, Leslyn Lewis and Pierre Poilievre, Brampton Mayor Patrick
>>> Brown, former Quebec premier Jean Charest and Independent Ontario MPP
>>> Roman Baber have been accepted by the Leadership Election Organizing
>>> Committee (LEOC) as "verified" candidates. That means they have at
>>> least $300,000 to pay a series of entry fees and 500 endorsement
>>> signatures from members in 30 different ridings.
>>> Three candidates — Joel Etienne, a commercial lawyer from Toronto,
>>> Joseph Bourgault, a Saskatchewan business owner and B.C.'s Grant
>>> Abraham, a consultant — will not appear on the final ballot, despite
>>> their claims that they met the party's requirements to be considered
>>> "verified."
>>> But candidates need more than money and signatures to advance.
>>> According to the party's leadership election rules, the Leadership
>>> Candidate Nomination Committee (LCNC), the group of party stalwarts
>>> reviewing applications from would-be candidates, can also rely on "any
>>> other information they see fit to ascertain the suitability of an
>>> applicant." The LCNC can, in turn, recommend to LEOC that a particular
>>> candidate be barred from running.
>>> Bourgault, the president and CEO of Bourgault Tillage Tools, is a
>>> social conservative who was strongly endorsed by Campaign Life
>>> Coalition (CLC), an anti-abortion group that has long sought to pull
>>> the party to the right on social issues.
>>> In addition to his anti-abortion credentials, Bourgault was a member
>>> of the so-called Freedom Convoy and participated in protests against
>>> COVID-related measures like vaccine mandates on Parliament Hill
>>> earlier this year.
>>> Saskatchewan businessman Joseph Bourgault is not among the six
>>> "verified" candidates that will be on the final Conservative
>>> leadership ballot. (Joseph Bourgault/Facebook)
>>> In a letter to supporters last week, Jack Fonseca, the director of
>>> political operations for the CLC, said it was crucial to get Bourgault
>>> and at least two other candidates — Conservative MP Marc Dalton and
>>> Abraham — into the race to advance a "pro-family" agenda within the
>>> party.
>>> Those efforts appear to have failed — the only "so con" candidate
>>> still in the running is Lewis.
>>> In a social media post, Abraham's campaign said the candidate was told
>>> Sunday he has been "deemed ineligible" by the party.
>>> Abraham has criticized Conservative MPs for failing to stop Bill C-4,
>>> the Liberal government's ban on conversion therapy. He has also called
>>> for a return to a "Judeo-Christian framework" in Canada and an end to
>>> secularism.
>>> "Grant has responded to the party with a communication asking for a
>>> detailed justification of their decision," Abraham's campaign said,
>>> adding it will "question the ruling" and provide an update to
>>> supporters.
>>> Reached by phone Monday, Fonseca said blocking some social
>>> conservatives from the final ballot "looks like skullduggery."
>>> 'They're corrupt'
>>> "It's another lynching of social conservatives. They're trying to
>>> cancel us and it's a total disgrace. This is what Red Tories do. Red
>>> Tories cheat. They're dishonest and they don't like to play fair.
>>> They're corrupt," Fonseca told CBC News.
>>> "It's the same kind of corruption the party used to disqualify Jim
>>> Karahalios and Richard Décarie the last time — they don't like their
>>> views and that's why Bourgault is out, despite whatever excuses
>>> they'll say publicly," he added, referring to two social conservative
>>> candidates who were barred from running in the last leadership
>>> election.
>>> Bourgault did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
>>> Fonseca said any attempt by the Conservative Party to "purge" itself
>>> of social conservatives would hurt its electoral fortunes in the next
>>> campaign.
>>> He said some anti-abortion activists could jump to another party that
>>> is seen as more welcoming to their cause.
>>> People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier takes part in a rally
>>> outside the CBC building in Toronto on Sept. 16, 2021. A spokesperson
>>> for Campaign Life Coalition says that any Conservative efforts to keep
>>> anti-abortion candidates out of the leadership race will only drive
>>> people toward the People's Party. (Evan Mitsui/CBC)
>>> "We have the corrupt Red Tory establishment disqualifying 'so cons'
>>> left and right because they can get away with it and they're
>>> destroying the party in the process. It's just pushing people into the
>>> arms of Maxime Bernier and the People's Party and they think they're
>>> wonderful for doing so," Fonseca said.
>>> Fonseca said the People's Party's relative success in the last federal
>>> election — Bernier and his candidates secured about five per cent of
>>> the national vote — was due to a number of ardently conservative
>>> voters who were tired of what he called "Liberal-lite" policies.
>>> He said the anti-abortion movement's last hope in this leadership race
>>> is Lewis, a candidate who has promised to table a suite of social
>>> conservative measures if she ever makes it to the Prime Minister's
>>> Office. Lewis has said she wants a ban on "sex-selective" abortions
>>> and criminal penalties for "coercive" abortions.
>>> Conservative Party of Canada leadership candidate Leslyn Lewis speaks
>>> during the English debate in Toronto on Thursday, June 18, 2020.
>>> (Tijana Martin / Canadian Press)
>>> "If they could take Leslyn Lewis out, they would. But she's too
>>> high-profile and too well liked by party members. They know it would
>>> totally destroy the party if they did that. She's the only one we can
>>> trust," Fonseca said.
>>> Speaking to Radio-Canada, CBC's French-language service, Etienne, the
>>> other rejected candidate, said he personally delivered the required
>>> paperwork to the party's Ottawa office last Friday at 2 p.m., well
>>> before the LEOC-imposed deadline.
>>> He said he was told subsequently that the party wouldn't accept a
>>> credit card as payment for some of the necessary fees.
>>> Etienne also said the party rejected some of the signatures he
>>> collected as "invalid," but he hasn't been told why.
>>> In a statement, Wayne Benson, the party's executive director, said the
>>> decision to block a particular candidate "was based on the
>>> requirements set out under the rules, not any prospective candidate's
>>> political beliefs."
>>> "Any prospective candidate who did not meet the requirements was
>>> informed of this fact and the reason or reasons why they did not meet
>>> the requirements set out under the rules," Benson said.
>>> John Paul Tasker
>>> Parliamentary Bureau
>>> J.P. Tasker is a senior writer in the CBC's parliamentary bureau in
>>> Ottawa. He can be reached at
>>> Follow J.P. on Twitter
>>> CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: "Bergen, Candice - M.P." <>
>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 21:06:13 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded
>>> Conservative leadership race
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> On behalf of the Hon. Candice Bergen, thank you for contacting the
>>> Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition.
>>> Ms. Bergen greatly values feedback and input from Canadians. We read
>>> and review every incoming e-mail. Please note that this account
>>> receives a high volume of e-mails. We reply to e-mails as quickly as
>>> possible.
>>> If you are a constituent of Ms. Bergen’s in Portage-Lisgar with an
>>> urgent matter please provide complete contact information. Not
>>> identifying yourself as a constituent could result in a delayed
>>> response.
>>> Once again, thank you for writing.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Au nom de l’hon. Candice Bergen, nous vous remercions de communiquer
>>> avec le Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle.
>>> Mme Bergen accorde une grande importance aux commentaires des
>>> Canadiens. Nous lisons et étudions tous les courriels entrants.
>>> Veuillez noter que ce compte reçoit beaucoup de courriels. Nous y
>>> répondons le plus rapidement possible.
>>> Si vous faites partie de l’électorat de Mme Bergen dans la
>>> circonscription de Portage-Lisgar et que votre affaire est urgente,
>>> veuillez fournir vos coordonnées complètes. Si vous ne le faites pas,
>>> cela pourrait retarder la réponse.
>>> Nous vous remercions une fois encore d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire.
>>> Veuillez agréer nos salutations distinguées,
>>> Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: "Charest, Jean" <>
>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:46:06 +0000
>>> Subject: Réponse automatique : [EXT] RE The dark horses in the
>>> suddenly crowded Conservative leadership race
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Je suis temporairement absent du bureau, sans accès à cette boîte de
>>> réception. Pour un message en lien avec le cabinet adressez-vous à
>>> Karl Tabbakh<mailto:kt
>>> un message relatif à ma campagne écrivez à
>>> I am on leave of absence from the firm with no access to this inbox.
>>> If you have an inquiry for the firm, please contact Karl Tabbakh,
>>> inquiry for my campaign, please contact
>>> This e-mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential
>>> and/or exempt from disclosure. No waiver whatsoever is intended by
>>> sending this e-mail which is intended only for the named recipient(s).
>>> Unauthorized use, dissemination or copying is prohibited. If you
>>> receive this email in error, please notify the sender and destroy all
>>> copies of this e-mail. Our privacy policy is available at
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>>> unsubscribe<mailto:listmanager
>>> from commercial electronic messages. Please note that you will
>>> continue to receive non-commercial electronic messages, such as
>>> account statements, invoices, client communications, and other similar
>>> factual electronic communications. Suite 5300, TD Bank Tower, Box 48,
>>> 66 Wellington Street West, Toronto, ON M5K 1E6
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario
>>> <>
>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:45:59 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded
>>> Conservative leadership race
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly
>>> valued.
>>> You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
>>> reviewed and taken into consideration.
>>> There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
>>> need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
>>> correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
>>> response may take several business days.
>>> Thanks again for your email.
>>> ______
>>> Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
>>> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
>>> Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
>>> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
>>> Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
>>> responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
>>> la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
>>> ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
>>> Merci encore pour votre courriel.
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: Office of the Premier <>
>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:44:28 +0000
>>> Subject: Thank you for your email
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> This is to acknowledge that your email has been received by the Office
>>> of the Premier.
>>> We appreciate the time you have taken to write.
>>> NOTICE: This e-mail was intended for a specific person. If it has
>>> reached you by mistake, please delete it and advise me by return
>>> e-mail. Any privilege associated with this information is not waived.
>>> Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.
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>>> vous est inconnu, veuillez informer l'expéditeur par courrier
>>> électronique immédiatement et effacer ce message et en détruire toute
>>> copie. Merci de votre cooperation.
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: Justice Minister <>
>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:46:08 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded
>>> Conservative leadership race
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Thank you for your email to the Minister of Justice. Please be assured
>>> that it has been received by the Department. Your email will be
>>> reviewed and addressed accordingly. Thank you.
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: Premier <>
>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:46:07 +0000
>>> Subject: Thank you for your email
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Thank you for your email to Premier Houston. This is an automatic
>>> confirmation your message has been received.
>>> As we are currently experiencing higher than normal volumes of
>>> correspondence, there may be delays in the response time for
>>> correspondence identified as requiring a response.
>>> If you are looking for the most up-to-date information from the
>>> Government of Nova Scotia please visit:
>>> Thank you,
>>> Premier’s Correspondence Team
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <>
>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:46:12 +0000
>>> Subject: RE: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded Conservative
>>> leadership race
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Hello,
>>> Thank you for taking the time to write.
>>> Due to the volume of incoming messages, this is an automated response
>>> to let you know that your email has been received and will be reviewed
>>> at the earliest opportunity.
>>> If your inquiry more appropriately falls within the mandate of a
>>> Ministry or other area of government, staff will refer your email for
>>> review and consideration.
>>> Merci d'avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
>>> En raison du volume des messages reçus, cette réponse automatique vous
>>> informe que votre courriel a été reçu et sera examiné dans les
>>> meilleurs délais.
>>> Si votre demande relève plutôt du mandat d'un ministère ou d'un autre
>>> secteur du gouvernement, le personnel vous renverra votre courriel
>>> pour examen et considération.
>>> If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
>>> (506) 453-2144 or by email
>>> S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
>>> Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
>>> Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
>>> P.O Box/C. P. 6000 Fredericton New-Brunswick/Nouveau-
>>> Canada
>>> Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
>>> Email/Courriel:
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)" <minfinance-financemin@fin.gc.
>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:46:01 +0000
>>> Subject: Department of Finance / Ministère des Finances
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
>>> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
>>> comments.
>>> Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we apologize in advance for
>>> any delay in responding to your enquiry. In the meantime, information
>>> on Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan is available on the
>>> Government of Canada website at
>>> or by calling 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) or 1-833-784-4397.
>>> Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel.
>>> Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.
>>> En raison de la fluidité de la crise de la COVID-19, il est possible
>>> que nous retardions à vous répondre et nous nous en excusons.
>>> Entre-temps, les informations au sujet du Plan d’intervention
>>> économique du Canada pour répondre à la COVID-19 sont disponibles dans
>>> le site Web du gouvernement du Canada au
>>> ou en composant le 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) ou le
>>> 1-833-784-4397.
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 18:06:03 -0300
>>> Subject: Fwd: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded Conservative
>>> leadership race
>>> To:, "Richard.Bragdon"
>>> <>, "rob.moore" <>,
>>> "Ross.Wetmore" <>, "Robert. Jones"
>>> <>, "steve.murphy" <>,
>>>, "Roger.L.Melanson"
>>> <>,
>>> Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "andrew.scheer"
>>> <>, andrewjdouglas <>
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: "O'Toole, Erin - M.P." <>
>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:44:31 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded
>>> Conservative leadership race
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Thank you for contacting the office of Hon. Erin O’Toole, Member of
>>> Parliament for Durham.
>>> Mr. O’Toole greatly values your feedback. Please note, this account
>>> receives an extremely high volume of emails. As a result, we are
>>> prioritizing constituent emails only at this time. If you are a
>>> constituent in the riding of Durham and did not include your postal
>>> code in your original email, please forward your original message to
>>> code included.
>>> To contact the Interim Leader of the Official Opposition, please
>>> email:<
>>> To find your Member of Parliament, please visit
>>> Due to the high volume of emails that we receive in this inbox, if
>>> your email is regarding an urgent case matter, please contact the
>>> Constituency Office at:
>>> Tel: 905-697-1699
>>> Toll Free: 1-866-436-1141
>>> We're moving!
>>> Please note our Constituency Office is relocating in order to better
>>> serve the constituents of Durham. During our move from March 21 to
>>> March 25, 2022, our office will closed to the public and our response
>>> times may be longer than usual. For the most up-to-date information on
>>> our office hours, method-of-delivery of services, and more, please
>>> visit our website at<http://
>>> As of March 28, 2022, we will be able to serve you at our new office
>>> location:
>>> New Durham Constituency Office
>>> 68 King St. E., Unit D
>>> Bowmanville, ON
>>> L1C 3X2
>>> If you are a member of the media wishing to request an interview with
>>> MP. O’Toole, please email
>>> Clarissa.schurter.423@parl.gc.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Office of Hon. Erin O’Toole, MP
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 17:44:22 -0300
>>> Subject: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded Conservative
>>> leadership
>>> race
>>> To:,,
>>>, "pierre.poilievre"
>>> <>, "leslyn.lewis"
>>> <>,,
>>> "fin.minfinance-financemin.
>>> <fin.minfinance-financemin.
>>> Cc: motomaniac333 <>,,
>>> "Mike.Comeau" <>, "hugh.flemming"
>>> <>, "blaine.higgs" <>, premier
>>> <>, premier <>, Office of the
>>> Premier <>, premier <>,
>>> premier <>, PREMIER <>,
>>> https://davidraymondamos3.
>>> Sunday, 27 March 2022
>>> The dark horses in the suddenly crowded Conservative leadership race
>>> Joseph Bourgault
>>> Joseph is the President of Bourgault Tillage Tools, Canadians For
>>> Truth and is run
>>> Page · Politician
>>> (306) 275-2271
>>> Joseph Bourgault
>>> Joseph Bourgault on the Cover of the National Post.
> On 5/17/22, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> Go figure why I publish many things
>> https://davidraymondamos3.
>> Saturday, 14 May 2022
>> Why Sweden is moving away from its 'non-aligned' status and towards NATO
>> ---------- Original message ----------
>> From: Chrystia Freeland <>
>> Date: Sat, 14 May 2022 03:07:40 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy do ya think Dougy Ford or Cynthia
>> Chung and Alex Krainer are clever enough to explain this email to
>> Ambassador Urban Ahlin before Trudeau et al cons the Swedes into
>> joining NATO and picing a fight with Russia
>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
>> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
>> comments.
>> Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel.
>> Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.
>> ---------- Original message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> Date: Sat, 14 May 2022 00:03:51 -0300
>> Subject: Hey Higgy do ya think Dougy Ford or Cynthia Chung and Alex
>> Krainer are clever enough to explain this email to Ambassador Urban
>> Ahlin before Trudeau et al cons the Swedes into joining NATO and
>> picing a fight with Russia
>> To:,,
>>, "blaine.higgs" <>, premier
>> <>,, Connie
>> <Connie@
>> <>
>> <>, mcu <>, washington
>> field <>, "Brenda.Lucki"
>> <>, "Bill.Hogan" <>,
>>, Newsroom <>,
>>, "Melanie.Joly" <>,
>>, "George.Soros"
>> <George.Soros@
>> <>, birgittajoy <>,
>> smari <>, pm <>,,
>>,, news
>> <>, news-tips <>,
>> "ed.pilkington" <>
>> <>
>> Cc: motomaniac333 <>,
>> melanie.joly@international.gc.
>> briangallant10 <>, oldmaison
>> <>, ""
>> <>, "fin.minfinance-financemin.
>> <fin.minfinance-financemin.
>> <>
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2021 10:22:09 -0400
>>> Subject: Fwd: I just contacted the Governor General and Canada's
>>> latest Lieutenant Governor through their offices in Ottawa and
>>> Fredericton .byway of phone and obviously email as well N'esy Pas Mr
>>> Butts?
>>> To:, SylviaPoirier <
>>> pm <>, "Katie.Telford" <>,
>>> "Ian.Shugart" <>,,
>>> mcu <>,,
>>> Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "Mark.Blakely"
>>> <>, "martin.gaudet"
>>> <>
>>> Rob McKinnon
>>> Rideau Hall Press Office
>>> 343-548-1976 (cell)
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 10:42:31 -0300
>>> Subject: Re: I just contacted the Governor General and Canada's latest
>>> Lieutenant Governor through their offices in Ottawa and Fredericton
>>> .byway of phone and obviously email as well N'esy Pas Mr Butts?
>>> To:,, "blaine.higgs" <>,
>>> "kris.austin" <>, "David.Coon" <>,
>>> "Kevin.Vickers" <>, "brian.gallant"
>>> <>, "ian.hanamansing" <>,
>>> "Katie.Telford" <>, "darrow.macintyre"
>>> <>, "carl.urquhart" <>,
>>> "Catherine.Tait" <>, "sylvie.gadoury"
>>> <sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.
>>> <>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
>>> <>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"
>>> <>, "michelle.conroy" <>,
>>> "rick.desaulniers" <>, "robert.gauvin"
>>> <>, robmoorefundy <>,
>>> alaina <>, "robert.mckee"
>>> <>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
>>> <>
>>> andre <>, jbosnitch <>,
>>> "Roger.Brown" <>, "dan. bussieres"
>>> <>, "Gilles.Blinn" <>,
>>> "Gilles.Cote" <>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
>>> <>, mcu <>,
>>> "Nathalie.Drouin" <
>>> kathleen.roussel@ppsc-sppc.gc.
>>> Cc: "Gerald.Butts" <>,
>>>, motomaniac333 <>,
>>> Newsroom <>, "Jacques.Poitras"
>>> <>, "David.Lametti" <>,
>>> "Ian.Shugart" <>
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Info <>
>>> Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 13:36:23 +0000
>>> Subject: OSGG General Inquiries / Demande de renseignements généraux au
>>> BSGG
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Thank you for writing to the Office of the Secretary to the Governor
>>> General. We appreciate hearing your views and suggestions. Responses
>>> to specific inquiries can be expected within three weeks. Please note
>>> that general comments and opinions may not receive a response.
>>> *****
>>> Nous vous remercions d'avoir écrit au Bureau du secrétaire du
>>> gouverneur général. Nous aimons prendre connaissance de vos points de
>>> vue et de vos suggestions. Il faut allouer trois semaines pour
>>> recevoir une réponse à une demande précise. Veuillez noter que nous ne
>>> donnons pas nécessairement suite aux opinions et aux commentaires
>>> généraux.
>>> On 10/9/19, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> > Office of the Secretary to the Governor General
>>> > Rideau Hall
>>> > 1 Sussex Drive
>>> > Ottawa ON K1A 0A1
>>> > 613-993-8200
>>> > 1-800-465-6890 (toll-free in Canada and the U.S.)
>>> > TTY: 1-800-465-7735
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > I spoke to a lady named "Hannah"
>>> >
>>> > Lieutenant Governor .
>>> > Phone: (506) 453-2505
>>> > Fax: (506) 444-5280
>>> > E-mail:
>>> > Or by regular mail (see below)
>>> >
>>> > I got the recording so I left another voicemail
>>> >
>>> > This is the lawsuit I was referring to
>>> >
>>> >
>>> https://davidraymondamos3.
>>> >
>>> > Friday, 18 September 2015
>>> > David Raymond Amos Versus The Crown T-1557-15
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Court File No. T-1557-15
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > BETWEEN:
>>> >
>>> > Plaintiff
>>> > and
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Defendant
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > The Parties
>>> >
>>> > 1. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Crown) is Elizabeth II, the Queen of
>>> > England, the Protector of the Faith of the Church of England, the
>>> > longest reigning monarch of the United Kingdom and one of the
>>> > wealthiest persons in the world. Canada pays homage to the Queen
>>> > because she remained the Head of State and the Chief Executive Officer
>>> > of Canada after the Canada Act 1982 (U.K.) 1982, c. 11 came into force
>>> > on April 17, 1982. The standing of the Queen in Canada was explained
>>> > within the 2002 Annual Report FORM 18-K filed by Canada with the
>>> > United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It states as
>>> > follows:
>>> >
>>> > “The executive power of the federal Government is vested in the
>>> > Queen, represented by the Governor General, whose powers are exercised
>>> > on the advice of the federal Cabinet, which is responsible to the
>>> > House of Commons. The legislative branch at the federal level,
>>> > Parliament, consists of the Crown, the Senate and the House of
>>> > Commons.”
>>> >
>>> > “The executive power in each province is vested in the Lieutenant
>>> > Governor, appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the
>>> > federal Cabinet. The Lieutenant Governor’s powers are exercised on the
>>> > advice of the provincial cabinet, which is responsible to the
>>> > legislative assembly. Each provincial legislature is composed of a
>>> > Lieutenant Governor and a legislative assembly made up of members
>>> > elected for a period of five years.”
>>> >
>>> > 2. Her Majesty the Queen is the named defendant pursuant to
>>> > sections 23(1) and 36 of the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act. Some
>>> > of the state actors whose duties and actions are at issue in this
>>> > action are the Prime Minister, Premiers, Governor General, Lieutenant
>>> > Governors, members of the Canadian Forces (CF), and Royal Canadian
>>> > Mounted Police (RCMP), federal and provincial Ministers of Public
>>> > Safety, Ministers of Justice, Ministers of Finance, Speakers, Clerks,
>>> > Sergeants-at-Arms and any other person acting as Aide-de-Camp
>>> > providing security within and around the House of Commons, the
>>> > legislative assemblies or acting as security for other federal,
>>> > provincial and municipal properties.
>>> >
>>> > 3. Her Majesty the Queen’s servants the RCMP whose mandate is to
>>> > serve and protect Canadian citizens and assist in the security of
>>> > parliamentary properties and the protection of public officials should
>>> > not deny a correspondence from a former Deputy Prime Minister who was
>>> > appointed to be Canada’s first Minister of Public Safety in order to
>>> > oversee the RCMP and their cohorts. The letter that helped to raise
>>> > the ire of a fellow Canadian citizen who had never voted in his life
>>> > to run for public office four times thus far is quoted as follows:
>>> >
>>> > “Mr. David R. Amos
>>> > Jan 3rd, 2004
>>> > 153Alvin Avenue
>>> > Milton, MA U.S.A. 02186
>>> >
>>> > Dear Mr. Amos
>>> >
>>> > Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to
>>> > my predecessor, the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding
>>> > your safety.
>>> > I apologize for the delay in responding.
>>> >
>>> > If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only
>>> > suggest that you contact the police of local
>>> > jurisdiction. In addition, any
>>> > evidence of criminal activity should be brought to
>>> > their attention since the
>>> > police are in the best position to evaluate the
>>> > information and take action
>>> > as deemed appropriate.
>>> >
>>> > I trust that this information is satisfactory.
>>> >
>>> > Yours
>>> > sincerely
>>> >
>>> > A. Anne McLellan”
>>> >
>>> > 4. DAVID RAYMOND AMOS (Plaintiff), a Canadian Citizen and the
>>> > first Chief of the Amos Clan, was born in Sackville, New Brunswick
>>> > (NB) on July 17th, 1952.
>>> >
>>> > 5. The Plaintiff claims standing in this action as a citizen
>>> > whose human rights and democratic interests are to be protected by due
>>> > performance of the obligations of Canada’s public officials who are
>>> > either elected or appointed and all servants of the Crown whose
>>> > mandate is to secure the public safety, protect public interests and
>>> > to uphold and enforce the rule of law. The Crown affirms his right to
>>> > seek relief for offences to his rights under section 24(1) of the
>>> > Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Charter). Paragraphs 6 to 13
>>> > explain the delay in bringing this action before Federal Court and
>>> > paragraphs 25 to 88 explain this matter.
>>> >
>>> > 6. The Plaintiff states that pursuant to the democratic rights
>>> > found in Section 3 of the Charter he was a candidate in the elections
>>> > of the membership of the 38th and 39th Parliaments in the House of
>>> > Commons and a candidate in the elections of the memberships of the
>>> > legislative assemblies in Nova Scotia (NS) and NB in 2006.
>>> >
>>> > 7. The Plaintiff states that if he is successful in finding a
>>> > Chartered Accountant to audit his records as per the rules of
>>> > Elections Canada, he will attempt to become a candidate in the
>>> > election of the membership of the 42nd Parliament.
>>> >
>>> > 8. The Plaintiff states that beginning in January of 2002, he
>>> > made many members of the RCMP and many members of the corporate media
>>> > including employees of a Crown Corporation, the Canadian Broadcasting
>>> > Corporation (CBC) well aware of the reason why he planned to return to
>>> > Canada and become a candidate in the next federal election. In May of
>>> > 2004, all members seated in the 37th Parliament before the writ was
>>> > dropped for the election of the 38th Parliament and several members of
>>> > the legislative assemblies of NB and Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)
>>> > knew the reason is the ongoing rampant public corruption. Evidence of
>>> > the Plaintiff’s concerns can be found within his documents that the
>>> > Office of the Governor General acknowledged were in its possession ten
>>> > years ago before the Speech from the Throne in 2004. The Governor
>>> > General’s letter is as follows:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > “September 11th, 2004
>>> > Dear Mr. Amos,
>>> >
>>> > On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne
>>> > Clarkson,
>>> > I acknowledge receipt of two sets of documents and CD
>>> > regarding corruption,
>>> > one received from you directly, and the other forwarded to
>>> > us by the Office of
>>> > the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick.
>>> >
>>> > I regret to inform you that the Governor
>>> > General cannot intervene in
>>> > matters that are the responsibility of elected officials
>>> > and courts of Justice of
>>> > Canada. You already contacted the various provincial
>>> > authorities regarding
>>> > your concerns, and these were the appropriate steps to
>>> > take.
>>> >
>>> > Yours sincerely.
>>> > Renee
>>> > Blanchet
>>> > Office
>>> > of the Secretary
>>> > to the
>>> > Governor General”
>>> >
>>> > 9. The Plaintiff states that the documents contain proof that the
>>> > Crown by way of the RCMP and the Minister of Public Safety/Deputy
>>> > Prime Minister knew that he was the whistleblower offering his
>>> > assistance to Maher Arar and his lawyers in the USA. The Governor
>>> > General acknowledged his concerns about the subject of this complaint
>>> > and affirmed that the proper provincial authorities were contacted but
>>> > ignored the Plaintiff’s faxes and email to the RCMP and the Solicitor
>>> > General in November of 2003 and his tracked US Mail to the Solicitor
>>> > General and the Commissioner of the RCMP by way of the Department of
>>> > Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) in December of 2003
>>> > and the response he received from the Minister of Public Safety/Deputy
>>> > Prime Minister in early 2004. One document was irrefutable proof that
>>> > there was no need whatsoever to create a Commission of Inquiry into
>>> > Maher Arar concerns at about the same point in time. That document is
>>> > a letter from the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office
>>> > Inspector General (OIG complaint no. C04-01448) admitting contact with
>>> > his office on November 21, 2003 within days of the Plaintiff talking
>>> > to the office of Canada’s Solicitor General while he met with the US
>>> > Attorney General and one day after the former Attorney General of New
>>> > York (NY) and the former General Counsel of the SEC testified at a
>>> > public hearing before the US Senate Banking Committee about
>>> > investigations of the mutual fund industry.
>>> >
>>> > Here is a comment I made in CBC before I called their offices
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > David Raymond Amos
>>> > Methinks whereas Murphy spoke about her passion for social justice,
>>> > the lady and I should have a long talk very soon about the lawsuit I
>>> > filed in Federal Court in 2015 while I was running in the last federal
>>> > election N'esy Pas?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Brenda Murphy installed as New Brunswick's 32nd lieutenant-governor
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Formal ceremony held in Fredericton on Tuesday follows swearing-in
>>> > last
>>> > month
>>> > CBC News · Posted: Oct 08, 2019 5:40 PM AT | Last Updated: October 8
>>> > Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy's installation ceremony included an honour
>>> > guard. (Ed Hunter/CBC)
>>> >
On 9/5/23, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> On 5/20/22, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Fast, Ed - M.P." <>
>> Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 23:18:58 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: Ed Fast: Freedom? Yeah, right… | Ed Fast:
>> Liberté? Et oui Guess who called Eddy Baby again today???
>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> This inbox will not be regularly monitored until Tuesday, May 24.
>> For constituent requests, please email
>> For parliamentary requests, please email
>> Tamara Lich to find out Wednesday if she's returning to jail
>> Freedom Convoy leader compares social media ban to living in 'exile'
>> David Fraser · CBC News · Posted: May 20, 2022 5:40 PM ET
>> Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich talks to reporters on Feb. 14,
>> 2022, in Ottawa. (Frédéric Pepin/Radio-Canada)
>> After a two-day bail review held this week, Freedom Convoy leader
>> Tamara Lich will find out Wednesday whether or not she's heading back
>> to jail.
>> Lich, an organizer of the Ottawa protest that brought the city to a
>> halt for weeks, was seeking an amendment to her bail conditions that
>> would allow her to return to Ontario and to use social media. Crown
>> lawyers charged she was in violation of her bail conditions, and
>> should be back in jail.
>> Lich, who is charged jointly with fellow convoy organizer Chris
>> Barber, is accused of mischief, counselling mischief, obstructing
>> police, counselling to obstruct police, counselling intimidation, and
>> intimidation by blocking and obstructing one or more highways in
>> relation to the protest.
>> She has been out on bail since March 7.
>> 'Didn't see the harm' in Freedom Convoy jewelry
>> During Friday's bail review, Crown prosecutor Moiz Karimjee showed a
>> social media post featuring Lich wearing a pendant gifted to her. The
>> pendant features a truck image and the words "Freedom" and "Canada"
>> emblazoned on it.
>> Lich, testifying via video from Alberta, said the pendant was gifted
>> to her, and disagreed with Karimjee that giving permission for it to
>> be posted online violated bail conditions requiring her not to
>> "verbally, in writing, financially, or by any other means, support
>> anything related to the Freedom Convoy."
>> Lich took this photo at the request of a supporter who had sent a
>> pendant with a truck and 'Canada Freedom' emblazoned on it. (Facebook)
>> The photo of Lich wearing the necklace was posted on a Freedom Convoy
>> group page that says "portions of the sale will be donated to Truckers
>> Convoy."
>> Lich said this wasn't supporting anything related to the Freedom
>> Convoy, in part because "there's no convoy to support."
>> "I don't see how it's a breach. It's a piece of jewlery that was
>> gifted to me," said Lich. "I really didn't see the harm in it."
>> She said she took the photo because she was "appreciative" that
>> someone had sent her "such a beautiful gift."
>> Lich said she had assumed the person who sent the pendant and asked
>> for the photo would post it on a personal page.
>> The surety tasked with making sure Lich follows her bail conditions,
>> whose identity is protected by a publication ban, said they were
>> unaware the post or photo existed.
>> Social media ban 'comparable to exile'
>> Lich is seeking to be able to return to social media. Right now she is
>> able to text and call people, but she is restricted from accessing
>> social media platforms.
>> She said she would like to connect with family and friends who post
>> and message her on social media.
>> "We live in social media world now, I think being banned completely
>> from social media is comparable to exile once upon a time," Lich told
>> the court. "I personally don't see why i can't consume my own social
>> media and log into it even and stay connected, that's what it's all
>> about really, staying connected."
>> During examination by defence lawyer Lawrence Greenspon on Thursday,
>> Lich testified she also wants her bail conditions changed to allow her
>> to visit Ottawa. The reasons are subject to a court-ordered
>> publication ban and cannot be disclosed.
>> She also testified she would "love to attend" an event in Toronto in
>> June to accept a freedom award, "however I won't be breaching my bail
>> conditions in order to do so."
>> Lich is receiving an award from the Justice Centre for Constitutional
>> Freedoms for her work organizing the Freedom Convoy protest that
>> occupied some downtown Ottawa streets for weeks earlier this year.
>> (
>> Award for leading convoy
>> On March 28, a charity called the Justice Centre for Constitutional
>> Freedoms emailed Lich to notify her she'd been selected for its 2022
>> George Jonas Freedom Award, she told court.
>> The email, which she read aloud, said the honour was being given "in
>> recognition of your leadership role in the Freedom Convoy."
>> The award announcement on the centre's website states Lich "took the
>> initiative to help organize a peaceful protest and serve as one of its
>> leaders. The resulting peaceful protest in Ottawa awakened many
>> Canadians to the injustice of Charter-violating lockdowns and
>> mandatory vaccination policies."
>> The day after receiving the email, Lich emailed back to say she was
>> "honoured" to accept. She didn't inquire about whether it would be OK,
>> she testified under cross examination by Karimjee.
>> Asked whether by accepting the award she was supporting something
>> related to the convoy, Lich said, "I guess, yeah. I guess so.
>> "I don't feel that this is a breach. I don't feel that that's what the
>> recognition is for. ... I feel that the recognition is for inspiring
>> Canadians to hold the government to account to the rule of law and to
>> uphold their Charter rights," she continued.
>> "I guess it is related, because of what happened," she added.
>> Lich appears in front of a judge for her bail hearing on Feb. 19,
>> 2022. (Lauren Foster-MacLeod/CBC)
>> Lich arrested in February
>> Lich was arrested Feb. 17 and originally charged with counselling to
>> commit mischief, shortly before before a major police operation
>> cleared protesters and vehicles from Ottawa streets.
>> She was initially denied bail by Ontario Court Justice Julie
>> Bourgeois, who told court she found Lich to be guarded and "almost
>> obstructive" at times, and who wasn't convinced Lich would go home,
>> stay home and stop her alleged counselling.
>> Lich and her then lawyer Diane Magas appealed Bourgeois's decision,
>> leading to her first bail review in the higher court in early March.
>> Superior Court Justice John Johnston ruled in Lich's favour after the
>> one-day proceeding, saying she had been a "valued employee" in Alberta
>> and had lived a "crime-free" life, and that the risk in Ottawa had
>> been minimized after police cleared streets.
>> Lich was released after spending about 18 days in custody at the
>> Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre. Other bail conditions included that
>> she leave Ottawa within 24 hours, refrain from using social media and
>> have no contact with certain co-organizers.
>> Her surety — who cannot be identified due to a court-ordered
>> publication ban — put up a $20,000 cash bond, while Lich herself put
>> up an additional $5,000 cash bond.
>> CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
>> Tamara Lich admits accepting award is related to Freedom Convoy in
>> fiery day in court
>> Social Sharing
>> Crown brings up possible mistrial application, asks judge to recuse
>> himself
>> Kristy Nease · CBC News · Posted: May 19, 2022 7:55 PM ET | Last Updated:
>> May 20
>> Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich talks to reporters in Ottawa on
>> Feb. 14, 2022, a few days before her arrest. Her second bail review
>> began Thursday and continues in court Friday. (Frédéric
>> Pepin/Radio-Canada)
>> Tamara Lich admitted in court Thursday that accepting an award for
>> organizing the Freedom Convoy "is related" to the convoy, but
>> testified she doesn't believe she violated a bail condition not to
>> support anything related to the protest that occupied some downtown
>> Ottawa streets for weeks.
>> She made the comments on the first day of her second bail review in
>> Ottawa's Superior Court, a proceeding peppered with tense, dramatic
>> exchanges between Crown prosecutor Moiz Karimjee and Justice Kevin
>> Phillips.
>> Lich, who is charged jointly with fellow convoy organizer Chris
>> Barber, is accused of mischief, counselling mischief, obstructing
>> police, counselling to obstruct police, counselling intimidation, and
>> intimidation by blocking and obstructing one or more highways in
>> relation to the protest.
>> She has been out on bail since March 7, bound by another Superior
>> Court justice's order not to "verbally, in writing, financially, or by
>> any other means, support anything related to the Freedom Convoy," and
>> to stay out of Ontario, among other conditions.
>> Lich emailed to say she'd be honoured to accept
>> During examination by defence lawyer Lawrence Greenspon on Thursday,
>> Lich testified via a Zoom video link from Alberta that she wants her
>> bail conditions changed to allow her to visit Ottawa. The reasons are
>> subject to a court-ordered publication ban and cannot be disclosed.
>> She also testified she would "love to attend" an event in Toronto in
>> June to accept a freedom award, "however I won't be breaching my bail
>> conditions in order to do so."
>> On March 28, a charity called the Justice Centre for Constitutional
>> Freedoms emailed Lich to notify her she'd been selected for its 2022
>> George Jonas Freedom Award, she told court.
>> The email, which she read aloud, said the honour was being given "in
>> recognition of your leadership role in the Freedom Convoy."
>> Tamara Lich is receiving an award from the Justice Centre for
>> Constitutional Freedoms for her work to help organize the Freedom
>> Convoy protest that occupied some downtown Ottawa streets for weeks
>> earlier this year. (
>> The award announcement on the centre's website states Lich "took the
>> initiative to help organize a peaceful protest and serve as one of its
>> leaders. The resulting peaceful protest in Ottawa awakened many
>> Canadians to the injustice of Charter-violating lockdowns and
>> mandatory vaccination policies."
>> It also states she "suffered for the cause of freedom by spending 18
>> days unjustly jailed, and exemplifies courage, determination and
>> perseverance."
>> The day after receiving the email, Lich emailed back to say she was
>> "honoured" to accept. She didn't inquire about whether it would be OK,
>> she testified under cross examination by Karimjee.
>> Asked whether by accepting the award she was supporting something
>> related to the convoy, Lich said, "I guess, yeah. I guess so.
>> "I don't feel that this is a breach. I don't feel that that's what the
>> recognition is for. ... I feel that the recognition is for inspiring
>> Canadians to hold the government to account to the rule of law and to
>> uphold their Charter rights," she continued.
>> "I guess it is related, because of what happened," she added.
>> Crown asks judge to recuse himself
>> Just before a 15-minute late afternoon break, Phillips told court
>> Karimjee's decorum surprised him, and asked Karimjee to "contemplate
>> that."
>> When court reconvened Karimjee said he was just "doing my job" and
>> began to list some of his problems with the justice's remarks and
>> rulings, including that Phillips had earlier refused to allow the
>> email notifying Lich about her award to be submitted to court.
>> Phillips interrupted. "I'm not interested in an argument," the justice
>> told the Crown. "Proceed with your cross examination."
>> "No, I'm not arguing with you —" Karimjee began.
>> "I don't want to engage in this," Phillips interrupted again. "Proceed
>> with your cross examination. I don't want to hear from you. I want you
>> to cross examine the witness. Proceed, please."
>> "Your honour, I frankly need to consider whether I need to bring a
>> mistrial application given your honour's comments," Karimjee replied.
>> "I'm asking you to cross examine the witness, Mr. Karimjee," Phillips
>> said.
>> "No your honour, it's more than that," Karimjee replied. "... This is
>> a significant case. ... When confronted with things that I believe to
>> be improper, I'm not going to remain silent."
>> "Have you got a question for the witness?" Phillips asked after a long
>> pause.
>> "I am asking your honour to recuse yourself," Karimjee replied.
>> "That request is denied. Go ahead with your cross examination,"
>> Phillips said, and Karimjee promptly continued questioning Lich.
>> Off to a rocky start from the get-go
>> Proceedings had gotten off to a rocky start hours earlier.
>> The Crown had been expected to argue that Lich should be put back in
>> jail for allegedly continuing to support the Freedom Convoy, and
>> Lich's defence team was expected to fight a bail condition that she
>> stay off social media entirely.
>> But instead the Crown asked the judge to rule on whether a Superior
>> Court justice has the authority to respond to alleged errors of law by
>> other Superior Court justices.
>> Karimjee argued that Phillips could deal only with arguments about
>> material changes in circumstances. Ruling on a fellow justice's errors
>> of law could result in counsel seeking bail review after bail review
>> until a justice gave them a favourable ruling, Karimjee told court.
>> After a 20-minute recess Phillips rejected the Crown's argument,
>> opening up submissions to alleged errors of law as well as material
>> changes in circumstance. By then it was "regrettably" 12:30 p.m. and
>> hearing evidence had still not yet begun, Phillips told court.
>> Judge says it's not his job to determine Lich violated conditions
>> The Crown's first and only witness was Ottawa police Sgt. Mahad
>> Hassan, the file co-ordinator in the case. (Det. Chris Benson is the
>> lead investigator, but was busy testifying in a homicide case, court
>> heard.)
>> Hassan testified he believed the more expensive VIP tickets to the
>> Toronto freedom award event would give those ticketholders "a chance
>> to meet the VIPs that are featured on the pamphlets" — in this case
>> Lich and columnist Rex Murphy.
>> During cross examination by Greenspon, Hassan admitted there was no
>> mention that Lich would be in attendance.
>> While Karimjee was leading Hassan's evidence in chief, Phillips
>> bristled at the idea that he might be asked to decide whether Lich
>> violated her bail condition, instead of police.
>> "That's a task I'm unfamiliar with. I'm not usually a police officer
>> of release conditions. ... Are you trying to put me in a position to
>> find a breach here, to declare that she's broken the law?" Phillips
>> asked.
>> Karimjee responded that he's entitled to lead evidence proving Lich
>> violated the terms of her release, citing the Criminal Code.
>> Lich arrested in February
>> Lich was arrested Feb. 17 and originally charged with counselling to
>> commit mischief, shortly before a major police operation cleared
>> protesters and vehicles from Ottawa streets.
>> She was initially denied bail by Ontario Court Justice Julie
>> Bourgeois, who told court she found Lich to be guarded and "almost
>> obstructive" at times, and who wasn't convinced Lich would go home,
>> stay home and stop her alleged counselling.
>> Lich and her then lawyer Diane Magas appealed Bourgeois' decision,
>> leading to her first bail review in the higher court in early March.
>> Tamara Lich appears at her earlier bail review hearing on March 7,
>> 2022, as Justice John Johnston looks on. (Alexandra Newbould/The
>> Canadian Press)
>> Superior Court Justice John Johnston ruled in Lich's favour after the
>> one-day proceeding, saying she had been a "valued employee" in Alberta
>> and had lived a "crime free" life, and that the risk in Ottawa had
>> been minimized after police cleared streets.
>> Lich was released after spending about 18 days in custody at the
>> Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre. Other bail conditions included that
>> she leave Ottawa within 24 hours, refrain from using social media, and
>> have no contact with certain co-organizers.
>> A surety for Lich — who cannot be identified due to a court-ordered
>> publication ban — put up a $20,000 cash bond, while Lich herself put
>> up an additional $5,000 cash bond.
>> Lich's bail review continues Friday morning.
>> With files from David Fraser and Guy Quenneville
>> CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "O'Toole, Erin - M.P." <>
>> Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 23:18:59 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: Ed Fast: Freedom? Yeah, right… | Ed Fast:
>> Liberté? Et oui Guess who called Eddy Baby again today???
>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> Thank you for contacting the office of Hon. Erin O’Toole, Member of
>> Parliament for Durham.
>> Mr. O’Toole greatly values your feedback. Please note, this account
>> receives an extremely high volume of emails. As a result, we are
>> prioritizing constituent emails only at this time. If you are a
>> constituent in the riding of Durham and did not include your postal
>> code in your original email, please forward your original message to
>> code included.
>> To contact the Interim Leader of the Official Opposition, please
>> email:<
>> To find your Member of Parliament, please visit
>> Due to the high volume of emails that we receive in this inbox, if
>> your email is regarding an urgent or time-sensitive case matter,
>> please contact the Constituency Office at:
>> Tel: 905-697-1699
>> Toll Free: 1-866-436-1141
>> We've moved!
>> New Durham Constituency Office
>> 68 King St. E., Unit D
>> Bowmanville, ON
>> L1C 3X2
>> If you are a member of the media wishing to request an interview with
>> MP. O’Toole, please email
>> Clarissa.schurter.423@parl.gc.
>> Thank you.
>> Office of Hon. Erin O’Toole, MP
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Bergen, Candice - M.P." <>
>> Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 23:18:58 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: Ed Fast: Freedom? Yeah, right… | Ed Fast:
>> Liberté? Et oui Guess who called Eddy Baby again today???
>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> On behalf of the Hon. Candice Bergen, thank you for contacting the
>> Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition.
>> Ms. Bergen greatly values feedback and input from Canadians. We read
>> and review every incoming e-mail. Please note that this account
>> receives a high volume of e-mails. We reply to e-mails as quickly as
>> possible.
>> If you are a constituent of Ms. Bergen’s in Portage-Lisgar with an
>> urgent matter please provide complete contact information. Not
>> identifying yourself as a constituent could result in a delayed
>> response.
>> Once again, thank you for writing.
>> Sincerely,
>> Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition
>> ------------------------------
>> Au nom de l’hon. Candice Bergen, nous vous remercions de communiquer
>> avec le Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle.
>> Mme Bergen accorde une grande importance aux commentaires des
>> Canadiens. Nous lisons et étudions tous les courriels entrants.
>> Veuillez noter que ce compte reçoit beaucoup de courriels. Nous y
>> répondons le plus rapidement possible.
>> Si vous faites partie de l’électorat de Mme Bergen dans la
>> circonscription de Portage-Lisgar et que votre affaire est urgente,
>> veuillez fournir vos coordonnées complètes. Si vous ne le faites pas,
>> cela pourrait retarder la réponse.
>> Nous vous remercions une fois encore d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire.
>> Veuillez agréer nos salutations distinguées,
>> Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Chrystia Freeland <>
>> Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 23:19:08 +0000
>> Subject: Department of Finance / Ministère des Finances
>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
>> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
>> comments.
>> Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we apologize in advance for
>> any delay in responding to your enquiry. In the meantime, information
>> on Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan is available on the
>> Government of Canada website at
>> or by calling 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) or 1-833-784-4397.
>> Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel.
>> Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.
>> En raison de la fluidité de la crise de la COVID-19, il est possible
>> que nous retardions à vous répondre et nous nous en excusons.
>> Entre-temps, les informations au sujet du Plan d’intervention
>> économique du Canada pour répondre à la COVID-19 sont disponibles dans
>> le site Web du gouvernement du Canada au
>> ou en composant le 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) ou le
>> 1-833-784-4397.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <>
>> Date: Tue, 17 May 2022 15:48:12 +0000
>> Subject: RE: I called Ambassador Urban Ahlin and Rob McKinnon again
>> before our "Not So Bonnie" Prince Charlie lands in Ottawa Ahlin dared
>> to call me rude while denyig the fact I sent hm a important email
>> after he pissed me off last week
>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> Hello,
>> Thank you for taking the time to write.
>> Due to the volume of incoming messages, this is an automated response
>> to let you know that your email has been received and will be reviewed
>> at the earliest opportunity.
>> If your inquiry more appropriately falls within the mandate of a
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>> Merci d'avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
>> En raison du volume des messages reçus, cette réponse automatique vous
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>> (506) 453-2144 or by email
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>> Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
>> Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
>> P.O Box/C. P. 6000 Fredericton New-Brunswick/Nouveau-
>> Canada
>> Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
>> Email/Courriel:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 20:17:23 -0300
>> Subject: Re: Ed Fast: Freedom? Yeah, right… | Ed Fast: Liberté? Et oui
>> Guess who called Eddy Baby again today???
>> To:,,,
>>, "pierre.poilievre"
>> <>, "leslyn.lewis"
>> <>,,
>> "fin.minfinance-financemin.
>> <fin.minfinance-financemin.
>>, "Mike.Comeau" <>,
>> "hugh.flemming" <>, "blaine.higgs"
>> <>, premier <>, premier
>> <>, Office of the Premier <>,
>> premier <>, premier <>, PREMIER
>> <>,, kingpatrick278
>> <>, Newsroom <>,
>> Norman Traversy <>, sheilagunnreid
>> <>, "stefanos.karatopis"
>> <>
>> Cc: motomaniac333 <>,,
>>,, "Candice.Bergen"
>> <>, ""
>> <>, Viva Frei <>
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Hon. Ed Fast" <>
>> Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 14:34:43 -0400
>> Subject: Ed Fast: Freedom? Yeah, right… | Ed Fast: Liberté? Et oui…
>> To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> « Le français suivra »
>> Friend,
>> Pierre Poilievre says that his campaign is about freedom.
>> But that freedom only extends to people who agree with him 100% of the
>> time.
>> Mine is a case in point.
>> I spoke out about Pierre’s reckless and, quite frankly, puzzling plan
>> to fire the Bank of Canada Governor.
>> When it comes to regulating our money system, Pierre seems to think
>> that he knows better than the Bank of Canada Governor.
>> I strongly disagree with Pierre.
>> I don’t believe MPs should stick their fingers into regulating
>> Canada’s currency or setting monetary policy. That’s dangerous — and
>> wrong.
>> And keeping the Bank of Canada independent and away from meddling
>> politicians has been a long-established and trusted practice in our
>> country.
>> Quite frankly, I’m very worried about the serious damage Pierre’s
>> highly questionable ideas are doing to the economic credibility of our
>> Conservative Party.
>> So, I spoke out.
>> Then they came after me.
>> “Just shut up.”
>> That’s what Pierre Poilievre’s MP supporters told me about my efforts
>> to oppose their candidate’s reckless policies around the Bank of
>> Canada and his DUBIOUS claim that Canadians can “opt-out of inflation”
>> by investing in speculative cryptocurrencies.
>> Some of the MPs who tried to muzzle me don’t even agree with Pierre’s
>> policies themselves.
>> But still, they wanted me to keep my mouth shut.
>> I refused.
>> Instead, I asked our interim leader, Candice Bergen, to relieve me of
>> my duties as Shadow Minister of Finance so that I can speak freely
>> about the risky and wrong-headed policies being promoted by Pierre
>> Poilievre.
>> That wasn’t my first choice.
>> But I can’t do my job and stand up for Canada if Pierre and his team
>> won’t allow me to exercise my right to free speech.
>> However, here’s the silver lining…
>> I now have even more time to dedicate to electing my friend, Jean
>> Charest, as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.
>> I trust Jean Charest. He respects free speech – for everyone.
>> Unlike Pierre, he isn’t afraid of people who disagree with him.
>> And he won’t risk the Conservative Party’s economic credibility by
>> promoting dangerous, conspiratorial ideas to win social media “likes”
>> from the radical fringe.
>> Jean Charest has a proven track record of balancing budgets, lowering
>> taxes, cutting red tape, and creating jobs.
>> He’s actually DONE the things Pierre can only TALK about.
>> If you care about preserving our party’s credibility on the economy…
>> If you believe now is the time for serious, thoughtful Conservative
>> leadership…
>> And… if you want to win the next election, I invite you to click here
>> (https://d2y0PW04.na1.
>> ) to join Jean Charest’s campaign.
>> Trust me, on Jean Charest’s team, “freedom” is more than a slogan.
>> Sincerely,
>> Hon. Ed Fast, MP
>> Ami,
>> Pierre Poilièvre dit que sa campagne porte sur la liberté.
>> Mais cette liberté ne s'étend qu'aux personnes qui sont toujours
>> d'accord avec lui à 100%.
>> Ma situation actuelle en est un exemple flagrant.
>> J'ai parlé du plan imprudent et, très franchement, déroutant de Pierre
>> de renvoyer le gouverneur de la Banque du Canada.
>> Lorsqu'il s'agit de réglementer notre système monétaire, Pierre semble
>> penser qu'il en sait plus que le gouverneur de la Banque du Canada.
>> Je ne suis pas du tout d'accord avec Pierre.
>> Je ne crois pas que les députés devraient s'ingérer dans la
>> réglementation de la monnaie canadienne ou dans l'établissement de la
>> politique monétaire. C'est dangereux - et malintentionné.
>> Et garder la Banque du Canada indépendante et à l'écart de l'ingérence
>> des politiciens est une pratique établie de longue date et digne de
>> confiance dans notre pays.
>> Très franchement, je suis très inquiet des dommages sérieux que les
>> idées très discutables de Pierre causent à la crédibilité économique
>> de notre Parti conservateur.
>> Alors, j'ai parlé.
>> Puis ils sont venus après moi.
>> « Eille, ferme-là. »
>> C'est ce que les partisans députés de Pierre Poilièvre m'ont dit au
>> sujet de mes efforts pour m'opposer aux politiques imprudentes de leur
>> candidat à l'égard de la Banque du Canada et de son affirmation
>> DOUTEUSE selon laquelle les Canadiens peuvent « se retirer de
>> l'inflation » en investissant dans des crypto-monnaies spéculatives.
>> Certains des députés qui ont essayé de me museler ne sont même pas
>> eux-mêmes d'accord avec la politique de Pierre.
>> Mais tout de même, ils voulaient que je me taise.
>> J'ai refusé.
>> Au lieu de cela, j'ai demandé à notre chef par intérim, Candice
>> Bergen, de me relever de mes fonctions de ministre fantôme des
>> Finances afin que je puisse parler librement des politiques risquées
>> et erronées promues par Pierre Poilièvre.
>> Ce n'était pas mon premier choix.
>> Mais je ne peux pas faire mon travail et défendre le Canada si Pierre
>> et son équipe ne me permettent pas d'exercer mon droit à la liberté
>> d'expression.
>> Cependant, voici le bon côté de la médaille…
>> J'ai maintenant encore plus de temps à consacrer à l'élection de mon
>> ami Jean Charest à la tête du Parti conservateur du Canada.
>> Je fais confiance à Jean Charest. Il respecte la liberté d'expression
>> – pour tout le monde.
>> Contrairement à Pierre, il n'a pas peur des gens qui ne sont pas
>> d'accord avec lui.
>> Et il ne mettra pas en péril la crédibilité économique du Parti
>> conservateur en faisant la promotion d'idées dangereuses et
>> complotistes pour gagner des "j'aime" sur les réseaux sociaux de la
>> frange radicale.
>> Jean Charest a fait ses preuves en matière d'équilibre budgétaire, de
>> réduction des impôts, de réduction des formalités administratives et
>> de création d'emplois.
>> Il a en fait ACCOMPLI les choses dont Pierre ne peut que PARLER.
>> Si vous vous souciez de préserver la crédibilité de notre parti sur
>> l’économie…
>> Si vous pensez que le moment est venu pour un leadership conservateur
>> sérieux et réfléchi…
>> Et… si vous voulez gagner la prochaine élection, je vous invite à
>> cliquer ici
>> (https://d2y0PW04.na1.
>> ) pour vous joindre à la campagne de Jean Charest.
>> Croyez-moi, dans l'équipe de Jean Charest, la « liberté » est plus qu'un
>> slogan.
>> Sincèrement,
>> Hon. Ed Fast, député
>> Follow the team that's Built to Win.
>> Suivez le mouvement Bâti pour gagner.
>> (https://d2y0PW04.na1.
>> )
>> (https://d2y0PW04.na1.
>> )
>> (https://d2y0PW04.na1.
>> )
>> (https://d2y0PW04.na1.
>> )
>> Copyright © 2022 Jean Charest Campaign, All rights reserved.
>> Droits d’auteur © 2022 Jean Charest Campaign. Tous les droits sont
>> réservés.
>> Jean Charest Campaign, 500-30 Wellington Street West, Commerce Court
>> South, Toronto, Ontario, M5L 1E2, Canada
>> Unsubscribe
>> (https://hs-21574884.s.
>> )
>> Manage preferences
>> (https://hs-21574884.s.
>> )
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Fast, Ed - M.P." <>
>> Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 02:07:47 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE Trudeau Invoking the Emergency Act and
>> Freeland defending her liberal democracy byway of her bankster buddies
>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> Thank you for your email. Due to the large volume of correspondence we
>> are receiving at this time, I am temporarily unable to send an
>> individual email response to each constituent.
>> Please view the following links for my responses on certain topics.
>> Canada’s EmergenciesAct:
>> Vote of Non-Confidence:
>> The citizens of Abbotsford are rightfully perturbed by the events in
>> Ottawa over the past several weeks, and I apologize that I cannot
>> personally respond to each of you at this time. Suffice it to say that
>> I am actively engaged in representing your interests in Ottawa and in
>> holding the Trudeau government to account for its actions.
>> Sincerely,
>> Hon. Ed Fast
>> Member of Parliament (Abbotsford)
>> On 5/16/22, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Aitchison: 'The tone of politics in Ottawa has been degrading for
>>> decades'
>>> May 15, 2022
>>> CBC News
>>> 3.09M subscribers
>>> Conservative leadership candidate Scott Aitchison speaks to CBC chief
>>> political correspondent Rosemary Barton. He raised concerns about the
>>> tone of the Conservative leadership debate. He's pitching himself to
>>> voters as the candidate to put an end to divisive rhetoric within his
>>> party and Canadian politics.
>>> On 5/3/22, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> https://davidraymondamos3.
>>>> Tuesday, 3 May 2022
>>>> Anti-abortion activists claim corruption after Tories bar social
>>>> conservative from leadership race
>>>> https://www.
>>>> Anti-abortion activists claim corruption after Tories bar social
>>>> conservative from leadership race
>>>> Six candidates will be on the final ballot, including Pierre Poilievre
>>>> and Jean Charest
>>>> John Paul Tasker · CBC News · Posted: May 02, 2022 1:41 PM ET
>>>> Composite illustration featuring Conservative leadership candidates,
>>>> top row left to right, Pierre Poilievre, Leslyn Lewis, Jean Charest,
>>>> and bottom row left to right, Roman Baber, Patrick Brown and Scott
>>>> Aitchison. (Blair Gable/Reuters; Frank Gunn/The Canadian Press; Justin
>>>> Tang/The Canadian Press; The Canadian Press; Chris Young/The Canadian
>>>> Press;Scott Aitchison)
>>>> The Conservative Party of Canada today released the list of candidates
>>>> who will appear on the ballot when party members vote for a new leader
>>>> in September — and it doesn't include three candidates who say they
>>>> collected enough money and signatures to qualify.
>>>> In a social media post, the party said Conservative MPs Scott
>>>> Aitchison, Leslyn Lewis and Pierre Poilievre, Brampton Mayor Patrick
>>>> Brown, former Quebec premier Jean Charest and Independent Ontario MPP
>>>> Roman Baber have been accepted by the Leadership Election Organizing
>>>> Committee (LEOC) as "verified" candidates. That means they have at
>>>> least $300,000 to pay a series of entry fees and 500 endorsement
>>>> signatures from members in 30 different ridings.
>>>> Three candidates — Joel Etienne, a commercial lawyer from Toronto,
>>>> Joseph Bourgault, a Saskatchewan business owner and B.C.'s Grant
>>>> Abraham, a consultant — will not appear on the final ballot, despite
>>>> their claims that they met the party's requirements to be considered
>>>> "verified."
>>>> But candidates need more than money and signatures to advance.
>>>> According to the party's leadership election rules, the Leadership
>>>> Candidate Nomination Committee (LCNC), the group of party stalwarts
>>>> reviewing applications from would-be candidates, can also rely on "any
>>>> other information they see fit to ascertain the suitability of an
>>>> applicant." The LCNC can, in turn, recommend to LEOC that a particular
>>>> candidate be barred from running.
>>>> Bourgault, the president and CEO of Bourgault Tillage Tools, is a
>>>> social conservative who was strongly endorsed by Campaign Life
>>>> Coalition (CLC), an anti-abortion group that has long sought to pull
>>>> the party to the right on social issues.
>>>> In addition to his anti-abortion credentials, Bourgault was a member
>>>> of the so-called Freedom Convoy and participated in protests against
>>>> COVID-related measures like vaccine mandates on Parliament Hill
>>>> earlier this year.
>>>> Saskatchewan businessman Joseph Bourgault is not among the six
>>>> "verified" candidates that will be on the final Conservative
>>>> leadership ballot. (Joseph Bourgault/Facebook)
>>>> In a letter to supporters last week, Jack Fonseca, the director of
>>>> political operations for the CLC, said it was crucial to get Bourgault
>>>> and at least two other candidates — Conservative MP Marc Dalton and
>>>> Abraham — into the race to advance a "pro-family" agenda within the
>>>> party.
>>>> Those efforts appear to have failed — the only "so con" candidate
>>>> still in the running is Lewis.
>>>> In a social media post, Abraham's campaign said the candidate was told
>>>> Sunday he has been "deemed ineligible" by the party.
>>>> Abraham has criticized Conservative MPs for failing to stop Bill C-4,
>>>> the Liberal government's ban on conversion therapy. He has also called
>>>> for a return to a "Judeo-Christian framework" in Canada and an end to
>>>> secularism.
>>>> "Grant has responded to the party with a communication asking for a
>>>> detailed justification of their decision," Abraham's campaign said,
>>>> adding it will "question the ruling" and provide an update to
>>>> supporters.
>>>> Reached by phone Monday, Fonseca said blocking some social
>>>> conservatives from the final ballot "looks like skullduggery."
>>>> 'They're corrupt'
>>>> "It's another lynching of social conservatives. They're trying to
>>>> cancel us and it's a total disgrace. This is what Red Tories do. Red
>>>> Tories cheat. They're dishonest and they don't like to play fair.
>>>> They're corrupt," Fonseca told CBC News.
>>>> "It's the same kind of corruption the party used to disqualify Jim
>>>> Karahalios and Richard Décarie the last time — they don't like their
>>>> views and that's why Bourgault is out, despite whatever excuses
>>>> they'll say publicly," he added, referring to two social conservative
>>>> candidates who were barred from running in the last leadership
>>>> election.
>>>> Bourgault did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
>>>> Fonseca said any attempt by the Conservative Party to "purge" itself
>>>> of social conservatives would hurt its electoral fortunes in the next
>>>> campaign.
>>>> He said some anti-abortion activists could jump to another party that
>>>> is seen as more welcoming to their cause.
>>>> People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier takes part in a rally
>>>> outside the CBC building in Toronto on Sept. 16, 2021. A spokesperson
>>>> for Campaign Life Coalition says that any Conservative efforts to keep
>>>> anti-abortion candidates out of the leadership race will only drive
>>>> people toward the People's Party. (Evan Mitsui/CBC)
>>>> "We have the corrupt Red Tory establishment disqualifying 'so cons'
>>>> left and right because they can get away with it and they're
>>>> destroying the party in the process. It's just pushing people into the
>>>> arms of Maxime Bernier and the People's Party and they think they're
>>>> wonderful for doing so," Fonseca said.
>>>> Fonseca said the People's Party's relative success in the last federal
>>>> election — Bernier and his candidates secured about five per cent of
>>>> the national vote — was due to a number of ardently conservative
>>>> voters who were tired of what he called "Liberal-lite" policies.
>>>> He said the anti-abortion movement's last hope in this leadership race
>>>> is Lewis, a candidate who has promised to table a suite of social
>>>> conservative measures if she ever makes it to the Prime Minister's
>>>> Office. Lewis has said she wants a ban on "sex-selective" abortions
>>>> and criminal penalties for "coercive" abortions.
>>>> Conservative Party of Canada leadership candidate Leslyn Lewis speaks
>>>> during the English debate in Toronto on Thursday, June 18, 2020.
>>>> (Tijana Martin / Canadian Press)
>>>> "If they could take Leslyn Lewis out, they would. But she's too
>>>> high-profile and too well liked by party members. They know it would
>>>> totally destroy the party if they did that. She's the only one we can
>>>> trust," Fonseca said.
>>>> Speaking to Radio-Canada, CBC's French-language service, Etienne, the
>>>> other rejected candidate, said he personally delivered the required
>>>> paperwork to the party's Ottawa office last Friday at 2 p.m., well
>>>> before the LEOC-imposed deadline.
>>>> He said he was told subsequently that the party wouldn't accept a
>>>> credit card as payment for some of the necessary fees.
>>>> Etienne also said the party rejected some of the signatures he
>>>> collected as "invalid," but he hasn't been told why.
>>>> In a statement, Wayne Benson, the party's executive director, said the
>>>> decision to block a particular candidate "was based on the
>>>> requirements set out under the rules, not any prospective candidate's
>>>> political beliefs."
>>>> "Any prospective candidate who did not meet the requirements was
>>>> informed of this fact and the reason or reasons why they did not meet
>>>> the requirements set out under the rules," Benson said.
>>>> John Paul Tasker
>>>> Parliamentary Bureau
>>>> J.P. Tasker is a senior writer in the CBC's parliamentary bureau in
>>>> Ottawa. He can be reached at
>>>> Follow J.P. on Twitter
>>>> CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: "Bergen, Candice - M.P." <>
>>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 21:06:13 +0000
>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded
>>>> Conservative leadership race
>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> On behalf of the Hon. Candice Bergen, thank you for contacting the
>>>> Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition.
>>>> Ms. Bergen greatly values feedback and input from Canadians. We read
>>>> and review every incoming e-mail. Please note that this account
>>>> receives a high volume of e-mails. We reply to e-mails as quickly as
>>>> possible.
>>>> If you are a constituent of Ms. Bergen’s in Portage-Lisgar with an
>>>> urgent matter please provide complete contact information. Not
>>>> identifying yourself as a constituent could result in a delayed
>>>> response.
>>>> Once again, thank you for writing.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> Au nom de l’hon. Candice Bergen, nous vous remercions de communiquer
>>>> avec le Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle.
>>>> Mme Bergen accorde une grande importance aux commentaires des
>>>> Canadiens. Nous lisons et étudions tous les courriels entrants.
>>>> Veuillez noter que ce compte reçoit beaucoup de courriels. Nous y
>>>> répondons le plus rapidement possible.
>>>> Si vous faites partie de l’électorat de Mme Bergen dans la
>>>> circonscription de Portage-Lisgar et que votre affaire est urgente,
>>>> veuillez fournir vos coordonnées complètes. Si vous ne le faites pas,
>>>> cela pourrait retarder la réponse.
>>>> Nous vous remercions une fois encore d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire.
>>>> Veuillez agréer nos salutations distinguées,
>>>> Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: "Charest, Jean" <>
>>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:46:06 +0000
>>>> Subject: Réponse automatique : [EXT] RE The dark horses in the
>>>> suddenly crowded Conservative leadership race
>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> Je suis temporairement absent du bureau, sans accès à cette boîte de
>>>> réception. Pour un message en lien avec le cabinet adressez-vous à
>>>> Karl Tabbakh<mailto:kt
>>>> un message relatif à ma campagne écrivez à
>>>> I am on leave of absence from the firm with no access to this inbox.
>>>> If you have an inquiry for the firm, please contact Karl Tabbakh,
>>>> inquiry for my campaign, please contact
>>>> This e-mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential
>>>> and/or exempt from disclosure. No waiver whatsoever is intended by
>>>> sending this e-mail which is intended only for the named recipient(s).
>>>> Unauthorized use, dissemination or copying is prohibited. If you
>>>> receive this email in error, please notify the sender and destroy all
>>>> copies of this e-mail. Our privacy policy is available at
>>>> {}. Click here to
>>>> unsubscribe<mailto:listmanager
>>>> from commercial electronic messages. Please note that you will
>>>> continue to receive non-commercial electronic messages, such as
>>>> account statements, invoices, client communications, and other similar
>>>> factual electronic communications. Suite 5300, TD Bank Tower, Box 48,
>>>> 66 Wellington Street West, Toronto, ON M5K 1E6
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario
>>>> <>
>>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:45:59 +0000
>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded
>>>> Conservative leadership race
>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly
>>>> valued.
>>>> You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
>>>> reviewed and taken into consideration.
>>>> There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
>>>> need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
>>>> correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
>>>> response may take several business days.
>>>> Thanks again for your email.
>>>> ______
>>>> Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
>>>> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
>>>> Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
>>>> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
>>>> Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
>>>> responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
>>>> la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
>>>> ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
>>>> Merci encore pour votre courriel.
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: Office of the Premier <>
>>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:44:28 +0000
>>>> Subject: Thank you for your email
>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> This is to acknowledge that your email has been received by the Office
>>>> of the Premier.
>>>> We appreciate the time you have taken to write.
>>>> NOTICE: This e-mail was intended for a specific person. If it has
>>>> reached you by mistake, please delete it and advise me by return
>>>> e-mail. Any privilege associated with this information is not waived.
>>>> Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.
>>>> Avis: Ce message est confidentiel, peut être protégé par le secret
>>>> professionnel et est à l'usage exclusif de son destinataire. Il est
>>>> strictement interdit à toute autre personne de le diffuser, le
>>>> distribuer ou le reproduire. Si le destinataire ne peut être joint ou
>>>> vous est inconnu, veuillez informer l'expéditeur par courrier
>>>> électronique immédiatement et effacer ce message et en détruire toute
>>>> copie. Merci de votre cooperation.
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: Justice Minister <>
>>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:46:08 +0000
>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded
>>>> Conservative leadership race
>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> Thank you for your email to the Minister of Justice. Please be assured
>>>> that it has been received by the Department. Your email will be
>>>> reviewed and addressed accordingly. Thank you.
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: Premier <>
>>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:46:07 +0000
>>>> Subject: Thank you for your email
>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> Thank you for your email to Premier Houston. This is an automatic
>>>> confirmation your message has been received.
>>>> As we are currently experiencing higher than normal volumes of
>>>> correspondence, there may be delays in the response time for
>>>> correspondence identified as requiring a response.
>>>> If you are looking for the most up-to-date information from the
>>>> Government of Nova Scotia please visit:
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Premier’s Correspondence Team
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <>
>>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:46:12 +0000
>>>> Subject: RE: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded Conservative
>>>> leadership race
>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Thank you for taking the time to write.
>>>> Due to the volume of incoming messages, this is an automated response
>>>> to let you know that your email has been received and will be reviewed
>>>> at the earliest opportunity.
>>>> If your inquiry more appropriately falls within the mandate of a
>>>> Ministry or other area of government, staff will refer your email for
>>>> review and consideration.
>>>> Merci d'avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
>>>> En raison du volume des messages reçus, cette réponse automatique vous
>>>> informe que votre courriel a été reçu et sera examiné dans les
>>>> meilleurs délais.
>>>> Si votre demande relève plutôt du mandat d'un ministère ou d'un autre
>>>> secteur du gouvernement, le personnel vous renverra votre courriel
>>>> pour examen et considération.
>>>> If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
>>>> (506) 453-2144 or by email
>>>> S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
>>>> Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
>>>> Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
>>>> P.O Box/C. P. 6000 Fredericton New-Brunswick/Nouveau-
>>>> Canada
>>>> Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
>>>> Email/Courriel:
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)" <minfinance-financemin@fin.gc.
>>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:46:01 +0000
>>>> Subject: Department of Finance / Ministère des Finances
>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
>>>> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
>>>> comments.
>>>> Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we apologize in advance for
>>>> any delay in responding to your enquiry. In the meantime, information
>>>> on Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan is available on the
>>>> Government of Canada website at
>>>> or by calling 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) or 1-833-784-4397.
>>>> Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel.
>>>> Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.
>>>> En raison de la fluidité de la crise de la COVID-19, il est possible
>>>> que nous retardions à vous répondre et nous nous en excusons.
>>>> Entre-temps, les informations au sujet du Plan d’intervention
>>>> économique du Canada pour répondre à la COVID-19 sont disponibles dans
>>>> le site Web du gouvernement du Canada au
>>>> ou en composant le 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) ou le
>>>> 1-833-784-4397.
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 18:06:03 -0300
>>>> Subject: Fwd: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded Conservative
>>>> leadership race
>>>> To:, "Richard.Bragdon"
>>>> <>, "rob.moore" <>,
>>>> "Ross.Wetmore" <>, "Robert. Jones"
>>>> <>, "steve.murphy" <>,
>>>>, "Roger.L.Melanson"
>>>> <>,
>>>> Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "andrew.scheer"
>>>> <>, andrewjdouglas <>
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: "O'Toole, Erin - M.P." <>
>>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:44:31 +0000
>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded
>>>> Conservative leadership race
>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> Thank you for contacting the office of Hon. Erin O’Toole, Member of
>>>> Parliament for Durham.
>>>> Mr. O’Toole greatly values your feedback. Please note, this account
>>>> receives an extremely high volume of emails. As a result, we are
>>>> prioritizing constituent emails only at this time. If you are a
>>>> constituent in the riding of Durham and did not include your postal
>>>> code in your original email, please forward your original message to
>>>> code included.
>>>> To contact the Interim Leader of the Official Opposition, please
>>>> email:<
>>>> To find your Member of Parliament, please visit
>>>> Due to the high volume of emails that we receive in this inbox, if
>>>> your email is regarding an urgent case matter, please contact the
>>>> Constituency Office at:
>>>> Tel: 905-697-1699
>>>> Toll Free: 1-866-436-1141
>>>> We're moving!
>>>> Please note our Constituency Office is relocating in order to better
>>>> serve the constituents of Durham. During our move from March 21 to
>>>> March 25, 2022, our office will closed to the public and our response
>>>> times may be longer than usual. For the most up-to-date information on
>>>> our office hours, method-of-delivery of services, and more, please
>>>> visit our website at<http://
>>>> As of March 28, 2022, we will be able to serve you at our new office
>>>> location:
>>>> New Durham Constituency Office
>>>> 68 King St. E., Unit D
>>>> Bowmanville, ON
>>>> L1C 3X2
>>>> If you are a member of the media wishing to request an interview with
>>>> MP. O’Toole, please email
>>>> Clarissa.schurter.423@parl.gc.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Office of Hon. Erin O’Toole, MP
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 17:44:22 -0300
>>>> Subject: RE The dark horses in the suddenly crowded Conservative
>>>> leadership
>>>> race
>>>> To:,,
>>>>, "pierre.poilievre"
>>>> <>, "leslyn.lewis"
>>>> <>,,
>>>> "fin.minfinance-financemin.
>>>> <fin.minfinance-financemin.
>>>> Cc: motomaniac333 <>,,
>>>> "Mike.Comeau" <>, "hugh.flemming"
>>>> <>, "blaine.higgs" <>, premier
>>>> <>, premier <>, Office of the
>>>> Premier <>, premier <>,
>>>> premier <>, PREMIER <>,
>>>> https://davidraymondamos3.
>>>> Sunday, 27 March 2022
>>>> The dark horses in the suddenly crowded Conservative leadership race
>>>> Joseph Bourgault
>>>> Joseph is the President of Bourgault Tillage Tools, Canadians For
>>>> Truth and is run
>>>> Page · Politician
>>>> (306) 275-2271
>>>> Joseph Bourgault
>>>> Joseph Bourgault on the Cover of the National Post.
>> On 5/17/22, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Go figure why I publish many things
>>> https://davidraymondamos3.
>>> Saturday, 14 May 2022
>>> Why Sweden is moving away from its 'non-aligned' status and towards NATO
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: Chrystia Freeland <>
>>> Date: Sat, 14 May 2022 03:07:40 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy do ya think Dougy Ford or Cynthia
>>> Chung and Alex Krainer are clever enough to explain this email to
>>> Ambassador Urban Ahlin before Trudeau et al cons the Swedes into
>>> joining NATO and picing a fight with Russia
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
>>> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
>>> comments.
>>> Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel.
>>> Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Date: Sat, 14 May 2022 00:03:51 -0300
>>> Subject: Hey Higgy do ya think Dougy Ford or Cynthia Chung and Alex
>>> Krainer are clever enough to explain this email to Ambassador Urban
>>> Ahlin before Trudeau et al cons the Swedes into joining NATO and
>>> picing a fight with Russia
>>> To:,,
>>>, "blaine.higgs" <>, premier
>>> <>,, Connie
>>> <Connie@
>>> <>
>>> <>, mcu <>, washington
>>> field <>, "Brenda.Lucki"
>>> <>, "Bill.Hogan" <>,
>>>, Newsroom <>,
>>>, "Melanie.Joly" <>,
>>>, "George.Soros"
>>> <George.Soros@
>>> <>, birgittajoy <>,
>>> smari <>, pm <>,,
>>>,, news
>>> <>, news-tips <>,
>>> "ed.pilkington" <>
>>> <>
>>> Cc: motomaniac333 <>,
>>> melanie.joly@international.gc.
>>> briangallant10 <>, oldmaison
>>> <>, ""
>>> <>, "fin.minfinance-financemin.
>>> <fin.minfinance-financemin.
>>> <>
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2021 10:22:09 -0400
>>>> Subject: Fwd: I just contacted the Governor General and Canada's
>>>> latest Lieutenant Governor through their offices in Ottawa and
>>>> Fredericton .byway of phone and obviously email as well N'esy Pas Mr
>>>> Butts?
>>>> To:, SylviaPoirier <
>>>> pm <>, "Katie.Telford" <>,
>>>> "Ian.Shugart" <>,,
>>>> mcu <>,,
>>>> Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "Mark.Blakely"
>>>> <>, "martin.gaudet"
>>>> <>
>>>> Rob McKinnon
>>>> Rideau Hall Press Office
>>>> 343-548-1976 (cell)
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 10:42:31 -0300
>>>> Subject: Re: I just contacted the Governor General and Canada's latest
>>>> Lieutenant Governor through their offices in Ottawa and Fredericton
>>>> .byway of phone and obviously email as well N'esy Pas Mr Butts?
>>>> To:,, "blaine.higgs" <>,
>>>> "kris.austin" <>, "David.Coon" <>,
>>>> "Kevin.Vickers" <>, "brian.gallant"
>>>> <>, "ian.hanamansing" <>,
>>>> "Katie.Telford" <>, "darrow.macintyre"
>>>> <>, "carl.urquhart" <>,
>>>> "Catherine.Tait" <>, "sylvie.gadoury"
>>>> <sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.
>>>> <>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
>>>> <>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"
>>>> <>, "michelle.conroy" <>,
>>>> "rick.desaulniers" <>, "robert.gauvin"
>>>> <>, robmoorefundy <>,
>>>> alaina <>, "robert.mckee"
>>>> <>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
>>>> <>
>>>> andre <>, jbosnitch <>,
>>>> "Roger.Brown" <>, "dan. bussieres"
>>>> <>, "Gilles.Blinn" <>,
>>>> "Gilles.Cote" <>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
>>>> <>, mcu <>,
>>>> "Nathalie.Drouin" <
>>>> kathleen.roussel@ppsc-sppc.gc.
>>>> Cc: "Gerald.Butts" <>,
>>>>, motomaniac333 <>,
>>>> Newsroom <>, "Jacques.Poitras"
>>>> <>, "David.Lametti" <>,
>>>> "Ian.Shugart" <>
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Info <>
>>>> Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 13:36:23 +0000
>>>> Subject: OSGG General Inquiries / Demande de renseignements généraux au
>>>> BSGG
>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> Thank you for writing to the Office of the Secretary to the Governor
>>>> General. We appreciate hearing your views and suggestions. Responses
>>>> to specific inquiries can be expected within three weeks. Please note
>>>> that general comments and opinions may not receive a response.
>>>> *****
>>>> Nous vous remercions d'avoir écrit au Bureau du secrétaire du
>>>> gouverneur général. Nous aimons prendre connaissance de vos points de
>>>> vue et de vos suggestions. Il faut allouer trois semaines pour
>>>> recevoir une réponse à une demande précise. Veuillez noter que nous ne
>>>> donnons pas nécessairement suite aux opinions et aux commentaires
>>>> généraux.
>>>> On 10/9/19, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> > Office of the Secretary to the Governor General
>>>> > Rideau Hall
>>>> > 1 Sussex Drive
>>>> > Ottawa ON K1A 0A1
>>>> > 613-993-8200
>>>> > 1-800-465-6890 (toll-free in Canada and the U.S.)
>>>> > TTY: 1-800-465-7735
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > I spoke to a lady named "Hannah"
>>>> >
>>>> > Lieutenant Governor .
>>>> > Phone: (506) 453-2505
>>>> > Fax: (506) 444-5280
>>>> > E-mail:
>>>> > Or by regular mail (see below)
>>>> >
>>>> > I got the recording so I left another voicemail
>>>> >
>>>> > This is the lawsuit I was referring to
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> https://davidraymondamos3.
>>>> >
>>>> > Friday, 18 September 2015
>>>> > David Raymond Amos Versus The Crown T-1557-15
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Court File No. T-1557-15
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > BETWEEN:
>>>> >
>>>> > Plaintiff
>>>> > and
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Defendant
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > The Parties
>>>> >
>>>> > 1. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Crown) is Elizabeth II, the Queen of
>>>> > England, the Protector of the Faith of the Church of England, the
>>>> > longest reigning monarch of the United Kingdom and one of the
>>>> > wealthiest persons in the world. Canada pays homage to the Queen
>>>> > because she remained the Head of State and the Chief Executive
>>>> > Officer
>>>> > of Canada after the Canada Act 1982 (U.K.) 1982, c. 11 came into
>>>> > force
>>>> > on April 17, 1982. The standing of the Queen in Canada was explained
>>>> > within the 2002 Annual Report FORM 18-K filed by Canada with the
>>>> > United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It states as
>>>> > follows:
>>>> >
>>>> > “The executive power of the federal Government is vested in the
>>>> > Queen, represented by the Governor General, whose powers are
>>>> > exercised
>>>> > on the advice of the federal Cabinet, which is responsible to the
>>>> > House of Commons. The legislative branch at the federal level,
>>>> > Parliament, consists of the Crown, the Senate and the House of
>>>> > Commons.”
>>>> >
>>>> > “The executive power in each province is vested in the
>>>> > Lieutenant
>>>> > Governor, appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the
>>>> > federal Cabinet. The Lieutenant Governor’s powers are exercised on
>>>> > the
>>>> > advice of the provincial cabinet, which is responsible to the
>>>> > legislative assembly. Each provincial legislature is composed of a
>>>> > Lieutenant Governor and a legislative assembly made up of members
>>>> > elected for a period of five years.”
>>>> >
>>>> > 2. Her Majesty the Queen is the named defendant pursuant to
>>>> > sections 23(1) and 36 of the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act.
>>>> > Some
>>>> > of the state actors whose duties and actions are at issue in this
>>>> > action are the Prime Minister, Premiers, Governor General, Lieutenant
>>>> > Governors, members of the Canadian Forces (CF), and Royal Canadian
>>>> > Mounted Police (RCMP), federal and provincial Ministers of Public
>>>> > Safety, Ministers of Justice, Ministers of Finance, Speakers, Clerks,
>>>> > Sergeants-at-Arms and any other person acting as Aide-de-Camp
>>>> > providing security within and around the House of Commons, the
>>>> > legislative assemblies or acting as security for other federal,
>>>> > provincial and municipal properties.
>>>> >
>>>> > 3. Her Majesty the Queen’s servants the RCMP whose mandate is to
>>>> > serve and protect Canadian citizens and assist in the security of
>>>> > parliamentary properties and the protection of public officials
>>>> > should
>>>> > not deny a correspondence from a former Deputy Prime Minister who was
>>>> > appointed to be Canada’s first Minister of Public Safety in order to
>>>> > oversee the RCMP and their cohorts. The letter that helped to raise
>>>> > the ire of a fellow Canadian citizen who had never voted in his life
>>>> > to run for public office four times thus far is quoted as follows:
>>>> >
>>>> > “Mr. David R. Amos
>>>> > Jan 3rd, 2004
>>>> > 153Alvin Avenue
>>>> > Milton, MA U.S.A. 02186
>>>> >
>>>> > Dear Mr. Amos
>>>> >
>>>> > Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to
>>>> > my predecessor, the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding
>>>> > your safety.
>>>> > I apologize for the delay in responding.
>>>> >
>>>> > If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only
>>>> > suggest that you contact the police of local
>>>> > jurisdiction. In addition, any
>>>> > evidence of criminal activity should be brought to
>>>> > their attention since the
>>>> > police are in the best position to evaluate the
>>>> > information and take action
>>>> > as deemed appropriate.
>>>> >
>>>> > I trust that this information is satisfactory.
>>>> >
>>>> > Yours
>>>> > sincerely
>>>> >
>>>> > A. Anne McLellan”
>>>> >
>>>> > 4. DAVID RAYMOND AMOS (Plaintiff), a Canadian Citizen and the
>>>> > first Chief of the Amos Clan, was born in Sackville, New Brunswick
>>>> > (NB) on July 17th, 1952.
>>>> >
>>>> > 5. The Plaintiff claims standing in this action as a citizen
>>>> > whose human rights and democratic interests are to be protected by
>>>> > due
>>>> > performance of the obligations of Canada’s public officials who are
>>>> > either elected or appointed and all servants of the Crown whose
>>>> > mandate is to secure the public safety, protect public interests and
>>>> > to uphold and enforce the rule of law. The Crown affirms his right to
>>>> > seek relief for offences to his rights under section 24(1) of the
>>>> > Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Charter). Paragraphs 6 to 13
>>>> > explain the delay in bringing this action before Federal Court and
>>>> > paragraphs 25 to 88 explain this matter.
>>>> >
>>>> > 6. The Plaintiff states that pursuant to the democratic rights
>>>> > found in Section 3 of the Charter he was a candidate in the elections
>>>> > of the membership of the 38th and 39th Parliaments in the House of
>>>> > Commons and a candidate in the elections of the memberships of the
>>>> > legislative assemblies in Nova Scotia (NS) and NB in 2006.
>>>> >
>>>> > 7. The Plaintiff states that if he is successful in finding a
>>>> > Chartered Accountant to audit his records as per the rules of
>>>> > Elections Canada, he will attempt to become a candidate in the
>>>> > election of the membership of the 42nd Parliament.
>>>> >
>>>> > 8. The Plaintiff states that beginning in January of 2002, he
>>>> > made many members of the RCMP and many members of the corporate media
>>>> > including employees of a Crown Corporation, the Canadian Broadcasting
>>>> > Corporation (CBC) well aware of the reason why he planned to return
>>>> > to
>>>> > Canada and become a candidate in the next federal election. In May of
>>>> > 2004, all members seated in the 37th Parliament before the writ was
>>>> > dropped for the election of the 38th Parliament and several members
>>>> > of
>>>> > the legislative assemblies of NB and Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)
>>>> > knew the reason is the ongoing rampant public corruption. Evidence of
>>>> > the Plaintiff’s concerns can be found within his documents that the
>>>> > Office of the Governor General acknowledged were in its possession
>>>> > ten
>>>> > years ago before the Speech from the Throne in 2004. The Governor
>>>> > General’s letter is as follows:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > “September 11th, 2004
>>>> > Dear Mr. Amos,
>>>> >
>>>> > On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne
>>>> > Clarkson,
>>>> > I acknowledge receipt of two sets of documents and CD
>>>> > regarding corruption,
>>>> > one received from you directly, and the other forwarded to
>>>> > us by the Office of
>>>> > the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick.
>>>> >
>>>> > I regret to inform you that the Governor
>>>> > General cannot intervene in
>>>> > matters that are the responsibility of elected officials
>>>> > and courts of Justice of
>>>> > Canada. You already contacted the various provincial
>>>> > authorities regarding
>>>> > your concerns, and these were the appropriate steps to
>>>> > take.
>>>> >
>>>> > Yours sincerely.
>>>> > Renee
>>>> > Blanchet
>>>> > Office
>>>> > of the Secretary
>>>> > to the
>>>> > Governor General”
>>>> >
>>>> > 9. The Plaintiff states that the documents contain proof that
>>>> > the
>>>> > Crown by way of the RCMP and the Minister of Public Safety/Deputy
>>>> > Prime Minister knew that he was the whistleblower offering his
>>>> > assistance to Maher Arar and his lawyers in the USA. The Governor
>>>> > General acknowledged his concerns about the subject of this complaint
>>>> > and affirmed that the proper provincial authorities were contacted
>>>> > but
>>>> > ignored the Plaintiff’s faxes and email to the RCMP and the Solicitor
>>>> > General in November of 2003 and his tracked US Mail to the Solicitor
>>>> > General and the Commissioner of the RCMP by way of the Department of
>>>> > Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) in December of 2003
>>>> > and the response he received from the Minister of Public
>>>> > Safety/Deputy
>>>> > Prime Minister in early 2004. One document was irrefutable proof that
>>>> > there was no need whatsoever to create a Commission of Inquiry into
>>>> > Maher Arar concerns at about the same point in time. That document is
>>>> > a letter from the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office
>>>> > Inspector General (OIG complaint no. C04-01448) admitting contact
>>>> > with
>>>> > his office on November 21, 2003 within days of the Plaintiff talking
>>>> > to the office of Canada’s Solicitor General while he met with the US
>>>> > Attorney General and one day after the former Attorney General of New
>>>> > York (NY) and the former General Counsel of the SEC testified at a
>>>> > public hearing before the US Senate Banking Committee about
>>>> > investigations of the mutual fund industry.
>>>> >
>>>> > Here is a comment I made in CBC before I called their offices
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > David Raymond Amos
>>>> > Methinks whereas Murphy spoke about her passion for social justice,
>>>> > the lady and I should have a long talk very soon about the lawsuit I
>>>> > filed in Federal Court in 2015 while I was running in the last
>>>> > federal
>>>> > election N'esy Pas?
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Brenda Murphy installed as New Brunswick's 32nd lieutenant-governor
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Formal ceremony held in Fredericton on Tuesday follows swearing-in
>>>> > last
>>>> > month
>>>> > CBC News · Posted: Oct 08, 2019 5:40 PM AT | Last Updated: October 8
>>>> > Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy's installation ceremony included an honour
>>>> > guard. (Ed Hunter/CBC)
>>>> >
How Tamara Lich transformed from spokeswoman to symbol of 'Freedom Convoy' movement

It's a sunny July day at an outdoor hockey rink outside North Bay, Ont. An acoustic guitar player belts out a ballad about freedom. An adoring crowd sings along.
Tamara Lich, mounted on the back of a brown and white horse and waving a large Canadian flag, enters the arena.
"Love a grand entrance," the 50-year-old says enthusiastically with a wide smile and a laugh, getting hoots and whistles from supporters gathered to hear her speak, as seen in a video posted on social media.
To her fans, Lich is a proud Canadian, a lioness of the movement behind the "Freedom Convoy" protests and the target of a justice system that won't abide her anti-government beliefs. For the combined 49 days she spent in jail, first after her initial arrest during the 2022 demonstrations and again following an alleged bail breach last summer, she was in their eyes a "political prisoner." It's a title she, too, has embraced.
To the Crown, Lich is a nefarious actor who deliberately helped lead blockades that tormented residents, defied police orders, shuttered businesses and pushed the country to a state of national emergency.
For that she faces charges of mischief, obstructing police, counselling others to commit mischief and intimidation. She is scheduled to face her first day in court on Tuesday, along with fellow protest organizer Chris Barber.
Lich's counsel, prominent Ottawa criminal defence lawyer Lawrence Greenspon, has said his client's case should not be about the convoy itself.
But those three weeks in early 2022 are exactly the lens through which millions of Canadians have come to judge Lich. Though she has become a right-wing folk hero to some, she remains a figure many others would rather forget.
Lich declined an interview request through her lawyer. But she hasn't been shy to speak publicly.
In the spring she released a book titled "Hold the Line," referring to the phrase she shouted to supporters as someone filmed her arrest on the final day of the Ottawa protest. Amazon currently lists the 220-page read at the top of its bestseller list in the category of Canadian history.
The book also appears to have had an effect on the coming proceedings.
A court document shows Moiz Karimjee, the assistant Crown attorney who was the senior prosecutor for many of the bail hearings related to the convoy, was reading the book while preparing for the trial. The document says he recused himself from the case after discovering the book mentioned him by name about 60 times, "some of them defamatory."
Lich has been travelling across North America for a promotional tour that has included book signings, fundraisers and online interviews. That included a two-hour conversation with right-wing commentator and host Jordan Peterson, who boasts an international following of millions.
Appearing on his podcast, Lich addressed the endless honking residents were subjected to while big rigs took over downtown Ottawa. She said it frustrates her to hear complaints about it, and "some level of disruption" was needed. She added she believes protesters have not been given enough credit for the lack of physical violence that broke out.
"If we had been there with an agenda to take over Ottawa and overthrow the government, we could have done it," she said.
No violent takeover was attempted, but some far-right actors attached themselves to the demonstrations. During testimony at a public inquiry last fall into the federal government's use of the Emergencies Act to quell the protests, Lich distanced herself from a faction within the convoy protest that stated an aim to remove the Liberals from power.
The broader goal that seemed to unite thousands of protesters across the movement was to demand the elimination of all COVID-19 public health restrictions, particularly mask and vaccine mandates.
Convoy participant Bethan Nodwell said that seeing Lich appear on Peterson's show this summer only increased her legitimacy as a public figure who is now in the "big leagues" of what supporters call the "freedom" or "patriot movement."
"She has become a very beloved member of the freedom movement," Nodwell said, noting that the fact she is a woman and handles things in a "feminine way" sets her apart. "She has represented us so well. She doesn't lose her cool. She doesn't lose her temper."
In her book, which right-wing website Rebel News helped her publish, Lich retells the story of how she came to help with the logistics of getting a convoy of big rigs to Ottawa in the dead of winter.
She recounts relying on the skills she developed while co-ordinating work crews in Alberta's oilpatch. She had already helped bring a group of truckers to Parliament Hill a few years earlier to protest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's environmental policies, which is when her political activism took root.
While the convoy was being organized, Lich also saw the need to raise money. Within days, the GoFundMe page she created raised $10 million for convoy participants, though the company would shut it down days after the convoy's arrival in Ottawa.
Lich has told audiences this summer that the legal bills for her court battle are being provided by The Democracy Fund, a civil liberties charity focused on helping those who opposed COVID-19 restrictions. The charity is using crowdfunding for the $300,000 it estimates is needed.
Lawyer Keith Wilson said he became aware of Lich because of videos she livestreamed from the cab of Barber's truck on their way to Ottawa. He could tell that people would gravitate toward her, said Wilson, who acted as counsel for organizers throughout the protest and still assists Lich today.
"If you look at her, you can tell she's listening very carefully to what you're saying," he told The Canadian Press. "She just has a compassionate character that allows people to be comfortable in their most vulnerable ways."
That charisma is what led Wilson to introduce her as "the spark that lit the fire" of the protest movement at the convoy's first press conference in Ottawa.
Lich writes in her book she did not set out to become the "face" of the convoy, but it happened when she was thrust into the role of addressing reporters.
She did not even know what a media advisory was, Wilson recalled. "She was capturing a sentiment and articulating a sentiment that seemed to be held by a lot of people, including myself," said Wilson.
Lich has spoken at length about the need for hope and how she saw the convoy as a demonstration of unity. She told the public inquiry last fall that she had no idea how many people would show up, and she couldn't control what protesters did when they arrived.
Still, she emerged from the crisis with a bigger profile than many other organizers, including Pat King and James Bauder, who are also facing criminal trials. And her prominent role meant many viewed her as a key figure in orchestrating the chaos faced by local residents and police.
During one of her bail hearings last summer, the court was presented with a text message Lich sent to Barber shortly after the protest got underway, after she had spoken to members of its "command centre."
In it, she said individuals had "a strategy to gridlock the city," and added: "I don't want to make those decisions on my own."
At the time, justice of the peace Paul Harris referred to the message as evidence of Lich's decision-making power during the blockades. He suggested in a July 2022 decision that he believed she ought to remain in jail until her trial based on his opinion she "continues to pose a risk for the protection and safety of the public."
Harris's decision was later overturned on review, and Lich was allowed to return home to Alberta.
During her testimony months later at the inquiry, Lich was asked about the text message and said gridlock was not something she had advocated for.
Supporter Kathy Morrison said she was surprised to receive a long letter back from Lich after writing to her following the protests. When Lich made a stop in Morrison's city of Campbell River, B.C., she said she jumped at the chance to help with book sales and meet her hero.
"She gave me hope," recalled Morrison. "I was unvaxxed ... She was light in a very dark time."
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 3, 2023
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