Started streaming 53 minutes ago
In this weekly series, I’m joined by investigative journalist Paul Palango and legal analyst Adam Rodgers to discuss Canadian stories of crime, corruption, and items of public interest.
Top Chat
P Scrampson
Mizz FoxxI
was cooking dinner, had it on Live, heard people screaming. Just
happened to turn on some Republican YouTube channel that popped in my
feed right beforehand. Heard him yelling about his shoes lol

P ScrampsonAre there any suspects?

Laura At

schoonerno fly zone at the time? would think helicopters would be in the air

Mizz FoxxIs it YouTube or you, Jordan, eliminating my messages?!

Mizz FoxxI see you, bruh, pfft

Mizz FoxxTMZ published the video of the people yelling when they see him almost a minute before

P ScrampsonDid anyone else get hit?

WoodsfanaticApparently he was on the rifle team in high school

nikki lewisaudience member died and 2 others injured

P ScrampsonThat’s terrible

Jeanninehe had 2 kids, was shielding one of them.

I read the guy was a registered republican but he was also 20 which means he couldn't have ever even voted.

Mizz FoxxHe
was literally in a Black Rock TV Ad like 2 years ago. He was probably
connected to someone. Not just a "loner". That's the easy story.

NS citizen"personification of evil", LOL

P ScrampsonTDS?

Intact LOL the man looks like he's embalmed

Rick GautreauAR 15s are hunting rifles, M16s are military fully automatic "machine guns"

Mizz FoxxJordan you pansy! Stop blocking my posts. Palango needs ridicule and scrutiny to be a healthy writer...or whatever

Foxx I guarantee you he's not even paying attention to the chat right
now. YouTube doesn't like certain words and will block/hide them. Relax.

Mizz FoxxHe so pays attention to the chat lol

NS citizena lot of comments disappearing tonight. I'm not sure if it's YouTube algorithm or the fragile ego of the host.

P ScrampsonThis is a hot thread

WoodsfanaticLook up project 2025

David AmosYou dudes still know everything EH?

Grumpee Chatmizz fox needs to smoke a joint lol

Mizz Foxxlol

WoodsfanaticNot every sibling would gave same situation.

GeeRay McLovinthe step father was convicted!

NS citizenthe only short story worth a dime is "August heat" by W.F Harvey

Mizz FoxxSure
they do....pffffft....these guys? They all identify as wise women don't
you see. The mother, the maiden and the crone over here. You have to
guess which is which.

WoodsfanaticImagine how her daughter feels to have her mother hide this and yet be aware enough to write about it.

NS citizenshort stories, the tiktok videos of literature, reading for half-wits

David Amos
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