Tuesday 30 July 2024

Convoy leader Pat King to be re-arrested over alleged bail breach

There is fake pastor Melissa McKee on the far left and ""Right Blend" "Patriot Smoothie" Paytriot Milkshake Jonathan Villeneuve on the far right with amateur toilet porn star Chris Dacey and Shirtless grifter Erin Aldrich. I wonderwhat the Biblehas to say about gluttony? "Bikers Church" is the epicenter for the pro grifters in Ottawa for the political swamp.
Toilet porn star Chris Dacey and Paytriot Milkshake are fake news for the political swamp

Convoy leader Pat King to be re-arrested over alleged bail breach

Alleged breach may have occurred during online broadcast

Pat King's trial may have ended last week, but the prominent figure in the 2022 convoy protests is expected to be taken into custody as early as Tuesday after allegedly breaching his bail conditions. 

King has pleaded not guilty to mischief, intimidation and other charges for his role in what became known as the Freedom Convoy. 

After his trial ended, King has broadcast online — something he had done occasionally since being released from custody in July 2022.

He was given specific permission to do this in order to raise funds for his legal expenses, but it's believed he breached his bail conditions during one of these live feeds.

In those broadcasts, King discussed the status of his sureties and his plans to sue the government following a possible victory in the courts.

He's also spoken at length about his trial, which is expected to return Oct. 4 for a decision.

Has been in Alberta

King had been in Alberta and was appearing by video conference for the final days of his trial. 

By Sunday, word had spread online among King's supporters and followers that he would be turning himself in. On Monday night, King told his supporters he would be travelling to Ottawa and "surrendering" to police because of "allegations of a breach."

CBC News has learned that Ottawa police are expecting King to arrive in the city Tuesday, where he'll be taken into custody. 

He is likely to make his first appearance in court on the alleged breach allegations Wednesday morning. 


David Fraser


David Fraser is an Ottawa-based journalist for CBC News who previously reported in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

No photo description available.

Right Blend  (patriotsmoothie)


The right perspective. Formerly known as patriotsmoothie

Chris Dacey was live — in Ottawa.

Pat King is expected to turn himself in to Ottawa Police today...
Watch our update from The Lavigne Show here:

🚨🚨 Breaking Urgent News 🚨🚨
Pat King completed his trial on Friday the 26th of July.
The crown, as per usual, is being difficult and has decided to breach Pat.
Pat King is expected to be breached and ARRESTED as soon as tomorrow, July 29th.
Following a messy break up, Pat's ex and her mom have decided to drop their surety, leading to Pat being breached.
We are asking for your help in sharing this information before the legacy media does tomorrow. They are likely to bend the truth or refrain from giving the real reason, implying Pat has been in breach when he hasn’t breached in two years.
I personally heard the crown say Pat King hasn't breached his bail just a few short days ago in court.
Please Share as widely as possible! 📩
If you want to help, Etransfer natasha.calvinho@gmail.com (Pat's lawyer) and make the password ottawa
The Real Pat King

Closing arguments wrap up at Pat King convoy protest trial

King has pleaded not guilty to charges for his role in the 2022 demonstrations

Closing arguments have wrapped up in the criminal trial for one of the leaders of what became known as the Freedom Convoy, and a decision is now expected in October.

Pat King has pleaded not guilty to charges of mischief, intimidation, counselling and other charges for his role in the 2022 protests, which led to large swaths of the city's core being gridlocked by trucks and other vehicles for nearly three weeks. 

Throughout his trial in Ottawa, the Crown used evidence from social media, police and residents to show King played a key role in bringing protesters to the city and then encouraged them to stay after authorities ordered them to leave in February 2022. 

Prosecutors say the Freedom Convoy as a whole was a "group mischief" and argue King played an active role in it, significantly impacting citizens' lawful use and enjoyment of property. 

"This case is about Mr. King's conduct and how he chose to express his views — which he's entitled to have — about the COVID-19 mandates, and how that manner of expression consisted of intimidation and mischief," said Crown prosecutor Emma Loignon-Giroux during closing submissions. 

King's defence counsel, Natasha Calvinho, has argued the Crown's case lacked context, that the trial was not about the protests themselves and that King can't be held liable for the actions of others.  

Protesters and trucks with signs and Canada flags outside a legislature on a snowy day.    In February 2022, the provincial government declared a state of emergency due to the protest. Shortly after, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act. Police arrested protesters and cleared city streets. (CBC/Radio-Canada)

She pointed to instances where King followed police directions and encouraged viewers of his popular social media feed to stay peaceful, while minimizing the overall role he had in the protests.

Calvinho said the protests were a "failure" of all levels of government and suggested any guilt on King's part would only be the result of him getting "erroneous advice" from officials, whom she accused of "barricading" protesters in the city and preventing them from leaving.

Superior Court Justice Charles Hackland will now weigh the nuances of the overall circumstances in Ottawa during the protests against King's own actions to decide whether the law was broken.

Role of King's leadership a central question

Central questions at the trial included what role King played during the three-week protests to what extent he could be considered a "leader." 

The court never saw evidence of King honking a horn himself or driving a truck. Prosecutors said they didn't need that, because King's other behaviour showed he was actively taking part in mischief and other crimes. 

On his social media, King posted videos that prosecutors used as evidence. They showed him directing supporters to honk horns after a court injunction banned the actleading a "slow roll" of trucks by the Ottawa International Airport and talking about sneaking trucks downtown.

Other videos, including some made after the federal government invoked the Emergencies Act, showed King helping trucks block Wellington Street near Parliament Hill and encouraging supporters to "sit on the ground" if police begin enforcement. 

Police stand in a line outside. Police enforce an injunction against protesters, some of whom were camped in their trucks near Parliament Hill for weeks, on Feb. 19, 2022. Several police officers were called to testify at King's trial. (Evan Mitsui/CBC)

Officers who testified said efforts to contact King were made because he was considered a "leader" or "person of influence."

One protester from western Canada told court how King was the "guide" for truckers coming from Alberta and was "there to make sure everybody was safe." 

Another said he felt rebellion was his "duty" and King was a "prominent figure" in that rebellion.

King was also listed as a contact on the website of one of the main groups organizing the protests.

King points to others, blames authorities

Other protest participants said they had no idea who King was until they got to the city or until the protest was over. 

Calvinho also pointed to other people, some who were never charged, who played key roles. She suggested King was targeted only because he was a "valuable personality" as he had some 354,000 online followers at the time of the protests. 

She questioned the role authorities played when it came to mitigating the risk of having so many people and vehicles in the downtown core. 

"Knowing that, and the volume of persons, [authorities] not only invited them, they told them where to park, where to stage, where to set up, where to remain, where to overflow," Calvinho said. 

Dozens testified, hours of video evidence entered

The trial started in May and endured starts and stops before both parties finished calling evidence Friday and made closing arguments. 

Hours of video evidence, much of it sourced from King's own social media, were entered into evidence by both sides. Other evidence included decibel maps that showed noise levels, as well as descriptions of how services like transit routes were disrupted. 

During closing arguments, King appeared on a video screen from Red Deer, Alta., where he lives.

King's trial was highly anticipated by supporters and followers of the 2022 protests. He is one of the key convoy figures going through Ottawa courts.

If found guilty, any potential jail time for King is a moving target — but prosecutors have made clear he could face up to ten years in prison.

Hackland is planning to deliver his decision on Oct. 4, 2024, and has ordered King to be there in person.


David Fraser


David Fraser is an Ottawa-based journalist for CBC News who previously reported in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Pat King Trial Day 14 Summary - Closing Arguments

Jul 26, 2024 Ms. Calvinho made a very compelling argument defending Pat King against his charges


Perhaps you should read your emails

Trial of Ottawa convoy protest participant Pat King heads to closing arguments

King's trial will hear closing arguments Friday

A man in a blue tie and light dress shirt outside on a sunny spring day.
Convoy protest organizer Pat King outside the Ottawa Courthouse on May 16, 2024. (Spencer Colby/The Canadian Press)

Closing arguments in the trial of a prominent figure in what became known as the Freedom Convoy will be heard in an Ottawa courtroom Friday.

Pat King's trial on charges of mischief and intimidation, and seven other criminal offences related to his participation in the weeks-long protest, started in May but only finished hearing evidence on Tuesday.

Natasha Calvinho, King's lawyer, has argued there was a failure at "all levels of government" responsible for responding to the protests and pointed to instances when King and others were following directions from authorities.

She also accused police of "barricading" protesters in, preventing them from leaving the city, and argued any guilt on the shoulders of King was a result of "erroneous advice" from officials.

Defence calls police, convoy supporters

Calvinho called on the testimony of police officers who were dealing with protesters during the 2022 convoy, which came to the city to protest against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and other grievances.

King's defence has suggested there were confusing and conflicting messages from authorities. 

Calvinho has argued the police never had a plan to have the trucks exit, and accused them of preventing people from leaving the city.

Throughout their testimony, Ottawa Police Service (OPS) officers told court they were expecting and encouraging the protesters to leave throughout the weeks-long event.

A man waves a can of red smoke in the air outside the parliament buildings in Ottawa.
In February 2022, the provincial government declared a state of emergency due to the protest. Shortly after, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act. Police arrested protesters and cleared city streets. (Ivanoh Demers/Radio-Canada)

Court heard that police and city officials felt they had lost control of an occupied downtown core and were unable to enforce laws or effectively respond to emergency situations. The federal government eventually deployed the Emergencies Act to regain control of the city.

Calvinho also called convoy supporters and participants to testify.

One participant, a 45-year-old Nepean resident, said he attended the Freedom Convoy because of the "draconian measures" being taken by a "tyrannical government."

Dylan Dumsday said King's actions didn't influence his actions, which included going downtown as police moved in to end the protests.

He said "extreme measures" were called for but he stopped short of being arrested and left the area after being pushed west by police along Wellington Street on Feb. 19.

King's level of involvement in, and influence over, the Freedom Convoy is a central question in the trial. 

Calvinho has pointed to other people, some of whom were never charged, who were playing key roles throughout the protests.

Court heard evidence of how others helped raise money, communicate with authorities and manage logistics.

Dumsday said he felt rebellion was his "duty" and he saw King, as well as other supporters, as part of the rebellion. He also described King as a "prominent figure."

Other protest participants said they had no knowledge of King until after arriving in the city, or after police had cleared the streets.

To establish his leadership role, prosecutors have pointed to videos taken from King's own social media. In them, King is seen directing supporters to honk horns after a court injunction banned the act, leading a "slow-roll" of trucks by the Ottawa International Airport and talking about sneaking trucks downtown.

Protesters and trucks with signs and Canada flags outside a legislature on a snowy day.
The Freedom Convoy demonstration in Ottawa before police moved in on Feb. 20, 2022. (CBC/Radio-Canada)

Many of the officers who testified said efforts were made by OPS to contact King because he was considered a "leader" and a "person of influence" for the protesters.

During cross-examination, the defence's final witness, Dale Zuccato, told the court he traveled from Alberta to Ottawa as part of King's group and participated in the "slow roll" at the airport.

He agreed with prosecutors that King helped "guide" the protesters to the city, was listed online as a contact and passed instructions to others on the road while travelling.

"He was there to make sure everybody was safe," said Zuccato. 

At the onset of her defence, Calvinho suggested that if King was guilty of the crimes of which he is accused, it was only because he had received "erroneous advice" from officials — but it never became clear what that advice was, or which official might have given it.

King pleading not guilty

King lives in Red Deer, Alta., and attended the final days of his trial by video conference. 

He has pleaded not guilty to all the charges against him.

King has been in custody for five months. Crown prosecutor Moiz Karimjee has suggested he'll seek a sentence of up to ten years if he is found guilty.

After closing arguments are heard Friday, the judge overseeing the matter will have up to six months to render a judgment.

Ottawa Morning 5:49 
Pat King trial continues in Ottawa
Pat King became one of the key – and controversial – figures in what became the Freedom Convoy in 2022. His trial for charges of mischief, intimidation and others continue this week in Ottawa. The CBC’s David Fraser brings us the latest.


David Fraser


David Fraser is an Ottawa-based journalist for CBC News who previously reported in Alberta and Saskatchewan.


Pat King relying on defence that he got 'erroneous advice'

King's lawyer says he partly accepts guilt, but should not be held accountable

The lawyer for one of the key figures in the 2022 convoy protests says her client now accepts his guilt has partly been proven — but he should still not be held accountable because he got bad advice from the authorities.

Pat King helped organize logistics and promoted the protests that became known as the Freedom Convoy on social media.

He has pleaded not guilty to mischief, intimidation and several counselling charges.

King's lawyer, Natasha Calvinho, has been arguing at his trial there was an officially induced error — meaning that although King partly acknowledges his guilt, he should not be convicted because he obtained "erroneous advice" from an official and relied on that advice when he committed the offences he's accused of. 

It remains unclear what that advice was, however, or who the official giving it could have been.

Police in the snow Police enforce an injunction against the convoy protesters in February 2022. Several police officers have been called to testify at King's trial. (Evan Mitsui/CBC)

Calvinho has called witnesses that include a City of Ottawa official, supporters of the protests and police officers tasked with reaching out to protesters both leading up to and during the events that resulted in swaths of downtown being blocked.

Beyond trying to prove an official error and a failure of "all levels of government," Calvinho has suggested protesters were "barricaded" in the city and prevented from leaving by police. 

'We weren't trying to keep people there'

During testimony this week, police officers told the court none of the protesters showed any willingness to leave. 

One of those officers, Ottawa Police Service Const. Mathew Bickford, said he realized it would take a "collective effort" to remove the trucks that had clogged up the area near Parliament Hill.

But Bickford also testified that nobody was asking to leave the area — despite being told by authorities to do so. 

"We weren't trying to keep people there," said Bickford. "It was actually the opposite." 

Bickford testified there were instances when protesters would leave on their own free will overnight without police help. The court also saw evidence showing the number of vehicles in the downtown core was regularly fluctuating.

Like in other high-profile trials of key protest figures, police officers testified to instances of feeling unsafe and being "swarmed" by the crowds. 

A man in a dark suit carries a notebook toward a courthouse. Kim Ayotte, seen here last fall, testified under cross-examination Friday that King was recognized as a leader of the protests. (Justin Tang/The Canadian Press)

Crown prosecutors have entered social media posts and other evidence to show King used his influence to direct protesters to Ottawa's downtown after authorities had told people to stay away.

That evidence included a video taken during the protest by King and posted to his social media, in which he brags about "sneaking" trucks into the city's core. 

Prosecutors also accuse him of organizing a "slow roll" protest involving vehicles driving by the Ottawa International Airport.

Retired city GM testifies

After a morning of testimony from Kim Ayotte, the city's recently retired general manager of emergency and protective services, there was a lengthy discussion between prosecutors, Calvinho and Justice Charles Hackland about its relevance. 

Ayotte agreed with Calvinho it was Ottawa Police Service's responsibility to keep the peace and handle crowd management on behalf of the city. 

But the Crown argued there was little relevance of the testimony to either the criminal trial or King's defence that someone in authority committed an "officially induced error."

A man in a dark suit and sunglasses outside on a sunny spring day.  Pat King has pleaded not guilty to nine charges stemming from the 2022 demonstrations. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press)

King identified as leader

After an extended lunch break, Calvinho returned and focused her questions for Ayotte. 

She pointed to evidence that police and Ayotte had little or no knowledge of King's role in the protests — in fact, very few witnesses called by either party had significant direct interactions with King. 

But under cross-examination, Ayotte said King was recognized as a leader of the protests. 

Ayotte told the court the "red zone" designated by police was done to manage traffic flow in and out of the downtown core, and barriers were put on certain roads to maintain emergency routes or to prevent trucks from parking. 

He said he'd originally proposed the city and police prevent trucks from entering the city altogether, but was told by legal counsel that wasn't an option because it would be unconstitutional. The city has since changed its opinion on this. 

Calvinho has signaled she is likely to call more police officers to testify, but told court her arguments should be done by Tuesday. King is not expected to enter the witness box. 

Closing submissions are scheduled for Friday. 


David Fraser


David Fraser is an Ottawa-based journalist for CBC News who previously reported in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices|

Freedom Convoy leader Pat King granted bail

King had been in jail since February for role in Freedom Convoy protest

Pat King, key figure in Freedom Convoy protest, released on bail

After spending five months in jail, Pat King was granted bail Monday with numerous conditions, including bans on protesting and social media use.

A key figure of the Freedom Convoy protest has been granted bail after spending five months in jail, an Ottawa court decided Monday.

Pat King emerged from the Elgin Street courthouse to hugs and cheers from supporters, who waved Canadian flags and chanted "freedom." King couldn't speak to reporters as a condition of his release.

The decision on King's bail status came after a two-day bail review hearing last week. There's a publication ban on the evidence and reasons for the decision.

King was back in an Ottawa courtroom after waiting months to hear if he would be released on bail, since his bail review in April came to an abrupt halt due to new charges against him and an apparent hacking of his lawyer's computer during the review. 

King's then-defence lawyer had requested a review of the decision to keep him in custody until his trial begins.

Since then, King has tapped a new lawyer to fight for his release and defend him against a mounting number of charges.

King, an Alberta resident, was a leading figure in the weeks-long convoy protest against COVID-19 restrictions, and was arrested on Feb. 18 on four charges: mischief, counselling to commit mischief, counselling to commit the offence of disobeying a court order and counselling to obstruct police. He faces additional charges of obstructing justice and perjury.

On Monday, Justice Anne London-Weinstein read out the conditions of King's release. They are: 

  • To vacate Ottawa as soon as possible, and no later than 24 hours.
  • To reside with a surety under supervision until he can take a flight to Edmonton.
  • Ottawa Police Service can check the surety's residence if required.
  • To reside with a surety in Alberta.
  • To be in employment under a surety.
  • To have no contact or communication with other Freedom Convoy leaders and stakeholders: Chris Barber, Tamara Lich, Daniel Bulford, Benjamin Dichter, James Bauder, Tyson Billings, Owen Swiderski, Tom Marrazzo, and Brian Carr. (Unless it's through counsel, or for his preparations for defence for his criminal charges.)
  • No protesting or public assembly, specifically related to COVID-19 pandemic, the Freedom Convoy and anti-government demonstration.
  • No social media in any form, no posting messages or having others post on his behalf. He must deactivate his Real Pat King website, Facebook page and other social media accounts within 48 hours, through a surety or counsel.
  • No giving interviews, including on social media.
  • To abide by a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., unless he's with sureties. King must provide proof to police he is with a surety, if he's unavailable for a door-knock check.
  • King must post a $25,000 cash bond, to guarantee his next court appearance.
  • No possession of weapons or ammunition.

In June, a pastor who tried visiting regularly with King in jail at the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre said King was "pretty beat down."

With files from the Canadian Press


---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, May 16, 2024 at 9:37 PM
Subject: Fwd: IMHO Pat King his lawyer and all his buddies are as dumb as posts or worse
To: <realpatriotsmoothie@protonmail.com>

---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, May 12, 2024 at 9:31 PM
Subject: IMHO Pat King his lawyer and all his buddies are as dumb as posts or worse
To: kingpatrick278 <kingpatrick278@gmail.com>, <natasha.calvinho@gmail.com>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, premier <premier@gov.bc.ca>, premier <premier@gov.nl.ca>, premier <premier@gov.pe.ca>, premier <premier@gov.nt.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, premier <premier@gov.yk.ca>, premier <premier@leg.gov.mb.ca>, blaine.higgs <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, Bill.Blair <Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>, steven.johnston <steven.johnston@gov.ab.ca>, Michael.Duheme <Michael.Duheme@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Marco.Mendicino <Marco.Mendicino@parl.gc.ca>, <Frank.Au@ontario.ca>, Katie.Telford <Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, <rob.stewart@ps-sp.gc.ca>, Nathalie.G.Drouin <Nathalie.G.Drouin@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, <marcel.beaudin@opp.ca>, <jeffery.hutchinson@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, Thomas.Carrique <Thomas.Carrique@opp.ca>, pat.morris <pat.morris@opp.ca>, rob.moore <rob.moore@parl.gc.ca>, pierre.poilievre <pierre.poilievre@parl.gc.ca>, ragingdissident <ragingdissident@protonmail.com>, <DerekRants9595@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 12:53 PM
Subject: Fwd: Frank Au can never deny that I gave Commissioner Paul Rouleau the benefit of my doubt before his report goes public
To: <natasha.calvinho@gmail.com>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>


Email: natasha.calvinho@gmail.com

Phone: 613-680-0868

Cell Phone: 613-222-8323

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 11:22:44 -0400
Subject: Frank Au can never deny that I gave Commissioner Paul Rouleau
the benefit of my doubt before his report goes public
To: Frank.Au@ontario.ca, "Marco.Mendicino"
<Marco.Mendicino@parl.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, pm
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford" <Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>,
rob.stewart@ps-sp.gc.ca, "Nathalie.G.Drouin"
<Nathalie.G.Drouin@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, marcel.beaudin@opp.ca,
jeffery.hutchinson@pco-bcp.gc.ca, Thomas.Carrique@opp.ca,
pat.morris@opp.ca, "Brenda.Lucki" <Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
jdp@tdslaw.com, joel@joelharden.ca, premier <premier@ontario.ca>,
"pierre.poilievre" <pierre.poilievre@parl.gc.ca>,
shantona@papechaudhury.com, leonj@bennettjones.com, edann@edlaw.ca,
gpoliquin@ovcounsel.com, pierrette.ringuette@sen.parl.gc.ca,
Patrick.Brazeau@sen.parl.gc.ca, george.furey@sen.parl.gc.ca,
larry.campbell@sen.parl.gc.ca, Bev.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca,
nrodriguez@conwaylitigation.ca, mduckett@dsscrimlaw.com,
srp@tdslaw.com, mtsurumi@legalanalysis.ca, tcurry
<tcurry@litigate.com>, kris.austin@gnb.ca, rokaku8@gmail.com,
patrickking <patrickking@canada-unity.com>, jcarpay@jccf.ca,
traversy.n@gmail.com, kingpatrick278 <kingpatrick278@gmail.com>,
nsinvestigators <nsinvestigators@gmail.com>, "rob.moore"
<rob.moore@parl.gc.ca>, cvangeyn@theccf.ca,
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, dominic.cardy@gnb.ca,
rick <rick@petersoncapital.ca>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Au, Frank (MAG)" <Frank.Au@ontario.ca>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 20:27:39 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Re Urgent Consultation
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

I am away on a secondment until Spring 2023, and do not have access to
emails. If you require assistance, please call 416.326.4600 and ask
for the Duty Crown. Thank you.


As Emergencies Act report tabled, key witnesses have moved on

Public Order Emergency Commission to release findings later today
Alistair Steele · CBC News · Posted: Feb 17, 2023 5:00 AM AST |

Commissioner Paul Rouleau listens to counsel question a witness during
hearings in Ottawa on Nov. 4, 2022. The commission will table its
final report in Parliament later today. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian

As the Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC) prepares to release
its highly anticipated report into last winter's convoy protests, many
of the witnesses from the City of Ottawa and the Ottawa Police Service
who testified last fall have either left or moved to new roles.

On Thursday, the commission announced it would make its final report
public later today after tabling it in Parliament.

The Canadian Press reported the commission had requested, and been
granted, an extension to the original Feb. 6 deadline for submitting
its final report to the government.

The deadline for tabling the report in Parliament — Feb. 20 — remained
intact, however. That meant the commission's findings and
recommendations had to be made public no later than Monday, the Family
Day statutory holiday in Ontario.

(The timeline set out by the Emergencies Act requires that the report
be submitted to Parliament and released to the public within 360 days
of the emergency declaration being revoked, which occurred on Feb. 23,
A politician at a desk, as seen from the middle of the audience.
Former Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson testifies before the Public Order
Emergency Commission on Oct. 18, 2022. Watson did not run for
re-election. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press)
Mayor, councillors gone

The commission heard from 76 witnesses over six weeks of public
testimony, from Oct. 14 until the prime minister's appearance on Nov.
25. Of those, seven were either elected officials or senior
bureaucrats with the City of Ottawa, and five more were senior members
of the Ottawa Police Service (OPS).

None of the elected officials from the city who testified — former
mayor Jim Watson, former councillor and police services board chair
Diane Deans, and former councillors Mathieu Fleury and Catherine
McKenney — remains in office. Of those, only McKenney ran for
re-election last fall, but failed in their bid to become mayor.

Of the other city officials who testified, only Kim Ayotte, Ottawa's
general manager of emergency and protective services, remains in the
same job.

Former city manager Steve Kanellakos, who testified about his efforts
to broker a deal between police and the protesters, resigned amid
controversy on Nov. 28, just two days before the release of a damning
report on Ottawa's troubled LRT project.

Watson's former chief of staff Serge Arpin left with his boss,
customary practice among political staffers.
A police officer sits on a row of chairs.
Deputy Chief Steve Bell, now chief administrative officer of the
Ottawa Police Service, waits to appear before the Public Order
Emergency Commission on Oct. 24, 2022. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian
All 5 OPS witnesses remain

All five senior members of the Ottawa Police Service who testified
before the commission last fall remain, though most have changed jobs.
(This doesn't include former chief Peter Sloly, who resigned during
the occupation of Ottawa by convoy protesters, and who had been out of
policing for more than eight months by the time he testified before
the commission in late October.)

Steve Bell, who was named interim chief after Sloly's resignation, and
who oversaw the eventual dispersal of the protest in Ottawa, is now a
deputy chief and chief administrative officer of the OPS. At the time
of the convoy's arrival in Ottawa, Bell was in charge of intelligence,
information and investigation for the force.

Patricia Ferguson, who testified to the deep "dysfunction" at the top
of the OPS, and said the force was left "floundering" when protesters
failed to leave the capital after the first weekend, remains acting
deputy chief.

Russell Lucas, an inspector with the police service's special events
section during the protests, is currently an acting superintendent,
according to an update provided by the OPS on Thursday.

Supt. Robert Bernier, an inspector within the force's communications
branch who was appointed event commander during the occupation, is
also listed by the OPS as an acting superintendent.

Supt. Robert Drummond, who was tasked with overseeing the police
liaison team that negotiated with protest leaders and the public order
unit that eventually helped end the occupation, also maintains that
rank. (Drummond was in an acting role at the time of his testimony
last fall.)
Police clear an area of protesters near Parliament Hill.
Police and protesters square off in front of Parliament Hill on Feb.
19, 2022. (Evan Mitsui/CBC)
'Multiple points of failure'

In an email to CBC, Paul Champ, a lawyer who represented downtown
residents and businesses during the Emergencies Act inquiry, noted the
commission heard "extensive evidence of multiple points of failure" by
both government officials and police.

"Even though many of those responsible have left the stage, the POEC
report will memorialize those mistakes and serve as a guide for public
officials going forward. I would also like to see some apologies by
the police, the city and the province, but that's probably asking too
much," Champ wrote.

He said he also hopes to see the report provide some guidance "about
the oversight and direction the Ottawa Police Services Board can have
over the Ottawa Police Service."

Journalists covering the inquiry will be allowed to peruse an
embargoed version of the report starting at 10 a.m. ET. The embargo
will be lifted once the report is tabled in Parliament.

Commissioner Paul Rouleau will also read a prepared statement, which
will be streamed live on the commission's website, where the full
report will be made available to the public.
Alistair Steele

Writer and editor

After spending more than a decade covering Ottawa city hall for CBC,
Alistair Steele is now a feature writer and digital copy editor at

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 4:59 AM
Subject: YO Minister Marco Mendicino Methinks its High Time that you and I create a MOU N'esy Pas Ian Nunn???
To: <bestdamnroofer@hotmail.com>, <freedomcentralcanada@gmail.com>, Marco.Mendicino <Marco.Mendicino@parl.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, Katie.Telford <Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, Robert. Jones <Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, Norman Traversy <traversy.n@gmail.com>, sheilagunnreid <sheilagunnreid@gmail.com>, stefanos.karatopis <stefanos.karatopis@gmail.com>, Dave Steenburg <davesteenburg269@gmail.com>, freedomreport.ca <freedomreport.ca@gmail.com>, Viva Frei <david@vivafrei.com>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>, blaine.higgs <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, Brenda.Lucki <Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Bill.Hogan <Bill.Hogan@gnb.ca>, <natasha.calvinho@gmail.com>, Mark.Blakely <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Mike.Comeau <Mike.Comeau@gnb.ca>, Anita.Anand <Anita.Anand@parl.gc.ca>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>, Chrystia.Freeland <Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca>, Candice.Bergen <Candice.Bergen@parl.gc.ca>, rob.moore <rob.moore@parl.gc.ca>, pierre.poilievre <pierre.poilievre@parl.gc.ca>, <maverickmultimedia@mail.com>, <inunn@superaje.com>, <artinfo6@digitaldoor.net>, <temp3@digitaldoor.net>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, <livefromtheshed2022@gmail.com>, <freedom2canada@outlook.com>, <gregory.re@fox.com>, <Cmd4pc@gmail.com>, <james@jamesbowielaw.com>, <ontario@cp.org>, <JustinWells@foxnews.com>, <ottawanews@ctv.ca>, <Michael.Kempa@uottawa.ca>, <drkempa@gmail.com>


David Raymond Amos’s Tweets

Apr 6

David Raymond Amos
Replying to @DavidRaymondAm1 @DanDonovan4 and 42 others
YO @realGonzaloLira
Go Figure why the link I offered you within @YouTube was blocked


#UkraineRussianWar #cdnpoli

David Amos
Say Hoka Hey to NATO or me


Vanished: Is There a NATO General In Mariupol?
A good introduction to the entire Skripal affair, and the unanswered
questions: http://johnhelmer.net/four-years-later-the-skripal-case-is-weirder-than-ever...

David Raymond Amos
Replying to @DavidRaymondAm1 @DanDonovan4 and 44 others
I heard through the grapevine that you ain't dead yet but have been
muzzled bigtime

#UkraineRussianWar #cdnpoli

Too bad so sad that these dudes were not honest with mean old me just
you dudes never were EH? @ikwilson @wikileaks @guardian @ggreenwald


Freedom Reporter and researcher Ian Nunn joins the conversation with
the newest data surrounding a bizarre chain of Food Processing Plant
fires across the U....

Mar 26

Gonzalo Lira
You want to learn the truth about the Zelensky regime? Google these names:

Vlodymyr Struk
Denis Kireev
Mikhail & Aleksander Kononovich
Nestor Shufrych
Yan Taksyur
Dmitri Djangirov
Elena Berezhnaya

If you haven’t heard from me in 12 hours or more, put my name on this list.


David Raymond Amos
Replying to @realGonzaloLira
This was the last I heard from you


Scott Ritter and The Battle of the Donbas
My Telegram channel: https://t.me/realCRPMy Twitter:
https://twitter.com/realgonzalolira/Join me on Patreon for exclusive
content: https://www.patreon.com/Co..


Monday, 26 April 2021
YO JONATHAN.VANCE I trust that MASON STALKER, all the NATO dudes and
YOU know that I don't send Spam


Ready for nuclear holocaust with Russia over Ukraine?
•Apr 16, 2021
Tulsi Gabbard
Are we prepared to see our loved ones burn alive in a nuclear
holocaust in a war with Russia over Ukraine? If not, cut out the macho
saber rattling and deescalate before it's too late.

David Amos
David Amos
Why did you ignore me when you were running for Presidential Office???



David Raymond Amos
Replying to @JonathanVize
We just talked about this video that you dudes published Please say Hey to
@HarjitSajjan and the Boyz for me will ya?


Canada on alert as Russia military moves into Arctic
Apr 7, 2021
Inside The Story

The Russian military has built a network of bases and stations along
its northern coast in recent years, while developing new weapons that
could hit North America.

David Amos
David Amos

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 23:52:37 -0300
Subject: I trust that his minion Mark Koneda of US Naval Intel and his
FBI pals know why I had no respect for their Biden's old buddy Rep.
Alcee Hastings for rather obvious reasons
To: Dawn.McArdle@mail.house.gov, Matt.Gaetz@mail.house.gov,
bgordon@anchorsgordon.com, patrick.parsons@mail.house.gov,
nia_ig.fct@navy.mil, art.mcdonald@forces.gc.ca, "Greta.Bossenmaier"
<Greta.Bossenmaier@hq.nato.int>, "Boston.Mail"
<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>, Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>,
"steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, "rob.moore"
<rob.moore@parl.gc.ca>, "Robert. Jones" <Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>,
"robert.mckee" <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Ian.Shugart"
<Ian.Shugart@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, premier
<premier@ontario.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.bc.ca>, premier <premier@gov.nl.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.pe.ca>, premier <premier@gov.nt.ca>, PREMIER
<PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, premier <premier@gov.yk.ca>, premier
<premier@leg.gov.mb.ca>, "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, Office
of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "barbara.massey"
<barbara.massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, "Bill.Blair"
<Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>, "fin.minfinance-financemin.fin"


Rep. Alcee Hastings dies, narrowing Democratic House majority to just 7
Published Tue, Apr 6 202110:44 AM EDTUpdated Tue, Apr 6 20214:01 PM EDT
Christian Nunley
Key Points

    Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., died Tuesday at age 84 after a
two-year bout with pancreatic cancer.
    Democrats now hold a narrower margin in the House, with a 218-211
split, while six vacant seats remain.

Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., listens to students speak about their
experiences with gun violence during the The Gun Violence Prevention
Task Force panel Wednesday afternoon May 23, 2018.
Sarah Silbiger | CQ-Roll Call, Inc. | Getty Images

Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., died Tuesday after a more than two-year
bout with pancreatic cancer, NBC News confirmed.

Hastings, who served in the House for nearly three decades, was 84.
Throughout his career, he held several key committee assignments and
leadership positions, most recently as vice chairman of the rules
committee. He had also been Florida’s first Black federal trial judge,
appointed to the bench in 1979 by President Jimmy Carter.

“As an attorney, civil rights activist and judge, and over his nearly
thirty years in Congress, he fought tirelessly to create opportunities
to lift up working families, communities of color, children and
immigrants,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote in a statement.

President Joe Biden reacted to Hastings’ death on Tuesday afternoon.
“Across his long career of public service, Alcee always stood up to
fight for equality, and always showed up for the working people he
represented,” he said in a statement. “Jill and I are saddened to
learn of his passing.”

Democrats now hold a narrower advantage in the House, 218-211, giving
the party a smaller margin of error in passing legislation. Six seats
are vacant, four of which were previously held by Democrats and two by

Three of the four Democratic House seats were vacated by appointments
to positions in President Joe Biden’s Cabinet. Deb Haaland, of New
Mexico, was appointed secretary of the Department of Interior; Marcia
Fudge, of Ohio, was named head of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development, and Cedric Richmond, of Louisiana, became senior advisor
to the president and director of the White House Office of Public

One of the two vacant GOP seats is no longer up for contest. Julia
Letlow of Louisiana was elected in late March but has yet to be sworn
in. Julia will replace her late husband, Luke Letlow, who was elected
to the seat but died before being sworn in due to Covid-19

In 1983, when Hastings was a federal judge, he was acquitted in
criminal court on a charge of conspiring to solicit a bribe in
exchange for leniency in a sentencing.

Alcee Hastings testifying at his impeachment trial in 1989.
Michael Jenkins | CQ-Roll Call, Inc. | Getty Images

Nevertheless, the House impeached Hastings in 1988 amid accusations
that he perjured himself during that criminal trial. The Senate voted
to convict him, removing him from the bench, but did not vote to
disqualify him from holding future office.

Hastings appealed the impeachment conviction in 1992. A federal judge
overturned the conviction, on the grounds that a 12-member Senate
committee, rather than the full Senate, conducted the impeachment
trial. This was the first time a Senate conviction was overturned by a
federal judge.

The next year, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled federal courts do not have
the authority to review the procedures of a Senate impeachment trial.
Hastings’ legislative career, which began with his election in 1992
and continued until his death, was unaffected by the decision.

On 4/6/21, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: NIA_IG <nia_ig.fct@navy.mil>
> Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 11:03:08 +0000
> Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] Fwd: Methinks the evil lawyer Howie
> Cooper made a deal with the VERY NASTY FBI dudes in Beantown N'esy Pas
> Howie Anglin?
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
> Dear David Amos,
> The Naval Intelligence Activity (NIA) Office of the Inspector General
> (IG) reviewed your email and attached .WAV file provided to the NIA
> Hotline on 2 April 2021. I found no connection to the United States
> Navy or United States Naval Intelligence.
> Naval Inspectors General exist to improve the efficiency and
> effectiveness of US Navy Programs, and strive to eliminate and prevent
> waste, fraud, and abuse with their respective departments. Naval IGs
> are restricted to assessing matters falling within the purview of
> their respective commanders.
> Citing the lack of an apparent connection to the US Navy or Naval
> Intelligence, I am unable to provide further assistance, or provide
> direct referral to any other agency or activity.
> Sincerely,
> Mark Koneda
> Investigator
> Naval Intelligence Activity
>    Office of the Inspector General
> NIA_IG@navy.mil
> (301)669-3030 (unclass)
> TSVOIP 560-3030
> information contained in this email and any accompanying attachments
> may contain Inspector General sensitive or pre-decisional information,
> which is protected from mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of
> Information Act (FOIA, 5 USC Section 552). It should not be released
> to unauthorized persons. If you are not the intended recipient of this
> information, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of
> any action in reliance on this information is prohibited. If you
> received this email in error, please notify this office by email or by
> calling (301) 669-3030.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
> Sent: Friday, April 2, 2021 12:50 PM
> To: NIA_IG <nia_ig.fct@navy.mil>
> Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Fwd: Methinks the evil lawyer Howie Cooper
> made a deal with the VERY NASTY FBI dudes in Beantown N'esy Pas Howie
> Anglin?

Friday, 2 April 2021
Russia warns NATO against deploying troops to Ukraine

David Raymond Amos
Replying to @DavidRaymondAm1 @Nyonitz and 49 others
NATO has been picking a fight long before this weekend but big media
ain't been saying much about it until now Methinks it was no
coincidence US Naval Intel people called me on Good Friday N'esy Pas?


 #nbpoli #cdnpoli #CORRUPTION


Ukraine says Russia massing troops on border; U.S. warns Moscow
Dmytro Gorshkov

AFP Staff

Agence France-Presse’s network of 201 bureaus covers 151 countries,
with 80 nationalities represented among its 2,400 collaborators. AFP
is a global news agency delivering in-depth coverage of the events
shaping our world from conflicts to politics, economics, sports,
entertainment and the latest breakthroughs in health, science and
The Agency operates regional hubs in five geographical zones: Africa,
North America, Latin America, Asia, Middle East

Published Thursday, April 1, 2021 4:09PM EDT


Ukraine has been locked in a conflict with Russian-backed separatists
since 2014. (AFP)

KYIV, UKRAINE -- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday
accused Moscow of building up troops on his country's border as the
United States warned Russia against "intimidating" Ukraine.

Kiev has been locked in a conflict with Russian-backed separatists
since 2014, and this week Ukrainian officials reported Russian troop
movement in annexed Crimea and on the border, near territories
controlled by Moscow-backed separatists.

On Thursday, Zelensky's ministers discussed the escalating security
situation with Western allies including U.S. Secretary of Defence
Lloyd Austin.

"Muscle-flexing in the form of military exercises and possible
provocations along the border are traditional Russian games," Zelensky
said in a statement.

He accused Moscow of seeking to create "a threatening atmosphere" as
Kiev hopes to resume a ceasefire brokered last year.

The U.S. State Department said it was "absolutely concerned by recent
escalations of Russian aggressive and provocative actions in eastern

"What we would object to are aggressive actions that have an intent of
intimidating, of threatening, our partner Ukraine," State Department
spokesman Ned Price told reporters.

Some observers say the reported Russian troop buildup is a test for
the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden, who caused an uproar
in Moscow last month by calling his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin
a "killer".

This week, Moscow and Kyiv blamed each other for a rise in violence
between government forces and Kremlin-backed separatists in eastern
Ukraine, which has undermined the ceasefire.

Zelensky said 20 Ukrainian servicemen had been killed and 57 wounded
since the start of the year.

Separately, the military announced that a Ukrainian soldier was
wounded in an attack it blamed on separatists.

On Thursday, U.S. Secretary of Defence Austin called his Ukrainian
counterpart Andriy Taran, Ukraine's defence ministry said.

Austin said during the call that Washington would "not leave Ukraine
alone in the event of escalating Russian aggression", the ministry

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba for his part discussed the
"aggravation by the Russian Federation of the security situation" on
the frontline with his Canadian counterpart Marc Garneau.

Ukraine's military intelligence accused Russia of preparing to "expand
its military presence" in the separatist-controlled eastern regions of
Donetsk and Lugansk.

In a statement, the intelligence service said it "does not rule out"
an attempt by Russian forces to move "deep into Ukrainian territory".

A high-ranking Ukrainian government official, speaking on condition of
anonymity, claimed that the Russian army was practising "military
co-ordination" with separatists.

"From mid-April their combat units will be ready for an offensive,"
the official told AFP.

Moscow has repeatedly denied sending troops and arms to buttress the
separatists and Putin's spokesman stressed on Thursday that Moscow is
at liberty to move troops across its territory.

"The Russian Federation moves its armed forces within its territory at
its discretion," spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, but he did
not directly confirm a troop buildup on the Ukrainian border.

He added that "it should not worry anyone and does not pose a threat to anyone".

The war in eastern Ukraine broke out in 2014 when Russia annexed the
Crimean peninsula following a bloody uprising that ousted Ukraine's
Kremlin-friendly president Viktor Yanukovych.

On Wednesday, the Pentagon said U.S. forces in Europe had raised their
alert status following the "recent escalations of Russian aggression
in eastern Ukraine".

Mark Milley, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, also spoke
with his Russian and Ukrainian counterparts, Valery Gerasimov and
Ruslan Khomchak.

Khomchak said this week that 28,000 separatist fighters and "more than
2,000 Russian military instructors and advisers" are currently
stationed in eastern Ukraine.

On Thursday, the deputy head of Zelensky's office, Roman Mashovets,
called for joint drills with NATO forces to "help stabilise the
security situation".

Zelensky was elected in 2019 promising to end the years-long conflict,
but critics say a shaky ceasefire was his only tangible achievement.

The fighting has claimed more than 13,000 lives since 2014, according
to the United Nations.


Top US national security officials call counterparts as Russia and
Ukraine tensions rise

By Oren Liebermann and Barbara Starr, CNN

Updated 8:54 PM ET, Wed March 31, 2021
An Andromeda-D automated control system takes part in an exercise held
by units of the Novorossiysk guards mountain air assault division of
the Russian Airborne Troops at Opuk range in Crimea.
An Andromeda-D automated control system takes part in an exercise held
by units of the Novorossiysk guards mountain air assault division of
the Russian Airborne Troops at Opuk range in Crimea.

(CNN)Top US national security officials have spoken with their
Ukrainian counterparts, and America's top general held a call
Wednesday with his Russian opposite number amid concern over Russian
military activity in Crimea and eastern Ukraine, including what the US
deemed a violation of a ceasefire by Moscow that led to the deaths of
four Ukrainian soldiers last week.
"Russia's destabilizing actions undermine the de-escalation intentions
that had been achieved through [last year's agreement]," chief
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Wednesday. "Additionally, we are
aware of Ukrainian military reports concerning Russian troop movements
on Ukraine's borders."

Secretary of State Tony Blinken reaffirmed the "unwavering support" of
the United States for Ukraine's territorial integrity in the face of
"Russia's ongoing aggression in the Donbas and Crimea," according to a
readout of his call with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba
Wednesday. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley also
spoke to the top Ukrainian general Wednesday, while national security
adviser Jake Sullivan spoke with his Ukrainian counterpart at the
beginning of the week.

The Pentagon had grown increasingly concerned after military
intelligence reports assessed that some 4,000 heavily armed Russian
forces had been observed moving in Crimea, according to a US defense
official. "It was not totally clear what they were up to," the
official said, adding that the US now believes on further assessment
it may have been part of a Russian military exercise. Part of that
assessment was based on calls with Ukrainian officials who also viewed
the Russian activity as an exercise.

If so, the movement of so many Russian military personnel was a large
exercise and may be a deliberate message from the Kremlin to the Biden
administration about Russia's strength in the region and its ability
to challenge US allies, the official said.

This comes as NATO countries on Monday scrambled jets 10 times to
track an unusually high level of Russian military flights over a large
area of Europe including the North Sea, the Black Sea and the Baltic
Sea. NATO jets wound up conducting six intercepts in a six-hour

The Biden administration is taking a tougher approach to Russia, and
Ukraine is only the latest source of tension between the two
adversaries. The White House unveiled a raft of sanctions against
Russian officials and entities at the beginning of the month over the
poisoning of opposition leader Alexey Navalny. President Joe Biden
then warned that Russian President Vladimir Putin would "pay a price"
for his efforts to undermine the 2020 US elections and went on to call
Putin a "killer." Meanwhile, the administration is expected to impose
more sanctions on Russia over election interference and the SolarWinds

Classified US military war game set to take place as concerns about
threats posed by China and Russia increase
Classified US military war game set to take place as concerns about
threats posed by China and Russia increase

On Wednesday, Milley spoke with his Russian counterpart, Gen. Valery
Gerasimov. While the topics the two generals discussed have not been
made public, behind the scenes the Defense Department has been
concerned for the last several days about the build-up of Russian
troops and equipment along the Ukraine border. The Defense Department
recently raised the so-called "watch condition level" on that region
to gather updated intelligence assessments on Russian activity and
intentions, while monitoring any potential threats. The New York Times
was first to report that development.

Russia blamed Ukraine for renewed fighting in eastern Ukraine. Kremlin
spokesman Dmitry Peskov said this week that Russia was concerned about
"Ukraine's provocations," but he said he hoped it would not escalate
to fighting.

But Ukraine warned of a series of Russian violations of the ceasefire,
including two incidents of mortar fire and large-caliber machine gun
fire that led to the death of the four Ukrainian soldiers last Friday.
On Tuesday, Ukraine accused Russia of violating the ceasefire seven
times, prompting the country's parliament to call for an increase in
political and economic pressure on Moscow.


NATO scrambles jets 10 times to track Russian military planes across Europe

By Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent

Updated 1:33 PM ET, Tue March 30, 2021
Norwegian F-16s intercepted two Russian Tu-95 bombers of the type shown here.
Norwegian F-16s intercepted two Russian Tu-95 bombers of the type shown here.

(CNN)NATO scrambled fighter jets 10 times Monday to track and
intercept an unusually "rare peak" of Russian bombers and fighters
flying over the North Sea, Black Sea and Baltic Sea, according to a
NATO official.
"NATO aircraft intercepted six different groups of Russian military
aircraft near alliance airspace in less than six hours," the
organization said in a statement.

The Russian activity across an unusually wide area of European skies
came on the same day North American Aerospace Defense Command said it
tracked Russian aircraft off the coast of Alaska.

None of the Russian aircraft entered the national airspace of NATO
nations in Europe and the intercepts were considered safe, but an
alliance statement detailed the activity.

Norwegian F-16s scrambled after radars detected two groups of Russian
military aircraft near Norway's coastline. The Norwegians intercepted
two Tu-95 Bear bombers which flew south over the North Sea. That
prompted the United Kingdom to send up Typhoon aircraft and Belgium to
deploy F-16 fighters.

The Norwegian F-16s later intercepted two Tu-160 bombers over
international waters nearby.

Separately, NATO radars detected three Russian military aircraft near
allied airspace over the Black Sea which were tracked by Turkish,
Romanian and Bulgarian fighters aircraft until they left the area.

In another encounter, NATO said Italian fighter jets intercepted a
Russian II-38 maritime patrol aircraft which was already being
escorted by Russian fighter jets over the Baltic Sea flying from

CNN reported Saturday that the US is preparing to carry out a
classified war game this summer where a major focus of the scenarios
will be how the US should respond to aggressive action and unexpected
moves by China and Russia.

Tensions with Russia are high, and last week, Secretary of State
Antony Blinken called out Russia for "reckless and adversarial
actions" at a NATO meeting in Brussels and observed that Moscow has
"built up a forces, large scale exercises and acts of intimidation, in
the Baltic and Black Sea."

"Intercepting multiple groups of Russian aircraft demonstrates NATO
forces' readiness and capability to guard Allied skies 24 hours a day,
7 days a week, 365 days a year," Brig. Gen. Andrew Hansen, deputy
chief of staff operations at Allied Air Command, said in the NATO

NATO aircraft scrambled more than 400 times in 2020 to intercept
unknown aircraft according to the alliance. About 90 percent were in
response to flights by Russian aircraft. NATO says Russian flights
often pose a risk to civilian air traffic over Europe because the
Russians often fly without transmitting a transponder code indicating
their position and altitude and do not file a flight plan or
communicate with air traffic controllers.

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 ---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2021 15:41:27 -0400
Subject: Attn LGen Wayne Eyre I just called and tried to explain this
email and Federal Court File No T-1557-15 in particular
To: wayne.eyre@forces.gc.ca, george.young@forces.gc.ca,
Vincent.Rigby@pmo-cpm.gc.ca, Shelly.Bruce@cse-cst.gc.ca,
daniel.lauzon@international.gc.ca, mathieu.bouchard@canada.ca,
alexander.steinhouse@justica.gc.ca, lucy.hargreaves@canada.ca,
anne.dawson@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca, marjorie.michel@tbs-sct.gc.ca,
jamie.innes@qpc-cpr.gc.ca, premier <premier@ontario.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.ab.ca>, Office of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>,
premier <premier@gov.pe.ca>, premier <premier@gov.bc.ca>, premier
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<Richard.Ames@gnb.ca>, "Richard.Bragdon" <Richard.Bragdon@parl.gc.ca>,
"Ross.Wetmore" <Ross.Wetmore@gnb.ca>, "rob.moore"
<rob.moore@parl.gc.ca>, "John.Williamson"
<John.Williamson@parl.gc.ca>, "Dominic.Cardy" <Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>,
briangallant10 <briangallant10@gmail.com>, BrianThomasMacdonald
<BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail.com>, "hugh.flemming"
<hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, "robert.mckee" <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
"Mark.Blakely" <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "martin.gaudet"

 ---------- Original message ----------
From: Art.McDonald@forces.gc.ca
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2021 17:08:24 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO JONATHAN.VANCE You have been ducKing e
since 2015 when I was running iN the election of the 42nd Parliament
and suing the Queen in Federal Court Methinks it is YOU who should
finally call me back N'esy Pas?
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com

The Acting Chief of the Defence Staff is LGen Wayne Eyre, he may be
reached at wayne.eyre@forces.gc.ca.

Le Chef d'état-major de la Défense par intérim est le LGen Wayne Eyre.
Il peut être rejoint au wayne.eyre@forces.gc.ca.

Art McD
He/Him // Il/Lui
Admiral/amiral Art McDonald

Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS)
Canadian Armed Forces
art.mcdonald@forces.gc.ca<mailto:art.mcdonald@forces.gc.ca> / Tel: 613-992-5054

Chef d’état-major de la Defense (CÉMD)
Forces armées canadiennes
art.mcdonald@forces.gc.ca<mailto:art.mcdonald@forces.gc.ca> / Tél: 613-992-5054

 ---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2021 13:08:16 -0400
Subject: YO JONATHAN.VANCE You have been ducKing e since 2015 when I
was running iN the election of the 42nd Parliament and suing the Queen
in                                    Federal Court Methinks it is YOU
who should finally call me back N'esy Pas?
To: art.mcdonald@forces.gc.ca, richard.jolette@forces.gc.ca,
JONATHAN.VANCE@forces.gc.ca, Tammy.Harris@forces.gc.ca,
Jill.Chisholm@justice.gc.ca, Cedric.Aspirault@forces.gc.ca,
Derek.Sloan@parl.gc.ca, Hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca,
Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, barbara.massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
clare.barry@justice.gc.ca, elder.marques@pmo-cpm.gc.ca,
michael.mcnair@pmo-cpm.gc.ca, David.Akin@globalnews.ca,
dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca, hon.melanie.joly@canada.ca,
Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca, "andrea.anderson-mason"
<andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca>, Ramesh.Sangha@parl.gc.ca,
Marwan.Tabbara@parl.gc.ca, Yasmin.Ratansi@parl.gc.ca,
Ian.Shugart@pco-bcp.gc.ca, "Bill.Blair" <Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, news-tips
<news-tips@nytimes.com>, mcu@justice.gc.ca,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: JONATHAN.VANCE@forces.gc.ca
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2021 17:01:09 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO JONATHAN.VANCE I trust that MASON
STALKER, all the NATO dudes and YOU know that I don't send Spam
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com

Admiral Art McDonald is now the Chief of the Defence Staff, he may be
reached at art.mcdonald@forces.gc.ca. I will continue to monitor this
account periodically until my retirement from the Canadian Armed
Forces. Please reach out to EA CDS, LCol Richard Jolette at
richard.jolette@forces.gc.ca if you require to get a hold of me.

L'amiral Art McDonald est maintenant le Chef d'état-major de la
Défense, on peut le joindre au art.mcdonald@forces.gc.ca. Je
continuerai de surveiller ce compte périodiquement jusqu'à ma retraite
des Forces armées canadiennes. Veuillez contacter CdeC CEMD, Lcol
Richard Jolette au richard.jolette@forces.gc.ca si vous avez besoin de
me contacter.

On 3/11/21, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2021 12:35:27 -0400
> Subject: Re: YO JONATHAN.VANCE I trust that MASON STALKER, all the
> NATO dudes and YOU know that I don't send Spam
> To: Michel.Drapeau@mdlo.ca, "Gilles.Moreau" <Gilles.Moreau@forces.gc.ca>
> Cc: mlo-blm@forces.gc.ca, "erin.otoole" <erin.otoole@parl.gc.ca>,
> "Katie.Telford" <Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "jagmeet.singh"
> <jagmeet.singh@parl.gc.ca>, "Robert. Jones" <Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>,
> "steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/fifth-estate-military-justice-1.5943931
> Prosecuting high-ranking officers a 'significant challenge'
> "Retired colonel and lawyer Michel Drapeau, who is a leading expert in
> military justice, said he wonders how a court martial could hear a
> case involving Vance or McDonald when no one in the military,
> including judges, would outrank them."
> On 9/23/19, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Byrne Furlong
>> Press Secretary
>> Office of the Minister of National Defence
>> 613-996-3100
>> Media Relations
>> Department of National Defence
>> 613-996-2353
>> mlo-blm@forces.gc.ca
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2019 14:14:23 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: YO JONATHAN.VANCE I trust that MASON STALKER, all the
>> NATO dudes and YOU know that I don't send Spam
>> To: Michel.Drapeau@mdlo.ca, Walter.Semianiw@mdlo.ca, Newsroom
>> <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>
>> Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Peter Stoffer
>> (613) 236-2657 x200
>> Mr. Stoffer served as a Member of Parliament for the riding of
>> Sackville-Eastern Shore from 1997 to 2015. During 2011-2015, he served
>> as the Official Opposition Critic for Veterans Affairs.
>> During this time, Mr. Stoffer was honoured with a variety of awards
>> from the environmental, military, provincial and federal communities.
>> He was named Canada’s Parliamentarian of the year 2013, and he
>> received the Veterans Ombudsman award. Mr Stoffer has been knighted
>> into the Order of St. George and has also been knighted by the King of
>> the Netherlands into the Order of Orange Nassau.
>> He is currently volunteering for a variety of veteran organizations.
>> He is also host to a radio show called “Hour of Heroes in Nova Scotia”
>> on Community Radio,  Radio Station 97-5 CIOE-FM, the Voice of the East
>> Coast Music.
>> Colonel-Maître® Michel William Drapeau
>> (613) 236-2657 x200
>> Michel.Drapeau@mdlo.ca
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2019 13:43:40 -0300
>> Subject: YO JONATHAN.VANCE I trust that MASON STALKER, all the NATO
>> dudes and YOU know that I don't send Spam
>> To: JONATHAN.VANCE@forces.gc.ca, "Gilles.Moreau"
>> <Gilles.Moreau@forces.gc.ca>, stalker.mason@hq.nato.int
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>, mcu
>> <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, ombudsman-communications@forces.gc.ca,
>> "Paul.Shuttle" <Paul.Shuttle@pco-bcp.gc.ca>
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: MASON.STALKER@forces.gc.ca
>> Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2019 16:38:01 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: [SUSPECTED SPAM / SPAM SUSPECT] A little
>> Deja Vu for JONATHAN.VANCE et al
>> To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Good day,
>> Please note that I do not have regular access to DWAN and your email
>> has not been forwarded.
>> Please forward your email to: stalker.mason@hq.nato.int
>> Thank you in advance,
>> MJS
>> On 9/23/19, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: MASON.STALKER@forces.gc.ca
>>> Date: Wed, 8 May 2019 12:04:41 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks its obvious why the Crown would
>>> drop the charges after Mark Norman's lawyers hit Trudeau and his buddy
>>> Butts with subpoenas N'esy Pas/
>>> To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
>>> Good day,
>>> Please note that I do not have regular access to DWAN and your email
>>> has not been forwarded.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: JONATHAN.VANCE@forces.gc.ca
>>> Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 18:26:35 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: I see that the the evil blogger in Alberta
>>> Barry Winters aka Mr Baconfat is still practising libel and hate
>>> speech       contrary to Sections 300 and 319 0f the Canadian Criminal Code
>>> N'esy Pas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau "The Younger" ???
>>> To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
>>> I will be out of the office until 23 February 2016. I am unable to
>>> monitor my e-mail during this time. For urgent matters, please contact
>>> my Chief of Staff, BGen Tammy Harris (Tammy.Harris@forces.gc.ca), or
>>> my EA, Maj Cedric Aspirault (Cedric.Aspirault@forces.gc.ca) both of
>>> whom can contact me.
>>> Je serai hors du bureau jusqu'au 23 février 2016. Il ne me sera pas
>>> possible de vérifier mes couriels pendant cette période. En cas
>>> d'urgence, veuillez contacter ma chef d'état major, Bgén Tammy Harris
>>> (Tammy.Harris@forces.gc.ca), ou mon CdC, le maj Cédric Aspirault
>>> (Cedric.Aspirault@forces.gc.ca), ils seront en mesure de me rejoindre.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: "Chisholm, Jill" <Jill.Chisholm@justice.gc.ca>
>>> Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 18:26:34 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: I see that the the evil blogger in Alberta
>>> Barry Winters aka Mr Baconfat is still practising libel and hate
>>> speech contrary to Sections 300 and 319 0f the Canadian Criminal Code
>>> N'esy Pas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau "The Younger" ???
>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Thank you for your message. I will be away from the office until
>>> Friday, February 26, 2016 and will not be accessing email frequently
>>> during this time.  Should you require assistance please contact
>>> Jacqueline Fenton at (902) 426-6996.  Otherwise I will be pleased to
>>> respond to your message upon my return.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada
>>> <mcu@justice.gc.ca>
>>> Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2019 16:46:28 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: YOr Ralph Goodale Methinks this should
>>> stress the Integrity of the Globe and Mail and your minions in the
>>> RCMP N'esy Pas?
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>>> Thank you for writing to the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of
>>> Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
>>> Please be assured that your email has been received and will be read
>>> with
>>> care.
>>> However, in light of the federal elections being held on October 21,
>>> there may be a delay in processing your email.
>>> _________________________________________________________________
>>> Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable David Lametti, ministre de la
>>> Justice et procureur général du Canada.
>>> Soyez assuré que votre courriel a bien été reçu et que celui-ci sera
>>> lu avec soin.
>>> Cependant, compte tenu des élections fédérales du 21 octobre prochain,
>>> veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le
>>> traitement de votre courriel.
>>> ---------- Oreiginal message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2019 13:02:10 -0300
>>> Subject: A little Deja Vu for Ralph Goodale and the RCMP before I file
>>> my next lawsuit as promised
>>> To: Hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca,
>>> Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca, Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca,
>>> Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.cabarbara.massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>>> elder.marques@pmo-cpm.gc.ca, michael.mcnair@pmo-cpm.gc.ca,
>>> Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca, "clare.barry"
>>> clare.barry@justice.gc.ca, mcu@justice.gc.ca,
>>> alaina@alainalockhart.ca, info@ginettepetitpastaylor.ca,
>>> oldmaison@yahoo.com, Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca, daniel.mchardie@cbc.ca,
>>> info@waynelong.ca, matt@mattdecourcey.ca, info@sergecormier.ca,
>>> pat@patfinnigan.ca, David.Coon@gnb.ca, tj@tjharvey.ca,
>>> karen.ludwig.nb@gmail.com, votejohnw@gmail.com,
>>> PETER.MACKAY@bakermckenzie.com, Frank.McKenna@td.com, postur@for.is,
>>> postur@fjr.stjr.is, Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca,
>>> Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>>> David.Akin@globalnews.ca, dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>>> Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Dave.Young@nbeub.cajfurey@nbpower.com,
>>> jfetzer@d.umn.edu, postur@irr.is, birgittajoy@gmail.com,
>>> birgitta@this.is>, Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca, Kevin.Vickers@gnb.ca,
>>> blaine.higgs@gnb.ca, kris.austin@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca,
>>> carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, Michael.Duheme@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>>> Michel.Carrier@gnb.ca, Yves.Cote@elections.ca, Greg.Bonnar@gnb.ca
>>> Cc: motomaniac333@gmail.com, Newsroom@globeandmail.com,
>>> fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca, hon.melanie.joly@canada.ca
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: "Telford, Katie" <Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>
>>> Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2019 13:14:20 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Mr Butts Here are some more comments
>>> published within CBC that the RCMP and their boss Ralph Goodale should
>>> review ASAP N'esy Pas?
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>>> Hello,
>>> I am out of the office until Tuesday, October 22nd without access to
>>> this
>>> email.
>>> In my absence, you may contact Mike McNair
>>> (michael.mcnair@pmo-cpm.gc.ca<mailto:michael.mcnair@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>) or
>>> Elder Marques
>>> (elder.marques@pmo-cpm.gc.ca<mailto:elder.marques@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>).
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Katie
>>> ______
>>> Bonjour,
>>> Je suis absente du bureau jusqu'au mardi 22 octobre sans accès à mes
>>> courriels.
>>> Durant mon absence, veuillez communiquer avec Mike McNair
>>> (michael.mcnair@pmo-cpm.gc.ca<mailto:michael.mcnair@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>) ou
>>> Elder Marques
>>> (elder.marques@pmo-cpm.gc.ca<mailto:elder.marques@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>).
>>> Cordialement,
>>> Katie
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: "Butts, Gerald" <Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>
>>> Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2018 06:33:26 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: So Much for the Strong Ethics of the Strong
>>> Organization commonnly knows as the RCMP/GRC N'esy Pas?
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>>> Thank you for your email. I am out of the office with limited access
>>> to email. For assistance, please email Laura D'Angelo at
>>> laura.d'angelo@pmo-cpm.gc.ca.
>>> Merci pour votre message. Je suis absent du bureau avec un accèss
>>> limité aux courriels. Si vous avez besoin d'assistance, veuillez
>>> communiquer avec Laura D'Angelo à l'adresse
>>> laura.d'angelo@pmo-cpm.gc.ca
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca
>>> Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2018 06:30:48 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: So Much for the Strong Ethics of the Strong
>>> Organization commonnly knows as the RCMP/GRC N'esy Pas?
>>> To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com
>>> Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
>>> of Parliament for Vancouver Granville.
>>> This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email.
>>> Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there
>>> may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
>>> message will be carefully reviewed.
>>> To help us address your concerns more quickly, please include within
>>> the body of your email your full name, address, and postal code.
>>> Please note that your message will be forwarded to the Department of
>>> Justice if it concerns topics pertaining to the member's role as the
>>> Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. For all future
>>> correspondence addressed to the Minister of Justice, please write
>>> directly to the Department of Justice at
>>> mcu@justice.gc.ca<mailto:mcu@justice.gc.ca> or call 613-957-4222.
>>> Thank you
>>> -------------------
>>> Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
>>> Vancouver Granville.
>>> Le pr?sent message vise ? vous informer que nous avons re?u votre
>>> courriel. En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de
>>> correspondance, il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
>>> votre courriel. Sachez que votre message sera examin? attentivement.
>>> Pour nous aider ? r?pondre ? vos pr?occupations plus rapidement,
>>> veuillez inclure dans le corps de votre courriel votre nom complet,
>>> votre adresse et votre code postal.
>>> Veuillez prendre note que votre message sera transmis au minist?re de
>>> la Justice s'il porte sur des sujets qui rel?vent du r?le de la
>>> d?put?e en tant que ministre de la Justice et procureure g?n?rale du
>>> Canada. Pour toute correspondance future adress?e ? la ministre de la
>>> Justice, veuillez ?crire directement au minist?re de la Justice ?
>>> mcu@justice.gc.ca ou appelez au 613-957-4222.
>>> Merci
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: "Hon.Ralph.Goodale  (PS/SP)" <Hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>
>>> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 16:53:15 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Re Emails to Department of Justice and
>>> Province of Nova Scotia
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>>> Merci d'avoir ?crit ? l'honorable Ralph Goodale, ministre de la
>>> S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile.
>>> En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
>>> adress?e au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un
>>> retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Soyez assur? que votre
>>> message sera examin? avec attention.
>>> Merci!
>>> L'Unit? de la correspondance minist?rielle
>>> S?curit? publique Canada
>>> *********
>>> Thank you for writing to the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of
>>> Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
>>> Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence
>>> addressed to the Minister, please note there could be a delay in
>>> processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be
>>> carefully reviewed.
>>> Thank you!
>>> Ministerial Correspondence Unit
>>> Public Safety Canada
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca
>>> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 16:53:11 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Re Emails to Department of Justice and
>>> Province of Nova Scotia
>>> To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com
>>> Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
>>> of Parliament for Vancouver Granville.
>>> This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email.
>>> Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there
>>> may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
>>> message will be carefully reviewed.
>>> To help us address your concerns more quickly, please include within
>>> the body of your email your full name, address, and postal code.
>>> Please note that your message will be forwarded to the Department of
>>> Justice if it concerns topics pertaining to the member's role as the
>>> Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. For all future
>>> correspondence addressed to the Minister of Justice, please write
>>> directly to the Department of Justice at
>>> mcu@justice.gc.ca<mailto:mcu@justice.gc.ca> or call 613-957-4222.
>>> Thank you
>>> -------------------
>>> Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
>>> Vancouver Granville.
>>> Le pr?sent message vise ? vous informer que nous avons re?u votre
>>> courriel. En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de
>>> correspondance, il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
>>> votre courriel. Sachez que votre message sera examin? attentivement.
>>> Pour nous aider ? r?pondre ? vos pr?occupations plus rapidement,
>>> veuillez inclure dans le corps de votre courriel votre nom complet,
>>> votre adresse et votre code postal.
>>> Veuillez prendre note que votre message sera transmis au minist?re de
>>> la Justice s'il porte sur des sujets qui rel?vent du r?le de la
>>> d?put?e en tant que ministre de la Justice et procureure g?n?rale du
>>> Canada. Pour toute correspondance future adress?e ? la ministre de la
>>> Justice, veuillez ?crire directement au minist?re de la Justice ?
>>> mcu@justice.gc.ca ou appelez au 613-957-4222.
>>> Merci
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"
>>> <fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>
>>> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 16:53:17 +0000
>>> Subject: RE: Re Emails to Department of Justice and Province of Nova
>>> Scotia
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>>> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
>>> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
>>> comments.
>>> Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
>>> électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos
>>> commentaires.
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: Newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.com>
>>> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 16:53:16 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Re Emails to Department of Justice and
>>> Province of Nova Scotia
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>>> Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.
>>> If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
>>> support, please contact our Customer Service department at
>>> 1-800-387-5400 or send an email to customerservice@globeandmail.com
>>> If you are reporting a factual error please forward your email to
>>> publiceditor@globeandmail.com<mailto:publiceditor@globeandmail.com>
>>> Letters to the Editor can be sent to letters@globeandmail.com
>>> This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and
>>> press releases.
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 12:53:03 -0400
>>> Subject: Re Emails to Department of Justice and Province of Nova Scotia
>>> To: wrscott@nbpower.com, "brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>,
>>> "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon"
>>> <David.Coon@gnb.ca>, krisaustin <krisaustin@peoplesalliance.ca>,
>>> "rick.doucet" <rick.doucet@gnb.ca>, "Sollows, David (ERD/DER)"
>>> <david.sollows@gnb.ca>, "Robert. Jones" <Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>,
>>> "robert.gauvin" <robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, kevin.a.arseneau@gnb.ca,
>>> "Bill.Fraser" <Bill.Fraser@gnb.ca>, "John.Ames" <John.Ames@gnb.ca>,
>>> gerry.lowe@gnb.ca, "hugh.flemming" <hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>,
>>> michelle.conroy@gnb.ca, "art.odonnell" <art.odonnell@nb.aibn.com>,
>>> "jake.stewart" <jake.stewart@gnb.ca>, mike.holland@gnb.ca, votejohnw
>>> <votejohnw@gmail.com>, andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca,
>>> greg.thompson2@gnb.ca, jean-claude.d'amours@gnb.ca,
>>> jacques.j.leblanc@gnb.ca, megan.mitton@gnb.ca, keith.chiasson@gnb.ca,
>>> "serge.rousselle" <serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>, robert.mckee@gnb.ca,
>>> rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca, premier <premier@gnb.ca>, "Dominic.Cardy"
>>> <Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, gphlaw@nb.aibn.com, wharrison
>>> <wharrison@nbpower.com>, "Furey, John" <jfurey@nbpower.com>,
>>> "Jody.Wilson-Raybould" <Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca>,
>>> "clare.barry" <clare.barry@justice.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
>>> "hon.ralph.goodale" <hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>,
>>> "Hon.Dominic.LeBlanc" <Hon.Dominic.LeBlanc@canada.ca>, "Bill.Morneau"
>>> <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>,
>>> JUSTWEB@novascotia.ca, LauraLee.Langley@novascotia.ca,
>>> Karen.Hudson@novascotia.ca, Joanne.Munro@novascotia.ca, Newsroom
>>> <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, news <news@kingscorecord.com>, news
>>> <news@dailygleaner.com>
>>> Cc: "David.Raymond.Amos" <David.Raymond.Amos@gmail.com>, motomaniac333
>>> <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, Victoria.Zinck@novascotia.ca,
>>> Kim.Fleming@novascotia.ca
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: "McGrath, Stephen T" <Stephen.McGrath@novascotia.ca>
>>> Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2018 12:40:22 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Does anyone recall the email entitled "So
>>> Stephen McGrath if not you then just exactly who sent me this latest
>>> email from your office?"
>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Thanks for your message, however I am no longer at the Department of
>>> Justice, and this email account is not being monitored.
>>> Please contact Kim Fleming at Kim.Fleming@novascotia.ca (phone
>>> 902-424-4023), or Vicky Zinck at Victoria.Zinck@novascotia.ca (phone
>>> 902-424-4390). Kim and Vicky will be able to redirect you.
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: Justice Website <JUSTWEB@novascotia.ca>
>>> Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 14:21:11 +0000
>>> Subject: Emails to Department of Justice and Province of Nova Scotia
>>> To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Mr. Amos,
>>> We acknowledge receipt of your recent emails to the Deputy Minister of
>>> Justice and lawyers within the Legal Services Division of the
>>> Department of Justice respecting a possible claim against the Province
>>> of Nova Scotia.  Service of any documents respecting a legal claim
>>> against the Province of Nova Scotia may be served on the Attorney
>>> General at 1690 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS.  Please note that we will
>>> not be responding to further emails on this matter.
>>> Department of Justice
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>>> Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2017 15:16:38 -0400
>>> Subject: Attn Laura Lee Langley, Karen Hudson and Joanne Munro I just
>>> called all three of your offices to inform you of my next lawsuit
>>> against Nova Scotia
>>> To: LauraLee.Langley@novascotia.ca, Karen.Hudson@novascotia.ca,
>>> Joanne.Munro@novascotia.ca
>>> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>>> https://novascotia.ca/exec_council/NSDeputies.html
>>> https://novascotia.ca/exec_council/LLLangley-bio.html
>>> Laura Lee Langley
>>> 1700 Granville Street, 5th Floor
>>> One Government Place
>>> Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1X5
>>> Phone: (902) 424-8940
>>> Fax: (902) 424-0667
>>> Email: LauraLee.Langley@novascotia.ca
>>> https://novascotia.ca/just/deputy.asp
>>> Karen Hudson Q.C.
>>> 1690 Hollis Street, 7th Floor
>>> Joseph Howe Building
>>> Halifax, NS B3J 3J9
>>> Phone: (902) 424-4223
>>> Fax: (902) 424-0510
>>> Email: Karen.Hudson@novascotia.ca
>>> https://novascotia.ca/sns/ceo.asp
>>> Joanne Munro:
>>> 1505 Barrington Street, 14-South
>>> Maritime Centre
>>> Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K5
>>> Phone: (902) 424-4089
>>> Fax: (902) 424-5510
>>> Email: Joanne.Munro@novascotia.ca
>>> If you don't wish to speak to me before I begin litigation then I
>>> suspect the Integrity Commissioner New Brunswick or the Federal Crown
>>> Counsel can explain the email below and the documents hereto attached
>>> to you and your Premier etc.
>>> Veritas Vincit
>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> 902 800 0369
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>>> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 09:32:09 -0400
>>> Subject: Attn Integrity Commissioner Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
>>> To: coi@gnb.ca
>>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>>> Good Day Sir
>>> After I heard you speak on CBC I called your office again and managed
>>> to speak to one of your staff for the first time
>>> Please find attached the documents I promised to send to the lady who
>>> answered the phone this morning. Please notice that not after the Sgt
>>> at Arms took the documents destined to your office his pal Tanker
>>> Malley barred me in writing with an "English" only document.
>>> These are the hearings and the dockets in Federal Court that I
>>> suggested that you study closely.
>>> This is the docket in Federal Court
>>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=T-1557-15&select_court=T
>>> These are digital recordings of  the last three hearings
>>> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/BahHumbug
>>> January 11th, 2016 https://archive.org/details/Jan11th2015
>>> April 3rd, 2017
>>> https://archive.org/details/April32017JusticeLeblancHearing
>>> This is the docket in the Federal Court of Appeal
>>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=A-48-16&select_court=All
>>> The only hearing thus far
>>> May 24th, 2017
>>> https://archive.org/details/May24thHoedown
>>> This Judge understnds the meaning of the word Integrity
>>> Date: 20151223
>>> Docket: T-1557-15
>>> Fredericton, New Brunswick, December 23, 2015
>>> PRESENT:        The Honourable Mr. Justice Bell
>>> Plaintiff
>>> and
>>> Defendant
>>> (Delivered orally from the Bench in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on
>>> December 14, 2015)
>>> The Plaintiff seeks an appeal de novo, by way of motion pursuant to
>>> the Federal Courts Rules (SOR/98-106), from an Order made on November
>>> 12, 2015, in which Prothonotary Morneau struck the Statement of Claim
>>> in its entirety.
>>> At the outset of the hearing, the Plaintiff brought to my attention a
>>> letter dated September 10, 2004, which he sent to me, in my then
>>> capacity as Past President of the New Brunswick Branch of the Canadian
>>> Bar Association, and the then President of the Branch, Kathleen Quigg,
>>> (now a Justice of the New Brunswick Court of Appeal).  In that letter
>>> he stated:
>>> As for your past President, Mr. Bell, may I suggest that you check the
>>> work of Frank McKenna before I sue your entire law firm including you.
>>> You are your brother’s keeper.
>>> Frank McKenna is the former Premier of New Brunswick and a former
>>> colleague of mine at the law firm of McInnes Cooper. In addition to
>>> expressing an intention to sue me, the Plaintiff refers to a number of
>>> people in his Motion Record who he appears to contend may be witnesses
>>> or potential parties to be added. Those individuals who are known to
>>> me personally, include, but are not limited to the former Prime
>>> Minister of Canada, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper; former
>>> Attorney General of Canada and now a Justice of the Manitoba Court of
>>> Queen’s Bench, Vic Toews; former member of Parliament Rob Moore;
>>> former Director of Policing Services, the late Grant Garneau; former
>>> Chief of the Fredericton Police Force, Barry McKnight; former Staff
>>> Sergeant Danny Copp; my former colleagues on the New Brunswick Court
>>> of Appeal, Justices Bradley V. Green and Kathleen Quigg, and, retired
>>> Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang of the Royal Canadian Mounted
>>> Police.
>>> In the circumstances, given the threat in 2004 to sue me in my
>>> personal capacity and my past and present relationship with many
>>> potential witnesses and/or potential parties to the litigation, I am
>>> of the view there would be a reasonable apprehension of bias should I
>>> hear this motion. See Justice de Grandpré’s dissenting judgment in
>>> Committee for Justice and Liberty et al v National Energy Board et al,
>>> [1978] 1 SCR 369 at p 394 for the applicable test regarding
>>> allegations of bias. In the circumstances, although neither party has
>>> requested I recuse myself, I consider it appropriate that I do so.
>>> AS A RESULT OF MY RECUSAL, THIS COURT ORDERS that the Administrator of
>>> the Court schedule another date for the hearing of the motion.  There
>>> is no order as to costs.
>>> “B. Richard Bell”
>>> Judge
>>> Below after the CBC article about your concerns (I made one comment
>>> already) you will find the text of just two of many emails I had sent
>>> to your office over the years since I first visited it in 2006.
>>> I noticed that on July 30, 2009, he was appointed to the  the Court
>>> Martial Appeal Court of Canada  Perhaps you should scroll to the
>>> bottom of this email ASAP and read the entire Paragraph 83  of my
>>> lawsuit now before the Federal Court of Canada?
>>> "FYI This is the text of the lawsuit that should interest Trudeau the
>>> most
>>> http://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.ca/2015/09/v-behaviorurldefaultvmlo.html
>>> 83 The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
>>> in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
>>> allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
>>> five years after he began his bragging:
>>> January 13, 2015
>>> This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
>>> December 8, 2014
>>> Why Canada Stood Tall!
>>> Friday, October 3, 2014
>>> Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
>>> Stupid Justin Trudeau?
>>> Vertias Vincit
>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> 902 800 0369
>>> P.S. Whereas this CBC article is about your opinion of the actions of
>>> the latest Minister Of Health trust that Mr Boudreau and the CBC have
>>> had my files for many years and the last thing they are is ethical.
>>> Ask his friends Mr Murphy and the RCMP if you don't believe me.
>>> Subject:
>>> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
>>> From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca
>>> To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>>> January 30, 2007
>>> Mr. David Amos
>>> Dear Mr. Amos:
>>> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
>>> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
>>> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
>>> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
>>> Graham of the RCMP “J” Division in Fredericton.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
>>> Minister of Health
>>> CM/cb
>>> Warren McBeath warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca wrote:
>>> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
>>> From: "Warren McBeath" warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>> To: kilgoursite@ca.inter.net, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
>>> nada.sarkis@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, dwatch@web.net,
>>> motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>>> CC: ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, riding@chuckstrahl.com,John.Foran@gnb.ca,
>>> Oda.B@parl.gc.ca,"Bev BUSSON" bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>>> "Paul Dube" PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
>>> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have not
>>> Dear Mr. Amos,
>>> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off
>>> over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I
>>> was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
>>> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
>>> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
>>> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
>>> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
>>> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
>>> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
>>> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
>>> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
>>> that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada
>>> the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment
>>> and policing in Petitcodiac, NB.
>>> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
>>> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
>>> GRC Caledonia RCMP
>>> Traffic Services NCO
>>> Ph: (506) 387-2222
>>> Fax: (506) 387-4622
>>> E-mail warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>> http://www.archive.org/details/PoliceSurveilanceWiretapTape139
>>> http://www.archive.org/details/FedsUsTreasuryDeptRcmpEtc
>>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>>> Senator Arlen Specter
>>> United States Senate
>>> Committee on the Judiciary
>>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>>> Washington, DC 20510
>>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>>> raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that
>>> these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in
>>> contact
>>> with you about this previously.
>>> Very truly yours,
>>> Barry A. Bachrach
>>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>>> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
>>> Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
>>> Office of the Integrity Commissioner
>>> Edgecombe House, 736 King Street
>>> Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1
>>> tel.: 506-457-7890
>>> fax: 506-444-5224
>>> e-mail:coi@gnb.ca
>>> Hon. Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.
>>> Integrity Commissioner
>>> Hon. Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C., who resides in Bathurst, N.B., is a
>>> native of Kedgwick, N.B., and is married to Huguette (Savoie)
>>> Deschênes. They have two sons.
>>> He studied at Saint-Joseph University (now Université de Moncton) from
>>> 1960 to 1962, University of Ottawa from 1962-1965 (B.A.), and
>>> University of New Brunswick (LL.B., 1968). He was admitted to the Law
>>> Society of New Brunswick in 1968. He was legal counsel to the
>>> Department of Justice in Fredericton from 1968 to 1971. He was in
>>> private practice from 1972 to 1982 and specialized in civil litigation
>>> as a partner in the law firm of Michaud, Leblanc, Robichaud, and
>>> Deschênes. While residing in Shediac, N.B., he served on town council
>>> and became the first president of the South East Economic Commission.
>>> He is a past president of the Richelieu Club in Shediac.
>>> In 1982, he was appointed a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench of New
>>> Brunswick and of the Court of Appeal of New Brunswick in 2000.
>>> On July 30, 2009, he was appointed to the Court Martial Appeal Court of
>>> Canada.
>>> While on the Court of Appeal of New Brunswick, he was appointed
>>> President of the provincial Judicial Council and in 2012 Chairperson
>>> of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of New
>>> Brunswick for the 2015 federal election.
>>> He was appointed Conflict of Interest Commissioner in December 2016
>>> and became New Brunswick’s first Integrity Commissioner on December
>>> 16, 2016 with responsibilities for conflict of interest issues related
>>> to Members of the Legislative Assembly. As of April 1, 2017 he
>>> supervises lobbyists of public office holders under the Lobbyists’
>>> Registration Act.
>>> As of September 1, 2017, he will be assuming the functions presently
>>> held by the Access to Information and Privacy Commissioner.
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: Póstur FOR <postur@for.is>
>>> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 22:05:47 +0000
>>> Subject: Re: Hey Premier Gallant please inform the questionable
>>> parliamentarian Birigtta Jonsdottir that although NB is a small "Have
>>> Not" province at least we have twice the population of Iceland and
>>> that not all of us are as dumb as she and her Prime Minister pretends
>>> to be..
>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received
>>> Kveðja / Best regards
>>> Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: Póstur IRR <postur@irr.is>
>>> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 22:05:47 +0000
>>> Subject: Re: Hey Premier Gallant please inform the questionable
>>> parliamentarian Birigtta Jonsdottir that although NB is a small "Have
>>> Not" province at least we have twice the population of Iceland and
>>> that not all of us are as dumb as she and her Prime Minister pretends
>>> to be..
>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið. / Your request has been received.
>>> Kveðja / Best regards
>>> Innanríkisráðuneytið / Ministry of the Interior
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
>>> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 21:39:17 +0000
>>> Subject: RE: After crossing paths with them bigtime in 2004 Davey Baby
>>> Coon and his many Green Meanie and Fake Left cohorts know why I won't
>>> hold my breath waiting for them to act with any semblance of integrity
>>> now N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc??
>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.
>>> Please be assured that your email has been received, will be reviewed,
>>> and a response will be forthcoming.
>>> Once again, thank you for taking the time to write.
>>> Merci d'avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick.
>>> Soyez assuré que votre courriel a bien été reçu, qu'il sera examiné
>>> et qu'une réponse vous sera acheminée.
>>> Merci encore d'avoir pris de temps de nous écrire.
>>> Sincerely, / Sincèrement,
>>> Mallory Fowler
>>> Corespondence Manager / Gestionnaire de la correspondance
>>> Office of the Premier / Cabinet du premier ministre
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Póstur FOR <postur@for.is>
>>> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 21:43:50 +0000
>>> Subject: Re: After crossing paths with them bigtime in 2004 Davey Baby
>>> Coon and his many Green Meanie and Fake Left cohorts know why I won't
>>> hold my breath waiting for them to act with any semblance of integrity
>>> now N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc??
>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received
>>> Kveðja / Best regards
>>> Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Póstur IRR <postur@irr.is>
>>> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 21:43:50 +0000
>>> Subject: Re: After crossing paths with them bigtime in 2004 Davey Baby
>>> Coon and his many Green Meanie and Fake Left cohorts know why I won't
>>> hold my breath waiting for them to act with any semblance of integrity
>>> now N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc??
>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið. / Your request has been received.
>>> Kveðja / Best regards
>>> Innanríkisráðuneytið / Ministry of the Interior
>>> For the public record I knew Birgitta was no better than the people
>>> she bitches about when she refused to discuss the QSLS blog with me
>>> while she was in Canada making her rounds in the Canadain media in
>>> January of 2011.
>>> This is the docket
>>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=T-1557-15&select_court=T
>>> These are digital recordings of  the last two hearings
>>> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/BahHumbug
>>> Jan 11th https://archive.org/details/Jan11th2015
>>> This me running for a seat in Parliament again while CBC denies it again
>>> Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
>>> Campaign, Rogers TV
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cFOKT6TlSE
>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/fundy-royal-riding-profile-1.3274276
>>> Veritas Vincit
>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> 902 800 0369
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 09:20:29 -0400
>>> Subject: Hey before you Red Coats swear an Oath to the Queen and the
>>> 42nd Parliament begins perhaps the turncoat Big Bad Billy Casey the
>>> Yankee carpetbagger David Lutz or some Boyz from NB should explain
>>> this lawsuit to you real slow.
>>> To: alaina@alainalockhart.ca, david <david@lutz.nb.ca>,
>>> "daniel.mchardie" <daniel.mchardie@cbc.ca>, info@waynelong.ca,
>>> info@ginettepetitpastaylor.ca, rarseno@nbnet.nb.ca,
>>> matt@mattdecourcey.ca, info@sergecormier.ca, pat@patfinnigan.ca,
>>> tj@tjharvey.ca, karen.ludwig.nb@gmail.com
>>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Frank.McKenna"
>>> <Frank.McKenna@td.com>, info@votezsteve.ca, info@billcasey.ca,
>>> "justin.trudeau.a1" <justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>,
>>> "dominic.leblanc.a1" <dominic.leblanc.a1@parl.gc.ca>, oldmaison
>>> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, jacques_poitras <jacques_poitras@cbc.ca>,
>>> "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "peter.mackay"
>>> <peter.mackay@justice.gc.ca>
>>> FYI This is the text of the lawsuit that should interest Trudeau the
>>> most
>>> http://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.ca/2015/09/v-behaviorurldefaultvmlo.html
>>> 83 The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
>>> in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
>>> allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
>>> five years after he began his bragging:
>>> January 13, 2015
>>> This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
>>> December 8, 2014
>>> Why Canada Stood Tall!
>>> Friday, October 3, 2014
>>> Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
>>> Stupid Justin Trudeau
>>> Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
>>> behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.
>>> When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
>>> actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
>>> in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to
>>> the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
>>> involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
>>> significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth
>>> of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
>>> operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute”
>>> Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
>>> The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
>>> deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
>>> Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
>>> redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
>>> less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
>>> alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s
>>> then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
>>> incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
>>> professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
>>> Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
>>> campaign of 2006.
>>> What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then
>>> Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
>>> Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
>>> support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
>>> What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling
>>> chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
>>> less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
>>> as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
>>> deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.
>>> The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
>>> the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
>>> That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
>>> constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
>>> remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
>>> non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
>>> regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
>>> instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
>>> limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.
>>> President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
>>> attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
>>> Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,
>>> and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
>>> initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
>>> essential for the security and tranquility of the developed world. An
>>> ISIS “caliphate,” in the Middle East, no matter how small, is a clear
>>> and present danger to the entire world. This “occupied state,”
>>> or“failed state” will prosecute an unending Islamic inspired war of
>>> terror against not only the “western world,” but Arab states
>>> “moderate” or not, as well. The security, safety, and tranquility of
>>> Canada and Canadians are just at risk now with the emergence of an
>>> ISIS“caliphate” no matter how large or small, as it was with the
>>> Taliban and Al Quaeda “marriage” in Afghanistan.
>>> One of the everlasting “legacies” of the “Trudeau the Elder’s dynasty
>>> was Canada and successive Liberal governments cowering behind the
>>> amerkan’s nuclear and conventional military shield, at the same time
>>> denigrating, insulting them, opposing them, and at the same time
>>> self-aggrandizing ourselves as “peace keepers,” and progenitors of
>>> “world peace.” Canada failed. The United States of Amerka, NATO, the
>>> G7 and or G20 will no longer permit that sort of sanctimonious
>>> behavior from Canada or its government any longer. And Prime Minister
>>> Stephen Harper, Foreign Minister John Baird , and Cabinet are fully
>>> cognizant of that reality. Even if some editorial boards, and pundits
>>> are not.
>>> Justin, Trudeau “the younger” is reprising the time “honoured” liberal
>>> mantra, and tradition of expecting the amerkans or the rest of the
>>> world to do “the heavy lifting.” Justin Trudeau and his “butt buddy”
>>> David Amos are telling Canadians that we can guarantee our security
>>> and safety by expecting other nations to fight for us. That Canada can
>>> and should attempt to guarantee Canadians safety by providing
>>> “humanitarian aid” somewhere, and call a sitting US president a “war
>>> criminal.” This morning Australia announced they too, were sending
>>> tactical aircraft to eliminate the menace of an ISIS “caliphate.”
>>> In one sense Prime Minister Harper is every bit the scoundrel Trudeau
>>> “the elder” and Jean ‘the crook” Chretien was. Just As Trudeau, and
>>> successive Liberal governments delighted in diminishing,
>>> marginalizing, under funding Canadian Forces, and sending Canadian
>>> military men and women to die with inadequate kit and modern
>>> equipment; so too is Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Canada’s F-18s are
>>> antiquated, poorly equipped, and ought to have been replaced five
>>> years ago. But alas, there won’t be single RCAF fighter jock that
>>> won’t go, or won’t want to go, to make Canada safe or safer.
>>> My Grandfather served this country. My father served this country. My
>>> Uncle served this country. And I have served this country. Justin
>>> Trudeau has not served Canada in any way. Thomas Mulcair has not
>>> served this country in any way. Liberals and so called social
>>> democrats haven’t served this country in any way. David Amos, and
>>> other drooling fools have not served this great nation in any way. Yet
>>> these fools are more than prepared to ensure their, our safety to
>>> other nations, and then criticize them for doing so.
>>> Canada must again, now, “do our bit” to guarantee our own security,
>>> and tranquility, but also that of the world. Canada has never before
>>> shirked its responsibility to its citizens and that of the world.
>>> Prime Minister Harper will not permit this country to do so now
>>> From: dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca
>>> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 14:17:17 -0400
>>> Subject: RE: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and
>>> the War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still
>>> alive
>>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>>> This is to confirm that the Minister of National Defence has received
>>> your email and it will be reviewed in due course. Please do not reply
>>> to this message: it is an automatic acknowledgement.
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 13:55:30 -0300
>>> Subject: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and the
>>> War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still alive
>>> To: DECPR@forces.gc.ca, Public.Affairs@socom.mil,
>>> Raymonde.Cleroux@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca,
>>> william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, stoffp1 <stoffp1@parl.gc.ca>,
>>> dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, media@drdc-rddc.gc.ca, information@forces.gc.ca,
>>> milner@unb.ca, charters@unb.ca, lwindsor@unb.ca,
>>> sarah.weir@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, birgir <birgir@althingi.is>, smari
>>> <smari@immi.is>, greg.weston@cbc.ca, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
>>> susan@blueskystrategygroup.com, Don@blueskystrategygroup.com,
>>> eugene@blueskystrategygroup.com, americas@aljazeera.net
>>> Cc: "Edith. Cody-Rice" <Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca>, "terry.seguin"
>>> <terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>, whistleblower
>>> <whistleblower@ctv.ca>
>>> I talked to Don Newman earlier this week before the beancounters David
>>> Dodge and Don Drummond now of Queen's gave their spin about Canada's
>>> Health Care system yesterday and Sheila Fraser yapped on and on on
>>> CAPAC during her last days in office as if she were oh so ethical.. To
>>> be fair to him I just called Greg Weston (613-288-6938) I suggested
>>> that he should at least Google SOUCOM and David Amos It would be wise
>>> if he check ALL of CBC's sources before he publishes something else
>>> about the DND EH Don Newman? Lets just say that the fact  that  your
>>> old CBC buddy, Tony Burman is now in charge of Al Jazeera English
>>> never impressed me. The fact that he set up a Canadian office is
>>> interesting though
>>> http://www.blueskystrategygroup.com/index.php/team/don-newman/
>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/media/story/2010/05/04/al-jazeera-english-launch.html
>>> Anyone can call me back and stress test my integrity after they read
>>> this simple pdf file. BTW what you Blue Sky dudes pubished about
>>> Potash Corp and BHP is truly funny. Perhaps Stevey Boy Harper or Brad
>>> Wall will fill ya in if you are to shy to call mean old me.
>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
>>> The Governor General, the PMO and the PCO offices know that I am not a
>>> shy political animal
>>> Veritas Vincit
>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> 902 800 0369
>>> Enjoy Mr Weston
>>> http://www.cbc.ca/m/touch/news/story/2011/05/15/weston-iraq-invasion-wikileaks.html
>>> "But Lang, defence minister McCallum's chief of staff, says military
>>> brass were not entirely forthcoming on the issue. For instance, he
>>> says, even McCallum initially didn't know those soldiers were helping
>>> to plan the invasion of Iraq up to the highest levels of command,
>>> including a Canadian general.
>>> That general is Walt Natynczyk, now Canada's chief of defence staff,
>>> who eight months after the invasion became deputy commander of 35,000
>>> U.S. soldiers and other allied forces in Iraq. Lang says Natynczyk was
>>> also part of the team of mainly senior U.S. military brass that helped
>>> prepare for the invasion from a mobile command in Kuwait."
>>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010/06/canada-and-united-states.html
>>> "I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there
>>> being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends"
>>> demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing. American
>>> "veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying
>>> into the US policy.
>>> At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of my
>>> colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning
>>> in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would
>>> report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation. There was
>>> never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where there
>>> were deployed WMD.
>>> Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and
>>> invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were
>>> concerned about the number of "boots on the ground" for the occupation
>>> (and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned
>>> about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at
>>> that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil
>>> authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy.
>>> There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to
>>> its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was contrary
>>> to the lessons of Vietnam but also to current military thought, that
>>> folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others elucidated
>>> upon. "What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions
>>> are to met before US troop can redeploy?  Prime Minister Jean Chretien
>>> and the PMO were even at the very preliminary planning stages wary of
>>> Canadian involvement in an Iraq operation....History would prove them
>>> correct. The political pressure being applied on the PMO from the
>>> George W Bush administration was onerous
>>> American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
>>> military assets even more so It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
>>> naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantine operations
>>> in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan
>>> thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
>>> operation....The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian
>>> lives and liberal political capital.. and the priority of which
>>> ....not necessarily in that order. "
>>> You can bet that I called these sneaky Yankees again today EH John
>>> Adams? of the CSE within the DND?
>>> http://www.socom.mil/SOCOMHome/Pages/ContactUSSOCOM.aspx



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