Who We Are
Kip was asked by British Columbians to organize and manage an effort to counter the official COVID-19 measures.
Kip alternates his time between managing our non-profit, a Canadian company, and as co-chair of an American AI related technical steering committee.
You can learn more about him outside of his part-time pro bono civic work on his personal website.
Dee artistically trained as a photographer, but has now moved into the finance and accounting sector.
Dee commits his volunteer time and energy in supporting CSASPP to the best of his abilities as the treasurer, and helping his fellow British Columbians seek the truth that we all deserve.
Zubin is a 16 year vetaran working in the world of corporate IT and has now ventured into the IT entrepreneurship world.
Zubin wants to keep British Columbia beautiful, friendly, free, fair and flourishing and see an end to the hardship that our residents and business owners are currently facing.
CSASPP is a non-profit entity incorporated under the Societies Act, SBC 2015, c 18. All information is released under the terms of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, © CSASPP, unless marked otherwise. The CSASPP names and emblem have copyright and trademark registrations pending respectively.
CSASPP is not responsible for the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of information on this website. CSASPP makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied (including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose) and shall not be liable for any loss arising out of use of this information, including without limitation any indirect or consequential damages.
CSASPP presents the information on this website as a service to the general public. While the information on this site is about legal issues, it is not legal advice. For those using this website who are not legal professionals, we urge you to seek legal advice from a lawyer.
Re Dr. Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix and Federal Court File No T-1557-15
Kip Warner<> | ![]() |
To: David Amos <> | |
On Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 06:20:00PM -0400, David Amos wrote: > Hey David, Thank you for reaching out today. If you have a specific inquiry feel free to write me directly. I also strongly encourage you to check out our FAQ: Yours truly, -- Kip Warner OpenPGP signed/encrypted mail preferred |
We are not affiliated with Mr. Galati. There are many reasons.
Mr. Galati is not licensed to practise law in British Columbia for any extended period of time. He can always be retained in Ontario, and in turn retain counsel in British Columbia. This is not unusual. However, then you are paying for two law firms. Anyone can verify whether a lawyer is licensed to practise law in British Columbia here.
We were advised directly by Mr. Galati himself that the lawyer he wished to retain in British Columbia is Lawrence Wong. Mr. Wong was personally sanctioned in 2010 for his conduct by a Federal Court judge with a fine.
A Federal Court judge noted in his reasons for judgment that some of Mr. Galati's billings were “excessive and unwarranted” in a separate proceeding. The same judge declined to award the full amount sought by Mr. Galati for his legal fees in that constitutional proceeding. The outcome has been discussed by other lawyers.
Mr. Galati is sometimes described by his followers as our nation's "top constitutional law" lawyer, yet there is no such professional designation in Canada, nor in particular in British Columbia. That is not to say that a lawyer cannot have an area of expertise like personal injury, strata, mergers and acquisitions, class actions, and the like. According to Mr. Galati, he studied tax litigation at Osgoode Hall. The Globe and Mail reported Mr. Galati “makes his money from doing tax law, not constitutional cases.”
Mr. Galati filed a COVID-19 related civil proceeding in the Superior Court of Justice in Ontario on 6 July, 2020. To the best of our knowledge, as of 30 October, 2021, none of the twenty-one named defendants have filed replies, despite the plaintiff being at liberty to apply for a default judgment for the majority of that time. In an interview published 2 September, 2020, Mr. Galati claimed he intended to do his best to have an interlocutory mask injunction application heard before the Christmas holidays of 2020. As of 11 June, 2021, we are not aware of any scheduled hearings and no orders appear to have been made.
Excessively long pleadings in the hundreds of pages in length are more likely to be struck. This is because the rules require pleadings to contain a concise statement of the material facts giving rise to the claim. Applications, as a related example, are limited to ten pages in length.
If a plaintiff ignores this requirement and files a claim that is not concise regardless, a defendant can bring an application pursuant to Rule 22-7(2) to dismiss the proceeding for non-compliance with the rules of court.
See Pyper v. The Law Society of British Columbia, 2017 BCCA 410 (CanLII), at para 51 for how the British Columbia Court of Appeal has already dealt with the general issue of prolix (unnecessarily long) pleadings.
A lawyer billing their client by the hour will bill considerably for filing a novel. When the novel is discarded on the basis of a technicality, it is the client that is stuck not only with the cost of its drafting, but also with the costs awarded to the other side on their successful application.
Status Updates
13 December, 2022: Certification Webcasting URL, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, and Certification Hearing Current Progress
It is totally beyond our control. Despite having already been granted an order to film the certification hearing, Dr. Henry’s counsel continue to drag their heels on specifically which platform we can publish the footage to. We have tried and exhausted diplomacy, but the fact is that they either do not understand the technical requirements they are insisting on, or are intentionally acting in bad faith to prevent you from seeing what has been going on.
Let me walk you through a chronology since judgment was granted on 7 November, 2022, permitting the filming.
The following day of 8 November, 2022, we provided a draft order to Dr. Henry’s counsel for their review to be entered by the Court Registry. On 10 November, 2022, they reverted with various demands they insisted be added to the order, after it had already been granted. These were watermarking, DRM, resolution limitation, and adding an audio tone to the video.
We sought clarification on the watermarking and the addition of a tone, while deliberating on the second and third proposed requirements. We had a telephone call with Dr. Henry’s lawyers where all parties agreed not to include a tone and to continue discussions regarding watermarking, DRM, and resolution.
We sent correspondence 10 November, 2022, to Dr. Henry’s counsel agreeing to watermark and proposing 1080p resolution at 30 frames per second. We opposed DRM for the reasons I already provided to all of you on 2 December, 2022. I was also opposed to resolution limitation because that is, in effect, an intentional act of vandalism of a public record.
On 15 November, 2022, Dr. Henry’s counsel conceded that although DRM would not stop illegal screen capture, they still insisted on it for “security reasons”. We responded that to address the risk of downloading in contempt of Court, we could require that there would not be an explicit “download” button, which provides effectively the same amount of security as DRM without privacy invasions, and the potentially high costs in the tens-of-thousands of dollars. We also sought further clarification on what specifically they wanted DRM to achieve for them.
Our government had no problem hosting the Cullen Commission footage. Despite that, on 22 November, 2022, Dr. Henry’s counsel advised us that they elected not to provide us with their own hosting platform. They also suggested four different DRM vendors as options to consider. We gave consent to their draft form of the order proposed - although it was silent on DRM. We arranged for a call to discuss this further.
On 23 November, 2022, there was a short conference among counsel. Dr. Henry’s counsel wanted to hear how we proposed to host the streaming services.
We raised issues about how their proposed DRM platforms would not have had adequate bandwidth (the digital plumbing was too narrow) and offered little practical security features that could not be trivially defeated, even by an unsophisticated user.
On 24 November, 2022, we sent another letter to Dr. Henry’s counsel with our proposal and setting out our opposition to their proposed DRM vendors due to bandwidth issues, cost, and software compatibility problems. The letter focused on one particular platform they suggested that might have been the most appropriate and had publicly accessible documentation about features and capabilities. But using that platform was incompatible with the fruit devices that most of our followers already use to access our website and videos.
On 25 November, 2022, Dr. Henry’s letter reverted rejecting our concerns, but did not elaborate in providing any reasons. They did, however, consent to our usage of Vimeo.
Unfortunately on 28 November, 2022, we identified potentially serious bandwidth problems with Vimeo. The platform also comes with no additional DRM that they had previously insisted on.
They asked for us to elaborate on the bandwidth issue. We reverted with the math that predicted that we would quickly exhaust the two terabyte bandwidth limit.
We also proposed setting the YouTube setting to “unlisted” for each hearing video to prevent the videos from being associated with other content they might have taken objection with.
On 29 November, 2022, Dr. Henry’s counsel consented to publishing to YouTube using the “unlisted” feature. This is reasonable, given that our government has already had a YouTube channel for over a decade.
We drafted a letter to the Court advising that the parties had reached an agreement. That should have been the end of it.
On Saturday 10 December, 2022, the weekend before the certification hearing was to begin, Dr. Henry’s counsel resiled from our previous agreement. They cited alleged problems in YouTube’s terms of service, notwithstanding our usage of the “unlisted” and “demonetized” settings which would have prevented YouTube from using the videos in ways they feared.
On 12 December, 2022, the hearing began. Our inboxes are still inundated with people wanting to know where to find the footage. We do not have an answer, despite the camera rolling since Monday with nowhere to upload.
We have gone back and forth trying to be reasonable. Not wanting to waste the Court’s time in seeking a decision on which platform to use or an amendment to the previous order, the issue nevertheless spilled into Court at the onset of the hearing in the morning. That dispute resumed again this morning.
In the interest of getting this footage available as soon as possible, and not having the time or the financial resources to setup our own platform right now, like PeerTube, we are fine with publishing to Vimeo. However, we anticipate the bandwidth likely will run out as already discussed.
We’ve also just upgraded our plan at significant expense because it already did not have adequate storage (different from bandwidth). But beyond that we can do nothing. If we run out of bandwidth, Dr. Henry’s counsel can explain to Justice Crerar why our previous warning to them fell on deaf ears.
In the mean time, please subscribe to our Vimeo channel. Unless Dr. Henry’s counsel decides to change their mind again at the eleventh’ hour, or the Court does not approve of Vimeo, expect that this is where the footage will be published as soon as possible.
In the mean time please avoid contacting us for the link. The delay is beyond our control and you know we will keep you apprised as soon as a solution is implemented. We have very limited resources and the more time we have to respond to correspondence, the less time we have to focus on certification.
Remember, unlike the other side, we do not have $60B budget. We are not staying in hotels and receiving salaries out of the public treasury. We are all volunteers. Always be mindful of that.
Regarding the hearing itself, notwithstanding the quarrel regarding the publication platform, our application thus far is going well. We anticipate this hearing completing at the end of the week after Dr. Henry’s application to strike is heard. We anticipate Justice Crerar will reserve judgment after that.
As usual, the opening day of yesterday had the gallery packed. There were also protesters outside the building and apparently driving by honking.
To accommodate the overflow I was advised in the morning by the sheriff that the space that had previously been occupied by the barrister’s restaurant had been adapted to have the real-time audio patched in.
In other news Dr. Reiner Fuellmich recently interviewed me. The interview is published on our Vimeo channel, with a backup here.
Please continue to contribute financially to our work. I think it is fair to say now that you are all aware we are a good investment and, perhaps, the only one left.
~ Kip
11 December, 2022: Tomorrow’s Certification Hearing, Webcasting URL, Court Room Etiquette, and Cryptocurrency
Tomorrow 12 December, 2022, is the first day of our five day hearing where we have applied to seek class action certification. You have all waited very patiently for it. Now I need you all to pay attention to a few details.
Tentatively the hearing is to be conducted in room 55 at 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver, beginning at 10AM. The room assignment could change at the last moment, so be cautioned. But you can always verify the room number, if in doubt, by checking the list tomorrow morning. There are two ways to do this, in-person or online.
When you walk in the front door, walk past the concierge desk and you will see a collection of documents posted on the wall with room numbers for different hearings for that day. Your file number is S-210831. Sometimes hearings are not always listed and sometimes they are which is beyond our control. If you cannot find it, ask the concierge desk or someone in the Registry.
If you would like to check online, you can do so on the Supreme Court’s website here. From the drop down menu select Vancouver and then click open. You will be shown a list of hearings with room assignments.
There is a good possibility that Justice Crerar will order an overflow room be allocated where audio is patched through in real-time, but that is up to him.
Many of you have asked where you can view the hearings online. As you will recall the footage will be published online but will not be in real-time. It will be published likely the following day of each day of this week’s hearings as previously explained.
The platform we have proposed to the Court is our YouTube channel for a variety of practical reasons. The selection of this platform is still subject to the Court’s approval. This is something that likely will be discussed at the onset of tomorrow’s hearing.
I anticipate the morning will be spent with some procedural wrangling with Dr. Henry’s counsel over our usage of this platform, despite her having already previously granted consent after judgment was handed down permitting filming.
If the footage is published to that platform, and you have subscribed to it, you will automatically be notified of the footage as soon as it is made available. If the Court directs us to use an alternative platform we will let you know here. But for now your safest bet is to subscribe to the YouTube channel until you hear otherwise.
When you find your way into the Court room, please be mindful of etiquette. Leave signage and other protester paraphernalia outside the building. If the hearing has already begun, open the door, remain silent, bow to Justice Crerar, and take your seat in the gallery. Do not take pictures, attempt to record, or otherwise use your mobile or other electronic devices from inside of the Court room to communicate. Outside of the Court room you can use your mobile to communicate, but do not take pictures from anywhere inside of the building.
Lastly we have recently began accepting donations via cryptocurrencies. These include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, USD Coin, Monero, and ZCASH. If you would like to donate, either through conventional methods, or through a cryptocurrency, you can do so at our usual donations page. It goes without saying that there is a substantial economic cost to this week’s trench warfare.
~ Kip
2 December, 2022: Certification, Webcasting Ruling, DRM, and Bill-36 Hysteria
We continue to make final preparations for our class certification hearing still scheduled to begin 12 December, 2022, for five days. We are making every conceivable refinement we can to mitigate every reasonably foreseeable risk. It is an onerous task made no easier with a shoestring budget, but one we knew would eventually come before us.
The Court published Justice Crerar’s ruling yesterday on our webcasting application. Although his reasons were already given orally from the bench at the conclusion of that application on 7 November, 2022, and well received by those of you in attendance, having it written is certainly beneficial for those who were not.
Justice Crerar noted that we argued “that this matter, affecting all British Columbians, is a matter of widespread public interest. That public interest is not merely theoretical but actual.” He also noted that “there are few issues that have affected the public more than the COVID-19 pandemic and the government response to that pandemic. These matters have literally affected every British Columbian. It is clearly a matter of public interest.”
You will recall that in my status update of 1 June, 2022, I had predicted that the Court would be likely to expand the traditional definition of “open court” in a contemporary context to allow filming of our certification hearing. This turned out to be a prudent business decision. The Court ruled that “broadcast will advance and promote the open court principle under s. 2(b) of the Charter” and that “a broadcast order extends and expands the open court principle.”
The Court also acknowledged the social benefits in doing so. “Apart from informing members of the plaintiff of the progress of the litigation, it will serve an educational purpose for the citizens of British Columbia and advance public review, public understanding, and public scrutiny of the court process.”
Where members of the general public might be either not informed or ill-informed, Justice Crerar remarked that he agreed “with the plaintiff that our recent years have witnessed a proliferation of conspiratorial and uninformed statements about the functioning of different branches of the government, including the courts. It is hoped that the broadcast of these proceedings will, in its small part, show that courts in Canada will hear and adjudicate applications before them in a principled, independent, and neutral manner, without fear or favour.”
With that out of the way we then had to solve the various practical, technical, and logistic hurdles necessary to implement a plan to film the hearing. We began by soliciting bids and engaging a contractor to provide these services.
Since the application was granted we have gone back and forth with Dr. Henry’s counsel over several weeks to arrive at an agreement on some of the finer technical details in how the filming, review, and publication would be conducted.
One major issue Dr. Henry’s counsel insisted on was the usage of digital rights management, or DRM. DRM is a general class of techniques and technologies used to restrict a user’s control over their own computer. It is often referred to by scholars in this area as “digital restrictions management” which is, in my view, a more accurate characterization. This is because these techniques and technologies are not so much concerned with advancing user rights as they are with restricting them.
An example of DRM would be in the technology to prevent the owner of a CD containing music from sharing a copy of it with their neighbour. Sometimes such an act is referred to as “piracy”. The use of this terminology is intended to suggest that the act of duplicating the contents of an optical media can be likened, and morally equivalent, to tracking a ship on the high seas, boarding it, using rope to restrain the crew, dispatching the crew by slitting their throats, and then departing with a chest of gold. It is an analogy industry has worked very hard to normalize among those who cannot think for themselves.
In this particular context Dr. Henry had requested that DRM be implemented by us to control who could watch the hearings’ footage, when, where, and their ability to limit how they might discuss what they saw among neighbours in their communities.
In effect, the manner in which Dr. Henry had insisted DRM would be used would have required us to place you under surveillance. That is a requirement that is simply non-negotiable from our perspective.
Our stakeholders have in the past found her medical advice, an area of her expertise, to be problematic. As someone who works in the field of computing science daily, and who has studied and developed such systems in the past, I was now somewhat surprised that her expertise had recently diversified as I found myself being lectured on DRM’s allegedly salutary qualities.
I was prepared to hear her out. After all, if either her or her counsel had managed to solve a technological problem that every technology giant in the media and entertainment space had failed to solve for decades, despite billions and the best engineers money can afford at their disposal, the least I could do was connect them with my patent attorney so that they could enjoy a lucrative exit into early retirement.
Respectfully, like her medical advice, I found her and her counsels’ understanding of DRM wanting.
DRM is a highly controversial subject area. Like women’s reproductive rights, taxation, immigration, or foreign policy, it has a history of inciting heated debates. But unlike in the aforementioned areas, the general consensus among scholars in legal and academic spheres is not balanced. It is disproportionately negative. Despite that, the controversy has survived for several decades because certain ISVs continue to insist on integrating some form of it in their various products without adequate public consultation.
Our reasons for rejecting Dr. Henry’s request for user surveillance are too many to canvass in any detail today, but could be grouped under the five general rubrics of legal, moral, practical, technical, and economic.
On technical grounds one of Dr. Henry’s proposed DRM vendors, putting aside for a moment its history of perverted ambitions, and past concerns about its conduct in British Columbia, it would not have been compatible with the platform used by the majority of our visitors.
The latter use a popular platform developed by a company with a partially ingested fruit as its mascot. It has a long history of violating civil liberties and abusing its users. This DRM vendor’s lack of compatibility with fruit devices would have been a significant barrier to our adoption, notwithstanding all other issues somehow having been successfully mitigated.
Adopting DRM would also require us, in effect, to provide a product endorsement for a particular ISV’s technology. This is something that would have required us to be in contempt of Court for having monetized a person, contrary to para. 1(t) of Justice Crerar’s order.
In summary we were asked by Dr. Henry to place you under surveillance, potentially break the law, and likely be in contempt of Court. I decided against it.
On another matter there has been much recent hysteria about our provincial legislature’s Bill-36, or the Health Professions and Occupations Act inundating our inboxes. It recently survived third reading and, having been granted royal assent on 24 November, 2022, is now law.
The hysteria revolves around the central claim that all health care workers in British Columbia, with the passing of said legislation, would be required to receive an injection - lest they lose their employment. Additionally, this is often mentioned in tandem with the claim that this was a plot initiated by the incumbent government.
Let me begin by saying that I am not attempting to rationalize the legislation. It is not my intention at this time to opine on its merits.
It is true that it does consolidate the various colleges under a unified framework. Perhaps there may be problems with doing so, but the development of this legislation is not a recent advent. The desire for further centralized control under the Ministry is old. It has been on the drawing board for at least half a decade, if not longer. That is long before either our current premier or his predecessor took office.
Now on the primary concern of injection mandates in the legislation. The legislation does not require practitioners to receive an injection. It remains discretionary on the part of each college. If a college chooses to mandate it, it must be done through its local by-laws. I could be mistaken, but I am not aware of any of the colleges that currently do that or plan to do that.
What it does do is allow Parliament to require that the colleges themselves mandate it - but only through a new enactment. That means the government would need to justify another emergency, declare one, and then either through an act of Parliament or through some form of an order or regulation of the executive trigger the colleges’ amending their by-laws.
If in doubt, you can always review the debate in Hansard (Parliamentary transcripts) of our Minister of Health, or simply watch his exchange with a colleague on this subject for greater comfort.
As usual, I am asking you to please contribute to our war chest. The work ahead of us over the coming weeks is costly. Like an engine firing on all cylinders, we cannot get to our destination without fuel in the tank. Otherwise we end up stalling on the side of the road.
~ Kip
29 November 2022: Certification Hearing Posters
As many of you have likely already noticed, our recent artwork for our upcoming certification hearing has gone viral. You can download the poster in either JPEG format (suitable for social media) or in high resolution PDF format (suitable for high resolution printing).
If you would like to obtain large 19” x 13” physical hard copies on high quality 68 lb Soperset material, suitable for either outdoor or indoor posting in your community, please get in touch with one of our volunteers at to arrange for delivery.
Remember to ensure that wherever you place our posters to make sure that you are permitted to do so.
We are still on schedule to begin the certification hearing as planned on 12 December, 2022, for five days. We are anticipating a larger public attendance than at any other high profile case in the BC Supreme Court in decades.
Lastly, if you are able to donate then please do so. High quality printing is expensive - but dwarfed by five days in Court.
~ Kip
16 November 2022: Health Care Workers’ Petition Case Planning Conference
As is often the case with these status updates, I have both good and bad news to report to you.
The bad news is adjudication of our health care workers’ petition has been adjourned from the anticipated 28 November, 2022, hearing date. We do not have a new date yet.
This was beyond my control. We did everything we could to advise Justice Coval of the prejudice our stakeholders will continue to endure with justice delayed. His problem was that he did not want to rule on our petition in advance, and possibly inconsistently, with those of our friends’ who joined us later.
It is important to note that neither the Court nor Dr. Henry originally sought the adjournment. The adjournment was initiated by counsel for another petitioner. Despite our best efforts to reason with him after he unilaterally tethered our petition to his own without our consent, our concerns appear to remain lost on him.
Mr. Gall’s position is that additional time (billable hours) is necessary in order to refine what constitutes the evidential record Dr. Henry had before her when she issued her public health order mandating injections. Without any doubt in my mind, it is.
But the problem is it does not matter whether the evidential record is with or without any controversy at all if a judge does not ever have an opportunity to review it. Even if the record contained a written admission from Dr. Henry that the basis of her orders was a horoscope, if her orders are rescinded prior to the petition being heard on the merits, it will not be at all because it will be moot.
If that happens the only persons to benefit are government and our friends’ lawyers billing for every case planning conference while our nurses lose their homes and face pending bankruptcy. It is like being tethered to a boat anchor.
You might think that surely that would be a good thing. If the public health orders are rescinded our health care workers can return to work. This is true, but that means that, without any finding of wrong doing on the part of Dr. Henry, there is no means to recover losses our health care workers incurred in being out of work - nor the reassurance of new case law establishing that she acted unlawfully. That would mean a week after returning to work the orders could theoretically be reinstated with zero accountability.
We even asked Dr. Henry’s counsel this morning if she would agree to waive the mootness defence if we reluctantly consented to an adjournment. The answer we received was “probably not”. This is not a surprise since, as I discussed recently, this was already successfully played with her federal counterpart.
That is the bad news. The good news is, if mootness does not become an issue, we actually have a good chance of prevailing. Our argument and our evidence are in my view strong.
We also may bring an application early December, taking advantage of the delay forced upon us, to compel additional document disclosure from Dr. Henry.
In other news our class action certification continues as planned beginning 12 December, 2022, for five days.
~ Kip
14 November 2022: Health Care Workers’ Petition Case Planning Conference of 16 November, 2022
You will recall my update of 20 October 2022: Yesterday’s Unnecessary Health Care Workers’ Judicial Management Conference. At that time I explained the procedural delays in bringing our health care workers’ petition to adjudication. You will recall that we were tethered, contrary to our wishes, to three other somewhat similar petitions. Their respective counsel have been in disagreement in what constitutes the “record”, or the evidence that was before Dr. Henry at the time she made her decision to mandate injections.
Justice Coval had directed on 19 October, 2022, the parties were to take two weeks to come to an agreement, as much as possible, to resolve this issue before the petitions could be adjudicated on their merits. He directed we return before him following this period to reconsider the issue of whether our upcoming 28 November hearing should be adjourned.
That time has come. This Wednesday 16 November, 2022, we have a case planning conference before Justice Coval scheduled for 0900 and proceeding by way of video teleconference.
The purpose of Wednesday’s brief hearing is to determine whether any of the petitions will proceed on the merits on 28 November, 2022, as already scheduled and, if not, how much time is needed for preliminary applications to be heard starting on the same date. If Justice Coval makes an order that any of the petitions cannot proceed on the merits on 28 November, 2022, then the parties will determine dates in April of 2023.
It is my position that CSASPP is ready to proceed on the 28 November, 2022, as already scheduled and if the other petitioners wish for additional time that they should be free to do so independently without dragging us down like a boat anchor. The danger of protracted litigation is eventually the public health orders that mandated injections may be rescinded, Dr. Henry will then claim the relief we are seeking is moot, the clients are stuck with a runaway bill from their respective counsel without any value for money, and the world is deprived of any useful case law to prevent history from repeating itself.
This is not hypothetical, but has already happened recently in other litigation that challenged the federal injection mandates for travellers by air and rail.
We will do everything we can this Wednesday to advocate effectively for sticking to the schedule.
~ Kip
9 November 2022: Justice Crerar Rules on Class Proceeding’s Open Court Application for Certification Hearing
Our hearing of 7 November, 2022, went very well. I am delighted to share with you that we prevailed in this historic challenge. The order was granted allowing CSASPP the right to webcast our upcoming certification hearing, mostly as we had applied for based on our evidence from myself and from many others in remote locations and in a variety of predicaments.
As usual, we had a good turnout again.
The certification hearing is still set to begin on 12 December, 2022, for five days. The world has been waiting nearly two years for it. If we prevail at certification this proceeding formally becomes a class action and may proceed to a forty day trial. That means a single plaintiff is augmented with potentially hundreds of thousands, if not millions, affected by the declaration of an emergency. We also then have the formal tools of discovery made available to us to ask Dr. Henry questions and obtain documents.
This is the first time in British Columbia that a class certification has ever been filmed before. We believe this is a significant milestone on the road to accountability in respect to the conduct of the defendants.
The hearing itself was quite interesting. We had an additional guest in the Court, besides Dr. Henry’s counsel on her behalf (and the Provincial Crown’s). The Attorney General of British Columbia was automatically made a respondent because our application related to constitutional questions regarding the webcasting.
The Attorney General’s position was convoluted, but ultimately slightly more rational than Dr. Henry’s - both of which opposed our application in its entirety.
I will not traverse the Attorney General’s entire position, but in a nutshell he attempted to argue that the legal threshold had not been met to grant such an order. Filming the hearing could “jeopardize the safety and privacy of participants”, “creates the risk that context-less or distorted materials will be broadcast, detracting from the public understanding of the proceeding and undermining the dignity of the court.” He further claimed that “the risk that distorted representations may be created and broadcast for purposes contrary to the proper administration of justice is heightened where the nature of a case is particularly controversial or has become highly politicized. CSASPP’s application poses a risk to the proper administration of justice.”
This line of argument is so common it has even been assigned a name.
The Attorney General tendered no evidence of his own in support of his application response. Dr. Henry, on the other hand, had an affidavit submitted on behalf of a paralegalist in the Legal Services Branch within the British Columbia Ministry of Attorney General. I have provided various redactions in good faith to protect their identity.
I encourage you all to review the affidavit. It is a cherry picked selection of mostly the general public’s social media posts, none of which appear to have originated from CSASPP, expressing various public health order related grievances.
It is important to take note how a post can, and likely will be, used out of context by the defendants at every opportunity.
By way of innuendo Dr. Henry’s counsel had hoped to convince Justice Crerar that there may be safety concerns or potential violence that might somehow manifest if the order was granted. There is some deductive gymnastics in Dr. Henry’s application response, but you will get the general idea. As an example, my status update of 2 December 2021: October’s Entered Orders, Measuring Progress, and Historical Lessons from India was selectively read to mean a potential or imminent threat of violence.
Throughout the hearing we heard from three lawyers present on behalf of Dr. Henry and the Attorney General tell us that granting such an order would apparently “undermine the dignity of the Court”, that it would amount to an “abuse of process”, “inflame the discourse”, and that, in any event, you are too unsophisticated to understand what was going on anyways.
We argued that the only affidavit the respondents’ provided from the paralegalist should be given no weight and ignored. Most of the exhibits were hearsay and should not be allowed to be relied upon. It contained social media comments which were made out of Court, by unknown parties (possibly by bots or even the defendants themselves), and with unknown and ambiguous meaning and intent.
The distillate of the government’s position boils down to something very simple, in my view. Filming a trial level proceeding might be fine if anyone else was on trial, except when it is the government.
After hearing submissions from all parties Justice Crerar advised us around noon that he would attempt to return with his ruling by 1530, noting the time sensitivity of this application in order to provide us with adequate runway, if the order was granted, to make preparations for an appropriate contractor to film the hearing.
The order was granted, generally in the form we had proposed to the Court. The only addition was a term that any lawyer or Court staff who does not wish to be on camera would not have to be, and appropriate redactions would need to be made before the video would be released the day after each day of the hearing.
Justice Crerar was not convinced of the merits of most of the respondents’ evidence and arguments. Most importantly he noted that the public interest dimension to our work was not simply “theoretical”, but is well supported by the evidence. He said that webcasting such a hearing can help to better inform the general public on how the judicial system functions at a time when it is often misunderstood.
As soon as we have the written reasons for judgment back and the entered order I will make them available to you for your review.
We need to now begin soliciting bids from various service providers to implement the requirements to webcast. If you have a particular experienced professional contractor in mind, please have them review the draft order beginning on p. 12 of the application and have them get in touch with us.
Engaging a contractor will incur expense and for that reason we invite you to please continue contributing to our war chest.
~ Kip
28 October 2022: Document Production Requests to Dr. Henry for Health Care Workers’ Petition
We have sent two letters to Dr. Henry today in respect to her public health order of 12 September, 2022. The provenance of this order goes back a year. This most recent incarnation repealed and replaced a similar order of 18 November, 2021; in turn of 9 November, 2021; and in turn of 21 October, 2021 and 14 October, 2021.
These orders are important to health care workers in hospital settings because it mandated injections as a condition of continued employment. In effect, it was the genesis of what became the catastrophe we are all too familiar with.
The first letter seeks document disclosure. That is, we are asking Dr. Henry to produce documents in time for the 28 November, 2022, petition hearing before Justice Coval. We would like to review what she reviewed in the medical and scientific literature that supported her orders. We have also asked her to produce those studies she reviewed that did not support her orders.
We have sent this letter because she has produced very few documents that reference actual scientific and medical peer reviewed articles or studies. Her response to date has been that there are apparently too many and she is too busy. This letter is our most recent request in an effort to make disclosure easier for her.
The second letter seeks under s 45 of the Public Health Act, SBC 2008, c. 28, her re-assessment of the most recent incarnation of the aforementioned order of 12 September, 2022. This PHO post-dated the original petition, hence why we needed to file an amended version yesterday. In order to re-assess the merits of the orders mandating injections for hospital staff we have enclosed a letter dated 10 August, 2022, from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance which contains an extensive set of references - mostly to the primary literature.
Under s 45, Mandatory reassessment of orders, it is defined by three sub-sections:
Subject to the regulations, a person affected by an order may request the health officer who issued the order to re-assess the circumstances relevant to the order to determine whether the order should be terminated or varied.
On receiving a request under subsection (1), the health officer must re-assess the order in accordance with the regulations.
If, following a reassessment, a health officer reasonably believes that the order is, or conditions within the order are, no longer necessary to protect public health, the health officer must immediately terminate the order, or vary or remove the conditions, as applicable.
One purpose among several of the second letter is to assist in clarifying what she must preserve within the “record” to avoid additional monkey business later. The letter is intended to be routed to her personally and to advise us immediately if it cannot be for any reason.
As usual, please keep the donations coming. We have a busy November ahead of us if everything goes to plan.
~ Kip
27 October 2022: Class Proceeding’s Open Court Application Ready & Further Amended Health Care Workers’ Petition
I am happy to share with you that our open court application is ready in our class proceeding. It is returnable 7 November, 2022, before Justice Crerar. The hearing will begin at 9:45 AM at the usual location of 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver.
To refresh your memory I encourage you to revisit our previous status update, 1 June 2022: Preparing for Live Broadcast of Dr. Bonnie Henry’s Trial.
In a nutshell we are asking Justice Crerar in this application to make an order permitting the video recording of our much anticipated certification hearing which is still scheduled to begin 12 December, 2022, for five days. This recording will not be live, but will be embargoed until 5PM the following day of each day of that hearing. This is to give the parties time to ensure privileged information has not accidentally been recorded, such as sensitive conversations between co-counsel or their notes. The video will then be uploaded online for public viewing. The details are found on p. 13 in the draft order attached to the application.
Although Justice Crerar has already made an order that we will have a large courtroom for certification, as discussed previously, there are many reasons why many of you would still not be able to attend in person. We have laid out a number of reasons in various supporting affidavits, including my own.
Recall that the room number is typically assigned either the day before or the morning of the hearing. When you walk into the front door, walk past the concierge desk and you will see a collection of documents posted on the wall with room numbers for different hearings for that day. Your file number is S-210831. Sometimes hearings are not always listed and sometimes they are which is beyond our control. If you cannot find it, ask the concierge desk or someone in the Registry.
When you find your way into the Court room, please be mindful of etiquette. Leave signage and other protester paraphernalia outside the building. If the hearing has already begun, open the door, remain silent, bow to Justice Crerar, and take your seat in the gallery. Do not take pictures, attempt to record, or otherwise use your mobile or other electronic devices from inside of the Court room. Outside of the Court room you can use your mobile, but do not take pictures from anywhere inside of the building.
On another matter, we have further amended our health care workers’ petition today. This is the second time we have amended it. Portions that are underlined have been inserted. These changes were summarized in our cover letter of today when serving Dr. Henry’s counsel.
We made these amendments to adapt to changing circumstance. The petition is still scheduled as of this writing for 28 November, 2022, before Justice Coval. The changes were made in time prior to the hearing so as to not require an adjournment. This was done because the 12 September, 2022, public health order which repealed and replaced a previous order of 18 November, 2021, did not exist at the time we brought the first revision of this petition. You will also note that we added several corresponding ultra vires declarations to declare that the order was unconstitutional.
Lastly, please continue to contribute to our war chest so that we can continue serving our community. We receive no government funding, as you are aware, and are entirely dependent on you to deliver.
~ Kip
20 October 2022: Yesterday’s Unnecessary Health Care Workers’ Judicial Management Conference
You will recall on 12 April, 29 June, and 3 September, 2022, I explained the delays in getting our health care workers’ petition before the Court.
Originally this petition was supposed to be heard 6-7 April, 2022. Instead the entire time was wasted responding to Dr. Henry’s arguments concerning whether we should have public interest standing. Despite us being the victor, we lost both of those days we had booked to Justice Coval having to hear submissions primarily on that issue rather than adjudicating on the actual petition. As a result, the petition has still not been heard on its merits.
After that hearing three other petitions came to light. Each sought similar relief. Each is represented by different counsel. When I came to learn of the latter this was of grave concern because I knew from experience that time would be wasted accumulating billable hours rather than actually solving problems for real people. Unfortunately, my prediction was correct again.
Counsel for the other three petitions demanded that they all be heard concurrently with our own. We were opposed to this. We asked them politely to go and pursue their own venture and wished them the best of luck for the sake of economy and efficiency. We are generally amenable to working with anyone, but only so far as it is actually helpful in achieving our objectives.
We ended up before Justice Coval again on 29 June, 2022, at the other petitioners’ request to have this issue resolved. Justice Coval suggested the other three petitioners be heard together, as they wished, and we would be heard separately. That seemed reasonable, but the other petitioners were not amenable. Justice Coval then directed that all four would need to be heard together over a span of ten days.
The way the Scheduling desk generally works is the longer a hearing the longer you have to wait for it. So we began with what was only a two day hearing and now we needed ten.
After a great deal of effort in trying to reconcile everyone’s calendars, including the most scarce of them all, the Scheduling desk, we finally managed to book 28 November, 2022, for ten days. Wasteful, but manageable.
Meanwhile, our suicidal terminated nurses are cleaning homes and finding any other means they can of making a living.
I do not see being tethered to the other petitions as an asset to our matter at this time. On the contrary, I see this as a liability. We have an uphill battle already.
Since the 29 June, 2022, hearing, counsel for the other three petitions have been squabbling over procedural issues, which could potentially create more and more delays.
This is not to say counsel for the other petitioners do not have valid issues to sort out. They do, but they should do that on their own time and dime and not our donors’. They want to determine what constitutes the “record”, or the materials that were before Dr. Henry when she made her injection requirement orders for health care workers. This is very important in administrative law and is crucial to determine if her orders were “reasonable” and valid.
But the whole reason why people are in our Court in the first place is because they cannot agree on something. A dispute over the vague semantics of any concept or terminology in the field of law is inevitable. The longer it drags on for the more billable hours that are incurred. The field contains nothing in it that comes even remotely close to the certainty of a formal definition of the Fibonacci sequence or a neutrino. The vagueness and absence of any formal definitions create lucrative opportunities to endlessly litigate by the barristocracy.
I said no to the adjournment. Our Court does not exist to enrich lawyers. We are not going through this exercise in order to provide lawyers with a means of employment. We are there to restore the nurses’ jobs. I will not grant consent to an adjournment for a matter that has already seen far too much delay.
Counsel for the other petitions requested a judicial management conference to be held yesterday morning on short notice. As a result I apologize for being unable to provide you with any.
Justice Coval directed the parties yesterday to take two weeks to come to an agreement, as much as possible, with respect to what constitutes the “record” before Dr. Henry made her orders as well as some other minor issues. He directed we return before him following this period to reconsider the issue of whether our upcoming 28 November hearing should be adjourned.
As of this writing the hearing starting on November 28, 2022 is still on. My preference is we keep this date, use only the first day or two for our petition, and vacate the rest to the scarce pool of judicial resources. Counsel for the other petitions can find their own dates - if their clients are willing to wait.
One final update. Distinct from the above, our injection passport appeal had Dr. Henry recently provided formal notice that she intends to participate. This was to be expected, but I thought I would let you know anyways.
~ Kip
7 October 2022: Appeal of Chief Justice Hinkson’s Ruling on Injection Passport Petition
I am very happy to share with you that we have initiated the formal appeal process of Chief Justice Hinkson's ruling on our petition that challenged the injection passport. Our Notice of Appeal is enroute now to Dr. Henry's counsel.
You will recall from my previous status update that our petition was dismissed entirely on excessively technical grounds.
The British Columbia Court of Appeal is a separate court from the Supreme Court of British Columbia. It was created by our parliament in 1907. Prior to that, if you took issue with a judgment from the Supreme Court, you needed to travel to England and request an appeal through His Majesty's Privy Council.
When our appeal is heard it will be before three new judges. Appellate judges normally are distinct from lower court justices in that they do not sit in both courts simultaneously.
We are requesting that our appeal set aside Chief Justice Hinkson's order and grant the relief we originally sought. In the alternative, we are asking the Court of Appeal to order the matter be remitted back to the Supreme Court of British Columbia for fresh consideration.
We believe we may have at least three grounds for an appeal. In short, the grounds are on standing, administrative law, and on Charter grounds. I would prefer to keep our powder dry as long as possible, but I will publish our factum, currently being drafted by counsel, as soon as I am able to.
I understand that many of you were upset with the Chief Justice's ruling, in particular within the bar. I must admit that I was not entirely surprised by the judgment. But I also knew that it is better to lose in the Supreme Court of British Columbia and prevail in the Court of Appeal than the inverse.
To appeal a Court of Appeal ruling you must request leave (permission) to have it heard in the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa - an ambitious task in which approximately only 7 % of applicants are successful.
Our Court of Appeal frequently overturns decisions of the lower court. Not only that, but litigants in the past have succeeded in overturning rulings specifically from the Chief Justice.
In one case our Chief Justice refused to grant public interest standing to the Council of Canadians with Disabilities. The CCD had brought a claim against our provincial government alleging they were being discriminated against in how certain mental health services were provided to them. The CCD successfully appealed the decision. The provincial government's counsel, some of which were Dr. Henry's counsel in our petition, then sought leave in the Supreme Court of Canada. Leave was granted, the appeal heard, and subsequently dismissed again with “special costs on a full indemnity basis (…) awarded to CCD throughout”.
As always we will continue to keep you apprised and welcome your contribution to our war chest.
~ Kip
13 September 2022: Chief Justice Hinkson’s Ruling on Injection Passport Petition
The Chief Justice’s ruling in respect to the injection passport petition was returned to us. You can read it here and are encouraged to do so.
In a nutshell, we lost. I am sorry.
The ruling is long and technical. But here are some highlights below, beginning with the Court’s assessment of Dr. Joel Kettner’s expert report. We relied on Dr. Kettner who was the former Chief Medical Officer of Manitoba:
[115] Regardless of whether the Kettner Report is inadmissible hearsay, the fact remains that the Kettner Report postdated the impugned Orders, and thus cannot be the basis for a challenge to those orders.
[116] I therefore find that the Kettner Report is not relevant in these proceedings.
On Dr. Henry’s public health orders themselves:
[166] The PHO’s factual findings and rationale for issuing the impugned Orders and the Variance Order were supported by the information available to her at the time, including, without limitation: the currently available scientific evidence regarding SARS-CoV-2; the then-current epidemiology in British Columbia; scientific literature; her background in epidemiology; risks associated with social settings and particular behaviours; the risks associated with vulnerable populations contracting COVID-19; and the impact on the public health and health care systems due to the burden of preventing COVID-19 and treating COVID-19 patients.
[167] In making the impugned Orders and the Variance Order, I am satisfied that the PHO assessed available scientific evidence to determine COVID-19 risk for gatherings in British Columbia, including epidemiological data regarding transmission of SARS-CoV-2 globally, nationally, and in British Columbia, factors leading to elevated transmission risk in religious settings, and COVID-19 epidemiology in British Columbia.
On Dr. Henry’s expert report from Dr. Emerson, the Court determined:
[173] Dr. Emerson also deposed that unvaccinated and previously infected are at a higher risk than vaccinated people with two doses, without providing a complete explanation for this view. I no not find that it was necessary for Dr. Emerson to fully explain his view.
[174] I reject as unreasonable, the petitioners’ assertion that Dr. Emerson’s affidavit is deficient because he did not provide any evidence that the public health care system was overtaxed. I find that his statement to that effect is sufficient.
[175] Similarly, I find that Dr. Emerson’s statement that a “not insignificant” proportion of eligible population remained unvaccinated, without data to support that view, his failure to explain how hospitalizations were recorded, the lack of an explanation as to how the respondent adjusted for age differences, required no further elaboration
Despite all of this, Dr. Henry was not awarded costs and we believe we may have grounds to appeal.
A parallel petition brought by Mr. Maddock had reasons for judgment released at the same time by the Chief Justice. The ruling can be read here. Unfortunately he was not successful either:
[97] The Attorney General’s submissions are aimed largely at the internal rationality of the Variance Order. In my view, the reasoning is clear; the decision bears the hallmarks of rationality in that it is justified, transparent and intelligible.
[98] The remaining question is whether the PHO had the authority to suspend all reconsiderations as she did.
[99] As noted above, s. 54(h) of the PHA empowers the PHO to decline the request of a person affected to reconsider (s. 43), review (s. 44), or reassess (s. 45) an order or a variance order during an emergency. I am satisfied that this provision exists to allow the PHO to exercise her discretion to respond to those matters perceived most immediate and to direct scarce resources in the way that they will be of greatest use to address the exigencies that arise in emergencies.
[100] I accept that the PHO had the statutory authority to exercise her discretion to suspend reconsiderations as she did.
[101] I therefore dismiss the petition to set aside the Variation Order as unreasonable.
Concurrently our health care workers’ petition and class proceeding continue to move forward.
We will keep you apprised, as always.
~ Kip
3 September 2022: Status of All Three Suits
The Chief Justice’s ruling in respect to the injection passport petition is still under reserve. In the mean time, we have been very busy preparing for a number of tasks.
Our class proceeding’s certification is still scheduled to begin on 12 December, 2022. Counsel continues to refine our written submissions (arguments to make in Court). That hearing will also hear Dr. Henry’s efforts to strike our proceeding. We have a good chance of prevailing, but anything can happen. Defendants in proposed class proceedings typically bring applications to strike at certification because it is more dangerous to try and do so after successful certification, but less likely to succeed before.
We will be bringing an application to be heard at certification to amend our pleadings to put myself directly into the breach again, if necessary, as an individual plaintiff as well as refining some of the relief we are seeking. This will have the effect of mitigating Dr. Henry’s endless efforts at challenging our standing.
Our open court application we also decided to make additional refinements. Our supporting affidavits are complete, pending a few still needing to be commissioned. They detail a sampling of individuals who have been unable to attend our hearings in the past due to physical mobility issues, cost, time, inadequate seating, or other reasons. We’ve also improved the language of the draft order to ensure we are strategically positioned, if it is granted, to find a third-party service provider at a competitive rate to webcast the certification hearing to the world rather than being locked into a specific contractor.
We are prepared for the health care workers’ petition which is still scheduled to be heard from 28 November, 2022, to 9 December, 2022. Our written submissions were due recently and have been completed. Our health care workers wait patiently in the mean time.
Because the other parallel health care related petitions desired to have their petitions heard concurrently with ours, with CSASPP being the only litigant not wanting that for reasons of economy of time and money, our costs increased.
It was a good business decision as far as the other petitioners were concerned (and Crown counsel who requested it), but it is not good for us because it means we have to spend more time (money) in Court while the other petitioners and respondents make their submissions. This has created a budget deficit because we did not have any choice but to be dragged along with the other petitioners.
We tried reasoning with the other petitioners’ lawyers, but lawyers are generally very poor in managing money and you should avoid leaving them to make important business decisions whenever possible - as I’ve advised many times before. Otherwise there is a strong risk they will run it into the ground - even if it is their own business.
The time spent preparing for the class proceeding’s certification, the certification itself, the several applications to be heard, and the two other petitions are costly despite our best efforts to minimize expenditure. We look at litigation very differently because we are not a business. Despite that, as you have noticed, we do high quality litigation which we continue to deliver on - but it is not free. I run three organizations, in school doing Stanford course work, none of the team takes a salary (they all work other jobs), and we don’t have time to continuously shake money trees.
We are counting on you to continue supplying the war effort. If we are not able to raise adequate funds to continue, we will pull the plug, discontinue our suits, and shutdown while Dr. Henry celebrates. History may well repeat itself this Fall, and unfortunately no one will be able to complain.
~ Kip
10 August 2022: Potential Return of Fall Mandates
While we await the Chief Justice’s ruling for our injection passport, still under reserve, it is important that we reflect on the months ahead of us.
None of us can predict with any certainty what will become of public policy come Fall. But there are already troubling signs ahead of us. Minister Dix on 5 August, 2022, provided us with little reassurance that his government would not seek to re-implement COVID-19 related restrictions. Evading directly responding to the question from the press gallery, Dix said that his government’s public health measures will continue to “adapt to the circumstances” and that it was not for him to “speculate what that might be in the future”. His colleague Dr. Martin Lavoie, our acting provincial health officer, provided us with even less comfort: “If we need to reinstate measures, we will keep our eyes on that”.
We are already seeing a certain degree of renewed hysteria, implying a third omicron wave. The potential for a historical replay does not appear to be limited to British Columbia, but we are already seeing injection mandates being reinstated at the University of Toronto for students in residence, reinstatement of mask mandates in a number of jurisdictions in the United States, and even an alleged majority within our own province supporting a return of mandatory masking.
Ultimately we may have only ourselves to blame. When people have short attention spans, they lack the capacity for adequate memory and, by extension, an ability to learn from their own history. This applies even in the case of having lived through several years of irrational restrictions they bemoaned daily, demanded international condemnation and outrage, only to subsequently forget any of it ever happened when rights that never belonged to their government in the first place are returned on loan, and the first world problem of having been previously denied a cup of coffee at a corporate franchise has been alleviated.
But as experimental evidence has shown, sometimes people would rather electrocute themselves than be left alone for a few minutes to think. In my view, a collective degradation of peoples’ attention spans is the greatest threat humanity is facing. If you can think of a greater threat, ask yourself if such a complex problem required more than a few seconds to contemplate a viable solution and you will find confidence in my claim. If you abridge people’s attention spans, you can disarm their ability to exercise self determination.
Your future is in your hands. If we abandon stomping out the python, it will inevitably come back to bite us. Closure for us means court orders that prevent history from repeating itself. If you are in agreement, it is critical that you continue to replenish our war chest so we finish the job you tasked us with completing.
~ Kip
3 August 2022: Another Victory for Health Care Workers Petition
You will recall in our health care workers’ petition Justice Coval awarded CSASPP public interest standing on 4 May, 2022 (we only required one of our petitioners to have it). On 3 June, 2022, I informed you that Dr. Henry had subsequently provided us with formal notice that she was unhappy with his ruling and wished to appeal it.
I am delighted to inform you that yesterday Dr. Henry provided us with formal notice of having abandoned her appeal. This was prudent on her part because she had an uphill battle in light of recent developments in Ottawa at the Supreme Court of Canada.
The SCC is of the mind that the basis for legality is the rule of law. If people cannot challenge their government in the Court then they cannot hold the state accountable and it could be seen as above the law. If a litigant has raised a serious justiciable issue, has a serious interest in the matter, and has proposed a suit that is a reasonable and effective means of bringing the case to Court, then the Court is more likely than not to exercise its discretion in awarding public interest standing.
Regarding Sunday’s banquet, it was a smashing success based on your feedback! We very nearly sold out before the sale ended. We may end up having another banquet in the Fall.
~ Kip
28 July 2022: Today’s Class Proceeding’s Judicial Management Conference
This morning’s judicial management conference for the class proceeding canvassed the previously discussed agenda. I have a mixture of good and bad news, but mostly good news.
Dr. Henry’s trial has been generally adjourned. His Lordship was concerned that there simply would not be enough time to deal with discovery and any other procedural issues that may arise after certification, such as sifting through hundreds of thousands of Dr. Henry’s documents. That is bad. But not as significant as it sounds because, as I have said many times before, the certification hearing is far more important in a class proceeding than the trial.
The certification hearing is not showing any signs of a need to be adjourned from its five day start on 12 December, 2022. That is still a green light.
It may be only a small oversimplification to say that one of the greatest threats the provincial government is facing right now is the outcome of that certification hearing. If we prevail at certification, the result will likely be catastrophic to the executive council’s interests.
The good news is that Justice Crerar assured the parties that the rescheduling of the trial will be revisited at the conclusion of the certification hearing, or shortly thereafter, to ensure the action would continue to move forward. He advised us that the issue of the trial would not be forgotten and, provided we obtain certification, Dr. Henry will still have her trial.
Regarding the transcripts Dr. Henry was seeking, she was not able to obtain them in their entirety. His Lordship was prepared to make an order that she may have only a portion in order to assist her counsel in making submissions in response to certification.
His Lordship was provided with notice of our open court application. He granted our request for leave to bring the application well before the 90 day requirement before the certification hearing. This is important because if we brought it within the time frame contemplated by the practice direction, there was a risk there would not be enough runway to receive a ruling authorizing the webcasting of the certification hearing before it actually began.
Justice Crerar advised that his professional background as a barrister prior to being appointed to the bench would provide him with the necessary industry expertise he would need in order to rule on it without the need of an amicus curiae. This is a kind of external consultant engaged by the Court to advise on questions of law.
And last of all, we are looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday!
~ Kip
26 July 2022: Agenda for Class Proceeding’s Judicial Management Conference of 28 July, 2022
We are ready for Thursday’s judicial management conference. We have made available the mutually drafted agenda for your review.
Thursday will be a combination of small uncontested things and at least one significant thing Dr. Henry will undoubtedly contest. Among the minor issues is a previously granted order of 12 May, 2022, that was submitted for entry to the Registry that bounced back. The parties will seek His Lordship’s endorsement of the order. This is a minor clerical formality in entering orders with the Registry, despite technically already having come into effect the moment they are orally pronounced in chambers.
Dr. Henry’s counsel would also like to seek an order that transcripts be made available to them from our 12 May, 2022, judicial management conference. At that time we advised His Lordship that we may retain additional counsel to assist with Dr. Henry’s examination for discovery and trial. Crown counsel seeks to create a problem out of this by alleging that the additional counsel, of which we did not name, must meet certain criteria necessary for class proceedings. They would like to find a problem. We are not concerned and there is nothing prejudicial about Crown obtaining those transcripts, but with one caveat.
Recall that we had requested the same at a previous judicial management conference and were denied. This is because Rule 5-2(7), prevents the production of transcripts at judicial management conferences. The thinking behind that rule was that sometimes settlement discussions may arise and those are normally confidential. That is not to say a litigant cannot request them anyways, but they would be best to bring a formal application to do so and not an informal oral application without notice.
Dr. Henry would also like to adjourn her trial, currently set at our previous 10 August, 2021, judicial management conference. In fairness to her, she almost has a good reason.
If certification is granted following that hearing on the week of 12 December, 2022, His Lordship will likely need several months to prepare his reasons for judgment on whether certification is awarded or not. If it is awarded then we will have only the time between receiving his reasons and the commencement of her forty-day trial set to begin on 17 April, 2023, to complete discovery. That might not seem like a lot of time, especially considering the volume of documents we are likely to parse, any applications we may need to bring to compel further production, conducting Dr. Henry’s examination for discovery, applications to compel her to answer questions she would prefer not to, and so forth.
Despite that, we think we can get the job done in time for trial without any need for an adjournment. But having said that, it is important that you all prepare yourself for the good possibility His Lordship will adjourn the trial if he believes the time frame is inadequate.
We will also be providing His Lordship with informal notice of our open court application. According to the practice direction, such an application “must be filed not more than 90 days and not less than 14 days prior to the start of the scheduled hearing in the proceeding in relation to which the authorization is sought (…) [u]nless the court otherwise orders”. We do not want to delay the filing of that application until 90 days before the certification hearing because it might not leave His Lordship with enough time to think about whether to grant it or not. This is why we will need to seek his direction this Thursday on timelines for that application.
Lastly, most of the tickets for our CSASPP Summer Banquet are gone, but there are still some remaining. We’ve also been getting a number of inquiries from ladies with questions about footwear. Yes, heels are generally fine because our indoor venue is hard. But if you go and tour the gardens outside (and you should), it is a combination of mostly grass (fine for bare feet), gravel, and dirt.
~ Kip
22 July 2022: Class Proceeding’s Judicial Management Conference of 28 July, 2022
Our class proceeding’s next judicial management conference is confirmed for next week Thursday 28 July, 2022, before Justice Crerar. It will begin at 0900 and last for roughly an hour. I do not know whether it will be held by video conference or in person yet. Regardless, you will receive the usual debriefing.
At the JMC we will discuss with Dr. Henry’s counsel and Justice Crerar the parties’ current timetables in preparing for December’s certification and the progress made to date. Certification is still set to begin for five consecutive days on 12 December, 2022.
On a side note, we actually nearly lost the latter certification date a few days ago due to a clerical mishap at the Scheduling desk (not our fault). This had the effect of unintentionally vacating the certification date without our knowledge. Thankfully we took immediate action to restore it successfully.
On the agenda to discuss with His Lordship is our open court application and its related timelines. We announced this in our previous status updates of 1 and 13 June, 2022. You will be happy to know that the drafting of our application, supporting affidavits, and authorities are now complete.
Lastly, if you haven’t purchased your ticket already to our much anticipated CSASPP Summer Banquet of 31 July, 2022, you may wish to do so soon because seating is limited and tickets are disappearing. We look forward to meeting you!
~ Kip
7 July 2022: CSASPP Summer Banquet
On behalf of the team we are delighted to invite you to the CSASPP Summer Banquet to be held on 31 July, 2022, at VanDusen Botanical Gardens. Enjoy an evening of food, wine, botanical gardens, and live music to celebrate our work and your contributions. Reception begins at 4PM with dinner at 5PM. Tickets are limited.
Admission includes a buffet style wholesome dinner, desert, a drink, cash bar, live classical music, and garden access (until 7PM).
Please arrive in formal banquet attire.
~ Kip
6 July 2022: Today’s Health Care Workers’ Case Management Conference
This morning’s hearing was both brief and productive. Justice Coval began by explaining his reason for issuing his memorandum of 4 July, 2022. In a nutshell, we were the only petitioner who requested to be heard separately from the other three. He was attempting to balance the interests of the other petitioners.
All the petitions seek similar relief, but ours is different in that we are seeking relief on behalf of a class of affected persons rather than only the individuals named as the petitioners. This is similar in some sense to our class proceeding where someone brings a claim before the Court on behalf of many others. We relied on a similar mechanism for challenging public health orders under s 43(7) of the Public Health Act, SBC 2008, c 28:
Reconsideration of orders
(7) For the purposes of this section,
(a) if an order is made that affects a class of persons, a request for reconsideration may be made by one person on behalf of the class, and
(b) if multiple orders are made that affect a class of persons, or address related matters or issues, a health officer may reconsider the orders separately or together.
We do not require ten days and anticipate only a single day would be sufficient for CSASPP to complete its submissions. In requiring ten days the likelihood of the Scheduling desk accommodating the hearing in the near future is low. We always try to plan for efficiency and reduce delays whenever possible.
With the assistance of the Court we were able to set down a hearing date that could be reconciled with counsels’ calendars. The petition will be heard on 28 November, 2022, to 9 December, 2022. Counsel for all parties will arrange deadlines for the exchange of materials amongst themselves prior to the hearing. Justice Coval advised he would appreciate written submissions from all parties prior to the weekend preceding the start of the hearing, or Friday 25 November, 2022.
To reduce expenses we sought leave for our counsel to attend virtually on days we do not intend to make submissions. Leave was granted for all parties.
As always, we will continue to keep you apprised.
~ Kip
4 July 2022: Next Health Care Workers’ Case Management Conference
Justice Coval has sent us a memorandum today in respect to our health care workers’ petition regarding whether it would be heard separately or in tandem with other related petitions:
“Following up on the June 29, 2022 Judicial Management Conference, please be advised that I will now be managing all four Petitions. Further to the submissions of counsel at the JMC, I have decided they should all be heard together over 10 days. Scheduling will be in touch with you to arrange another JMC to schedule the hearing dates and timetable for delivery of materials. Any advance progress you can make on those issues would be much appreciated.”
Subsequent to his memorandum we received notice from Scheduling this afternoon that our next hearing for this matter is set down for this Wednesday 6 July, 2022, at 0900 for 45 minutes. The primary purpose is to discuss finding a date to having the petition actually adjudicated. We need to do this because scheduling is complicated in having to reconcile calendars for counsel for every petitioner.
Wednesday’s hearing will be held virtually. I will unfortunately not have time to setup a public dial-in (it’s also very expensive), but I will provide you with a summary of what transpired as always.
Please remember to continue replenishing our war chest. A ten day hearing will be costly. If we prevail, we will be able to recover some of our costs from Dr. Henry per English Rule.
~ Kip
29 June 2022: Today’s Health Care Workers’ Case Management Conference
As discussed 23 June, 2022, we had a Case Management Conference booked for this morning before Justice Coval in respect to our health care workers’ petition. You will recall Justice Coval previously awarded CSASPP public interest standing in dismissing Dr. Henry’s application to have our petition dismissed.
The agenda for this morning’s CMC was to determine the manner in which our petition and three other related petitions should be heard. Our position was, and continues to be, that we would prefer to have our petition heard separately rather than all four at once.
Crown counsel for Dr. Henry proposed having all four heard over the span of ten days. Whether all four were heard separately or together, their costs would likely stay the same for her. Dr. Henry’s counsel are funded by the taxpayer. For us, such a proposal would cause delay and inflate our costs significantly. Government lawyers and engineers apparently have conflicting understandings of efficiency.
One might argue that letting our adversary have their way would not increase our costs because our counsel need only appear when she needs to. But that is impossible for anyone to know with any certainty when that might arise. Also consider that in her absence she would not be present to potentially raise objections to Crown counsel’s evidence which could arise at any time during the ten days.
The likelihood of being able to reconcile counsel of records’ calendars for all four petitions and Crown counsels’ any time soon is unlikely. But even if that were possible, the most important calendar to reconcile is the Court’s. Unfortunately it is unlikely that the Scheduling desk would have ten consecutive days available any time this year, which is undoubtedly already well known to Dr. Henry’s counsel.
We do not want this petition to wait any longer than necessary - especially since approximately 2,500 health care workers have lost their jobs in British Columbia due to injection mandates. This petition would have already been heard on 7 April, 2022, had Dr. Henry not wasted all of our time contesting unsuccessfully our standing at that hearing.
Justice Coval suggested a potential option, which I think is quite reasonable: Let the other three petitioners be heard together and let us be heard separately, as had been our original intent. After hearing submissions from each party he advised that he would need some time to consider the best course and directed the parties to arrange a further CMC within the next two weeks.
As usual we will keep you apprised. In the mean time, please continue to contribute financially.
~ Kip
23 June 2022: Progress on Multiple Fronts
Our open court application is mostly complete, pending some affidavits. We anticipate discussing when it will be heard with Justice Crerar at our class proceeding’s next Judicial Management Conference before the same.
The latter is currently set for 0900 on 28 July, 2022. This hearing will not be in-person, but via Microsoft Teams. The purpose of the hearing is to provide Justice Crerar with an update on how the litigants are preparing for the much anticipated certification hearing, provide notice of our upcoming open court application, and any issues that may arise along the way.
Regarding the affidavits in support of the open court application, if you have a physical disability or mobility issue which has prevented your attendance at any of our hearings in Vancouver, past or future, please get in touch with reception to provide a brief summary and your contact details. Someone will be in touch with you.
The health care workers’ petition has a Case Planning Conference scheduled for 0900 on 29 June, 2022. Like the class proceeding’s next JMC, it will also be held via Microsoft Teams. This was at the request of Crown counsel concerned with the cost and time of travelling from Victoria to Vancouver, given the hearing will be relatively short.
Further, Crown counsel had requested that all petitions related to this one be heard together by the same judge. I declined to provide consent because that would have been neither efficient nor economical.
For both hearings I will as usual provide you with a summary of everything material that transpired. In the mean time, all hearings are costly and we ask that you please contribute financially if it is within your means.
Regarding Chief Justice Hinkson’s ruling on the constitutionality of the injection passport which you have all been waiting patiently for, it is still under reserve.
~ Kip
13 June 2022: Open Court Application
I had informed you on 1 June, 2022, that if we reached our fundraising target of $25,000 we would green light the open court application. The latter would be brought within our class proceeding before Justice Crerar. The purpose of such an application is to expand the definition of open court to facilitate public access to (everyone’s) hearings - ideally over the internet.
I have good news for you. We have reached approximately half of that target. If you would like to contribute, please do so. This is enough to get the process started. Accordingly, I have issued my most recent instructions-to-counsel letter.
We will report back to you in due course.
~ Kip
3 June 2022: Dr. Bonnie Henry Appeals CSASPP Public Interest Standing & Class Certification Hearing Date
Back in April we had our petition heard that challenged the injection mandates confronting public health workers. You will recall we made international and domestic headlines when Justice Coval awarded CSASPP public interest standing to have that petition subsequently heard on its merits. We are in the process of preparing for and setting down a hearing date for the latter now.
Our stakeholders were thrilled to learn of this news. We were very pleased too.
Unfortunately Dr. Henry was less than satisfied with the customer service in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. She shared her grievance with us today in providing notice that she would like the Court of Appeal for British Columbia to overturn Justice Coval’s ruling.
To ask an appellate court to overturn a decision is not an overnight process. It is a time consuming one which could potentially take a year or longer for her. She needs to convince an appellate judge that Justice Coval made an error in fact or in law.
It can also be expensive. But then if the taxpayer finances her counsel for the appeal, as it has been doing to date, it is free for her to roll the dice.
But most importantly, until that appeal is actually heard and a judgment favourable to her interests is made, if that happens at all, Justice Coval’s order still stands and our plans continue unabated.
On that thought our class proceeding has its certification hearing finally set down at last after reconciling with the calendars of all counsel of record. You can mark your own for Monday 12 December, 2022, beginning each morning at 10AM, for five days, before Justice Crerar, and at the usual place within the Vancouver Law Courts at 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver. As previously discussed, Justice Crerar has already directed Court staff to arrange a large capacity courtroom.
While we await the certification hearing, the health care workers’ hearing, and Chief Justice Hinkson’s ruling on our injection passport petition, we will carry on preparing for the health care workers’ petition. We will also continue to raise critical funds for the application I discussed 1 June, 2022, to seek the Court’s permission to broadcast Dr. Henry’s certification and trial live.
I anticipate there will be numerous hearings between now and class certification in relation to all three proceedings. As usual, we will continue to keep you apprised and deliver value for money.
~ Kip
1 June 2022: Preparing for Live Broadcast of Dr. Bonnie Henry’s Trial
Some of you may recall our status update of 21 January, 2022, summarizing our class proceeding’s judicial management conference before Justice Crerar. At that time he directed Court staff to reserve a large capacity courtroom for our certification.
This was prudent because we anticipate many thousands will attempt to attend - more so than capacity will allow. We always encourage public attendance, but we are also mindful that it is simply not practical for many.
For those who live far away, there have been many instances where an individual has arrived at the courthouse to attend one of our hearings only to find they are unable to obtain a seat in the gallery. The sheriff then asks them to wait outside. Others have mobility issues because they are disabled making it impractical to get to the courthouse. And yet others are able bodied, but simply cannot afford to travel from Hope to Vancouver with the rising cost of fuel.
There is what appears to be a simple solution: Broadcast live the hearings to the general public over the internet. This is normal in some other foreign jurisdictions. The problem is this has never been done in the Supreme Court of British Columbia before and there is no jurisprudence instructing the Court on what to do.
His Lordship stated that, although he is sympathetic to having these proceedings be more widely accessible, there is neither a tradition nor a case precedent in British Columbia for broadcasting civil proceedings. In other words, he has his hands tied.
But he had more to say on that. He also said that if we wished to change this, we would need to instead bring a formal application to expand the constitutionally protected open court principle.
This does not mean that, as of right now, you are intentionally being restricted for political reasons. On the contrary, there is a reason why there is a physical gallery in every courtroom. The problem is that the system was devised centuries before the advent of the internet.
The internet has changed many things in law. As an example, the old common law tort of nuisance originally contemplated physical neighbours in conflict because those were the only kind of neighbours the world had then. Your neighbour polluting upstream meant your livestock might die and then you would have a claim for damages.
It was appropriate during the Industrial Revolution in attempting to reconcile individual rights with the requirements of industrialization. The internet came along and expanded the concept of “neighbourhood” so that persons having no physical proximity would be able to bring a claim against the operator of an obnoxious bot or a spammer residing in a foreign jurisdiction.
As I had noted on 21 January, 2022, there are costs and benefits to bringing such an application. It was therefore a business decision and one that I would reflect carefully on. We always do this before spending your money on any procedural step.
Since then I have reviewed the literature and have concluded that the Court is more likely than not to be willing to redefine favourably what “open court” means in the twenty-first century if we are well prepared. We cannot guarantee anything, of course. But I think the odds are favourable.
So we shall bring the application then. It would be heard before Justice Crerar. If we prevail, again, this will establish a precedent that will have ramifications across the province, if not nationally, for other proceedings.
If this is important to you, we would like to raise $25,000 within the next two weeks so that we can get started on drafting it immediately and to continue sustaining our work. The sooner you donate, the sooner it will be filed, heard, and adjudicated. If we obtain a favourable judgment we can reassure everyone that they will be able to attend our certification, Dr. Bonnie Henry’s trial, and any other hearings, no matter their location or means.
While we await Chief Justice Hinkson’s ruling in our injection passport petition, currently under reserve, please donate to our war chest so that we can make this a reality.
~ Kip
19 May 2022: Injection Passport Petition Progress, Part 2
Today’s injection passport petition hearing before Chief Justice Hinkson was a continuation of yesterday’s. Like yesterday’s it was productive.
There will be no hearing tomorrow. Submissions by counsel for both parties concluded this afternoon.
We began at 1000 with Crown counsel continuing off their submissions from yesterday regarding the issue of public interest standing. That is to say, Dr. Henry’s position was that the evidence we provided before the Court that her injection passport related public health orders were unlawful cannot be heard by the Court because we should not be allowed to be there.
Within a short period of time there were no vacancies within the gallery. Unfortunately many individuals who commuted a great distance were unable to access the Court room because there was no space left to sit.
After submissions on standing, Crown counsel moved on to challenge whether we have grounds to challenge the reasonableness of a variation of one of Dr. Henry’s orders. Their primary evidence in this respect was an expert report from Dr. Brian Emerson who cited various supporting data to buttress Dr. Henry’'s position, implying that her process was data driven. Their argument was that this data allegedly prompted Dr. Henry to invoke the precautionary principle to take necessary measures that otherwise might have been excessive.
The precautionary principle was borne out of the principles of biomedical ethics. These were not created to allow questionable medical practices. Quite the inverse, they were begotten out of the Second World War in which dangerous, occasionally lethal, medical experimentation was performed on civilian and military prisoners of war, or other encumbered persons, without informed consent, to advance the state of the art in aviation science and other areas necessary for the war effort by both allied and axis forces.
The Chief Justice asked Crown counsel about the requests for reconsideration that were submitted to Dr. Henry that went unanswered. Like yesterday, he inquired whether it was reasonable to suspend Charter rights that preclude an individual from seeing a hospitalized loved one. He suggested that suspension of Charter rights was not discretionary on the part of the executive.
The exchange moved on to Crown counsel claiming that natural immunity should not be grounds for granting an exemption in response to a request for reconsideration because the double injected allegedly appear to have superior results to those with natural immunity.
At times there appeared to be a lack of linear and logical progression of a cogent argument on the part of Crown counsel. From discussing natural immunity, Crown counsel then claimed that Dr. Henry was not limited to dealing only with the alleged pandemic, but she was also cognizant of other emergencies. Her press conference of 31 August, 2021, with Minister Dix discussing the opioid epidemic was cited.
After returning from the morning break Crown counsel claimed that the alleged hospital strain was the result of the uninjected, and in particular, those carrying the delta variant. The delta variant, according to Crown counsel, was a significant threat to public safety and allegedly left our health care system at capacity. Crown counsel cited Dr. Emerson’s report as their source.
During yesterday’s submissions we showed the Court that a comment made in September, 2021, by Dr. Patricia Daly, Chief Medical Health Officer for Vancouver Coastal Health, implied that the injection mandates restricting access to restaurants was actually not intended to curb the spread of infection, that not being a concern of Dr. Daly, but to incentivize injections. Crown counsel attempted to perform damage control in rebuffing our evidence: Dr. Daly had apparently misspoken and, in any event, was not in a position of meaningful authority.
The Chief Justice found this explanation dubious in noting that Dr. Daly managed the largest public health unit in British Columbia.
Crown counsel attempted to poison the wells in claiming that I have attempted (successfully) to hold other (powerful) persons to account. It was not clear how this was relevant, or if it was, how it advanced Dr. Henry’s position to the detriment of our own.
Crown counsel then moved on to rebuff our challenge which alleges s 7 of our Charter, our right to life, liberty, and our security was undermined. Crown counsel alleged that we had not met the burden on the second part of the test laid out in Taylor. The Chief Justice asked Crown counsel to contemplate whether being denied the right to visit a loved one in a hospital engages s 7, per para. 390. Crown counsel replied that, even if s 7 had been undermined, it was permissible to do so under s 1 of the Charter which allows for rights to be suspended if reasonably necessary because they are not absolute.
In reply our counsel reaffirmed that we have public interest standing and that our organization’s capabilities enhance those limited to a single individual.
Our counsel asserted that our report from Dr. Kettner is admissible as evidence because it was before Dr. Henry at the time she refused to grant a request for reconsideration. She also said that Dr. Henry’s affidavit from Dr. Emerson was largely inadmissible because it contains hearsay and general statements.
Our counsel advised the Court that the evidentiary record before the Court establishes that Dr. Henry’s orders were unreasonable. She ended her submissions with the Chief Justice that there appeared to be a misinterpretation of the case count statistics Dr. Henry allegedly relied on, the latter demonstrated an abuse of power, and that the Taylor decision did not consider other relevant case law.
The Chief Justice advised the parties that he would reserve judgment, but would endeavour to work expeditiously.
We invite you to contribute to the replenishment of our war chest. We also thank all of those who attended today who witnessed our continued commitment to delivering value for public money.
~ Kip
18 May 2022: Injection Passport Petition Progress
Today’s injection passport petition had its first day in Court before Chief Justice Hinkson. It was productive.
Sometimes judges are very helpful and accommodating, only to subsequently dismiss your application with costs. Other times they can appear adversarial, yet end up granting the relief sought. One thing I have learned over the years is to be cautious at trying to read the tea leaves until you have their actual judgment in hand.
Keep the above in mind before drawing a conclusion about what happened today.
We began at approximately 1000. Our counsel was present along with two others acting as in-house Crown counsel. Both parties estimated requiring a day each to make their submissions.
Our counsel began her submissions by summarizing the petition, what we are seeking, and how we had recently refined it to challenge various injection passport related public health orders of Dr. Henry’s as being contrary to s 7 of our Charter. That section reads: “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.”
In her submissions our counsel stated that our petition, while not a class action, is actually brought on behalf of a class of affected persons under s 43(7) of the Public Health Act, SBC 2008, c 28.
Throughout the day Chief Justice Hinkson asked critical questions and took turns acting as Devil’s advocate before both parties. This is something a prudent judge must do.
Crown counsel advised the Court that it wished to challenge our standing again, but would concede private interest standing for myself personally. Ultimately the Court may have final say on that.
Our counsel advised the Court that Dr. Henry’s primary evidence is an affidavit from Dr. Brian Emerson. She argued it lacks specificity in addressing the evidence we tendered from Dr. Joel Kettner, the former Chief Medical Officer for the Province of Manitoba. The latter’s report was submitted to Dr. Henry as part of several requests for reconsideration we submitted to seek an exemption from the injection passport related Public Health Orders.
A judicial review can only challenge a decision of the executive based on the information it had at the time it made the decision. This is why the requests were submitted.
We completed our submissions at 12:32. Crown counsel began their own before we took a break for lunch.
After lunch there was a particularly salient, albeit awkward exchange, between Crown counsel and the Chief Justice.
The Chief Justice asked Crown counsel why its client’s response to one of our requests for reconsideration went unanswered, even without a form letter response. Crown counsel responded that Dr. Henry’s office had 800 such requests it received for processing. The Chief Justice suggested that 800 out of a province of over five million individuals might not be significant. Crown counsel responded that their client was also busy dealing with an emergency.
The Chief Justice asked whether it was reasonable to not provide a response to people unable to see loved ones in hospital who were expected to pass. He also asked whether a lack of employees was a reasonable excuse for suspending Charter rights.
Crown counsel hemmed and hawed, but did not really have a substantive answer after a very long and awkward pause. The Chief Justice asked, if the lack of response was due to an emergency, when had that state of emergency ended. Crown counsel advised that it was not sure. The Chief Justice suggested it was June of 2021. Crown counsel advised again it was unsure and would need to verify. The Chief Justice stood down the Court for a brief recess allowing Crown counsel an opportunity to do so.
When we returned from recess, Crown counsel argued that Dr. Kettner’s report was not addressed to Dr. Henry, and therefore it was excusable that she did not respond to it. The Chief Justice reminded Crown counsel that just because the letter was addressed to our law firm, which is standard when seeking a medical opinion, regardless, it was subsequently submitted to Dr. Henry’s email address intended for requests for reconsideration.
Just before the day ended, Crown counsel advised the Chief Justice that they estimated completing their submissions by noon tomorrow, if not sooner. That would leave the remainder of the afternoon for responding and closing submissions. That may mean we will not have to be back on Friday, saving us the costly expense, but that remains to be seen.
More to follow tomorrow.
A reminder again that your donations are instrumental to maintain our work.
~ Kip
15 May 2022: Injection Passport Petition
A reminder that this week from Wednesday 18 May, 2022, until Friday 20 May, 2022, your injection passport petition will be heard by Chief Justice Hinkson for three days.
The location will be the Vancouver Law Courts at 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver, and will begin each morning at 0945. As discussed previously, this is the building that hosts both the Supreme Court of British Columbia and the British Columbia Court of Appeal. Avoid the building across the street. It is the Provincial Court and is not affiliated with this proceeding.
The room is typically assigned either the day before or the morning of the hearing. When you walk into the front door, walk past the concierge desk and you will see a collection of documents posted on the wall with room numbers for different hearings for that day. Your file number is S-219760. Sometimes hearings are not always listed and sometimes they are which is beyond our control. If you cannot find it, ask the concierge desk or someone in the Registry.
When you find your way into the Court room, please be mindful of etiquette. Leave signage and other protester paraphernalia outside the building. If the hearing has already begun, open the door, remain silent, bow to His Lordship (vicariously the Sovereign), and take your seat in the gallery. Do not take pictures, attempt to record, or otherwise use your mobile or other electronic devices from inside of the Court room. Outside of the Court room you can use your mobile, but do not take pictures from anywhere inside of the building.
A reminder again that your donations are instrumental to maintain our work for you.
~ Kip
12 May 2022: Today’s Class Proceeding’s Judicial Management Conference Debriefing
This morning’s Judicial Management Conference proceeded on schedule at 0900 before Justice Crerar. It was slightly over an hour in length. The primary purpose was to discuss new materials we submitted, proposed amendments to our pleadings, subsequent hearing dates, and Dr. Henry’s forty-day trial.
We proposed new amendments to our pleadings to strengthen our case. We did not have to. But if we did not, it would have increased the risk of not surviving certification. Ultimately it was Crown counsel that prompted us to need to make the amendments which, as Justice Crerar had opined at a previous hearing, was not in their strategic interest.
Regardless, the cost of these amendments is the opposing side is generally afforded additional time to respond in a situation like this. Since Justice Crerar’s deadlines were already tight as is, something had to give. I made the judgment call to make the necessary amendments at the cost of pushing back our certification hearing. The latter will still be heard this year, but in the Fall and not 20 June, 2022, as previously scheduled.
Do not think the adjournment of the certification is a bad thing. It is better that we prevail at certification than have it come expeditiously and fail. Justice Crerar advised us that this was strongly in our interest. We are in agreement. If we survive certification, you will not care that you waited a few additional months for it.
If Dr. Henry attempts to implement another lockdown this Fall, we will respond accordingly. However, based on the information I have available to me, she does not intend to do so. This was part of the reason why I made the decision to amend - though cabinet can be capricious.
We are in the process of reconciling our counsel’s calendar with that of Crown counsels’ and will announce the new certification date as soon as it is confirmed.
Besides Dr. Henry’s application to adjourn the certification hearing, she also applied to adjourn her trial currently scheduled for 17 April, 2023, into the distant future. His Lordship was not prepared to grant such an order. He reaffirmed his commitment several times that he desired to see this proceeding move along and hold all litigants to their deadlines.
~ Kip
11 May 2022: Tomorrow’s Class Proceeding’s Judicial Management Conference
You may recall our status update of 21 April 2022: Today’s Judicial Management Conference for our Class Proceeding and Injection Passport Hearing Date. At that time Justice Crerar made an order setting down our next Judicial Management Conference for the class proceeding. It is tomorrow 12 May, 2022, before the same.
The JMC will be held virtually instead of in-person. Justice Crerar directed the Scheduling Manager to make arrangements.
Because we only just learned of this arrangement yesterday, we will not have adequate time to setup a public dial-in. However, as usual, we will provide a debriefing summary of what transpired and any orders made.
In a nutshell, Dr. Henry would like to seek adjournments tomorrow for both the certification hearing and trial. No public consultation was carried out by her.
One of her reasons given was that we filed two affidavits late, but neither contained any material evidence and were strictly procedural.
Nevertheless, our work making international headlines is provoking our friends in an on-going public relations crisis to clutch at whatever straws they can find. We cannot guarantee that Dr. Henry will not be successful in seeking an adjournment tomorrow, but we will endeavour to put our best foot forward of why she should not.
~ Kip
4 May 2022: Victory for Health Care Workers Petition on Standing
This update is subsequent to that of 12 April 2022: Last Week’s Health Care Workers’ Petition. You will recall in early April at the hearing discussed in the aforementioned status update that we attempted to defend our petition before Justice Coval from Dr. Henry’s application to dismiss it. Dr. Henry argued at some length for two days that CSASPP did not have public interest standing, and therefore the Court should not hear our petition.
Our petition challenges three sets of Dr. Henry’s Public Health Orders that mandated injections for health care workers. Our basis was that the orders were unreasonable and unconstitutional.
As a contingency, in the event she prevailed, we brought a backup application to add additional individually named plaintiffs. We also preemptively inserted myself directly into the breach to mitigate this risk.
After hearing submissions Justice Coval reserved his judgment on this issue of standing. A decision would need to be made before the petition could continue and be adjudicated on its merits.
He released his reasons for judgment this morning. Dr. Henry was not successful. CSASPP has public interest standing. Our petition will proceed.
The Court found that “the Petition challenges state action based on legislatively-delegated discretionary powers. In my view, the petitioners are correct that whether those actions comply with the Charter and the [Judicial Review Procedure Act] are clearly questions suitable for judicial determination (…) Regarding a serious issue, the Impugned Orders directly impact members of a defined and identifiable group in a serious way that, at least on the surface, relates to their Charter rights. CSASPP alleges that its alternative proposals reflect a superior approach, taken in other Provinces and elsewhere around the world, much less intrusive on healthcare workers’ Charter rights. In my view, this raises substantial questions that meet the threshold of ‘clearly not frivolous.’ (…) In my view, CSASPP’s Reconsideration Request and allegations regarding the Reconsideration Response show an engaged, concrete adverseness counting in favour of standing. (…) CSASPP’s petition appears to be a reasonable and effective means of bringing forward the evidence and claims regarding the Reconsideration Request and Response.”
A gentle reminder to please continue to replenish our war chest as we continue to deliver value for money.
~ Kip
28 April 2022: Donations Needed
We have no material news to report at this moment in respect to Court hearings, orders made, and so forth. But I have something else that is critical to be brought to your attention.
I am writing to remind you again that your donations are essential to continue our work. With three suits, expert reports, multiple lawyers, multiple upcoming hearings, and many costly bills to pay, if we cannot meet our financial obligations our work will unfortunately come to a grinding halt. Your government would like nothing better than to see that happen. This could happen even with all the cost savings measures we already have in place, like not taking salaries.
Fighting a war is costly and requires a continuously replenished war chest to sustain it. If you have not already, please consider making a donation through any of the multiple methods we are setup to accept.
~ Kip
21 April 2022: Today’s Judicial Management Conference for our Class Proceeding and Injection Passport Hearing Date
This morning’s Judicial Management Conference before Justice Crerar in respect to our proposed class proceeding went well.
The hearing took place in courtroom 45.
The morning began by reviewing the agenda counsel for the plaintiff and the defendants had jointly prepared. First on the list was the deadline we had to file our written submissions (arguments) which we missed. Crown counsel had provided us with voluminous materials that required additional time for us to review, hence the delay. We sought a time extension and the following dates were set by Justice Crerar:
25 April, 2022 – Reply and application response of the plaintiff;
3 May, 2022 – Our application to amend our pleadings to be filed and served;
10 May, 2022 – Response to application to amend to be filed and served by the defendants;
13 May, 2022 – Plaintiff’s written submissions to be provided to defendants;
6 June, 2022 – Defendants’ written submissions to be provided to defendants;
13 June, 2022 – Reply submissions of the plaintiff due.
We also advised Justice Crerar that we intend to tighten up our pleadings to increase the likelihood of prevailing at certification to address all of the alleged issues Crown counsel intends to raise.
Crown counsel advised Justice Crerar that they are concerned about Dr. Henry’s trial date because they anticipate appeals after the certification hearing. The trial is currently set down for 40 days beginning on 17 April, 2023, in a large capacity courtroom. When prompted by Justice Crerar on whether Crown counsel intended to seek an adjournment, their response was that they only wished to “alert” the Court of the possible need to push the trial back, but that no formal adjournment application was before him.
Crown counsel did advise that they may wish to bring one at a later date. Justice Crerar responded that he was generally not amenable to adjournments, as he had made it clear from the onset of this proceeding to ensure the matter continues to move forward in a timely manner, but requested they prepare submissions in this respect at the next Judicial Management Conference scheduled for 12 May, 2022, at 0900. Justice Crerar also advised that it may take 3 - 4 months to render a decision on the certification application because our class proceeding is complicated.
In respect to our injection passport petition, separate to the above class proceeding, it has been set down for 18 May, 2022, at 0945 before the Honourable Judge Hinkson for three days.
A reminder again that your donations are instrumental to maintain our work for you.
~ Kip
14 April 2022: Class Proceeding’s Judicial Management Conference of 21 April, 2022
You will recall we had a Judicial Management Conference on 21 January, 2022, before Justice Crerar for our class proceeding. At that JMC he ordered a new JMC to maintain the momentum of our proceeding’s various procedural steps. It is still set for next Thursday, 21 April, 2022, at 0900 before His Lordship.
But this upcoming hearing, indeed all hearings for all three of our proceedings, will be heard in person instead of by teleconference until the Court orders otherwise. This is due to the Court’s COVID-19 Notice No. 42 of 11 April, 2022.
The location will be the Vancouver Law Courts at 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver. This is the building that hosts the Supreme Court of British Columbia, where our hearing is being conducted, and the British Columbia Court of Appeal. Avoid the building across the street. It is the Provincial Court and is not affiliated with this proceeding.
The room is typically assigned either the day before or the morning of the hearing. As soon as we have it available we will publish it online. Alternatively, when you walk into the front door, walk past the concierge desk and you will see a collection of documents posted on the wall with room numbers for different hearings for that day. Your file number is S-210831. Sometimes hearings are not always listed and sometimes they are which is beyond our control.
When you find your way into the Court room, please pay attention to Court room etiquette. Leave signage and other protester paraphernalia outside the building. If the hearing has already begun, open the door, remain silent, bow to Justice Crerar (vicariously the Sovereign), and take your seat in the gallery. Do not take pictures, attempt to record, or otherwise use your mobile or other electronic devices from inside of the Court room. Outside of the Court room you can use your mobile, but do not take pictures from anywhere inside of the building.
This will be the first time Justice Crerar will see our stakeholders face to face. Be on your best behaviour.
A reminder again that your donations are instrumental to maintain our work for you.
~ Kip
12 April 2022: Last Week’s Health Care Workers’ Petition
Thank you for listening to last week’s petition hearing. As I predicted, the majority of the time was spent on procedural wrangling with Crown counsel taking an issue on the question of standing. This occupied two of the three days, with completion of both side’s submissions ending on Thursday.
Justice Coval has reserved his judgment on this question. We anticipate approximately two weeks, after which the continuation of the hearing will be decided based on that decision. If Justice Coval agrees that we have standing, then the petition will proceed.
A reminder again that your donations are instrumental to maintain the continuous momentum behind our work.
~ Kip
4 April 2022: Public Dial-In for Health Care Workers’ Petition
The public dial-in coordinates are below for this Wednesday’s hearing. You will recall that this petition seeks to challenge on constitutional and administrative grounds the injection mandates health care workers’ have been confronted with. To access it, perform the following steps:
Dial phone number: +1 (778) 907-2071;
When prompted for Meeting ID, enter: 794 6938 2817;
Press #;
Ignore prompt for participant ID and press # (again);
When prompted for meeting password, please enter: 881212;
Press #.
The hearing will begin on Wednesday 6 April, 2022, at 10AM and continue on until at least Friday. But we will likely require more time. This is because Crown counsel will predictably try to consume the majority of the time on procedural wrangling on the issue of standing. That is, whether we should be allowed to bring such a challenge in the first place before the substantive issue of whether the government made a mistake in issuing any of the public health orders in question.
Usually counsel checks in with the Court clerk around 0945, but you are welcome to call in, and probably should, much earlier than that to ensure you are able to get in. Your line will automatically be muted.
We are only able to accommodate a maximum of a 1,000 callers, as in our previous hearings. We encourage groups of you to share a single line and listen together to ensure that as many people can get in as possible. Usually our lines become saturated to complete capacity within a few minutes.
As in all of our previous hearings, please take note again of the Court’s COVID-19 Notice 43 that outlines conditions for remote access, including complying with the Policy on Use of Electronic Devices in Courtrooms.
Note that this petition is separate from our two other proceedings, the class action and the injection passport petition. If this petition fails, our other two proceedings will still continue on.
~ Kip
3 April 2022: Justice Crerar’s Orders of 21 January, 2022, Judicial Management Conference for Class Proceeding
A brief interlude before this busy week begins.
You will recall we had a Judicial Management Conference on 21 January, 2022, before Justice Crerar for our class proceeding. At that time various procedural orders were made by his lordship. These orders granted CSASPP's request to amend its certification application by 15 February, 2022, the defendants a time extension for responding materials, and a new judicial management conference scheduled for 21 April, 2022, to continue moving things forward.
The Registry recently returned to us the entered orders where the document can also be downloaded from our Court Documents archive.
For background information on what it means to “enter” an order, please refer to our status update from 2 December 2021: October’s Entered Orders, Measuring Progress, and Historical Lessons from India.
~ Kip
31 March 2022: CSASPP’s War Chest and Donations
Next week is going to be a busy week in court for our health care workers’ petition which will last at least three days, but likely longer. That also means it will be expensive.
Your donations are critical to ensure we are able to continue operations. We remind you that no one on our team takes a salary, so all the money we raise goes towards filing fees, couriers, barristers (we have many), solicitors, expert reports, hosting fees, telephone, cabs, printing, and so forth.
If you wish to donate, there are a number of options available here. These include wire, bank draft, e-transfer, cheque, or GoFundMe.
~ Kip
3 March 2022: Amended Health Care Workers’ Petition
We have filed an amended version of our health care workers’ petition. You will recall the petition’s intention is to challenge the injection mandates health care workers are confronted with. The amendments are intended to increase the probability of us prevailing.
Some personal information has been redacted.
This petition is still scheduled to be heard for three days commencing on 6 April, 2022. Note that this petition is separate from our two other proceedings, the class action and the injection passport petition.
~ Kip
2 March 2022: Today’s Injection Passport Case Planning Conference
Today’s Case Management Conference for our injection passport petition was heard by Chief Justice Hinkson. It was productive.
The purpose of the hearing was to facilitate setting down a hearing date for the petition and to establish deadlines for the exchange of materials.
This petition, at last, has a date. It will be heard on 18-20 May, 2022, in Vancouver by Chief Justice Hinkson. We may or may not require the entire three days.
Of historical interest to many of you, the Chief Justice issued a judicial declaration on 18 March, 2021, in a separate and past proceeding. He concluded that numerous public health orders of Dr. Henry were “of no force and effect against [the petitioner] as they unjustifiably infringe his rights and freedoms with respect to public protests pursuant to ss. 2(c) and (d) of the Charter”.
A judicial declaration is a kind of authoritative pronouncement or establishment of a fact.
Three deadlines were set down regarding written submissions. Written submissions are the lawyer's argument to the Court in written form. These are necessary for lengthier and more complex legal arguments.
We must provide our written submissions by 19 April, 2022. Dr. Henry’s written submissions are due 6 April, 2022. If we wish to provide a reply to her submissions, we must do so by 3 May, 2022.
Our class proceeding and the petition for health care workers’ confronted with injection mandates are still scheduled to continue. The latter will have a judge assigned, whereas the former will continue to be seized by Justice Crerar.
To be “seized” of a matter before the Court is to be responsible for presiding over all of its hearings. These might be minor procedural hearings concerned with scheduling all the way through to final adjudication on the merits.
Thank you everyone for your donations. We will continue to deliver value for money.
~ Kip
1 March 2022: Injection Passport Case Planning Conference of 2 March, 2022
I just received on short notice the respondents have set down another Case Management Conference for our injection passport petition. It will be heard tomorrow at 1030AM.
To refresh your memory, please review our status update, 16 February 2022: Dr. Henry’s Case Planning Conference of Today for Injection Passport Petition, for some historical context.
The purpose of the previous hearing was in respect to our and three other petitions challenging the legality of the injection passports. Our petition and the others all do so on constitutional or administrative grounds. Some have hearing dates and some do not. Ours does not.
Chief Justice Hinkson will preside again tomorrow because he is our case management judge for this petition.
Crown counsel has advised us tentatively that their agenda for tomorrow is as follows:
Ask the Chief Justice to update us on whether he has assigned a judge to hear all petitions challenging the injection passport together;
Examine each petition to review dates that have been set to obtain confirmation of whether the assigned justice is available and booked for those same dates;
To seek directions on how best to go about booking dates for the petitions, including our own, that do not yet have hearing dates.
Because of the short notice we will not be able to issue a public dial-in, but will keep you apprised of anything material that transpires as always.
~ Kip
23 February 2022: GoFundMe Hysteria, the Freedom Convoy, and Administrative Incompetence
We are aware of the on-going hysteria in the community regarding GoFundMe and our usage of the same. As a general policy we endeavour to not disparage other campaigns. If they ask us for suggestions, we are happy to provide it where we may be able to assist.
Nevertheless, due to the volume of inquiries we are receiving it needs to be explained that the Freedom Convoy, however well intentioned it may have been, had administrative issues that led to the problems its leadership experienced with GoFundMe.
The leadership was disorganized. They did not appear to have any formal managerial or executive training, nor did they appear to have much practical experience in running an organization. There did not appear to be any level of formal corporate governance, mandate, by-laws, constitution, director resolutions, or many other basic administrative tasks completed. Donor funds did not appear to be insured. There did not appear to be a clear chain of custody for them. They did not appear to protect their IP, and by extension their ability to effectively communicate. There was no clear organizational hierarchy outlining who was responsible for what and this naturally begot disputes of such a nature by various persons claiming to be their voice.
Further, they did not appear to act on sound legal advice. On the contrary, they even fell into the trap of OPCA arguments which have plagued the anti-lockdown movement for approximately two years. This was a hazard we have warned about on our FAQ for nearly a year now.
A basic rule of warfare is never arm your opponent. This was disregarded. The results were a disaster at approximately $9M in donor funds that did not reach their intended destination, approximately another $20M in taxpayer funds incurred by law enforcement; some of the leadership taken into custody; an interim injunction obtained in response to noise complaints by a private citizen seeking millions through a proposed class proceeding; a provocation enacting for the first time in history the now rescinded federal Emergency Act via an extraordinary order in council; the stage set for a subsequent bank run; and, presumably, the remaining funds that did reach their intended destination now being used for the leadership’s costly and unfortunate criminal and civil defence.
There were undoubtedly tactical gains made in winning some hearts and minds, but ultimately it was a net strategic failure.
We underwent a due diligence process with GoFundMe, same as the Freedom Convoy and everyone else who uses the platform, a long time ago. We provided the platform with all of our relevant corporate and other administrative records. Despite their apparent visceral distaste for our campaign, they had no reasonable grounds to terminate it and have conceded as much. They have reassured us they will not shut it down. For that reason, for more than a year now, our campaign continues unabated on their platform as you have all noticed.
This does not mean we trust the platform or that we will still have a presence on it tomorrow. On the contrary, we do not trust them. Anything can happen. For that reason we have had a contingency plan already in place to litigate, if necessary, with the platform - among other options. I suspect the platform is well aware of this.
We do not store funds with GoFundMe and never have. All of our money is stored in a community credit union with strict accounting controls in place. Communications with our bookkeeper are encrypted via the international OpenPGP standard, as opposed to relying on ProtonMail which activists are encouraged to never use.
Our financial institution is fully aware of our financial activities and we have been reassured we are in compliance with all of their regulatory requirements - including FINTRAC. Whenever a person chooses to donate through the platform, we receive a wire automatically within a few days.
The current relative ease we enjoy with the platform is because we cleared the due diligence hurdle early after we studied their Terms of Service and anticipated their next move. If we had not, donor funds would have remained precariously in the platform’s trust for an extended period of time until the loudest voice with the greatest persuasive authority succeeded in convincing the platform to send the funds elsewhere.
We are aware there are alternatives to GoFundMe. But what people need to understand is that all the different platforms, including those leveraging cryptocurrencies, share the same choke points where they interface with the conventional financial plumbing system. The latter is the only place where funds become exigible into legal tender that can then be used to pay your bills by creditors who only accept legal tender. Those choke points are controlled by the same already compromised institutions no matter where you go.
Maybe one day we can deal with how to redesign the world’s financial system. But right now that is beyond the scope of our mandate and not a practical goal to assert today. If our stakeholders choose to not use the platform we have always had alternatives like cheque, money order, bank draft, wire, or e-transfer. This is not a new development, but options that have been available since the onset of our campaign.
It may be tempting to blame the seagulls for running off with your lunch when you leave your picnic table. But only a fool blames them for doing what any reasonable person would have expected them to do to an unattended lunch. They are seagulls. The platform did exactly what we predicted it would do based on the decisions undertaken by the Freedom Convoy’s administration and the evidentiary dossier the law enforcement and regulatory lobby was gifted by the same.
All boycotting or divesting from GoFundMe does is make it more difficult for us to pay your bills. We do not think that because others did not rationally think things through, however well intentioned, and with devastating consequences to themselves, that we should bear their externalized costs.
This is not the first time that we have seen an incompetently run campaign become mired in scandal or lose a fortune to corrupt lawyers; administrative incompetence; self aggrandizement of event planners with aspirations for Woodstock or for a theocracy; and the prioritization of sensationalism, courting of alt-right tabloids, promotion of OPCA, and hyperbole over dispassionate rational analysis and hitting the books.
Imagine a public demonstration at the Vancouver law library where people sat down and studied what they had been deprived of in high school - civics, civil procedures, administrative, and constitutional law. Even basic knowledge of civics would have at least directed protesters to the correct city where the majority of the mandates that affected them originated.
Is this an endorsement of a functional and efficient judiciary? Of course not. But you do not have any other practical option - as this is slowly becoming apparent to everyone.
Another recent example involves a controversial British Columbia based partisan non-profit. It brought a several hundred page claim against various mostly state actors - effectively a replication of what their controversial lawyer already billed to draft and file in Ontario. The pleadings were filed contrary to multiple civil rules requiring brevity, among other things, and despite having been warned by the community for more than a year not to commit to many of the mistakes they were anticipated to make - and did make.
Their lawyer was also warned by us as early as 29 January, 2021, that filing in British Columbia may cause procedural complications for our work. They did not listen.
The defendants named in the aforementioned non-profit’s proceeding were able to book a full day hearing to have the suit thrown out with three applications to strike. These are not pro forma applications. These applications unfortunately have substantial merit, have nothing to do with the plaintiffs’ expert reports (none needed to be filed that early), weak testimony, or anything else to do with the substance of their claim. The defendants’ jobs were made far too easy that they need not have concerned themselves with any of that. The applications to strike are based on fundamental defects in the suit any first year law student should have been able to identify within a few seconds of examining the several hundred page document.
Our prediction is the applications to strike are almost guaranteed to be granted in whole or in part when they are heard. This will create case law and we cannot anticipate how Crown counsel may leverage it at a later date in our own proceedings.
That is unfortunate for that non-profit. But the cost of their administrative incompetence was externalized to all of our stakeholders in having to continue to live with an unchecked injection passport without a hearing date available to us. The hearing date their defendants initially obtained was what we had also tried to obtain multiple times from the lottery based system at the Court’s scheduling desk so that we could have your injection passport petition adjudicated.
But despite us having been locked, loaded, and mostly prepared for months now, the date went to the other non-profit’s proceeding. Effectively, there was a reckless misallocation of scarce judicial resources now reserved for at least an entire day to dismiss what should never have been filed in the first place. I say “at least” because the hearing ended up being adjourned to a new to be determined date because the non-profit’s controversial lawyer claimed to be unavailable for the defendants’ applications due to medical reasons - despite stakeholders being reassured that another lawyer would allegedly continue with the work in their absence.
The executive can carry on even in times of nuclear war. Our legislature can also continue to function through video conferencing during virtually any circumstance. But the entire judiciary effectively becomes dismantled, or perhaps pacified, when something as simple as a single phone line to the Scheduling desk has nothing available in the Court’s calendar for hearings. It is a poor design that will remain so until it becomes an election issue. But in the mean time, and for this reason, it is essential that scarce judicial resources are used responsibly and with foresight.
In our opinion the only winner was their lawyer who was paid regardless and who may have never had any serious intention of prosecuting their claim in the first place (the community warned them repeatedly about this too). It is unlikely their lawyer will be sanctioned, nor is their lawyer likely to personally assume any liability in an adverse costs award on that proceeding’s dismissal. The lawyer knew this, hence why they billed copiously by the hour for the time to draft it.
Further, the plaintiffs, which includes a young mother and a small business owner already facing financial hardship, will likely be jointly and severally liable for any adverse costs order on the defendants’ successful strike applications. It is well established jurisprudence the defendants will be entitled to recover their costs from any of the plaintiffs with assets on dismissal unless the Court orders otherwise. That means someone might lose their home, have their vehicle seized and auctioned, or have their bank account or wages garnished.
The principals behind that non-profit were all conspicuously absent from the list of plaintiffs so as to not put themselves personally into the breach and face the risk of an adverse costs award. None of them acknowledged any mistakes related to having retained their chosen lawyer or the instructions they provided to them. None of them have tendered their resignations to date. The principals did not listen to those who pleaded with them while insisting their theology would somehow emancipate them. One of the principals even went so far as to reassure their stakeholders they were in direct contact with a deity who had apparently provided an endorsement.
We understand people are passionate. But you cannot expect to win a war with passion alone and in the process abandon reason. Leaders sometimes need to fall on their sword when they keep making fatal mistakes or demonstrate a lack of core competencies. They need to take full responsibility for their actions, resign, and allow their organization to carry on executing its mandate. A non-profit’s primary purpose is to serve its mandate and not its directors.
~ Kip
19 February 2022: Economy of Effort & Defining Success
The team has just released part 5 of our studio footage. This segment addresses the importance of economy of effort and what success might look like. You can view it here.
~ Kip
16 February 2022: Dr. Henry’s Case Planning Conference of Today for Injection Passport Petition
Dr. Henry unilaterally set down a case planning conference yesterday on short notice to be heard today. The purpose of the hearing was in respect to our petition and three other petitions challenging the legality of the injection passports. Our petition and the others all do so on constitutional or administrative grounds.
Though we have been trying since last November, our petition still does not have a hearing date. Crown counsel’s position was that this would allegedly be a more efficient use of Court resources if the same judge heard all four to ensure consistency of rulings.
Chief Justice Hinkson presided today and appointed himself as our case management judge for all of the petitions. He ordered that all of them be heard by the same judge, but did not rule out the possibility that this might be him.
Two of the other petitions have hearing dates scheduled and these (for now) will not be disturbed. A case management conference will be held in the near future on a date to be determined to set dates by which the parties are to exchange materials.
~ Kip
14 February 2022: Injection Passport QR Code Technical Details
Many of you have asked what British Columbia’s injection passport QR codes actually contain. Based on my analysis following successful reverse engineering, I am aware of the following personal information encoded within it:
Your full legal name;
Your birth date;
Date injection received;
Injection lot number;
Venue that administered the injection.
The above information is submitted for a digital signature using an elliptic curve cryptographic key in the possession of the Ministry. This happens only upon issuance and is a kind of asymmetric cryptography, meaning two different keys are used. One key is used to sign the data and another is used to verify its provenance. The latter key is embedded within the injection verification mobile application, hence why it does not need to call home.
But the signing key is carefully guarded by the Ministry and is not intended for redistribution. It appears to be hosted on a Microsoft Azure server in Toronto where signing requests are submitted.
Microsoft has been on record for more than a decade that under the USA Patriot Act, data hosted by the company outside of the United States may still be accessible to the United States government.
Further, Microsoft Azure servers are almost always running on a type of hardware which has a catastrophic vulnerability known for many years among competent engineers whereby a determined attacker can obtain complete control of the computing environment and all information contained therein. This vulnerability was most likely an intentional backdoor installed in response to the National Security Agency’s SIGINT (signals intelligence) request in 2013 to “insert vulnerabilities into commercial encryption systems, IT systems, networks, and endpoint communications devices used by targets.”
I hope that is helpful.
~ Kip
10 February 2022: Crown Counsel’s Adjournment of 16 February, 2022, Health Care Workers’ Petition
I am sorry. We did everything we could to prevent this. Crown counsel brought an application this morning on very short notice to adjourn the health care workers’ petition. They claimed that because senior counsel, Jacqueline Hughes, Q.C., was just appointed to the bench on Monday, they would not be in a position to proceed with our petition that had been scheduled for several months.
I found the story doubtful that Justice Hughes awoke on Monday morning and discovered she was a judge without anyone from the PMO or the federal Justice Minister having been in contact with her prior. She did not tender her own affidavit.
The argument that tens of thousands of health care workers who are without a job should have their hardship prolonged because one individual with an adversarial interest just obtained a career advancement is questionable. To add insult to injury, we were ordered to pay costs - albeit likely only a few hundred dollars and not until after the petition is actually heard.
Crown counsel was not only asking for an adjournment, but was not even willing to propose new dates available from the Scheduling desk. This was because, naturally, they were fully aware there were none.
There is good news, however. Master Muir was sympathetic to the health care workers being potentially prejudiced by delay and was fully cognizant of the fact that we have struggled to obtain hearing dates. She made direct inquiries through the Scheduling desk and obtained a new three days for us beginning on 6 April, 2022. These dates were not previously available to the parties.
So in summary, we have not lost. The government will be required to face the music, but it has managed to succeed in stalling again. We will use the extended time to continue to strengthen the petition. Your donor funds will be essential in that.
~ Kip
7 February 2022: GoFundMe & Public Dial-In for 16 February, 2022, Health Care Workers’ Petition
Our three day petition hearing we brought on behalf of all British Columbia health care workers confronted with injection mandates is currently scheduled to begin at 1000 on 16 February, 2022. It will last for three days by way of teleconference at the Vancouver Law Court. It likely will not be before Justice Crerar because this is a separate proceeding from our proposed class action.
To access the public dial-in, please perform the following steps for each of the three mornings:
Dial phone number: +1 (778) 907-2071;
When prompted for Meeting ID, enter: 868 8407 6146;
Press #;
Ignore prompt for participant ID and press # (again);
When prompted for meeting password, please enter: 455167;
Press #.
Please take note of the Court’s COVID-19 Notice 43 that outlines conditions for remote access, including complying with the Policy on Use of Electronic Devices in Courtrooms for those wishing to listen to the hearing.
Usually counsel checks in with the Court clerk around 0945, but you are welcome to call in, and probably should, much earlier than that to ensure you are able to get in. Your line will automatically be muted.
We are only able to accommodate a maximum of a 1,000 callers because to increase the size would be prohibitively expensive. We encourage groups of you to share a single line and listen together to ensure that as many people can get in as possible.
PS We are aware of peoples’ recent concerns with GoFundMe. We preemptively took steps to mitigate by completing certain administrative tasks before our campaign went live a year ago. The platform has never been able to shut us down for that reason, nor would it be in the platform’s best interest to do so because we discovered an apparent flaw in their Terms of Service.
~ Kip
24 January 2022: Dr. Henry’s Response to Health Care Workers’ Petition
I received this morning a copy of Dr. Henry’s response to our petition of 26 November, 2021. The latter was brought on behalf of all health care workers in British Columbia affected by injection mandates. You can review the petition here and its corresponding response here.
There are several supporting affidavits Dr. Henry intends to rely on. They are currently still with counsel and I will make them available as soon as we are able to.
As of this writing this petition is still set to be heard for three days beginning on 16 February, 2022.
For background context on the petition, please refer to two previous status updates. These are 16 December 2021: Hearing for Health Care Workers Scheduled and 26 November 2021: CSASPP’s Petition in Opposition to Health Care Workers’ Injection Mandate.
To summarize Dr. Henry’s response, she consents to none of the orders we are seeking and opposes all of them. She lays out her argument of why her public health orders are important and how CSASPP and its Executive Director should not have standing with the Court for a constitutional challenge on a technical basis.
Putting myself personally into the breach, which was necessary in this proceeding, always had me anticipate predictable behaviour on the part of Dr. Henry’s counsel. This is why I was not surprised that there was a minor shot taken at me personally in citing my involvement as a litigant in other well publicized matters as a whistle blower defendant; and as a representative plaintiff in class actions against Google and others.
Where I have acted as representative plaintiff in the past for other proposed class proceedings, it is my understanding that all four of those proceedings ended with settlements approved by the Court for class members - although I went to great length to obtain better terms. Anyone is free to review the comments made by class counsel on my role in that public interest work and come to their own conclusion. For those proceedings disposed of in which I was named as a defendant, I prevailed in all of them.
This is not an opportunity for self aggrandizement. I raise this only because they have. But perhaps you will find the relevance to Dr. Henry’s defence where we were not. Nevertheless, I do not resort to salacious personal details about opposing counsels’ Tinder profiles or their personal lives. I would hope that Her Majesty’s learned counsel would remain mindful of this while addressing the business at hand.
As the old adage goes, if you have the facts, pound on the facts. If you have the law, pound on the law. If you have neither, pound on the table.
~ Kip
22 January 2022: Certification Application for Class Proceeding
I have said before that in a proposed class proceeding the certification hearing is arguably more important than trial and any barrister with experience in this field will tell you the same. If a proposed class proceeding survives certification, its lethality benefits from what can only be described in military parlance as a “force multiplier”. That is, the claim escalates in complexity from a defendant defending against a single plaintiff to potentially one of several million. Defendants, therefore, will resort to every tool they have available to prevent certification before they run the risk of being held accountable at trial.
Corporate defendants with resources comparable to national and provincial governments are rarely able to continue defending against a class action after successful certification. It is not cost effective. At that point their options are either to gamble in proceeding to trial or do what the majority do and enter settlement discussions.
We all know this campaign and its proposed class proceeding has attracted significant attention domestically and internationally. Some of this attention has apparently come from Dr. Henry herself as alluded in a recent interview published by the CBC just prior to recent New Years’ celebrations. In that interview she remarked that she has "said from the very beginning that we wait for the recriminations, the class-action lawsuits and the public inquiries before we start celebrating anything".
I am delighted to share with you that her champagne remains corked and on ice, but our stakeholders may have better cause to celebrate. Our certification application was filed and served on the defendants and is now available here. We encourage you to read it.
This much anticipated application is still scheduled to be heard for five days during the entire week of 20 June, 2022. It is supported by many affidavits, including from a former premier who contemplated and contributed some of our Charter’s language (in particular s 1). We also have an affidavit provided by one of Dr. Henry’s former counter-parts in Manitoba. As discussed yesterday, we will further strengthen our application by filing an amendment no later than 15 February, 2022.
Because we have so many affidavits, and more than my team and I currently have time to catalogue and upload, we will try to solve this problem by preparing a single canonical PDF of the hearing’s entire application record with embedded tab indices. This will make following the hearing easier so you do not need to flip between multiple documents as you listen and counsel advises Justice Crerar to turn to this or that tab. We hope to have this prepared closer to the hearing when we have all of our friends’ materials.
For those who may not know, an application record is the physical binder that is handed up to a judge which contains the application, its response, and any affidavits the parties intend to rely on. Authorities (case law, statutes, etc.) are typically handed up in a separate binder.
We will continue to move forward cost effectively and with regular status updates.
~ Kip
21 January 2022: Summary of Today’s Judicial Management Conference
As usual the public dial-in process was dysfunctional. But this time it was not the Court’s fault. It appears as though the coordinates I gave you yesterday contained a typo, so please accept my apologies. Some managed to catch it and get in while others were not.
Regardless, we had a positive and productive hearing. The following is a summary of all orders made:
Our certification hearing that was set down for the week of 20 June, 2022, now has a confirmed length of five days;
We must deliver our amended certification application by 15 February, 2022;
The defendants’ response to our certification application is due 12 April, 2022;
If we wish to reply to the defendants’ response to our certification application, we must do so by 19 April, 2022;
Our next JMC will be held on 21 April, 2022, at 0900.
Concerning order (2), Justice Crerar provided some suggestions to improve our certification application that would be in the interest of all stakeholders and without pushing back our already scheduled and much anticipated Summer date. That application was of course not returnable today, but His Lordship did manage to obtain and review an electronic copy in time for today’s JMC.
Besides improving the strength of our application, doing so will also reconcile Crown counsels’ desire to be given more notice about which authorities we intend to rely on (case law, statutes, etc.). Normally certification applications are fairly pro forma, as ours partially already is, in reciting the standard authorities for class proceedings. Representative plaintiffs, indeed all litigants, generally like to keep their powder dry as long as possible.
However, as Justice Crerar aptly pointed out, this is not a claim involving a slip at the mall or a faulty kitchen appliance with a product recall. The significance of who we selected as defendants and what we allege they have done places a greater onus on our part to inform the Court of why the relief sought should be granted.
No problem.
Concerning order (1), the plan is to have the certification hearing in a large Court room to seat as many people as possible. Justice Crerar has already directed Court staff to make that arrangement at a previous JMC.
We also discussed how the hearings for this proceeding can be made more widely accessible to the public. Justice Crerar stated that, although he is sympathetic to having these proceedings be more widely accessible, there is neither a tradition nor a case precedent in British Columbia for broadcasting trial level proceedings. In other words, he has his hands tied.
Therefore, if we wish to change this, we need to do more than write a letter, seek leave or a judicial direction on an oral application, and instead bring a formal application explaining why. Such an application likely will invite other interested intervenors because we must give them notice under Rule 8-1(7) because they may be “affected by the orders sought”. To draft and prosecute such an application is a business decision. There are costs and benefits. We will deliberate and reflect on this further.
~ Kip
20 January 2022: Dial-In for Tomorrow’s Judicial Management Conference of 21 January, 2022
We made an earnest effort to improve public access to our hearings using better technology, but thus far we are still waiting for the necessary authorizations within the Court. In the mean time you will have to rely on the telephone system.
For tomorrow’s 0900 Judicial Management Conference before Justice Crerar for our proposed class proceeding, please use the following public dial-in information:
Dial in instructions:
1. Dial Phone number: +1 778 907 2071
2. When prompted for Meeting ID, Enter: 8400 455 0187
3. Press #
4. Ignore prompt for Particpant ID and Press # (again)
5. When prompted for Meeting Password, Enter: 453702
6. Press #
Please take note of the Court’s COVID-19 Notice 43 that outlines conditions for remote access, including complying with the Policy on Use of Electronic Devices in Courtrooms for those wishing to listen to tomorrow’s hearing.
I will draw your attention again to the fact that you are not permitted to record audio from the hearing unless you are accredited media. If you are not sure if you are accredited media, you probably are not. If you would like to become accredited media, you can find out how here.
Tomorrow’s tentative agenda will discuss case law for our certification application hearing, the number of days that may be necessary for that hearing, scheduling our next JMC, and possibly the public access issue.
On the first subject the defendants would like us to provide notice of which authorities (case law, statutes, etc.) that we may rely on at the certification hearing in advance of having served our written submissions (written copy of essentially oral arguments made in court) on the defendants.
I am skeptical that such an order will be made because this would be a historical departure from parties generally not being required to exchange authorities well in advance of a hearing, especially when they may not know all of them until sometimes only minutes prior to the onset of the hearing. On the other hand who knows.
All of our certification materials have been filed and served. Once we receive back the filed copies from the Registry, they will be made available to you. We prefer to avoid publishing unfiled materials whenever possible so as to ensure viewers are able to validate their provenance.
~ Kip
3 January 2022: Class Proceeding Judicial Management Conference on 21 January, 2022
Pursuant to para. 4 of the Case Plan Order made by Justice Crerar at our Judicial Management Conference (“JMC”) of 1 October, 2021, our next JMC hearing will be held on 21 January, 2022, at 0900 for one hour.
The purpose of the JMC is for the parties to advise the Court on the current state of the class proceeding as we manoeuvre towards class certification. The latter will be held this Summer during the week of 20 June, 2022. All of our certification materials must be served a week from now by 10 January, 2022.
At the JMC we intend to advise Justice Crerar of the status of our expert reports and other procedural steps. Crown counsel for the defendants likely will grieve about deadlines for our expert reports as set out in para. 5 of the Case Plan Order of 10 August, 2021. We are not concerned.
Please consider preparing yourself by reading both of the aforementioned Case Plan Orders which will be the primary subjects of the upcoming JMC.
As usual, we will facilitate public access to the hearing and will release the details on how as soon as they become available to us.
~ Kip
1 January 2022: Cancelled Medical Procedure Witness
We need a witness to come forward who had a medical procedure that was cancelled in March 2020. The witness will be able to confirm what procedure had been scheduled and how its cancellation affected them.
We would like the witness to please get in touch with reception as soon as possible where they can provide a brief summary. This is time sensitive.
Happy new year to everyone.
~ Kip
23 December 2021: New Bumper Stickers
By popular request we now have bumper stickers available. These beautiful super gloss bumper stickers are a large 9” x 4”. They are printed using scratch resistant inks on very strong high quality vinyl material. They are designed to be durable and survive the elements.
Because of their quality these stickers are somewhat costly to produce in volume. Anyone who donates $20 or more as of today can contact reception to arrange for free delivery, or save time and annotate your donation with your full mailing address. If you reside within the Vancouver area we may be able to courier one to you before Christmas. If you reside outside of the area, we can mail it to you.
As usual, all of the donor funds go towards expert reports, filing fees, lawyer fees, and so forth.
~ Kip
16 December 2021: Hearing for Health Care Workers Scheduled
You will recall that we filed and served our petition on behalf of all British Columbian healthcare workers confronted with injection mandates. It is supported by two affidavits, one from myself and the other from one of our paralegalists. All of these documents can be accessed at the aforementioned links or at the usual place under our Court Documents’ page.
For more general information explaining petitions, please see our status update from 4 November, 2021.
The weaponization of scheduling is unfortunately not unusual in litigation. We had to go back and forth with Crown counsel to reconcile their calendar, our own counsel’s, the Court’s, and Crown counsel’s grievance over minor procedural issues relating to service.
Crown counsel alleged she was initially unavailable on our original proposed dates. Since both herself and her co-counsel are few and those affected by the petition are many, we suggested she move carriage of the file to any of her many other salaried talent the Ministry has at its disposal - and failing that, to employ its $60B budget in retaining external counsel, as the Attorney General already does on a weekly basis for civil forfeitures, family matters, and so forth. Crown counsel retorted that we too were free to do the same - a crowd-funded campaign with a total budget less than what the government allocates on furnishings.
Putting aside the dubious logic, we reminded her that adjourning the hearing would not be in the public interest because it may come at the cost of escalated civil unrest beyond our control - but which likely could have been mitigated by her clients.
The conclusion was that this petition will be heard over three consecutive days beginning on 16 February, 2022, at 10AM at the Supreme Court at 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver. As always, we will facilitate public access - which may even include the room itself if the Court has fully re-opened by then. Our other petition challenging the injection passports will likely be heard a few weeks after that in March.
We are in the process of having an additional critical expert report drafted. This report is costly and we thank you for your donations to ensure it is available in time to increase the odds of prevailing in your favour.
Thank you for your continued patience. Temperance is a virtue.
~ Kip
2 December 2021: October’s Entered Orders, Measuring Progress, and Historical Lessons from India
We recently received back orders entered by the Registry. These were made by Justice Crerar on 1 October, 2021, following our second Judicial Management Conference and on 28 October, 2021, following Dr. Henry and the Provincial Crowns’ application for further and better particulars (details). The practice direction (a set of customs) requires that orders be formally entered by the Registry, though this is often a formality that litigants dispense with.
These documents are available at the aforementioned links. They are also archived under our Court Documents.
Although we do not discount other metrics, we do not measure our campaign’s progress based on the number of attendees at protests, YouTube views, social media shares or likes, prominent public figures courted, endorsements received, favourable media coverage, or funds raised. We have a single canonical metric we use to benchmark progress, and arguably the only one that matters: Court orders and meaningful procedural steps undertaken to obtain them.
I understand that many of you have become increasingly restless over the last year. The measures in question are amplifying, civil liberties continue to dissolve, overwhelming evidence of public harm outweighing any purported benefit emerges daily, and you are awaiting a process devised in England in an era when the average citizen was illiterate, correspondence was carried by ship, and it was normal for a mother to be publicly executed for swiping a cabbage in the marketplace. It is expected historically that a proportional response by certain reactionary elements within our society would make itself present at some point.
We routinely receive communications from the general public with knowledge of the personal residence of this or that cabinet minister, public official, their agents, various salacious details concerning the aforementioned’s personal lives, and the desire to make their grievances heard. I have gone to great length to dissuade them from harassing or in any way creating a provocation, generally with great success even when our opponents continue to act in bad faith.
There are at least two reasons for this. In reducing your conduct to meet the coercive level of your adversary, it degrades our ethos and consequently our credibility. Secondarily, even a cosmetic reading of history makes it clear that such activities will only lead to our opponents predicating new or increased extraordinary executive powers on such events.
When a government resorts to Medieval coercion, it is not because it is strong, but because it is weak and cannot obtain what it wants on the merits of its ideas being considered. Governments that lie are not fully in control. If they were fully in control, what citizens believed would be inconsequential. They lie because they are dependent on something you still have control of.
The British Empire, what was once the world’s most formidable economic and military power, invaded and occupied what was then the wealthiest country in the world. The British cabinet’s policies in India were brutal, violent, and would not have been tolerated in their own country. In 1897 the British presence even declared a pandemic with a disproportionate response that allowed confiscation of individual property, entry of personal residence, and forced quarantine whenever it was politically expedient. The army relied on tools of coercion and violence justified by a legal system which was of their own design and entirely self referential.
Eventually the British presence was brought to its knees prior to its subsequent eviction in 1947 after nearly a century of plunder - the spoils of which are still celebrated today with the Koh-i-Noor, one of the world’s largest cut diamonds remaining among our sovereign’s Crown Jewels. A small, frail, and elderly Indian man garbed in a toga and sandals made it happen, and without firing a single shot - that having already been tried many times.
Granted, Gandhi originally proposed a constitutional challenge before abandoning the notion and, indeed, his entire career in law as a barrister. But the point is that you do not always need to resort to the same level as your opponents in order to defeat them, even when there appears to be a gross asymmetry of power. You are not the first in history to experience what you are living through now. India did it without arms and you can to.
Please be patient and let this process run its course.
~ Kip
26 November 2021: CSASPP’s Petition in Opposition to Health Care Workers’ Injection Mandate
Thank you for your patience - and in particular from our health care workers.
As promised we have filed and served our petition in opposition to the injection mandates faced by all affected health care workers in British Columbia. It is currently supported by two affidavits, one from myself and the other from one of our paralegalists. All of these documents can be accessed at the aforementioned links or at the usual place under our Court Documents’ page.
For more general information explaining petitions, please see our status update from 4 November, 2021.
Today’s petition brings the total number of proceedings we initiated, and currently still extant, at three. This includes one proposed class proceeding, a petition challenging the injection passport, and today’s petition challenging the injection mandate for health care workers. To assist in your perusal of our filed documents, we have annotated each specific document’s section on the Court Documents’ page to reference the proceeding it belongs to.
I would like to end by letting people know that this type of work is costly. None of our team, including myself, take salaries. Expert reports, disbursements, and lawyer fees can become considerable, even when well managed with economy of effort. In taking on two additional petitions at public request, granted both are still well within our mandate, both are nevertheless peripheral to our class proceeding and encourage expenses to continue to accrue. As you know well by now, we have never been ones to panhandle, but the increased expenditure has made your donations more critical now than they already were.
As soon as we have a hearing date from the Scheduling desk we will let you know so that everyone may listen live, as usual.
~ Kip
25 November 2021: Transcript from Dr. Henry’s Application of 28 October, 2021
We just received the transcripts from Dr. Henry’s application for further and better particulars of 28 October, 2021, this morning. You can find it here, or under our usual Court Documents page.
~ Kip
14 November 2021: Thoughts on Remembrance Day
I generally do not publicly opine on matters like this, but I am disappointed by the conduct of a minority of individuals on Remembrance Day. I shared my thoughts recently when asked for comment by the Western Standard in their article that was published today.
~ Kip
8 November 2021: CSASPP’s Response to Demand for Particulars
You will recall on 28 October, 2021, Dr. Henry and the Provincial Crown brought an application seeking further and better particulars (details) with respect to our pleadings (what they are being sued for) we amended on 15 September, 2021. Justice Crerar ordered that we serve by end of business day today the defendants with our Response to Demand for Particulars. We have done so.
For more background information, please see our previous status update of 28 October, 2021: Summary of Dr. Henry’s application hearing.
~ Kip
4 November 2021: Application Seeking Judicial Review of Injection Passport PHOs
We have filed our application today seeking judicial review of the injection passport public health orders and an affidavit in support of it. These documents are archived in the usual place under our Court Documents.
The orders we are seeking are set out in paras. 1-6 of the application. I ask that you please read the application, the supporting affidavit, and our FAQ before making inquiries with us.
We anticipate a three full day hearing. You will be kept apprised as soon as the Scheduling desk provides us with a date.
The affidavit contains an expert report from Dr. Joel Kettner, MD, MSC, FRCSC, FRCPC. Dr. Kettner was formerly the Chief Medical Officer of Health and Chief Public Health Officer for the Province of Manitoba from 1999 to 2012.
The format of this application is technically different than the ones you may have already seen because I opted to use a different civil procedure. If the Court were a computer, it would have three different buttons that turn it on to start running a new program. These are the requisition, notice of civil claim, and the petition. The notice of civil claim you have already seen. It effectively tells the Court who is suing who, what happened, what the Court should do about it, and why it is justified in doing so.
Although this application falls well within our mandate, it is technically a separate proceeding. It is a petition pursuant to Rule 2-1(2) and as such has a new file number that will exist parallel to our extant class proceeding. In a nutshell, petitions are a kind of standalone application.
Petitions go back to ancient times. But as they are used now, they became most recognizable under Edward I of England. In medieval England someone who had a request or protest of some kind could seek an audience with the sovereign. When the petitioner standing in line was called, he would make a formal request before the king. Perhaps he wanted land or an inheritance misappropriated by the church returned to him and only the king was in a position to do something about it.
A petitioner technically is not suing a defendant, but the closest analogue is a respondent whose job it is to respond to the petition and defend against it. There is no trial, but there is a kind of application hearing. Like applications, all evidence is usually tendered before the Court in the form of affidavits. In that sense it has a paper trial.
There are several advantages to a petition for this particular problem we are trying to address over a notice of civil claim which will become apparent at a later date.
We will be bringing a separate application to assist all health care workers affected by injection mandates. We originally intended to do so with this one, but the public health orders keep changing which added a layer of complexity.
~ Kip
4 November 2021: Reasons for Judgment on Defendants’ Application for Further Particulars
This is an addendum to the previous status update. I apologize for the delay in providing Justice Crerar’s oral reasons for judgment. They were only returned to us this morning.
You can view the oral reasons for judgment here where it is also archived under our Court Documents section.
If the document disappears, try again later. Scribd’s spam filter is very poorly written and raises many false positives. Each time this happens we get in touch with them to correct it which sometimes takes a few days.
~ Kip
28 October, 2021: Summary of Dr. Henry’s application hearing
An interesting hearing today.
Dr. Henry’s application initially demanded fifteen particulars (details) from CSASPP clarifying what she was being sued for. This included where she allegedly was in breach of her Hippocratic Oath.
Dr. Henry abandoned all but two of the fifteen demands. Of the two that remained, Justice Crerar was prepared to issue an order to compel CSASPP to clarify only one of them. This was due to a mixture of our having already provided most of the requested information to her well in advance of today’s hearing, but also because Dr. Henry did not have an adequate legal basis to obtain what she was seeking prior to discovery.
Justice Crerar’s order requires CSASPP to identify the government’s agents or employees, if known to us, who were responsible for the following conduct I drafted in para. 44 of our pleadings:
44. In addition, the defendants have obstructed or discouraged licensed physicians and other treatment providers licensed under the Health Professions Act , R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 183, from advocating modalities or therapies with respect to the clinical approach in treating COVID-19 and related diseases, despite the physician having independently undertaken reasonable review of the scientific literature, that may improve a patient’s immune system, reduce the potential negative outcome of a viral infection, and potentially accelerate the time required for recovery.
This is not a problem. Further, Justice Crerar observed that providing such particulars may be to our advantage in increasing our chances of surviving certification. He made no costs order.
Justice Crerar, who formerly taught civil procedures, advised the parties that the hearing was likely unnecessary. We are in agreement.
Regarding the dial-in circus, I apologize for the confusion. The Court changed the number only a few minutes prior to the hearing with insufficient notice to advise the majority of you, contrary to our request delivered well in advance. The new dial-in had a capacity of only one-hundred callers - clearly inadequate, given the last hearing had over a thousand attempt to attend. Even Crown counsel was unable to attend their own application hearing at one point.
This was outside of the control of Justice Crerar who has nothing to do with administering the Court’s IT.
I instructed counsel to seek an adjournment of only a day (non-prejudicial to Dr. Henry) at the onset of the hearing to be able to give the general public better notice. Justice Crerar was concerned that doing so might make accommodating our already tight self-imposed deadlines for moving our case along difficult and decided to carry on.
Justice Crerar issued his reasons for judgment at the conclusion of the hearing, which we are grateful for. It is not unusual for a judge to reserve judgment for several months of deliberation.
For those who were not able to attend, we have already ordered transcripts of the day’s proceeding and the concluding reasons for judgment. As soon as we have them, so will you.
As many of you have noticed, the technological infrastructure in our Court is wanting. It is more than a minor nuisance. It is arguably so inadequate to constitute a violation of your constitutional right to an open court. But the tragedy does not end there.
Our provincial Ministry of Justice, which is responsible for providing the Courts with the resources it needs, had a forecasted budget of $60 billion dollars allocated for this current fiscal year. This single ministry alone has more financial resources available to it than all the public treasuries of the nations of Slovakia, Pakistan, Algeria, Peru, Ecuador, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Libya, Serbia, Lebanon, Costa Rica, Kenya, and Laos.
We are in the process of making formal arrangements, with the approval of the Court, to modernize public access in this digital age to our subsequent hearings. We sought, and were granted, leave (permission) by Justice Crerar to begin making inquiries with the Court’s technical staff.
~ Kip
27 October, 2021: Dial-in for Thursday 28 October, 2021, hearing for Dr. Henry’s application
You can join us tomorrow to listen live to our 10AM hearing before Justice Crerar by dialling (778) 725-6348 or toll-free at (844) 636-7837 with conference ID 960 371 077#. If you are reading this from a handset, you can speed dial with the conference ID automatically entered for you by clicking here.
I suspect that you will already be muted automatically, but please ensure you do this manually on your end anyway to ensure our hearing is not interrupted.
I am advised that this line should be able to hold more than a 1,000 callers so that we hopefully do not run into the same problem again.
If you are not able to attend, I am advised that the transcripts I preemptively ordered should be available by Friday 29 October, 2021, or earlier. We will publish them as done previously. Because this is an application hearing and not a judicial or case planning conference, transcripts are permitted.
As noted for our previous hearings, the Court’s COVID-19 Notice 43 outlines conditions for remote access, including complying with the Policy on Use of Electronic Devices in Courtrooms for those wishing to listen to the hearing.
I will draw your attention again to the fact that you are not permitted to record audio from the hearing unless you are accredited media. If you are not sure if you are accredited media, you probably are not. If you would like to become accredited media, you can find out how here.
~ Kip
26 October, 2021: Dr. Henry demands additional details from CSASPP
This Thursday 28 October, 2021, at 10AM, at the usual place of the Supreme Court at 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver, we will be having a hearing by video teleconference before Justice Crerar. We will provide the information on how to access the hearing as soon as we have them.
This hearing is at the defendants’ volition. Dr. Henry and the Provincial Crown have brought an application to seek additional particulars (details) from CSASPP on the specifics of what exactly they are being sued for. We have responded accordingly with our response and a supporting affidavit. All of these documents are available under our Court Documents section of our website.
While this may seem painfully obvious to our followers on what the defendants are being sued for, as I have indicated previously, this is a standard tactical move. Intelligent defendants always try to dispose of a suit early on a procedural basis (some rule of Court has allegedly not been complied with) in order to avert the plaintiff’s claim from eventually being adjudicated on its merits by a trial judge.
But this does not always work out the way the defendants think it will.
Lastly, I apologize for the short notice. This is one of the challenges our team has in balancing our working lives outside of the campaign with our volunteer civic work.
~ Kip
18 October, 2021: Orders of 10 August, 2021, Judicial Management Conference
We have finally received back the entered orders from our 10 August, 2021, Judicial Management Conference before Justice Crerar. The orders were entered by the registry on 15 October, 2021. You can download a copy from our Court Documents page. This document contains the expected timelines the parties must submit to for various hearings, document exchange, and so forth.
~ Kip
4 October, 2021: Summary of 1 October, 2021, Judicial Management Conference
Thank you for attending last Friday’s Judicial Management Conference. We had over a thousand people attempt to attend by teleconference, in addition to those who were at the courthouse. The agenda canvassed can be downloaded here.
Unfortunately our platform was only able to accommodate a maximum of 1,000 listeners at a time. We were expecting several hundred, but not over a thousand. The call limit was reached in very short order, so we estimate there was a much greater public interest than the aforementioned maximum capacity. Accordingly we will take steps to substantially increase this limit for our next hearing.
We had a productive morning. Justice Crerar made the following four orders:
Our response to the defendants’ request for additional particulars (details) is due from us 12 October, 2021;
If the defendants are still not satisfied with the additional particulars provided by us, they must bring an application no later than 28 October, 2021, for appropriate relief;
The defendants have a deadline of 25 November, 2021, to file their Amended Response to Civil Claim;
Our next Judicial Management Conference is scheduled for 21 January, 2022, at 0900.
Regarding (1), we have already provided the requested details on 30 August, 2021. These can be located here. The defendants claim deficiencies in our particulars, but ultimately only the court can determine that.
If the defendants believe we have not complied with order (1), Justice Crerar’s order (2) allows the defendants to bring an application for additional relief. However, he cautioned the defendants from acting in an excessively high handed manner, given the grey areas of the relevant law and the complexities of class proceedings.
Regarding order (4), we will provide dial-in details as usual as the date approaches.
~ Kip
29 September, 2021: Agenda for 1 October, 2021, Judicial Management Conference
For those interested, you can obtain a copy of the parties’ mutually agreed upon agenda to be canvassed during this Friday’s Judicial Management Conference here.
Please take note of the Court’s COVID-19 Notice 43 that outlines conditions for remote access, including complying with the Policy on Use of Electronic Devices in Courtrooms for those wishing to listen to the hearing.
I will draw your attention again to the fact that you are not permitted to record audio from the hearing unless you are accredited media. If you are not sure if you are accredited media, you probably are not. If you would like to become accredited media, you can find out how here.
Please also keep your audio on mute so as to not interrupt the hearing.
~ Kip
28 September, 2021: Public Dial-In for 1 October, 2021, Judicial Management Conference
To access this Friday’s 0900 Judicial Management Conference before Justice Crerar by telephone, please use the following public dial-in information:
Dial +1 778 907 2071
Enter Meeting ID: 87258141524
Press '#'
Press '#' again (There is no participant ID)
Enter Passcode: 22479088
Press '#'
~ Kip
27 September, 2021: 1 October, 2021, Judicial Management Conference Update
Justice Crerar has just granted an order allowing a public dial-in to our 1 October, 2021, Judicial Management Conference. It will be held at 0900 at 800 Smithe Street in Vancouver - though the parties will be attending by teleconference. There will be many items to discuss at this hearing.
We are advised by independent activists that a rally will be held outside of the court house. As with the previous hearing of over a thousand attendees, we are not responsible for organizing the event and encourage those who wish to attend to liaise with those who are.
As previously discussed, we are not permitted to obtain transcripts of this hearing. Interested parties are therefore advised to listen in real-time. The orders made at the end of the hearing will be published for your review.
As soon as we have the public dial-in number later this week, we will publish it here for you.
~ Kip
20 September, 2021: Transcripts, Reasons for Judgment, and the Hidden Gem of the 13 September, 2021, Hearing
We have received and published the transcripts and reasons for judgment of our 13 September, 2021, hearing where we were denied short leave (permission). Recall that we were seeking short leave to have our application seeking a stay (temporary pause) of the injection passport public health order heard. You can locate these two documents at the usual place under our Court Documents section of our website.
The defendants have taken the position on more than one occasion, including in their submissions to the court, that the standing (eligibility) of CSASPP to bring a constitutional challenge in the first place is doubtful because it is a body corporate as opposed to a natural person who has sustained injury.
In para. 4 of the reasons for judgment I draw your attention to a salient remark of Registrar Nielsen that was only brought to my attention today upon closer examination. Although the court technically had no application returnable by the defendants to adjudicate on the issue of standing, Registrar Nielsen nevertheless opined that “There is a question of standing on whether or not Charter rights could be alleged infringed by the plaintiff. My inclination is that this is probably something the Court might look at nevertheless, given recent developments in the law in that regard.”
The issue of standing is the primary tool Crown counsel intended to rely on to undermine this proceeding’s class certification. This is standard and any intelligent lawyer is taught to always try to exhaust defending against a claim on a procedural basis (applicable technical rules) before it can be adjudicated on its merits (a judge making an actual decision on the essence of the claim).
~ Kip
17 September, 2021: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & 1 October, 2021, Judicial Management Conference
Two important updates for you. The first is my friend and working colleague Dr. Reiner Fuellmich who chairs the Berlin based Corona Investigative Committee will be flying to British Columbia to participate in Dr. Bonnie Henry’s examination for discovery as well as her trial - notwithstanding any applicable travel restrictions that may apply at that time. Your donor funds will support his important assistance.
The committee’s fact finding mandate has conducted extensive research and interviewed hundreds of witnesses, but lacks the judicial tools of discovery and subpoena we have available to us. Our work is therefore complementary in nature.
Secondly, our next Judicial Management Conference to discuss the current progress of our suit will be held on 1 October, 2021, at 0900 for one hour before Justice Crerar. A copy of the filed requisition of 13 August, 2021, confirming the date can be located under our Court Documents.
The hearing will be held at the usual place of the Vancouver Law Courts of 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver - though the parties will likely be attending by telephone. We will provide the dial-in instructions as soon as we have them so that members of the general public can listen in real-time, like our previous hearing before Justice Crerar.
The purpose of the JMC is to continue discussions with his lordship and the defendants where we left off at our previous JMC of 10 August, 2021. We will review any timelines that were previously agreed to, and any changes that may need to be made in light of our upcoming application seeking judicial review of the injection passport.
We are still awaiting a copy of the order of our last JMC of 10 August, 2021, containing the previously agreed to timelines, but Crown counsel has still not returned to us a copy of the draft order’s endorsement (signature). As soon as we have it we will make it available for public access.
~ Kip
15 September, 2021: CSASPP’s Amended Notice of Civil Claim
We have amended, filed, and served a new revision of our Notice of Civil Claim pursuant to Rule 6-1(1)(a). Text that is underlined is new. Text that has been struck through has been removed.
You can download a copy from our Court Documents section of our website.
~ Kip
14 September, 2021: Reconsideration of Dr. Henry's Orders of 10 August, 2021
As some of you may be aware, Dr. Henry's injection passport related orders of 10 August, 2021, allegedly provided a mechanism for those wishing to request reconsideration of their applicability. The Food and Liquor Serving Premises and the Gatherings and Events orders both contained the following on p. 9 and p. 12 respectively:
Pursuant to section 43 of the Public Health Act, you may request a medical health officer to reconsider this Order if you:
(a) have additional relevant information that was not reasonably available to the me or another health officer when the order was issued or varied,
(b) have a proposal that was not presented to me or another health officer when the order was issued or varied but, if implemented, would (i) meet the objective of the order, and (ii) be suitable as the basis of a written agreement under section 38 [may make written agreements], or
(c) require more time to comply with the order.
A request for reconsideration of this Order on the basis of a medical contraindication made by a person to whom the Order applies must include a signed and dated statement from a medical practitioner, based upon a current assessment, that the health of the person would be seriously jeopardized if the person were to receive a first or second dose of vaccine, and a signed and dated copy of each portion of the person’s health record relevant to this statement.
A request under section 43 may be submitted to the Provincial Health Officer at with the subject line “Request for Reconsideration about Proof of Vaccination”.
I have underlined portions to draw your attention. What I would like you to do is submit requests for medical exemptions, and to do so on the basis of bona fide medical, religious or other grounds if you can establish any of the following:
you have a medical condition. This could be allergies or you have symptoms of myocarditis or pericarditis following your first injection;
you have recovered from COVID-19;
you can produce a negative rapid antigen COVID-19 test from no more than 48 hours before the event or attendance at a restaurant as an alternative to proof of injection.
If your request is denied and you made an earnest effort to comply with the above reconsideration process, please get in touch with reception. We would like to rely on your submission and response, assuming you received one at all, in our upcoming application seeking judicial review. Our judge will review your correspondence, so please be cognizant of this.
~ Kip
13 September, 2021: Short Leave Application Seeking Stay of Injection Passport Order
As you may recall, we had a three step plan for addressing the injection passport:
Apply for short leave, which is permission to have another application heard sooner than the usual seven clear business days of notice. The latter application is (2);
Stay (pause) the injection passport order by a small but reasonable period of time to permit us to prepare for a more comprehensive and detailed judicial review application;
Bring an application seeking a judicial review of the injection passport order.
We did not succeed today in (1) to allow (2) to be heard today.
Justice Crerar was not available on such short notice. Registrar Nielsen (a kind of junior judge) took his place. Registrar Nielsen denied short leave because, according to him, this matter did not meet the test for urgency. His reasoning was that the services being denied were non-essential and there is, according to him, a rising COVID-19 case count.
We have begun the process of ordering transcripts so that you may review the exchange with the court and will notify you when they are available.
It is important to note that today was not a loss. This is a delay, or tactical set back. I know time is of the essence for all of you, but nothing that happened today prevents us from performing (3) seeking a judicial review. This is our intention, Crown counsel is aware of this, and so is the court. Some of our materials are already prepared.
A judicial review is a kind of application hearing whereby a judge reviews a decision of an administrative body, in this case the Public Health Officer. The judge then makes a decision on whether the government's decision still stands or if changes must be made.
We are working expeditiously and will keep you apprised of our judicial review hearing date, as well as our next case planning conference.
~ Kip
10 September, 2021: C&D Letter to Business Owners Regarding Masking Exemptions
This tool was prepared 10 September, 2021, in response to popular request to address businesses seeking to enforce masking requirements without honouring exemptions. This document supersedes the previous edition and is intended to address the latest public health order.
British Columbians who believe they are confronted with a private venue’s discriminatory practise may choose to rely on this document.
A copy can be obtained under our Tools & Street Kit section of our website. This is a public service and there is no cost to you.
~ Kip
10 September, 2021: CSASPP Seeks Stay of Injection Passport Order
I have instructed counsel to bring a short leave application seeking a stay (pause) of the recently announced public health order mandating injection passports for a variety of public venues. The order is slated to take effect Monday 13 September, 2021.
We sought a copy of the order from Dr. Henry’s counsel to analyze, but are yet to receive it.
The government is already obtaining many of the benefits of an already partially implemented public policy with the province’s machinery already moving into place, but without any of the responsibilities that come with having to potentially defend against a judicial review of the order.
This is unsportsmanlike.
We will be asking the court to draw an inference adversarial to Dr. Henry’s interests and to stay the order until we have had adequate time to prepare an application seeking judicial review.
The hearing will be heard, unless bumped due to scheduling, on Monday 13 September, 2021 by teleconference for one hour at some time between 1000 to 1600. The litigants will likely not be physically present in the court house, but the judge may be. The court house is at the usual place of 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver.
Justice Crerar, although assigned as our judge in this proceeding, may not be available for this hearing and another judge may be assigned in his place.
I am advised by independent activists that they intend to be present outside the court house to show their support.
Given the short notice, we likely will not have time to arrange real-time public telephone access, but we will order transcripts to be made publicly available as soon as possible.
~ Kip
7 September, 2021: Letter to Air Canada & Dr. Henry’s Response to Request for Injection Order
On 30 August, 2021, CSASPP requested a copy of the injection passport order. We received a letter from Crown counsel dated 3 September, 2021, on behalf of Dr. Henry advising that the order is not publicly available. Crown counsel did not provide a timeline for its availability either. Her letter is available on our Court Documents page.
We have completed preparing a letter intended to benefit all employees of Air Canada confronted with mandatory injections as a condition of continued employment. The letter was sent to Air Canada, IAMAW Local 2323, and CUPE. A courtesy copy is provided on our Tools & Street Kit page.
~ Kip
7 September, 2021: Letter to Post Secondary Institutions Regarding Injection Order
This letter is intended to benefit students, faculty, and other staff in response to the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training’s Health, safety remain top priority for return to campus news release of 24 August, 2021.
This letter was sent to all post-secondary institutions on their behalf on 3 September, 2021. Courtesy copies are provided on our Tools & Street Kit section.
~ Kip
3 September, 2021: Is This a Right Wing Movement?
The team has just released new studio footage. This time we address the misconception that those critical of COVID-19 measures are exclusively of the right.
~ Kip
1 September 2021: Letter for Health Care Workers to All BC Health Authorities
This news release is a follow up to my previous one of today. As promised, we have drafted and are in the process of sending a second letter. This one is to be sent to all of the regional health authorities to assist those who work in hospitals.
This letter will be delivered by us, but a courtesy copy is published within our Tools & Street Kit titled Letter for Health Care Workers to All BC Health Authorities.
If you get an error from Scribd claiming the document has been removed, this is because their platform is raising a false positive in flagging it as spam. It does this because it contains URLs and their AI is not particularly well contemplated. In the interim, while this is being addressed, you can always click the Download button instead.
~ Kip
1 September 2021: Letter for Health Care Workers to All BC Long Term Care Facilities
As per your request, we have released a letter intended for all British Columbia health care workers currently working within long term care facilities that are required to submit to the COVID-19 Vaccination Status Information and Preventive Measures Order announced 20 August, 2021.
This letter will be delivered to all British Columbia long term care facilities by us, but a courtesy copy is published within our Tools & Street Kit titled Letter for Health Care Workers to All BC Long Term Care Facilities.
We will send a similar letter to all of the regional health authorities to assist those who work in hospitals.
~ Kip
30 August 2021: CSASPP Provides Dr. Henry with Deadline to Produce Proof of Injection Order & Other Correspondence
We have requested from Dr. Henry and the Crown a copy of the new provincial health order announced 23 August, 2021. The order will require individuals to provide proof of injections to access a broad range of venues. It is difficult to challenge when the order has not been made public.
We have received from Dr. Henry and the Crown a request for additional details about our suit, pursuant to Rule 3-7. We responded today.
Regarding all healthcare workers, employees and contractors of Air Canada, and those affected by the injection passport, we will have more news for you shortly.
~ Kip
27 August 2021: Expeditious Civil Remedies & Injections
We are in the process of seeking appropriate civil remedies in an expeditious manner for three categories of affected individuals. These are as follows:
Minors as young as twelve who are being administered injections as part of a provincial program, sometimes dubbed the “Vax Vans”. These minors are not required to have obtained parental consent. This program is already in effect. We have many concerned parents reaching out to us regularly about this. If you are a parent with a minor who was injected without parental consent, please get in touch with reception immediately;
All health care workers defined and affected by the Public Health Order of 20 August, 2021, COVID-19 Vaccination Status Information and Preventitive [sic] Measures Order. This order takes effect 8 September, 2021. We take note of the more than five thousand nurses that have lobbied us to do something;
All of those affected by Dr. Henry’s “proof of vaccination” policy as announced during her 23 August, 2021, press conference and scheduled to take effect 13 September, 2021. This is sometimes referred to as a “vaccination passport”. The order has not as of yet been released, likely in bad faith to intentionally obstruct judicial review.
Note that none of the above in any way reflects a deviation from our policy of taking no position on the general efficacy of the science behind immunization. For more on our rationale, please review our FAQ.
I remind you that I am not a lawyer and cannot give you legal advice. Having said that, I suggest that you do not quit your job. Leave it to your employer to take formal administrative steps to terminate you. You will have more avenues for redress at a later date.
In the interest of balancing public transparency with tactical considerations, I will be reticent with details for the time being. But rest assured, you will be kept apprised of hearing dates and means of public access.
~ Kip
23 August 2021: Injection Passports & Related Mandates
We are fully cognizant of your concerns regarding Dr. Bonnie Henry's press conference of this afternoon. Rest assured, we are preparing an appropriate and expeditious response to directly address them.
I will have an update for you shortly. In the mean time, hang tight and please wait patiently for our next status update. I anticipate it will be later this week.
~ Kip
11 August 2021: Dr. Bonnie Henry Ordered to Stand Trial
Thank you for attending yesterday’s hearing. It is the first of many. I am advised that there were many dialed-in, in addition to a large crowd of approximately seventy-five outside the court house listening in real-time.
We had a positive start in our first day in court. A summary of the more salient things that happened follows.
We had some initial technical difficulties in the teleconference and so some of you may not have heard how the hearing began. Thankfully our judge stood down the court until those challenges were resolved to ensure the public was able to listen.
Crown counsel opposed the setting down of a trial date, claiming it was premature. We argued it was appropriate. Our judge agreed because the court's schedule fills up quickly.
Dr. Henry, in her capacity as the Provincial Health Officer for the Province of BC, and the Crown, will stand trial as ordered by the court starting 17 April, 2023. It will be set for 40 days. We also intend to conduct her examination for discovery well before that.
Our certification hearing will be on the week of 20 June, 2022. For those of you unfamiliar with class actions, a certification hearing is very important, arguably more so than trial.
We had previously requested from Dr. Henry her calendar availability to provide testimony under oath. Crown argued this was premature. Our judge did not make any order respecting her calendar's availability because he said she is already required pursuant to Rule 7-2 to make herself available after certification. Further, Crown counsel reassured the court she would cooperate in providing her availability at that time.
Crown counsel explained to our judge that they would like more details on what the defendants are being sued for and anticipate providing a formal request (the term of art is a “demand for particulars”). Crown counsel did not initially propose a deadline on when they expected to do this.
Our judge said the Crown has been in possession of the suit since January of 2021 and should not need much time to figure out what the alleged concerns are. He ordered Crown to provide their requests to us by 25 August, 2021.
If we see fit to expand, revise, or reduce our pleadings we may file a revised version no later than 15 September, 2021. This is not a concern for us.
Crown counsel advised the judge prior to the hearing that they had not been consulted in our request that public access be made available by teleconference for the hearing. Our judge said public access is important, so far as it does not violate the rules of court. He also said the public should be able to listen in real time to what was happening and be informed of any orders that are made.
However, our judge confirmed that pursuant to Rule 5-2(7), transcripts are generally not made available for case planning conferences (which a judicial management conference is a kind of). The language used in the rule is "recording", which also includes transcripts unfortunately. Note that Rule 5-2(7) does not apply to other types of hearings, such as applications, registrar hearings, or trials.
The original reasoning behind this rule was to encourage parties to have frank discussions, including those that may relate to settlement as contemplated under Rule 5-3(m). Settlement discussions normally are an occasion in which privilege is attached (confidential).
We intend to publish the entered case planning order once finalized and returned by the court. Orders are effective immediately upon pronouncement of the court, but entering a written copy that can be subsequently referred to is a formality that is commonplace.
We will return to court for our second case planning conference 27 September, 2021, as ordered by the judge. Any issues that the parties wish to address must be brought with advance notice to the parties.
Lastly, Crown counsel requested an order that we provide the names of our expert witnesses in advance of submitting our certification application materials. We opposed the order. Our judge agreed that Crown does not need the names at this time because that information is privileged for the time being.
We will continue to take all reasonably necessary precautions to protect the identity of any high level government whistleblowers within Dr. Henry's staff, another governmental entity, or those in the private sector that may communicate with us from time to time.
Lastly, we would like to thank Crown counsel for their submissions. In particular, Ms. Jacqueline Hughes, Q.C., whose advocacy on all of our behalf before the Cullen Commission is laudable.
~ Kip
9 August 2021: Tomorrow’s Judicial Management Conference’s Public Dial-In
We are advised this evening via Supreme Court Scheduling that Mr. Justice Crerar has formally granted our order seeking public telephone access to tomorrow’s hearing. Note that your attendance is subject to the Use of Electronic Devices in Courtrooms and Rule 5-2(7).
To reiterate, our hearing begins at 0900 tomorrow morning. Dial +1 (778) 907 2071. When prompted for Meeting ID, enter 840 7463 2480. Press #. Ignore the prompt for Participant ID and press # (again). When prompted for a Meeting Password, enter 344468. Press #.
Please ensure your microphone is muted and you do not record any portion of the hearing. If you are unable to attend, please review our previous status update for other options on how to review what happened.
~ Kip
4 August 2021: Dr. Henry’s Case Plan and 10 August, 2021, Judicial Management Conference
Dr. Bonnie Henry has provided her case plan outlining her proposed timelines for this proceeding. There is general agreement on timeline, with some disagreements.
Nevertheless, she has not provided her calendar availability for her examination for discovery as previously requested. We will be seeking an appropriate judicial direction at our JMC on 10 August, 2021.
With respect to the JMC, it begins at 0900 by teleconference with Justice Crerar. The litigants agree on a one hour time estimate. To listen to the hearing live, please dial +1 (778) 907 2071. When prompted for Meeting ID, enter 840 7463 2480. Press #. Ignore the prompt for Participant ID and press # (again). When prompted for a Meeting Password, enter 344468. Press #. You will be automatically muted. This conference line should be able to handle a maximum of 1,000 concurrent callers.
Please note that you are not permitted to record any portion of the hearing.
If you are unavailable to listen to the hearing live, you can make an appointment after with In Court Technology at +1 (604) 660-3500, providing them with file number S-210831, to listen to a recording at the court house. Additionally, we will be obtaining a transcript of the hearing and will publish it as soon as it is ready.
On another note, our recent Cease & Desist Letter to Stubborn Businesses has been well received. We have received reports from you of some businesses having removed their mask required signage immediately after having being served.
PS Apologies for the delay. Counsel was tending to a personal matter and I had professional obligations outside of CSASPP.
~ Kip
29 July 2021: Is Going to Court Expensive?
The team has released a new short video from the studio. It is intended to address the commonly held misunderstanding of the cost of going to court. You can view it here.
~ Kip
26 July 2021: Cease & Desist Letter to Stubborn Businesses
By popular request we have prepared a C&D Letter to Stubborn Businesses for public distribution to the many businesses that continue to require mandatory masking of customers, despite the repeal of Minister Order M274 on 1 July, 2021. You can obtain it at no cost from our Tools & Street Kit section of our website.
~ Kip
7 July 2021: Solicitor General Rescinds Thirty-Three Ministerial Orders
As most of you are undoubtedly aware, our provincial Solicitor General, Minister Mike Farnworth, rescinded thirty-three ministerial orders under the Emergency Program Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 111, s. 11, on 29 June, 2021. Although many of you remain convinced that CSASPP played a material role in persuading cabinet to do so, we cannot in good faith be certain of that. Having said that, nothing our government has done to date has ruled that possibility out either.
Regardless, we are all happy these orders have been rescinded.
Many of you have asked us what will become of our work now. The answer is simple. Nothing in our mandate has changed. You asked us to hold your government accountable. We have no intention of filing a discontinuance. Only through accountability for past actions can future ones be mitigated.
We will have more material updates for you shortly.
~ Kip
21 June, 2021: Dr. Bonnie Henry’s Examination for Discovery and CSASPP’s Case Plan Proposal
We have begun the process to summon Dr. Bonnie Henry for her examination for discovery to be conducted following class certification. In the American parlance this is sometimes referred to as a “deposition”, but the idea is the same where a witness is interviewed under oath with a record produced in the form of a transcript to be relied upon later. You can read our letter to Dr. Henry’s counsel here.
During the examination for discovery we will be free to ask Dr. Henry any question that pertains to our suit for a maximum of 7 hours. However, we anticipate seeking a court order extending this to up to 18 hours per Rule 7-2(2). We also anticipate that she will not voluntarily submit to an examination and that we may need to seek a court order.
Dr. Henry has until 21 July, 2021, to provide her disposition to our request. Failing that, we will seek an appropriate court order.
Under Rule 22-8(4) if a witness refuses to attend a scheduled examination for discovery without a lawful excuse that person is guilty of contempt of court and subject to the court’s power to punish contempt of court. The latter is exercised either through an order of committal or by imposition of a fine or both pursuant to Rule 22-8(1). If the court is of the opinion that Dr. Henry may be guilty of contempt of court, it may order that she be apprehended and brought before the court pursuant to Rule 22-8(5).
Lastly, we sent our case plan proposal to Dr. Henry’s counsel which outlines the remaining steps and timelines to completion. These timelines have been compressed as much as possible to accommodate your desire, the court’s calendar, our counsel’s, and will be tabled before our judge at our 10 August, 2021, judicial management conference.
~ Kip
20 June, 2021: Alternative and Complementary Health Treatments
Sometimes we get asked what we are doing to help those seeking alternative or complementary medical treatments as part of our suit. We've added a response to our FAQ here.
~ Kip
11 June, 2021: Commercial Insurance Template Package
If we prevail at trial we will have obtained a long term solution. But this does nothing to alleviate the catastrophic economic harm faced by tens of thousands of businesses across our province now as a result of COVID-19 related government measures. Statistics Canada reports that British Columbia experienced 17,350 business closures in April of 2020; a more than two-hundred percent increase from 7,623 in 2019; 6,719 in 2018, and 6,834 in 2017.
We have listened carefully to our stakeholders like you and understand that you need additional short term tools to augment those we continue to produce. What you need more than anything right now is money to address your cash flow challenges.
After several weeks of refinement by counsel and the team, we are ready to release our Commercial Insurance Template package to help you initiate your process of obtaining relief from your business insurance policy. You can download an editable copy from our website. This document must be modified with respect to your specific insurance policy. We have annotated it where necessary so that you can remove or modify those paragraphs as they relate to your circumstance.
Lastly, to ensure that we continue to dynamically adapt to our community’s needs, we endeavour to track performance metrics whenever practical. If you obtain any form of relief from your insurer, we ask that you please contact reception to let us know as soon as possible.
~ Kip
8 June, 2021: Improving How We Communicate With You
Although tens of thousands of you already follow and share our work without our ever having put out a formal press release, we know we could improve how we communicate with you. For this reason we have just released our new website, social media presence, and the first segment of a studio interview we filmed recently to help answer many of your questions.
If you would like a stack of flyers for distribution to anyone, or cease and desist letters directed at regulators, please ask reception and we would be happy to make arrangements at no cost to you.
On that note, we now have a receptionist to receive and route your inquiries to the appropriate party at +1 (604) 256-3060. Alternatively, we can be reached by email at
Our work continues efficiently, effectively, and with economy of effort in remaining well under budget.
~ Kip
11 May, 2021: Assignment of a Judge
Mr. Justice David A. Crerar was assigned today as our Judicial Management Judge. He was appointed to the bench 24 June, 2019. He will preside over all of our hearings.
A Judicial Management Conference has been scheduled with him for one hour on 10 August, 2021, at 9AM. I suggest you mark your calendars.
Normally these are held at the Vancouver Law Court at 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver. However, this may be held by teleconference.
Any proceeding that is brought as a proposed class action in BC is judicially managed. This means the same judge presides over all hearings, as opposed to a random one for each application. This is required under Practice Direction No 5 and has been the norm since 2010.
~ Kip
10 May, 2021: Cease & Desist Letter to Regulators
On my instructions counsel prepared a cease and desist letter to provincial regulators and municipal by-law enforcement on behalf of all class members who are business owners.
Apologies for the delay. There were a few revisions that needed to be made before I was comfortable having it sent out.
This is a public document and you are welcome to redistribute to any business owner who may be the target of coercive action by any civil authority in respect to the COVID-19 measures. It is our hope that this will allow business owners to be left alone, at least temporarily, concurrent to our long term litigation solution.
Although the letter is being sent out now to all named recipients on behalf of class members, for greater certainty and comfort business owners can keep a copy on premise should civil authorities make an appearance.
Additionally, we will be releasing in the next few weeks another tool to assist small and medium sized businesses obtain much needed financial relief. I know you are suffering and time is of the essence, but hang tight. The cavalry is coming.
~ Kip
8 April, 2021: Warrior’s Den Interview
Jonathan Fader of Warriors Den has uploaded a recent podcast with me from last night to Spotify and various other platforms. You can find it here.
In case you missed it, I did another interview several weeks ago on Reid Small’s Peripheral Talk. You can find it here.
Although I have declined interviews from time to time, when I agree to do them, I prefer to do them with grass roots independent media.
~ Kip
6 April, 2021: Defendants’ Response to Civil Claim
News from the front. The defendants filed their joint reply 31 March, 2021. However, we were only served with it today. You can find a copy of it here.
Crown counsels’ response was mechanically predictable and does not contain any surprises. The paragraph references refer to the numbered paragraphs within our Notice of Civil Claim available here.
Both parties can amend their respective above positions (“pleadings” in the legal parlance) as many times as they like until a trial date is set down. At that point pleadings are “closed” and you need to obtain consent from the other side or leave (permission, in old English) from the court to make changes. Framing pleadings correctly is important because these documents set the boundaries for the business the parties and the judge can engage in at trial.
As an example, if you claimed in your pleadings that you were hurt when you were hit by a car, you can’t also claim the loss of your vehicle at trial unless you gave notice to the other side in your Notice of Civil Claim. Inversely, the defendant can’t raise the defence at trial that you waited too long to sue unless that defence was raised in their reply.
With the defendants having filed their reply, we now look forward to proceeding into discovery following the assignment of a judge. We pre-emptively initiated that process 4 March, 2021, with a filed requisition.
When a judge is assigned, a hearing will be held. At that time usually nothing important is adjudicated, but the process or road map to get there is set down. This is done either by consent, or if the parties can’t reach an agreement, with the help of the judge. This includes setting down deadlines for discovery.
Discovery is the civil procedure by which parties learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of their respective arguments by obtaining evidence from the other side. This may be in the form of electronic records, physical records, or other media. Sometimes a party refuses to disclose something in its possession, in which case the other side can ask a judge for help.
This evidence can also include up to seven hours of in-person under oath interviews per witness (called an “examinations for discovery” here, or a “deposition” in the United States). The examination transcript will be generated by a court reporter containing every question put to the witness and everything said by the witness in response.
It is our intention to conduct extensive public consultation in preparing the relevant questions to be put to our primary witness, Dr. Bonnie Henry. The transcript of her examination will likely be made publicly available since we intend to rely on it at trial. Crown will do everything they can to avoid having her called as a witness and we will do everything we can to ensure they fail.
I am in the process of contemplating appropriate instructions to counsel and will revert as soon as we have a material update to share with you.
Understand that from time to time there may be things I would like to share with you immediately, but since Crown reads all of these updates, it’s sometimes important to know when to keep your powder dry.
We’re doing everything we can to not move this at the geological timescale the system is accustomed to. In the mean time, hold tight. We’ve got your back.
~ Kip
31 March, 2021: Requesting Assignment of Case Management Judge
As of this writing Crown has not filed a reply. We have taken the procedural step to request the assignment of a case management judge.
I know you are all on edge right now with the renewed lockdown, but you have to appreciate we have little control over the judicial system’s notion of efficiency.
As always, we will report back to you as soon as we have a material update.
~ Kip
1 March, 2021: Delays
A brief update for you while I race to deal with a patent filing deadline.
The defendants Dr. Bonnie Henry and the Provincial Crown were both served several weeks ago. Service was accepted on their behalf by the Provincial Attorney General in Victoria.
Crown counsel predictably requested additional time to file their reply, after waiting several weeks to seek our consent, and only after having been given ample advance warning from the onset of service that they should be cognizant of their original deadline under the Rules. Their reason given was, naturally, COVID-19.
Because it was not clear to me how the latter has adversely affected the functionality of a word processor, the Court’s e-filing system, or why at least one of Her Majesty’s learned counsel has nevertheless been making regular appearances in other hearings, I was not amenable to an open ended extension. Further, the proposed class members continue to endure on-going catastrophic harm without any accommodations being made for them.
Crown therefore has until 8 March, 2021, to file. If that deadline is missed, Crown is aware that we are within our right to immediately seek a desk order for a default judgment (and will do so).
If Crown seeks additional time and brings an application to that effect, we will require affidavit (sworn) evidence from Crown counsel (of record) directly and not from a subordinate, a para-legalist, or a miscellaneous civil servant.
Deponents of affidavits can be placed on the stand. For that reason lawyers are generally loath to create a situation where they may be held to the same level of accountability as everyone else in society they put there on a daily basis.
If their deadline is not missed, we will seek a hearing date as soon as one is available from Scheduling for a judicial case management conference. All proposed class actions are judicially case managed, which means there is a single judge who usually presides over all hearings as opposed to a random assignment at each one. This reduces the time litigants need to spend at each hearing recollecting the detailed procedural history to the judge.
At a judicial case management conference the litigants and the Court come to an agreement on the process, and if they can’t, the judge helps them out. The emphasis is on process and not on outcome since only a trial judge will know what that is. The hearing is about agreeing on timelines for discovery, anticipated applications, class certification, expert witnesses, and so forth.
After Crown has filed its reply, discovery will begin immediately. We anticipate examining (sometimes called a “deposition” in the American parlance) Dr. Henry as soon as possible. We have many questions for her and anticipate extensive document disclosure, likely with the assistance of the court.
Crown will most likely refuse to allow her to be examined. But thankfully we have an independent judiciary.
Witnesses during an examination are placed under oath. They must answer any question put to them that falls within the scope of what has been pled (our Notice of Civil Claim and their reply).
Objections can be raised by counsel, and we anticipate that is most of what we will be hearing from her. But ultimately a judge decides whether the objection was valid, and if not, can order a witness to show up again, answer the questions, produce a document, and pay a fine.
A very good objection a witness like Minister Adrian Dix might raise would be to say that a question falls under the rubric of cabinet confidence. That is, they can’t talk about it because the common law throughout the former British Empire said for centuries that what goes on in cabinet stays in cabinet. However, Dr. Henry is not a cabinet minister.
PS A recent interview I did with Reid Small that might help answer some of your questions.
30 January, 2021: Public Response (edited)
Dear Friends,
Since we filed several days ago, our phones and inboxes have been inundated with whistle blowers, other lawyers wanting to get involved, donors, and many other positive inquiries.
We thank you for all of your support, but for efficiency sake please contact us directly instead of our lawyer’s office if you have any inquiries. If appropriate, I will forward to counsel.
If you have confidential documents you wish to provide, we can make arrangements to allow you to do so securely. If you wish to have an encrypted phone or video call, we can also make arrangements.
Yours truly,
~ Kip
Henry's counsel abandons appeal of CSASPP's public interest standing
BC Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry’s counsel abandoned their attempt to appeal the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy’s (CSASPP) public interest standing.
BC Supreme Court Justice Simon Coval awarded public interest standing for the non-profit organization’s petition for BC healthcare workers faced with vaccine mandates in May 2022, allowing it to proceed.
The petition was filed by CSASPP in early November 2021, the basis of which argues that Henry’s orders requiring healthcare workers to be double-vaccinated is “unreasonable and unconstitutional.”
Henry’s lawyers argued the petition should not be heard in court due to the organization lacking public interest standing, however the attempt to have it dismissed was unsuccessful and the petition was set to continue with CSASPP’s more widely known class action.
“The petition challenges state action based on legislatively delegated discretionary powers,” Coval said at the time.
“In my view, the petitioners are correct that whether those actions comply with the Charter and the Judicial Review Procedure Act are clearly questions suitable for judicial determination."
Unhappy with the judge’s decision Henry’s counsel filed to appeal it in early June.
Fast forward two months and the provincial health officer's lawyers have abandoned the appeal.
“This was prudent on her part because she had an uphill battle in light of recent developments in Ottawa at the Supreme Court of Canada,” said Kip Warner, CSASPP’s executive director in an August 3 release.
“If people cannot challenge their government in the court then they cannot hold the state accountable and it could be seen as above the law. If a litigant has raised a serious justiciable issue, has a serious interest in the matter, and has proposed a suit that is a reasonable and effective means of bringing the case to court, then the court is more likely than not to exercise its discretion in awarding public interest standing.”
Despite a province-wide nurse shortage, provincial officials remain hellbent on maintaining a vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in a number of settings.
To make matters worse, in March of this year the Hospital Employees’ Union released ominous poll results suggesting one in three healthcare workers are likely to quit within the next two years.
Warner told the Western Standard Friday he’s “very happy” with the judge’s ruling awarding CSASPP public interest standing.
“This is already having an impact across the country from Victoria to the Maritimes in empowering other NGOs and individuals we are in contact with,” he said.

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Kip Warner
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February 22, 2011
It is my understanding that Public Safety Canada was provided with a mandate enacted on March 23rd 20051 by the Government of Canada to ensure that Canadians are safe from a range of risks such as natural disasters, crime, and terrorism. The Department has stated that there is no more fundamental role for government than the protection of its citizens.2 I write you then in an open letter as a private citizen regarding the Government of Canada's official disposition to the events of 9/11, and all derived matters predicated there upon.
Perhaps the most generally salient of these derived issues is the deployment of military assets and personnel to the nation of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, currently estimated at a cost approaching $22,000,000,000 by some estimates10 and having claimed the lives of 15411 members of the Canadian Forces through their selfless sacrifice. This was initiated with the approval of the Governor General of Canada, then The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, in response to the recommendation of the Minister of National Defence, then The Honourable Arthur Eggleton, who authorized on September 20th 2001 Canadian Forces members on exchange assignments in the United States and other allied nations to participate in operations responding to the 9/11 attacks.12 Other nations followed, including the governments of France, Denmark, Poland, Germany, Turkey, Romania,Australia, Spain, the United Kingdom, and at least 36 other nations.
The premise for the deployment, given the attacks were
the result of al-Qaeda and resulted in the deaths of 24 Canadians, was
the desire for regional stability from where the assailants had
originated and the proactive prevention of similar incidents occurring
in the future. The Prime Minister publicly reminisced on the fifth
anniversary that “that is why the countries of the United Nations with
unprecedented unity and determination launched their mission to
Afghanistan to deal with the source of the 9/11 terror and to end, once
and for all, the brutal regime that horribly mistreated its own people
while coddling terrorists.”13 This was done at the request and with the
cooperation of the Government of the United States.14
The foundational premise, or first domino, has recently been called into question with the publication of the nine-author, peer reviewed study, Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe.15 An international team of scientists from the University of Copenhagen, Brigham Young, and other institutions, applied optical microscopy,
1 "Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act." Department of Justice Canada, 23 Mar. 2005. Web. 19 Feb. 2011.
2 What We Do. Public Safety Canada. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
3 "New Security Measures at YVR." CBC. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
4 Welcome Page. Citizenship & Immigration Canada. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
Smith, Rogers M. "Lecture: "The Strangers in Ourselves: The Rights of
Suspect Citizens in the Age of Anti-Terrorism"" UBC Department of
Political Science. 18 Sept. 2006.
Web. 20 Feb. 2011.
6 "F-35s, Afghanistan Dominate Defence Talks." CBC. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
7 "CBC News Indepth: September 11." CBC. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
8 "More Children Being Killed in Afghan War: UN." CBC. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
"Public Safety Minister Honours Victims of 9/11 and Affirms Dedication
to Fighting Terrorism." Public Safety Canada. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
10 "Afghan War Costs $22B, so Far: Study." The Ottawa Citizen. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
11 "In the line of duty: Canada's casualties." 20 Dec. 2010. Web. 19 Feb. 2011.
"The International Campaign against Terrorism : A Timeline of Canadian
Forces Participation." Canadian Expeditionary Force Command. Web. 15
Feb. 2011.
Harper, Stephen J. "Prime Minister Harper Honours 9/11 Victims and
Restates Canada's Commitment to Fighting Terror." Prime Minister of
Canada. 11 Sept. 2006. Web. 19
Feb. 2011.
14 "Chretien: Cdn Troops 'will do Canada proud'" CTV. 7 Oct. 2001. Web. 19 Feb. 2011.
Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, et al., "Active
Thermitic Material Observed in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center
Catastrophe,” The Open Chemical
Physics Journal 2 (2009): 7-31
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to dust sampled in the aftermath collected by private citizens of N.Y.C..
their chemical analysis is 25-pages in length, it can be summarized
briefly. Distinctive “red/gray chips” were identified in all samples
of the dust collected in the aftermath of the W.T.C. collapses,
collected from multiple locations, by different individuals, both
before and after first responders arrived on scene with welders.
Combustion tests confirmed the chips were not dried paint.16
The paper concluded that, “based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.”17
Be advised that W.T.C. 7, the third building to collapse that day, unlike W.T.C. 1 and 2, was not struck by an aircraft and collapsed
symmetrically into its own footprint, through the path of greatest
resistance, at free-fall acceleration for more than two seconds (more than 100 feet, or about eight stories), defying the conservation of energy and momentum required of an unassisted
collapse – like the two before it. No steel framed highrise has ever
collapsed due to fire,18 let alone three on the same day. W.T.C. 7 was roughly a football field away from where the only two hijacked commercial aircraft in N.Y.C. struck W.T.C. 1 and 2 that day. The Minister is encouraged to review the collapse footage19 and come to his own conclusion.
Many beautiful theories have been killed by ugly facts. However, science does not demand we trust these scientists, only the quality
of their evidence. It is a requirement that theories survive
replicability, since they cannot be valid if they are not reliable. Given the sheer volume of dust N.Y.C. was blanketed with that day, and like the private citizens that had kept the samples that were later used in the aforementioned analysis, there are surely copious sources still remaining allowing one such opportunity.
Who installed the alleged material and to what end they may have intended, we do not know. We do know, however, that the largest elevator renovation contract in history, affording access to all of the North Tower's core columns, was granted to a company called Ace Elevator in the nine months prior.20 Now, like the building, they are nowhere to be seen. Occupants of W.T.C. 7 also noted power outages in the days leading up to the event, compromising all electronic security systems controlling door
access to the entire building.21 Newly uncovered video footage of first
responders,22 coupled with literally hundreds of other eye witness
accounts, at least 118 of them being first responders,23 claim they
witnessed sounds of explosions at the onset of the building collapse.
official conspiracy theory entails men in caves24 conspiring to
penetrate all levels of the American defensive grid, certainly not made more difficult for them by the N.O.R.A.D. stand down order issued by the Vice President of the United States;25 seize control of commercial aircraft; pulverize mid-air 90,000 tons of concrete metal decking of W.T.C. 7, a 47-story steel framed highrise,
suffering no impact from an aircraft, with the ejected portions as fine
as talcum powder, before collapsing symmetrically,
at virtual
free-fall, into its own footprint;26 27 vaporize an aircraft without so
much as a single body28 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, which the
Secretary of Defence allegedly admitted to having shot down;29 and the
world's most well defended military fortification, the Pentagon, attacked, unchecked, with a commercial airliner.
Miraculously, at least seven of the nineteen alleged conspirators survived the impacts unscathed.30 That they were even identified in the first place was equally impressive, given the jet fuel fires were so fierce they incinerated titanium-steel jet engines and pulverized steel framed highrises. The recovery of legible passports31 amidst the pools of molten iron32 implicating the alleged Muslim conspirators required no more than twenty-four hours. This no doubt brought Abdulaziz Alomari, alleged conspirator, some relief that his passport had finally been recovered after it had been reported missing following a break in at his Denver, Colorado apartment in 1995.33 Trust in Allah, Minister, but tie the camel up anyways.
16 Ibid., p. 22
17 Ibid., p. 29
"Other Skyscraper Fires." 9-11 Research: An Independent Investigation
of the 9-11-2001 Attack. 11 Sept. 2009. Web. 19 Feb. 2011.
19 NIST. "WTC 7 Explosion." YouTube. 29 Aug. 2010. Web. 21 Feb. 2011.
20 "The Twin Towers - Gallery of Evidence." Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
21 "WTC Employee Discusses Pre 9/11 Power Downs." YouTube. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
22 "9/11 Firefighters Testimony On Explosions In WTC1." YouTube. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
23 v.s. "The Twin Towers - Gallery of Evidence," see point 6.
24 Kean Et Al., T. H. "The 9/11 Commission Report." National Archives and Records Administration, July 2004. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
<> p. 338.
25 "Dick Cheney Gave Stand Down Orders on 9/11." YouTube. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
26 "Evidence Page." Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
27 "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Get Local News Time." YouTube. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
28 "US Mayor Says No Flight 93 Plane at Shanksville and No Bodies." YouTube. 5 Oct. 2010. Web. 18 Feb. 2011.
29 "Donald Rumsfeld Says Pennsylvania Flight Shot down." YouTube. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
30 "At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers Are Still Alive." What Really Happened. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
31 Ibid.
32 v.s. "The Twin Towers - Gallery of Evidence", point 7.
33 Harrison, David. "Revealed: the Men with Stolen Identities." The Telegraph, 23 Sept. 2001. Web. 19 Feb. 2011.
But that aside, when considered as a narrative, the official conspiracy theory's canonical treatise, the 9/11 Commission Report, was an “uncommonly lucid, even riveting, narrative of the attacks,” The New York Times reported.34 Rich in characters, climax, and heroes like the then Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld bravely assisting casualties,35 no one can deny them that at the very least, but uncommon indeed. Had NASA's Columbia Accident Investigation Board that convened to investigate the destruction of the Space Shuttle Columbia during re-entry produced something uncommonly lucid, even riveting, in place of a detailed analysis, they likely would have been promptly fired. It is interesting then to note that even the members that sat on the official 9/11 commission were so convinced that they had been mislead and setup to fail, that at the end of the panel's tenure, they secretly debated referring the matter to the United States Justice Department for criminal investigation.36
The alternative conspiracy theory involves controlled demolition. By whom and for what end, again, we do not know. Still, motives have been identified.37 But the alternative conspiracy theory is thus far consistent with the scientific observations, whereas the official conspiracy theory is not.
All reasonable people would concede that, by all accounts, the events of that day required a conspiracy and, further, that we vary only in our preference – generally with prejudice towards the politically correct, albeit factually mistaken.
The official conspiracy theory was more popular in years past, given its validation and endorsement by trusted authorities. That, however, is no longer the case with 72 % of Americans not believing the official conspiracy theory as early as 2004.38 Regardless, as it stands now, there is overwhelming compelling evidence to justify a new and independent investigation into the events surrounding that day. That 24 Canadian citizens were murdered, by all accounts, we must treat the events as we would any other formal criminal investigation. Councillor Fujita of the Japanese Diet has also called for this,39 given Japanese citizens were among the list of casualties.
Interestingly, at least half of the largest group representing 9/11 families in 2006 now question the official account.40 They even aired a commercial41 more than 350 times to millions of viewers in the New York Metropolitan area as part of their campaign to raise awareness. You are encouraged to view it.
The list of high profile individuals who have raised questions concerning the official account that may be of interest to you is lengthy, but a very modest sample would include 1,447 verified architectural and professional engineers along with 11,326 other supporters for one such petition;42 The Honourable Paul Hellyer, former Minister of National Defence and Deputy Prime Minister of Canada;43 Jimmy Carter, former President of the United States;44 Capt. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut; Col. Ann Wright,
U.S. Army, retired Army officer and former U.S. Diplomat; Col. Donn de Grand-Pre, former Director, Ground Weapons Systems, Office of International Logistics Negotiations serving as chief Pentagon arms negotiator for the Middle East; Col. George Nelson, MBA, former U.S. Air Force aircraft accident investigator and airplane parts authority. Graduate, U.S. Air Force War College; Col. Ronald D. Ray, U.S. Marine Corps (ret), Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence during the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran; Commander James Clow, Former Chief, National Response Center, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters; Commander James R. Compton, U.S. Navy (ret); General Wesley Clark, Former Commanding General of U.S. European Command; Gov. Walter Peterson, 81st Governor, State of New Hampshire; Lt. Col. Guy S. Razer, MS Aeronautical Science, retired U.S. Air Force command fighter pilot, former instructor and Fighter Weapons School / NATO’s Tactical
Leadership Program; Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter, U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions; Major Albert M. Meyer, MHA, U.S. Air Force (ret); Major General Albert Stubblebine, Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command; Michael Scheuer, PhD, Former Chief of the CIA's bin Laden unit; Ramsey Clark, MA, JD, 66th U.S. Attorney General; Rev. William Sloane Coffin,
Jr., Captain, U.S. Army Intelligence, World War II Former CIA Case Officer; Roland Dumas, Former Foreign Minister of France;45 and a plethora more than either of us have time to enumerate.
34 Posner, Richard A. "The 9/11 Report: A Dissent." The New York Times, 29 Aug. 2004. Web. 19 Feb. 2011.
35 v.s. 9/11 Commission Report, p. 37.
36 Eggen, Dan. "9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon: Allegations Brought to Inspectors General." Washington Post. 2 Aug. 2006. Web. 19 Feb. 2011.
37 Thomas Donnelly, Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century (The Project for the New American Century, Sept 2000 ) p. 51.
38 "The New York Times/CBS News Poll." The New York Times, CBS News, 29 Apr. 2004. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
<>. p. 28.
39 "Councilor Fujita Questions 9/11 Part 1." YouTube. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.
40 "Representative Of Largest 9/11 Families Group Says Government Complicit In Attack." Web. 16 Feb. 2011.
41 "BuildingWhat? TV Ad." Building What?, 10 Sept. 2010. Web. 21 Feb. 2011.
42 Ensuring Our Credibility: The AE911Truth Verification Team. Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth. Web. 22 Feb. 2011.
43 "Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer Questions 9/11." CIVITATENSIS, 24 June 2010. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.
44 "Former President Jimmy Carter Supports Call For New 9/11 Investigation." YouTube. 29 Jan. 2009. Web. 17 Feb. 2011.
45 Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Patriots Question 9/11. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.
With a strong foundation of support in the academic, scientific and professional community, the questions raised concerning the official account should not be dismissed as being propagated by marginalized individuals hoping to destabilize government policy. As said earlier, we do not know with certainty who placed the alleged explosives and to what end they may have intended.
But it is not unreasonable to suppose that, when prompted with cui bono, we are reminded that the fish still rots from the head. A report on a 2001 conference suggests who was working on nano-thermite at this time - not to be confused with regular thermite. “All of the military services and some DOE and academic laboratories have active R&D programs aimed at exploiting the unique properties of nano-materials that have potential to be used in energetic formulations for advanced explosives... nanoenergetics hold promise as useful ingredients for the thermobaric (TBX) and TBX-like weapons, particularly due to their high degree of tailorability with regards to energy release and impulse management.”46 Without a map of said laboratories, we can assume there are none to be found in the caves of Pakistan or Afghanistan.
The alleged elephant in the room has dark and far reaching ramifications for all manner of issues that arose in consequence to 9/11. No rational human being would prefer the possibility that one's own government may have been complicit in an act of terrorism as a false flag or pretext to initiate a war to the alternative explanation deferring blame to a man in a cave47 who was in denial48 prior to his death of lung complications in mid December of 2001,49 yet jubilant and in admission following his passing to the grave through dubious recordings which government have admitted50 to faking. But that we do not grant the alternative conspiracy theory preference does not deny its possibility.51
On August 4th 1964, two American destroyers off the coast of Vietnam, the USS Maddox and USS Jack Turner Joy, both reported they were taking fire by North Vietnamese torpedo boats. The Turner Joy allegedly fired about 220 shells at radar controlled surface targets. The United States Congress hastily passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution three days later which prompted major escalation of hostilities in Vietnam, given that they were responding to an act of aggression.52 Approximately 60,000 US servicemen and 11053 Canadian independent volunteers later lost their lives in the jungles of Southeast Asia, along with many hundreds of thousands of civilians. In 2005, the N.S.A. released a declassified internal historical study on the event confirming that the original incident never happened.54
There are some who believe that powerful men never gather behind closed doors and plan things, and that there are no conspiracies. Yet we are prepared to accept that Julius Caesar certainly did not meet his end with a fatal tumble down the stairs of the Senate; or that plainclothes agents of the Egyptian Government conspired to harass protesters which the world recently bore witness to; or that there was a conspiracy to poison Erwin Rommel by government when it was learned that he was involved in a conspiracy against it, prompted by his realization of just how rotten to the core it was. We recognize the questionable awarding of a municipal contract valued at a mere few thousand to a party with close relations to city council, but balk and roll our eyes heavenward at those with suspicions where billions were at stake.
Such instances are all well documented. We give concession to these theories without hesitation, there being no danger in doing so. We cherry pick our conspiracy theories here and there, not based on merit, but based on endorsement invested in unchecked blind faith.55 Unfortunately conspiracies are real, there have been countless well documented instances of government conspiracy,56 that is why the Canadian Criminal Code clearly outlines provisions for having done so, and that is why we routinely
have Parliamentary Standing Committees investigating them.57
Had it later been learned that Buckingham Palace had extended a private dinner invitation to the I.R.A.'s Michael Collins shortly after the Easter Rising, it would have been cause for great public suspicion and for obvious reason. Further, had the State's explanation for such an encounter, after it had inadvertently been made known, was that it was part of an “Irish cultural outreach program”, it would have been the laughing stock of Europe and the world over.
The alleged al-Qaeda regional commander, Anwar Al-Awlaki, and mastermind behind the “aborted Christmas Day bombing, the Fort Hood shooting, the Times Square bombing attempt, and who also preached to the alleged 9/11 hijackers, dined at the
46 Miziolek AW. Nanoenergetics: an emerging technology area of national importance. Amptiac Q 2002; 6(1): 43-48.
47 v.s. The 9/11 Commission Report, p. 338.
48 "Bin Laden Says He Wasn't behind Attacks." CNN, 17 Sept. 2001. Web. 18 Feb. 2011.
49 al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633
50 "Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Video.", 25 May 2010. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.
51 Operation Northwoods was an unimplemented plan calling for a series of false flag operations originating within the CIA in 1962 to be carried out by committing domestic
acts of terror, starting riots, sabotage, assassinations, the shelling of friendly military bases, and so on, to be blamed on Cuba. After its presentation, Kennedy promptly fired
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The documents were declassified into the public record on November 18, 1997 by the JFK Assassination Records Review Board.
52 "Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia." Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.
53 "Canada and the Vietnam War." Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 17 Feb. 2011.
54 "Excerpts from McNamara's Testimony on Tonkin", The New York Times, 1968-02-25.
55 Watson, Paul Joseph. "The Psychology of Conspiracy Denial." Infowars, 5 Aug. 2010. Web. 18 Feb. 2011.
56 "Mexico Drug Plane Used for CIA ‘rendition’ Flights." Google News. AFP, 4 Sep. 2008. Web. 18 Feb. 2011.
57 Mercer, Don. "Presentation to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-food." Criminal Matters Branch, 7 Nov. 1995. Web. 17 Feb. 2011.
Mercer reflects at one point "specifically on conspiracy, generally referred to as price fixing".
Pentagon just months after 9/11.”58 The Government later confirmed his presence as part of “a push within the Defence Department to reach out to the Muslim community.”59 Straight from the horse's mouth.
It is interesting to take a brief sojourn with some figures. Government was responsible for the deaths of approximately 262 million people in the last century, save those killed in war. Indeed, this figure is six times the number of deaths attributable to all wars combined in that period (First, Second, Korea, and so on).60 By contrast, the bubonic plague that claimed around half of Europe's population in the 14th century killed but roughly 75 million.61 The numbers identify government as one of the leading causes of death. It would be only a small simplification to say that Public Safety Canada's philosophy of “there [being] no more fundamental role for government than the protection of its citizens”62 as arguably among the most ambitious of any kind in the history of government. The point only is that government is capable of violence, otherwise it would have no need of armouries.
We do not fully understand the depth of involvement the Government of Canada may have played in 9/11, but we do have more than circumstantial evidence implicating its primary ally and partner in the alleged War on Terror, whereby our participation was at their request and it is not unreasonable to suspect that, with all the intimate logistical and political ties our two nations have, that we were not without our own, shall we say euphemistically, domestic coordinators. The event has been used as a vehicle for incredibly dangerous unchecked assumptions.
What all parties agree on is that Canada's membership with I.S.A.F. in the war in Afghanistan was preceded by the events that
transpired on 9/11. One's political convictions are immaterial, be they liberal, conservative, socialist, libertarian, or whatever one
finds fashionable, all reasonable people would agree that murder commit by government against its own innocent citizens as a
pretext for war is not only immoral, but illegal. There is, unfortunately, overwhelming evidence63 implicating government
involvement in some capacity, either our own or that of our southern neighbour's. Section 46 of the Canadian Criminal Code
provides an interesting legal instrument:
High treason 46. (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,
(b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or
(c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against
whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of
war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are.
It is also illegal for a Canadian citizen to do any of the above outside of Canada.64
U.N. Security Council Resolution 1368 adopted on September 12th 2001 called upon “all States to work together urgently to bring to justice the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of these terrorist attacks and stresses that those responsible for aiding, supporting or harbouring the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of these acts will be held accountable.”65
On a side note, the Security Council Chamber features a very large, beautiful, and prominent mural of a bird of fire. It was received as a gift by the Norwegian artist Per Krohg. It actually was not intended to enhance the decor, but served a very practical purpose. The phoenix is seen rising from the ashes symbolizing the world rebuilding itself. The idea was to remind those present at all times the world that was laid to waste by the end of the Second World War and to ensure it never happened again.66
The perpetrators are no doubt well and confided with the knowledge that those who know, maintain their silence, being as they are benefactors, and those who ought to know will find the premise that powerful men may have worked in collusion with the aim of personal gain far too incredulous to investigate. And so the perpetrators are unchecked in their aims, constituting a monumental threat to public safety, and operating surreptitiously through proxy. They must be routed out with all their means to do us harm destroyed. However, for the mandate of Public Safety Canada to fulfil its professed legislative duty to Canadian citizens, the correct perpetrators must be identified and held to justice.
58 Herridge, Catherine. "Al Qaeda Leader Dined at the Pentagon Just Months After 9/11.", 20 Oct. 2010. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.
59 Ibid.
60 Rummel, R. J. "20th Century Democide." University of Hawaii. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.
61 "Bubonic Plague." Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.
62 v.s. Public Safety Canada's What We Do.
63 Griffin, David Ray. Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory. Northampton, MA: Olive Branch,
2007. Print.
64 "Treason." Wikimedia Foundation. 16 Feb. 2011. Web. 19 Feb. 2011.
65 United Nations. Security Council. Resolution 1368 (2001). United Nations, 12 Sept. 2001. Web. 18 Feb. 2011.
66 "The Security Council." United Nations, 2001. Web. 21 Feb. 2011.
Sir, the nation is bankrupted into oblivion at $559,602,000,000,67 with resolute increase at a rate of roughly $6,400,000 by the hour unabated. I assure you, this is not by accident. By design, there are no means of repayment so as to satisfy the debt in whole, and the sale of additional Treasury Bonds in exchange for, no, not valuable specie, but additional worthless paper promissory notes manufactured by fractional reserve private central banks rented to us at interest will only serve to, literally, compound the problem. We will then be taxed covertly through inflation, an increase in the money supply.
By mathematical design, repayment is never to be achieved with the repayment schedule rolled out to all eternity.68 69 As Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the most powerful banking dynasty in history was famously quoted as saying, “Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.”70
When considering Bonaparte's sentiments on banksters, that the hand that gives is higher than the hand that takes, the list of suspects is lessened considerably. They were there at Waterloo.71 They had their hands in the sinking of the Lusitania where 1,195 lost their lives, 195 of them being American – subsequently catapulting them into the First World War.72 They financed all sides of the Second World War,73 financed the Bolsheviks,74 befriended Saddam,75 and on, and on, and on. The planting and
raising of flags, cultural identity, nationalism, the signing of treaties, my grandfather's beach landing and capture at Dieppe, revolutions, and so on are all merely the noise and objects of concern of a vanquished people in the bankster's mind, unbeknownst to an insolvent nation, for they are truly as nihilistic as they are ravenous. Blackbeard had nothing on them.
In all likelihood, if history has taught us anything, it would be of little surprise to learn that this cabal may well have had their hand in 9/11, bearing the credentials and having a long, successful, and well documented track record in similar affairs. The Rothschilds having “conquered the world more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than all the Caesars before or all the Hitlers after them”76 are automatically short listed among the usual suspects. The more consideration we give the
matter, the more irrelevant phantom thespians and bearded cave men become.
Minister, new wars are seldom fought out of the existing treasury. Re-read that last sentence. The banksters know this, and through the instrument of usury, they are fought not to be won, but to be sustained.77 It is then no surprise when Nicholas Rockefeller, descendant of John D. Rockefeller's banking dynasty, confided to his close friend Aaron Russo, film maker and politician, the designs of the cabal 11 months prior to 9/11. Russo recalled him boasting that “there's going to be an event Aaron...We are going to go into Afghanistan so we can put a gas pipeline to the Caspian Sea...We are going to go into Iraq to take the oil and to establish a base in the Middle East and we're going to go into Venezuala and try and get rid of Chávez.” As he laughed, he continued, “You're going to see guys going into caves looking for people that they're never going to find...There's no real enemy...By having this war on terror, you can never win it because it's an eternal war.”78
Russo was incredulous. Being a man of strong moral convictions, he was taken aback by Rockefeller's avowal. He expressed his doubts that people would be that naïve. Rockefeller reassured him “the media can convince everybody that it's real...You keep talking about things, you keep saying them over and over and over again and eventually people will believe this...You create 9/11 which is another lie. Through [9/11], you fight the War on Terror and then you go into Iraq which is another lie, and then Iran. And it's all one thing leading to another, leading to another, leading to another.”79 I can unfortunately attest to Rockefeller's confidence in the media's propagation of the mythology, having myself attempted to bring this matter to their attention only to have it fall on a deaf audience at worst, a muted one at best.
Juvenal put it aptly well over two millennia ago in describing the Roman mob. “It's way back that they discarded their responsibilities – since the time we stopped selling our votes. The proof? The people that once used to bestow military commands, high office, legions, everything, now limits itself. It has an obsessive desire for two things only – bread and circuses.”80 Wait not on journalists, Minister. Journalism is dead, the Colosseum timeless.81
But in all this, the sensible place to begin is, naturally, at the beginning. It goes without saying that if the Harrit, Farrer, et al. findings turn out to be correct, then the emperor has had no clothes for roughly a decade now. The government's policy of silence on the subject is rather embarrassing when one can travel to many parts of the developed world where this is all common
67 Canada's National Debt Clock. Canadian Taxpayers Federation. Web. 20 Feb. 2011.
68 "Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence Respecting the Bank of Canada." Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce. Ottawa: J.O. Patenaude, I.S.O., Printer to the
King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1939. 461-500. Microform.
69 Griffin, G. Edward. The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. 5th ed. Westlake Village, CA: American Media, 2010. pp. 185-207. Print.
70 Ibid. p. 218.
71 Ibid. pp. 226-227.
72 Ibid. pp. 235-262.
73 Ibid. pp. 294-296.
74 Ibid. pp. 263-284.
75 Ibid. p. 304.
76 Ibid. p. 218. Griffin cites Morton, Frederic. The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait. London: Secker & Warburg, 1962. 14. Print.
77 Ibid. pp. 229-232.
78 "3.19 Aaron Russo and Rockefeller." YouTube. Zeitgeist, 27 Dec. 2007. Web. 20 Feb. 2011.
79 Ibid.
80 Juvenal, and Persius. "Satire 10.77-81." Juvenal and Persius. Ed. Jeffrey Henderson. Trans. Susanna Morton Braund. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2004. 373. Print.
81 Baldwin, Chuck. "America’s Bread And Circus Society." Infowars. 8 June 2010. Web. 21 Feb. 2011.
knowledge.82 It does not take above average intellectual gifts to see in all that I have related that there is more fly than ointment, and thus it is incumbent upon the Minister to investigate in accordance with his mandate as an Officer of Public Safety.
i. A statement confirming the Minister has had the Harrit, Farrer, et al. paper concerning the alleged discovery of nanothermite brought to his attention and that the Minister has perused said paper;
ii. A statement confirming Public Safety Canada have initiated earnest efforts in the replication of the Harrit, Farrer, et al.findings;
iii. Conditional on a successful replication, a statement confirming Public Safety Canada has duly apprised the Prime Minister's Office, Commissioner of the R.C.M.P., Chief of Defence Staff, and all other relevant Public Officers;
iv. Conditional on a successful replication, a statement acknowledging that the Governor General was not properly informed September 20th 2001 when the Minister of National Defence approached Her requesting the deployment of men and materials to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan;
v. A meeting with the Minister subsequent his examination of the Harrit, Farrer, et al. paper with the objective of receiving his formal responses.
As a safety precaution, albeit a morbid thought and perhaps extreme, but provoked by the deaths of many 9/11 whistle blowers with first hand information under questionable circumstance, to wit, Barry Jennings, Beverly Eckert, Kenneth Johannemann, Michael Doran, Christopher Landis, Bertha Champagne, Paul Smith, Deborah Palfrey, Major General David Wherley, Salvatore Princiotta, Dr. David Graham,83 and in all likelihood, many others, let the record state that I am of sound mind to never consider suicide. I will invoke all lawful means of self preservation, and, failing that, now with a considerable international base of irate people, expect that they will pick up where I left off regardless and see this matter through to the long awaited, decade outstanding, criminal convictions.
In closing, what I have described above may well be among the greatest and most costly acts of fraud ever perpetrated in attested history. Voltaire once remarked that it is dangerous to be right when government is wrong. But in times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act and we expect nothing less of our Minister in the discharge of his duties.
Yours sincerely,
Kip Warner,
Software Engineer
His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada;
Mary Dawson, Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner;
Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court;
Senate Committee on Conflict of Interest for Senators;
Senate Committee on National Security and Defence;
Sheila Fraser, Office of the Auditor General of Canada;
Special Senate Committee on Anti-terrorism;
The Honourable Arthur Eggleton, Senator and Former Minister of National Defence;
The Honourable Paul Hellyer, Former Minister of National Defence and Former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada;
The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, Former Governor General of Canada
82 Nimmo, Kurt. "Nearly 90 Percent of Germans Do Not Believe Official 9/11 Fairy Tale.", 20 Jan. 2011. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.
83 "Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (Must See)." YouTube. 14 Feb. 2010. Web. 20 Feb. 2011.
Kip's Open Letter to Minister
Public Safety Regarding 9/11
Men occasionally
stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry
off as if nothing had happened. - Sir
Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
I know that most
men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity,
can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be
such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which
they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have
proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread,
into the fabric of their lives. - Leo Tolstoy (1828
– 1910)
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- Download as FLAC, 195 MB.
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Citizen Feedback:
Your letter is superb. Your
connecting it to relevant authorities in explanation and in sending it
to them to incite some public responsibility is equally masterful.
Thank you doing this on all our behalves.
John McMurtry
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada University of Guelph Professor Emeritus UN author & editor of Philosophy and World Problems |
Your research is sound...We definitely need to begin holding our
elected representatives in Canada to account on this, and your
letter is one way to start that...I want to say that I love the
way you've used UNSC 1368. I've often quoted it in presentations,
but I simply argue that it provided no justification for the
invasion of Afghanistan: as you correctly argue, what it actually
does is obligate governments to seek the true perpetrators of the
9/11 crimes...Maybe there is a way the Canadian 9/11 truth
movement, which is pretty scattered at the moment, can unite
around a couple of main items, such as your letter, in the
not-too-distant future...Thanks for the very eloquent letter.
Graeme MacQueen
PhD, Harvard Associate Professor, McMaster University Founder of McMaster University Centre for Peace Studies Co-director of Media & Peace Education in Afghanistan |
I want to attempt to express the enormity of my respect for you...
Your letter is up there as a work of great political literature,
in a league with the Declaration of Independence, Letter From The
Birmingham Jail, etc.
Andrea |
Amazing letter, just read it, incredible work keeping track of all the
recipients, and the many non-responses. You're a real patriot. Some of the
recipients really picked on the wrong fellow to try and pretend they didn't
receive the letter.
Democracy Now! UVic Radio, an Independent News Hour |
I've been researching this subject for years now and have recently come
across your letter to Toews. For what it's worth I think you've nailed
it; absolutely outstanding, one of the best I've seen to date if not the
best. I've passed along many articles on this subject and have sent
copies of your letter to contacts already. In my humble opinion it is
the most well written letter/article I've seen on any subject. Keep up
the good work! If there were more like you in the battle we'd already
have reached the tipping point. The masses are stirring and I have
little doubt the perpetrators are running scared. Things sure are
getting "interesting", justice shall prevail.
Royal Canadian Navy 1981-2001 |
I agree with this thought provoking thesis and believe that
further investigation into the 9/11 event will take place because
of it.
Retired Canadian Infantry Officer Platoon Commander Military Historian |
It is very well written. You are a gifted writer...Glad to have
you with us...It is a great letter and one that should shine
above many on the subject.
Christopher Porter
Canadian Action Party Leader |
I just wanted to say that its one of the best letters on 9/11,
integrating in the appropriate issues and historical perspective,
that I have ever read.
Professional Engineer |
I have never seen a better written letter! Very well done!
Medical Oncologist Clinical Professor Faculty of Medicine University of British Columbia |
This letter has truly opened my eyes. My respect for your
commitment to discovering the truth and the passion underlying
this exceptionally high quality letter is substantial.
Law Student University of Durham |
This is an amazing piece of work, and research behind it.
Retired high school science teacher |
This is an amazing work, thanks for using your energy to do
and say the things some of us are not able, in such a
courageous and concise way. I pray this letter will not fall
on deaf ears, I truly pray.
Rachelle |
You are right on! And you are very brave...I fear that
democracy in Canada is a mere charade, if it ever truly
existed. We need to continue the efforts and I applaud you.
Thanks again for your thoughtful letter.
Librarian |
Congratulations. Your letter is excellent. The issue that you
raise is one that I am very familiar with, and while the
implications are unfortunate and frightening, I tend to agree
with your views. I have encountered everything that you mention
in your letter, however it was impressive to see it gathered
so cogently, and with such immediacy.
Undergraduate Student University of British Columbia |
This is one of the most well put together compilation I have
ever seen on this topic.
Professional Musician |
Very well written ... with lots of references...You make some
great points, and it sounds like there are a lot of other
people, with excellent credentials, who also want answers...
But, you've done your research well, and wrote a good letter.
Computer Science Instructor University of British Columbia |
This is an amazing piece of work, and research behind it.
Retired Highschool Teacher |
This is indeed an amazing work, and I support your efforts fully.
Nathan |
Your letter is brilliant.
Professional Engineer |
That letter you did was really something. Thanks.
Bill |
What an amazing letter! The world needs more citizens like you
who are critical thinkers, objective researchers, intelligent
observers, with the strength of character to stand up for what
they believe it. Your letter is an act of moral courage, and I
would hope that in the Canadian, and global context, we have
room for those who take action against evil. It reminds me of
a quote from Ayn Rand: 'The evil of the world is made possible
by nothing but the sanction you give it.' Thank-you for not
sanctioning it!
Jackie |
Your letter to Vic Toews is outstanding, a most remarkable
piece or research and composition.
Raymond |
I've read your letter and it looks to be extremely well
researched and documented.
Retired Canadian Infantry Officer Plantoon Commander |
Incredibly well written, Kip. Thanks for writing that on behalf
of all of us. I hope it falls on open ears, for once.
Software Engineer |
It's very, very well written and I hope justice of the highest
order will be achieved for all.
Lisa |
Wow that was an impressive letter.
Ron |
Well done....very well done.
Amy |
Kip this is very impressive; very well-written and researched...
The truth shall prevail!
Aleya |
An informed and informative letter.
Samad |
You are a wonderful writer...with a great message...I will
forward the letter to friends.
Elementary School Teacher |
Good letter. Too bad Ottawa seems stone deaf to everything not
uttered by the 46 richest Canadians (worth as much as the
14,000,000 poorest) and/or the American plutocrats who tell
them what to do.
Film Studies Instructor University of British Columbia |
I thought your letter was excellent. It actually blew me away
how precise all of your details were.
Elementary School Teacher |
I read your letter. It is 100% correct in my view.
Software Engineer Retired Canadian Artilleryman |
Got it from the Canadian Action party website - let's give
these people hell on earth, like they want to do to us!
Jim |
A big applause and thank you for a very well crafted and
referenced letter to Vic Toews on the matter of 911 truth...
Last fall my eyes finally opened on the subject and it is good
to see that people like you are taking action. I am also
encourage that an existing Canadian federal party has actually
taking on this difficult subject and is trying to get to the
root of the problem.
DeVries |
I read the letter you sent to Vic Toews...The content of your
letter is bang on.
Victor |
I read your letter - very well done. I like your low key
strategy. Let people read the letter, and the (non)responses,
and let them make up their own minds.
Law Student University of British Columbia |
As someone who has spent many years perfecting my own writing
skill I must congratulate you on this work, which is both well
written and well argued. I wasn't familiar with the all the
facts regarding traces of explosive material found in the WTC
rubble, and while it's still somewhat challenging for me to wrap
my head around the letter's main argument, I must say that my
opinion on this issue has certainly been influenced your research.
Economics Undergraduate Student University of British Columbia |
All I can say is wow, what an amazing letter. Keep up the good work.
Marc |
I felt compelled to write to you after [...] told me all about you and
sent me to your website where I was BLOWN AWAY by your concise, eloquent
and magnificent letter to Vic Toews concerning 9/11. I must commend you
on your courage and dedication.
Professional Animator |
Elicited Responses:
Toronto International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001
Active Thermitic Material Found in WTC Dust
Why The Red/Gray Chips Are Not Primer Paint
Kip Warner (Public Key)
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, (C) Kip Warner.
If you violate the terms of these copyright conditions without prior explicit written
authorization from me, you agree to indemnify me for all court costs, lawyer fees, and disbursements
in relation to the enforcement of these copyright conditions. Additionally, you
agree to liquidated damages in the amount of $1M CAD payable to me in the event of a breach.
Who |
Received |
Resolution |
Comments |
Adrienne Clarkson (Former Governor General) | Unknown | N/A | |
Arthur Eggleton (Senator and Former Minister of National Defence) | Unknown | N/A | |
Bill Vander Zalm (28th Premier of British Columbia from 1986 to 1991) | Yes | Read, responded |
"I was very impressed with
your presentation and your way of presenting but most of all I was
impressed with your broad knowledge of so many things happening...Your
letter is extremely well
written and documented." Mr Vander Zalm and I met in private at his home after he had read the letter. I then provided him with an additional briefing and answered any questions he had. Mr Vander Zalm's knowledge of both this matter and those tangential was remarkable and extensive. |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) | Yes | Read, responded |
"I found [your letter to the government] on the internet...It's very well written...It's pretty interesting and obviously the kind of stuff we're interested in...For stuff like this, this is exactly for us...Thank you very much and I will look into it...I'll make sure it gets to who it needs to," (Christina). |
Commonwealth Secretariat | Yes | Read, no response |
Prompted with his co-hosting of a conference for the heads of various anti-corruption agencies in Africa held in May of 2012 in Livingstone, Zambia, I brought the document to his attention. This was confirmed via an access attempt and download of the letter from on 17 Jan 2013. Someone from his office re-visited this site again on 29 Jan 2013, then again on 8 Feb 2013. This IP address falls within the Commonwealth Secretariat subnet. |
David Johnson (Governor General) | Yes | Read, responded |
"I regret that the Governor
General cannot intervene in matters that are the responsibility of
public or elected officials."
The British North America Act of 1867 vests executive power in Her Majesty the Queen of Canada who is represented in person by the Governor General of Canada, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnson. He may be perceived as ceremonial, but in actuality, his legal mandate bestows him with the highest domestic public office the nation has to offer, exceeding even that of the Prime Minister's Office. This is why the Prime Minister must secure the Governor General's permission in the dissolution of Parliament or in the deployment of military force abroad. Holders of the Office cannot limit themselves merely to its privledges, but none of its responsibilities. Nevertheless, this matter of grave concern remained an unregistered interest. Televised spectator games featuring acts of violence that merely affect the lives of a handful of people at a given time warranted commentary while a probable violation of section 46 of the Criminal Code (High Treason) and the incumbent necessity of the dissolution of Parliament, the initiation of a public enquiry with powers of subpoena, and the holding of a Federal election prompted none. |
Enza Uda (Associate Producer, CBC News, Go Public) | Yes | Read, responded |
"I've read your essay — which
is well-written and well-researched. However, we are not the
forum to air your paper," (Enza Uda). Enza's mandate is to hold powers that be accountable. She has worked before to uncover a war criminal who is now an old man, incapable of defending himself, and whose government was dissolved more than half a century ago. She refused to forward the document to an appropriate forum on the grounds that it was not of interest to the CBC. Listen here. |
Hardy Staub (Liberal MP candidate for South Surrey - White Rock - Cloverdale) | Yes | Read, responded |
"Thank you for your document that I read with interest...I noticed that you had sent it to a variety of very important people and at this stage those are the people I would have sent it to as well...Once elected however I could forward it to the appropriate members of our new government," (Hardy Staub). |
Jasbir Sandhu (Member of Parliament for Surrey North, NDP, Official Opposition Critic for Public Safety) | Yes | Read, responded |
The letter was read in its
entirety before him privately in his constituency office where I found
him to be both very reasonable and receptive. He acknowledged that he
was already suspicious of the collapse of the north and south towers,
but was not aware of the third building to collapse in NYC until the
briefing. He found the information quite reasonable, given that, as he
noted, "there were no WMDs in Iraq".
He requested several weeks to examine the letter in greater detail and review the additional material he was provided with. He will provide his party's official response to the five points made in the conclusion of my letter when Parliament reconvenes in September 2011. Given that Mr Sandhu is the official opposition critic for the Public Safety portfolio, the intended recipient of my letter, and given that he is in good rapport with the Minister responsible for that cabinet position, the information he is now in possession with left me thinking that it was in appropriate hands. Several weeks passed, giving Mr Sandhu ample time to review the material. In a followup meeting, he claimed he had not had time to review the material, had not liaised with the Minister, and was still preoccupied with other things of "higher priority" - among them, by his own admission, a review of a bill to extend the Anti-Terrorism Act. In the end, he refused to sign the petition demanding a new investigation, although his clerk signed it on the spot, while he requested an indeterminate amount of time to reflect on the matter. He did, however, concede that personal safety was an issue in his decision at that point. |
Kathy Tomlinson (Journalist, CBC News, Go Public) | Yes | No response | Did not express interest after receiving letter. Listen here. "We hold the powers that be accountable," (CBC Go Public website). |
Macleans | Yes | Deleted without reading | Confirmed via electronic confirmation receipt. |
Mark Warawa (Conservative Member of Parliament for Langley, BC) | Yes | Read, responded |
8 Dec 2012, I attended the screening of a film on gendercide in Vancouver. Mr Warawa was present. I approached him after the film and requested a meeting to discuss a separate social justice and human rights issue. He was agreeable and indicated I liaise with his assistant Annette to select an appropriate date. 17 Jan 2013, I briefed Mr Warawa at his constituency office at 104-4769 222 St, Langley, BC, where he was provided with a copy of my letter to the Minister of Public Safety, shown video footage of the collapse of WTC 7, and given a documentary DVD film. He reassured me that he would examine the material I provided him as time would permit, in addition to the Toronto Report I would drop off later when I was resupplied with new copies. While viewing the collapse of WTC 7, Mr Warawa noted that "the collapse of the third building...It doesn't look". He was reassured that he need not endorse our petition for a new and independent investigation into the events of 9/11, but only that we encourage him to deliver it on behalf of any of the signatories within his riding. After I left, he spent some time later that afternoon examining my personal website. The following morning he returned to this page and spent approximately 64 seconds examining the other responses to date prior to downloading an additional copy of the letter. Earlier that day, during our meeting he had said he would likely read it over his flight back to Ottawa that weekend. That evening, he sent me a response in followup to my email which thanked him for generously providing me with his time that afternoon. "Hi Kip, thank you for this follow-up email. It was a pleasure meeting you yesterday. I will be in touch. Regards, Mark Warawa, Member of Parliament for Langley". Five days later, as I had promised him during his briefing, I dropped off two copies of the Toronto Report, one for Mr Warawa and another for his assistant. 14 May 2013, I received a response from Mr Warawa. "I have had a chance to skim through the text that you offered and I have decided not to pursue this matter further; therefore, I will not be presenting the petitions. I encourage you to contact your MP or another MP who may be interested in presenting these." I did not attempt to disuade him otherwise, but did attempt to determine at the very least whether the decision had been his. I did not receive a response after several attempts to make contact. 10 July 2013, I managed to liaise with Mr Warawa's assistant at his constituency office over the telephone in an effort to document who had made the decision to not deliver the petition, Mr Warawa, or someone else. The assistant declined to provide that information, but said that the issue was not sufficiently important to Mr Warawa, that I was not a member of his riding (which I had disclosed from the beginning), and suggested that I had deliberately mislead Mr Warawa. Audio available here. |
Mark Kelley (CBC The National / News: Morning) | Yes | Read, responded |
"Hi Kip...This is an extraordinary piece of work," he remarked in May of
2011, though leaving the question of responsibility hanging.
Over the course of about nine months, I found it interesting that the CBC found some things newsworthy and other things not. Mark was repeatedly approached gently with the request that he go on the air, as he does so regularly, and clarify the matter by simply stating the truth. Excuses were presented from time constraints to a lack of interest. In January of 2012, my tone escalated to highlight the gravity of the situation and the necessity that, as a journalist, he inform the public. His response and my followup can be found here. |
Mary Dawson (Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner) | Yes | Responded | "I wish to confirm that I was able to open and print your letter addressed to Minister Toews. I have passed on your request to our investigation division for their review and our office will contact you with a response as soon as possible," (Jocelyne Brisebois, Communications Officer for the Parliamentary Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner). |
Niels Harrit (Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen) | Yes | Read, responded |
"This is brilliant writing,
clever and comprehensive. Terrific, solid work, well documented,
learned a lot myself. Just to quote UNSC 1368 should be enough for all
of us," (Niels Harrit). Professor Harrit was among the original whistleblowers to expose the discovery of nano-thermite uncovered in the dust of the WTC ruins. |
Office of the Prosecutor International Criminal Court | Yes | Read, responded | Inquired a total of forty-one times before receipt was finally acknowledged, though I was advised that a receipt "does not mean that an investigation will be conducted". It was downloaded at least 12 times from an address on their subnet (, according to the Apache access logs. |
Patricia Graham (Editor-in-chief, Vancouver Sun) | Yes | Deleted without reading | Patricia was apprised of the false flag issue by my father's presentation at the Vancouver Club August, 2010 as were the many other high profile individuals present, such as an ex US diplomat, supreme court judge, and several prominent CEOs. All now are aware of the evidence and that Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth are asking for a new independent investigation. Patricia, for reasons unknown, so far has failed to report on the matter. |
Paul Hellyer (Former Minister of National Defence and Former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada) | Yes | Read, responded |
"I have managed to carefully
read the letter to Minister Toews and to scan the attached document
concerning thermitic material. I must congratulate you on the very
comprehensive manner in which you have assembled the information
contained in your letter. It is most impressive. (...) All I can do is
to thank you for the exhaustive work that you have undertaken and to
hope – which I know is a very long hope – that the minister or one of
his colleagues will take it seriously and commission the required
analysis. (...) "In my mind you are demonstrating the qualities of integrity, loyalty, courage, honesty, fairness and responsibility putting service to humanity before self-interest which is something that should be expected of all of us, but I know quite a few people who wouldn’t see it that way," (Paul Hellyer). |
Peace Arch News | Yes | Read, responded |
Published with much gratitude to Lance Peverly, editor, for his courage in demonstrating real journalism in prioritizing the needs of an informed community before career. |
RCMP, White Rock Detachment | Yes | Read, responded |
"I went through your material
last night and you've done everything you can. You've gone to the right
agencies and something like that is way out of my purview and
jurisdiction. (...) As far as we're concerned here in White Rock, it's
where it's supposed to be. I don't have the resources to deal with
anything like that here," (Sgt Roland Pierschke).
The officer agreed with the thesis of the letter and conceded that he had known since "day one". The RCMP's unofficial motto is "we always get our man". |
RCMP National Security Information Network | Yes | Read, responded |
RCMP National Security Investigator currently investigating and considered the letter to be "legitimate". It claims to have "a mandate to collect information from the general public regarding terrorist activity," (NSIN website). |
Russ Hiebert (Member of Parliament for South Surrey - White Rock - Cloverdale, Conservative) | Yes | Read, responded |
The letter was read in its
entirety before him privately at his constituency office. He found it
"very interesting" and requested an electronic copy of the letter to
verify footnotes, along with some time to digest the material presented
to him. He later responded in writing where he acknowledged that the official government explanation for the collapse of WTC7 was not an explanation. |
Senate Committee on Conflict of Interest for Senators | Unknown | N/A | |
Senate Committee on National Security & Defence | Unknown | N/A | |
Sheila Fraser (Auditor General) | Yes | No response | |
Special Senate Committee on Anti-terrorism | Yes | Read, responded |
Barbara Reynolds, Committee Clerk, confirmed receipt. She has been notified that I am available to testify before the Senate, if they wish. |
Stewart Bell (Journalist, The National Post) | Yes | Read, no response |
Confirmed via electronic confirmation receipt. |
The Guardian | Yes | Read, no response |
Confirmed via electronic confirmation receipt. |
The Leader-Post | Yes | Deleted without reading | Confirmed via electronic confirmation receipt. |
The National Post | Yes | Read and deleted | Confirmed via electronic confirmation receipt. |
Toronto Sun | Yes | Deleted without reading | Confirmed via electronic confirmation receipt. |
Vic Toews (Minister of Public Safety) | Yes | No response | Hard copy dispatched
registered post and signed
for by mail processing clerk, Mr M Dery. After at least half a dozen attempts by email to confirm the Minister's receipt, including by telephone, Cheri Elliott, the Minister's personal Executive Assistant, finally prepared to bring the letter to the Minister's attention by forwarding it personally to him with the message body of "FYI", unintentionally addressed it to myself. Three minutes later, having realized his mistake, he then attempted unsuccessfully to recall the email. As a consequence, the Minister's potential justification of future plausible deniability, with respect to personally having been made aware of the document, has now been destroyed. |
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