New Brunswick government employee pensions suffered $1B loss in 2022
Results were better than industry averages and triggered record bonuses at investment firm
It's the first decline posted by Vestcor in 13 years, but the losses were well below Canadian industry averages — and that helped boost controversial bonuses earned by Vestcor staff for the second year in a row.
"Our investment returns significantly outperformed most other Canadian pension plans," wrote Vestcor president John Sinclair in the annual report.
Vestcor managed $19.9 billion in New Brunswick government employee pension and other funds, as of the end of December. That's down from $21 billion one year earlier. It's a change affected by a number of factors, the most significant of which is the return earned on fund investments.
Among the assets losing value in 2022 was the pension fund belonging to New Brunswick public servants, which dropped by $534 million to $8.8 billion, and the New Brunswick Teachers' Pension Plan, which shed $458 million to settle at $6.5 billion.
Last year was a tough one in most financial markets. The Toronto Stock Exchange composite index fell 8.7 per cent over 12 months.
Brunswick's former auditor general, Kim Adair, told MLAs in 2021 she
wanted the authority to audit Vestcor and what was then $4.4 million per
year in bonus pay. She was refused and bonuses have since doubled. (Michel Corriveau/Radio-Canada)
According to the Royal Bank, declines like that helped push investments managed by pension plans across Canada to their worst results since 2008.
In January, Niki Zaphiratos with the bank's investor and treasury services division called 2022 "a challenging year for pension asset managers" with the median return earned by defined benefit plans tracked by the bank measured at negative 10.3 per cent.
In its annual report out this week Vestcor reports its 2022 investment returns were significantly better than that at negative 3.63 per cent, which it credited to its long established conservative investment philosophy and skilled management.
Royal Bank of Canada said the median investment loss of Canadian
pension funds in 2022 was 10.3 per cent. Vestcor's loss was
significantly less severe at 3.63 per cent. (Don Pittis/CBC)
It's the organization's best result in relation to industry averages since it switched its year-end to Dec. 31 in 2016
Outgoing Vestcor chairperson Michael Walton said the organization's "low-risk" approach and "strong value-added returns" generated by its in-house expertise were the two factors preventing larger losses.
Investment targets or "benchmarks" set by Vestcor's board were exceeded during the year by more than $500 million, according to the organization.
Consequently, employees were rewarded with a $459,900 increase in the pool of funds used for bonus pay. That allowed a record $9 million to be awarded in 2022.
Toronto Stock Exchange's composite index fell 8.7 per cent in 2022, a
sign of how difficult the financial environment was for investors during
the year, including pension funds. (Mark Blinch/Reuters)
Vestcor's top five investment executives were allotted $3.7 million of the total, including $1.26 million in bonuses to Sinclair. That amount is more than triple his base salary of $375,057.
Vestcor has consistently defended its bonus pay program as standard in the investment industry and necessary to help recruit and retain quality employees and incent good performance.
In an email Thursday, Sinclair said the bonus program is "annually reviewed and approved" by a specialized committee of Vestcor's board and was professionally designed in consultation with an independent compensation expert.
"Vestcor's active investment approach has realized strong success in adding significant value-added returns," wrote Sinclair about what has been driving bonuses upward.
Bonus pay earned by Vestcor employees has more than doubled since former New Brunswick auditor general Kim Adair raised concerns in 2021 about her office not being allowed to review them and the results they are based on.
Sinclair, president of Vestcor, speaking to MLAs in September 2021. He
says the organization's bonus program has been professionally
constructed, meets industry standards and is reviewed annually. (Government of New Brunswick)
Vestcor was originally a Crown agency known as the New Brunswick Investment Management Corporation, but was reconfigured, renamed and given its independence in 2016.
It's now jointly owned by the province's two largest public pension plans serving civil servants and teachers.
It also oversees the retirement plans of other government employees, including hospital workers, nurses, Crown corporation employees, provincial court judges and MLAs.
Vestcor also manages other investment accounts, including University of New Brunswick endowment funds, retirement accounts for other organizations like the City of Fredericton, and nuclear waste and decommissioning funds for NB Power.
Adair argued "the significant amount of funds from public sources Vestcor manages" and its "extensive government-entity client base" make its operations a public interest concern.
"The Auditor General should have unrestricted access to audit the reasonableness of Vestcor's incentive program," Adair wrote in her report on the matter in early 2021.
But Vestcor has maintained it is an independent body not subject to the auditor general's authority and to date the New Brunswick government has supported that view.
The body's investment results in relation to national averages in 2022 help to offset some weaker results in previous years. Including 2022, Vestcor has posted results among the top half of the Royal Bank's ranking of pension plans three times since 2016. It's been in the bottom half four times.
Because vestcor has a conservative philosophy, they do really well against the market in bad years - in 2018 they beat the market benchmark by admin costs plus 100 basis points even though their return was only 1.75%... the next year the market was flying high and Vestcor returned over 11%, but didn't hit the 50 basis point target.
The market benchmarks they try to beat are S&P/TSX indexes and Morgan Stanley Capital International indexes. The difference is their value add - so last year that amounted to a 500 million return above just investing in index funds.
Full Committee Hearing
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2003 Time: 02:00 PM
The Committee will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct the second in a series of hearings on the “Review of Current Investigations and Regulatory Actions Regarding the Mutual Fund Industry.”
Witness Panel 1
Mr. Stephen M. Cutler
Director - Division of Enforcement
Securities and Exchange Commission
Mr. Robert Glauber
Chairman and CEO
National Association of Securities Dealers
Eliot Spitzer
Attorney General
State of New York
Rogers tv
It’s a hard pill to swallow, but the bonus payouts were no doubt justified.
Auditor general's Vestcor fight may have to be settled in court
Expert says AG 'is correct' in wanting access to pension organization, but it will be difficult
Robert Jones · CBC News · Posted: Mar 01, 2021 6:00 AM AST
Higgs took on full responsibility for health care by firing elected boards and putting in place his own, hand-picked minions. He is not going to skate on that one. It is his model, run by him and his people.
The "whataboutism" will not work on this issue either.
It's like a little kid saying "well, yeah I might have done that but so did Mary, Francois and Mark." Kind of a lame excuse for an adult to use.
As to “making up losses”, the government has always been responsible to ensure all of their defined benefit plans are properly funded. That’s exactly why the shared risk model was introduced.
It effectively reduces the financial burden on the government, and taxpayers, if/when plans are underfunded.
RE PENSIONS "I have to caution you, this is not a game." Karlheinz Schreiber
David Amos<> | Sun, Jun 25, 2023 at 1:35 AM |
To: | |
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2013 21:31:19 -0300 Subject: We just talked about pensions correct Mr Kennedy? To: kennedyc <>, "blaine.higgs" <>, premier <>, "Angela.MazerolleStephens" <Angela.MazerolleStephens@gnb. <> Cc: David Amos <> http://www.pensioncoalitionnb. Our Team Created on Friday, 08 February 2013 11:49 The intent is to help give focus to the growing pension coalition for retirees in the province. Here is the Steering Committee "TEAM" ... The Official Media Contact person is Clifford Kennedy: 459-3665 (H) 470-2070 (cell) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2013 21:21:31 -0300 Subject: RE: PENSIONS "I have to caution you, this is not a game." Karlheinz Schreiber To: "blaine.higgs" <>, blewis <>, "brent.blackmore" <brent.blackmore@fredericton., Cc: Angela.MazerolleStephens@gnb. ddesserud <>, ddexter <>, premier <> Pierlot Pension Law 181 University Avenue Suite 2200 Toronto, Ontario M5H 3M7 Canada T. +1.416.642.2046 F. +1.416.363.7875 From: "Mazerolle Stephens, Angela(JUS)" Angela.MazerolleStephens@gnb. Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 16:39:20 -0300 Subject: RE: "I have to caution you, this is not a game." Karlheinz Schreiber To: David Amos Mr. Amos: Receipt is acknowledged of the five pieces of e-mail you sent to me on May 14, 2009. Upon review, it is apparent that they do not relate to me either personally or professionally. Please note that your correspondence is unwanted and unwelcome. Please do not send me any more of your communications, as I find them harassing in nature. Sincerely, Angela Mazerolle Stephens Superintendent of Pensions Office of the Superintendent of Pensions Department of Justice and Consumer Affairs Province of New Brunswick Frederick Square, Ste. 450 77 Westmorland Street P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1 Ph: (506) 453-2055 Fax: (506) 457-7266 E-MAIL CONFIDENTIALITY CLAUSE This e-mail and the information contained in it is confidential, may be privileged and is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s). Any other person is strictly prohibited from using, disclosing, distributing or reproducing it. If you have received this communication in error, please reply by e-mail to the sender and delete or destroy all copies of this message. CLAUSE DE CONFIDENTIALITÉ POUR LES ENVOIS PAR COURRIEL Le présent courriel et les renseignements qu'il contient sont confidentiels, peuvent être protégés par le secret professionnel et sont à l'usage exclusif du (des) destinataire(s) susmentionné(s). Toute autre personne est par les présentes avisée qu'il lui est strictement interdit d'en faire l'utilisation, la diffusion, la distribution ou la reproduction. Si cette transmission vous est arrivée par erreur, veuillez en aviser immédiatement l'expéditeur par courriel, puis effacer ou détruire toutes les copies du présent message. From: David Amos Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 17:26:06 -0300 Subject: Attn Ms Sheila Fraser clearly the lawyer Angela Mazerolle Stephens and her boss TJ Burke are willing to argue me in Federal Court Do you too? To:,,,,,,,,,,,, Cc: "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc. "", "" Just so ya know I don't think Judge David Smith was talking through his hat with his little spit and chew with the crook T J Burke and his soon to Dr of Law boss Mr Graham. My question is why didn't he call me a week or so ago? http://nbbusinessjournal. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 14:07:30 -0300 Subject: Fwd: I did call the lawyer Kevin Young in PA first and was dismissed by his assistant To: angela.mazerollestephens@gnb. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 13:55:26 -0300 Subject: I did call the lawyer Kevin Young in PA first and was dismissed by his assistant To:, ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 15:33:51 -0300 Subject: FYI I called (202 551-6061) for H. David Kotz, the Inspector General of the SEC and several of his associates again today after receiving the usaula response. To:,,,, oig <>,, Cc: "" <>, webo <>, advocacycollective <> "" <>, Richard Harris <injusticecoalition@hotmail. "" <> As per usual the Yankee Feds all played as dumb as posts but some of the snobby invited me to sue the USA. However my thinking is why don't I sue some of the nasty bastards personally as well just like I did seven very long years ago? Better yet why don't I start with you T.J. Burke and call Vaugh Barnett and his blogging buddies Richard Harris, Danny Boy Fitzgerald and Chucky Leblanc and witnesses to testify against you? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos From: CHAIRMANOFFICE <> Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 13:17:01 -0400 Subject: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission To: David Amos <> Thank you for your e-mail to the Chairman's Office of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Your comments and concerns are very important to us. Unfortunately, because of the large volume of e-mail received, the Chairman can not personally respond to each message. We do read and carefully consider the opinions expressed in all of the e-mails that we receive. If you are an investor with a complaint about a securities professional, firm or a public company, please visit our Complaint Center, at a securities-related question, please visit our website at and solutions to common investment problems. If you are a securities professional needing assistance on technical matters, please check our "information for" pages on the top right of our website, We deeply appreciate your taking the time to communicate your thoughts and concerns to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Sincerely, Kristin J. Kaepplein Director Office of Investor Education and Advocacy U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 03:39:10 -0300 Subject: Perhaps you should remind SPECIAL AGENT KRISTA L. CORR of the documents and CD I gave the FBI and Dianne Wilkerson and of her answer to me EH? To:,,,,,,, Cc: webo <> BARRY P. WILSON 240 COMMERCIAL STREET SUITE 5A BOSTON, MA 02109 ( 617) 248-8979 Email: Max D. SternPartner Stern Shapiro Weissberg & Garin LLP 90 Canal Street Boston, MA, 02114-2022 617-742-5800 ext. 111, ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 10:02:02 -0300 Subject: Fwd: Re :USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNYc To: Lawrence_Summers@ksg.harvard.,, roberta.rampton@, EGreenspan <>, Cc: Dan Fitzgerald <>, webo <>, Editor <Editor@pittsburghquarterly. <>, editor <>, EDitor <> Hey Larry Remember me and the ghost of Charles J. Kickham Jr and all your p;d Treasury buddies? "The road to practicing law internationally begins at home," said Robert Hillman No shit Mr hillman tell that to your buddy Chris Cox the former editor of the Harvard Law Review and all his other legal cohorts will ya? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 16:30:39 -0300 Subject: Re :USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNYc To: Cc: http://www.fortleesuburbanite. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 14:58:54 -0300 Subject: Remember me lady? Re :USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNYc To:,,, Dan Fitzgerald <>,, Cc: webo <>,,, ninkster@navigantconsulting.,,, It's criminal forfeiture and he pleaded guilty to the forfeiture counts but disputed the amounts. There's a March 6 letter about the forfeitures that's sealed but the media has filed a motion to unseal it. Madoff's lawyer filed a letter today agreeing parts should be unsealed. Whose emails from March 6th do YOU think are still sealed? To think you call youself a lawyer and you have had my material for five years EH dummy? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 14:42:32 -0300 Subject: Fwd: Re :USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNYc To: Cc: "" <>, goodale <> FYI I got an interesting call from Greg Craig's office in the White House before I received the following email perhaps you should ask me why that is if you don't already know the reason and are forbidden from reporting the awful truth of it all. EH? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 17:50:17 -0300 Subject: Fwd: Re :USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)" <> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 09:21:08 -0400 Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY To: David Amos <> <>, "Litt, Marc (USANYS)" <> Cc: webo <>,,, Thank you for your response. Wendy Olsen Victim Witness Coordinator -----Original Message----- From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@ Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:48 AM To: USANYS-MADOFF; Olsen, Wendy (USANYS); Litt, Marc (USANYS) Cc: webo;;; Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY Ms Olsen Thank you for keeping me informed. Yes unseal all my emails with all their attachments immediately and make certain that the US Attorny's office finally practices full disclosurement as to who I am and what my concerns are as per the Rule of Law within a purported democracy. As you folks all well know I am not a shy man and I have done nothing wrong. It appears to me that bureacratic people only use the right to privacy of others when it suits their malicious ends in order to protect their butts from impreacment, litigation and prosecution. The people in the US Attorney's Office and the SEC etc are very well aware that I protested immediately to everyone I could think of when the instant I knew that my correspondences went under seal and Madoff pled guilty so quickly and yet another cover up involing my actions was under full steam. Everybody knows that.the US Government has been trying to keep my concerns about the rampant public corruption a secret for well over seven long years. However now that a lot of poeple and their countries in general are losing a lot of money people are beginning to remember just exactly who I am and what i did beginning over seven years ago.. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos 506 756 8687 P.S. For the record Obviously I pounced on these Yankee bastards as soon as the newsrag in Boston published this article on the web last night. ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz# Notice that Nester just like everyone else would not say my name? It is because my issues surrounding both Madoff and are NOT marketing timing They are as you all well know money laundering, fraud, forgery, perjury, securites fraud, tax fraud, Bank fraud, illegal wiretappping and Murder amongst other very serious crimes. "SEC spokesman John Nester dismissed similarities between Markopolos and Scannell's cases as "not a valid comparison." He said the SEC determined the market-timing by Putnam clients that Scannell reported didn't violate federal law. Nester said the SEC only acted after another tipster alleged undisclosed market-timing by some Putnam insiders. Scannell, now a crusader for SEC reforms, isn't surprised the agency is in hot water again. Noting that several top SEC officials have gone on to high-paying private-sector jobs, he believes hopes for future employment impact investigations. "It's a distinct disadvantage to make waves before you enter the private sector," Scannell said." --- On Mon, 3/30/09, David Amos <> wrote: From: David Amos <> Subject: Fwd: USANYS-MADOFF IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY To:, letterstoeditor@bostonherald. <>,,,, "Dan Fitzgerald" <> Cc:,,,,,, benjamin_mcmurray@ao.uscourts. Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 10:00 PM Need I say BULLSHIT? ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz# ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 00:03:13 -0300 Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY To:,, ninkster@navigantconsulting. Cc: firstselectmanffld@town.,, jacques_poitras <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:40:55 -0300 Subject: Fwd: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY To: gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct. "Paul. Harpelle" <>, Jason Keenan <>, Kandalaw <> Cc:, From: "Peck,Dave" <> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 22:32:32 -0400 Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY To: David Amos <> I will be unavailable until 4/1/09. Deputy Chief MacNamara will be in charge while I am away. He can be reached at 254-4831 or email him at gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct. I will not be checking emails or cell phone messages. Thank you, Chief Dave Peck ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:32:18 -0300 Subject: Fwd: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY To:,, ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:19:35 -0300 Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY To: -----Original Message----- From: USANYS-MADOFF Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:06 PM To: DAVID.RAYMOND.AMOS@GMAIL.COM Subject: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY In United States v. Bernard L. Madoff, 09 Cr. 213 (DC), the Court received a request from NBC and ABC to unseal all correspondence from victims that has been submitted in connection with the case. This includes your email to the Government. If the correspondence from victims is unsealed, the victim's personal identifying information including name, address, telephone number and email address (to the extent it was included on the correspondence) will become public. The Government must submit a response to the request by NBC and ABC by Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Please let us know whether you consent to the full disclosure of your correspondence, or whether you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed for privacy or other reasons. If you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed, please let us know the reason. We will defend your privacy to the extent that we can. Thank you. I looks like the US attorney in New York finally has to unseal my emails that you dudes have been sitting on for quite some time for no reason I will ever understand other than you are just a bunch of chickenshits. I know NBC, ABC, your blogger buddies or any other media wacko will never say my name but the pissed off folks that lost a lot of money with Bernie Baby just may ask how the hell I am EH? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:48:50 -0300 Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:29:42 -0300 Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me To: Cc: webo <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)" <> Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 19:08:04 -0400 Subject: RE: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me To: On March 10, 2009, the Honorable Denny Chin provided the following guidance for victims who wish to be heard at the plea proceeding on March 12, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.: Judge Chin stated that there are two issues that the Court will consider at the hearing: (1) whether to accept a guilty plea from the defendant to the eleven-count Criminal Information filed by the Government, which provides for a maximum sentence of 150 years' imprisonment; and (2) whether the defendant should be remanded or released on conditions of bail, if the Court accepts a guilty plea. Judge Chin also stated that, at the hearing on March 12, 2009, he will conduct a plea allocution of the defendant and then will announce whether the Court intends to accept the plea. At that time, the Court will solicit speakers who disagree with the Court's intended ruling. Assuming the defendant pleads guilty and his plea is accepted by the Court, the Court intends to allow the Government and defense counsel to speak on the issue of bail. The Court will then announce its intended ruling on that issue. The Court will then invite individuals who disagree with the proposed ruling on bail to be heard. The Court noted that there will be opportunity for victims to be heard in the future on the subjects of sentencing, forfeiture and restitution in advance of any sentencing of the defendant. The Court also noted that it is not appropriate for victims who wish to speak concerning sentencing issues to be heard at the March 12, 2009 proceeding. A link to the a transcript of the March 10, 2009 Court hearing can be found on the website of the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York: -----Original Message----- From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS) Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:56 AM To: Subject: FW: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me -----Original Message----- From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@ Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 12:58 PM To:; Nardoza, Robert (USANYE); USAMA-Media (USAMA); Olsen, Wendy (USANYS) Cc: oig Subject: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Sartory, Thomas J." <> Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 07:41:20 -0500 Subject: RE: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails To: Dear Mr. Amos, I am General Counsel at Goulston & Storrs. Your email below to Messers. Rosensweig and Reisch has been forwarded to me for response. While it's not clear what type of assistance, if any, you seek from Goulston % Storrs, please be advised that we are not in a position to help you. Please do not send further communications to any of our attorneys. We will not be able to respond, and your communications will not be protected by the attorney-client privilege. We wish you well in the pursuit of your concerns. Sincerely, Thomas J. Sartory ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 21:51:50 -0300 Subject: All the people crying about their pensions need to have Franky McKenna explain what I said about Victor Boudreau's budget in 2009 EH Mr Sinclair? To:, citicanadaombudsman@citigroup.,,,,,,,,, acampbell <> Cc: David Amos <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 21:47:08 -0300 Subject: All the people crying about their pensions need to have Franky McKenna explain what I said about Victor Boudreau's budget in 2009 EH Mr Sinclair? To:, "Frank.McKenna" <>, "blaine.higgs" <>, "victor.boudreau" <>, "John.Sinclair" <>, "Gilles.Moreau" <> <>, "Wayne.Lang" <>, briangallant10 <>, execdirgen <>, "" <> Cc: David Amos <> <>, "brent.blackmore" <brent.blackmore@fredericton. andre <>, "Robert. Jones" <> From: Elizabeth May <> Subject: Thank you for your message / Merci pour votre courriel Re: Pre budget heres a little Deja Vu for Franky Boy McKenna Mikey Baby Archibald Chucky Leblanc's biggest blogger butt buddy To: David Anos Date: Sunday, June 17, 2012, 7:34 PM Thank you for your email. We will work to ensure that a response is sent to you as soon as possible. Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire. Nous ne ménagerons aucun effort pour vous transmettre notre réponse dans les meilleurs délais. Leader's Office Correspondence Team Équipe de correspondance du Bureau de la chef -- Green Party of Canada Parti vert du Canada 1-866-868-3447 From: David Amos Subject: Pre budget heres a little Deja Vu for Franky Boy McKenna Mikey Baby Archibald Chucky Leblanc's biggest blogger butt buddy To:,,,, "acampbell" <> Cc:, citicanadaombudsman@citigroup.,,,,, Date: Sunday, June 17, 2012, 7:34 PM Mike Archibald 122 Foxhunt Rd Waterloo, ON N2K 3N1 (519) 747-3984 On 11/4/08, Ombudsman, Td wrote: November 4, 2008 David Amos P.O. Box 234 Apohaqui, NB E5P 3G2 ---------------------- Dear Mr. Amos: We acknowledge receipt of your e-mails dated November 3, 2008, which we received in our office on November 4, 2008. We would like to thank you for providing our office with your feedback surrounding the various issues. We have reviewed the numerous pieces of correspondence that you e-mailed to us. It is our understanding that you have a number of concerns surrounding politics and the actions of the government within North America. We appreciate the effort you have taken to express your views surrounding these issues, however we do not believe we can be of any assistance as this falls outside the mandate of this office. Thank you for taking the time to bring your concerns to our attention. Yours truly, Paul W. Huyer Ombudsman ******************** NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY This communication including any information transmitted with it is intended only for the use of the addressees and is confidential. If you are not an intended recipient or responsible for delivering the message to an intended recipient, any review, disclosure, conversion to hard copy, dissemination, reproduction or other use of any part of this communication is strictly prohibited, as is the taking or omitting of any action in reliance upon this communication. If you receive this communication in error or without authorization please notify us immediately by return e-mail or otherwise and permanently delete the entire communication from any computer, disk drive, or other storage medium. If the above disclaimer is not properly readable, it can be found at AVERTISSEMENT DE CONFIDENTIALITE Ce courriel, ainsi que tout renseignement ci-inclus, destiné uniquement aux destinataires susmentionnés, est confidentiel. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire prévu ou un agent responsable de la livraison de ce courriel, tout examen, divulgation, copie, impression, reproduction, distribution, ou autre utilisation d'une partie de ce courriel est strictement interdit de même que toute intervention ou abstraction à cet égard. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur ou sans autorisation, veuillez en aviser immédiatement l'expéditeur par retour de courriel ou par un autre moyen et supprimer immédiatement cette communication entière de tout système électronique. Si l'avis de non-responsabilité ci-dessus n'est pas lisible, vous pouvez le consulter à http://censurergeneral. Saturday, November 1, 2008 NB's 4th Reich 'Justice' minister vs. CG Mr. Burke must be confusing emails with comments I posted on his defunct political blog, as my 'excessive use of emailing' him ammounts to 2 or 3 emails over the span of a year. From: Burke, T.J. (Hon.) (JUS) To: Subject: Re: Donne Smith and I should have our long talk now EH Mr Hancox? Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 16:58:58 -0300 (20:58 CET) 2 peas in a pod. When are you going to snap back into reality Fitzgerald? Your excessive use of emailing me, since most service providers, are mega corporations, is as much of an example of contributing to white collar greed as the next person. Too bad your purist, "anti-everything" campaign of emails to me resembles the equivalent of "nuts" in an O'Henry bar. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to be removed from your list of prestigious people to harass, annoy and pass judgment upon. Hon. Thomas J. Burke, QC Attorney General and Minister of Justice and Consumer Affairs ----- Original Message ----- From: Dan Fitzgerald To: David Amos Cc: Hancox, Rick (NBSC/CVMNB); Smith, Donne (NBSC/CVMNB); ; ; ; ; ; Burke, T.J. (Hon.) (JUS); ; ; Sent: Fri Oct 31 16:05:20 2008 Subject: Re: Donne Smith and I should have our long talk now EH Mr Hancox? Minister of Justice? I'll believe that when we see more banksters than crackheads in the prisons. We get a zero-reserve, infinite usurious fiat debt system in exchange for what? Global policy dictated from a psychopathic and lawless elite with a bunch of rabid lapdog foot soldiers to cover the crimes and follow up with disastrous rear-guard action. All while the citizens are losing all rights, equity or hope of paying of the revolving tab for costs of financing so much evil. Speaking of money and evil - if this whole B$ Atlantica thing goes through - will we finally start making Irving co. pay their damned taxes at home, rather than siphoning everything away to Bermuda? Daniel Fitzgerald http://censurergeneral. On Fri, 2008-10-31 at 12:14 -0300, David Amos wrote: The Minister of Justice of New Brunswick can never say that he did not know the truth about my concerns a long long time ago as did the Minister of Justice of Nova Scotia. Correct Mr Peacock? 9 comments: David Raymond Amos said... To hell with the nasty little idiot T.J. Burke Danny Doy why didn't you publish the whole email of mine that caused the nasty little bastards to show his arse? Who is the other pea in the pod with you that Chucky Leblanc's liberal buddy "The Blogger General" is afraid to name? FYI I put it all in the comments of many blogs including yours last night. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos November 1, 2008 7:18 AM David Raymond Amos said... Danny Boy I presumed earlier that you had finally figured out why I send so many emails and then post them and the responses on the Internet. then I began to wonder what was the matter didn't your Moma teach you to strike while the iron is hot? You should have put the boots to the whimp T.J. Burke byway of email instead of merely insulting him in your blog. You should have included me in the scrap to back you up just like I did with you today. Instead you barely admitted I exist and let it go at that? Jeez kid I even let you know I was paying attention first thing this morning within mere minutes of your first creating this blog and stll you did nothing all day. Howcome? Are you sleeping at the switch or just too scared to trip it? You are not dumb so byway of your silence I presumed that you were too chicken so I sent another email out about this very blog and as a courtesy to you I delayed posting it here in your comments just in case you wished to respond. However I will not wait forever and obviously didn't. Since you first approached me this spring and asked for my files you have seldom responded to anything I sent you other than to insult me despite the fact that you blog about certain issues of mine and post certain documents of mine that suit you and your friends and your personal agendas. You and many of your friends in Fat Fred City often make fun of me and also say that I am a very rude and nasty fellow but never support that thinking to people who don't know me with facts. The sad fact is that damned few of your Fake Left friends have even met me and all are to afraid to. If I am attacked I attack back just like any other Maritimer worth his salt should. Your fathers should have taught you Fake Left dudes that at least. For the record your blogging buddy T.J. Burke is a public official and he is virtually the top cop in "The Place to Place" In no way, shape or form should any of his emails to a constituant be considered confidential. The fact that you posted his email to you about my actions on the internet was manna from Chucky's Leblanc's blogger heaven for me. Why you didn't take the ball and run with it before the Yankee election is history is way beyond my understanding particularly after viewing all your other blogs about so many issues. You met both Chucky Leblanc and I this summer. Hell you and T.J. Burke may have chased the same girls for all I know. your age and schooling dictate that you must be able to figure out who is a liar and who is not. You definitely should be wise enough to figure out who is defintely not a homosexual and a pedophile despite whatever your friends in Fat Fred City may falsely claim. If not never take up the job of being on a jury kid. Furthermore has Chucky Leblanc ever shown you anything concrete about what he reports of public corruption? Has T.J. Burke ever done anything except bullshit decent people into electing him into public office? At your request have I not provided you with litterly thousands of documents and many recordings that no one else can or is willing provide you with to support what I say is true in support of your laments on the Internet? Yet you did not even bother to tell your lady friend about me let alone intoduce us while we are all in my honourable farmer friend's kitchen last summer? I am the fella who effected your introduction the Werner Bock in the first place. I may be the worst arsehole in the "Place to Be" but at least I deserved little respect in a common friend's kitchen other than merely liking the words on my shirt. When your foreign lady friend asked what you and I were talking about, you merely said oh its something else as i gave you a copy of the police surveilance wiretap tape # 139 that you have been requesting openly on the internet for months? What gives with that bullshit I must ask? What would you thnk of you if you were I? Clearly you didn't judge me worth knowing. Correct? Don't worry Danny Boy no matter whatever the sneaky little political lawyer T.J. Burke in Fat Fred City may falsely claim about us, we are most definitely not two peas in a pod. I am old enough to be the father of both of you but extremely happy that I am not. Therefore I had a little fun judging that you and your blogger hero Chucky Leblanc must be the two peas in the pod Burkey Baby was referring to because he would never had have the balls to admit that I even exist. Well kids need I say once again that I am a very pissed off mean old Maritimer? However I am enjoying your nonsense and will use it against the "The Powers That Be" in the "The Place To BE" or my name ain't "Just Dave" T.J. burke is a minor character to me but he certainly is a lot of fun to embarass. For thatg I thank you Danny Boy. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos THIS EMAIL SHOULD RAISE THE ANTE BETWEEN T.J. BURKE AND YOU ITS A WICKED GAME EH DANNY BOY? THE FAT LADY AIN"T SANG YET From: David Amos Subject: Yo "Blogger General" T.J. Burke who is the other pea in the blogger pod with Danny Boy Fitzgerald? To: "",, "Dan Fitzgerald", "",, "", "", "nb. premier", "",,,,,,,,, "",, " Cc:,,,,,,, "", "Richard Harris" Date: Saturday, November 1, 2008, 11:47 AM I must be your liberal blogger buddy Chucky Leblanc you could not bee referring to mean old me even though it was emails to you that prompted this silly little exchange. N'esy Pas ? After all you since 2003 you have been under orders from the god of all corrupt politicians and lawyers to never admit that I exist let alone breathe my name Correct? http://censurergeneral. I must ask the obvious question T.J. Baby did this bullshit of your blogger buddy Chucky leblanc happen or not? http:// Even though you and I lived through it and I secured the proof of it all. I am getting conflicting reports from your old buddy Minister Mikey Murphy's malevolent doctors and the Neo Cons and the RCMP/GRC and the many Mental Health people. It appears that the "Not so Good" Doctors ran out of their meds and are shitting their pants as they point at each other and at the RCMP/GRC about who raised what stink first. That said it certainly appears that you are the dude who must argue me in court about my false imprisoment for you and your nasty buddy's benefit because nobody wants to admit that that they ever even met me even though I have their signatures excepting of course the very corrupt cop Cst Blakely and only because I recorded him doing so just before he thought he would have the chance to twisr my arms once again Much to your chagrin posted it in Youtube. Now that is too too funny EH T. J. Baby? For the record as I was writing this email two of T.J. Burke's within the local detachment of RCMP/GRC donut munchers went flying past Werner's farm and as they past they turned their sirens on as usual no doubt to tease me once again. I truly do hope that they are not acting within the scope of their employment as usual and therefore nobody down the road is hurt or in trouble with the laws they decide to enforce ot that somebody is burning Werner Bock's hay again. Maybe they ran out of donuts in Peticodiac and they had to race to Sussex before any corrupt cop suffered from the pains and penalties of the dreaded "lack of donut withdrawl." Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos P.S. Anybody remember these emails from yesterday. Clearly I posted them on the Internet last night just like I said I would EH? http://gypsy-blog.blogspot. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:14 PM Subject: Donne Smith and I should have our long talk now EH Mr Hancox? To:,,,, Cc: "",, Dan Fitzgerald, "", The Minister of Justice of New Brunswick can never say that he did not know the truth about my concerns a long long time ago as did the Minister of Justice of Nova Scotia. Correct Mr Peacock? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:22 AM Subject: We just talked Mr. Sinclair need I say I hate it when Upper Canadian lawyers play dumb? To: Alan Sinclair UBS Bank (Canada) - Toronto Phone: (416) 345-7082 Fax: (416) 345-7145 Email: You will find the first portion of this email posted on the same law blog. Perhaps you should call me back now and quit playing dumb EH? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:18 AM Subject: RE: David Aufhauser, general counsel for UBS' investment banking To:, Do you people recognize the problem UBS have had with me for a very long time? Perhaps you should google your ex lawyer's name and mine EH? or find his name within these documents Here is the text of one them here in this blog. Look for the following line "Senator Edward M. Kennedy David D. Aufhauser, General Counsel" Clearly David Aufhauser's name is directly across from Ted Kennedy's and he answered me Aufhauser quit the Treasury Dept just like he just did with you when the going got tough. The links above and below prove to you that a dumb Maritimer know hows to read and write and even though he hasn't been to some fancy law school he has sued many lawyers in the past CORRECT? Notice that I have inserted the first portion of this email as a comment within the link above and that I have inserted a couple of my latest emails at the bottom of this email. (I do this in this fashion so that no one can ever claim that I am being sneaky or underhanded. That is what crooked lawyers do not me. The next time I call UBS in Canada (which will be very soon indeed) please do not allow the snobby people in Upper Canada to laugh at me anymore or rest assured I will sue your bank in a heartbeart to seek relief from your assistance to the wrongs practiced against my family and I. If you doubt me or my sincerity ask your former Generl Counsel or the US Treasury Dept or the Attorney General of Masschusetts why I truly beieve and can prove that they have no integrity whatsoever. However if you bankers were truly wise in these troubling times I believe you will realize that we can be of great assistance to each other and the people who trust in your integrity. Perhaps you should read my comments in this law blog as well. Ask your selves where the transcripts of these Senate Banking Committee hearings went Then you should read this file Although UBS is far from innocent and it has definitely failed its fiduciary responsibilities towards ist investors etc not all of the wrongs were of your bank's doing. The wicked plans were dreamed up by evil lawyers such as David Aufhauser and assisted to by governments and the taxpayers are begining to understand that simple fact.. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos UBS Global Asset Management (Canada) Co. Street Address: 161 Bay Street Suite 3900 Toronto, ONT M5J 2S1 etc etc etc And the survey of my computer generated answers says.... From: Info Date: 2008/11/1 Subject: Auto Response / Réponse automatique To: David Amos Thank you for writing to the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General. We appreciate hearing your views and suggestions. Responses to specific inquiries can be expected within two to three weeks. Please note that many of the e-mails we receive are in the form of comments or opinions and do not receive a reply. Content that is of an offensive or commercial nature will not receive a response. Due to the large quantity of incoming correspondence, we also cannot reply to e-mails inquiring about the status of a previous request. Thank you for your understanding. Merci d'avoir écrit au Bureau du Secrétaire du Gouverneur général. Nous apprécions vos points de vue et vos suggestions. Il faut prévoir deux ou trois semaines pour une réponse à une demande précise. Veuillez noter que dans bon nombre de cas, les courriels reçus consistent en commentaires ou opinions qui ne nécessitent pas de réponse. Pour les courriels dont le contenu est de mauvais goût ou de nature commerciale, il n'y aura aucune réponse. À cause du nombre élevé de la correspondance, nous ne pouvons répondre aux courriels s'enquérant de l'état d'une demande antécédente. Merci de votre compréhension. From: Obama for America Date: Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 3:56 PM Subject: Response to your message to Obama for America To: Dear Friend, Thank you for contacting Senator Barack Obama and Obama for America. Barack is gratified by the overwhelming response to his candidacy, and we appreciate hearing from you. Please note, though, that we are now replying only to emails sent through our webform. You may resend your message through the webform here: We also encourage you to submit your policy ideas through the My Policy feature of our website, here: We have also created the Answer Center, an easy-to-search database of questions and answers that lets you find information on a wide range of subjects from volunteering to policy positions. Try it out here: http://answercenter. The webform and other technologies help improve our ability to communicate with you and efficiently read and respond to the thousands of messages we receive every week. Please note that you can use it to cut and paste large messages and links to other websites. Thank you for using the webform, it helps us improve the process of communicating with you. Sincerely, Obama for America ------------------------------ Paid for by Obama for America November 1, 2008 1:56 PM David Raymond Amos said... Jeez my comments in your blog and email ro you and the "Blogger General" warranted just over a minute of your time and no comment whatsoever Danny Boy??? Censurer General By Location Visit Detail Visit 973 Domain Name ? (Netherlands) IP Address 82.169.82.# (Tiscali BV) ISP Tiscali B.V. Location Continent : Europe Country : Netherlands (Facts) State/Region : Noord-Brabant City : Aalburg Lat/Long : 51.75, 5.1333 (Map) Language English en Operating System Linux UNIX Browser Opera 9.62 Opera/9.62 (X11; Linux i686; U; en) Presto/2.1.1 Javascript version 1.4 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 600 Color Depth : 24 bits Time of Visit Nov 2 2008 2:21:11 am Last Page View Nov 2 2008 2:22:20 am Visit Length 1 minute 9 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page http://censurergeneral. Visit Exit Page http://censurergeneral. Out Click 2comments https://www.blogger....= Time Zone UTC+1:00 Visitor's Time Nov 2 2008 2:21:11 am Visit Number 973 November 1, 2008 5:29 PM David Raymond Amos said... I must say I waited all day to get a rise out of you before the Yankee elections Danny Boy. As I did many other things on the web I watched your blog rather closely to see if you or anyone else was paying attention to your recent revelation about how dumb T.J. Burke truly is. Except you and I precious few people visited your blog. When I saw you merely check your blog at just over two in the morning your time and do nothing at all I knew I was flogging a dead horse and that I should answer Mikey Archibald's question in his old blog about chucky Leblanc and how smart bloggers in Fat Fred City are. You people who love to write a lot about many things of common concerns definitely don't like to read my stuff do ya? There can be only one reason for that and the solution to our troubles is so simple. Since nobody read your stuff or mine except some of my enemies and some of your friends who don't like me either. Why bother with you at all? Whereas you nor anyone else will quite likely never read this or respond to it at least I get last the word. With respect to Chucky Leblanc's other blogger buddy Mikey Baby Archibald I posted last night the very important emails in their entirety that caused your minor spit and chew with T.J Burke. Anyone can find the emails in the comments of one of his last blogs created last Halloween until he decides to delete it that is. http://blogcastnb.blogspot. FYI I figured last July that Chucky Leblanc and his Fake Left cohorts in Fat Fred City would make their malevolent work go "Poof" as per usual so I did a doublecheck in Mikey's last blog for shits and giggles and to record the date and time just as I always do. http://blogcastnb.blogspot. Although you dudes don't like me at least Mikey and you did defend me in Chucky Leblanc's blog while the very corrupt T.J. Burke and his cohorts had me locked up in Mikey Murphy's looney bin briefly last July. You dudes had to notice that your blogger hero in Fat Fred City Chucky Leblanc blocked my comments as I raised hell about the obvious violation to my civil rights and my privacy as well yet you said nothing about it? What if that bullshit had happened to you? what about his idiot pal Tiny Timmmy in Mew Maryland calling me public enemy number one? I bet you all had a great laugh over that EH? Need I say that I find it very interesting that Chucky's blog about me and the RCMP/GRC still stands today. It certainly appears to me that Chucky leblanc is afraid he will be stabbed in the back by his fair weather friends either in the Fake Left, liberal and Neo Con pals and that be may locked up in the looney bin for a very long time. With friends like that who needs enemies N'esy Pas? http:// Danny Boy you did kinda sort of defend me as but I could not help but feel offended as you speculated as to what sort of drugs the bastards injected me with as five crooked little men tackled me and held me down and twisted my arms against my free will and found great joy in violating many my rights under the Charter at the request of a little immigrant quack from Mexico. http://qslspolitics.blogspot. I let you know my feeling about it immediately and you offered no comment after that. Therefore I was not one bit surprised when you did not ask me one question about anything when we crossed paths on Werner Bock's farm last August after you finally met your blogger buddy Chucky Leblanc in Fat Fred City. However I was disappointed that my farmer friend did not tell me you two were meeting when it was me that had introduced you in the first place. It was a sheer coincidince that I happened in to Werner's farm before you landed after putting my son on a bus back to the USA so he could go back to school. I am a very straight shooter Danny Boy and I have asked Werner about this several times including today while I wrote this and other stuff. He shrugs it off as something that doesn't matter as he trieds to defend your slurs against me because of his respect towards your higher education. He thinks that you misunderstand me and I tell him that you are not that dumb. Werner does believe me and of the reasons why I do what I do but he is so immersed in his own affairs that he does no have time to understand mine and he seldom bothers to read any of my words unless I insist and I only do so when I mention him. This time I will not merely because nobody cares enough to read this far anyway. Why upset him over something that doesn't matter other than for my own records? Werner and I are good friends but we think very differently about many things. Thus I think he is somewhat embarassed to know me sometimes but he soldiers on through because he does know that I am no liar and one very fierce pigheaded ethical son of a gun. May I suggest that you and my friend Werner quit playing games with my enemies someday and trying to be friends with everyone and simply tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about everything you know to be true and let the political cards fall where they may? Politics is a very wicked games and the only way for ordinary folks to make any headway with the smiling bastards is to support each other's concerns and not attack each other as you all have done to me. for example I gave Chucky a computer, in return he calls me a Hells angel. I help Byron Prior with his legal troubles and he calls me a Fed. Dean Roger Ray asks for my records and he calls me a Freemason and aRCMP agent. You ask for my records and you call me alongwinded nut. For the record I will never willingly offend Werner or any other friend. It is a hard fast rule that I live and die by but if my truths hurt so be it. For a friend to deny my existence as I defend my family's rights and interests after I have supported him and his concerns or answered a request for proof of my words and actions greatly offends me. Get it yet Fellas? If not ask my former friends the Newfy Byron Prior or the sneaky Yankee lawyer Barry Bachrach how long my memory is and of how vindictive I can be. Danny Boy perhaps you and all your Fake Left friends in Fat Fred City on some winters evening when you are bored with yourselves should sit down to read just one of the long deleted blogs of Chucky Leblanc's. It was created long before his Irving buddies had Google delete all of his work in its entirety. It is not that hard to understand and i beleive the character who was teasing me may have been Mikey Archibald (At least he has not denied it). As soon as the Irvings had Yahoo kill two of my email accounts and Google erased one of my blogs about Chucky leblanc and his Irving buddies last year I told chucky leblanc, Scotty Baby Agnew, the Irving lawyers and the lawyer crook named Mockler in Fat Fred City as well portfolio jumping Jimmy Prentice that they could not make my words evaporate as easily on the web. Here is a just a little proof of what I say is true. Rest assured that there is a great deal more elswhere and perhaps a great deal more to follow. (I am still considering that) As the Gyspy aka Anthony Cooper would say follow the link provided weeks ago and.... ENJOY YA BASTARDS From: David Amos Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 16:18:17 -0300 Subject: Hey Chucky Leblanc do you recall this old blog of the Gypsy's right after your first blog went "Poof" To:,,,,,,, llewellyn.stephen@ Cc:,,,,,, http://gypsy-blog.blogspot. LOL N'esy Pas? P.S. This is only the words from Chucky's blog. Within mine there is a hell of lot more. If you wish to see it all try googling some of the words sometime. Ya never know what may appear or do ya? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos November 1, 2008 6:25 PM Dan F said... Amos, I read what you've written. Some things, like when you say you'll be getting out of the political blogging business, make a lot of sense. I might have to preceed you on it, if you don't do it soon. Critically, you skip over entirely the part of my visit to Werner's farm where you spent 15 minutes trying to get me to rally into some frenzy that day about bankster web hits to my website. What makes sense on the internet does not often carry through into action or reality when the bits stop flowing there, eh? Who else has supported your quest for a day in court more honestly than I? November 1, 2008 7:24 PM David Raymond Amos said... Bye Bye Danny Boy we ere never two peas in a pod and I will not post a comment in you blogs again. I do not trust you. You can have the last word in your domain. I will remain the same and retain the right to email whomever I wish and take to court whomever offends me and my Clan without your assistance. I do so long before you contacted me this spring and I will do so again any time I choose without the assistance from chickenshit strangers who make fun of my family's plight. You picked sides this summer Danny Boy when you licked Chucky leblanc's nasty arse while teasing me about being locked up There is no middle ground between us now. After your latest comment I am just curios to see if this or any of your blogs about me will stand the test of time. Rest assured I saved them all just in case your ethics change. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos From: David Amos Subject: Fwd: [BLOGCASTNB] New comment on Just how smart is Charles Leblanc?. To: "",, "Dan Fitzgerald", "",, "", "", "nb. premier", "",,,,,,,,, "",, " Cc:,,,,,,, "", "Richard Harris" Date: Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:47 PM Monday, September 17, 2007 Just how smart is Charles Leblanc? Without media attention it is VERY difficult to get public attention. People at other blogs may know who you are, but the public at large is still largely indifferent to online 'celebrity'. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Raymond Amos Date: Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 11:40 PM Subject: [BLOGCASTNB] New comment on Just how smart is Charles Leblanc?. To: David Raymond Amos has left a new comment on the post "Just how smart is Charles Leblanc?": Mikey Baby You asked this question last year just as two more of my email accounts were killed and one of my blogs about Chucky Leblanc and the Irvings had been ereased from the Internet. Clearly Chucky answered your query with his usual dumb take on the world. When I read that I bit my tongue and waited to comment as I did many things that you failed to notice as well. Before I answered you about your concerns about Chucky's smarts or lack thereof I wanted to see how smart you were. Believe you me in my book you failed bigtime kid. Book smart don't make you worldly wise Mikey Baby. You can take that fact to the World Trade Bank and trade it for real gold if you know who to appraoch and how to watch your back. A blog of Danny Boy Fitzgerald's that he created today made me wonder if anyone in Fat Fred City has two clues to rub together or are you all as evil as hell. My conclusion is that you are all just greedy little chickenshits nobody could be that dumb collectively. I suspect that because you people hate me so much you and Danny Boy let alone the French idiot Chucky Leblanc will not even read this blog unless I opt to point it out to you so I will make my thoughts known and duly recorded on the web with a date stamp etc before I save the webpage in my computers to use as evidence in court someday. I will decide later whether or not to fully disclose to anyone all that I have done until my evidence is called into question in a court of law someday. Sometimes we must contain things for special surprises for the smiling bastards. sometimes sometings are easily hid in open view just because some folks are too self confident to look at the obvious. Clearly the very corrupt and equally dumb Attorney General T.J. Burke made a major Faux Pas with his recent email to Danny Boy about mean old me and my work. What aggravates me to no end is that Danny Boy is riding on my coat tails without barely even mentioning that I exist. If anyone were to read what he has provided in his blog. One would think that he was some kind of hero for challenging T.J. Burke about something to do with Donne Smith but that is about all. Only the people who received the email Danny Boy refers to in its entirety know what it is in fact all about. So I posted the entire email exchange in your blog and two other places on the web to make certain the issues raised in the emails would not be so easily erased from the Internet. Notice that I already did BEFORE Danny Boy revealed another awful truth about he and T.J. Burke to me today. Need I say that I smelt something fishy in "The Place to BE" on all Hallo's Eve before Danny Boy his blog was created this morning. http://censurergeneral. Mr. Burke must be confusing emails with comments I posted on his defunct political blog, as my 'excessive use of emailing' him ammounts to 2 or 3 emails over the span of a year. From: Burke, T.J. (Hon.) (JUS) To: Subject: Re: Donne Smith and I should have our long talk now EH Mr Hancox? Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 16:58:58 -0300 (20:58 CET) 2 peas in a pod. When are you going to snap back into reality Fitzgerald? Your excessive use of emailing me, since most service providers, are mega corporations, is as much of an example of contributing to white collar greed as the next person. Too bad your purist, "anti-everything" campaign of emails to me resembles the equivalent of "nuts" in an O'Henry bar. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to be removed from your list of prestigious people to harass, annoy and pass judgment upon. Hon. Thomas J. Burke, QC Attorney General and Minister of Justice and Consumer Affairs ----- Original Message ----- From: Dan Fitzgerald To: David Amos Cc: Hancox, Rick (NBSC/CVMNB); Smith, Donne (NBSC/CVMNB); ; ; ; ; ; Burke, T.J. (Hon.) (JUS); ; ; Sent: Fri Oct 31 16:05:20 2008 Subject: Re: Donne Smith and I should have our long talk now EH Mr Hancox? Minister of Justice? I'll believe that when we see more banksters than crackheads in the prisons. We get a zero-reserve, infinite usurious fiat debt system in exchange for what? Global policy dictated from a psychopathic and lawless elite with a bunch of rabid lapdog foot soldiers to cover the crimes and follow up with disastrous rear-guard action. All while the citizens are losing all rights, equity or hope of paying of the revolving tab for costs of financing so much evil. Speaking of money and evil - if this whole B$ Atlantica thing goes through - will we finally start making Irving co. pay their damned taxes at home, rather than siphoning everything away to Bermuda? Daniel Fitzgerald http://censurergeneral. On Fri, 2008-10-31 at 12:14 -0300, David Amos wrote: The Minister of Justice of New Brunswick can never say that he did not know the truth about my concerns a long long time ago as did the Minister of Justice of Nova Scotia. Correct Mr Peacock? Posted by Dan F at 3:44 AM Labels: 4th Reich T.J. Burke NWO NB Politics 1 comments: David Raymond Amos said... To hell with the nasty little idiot T.J. Burke Danny Doy why didn't you publish the whole email of mine that caused the nasty little bastards to show his arse? Who is the other pea in the pod with you that Chucky Leblanc's liberal buddy "The Blogger General" is afraid to name? FYI I put it all in the comments of many blogs including yours last night. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos Here is just one of the spots I put they emails that I was referring to. http://gypsy-blog.blogspot. The other was in your blog on all Hallo's Eve last year. http://blogcastnb.blogspot. Also for the record Mikey Baby I am still not certain that you know it yet but I posted the entire blog of mine about Chucky Leblanc and his many frienda that had evaporated within your blog along with other places. I did kinda point it out to you in the Gypsy's blog this summer when we had our last spit and chew and since then you have fallen silent. How smart is that I must ask? Please allow me to point it out directly this time around but I will odds that you never read this either. EH? http://blogcastnb.blogspot. Mikey Baby in answer to your question which is the topic of this blog in my humble opinion Chucky Leblanc is quite simply as dumb as a post but your certainly are not. Everybody knows that it is the Fake Left crowd in Fat Fred City (such as you Mikey Baby) who are using Chucky and his somewhat infamous popularity amongst other fun loving Maritmers on the internet to suit their own greedy ends. When the nasty Neo Cons commented on how they loved how I shut you up in the Gypsy's blog you should have sprouted some balls and either attacked me or sided with me instead of running away to blog somewhere else. I had hopes that you were a decent fellow instead of just another bigtalking whimp. If you were me what would you think of you particularly after I read the following words you said about me in Chucky's blog? Athough your bullshitting blogger buddy Chucky Leblanc claimed he was blocking my rude responses I didn't try to make any at all first because i was locked up and second by the time I viewed the blog you and Danny boy had written enough to expose the truth of the matter. However I did argue Chucky within Danny Boy's blog about his obvious malice and the violation of my privacy while purportedly being in an ethical doctor's care against my free will. http://qslspolitics.blogspot. http:// " Why not call the number and find out Charles? You may not be a 'fan', but you two have a lot in common. There was a post at Spinks last night that could be him, it was posted anonymously, but he's the only guy who calls people 'boy'. You are always offering conspiracy stories about people out to get you, his actually make even more sense as he keeps evidence and talks about using the court system-even runs for parliament. By that token he's more 'dangerous' than you, and doesn't have a popular blog to keep him in the limelight enough to protect him. Call the Chalmers and ask to speak with him and see what happens..." "The media is certainly not going to cover it, you are far better known and like you say, the media wouldn't cover your arrest at all. Fighting for people's rights is never 'done'. There are some people who did work for residential tenants acts and about YOUR ban. Ironically Mr. Amos' last blog was a link to asking why YOU got all the attention. I seem to recall lots of blogs with pictures about the clown who was banned, but maybe past posters are right, and its only people who are nice to you that get any attention. Let's just hope people don't have the same attitude if it does happen that YOU get arrested. Whether you like somebody or not is irrelevant. I don't know what Mr. Amos' story is and have never been able tofollow it, but we certainly know from Charles' treatment and Bonnie O'dea's case that just about anything is possible." "Charles, don't mean to be contrary but virtually everything you've said about him has been said numerous times HERE about YOU. On numerous issues people have posted saying 'you just can't reason with the guy'. I don't particularly like being called 'mikey boy' and was often a target of Mr. Amos' criticism myself. And like I said, if YOU were arrested there are lots who would say exactly the same thing as the above-'he needs help, I hope he gets it' and then move on. The issue is not the PERSON, in order to raise the ire of lawyers, police, etc., you HAVE to be a bit of a malcontent. Most of us would just cry in our coffee and try to move on. The only reason Mr. Amos (and you I dare say) continue to tilt at windmills is BECAUSE you are belligerent, somewhat cantankerous SOB's. I've heard Mr. Amos' called crazy, but then I've also heard YOU called crazy by a lot more people. We don't know the issue behind this, perhaps he IS crazy and maybe he was throwing rocks through people's windows. You SHOULD blame the media, how many people tell YOU that they don't blame the media for ignoring all your letters? It's not pleasant is it? All it takes is a phone call to the DECH or the police station. Can you honestly say that if you get hauled away you wouldn't want people to put at least SOME effort into helping you? Will people just be going over to Spinks blog and saying 'well, he didn't give a rats ass about David Amos so why should we care about him?' I seem to recall a lot of effort in talking to Bonnie O'dea-was it just because she was nice to you and Mr. Amos wasn't? What the hell is the point of all that buddhist bullshit you keep posting when you don't even seem to pay attention to it. Sorry guy, don't mean to be belligerent, but being a blogger sometimes means rising above pettiness. Otherwise, it makes perfect sense that Irving's press ignores you-after all, you haven't been very 'nice' to them (and have been even more cantakerous towards them than Mr. Amos has been to you)." You Fake Left people with no balls are indeed very clever and politite but you are not very wise to underestimate your fellow pigheaded ethical crude Maritmer. However as a fellow Maritimer who is not quite as dumb as Chucky Leblanc your clever Fake Left friends in Fat Fred City couldn't fool me because I am too stupid to play your games. Maybe you were wise to exit stage left Correct? When your many Fake Left and Neo Con blogger and Youtube friends attacked me bigtime this summer and called me a Hells Angel. and a Freemason, and a CSIS Agent, and a homosexual and pedophile and a looney tune amongst other things, I asked myself just how dumb are you people? I am in fact as you know "Just Dave" a very pissed off Maritimer for very justifiable reasons. I heard nary a peep from you but I saw your reading most everything so I determined that you were just another cleaver chickenshit with abig mouth but no balls to back up your words. However obviously I back up my words I ran for public office four time in the Maritimes in three years EH? Hell read the documents that are public record or listen to me tell off judges in open court if you have not already done so. Methinks that you would not like my conclusions about my research into the actions of many of our fellow Maritimers and their cohorts on the world scene and i won't tell it here. But rest assured that I already saved this webpage and it is part of my records. You blog was well written and mostly ethical. Too bad it didn't get many readers even though what you wrote was important for the public to try to understand. Most folks in the Maritimes would rather take the few spare precious minutes of their day to look at goofy pictures taken by Chucky Leblanc about people they know in order to get a laugh. Meanwhile in return for helping him Chucky's Fake Left friends used his popularity to inject their political agenda into his words and deeds. I have written a great deal more about the malice of your frinds that nobody has read as of yet. I need an editor and publisher. Failing that I need to find the time for the benefit of all our children not just mine to produce a homegrown documentry of sorts not unlike some that are floating around cyberspace these days. My friend Werner Bock tried to do so as did my former friend Byron Prior and their work is already uploaded in Youtube. It is high time I tried my kick at the can of worms. Unlike the oh so popular one called Zeitgeist it will be based on original work and the creator would have a name. It is as you well know David Raymond Amos. At this point in time in my life my main task is preventing further false imprisonment while staying warm, dry and fed enough to try to upset the smiling bastards in the USA before a very important election next week. I have no time to be fat, dumb and happy like Chucky Leblanc is. There is soon to be many lean and mean days visited upon our children and i must do my best to prevent it or i will neve "Rest in Peace" It appears that my attempt to engineer a "October Surprise" didn't work but I was not surprised about that. It was not for lack of ethics or diligence on my part. Everybody knows I live by the word clearly sated on my Yankee licence plates the the RCMP/GRC Youtubed and the took down when i figured out who done it. Look for the word "Live Free or Die" spinning around in cybersapce. In defence of my fellow dumb Maritimer I must state what we all know to be true about the Irvings and their many corporate and government buddies. Every Maritimer knows that the bastards who rule over most folks (but not mean old me) run a very tight ship indeed. Every Maritimer also knows that sooner or later some truths leak out and big ships falsely claimed to be unsinkable by the corporate controled media go straight to the bottom. i have determined that Blogging and Youtubing like hell are the only two ways truths can be revealed these days to our fellow man. As Chief I am doing my best. Hence that is why I sign my name with the motto of my Clan. My ancestors picked it no I. I just kept it to honour from whence I came. Tis all. I could give good god damn that it is in latin. Have your buddy Chucky Leblanc read the label on his next bottle of Keith's beer and then maybe the light will dawn on his greedy little muddled Maritime mind. I am tired and bored with wrting this Mikey Baby. whereas nobody but me will likely ever read I won't bother trying to edit it aor correct grammer etc. I am just gonna post it and save and hit Werner's couch before midnight (which is very early for me) because I have had enough of the this old world for one day and I am very disappointed in my fellow man once again and i am considering quiting pounding my head against the wall because I don't think we the people in general are worth saving. I truly haven't felt this way in nearly twenty years. Maybe I will see things differently once I have had a little rest but I don't think so. ths feeling has been sneaking up on me since I was locked up just as my kids crossed the border to visit me after a whole year of separation. when I lost a precious week with them in a summer of their youth I was madder than any ten decent men should be particularly after what I read about all summer on the the Internet. I believe that from now on my world will revolve around only my children and a precious few dear old friends. The rest of you can go to hell for all I care. You people deserve each other and malicious RCMP/GRC who have no doubt figured out that they should leave me alone from now on. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos Post a comment. Unsubscribe to comments on this post. Posted by David Raymond Amos to BLOGCASTNB at November 1, 2008 10:40 PM November 1, 2008 8:20 PM Dan F said... Amos - I know you said you wouldn't comment in my blogs anymore, but I do have to ask you one question - Why do you start your comments to me saying to forget about this guy? I have a problem with him over banker and civil liberty issues - you claimed to have info that he was specifically corrupt. From over here in Holland, I can't exactly see and discuss these things in person, so I'm obviously going to have to take what I can get out of alternative media sources like your despised Chucky Leblanc. I don't republish your stuff because it's pretty much all the same, just change the name of whomever you're attacking that day - and mostly some yankee wire tapes and hard luck stories to support your theories (which seems to be 'everyone is corrupt' except you - something I only have partial evidence to support. If it turns out that the smearing and incarcerations you've experienced at the hands of your targets is truly unfounded, then you've indeed suffered a great injustice & this should be recognized. However, with no way for anyone to fully vet each other - I suggest you limit your arguments in these sorts of forums to what can easily be shown (i.e. Werner's cows) than who has most recently slighted you. For such info, this blog will always be open to you, as long as I have a say in it. November 5, 2008 2:02 AM David Raymond Amos said... Plus ca change, plus 'est la meme chose. N'esty Pas? From: David Amos Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 21:51:16 -0400 Subject: Chucky Leblanc are you and Timmy still having fun making fun of me ? To: "", tim4nm, Dan Fitzgerald, Richard Harris "nb. premier", ben kelly, nbombud, "travis. ndp", trvl, Byron Prior, "Byrne. G", "byron. james" Cc:,,,, "christopher. montague", "christian. whalen", "Chris. Baker", "tim. porter" Methinks its time to make some more blogs and Youtubes EH? Have one of your WCIE's Press print on this pdf file and look for Senator John McCain's signature amongst the documents and then have them explain to you the ramifications of it as your Fake Left buddies in Fat Fred City watch the election results roll in from South of the 49th Then ask yourself why your nasty blogger and cop and political pals etc call me public enemy #1 and why I am so pissed off. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 16:32:42 -0400 Subject: Are you still havinf fun making fun of me? To: Cc: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 19:14:27 -0400 Subject: BTW T.J. Burke are your people still falsely accusing me of something? What say we argue these documents first? To:, "" Cc: "", Dan Fitzgerald, Richard Harris "", "nb. premier", gypsy-blog ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 09:33:45 -0300 Subject: Are you people still falsely accusing me of something? To:,, ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 14:17:34 -0300 Subject: Are you still accusing me of playing games? To:,,, ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 12:38:16 -0300 Subject: This is who I am Sarah To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 10:12:46 -0300 Subject: I just called and left some voicemails once again To: You can verify a lot of my documents beginning right here or you can begin your web search of what others have to say of me in order to stress test my integrity beginning with Danny Boy's blog. http://qslspolitics.blogspot. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos From: David Amos Subject: Fwd: [Just Dave] New comment on Harper and Bankers. To:,,,, "christopher. montague", "christian.whalen", "Chris. Baker", "tim4nm", "tim. porter" Cc: "", "bradthecarter", "duffy", "checkup" Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 5:37 PM ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Raymond Amos Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 17:26:43 -0800 (PST) Subject: [Just Dave] New comment on Harper and Bankers. To: David Raymond Amos has left a new comment on the post "Harper and Bankers": From: David Amos Subject: Re: your e-mails dated November 3, 2008 To: "Ombudsman, Td", citicanadaombudsman@citigroup.,,, Cc:,,,,,, "Dan Fitzgerald", "oldmaison. wcie",, Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 5:18 PM I BELIEVE YOU NEED A WISER AND FAR MORE ETHICAL LAWYER THAN FRANKY MCKENNA OR CHRISSY MONTAGUE COULD DREAM OF BEING CYA IN COURT MR. HUYER Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,054 Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 205.210.222.# (Bank of Nova Scotia) ISP Bank of Nova Scotia Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : Ontario City : Toronto Lat/Long : 43.6667, -79.4167 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; InfoPath.1) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 16 bits Time of Visit Nov 4 2008 3:46:21 pm Last Page View Nov 4 2008 3:46:21 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Search Engine Search Words "david aufhauser" "david amos" Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...per- Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...per- Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Nov 4 2008 2:46:21 pm Visit Number 6,054 On 11/4/08, Ombudsman, Td wrote: November 4, 2008 David Amos P.O. Box 234 Apohaqui, NB E5P 3G2 ---------------------- Dear Mr. Amos: We acknowledge receipt of your e-mails dated November 3, 2008, which we received in our office on November 4, 2008. We would like to thank you for providing our office with your feedback surrounding the various issues. We have reviewed the numerous pieces of correspondence that you e-mailed to us. It is our understanding that you have a number of concerns surrounding politics and the actions of the government within North America. We appreciate the effort you have taken to express your views surrounding these issues, however we do not believe we can be of any assistance as this falls outside the mandate of this office. Thank you for taking the time to bring your concerns to our attention. Yours truly, Paul W. Huyer Ombudsman ******************** NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY This communication including any information transmitted with it is intended only for the use of the addressees and is confidential. If you are not an intended recipient or responsible for delivering the message to an intended recipient, any review, disclosure, conversion to hard copy, dissemination, reproduction or other use of any part of this communication is strictly prohibited, as is the taking or omitting of any action in reliance upon this communication. If you receive this communication in error or without authorization please notify us immediately by return e-mail or otherwise and permanently delete the entire communication from any computer, disk drive, or other storage medium. If the above disclaimer is not properly readable, it can be found at AVERTISSEMENT DE CONFIDENTIALITE Ce courriel, ainsi que tout renseignement ci-inclus, destiné uniquement aux destinataires susmentionnés, est confidentiel. 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