Robert Gauvin joining the race for provincial Liberal leadership
Former deputy premier crossed from Progressive Conservatives to Liberals in 2020
Gauvin was elected in 2018 as the Progressive Conservative MLA for Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou and named deputy premier by Blaine Higgs. He quit the cabinet in early 2020 over the government's proposed hospital reforms that would have closed six emergency departments at night.
He crossed the floor and snagged the Shediac Bay-Dieppe riding as a Liberal candidate the same year.
Gauvin told Radio-Canada Sunday that "the intention is confirmed" and a formal announcement will be made in the coming weeks.
"I want to make a positive difference for the province of New Brunswick... I believe in this province," he said.
Gauvin said after New Brunswickers were faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, they deserve someone who will make their lives happier.
He said he's been a Liberal now just as long as he was part of the Progressive Conservative party.
"I feel a lot more conformable on the Liberal side," he said.
He's worked to support Clinic 554, increasing inclusion and building stronger relationships with First Nations communities, which Gauvin said has been rewarding.
"It's the compassionate side.... I feel in my place," said Gauvin.
He said one of his priorities as the Liberal leader would be to strengthen New Brunswick's health-care system with better wages and services.
There are now four candidates in the Liberal race. The others are T.J. Harvey, a former Tobique-Mactaquac MP, Liberal MLA Donald Arsenault and Rothesay businessman Seamus Byrne.
The Liberals announced last year they would select a new leader this August.
Roger Melanson is the party's interim leader.
'My opinion has changed': Higgs addresses COR past in bid to win French support
PC leader says his perspective on language rights has changed over the last 30 years
Jacques Poitras · CBC News · Posted: Aug 21, 2018 5:00 AM AT
On August 21, 2018 when Higgy said 'My opinion has changed'
You said
Lou Bell
Alwards government PROMISED an end to patronage and patronage appointments and was worse than ever ! Not that Gallant and his " chosen generals " running the show are any better ! Take a good look at what they have to offer . One has sold out anglophones and the other promises to if elected .
and I said
David Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks Premier Hatfield sold out the Anglophones in New Brunswick a long time ago when he made a deal with Trudeau The Elder N'esy Pas?
Methinks amazing things never cease N'esy Pas?
""I feel a lot more conformable on the Liberal side," he said.
Does not matter if we vote red or blue in this province as we seem to get a lot of the same.
There! I fixed it for you
"That is the best that the Liberals can come up with ??"
Yup! and that, more paved driveways in Kent county and northward...
One must be a card carrying member of the party with some support
Quite the positivity/be nice to others lightning rod
No different for politicians.
U dont have to win a popularity contest to get a job….u just need to be acceptable
Gotta luv the francophone xenophobia
So, I find that saying that electing a conservative premier saved you that money to be confirmation bias. I am pretty sure the liberals would have done the same thing with that new information.
Says it all....
Perhaps, he seems to be a "loose cannon" on the deck...
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
CBC is blocking me already and my name isn't even on a ballot yet
'My opinion has changed': Higgs addresses COR past in bid to win French support
PC leader says his perspective on language rights has changed over the last 30 years
· CBC News · Posted: Aug 21, 2018 5:00 AM AT
Thirty years ago, Blaine Higgs probably never pictured himself doing what he was doing last Tuesday night: standing at attention among a crowd of Acadians as they sang their national hymn, Ave Maris Stella, in a village hall outside Caraquet.
The provincial Progressive Conservative leader likely also never imagined he'd deliver a 10-minute speech to Acadians, entirely in French.
But that was the scene in Bertrand on the night of Aug. 14 as PCs gathered to officially nominate their candidate for the riding of Caraquet in next month's provincial election.
The table is part of the election strategy that Higgs hopes will let him engineer a PC majority that includes MLAs from francophone New Brunswick.
Two star candidates
"Every government needs an Acadian voice," says Robert Gauvin, the party's candidate in Lameque-Shippagan-Miscou. "We're here and we have to be heard."The two men face different challenges. Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou has gone PC more often than not in recent decades, and the party lost it by just 44 votes in the last election.
Caraquet, meanwhile, is a Liberal stronghold that almost never elects Conservatives. In 2014, the Liberal candidate there almost tripled the PC vote.
Some voters convinced
But both Gauvin and Haché share the same challenge in this election: convincing voters to look past Higgs's involvement 30 years ago with the Confederation of Regions (COR) party, a movement that campaigned on repealing official bilingualism.Last week in Bertrand, Higgs confronted the issue directly.
"Over the last 30 years, I've discovered our province," he said in French. "I've learned that when we look outside our own party and our own community, we learn things. I've learned that people can have different experiences."
Continuing in French, Higgs added: "Our province is a better place because we've had the courage to be an officially bilingual province and to find a goal that's common to two great cultures … Francophones, listen to me carefully: I will not leave you behind."
Not perfect
The partisan crowd lapped it up, giving Higgs — who spoke no French when he won the PC leadership two years ago —credit for making the effort."Tonight he certainly did his best to show people that he's trying really hard," said Riba Girouard-Riordon, who ran for the federal Conservatives in the last national election. "Even though it was not perfect, I understood his speech."
That's what francophones used to say about Richard Hatfield: as tortured as his French could be at times, his stubborn determination to speak the language won them over.
Those records showed a series of pricey travel and meal claims.
Work for community
Meanwhile, former PC candidate Philippe Chiasson talked up Higgs by noting he was the finance minister in the Alward government when the initial agreement for the New Brunswick Naval Centre was signed.When the financing fell through and the province had to take over the yard in 2016, the PC opposition blamed the Liberals.
But on other local issues, such as employment insurance and the fate of the Caraquet hospital, Higgs sounded the right notes about listening to local communities and working to help them.
And on language politics, his comments are a sign to voters he has left his COR views behind, Haché said.
"He told me personally he doesn't want to change anything and he wants to fight for our rights," he said. "If I had any doubt in my soul that he was not going to respect me as a francophone, or me as an Acadian, I would never have ran for him."
Sit at table
Gauvin has a particular perspective on the issue: in 1994, his father, as a PC MLA, fought to block former COR candidates and MLAs from being welcomed back into the Tory party.Tomorrow I'll look at PC efforts to recruit star candidates, and win seats, in the Acadian Peninsula.
Slash programs
Liberal candidates in the region are making Higgs an issue, but not on the language front.But a recent editorial in L'Acadie Nouvelle, the Caraquet-based French-language daily newspaper, gave Higgs credit for recruiting good candidates, including former MLAs Jeannot Volpé and Claude Landry, who can vouch for him in francophone regions.
"The worst scenario would be to wake up Sept. 25, the morning after the election, with a Higgs government that includes not a single francophone MLA," wrote editorialist François Gravel.
Voice needed
That's been a refrain of PC candidates in the past: if there's going to be a Conservative government, better to have a voice in it than to be excluded from it.Previous PC leaders Richard Hatfield, Bernard Lord and David Alward won majority governments with strong francophone contingents.
But in the last election the PCs were reduced to a single francophone MLA, Madeleine Dubé, who is not running in this campaign.
In what's expected to be a close election, the ability of Higgs and his candidates to win over voters in francophone ridings could determine whether he completes his conversion from his COR days — and leads a government with MLAs from both language groups.
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If not go figure

wayne guitard

Rose Michaud

Yeah !
Like people who work for Irving don’t count eh !
Perhaps NB needs to chose to elect only those who will oppose the Irving’s.

Like people who don't work for Irving don’t count.

Do svidaniya Comrade

David Amos

Daniel White

Methinks speaking truth to power gets one locked up Everybody knows I learned that the hard way N'esy Pas?

Redmond O'Hanlon

Matt Steele
Sounds like the Liberals are going to try to use language as a wedge issue in order to gain votes ; much the same as Frank McKenna did when he was Premier . Politicians should be focused on debt reduction , and economic development , and put language on the back burner for a while . With a nearly 14.5 BILLION dollar debt , and one of the oldest populations in Canada....N.B. is in crisis . I believe the city Detroit was at around the 18 billion debt mark when they were forced into bankruptcy ; I wonder if the same could happen to N.B. with Gallant's out of control spending ? N.B. will have to pay the piper eventually.....


Jeff LeBlanc

Edward J Clement

AJ Maisey

Mario Doucet

Nope, the biggest mistake is when government started to handout free money to businesses. Subsidizes just pile up without ever being reviewed or ending.

David Stairs

I concur
Lou Bell

Dan Lee

Fred Brewer

I agree
Methinks Jennifer McKenzie, Brian Gallant, Blaine Higgs, Kris Austin and David **** are fine examples to support your opinion. I rust that every other political animal in New Brunswick knows why I am enjoying the circus N'esy Pas?
If not go figure
Content disabled.
Samuel Porter
The atcon six has yet to pay for their misdeeds. Carte blanche for ripping off NB taxpayers. Stop spraying NB forests, and blueberry fields. Make a difference with your vote.

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