Neil Young, wife actress Daryl Hannah surprise crowd at Victoria old growth rally
Hundreds of people attended a rally for old growth protection where Young performed 2 songs
Young played acoustic guitar and harmonica, and sang two songs: Comes A Time, which has a chorus about tall trees, and his hit Heart of Gold.
Young, billed as a "special guest," was not listed as appearing at the event, where astonished protesters, many dressed as trees and wild animals, cheered wildly and sang along to Heart of Gold.
"Thank you Canada," said Young. "You know I'm only here for those trees up there and it's a beautiful, and it's a precious, sacred thing, these old trees because they show us the power of nature when we are being threatened. They show us the past and they show us our future.
"That's something I hope our Canadian government and business section will recognize that this has to do with Canada," he said. "It has to do with the ages, if we are lucky enough to have ages. These trees have lasted so long they deserve Canada's respect."
Earlier this month, the B.C. government introduced new approaches to managing timber resources to protect more old-growth trees from logging.
Premier David Eby said more areas are now being deferred from logging than ever on record.
The old-growth deferral is a government program in B.C. where old-growth areas slated for logging are now deferred until a later date or not logged at all.
The logging deferral of old-growth forests is now at 2.1 million hectares, up from last spring's report of 1.7 million hectares, Eby said.
Young was introduced by his wife, actress Daryl Hannah, who said the cold weather was giving her a bit of brain freeze.
"Despite the complexities, the necessary and simple answer is do no harm,'' she said. "No further destruction. Love, support and respect your elders.
"Please lend your support to another type of elder, your fellow Canadian from a small town in Ontario."
Trust that our latest PM, BC's latest Premier and their buddy Suzuki certainly do
"Oh, this old world keeps spinning round, it's a wonder tall trees ain't layin' down.
There comes a time."
Why is that Oh Ye with a name that I don't believe is for real?
Private jet crowd of celebrities, included
Ed Chrysler
Consider it already done but turnabout is fairplay eh?
Damn it was gone before I could save it
the whales swim in it
Maybe he can stop ████████ signaling long enough to apologize and admit he and all in his were wrong and unscientific..
Did he sent his private jet across the Atlantic again to pick up his favourite hat to preform?
When did that happen and can you post something to prove it?
its well documented. Google can be your friend
I use bing.
bing it
George Lange
Reply to Pete North
Rod Wood
I am still alive
Murray Brown
Neil married Daryl Hannah... When did that happen?
Years ago
Janet Maxwell
His first wife Pegi seemed sweet...she died a few years ago...
Jean Meyer
Me Too
So much bitterness and Sour felling
Honestly earned
I think English might be Marcel's second language/ Everything is spelled correctly. He just decided to use a short form for "you" and we understood what he was saying so, no problem.
William Atkinson
Speach tastes better than regular speech...
David Amos
Amen to that
Reply to David Amos
Wow One has to be fast to even get to read the replies before they go "Poof"
He didn’t leave for very long lol, he’s back because he’s just a phoney
Ben Brown
Calling that ineffective experimental jab a vaccine is misinformation isn’t why he left.
Rogan never said that.
It has been a terrible display of political engineering being promoted with that experimental near miss, mandates and all
No, Young never went back to Spotify. Some tracks with him on which he doesn't control is still there but any music he controls is off Spotify.
BD Morgan
It was your example of misinformation not mine.
BD Morgan
Not sure what you are talking about?
BD Morgan
I take you are implying Young injected heroin. Fact checking is one good method to avoid spreading misinformation.
James Brown
Each to their own, free speech, and the right to informed consent, are fundamental human rights.
Knowingly spreading harmful misinformation for profit. Young objected.
Reply to Ross Mills
‘Former’ actress?
Perhaps she will make a comeback film of Mermaid and her top half will be a fish next time
Ben Brown
When I needed clear fir ‘select’ grade, the only supplier was from Washington state.
None could be purchased from a Canadian supply dealer.
The fir arrived, and had ‘Canada’ stamped as its COO
True story
Lynette Browne
You are correct. It would be nice if we kept the logs harvested here in B.C., and milled them into value-added product rather than shipping the majority of logs out-of-country. Pre-pandemic, the research by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives showed that roughly an average of 6.5 million cubic metres of raw logs were shipped out of B.C. in each of the previous four years prior to the study, an unprecedented number for such a timespan. Based on employment data compiled by BC Stats, they estimated that conservatively if those logs had been processed in B.C. instead, another 3,650 people could have been working locally to produce value-added products like lumber, pulp and paper, etc.
So SAD! Having to order your "Fir" from Washington & arriving to you stamped "CANADA".
Says a lot about our forestry/manufacturing/government defectiveness & malfunctioning guidelines to support CANADIAN Resources & Economy.
Check my work
Obsessed much?
When Neil Young and Daryl Hannah Came to Town
A couple weeks ago I wanted to let my family and friends know what was going on in my life and I tweeted that I was going to be filming with Neil Young and Daryl Hannah in Fort McMurray. I was not prepared for the reaction. My phone was immediately blowing up with media requests to find out what was going on. Reaction from people commenting on social media in the community ranged from concern to rage over how Fort McMurray would be portrayed by these people who have a clear environmental agenda.
I refrained from commenting in the media ahead of time because I wasn't sure how much publicity they wanted and I didn't want to ruin my chances of working with these people. I agreed to an interview with Wallis Snowden at Mix 103.7 after filming was over and she presented a fair and brief synopsis of our interview to the listeners. I'd like to offer my readers a more detailed account of what transpired.
I was contacted a few weeks ago by Neil's production company Shakey Pictures and asked if I would be available to shoot some aerial footage from a helicopter for Neil's documentary. I've done this kind of work in the past and was recommended by the helicopter company. The details of the project were not all that clear, the only thing I knew for sure was that the documentary was about Neil's 1959 Lincoln Continental convertible that he had a team of specialists convert into a cellulosic ethanol burning hybrid dubbed The Lincvolt.

The production company explained that this was a documentary a few years in the making and production had stalled after the film's producer, a long-time friend of Neil's named Larry Johnson, passed away suddenly in 2010. The documentary centers around The Lincvolt from its inception and development to Neil's travels with it across North America promoting the idea that we can be more conscious consumers of energy while still being bad-ass (my words). Filming was originally supposed to take place on Thursday August 28th but Neil stopped and visited his friend Daryl Hannah on the way here and she wanted to join him so they pushed the shoot back a couple days.
I was obviously concerned that this production was going to present an unfair portrait of my community so I wanted to make sure that I was able to provide them with options that presented a more balanced view of the community and the industry. To that end I had well know community cheerleader Theresa Wells and environmentally conscious oil sands development advocate Ken Chapman on standby to be available for interviews if I was able to convince the production team to hear their stories. I also arranged with Joey Hundert the CEO of Sustainival, the world's first green carnival, to accommodate Neil and the production crew should I be able to convince them to film at this carnival powered by used cooking oil. In the end there, while they were polite and curious about this picture of Fort McMurray, it wasn't on the production agenda.
Meeting the production crew at the Chateau Nova I found them all to be friendly and professional people. Ken Chapman happened by and Neil chatted with us around his and Daryl's cars for quite some time. Neil seemed genuinely surprised and impressed with some of the green initiatives happening in the community. He seemed to know little about the oil sands industry, he'd never heard of SAGD for example. His understanding seemed to be that bitumen is mined by digging giant open pits, using tonnes of water, and creating giant tailings ponds. He was unaware of the advances that have been made.
The first song I ever practiced, perfected and played live at Paddy McSwiggins with my garage band was Rockin' In The Free World so I may be a tad biased here but I really liked Neil. Neil introduced me to his 34-year-old son who his wheel chair bound with severe Cerebral Palsy and told me about how he had been given a life expectancy of 16 years. Neil explained how lucky he felt to have been blessed with the resources needed to keep him alive this long and I admired his resolve to keep his son by his side determined to give him the opportunity to experience life to the fullest.
Daryl was a very nice lady, ever since the movie Splash I've thought so. I got the sense that she wasn't all that interested in the hearing a counter narrative or anything that might create cognitive dissonance in her judgement on the oil sands. She asked me about how scary it was shooting film out of a helicopter and asked if I was an adrenaline junkie. While the rest of us were chatting about the community and the oil sands industry she was more interested in picking sweet grass and posting her stickers around. She gave me an encouraging hug after filming and told me I did a great job, which was nice but nobody had actually seen my footage yet. That moment pretty much encapsulated my sense of her, a lady with a huge heart who makes judgements with little information.
The thing I admire most about Neil and Daryl is the fact that they are trying really hard to make a difference in this world. Daryl has been arrested for standing up for what she believes in. She is diligent about practicing what she preaches and lives off the grid generating her own energy from wind and solar and growing her own food. Not many environmentally active starlets have her integrity in this regard.
What Was Filmed
The production company chartered the chopper for a couple hours and asked me to get a list of shots. Mostly I shot the two cars driving around the highway by Syncrude and Suncor. They were essentially interested in shots of Mordor (my words) juxtaposed behind these beautiful cars. They also wanted shots of tailings ponds and industrial plants. We lucked out with a dramatic sky that had a dark rain cloud roll in over top of Syncrude while the nearby boreal forest was bathed in sunlight and blue sky, David Suzuki himself couldn't have asked Gaia for a better shot. The pilot and I also took the liberty of shooting some beautiful river valley, wetland and boreal forest shots while we had free time.
I was told that the previous day was spent with a First Nations Chief getting his story and they were planning on spending the next day with a First Nations Chief as well. The only other thing on their agenda was an interview with Dr. O'Connor in Edmonton to presumably talk about the ill health of First Nations people because of the industry upstream.
What we didn't shoot was as informative about the narrative as what we did shoot. We did not film any reclaimed land. We didn't film any new extraction operations using greener technology. We didn't film any industry experts. We didn't film Neil's diesel burning bus that his crew rode in. We didn't film the environmentally conscious community active in Fort McMurray. That stuff wasn't on the agenda.
Final Thoughts
All living things consume energy and pollute. Nature is as cruel as it is beautiful. Bacteria and viruses pollute this Earth and for the majority of our history have mercilessly put us in an early grave. Burning wood has improved our lives dramatically by allowing us to ingest more energy at less cost by cooking food and it keeps us warm. Our ability to find and harness energy has caused human life to flourish. Each energy source we innovate is not without it's detriments. Nearly 2 million people die prematurely each year in developing countries from inhaling cooking smoke, what they wouldn't give for the comparatively clean energy of coal generated electricity.
People in developing countries generally care very little about the environmental standards we care about, they are too busy trying to survive to worry about their carbon footprint or how many blooms their community gets. The good news is that the richer a country gets the more environmentally conscious it tends to get and the cleaner and more efficient its energy tends to become. This investment in clean technology requires wealth, and wealth requires energy abundance.
Neil Young himself proves this point in a number of ways. He is able to fight off the polluting secretions invading his sons lungs that would otherwise kill him if not for a fortuitous chain of events starting with the industrial revolution and all the wealth that it brought to the world that allowed a man enough free time to pursue a thing called rock stardom and afford round the clock care for his boy extending his life. His wealth also allowed him to pay a team of engineers and specialists to retrofit a classic car into a technological green marvel. His wealth allows him to pay for the energy expenditure to get cellulosic ethanol shipped from the one plant in the US that makes it to wherever his Lincvolt is. His wealth allows him to traverse the world with his entourage spreading the gospel of green. His wealth affords a helicopter to fly around and film him and that is okay. I promise you I do not mean this facetiously; getting to the cutting edge of cleaner technology creates a lot of pollution...always has. That's why I don't consider it hypocritical of Neil to preach clean energy while creating a bunch of pollution and why I'd like him to grant the rest of us the same consideration. We are conscientious adults with the same goals he has.
Hiroshima Seems Nice
One has to wonder about claims of genocide and holocaust that are thrown about so cavalierly by those with a mission to bring down the oil sands, I wonder what survivors of actual genocide must think. Neil recently stated that Fort McMurray looks like Hiroshima (I wonder if he meant Nuked Hiroshima or beautiful reclaimed Hiroshima today) and that Natives are sick and dying because of the oil sands activities. These are serious claims that paint a pretty bleak picture and seem to lack any evidence. One would simply have to look at life expectancy rates before and after the oil sands started developing in this region. Are we to believe that the First Nations people in this region have increased mortality and morbidity rates because of the oil sands development, that over a billion dollars worth of First Nation business per year has caused declining health? Seems to me that is backwards. We could also compare life expectancy in First Nation communities around the oil sands region to those of First Nations people in other less Hiroshima looking parts of Canada.
The other bit of Neil's message I take some umbrage with is his anti-Keystone XL stance. It seems a tad hypocritical to use the guns of government to cut people off from energy they want and force them to use OPEC conflict oil. Nobody is cutting Neil off from all the energy he's using and forcing him to burn bitumen, why would he do that to people who can't afford other sources of energy or who don't want to use bloody OPEC oil? In the same vein I don't want government pointing guns at land owners to force Keystone through their land. I just wish people would learn how to peacefully negotiate without constantly appealing to government to pull out guns on their behalf.
So Neil if you're reading this Keep on Rockin In The Free World! I dig your message of clean energy and I can't wait for affordable cleaner energy, one day if we extract enough oil and generate enough wealth like you we will be able to create a cleaner world and even be able to extend the lives of our sons and daughters and move on to a better energy source. If you would've looked a bit closer at the people in this community developing this resource you'd have found people of kindred spirit, we are concerned about the environment and about the health of those that live around the oil sands...this is where our children live. We want to leave this world a better place like you do and we have the energy to do just that. I challenge you to find a community of oil producers anywhere else in this world that more closely aligns with your values of stewardship and respect for this Earth and it's people. Not only do we not stone people to death, we don't even use plastic grocery bags.
David Crosby Calls Former Bandmate Neil Young 'Probably the Most Selfish Person I Know'
"He only thinks about Neil, period," David Crosby said of Neil Young. "That's the only person he'll consider. Ever!"
There's no love lost between David Crosby and his former bandmate Neil Young.
In a new interview with The Guardian published on Thursday, the 80-year-old singer opened up about his relationship with the Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (CSNY) musician — calling him, "probably the most self-centered, self-obsessed, selfish person I know."
"He only thinks about Neil, period," Crosby said. "That's the only person he'll consider. Ever!"
A rep for Young did not immediately respond to PEOPLE's request for comment, but there's long been no love lost between the two.
Back in 2014, Crosby famously called Young's then-girlfriend and now-wife Daryl Hannah "a purely poisonous predator" — a comment that led Young to announce that CSNY would "never tour again, ever."
Crosby later publicly apologized for his words on The Howard Stern Show. Still, the two never repaired their relationship — something Crosby has come to accept.
"Neil has got a genuine beef," Crosby told The Guardian. "I did say something bad about his girlfriend [Daryl Hannah]. I said I thought she was a predator. Okay, he can be mad at me. That's all right."
Politics also come into play. "I'm a very liberal guy and a modern thinker in terms of politics. Neil doesn't really do politics," Crosby said. "He does Neil."
Young isn't the only artist Crosby has fallen out with. He and Graham Nash — also of CSNY — are not on speaking terms either.
"Graham just changed from the guy I thought was my best friend to being a guy that is definitely my enemy, so I don't see any future there at all," Crosby said.
While it appeared that Nash previously looked after Crosby, the songwriter told The Guardian that wasn't the case. "He gave the impression of looking after me, but apparently that was all just trying to keep the money coming," Crosby said. "But there you go."
"We haven't talked for a couple of years," Crosby said. "And I'm not going to talk to him. I don't want to talk to him. I'm not happy with him at all. To me, that's all ancient history, man."
Stephen Stills is the only band member Crosby still talks to, he told The Guardian. He even praised the Buffalo Springfield musician as the best songwriter in Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.
"He's the best guitar player, the best singer and the best writer," Crosby said. "I really admire Stephen tremendously."
Crosby doesn't shy away from his role in some of these fallen relationships, calling himself "an a------."
As for CSNY — or Crosby, Stills & Nash (CSN), who the supergroup was before Young joined in 1969 — don't expect a reunion anytime soon. CSN last toured in 2015, while CSNY's final concert was in 2013. And despite their sublime harmonies, the relationships are still too fractured.
Asked if there's been any reconciliation, Crosby said, "No, and I don't expect there to be — the petty-assed bulls--- that goes on between us as people."
David Crosby and Melissa Etheridge.
Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic
Elsewhere in his interview with The Guardian, Crosby opened up about his son Beckett, who died of an opioid overdose in May 2020 at the age of 21.
"I miss him a lot," Crosby said. "It hurts. Believe me, it hurt."
On Beckett's descent into addiction, Crosby explained, "He was a skateboarder and he'd had a couple of crashes and he got some painkillers. They got him strung out on that, then he ran into somebody who had really strong stuff and he overdosed and died. And that's … how it normally goes."
Beckett and his sister Bailey, 24, share Crosby's DNA, but were raised by Melissa Etheridge and her then-partner Julie Cypher. In 2000, Etheridge famously revealed that Crosby was their sperm donor.
"I love them both," Crosby told The Guardian of his kids. "He and Bailey visited here often."
In February, Etheridge opened up about the loss to PEOPLE. "It's a nightmare so many families go through," she said of her late son's drug addiction. "It just eats away at good people."
Etheridge said she felt "helpless" as she watched Beckett struggle with addiction for years.
"When you have a loved one who is battling opioid addiction, it's horrific. You don't know what to do. You want to help them, but ultimately they have to help themselves," she said. "It's a journey for anyone around the loved one. You realize the only way to help them is to take care of yourself. You can't do anything for them; you can't make them be sober."
Neil Young, wife actress Daryl Hannah surprise crowd at Victoria old growth rally
Hundreds of people attended a rally for old growth protection where Young performed 2 songs
Young played acoustic guitar and harmonica, and sang two songs: Comes A Time, which has a chorus about tall trees, and his hit Heart of Gold.
Young, billed as a "special guest," was not listed as appearing at the event, where astonished protesters, many dressed as trees and wild animals, cheered wildly and sang along to Heart of Gold.
"Thank you Canada," said Young. "You know I'm only here for those trees up there and it's a beautiful, and it's a precious, sacred thing, these old trees because they show us the power of nature when we are being threatened. They show us the past and they show us our future."
Conservationist David Suzuki greeted Young during the rally. (Chad Hipolito/The Canadian Press)
"That's something I hope our Canadian government and business section will recognize that this has to do with Canada," he said. "It has to do with the ages, if we are lucky enough to have ages. These trees have lasted so long they deserve Canada's respect."
Earlier this month, the B.C. government introduced new approaches to managing timber resources to protect more old-growth trees from logging.
Premier David Eby said more areas are now being deferred from logging than ever on record.
The old-growth deferral is a government program in B.C. where old-growth areas slated for logging are now deferred until a later date or not logged at all.
The logging deferral of old-growth forests is now at 2.1 million hectares, up from last spring's report of 1.7 million hectares, Eby said.
Young was introduced by his wife, actress Daryl Hannah, who said the cold weather was giving her a bit of brain freeze.
"Despite the complexities, the necessary and simple answer is do no harm,'' she said. "No further destruction. Love, support and respect your elders.
"Please lend your support to another type of elder, your fellow Canadian from a small town in Ontario."
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