"The lies our elected officials have told, show that governments know the truth but seem to use deception to bolster their position and goals"
Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada<mcu@justice.gc.ca> | Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 11:03 PM | ||||||||
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> | |||||||||
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. Due to the volume of correspondence addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be carefully reviewed. We do not respond to correspondence that contains offensive language. ------------------- Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Arif Virani, ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada.
Nous ne répondons pas à la correspondance contenant un langage offensant.
Office of the Premier<scott.moe@gov.sk.ca> | Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 11:01 PM |
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> | |
This is to acknowledge that your email has been received by the Office of the Premier. We appreciate the time you have taken to write. NOTICE: This e-mail was intended for a specific person. If it has reached you by mistake, please delete it and advise me by return e-mail. Any privilege associated with this information is not waived. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Avis: Ce message est confidentiel, peut être protégé par le secret professionnel et est à l'usage exclusif de son destinataire. Il est strictement interdit à toute autre personne de le diffuser, le distribuer ou le reproduire. Si le destinataire ne peut être joint ou vous est inconnu, veuillez informer l'expéditeur par courrier électronique immédiatement et effacer ce message et en détruire toute copie. Merci de votre cooperation. |
Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario<Premier@ontario.ca> | Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 11:04 PM |
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> | |
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued. You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, reviewed and taken into consideration. There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a response may take several business days. Thanks again for your email. ______ Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations. Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons. Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre. Merci encore pour votre courriel. |
David Amos<david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> | Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 10:56 PM |
To: david.leis@fcpp.org, joseph.quesnel@fcpp.org, LGrey@gwsllp.ca, info@lawyers4truth.ca, brianpeckford@gmail.com, ted@vaccinechoicecanada.com, benitapedersen@hotmail.com, KMartin@postmedia.com, canadacitizensinquiry@mail.mailchimpapp.com, press <press@nationalcitizensinquiry.ca>, info@nationalcitizensinquiry.ca, "fin.minfinance-financemin.fin" <fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, "Marco.Mendicino" <Marco.Mendicino@parl.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "pierre.poilievre" <pierre.poilievre@parl.gc.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, Office of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>, premier <premier@leg.gov.mb.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>, "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, ragingdissident <ragingdissident@protonmail.com> | |
Cc: Ray.McGinnis@fcpp.org, Peter.Holle@fcpp.org, Wayne.Anderson@fcpp.org, prontoman1@protonmail.com, waynenarvey@hotmail.com, dana_lee_ca@hotmail.com, vincent.gircys@gmail.com | |
https://davidraymondamos3. Sunday 10 March 2024 Canadian Property Rights Index 2023 |
Ken Drysdale & Ches Crosbie |Leaders
The lies our elected officials have told, show that governments know the truth but seem to use deception to bolster their position and goals. Do these lies and the fear surrounding the pandemic plans weaken Canada's society? Listen to David Leis and his two guests, Ken Drysdale and Ches Crosbie, as they look at the findings of the National Citizen's Inquiry and discuss how to speak truth and remove the diet of fear from the conversation.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leighton Grey <LGrey@gwsllp.ca>
Date: Sun, 22 May 2022 17:53:32 +0000
Subject: Re: Methinks YOU and many FEDS FOR FREEDOM cannot deny that I crossed paths with their lawyer Leighton Grey QC just over a year ago N'esy Pas Higgy??
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Mr. Amos:
I have no connection whatsoever to Mark Jackson. Nor do I presently represent FFF.
“Lex deficere non potest Justitia exhibenda”
Leighton B. U. Grey, Q.C.
Senior Counsel
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2022 11:48:54 AM
To: Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>; premier <premier@ontario.ca>; Brenda.Lucki <Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; Bill.Blair <Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>; premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>; derekstorie85@gmail.com <derekstorie85@gmail.com>; cps <cps@calgarypolice.ca>; ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca <ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca>; Kaycee.Madu <Kaycee.Madu@gov.ab.ca>; hugh.flemming <hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>; Bill.Hogan <Bill.Hogan@gnb.ca>; pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>; Katie.Telford <Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>; Ian.Shugart <Ian.Shugart@pco-bcp.gc.ca>; jcarpay <jcarpay@jccf.ca>; jagmeet.singh <jagmeet.singh@parl.gc.ca>; robert.mckee <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>; andrea.anderson-mason <andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca>; Anita.Anand <Anita.Anand@parl.gc.ca>; oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>; Office of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>; Leighton Grey <LGrey@gwsllp.ca>; contact@fedsforfreedom.ca <contact@fedsforfreedom.ca>; ian <ian@mccuaiglaw.ca>; mjackson@fieldlaw.com <mjackson@fieldlaw.com>; freedomreport.ca <freedomreport.ca@gmail.com>; chris.scott@whistlestoptruckstop.ca <chris.scott@whistlestoptruckstop.ca>; sheilagunnreid <sheilagunnreid@gmail.com>; stefanos.karatopis <stefanos.karatopis@gmail.com>
Subject: Methinks YOU and many FEDS FOR FREEDOM cannot deny that I crossed paths with their lawyer Leighton Grey QC just over a year ago N'esy Pas Higgy??
Hence anyone should undestand why I am laughing at them today EH?
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
This notice is to inform the press and the public at large, that today
the President, Secretary and Chief Human Resources Officer of the
Treasury Board (the official employer of federal public servants) have
been served with a Cease and Desist letter regarding the federal
vaccination mandate for public servants.
Today, January 26th 2022, the lawyers for Feds For Freedom, a
not-for-profit advocacy organization for public servants, served The
Honorable Mona Fortier, Peter Wallace, Christine Donughue along with
all Departmental Ministers of the Core Public Service Administration
under the Treasury Board Secretariat. These documents put the
individuals served on notice that the federal vaccine mandates are
unjustifiable, unconstitutional and criminal in nature. Feds For
Freedom maintains that bodily autonomy and informed consent, free of
coercion, intimidation or bullying are fundamental rights that are
inviolable. The consequences laid out by legal counsel include, but
are not limited to:
Numerous charter rights challenges;
Legal action against the Government of Canada; and
Applications seeking injunctive relief and punitive damages.
As federal public servants, we have had our livelihoods stripped from
us; we have endured unprecedented amounts stress and hardships. We
have been harassed, ridiculed, mocked and had hatred and violence
incited against us. This type of abusive behavior cannot and will not
be tolerated; we expect and request an expeditious response.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Tue, 18 May 2021 17:29:19 +0000
Subject: RE: Methinks Jason Kenney and everybody else in Alberta knows
I crossed paths with the law firm of J. Mark Jackson QC before either
of you wee elected to be Premiers N'esy Pas Higgy??
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Due to the volume of incoming messages, this is an automated response
to let you know that your email has been received and will be reviewed
at the earliest opportunity.
If your inquiry more appropriately falls within the mandate of a
Ministry or other area of government, staff will refer your email for
review and consideration.
Merci d'avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
En raison du volume des messages reçus, cette réponse automatique vous
informe que votre courriel a été reçu et sera examiné dans les
meilleurs délais.
Si votre demande relève plutôt du mandat d'un ministère ou d'un autre
secteur du gouvernement, le personnel vous renverra votre courriel
pour examen et considération.
If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144 or by email
S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
General Information
For general information and answers to common questions on novel
coronavirus please visit:
or Canada.ca/coronavirus<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.canada.ca%2Fen%2Fpublic-health%2Fservices%2Fdiseases%2F2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html&data=04%7C01%7CBlaine.Higgs%40gnb.ca%7C0136b42c4b0a43c7736e08d8c6c63f14%7Ce08b7eefb5014a679ed007e38bfccee7%7C0%7C0%7C637477902044022246%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=HgRaSAAAHGAGc1FpMHeBhbY2ITqbgnjB%2BRwSDLc4pBc%3D&reserved=0>
information line 1-833-784-4397.
Safety Issues
For safety issues regarding place of employment/employer please call
WorkSafe NB 1-800-999-9775.
Compassionate requests
Please call the Canadian Red Cross 1-800-863-6582.
Non-health questions
Please call 1-844-462-8387. The email address is
For questions related to travel restrictions during COVID-19
Please call 1-833-948-2800.
CHIMO Helpline 1-800-667-5005
Hope for Wellness Helpline 1-855-242-3310
Canadian Border Services Agency
CBSA has instituted a COVID-19 hotline regarding border crossing
concerns/questions at
Employment Insurance Hotline
Please call 1-833-381-2725.
Renseignements généraux
Pour obtenir des renseignements généraux et des réponses aux questions
les plus fréquentes sur la COVID-19, veuillez consulter le site
ou Canada.ca/coronavirus<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.canada.ca%2Ffr%2Fsante-publique%2Fservices%2Fmaladies%2F2019-nouveau-coronavirus.html&data=04%7C01%7CBlaine.Higgs%40gnb.ca%7C0136b42c4b0a43c7736e08d8c6c63f14%7Ce08b7eefb5014a679ed007e38bfccee7%7C0%7C0%7C637477902044032242%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=77IrMQEwU2uBR9l3gMEYpY9xtWjSSfXBGgIMU9PsPig%3D&reserved=0>
ou composer le 1-833-784-4397.
questions de sécurité
Pour les questions de sécurité concernant les lieux de travail ou les
employeurs, communiquez avec Travail sécuritaire NB au 1-800-999-9775.
Veuillez téléphoner à la Croix-Rouge canadienne au 1-800-863-6582.
Questions non liées à la santé
Veuillez composer le 1-844-462-8387 ou envoyer un courriel à l’adresse
Questions liées aux restrictions de voyage pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 :
Composez le 1-833-948-2800.
Ligne d'aide CHIMO : 1-800-667-5005
Ligne d’écoute d’espoir : 1-855-242-3310
Agence des services frontaliers du Canada
L’Agence a mis en place une ligne d’information sur la COVID-19 pour
les questions concernant la traversée de la frontière, le
LIGNE D’INFORMATION SUR l'assurance-emploi
Composez le 1-833-381-2725.
Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000 Fredericton New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick E3B 5H1 Canada
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 18 May 2021 14:27:40 -0300
Subject: Methinks Jason Kenney and everybody else in Alberta knows I
crossed paths with the law firm of J. Mark Jackson QC before either of
you wee elected to be Premiers N'esy Pas Higgy??
To: mjackson@fieldlaw.com, jnosyk@fieldlaw.com, lgrey@gwsllp.ca,
info@fairviewbaptistchurch.ca, ian@mccuaiglaw.ca,
freedomreport.ca@gmail.com, derekstorie85@gmail.com, themayor
<themayor@calgary.ca>, cps <cps@calgarypolice.ca>, ministryofjustice
<ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>,
"Kaycee.Madu" <Kaycee.Madu@gov.ab.ca>, sheilagunnreid
<sheilagunnreid@gmail.com>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Bill.Blair" <Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>,
"barbara.massey" <barbara.massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
"Katie.Telford" <Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "Ian.Shugart"
<Ian.Shugart@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, jcarpay <jcarpay@jccf.ca>,
"jagmeet.singh" <jagmeet.singh@parl.gc.ca>, hugh.flemming@gnb.ca,
"robert.mckee" <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
<andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca>, "Anita.Anand" <Anita.Anand@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, premier
<premier@ontario.ca>, Office of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>,
"blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2021 12:48:15 -0300
Subject: Fwd: YO Mayor Nenshi Methinks Tyson Fedor and his CTV cohorts
have informed us that you want Kevin Johnston locked up just as he
wishes the same for you Nesy Pas?
To: derekstorie85@gmail.com, themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, cps
<cps@calgarypolice.ca>, ministryofjustice
<ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>,
"Kaycee.Madu" <Kaycee.Madu@gov.ab.ca>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Freedom Report <freedomreport.ca@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 12 May 2021 15:08:06 -0600
Subject: Re: YO Mayor Nenshi Methinks Tyson Fedor and his CTV cohorts
have informed us that you want Kevin Johnston locked up just as he
wishes the same for you Nesy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Is that the law firm for naheed nenshi?
GO FIGURE Why Chris Scott should have printed this document
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 8 May 2021 22:50:57 -0300
Subject: Hey Chris I sure hope that you printed the document I
suggested and said Hey to the RCMP for me
To: chris.scott@whistlestoptruckstop.ca, sheilagunnreid
<sheilagunnreid@gmail.com>, ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca, premier
<premier@ontario.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki" <Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Bill.Blair" <Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>, "barbara.massey"
<barbara.massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>,
"blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, "hugh.flemming"
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Cafe owner arrested, dozens ticketed leaving anti-restriction protest in Alberta
Anti-restriction protest at Whistle Stop Cafe goes ahead despite injunction
The Canadian Press · Posted: May 08, 2021 3:38 PM MT
Calgary mayoral candidate, pastor both released after alleged COVID-19
Bill Graveland
Published Tuesday, May 18, 2021 6:11AM MDT
Mayoral candidate, pastor granted release pending contempt hearing for
breaching public health orders
Calgary Herald
Publishing date: May 17, 2021
Kevin J. Johnston outside of GraceLife Church on Sunday March 14,
2021. Photo by Larry Wong/Postmedia
Mayoral candidate Kevin J. Johnston was granted his release Monday
after being arrested Saturday for breaching a court order that
required him to comply with COVID-19 public health restrictions.
But Johnston complained the condition of his release — that he comply
with masking requirements, along with other orders issued by chief
medical officer of health Dr. Deena Hinshaw — might be difficult for
him to follow, pending a June 16 contempt of court hearing.
“I’m already feeling the anxiety,” Johnston told a virtual court
hearing, as he sat, masked, in the prisoner’s box in a Calgary Court
of Queen’s Bench courtroom where the judge and lawyers appeared on
video link.
“I simply cannot wear a mask for that period of time,” he said. “I’m
already feeling the anxiety of this right now and I’m sweating. I’m
bothered by having to have this on; I could not possibly wear a mask
for that entire amount of time.”
But Justice Adam Germain told Johnston that he wouldn’t have to wear a
mask 24 hours a day; he only had to comply with restrictions regarding
masking, social distancing and limited attendance at gatherings.
“There’s nothing in these health orders that requires you to wear a
mask in your own abode,” the judge said. “(Your lawyer Ian) McCuaig
will get the health orders and brief you on them.”
McCuaig, who appeared via WebEx from his Toronto office, said Johnston
might raise issues of free speech as a political candidate as a
defence to his alleged breach of the court order restricting his
Before Johnston’s court appearance, Fairview Baptist Church pastor Tim
Stephens appeared for his release hearing.
Albert Health Services lawyer Kyle Fowler agreed to his release on
condition he comply with a May 6 order prohibiting non-compliance with
public heath guidelines.
Lawyer Leighton Grey said Stephens, who was arrested Sunday for
holding a service without complying with the restrictions, may argue
an amendment to the initial court order of Justice John Rooke meant
that pronouncement no longer applied to the pastor.
He too will face a contempt hearing on June 16.
J. Mark Jackson QC, Partner
2500 - 10175 101 ST NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 0H3
Jaclyn Nosyk
Legal Assistant
McCuaig Law
647 528 7247
Fairview Baptist Church
230 – 78 Ave SE
Calgary, AB T2H 1C4
(403) 252-1704
Leighton Grey
PHONE: (780) 594-0299
EMAIL: lgrey@gwsllp.ca
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023

The Frontier Centre for Public Policy—a non-partisan think tank—is pleased to release its Canadian Property Rights Index on its tenth anniversary. We are re-assessing the state of property rights in Canada after our inaugural index back in 2013.
The Canadian Property Rights Index (CPRI) is a project designed to measure the level of property rights protections in Canada on a provincial and territorial level. Due to the importance of property rights to individuals and the economic well-being of a country, the Index is intended to provide a comprehensive measure of the protections that are currently in place. This updated version of the Index includes seven indicators: Land Title System, Expropriation, Regulatory Takings (‘downzoning’), Municipal Power of Entry, Civil Forfeiture, Endangered Species, and Heritage Property. The CPRI begins with a measure of the provinces’ and territories’ land title systems. It recognizes the superiority of Torrens systems over deeds systems and looks at the procedural safeguards in place to protect individuals’ land titles. Similarly, the CPRI considers the protections available when it comes to formal expropriation processes. Regulatory takings, which refer to laws that limit landowners’ ability to use their property and reduce their land values, are also evaluated in the Index. The Index also assesses the procedural safeguards in place for individuals when it comes to municipalities’ power of entry, civil forfeiture, endangered species, and heritage property. By measuring the property rights protections of the provinces and territories on these seven criteria, it allows for an easy comparison between jurisdictions. It provides a comprehensive view of the current level of protection so that governments, individuals, and organizations can act to ensure that each jurisdiction is providing sufficient protections for its citizens.
Property rights are essential for economic freedom, but in Canada, some provinces and territories often lack the protections that are necessary for the proper safeguarding of rights. The revision reveals a distinct east-west dimension in the results, with the provinces from the West dominating the rankings. Even though Nova Scotia scored second, the Atlantic provinces remain at the bottom of the index. The solution to this issue lies in the need for a commitment to limited government and a more informed and vigilant public who demands better protections of their rights. Policy recommendations proposed include the enshrinement of property rights in the Canadian constitution, measures to control regulatory takings, and establishing an organization devoted to property rights monitoring, education, and protection. If implemented, these recommendations can go a long way to increase economic freedom and prosperity for Canadians.
Read the complete version on PDF here: FC-PS240_CPRI_JL1323_F2
Read the media release here.
Read the backgrounder here.
Joseph Quesnel is a senior research associate for the Frontier Centre for Public PolicyFrontier Centre for Public Policy Releases Canadian Property Rights Index, Marking Tenth Anniversary

Winnipeg, (July 17, 2023) – The Frontier Centre for Public Policy, a non-partisan think tank, is proud to announce the release of the highly anticipated Canadian Property Rights Index (CPRI) on its tenth anniversary. This landmark index provides a comprehensive measurement of property rights protections across Canada at the provincial and territorial level. By assessing the state of property rights, the CPRI aims to shed light on their significance for individuals and the country’s overall economic well-being.
The updated CPRI incorporates seven essential indicators: Land Title System, Expropriation, Regulatory Takings (commonly known as ‘downzoning’), Municipal Power of Entry, Civil Forfeiture, Endangered Species, and Heritage Property. The index meticulously evaluates the land title systems of provinces and territories, recognizing the superiority of Torrens systems over deeds systems. It examines the procedural safeguards in place to protect individuals’ land titles. Additionally, the CPRI assesses the level of protections available during formal expropriation processes and evaluates regulatory takings that limit landowners’ ability to use their properties and diminish their land values.
Procedural safeguards concerning municipal power of entry, civil forfeiture, endangered species, and heritage property are also analyzed within the index. By measuring these seven essentialn criteria, the CPRI allows for straightforward comparisons between jurisdictions, providing a comprehensive overview of the current level of property rights protection.
Regrettably, the index reveals that certain provinces and territories in Canada lack the necessary safeguards for property rights, which ultimately hampers economic freedom. Notably, the revised CPRI highlights an east-west divide, with western provinces leading the rankings. While Nova Scotia secures the second position, the Atlantic provinces are found to lag behind. Addressing this issue necessitates a steadfast commitment to limited government and an informed, vigilant public demanding stronger property rights protections.
As part of the CPRI, a series of policy recommendations has been proposed, including the enshrinement of property rights in the Canadian constitution, the implementation of measures to control regulatory takings, and the establishment of an organization dedicated to monitoring, educating, and safeguarding property rights. Adopting these recommendations would undeniably foster enhanced economic freedom and prosperity for all Canadians.
The release of the Canadian Property Rights Index on its tenth anniversary represents a significant milestone for the Frontier Centre for Public Policy and reinforces its commitment to promoting a comprehensive understanding of property rights protections in Canada. The index is an invaluable resource for governments, individuals, and organizations to ensure that every jurisdiction provides adequate protections for its citizens.
Click here to download the Index.
Click here to read the backgrounder which provides a brief overview of the Index.
For more information:
Joseph Quesnel, Senior Research Associate
David Leis
VP Development and Engagement
About the Frontier Centre for Public Policy
Leaders On The Frontier – Opening The Door For Indigenous Prosperity – With Joseph Quesnel

David Leis has an interesting discussion with Frontier Research Associate, Joseph Quesnel about his work and study in the area of First Nations’ prosperity and how policy and partnerships can be adapted to unlock the entrepreneurial spirit of indigenous peoples in Canada, rather than tangling projects up behind years of red tape and consultations; Property rights and the lack of autonomy granted by ‘The Indian Act’ are stunning when considering its enforcement in modern day. (39 minutes)
You can follow Leaders on the Frontier here.
From: "info@nationalcitizensinquiry" <info@nationalcitizensinquiry.
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2024 22:22:24 +0100
Subject: Re: Hey Debbie of National Citizens Inquiry Communications My
number is 506 434 8433 BTW The Peace Man would like to talk to you and
Ted Kuntz as well
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Hello David. Thank you for your message. I have sent your email to
Mr. Kuntz.
Yours sincerely,
Debbie - National Citizens Inquiry Communications
The NCI has now created a network of regional YouTube channels to host
the testimonies that will bypass the YouTube filters.
For the success of this initiative we ask that you CLICK ON ALL 6
This will help all these channels to be indexed (made searchable) and
also will help to by-pass the potential strikes from YouTube that may
occur to sensor the material.
Note, If you have multiple google accounts or channels on YouTube, you
can subscribe from each of them. Please share this information will
all of your contacts. The World Is Watching.
Thank you!
On 2/9/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "info@nationalcitizensinquiry" <info@nationalcitizensinquiry.
> Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 18:04:54 +0100
> Subject: Re: Auto: Re: Announcement from Vincent Gircys.
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Hello David,
> You have copied the NCI on a number of emails. How can I help you?
> Yours sincerely,
> Debbie - National Citizens Inquiry Communications
> The NCI has now created a network of regional YouTube channels to host
> the testimonies that will bypass the YouTube filters.
> For the success of this initiative we ask that you CLICK ON ALL 6
> This will help all these channels to be indexed (made searchable) and
> also will help to by-pass the potential strikes from YouTube that may
> occur to sensor the material.
> Note, If you have multiple google accounts or channels on YouTube, you
> can subscribe from each of them. Please share this information will
> all of your contacts. The World Is Watching.
> Thank you!
> https://www.youtube.com/@nci-
> https://www.youtube.com/@nci-
> https://www.youtube.com/@nci-
> https://www.youtube.com/@nci-
> https://www.youtube.com/@nci-
> https://www.youtube.com/@nci-
> -
> On 2024-02-09T08:22:00.000-07:00, David Amos
> <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> On 1/31/24, info@nationalcitizensinquiry.
> <info@nationalcitizensinquiry.
> Thank you for reaching out to the National Citizens Inquiry. We are
> grateful
> for all your messages. Due to the
> volume of correspondence we are receiving, it may take time to respond.
> Thank you for your patience.
> You may find the answer you’re looking for on our website. Please visit
> https://
> message concerns:
> Media Inquiries: Thank you! Please redirect your message to
> press@nationalcitizensinquiry.
> Commissioners’ Report: Thank you! Please visit
> https://
> Volunteering: Thank you! Please sign up online if you haven’t already:
> https://
> Other Inquiries: Thank you! We will respond as soon as we can.
> Help share the Commissioners’ Report! Learn more at
> https://
> To stay updated on all things NCI, please sign-up for our e-newsletter:
> https://
> Yours sincerely,
> NCI Support Team
> PS The National Citizens Inquiry relies on the gracious support of
> volunteers to help with our correspondence. If
> your question was not fully answered, or you have additional questions or
> concerns, please reach out to us again
> for assistance.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: National Citizens Inquiry
> <canadacitizensinquiry@mail.
> Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2024 17:29:11 +0000
> Subject: A Very Important Update from Citizens Inquiry Canada/National
> Citizens Inquiry
> To: David <David.Raymond.Amos333@gmail.
> The National Citizens Inquiry was formed with a primary mission to
> record the experience of Canadians to the governmental response to
> COVID-19
> View this email in your browser
> (https://mailchi.mp/
> Dear NCI Supporter:
> The National Citizens Inquiry was formed with a primary mission to
> record the experience of Canadians to the governmental response to
> COVID-19 and deliver a report of findings and recommendations,
> prepared by independent Commissioners, as a legacy for a better
> Canada.
> Against much hostility from governments and the captive mainstream
> media, this mission was fulfilled last year.
> The directors of Citizens Inquiry Canada (CIC) wish to reassure
> Canadians that the record of their cruel experience under what the
> Commissioners described as the “terror”, will be maintained in
> perpetuity, accessible to all, and promotion of awareness of the
> findings of the report will continue. The truth will win out. We will
> continue efforts to have the Commissioners' recommendations reviewed
> and implemented by those in authority.
> Citizens Inquiry Canada was formed as a non-profit corporation in 2022
> to conduct national hearings into the COVID crisis under the public
> awareness name “National Citizens Inquiry”. A committee of the board
> of this non-profit corporation made operational decisions but legal
> responsibility rested in the board of the non-profit.
> Some members of the operations committee of the board have decided to
> hold further hearings under a separate corporation. We wish them
> Godspeed. But we believe it is important to maintain names and
> identities which do not confuse Canadians as between the legacy of the
> 2023 National Citizens Inquiry hearings and report, and the new
> venture. We expect that these identity issues will be resolved
> democratically by the date of the Annual General Meeting of the CIC
> corporation to be held on March 1, 2024.
> Those who started NCI did so with the best of intentions and goodwill,
> and only through intense and collegial collaboration. We are deeply
> saddened that recent differences amongst the founders have surfaced,
> and have led to confusion for NCI’s witnesses, donors, volunteers and
> other supporters. Although there are now two separate corporations,
> both share a concern for the promotion of the final Commissioners’
> report, the testimony it is based on, and its many needed
> recommendations. We encourage Canadians and others interested to await
> drawing conclusions about NCI until this matter is resolved.
> While primarily a volunteer-run organization, NCI has engaged a small
> number of contractors to help undertake its work. All have served NCI
> commendably, and we deeply regret personal attacks on any of them.
> With our deepest thanks for your ongoing interest, support,
> understanding and encouragement.
> Citizens Inquiry Canada/National Citizens Inquiry
> Cher sympathisant de la Commission,
> Le mandat principal qui a été confié à la Commission d’enquête
> nationale citoyenne au moment de sa création était de consigner les
> expériences vécues par les Canadiens face aux mesures gouvernementales
> prises pour gérer la COVID‑19, et de remettre un rapport contenant les
> conclusions de l’enquête et des recommandations, préparé par des
> commissaires indépendants, en guise d’héritage pour un Canada
> meilleur. En dépit de l’hostilité des gouvernements et des grands
> médias asservis, cette mission a été remplie l’année dernière.
> Les directeurs de la Commission (Citizens Inquiry Canada) souhaitent
> rassurer les Canadiens en leur disant que le compte rendu de leurs
> douloureuses expériences, vécues dans ce que les commissaires ont
> décrit comme étant un climat de « terreur », sera conservé à
> perpétuité, accessible à tous, et que nous nous efforcerons de faire
> connaître les conclusions du rapport au plus grand nombre. La vérité
> triomphera. Nous poursuivrons nos efforts pour que les recommandations
> des commissaires soient examinées et mises en œuvre par les autorités
> compétentes.
> La Commission a été créée en 2022 en tant que société à but non
> lucratif, sous le nom de Citizens Inquiry Canada (CIC), pour tenir des
> audiences nationales sur la crise de la COVID. Cet organisme est connu
> du public sous le nom de Commission d’enquête nationale citoyenne
> (CeNC). Un comité du conseil d’administration de cette société à but
> non lucratif avait la charge de prendre les décisions opérationnelles,
> mais la responsabilité juridique incombait au conseil d’administration
> de la société.
> Certains membres du comité opérationnel du conseil d’administration
> ont décidé d’organiser d’autres audiences dans le cadre d’une société
> distincte. Nous leur souhaitons bonne chance. Mais nous estimons qu’il
> est important de conserver des appellations et des identités qui ne
> prêtent pas à confusion pour les Canadiens et qui établissent une
> distinction claire entre, d’une part, l’héritage provenant des
> audiences et du rapport de la Commission d’enquête nationale citoyenne
> de 2023, et d’autre part, la nouvelle société. Nous pensons que ces
> questions d’identité pourront être résolues démocratiquement d’ici la
> date de l’assemblée générale annuelle de la société CIC, qui se
> tiendra le 1er mars 2024.
> Ceux qui ont créé la Commission l’ont fait avec les meilleures
> intentions et la meilleure volonté du monde, et ce n’est que grâce à
> une collaboration intense et collégiale qu’elle a pu voir le jour.
> Nous sommes profondément attristés que des divergences entre les
> membres fondateurs aient récemment fait surface et aient semé la
> confusion parmi les témoins, les donateurs, les bénévoles et les
> autres sympathisants de la Commission. Bien qu’il y ait maintenant
> deux sociétés distinctes, toutes deux partagent le même souci de
> promouvoir le rapport final des commissaires, les témoignages sur
> lesquels il se fonde, et les nombreuses recommandations essentielles
> qu’il contient.
> Nous encourageons les Canadiens et les autres personnes intéressées à
> ne pas tirer de conclusions sur la Commission tant que cette question
> n’aura pas été résolue.
> Bien que la Commission s’appuie principalement sur le travail de
> bénévoles, elle a aussi embauché quelques contractuels pour mener ses
> activités à bien. Tous ont servi la cause de façon admirable, et nous
> regrettons vivement toute attaque personnelle à leur encontre.
> Nous vous remercions vivement de votre intérêt, de votre soutien, de
> votre compréhension et de vos encouragements.
> La Citizens Inquiry Canada / Commission d’enquête nationale citoyenne
> https://www.facebook.com/
> https://www.instagram.com/
> https://twitter.com/Inquiry_
> Copyright (C) 2024 Canada Citizens Inquiry. All rights reserved.
> You are receiving this email because you signed the NCI's petition.
> Our mailing address is:
> Canada Citizens Inquiry
> 100 Metcalfe St
> Ottawa, ON K1P 5M1
> Canada
> Want to change how you receive these emails?
> You can update your preferences
> (https://
> or unsubscribe
> (https://
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: National Citizens Inquiry <info@nationalcitizensinquiry.
> Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2024 17:34:59 +0000
> Subject: National Citizens Inquiry: "Moving The NCI Forward"
> To: David Amos <David.Raymond.Amos333@gmail.
> An important message from Ted Kuntz, Chair of the National Citizens Inquiry
> View this email in your browser
> (https://mailchi.mp/
> This email was sent to David Amos (David.Raymond.Amos333@gmail.
> Logo
> ** Moving the NCI Forward
> ------------------------------
Cornell et al. has sued Trudeau et al.
Join Vincent as he talks about this historic lawsuit, The Accountability Project, and how a $1M GiveSendGo is going to spark accountability in Canada and possibly around the world too.
Donald has released some training material for anyone looking to get involved in investigations. Why? Maybe because there’s something brewing that will need dozens, if not hundreds of investigators. Come learn the basics and more!

The Accountability Project is a federal non profit, with a mandate to advocate for human rights, including raising funds for public interest plaintiffs and class action law suits
The Accountability Project Launch
20 subscribersPlaintiffs
Coming soon
Accountability Project - Privacy Policy
Press Release 1 Notice of Action - Edward Cornell et al v Justin Trudeau et al 00107503xD5450
Board of Directors

Dr. Regina N. Watteel
Dr. Regina N. Watteel holds a PhD in Statistics from the University of Western Ontario, an MSc in Statistics from McMaster University (Mac), and a BSc in Mathematics and Physics, also from Mac. She has served as a consultant to medical practitioners, social scientists and various levels of government in Canada. Regina also served as the principal statistician for an Ottawa-based economics consulting firm that specialized in econometrics, program evaluation, business case development and risk-benefit-options analysis. She has taught both undergraduate and graduate level university courses in multivariate statistical analysis, data analysis and engineering statistics.
Dr. Watteel’s career path took a dramatic turn following a motor vehicle accident in which a substance impaired driver plowed into her while she was loading groceries into her vehicle. Ultimately, she stepped down from her position to focus on rehabilitation, health and her three children.
During the pandemic, concerns over the censorship of important scientific information and a government course of action that seemed to be moving in a direction of maximal harm and risk prompted her to speak out against lockdowns and vaccine mandates, and to run as a candidate in the 2021 federal election for Ottawa Center. She has been outspoken about the need for transparency and the importance of adhering to a rational, evidence-based approach to the pandemic that is open to scrutiny. Regina is an advocate for the restoration of scientific integrity in this country, and is the author of the best-selling exposé Fisman’s Fraud: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science.

Jill Younghusband
Born into a military family, Jill served in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) from 1983-2000, first as a Mobile Support Equipment Operator (trucker) and then transferred to Human Resources Administrator. Initially joining the Primary Reserve (Army) with 28 (Ottawa) Service Battalion, Jill was employed fulltime with a variety of military units in the National Capital Region before transferring to the Regular Force (Air Element) in 1988.
She worked in Career and Program Management at National Defence Headquarters (1988-93), served with the United Nations in Namibia, Africa (1989) and NATO AWACS in Geilenkirchen, Germany (1993-1997). Her final posting was with the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry in Edmonton, Alberta (1997-2000). Upon retirement from the CAF in 2000, Jill went on to work as an Education Coordinator/Administrator at the University of Alberta (2004-2009) and the Ottawa Hospital Cancer Center (2009-2015).
Now fully retired, Jill has supported a variety of veterans’ organizations such as Quilts of Valour Society of Canada, The Canadian Walk for Veterans, the Veterans Association Foodbank and Mefloquine Awareness Canada. Jill joined Veterans for Freedom Canada in May 2022 and is active with the Command Team in the west. She currently resides in Edmonton with her beloved English Springer Spaniel, Willow. In her spare time she enjoys music, personal development and health and wellness.

Sgt. Rick Abbott
Bio coming soon.
Edmonton police officer who joined ‘freedom convoy’ to return to active duty
"She will be returning to active duty following her involvement in a reintegration program."
An Edmonton police officer who expressed support for trucker occupations and joined a “freedom convoy” in southern Alberta will return to active duty.
A disciplinary hearing for Edmonton Police Service (EPS) Const. Elena Golysheva was held last Wednesday. Golysheva was relieved from duty without pay in March 2022 after she attended a Feb. 12, 2022, convoy rally near the blockade at the Coutts U.S.-Canada border crossing.
Days prior to attending the rally, Golysheva posted a video of herself that appeared to show her sympathizing with demonstrators who were occupying Ottawa as part of the “freedom convoy,” protesting COVID-19 vaccine mandates and public health restrictions.
“It’s clear in my mind what decision I will make when I’m asked to follow an unlawful order,” she said in the video.
At the Coutts rally, she told the crowd that in her video she had questions about orders she may be given and wanted other officers to question orders.
“It’s not necessarily insubordination or anything, it’s just supporting you guys, serving you,” she said.
EPS had already been reviewing the video Golysheva made before she appeared at the Coutts protest.
The Coutts blockade ended after RCMP found a cache of guns, body armour and ammunition in three trailers. Four men face charges of conspiracy to commit the murder of police officers.
In January 2023, Golysheva remained relieved from duty but the service reinstated her pay, spokeswoman Cheryl Voordenhout said in a statement.
“She will be returning to active duty following her involvement in a reintegration program,” she said. “The timeline for her return to work has yet to be finalized.”
Another officer, Staff Sgt. Rick Abbott, joined Golysheva at the Coutts protest. He was also relieved from duty without pay. Voordenhout confirmed Abbott is no longer with the police service.
> ** A special message from the Chair of the NCI, Ted Kuntz
> ------------------------------
> February 1, 2024
> Dear Supporters of the National Citizens Inquiry,
> The last four years have been a time of unprecedented overreach by
> governments around the world. Canada has been at the forefront of
> politicians, police and the courts unlawfully intruding in the lives
> of Canadians.
> The National Citizens Inquiry has proven to be a valuable instrument
> in bringing forward the voices of Canadians harmed by government
> measures, voices that have been actively censored by our governments,
> media and public health.
> The NCI Commissioners have served us well with a comprehensive Final
> Report
> (https://
> including recommendations to government and Canadian institutions
> which is now being disseminated across the country. We are very proud
> of the role everyday Canadians have had in the development of this
> citizen-led and citizen funded institution.
> Our reason for writing today is that the future of the NCI is being
> challenged.
> What has been revealed in recent weeks is that there are interests
> that do not want the National Citizens Inquiry to continue its efforts
> of citizen-led accountability.
> To provide some context, when the NCI was established the initial
> board (called the Support Group) required a not-for-profit
> organization to receive the funds donated to support the NCI. The
> Support Group created ‘Citizens Inquiry Canada’ (CIC) for the express
> purpose of receiving and distributing the funds donated to the
> National Citizens Inquiry. At all times, the NCI management,
> oversight, and control rested with the NCI Support Group.
> To our surprise, in December 2023 David Ross and Ches Crosbie, whom
> were appointed by the NCI Support Group to serve as directors of
> Citizens Inquiry Canada, began to challenge the authority of the NCI
> management team to make decisions pertaining to the operations and
> future of the NCI.
> The actions of the CIC directors escalated when notices were sent to
> our staff from Ches Crosbie directing them not to follow the direction
> of the NCI Support Group, and more importantly, to withhold access
> codes to our social media, email and streaming accounts.
> On January 10, 2024 the NCI Support Group received a letter from CIC
> contracted lawyer Michael Collins purporting that the decision on the
> future of the NCI was under the authority of Citizens Inquiry Canada.
> What we are experiencing is an attempt by these individuals to take
> control of the National Citizens Inquiry. Of note is that these
> challenges to the authority of the Support Group only began following
> a vote to remove David Ross as a Support Group member.
> We are writing to inform you that the NCI Support Group remains
> committed to continuing the NCI as an agent of citizen-led,
> citizen-funded accountability of governments and others whom we expect
> to act in the best interest of Canadians.
> Here are some of the steps we’ve taken to address this attempt to
> control the NCI:
> * Established a Federally registered not-for-profit corporation under
> the name National Citizens Inquiry, with bylaws permitting the ongoing
> mandate of the NCI.
> * Issued formal notice to the directors of Citizens Inquiry Canada
> that their services are no longer required.
> * Demanded Citizens Inquiry Canada cease the receiving and spending of
> NCI donor funds.
> * Prepared a formal request for the transfer of all remaining funds
> donated to the NCI and held by Citizens Inquiry Canada to our new
> not-for-profit.
> * All future donations via the website are being directed to the
> National Citizens Inquiry.
> The National Citizens Inquiry has appointed Ted Kuntz as Chair of the
> NCI Support Group and National Citizens Inquiry Corporation.
> Shawn Buckley has agreed to continue to serve as Lead Council and in a
> leadership role in guiding the strategic direction of the NCI.
> Mr. Crosbie and Mr. Ross have been removed from the NCI Support Group
> and thus any statements by Mr. Crosbie or Mr. Ross that they represent
> the National Citizens Inquiry are without merit.
> At this time, postings on our now “former” social media accounts are
> no longer under the control of the NCI and therefore do not represent
> the National Citizens Inquiry. We encourage you to connect with our
> new social media accounts listed below.
> All of these efforts, and others, are necessary to secure the
> independence and integrity of the NCI and the future of this important
> citizen-led, citizen-funded initiative.
> As disturbing as all of this has been, in the larger picture we view
> these events as positive. We are now wiser and stronger, and able to
> pursue new hearings and to disseminate the Commissioners Report in a
> non-partisan manner, independent of outside influence. We hold that it
> is our duty to continue the work of the National Citizens Inquiry.
> We look forward to continuing our efforts to bring awareness,
> accountability, and integrity to Canada. Our stated purpose is
> important: “To support civil society efforts that recognize and uphold
> the supremacy of God, the rule of law, public accountability, and
> transparency.”
> We request supporters of the NCI to re-register for our newsletters
> and announcements by clicking this link:
> https://
> Please join us as we look toward new hearings and upholding these ideals.
> In service,
> Ted Kuntz, Chair
> The National Citizens Inquiry
> Feb1 Memorandum to Support Group concerning the CIC - Shawn Buckley
> (PDF, 5mb)
> (https://
> https://
> Jan 12 Response to Michael Collins - Ted Kuntz (PDF, 1mb)
> (https://
> https://
> ** Our new social media channels can be found here:
> ------------------------------
> NCI Official Website - nationalcitizensinquiry.ca
> NCI Newsletter Signup - nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/
> (https://
> NCI Livestream Events - nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/
> (https://
> NCI on X / Twitter - @NCICanada (https://twitter.com/NCICanada
> NCI on Rumble - rumble.com/user/ncicanada
> NCI Channels on Rumble - rumble.com/user/ncicanada/
> NCI on Telegram - t.me/NCICanada
> NCI on Facebook - facebook.com/
> (https://www.facebook.com/
> NCI on Instagram - instagram.com/ncicanada
> (https://www.instagram.com/
> NCI on TikTok - tiktok.com/nci.canada (https://www.tiktok.com/@nci.
> NCI on YouTube - youtube.com/@ncicanada
> (https://www.youtube.com/@
> NCI on Odysee - odysee.com/@NCICanada
> Media requests can be directed here: info@nationalcitizensinquiry.
> (mailto:info@
> ** Tune-in to SuperSpreaders with Jason Dahl Tonight
> ------------------------------
> ** as we discuss
> ------------------------------
> ** “Moving The NCI Forward”
> ------------------------------
> ** Thursday Feb 1 — 5:30pm PST — 8:30pm EST
> ------------------------------
> On NCI Live: nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/
> On Rumble: https://rumble.com/.../
> (https://rumble.com/v4an1b0-
> On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/.../
> (https://www.youtube.com/
> On X / Twitter: https://twitter.com/.../
> (https://twitter.com/i/
> https://rumble.com/v4an1b0-
> ------------------------------
> nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/
> (https://
> https://
> https://www.facebook.com/
> https://www.instagram.com/
> https://www.tiktok.com/@nci.
> https://
> Copyright (C) 2024 National Citizens Inquiry. All rights reserved.
> You are receiving this email because you signed-up via the National
> Citizens Inquiry website.
> Our mailing address is:
> National Citizens Inquiry
> 350-4246 Albert Street
> Regina, SK S4S 3R9
> Canada
> Want to change how you receive these emails?
> You can update your preferences
> (https://
> or unsubscribe
> (https://
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 19:04:53 -0400
> Subject: YO Vincent Gircys Do you understand me now?
> To: Vincent.gircys@gmail.com, prontoman1@protonmail.com,
> senseirude@hotmail.com, newsnotnoise@protonmail.com,
> Chidakash@protonmail.com, paulajtucci@gmail.com,
> Tom@icareinsurance.ca, educatorsforhumanrights@
> nancyobee@protonmail.com, vickie@vaccinechoicecanada.com
> gisele@vaccinechoicecanada.com
> anyakreynes@gmail.com, Shirley.guertin@protonmail.com
> alanbrough@prontonmail.com, sciencej@protonmail.com, dione@librti.com,
> roman@librti.com, drpierremilot@protonmail.com, mcu
> <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, "Marco.Mendicino" <Marco.Mendicino@parl.gc.ca>,
> "fin.minfinance-financemin.
> <fin.minfinance-financemin.
> "pierre.poilievre" <pierre.poilievre@parl.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford"
> <Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, kingpatrick278
> <kingpatrick278@gmail.com>, "Michael.Duheme"
> <Michael.Duheme@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> ngroot@investigationcounsel.
> bkofman@ksvadvisory.com, info@nationalcitizensinquiry.
> <jcarpay@jccf.ca>, "jagmeet.singh" <jagmeet.singh@parl.gc.ca>,
> media.medias@fintrac-canafe.
> <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>, premier
> <premier@gov.ab.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, Office of the
> Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>, premier <premier@gov.pe.ca>, premier
> <premier@gov.nl.ca>, premier <premier@leg.gov.mb.ca>, premier
> <premier@gov.bc.ca>, jcooper@torontolegalresearch.
> ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca, czwibel@ccla.org,
> contact@fedsforfreedom.ca, ian <ian@mccuaiglaw.ca>,
> mjackson@fieldlaw.com, "freedomreport.ca"
> <freedomreport.ca@gmail.com>, chris.scott@
> sheilagunnreid <sheilagunnreid@gmail.com>, "stefanos.karatopis"
> <stefanos.karatopis@gmail.com>
> <David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca>, waynenarvey@hotmail.com,
> dana_lee_ca@hotmail.com
> Cc: LGrey@gwsllp.ca, info@lawyers4truth.ca, brianpeckford@gmail.com,
> ted@vaccinechoicecanada.com, alanjm@idirect.com,
> benitapedersen@hotmail.com, KMartin@postmedia.com
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Vincent G <vincent.gircys@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 16:25:55 -0600
> Subject: Re: Fw: JCCF Portion of our current contract and This
> Retainer will not be changed unless both the Lawyer and I agree to the
> changes, and sign the new or altered Retainer.
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Cc: prontoman1@protonmail.com, waynenarvey@hotmail.com
> Hello David,
> I have no idea why you're sending me extensive emails relating to people
> and situations I'm not involved with with no explanation or reference.
> I currently have my hands full by working on matters that can make an
> appreciable beneficial difference to Canadians in bringing about
> accountability.
> I suggest you try the appropriate social introduction to whomever your
> trying to correspond with. Introduce yourself including the purpose of
> contact and explain in short summary the concern you have and why your
> contact might be interested including a request to delve in further
> details.
> As someone who gets extensive Web mail, I just can't process it all in
> short order. If I tried I would be so far behind in workload I wouldn't be
> able to get anything accomplished.
> I hope you understand as this also applies to whoever else you may be
> contacting of which some choose to proceed to use the block option.
> Respectfully
> Vincent Gircys
> On Tue, Jan 30, 2024, 11:01 AM David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Dana-lee Melfi <dana_lee_ca@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2024 04:00:06 +0000
>> Subject: Fw: JCCF Portion of our current contract and This Retainer
>> will not be changed unless both the Lawyer and I agree to the changes,
>> and sign the new or altered Retainer.
>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Sgt. Rick Abbott’s Testimony on Lawful Assembly and Bold Leadership
Sgt. Rick Abbott is a 25-year police officer with the Edmonton Police Service. He had an accelerated career and became a police sniper, as well as a gun instructor rather quickly into his career. He was later promoted to sergeant and joined the SWAT team as a sniper. Due to his extensive training, he is skilled in making risk-effective decisions.
Recently, Sgt. Abbott has been speaking about the Edmonton Police Services approach to COVID-19. He brings a unique perspective to the COVID-19 mandates enforced by EPS, including the border blockade during the trucker convoy. Sgt. Abbott gives examples that these policies were not about health. (1 hour 9 minutes)
Our People
Board of Directors
Wayne Anderson - Chair
Wayne Anderson was born in Winnipeg and graduated from the University of Manitoba in 1963 with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, an appropriate degree: after he earned his MBA from York University in 1968 he became actively involved in his family’s cattle operation.
Peter Holle - President
Peter Holle is the founding President of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, an award-winning western Canadian-based public policy think tank.
Cheryl Simpson - Treasurer
Cheryl Simpson is a Chartered Professional Accountant with a Bachelor of Applied Business Administration.
Ivan Holloway - Secretary
Ivan is a partner at the Winnipeg law firm of Gange Collins Holloway and specializes in construction law, construction litigation and commercial litigation.
John Heimbecker - Director
John Heimbecker has been a Vice President at Parrish & Heimbecker since 1999. He graduated from MacMaster University with a Bachelor of Commerce Degree (Finance) in 1987.
Russell Kalmacoff - Director
Mr Kalmacoff is President and CEO of Rockmount Financial Corporation, a Calgary-based company that manages investments, develops real estate, and has interests in downstream cleantech. Its subsidiary, Rockmount Trust Company has a business plan directed at mortgage banking services for builders and developers.
Clay Dowling - Director
Clay Dowling is President and Chief Executive Officer of Ghost Transportation Services. Prior to forming Ghost Transportation Services in 1987, Mr. Dowling spent 14 years in the transportation industry in a variety of roles from Professional Transport Operator to Regional Management.
Mr. Dowling’s past involvements in business community groups include: Past President of the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, Board member of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce for 4 years, Past President of the Saskatoon Transportation Club, AHRDC committee member, Member to ACRE (Action Committee on the Rural Economy) on both the Monitoring Committee and the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, committee member to the Prairie-2 Ports Gateway and Inland Port undertaking. President of the North Saskatoon Business Association; twice, Board member of Saskatoon Regional Economic Development authority, charter member of TEC Group 246(The Executive Committee), Public Appointee to the Board of Governors of the Certified General Accountants Association of Saskatchewan, Public Appointee to the Board of the Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of Saskatchewan, Committee member of HR & Nominating Committee of CPA Saskatchewan.
Mr. Dowling was awarded the 2000 Transportation Award of Achievement, for Initiative and Innovation, recognized as a Saskatchewan Man of Influence in 2006 and 2010 by “Sask Business Magazine”, and inducted into the “Saskatchewan Transportation Hall of Fame in 2008 and recognized as “Saskatchewan Business Leader of the Year” at the 2009 Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce ABEX Awards and in 2013 presented the Shirley Ryan Lifetime Achievement Award by the NSBA.
Mr. Dowling earned his Professional Logistician, (P.Log.) designation in 2011.
Kenneth J. Muys - Director
Mr. Muys is a partner with the firm and has been with D’Arcy & Deacon since 2002. He practices in a broad range of civil litigation cases and has significant experience in creditors and debtor law, bankruptcy and insolvency law, construction law, insurance law and employment law. He has appeared in all levels of court in Manitoba and the Federal Court of Canada as well as before various boards and tribunals. Mr. Muys also has an active real estate practice and achieved the highest standing in Real Estate Transactions at the University of Manitoba Law School.
Mr. Muys was also a lecturer for seven years at the University of Manitoba Law School in the first-year clinical course of
Legal Methods which emphasizes oral advocacy skills. Mr. Muys has also been a lecturer in the second-year clinical course
of Introduction to Advocacy at the University of Manitoba Law School.
Chris Bloomer - Director
Chris is Director and co-founder of Enhanced Optimization Solutions Inc. (“EOSinc”) a private energy technology company with proven proprietary production enhancement and emission reduction processes. From 2015 to 2021 he was the President, CEO and Director of the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association a leading and respected advocate for the oil and gas industry.
As CEO and director of Connacher oil and Gas Ltd from 2013 to 2015, he headed a $1.5 billion restructuring of the oil sands company while growing production. From 2001 to 2013 Chris was a key executive of Petrobank Energy and Resources fulfilling key roles in his tenure as Senior Vice President and COO and CFO from 2004 to 2007. Petrobank operated conventional oil and gas business units in Canada and Colombia as well as Canadian oil sands and became a leading energy company on the TSX.
Other positions include Senior Client Partner with Korn Ferry where he conducted senior executive retain search in domestic and international oil and gas, technology and financial sectors; Co-Founder, President and COO Of Talon Resources an Ecuadorian and Colombia mid-stream project development operation in conjunction with PacAlta Resources; Senior Vice President and COO of Castle Energy Corporation’s Canadian crude marketing and US exploration, natural gas production and pipelines.
Chris began his career, after graduating from the University of Toronto in earth sciences with Shell Canada Ltd. from 1978 to 1993. He moved with increasing responsibility from exploration, economics, corporate planning, oil sands development and operations and natural gas marketing, culminating in the role of Director Liquids Business Center. In this role he was responsible for crude oil and liquid natural gas marketing and business development.
Chris has extensive board of director experience having served on 13 public and private boards in various capacities including Chairman.
Nick Beyak - Director
Nick Beyak is a Canadian entrepreneur and president of the Beyak Automotive Group. After attaining his Bachelor of Business Administration, he began working alongside his father to understand and operate the family auto dealership. At a very young age Nick purchased the business and has since expanded by acquiring several other dealerships within Northwestern Ontario.
Nick has dedicated himself to creating a positive workplace that allows his staff to thrive and prosper as a result of their dedication and loyalty. The Beyak Automotive Group and its affiliated companies regularly re-invest in the communities that they do business in by providing financial support to local organizations and community projects. Nick takes great pride in the ability to make a difference for children and families in the area by supporting activities and events that will enhance their personal lives.
As an entrepreneur, Nick recognizes the need for good stewardship and wise management in all aspects of society. He believes this can be achieved by supporting and encouraging good governance while at the same time holding leaders accountable. Throughout his career, Nick has helped provide leadership and oversight by actively volunteering in various community, professional, and municipal organizations.
Peter Holle - President
David Leis - VP Development and Engagement
David is a long-time supporter of the Centre’s mission. He is passionate in his role about inviting and engaging a strong national community in support of the mission of the Frontier. He believes strongly in the importance of good Public Policy for the benefit of the lives of all Canadians.
He has served in a variety of senior leadership roles within industry, government, First Nations, and education. David studied at Waterloo, Ryerson, Toronto, and undertook his Masters in Public Policy at Queen’s University.
Rodney Clifton - Editor/Senior Fellow
Ian Madsen - Senior Policy Analyst
Senior Fellows
Brian Dale Giesbrecht
Philip Carl Salzman
Wendell Cox
Susan Martinuk
Marco Navarro-Génie
Kenneth P. Green
Leighton Grey
From 1985-89, Leighton attended Augustana University in Camrose before transferring to the University of Alberta to complete his B.A. (Distinction) with dual majors in English Literature & History. He was awarded an essay prize in Ethics in 1988 and received the Louise McKinney Scholarship, awarded to Alberta students with the top 2% of GPA in the Province. Leighton was awarded the prestigious Legal Studies For Aboriginal People Scholarship from 1989-92, which is a national prize presented to only 10 students each year. He received early acceptance to the University of Alberta Faculty of Law in 1988 and graduated in 1992. Leighton also pursued post-graduate degrees in Business Administration (2017) and his Ph.D. (Philosophy).
Leighton began his legal career with the Federal Department of Justice, where he completed his Articles of Clerkship in 1993 before taking a hiatus to play minor league pro hockey with The Daytona Beach Sun Devils. In 1995, Leighton resumed the full-time practice of law. In 2005, Leighton founded his current practice. Leighton was admitted to the Law Society of Saskatchewan in 2004 and to the Law Society of British Columbia in 2014. Leighton has conducted hundreds of trials before Alberta Courts, and has for many years been considered one of the top criminal trial lawyers in Alberta. he has served as mentor or principal to eight articling students, two of whom went on to become Partners in GWSLLP. Leighton is also a Qualified Mediator and Arbitrator and is a member of the ADR Institute of Canada. He served as an Adjudicator in Law Society Disciplinary Hearings from 2015-2020. Leighton was made Queen’s Counsel in 2010 and was then the youngest lawyer in Alberta to hold that prestigious designation. He was the recipient of the 2013 Stars of Alberta Volunteer Award, the 2015 Legal Aid Society Access to Justice Award, and the 2019 Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Gary J. Bigg Justice & Humanitarian Award.
Leighton was born in Regina Saskatchewan and grew up in the Kensington community of north Edmonton. Leighton is a status Indian whose Great Grandfather was once the Hereditary Chief of the Carry The Kettle or Jack Band at Sintaluta, SK. Leighton’s grandmother and great aunt were both survivors of the notorious Brandon Indian Residential School. Leighton’s father is a Treaty Indian who spent over two decades helping indigenous youth transition out of urban gangs and was the founder of The Spiritkeeper Youth Society. Leighton excelled in sports and academics, graduating with honours from Queen Elizabeth Composite High School in 1985, where he scored the highest mark in the Province on the Social Studies departmental final examination and was awarded the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship. He also played Bantam and Midget AAA hockey with the Canadian Athletic Club.
Leighton was heavily involved in the original IRS Class Action from 2004-2016 and represented hundreds of claimants in the ADR process that was part of the settlement which culminated in the Truth & Reconciliation Commission Report. He and his wife, Jennifer, are the proud parents of two sons who attend Rink Hockey Academy in Kelowna, B.C. Their family is also a proud owner and supporter of the Drayton Valley Thunder Junior A Hockey Club.
Gerry Bowler
David MacKinnon
Frances Widdowson
Frank Atkins
Patrick Moore
Roland Renner
Randy Boldt
Ray McGinnis
Ray McGinnis is a graduate of the Centre for Christian Studies with a B.A. from the University of Toronto, McGinnis worked as an educator in the United Church of Canada for 18 years. For two decades he taught journal writing, poetry and memoir at writing workshops at churches, health care settings, grief support groups, professional development events and retreats across North America. During the Freedom Convoy, he began to write commentaries about the government and media depiction of the protests and the invocation of the Emergencies Act. His forthcoming book discusses these protests, the public inquiry and its report. Over the past few years, Ray has been interviewed by over 150 media outlets across North America and Europe. He is the author of Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored (2021) and Writing the Sacred: A Psalm-inspired Path to Appreciating and Writing Sacred Poetry (2005).
William Brooks
Elizabeth Nickson
Michel Kelly-Gagnon
Senior Research Fellows
Joseph Quesnel
Joseph Quesnel is a research associate at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. He received a BA honours in political science and history from McGill University and completed a Master of Journalism degree at Carleton University. Quesnel has over 15 years of experience in print journalism including over three years as a lead staff writer at the Drum/First Perspective, a national Aboriginal publication.
For almost 10 years, Quesnel was a policy analyst at the Frontier Centre where he wrote widely on Indigenous, property rights, and water market issues. He was the lead researcher for the Frontier Centre’s flagship Aboriginal Governance Index and he completed an extensive study of the B.C. Nisga’a Nation. Quesnel’s work has been featured in numerous Canadian radio and newspapers outlets. He has been called to provide expert testimony before the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples and the House’s Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development. Joseph also served as a program manager at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, overseeing their Indigenous resource economy project.
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