Rexton volunteer firefighters return to work after dispute with municipality
Department members had been off the job in protest for six days
The volunteer fire department in Rexton returned to work Wednesday afternoon following a nearly six-day period with no fire services for the area.
Sean Sullivan, a fire captain, said his department is still negotiating with the municipality on a few terms but was happy to return to the job after most of the issues were solved.
"There were some misunderstandings on both sides, as usual for when things like this happen, but that's been cleared up and we're ready to resume," Sullivan said.
Rexton and Harcourt-Beersville are the two fire departments in the amalgamated community of Five Rivers in Kent County.
While one issue was the budget of fire services allotted to Rexton compared with Harcourt-Beersville, Sullivan said they didn't walk off the job over money, it was mostly about what he called disrespect.
Sullivan said the department's former chief, Brent Goodwin, had been a member of the department for more than 40 years but had been asked to step down by the municipality while he was on sick leave.
Sullivan said the department and municipality have reached an agreement for Goodwin to return to his position once his sick leave ends in a month.
"That's the important thing for us, we got our fire chief back."
The Rexton Volunteer Fire Department is one of two stations in the Municipality of Five Rivers in Kent County. (Rexton Volunteer Fire Department/Facebook)
Five Rivers Mayor Trina Beers did not respond to requests for comment Wednesday afternoon.
A Facebook post from the fire department just days before members walked off the job cited "harassing and micromanaging" by the municipality's chief administrative officer.
"This decision was taken because of the harassment and disrespect shown to us in the recent months," said another Facebook post from the department announcing they were walking out.
In the days before the walkout, the municipality put a post on Facebook signed by Beers that called the allegations from the fire department concerning and unfounded.
The municipality put a brief statement on Facebook on Wednesday announcing the department had resumed service but did not explain what led to the members' return to work.
"The Municipality of Five Rivers and the Rexton Fire Department remain engaged in positive discussions," the post read.
Department apologies for stress on community
"Both parties look forward to continuing to serve the community."
In the approximately six days the department was out of service, Sullivan said there were no major incidents, but his department had made arrangements with neighbouring fire departments for Rexton to be covered.
"We're sorry that we had to put some additional stress on people," he said. "It wasn't in the plans, nobody wanted to use what I'd call the nuclear option.
"I know it was stressful for citizens, and we are sorry for that. Sometimes you don't have much choice."
apologizes for stress the department caused the community by leaving it
without service, but he says it was the only option. ((CBC))
When asked if walking off the job was the only way for the department to get the attention of the municipality, Sullivan said it was.
"There was absolutely no other way. We've been trying to address this since December."
Normally, when things are running smoothly, the fire department doesn't have to deal with the mayor and council often, he said. Even if the relationship is now strained, Sullivan said it will bounce back quickly since things are looking better.
Morale is good in the 23-member department, and the firefighters are excited to be back, Sullivan added.
"Hopefully, we never have to do it again."
Local supported walkout
Maisie Rae McNaughton, who lives in neighbouring Beaurivage, said all the communities in her area are well-connected and have been following the dispute.
"It really seems like they weren't asking for too much," McNaughton said. "They wanted their chief, Brent Goodwin, returned.
"He is a really prominent figure here in our community, and has been for decades. He's saved countless lives and helped so many people in dire situations."
Rae McNaughton, who lives in nearby Beaurivage, says she supported the
Rexton firefighters in their dispute with the municipality. (Submitted by Maisie McNaughton)
McNaughton said she's relieved the firefighters are back and happy no one was injured during the days without the Rexton department in service.
"People were very scared, they were fearful, but beyond that fear, they were supporting the Rexton Fire Department," she said.
McNaughton said this is not simply small town politics, but an example of how New Brunswick's municipal reform has not worked.
"I think that forced amalgamation is causing much more problems than its resolving," she said.
"This is a little picture that shows the big picture."
They are very lucky to have him.
Rexton firefighters walk off job after dispute with municipality
Volunteer crew gave Five Rivers municipality until 7 p.m. Thursday to make changes
Shortly before 7 p.m. Thursday the 23 members of the Rexton volunteer fire department gathered at their fire hall as the deadline in their conflict with the Five Rivers municipality drew closer.
They had said they would turn in their emergency pagers and walk off the job if several changes weren't made.
The deadline came and went without a solution and the firefighters confirmed they followed through on their ultimatum.
"One of the worst days I've ever had," said Warren Goodwin, the assistant deputy fire chief.
"People were clearly upset. A lot of tears. A lot of memories here. It's just awful."
The department gave the municipality — an amalgamated community that includes Rexton and portions of several former local service districts in Kent County — an ultimatum on Wednesday.
Goodwin says while the department had discussions via email with the municipality on Thursday, the firefighters felt they were insufficient.
"The email was very brief," said Goodwin.
"It didn't address any of the issues we had concerns with."
CBC News reached out to Five Rivers Mayor Tina Beers for comment on Wednesday, but she did not respond.
Budget conflict
The fire department cited several concerns, but said conflict over the department's budget was the catalyst for the dispute.
The municipality is served by two volunteer fire departments — Rexton and Beersville-Harcourt.
The Rexton department alleges their budget is significantly less than the budget for Beersville-Harcourt.
Goodwin said while both departments serve areas of comparable sizes, the Rexton department is responsible for a great deal more infrastructure.
However, in a Facebook post on Thursday, Mark Perry, the chief of the Beersville-Harcourt volunteer fire department, defended his budget, saying they have two buildings with more members and pieces of equipment than Rexton.
"The Beersville-Harcourt Department coverage area is twice the size, if not more, [than] the Rexton Fire Dept coverage area," said Perry in the post.
"It costs more money for equipment, for training, for fuel, for heating, for snow removal and everyday operations."
Goodwin said while the firefighters are ready and willing to come back, there needs to be some movement from the municipality.
But he doesn't see any evidence of that yet.
Both the municipality and the Rexton department said they have reached out to neighbouring fire departments and the fire marshal's office to inform them of the situation.
"Five Rivers has taken proactive steps to ensure continuous coverage from neighbouring fire departments," said the municipality in a Facebook post Wednesday.
CBC News reached out
to the Department of Public Safety, which includes the fire marshal's
office, for comment but has not received a response.
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2 "Former Fundy-Royal Progressive Conservative MP John Herron, who confirmed Thursday he plans to run for the Liberals in the provincial riding of Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins"
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Mia Urquhart · CBC News · Posted: Jun 05, 2023 7:00 AM ADT
Rexton volunteer fire department threatens to walk-out
Volunteer department, one of 2 serving Five Rivers area, cites budget concerns, alleges 'disrespect'
A rural New Brunswick fire department is threatening to "cease ... firefighting duties," citing conflicts with the municipality it serves.
The 23 active members of the Rexton volunteer fire department have voted to stop answering calls as of 7 p.m. Thursday.
The department is one of two volunteer units serving the municipality of Five Rivers, the amalgamated community of Rexton, north of Moncton, and portions of several former local service districts in Kent County.
Warren Goodwin, the assistant deputy chief, said the decision to issue the ultimatum has been in discussion for months and was not arrived at lightly.
"To be perfectly honest, the rest of the members were pushing for this sooner," said Goodwin.
"They actually wanted this to take place about two months ago. We were trying our best to avoid this, if at all possible."
Budget issues
One of the major concerns has to do with the Rexton fire department's operating budget.
Goodwin said the department was under the impression that it would receive about equal funding with the Beersville-Harcourt volunteer fire department from the municipality.
However, he said he was surprised to find the budget for Beersville-Harcourt was significantly higher.
According to Goodwin, both departments serve areas of comparable sizes, but the Rexton department is responsible for a great deal more infrastructure.
Warren Goodwin, assistant deputy fire chief, says attempts to meet with the municipality have been fruitless. (Rexton volunteer fire department/Facebook)
"The difference between the two fire departments … was just over $63,000," said Goodwin.
"In our eyes that wasn't considered equal and fair as possible. That was considered, in my opinion, extremely out of whack and not even remotely close to equal."
Goodwin said the department hasn't been given an explanation about the budget and attempts to meet with the municipality have been fruitless.
"It's come to a point where we have to draw a hard line in the sand," said Goodwin.
Municipality denies allegations
The firefighters are also alleging harassment and disrespect from the municipality.
CBC News reached out to Five Rivers Mayor Tina Beers to find out more about the dispute but she refused to comment.
A statement posted on the municipality's Facebook page denies allegations of disrespect and says it has taken steps to ensure firefighting coverage from neighbouring departments should the Rexton department stage a walk-out.
"We want to make it unequivocally clear that these allegations are not only concerning but completely unfounded," the statement said.
The municipality has denied all allegations. (Five Rivers/Facebook)
As of 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, Goodwin said the fire department had not heard from the municipality directly about the ultimatum.
"In our hearts we know that there's a very high likelihood that there could be an emergency in our absence," said Goodwin.
"As of tomorrow evening at 7 p.m. if nothing has been resolved, we're officially walking off the job."
Can someone please ask Warren Goodwin to give us a call at CBC Radio’s Maritime Noon? We’d like to speak with him this morning. (Thursday) I produce the show. My direct line is 902-420-4339. Thank you.
“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the Stu Pits are full of confidence.”
Thanks goes to the Honourable Daniel Allain, Minister of Local Government and Local Government Reform, for meeting with the Five Rivers Council last week.
We discussed the poor state of our roads, lack of internet and cell service, lack of affordable housing, and exploring the development of trails and attractions that highlight the natural beauty of Kent County.
Volunteer Firefighter #2: Stay strong, hold the co-
Volunteer Firefighter #1: wait, nevermind. It’s Phillip. He says we’re easily replaced. Let him put his own fire out, then. Apparently, he has the experience and thinks it’s easy. Let’s see him in action!
most firefighters are
if they don't want to get out of bed at 4am...they don't have to
if you want to demand their service...hire them as full time
of course...there is a massive tax burden if you do that
4 KM?
Have you ever been a volunteer fire fighter?
Fourteen years ago, the ambulance post was moved north from Saint-Paul to Fords Mills, despite it Saint-Paul being a better location when it comes to response times for most of the population in the area. (Reported by CBC on Jan 28, 2010)
Fords Mills is now part of Five Rivers, on the end served by the fire department that's getting a grossly disproportionate share of budget resources.
Draw your own conclusions.
Ken Dean
Reply to Philip Burfoot
Any idea how much money a Volunteer service saves the municipality? Absolute minimum staff, Four. Three shifts plus weekend and holiday coverage = 16 people. average wage for a career FF $100,000. $1.6 million for bare bones coverage! That's just wages.
David Amos
Reply to Ken Dean
Good point
Philip Burfoot
Reply to Ken Dean
I am well aware how much a volunteer service saves a community. The bigger question is why are these volunteers using the fire industry tactics of intimidation & threats to withhold services. Doesn’t sound like they want to save money or protect the community it’s more all about them. The pettiness & bully tactics are pretty clear.
Clive Gibbons
Reply to Philip Burfoot
And why is the chief condoning this? If council is somehow doing them a dirty, instead of going to the media with some vague platitudes, tell us what happened. As it is, it's a they said/they said deal.
Philip Burfoot
Reply to Clive Gibbons
These volunteer firefighters lose all their credibility when they have openly threaten to withhold services to their community & put it at risk because they are mad or upset & don’t like what the municipality has decided. The municipal government is the boss & employer here not the firefighters. This is just firefighters using intimidation to force the employer to bend to their will. It’s a classic fire industry tactic.
Ken Dean
Reply to Philip Burfoot
My comment said nothing about FF's wanting to save money, it was pointing out the incredible savings the municipality enjoys from having a Volunteer service.
Unfortunately the story doesn't give much detail about what is going on. Did they cut back the fire dept budget then give more to another dept? Why was the other dept given so much more? what are the reasons?
Who knows.
Philip Burfoot
Reply to Ken Dean
The volunteer fire service is having a temper tantrum over what they believe they are owed by the municipality in the budget & are mad because another fire dept in the same municipality got more. They are now trying to use intimidation & retaliating by threatening to withhold their services & put the community at risk if they don’t get their way. This is intimidation & is a classic fire industry tactic to force municipalities to capitulate to what the firefighters want. That is the game being played here by these so called volunteer firefighters it’s all about them.
Ken Dean
Reply to Philip Burfoot
But we don't have the details. I believe that's what the article says, at least that's what CTV said. I have been involved with VFD tax funding with municipalities for 25 years on the FD side. I have witnessed twice the municipality ask all FD's to take budget cuts then turn around and give a major increase to one dept. It doesn't go over well unless there is a reason.
Why did the other dept get thousands more?
The only withholding service I ever saw was the next county where a dept was funded by both a town and municipality. The municipality refused to pay what was agreed to. With many months notice the department stopped responding to municipal calls. The municipality was so stubborn they still refused and ended up having to build a station, buy several trucks and start from scratch training new members. Would have been much cheaper and much safer to pay the original contract but some councillors had a bone to pick!
Philip Burfoot
Reply to Ken Dean
There are always issues in municipal funding & things always get heated that’s a given. The problem here is the classic intimidation tactics against the municipal government by the volunteer firefighters & them openly saying they will withhold service if the don’t get their way. That right there is where these volunteer firefighters lose all credibility because they are saying they won’t protect the community they serve because they are mad & upset at the municipality for not giving them equal to what the other dept got. That’s high school mentality & not very mature.
Philip Burfoot
Reply to Ken Dean
If Police or Paramedics acted in the same manner as these firefighters are people would tear them to shreds for being selfish & using intimidation to get what they want. Fortunately Police & Paramedics are far more professional & would not stoop to this level. People seem to think this is ok to act like this because it’s the fire dept. It’s not OK they are suppose to be an emergency service but they are acting more like spoiled children at their social club.
Ken Dean
Reply to Philip Burfoot
Like I say, we don't have the details.
Ken Dean
Reply to Philip Burfoot
Both police services and Paramedics have gone on strike before, simply for better wages. These are volunteers who don't HAVE to do anything.
Like I have repeated, we don't have the details so don't jump to conclusions.
David Amos
Reply to Ken Dean
Philip Burfoot
Reply to Ken Dean
Threatening to withhold services is not concerning to you? These volunteers have clearly stated their intent to do that effectively putting their community at risk if the municipality does not give them what they want. That is called using intimidation to bend municipalities over a barrel which is a classic fire dept move that is used across North America. I spent 30 yrs in emergency services & watched that tactic used many times over my career by fire unions. There is no jumping to conclusions here I know exactly how the game is played & you don’t!
Ken Dean
Reply to Philip Burfoot
Exactly why I keep saying we don't have the details. These are volunteers who are there solely to help their communities at the expense of their own time, it's not like they are paid to do this. If they are willing to withhold services it must be something very serious.
Philip Burfoot
Reply to Ken Dean
Ya it’s more you fail to appreciate the petty politics at play here. If you have never worked in emergency services then you will not appreciate what is occurring. The details are very clear if you know what to look for. Having worked 30 yrs in emergency services I see right through this petty nonsense. Rule #1 you never put the public at risk by refusing to do your job & rule # 2 the job you are doing & the people you have committed to protect & serve come before yourself. These volunteer firefighters & the squabbling over the budget money are putting themselves first by breaking those two cardinal rules.
Ken Dean
Reply to Philip Burfoot
But once again, you have no details so you are only hypothesizing.
I do have a good understanding of firefighting as well. 20 years experience, 8 as an officer. Also 15 years as chairman of the fire commission. Maybe you were career vs Vol. I can certainly tell you these firefighters who risk their lives and spend countless hours training and serving for no reward, other than the appreciation of their community, would not make a decision like this lightly.
Maybe in the next few days we will learn more about what is going on.
Good night.
Philip Burfoot.
Ridiculous small town petty fire dept politics. Amalgamate the two fire depts into one volunteer dept & split the budget between them. So much for volunteering when you can put the community at risk by withholding services because you are mad or upset over the budget. If you are unhappy quit let someone else take your place who wants to actually volunteer.
MR Cain
Reply to Philip Burfoot
Yeah, volunteers are easy to come by. This amalgamation of districts will be going through a lot of growing pains for quite a while; another indication of how this government devolved responsibilities with no concern of the difficulties involved.
Philip Burfoot
Reply to MR Cain
I am not sure who these fire volunteers think is the boss in this situation but it’s definitely not them. If they just want to be petty & withhold their services & put their community at risk for being mad or upset then why are they volunteering again? Quit! Since when did volunteer services start using union labour tactics & think it will work for them?
MR Cain
Reply to Philip Burfoot
It is quite apparent that nobody knows the story; they are complaining of harassment so there are a number of factors at play. If you want a solution, people need to find out the problem. I don't think quitting will solve anything, but put the community in a worse position.
Philip Burfoot
Reply to MR Cain
I find it interesting how these volunteer firefighters think they can hold their communities hostage by threatening to withhold services. They think they are somehow more important than they are & are not easily replaced. They are missing the fact they are volunteers if they are not happy then leave let someone else who wants to volunteer do the job.
MR Cain
Reply to Philip Burfoot
I find it interesting how people can make up stories about situations they know nothing about.
Philip Burfoot
Reply to MR Cain
30 yrs in emergency services & I dealt with many fire dept volley’s who thought they deserved more or what ever they demanded. They forget the taxpayers are the ones who pay the tab here not the fire department. These people are being arrogant & don’t realize that municipal governments have ways to correct that kind of mentality if need be. It’s called leave you are no longer needed!
Jake Newman
Reply to Philip Burfoot
so you're stepping up right now?
Philip Burfoot
Reply to Jake Newman
Stepping up? What am I stepping up to do? I would never leave my community at risk & do what these people are doing! It’s these selfish & self important so called volunteer firefighters in the article who are whining & bailing on their community because they are having a temper tantrum over not getting what they want. I have zero sympathy for them.
Clive Gibbons
Reply to MR Cain
A quick bit of research has the chief working in public works also. This looks a lot like he isn't happy with his employer and is dragging the FD along with him. Take the high road, guys and gals.
David Amos
Reply to Clive Gibbons
Good advice
MR Cain
Reply to Clive Gibbons
Perceptions are not fact. There are some interpersonal clashes. This is typical in those occupations which have a lot of inaction and down time, waiting for something to happen so they can do the job they are meant to do; cops, firefighters, military, ambulance driver.
Clive Gibbons
Reply to MR Cain
This is a volly department, but the chief is also head of public works. They all have jobs elsewhere, except for said chief.
MR Cain
Reply to Clive Gibbons
Yes, I know it is a volunteer department, and they have the same issues as if full time work; lots of idle time.
Clive Gibbons
Reply to MR Cain
Well lol it's a good thing they have idle time, they wouldn't have the time to do their day jobs.
MR Cain
Reply to Clive Gibbons
If they are working, are they expected to respond to an emergency?
Clive Gibbons
Reply to MR Cain
They are not, that's why there are thirty people on the roster. If I was stuck in a burning building, in a rural area, I wouldn't want it to be on a Tuesday afternoon. Someone will come, but it will take while. Some employers also let certain staff go, if it's a significant fire. These employers understand that the next time it could be them.
I can't see a merged department being sited in a more central location.

Tina Beers Mayor Five Rivers

Rexton Volunteer Fire Department
The Rexton Volunteer Firefighters wish to also share with you the requests made to Mayor and Council that stemmed from last nights emergency meeting, to help the public understand where and how this decision came to be. Our priority is to have our dedicated fire chief and leader, Brent Goodwin, back performing his duties. Without our chief and leader, this simply isn’t the Rexton Fire Department!
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