N.B. lieutenant-governor breaks silence on ruling that her appointment violated charter
Court of Queen's Bench ruled last month Brenda Murphy's appointment violated language rights protections
New Brunswick Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy has broken her silence on a recent Court of Queen's Bench ruling that said her appointment to the role as a non-French speaker violated the Charter or Rights and Freedoms.
In a statement provided to media in both English and French on Monday, Murphy said she thinks it's important for the courts to "carefully examine such matters" given New Brunswick's unique status as the country's only officially bilingual province.
She also admitted she believes it is "critical" that the person in her role be able to "relate" to francophone and anglophone New Brunswickers in their own language and said that as a member of a minority group herself, she "understands the need to fight for one's rights."
"I am thankful for the 2SLGBTQ+ allies who supported us, and I will continue to use the platform I have been given to amplify the voices of minority and marginalized groups," said Murphy, the province's first openly gay lieutenant-governor.
"Generations of Acadian activists have fought for the recognition of their rights, and I want to play my part as an ally to francophone New Brunswickers as they preserve and promote the French language and the Acadian culture."
Murphy also implies she has no intention to vacate her seat in light of the ruling, saying it's her goal as lieutenant-governor to serve New Brunswickers from all cultures and walks of life with the deepest respect and humility.
Murphy's comments are the first she's offered publicly on the matter since Court of Queen's Bench Chief Justice Tracey DeWare ruled last month that her appointment by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2019 violated language guarantees contained in the charter because she is unilingual.
The decision stopped short of calling the appointment unconstitutional and invalid, saying that declaring the position vacant would create chaos in New Brunswick.
The Acadian Society of New Brunswick launched the challenge, arguing that sections of the charter, which protect language rights apply to the lieutenant-governor's position.
Despite not being a party to the action, the case does pertain to my nomination to the position of Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick and impacts the perception of how I best serve in that role.- Brenda Murphy, lieutenant-governor
- Brenda Murphy, lieutenant-governor
Last week the federal government filed an appeal of the New Brunswick ruling, claiming DeWare made several legal errors.
In her statement, Murphy said she was reluctant to speak publicly on the case because she didn't want to prejudice the federal government's decision.
"Despite not being a party to the action, the case does pertain to my nomination to the position of Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick and impacts the perception of how I best serve in that role."
Murphy said she's always taken great pride in New Brunswick's distinct character as the only officially bilingual province in Canada.
She said her French language skills were "limited" when she was appointed to the role in 2019, but since then, has made it a priority to improve her ability to read and speak the language.
Office of the Lieutenant Governor
Contact Information | Phone | Location | |
AGAR, ROB (Chef and Manager of Food Services)
P: (506) 444-5191
CROSS, SARAH (Director of Operations)
P: (506) 453-2505
LAFRANCE, ANDRÉ (Chauffeur and Head of Security)
P: (506) 453-2505
MURPHY, BRENDA (Lieutenant-Governor)
P: (506) 453-2505
REED, ANDREW (Facilities Manager & Chief Steward)
P: (506) 453-2505
ROBICHAUD, ALEX (Director of Communications)
P: (506) 453-6795
WAGNER, JUDY (Private Secretary and Chief of Staff)
From: Jeff Richardson <jrichardson@acrc.ca>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 07:56:54 -0400
Subject: Re: I just contacted the Governor General and Canada's latest
Lieutenant Governor through their offices in Ottawa and Fredericton
.byway of phone and obviously email as well N'esy Pas Mr Butts?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Received, thank you
On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 12:43 PM David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2021 11:34:45 -0400
> Subject: Fwd: I just contacted the Governor General and Canada's
> latest Lieutenant Governor through their offices in Ottawa and
> Fredericton .byway of phone and obviously email as well N'esy Pas Mr
> Butts?
> To: jdawson@acrc.ca, mviel@acrc.ca, paradismartialarts@gmail.com,
> execdir@npls.ca
> Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "hugh.flemming"
> <hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/
> LPN group says more than half its members want to leave the profession
> or the province
> Licensed practical nurses have asked for meeting with government officials
> Mia Urquhart · CBC News · Posted: Jan 22, 2021 6:00 AM AT
> "New Brunswick's licensed practical nurses are so fed up with working
> conditions that they're leaving for greener pastures elsewhere,
> according to their professional association.
> In less than two weeks since losing an application with the province's
> labour board, 17 LPNs have decided to leave New Brunswick, confirms
> JoAnne Graham, the registrar of the Association of New Brunswick
> Licensed Practical Nurses.
> In order to work outside the province, LPNs have to apply to the
> association to transfer their licence to another province.
> The majority of those who applied for transfers in the last two weeks
> are going to Nova Scotia, where LPNs are paid $5 more per hour than in
> New Brunswick.
> Graham said LPNs are being lured away by more than just higher wages
> and sign-up bonuses. They're also leaving for jurisdictions that allow
> them to do all the things they were trained to do — something Graham
> refers to as the "optimization of the scope of practice."
> And they're also disappointed by the recent decision of the New
> Brunswick Labour and Employment Board, says Marc Paradis, an LPN from
> Moncton who helped lead the effort to leave CUPE.
> LPNs Nicole Tompkins and Christene Smith sign their membership cards
> with the Atlantic Canada Regional Council of Carpenters, Millwrights
> and Allied Workers (ACRC)".
> https://www.acrc.ca/contact/
> New Brunswick
> Deb Romero, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
> Tel: (506) 450-4024, ext. 2412 Mobile: (506) 654-3849 Email:
> dromero@acrc.ca
> James Dawson, Regional Manager
> Tel: (506) 450-4024, ext. 2411 Mobile: (506) 440-5440 Email:
> jdawson@acrc.ca
> Moncton
> 31 Mark Ave unit F
> Moncton, NB E1C 7H1
> Marc Viel, Business Representative / Organizer
> Tel: (506) 859-4069 Mobile: (506) 875-9465 Email: mviel@acrc.ca
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2021 10:22:09 -0400
> Subject: Fwd: I just contacted the Governor General and Canada's
> latest Lieutenant Governor through their offices in Ottawa and
> Fredericton .byway of phone and obviously email as well N'esy Pas Mr
> Butts?
> To: Rob.McKinnon@gg.ca, SylviaPoirier <SylviaPoirier@conservative.ca
> pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford" <Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>,
> "Ian.Shugart" <Ian.Shugart@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca,
> mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, ltgov@gnb.ca, info@gg.ca
> Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "Mark.Blakely"
> <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "martin.gaudet"
> <martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>
> robmoorefundy@gmail.com
> Rob McKinnon
> Rideau Hall Press Office
> 343-548-1976 (cell)
> Rob.McKinnon@gg.ca
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 10:42:31 -0300
> Subject: Re: I just contacted the Governor General and Canada's latest
> Lieutenant Governor through their offices in Ottawa and Fredericton
> .byway of phone and obviously email as well N'esy Pas Mr Butts?
> To: info@gg.ca, ltgov@gnb.ca, "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
> "kris.austin" <kris.austin@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>,
> "Kevin.Vickers" <Kevin.Vickers@gnb.ca>, "brian.gallant"
> <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "ian.hanamansing" <ian.hanamansing@cbc.ca>,
> "Katie.Telford" <Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "darrow.macintyre"
> <darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>, "carl.urquhart" <carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>,
> "Catherine.Tait" <Catherine.Tait@cbc.ca>, "sylvie.gadoury"
> <sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.
> <Alex.Johnston@cbc.ca>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
> <kevin.a.arseneau@gnb.ca>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"
> <megan.mitton@gnb.ca>, "michelle.conroy" <michelle.conroy@gnb.ca>,
> "rick.desaulniers" <rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca>, "robert.gauvin"
> <robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, robmoorefundy <robmoorefundy@gmail.com>,
> alaina <alaina@alainalockhart.ca>, "robert.mckee"
> <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
> <andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca>
> andre <andre@jafaust.com>, jbosnitch <jbosnitch@gmail.com>,
> "Roger.Brown" <Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca>, "dan. bussieres"
> <dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn" <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
> "Gilles.Cote" <Gilles.Cote@gnb.ca>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
> <hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
> "Nathalie.Drouin" <Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca
> kathleen.roussel@ppsc-sppc.gc.
> Cc: "Gerald.Butts" <Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>,
> Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca, motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>,
> Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, "Jacques.Poitras"
> <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "David.Lametti" <David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca>,
> "Ian.Shugart" <Ian.Shugart@pco-bcp.gc.ca>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Info <Info@gg.ca>
> Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 13:36:23 +0000
> Subject: OSGG General Inquiries / Demande de renseignements généraux au
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Thank you for writing to the Office of the Secretary to the Governor
> General. We appreciate hearing your views and suggestions. Responses
> to specific inquiries can be expected within three weeks. Please note
> that general comments and opinions may not receive a response.
> *****
> Nous vous remercions d'avoir écrit au Bureau du secrétaire du
> gouverneur général. Nous aimons prendre connaissance de vos points de
> vue et de vos suggestions. Il faut allouer trois semaines pour
> recevoir une réponse à une demande précise. Veuillez noter que nous ne
> donnons pas nécessairement suite aux opinions et aux commentaires
> généraux.
> On 10/9/19, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> > Office of the Secretary to the Governor General
> > Rideau Hall
> > 1 Sussex Drive
> > Ottawa ON K1A 0A1
> > 613-993-8200
> > 1-800-465-6890 (toll-free in Canada and the U.S.)
> > TTY: 1-800-465-7735
> > info@gg.ca
> >
> > I spoke to a lady named "Hannah"
> >
> > Lieutenant Governor .
> > Phone: (506) 453-2505
> > Fax: (506) 444-5280
> > E-mail: ltgov@gnb.ca
> > Or by regular mail (see below)
> >
> > I got the recording so I left another voicemail
> >
> > This is the lawsuit I was referring to
> >
> >
> https://davidraymondamos3.
> >
> > Friday, 18 September 2015
> > David Raymond Amos Versus The Crown T-1557-15
> >
> >
> >
> > Court File No. T-1557-15
> >
> >
> >
> > Plaintiff
> > and
> >
> >
> > Defendant
> >
> >
> > The Parties
> >
> > 1. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Crown) is Elizabeth II, the Queen of
> > England, the Protector of the Faith of the Church of England, the
> > longest reigning monarch of the United Kingdom and one of the
> > wealthiest persons in the world. Canada pays homage to the Queen
> > because she remained the Head of State and the Chief Executive Officer
> > of Canada after the Canada Act 1982 (U.K.) 1982, c. 11 came into force
> > on April 17, 1982. The standing of the Queen in Canada was explained
> > within the 2002 Annual Report FORM 18-K filed by Canada with the
> > United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It states as
> > follows:
> >
> > “The executive power of the federal Government is vested in the
> > Queen, represented by the Governor General, whose powers are exercised
> > on the advice of the federal Cabinet, which is responsible to the
> > House of Commons. The legislative branch at the federal level,
> > Parliament, consists of the Crown, the Senate and the House of
> > Commons.”
> >
> > “The executive power in each province is vested in the Lieutenant
> > Governor, appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the
> > federal Cabinet. The Lieutenant Governor’s powers are exercised on the
> > advice of the provincial cabinet, which is responsible to the
> > legislative assembly. Each provincial legislature is composed of a
> > Lieutenant Governor and a legislative assembly made up of members
> > elected for a period of five years.”
> >
> > 2. Her Majesty the Queen is the named defendant pursuant to
> > sections 23(1) and 36 of the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act. Some
> > of the state actors whose duties and actions are at issue in this
> > action are the Prime Minister, Premiers, Governor General, Lieutenant
> > Governors, members of the Canadian Forces (CF), and Royal Canadian
> > Mounted Police (RCMP), federal and provincial Ministers of Public
> > Safety, Ministers of Justice, Ministers of Finance, Speakers, Clerks,
> > Sergeants-at-Arms and any other person acting as Aide-de-Camp
> > providing security within and around the House of Commons, the
> > legislative assemblies or acting as security for other federal,
> > provincial and municipal properties.
> >
> > 3. Her Majesty the Queen’s servants the RCMP whose mandate is to
> > serve and protect Canadian citizens and assist in the security of
> > parliamentary properties and the protection of public officials should
> > not deny a correspondence from a former Deputy Prime Minister who was
> > appointed to be Canada’s first Minister of Public Safety in order to
> > oversee the RCMP and their cohorts. The letter that helped to raise
> > the ire of a fellow Canadian citizen who had never voted in his life
> > to run for public office four times thus far is quoted as follows:
> >
> > “Mr. David R. Amos
> > Jan 3rd, 2004
> > 153Alvin Avenue
> > Milton, MA U.S.A. 02186
> >
> > Dear Mr. Amos
> >
> > Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to
> > my predecessor, the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding
> > your safety.
> > I apologize for the delay in responding.
> >
> > If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only
> > suggest that you contact the police of local
> > jurisdiction. In addition, any
> > evidence of criminal activity should be brought to
> > their attention since the
> > police are in the best position to evaluate the
> > information and take action
> > as deemed appropriate.
> >
> > I trust that this information is satisfactory.
> >
> > Yours
> > sincerely
> >
> > A. Anne McLellan”
> >
> > 4. DAVID RAYMOND AMOS (Plaintiff), a Canadian Citizen and the
> > first Chief of the Amos Clan, was born in Sackville, New Brunswick
> > (NB) on July 17th, 1952.
> >
> > 5. The Plaintiff claims standing in this action as a citizen
> > whose human rights and democratic interests are to be protected by due
> > performance of the obligations of Canada’s public officials who are
> > either elected or appointed and all servants of the Crown whose
> > mandate is to secure the public safety, protect public interests and
> > to uphold and enforce the rule of law. The Crown affirms his right to
> > seek relief for offences to his rights under section 24(1) of the
> > Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Charter). Paragraphs 6 to 13
> > explain the delay in bringing this action before Federal Court and
> > paragraphs 25 to 88 explain this matter.
> >
> > 6. The Plaintiff states that pursuant to the democratic rights
> > found in Section 3 of the Charter he was a candidate in the elections
> > of the membership of the 38th and 39th Parliaments in the House of
> > Commons and a candidate in the elections of the memberships of the
> > legislative assemblies in Nova Scotia (NS) and NB in 2006.
> >
> > 7. The Plaintiff states that if he is successful in finding a
> > Chartered Accountant to audit his records as per the rules of
> > Elections Canada, he will attempt to become a candidate in the
> > election of the membership of the 42nd Parliament.
> >
> > 8. The Plaintiff states that beginning in January of 2002, he
> > made many members of the RCMP and many members of the corporate media
> > including employees of a Crown Corporation, the Canadian Broadcasting
> > Corporation (CBC) well aware of the reason why he planned to return to
> > Canada and become a candidate in the next federal election. In May of
> > 2004, all members seated in the 37th Parliament before the writ was
> > dropped for the election of the 38th Parliament and several members of
> > the legislative assemblies of NB and Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)
> > knew the reason is the ongoing rampant public corruption. Evidence of
> > the Plaintiff’s concerns can be found within his documents that the
> > Office of the Governor General acknowledged were in its possession ten
> > years ago before the Speech from the Throne in 2004. The Governor
> > General’s letter is as follows:
> >
> >
> > “September 11th, 2004
> > Dear Mr. Amos,
> >
> > On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne
> > Clarkson,
> > I acknowledge receipt of two sets of documents and CD
> > regarding corruption,
> > one received from you directly, and the other forwarded to
> > us by the Office of
> > the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick.
> >
> > I regret to inform you that the Governor
> > General cannot intervene in
> > matters that are the responsibility of elected officials
> > and courts of Justice of
> > Canada. You already contacted the various provincial
> > authorities regarding
> > your concerns, and these were the appropriate steps to take.
> >
> > Yours sincerely.
> > Renee
> > Blanchet
> > Office
> > of the Secretary
> > to the
> > Governor General”
> >
> > 9. The Plaintiff states that the documents contain proof that the
> > Crown by way of the RCMP and the Minister of Public Safety/Deputy
> > Prime Minister knew that he was the whistleblower offering his
> > assistance to Maher Arar and his lawyers in the USA. The Governor
> > General acknowledged his concerns about the subject of this complaint
> > and affirmed that the proper provincial authorities were contacted but
> > ignored the Plaintiff’s faxes and email to the RCMP and the Solicitor
> > General in November of 2003 and his tracked US Mail to the Solicitor
> > General and the Commissioner of the RCMP by way of the Department of
> > Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) in December of 2003
> > and the response he received from the Minister of Public Safety/Deputy
> > Prime Minister in early 2004. One document was irrefutable proof that
> > there was no need whatsoever to create a Commission of Inquiry into
> > Maher Arar concerns at about the same point in time. That document is
> > a letter from the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office
> > Inspector General (OIG complaint no. C04-01448) admitting contact with
> > his office on November 21, 2003 within days of the Plaintiff talking
> > to the office of Canada’s Solicitor General while he met with the US
> > Attorney General and one day after the former Attorney General of New
> > York (NY) and the former General Counsel of the SEC testified at a
> > public hearing before the US Senate Banking Committee about
> > investigations of the mutual fund industry.
> >
> > Here is a comment I made in CBC before I called their offices
> >
> >
> >
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/
> >
> >
> > David Raymond Amos
> > Methinks whereas Murphy spoke about her passion for social justice,
> > the lady and I should have a long talk very soon about the lawsuit I
> > filed in Federal Court in 2015 while I was running in the last federal
> > election N'esy Pas?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Brenda Murphy installed as New Brunswick's 32nd lieutenant-governor
> >
> >
> > Formal ceremony held in Fredericton on Tuesday follows swearing-in last
> > month
> > CBC News · Posted: Oct 08, 2019 5:40 PM AT | Last Updated: October 8
> > Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy's installation ceremony included an honour
> > guard. (Ed Hunter/CBC)
> >
> >
> > Brenda Murphy was installed as New Brunswick's 32nd
> > lieutenant-governor during a formal ceremony Tuesday at the
> > legislative assembly in Fredericton.
> >
> > In her first speech as lieutenant-governor, Murphy spoke about her
> > passion for social justice.
> >
> > "Effective change can happen when we work together to build an
> > inclusive, equitable society, address systemic barriers and support
> > one another," she said.
> >
> > "Having experienced New Brunswick through several different lenses, I
> > am looking forward to bringing that diverse perspective to this role
> > and to continuing to serve the people of our province."
> >
> > Murphy, 60, of Grand Bay-Westfield, succeeds Jocelyne Roy Vienneau,
> > 63, who died Aug. 2 following a battle with cancer.
> >
> > Murphy was sworn in during an informal ceremony on Sept. 8 to allow
> > for the immediate commencement of her duties.
> >
> > Brenda Murphy 'humbled' to be appointed New Brunswick's new
> > lieutenant-governor
> >
> > Premier Blaine Higgs, who hosted Tuesday's official ceremony, thanked
> > Murphy for her leadership in social justice and making "a profound
> > difference in the lives of many New Brunswickers."
> >
> > "I know she will continue to inspire others and contribute to the
> > betterment of our province as lieutenant-governor, and I look forward
> > to working with her."
> >
> > Murphy spent more than two decades as the head of the Saint John
> > Women's Empowerment Network before retiring in April and has served on
> > advisory councils on poverty and the status of women at the federal
> > and provincial levels.
> >
> > She served three terms as a town councillor in Grand Bay-Westfield and
> > has volunteered with a variety of organizations over the years,
> > supporting housing, justice and equality for women.
> >
> > Lieutenant-governors are appointed by Julie Payette, the Governor
> > General of Canada, on the recommendation of the prime minister. They
> > serve terms of at least five years.
> >
> > CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
> >
*Jeff Richardson*
*ACRC Regional Manager *
*Mainland Nova Scotia *
Office: (902)454-5100
Cell: (902)759-1922
email: jrichardson@acrc.ca
Ottawa appeals court decision on bilingual New Brunswick lieutenant-governor
Federal government argues Court of Queen's Bench Chief Justice Tracey DeWare made errors in law in ruling
Ottawa filed the application to the New Brunswick Court of Appeal on Friday, asking the court to overrule an April decision by Court of Queen's Bench Chief Justice Tracey DeWare.
DeWare's decision said that New Brunswick's unique status as a bilingual province, and protections of that status in the Constitution, require that whoever holds the office must be bilingual.
While language provisions of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the law don't normally require individuals to be bilingual, DeWare said Brenda Murphy occupies a "peculiar and unique role."
"To simply argue that the requirements of bilingualism do not extend to a Lieutenant-Governor because she, as an individual, cannot be considered an 'institution' is a gross oversimplification of a complex question and fails to account for the unique character and constitutional quality of the role itself," she wrote.
But the federal filing says DeWare made several legal errors in her ruling:
- It argues that the Constitution Act 1867 that lays out the appointment of provincial lieutenant-governors does not require that the New Brunswick position be bilingual.
- It says language protections for New Brunswick in the charter apply to institutions, not individuals, "and the institution of the lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick is no exception."
- It argues that while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recommended the appointment to the Governor-General, the Governor-General was legally responsible for the appointment and that means it can't be reviewed by the courts.
There's no date yet for a hearing at the court of appeal.
DeWare's ruling did not overturn the 2019 appointment of Brenda Murphy because, the judge wrote, that would create legal chaos given all the laws and appointments Murphy has signed since then.
After the April ruling, Trudeau said that his government would "take a very, very careful look at this important judgment and make sure that we're aligning with it and moving forward in the right way."
'Aligning' on bilingual lieutenant-governor doesn't mean complying, experts say
Trudeau’s comments on court ruling leave him with several options
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's first public comments on a court ruling about New Brunswick's unilingual lieutenant-governor have provided a hint, but only a hint, of the approach his government may take on the issue.
Ottawa now has less than 30 days to decide whether to appeal the ruling, which says a lieutenant-governor of this province must be able to speak English and French.
Fighting the decision could upset francophone voters, while not fighting it would let stand a legal precedent that many experts call fundamentally flawed.
"We will take a very, very careful look at this important judgment and make sure that we're aligning with it and moving forward in the right way," Trudeau said Tuesday during a visit to New Brunswick.
"Aligning" is the key word there. Aligning with a decision does not necessarily mean complying with it.
Political scientist Stephanie Chouinard of the Royal Military College says Trudeau's careful choice of words was probably deliberate.
"I think what this signals is that, until proven otherwise, the Prime Minister's Office accepts the outcome of the decision that came down last week," she said.
"However, there may be some qualms about the process through which the judge arrived at that conclusion."
week's ruling says that Trudeau's 2019 appointment of Brenda Murphy,
who is unilingual, as lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick violated
constitutional language-rights guarantees. (CBC)
Several possible paths
That means there are several possible paths for the federal government.
Last week's ruling says that Trudeau's 2019 appointment of Brenda Murphy, who does not speak French, as lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick violated constitutional language-rights guarantees.
But the decision by Court of Queen's Bench Chief Justice Tracey DeWare did not reverse the appointment, because that would call into question the validity of all the laws and appointments Murphy has signed over the last two-and-a-half years.
Some constitutional law scholars, including Kerri Froc of the University of New Brunswick, have declared the ruling flawed and ripe for appeal because it infringes on the separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches.
"There's certain core elements to that that the court can't interfere with … It's simply beyond their powers to do so," Froc says.
Chouinard says an appeal is almost inevitable because the court's intrusion in the prime minister's executive powers could have impacts "way above and beyond language rights."
"It would be in the interest of the Prime Minister's Office to get more clarity on that," she says.
constitutional law scholars, including Kerri Froc of the University of
New Brunswick, have declared the ruling flawed and ripe for appeal. (Jacques Poitras/CBC News)
Appeal almost inevitable, political scientist says
Another flaw Froc sees is that the chief justice has given one part of the Constitution – language rights in the charter – precedence over another part: the section of the 1867 document that sets out the appointment of the lieutenant-governor.
"They're all part of the supreme law," she says. "They're all of equal level. So you can't use one portion of the supreme law to override or declare unconstitutional the other part. The Constitution simply doesn't operate like that."
But Érik Labelle Eastaugh, director of the International Observatory on Language Rights at the University of Moncton, says Froc's argument is unsound.
"None of the powers that are granted by the Constitution Act 1867 include any charter rights, because the charter didn't exist," he says.
- Brenda Murphy 'humbled' to be appointed New Brunswick's new lieutenant-governor
- Appointment of unilingual N.B. lieutenant-governor violated charter, judge rules
"The whole point of the charter was to impose new limits on public powers granted by the original constitution."
Retired law professor Michel Doucet and political scientist Roger Ouellette of the University of Moncton say Trudeau could opt for a "hybrid" approach.
He could appeal the ruling on separation-of-powers grounds while amending legislation to require bilingualism of future lieutentant-governors in New Brunswick.
"It's a way to deal with it politically, but review it at the legal level," Ouellette says.
If Ottawa does fight the ruling, it could ask for a reference ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada, a fast-track process that would skip the New Brunswick Court of Appeal.
While Froc and Labelle Eastaugh disagree on DeWare's decision, they agree a reference case is unlikely.
Going to the provincial appeal court would be more time-consuming, but "the debate will be more fully fleshed out by the time it arrives at the Supreme Court," says Labelle Eastaugh.
Sen. Claude Carignan says Trudeau could push to adopt his bill, which
would add the lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick to a small list of
federal appointments that require bilingualism. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press)
Proposed bill could provide an option
If Trudeau opts for appealing the ruling while embracing its outcome, a bill already before Parliament could be his vehicle.
The legislation by Conservative Senator Claude Carignan would add the lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick to a small list of federal appointments that require bilingualism.
"That's an option," Carignan said Wednesday. "He could push to adopt my bill."
But the other positions on the bilingual list are officers of Parliament, not positions established by the Constitution.
It's not clear Parliament itself has the power to alter the appointment criteria for a lieutenant-governor. It could take a constitutional amendment.
"That's an open question in my mind," says Labelle Estaugh.
Besides, he says, Carignan's bill isn't necessary if Trudeau wants to "align" with DeWare's ruling.
"If the government is of the view that the lieutenant-governor should be bilingual, such that it would be willing to support this legislation, then it should just not appeal the decision. We're already there."
Saturday, April 01, 2006
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Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 18:19:47 +0000
Subject: RE: Hey Higgy Whereas Trudeau TheYounger is our neck of the
woods Methnks you dudes should ask him many things beginning wth the
standng of all your actions since Madame Murphy was appointed Lt Gov
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Subject: Réponse automatique : Hey Higgy Whereas Trudeau TheYounger is
our neck of the woods Methnks you dudes should ask him many things
beginning wth the standng of all your actions since Madame Murphy was
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Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 15:18:22 -0300
Subject: Re: Hey Higgy Whereas Trudeau TheYounger is our neck of the
woods Methnks you dudes should ask him many things beginning wth the
standng of all your actions since Madame Murphy was appointed Lt Gov
N'esy Pas?
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> Appointment of unilingual N.B. lieutenant-governor violated charter, judge
> rules
Appointment of unilingual N.B. lieutenant-governor violated charter, judge rules
A Court of Queen's Bench judge has ruled that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's 2019 appointment of unilingual Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointed Brenda Murphy lieutenant-governor in 2019
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's 2019 appointment of a unilingual lieutenant-governor in New Brunswick violated language guarantees in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a Court of Queen's Bench judge has ruled.
Chief Justice Tracey DeWare says the charter's protections of New Brunswick's unique bilingual status means that a lieutenant-governor in this province must be bilingual.
Brenda Murphy is not.
DeWare stops short of calling the appointment unconstitutional and invalid, saying that declaring the position vacant would create chaos in New Brunswick.
It would call into question all the laws Murphy has signed and the appointments and other cabinet decisions made in her name.
- Acadian group launches legal challenge over unilingual lieutenant-governor
- Brenda Murphy installed as New Brunswick's 32nd lieutenant-governor
"Such a situation would create a legislative and constitutional crisis within the Province of New Brunswick which is not necessary to adequately vindicate the infringed language rights in question," she writes.
She continues that her ruling should be "sufficient to ensure appropriate and prompt action on behalf of the government to rectify the situation," leaving it up to the federal government to decide on the timing and "the extent of that action."
A spokesperson for Murphy said her office had not had time to digest the decision and had no comment yet.
"This is a legal matter being dealt with at the federal level and questions should be directed there," said director of communications Alex Robichaud.
In Calgary, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland told reporters she was not aware of the decision.
DeWare's ruling is based on three sections of the charter that apply only to New Brunswick.
Section 16(2) declares that English and French have equal status "in all institutions of the legislature and government of New Brunswick," while Section 16.1(2) requires the legislature and government to "preserve and promote" the equality of English and French.
Section 20(2) guarantees the right of any New Brunswicker to communicate with or receive services from "any office of an institution of the legislature or government of New Brunswick" in English or French.
Challenge not aimed at Murphy, group says
The Acadian Society of New Brunswick launched the challenge, arguing that those sections apply to the lieutenant-governor's position.
The federal government responded that because the appointment is made by the Governor General on the advice of the prime minister, it's not reviewable by courts.
But DeWare found that because the challenge raised constitutional issues, the court had a duty to consider the case.
President Alexandre Cédric Doucet said the association is not looking for Murphy to resign or be removed.
"Let's be clear. This lawsuit has never been against the Honourable Brenda Murphy. It was against the process."
Cédric Doucet, president of the Acadian Society of New Brunswick, says
the challenge wasn't about having Murphy removed from her role, but
about forcing the federal government to amend the language criteria
required for appointing lieutenant-governors. (Radio-Canada)
He said the right response would be for the federal government to amend its legislation on bilingualism requirements in appointments to make clear future lieutenant-governors in New Brunswick must be bilingual.
Ruling will likely be appealed, experts say
Political scientist Stephanie Chouinard said while the ruling won't affect other provinces, similar charter provisions that apply to the federal government could have implications for Governors General.
"There's no doubt in my mind that this decision will be appealed," she said.
Gov. Gen. Mary Simon speaks English and Inuktitut but does not speak French.
DeWare's ruling calls the litigation "an unavoidable intersection" of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government and "an uncomfortable exercise" because of the complex jurisdictional questions.
While language provisions of the charter and the laws don't normally require individuals to be bilingual, DeWare points out that the lieutenant-governor occupies a "peculiar and unique role."
No one else can step into her role to fulfil her functions bilingually, the ruling says.
"To simply argue that the requirements of bilingualism do not extend to a Lieutenant-Governor because she, as an individual, cannot be considered an 'institution' is a gross oversimplification of a complex question and fails to account for the unique character and constitutional quality of the role itself."
University of New Brunswick law professor Kerri Froc called the ruling "an unreasonable interpretation" of the charter and predicted it would not survive an appeal.
"This is also a massive overstep on the separation of powers," she said in a tweet. "As in unprecedented. As in, it will not stand."
Trudeau to make long-term care announcement in Dalhousie
Prime minister will be joined by Social Development Minister Bruce Fitch and 2 federal ministers
It will be held in Dalhousie at 3 p.m., according to the Prime Minister's Office.
New Brunswick's federal ministers — Dominic Leblanc, minister of intergovernmental affairs, infrastructure and communities, and Ginette Petitpas Taylor, minister of official languages and minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency — will also attend.
No other details have been released.
Later in the day, Trudeau will visit a local daycare and meet with families to discuss early learning and child care, according to his itinerary.
Pledged $9B during election campaign
Last August, Trudeau said a re-elected Liberal government would spend $9 billion to address the dangerous shortfalls in Canada's long-term care sector that were exposed by the pandemic.
Long-term care residents accounted for around 80 per cent of all reported COVID-19 deaths during the first wave of the pandemic, and continued to account for a disproportionate share of deaths until vaccines were made widely available.
About $6.7 billion would be spent over four years to "improve the quality and availability of long-term care homes and beds," while $1.8 billion would be spent over four years to raise the wages of personal support workers to at least $25 an hour and train 50,000 more of them.
The Liberal plan also called for the creation of a new Safe Long-Term Care Act, which would set national standards of care in a sector that is governed almost entirely by the provinces and territories.
But money for long-term care was one of a number of Liberal campaign promises left out of the 2022-23 federal budget.
It projects just $1 million in new spending on long-term care beyond the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland blamed the pandemic and said it's now her job to "review and reduce" spending.
Trudeau announces $22M long-term care deal with N.B. during Dalhousie stop
Money will be used to hire staff, upgrade ventilation systems, implement infection control measures, PM says
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the announcement during a stop at Dalhousie's Golden Age seniors club on Tuesday afternoon, where he was joined by provincial Social Development Minister Bruce Fitch and federal ministers Dominic LeBlanc and Ginette Petitpas Taylor.
Trudeau acknowledged the challenges that were "laid bare by the pandemic," and the strain endured by health-care staff and long-term care residents.
"We know, especially on staffing side, it has been an incredibly difficult two years as people have been overwhelmed with work," Trudeau said, noting that people have been "stepping up" to help by coming out of retirement or volunteering in their communities.
"But we shouldn't have to rely on the kindness of each other to be able to get through the dark times. We should have strong systems in place."
The bilateral Safe Long-term Care Fund agreement is intended to bolster this system, he said.
Trudeau greets residents ahead of the funding announcement,
held at the Golden Age Club in Dalhousie on Tuesday afternoon. (CPAC)
The funding will help long-term care homes retain and hire staff, implement infection prevention and control measures, and renovate or upgrade heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, he said.
About $6.7 billion would be spent over four years to "improve the quality and availability of long-term care homes and beds," while $1.8 billion would be spent over four years to raise the wages of personal support workers to at least $25 an hour and train 50,000 more of them.
Social Development Minister Bruce Fitch thanked the Trudeau government for "trying to make life better" for New Brunswickers and the 11,600 residents of its 546 long-term care facilities.
"It's no secret New Brunswick is aging," Fitch said.
Bruce Fitch, the New Brunswick social development minister, addresses the crowd during Tuesday's funding announcement. (CPAC)
The province has a higher proportion of seniors than most Canadian provinces. Fraser Institute data compiled in 2020 showed seniors made up 21.3 per cent of the New Brunswick population, second-highest of all provinces, after Newfoundland and Labrador, at 21.4 per cent
"We want to prepare New Brunswick to better respond to and meet the needs of our seniors … and make sure they receive the care they deserve," Fitch said.
Fitch echoed Trudeau's acknowledgement of the challenges the long-term care system has faced during the pandemic.
"The past two years have been difficult in this sector ... and every time I'm near a mic I want to take the time to say thank you very, very much for all the hard work that the employees have put forward in helping the seniors here in the province of New Brunswick."
Money was originally announced in 2020
The money announced Tuesday is New Brunswick's share of the $1 billion Safe Long-term Care Fund originally announced in the government's fall economic statement a year and a half ago, Trudeau confirmed Tuesday.
"This is an agreement signed out of an announcement made in the fall of 2020," he said. "But, yes, the funding will be flowing now."
When asked, he did not directly say why it has taken so long for the deal to be announced.
"We have over the past number of years made significant investments in care across the country, in investments for seniors in long-term care," he said.
"We also, in the following year's budget, in budget 2021, announced a $3 billion investment for long-term care supports and those are negotiations are underway right now with the provinces.
"And in budget 2022 that just came out a few weeks ago, we have more supports and announcements for seniors."
Last August, Trudeau said a re-elected Liberal government would spend $9 billion to address the dangerous shortfalls in Canada's long-term care sector that were exposed by the pandemic.
Long-term care residents accounted for around 80 per cent of all reported COVID-19 deaths during the first wave of the pandemic and continued to account for a disproportionate share of deaths until vaccines were made widely available.
The Liberal plan also called for the creation of a new safe Long-Term Care Act, which would set national standards of care in a sector that is governed almost entirely by the provinces and territories.
But money for long-term care was one of a number of Liberal campaign promises left out of the 2022-23 federal budget.
It projects just $1 million in new spending on long-term care beyond the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
Acadian group launches legal challenge over unilingual lieutenant-governor
Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy says she's determined to improve her French-language skills
Death of lieutenant-governor puts limits on what cabinet can do
No appointment of successor to Jocelyne Roy Vienneau until after funeral
Regulations can't be proclaimed into law, and people can't be appointed to government positions, without a lieutenant-governor to sign an order-in-council.
The Constitution Act of 1867 allows an "administrator" to be designated to fulfil the lieutenant-governor's function "during his Absence, Illness or other Inability."
But it makes no allowance for an administrator when the office is vacant.
"The administrator, the person who normally fills in for him or her when she is absent or ill, cannot function as such," said Michael Jackson, a former chief protocol officer of Saskatchewan, where the issue has come up twice in the last few decades.
"They can only function when a lieutenant-governor is there to be represented or temporarily replaced, but not in the case of the death of a lieutenant-governor."
Roy Vienneau's death was announced Friday. She had been battling cancer.
'Province 'will manage'
Premier Blaine Higgs said Friday that he was aware of the situation created by Roy Vienneau's death, but there's no pressing cabinet business to be dealt with right now.
"We will manage that for sure," he said.
Justice Bradley Green of the New Brunswick Court of Appeal has acted as the administrator several times in the last year during Roy Vienneau''s illness.
He gave royal assent to legislation when the legislature adjourned on June 14, and on June 27 he proclaimed amendments to the Motor Vehicle Act into law and signed several appointments.
Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs is sworn in as New Brunswick's 34th
premier by Vienneau, left, at the legislature in Fredericton on Nov. 9,
2018. (James West/Canadian Press)
But Green can no longer do that without a lieutenant-governor in office, Jackson said.
A spokesperson for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who appoints provincial lieutenants-governor, said he is aware of the situation.
"The prime minister recognizes the importance of filling the now-vacant position of lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick and an announcement will be made in due course," Chantal Gagnon said in an email statement.
Appointment after funeral
Higgs said he was in touch with federal cabinet minister Dominic LeBlanc, and an appointment is unlikely before Roy Vienneau's funeral, expected in a week and a half.
"There will not be anyone appointed prior to the service … because this time is a time to reflect on her accomplishments, her memory, and to honour her life here in New Brunswick," he said.
The constitutional void left by the death of a lieutenant-governor is not widely known.
When Saskatchewan's lieutenant-governor died unexpectedly in 1978, "the government of the day assumed that the administrator, who was the chief justice, could just carry on," said Jackson, president of the Institute for the Study of the Crown in Canada.
Jackson, a former chief protocol officer of Saskatchewan, said an
appointed administrator cannot function after the death of a
"But the chief justice informed them that he couldn't. He could only do this if the lieutenant-governor was living."
Just last month, another Saskatchewan lieutenant-governor, Thomas Molloy, died. Trudeau quickly appointed Russell Mirasty to the position 15 days later.
Lieutenant-governors serve a minimum term of five years unless they resign early, so an appointment to replace Roy Vienneau was widely expected this fall regardless.
Roy Vienneau inspects the honour guard at the New Brunswick legislature on Nov. 20, 2018. (James West/Canadian Press)
Jackson said the death of a lieutenant-governor, and the unusual situation it creates for a government, is a reminder that the position is more than just ceremonial.
"Symbolism is important but this constitutional role is a lot more important than most people think," he said.
"It's a learning experience for everybody."
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Who we are
The Institute is headed by a president, is governed by an executive committee, and is supported by an expert advisory board.
The Institute also appoints a College of Fellows.
The Hon. Margaret McCain, CC, ONB

In 1994, Margaret Norrie McCain was appointed Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick, the first woman to hold this position. She served in that role until 1997, when she moved to Toronto. Mrs. McCain has been active in organizations that promote education, music, and the arts at the provincial and national levels. She served as chancellor of Mount Allison University from 1986 to 1994 and was a member of the board of Canada’s National Ballet School for 18 years, serving as board chair from 1998 to 2000. She is currently chair of the Margaret & Wallace McCain Family Foundation. In 2019, Mrs. McCain became patron of the Institute for the Study of the Crown in Canada and served as honorary chair of its fourth conference in Toronto.
Executive Committee
D. Michael Jackson, CVO, SOM, CD, FSCC (Regina)

Chief of protocol for Saskatchewan from 1980 to 2005, Michael Jackson is author of The Crown and Canadian Federalism (2013); co-editor of The Evolving Canadian Crown (2012) and of Canada and the Crown (2013); and editor of The Canadian Kingdom (2018) and Royal Progress (2020). He is a Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Member of the Saskatchewan Order of Merit, and recipient of the Canadian Forces’ Decoration. In 2021 he was awarded the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers for his role in the Institute for the Study of the Crown in Canada. He is a Fellow of the Institute.
John Fraser, CM, FSCC (Toronto)
Founding President

Author and journalist John Fraser is executive chair of the National NewsMedia Council of Canada. He was Master of Massey College in the University of Toronto from 1995 to 2014. Previously he was the award-winning editor of Saturday Night. He is author of eleven books, including the internationally-acclaimed The Chinese: Portrait of a People (1980),Eminent Canadians (2000), and The Secret of the Crown: Canada’s Affair with Royalty (2012). A Member of the Order of Canada, he is founding president and a Fellow of the Institute for the Study of the Crown in Canada. In 2020 he received the Michener-Baxter Special Award from the Michener Awards Foundation for long-term achievement in public service journalism.
Nathan Tidridge, MSM (Waterdown, Ontario)
First Vice-President

Nathan Tidridge teaches Canadian history, government, and Indigenous studies at Waterdown District High School, Ontario. He is author of Canada’s Constitutional Monarchy (2011), Prince Edward, Duke of Kent (2013), and The Queen at the Council Fire (2015). He is a board member of the Ontario Heritage Trust and a member of the national advisory council for the Prince’s Charities Canada. He was awarded a Meritorious Service Medal in 2018 for his work in educating Canadians on the role of the Crown and its relationship with Indigenous communities. He received a Governor General’s Award for excellence in teaching history in 2020.
Barbara J. Messamore, FRHistS, FSCC (Vancouver)
Second Vice-President

Barbara J. Messamore, professor of history at University of the Fraser Valley, is the author of Canada’s Governors General, 1847-1878: Biography and Constitutional Evolution (2006), co-author of Narrating a Nation: Canadian History Pre-Confederation (2011) and of Conflict and Compromise: Pre-Confederation Canada (2017), and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Historical Biography. With a PhD from the University of Edinburgh, she is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (UK). She is also a Fellow of the Institute for the Study of the Crown in Canada.
Christopher McCreery, MVO (Halifax)

With a doctorate in Canadian political history, Christopher McCreery is the author of more than a dozen books, including On Her Majesty’s Service: Royal Honours and Recognition in Canada (Dundurn, 2008), The Canadian Honours System(2nd edition, Dundurn, 2015), The Order of Canada (2nd edition, University of Toronto Press, 2018), and Government House: A Place of History and Gathering (Goose Lane, 2020). He is private secretary to the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia and a Member of the Royal Victorian Order.
John Gross (Toronto)

From 2011 to 2020, John Gross was the resident expert on constitutional, policy, and protocol matters in the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. A writer and researcher, he helped pioneer the use of social media within the Canadian viceregal community. He has a master’s degree in public policy and administration from Ryerson University and currently works in the Ontario Public Service.
Advisory Board
James Bird, MRAIC (Toronto)

James K. Bird is a member of the Dënesųłiné Nation and is affiliated with the Northwest Territories Métis Nation. After completing a master’s degree in architecture at the University of Toronto, he is transitioning into a PhD program in architecture.
His current work examines the intersection between Indigenous languages and shape forming using parametrics and algorithms. This research was supported in part by a Social Science and Humanities Research Council grant for research in linguistics and architecture in the Dene language. James has received several academic awards and national awards: the Prideaux Award for Science and Architecture, University College Merit Award, the Gordon Cressy Award, the Dr. Lillian McGregor Indigenous Award for Excellence, and the President’s Award. He is a Fellow at Massey College.
James has been equally active outside academia. He is a Member of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s Indigenous Task Force on Architecture. James was proud to be part of the Canadian team that won the 2018 Venice Architectural Biennale, a team headed by world-renowned Indigenous architect Douglas Cardinal and 18 other Indigenous architects.
Mary Dawson, CM, QC (Ottawa)

Mary Dawson was the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner in Ottawa from 2007 to 2018. Prior to her appointment as Commissioner, she had a long and distinguished legal career within the Department of Justice and was Associate Deputy Minister from 1988 to 2005. She played an important role in relation to constitutional matters, including the drafting of the patriation package (Constitution Act, 1982) and all subsequent constitutional amendments and proposals. Mary Dawson was made a Queen’s Counsel in 1978 and was named to the Order of Canada in 2007.
J. William Galbraith (Ottawa)

J. William (Bill) Galbraith is the author of John Buchan: Model Governor General (Dundurn, 2013).He retired as Executive Director of the Office of the CSE Commissioner in 2018 after a career of 30 years of federal public service involving investment review, intelligence, national security policy, and intelligence review. Prior to joining the federal government, he was with The Conference Board of Canada. He was a volunteer for over 25 years with St. John Ambulance, first as a member of the Brigade and subsequently many years on local and national governing boards. He is a Commander of the Order of St. John.
Carolyn Harris (Toronto)

Author, historian, and royal commentator, Carolyn Harris received her doctorate in European history from Queen’s University and teaches at the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies. She is author of Magna Carta and Its Gifts to Canada (2015), Queenship and Revolution in Early Modern Europe (2015), and Raising Royalty: 1000 Years of Royal Parenting (2017). Dr. Harris is the proofreading editor of the Royal Studies Journal and co-editor of English Consorts: Power, Influence, Dynasty, a four-volume series about English royal consorts, to be published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2022.
The Hon. Serge Joyal, PC, OC, OQ, FRSC, FSCC (Montréal)

Serge Joyal was a Senator from 1997 to 2020. He had been an MP, a Minister and Secretary of State, and in 1980-81 co-chaired the joint committee that recommended the adoption of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. A collector and patron of the arts, he is the author and publisher of several articles and books related to parliamentary and constitutional law, as well as essays in social and political history. Serge Joyal is an Officer of the Order of Canada, Officier de l’Ordre national du Québec, and Commandeur de la Légion d’honneur (France). He is a Fellow of the Institute for the Study of the Crown in Canada.
George Lafond, SOM (Victoria)

George Lafond’s professional life has been shaped by four decades of a public service career as a trusted advisor to federal, provincial, civic, and tribal governments. His experience has been sought by private and public companies to create community-based partnerships promoting positive outcomes for Indigenous peoples in education and employment. This involves a complex array of legal and cultural issues that give strategic direction to collaborative partnerships and support mutual benefits between the partners.
George Lafond is a Cree citizen of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation. He has served as a Tribal Leader to the Saskatoon Tribal Council and as Saskatchewan’s Treaty Commissioner. He serves on numerous boards of for-profit and non-profit organizations. He was appointed to the Saskatchewan Order of Merit in 2016.
The Hon. David Onley, CM, OOnt (Toronto)

David Onley was Lieutenant Governor of Ontario from 2007 to 2014, following a distinguished career as a broadcaster. He served as chair of the Accessibility Standards Advisory Council of the Government of Ontario. As Ontario’s first Lieutenant Governor with a physical disability, Mr. Onley adopted accessibility as the overarching theme of his viceregal mandate. He expanded the Aboriginal Youth Literacy Initiative to include computer literacy programs. He conducted the 2019 Legislative Review of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. He is a Member of the Order of Canada and a Member of the Order of Ontario.
Michael Valpy (Toronto)

Michael Valpy has been a member of The Globe and Mail’s editorial board, Ottawa political columnist, Africa correspondent, deputy managing editor, and columnist on social and political issues. He is a continuing senior fellow at Massey College and a senior fellow in public policy at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. He taught for nine years in U of T’s book and media studies program and has also has taught at U of T Scarborough’s School of Journalism.
List of Fellows
Professor John Borrows, OC, FRSC
Fellow elected December 4, 2021

B.A., M.A., J.D., LL.M. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Osgoode Hall Law School), LL.D. (Hons., Dalhousie, York, SFU, Queen’s & Law Society of Ontario), D.H.L, (Toronto), F.R.S.C., O.C., John Borrows is the Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law at the University of Victoria Law School in British Columbia. His publications include, Recovering Canada; The Resurgence of Indigenous Law (Donald Smiley Award best book in Canadian Political Science, 2002), Canada’s Indigenous Constitution (Canadian Law and Society Best Book Award 2011), Drawing Out Law: A Spirit’s Guide (2010), Freedom and Indigenous Constitutionalism((Donald Smiley Award best book in Canadian Political Science, 2016), The Right Relationship (with Michael Coyle, ed.), Resurgence and Reconciliation (with Michael Asch, Jim Tully, eds.), Law’s Indigenous Ethics (2020 Best subsequent Book Award from Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, 2020 W. Wes Pue Best book award from the Canadian Law and Society Association). He is the 2017 Killam Prize winner in Social Sciences and the 2019 Molson Prize Winner from the Canada Council for the Arts, the 2020 Governor General’s Innovation Award, and the 2021 Canadian Bar Association President’s Award winner. He was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Canada in 2020. John is a member of the Chippewa of the Nawash First Nation in Ontario, Canada.
John Fraser, CM
Inaugural Fellow appointed August 20, 2020

In his distinguished and award-winning tenure at The Globe and Mail, journalist and author John Fraser was a dance and theatre critic, a China correspondent, UK-based European correspondent, Ottawa bureau chief, national columnist and national editor, before becoming editor of Saturday Night magazine from 1987-1994. He has been a columnist at The Toronto Star and the National Post and has published in everything from the New York Times to Paris Match and The Guardian. He is author of twelve books, including the internationally-acclaimed The Chinese: Portrait of a People (1980), Eminent Canadians (2000), and The Secret of the Crown: Canada’s Affair with Royalty (2012).
Mr. Fraser was Master and Chair of the board of Massey College in the University of Toronto from 1995 to 2014 before becoming founding president and CEO of the National NewsMedia Council, the principal media ethics watchdog in Canada; he currently serves as the Council’s executive chair. A Member of the Order of Canada, he is founding president of the Institute for the Study of the Crown in Canada. In 2016, in recognition of his long and continuing career in the profession, he was named to the Canadian Journalism Hall of Fame. In 2020 he received the prestigious Michener-Baxter Special Award from the Michener Awards Foundation for long-term achievement in public service journalism.
Dr. Andrew Heard
Inaugural Fellow appointed August 20, 2020

Andrew Heard is Professor in the Political Science Department at Simon Fraser University and a past president of the British Columbia Political Studies Association. Having studied at Dalhousie University, the London School of Economics, the University of Toronto, and Oxford University, he previously taught at Dalhousie University and at Rhodes University in South Africa, where he was born. The research over the course of his career has spanned law and politics, sparked by an interest in the “rules of the game” and the institutions that structure Canada’s political society.
A focus of Dr. Heard’s research is on the monarchy and how it has evolved since Confederation, from a single imperial office into something embedded domestically in Canada’s national and provincial governments – while still shared with fifteen other countries. The nature and powers of Canada’s vice regal offices are particular subjects of his study. Also known for his work on constitutional conventions, the informal rules which define how public officials should exercise their legal powers, he has published two editions of Canadian Constitutional Conventions: The Marriage of Law and Politics. Other research interests cover a range of Canadian constitutional and institutional issues such as Senate reform, parliamentary privilege, federalism, elections, and the courts.
Professor Andrew Irvine
Fellow elected December 4, 2021

Often recognized for his scholarly work on Canada’s Governor General’s Literary Awards, Andrew Irvine has published extensively on the awards and their connection to Canada’s vice-regal office. He has also written about the over 600 award laureates who have been recognized with these awards since their founding 1936.
A professor at the University of British Columbia, Dr Irvine has also published on the history and theory of the rule of law. Together with Jason Gratl, he has shown that, in its modern form, the rule of law helps resolve tensions between national security and public accountability, a point picked up by the Supreme Court of Canada in Charkaoui v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) [2007].
Professor Irvine is a past senior advisor to the UBC president, a past vice-chair of the UBC Board of Governors, a past head of the Department of Economics, Philosophy and Political Science at UBC Okanagan and a past president of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Canada’s Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship.
His academic work has been translated into French, Spanish, Greek and Italian.
Dr. D. Michael Jackson, CVO, SOM, CD
Inaugural Fellow appointed August 20, 2020

After an academic career in French studies, including a doctorate at l’Université de Caen (France), Michael Jackson was chief of protocol for Saskatchewan from 1980 to 2005. During this time he established the provincial honours program, was author of educational booklets on the Crown and honours, and coordinated ten tours of members of the Royal Family. From 1998 to 2005 he was also executive director of Government House Heritage Property in Regina.
In 1987 the Queen invested Dr. Jackson as a Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order (LVO) and in 2005 promoted him to Commander (CVO). He received the Canadian Forces’ Decoration in 1995, was appointed a member of the Saskatchewan Order of Merit (SOM) in 2007, and was awarded the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers in 2021. An ordained Anglican deacon, he has written extensively on the diaconate in an ecumenical context and in 2021 received an honorary doctorate of divinity from the College of Emmanuel & St. Chad in Saskatoon. Dr. Jackson is author of The Crown and Canadian Federalism (2013); co-editor of The Evolving Canadian Crown (2012) and Canada and the Crown (2013); and editor of The Canadian Kingdom: 150 Years of Constitutional Monarchy (2018), The Diaconate in Ecumenical Perspective (2019), and Royal Progress: Canada’s Monarchy in the Age of Disruption (2020). He is president of the Institute for the Study of the Crown in Canada.
The Rt. Hon. David Johnston, PC, CC, CMM, COM, CD
Inaugural Fellow appointed August 20, 2020

The Right Honourable David Johnston was Canada’s twenty-eighth governor general, serving from 2010 to 2017. During his mandate he established the Rideau Hall Foundation (RHF), a registered charity that supports and amplifies the Office of the Governor General in its work to connect, honour and inspire Canadians.
Today, he is actively involved as Chair of the RHF Board of Directors and serves on a number of corporate and not-for-profit boards. Prior to his installation as governor general, Dr. Johnston was a professor of law for 45 years. He served as President of the University of Waterloo for two terms and Principal of McGill University for three terms. He was president of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada and of the Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec.
Dr. Johnston was the first non-US citizen to be elected chair at Harvard University’s Board of Overseers, from which he graduated in 1963 magna cum laude; he was twice named all-American in hockey and was named to Harvard’s Athletic Hall of Fame. He holds degrees from Harvard, Cambridge and Queen’s and has received more than three dozen honorary degrees or fellowships. He has authored or co-authored more than thirty books. He was appointed a Companion of the Order of Canada in 1997.
The Hon. Serge Joyal, PC, OC, OQ, FRSC
Inaugural Fellow appointed August 20, 2020

The Honourable Serge Joyal was a Senator from 1997 to 2020 and chair of its Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, of which he was a member for twenty years. He studied law at l’Université de Montréal, la Faculté internationale de Droit comparé de Strasbourg (France), Sheffield University (UK) and the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has been an MP, a Minister and Secretary of State, and in 1980-81 co-chaired the Special Joint Committee that recommended the adoption of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the patriation of the Constitution.
As a jurist, he has intervened in a personal capacity on a number of occasions before various Canadian courts to defend the recognition of rights and freedoms and the fundamental principles of parliamentary institutions. He was an intervenor on the side of the Attorney-General of Canada in the challenges to the Succession to the Throne Act, 2013 before the Quebec Superior Court (2014-2016) and the Quebec Court of Appeal (2019).
A well-known collector and patron of the arts, he is the author and publisher of several articles and books related to parliamentary and constitutional law, as well as essays in social and political history. Among these are Protecting Canadian Democracy: The Senate You Never Knew (editor, 2003) and Le Mythe de Napoléon au Canada français (2013). He is an Officer of the Order of Canada, Officier de l’Ordre national du Québec, and Commandeur de la Légion d’honneur (France).
Dr. Barbara J. Messamore, FRHistS
Inaugural Fellow appointed August 20, 2020

Barbara J. Messamore is professor of history at University of the Fraser Valley. She earned a PhD at the University of Edinburgh and is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (UK). Author of Canada’s Governors General, 1847-1878: Biography and Constitutional Evolution (2006), she has published a number of articles on Canadian political and constitutional history, some with a special focus on the Crown in Canada, and on British Imperial history. She has served as an expert witness in legal cases concerning Canadian constitutional history.
Dr. Messamore is co-author of Narrating a Nation: Canadian History Pre-Confederation (2011) and of Conflict and Compromise: Pre-Confederation Canada (2017); has edited a published collection on migration in Canada, Canadian Migration Patterns from Britain and North America (2004); and co-founded and edited the Journal of Historical Biography. In 2014 she was a visiting scholar at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, and in 2017 was a visiting Professor in Canadian Studies at the University of Silesia. She is 2nd vice-president of the Institute for the Study of the Crown in Canada.
Dr. Warren Newman
Fellow elected December 4, 2021

Warren J. Newman is Senior General Counsel in the Constitutional, Administrative and International Law Section of the Department of Justice of Canada. He holds degrees in history, political science, civil law and common law from McGill University, a Master’s degree in constitutional law from Osgoode Hall Law School, and a Ph.D. in law from Queen’s University, where his dissertation was on constitutional reform in federal institutions. Dr. Newman has been a legal advisor to the Government of Canada and a constitutional specialist since 1982. A member of the Bars of Ontario and Quebec, he received the distinction of Advocate Emeritus in 2009.
Dr. Newman acted as counsel for the Attorney General of Canada before the Supreme Court in the Manitoba Language Rights Reference, the Quebec Secession Reference and the Senate Reform Reference, as well as before trial and appellate courts in many constitutional cases, including the Motard case on the validity of the Succession to the Throne Act, 2013. He has appeared frequently as an expert witness before parliamentary committees and has published numerous academic papers. He is a Governor of the Quebec Bar Foundation, Director of the LL.M. program in constitutional law at Osgoode and has been an adjunct professor at the Faculties of Law of the Universities of Ottawa, Queen’s, McGill, and York. Dr. Newman was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012 for his contributions to constitutional and Crown law. In 2019, he was appointed as Canada’s member of the European Commission on Democracy through Law.
Dr. Peter H. Russell, OC, FRSC
Inaugural Fellow appointed August 20, 2020

Peter H. Russell is University Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. His scholarly interests embrace four areas: constitutional politics, judicial politics, settler-Indigenous relations, and parliamentary democracy. Among his publications are The Judiciary in Canada: The Third Branch of Government; Constitutional Odyssey: Can Canadians Become A Sovereign People?; Recognizing Aboriginal Title: The Mabo Case and Indigenous Resistance to English-Settler Colonialism; Canada’s Odyssey: A Country Based on Incomplete Conquests; and Sovereignty: The Biography of a Claim.
Dr. Russell has advanced the argument that monarchy is the best way of handling the need in a parliamentary system for duality at the top—separating the head of state from the head of government. The track record of monarchical parliamentary systems in terms of long-term stability, economic well-being, the respect for minorities and freedom is much better than the more numerous republican parliamentary systems. Peter Russell has served as President of the Canadian Political Science Association, Chairman of the Churchill Society for the Advancement of Parliamentary Democracy, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society of Canada, and Chair of the Research Advisory Committee for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. He is a Fellow of Trinity College and Massey College, a past-Principal of Innis College and founding Principal of Senior College at the University of Toronto. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada.
Dr. David E. Smith, OC, SOM, FRSC
Inaugural Fellow appointed August 20, 2020

David E. Smith is Adjunct Professor, Politics and Public Administration, at Ryerson University. He taught political studies at the University of Saskatchewan from 1964 to 2004 and then was a senior research fellow at the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy in the University of Regina. He is a previous president of the Canadian Political Science Association. His publications include a trilogy of works on each of the parts of Parliament, as well as books on political parties, the constitution, and federalism.
Professor Anne Twomey, AO

Fellow elected December 4, 2021
Anne Twomey is a professor of constitutional law at the University of Sydney. She previously worked for the High Court of Australia, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Research Service, the Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee, and the Cabinet Office of New South Wales. She is author of The Chameleon Crown: The Queen and Her Australian Governors (2006), on the Crown’s role in the decolonisation of the Australian States, and The Australia Acts 1986: Australia’s Statutes of Independence (2010). In 2018, Cambridge University Press published her book on the exercise of vice-regal reserve powers in the Realms, The Veiled Sceptre: Reserve Powers of Heads of State in Westminster Systems. She was an expert witness in the recent litigation concerning changes to the rules of succession in Canada. Dr. Twomey gave presentations at the conferences of the Institute for the Study of the Crown in Canada at Victoria (2016) and Toronto (2019).
https://droitcivil.uottawa.ca/en/people/newman-warren-jWarren J. Newman
Professeur à temps partiel
- aheard@sfu.ca
- 778-782-3043
Bureau: 613-952-8091
Courriel professionnel: warren.newman@justice.gc.ca
For further information: Michael Jackson, President, Institute for the Study of the Crown in Canada at Massey College, Phone: 306.531.7069, Email: president@iscc-iecc.ca
Automatic reply: Methinks Mr Jones of CBC should report that Mikey Holland got what he wanted about "Not So Smart" Meters from the EUB N'esy Pas?
Newsroom<newsroom@globeandmail.com> | Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 3:22 PM | |
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Murray, Charles (OIC/BCI)<Charles.Murray@gnb.ca> | Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 5:41 PM |
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> | |
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original | |
Mr. Amos,
I noticed today that you are still including Tim Richardson in your distribution list.
You may be unaware of Mr. Richardson's recent passing:
http://obituaries. From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 3:22 PM To: Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM) <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>; dale.morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca <dale.morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; Mark.Blakely <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; Roger.Brown <Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca>; martin.gaudet <martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca> Cc: Murray, Charles (OIC/BCI) <Charles.Murray@gnb.ca>; Ombud (AIP/AIVP) <aip-aivp@gnb.ca> Subject: Methinks Mr Jones of CBC should report that Mikey Holland got what he wanted about "Not So Smart" Meters from the EUB N'esy Pas? ATTENTION! External email / courriel externe. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca> Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2020 16:05:52 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: RE "Save NB Now" Too Too Funny To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. Thank you for taking the time to write to us. Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your understanding. If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http:// If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at (506) 453-2144. Thank you. Bonjour, Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire. Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension. Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus, veuillez visiter www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http:// S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144. Merci. Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre P.O Box/C. P. 6000 Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau- E3B 5H1 Canada Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144 Email/Courriel: premier@gnb.ca/premier. ----------Original message ---------- From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2020 06:05:33 -0300 Subject: YO Higgy Methinks Mr Jones of CBC should report that Mikey Holland expects from the EUB by Friday N'esy Pas? To: "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, dale.morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "Mark.Blakely" <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Roger.Brown" <Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca>, "martin.gaudet" <martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca> <Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "barbara.massey" <barbara.massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca <barb.whitenect@gnb.ca>, "Robert. Jones" <Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, "Holland, Mike (LEG)" <mike.holland@gnb.ca>, lclark@nbpower.com, colleen.dentremont@ <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>, Office of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, wharrison <wharrison@nbpower.com>, gthomas <gthomas@nbpower.com>, Andrea.AndersonMason@gnb.ca, jesse <jesse@viafoura.com>, news <news@dailygleaner.com>, nben@nben.ca, premier <premier@gnb.ca>, "dominic.leblanc.c1" <dominic.leblanc.c1@parl.gc.ca <Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, "jeff.carr" <jeff.carr@gnb.ca>, oldmaison@yahoo.com, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, "Ginette.PetitpasTaylor" <Ginette.PetitpasTaylor@parl. "Sherry.Wilson" <Sherry.Wilson@gnb.ca>, "Ross.Wetmore" <Ross.Wetmore@gnb.ca>, megan.mitton@gnb.ca, "David.Coon" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)" <Kevin.A.Arseneau@gnb.ca>, Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, Nathalie Sturgeon <sturgeon.nathalie@ <mary.wilson@gnb.ca>, "steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, "nick.brown" <nick.brown@gnb.ca>, "robert.mckee" <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, "Kevin.Vickers" <Kevin.Vickers@gnb.ca>, "Tim.RICHARDSON" <Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>, "Trevor.Holder" <Trevor.Holder@gnb.ca>, "rick.desaulniers" <rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca>, "michelle.conroy" <michelle.conroy@gnb.ca>, "Mike.Comeau" <Mike.Comeau@gnb.ca>, "carl. davies" <carl.davies@gnb.ca>, "carl.urquhart" <carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "Cathy.Rogers" <Cathy.Rogers@gnb.ca>, "robert.gauvin" <robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, "Roger.L.Melanson" <roger.l.melanson@gnb.ca>, "ron.tremblay2" <ron.tremblay2@gmail.com>, philippe@dunsky.com, Steven_Reid3@carleton.ca, "darrow.macintyre" <darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>, "Chuck.Thompson" <Chuck.Thompson@cbc.ca>, "sylvie.gadoury" <sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada. Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail. Thursday, 3 September 2020 NB Power rate-hike holiday not an election gimmick, PCs insist https://twitter.com/ David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others Content disabled Methinks Mr Jones should report that Mikey Holland expects the decision he wants from the EUB about NB Power going forward with their "Not So Smart" Meter plans by Friday N'esy Pas? #nbpoli #cdnpoli https://www.cbc.ca/news/ |
![]() | 2020 09 04 - Decision.pdf 238K View as HTML Scan and download |
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Saturday, 5 September 2020
Late former principal secretary to lieutenant-governor embezzled $700,000, RCMP say
The Tim Richardson's Scandal isn't covered by Media! WHY NOT? OVER $750,000 GONE! MEDIA COVER UP?
Chucky Leblanc he was
gonna take up his concerns about the Richardson issue with his buddy
Chucky Murray but heard nothing but crikets since I got the email below
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2020 21:22:54 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Chucky Murrray: Methinks you and your buddy Higgy should cry me a river about the loss of your fellow crook N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your understanding.
If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus.
If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at (506) 453-2144.
Thank you.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.
Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus, veuillez visiter www.gnb.ca/coronavirus.
S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Murray, Charles (OIC/BCI)" <Charles.Murray@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2020 20:41:39 +0000
Subject: Re: Methinks Mr Jones of CBC should report that Mikey Holland got what he wanted about "Not So Smart" Meters from the EUB N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Mr. Amos,
I noticed today that you are still including Tim Richardson in your distribution list.
You may be unaware of Mr. Richardson's recent passing:
RCMP investigate 'financial irregularities' at lieutenant-governor's office
Complaint was received on Aug. 2, day of Jocelyne Roy Vienneau's death
New Brunswick RCMP are investigating a complaint of "financial irregularities" at the lieutenant-governor's office.
Sgt. Mario Maillet, a spokesperson for the RCMP, said the force received the complaint on Aug. 2, the same day Lt.-Gov. Jocelyne Roy Vienneau died.
Maillet said the RCMP could not provide any details about the investigation but noted no charges have been laid.
A spokesperson for the province refused to comment on the matter, saying any questions about the investigation should be directed to the RCMP.
Office funded by province, feds
The office of the lieutenant-governor is funded by the provincial and federal governments.
In the 2017-18 fiscal year, the last year numbers are available, the federal government paid $62,947 in expenses incurred by the lieutenant-governor "in the exercise of their official duties."
For that same year, the province listed the office as having a budget of $342,000.
While the provincial budget for the office is not broken down, the federal numbers are for travel and accommodation, hospitality, and operational and administrative expenses.
While the figures for these individual categories have varied from year to year, since 2010 they have always totalled $62,947.
Complaint of irregularities at lieutenant-governor's office prompted by audit
Premier says he might ask the auditor general to look into the matter
RCMP in New Brunswick now say they did not receive a complaint from within the office of the lieutenant-governor that prompted their investigation of "financial irregularities."
A spokesperson for the police force told CBC News on Friday that the complaint came from the office, but Sgt. Chantal Farrah said Saturday "that's not the case."
Farrah said the force was contacted by the federal Department of Canadian Heritage and New Brunswick's Office of the Comptroller, which acts as an internal government auditor.
"That's who made the complaint," Farrah said.
On Friday, a provincial spokesperson said the federal department and the provincial office had done a joint audit and brought its findings to the RCMP.
No charges have been laid. The investigation was opened Aug. 2, the same day Lt.-Gov. Jocelyn Roy Vienneau died.
Lt.-Gov. Jocelyne Roy Vienneau died on Aug. 2. A new
lieutenant-governor has not been appointed yet. (James West/Canadian
Premier Blaine Higgs said in a statement he may consider asking the auditor general to look into the matter, but it all depends on the result of the investigation.
"Where this is an ongoing RCMP investigation we won't be making any further comments," he said.
A new lieutenant-governor has not been appointed yet, so this investigation comes at a time when there is no one to sign cabinet orders or approve cabinet decisions.
Parliamentary expert Lyle Skinner said New Brunswick is lucky the legislature is not sitting in the summer.
"You never know when some type of urgent government decision needs to be made, [which] can't happen because of the office being vacant," he said.
Skinner said 21 days without a representative of the Crown is a record for New Brunswick. The previous record of 16 days was reached when John Boyd died in office on Dec. 4, 1893.
Lieutenant-governors serve a minimum term of five years unless they resign early, so an appointment to replace Roy Vienneau was widely expected this fall regardless.
What about the federal election?
Skinner said there is no concern that the federal election will get in the way of appointing a lieutenant-governor, if it takes that long to appoint one.
Canada has a caretaker convention, which says government should restrict itself to routine and non-controversial decisions when election time is close.
The Canada Elections Act says a campaign can be a maximum of 50 days, which means the writs for this year's election can't be be issued until Sept. 1.
"This is 10 days away," he said. "If it gets to the point where the position is not filled by then, the caretaker convention would kick in."
- A previous version of this story stated that RCMP said the complaint of "financial irregularities" against the office of the lieutenant-governor came from the office itself. Although this is what a spokesperson told CBC, RCMP have since clarified that was not the case.Aug 24, 2019 2:18 PM AT
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 14:54:54 -0300
Subject: Hey Higgy Whereas Trudeau TheYounger is our neck of the woods
Methnks you dudes should ask him many things beginning wth the standng
of all your actions since Madame Murphy was appointed Lt Gov N'esy Pas?
To: "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
premier <premier@gov.pe.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>,
Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca, David.Coon@gnb.ca, "Roger.L.Melanson"
<roger.l.melanson@gnb.ca>, kris.austin@gnb.ca,
Christian.R.Whalen@gnb.ca, Norman.Bosse@gnb.ca,
advocate-defenseur@gnb.ca, Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
"Marco.Mendicino" <Marco.Mendicino@parl.gc.ca>, "Mike.Comeau"
<Mike.Comeau@gnb.ca>, mcu@justice.gc.ca, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Ross.Wetmore" <Ross.Wetmore@gnb.ca>,
"robert.mckee" <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, "robert.gauvin"
<robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, viltide@nb.sympatico.ca, Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca,
denis.landry2@gnb.ca, andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca,
info@campbellton.org, normand.pelletier@dalhousie.ca,
lebrun@nb.aibn.com, Alysha.Elliott@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
hugh.flemming@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, Kevin.A.Arseneau@gnb.ca,
megan.mitton@gnb.ca, michelle.conroy@gnb.ca, bruce.fitch@gnb.ca,
mike.holland@gnb.ca, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, jbosnitch@gmail.com,
alexandre.silberman@cbc.ca, Dorothy.Shephard@gnb.ca,
monica@actuslaw.com, rene@actuslaw.com, Jacques.Duclos@vitalitenb.ca,
Thomas.Lizotte@vitalitenb.ca, "Tim.RICHARDSON" <Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, premier
<premier@ontario.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, premier
<premier@leg.gov.mb.ca>, premier <premier@gov.bc.ca>, Office of the
Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>
Monday, 18 April 2022
Appointment of unilingual N.B. lieutenant-governor violated charter, judge rules
Appointment of unilingual N.B. lieutenant-governor violated charter, judge rules
A Court of Queen's Bench judge has ruled that Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau's 2019 appointment of unilingual Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy
violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointed Brenda Murphy
lieutenant-governor in 2019
Jacques Poitras · CBC News · Posted: Apr 14, 2022 2:45 PM AT
Brenda Murphy was appointed lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick in
2019 following the death of former Lt.-Gov. Jocelyne Roy Vienneau.
(Submitted by Province of New Brunswick)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's 2019 appointment of a unilingual
lieutenant-governor in New Brunswick violated language guarantees in
the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a Court of Queen's Bench judge has
Chief Justice Tracey DeWare says the charter's protections of New
Brunswick's unique bilingual status means that a lieutenant-governor
in this province must be bilingual.
Brenda Murphy is not.
DeWare stops short of calling the appointment unconstitutional and
invalid, saying that declaring the position vacant would create chaos
in New Brunswick.
It would call into question all the laws Murphy has signed and the
appointments and other cabinet decisions made in her name.
Acadian group launches legal challenge over unilingual lieutenant-governor
Brenda Murphy installed as New Brunswick's 32nd lieutenant-governor
"Such a situation would create a legislative and constitutional crisis
within the Province of New Brunswick which is not necessary to
adequately vindicate the infringed language rights in question," she
She continues that her ruling should be "sufficient to ensure
appropriate and prompt action on behalf of the government to rectify
the situation," leaving it up to the federal government to decide on
the timing and "the extent of that action."
A spokesperson for Murphy said her office had not had time to digest
the decision and had no comment yet.
"This is a legal matter being dealt with at the federal level and
questions should be directed there," said director of communications
Alex Robichaud.
In Calgary, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland told reporters she
was not aware of the decision.
DeWare's ruling is based on three sections of the charter that apply
only to New Brunswick.
Brenda Murphy 'humbled' to be appointed New Brunswick's new
Section 16(2) declares that English and French have equal status "in
all institutions of the legislature and government of New Brunswick,"
while Section 16.1(2) requires the legislature and government to
"preserve and promote" the equality of English and French.
Section 20(2) guarantees the right of any New Brunswicker to
communicate with or receive services from "any office of an
institution of the legislature or government of New Brunswick" in
English or French.
Challenge not aimed at Murphy, group says
The Acadian Society of New Brunswick launched the challenge, arguing
that those sections apply to the lieutenant-governor's position.
The federal government responded that because the appointment is made
by the Governor General on the advice of the prime minister, it's not
reviewable by courts.
But DeWare found that because the challenge raised constitutional
issues, the court had a duty to consider the case.
President Alexandre Cédric Doucet said the association is not looking
for Murphy to resign or be removed.
"Let's be clear. This lawsuit has never been against the Honourable
Brenda Murphy. It was against the process."
Alexandre Cédric Doucet, president of the Acadian Society of New
Brunswick, says the challenge wasn't about having Murphy removed from
her role, but about forcing the federal government to amend the
language criteria required for appointing lieutenant-governors.
He said the right response would be for the federal government to
amend its legislation on bilingualism requirements in appointments to
make clear future lieutenant-governors in New Brunswick must be
Ruling will likely be appealed, experts say
Political scientist Stephanie Chouinard said while the ruling won't
affect other provinces, similar charter provisions that apply to the
federal government could have implications for Governors General.
"There's no doubt in my mind that this decision will be appealed," she said.
Gov. Gen. Mary Simon speaks English and Inuktitut but does not speak French.
DeWare's ruling calls the litigation "an unavoidable intersection" of
the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government and "an
uncomfortable exercise" because of the complex jurisdictional
While language provisions of the charter and the laws don't normally
require individuals to be bilingual, DeWare points out that the
lieutenant-governor occupies a "peculiar and unique role."
No one else can step into her role to fulfil her functions
bilingually, the ruling says.
"To simply argue that the requirements of bilingualism do not extend
to a Lieutenant-Governor because she, as an individual, cannot be
considered an 'institution' is a gross oversimplification of a complex
question and fails to account for the unique character and
constitutional quality of the role itself."
University of New Brunswick law professor Kerri Froc called the ruling
"an unreasonable interpretation" of the charter and predicted it would
not survive an appeal.
"This is also a massive overstep on the separation of powers," she
said in a tweet. "As in unprecedented. As in, it will not stand."
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
Trudeau to make long-term care announcement in Dalhousie
Prime minister will be joined by Social Development Minister Bruce
Fitch and 2 federal ministers
CBC News · Posted: Apr 19, 2022 12:59 PM AT
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is scheduled to be in Dalhousie at 3
p.m. (Chad Hipolito/The Canadian Press)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be in northern New Brunswick today
with Social Development Bruce Fitch to make a long-term care
It will be held in Dalhousie at 3 p.m., according to the Prime
Minister's Office.
New Brunswick's federal ministers — Dominic Leblanc, minister of
intergovernmental affairs, infrastructure and communities, and Ginette
Petitpas Taylor, minister of official languages and minister
responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency — will also
No other details have been released.
Later in the day, Trudeau will visit a local daycare and meet with
families to discuss early learning and child care, according to his
Pledged $9B during election campaign
Last August, Trudeau said a re-elected Liberal government would spend
$9 billion to address the dangerous shortfalls in Canada's long-term
care sector that were exposed by the pandemic.
Long-term care residents accounted for around 80 per cent of all
reported COVID-19 deaths during the first wave of the pandemic, and
continued to account for a disproportionate share of deaths until
vaccines were made widely available.
About $6.7 billion would be spent over four years to "improve the
quality and availability of long-term care homes and beds," while $1.8
billion would be spent over four years to raise the wages of personal
support workers to at least $25 an hour and train 50,000 more of them.
The Liberal plan also called for the creation of a new Safe Long-Term
Care Act, which would set national standards of care in a sector that
is governed almost entirely by the provinces and territories.
But money for long-term care was one of a number of Liberal campaign
promises left out of the 2022-23 federal budget.
It projects just $1 million in new spending on long-term care beyond
the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland blamed the pandemic and said it's
now her job to "review and reduce" spending.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2022 03:05:55 +0000
Subject: RE: Hey Higgy while you were meeting with the boyz a lady
working for Dr. France.Desrosiers called me with private number in
order to laugh and play dumb about my Health Care concerns EH?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Due to the volume of incoming messages, this is an automated response
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Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000 Fredericton New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick E3B 5H1 Canada
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Fitch, Bruce Hon. (SD/DS)" <Bruce.Fitch@gnb.ca>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2022 03:05:56 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy while you were meeting with the
boyz a lady working for Dr. France.Desrosiers called me with private
number in order to laugh and play dumb about my Health Care concerns
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.
If your request is Constituency related, please contact Kathy Connors
at my Constituency office in Riverview at Kathy.Connors@gnb.ca or by
phone at 506-869-6117.
Thanks again for your email.
Hon. Bruce Fitch
MLA for Riverview
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
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Si votre demande est liée à la circonscription, veuillez contacter
Kathy Connors à mon bureau de circonscription à Riverview à
Kathy.Connors@gnb.ca ou par téléphone au 506-869-6117.
Merci encore pour votre courriel.
L'hon. Bruce Fitch
Député de Riverview
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Fitch, Bruce Hon. (SD/DS)" <Bruce.Fitch@gnb.ca>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 17:23:25 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Nicky Methinks David Coon and everybody
else knows why I would never agree to Higgy's brand new plan for NB
Power to deal with the Liebranos within the EUB N'esy Pas???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.
If your request is Constituency related, please contact Kathy Connors
at my Constituency office in Riverview at Kathy.Connors@gnb.ca or by
phone at 506-869-6117.
Thanks again for your email.
Hon. Bruce Fitch
MLA for Riverview
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
Si votre demande est liée à la circonscription, veuillez contacter
Kathy Connors à mon bureau de circonscription à Riverview à
Kathy.Connors@gnb.ca ou par téléphone au 506-869-6117.
Merci encore pour votre courriel.
L'hon. Bruce Fitch
Député de Riverview
On 3/22/22, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/
> Health-care collaboration on the table as Atlantic premiers finally
> get in-person meeting
> Premiers discuss key issues, say they won't pursue permanent daylight
> saving time unless other regions do
> Mia Urquhart · CBC News · Posted: Mar 21, 2022 6:07 PM AT
> Pictured at the Council of Atlantic Premiers meeting in Halifax, from
> left: Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston, New Brunswick Premier Blaine
> Higgs, Prince Edward Island Premier Dennis King and Newfoundland and
> Labrador Premier Andrew Furey. (Government of Nova Scotia)
> The four Atlantic premiers held their first in-person meeting since
> before the pandemic on Monday, where they discussed a regional
> approach to health care and other key regional issues.
> At the meeting, held in Halifax and chaired by Nova Scotia Premier Tim
> Houston, the premiers talked about a unified effort to recruit and
> retain health-care professionals and using potential "excesses" to
> assist patients in neighbouring provinces.
> New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs said the four provinces are not in
> competition with each other and will be working together to attract
> health-care workers to the region.
> Higgs also said they discussed how provinces can share existing
> resources. For example, if one area has an "excess" of some service,
> it could be used by patients from other provinces.
> "If we have excess capability and we can utilize that, let's not get
> hung up on where it is," Higgs said at a wrap-up briefing with the
> media following the Council of Atlantic Premiers meeting.
> He said the patient's home province would pay for the service, but the
> patient would have to travel to where the service is being offered.
> Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston hosted the first in-person meeting of
> the Atlantic premiers since before the pandemic. (Robert Short/CBC)
> Houston said all four Atlantic provinces are experiencing similar
> challenges when it comes to health care.
> "It's safe to say that health care remains top of mind for each of our
> provinces and our populations. The shortage of health-care workers is
> not exclusive to Atlantic Canada, certainly not exclusive to Nova
> Scotia. It's felt everywhere."
> Making it easier for health-care workers to travel between provinces
> is part of the solution, he said.
> Currently, licensing criteria and fees structures are unique to each
> province and complicate mobility between provinces.
> Making it easier for health-care workers to travel between provinces
> means they could "move around and help each other out," Houston said.
> "We are one region and there's lots of family ties between them," he
> said. "And so those are the opportunities that I'm looking forward
> to."
> Houston said there was a "high degree of interest in harmonizing that
> stuff."
> Newfoundland Premier Andrew Furey said the ultimate goal would be for
> one licensing system for health-care professionals like doctors.
> (Government of Newfoundland and Labrador)
> Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Andrew Furey said "one of the
> lessons learned from COVID … [is] that health-care mobility is
> important."
> Furey, who has worked as a doctor around the world, said Canada is
> fortunate to have "a robust licensing system that could be applied
> blanket-statement to the whole country."
> "We are very well trained in Canada," he said. "Once you're licensed
> in any jurisdiction, there's no reason to think that you shouldn't be
> able to practice medicine somewhere else."
> Furey said the "exact model and instrument" still has to be
> determined, but that a single entity controlling the licensing of
> health-care professionals would be the goal.
> Health care was just one of the issues on the agenda. They also
> discussed a regional approach to economic recovery, cost of living,
> immigration and energy.
> Daylight saving time
> The premiers also talked about the movement in other areas to
> establish daylight saving time year-round.
> Prince Edward Island Premier Dennis King said islanders support the
> idea of getting rid of the twice-yearly time change — as long as
> they're not the only ones doing it.
> In the United States, one of the two chambers of Congress passed a
> bill that would make daylight time permanent instead of the current
> March-through-November schedule.
> The U.S. Senate passed the bill last week with support from both
> parties. If it becomes law, it would mean an extra hour of daylight in
> the evenings year-round.
> In Canada, Ontario has a law passed and ready to be implemented if New
> York and Quebec do the same.
> "I think if that were to happen, we would have to react collectively
> here in some way, shape or form," King said on Monday.
> "Essentially, we've all sort of decided that this doesn't make sense
> for one of us to do this. If we are to proceed with something, it
> would be … on a regional basis in response to what might be done in
> other places."
> Higgs said there's also interest in New Brunswick in eliminating the
> twice-yearly time change.
> But until other regions make a move, Higgs said, the Atlantic
> provinces won't pursue it.
> Mia Urquhart
> Mia Urquhart is a CBC reporter based in Saint John. She can be reached
> at mia.urquhart@cbc.ca.
> CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/
> COVID-19 is 'not over in hospitals,' head of Vitalité tells board
> Social Sharing
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Email
> Reddit
> LinkedIn
> CEO cites hospitalizations and staff absences being 'stable' over past
> month, notes $24M operating deficit
> Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon · CBC News · Posted: Mar 16, 2022 7:11 PM AT |
> Last Updated: March 16
> Dr. France Desrosiers, president and chief executive officer of
> Vitalité Health Network, said services are gradually resuming.
> (Government of New Brunswick/YouTube)
> COVID-19 is "not over in hospitals," says the president and CEO of the
> Vitalité Health Network.
> Dr. France Desrosiers made the comments during an update to the board
> of directors Tuesday.
> New Brunswick lifted all of its COVID-19 restrictions Monday, but
> Vitalité remains at the red alert level due to the number of
> hospitalizations and absent health-care workers, Desrosiers said
> during the public meeting.
> "The number of hospitalizations has remained stable I would say over
> the last month. The number of absenteeism is also stable, but it is
> still present.
> "So as soon as we are able to resume service, we resume it. Sometimes,
> we have to revise downwards and we go back up as soon as possible
> again."
> As of Saturday, the most recent figures available, there were 99
> people with COVID-19 hospitalized across both the Vitalité and Horizon
> health networks, down from 103 on Friday, including three people aged
> 19 or under.
> Thirteen people required intensive care, down from 14, and seven of
> them were on ventilators, unchanged.
> Of those in hospital, 46 were admitted for COVID-19, and 53 were
> initially admitted for something else when they tested positive for
> the virus. Of the 13 in an ICU, 11 are "for COVID" patients.
> The seven-day average of COVID-related hospitalizations increased to
> 98 Saturday, from 96, while the seven-day average of COVID-related ICU
> bed occupancies was 13, up from 12.
> As of Saturday, 154 Vitalité health-care workers were off isolating
> after testing positive for COVID-19. (Evan Mitsui/CBC)
> There were 513 health-care workers off Saturday after testing positive
> for COVID-19, down from 577. That includes 154 from Vitalité, 300 from
> Horizon and 59 from Extra-Mural and Ambulance New Brunswick.
> As of last Thursday, another 76 Vitalité health-care workers were
> isolating because they had been a close contact of a positive case.
> Hospital capacity provincewide was listed at 90 per cent, up from 89
> per cent on Friday, while ICU occupancy decreased to 71 per cent, from
> 77 per cent.
> Vitalité and Horizon both announced last week that their hospitals and
> health-care facilities would remain at the red level, despite the
> province lifting all mandatory measures in the community.
> Vitalité is adjusting on a daily basis and services are gradually
> resuming, said Desrosiers.
> Pandemic-related costs for 2021-22 reach $26M
> But she noted the regional health authority recorded an operating
> deficit of $24 million for the first nine months of the fiscal year,
> largely due to additional expenses related to the pandemic.
> Desrosiers highlighted the challenges faced by human resources.
> "The network took into account that a significant number of
> health-care workers had to be taken off the job due to the virus at
> one time or another. The quick and efficient redeployment of resources
> has made it possible to provide essential services and to cope with
> the rapid increase in the number of hospitalized patients with
> COVID-19," she said.
> Pandemic-related costs between April 1 and Dec. 31, 2021, totalled
> $26.2 million, the board heard.
> "Through careful and responsible management of the pandemic's fifth
> wave, we have emerged from this crisis with the sense that we did what
> needed to be done," Desrosiers said in a statement.
> Department of Education clarifies Russell's comments about
> absenteeism triggering school closures
> New Brunswick devises confusing way to measure vaccine protection
> Blood test and radiography services are almost completely restored,
> with some backlog to be cleared up.
> Surgical services vary "from 75 to 80 per cent" of normal capacity,
> depending on the location, said Desrosiers.
> "Sometimes there are areas that are 100 per cent, others are 50 per
> cent. It really varies on a daily basis," she said.
> The province has passed the peak of the Omicron variant, according to
> Dr. Jennifer Russell, the province's chief medical officer of health.
> "Yes, we do have a continued level of hospitalizations, but we're
> managing," she told CBC on Monday.
> With the lifting of restrictions, some increases in hospitalizations
> and cases are expected, said Russell.
> But they won't be overwhelming, she said, citing modelling, which has
> not been made public.
> With files from Radio-Canada
> CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2022 13:19:03 -0400
> Subject: Obviously Mayor Normand Pelletier is still complaining while
> everyone ignores my personal concerns about Health Care EH Minister
> Shephard and Kris Austin?
> To: Dr.France.Desrosiers@
> David.Coon@gnb.ca, "Roger.L.Melanson" <roger.l.melanson@gnb.ca>,
> kris.austin@gnb.ca, Christian.R.Whalen@gnb.ca, Norman.Bosse@gnb.ca,
> advocate-defenseur@gnb.ca, Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "Mike.Comeau"
> <Mike.Comeau@gnb.ca>, mcu@justice.gc.ca, "blaine.higgs"
> <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, "Ross.Wetmore" <Ross.Wetmore@gnb.ca>,
> "robert.mckee" <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, "robert.gauvin"
> <robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, viltide@nb.sympatico.ca, Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca,
> denis.landry2@gnb.ca, andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca,
> info@campbellton.org, normand.pelletier@dalhousie.ca,
> lebrun@nb.aibn.com, Alysha.Elliott@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
> hugh.flemming@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, Kevin.A.Arseneau@gnb.ca,
> megan.mitton@gnb.ca, michelle.conroy@gnb.ca, bruce.fitch@gnb.ca,
> mike.holland@gnb.ca, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, jbosnitch@gmail.com,
> alexandre.silberman@cbc.ca
> Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, Dorothy.Shephard@gnb.ca,
> monica@actuslaw.com, rene@actuslaw.com, Jacques.Duclos@vitalitenb.ca,
> Thomas.Lizotte@vitalitenb.ca
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Austin, Kris (LEG)" <Kris.Austin@gnb.ca>
> Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 17:30:32 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Kevin Arseneau before I go to the
> hospital again called your cell and left a message Correct?
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Thank you for your email.
> Please be assured that all emails and letters are read carefully.
> Should your issue be Constituency related, please contact Janet at my
> constituency office at janet.johnston@gnb.ca or by calling 444-4530 or
> 440-9542.
> Thanks again for taking the time to reach out to me with your concerns or
> input.
> Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick Assemblée législative du
> Nouveau-Brunswick
> Office of Kris Austin, MLA Bureau de Kris Austin, député
> 506-462-5875 506-462-5875
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2019 11:39:16 -0300
> Subject: Methinks Mr Higgs 'can't sit idly by' while my mental health
> issues are addressed in public forums N'esy Pas Kris Austin?
> To: Client.Advocate@gnb.ca, "jennifer.russell"
> <jennifer.russell@gnb.ca>, "Dominic.Cardy" <Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>,
> "Mark.Blakely" <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn"
> <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
> <hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "hugh.flemming" <hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>,
> "john.green" <john.green@gnb.ca>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, mcu
> <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, "barbara.massey" <barbara.massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
> "carl.urquhart" <carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "Kevin.Vickers"
> <Kevin.Vickers@gnb.ca>, "Kevin.leahy" <Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
> "David.Coon" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "kris.austin" <kris.austin@gnb.ca>,
> "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>,
> premier <premier@ontario.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, pm
> <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Nathalie.Drouin" <Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca>,
> "jan.jensen" <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>
> Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "Gerald.Butts"
> <Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "Paul.Shuttle"
> <Paul.Shuttle@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, "Ian.Shugart"
> <Ian.Shugart@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford"
> <Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>
> https://twitter.com/
> David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
> Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
> Methinks Mr Higgs 'can't sit idly by' while my mental health issues
> are addressed in public forums N'esy Pas?
> https://davidraymondamos3.
> #cdnpoli #nbpoli
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/
> Province 'can't sit idly by' during mental health crisis, Higgs says
> David Raymond Amos
> I wonder if Kris Austin is reading this
> David Raymond Amos
> Methinks Mr Higgs 'can't sit idly by' while my mental health issues
> are addressed in public forums N'esy Pas?
> David Raymond Amos
> Methinks its strange that the conservatives take a sudden interest in
> mental health 11 long years after they had me falsely imprisoned in
> the looney bin N'esy Pas?
> Lewis Taylor
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos:
> not falsely
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Lewis Taylor: That is libel
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Perhaps you should have your lawyer talk
> to Dr Banic and the RCMP because I will be mentioning you within my
> next lawsuit
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Are you related to the Federal Minister of
> Health?
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos: She used to work with the RCMP correct?
> Marguerite Deschamps
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Now you talk to yourself!
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Better yet are you a cop?
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you know as well as I why i
> am posting my questions in this fashion to your new Light of Love
> N'esy Pas?
> Lewis Taylor
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos:
> wrong again
> Lewis Taylor
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos:
> methinks you were released too soon! n'esy pas?
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Lewis Taylor: Ask your lawyer why I am recording and
> emailing your libel to your friends in the RCMP
> Terry Tibbs
> A plan, a plan, do you believe?
> Is it me? Am I the only one hearing generalities, but no specifics?
> We have to note, just the other day, both Scheer and Trudeau promised
> big bucks in transfers for health care. So would it be prudent to
> assume "business as usual" in the health care file until the money
> fairy stops by? If the money fairy stops by?
> We must remember too, you need a referral from a GP (typically your
> family doctor) to see a mental health professional. So maybe the first
> order of business would be addressing the shortage of GPs?
> Whatever rabbit Mr Higgs pulls out of his hat, rebuilding a very
> broken system will take time and money.
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Its all just talk Higgs and his cohorts have
> yet to provide me with a Health Care Card However 11 years ago the
> liberals had no problem whatsoever squandering precious health care
> resources by falsely imprisoning a political opponent in a mental ward
> for the benefit of the conservative buddies Greg Thompson and Carl
> Urquhart. Methinks the truly funny part of it all is that the shrinks
> never got paid for their malicious services and now they try hard to
> pretend it never happened and don't know who I am even though they
> know I have the RCMP's documents with the doctor's signature N'esy
> Pas?
> Lewis Taylor
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos:
> things are really messed up in your alternative universe. If you were
> placed in a mental facility then it was most certainly for just cause.
> This is not done randomly. Furthermore, the physicians who attempted
> to treat you were certainly paid by Medicare and if you think doctors
> remember every single patient and document they may have signed while
> on call or otherwise then i would suggest that you treatment was
> unsuccessful.
> David Raymond Amos
> Content disabled
> Reply to @Lewis Taylor: Dream on trust that Carl Urquhart and seven
> car loads of cops tried the same trick again on election night 201 and
> it backfired bigtime on them that time.Methinks you should checkout
> YouTube sometime before you call me a liar N'esy Pas?
> Terry Tibbs
> Reply to @Lewis Taylor:
> ANY "credible" professional keeps, besides computer records, a
> handwritten daily log.
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I know I do Higgs and his cohort want to forget
> that the RCMP used to pay me for my opinions Furthermore anyone can
> Google me to see the reply to Taylor that was blocked
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Much to Taylor's chagrin I have the signed
> document by the shrinks and the cops
> Lewis Taylor
> Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
> agreed but then again why would they allow themselves to be harassed
> by Amos the same way we are on this site? The probably told him they
> don't remember to get rid of him. I wish we could do the same!
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Lewis Taylor: Methinks that is more libel because I have
> NEVER harassed ANYONE Hence you have no proof of it. However I do have
> proof of my false arrest in writing signed by a doctor employed by the
> government of New Brunswick and video of a member of the RCMP
> admitting to his assault on me in the DECH. More importantly we have
> your published comments today so that brings the matter up to date
> N'esy Pas?
> Jebidoah Shylah
> Marijuana is only going to make it worse. If we can't ban this
> dangerous drug, can we at least rename it 'Marijuana NB' instead of
> Cannabis NB. Why sanitize this seedy habit.
> Mike Connors
> Reply to @Jebidoah Shylah: You have got to be kidding. Cannabis is the
> only thing keeping some soldiers alive that are suffering from PTSD
> because we sent them to foreign countries to be shot at and see body
> parts all over the place. We have seen the tragic results when this
> has been taken away from them, so please educate yourself BEFORE you
> speak next time.
> Marguerite Deschamps
> Reply to @Mike Connors: what about recreational marihuana?
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Who cares how much dope you SANB dudes
> smoke?
> Marguerite Deschamps
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos: you are quite calm tonight! Are you on
> valiums?
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: You can't argue so you insult and yet
> you think you are clever. Methinks you are well aware that i have no
> respect for the druggies and pill pushers who seem to be your
> favourite people N'esy Pas?
> Marguerite Deschamps
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos: whereas you are so respectful to all!
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks I keep far better records
> that you N'esy Pas?
> Marguerite Deschamps
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos: in your "biased" opinion!
> Greg Smith
> Reply to @Jebidoah Shylah: Great idea “Jebidoah”. While we’re at it,
> let’s rebrand “NBLiquor” to “Ethanol NB”, and every gas station that
> sells cigarettes as “Nicotine NB”, since neither of those make sense
> either and follow your ridiculous model.
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you should pull my old files
> from the dockets of many courts on both sides of the medicine line and
> look for some new ones too. Trust that you are about to be mentioned
> in at least one lawsuit and you all knowing SANB dudes are well aware
> of the many reasons why N'esy Pas?
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Greg Smith: True
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks after all your malicious
> nonsene last night the cat must have your tongue today N'esy Pas?
> Marguerite Deschamps
> As if the elusive Higgs boson cares.
> Ian Scott
> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Is that what you got from this? Maybe
> move the idiotic mental health center in Campbelton to where it can be
> operated properly instead of usual Liberal politics of the MLA's in
> north.He at lest has acknowledged the problem more than any one in
> last 4 years.And homeless issue blends right in.
> Marguerite Deschamps
> Reply to @Ian Scott: Ever since and before Confederation, all the
> wealth has been transferred down south. It's about time that the north
> gets its fair share. The comedian turned deputy Premier is not too
> talkative since he won his Northeast riding. They gave him the title
> just to mute him. He has always been droll, but not in the sense of
> comical.
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Why should the ringmaster at the
> circus care what a clueless SANB dude thinks about anything
> particularly in light of the fact that you still won'r admit that your
> light of love Lou is a lady no matter how many times I tell you N'esy
> Pas?
> Doug James
> The policies of this province help cause mental illness. And now it is
> telling us it is going to help solve the problem? Just look at the
> overall healthcare system that is focused on treatment rather than
> prevention and you'll understand just how impossible that will be.
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Doug James: Cry me a river
> Donald Smith
> Wow Mr. Higgs, province needs to focus more on mental health care, yet
> another Media source has a front page news story today, Province Needs
> More Psychiatrists Doctor says. If so, why don't we have them, its
> either we Can't Afford Them, or we don't want to hire them, am I
> seeing this wrong ??
> Lewis Taylor
> Reply to @Donald Smith:
> Recrutement is a farce in NB...there are no billing numbers available
> where they are needed. Simple fix but politicians pay lip service and
> do nothing.
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Lewis Taylor: Yea right you should know
> Lewis Taylor
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos:
> obviously
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Lewis Taylor: The real question is who is your lawyer and
> does he or she know of your malice towards me?
> June Arnott
> They will cut other services to help with the overdue Mental
> Healthcare. It is so sad that they made cuts to MH decades ago. But
> hey, at least the politicians still get their perks and raises!!
> Terry Tibbs
> Reply to @June Arnott:
> Hard to say. Both major applicants for the top federal job have
> promised a visit from the health care money fairy if elected. So it
> might be prudent to think that is the source of all the new found
> health care spending that Mr Higgs is promising. I suspect we shall
> have to wait and see...........
> There is going to be a bit of a jackpot if regional government comes
> to pass, though I suspect that payday has been spoken for elsewhere.
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Terry Tibbs: FYI I have yet to get my Health Care card
> Terry Tibbs
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos:
> If you are like me you don't need one because you don't get sick.
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I don't go to see the sawbones until I heard
> the Grim Reaper knocking at my door. Whereas I have no Medicare Card I
> paid a doctor to have look at me and he sent me straight to the
> emergency room I have there twice this month and have been scheduled
> for a raft of test for my old ticker. Heath Care card or not I am
> entitled to the same service every other Canadian Citizen receives.
> Now that I am a running for a seat in Parliament again methinks you
> can bet dimes to dollars that I will be raising a lot of hell about
> this N'esy Pas?
> Jebidoah Shylah
> Indeed those suffering from mental health problems need more help so
> they can become productive members of society. If someone has a broken
> leg, we don't write them off for life, we fix the leg. Why do people
> not understand that mental health is the same as any part of the body,
> fixable. When placed under immense stress and strain, it too can break
> and because it's the hard rive of the body, it's essential we have the
> best treatment for it. We also need to ban marijuana and make sure New
> Brunswick is a drug free zone so that fewer people end up with mental
> health issues that marijuana and other drugs are known to cause, and
> so that more money is then available for those who have mental health
> issues not self inflicted by drugs. It's an outrage that we are
> subsidizing fancy stores for marijuana drug users while mental health
> service suffers.
> Chantal LeBouthi
> Reply to @Jebidoah Shylah:
> Opioids is doing more damage and usually prescribe by doctors
> Lewis Taylor
> Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi:
> yes to patients who shop around faking symptoms until some overworked
> doc succumbs to the act and caves in. People need to accept
> responsibility for their addictions and stop blaming everyone!
> Marguerite Deschamps
> Reply to @Lewis Taylor: it's the fault of both the doctors and the
> patients in a lot of cases.
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you found another Lou to love
> After all you have something in common and that is you both despise me
> and I am honoured that you do N'esy Pas?
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Oh So True
> Marguerite Deschamps
> Reply to @David Raymond Amos: sorry to burst your bubble, but I do not
> despise yu.
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Oh my my how quick you wish to forget
> that you bragged of earlier today N'esy Pas?
> Lewis Taylor
> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps:
> if the doctors are at fault then either they should be sued or have
> their licenses revoked...why does this not happen? Heresay does not
> equal guilt...if so then Amos would be right.
> David Raymond Amos
> Content disabled
> Reply to @Lewis Taylor: Methinks you are not clever enough to know
> when to clam up N'esy Pas?
> David Raymond Amos
> Reply to @Lewis Taylor: Methinks your lawyer should pull Federal Court
> File no T-1557-15 in Fat Fred City ASAP N'esy Pas?
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/
> Dalhousie's walk-in clinic remains closed without definitive reopening date
> Region's only walk-in clinic has been closed for over a month
> Alexandre Silberman · CBC News · Posted: Mar 04, 2022 7:00 AM AT
> The St. Joseph Community Health Centre in Dalhousie, N.B. was once a
> hospital with 100 beds. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)
> The Restigouche region's only walk-in clinic will not reopen this week
> as expected.
> The clinic at the St. Joseph Community Health Centre in Dalhousie
> closed its doors at the end of January in response to a staffing
> shortage. At the time, the Vitalité Health Network said the temporary
> closure would only last a month.
> But this week, it remained closed with no clear timeline on if or when
> the clinic will start taking patients again.
> Dalhousie Mayor Normand Pelletier said residents without a primary
> care provider or facing long waits for an appointment don't know where
> to turn to.
> "They're extremely disappointed, they're scared," he said. "They don't
> know where they're going to go for medical help in Restigouche County
> anymore."
> Dalhousie residents demand improved doctor recruitment after
> clinic temporarily closes
> Residents held a protest last month calling on the health authority to
> improve recruitment of health care providers. At the time of the
> clinic's closure, only two out of six physician positions were filled
> – with one doctor on leave.
> The Vitalité Health Network has not announced a new reopening date.
> Dalhousie Mayor Normand Pelletier said residents are worried about the
> temporary closure of the walk-in clinic at the St. Joseph Community
> Health Centre. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)
> Spokesperson Thomas Lizotte said all other services at the community
> health centre, including a collaborative practice and ambulatory
> services, remain available to patients.
> "Discussions are still ongoing with the Department of Health to ensure
> strategic alignment with the new Health Plan," Thomas wrote in an
> email.
> There are 4,200 patients with a regular primary care provider at the
> collaborative practice.
> In an interview last month, Jacques Duclos, vice-president of
> community services and mental health, said family physicians found the
> workload of the walk-in clinic "unsustainable" because it took away
> from the collaborative practice.
> He said discussions are focused on rethinking the primary care model,
> spurred by the province's new health plan and improvements to virtual
> care.
> WATCH / Closure of only walk-in clinic has aging community worried
> Dalhousie's only walk-in clinic closes amid 'major crisis' in staffing
> 15 days ago
> Duration 3:03
> Residents are calling on the Vitalité Health Network to improve
> recruitment of doctors and nurses for the Restigouche region. 3:03
> Restigouche County has one of the province's oldest populations and is
> facing a significant shortage of 13 primary care providers. Without
> the clinic, residents have been waiting at the emergency room at the
> Campbellton Regional Hospital, or driving an hour south to Bathurst.
> Pelletier said town council and the regional service commission have
> heard no updates on recruitment since the demonstration. Now, he's
> requesting a meeting with Health Minister Dorothy Shepard to ask for
> increased control locally.
> "Probably we'd be better served under Horizon," he said.
> During the pandemic, the clinic had shifted to an appointment-only
> model. Patients could no longer just show up and instead needed to
> call in to get a spot.
> Alexandre Silberman
> Video Journalist
> Alexandre Silberman is a video journalist with CBC New Brunswick based
> in Moncton. He has previously worked at CBC Fredericton, Power &
> Politics, and Marketplace. You can reach him by email at:
> alexandre.silberman@cbc.ca
> Follow Alexandre on Twitter
> CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 13:23:02 -0400
> Subject: Fwd: RE NB Mental Hospitals et Aujourd'hui en Acadie
> To: monica@actuslaw.com, rene@actuslaw.com
> Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, Dorothy.Shephard@gnb.ca
> https://www.vitalitenb.ca/en/
> Monica L. Barley
> Moncton
> Ms. Barley has been a lawyer for over 15 years. She now handles
> defence and litigation proceedings in the fields of inheritance law,
> contractual law, employment law and administrative law.
> Her professional experience also enabled her to serve, as Chair and as
> member, on various boards of directors, such as those of 3 plus
> Economic Development Corporation, the Crossroads for Women Inc. as
> well as the Centre de pédiatrie sociale Sud-Est Inc.
> https://actuslaw.ca/monicas-
> MONICA L. BARLEY – Partner
> Monica L. Barley obtained a Bachelor of Science in physics and
> mathematics from the Université de Moncton before entering the Faculty
> of Law to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming a lawyer.
> After being called to the bar in 2002, Monica became an associate
> lawyer at Forbes Roth Basque and went on to be a federal crown
> prosecutor. In 2010, Monica began her career at Actus Law Droit,
> where she became partner in 2012.
> In her practice, she focuses on dispute resolution, which includes
> will and estates disputes, employment law, contract law,
> administrative law and criminal law. In March 2014, Monica was
> appointed Chair of The Financial and Consumer Services Tribunal. The
> Tribunal is an independent adjudicative body, which holds hearings and
> appeals under New Brunswick financial and consumer services
> legislation.
> A strong believer in giving back, Monica has held several volunteer
> roles. She is a past board member of Alternative Residences Inc., a
> non-profit organization that strives to provide and assist individuals
> living with a mental illness in finding housing; former President of
> Crossroads for Women Inc., a shelter for women and children victims of
> family violence; former Vice-President of Downtown Moncton
> Centre-ville Inc.; and a former board member of 3 plus Economic
> Development Corporation. She was chair of the Elder Law Section of the
> New Brunswick Branch of the Canadian Bar Association and is now
> President of Social Pediatric Center of Southeast New Brunswick.
> A self-described golf addict, Monica and her husband Kolin live in Moncton.
> Monica L. Barley
> Called to the bar: 2002 (NB)
> Actus Law Droit
> Partner
> 900 Main St.
> Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 1G4
> Phone: 506-854-4040
> Fax: 506-854-4044
> Email: monica@actuslaw.com
> René J. Basque
> Called to the bar: 1989 (NB); Q.C.2013 (NB)
> Actus Law Droit
> Partner
> 900 Main St.
> Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 1G4
> Phone: 506-854-4040
> Fax: 506-854-4044
> Email: rene@actuslaw.com
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
> Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2017 01:06:55 +0000
> Subject: RE: I see that one of the Conservatives' best friends Rene
> Basque the first Acadian to head the CBA is as much of a crybaby about
> LIEbranos, Judges and "Justice" as your are N'esy Pas Chucky Lelanc?
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
> assured that your email will be reviewed and if a response is
> requested, it will be forthcoming.
> Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
> Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné
> et qu’une réponse vous parviendra à sa demande.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
> Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 16:12:04 +0000
> Subject: RE: RE NB Mental Hospitals et Aujourd'hui en Acadie
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Hello,
> Thank you for taking the time to write.
> Due to the volume of incoming messages, this is an automated response
> to let you know that your email has been received and will be reviewed
> at the earliest opportunity.
> If your inquiry more appropriately falls within the mandate of a
> Ministry or other area of government, staff will refer your email for
> review and consideration.
> Merci d'avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
> En raison du volume des messages reçus, cette réponse automatique vous
> informe que votre courriel a été reçu et sera examiné dans les
> meilleurs délais.
> Si votre demande relève plutôt du mandat d'un ministère ou d'un autre
> secteur du gouvernement, le personnel vous renverra votre courriel
> pour examen et considération.
> If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
> (506) 453-2144 or by email
> media-medias@gnb.ca<mailto:med
> S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
> Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
> Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
> P.O Box/C. P. 6000 Fredericton New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick E3B 5H1
> Canada
> Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
> Email/Courriel:
> premier@gnb.ca/premier.
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 12:09:57 -0400
> Subject: Fwd: RE NB Mental Hospitals et Aujourd'hui en Acadie
> To: Jacques.Duclos@vitalitenb.ca, "Roger.Brown"
> <Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca>, "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
> David.Coon@gnb.ca, "Roger.L.Melanson" <roger.l.melanson@gnb.ca>,
> kris.austin@gnb.ca, Christian.R.Whalen@gnb.ca, Norman.Bosse@gnb.ca
> Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>,
> advocate-defenseur@gnb.ca, Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "Mike.Comeau"
> <Mike.Comeau@gnb.ca>, mcu@justice.gc.ca,
> Dr.France.Desrosiers@
> Senior Legal Counsel
> Office of the Child and Youth Advocate
> Contact Information
> Phone : (506) 453-2789
> Fax : (506) 453-5599
> Email : Christian.R.Whalen@gnb.ca
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2021 14:16:48 -0300
> Subject: RE NB Mental Hospitals et Aujourd'hui en Acadie
> To: "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, "Ross.Wetmore"
> <Ross.Wetmore@gnb.ca>, "robert.mckee" <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>,
> "robert.gauvin" <robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, "Roger.L.Melanson"
> <roger.l.melanson@gnb.ca>, viltide@nb.sympatico.ca,
> Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca, David.Coon@gnb.ca, denis.landry2@gnb.ca,
> kris.austin@gnb.ca, andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca,
> info@campbellton.org, normand.pelletier@dalhousie.ca,
> lebrun@nb.aibn.com, Alysha.Elliott@gnb.ca,
> Dr.France.Desrosiers@
> oldmaison@yahoo.com, hugh.flemming@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca,
> Kevin.A.Arseneau@gnb.ca, megan.mitton@gnb.ca, michelle.conroy@gnb.ca,
> bruce.fitch@gnb.ca, mike.holland@gnb.ca, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
> jbosnitch@gmail.com, Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca, Frank.McKenna@td.com,
> Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
> premier@ontario.ca, scott.moe@gov.sk.ca, andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca,
> Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca
> Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
> "Bill.Blair" <Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>, "Mike.Comeau"
> <Mike.Comeau@gnb.ca>
> https://ici.radio-canada.ca/
> Loin de s'excuser, le premier ministre Higgs met au défi le Dr Ngola
> Le Téléjournal Atlantique
> Blaine Higgs met au défi le Dr Ngola
> Montage de deux photos du docteur Ngola et du premier ministre Higgs.
> Le docteur Jean-Robert Ngola, médecin (à gauche) et Blaine Higgs,
> premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick (à droite).
> Photo : Mia Sheldon (CBC) et Andrew Vaughan (La Presse canadienne)
> Radio-Canada
> 2021-06-08 | Mis à jour aujourd’hui à 12 h 59
> Le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick Blaine Higgs a publiquement
> mis au défi le Dr Jean-Robert Ngola en lui demandant de l'autoriser à
> révéler des informations privées potentiellement incriminantes. Un
> geste qui n’est pas passé inaperçu par l’opposition, mardi.
> Le Dr Ngola faisait face, jusqu'à tout récemment, à des accusations
> pour avoir enfreint la loi sur les mesures d’urgence durant la
> pandémie. Ces accusations ont été abandonnées vendredi.
> Blaine Higgs, qui refuse toujours de s’excuser, dit maintenant détenir
> des informations possiblement compromettantes, mais qu’il ne peut
> divulguer en vertu de la Loi sur la protection de la vie privée.
> "J’ai de l’information qui n’a jamais été révélée publiquement",
> a-t-il lancé mardi.
> À lire aussi :
> Ajournement des procédures pour le Dr Ngola au Nouveau-Brunswick
> Le Dr Jean-Robert Ngola est-il réellement le patient zéro?
> Blaine Higgs demande au Dr Ngola de promettre de ne pas le poursuivre
> pour violation de la vie privée, ce qui lui permettrait de dévoiler
> l’information demeurée secrète jusqu’ici.
> Une attaque envers un citoyen racialisé, selon les avocats
> L'équipe de défense du Dr Ngola a vivement dénoncé les propos de
> Blaine Higgs. Elle se demande à quelles informations il fait
> référence.
> "Si M. Higgs a d’autres preuves, rien ne l'empêche de nous les envoyer
> à nous, les avocats du Dr Jean-Robert Ngola. De cette façon, Dr Ngola
> n’aura pas à renoncer à son droit à la vie privée comme le demande M.
> Higgs", écrivent dans une déclaration les avocats Christian Michaud et
> Joël Étienne.
> Un homme barbu assis dans un bureau parle à une caméra.
> Christian Michaud, avocat, défend le Dr Robert Ngola. Il exige des
> excuses du premier ministre envers son client.
> Photo : Radio-Canada / Paul Landry
> Ils rappellent que le médecin a fait l'objet de "l’enquête la plus
> complète à laquelle un citoyen ait jamais été confronté dans
> l'histoire du Nouveau-Brunswick" et qu'il a été entièrement disculpé
> vendredi.
> "Le premier ministre Higgs a utilisé son titre et son privilège
> parlementaire pour attaquer un citoyen racialisé et un homme
> innocent", déclarent-ils.
> Les avocats ont donné sept jours au premier ministre pour s'excuser à
> la suite de l'abandon des accusations. Ils envisagent des actions
> supplémentaires s'ils n'en obtiennent pas d'ici la fin de la semaine.
> À écouter :
> Un des avocats du Dr Ngola réagit aux propos de Blaine Higgs
> Inacceptable, dit l'opposition
> Les paroles du premier ministre ont été vivement dénoncées par
> l’opposition à Fredericton.
> Le chef du Parti vert du Nouveau-Brunswick, David Coon, a indiqué
> qu’il était "inacceptable" pour le premier ministre "d’avoir un enjeu
> personnellement avec un citoyen du Nouveau-Brunswick."
> Le chef du Parti vert du Nouveau-Brunswick, David Coon.
> Le chef du Parti vert du Nouveau-Brunswick, David Coon.
> Photo : Radio-Canada
> Le député libéral de Moncton-Centre, Rob Mckee, a pour sa part ajouté
> qu’il était "inquiétant" que le premier ministre détienne de
> l’information personnelle liée au Dr Ngola.
> "Ça veut dire qu’il est en possession d’information privée que
> seulement le bureau du procureur devrait avoir, en ce qui concerne la
> poursuite publique contre le docteur, donc pourquoi est-ce que le
> premier ministre est en possession de ces informations", a-t-il
> demandé.
> Rob McKee donne un point de presse
> Le député libéral de Moncton Centre, Rob McKee.
> Photo : CBC
> "Ce n’est vraiment pas la façon dont un premier ministre devrait
> agir", a ajouté Rob Mckee.
> Blaine Higgs n’a pas voulu expliquer pourquoi il était en possession
> d’informations personnelles concernant le Dr Ngola.
> D'après le reportage de Michel Corriveau
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 10:42:46 -0400
> Subject: Fwd: RE NB Mental Hospitals etc Why not ask Brad Green's
> former assistant Chucky Murray and his blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc
> about the document hereto attached?
> To: viltide@nb.sympatico.ca, Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca,
> blaine.higgs@gnb.ca, David.Coon@gnb.ca, denis.landry2@gnb.ca,
> kris.austin@gnb.ca, andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca,
> brian.gallant@gnb.ca, robert.mckee@gnb.ca>
> Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/
> Village mayor fights to give school on the chopping block a 2nd act
> Small Tide Head School was voted to close after years of declining
> enrolment
> Colin McPhail · CBC News · Posted: Mar 26, 2019 6:00 AM AT
> Tide Head Village Office
> 6 Mountain St.
> Tide Head, NB
> Phone: (506) 789-6550
> Fax: (506) 789-6553
> Email: viltide@nb.sympatico.ca
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 09:07:11 -0400
> Subject: RE NB Mental Hospitals etc Why not ask Brad Green's former
> assistant Chucky Murray and his blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc about
> the document hereto attached?
> To: info@campbellton.org, normand.pelletier@dalhousie.ca,
> lebrun@nb.aibn.com
> Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> hugh.flemming@gnb.ca, Dr.France.Desrosiers@
> On 3/25/19, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> https://www.cbc.ca/news/
>> North-south tension rises as leaders fear losing troubled youth mental
>> health centre
>> Northern mayors say moving centre out of Campbellton would be major loss
>> Colin McPhail · CBC News · Posted: Mar 25, 2019 6:00 AM AT
>> https://healthstandards.org/
>> https://healthstandards.org/
>> Health Standards Organization
>> 1150 Cyrville Road
>> Ottawa, ON, Canada
>> K1J 7S9
>> Phone
>> +1 613-738-3800
>> Leslee J. Thompson ext 222
>> George Weber
>> Board Chair
>> George Weber has served as President and CEO of the Royal Ottawa
>> Health Care Group, one of four standalone specialized mental health
>> facilities in Ontario, since 2007.
>> Over the previous 26 years, he has been the Chief Executive Officer of
>> a number of national organizations, such as the Canadian Red Cross and
>> Canadian Dental Association, as well as various international
>> organizations, including the International Red Cross and Red Crescent
>> Societies in Geneva, Switzerland.
>> Throughout his career, he has been involved in health and humanitarian
>> work from multiple dimensions, including dental accreditation. George
>> holds a Master’s degree from McGill University and has completed the
>> Advanced Management Program from the Graduate School of Business
>> Administration, Harvard University, the International Program for
>> Board Members from the Institute of Management Development in
>> Lausanne, Switzerland and the Directors course sponsored by the
>> Institute of Corporate Directors and the Rotman School of Management,
>> University of Toronto.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2019 14:30:57 -0400
>> Subject: YO Mr Higgs So much for the ethics of Ombud NB too After all
>> he is the same politically appointed lawyer N'esy Pas?
>> To: premier@gnb.ca, blaine.higgs@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
>> robert.gauvin@gnb.ca, hugh.flemming@gnb.ca,
>> andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca, brian.gallant@gnb.ca,
>> robert.mckee@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, David.Coon@gnb.ca,
>> Kevin.A.Arseneau@gnb.ca, megan.mitton@gnb.ca, kris.austin@gnb.ca,
>> rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca, michelle.conroy@gnb.ca,
>> bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, bruce.fitch@gnb.ca, mike.holland@gnb.ca, andre
>> <andre@jafaust.com>, jbosnitch@gmail.com, Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>> hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca, Frank.McKenna@td.com,
>> Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
>> premier@ontario.ca, scott.moe@gov.sk.ca, andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca,
>> maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>> martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca, Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca
>> Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> ---------- Original message ----------
>> From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario
>> <Premier@ontario.ca>
>> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 19:13:29 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Mr Higgs So much for the ethics of your
>> Acting Integrity Commissioner N'esy Pas?
>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly
>> valued.
>> You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
>> reviewed and taken into consideration.
>> There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
>> need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
>> correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
>> response may take several business days.
>> Thanks again for your email.
>> ______
>> Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
>> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
>> Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
>> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
>> Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
>> responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
>> la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
>> ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
>> Merci encore pour votre courriel.
>> ---------- Original message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 15:13:26 -0400
>> Subject: YO Mr Higgs So much for the ethics of your Acting Integrity
>> Commissioner N'esy Pas?
>> To: premier@gnb.ca, blaine.higgs@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
>> robert.gauvin@gnb.ca, hugh.flemming@gnb.ca,
>> andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca, brian.gallant@gnb.ca,
>> robert.mckee@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, David.Coon@gnb.ca,
>> Kevin.A.Arseneau@gnb.ca, megan.mitton@gnb.ca, kris.austin@gnb.ca,
>> rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca, michelle.conroy@gnb.ca,
>> bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, bruce.fitch@gnb.c, mike.holland@gnb.ca, andre
>> andre@jafaust.com, jbosnitch@gmail.com
>> Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca, Frank.McKenna@td.com,
>> Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
>> premier@ontario.ca, scott.moe@gov.sk.ca, andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca,
>> maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>> martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca, Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?
>> New Brunswick Ombudsman Charles Murray on report regarding The
>> Restigouche Hostipal Centre!
>> Charles Leblanc
>> Published on Feb 8, 2019
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Murray, Charles (Ombud)" <Charles.Murray@gnb.ca>
>> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 18:16:15 +0000
>> Subject: You wished to speak with me
>> To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> I have the advantage, sir, of having read many of your emails over the
>> years.
>> As such, I do not think a phone conversation between us, and
>> specifically one which you might mistakenly assume was in response to
>> your threat of legal action against me, is likely to prove a
>> productive use of either of our time.
>> If there is some specific matter about which you wish to communicate
>> with me, feel free to email me with the full details and it will be
>> given due consideration.
>> Sincerely,
>> Charles Murray
>> Ombud NB
>> Acting Integrity Commissioner
>> ---------- Original message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 03:09:18 -0300
>> Subject: So your buddy Charles Murray has my documents now N'esy Pas
>> Chucky Baby?
>> To: charles.murray@gnb.ca, Charles.McAllister@snb.ca, premier
>> <premier@gov.ab.ca>, "hugh.flemming" <hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, oldmaison
>> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, sallybrooks25
>> <sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>, blaine.higgs@gnb.ca, kim.macpherson@gnb.ca
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, briangallant10
>> <briangallant10@gmail.com>, execdirgen <execdirgen@nbliberal.ca>
>> CBC
>> 3 new watchdogs appointed
>> Premier names child and youth advocate, official languages
>> commissioner and ombudsman
>> CBC News Posted: Jun 14, 2013 3:24 PM
>> The new ombudsman is Charles Murray, a civil servant and former
>> political assistant to one-time Tory MP Elsie Wayne and to former PC
>> cabinet minister Brad Green.
>> "I am confident that their experience and education will help them to
>> carry out their respective duties effectively," said Premier David
>> Alward.
>> He said Murray's appointment is not political.
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?
>> http://www.checktheevidence.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Evelyn Greene
>> To: charles.mcallister@snb.ca ; blaine.higgs@gnb.ca ;
>> kim.macpherson@gnb.ca ; david.raymond.amos@gmail.com ;
>> david.alward@gnb.ca ; charles.murray@gnb.ca ; madeleine.dube@gnb.ca ;
>> ken.ross@gnb.ca
>> Cc: don.forestell@gnb.ca ; dhashey@coxandpalmer.com
>> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 6:32 PM
>> Subject: RE: Ambulance New Brunswick Inc.
>> Dear Mr. McAllister: Ambulance New Brunswick Inc. is also CROWN
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> From: Charles.McAllister@snb.ca
>> To: evelyngreene@live.ca
>> Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2012 20:49:31 -0400
>> Subject: Ambulance New Brunswick Inc.
>> This is further to our discussion today.
>> As indicated, this company is incorporated and subject to the
>> Companies Act. You can access the Act at the following link:
>> http://laws.gnb.ca/en/
>> The company’s head office location is as follows: Department of
>> Health, 520 King Street, Fredericton. You had asked me exactly where
>> at 520 King Street is the head office. An ANB official indicates it is
>> at the fourth floor of 520 King Street –which is occupied as well by
>> offices of the Dept of Health.
>> You indicated you wish to attend and examined certain records of ANB.
>> I have provided you with a contact name: Renee LaForest (phone number
>> 453-3759). It is our understanding she is the secretary-treasurer of
>> ANB.
>> I have indicated under the Companies Act, the relevant provisions
>> regarding access is as follows:
>> 104The company shall cause books to be kept by the secretary, or by
>> some other officer or agent specially charged with that duty, wherein
>> shall be kept recorded
>> (a)a copy of the letters patent incorporating the company, and any
>> supplementary letters patent, and of all by-laws of the company;
>> (b)the names alphabetically arranged of all persons who are or have
>> been shareholders;
>> (c)the address and calling of every such person while a shareholder,
>> as far as can be ascertained;
>> (d)the number of shares of stock held by each shareholder;
>> (e)the amounts paid in and remaining unpaid respectively on the stock
>> of each shareholder;
>> (f)all transfers of stocks, with the date and other particulars of the
>> transfer, and the date of the entry thereof;
>> (g)the names, addresses and callings of all persons who are or have
>> been directors of the company, with the several dates at which each
>> became or ceased to be a director;
>> (h)minutes of all meetings of shareholders, directors and executive
>> committee.
>> R.S., c.33, s.103.
>> 105(1)A book called the register of transfers shall be provided, and
>> in the book shall be entered the particulars of every transfer of
>> shares in the capital of the company.
>> 105(2)One or more branch registers of transfers may be kept at places
>> appointed by the directors.
>> 105(3)Every transfer made at a branch registry shall be forthwith
>> reported to the head office of the company.
>> R.S., c.33, s.104.
>> 106(1)Such books, with the exception of the minute books of the
>> directors and executive committee, shall, during reasonable business
>> hours of every day except Sundays and holidays, be kept open at the
>> head office of the company or at such place as may be authorized under
>> subsection (2) or (3) of this section, for the inspection of
>> shareholders and creditors of the company and their personal
>> representatives, and of any judgment creditor of a shareholder.
>> 106(2)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council upon cause being shown to him
>> may by order designate some other office of the company in the
>> Province as the place where its books may be kept for the purposes of
>> subsection (1).
>> 106(3)Where an agent with an established place of business in the
>> Province is appointed by the company for the purpose of recording the
>> transfer of its shares, the book, in which are recorded the
>> particulars mentioned in paragraphs 104(b), (c), (d), (e) and (f), may
>> be kept at the agent’s place of business in the Province where the
>> register of transfers is kept.
>> 106(4)Every such shareholder, creditor or personal representative or
>> judgment creditor may make extracts therefrom.
>> The definition section of the Act states as follows:
>> “shareholder” means every subscriber to, or holder of, stock in the
>> company, and includes every member of a company without share capital
>> and the personal representatives of the shareholder;
>> As discussed with you, you do not seem to fall within the scope of
>> section 106(1) to entitle you to see the records of ANB that are
>> mentioned in section 104 of the Act.
>> You have expressed the view you are entitled to see the above records
>> and perhaps other records, notwithstanding that you do not fall
>> presently within s 106(1). To what extent you have other legal rights
>> to see the above records (or other records), you will need to pursue
>> that viewpoint with ANB, not with myself.
>> Charles McAllister
>> Director- Companies Act
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Evelyn Greene
>> To: ndesrosiers@ccla.org ; david.raymond.amos@gmail.com ;
>> lucie.dubois@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ;
>> sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca ; hubert.lacroix@cbc.ca ; andy.campbell@ctv.ca
>> ; steve.murphy@ctv.ca ; w5@ctv.ca ; russomanno@wsgalaw.com ;
>> kim.macpherson@gnb.ca ; heather.webb@gnb.ca ; david.alward@gnb.ca ;
>> marie.claudeblais@gnb.ca ; madeleine.dube@gnb.ca ;
>> charles.murray@gnb.ca
>> Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 8:53 PM
>> Subject: FW: Disclosure still outstanding
>> I am sending this to you folks as a beginning of some information you
>> need to know. On May 13, 2011, the day I was beaten up by police at
>> Ambulance New Brunswick on 24 Harold Doherty Dr., in Fredericton, I
>> had originally agreed to meet with Charles LeBlanc for the first at
>> the front of the Legislature. I had spoken with my MLA Brian
>> MacDonald on the 12th and I made him aware that I was doing the
>> interview due to him and others not looking into the corruption.
>> On May 13, 2011, I later learned that Premier David Alward and Health
>> Minister Madeleine Dube had gone to Moncton or St. John and I believe
>> it was to open an ambulance or to do with something about a new part
>> of the hospital. I sort of flagged this in mind because I thought
>> this is convenient that they are both out of town when I got beaten.
>> I had arranged a few days earlier to meet Charles LeBlanc however,
>> that morning I wrote him an email and cancelled saying I was not well
>> which was true as is in the police records when they charged me.
>> However, the timeline to deliver the Right to Information was up that
>> day and in the afternoon I forced myself to go downtown and serve
>> them. I first went to Cox and Palmer Law Firm, then to the Court
>> House to see Craig Carleton and then to the N.B. Police Commission and
>> secretary/receptionist Julie Williams accepted the documents.
>> Then I went to Ambulance N.B. where they seemingly were expecting me.
>> I felt then as I do today that they were call by someone and were
>> expecting me.
>> 1. On the day of that Friday, May 13, 2011, I had an email from
>> Charles LeBlanc saying all of a sudden his blog was shut down.
>> However, as I reported at the time, I smelled a rat and I told Mr.
>> LeBlanc this and later after that day I asked to do an interview in
>> front of the Justice Bld. and Charles LeBlanc refused, saying he was
>> interviewing Mayor Woodside at City Hall. Then there was this big ten
>> minute or more interview on Charles' blog with the Mayor and the Mayor
>> was saying things like, "When I pick you up in the winter and give you
>> a drive ........ (this was to Charles). I smelled a rat then as I do
>> not and I sent Charles a letter and copied all government heads saying
>> he would make the perfect stooge for the mayor and others.
>> Look at the next few emails, please.
>> It was Sally Brooks who wanted me to meet with her and Charles LeBlanc
>> at the coffee shop last week and I told Sally I did not trust him.
>> She said he has ADHD and is harmless and that when he was in court he
>> could hardly talk. I told her that this did not compute in my mind,
>> because he can stand in front of the police station on another day and
>> blurt the hell out of himself yelling things at the police and writing
>> all this stuff on the blog. Sally said just come and see. That
>> morning, Charles LeBlanc could hardly look me in the fact and I told
>> Sally that and she said she noticed but she felt it was nothing. In
>> fact, I gave him $10 for coffee and he took our picture and put it on
>> the blog. Howevr, he wanted to only put things on the blog which was
>> really Sally and My blog but he wanted to control what went in and
>> out. For ex. he did not want to print anything about the letter I
>> wrote the Police Commission and I copied other people, including David
>> Amos who to this date, I have not yet met. However, David does speak
>> the truth to my mind. He may be blunt, but he says it like it is. I
>> told Sally I thought Charles and David were friends behind closed
>> doors, but I have now changed that idea. For ex. at no time did
>> Charles LeBlanc ever tell me about Andre Murray's plight with the same
>> police officer who beat me, Cst. Nancy Rideout nor did he mention any
>> of the facts, but knew my story. I just recently learned of Andre
>> Murray and the common denomination we have in common: "police abuse".
>> Please read the next few emails and see what you think. Then on
>> Friday, Sally said she met with Charles at his house and she was late
>> to meet me for lunch. She did not mention that they were walking on
>> the street as has been written on our blog. However, Sally told me to
>> just let Charles do the whole process of the blog and not send
>> anything to him but brief comments as Charles is not well enough to
>> understand my topics of police commission willfull blindness. I said
>> okay, but she did not say they were together on the streets nor
>> mention anything like that, just that she was late because of doing
>> errands.
>> Please remember that nothing about my story was ever written in the
>> Brunswick Newspaper owned by irving and this is the case with Mr.
>> Andre Murray. Why? Why would Jacques Poitras refuse to write
>> anything and basically threw me out of the CBC a couple weeks ago,
>> saying I wrote his boss, Hubert Lacroix. I asked Mr. Lacrois since
>> that time if Mr. Poitras has any connection with the female crown
>> prosecutor, Ms. Poitras in Bathurst, N.B.
>> Then someone wrote recently that our finance minister, mr. Higgs used
>> to work for Irvings.
>> I have continually asked if Irving or his son, Kenneth, who up and
>> left the Irvings shortly after my beating took place and went to
>> Kinross Gold may have anything to do with Ambulance N.B. and the big
>> contract its partner, Medavie EMS which is a private, for-profit co.
>> that has common shares and because it is a private co., the
>> shareholders do not need to be mentioned at corporate records due to
>> N.B. legislative statute under Private Act and corporations. For ex.,
>> Medavie EMS partnered with NB EMS and that too is partnered with
>> Ambulance N.B. They won a lucrative bid for sending a fleet of
>> ambulances from Canada to Trinidad for $90 million a year. Was it in
>> our newspaper. I did not see it. Also, I have shared with many of
>> you the corporate documents showing irregularities in the letters
>> patent and the incorporation of Medavie EMS which is signed by a
>> lawyer in Halifax who is with the law firm, Stewart McKelvey who
>> represents Ambulance N.B. Inc. I wrote the Trinidad Government and I
>> got hold of the paper from Trinidad, the TNT Mirror saying the
>> Attorney General was concerned about irregularities in the contract
>> and Medavie EMS had written asking what was the hold up. I then
>> forwarded my story about getting beaten up at Ambulance NB Inc. and
>> there was no investigation albeit I informed the Premier, David Alward
>> and all other ministers. It is my understanding too that in order for
>> a P3 partnership that EMS set up with Ambulance NB it is supposed to
>> be okayed with the Cabinet. In fact the Minister has to sign off on
>> it. However, it was signed by a different Minister, Jack Keir, on
>> behalf of Minister Greg Byrne who Mr. Keir said was out of the country
>> at the time. I asked the secretaries at Service NB who Jack Keir is
>> and they did not know, but I later found out and called Mr. Keir. He
>> told me he is no longer the minister and did not know what he was
>> signing, saying he is a North shore, St. John New Brunswicker and not
>> a lawyer. I have the documentation and it is questionable. I sent
>> this information to Finance Minister Blaine Higgs and he did not
>> respond. I went to see Kim MacPherson, our auditor general and she
>> said she had no obligation to report it. She said she knew nothing
>> about this P3 deal and she would not talk further, telling her
>> secretary, Heather, to tell me she could not help me in my plight for
>> justice and almost being beaten to death while wearing an implanted
>> heart defibrillator and reported sick to the paramedic station. This
>> is documented by others, not just me.
>> Then I checked the records for Ambulance N.B. Inc. and find that the
>> lawyer for the Minister of Health, Charles Murray is on the Board of
>> Directors, as is Donald J. Peters the CEO of Horizon Health Network
>> also known as Regional Health Authority B and is over the Dr. Everett
>> Chalmers Hospital where my problems first stemmed. It is scary
>> really.
>> Pls. read on.
>> Evelyn Greene
>> Wait for the next few emails and then let me know what you think of
>> all of this please, especially the Canadian Civil Liberties Assoc. who
>> know I contacted them long ago about my plight and they said they
>> could not help.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 09:08:19 -0800
>> From: sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca
>> Subject: Re: Disclosure still outstanding
>> To: evelyngreene@live.ca
>> brilliant!
>> This is really good, really concise and absolutely puts the pressure
>> on. Well done Evelyn.
>> From: Evelyn Greene <evelyngreene@live.ca>
>> To: christopher.lavigne@gnb.ca
>> Cc: luc.labonte@gnb.ca; pierre.castonguay@gnb.ca;
>> madeleine.dube@gnb.ca; justice.comments@gnb.ca;
>> sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca; wishart.john@dailygleaner.com;
>> wylie1@nb.sympatico.ca; mboudreau@stu.ca; w5@ctv.ca;
>> hubert.lacroix@cbc.ca; jacques.poitras@cbc.ca; info@atlanticalarm.com;
>> keith.ball@gnb.ca; kimthomas@ag.gov.tt
>> Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 12:30:37 PM
>> Subject: Disclosure still outstanding
>> Mr. Lavigne:
>> I still have not received confirmation that you went back to the
>> police and Ambulance N.B. to obtain the rest of the answers to the
>> questions you posed to them in your letter of Dec. 2011 about the CCTV
>> evidence and the Audio evidence.
>> (1) Surely you are not going to accept the perjured evidence of Robin
>> O'Hara and go ahead now and subpoena the main information straight
>> from Atlantic alarm and sound right off the original data base or
>> where it is initially (originally) recorded? You need this according
>> to the head of the company.
>> (2) Where is the evidence of the 911 call from Ambulance N.B. to the
>> police.
>> (3) Did you get the statement from the Ambulance N.B. and the Police
>> why the police were called in the first place when I was sitting
>> quietly, and felt sick, and was no harm to myself or anyone else. Why
>> was that called placed to the police and why did four police officers
>> and four cars arrive when it was not even an emergency? Do you not
>> see that my Charter rights were violated to a high (not low or
>> moderate degree) ending up with me having bodily injury and no police
>> report made out that I have seen, and as per the rules of the Police
>> Act, when personal injury happenes to a person in custody?
>> (4) Why did the police investigate themselves when I made a complaint
>> of abuse against them to the Chief of Police? Who investigated this
>> and where are their reports?
>> (5) Where is the report of NCO Horseman when he took my complaints
>> and my statement? What did he say?
>> (6) I need the answers requested from David Banks, the dispatch head
>> at the police station for all 911 calls.
>> (7) Did you ask the police to explain the different dispatchers on
>> the call and the questions posed to the crown about the video
>> tampering evidence supplied by Ms. Brooks?
>> (8) Judge Richards had said to prosecutor Rose Campbell that Greene
>> needs a lawyer and she was looking into, but then a new Judge (Judge
>> Jackson) came on the case and I told him about this but he did not
>> look into it.
>> (9) Where are the answers to the other questions you posed such as
>> why Constable Rideout was on the phone while in the police car taking
>> me to Headquarters and reporting that I was loud and out of control
>> but this was not picked up on the audio of the call.
>> (10)Why were the ambulance dispatched to 24 Doherty Drive for almost 8
>> minutes after I was taken to headquarters? I need their reports as to
>> why and what they were doing there? I have asked Fire Chief Toole who
>> did not respond. You need to get this information even if it is by
>> subpoena.
>> (11) Where are the phone records of all calls made to Ambulance N.B.
>> at 24 Harold Doherty Dr. on the 13th of May? Were any from Cox and
>> Palmer or from the NB Police Commission or the Court House.
>> (12) I sent you recent conflicting statements from representatives
>> from Atlantic Alarm and Sound. The owner had obviously not
>> anticipated that I would contact the service provider who obviously
>> told the truth. What are you doing about that, if anything? And if
>> nothing, why not, please explain?
>> (
>> (13) You have the capacity to send the CCTV video to the crime lab in
>> Halifax (RCMP) so why has this not yet been done which would add their
>> input to this matter? Are you not wanting to know the truth here Mr.
>> Lavigne because it would most likely cost less than $500 and your are
>> spending far more than that on continuing on with this bogus charge at
>> great expense to the public purse and the court's time?
>> (14). Much other evidence is sent to the crime lab for analyses so
>> why is this case different? Please explain that.
>> (15). The McNeil case was decided by the Supreme Court of Canada and
>> that includes all disclosure must be given to the Defendant,
>> regardless of privacy issues or anything else. Again what are you
>> doing to get the original documentation of the CCTV video. The
>> service co-ordinator said if one camera is not working, then the
>> others take over. There are four cameras surrounding the paramedic
>> door at Ambulance N.B. Paramedic Bay and clearly picked up other
>> movement that day, but did have four minute splitting here and there.
>> The pictures that do take are for the most part visible so it is not a
>> case of the camera set low for visibility issues?
>> (16) The expert from Outreach Productions wrote down that a police
>> officer magically appears from no where on the CCTV camera? What did
>> you learn about that?
>> I need answers to these questions and I am asking once more to review
>> my file in its entirety and have the times set so that the photocopies
>> can be made at that time. I asked Simonne of the Prosecutor's office
>> for copies and she said I would have to come back. When I came back,
>> she had left for home early and when I picked up the documents early
>> the next week, many of the documents I requested to be photocopies
>> were not included. There was one email or report that had the word
>> dizzy typed out like this "d-i-z-z-y". I suspect that was one of the
>> officers or paramedics who reported I told them I felt dizzy that day
>> which i did. Why would this be concealed now and
>> (17) Have you now reviewed all of the evidence, including the CCTV
>> video and audio and my doctor's notes and the notes I submitted
>> regarding the officer who was let off a charge in Ont. as he has
>> hypoglycemia which I have and is in the police reports?
>> (18) You know that Cst. Rideout left my angina meds. (nitro) in my
>> car with my purse and would not let me have it before going to
>> headquarters and then $150 went missing out of my purse when it was
>> returned so that I would not have the cash on hand to get my impounded
>> car. I also had to call a taxi for a drive back across the river to
>> where my car was impounded and for some reason their debit machines
>> were not working.
>> (19) I have a lifeline contract with Phillips Lifeline and I have
>> told them of this issue. My lifeline box which is connected to the
>> hospital has not worked for some time and lifeline calls me every
>> night at 7 p.m. to ensure I am okay. If they do not hear form me,
>> they call the ambulance. Not long ago, I did not hear the phone ring
>> and they sent the ambulance and fire truck. I went to the door and
>> said I did not hear the phone ring and I was listenening for it and
>> told them I was okay. Phillips lifeline then called the paramedics
>> and was told by the paramedics "that she (Greene) was not home. I
>> asked Lifeline to document this information as it is just one part of
>> the total picture of lies and corruption from Ambulance employeess.
>> Your job, I believe, is to ask whey they lied to lifeline? It is
>> documented so you could contact them directly.
>> I look forward to receiving your response to this letter which I will
>> drop off at the Crown's office next week in hard copy so that if you
>> fail to address these questions, I will use them later for appeal
>> purposes as is the case with all the documentation I asked for to date
>> and did not receive. Also perphas you can ask why I have not been
>> allowed a lawyer as per Judge Richards question about that to
>> Prosecutor Rose Campbell?
>> Evelyn Greene
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> To: <oldmaison@yahoo.com>; <T.J.Burke@gnb.ca>; <john.foran@gnb.ca>;
>> <Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca>; <frederic.loiseau@fredericton.
>> <tony.whalen@gnb.ca>
>> Cc: <abel.leblanc@gnb.ca>; <jack.keir@gnb.ca>; <premier@gnb.ca>;
>> <Jeannot.VOLPE@gnb.ca>
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 4:08 AM
>> Subject: Hells Angels EH Chucky Leblanc? When was the last time you or
>> the Irvings or the RCMP saw one ride a Panhead alone?
>> Remember these old emails of yours Chucky Baby? Post this photo of my
>> nasty arse I Double Dog Dare Ya to Frenchy. At least my baby boy's
>> little arse is far more innocent looking than Shawny Baby Graham's
>> black eye EH Frenchy?
>> Small wonder that I didn't allow him anywhere near and of Cardinal
>> Law's nasty Boyz in Beantown EH?
>> You must I figured out by now that I hate diddlers and especiallly the
>> ones who pretend to be oh so pious and above us all. By now you must
>> at least understand one of the reasons I supported Byron Prior years
>> ago in his quest for justice but I was always more concerned about
>> about what he knows about Johnny Crosbie, the Haliburton dudes and our
>> dead fish. But you don't know the first thing about that do ya? It
>> must be because not one of your five brians knows how to read Nest Pas?
>> by Charles LeBlanc Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 11:26 AM
>> Thursday morning, I showed up at the Legislature to use the computer
>> at the Library.
>> I was told by security that two rough looking individuals walked
>> through the doors and asked for a Charles Leblanc?
>> They described the guys as rough looking and one of them had a long
>> gray beard with a leather jacket!
>> At first, I believe it was the Hell Angels coming down from Montreal
>> for a hit on Charles.
>> Hours later, I seen my bigot buddy Matthew Glenn and he was in front
>> of the Legislature with his blowhorn.
>> For you people who don't know the bigot? He's the one who started the
>> Anglo Society. I seen him preaching to three young kids and of course
>> I butt in and said - Hey Bigot??? Why don't you bigot go home?
>> Minutes later, we were approached by two guys and they asked politely
>> –Where can we locate a Charles LeBlanc???
>> In a matter of seconds, the bigot quickly pointed at me. I said to
>> myself - Ohhh?? Thanks a lot Bigot!!!
>> At the end? It was a guy named David Amos and I guess that he's
>> running at an independent in the riding of Fundy Royal. The guy have
>> been living in the area of Boston and he's been following my updates
>> on the internet. I'm telling you that the information highway is a
>> great way to spread the message to the rest of the world!
>> We talked for around 30 minutes and it was nice to see the bigot, me
>> and David Amos together debating our own little concern issue. We all
>> have our own issues and it's too bad that we cannot unite and fight
>> but that's the way Canadians do things. They remind silent until the
>> Government really pissed them all and go out and vote the party in
>> power out of office.
>> What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is
>> going to crack up one of these days and I know for a
>> fact the area targeted is going to be the Legislature.
>> Two weeks later you wrote this Chucky
>> "There's always undercovers cops around but only when the House is in
>> session. As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but it's just a
>> matter of time till someone is push over the edge.
>> I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door yesterday at the
>> Legislature. This guy is running as an Independent candidate in the
>> riding of Fundy Royal. I met the guy over the net and he has a beef
>> with our political bureaucrats. I admire people fighting for what they
>> believe in but you can't get carried away.
>> I guess in this case? He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that's a
>> big faux pas!"
>> After you continued to make fun of me throughout the summer of 2004
>> amongst the other things I forwarded to you was an old joke about my
>> drunken Irish Catholic in laws in Beantown. N'est Pas? It must have
>> pissed you off as I tortured the Hell out of your buddy Bernie Richard
>> the nasty Ombudsman too before my wife and I and a lawyer visited the
>> Police Commission. In response you sent photos of your old soon to be
>> dead dog comparing it to me. I laughed the photos were taken by your
>> Fake Left friends and emailed to you. Your big Faux Pas was that you
>> were so dumb you sent me their email address too. Thus in a wink of an
>> eye I knew and had the proof of who was behind you and pulling your
>> strings. Do they remember my conversations with them last year? I do.
>> The question is did I record them as they made liars out of themselves.
>> LOL EH? Stay tuned Frenchy.
>> When you saw that I was falsely imprisoned in Boston on October 1st,
>> 2004 you largely shut up and never responded to my emails over the
>> course of the past four years because you knew what I did with them
>> after that. As the old Joke goes many a true word is said in jest and
>> you did not like other people reading your nonsense to me. Correct?
>> Years after that old joke I sent you went around. The Yankees made a
>> movie starring Jack Nicholson based on Whitey's life and times. It is
>> entitled "The Departed". Perhaps the drunken Catholic in you should
>> rent it sometime with your welfare dimes. Listen closely to what ol
>> Jacky Boy says about your Church and their very corrupt doings.
>> My Keith ancestors and I were not alone in our contempt towards your
>> church EH? Did your Mama tell you that the Keiths came out of northern
>> Germany to settle in Scotland in order to escape your nasty Popes and
>> their cohorts? Do you understand that after the shit was settled in
>> 1755 the Frenchmen in Canada who did not wish to be shipped out to
>> other French holdings swore allegiance to the British Crown? What
>> makes you dudes think that you can change the deal now especially in
>> light of the fact every Indian demands that we hold up to all the
>> other deals our ancestors made long before any of us were born? The
>> Scottish part of you should shove that Acadian flag along with its
>> flagpole up your French arse Chucky Baby. Is that clear or COR enough
>> for you?
>> To rub it in I will tell you that after my father died my Mama married
>> Loyd Nickerson a member of the COR Party who was also the Chief
>> Electoral Officer of New Brunswick. One big reason I ran in Fundy is
>> that there are damn few French men registered to vote and not many
>> Catholic churches in Kings County. I ain't a bigot. I love French
>> Catholic women. Hell I was the first of my family that I know of who
>> married a Catholic woman. It is their greedy Catholic brothers that I
>> hate be they either French or Irish or whatever. I believe they call
>> this shit conflict of colours Orange versus Green not biker bullshit
>> as you claimed about me. I don't wear Biker colours I where the
>> colours of My Clan and I have many friends. Quite possibly many more
>> true French ones than you do. How can you have true friends at all if
>> they can't trust you. Do your even believe yourself and your obvious
>> Bullshit?
>> How do you sleep at night knowing yourself as you do? Why do you
>> make fun of a fellow Maritimer whose family was destroyed by the
>> very people you pretend to complain about? Never forget I am from
>> Dorchester Frenchy and Ivan Cormier (AKA the Beast) was on my paper
>> route and I liked and admired him and his friends and their art
>> particularly Killer Karl Krupp and the Cuban. Their Bullshit was flat
>> out entertaining and not malicious at all. Yours definitely is
>> malicious and not funny at all. No Class Bobby Bass had way more class
>> in his worst fart than you do in your whole soul. I must say venting
>> some of my venom towards you is definitely good for my savage soul. As
>> a southern friend of mine would say when I was feeling mean years ago
>> "Ya gots to get the poison out or ya die just don't spit out in my
>> direction. Save it for somebody who deserves it."
>> BTW, the man who sold me that old Panhead that your cop buddies in Fat
>> Fred City stole from me last summer was a of French Cathlolic heritage
>> out of Quebec. He was a really good friend of mine and I named my bike
>> after him and his wife. His family moved from Quebec to Vermont about
>> a hundred years ago when your greedy priests demanded that the poor
>> folks build another big fancy church across the road from the one they
>> just built. So they crossed the border, built a simple church and went
>> about the pursuit of happiness in a country that is supposed to keep
>> church and state separate and have only one official language. Go try
>> your crybaby French welfare nonsense in New Hampshire or Vermont
>> sometime Chucky and see if you come back in one piece. I would pay
>> money I don't have to watch that circus tent unfold. The Pope's
>> mission is to keep you dudes poor and dumb. Get it Frenchy? If not ask
>> your hero Spinksy Baby to argue me as if I care what any of you think.
>> I would argue him right after that chickenshit IDs himself and proves
>> to me and everyone else that he is not Brent Taylor.
>> I Double Dog Dare Ya to post this email in his blog. I am posting it
>> deep in your buddy the Gypsy's blog before I post it in mine. That is
>> if he has still maintained his integrity after all my stress tests
>> last week. You dudes kissing the "The General Blogger" nasty arse was
>> too much for me to stand. It was too funny that T. J Burke blocked my
>> defence of your blatant stupidity N'est Pas?
>> BTW one of my wife's cousins Robert T. Kickham you remember the evil
>> ex banker who turned into the evil priest is still Cardinal O'Malley's
>> secretary in Beantown as far as I know. Why don't you sing their
>> priases on the Internet this Easter and ask that all the corrupt
>> Catholics to pray that I be crucified by the RCMP soon? I must ask you
>> Chucky why did you support diddlers for years and then suddenly turn
>> coat and support Byron Prior's pursuit of justice after ignoring the
>> fact that I introduced you two to each other four years ago?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> P.S. For the record Chucky this joke is still funny to me and my arse
>> and my balls are as big as ever. Ain't it funny how time slips away
>> and yet some things remain the same? Everybody knows I find you
>> contemptible and why that is so. I do wish you a long life so that you
>> can recall all your sins countless times with your five brains.
>> However I must turn the page my personal history and go back to how I
>> once was before I am dust once more. Life is too short to argue with
>> liars for long or dance with ugly women so to speak. My Baby Boy turns
>> 18 this year thus my job of raising him is largely done. He and his
>> sisters are my best piece work. They all have the records of all my
>> work including this email. (Obviously I sent it from one of my other
>> email accounts to one of my son's for safe keeping before I save it
>> digitally and print it as well.) Before long my son will be the Chief
>> of our Clan and it will be his job to defend my integrity and my deeds
>> for the benefit of my seed as I grin proudly from the grave. He is
>> quite simply the best man I ever met and truly a man of his word.
>> Never underestimate my darling daughters they are tigers in their own
>> right and I raised them not to take shit from anyone. They may prove
>> to be the most trouble for the unethical smiling bastards that are the
>> powers that be right now.
>> Between men I asked my son to piss on the graves of my enemies someday
>> if I could not do so and he promised that he would. I would not ask my
>> little Darlins to do such a thing out of respect to their gender. As
>> part of my Blood Feud you made the list Chucky Baby. Your Mama will
>> understand why I told my son that in order to pay proper respect to
>> from Whence We Came he really should drink a lot of Keiths beer before
>> he does so. Whereas neither of us like the taste of beer I will leave
>> him to his own chosen poison as long as he enjoys the in and out of it
>> all.
>> As for me I plan to Rest in Peace in Dorchester someday happy in
>> knowing the fact that I have left at least four very decent folk
>> behind me on this planet. My skull like Yorick's of old will grin like
>> Hell thinking about the fact that the prevailing winds will blow the
>> smell of my rotting corpse towards your old stomping grounds where you
>> no doubt will be buried without any children at all to visit your
>> bones. If you do have kids or an ex wife or two I never read where you
>> admitted it. Dudes like you and your fans such as Dean Roger Ray and
>> the Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara are too selfish to make decent
>> loving fathers anyway. If there truly is a Hell like in your dreams
>> Chucky, I will look for you there. I suspect the Devil would promote
>> me to Sergeant at Arms and give me a Black Rod as soon as I landed in
>> order to cram it up your nasty French arse. I have no doubt its hard
>> to get good help in Hell and Satan will need a lot of help pounding on
>> all the evil priests, bankers, lawyers, cops, politicians and the
>> liars like you who supported their malice in this wonderful old world.
>> N'est Pas?
>> Can one of your five brains tell that you have an ethical pigheaded
>> Maritimer you hates you with a very justifiable passion Chucky Baby?
>> Whereas your buddy Shawny Baby Graham enjoys jokes maybe he will enjoy
>> this one since it is on you. It is not my joke and I give credit where
>> credit is due. I hate it when you or your buddies Dean Roger Ray or
>> the Yankee Stevey Boy Erickson steal my words and claim them as their
>> own while you try to impeach my character at the same time. If anyone
>> doubts that I am the first Chief of the Amos Clan who has every right
>> and duty to defend it fiercely perhaps he should query the dockets of
>> the US District Court in Concord New Hampshire if he knows how.
>> Whereas everything in the Catholic's heaven and hell is down in three
>> I file My Clan's declaration of Independence for the Keiths within
>> three affidavits in three different matters. I do not file nuisance
>> lawsuits as Yankee blogger hero claims. Danny Boy can post the photo
>> of my nasty arse, my boy and my panhead on the Internet with my
>> knowledge and assent and my blessings and thanx as well. However I
>> still own the rights to it. I need it for my book about you Fake Left
>> Creeps on Fat Fred city and elsewhere. It may be the only thing that I
>> leave my kids that could be worth something someday. Maritimers do
>> love juicy gossip N'est Pas?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 02:02:22 -0400
>> From: Rollo Tomasi rollotomasi@COMCAST.NET
>> Subject: Bingo-Playing Golden-Age Golden Glove Catholic Gang Members
>> Lay Waste to Bay State
>> Boston - First it was financial scandals, followed by Notre Dame
>> football teams that really sucked, then pederast priests. Now it appears
>> that bingo, the fourth and some would say most important pillar of the
>> Roman Catholic Church, is on the verge of self-destruction.
>> Yesterday members of the Boston Police Department SWAT team, two
>> divisions of the Massachusetts National Guard and the US Army's elite
>> Delta Force had to be called in to stop a riot that had broken out at the
>> Whitey Bulger Memorial Senior Citizen Center at St. Bernadette's
>> Cathedral in the so-called "Southie" section of Beantown.
>> "Southie," populated mostly by unemployed drunk Irish immigrants,
>> became well-known in the 1970s as a symbol of protest against racial
>> integration, and according to statistics released by the US Census
>> Bureau,
>> contains the highest concentration of dim-witted white people in the
>> world.
>> Although details at this point are sketchy, it appears that the cause of
>> the
>> riot was dissatisfaction over new rules limiting bingo participants to
>> one
>> colostomy bag per person.
>> "I know these old-timers can play bingo all night," said Seamus O'Connor,
>> director of activities at the Bulger Center, "But, my god, seven
>> colostomy
>> bags?! C'mon, we all know they were smuggling in contraband and
>> controlled substances. Heck, we even found one hastily discarded bag
>> filled with two gallons of Curacao. I mean, give me a break. Who pisses
>> blue anyway?"
>> The Diocese of Boston officially denied any responsibility for the riot.
>> John Cardinal O'Donnell, Archbishop of the Diocese, angrily attacked the
>> press for what he termed "sloppy reporting by biased reporters who have
>> been duped by Protestant agitprop."
>> Cardinal O'Donnell assumed a defiant posture as he met with members of
>> the press. "I'm sick and tired of all the anti-Irish prejudice in
>> American society.
>> You read the newspapers and you'd think that all we Irish do is drink,
>> fight
>> and whore around." O'Donnell then chugged a bottle of Guinness Stout,
>> pinched his secretary on her posterior, made two fists with his hands and
>> said,
>> "And I'll lick any man who says otherwise."
>> __
>> by William Grim
>> (c) Copyright 2002 Broken Newz
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: charlie leblanc
>> To: David Amos
>> Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 3:49 PM
>> Subject: Re: Good Day Charlie say het to Andy for me
>> merci
>> David Amos <motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; johnduggan@legalaid.nf.ca ;
>> oldmaison1@yahoo.ca ; wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca ; Cadman.C@parl.gc.ca ;
>> Cotler.I@parl.gc.ca ; Easter.W@parl.gc.ca ; Efford.J@parl.gc.ca ;
>> Graham.B@parl.gc.ca ; 'Stephen Harper' ; Jack Layton ;
>> MacAulay.L@parl.gc.ca ; McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca ; Parrish.C@parl.gc.ca
>> ; Scott.A@parl.gc.ca ; Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca ; Zed.P@parl.gc.ca ;
>> info@cjc-ccm.gc.ca ; justice@gov.nl.ca ; Canadian Justice Review Board
>> ; J. D. Kuntz ; webmaster@canadalawcourts.com ; Brent Taylor ;
>> gbudden@buddenmorris.com ; frontline@wgbh.org
>> Cc: info@pco-bcp.gc.ca ; strategis@ic.gc.ca ; JackMCOPA@aol.com ;
>> user.cru@pol.state.ma.us ; plypd@four.net ; corp.website@sunlife.com ;
>> martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.
>> Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca ; Comartin.J@parl.gc.ca ; pm@pm.gc.ca ;
>> jeff.mockler@gnb.ca ; diane.bourque@flsc.ca ; police@fredericton.ca
>> Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 9:13 PM
>> Subject: Good Day Charlie say het to Andy for me
>> Hey Andy do ya remember this email I sent before the last I came
>> home? I bet Charlie Leblanc don't just as the other LeBlanc dude
>> didn't want to talk fishing and you didn't want to talk about
>> soliciting. Since I have left the last thing you want to talk about is
>> Indians EH? What is you dudes do other than suck Martin's arse?
>> It seems the Frenchman who represents from Beauséjour, the area
>> I was born in forgot the fact that both he and his wife are lawyers.
>> Obviously I didn't. I also never forgot how Chréitian waltzed on down
>> to Beauséjour years ago and his buddy Mulroney allowed him to have a
>> seat without opposition except from a lady in CoR from Dorchester. You
>> remember that place don't Charlie? I grew up just down the road from
>> ya. What do you think will do the other LeBlanc Dude will do when he
>> receives the same material you did last year? I don't trust Frenchmen
>> who are lawyers do you? Ask the other Frenchman you admire Bernard
>> Richard who is a lawyer from Shediac/Cape Pele area why that is. What
>> do ya think should I stress test the new kid on the block, Victor
>> Boudreau. I know he ain't a lawyer but never the less he is still a
>> god damned Frenchman. I think most Frenchmen are just like you Charles
>> LeBlanc. Greedy Bullshiters. However I really love the French ladies.
>> So does that make me all bad? Am I pissing anybody off yet? Good.
>> Trust nobody is half as mad as I am right now but at least I am still
>> having fun. I am just giggling up a storm at the thought of how many
>> people are cursing my name :)
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: dwatch@web.net
>> Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 11:32 PM
>> Subject: Read real slow then forget what is politically correct.
>> Deal with your own conscience. After that try to think of a good
>> reason why I should not run for
>> Parliament and at least speak my mind about the sad state of our affairs.
>> You know who I am. If you don't, trust me, you are way behind the eight
>> ball.
>> Once I make my mark in the American Justice System and political
>> process, I am coming home
>> to stress test the ethics of many a lawyer/politician in my nativeland
>> during the course of the next
>> federal election. My question to all of you will be why did you wait
>> for me to say something? Am I
>> the only one paying any attention. Even Jesus got mad a time or two
>> and tore up a temple when
>> he saw all the money changing hands in a place that should not be
>> concerned about such things.
>> But forget about the money for a minute.
>> What did he have to say about anyone that harmed a child?
>> Rest assured I will remind you. Although Iain't religious, I must say
>> that Jesus had more of sand
>> than most men and he made some very good points about what is right
>> and what is wrong. Can any
>> of you even hold a candle to Byron? He has at least one friend that
>> will back him up all the way
>> down the line.
>> I don't mind dying it is what I didn't do while I was living that will
>> haunt me in in my grave. What is the
>> golden rule these days? Is it truly a fact that he with the gold makes
>> the rules. Do you think voters
>> agree with that fact? What say you?
>> Canadian Corruption
>> Sexual Abuse & Political & Legal Conspiracy.
>> RCMP Incompetence & Cover up.
>> Priors Of Grand Bank NFLD Canada
>> How do I get a corrupt legal system to investigate, charge and convict
>> itself?
>> After years of asking the Canadian Legal System to do its job, it's
>> long past time to inform
>> the public myself about this lack of action or justice.
>> If T. Alex Hickman, Justice Minister, 1966 to 1979 also Health
>> Minister 1968 to 1969 and
>> Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland 1979 to 2000, 34 YEARS
>> OF
>> COMPLETE LEGAL SYSTEMS CONTROL,at 41 years of age, rapes and impregnates
>> your younger sister Susan, at 12 years old, and in grade 8, what would
>> you
>> do?
>> At 12 years old she was the youngest child ever,in Grand Bank,to have a
>> baby.
>> I am willing to take any tests and answer all questions regarding my
>> entire life. All he has to
>> do is take one blood test. It's time for him to stop manipulating our
>> legal system and face the
>> truth which I have been telling the legal System,and anyone else who
>> would listen, all of my life.
>> I didn't just awake one morning and decide to accuse the most powerful
>> and most corrupt legal
>> animal in this province. I have had, no childhood, no education, no
>> family, no hometown, no
>> self- esteem or self-respect and no past, present or future as a
>> contributing person. By the time
>> I was 14 years old I was responsible for 9 younger children, all of us
>> abused and molested while
>> our hometown either joined in, bothered us about our situation, or
>> looked the other way and said
>> we were all trouble. and so on.......till the end.
>> If anyone wishes to have the complete police statement contact me at
>> alltrue@roadrunner.nf.net or
>> telephone 709-834-9822. If I cannot reply I have been arrested. Please
>> contact pm@pm.gc.ca or
>> paul@paulmartin.ca and tell him the Priors of Grand Bank NF require
>> Justice immediately.
>> Thank You for helping.END OF WEB SITE
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Correspondance Deputy Prime Minister/Vice premier ministre"
>> dpm@pm.gc.ca
>> To: davidamos@comcast.net
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:34 PM
>> Subject: Regarding your e-mail
>> If you wish to receive a response to your comments addressed to the
>> Deputy Prime Minister
>> and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, please
>> include your return mailing
>> address along with your original e-mail message.
>> All official responses will be sent by regular mail.
>> If you wish to send correspondence addressed to the Minister through
>> the regular mail, please
>> use the following mailing address:
>> The Honourable A. Anne McLellan
>> Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety
>> and Emergency Preparedness
>> 340 Laurier Avenue West
>> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0P8
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: Correspondance Deputy Prime Minister/Vice premier ministre
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:57 PM
>> Subject: Re: Regarding your e-mail
>> I already received Anne's response. Can't you people read what you wrote
>> to
>> me?
>> Why else would I be so pissed off? I am who I say I am and that is as
>> follows:
>> David R. Amos
>> 153 Alvin Ave,
>> Milton, MA. 02186
>> Phone 617 240-6698
>> Now just exactly who are you Mr. Correspondence Deputy Prime Minister
>> and are you a lawyer?
>> Jan 3rd, 2004
>> Mr. David R. Amos
>> 153 Alvin Avenue
>> Milton, MA 02186
>> U.S.A.
>> Dear Mr. Amos
>> Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to my
>> predecessor,
>> the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding your safety.
>> I apologize for the delay in responding.
>> If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only
>> suggest that you
>> contact the police of local jurisdiction. In addition, any evidence of
>> criminal
>> activity should be brought to their attention since the police are in the
>> best
>> position to evaluate the information and take action as deemed
>> appropriate.
>> I trust that this information is satisfactory.
>> Yours sincerely
>> A. Anne McLellan
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: alltrue@roadrunner.nf.net
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:03 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: tedcardwell@mail.gov.nf.ca
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:05 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Amos mailto:davidamos@comcast.net
>> Sent: March 16, 2004 2:07 PM
>> To: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
>> Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
>> To: David Amos
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:15 PM
>> Subject: RE: Regarding your e-mail
>> Thank you for the notice.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Amos mailto:davidamos@comcast.net
>> Sent: March 22, 2004 3:28 PM
>> To: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
>> Subject: Re: Regarding your e-mail
>> No problem, Elsie. By the way my mom is a fan of yours. She told me
>> you were quitting. Too bad if it is true.
>> You are the first politician to respond to me. That fact alone wins my
>> respect. Ask around Saint John about me
>> in certain circles I am fairly well known. You may even know my
>> sister, Nancy and her husband, Reid Chedore.
>> Perhaps you crossed paths with my dad C. Max Amos he was a tax
>> Supervisor for the Province years ago. And
>> maybe even my mom's second husband, Lloyd Nickerson, from Fredericton.
>> He was somewhat of a political person
>> whereas my dad was not. (Lloyd was chief electoral officer for about
>> twelve years and did run as a Conservative)
>> If you wish to warm my mom's heart please give her a call and simply
>> say that you appreciate her good words about
>> you to her wild child Dalevid. She will get the joke. She is always
>> confusing me with another brother. Her name is
>> Anna and her number is 506 000 0000. Do with it what you will. Trust
>> me I would love to see another out spoken
>> Maritimer step up to the plate and speak of rights and wrongs. The
>> sooner that I can go back to being just Papa the
>> happier my little Clan will be. I would truly appreciate if someone
>> would let my mom know that they are at least aware
>> of my concerns whether they agree with me or not.
>> Best Regards
>> Dave
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
>> To: David Amos
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 3:42 PM
>> Subject: RE: Regarding your e-mail
>> Dear Dave,
>> I try to respond to as many people as I can. We do get a lot of email
>> around here....
>> I decided to retire because I truly miss my family. It's hard being on
>> the road back and forth by yourself.
>> It gets very lonely.
>> God Bless,
>> Elsie
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
>> Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 5:08 PM
>> Subject: Re: Regarding your e-mail
>> Elsie, I like you more and more. If anyone understands about
>> being forced to be away from his family its me.
>> Give my mom a call. Her laugh alone will make your day. To hell with
>> the smiling bastards in Ottawa their grins
>> ain't genuine. Maritimers can still find some fun in a long hard day
>> :) Come to think of it, maybe thats why the
>> Upper Canadians think we are crazy.
>> By the way I have managed to get a rather famous lawyer to
>> speak on my wife's behalf down here while I run
>> for Parliament uphome. But before I go I have been invited to go
>> fishing with Martha Stewart's brother Frank in the
>> Gulf of Mexico. My matters are about to bust wide open down here. That
>> is why I have chosen this time to make
>> an appearance uphome. Once I make the news down here I will step on
>> the stump uphome.
>> Best Regards
>> Dave
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: robmoore@atrueconservative.ca
>> To: davidamos@comcast.net
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 1:46 PM
>> Subject: Re: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
>> David,
>> Thanks for the e-mails. I will read them all and hear what you have to
>> say.
>> All the best.
>> Rob
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: davidorchard@sasktel.net
>> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:15 PM
>> Subject: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home
>> Just so ya know David I am forwarding these emails to other
>> politicians as well. But I didn't bother to call them because they
>> are lawyers as well. Therefore I see no need to explain my actions to
>> them. Plus the smart one's have a bad habit of trying to ignore me
>> anyway. I t appears that standard operating procedure for them is to
>> ignore. delay, deny and then try to settle. They are confused by
>> someone that wants to argue law rather than go away with the gold.
>> What should be interesting to both of us is whether or not they have a
>> sudden fit of ethical behavior after they discover that an honest
>> western farmer and wild but ethical maritime biker have been talking
>> about them. Please notice that I am more than willing to help such a
>> man as Byron Prior anyway I can. I just wish there were more men like
>> him on this planet. Trust me the US Attorney backtracking in the
>> Martha Stewart matter and prosecuting a Secret Service Agent is too
>> funny to relate in this email.
>> Dave
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: rosent@math.toronto.edu
>> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:30 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: jim.prentice@shaw.ca
>> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 3:41 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: leblad@parl.gc.ca
>> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:03 PM
>> Subject: You, the Harvard Crowd and I
>> We are going to have lots to argue about very soon. But like any true
>> Maritimer we should first discuss why the Fishing ain't worth a good
>> God damn.
>> March 18, 2004
>> Ottawa, Ontario
>> Prime Minister Paul Martin announced today the renewed mandate of the
>> Task Force on Seasonal Work. The Task Force will evaluate the
>> challenges born by seasonal industries while looking into the needs of
>> workers and communities that depend on them and provide advice on
>> areas for possible action in the future.
>> “This government places great importance on hearing from those lives
>> that are directly impacted by our policies, including our seasonal
>> workers. Our Caucus has been extremely active in making the sector’s
>> opinions known, and will continue to play an important role in further
>> examining those views,” said Prime Minister Paul Martin.
>> “We are facing particularly challenging times in one of our economy’s
>> strongest sectors and I look forward to working in collaboration with
>> Parliamentarians and all Canadians to find solutions.”
>> The Task Force will examine;
>> the specific needs of seasonal industries and workers in the area of
>> skills development, life-long learning, and literacy;
>> ways to promote greater economic diversity and stronger local
>> economies, particularly in rural and remote communities across Canada;
>> the support required to help seasonal work dependent communities to
>> adapt to seize opportunities provided by the new knowledge-based
>> global economy;
>> ways of lowering barriers to regional and interprovincial labour
>> mobility;
>> how to align income support programs such as Employment Insurance and
>> Provincial Social Assistance Programs to improve income support, while
>> also promoting full, year-round participation in the labour force;
>> ways of addressing the challenges and opportunities offered by
>> temporary foreign workers;
>> the potential role for government in encouraging new approaches to
>> community development, i.e. the `social economy` ;
>> an assessment of the opportunities and challenges specific to seasonal
>> economies in promoting the safeguard of our natural environment;
>> The Task Force will deliver its report to the Prime Minister by November
>> 2004.
>> Members of the Prime Minister`s Task Force on Seasonal Work include;
>> Chair: Brent St. Denis, MP (Algoma-Manitoulin)
>> Vice-Chair: The Honourable Pierrette Ringuette, Senator (New Brunswick)
>> Members: The Honourable Libby Hubley, Senator (Prince Edward Island)
>> The Honourable Lorna Milne, Senator (Ontario)
>> Dominic Leblanc, MP (Beauséjour-Petitcodiac)
>> Jeannot Castonguay, MP (Madawaska-Restigouche)
>> Rick Laliberte, MP (Churchill River)
>> Georges Farrah, MP (Bonaventure-Gaspé-Îles-de-la-
>> Nancy Karetak-Lindell, MP (Nunavut)
>> Dominic LeBlanc was elected to the House of Commons in November
>> 2000. Since then he has served on the Special Committee on Non-Medical
>> Use of Drugs, and the Standing Committees on Fisheries and Oceans,
>> Transport and Government Operations, National Defence and Veterans
>> Affairs, and Public Accounts. He has also served as Parliamentary
>> Secretary to the Minister of National Defence and was Chair of the
>> Atlantic Caucus
>> .
>> Mr. LeBlanc received a B.A. in political science from the
>> University of Toronto (Trinity College), his Bachelor of Laws from the
>> University of New Brunswick, and then attended Harvard Law School,
>> where he obtained his Masters of Law. Academic successes include the
>> Dean's List at the University of New Brunswick's Faculty of Law, a
>> scholarship from the New Brunswick Branch of the Canadian Bar
>> Association, and the Graduating Average Prize from Trinity College at
>> the University of Toronto.
>> Prior to his election to the House of Commons, Mr. LeBlanc was a
>> barrister and solicitor with Clark Drummie in Shediac and Moncton.
>> From 1993-1996, Mr. LeBlanc was a Special Advisor to the Prime
>> Minister of Canada.
>> Mr. LeBlanc is married to Jolène Richard, a Moncton lawyer. They
>> have one son, Selby.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: scotta@parl.gc.ca
>> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:55 PM
>> Hey,
>> Methinks you and I should have a long talk very soon about
>> Maritimers and Solicitor Generals. Call Anne McLellan or Wayne Easter
>> and mention my name if you haven't heard of it by now. Trust that no
>> lawyer uphome will welcome my letters. They hate it when they are
>> compelled to uphold the law and the Public Trust particularly at
>> election time.
>> David R. Amos
>>> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/tiff name=New Solicitor General.tif
>>> ATTACHMENT part 3 image/tiff name=Insp+General+DHS.tiff
>>> ATTACHMENT part 4 image/tiff name=Francis+Galvin+too+late.
>>> ATTACHMENT part 5 image/tiff name=AG+Elliott+Spitzer.tiff
>> Charles LeBlanc
>> 114 Brunswick Street
>> Fredericton
>> New Brunswick
>> Charles LeBlanc
>> 114 Brunswick Street
>> Fredericton
>> New Brunswick
>> I have too many people on my list so I added
>> another account! Some of you will received my updates
>> from oldmaison1@yahoo.ca and others will be
>> oldmaison@yahoo.com...It just takes me too long to
>> send my update with only one account!
>> Ok..yesterday, I phoned the editor of the Local
>> paper and asked him where do I send the bill for my
>> stomach Transplant? The Irvings?????
>> This is what got me very upset-
>> Daily Gleaner | Brent Taylor
>> As published on page A8 on January 11, 2005
>> Robichaud made an impact
>> Brent Taylor
>> This morning in Moncton Louis Robichaud was given his
>> final farewell.
>> He had not been well in recent weeks, but maybe not
>> everybody knew that. Journalists knew, and had been
>> preparing for some time. So, when the sad news finally
>> came last Thursday, New Brunswick's media was ready to
>> retell the story of the "father of modern New
>> Brunswick."
>> All of the papers had extensive coverage, as did the
>> electronic media.
>> In helping to prepare a little of that preliminary
>> work myself, I spent quite a bit of time researching
>> the career of Louis Robichaud. The more I found, the
>> more fascinated I became. Being a resident of Quebec
>> for the entire 10-year reign of Robichaud, I never saw
>> in person the changes he brought to the province. AND
>> For you people who’s not familiar with Brent
>> Taylor?
>> He’s a former MLA from the C.O.R. Party! I used
>> to debate Acadian issues with these bigots for years
>> in the letters to the editor!
>> The C.O.R. Party was to the Acadian population
>> like the KKK is to the Blacks! Brent Taylor ran for
>> the Leadership of the C.O.R. Party in the early 90s
>> while in Campbellton he made a very very very
>> Anti-French speech!
>> We all know that a leopard never changes it spots
>> and it makes me sick to my stomach seeing this
>> headline in the Daily Gleaner and of course I never
>> read this BS anyway but there’s something that I
>> found very interesting yesterday.
>> Someone told me that Brent Taylor will run under
>> the P.C. Banner during the next Provincial Election!
>> Well? I’ll tell you one thing right now!!! If Bernard Lord
>> allows that Bigot to run??? Well? I’m going to be front
>> and center with this issue!
>> The P.C Party shouldn’t associate themselves with
>> a man like Brent Taylor. Mind you, I met and have some
>> good friends from the C.O.R. Party!
>> As a matter of fact, I had a good chat with Max
>> White during the P.C. Annual meeting in Fredericton a
>> few months ago!
>> But I’ll never forget Brent Taylor speech and I’m
>> very surprised that he has his own column in the
>> Irving Papers??? Why is that now???
>> The Telegraph Journal stop printing my letters
>> but they allowed a bigot to spread his views? Why is
>> that now? Who knows?
>> I crashed their first annual convention in 1991
>> when Danny Cameron held a news conference telling the
>> Government of the day < Frank McKenna > to removed the
>> Acadian flag from on top of the Legislature.
>> My actions went across Canada. There were 1,000
>> members at that convention and I am not afraid to
>> speak out against hatred!!!
>> I was very surprised to see J.K. Irving at Louis
>> Robichaud Funeral yesterday!
>> Of course, I always like J.K. anyway but it’s his
>> son J.D that I don’t care for!
>> Hey? Any Billionaire who supports Racism? There’s
>> definitely something wrong with this Picture.
>> I told J.D. himself that he had a very racist
>> Supervisor working at Gulf Operators
>> The Rise and Fall of the New Brunswick CoR Party, 1988-1995
>> Geoffrey Martin
>> At the time this article was written Geoffrey Martin was teaching at
>> Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick
>> This article traces the rise and fall of one of Canada's
>> recently-formed populist, "New right" parties, the Confederation of
>> Regions Party of New Brunswick. It shows how and why the party was
>> formed and why it collapsed in the last provincial election. COR-NB
>> was a programmatic party based on political protest, which advocated a
>> libertarian ideology. The article argues that partisan realignment is
>> possible in "traditional" areas like New Brunswick, but that the anger
>> that led to the formation of the party eventually turned inward and
>> destroyed the party's coherence.
>> On September 11, 1995, the saga of the Confederation of Regions Party
>> of New Brunswick (COR-NB) ended, when the party received 7% of the
>> votes and no seats in the provincial election. This represented a
>> major collapse of a party, which in the 1991 provincial election
>> polled 87,256 votes (21% of the total), took 8 seats, and the position
>> of Official Opposition in the Legislative Assembly. As it turned out,
>> COR-NB's success in 1991 took place in a "populist moment" in New
>> Brunswick politics, in which a number of factors came together to
>> enable a new party, which rejected "Official Bilingualism" and many of
>> the basic principles of the political system, to achieve significant
>> success in a province with almost no tradition of third-party
>> activity. COR's collapse in the recent election shows that this
>> populist moment has passed, along with the other factors that made for
>> COR-NB's success. For the forseeable future New Brunswick politics has
>> returned to its historic pattern of two-party competition among
>> small-c conservative elites.
>> The COR Party of New Brunswick
>> COR-NB was formed in 1989, less than two years after the "McKenna
>> sweep" of 1987, in which the Liberal Party under Frank McKenna won
>> every single seat in the legislature. In the 1991 election, COR-NB won
>> its seats in the South and Central parts of the province, and its
>> support was also disproportionately in rural, sparsely populated
>> areas. COR took advantage of the voters' underlying concern about
>> bilingualism. It did this chiefly in the former heartland of the
>> Progressive Conservative (PC) Party.
>> There are five central points that describe the party's platform and
>> principles.
>> The party was, first of all, a programmatic party, not a brokerage
>> party. It had a fixed programme which its activists were unwilling to
>> compromise.
>> Second, it was a protest party with roots in a single issue, that of
>> "Official Bilingualism." The party was essentially an "ethnic party"
>> representing a segment of English New Brunswick which was extremely
>> dissatisfied, to the point of anger, over the direction of public
>> policy in the province and the country.1
>> Third, like Social Credit in Alberta, COR-NB was a populist party and
>> it placed high priority on changing the system in addition to changing
>> specific public policies. This populism was represented most
>> significantly in the inversion of the political hierarcy: For COR
>> activists, elected members were responsible to the Electorate first,
>> then the Party, and only finally the Leader.
>> Fourth, ideologically the party is "classical liberal" in the
>> nineteenth century sense, which today is best referred to as
>> libertarian.
>> Fifth and finally, like Social Credit in the past, in class terms the
>> COR Party is petty bourgeois and lower-middle class in its
>> orientation.
>> This final point is important and too often neglected, and is also
>> relevant to other Canadian political experiments, especially the
>> Reform Party of Canada. In its heyday the COR Party was dominated by
>> middle-income and small-business people, professionals, and the
>> self-employed. The middle class is the backbone of advanced industrial
>> societies and pays more than its share of taxes and is most likely to
>> feel put upon and unable to "get ahead." The party went beyond
>> appealing only to "middle-income groups." It was also a reflection of
>> those individuals who have an intermediate amount of control over
>> their work, including professionals, small business people, and
>> independent commodity producers, like farmers, woodlot owners, fishers
>> and the self-employed in general. These characteristics are important
>> because this class sometimes allies with the working class, sometimes
>> with the middle class, and sometimes is alienated from both.
>> Political parties based purely on the middle class and petty
>> bourgeoisie are notoriously hard to hold together. As C. B. MacPherson
>> notes, "the petite-bourgeoisie cannot be cohesive" in politics because
>> the individualism of members of this class divides it and splinters it
>> apart.2
>> In electoral terms the COR Party was not a party of big business or
>> the affluent, even if its programme, especially the provisions that
>> weaken government, would seem to provide disproportionate benefits to
>> large corporate interests. Yet high income groups and wealth holders
>> appear to have stuck with the Liberals and PCs. This is symbolized by
>> the close association of the powerful McCain family with the Liberal
>> Party, and the fact that one of the McCain spouses, Margaret Norrie
>> McCain, was appointed to a five-year term as the province's
>> Lieutenant-Governor in 1994. The Irving interests, both individual and
>> corporate, are harder to identify with certainty. The descendants of
>> the founder of the Irving empire take little public role in partisan
>> politics, seeming to prefer to influence the provincial government of
>> the day regardless of its political stripe. Judging from the 1993
>> federal election and the 1995 provincial election, the Irving
>> preference runs towards the "old line" parties and not populist
>> alternatives further to the right or the left. In the 1993 federal
>> campaign, the Irving interests made financial contributions to both
>> the PC and Liberal campaign funds, and not to Reform, the National
>> Party or the NDP.3
>> The Formation of the COR Party
>> The McKenna Liberals completely dominated New Brunswick politics from
>> 1987 to 1989, and New Brunswick was effectively a one-party province
>> during that time. Yet the COR Party rose much faster, less than two
>> years after the 1987 election, than is usually the case with third
>> parties. First of all, this rapid rise is explained by the seriousness
>> and longevity of New Brunswick's high unemployment and economic
>> hardship over the last 25 years. The Progressive Conservative Party
>> was wiped out in 1987 as a repudiation of Richard Hatfield, whose
>> longevity in power and personal legal troubles turned the electorate
>> against him. Further, the Progressive Conservative Party was slow to
>> rebuild, and the leader it finally elected, Barbara Baird Filliter,
>> was generally regarded as ineffective. The rapidity of the rise of
>> COR-NB was also a response to the McKenna government's desire to
>> increase bilingualism in the civil service, an effort which the
>> government has since admitted it has not succeeded in achieving.
>> Finally, for many activists and voters, federal and provincial
>> politics are not separate, and one reason for the rise of the COR-NB
>> was the activists' distaste for the Mulroney government, another
>> handicap for the provincial PC Party.
>> A neglected aspect of the rise of COR-NB was its genesis as a social
>> movement called the New Brunswick Association of English-Speaking
>> Canadians, usually shortened to the English Speaking Association
>> (ESA). The ESA was formed in the early 1980s to oppose the extension
>> of bilingualism in the provincial government, something that it was
>> effective in preventing. The ESA was like a party-in-waiting with a
>> membership and an agenda, so that activists were easy to mobilize once
>> the decision to form a new party was taken in the late 1980s. By that
>> time individuals involved in the organization began to question their
>> effectiveness as a lobby group. "We brought our concerns to government
>> but it just became frustrating because month after month we were
>> bringing the same concerns, getting the same answers, and really not
>> getting anywhere," said Arch Pafford, COR-NB's first president, first
>> leader, and an ESA activist.4
>> The ESA was a single-issue social movement and the COR Party inherited
>> ESA activists and this issue. Perhaps because of its ties to the
>> (now-defunct) federal COR Party, COR-NB quickly developed similar New
>> Right policies, including opposition to the Meech Lake Accord and
>> support for parliamentary reform, tax reform, privatization, and
>> deregulation. While party activists claim the COR Party is not a
>> one-issue party, the party, like the ESA before it, would never had
>> been formed without Anglophone discontent over the perceived lack of
>> jobs for Anglophones, and Official Bilingualism, two phenomena that
>> COR-NB activists always linked together. As Sue Calhoun has written,
>> "If someone is pushed about why they joined COR, the answer is,
>> inevitably, because of language."5 Just as the ESA was a protest
>> vehicle, the COR Party was a protest party because of its desire to
>> overturn the status quo and because of its dependence on a single
>> issue, that of language policy.
>> The COR Party in Decline
>> By the fall of 1993, two years after the party's breakthrough in the
>> 1991 election, the COR Party was clearly in decline, manifested in the
>> party's slide in public opinion polls as well as internal bickering.
>> By 1994 the party consistently polled between 3-7% of decided voters
>> in various polls (down from 21% in the 1991 election) and its
>> membership had plunged from around 20,000 in 1991 to approximately
>> 2500 by the end of 1994. To some extent the conditions for the decline
>> of the party mirror the conditions under which it arose.
>> In this section some of the reasons for the party's decline will be
>> outlined, but we will concentrate on one of the root reasons for the
>> party's problems, that of the incompatibility between the party's: a)
>> populism; b) free market ideology, and; c) its role as a political
>> party and Official Opposition in the existing system. In contrast to
>> many members of the party, the argument presented here is that COR's
>> problem was not just a matter of finding a new or better leader.
>> The party ultimately collapsed because of the membership's approach to
>> politics and because a section of the party was unwilling to conform
>> to the existing party system.
>> There are straight-forward reasons for the party's decline that should
>> be delineated briefly. First, the departure of Brian Mulroney from
>> national politics, and the collapse of the federal PCs in the 1993
>> federal election, made it possible for small-c conservatives to return
>> to the provincial PC Party. Second, the COR Party suffered a double
>> blow from the Charlottetown Constitutional Accord referendum in 1992.
>> Since the accord was defeated nationally, constitutional and language
>> issues disappeared for a time from the political agenda, which hurt
>> the COR Party's ability to grab public attention. Even the province's
>> constitutionalization of Bill 88, which declared the equality of the
>> Francophone and Anglophone communities in the province, and the 1994
>> Québec election, did not excite widespread public attention. The
>> second blow was that COR-NB led the anti-accord side in New Brunswick
>> in 1992 and yet the pro-accord side won convincingly in the province,
>> all of which undermined COR-NB's claim that it represented some kind
>> of "silent majority."
>> Third, the provincial PC Party gained new credibility in the last two
>> years because of the effectiveness of its leader, Dennis Cochrane, who
>> was elected to that position and to the Legislative Assembly in 1991.
>> Even the sudden resignation of Mr. Cochrane in the spring of 1995, and
>> his replacement by former Mulroney cabinet minister Bernard Valcourt,
>> did not revive COR's fortune's. Fourth, Frank McKenna's Liberal
>> government was rightward leaning during its second mandate (1991-95),
>> given its attitudes toward individual and provincial self-reliance,
>> cuts to social and health services, and its emphasis on job creation
>> in the private sector. This also hurt the COR Party because like a
>> competent brokerage politician, McKenna's rightward move undercut
>> COR-NB support, and this left most opponents of the government in the
>> centre (supporting the PCs) or to the left (supporting the NDP, led by
>> Elizabeth Weir).
>> All of these are important reasons for the decline of the party, but
>> we should concentrate on another reason, the incompatibility of the
>> party's self-identity and its role in the system. The party tried to
>> combine populism and free market economics, two ideologies that are
>> often in conflict because the interest of the "common man" is often in
>> conflict with the interests of even small business, let alone the
>> larger firms that dominate the New Brunswick political economy. Like
>> the supporters of the United Farmers and Social Credit in Alberta,
>> COR-NB members believed in the value of the individual and of free
>> enterprise, even though the concentration of capital and high levels
>> of unemployment are the result of the particular form of
>> resource-based capitalism that exists in New Brunswick. The COR Party
>> started as a "revolt against the system," though by 1993 the party
>> increasingly internalized the system and so the revolt turned inward,
>> with all of the venom once reserved only for the New Brunswick Society
>> of Acadians and the established parties.
>> As the economy and job situation in New Brunswick improved somewhat
>> after the recession of the early 1990s, COR-NB lost momentum. (Instead
>> of scapegoating Acadians as they did in the late 1980s, in 1995 New
>> Brunswick Anglophones were more likely to feel aggrieved at the
>> Liberal federal government for tightening the Unemployment Insurance
>> rules in the 1994 budget, or for its gun control initiative of 1995.)
>> There is a serious structural problem underlying these internal
>> conflicts, in the form of an ideological conflict between Board
>> control and caucus control of the party. As has been stated above, the
>> party policy is that an elected member is responsible to the
>> electorate first, the party second, and the leader last. Yet under its
>> constitution the COR Party—and not the elected caucus—selected the
>> leader and the Board of Directors could call a leadership convention,
>> which inevitably gave the party control over the elected members.
>> Greg Hargrove (MLA-York North) said in 1993 that the Board overstepped
>> its authority in trying to dump then-leader Danny Cameron because the
>> Board is answerable to the membership while the caucus is responsible
>> to the electorate. By this line of reasoning, the membership can elect
>> a leader but cannot remove a leader, which ultimately sounds like the
>> "old-line parties" that the COR Party criticized. This suggests an
>> inherent contradiction in the party's inversion of the
>> "Leader-Party-Electorate" hierarchy, because elected members cannot be
>> responsible to the electorate first given the party's power to remove
>> the party leader by calling a leadership convention.
>> Conclusion
>> COR-NB was a right-of-centre protest party that picked up on the
>> tendency of many New Brunswick Anglophones to blame their economic
>> woes on Official Bilingualism, big government, and "special interest
>> groups." The COR Party went into the vacuum left by the collapse of
>> the provincial PCs, aided by the general weakness of political
>> opposition in McKenna's first term and the unpopularity of the
>> Mulroney government in the Atlantic region. The political culture of
>> New Brunswick was, for a brief period, not as traditional as many
>> observers claim, because a significant segment of the electorate
>> proved that they were willing to try a political alternative to the
>> two dominant parties. By making the COR Party the Official Opposition,
>> the voters showed that they were prepared to forgo, both as
>> individuals and as constituencies, the benefits of having a member on
>> the government side of the house.
>> The COR Party ultimately declined because of the contradiction between
>> its anti-party populism and the realities of operating a political
>> party in the existing party system. This essay also shows the risks of
>> building a new party based on participatory and populist principles
>> when it must function in a "democratic" political system that remains
>> hierarchical and discourages active, meaningful, mass participation in
>> the process of governing between elections. With the election of 1995,
>> the voters have again accepted the elitist political system, in which
>> a government is judged based on its results—the "bottom line"—and not
>> on its style.
>> The COR Party was formed by a delicate coalition of populists,
>> anti-francophone activists, and traditional conservatives. This
>> coalition has shattered, and it is unlikely that it will come back
>> together in the near future. It may take a generation to rebuild it.
>> There is some possibility that populism will make itself felt in the
>> coming years, if people increasingly feel alienated from New
>> Brunswick's McKenna government and from the Chrétien government in
>> Ottawa. The key question is whether any political party can take
>> advantage of this populist discontent without itself being consumed by
>> its fires.
>> Notes
>> 1. More attention is paid to the issue of bilingualism as well as the
>> ethnic basis of the party in another article by the same author,
>> entitled "The New Brunswick COR Party as an `Ethnic Party'", Canadian
>> Review of Studies in Nationalism, forthcoming, 1996, Vol. 23.
>> 2. See C.B. MacPherson, Democracy in Alberta: Social Credit and the
>> Party System, Second Edition, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press,
>> 1962), pp. 224-226.
>> 3. New Brunwick Telegraph Journal, October 4, 1994, p. 1.
>> 4. Interview with Arch Pafford, Nordin, NB, August 20, 1993.
>> 5. Sue Calhoun, "Getting to the Core of COR," New Maritimes, 1992,
>> vol. 11, No. (2) November/December, p. 15.
>> From: "MacPherson, Don" <macpherson.don@dailygleaner.
>> Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 07:29:42 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: Ms Blatchford please allow me to introduce
>> you to Google's lawyer David Drummond and Mr Baconfat's buddies in the
>> Daily Gleaner Gisele McKnight and Dastardly Don MacPherson
>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> I'll be out of the office on vacation from Aug. 30 to Sept. 8,
>> returning Sept. 9.
Only the crooks are scared that I am back in the Maritimers. A lot of ordinary folks like me are laughing at how I am poking holes in their stuffed shirts. This letter is wickedly funny, Both Adrienne Clarkson and Herménégilde Chiasson answered this one after my wife and I and a lawyer who wanted Rob Moore's seat in parliament visited the Police Commission in New Brunswick. Bev Harrison would not answer this letter or even return my calls even though he has represented me from my spot on the hill since I landed home last year. His assistants have affirmed to me several times that they received it. I am demanding an answer from Tanker now that old Bev's assistant Bill Oliver refused to call me back for the last time on Friday. I do not care what the tough talking Danny Boy Bussieres says only the Speaker can authorize the Sergeant at Arms to ban a man from the legislature. Besides that the Governor General his ultimate boss told me I was doing the right thing before I returned to the USA and into Deputy Dog's buddy's jail. I will put this letter and the responses in the same email to Chucky and Deputy Dog
Lieutenant-Governor of
Speaker of the Legislative Assembly,
RE: Corruption
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon Premier Lord and Frank McKenna on the day after Canada Day and a copy of Brad Green’s response. I have also enclosed a letter to Senator Joe Day that was to be forwarded to the Arar Commission. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as the Queen’s representatives of in order that it may be properly investigated. I ask New Brunswick’s Lieutenant-Governor of, Herménégilde Chiasson to forward this material to the Governor General of Canada. I have already emailed her notice to expect this material and I will email her the text of this letter as well.
Whereas the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick stands adjourned until Tuesday, December 14, 2004, at 1 o'clock p.m, perhaps you fellas can find a little time to answer me before I sue the Queen in the USA. My questions are as follows: Why did Sergeant-at-Arms, Dan Bussieres and the Fredericton Police Dept. ask me to step outside the Legislature Building and then forever ban me from re-entering the premises on June 24th, 2004? What will you do with your newfound knowledge of crime?
It is only fair that I ask these questions. After all I am a Canadian Citizen and I do have the right to ask any question to those who represent me. Whether they are born to the position or elected or appointed or merely hired, they all must uphold the law and the public trust. The Queen of Canada, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, is the official Head of State and is represented in New Brunswick by the Lieutenant-Governor. Therefore, the Lieutenant-Governor is the nominal Head of State at the provincial level, empowered with the responsibility of representing the Queen in the province. Thus I have asked him the aforesaid questions before I leave the jurisdiction of New Brunswick.
The Ombudsman, Bernard Richard told me to take my matter up the Speaker of the House and thus far Mr. Harrison has ignored my phone calls and emails. Bev Harrison did have the opportunity to ask me any question he wished before he decided not to vote for me. It seems he would rather have the lawyer, Rob Moore speak for him in Parliament. I would not be surprised to learn that Bev Harrison was the same man I had spoken to months ago or that he had attended the debate in Hampton. I have no doubt that Mr Harrison knows exactly who I am and why I was in Fredericton that day. I am not a rebel just because I make inquiries and demand that people in public service uphold the law.
The problem is that on June 24th I was a candidate for the 38th Parliament. I was busy challenging those still in public service such as John Herron to do their jobs and uphold the law. I was merely in the legislative building looking for the Frenchman Charles Leblanc so he could witness me serve this material upon the lawyer, T J Burke next door. I had made certain that many politicians were made well aware of my concerns and allegations before coming home to run for a seat in the next Parliament. The local liberal, Leroy Armstrong was willing to debate me so I was giving this material to his liberal lawyer friends to review. Dan Bussieres offended me for political reasons not legal reasons. The Speaker of the House should not have allowed the Sergeant’s actions or at least responded to my inquiry. These must be irrefutable facts because after almost two months of asking everyone imaginable about the actions of the Sergeant-at-Arms, no one would even tell me his name let alone explain his actions, It appears that the Government of Canada would rather assist corrupt politicians within a country that had rebelled against the Queen than assist one of her subjects to escape their harassment.
I have heard that Louis Riel once said that the French would take over Canada without firing a shot. Now many of the French wish to separate. Maybe true Canadians can reunite our country in the same fashion. There is no need of the cartridge box as long as we properly employ the soap box and ballot box. The tools of bloodless revolutions are the laws of the land. They are in the hands of people begging us for our vote every so often.
Canada does not need to pay homage to a Queen who will not check the work of the people representing her and us. We need a new form of government. I agree with Louis Riel’s thinking when he proclaimed that the Metis were “loyal subjects of Her Majesty the Queen of England’. If we are rebels, we are rebels against the Company that sold us”
Although he was labelled a rebel, Louis Riel was a Canadian patriot who did stop Western Canada from being absorbed by the USA. He was also elected to Parliament twice. He would abhor NAFTA as much as I.
“O my God! Save me from the misfortune of getting involved with the United States. Let the United States protect us indirectly, spontaneously, through an act of Providence, but not through any commitment or agreement on our part.” Riel stated in his diary this as well: “God revealed to me that the government of the United States is going to become extraordinarily powerful.”
Cya’ll in Court:)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton. MA. 02186