Pat King bail review adjourned again, this time in response to new charges against him
Bail review hearing was abruptly adjourned Wednesday when King's lawyer's computer was hacked
A key figure of the Freedom Convoy protest will remain in custody for now after his bail review hearing was adjourned Thursday due to new charges against him. On Wednesday, the same hearing was abruptly adjourned when a lawyer's computer was hacked.
Pat King's defence lawyer had requested a review of the decision to keep him in custody until his trial begins.
The bail review hearing started Wednesday but came to an unexpected stop when King's lawyer, David Goodman, who was appearing virtually, interrupted court to alert everyone his computer had been hacked.
Through Goodman's computer speakers, a cryptic voice repeatedly said the computer had been locked.
The proceeding was adjourned until Thursday, and Justice Graeme Mew ordered a publication ban on the hacking.
When the hearing resumed Thursday, the publication ban on the hacking was lifted. Goodman told court his computer issue had been "fully resolved," nothing was corrupted and his files were safe and secure.
All evidence presented at the bail review remains subject to a publication ban, which is often requested and granted to prevent potential jurors from being prejudiced ahead of trial.
Arrested in February
King was a leading figure in the weeks-long convoy protest against COVID-19 restrictions, and was arrested on Feb. 18 on four charges: mischief, counselling to commit mischief, counselling to commit the offence of disobeying a court order, and counselling to obstruct police.
King is now facing additional charges of obstructing justice and perjury.
His previous lawyer unsuccessfully argued in February for King to be granted bail.
In his bail decision, Justice of the Peace Andrew Seymour said he was not satisfied King wouldn't commit offences similar to those he's accused of and doubted the impartiality of a proposed surety for King.
King is now co-accused with Tyson George Billings, who was arrested on similar charges the same weekend police cleared protesters.
King sits in an Ottawa courtroom on Feb. 22. (Laurie Foster-MacLeod)
Supporters continue to raise money
While he remains behind bars, King's social media pages have remained active. Supporters operating his Facebook page also continue to solicit funds to assist in King's legal defence.
On March 30, following online speculation and confusion as to who was representing King, his social media page shared a video that included screenshots of what appears to be a handful of receipts from legal firms. The video shows apparent payments, including one for $11,400.
"When the time comes, Pat King will select the best lawyer that he feels will perform their duties and have his best interest at heart for the 'actual case' and the 'actual trial' when he is required to do so," reads a portion of the post attached to the video.
King's supporters appear to be chipping in to help fund any bond that may be required for his potential release.
People claiming to be King's friends and family have continued to operate his Facebook page, The Real Pat King, while he has been in custody.
The operators of the fund have solicited donations from supporters to fund his legal defence.
"Pat King requires our support from his friends and family to help cover his legal expenses so he can seek a release on bail then begin to prepare for his trial. The amount to cover the bail review and trial is estimated to exceed over $100,000," a post from March 18 said.
The page claims to have raised $62,400, though it cannot be verified as the donations were made by e-transfer directly to a private email address.
As convoy leader Pat King's trial approaches, he's still 'shopping' for a lawyer
King's supporters boast of raising $60,000 to assist in his legal fight
Convoy protest leader Pat King does not have a lawyer for his upcoming criminal trial, but he told a court this week he is "shopping" for one as his supporters boast of raising more than $60,000 to fund his legal defence.
King, an Alberta resident and one of the most vocal leaders of the three-week occupation, faces 10 charges that include obstructing police and counselling intimidation.
His Feb. 18 arrest was livestreamed to thousands of his viewers, and he has remained in jail since.
On Tuesday he appeared in court without a lawyer — one of a handful of court appearances where he had no representation.
King is pictured here appearing for a bail hearing on Feb. 22. (Laurie Foster-MacLeod)
King will have lawyer for upcoming bail review
Toronto-based lawyer Cal Rosemond unsuccessfully argued in February for King to be granted bail.
But on Tuesday, King told the court Rosemond "is not my counsel" while he spoke from a phone inside the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre where he remains in custody.
Lawyer Nicholas Charitsis confirmed he is scheduled to represent King at a bail review hearing scheduled for April 13 and 14.
"We're just preparing for the bail review and I don't want to discuss the plan we're proposing at this point, until there is a date and an open hearing in court. At that point it will be revealed, what the plan is," said Charitsis.
Trial set to begin April 19
On Tuesday, Crown prosecutor Moiz Karimjee questioned whether King would need to seek out legal aid for his criminal trial set to begin April 19.
King told the court he is looking for representation.
"I'm presently shopping for lawyers right now due to the importance of this matter," King said. "I want to make sure that we have proper representation."
King is co-accused with Tyson George Billings, who was arrested on similar charges on the weekend police cleared protesters. He has had representation in all of his court appearances.
During some court appearances, including Tuesday's, King was not represented by a lawyer and spoke for himself.
King is also a defendant in a proposed class-action lawsuit against many of the people involved with the protests in Ottawa. The majority of defendants, including Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, are represented by the same lawyer; but King has not had legal representation at any of the court proceedings related to that matter.
King, left, was one of the most vocal leaders of the convoy
as it became an occupation of downtown Ottawa streets in February.
(Patrick Doyle/Reuters)
Supporters continue to raise money
While he remains behind bars, his social media pages have remained active. Supporters operating his Facebook page also continue to solicit funds to assist in King's legal defence.
On March 30, following online speculation and confusion as to who was representing King, his social media page shared a video that included screenshots of what appears to be a handful of receipts from legal firms. The video shows apparent payments, including one for $11,400.
The online fundraiser for King's legal fees has raised more than $62,000, according to the page.
the time comes, Pat King will select the best lawyer that he feels will
perform their duties and have his best interest at heart for the
'actual case' and the 'actual trial' when he is required to do so,"
reads a portion of the post attached to the video.
Most key participants in Ottawa convoy protest not yet charged
Ottawa police have so far released names of just 6 people charged
Many of the leading participants in the convoy protest have yet to face criminal charges more than a month after downtown Ottawa streets were cleared, according to the latest information made public by Ottawa police.
The Ottawa Police Service says of the 230 arrests made so far, 118 people — just over half — have been charged with a total of more than 400 offences, in addition to the hundreds of provincial notices issued.
Police have only disclosed the names of six people charged for their role.
Several key figures involved in the so-called Freedom Convoy have yet to be named by police as being charged, including one high-profile bitcoin fundraiser, several truck drivers and "logistic captains" tasked with arranging meal and fuel deliveries.
"I find it strange that the police are not releasing all of the information as to who has been charged," said Michael Kempa, a criminologist at the University of Ottawa.
Kempa says he expects more material will be released in the "upcoming weeks" with "many more charges" laid.
Some high-profile figures of the convoy, such as Tamara Lich and Pat King, had their charges publicly announced by police.
A civil suit responsible for getting the injunction that stopped the incessant honking lists the names of dozens of other individuals who allegedly played key roles in the "Freedom Convoy."
Lich and Pat King are among two of the people facing charges by Ottawa
police for their roles in the so-called Freedom Convoy. (CBC)
But of the more than 40 individuals named in the civil suit, CBC was unable to confirm charges for most of them. Some are believed to be under investigation by a joint-force investigation with Ottawa police, Ontario police and the RCMP.
Nicholas St. Louis, for example, said in a sworn affidavit his house had been raided by police as part of an investigation into money laundering tied to the protests.
The Ottawa resident ran a popular social media channel about bitcoin and was a self-described "liaison between the bitcoin community and directors of the Freedom Convoy nonprofit organization."
resident and self-professed crypto organizer Nicholas St. Louis hands
an envelope containing what he said was information for $8,000 in
bitcoin to a fellow protester during a livestream on Feb. 16. (YouTube)
Daniel Bulford — a former RCMP officer who helped organize the convoy by acting as a liaison with police and ensuring trucks were fuelled and protesters were fed — was arrested but released without charges. He has not faced any charges to this point.
Police never publicized his arrest, but it was widely shared on social media. He's included on the "no contact" list included in the bail conditions for organizers who have been charged, including Lich and King.
In other instances, police laid charges against key people involved in the protest but did not announce them. That includes a popular trucker from Windsor, Ont., arrested Feb. 19 who faces several charges including obstructing a peace officer.
A 51-year-old man responsible for creating the Canada Unity group and website that helped develop the initial plan to come to Ottawa was also arrested on Feb. 20. Police did not make that public.
He has since been participating in convoy-adjacent protests since leaving Ottawa in February.
Police not naming everyone charged
Outside of the six people named by police, there has been no public disclosure of the names of other individuals accused of protest participation.
That goes against a previous statement from interim Ottawa police Chief Steve Bell.
"At the time of any charges laid … we do release the names of those who are charged in a public release," he said. "We will continue to do that as we move ahead, particularly as it relates to any charges around the convoy."
Ottawa interim police Chief Steve Bell says all accused in
the convoy protest will be publicly named. (Cole Burston/The Canadian
According to a statement from Ottawa police, "a fulsome list of persons arrested during the unlawful convoy is not available."
Investigations take time
Paul Champ, one of the lawyers involved in the civil claim against convoy protesters, says it takes time for investigators to decide who is going to be charged.
"That's the challenge. They need to go through mountains of videos and other evidence they have to determine what are the particular charges that can be laid against each particular individual," he said.
He pointed to riots in Vancouver following the Canucks 2011 Stanley Cup loss. The investigation took about four years to conclude.
Champ said it is a common tactic of police to arrest leaders of a protest first, in hopes it will assist efforts to disperse the larger crowd.
"When the protest is over, you've got a lot more time to sift through the evidence and get all the different charges you're going to lay," he said.
"Essentially when the crime is still being committed, no doubt that was a factor they chose to prosecute some of the leaders then, as well."
- MPP Randy Hillier faces 9 charges related to Ottawa convoy protest
- Ottawa auditor general to review police, city response to convoy protest
Champ said people should not assume the majority of charges have been laid at this point, just over a month after the occupation was dismantled.
"It seems the police are being methodical and reviewing the evidence they have, and I would fully expect in the weeks, and likely the months, if not longer, to come we will see a lot more charges," he said.
"The police do like to promote when they have laid certain charges, and given the high level of public interest in the Ottawa occupation from the convoy, I think it would be appreciated if they publicly made it clear."
Freedom Convoy leaders face new criminal charges
Accused now jointly face more mischief, intimidation and obstructing police charges
The Crown has laid more charges against three key leaders of the so-called Freedom Convoy.
Tamara Lich, Chris Barber and Pat King all appeared in court virtually Thursday, a little more than one month after the weeks-long occupation of Ottawa's downtown core was brought to an end.
Lich was behind a now-halted GoFundMe campaign that raised more than $10 million to support the protests in Ottawa.
She was arrested Feb. 17, denied bail, but then released from jail on March 7 on the condition she leave Ottawa within 24 hours, refrain from using social media and have no contact with certain co-organizers.
Chris Barber, another key organizer, was arrested at the same time as Lich but released a day later under similar conditions.
Until now, Barber faced charges including counselling to commit mischief, counselling to disobey a court order, counselling to obstruct police, and mischief that interferes with the use and enjoyment of property.
And Lich was charged only with counselling to commit mischief.
On Thursday, the Crown submitted a relaid information sheet from Ottawa police, laying out six charges each for Barber and Lich.
According to the document, the two are now jointly accused of mischief, counselling mischief, obstructing police, counselling to obstruct police, counselling intimidation, and intimidation by blocking and obstructing one or more highways.
At the Ontario Court of Justice on Thursday, Barber and Lich's lawyer, Diane Magas, said she'd like to review the new charges with her clients.
Lich and Barber are both next scheduled to appear in court in April.
Magas also said she'd like to have a bail review to modify the conditions of Lich's social media ban. The Crown, however, said it would be up to the court to decide whether it has jurisdiction to further review the conditions.
King charged with intimidation, obstructing police
King, an Alberta resident and one of the most vocal leaders of the three-week occupation, had been facing four charges stemming from his Feb. 18 arrest, which he livestreamed to thousands of viewers.
Court heard Thursday he now faces new additional charges, bringing the total to 10:
- Two counts of intimidation.
- Two counts of obstructing police.
- One count of disobeying a court order.
- One count of counselling intimidation.
King had been previously charged with mischief, counselling to commit mischief, counselling to obstruct police and counselling to disobey a court order. Those charges remain.
He was patched into his hearing Thursday from the Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre, where he's been held since his bail was denied late last month.
While the Crown argued King was not entitled to another bail hearing, lawyer Cal Rosemond — who had not been retained by King but was in court on his behalf — argued he deserved one, given the "vastly different" nature of the new charges.
King is also now listed as a co-accused with Tyson George Billings, who was arrested on similar charges on the weekend police finally cleared out the occupation.
King's next court appearance is slated for April 4.
Freedom Convoy leader from Quebec released from jail
Steeve Charland, arrested Feb. 26 in Vankleek Hill, Ont., gets bail
Another leader of the so-called Freedom Convoy, Steeve Charland, was released from jail on Monday.
Charland, 48, was arrested in February by Ontario Provincial Police officers in Vankleek Hill, Ont., and charged with mischief and counselling to commit mischief.
He had remained in custody since, but on Monday was released on bail.
Charland agreed not to organize or promote protests linked to COVID-19 or the "Freedom Convoy" as part of his bail conditions. He must also stay away from Parliament Hill and not post content on social media.
A publication ban prevents reporting on other details about his court appearance.
From Grenville, Que., Charland is known as a spokesperson for Les Farfadaas, a Quebec group formed to protest against public health measures.
Charland from known far-right group in Quebec
That group was formed from La Meute, regarded by experts to be a far right, anti-Islam and anti-immigration group.
Charland previously held a senior position within La Meute, which maintains an active social media presence promoting itself as campaigning for the defence of freedom of expression and democracy, as well as promoting secularism.
People wearing Les Farfadaas patches and leather jackets could often be found around the protest site during the three-week occupation of Ottawa.
The group was also responsible for occupying a parking lot in the Hull sector of downtown Gatineau, Que., not far from the primary demonstration site in Ottawa.
After being forced to leave those premises by a court, they moved to the parking lot of the Notre-Dame-du-Très-Saint-Rosaire church in Gatineau, Que., before leaving 24 hours later via a police escort.
King makes appearance, returns to court Thursday
Another convoy leader, Pat King, also appeared in court Monday. Near the start of his appearance, King expressed frustration in open court over communication issues. A lawyer that had been representing King, Cal Rosemond, said he had not had the opportunity to speak with King lately and requested the two be given an opportunity to speak.
After a brief intermission, Rosemond requested the matter be adjourned until Thursday so King could speak with his "prospect of lawyers."
"I need to discuss this with someone because there's supposed to be a team of lawyers working on this," King said.
He also requested — and was denied — a publication ban. King expressed frustration over court proceedings regularly being illegally broadcast on social media.
With files from Radio-Canada
Live Stream with Ottawa Convoy Attorney Keith Wilson! Viva Frei Live!
MPP Hillier granted bail as he faces 9 charges related to Ottawa convoy protest
Charges include assaulting and obstructing officers, 4 mischief counts
Ontario MPP Randy Hillier released on bail, charged in Ottawa convoy protest
After turning himself in on charges related to the convoy protest and occupation in downtown Ottawa, Randy Hillier was released on bail with conditions Monday.
Ottawa police charged the Independent Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston MPP, saying they had complaints "about social media posts and other activities of an individual" during the so-called Freedom Convoy.
The charges include assaulting a peace or public officer, two counts of obstructing or resisting a public officer, one count of obstructing or resisting someone aiding a public or peace officer, three counts of counselling an uncommitted indictable offence, two of them considered mischief, and two counts of mischief or obstructing property exceeding $5,000.
Hillier surrendered at Ottawa police headquarters Monday morning. Before he walked in, he told reporters he was doing so after getting a call from police on Sunday.
During his court appearance Monday, the Crown alleged Hillier used his shoulder and hip to check a Parliamentary Protective Services officer out of the way after removing a metal gate, as part of an effort to overwhelm protective services in downtown Ottawa during the weeks-long occupation.
Earlier in the day, before surrendering outside police headquarters, Hillier denied assaulting an officer, saying he only greeted people "with love and affection and embrace and handshakes.
"Unless handshakes or warm embraces are now considered assault, I have no idea," he said.
Independent MPP Randy Hillier greets anti-mandate protesters
at the National War Memorial in Ottawa Feb. 13, 2022. (Frank Gunn/The
Canadian Press)
'Your posting on social media poses a substantial risk'
A consent release for Hillier had largely been agreed upon by his lawyer and Crown prosecutor Tim Wightman prior to the court proceeding.
The eastern Ontario provincial politician put up $10,000 against his bail. A surety put up $25,000 to ensure Hillier abides by his bail conditions, which includes avoiding the general area of downtown Ottawa and avoiding contact with convoy organizers.
As part of his bail conditions, he is also unable to post on social media about the "Freedom Convoy" and anti-vaccine or mask mandates.
In her decision to release Hillier, Justice of the Peace Louise Logue said it was clear he has a substantial following on social media and "your posting on social media poses a substantial risk."
She said his bail restrictions would not stop him from performing his duties as an elected member of the legislature.
There were calls for Hillier's arrest in February, when he encouraged people to "keep calling" 911 after Ottawa police warned people to stop calling emergency lines to complain about police clearing streets.
Hillier faces other charges for breaking COVID-19 pandemic rules, and he said Monday he's facing about 25 charges for various COVID protests. The Crown said there were six provincial files against him in Ontario, accrued for alleged violations of the Re-opening of Ontario Act in several cities.
Earlier this month, Hillier said he's not running for re-election in June in the seat he's held since 2007.
With files from Stephen Hoff
Live with David Anber, Attorney for Ontario MPP Randy Hillier! Viva Frei Live
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From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2022 12:25:18 -0400
Subject: Fwd: YO Marco.Mendicino Methinks your buddy Higgy don't
understand that Vaccine Passports Are A Very Big Deal to a lot of
Canadians who never vote for LIEbranos Nesy Pas?
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Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2022 16:16:47 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Marco.Mendicino Methinks your buddy Higgy don't
understand that Vaccine Passports Are A Very Big Deal to a lot of
Canadians who never vote for LIEbranos Nesy Pas?
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From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2022 12:16:42 -0400
Subject: YO Marco.Mendicino Methinks your buddy Higgy don't understand
that Vaccine Passports Are A Very Big Deal to a lot of Canadians who
never vote for LIEbranos Nesy Pas?
To:,,, francis.scarpaleggia@parl.gc.,,,,, Emmanuella.Lambropoulos@parl.,,, Soraya.MartinezFerrada@parl.,,,,,,, "." <>,,,,,,,,,
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Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "Katie.Telford"
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Vaccine Passports Are A Very Big Deal
Andy Clark Opinion
Andy Clark is a business owner, father of four school-aged children,
and a member of the New Brunswick Law Society and the Canadian Bar
Association. He lives in Fredericton.
Huddle recently published a commentary entitled, Vaccine Passports Are
Not A Big Deal. In my view, nothing could be further from the truth.
Whether you are in favour of them or not, make no mistake: Vaccine
passports are a very big deal. They fundamentally alter the
relationship between our government and its citizens. They go to the
very root of what it means to be Canadian.
Canada is supposed to be one of the most – if not THE most – inclusive
countries in the world. Yet the effect of vaccine passports is to
exclude, to divide, and to discriminate based on personal medical
Proponents of vaccine passports argue that those who have decided not
to take Covid-19 vaccines should not be allowed in public places like
restaurants, bars, concerts, gyms, and so on. In other words, they
believe that unvaccinated people should be excluded from several
aspects of public life.
RELATED: Vaccine Passports Are Not A Big Deal
Think about that for a moment. Unvaccinated people should be excluded
from several aspects of public life. What if you were to replace, in
the previous sentence, the word Unvaccinated with Catholic, or
Liberal, or Conservative, or Divorced, or Elderly, or any other group
of people sharing a common characteristic? That wouldn’t sound very
Canadian, would it?
While there is undoubtedly and unfortunately systemic discrimination
of disadvantaged people in Canada, in no other context is it okay to
publicly discriminate against a specific group of people. But that’s
exactly what we are doing with the promotion of vaccine passports.
History has shown us that purposefully discriminating against and
segregating certain groups of people—particularly in the context of
“government knows best”—always leads to regrettable, if not
horrendous, consequences.
Vaccine passports run counter to the legal and moral fabric of our
country. If we implement vaccine passports (or any variation of a “no
jab, no work/no school/no entry policy”), we violate the doctrine of
informed consent to medical treatment. Informed consent is only
achieved when people are able to make personal medical choices free
from coercion. It is a cornerstone of free societies. It is protected
by Canadian common law, by our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and by
international law.
Personal medical choices, such as the decision whether or not to take
Covid-19 vaccines, should be made only within the context of what a
person considers to be in his or her best interests from a personal
health perspective.
Vaccine passports and other mandatory vaccination policies turn a
personal medical decision into a decision not about health outcomes,
but about choosing between the right to informed consent to medical
treatment and the right to participate fully in society. That is
coercion with a capital “C”. That is a very big deal and is not what
this country should stand for.
We know that there are high-risk and low-risk groups in terms of the
likelihood of serious illness or death from Covid-19. Therefore, the
risk-benefit analysis for Covid-19 vaccines can vary widely from
person to person based on their individual circumstances. The analysis
is vastly different for a 17-year-old than it is for a 77-year-old, or
for someone in excellent health vs. someone with several underlying
health conditions.
When it comes to personal medical choices, even people of similar age
and circumstances can arrive at different decisions and both be right
in terms of what they deem best for themselves and their families.
Free and democratic societies respect that.
As Canadians, do we really want to go down the path of excluding
fellow citizens from aspects of public life for making a choice that
may be different from that of the majority? Do we really want to
become a “show us your papers” society? If we do, we will all be
stepping on the most slippery of slopes, and that is a very big deal.
Perhaps more than anything, vaccine passports are a big deal because
of the questionable premise on which they are based—that is, that
vaccinated people must be protected from Covid-19 by protecting them
from unvaccinated people. But aren’t vaccinated people protected from
Covid-19-related illness by Covid-19 vaccines?
We have been encouraged since the day vaccines became available, and
every day since, to get vaccinated precisely because they are so
highly effective at preventing Covid-19—in Pfizer’s case, 100 percent
protection against serious disease, according to the company. So why
the need for vaccinated people to also be protected from the
Adding to the confusing messaging on this topic is the recent
announcement by the director of America’s leading disease control
agency that vaccinated people and unvaccinated people can similarly
transmit the delta variant to others. This runs counter to the
prevailing narrative that only the unvaccinated spread the virus, and
it further undermines the supposed need for vaccine passports.
Are these contradictions and mixed messages really the basis on which
we can justify the discrimination, segregation, and limits on personal
freedom that vaccine passports create?
If vaccine passports are implemented in Canada, let’s make sure we do
it with eyes wide open. Let’s make sure we are prepared to alter what
it means to be Canadian. Let’s understand that we are unwinding the
legal and moral fabric of our country and that we are repeating
mistakes of our past.
Let’s admit that vaccine passports, while disguised as a public health
measure, are in reality a punishment for people exercising their legal
rights to informed consent to medical treatment. And let’s be clear
that all of this is a very big deal.
Huddle publishes commentaries from groups and individuals on important
business issues facing the Maritimes. These commentaries do not
necessarily reflect the opinion of Huddle. To submit a commentary for
consideration, contact editor Mark Leger:
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Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 00:04:49 +0000
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Judge tosses lawsuit against N.B. government over mandatory vaccine policy
4 applicants not being forced to do anything, judge says
Mia Urquhart · CBC News · Posted: Feb 10, 2022 3:16 PM AT
The Blaine Higgs government announced in October of 2021 a requirement
that employees be vaccinated against COVID-19. (Ed Hunter/CBC)
A New Brunswick judge has thrown out a lawsuit against the province
over its COVID-19 vaccination policy for employees.
Justice Thomas Christie of the Court of Queen's Bench said the four
applicants were not being forced to do anything, as they had argued.
"In what can only be described as a rambling eight pages of stated
'grounds' in the application, counsel cast the underlying claim as if
the applicants are being forced to do something against their will,"
Christie wrote in his decision, released on Thursday.
"They are not."
Christie also noted some "peculiarities" with the argument made by the
applicants, who were represented by James Kitchen, Andrew Clark and
Caitlin Green.
"The applicants claim their bodily integrity is at stake, comparing
themselves to victims of some of the most brutal of crimes," Christie
wrote. "They go further and compare themselves with those who have
been held against their will as slaves. Such comparisons are not
statements that identify any legal grounds upon which they could
properly rely."
4 N.B. government employees in court challenging vaccination rule
Province has no plans to extend vaccination deadline for
employees, minister says
Arguments like those, he said, do not belong in a notice of
application, "and, frankly, could undermine whatever legitimate issues
may be otherwise hidden within such argumentative pleadings."
On Oct. 5, Premier Blaine Higgs announced that all provincial
government employees in the civil service, the education system, the
health-care system and Crown corporations, as well as staff in
long-term care facilities, schools and licensed early learning and
child-care facilities must be fully vaccinated by Nov. 19.
Those who didn't meet the deadline, roughly 2,000 workers, were put on
unpaid leave.
The lawsuit was filed in November by four government employees — a
teacher, a nurse, a health network administration assistant and an
educational support teacher — who were all on unpaid leave. They
claimed the province's requirement for all employees to be vaccinated
was unconstitutional.
The province responded to the lawsuit with a motion, asking the court
to dismiss it. A lawyer for the province argued that the issue should
first be dealt with by an employee grievance process because that's
what the law requires.
New Brunswick's unvaccinated doctors to be suspended at midnight
Vaccine mandate for government workers impacts school bus routes
Christie agreed.
In his decision, he wrote that the Supreme Court "has consistently —
and recently — reaffirmed that, for those for whom an adjudication
regime exists, they must seek resolution in that form."
He said the law is clear.
"In circumstances like this, where adjudication provisions exist, the
court has no role as a forum of first instance on the merits of the
He also cited recent case law on the subject. In one decision, the
court noted: "They are not being forced to get vaccinated; they are
being forced to choose between getting vaccinated and continuing to
have an income on the one hand, or remaining unvaccinated and losing
their income on the other."
Another court stated, "what is at stake for the Applicants here is not
forcible vaccination but rather the consequences of one's choice to
remain unvaccinated."
Lawyers for the four applicants said they were arguing on behalf of
all New Brunswick government employees, but Christie said he wasn't
prepared to consider such a broad scope.
While other employees may have felt "deeply offended or conflicted by
the policy," they complied with it out of duty, or concern for the
welfare of their families, colleagues or the general public, Christie
"The applicants have chosen instead to accept unpaid leave. I would
think that, based on the present filings, it would be unwise to
consider that the applicants' arguments apply to anyone but
Mia Urquhart
Mia Urquhart is a CBC reporter based in Saint John. She can be reached
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices|
---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 01:54:30 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks your favourite newsrag has
informed us that I am not alone in saying Shame On You All N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
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Merci encore pour votre courriel.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 01:54:38 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Higgy Methinks your favourite newsrag has informed us
that I am not alone in saying Shame On You All N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Due to the volume of incoming messages, this is an automated response
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If your inquiry more appropriately falls within the mandate of a
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Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000 Fredericton New-Brunswick/Nouveau-
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 21:52:20 -0400
Subject: YO Higgy Methinks your favourite newsrag has informed us that
I am not alone in saying Shame On You All N'esy Pas?
To:,,, francis.scarpaleggia@parl.gc.,,,,, Emmanuella.Lambropoulos@parl.,,, Soraya.MartinezFerrada@parl.,,,,,,, "." <>,,,,,,,,,
fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@,,,, premier <>, premier
<>, Office of the Premier <>,
PREMIER <>, premier <>, premier
<>, premier <>, premier
<>, premier <>, "Petrie, Jamie"
<>, Newsroom <>, Norman
Traversy <>, "steve.murphy" <>,
sheilagunnreid <>,,
oldmaison <>, ""
<>, kingpatrick278
<>, "jake.stewart" <>,,,, "Robert. Jones"
<>, "robert.gauvin" <>,
"Roger.Brown" <>, "hugh.flemming"
<>,, "Roger.L.Melanson"
<>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<>, "kris.austin" <>,
"rob.moore" <>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<>, "John.Williamson"
<>, "Furey, John"
andre <>,,, "Marco.Mendicino"
<>, "wayne.eyre" <>,
"Aidan.Cox" <>, "Dorothy.Shephard"
<>, "Ryan.Cullins" <>, Jim
Karahalios <>, "Mike.Comeau"
<>, news <>, nouvelle
<>,,, Stephanie.Sachsse@rcmp-grc.gc.
"Mark.Blakely" <>, "Kevin.leahy"
<>, "Richard.Bragdon"
<>,, "Holland, Mike
(LEG)" <>,,,,,,, "Bill.Oliver"
<>,,,,, "ernie.steeves"
<>,,,, "sherry.wilson" <>,
"Margaret.Johnson" <>, "mary.wilson"
<>, "Richard.Ames" <>
Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "Katie.Telford"
<>, pm <>, "Bill.Blair"
We are three N.B. doctors – and we oppose vaccine mandates
Published 1 day ago
A sign outside a Moncton restaurant notices patrons of
proof-of-vaccine requirements.
Photo: Jason VandenBeukel/
Jayson Dooll,, Brrentt Howlley & Andrrew Roberrtts ||
As longtime members of the New Brunswick Medical Society (NBMS),
we were surprised by a recent headline (“Docs call for vaccine
crackdown,” Jan. 19). Within this publication, Dr. Mark MacMillan,
president of the NBMS, was quoted urging Premier Blaine Higgs to
seek ways to make life “harder forpeople who haven't helped out the
province like they should” by getting vaccinated against COVID-19.
Dr. MacMillan later suggested education was also an important part of
increasing vaccine uptake, but did not repudiate his earlier comments.
For his part, Premier Higgs is still considering additional measures
to restrict access to public life for those who are not vaccinated against
On this issue, the NBMS does not represent our views. We have no
desire to make anyone’s life more uncomfortable than it presently is.
These last two years have been uncomfortable enough.
The role of the medical community is to provide equal and
compassionate care to every patient, without undue prejudice or
discrimination. Advocating against social policy that seeks to isolate,
exact vengeance, ostracize or target minorities is integral to medical
care. If ordinary people cannot live peacefully, with amenities,
services and equal opportunities, they are less likely to live long,
fulfilling and healthy lives. As doctors, we should recognize that
socioeconomic determinants of health play a greater role in the
well-being of people than the pills we prescribe or the procedures
we perform.
Dr. MacMillan’s proposal to induce further hardship on some may
prod our government to waste time, effort and resources on initiatives
unlikely to produce the desired results, no matter how well intended.
Medical history books are full of such tales, stemming from
interventions and policies hastily implemented with the noblest of
intentions only to later prove themselves harmful.
Imagine how a systematic, government-mandated, police-enforced
segregation on the basis of vaccine status might appear when revisited
by future historians. Should we not pause to contemplate what social
ills or poor health outcomes might befall any segment of society
intentionally ostracized, cut off from society at large, and exposed
to added financial
insecurity? Do we really believe those poor outcomes won’t come at a
cost ultimately borne by all? Should we choose to reinvigorate the illegal
liquor and marijuana industries by implementing vaccine mandates at the
doors of Cannabis NB and NB Liquor?
Our medical society prides itself on being a leading voice on health
policy. Yet the NBMS is potentially advocating a policy with many
unforeseen dangerous social consequences. Our duty as physicians
is to ful!l our Hippocratic oath, which reads in part, “First do no harm.”
Before prescribing a therapy (and that is what all of these restrictive
measures are) we must ensure the intervention won’t cause more
pain, suffering or death. Beyond advocacy, patients rely on their
doctors for expertise related to the therapies they recommend.
Thanks to modern technology, the public is equally aware of credible
and contemporary expert research. Today, we have signi!cant research
highlighting the altered behaviour of the Omicron variant of COVID-19,
the imminent transition from a pandemic state to an endemic virus
circulating throughout the population, and theeffectiveness and
durability of natural immunity. Armed with this knowledge, health
offcials in various countries are moving prudently yet surely to
eliminate all social restrictions and mandates, not seeking ways to
tighten them.
New Brunswickers can be staunchly pro-vaccine, yet clearly and
courageously say “enough” to the restrictions that have pushed our
collective mental health to the breaking point. As caring doctors, we
must seize every opportunity to promote and participate invaccination
campaigns without quietly accepting hospital restrictions that
ultimately hurt our patients.
Devoted parents can be thankful for the opportunity vaccine science
has given us. We can also know that shunning unvaccinated kids from
schools, athletic, cultural or social activities cultural or social activities
is just plain wrong. Medical leaders can serve to protect our clinics and
hospitals while calling for the return of the doctors and nurses we so
desperately need, and who have been lost to the health system by this
province’s vaccine mandate. And we can be proud citizens having
“done our part” without excluding fellow citizens from the goods and
services they need to live their lives.
As we enter the endemic phase of this virus, it’s time to take
advantage of the opportunity Omicron has given us and rethink our
collective response. New Brunswickers have suffered and been
“uncomfortable” long enough. For our patients and for the communities
we serve, it’s more important than ever for doctors to advocate
comfort, not discomfort.
Dr. Jayson S. Dool, Dr. Brent Howley and Dr. Andrew Roberts
areassistant professors at Dalhousie University, and active clinical
sta" in the surgical program at The Moncton Hospital.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 00:04:49 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Marco.Mendicino Deja Vu
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Due to the volume of incoming messages, this is an automated response
to let you know that your email has been received and will be reviewed
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If your inquiry more appropriately falls within the mandate of a
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S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000 Fredericton New-Brunswick/Nouveau-
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 20:02:57 -0400
Subject: YO Marco.Mendicino Deja Vu
To:,,, francis.scarpaleggia@parl.gc.,,,,, Emmanuella.Lambropoulos@parl.,,, Soraya.MartinezFerrada@parl.,,,,,,, "." <>,,,,,,,,,
fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@,,,, premier <>, premier
<>, Office of the Premier <>,
PREMIER <>, premier <>, premier
<>, premier <>, premier
<>, premier <>, "Petrie, Jamie"
<>, Newsroom <>, Norman
Traversy <>, "steve.murphy" <>,
sheilagunnreid <>,,
oldmaison <>, ""
<>, kingpatrick278
<>, "jake.stewart" <>,,,, "Robert. Jones"
<>, "robert.gauvin" <>,
"Roger.Brown" <>, "hugh.flemming"
<>,, "Roger.L.Melanson"
<>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<>, "kris.austin" <>,
"rob.moore" <>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<>, "John.Williamson"
<>, "Furey, John"
andre <>,,, "Marco.Mendicino"
<>, "wayne.eyre" <>,
"Aidan.Cox" <>
Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "Katie.Telford"
<>, "Kevin.leahy"
<>, pm <>, "Bill.Blair"
On 2/9/22, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Mendicino, Marco - M.P." <>
> Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 23:56:55 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Patty Baby King For the PUBLIC RECORD
> Marc.Miller and Higgy's former Minister of Indigenous Affairs Jake
> Stewart have had lots of time to review the files I gave Andy Scott in
> 2004
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Thank you for contacting the constituency office of the Hon. Marco
> Mendicino, P.C., M.P. for Eglinton—Lawrence.
> Please be advised that our office has the capacity to assist with
> requests within Eglinton—Lawrence only and we prioritize
> correspondence from residents.
> If you reside outside the riding and require assistance, you can
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> If you are a resident of Eglinton—Lawrence and require assistance
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> · For media requests, the Press Secretary will get back to you.
> To contact Public Safety Canada directly, please visit:
> https://www.publicsafety.gc.
> To contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada directly,
> please email or phone 613-954-1064.
> For assistance with the situation in Afghanistan, please continue reading.
> If you and your family require assistance regarding the rapidly
> evolving situation in Afghanistan, detailed information on Canada’s
> special measures to support Afghan nationals is available here:
> For Afghans who assisted the Government of Canada, please contact:
> Canada-Afghanistan@
> For questions on how Afghan nationals may reunite with their families
> in Canada, or information on the humanitarian program to resettle
> Afghans outside of Afghanistan, please contact:
> IRCC.SituationAfghanistan.
> You may also call 1-613-321-4243 from Monday to Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 7
> p.m. (ET).
> For Canadians in need of consular assistance in Afghanistan, please
> contact Global Affairs Canada’s 24/7 Emergency Watch and Response
> Centre in Ottawa at:
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