EUB Chairman Raymond Gorman
Province moves to quash payment to former Opportunities N.B. CEO
Province ordered to pay Stephen Lund 7 months salary for failing to provide proper notice
Provincial lawyers were in the Court of Queen's Bench this week arguing they should not owe Stephen Lund any money.
Lund's five-year contract with the Crown corporation ended in the spring of 2020 and he wasn't renewed.
But Lund argued that the government led him to believe he would be extended, and also loaded him up with additional work in 2019. That left him no reason and no time to look for a new job.
Lund had drawn criticism for his work as CEO of ONB, especially from then-opposition leader Blaine Higgs. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
"I find that Opportunities New Brunswick breached the employment contract with Stephen Lund by failing to provide a proper 12-months working notice," adjudicator Raymond Gorman wrote in the July 2021 decision.
Gorman awarded Lund seven month of salary and benefits, covering from when he left ONB in February 2020 to when he found a new job in Toronto in September 2020.
The province now wants that decision overturned, arguing it honoured Lund's five-year contract and had no obligations to him beyond that.
Lund "knew that a second term was not guaranteed but was a possibility only" and "was paid to the end of his contract," says the province's filing. "The contract was not renewed."
Lund's lawyer Dan Leger said the former CEO would not be doing interviews about the case. There was no comment from the Higgs government.
The ruling provides a new glimpse of Lund's relationship with the Higgs government, including a premier that once wanted him fired.
Higgs once wanted Lund fired
Lund was hired by the Liberal government of Premier Brian Gallant to run ONB, a new Crown corporation and the latest in a series of provincial government job-creation entities. His salary was $262,260.93 in 2019.
As Opposition leader in 2017, Blaine Higgs called on Gallant to fire Lund after the auditor-general said ONB was not moving fast enough to implement her recommendations stemming from the $63.4 million Atcon loan fiasco.
"Stephen Lund should lose his job over this," Higgs said at the time. "He should be fired."
But after becoming premier in November 2018, Higgs kept him in place to oversee a rethink of Opportunities New Brunswick's approach to job creation.
The premier announced in his 2020 state of the province speech that the CEO would be moving on after the end of his five-year term and thanked him "for his steady commitment to New Brunswick's growth, and for his role in helping to shape the future of ONB."
According to Lund's evidence in the adjudication, that came as a last-minute surprise to him.
Opportunities New Brunswick board chair Roxanne Fairweather and CEO Stephen Lund photographed in 2017. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Under the CEO's contract, he and the province were to discuss the possible renewal of his contract for a second five-year term in the 46th to 48th months of his mandate, meaning December 2018 to February 2019.
The adjudicator wrote in his ruling that neither the province nor Lund raised the issue during those months, but that Lund began asking ONB board chair Roxanne Fairweather about his possible reappointment in July 2019.
Fairweather told him Higgs didn't want to discuss it until ONB finished its 2019 strategic plan, which meant not until December 2019, just two months before his contract expired.
Around the same time, Lund was asked to take on new tasks including leading an economic development committee for the Belledune area, sitting on the Cannabis New Brunswick board and helping lead an "Energized Private Sector Initiative."That added to Lund's already heavy workload and "denied him of any real opportunity to seek alternate employment," the adjudicator wrote.
According to Lund's testimony, he talked to Higgs's chief of staff Louis Leger about a reappointment, and Leger said Lund was "in a better position now than you were before."
And Higgs adviser Bob Youden told him in December 2019 that "it will be up to you and your team" to implement the new ONB plan, implying he would be renewed, Lund said.
In early January, Fairweather told him he wouldn't be renewed for a new five-year term but his contract would be extended for one extra year, which Lund said he accepted.
But on Jan. 23, a week before Higgs's state of the province speech, Fairweather told him he wouldn't get the extra year after all and would be finished on March 31, 2020.
Lund told the adjudicator he asked the ONB board for one year's pay, and the board voted unanimously to urge Higgs to a "one-year reasonable notice period."
Denied severance
But Economic Development Minister Mary Wilson had responded that he was not entitled to severance.
The government's failure to have good-faith negotiations with Lund about his contract, along with the hints he might be renewed and the extra workload he was given, "amount to bad faith" by the province, Gorman concluded.
But the province says the ruling is "far outside" the limits of court precedent. Other rulings in similar cases said there's no entitlement to a notice period if a job contract has a fixed expiry date.
Lund's "true dissatisfaction was not being reappointed to the position," the province argued.
Justice Terrence Morrison heard arguments in the case this week and did not immediately rule on the province's request.
Friday, 31 January 2020
Higgs promises major shakeup at Opportunities New Brunswick in state of the province address
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Content disabled
Methinks some folks may enjoy listening to what Higgy really said N'esy Pas?
2020 State of the Province Address!!!! Difficult time to find Green Party Leader David Coon!
#nbpoli #cdnpoli
Higgs promises major shakeup at Opportunities New Brunswick in state of the province address
Changes to economic development agency will include letting go of its CEO, says premier
· CBC News · Posted: Jan 31, 2020 5:00 AM AT

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs, pictured during 2019 state of the province, pledged to overhaul Opportunities New Brunswick during this year's address on Thursday night. (Stephen MacGillivray/Canadian Press)
Premier Blaine Higgs has unveiled what he calls a new direction for Opportunities New Brunswick, the province's lead economic development agency.
The premier used his second state of the province speech to confirm that the Crown corporation's CEO, Stephen Lund, won't be renewed now that his five-year contract is ending.
And to chart a new direction for the organization, he said the province consulted experts, business leaders and economists to set a new course for ONB.
"What we heard, essentially, is that we need to embrace a pro-growth agenda now," he told a crowd of business and community leaders gathered at the Fredericton Convention Centre.
Boosting immigration
That means finding a way to fill an expected 120,000 jobs that will become vacant in the next decade and pushing the federal government to increase the maximum number of immigrants the province can take in from 7,500 to 10,000 per year.
Higgs floated the idea of trying to grow New Brunswick's population to one million people by 2040, an increase that he says would boost the province's gross domestic product by $15 billion and add 100,000 jobs.
The embrace of Opportunities New Brunswick, and the premier's effusive thanks to Lund, marks a change for the premier.

Premier Blaine Higgs announced Thursday his government will not be renewing the contract of ONB CEO Stephen Lund, pictured. (CBC New Brunswick)
As opposition leader, he denounced corporate subsidies and called for the CEO's firing over unimplemented recommendations made by the auditor general in the wake of the Atcon loan fiasco.
But Thursday night Higgs praised Lund "for his steady commitment to New Brunswick's growth, and for his role in helping to shape the future of ONB." Lund was hired by the previous Liberal government in February 2015.
New vision
Higgs said an overhauled ONB will play the lead role in implementing his vision of economic growth driven by the private sector and unencumbered by government bureaucracy, generous subsidies and political interference."Government actions can strangle us. They can drag us down. They can suffocate us with high taxes. They can drive people away to work in other provinces. And they can make our businesses uncompetitive by driving up cost," he said.
"It is a vicious cycle, and the worst is when the government has to step in to prop up industry sectors that became uncompetitive because their cost to operate climbed too high."
The new vision for ONB includes helping businesses navigate red-tape and opening offices in Europe and India. (Opportunities New Brunswick)
Since taking power in 2018 Higgs has spoken often of shifting ONB's focus. The organization's budget was reduced by $7 million in the first Progressive Conservative budget and 24 positions were eliminated last June.
Higgs said the agency will become the single point of contact for potential investors, using a standardized evaluation process that is transparent and "free of political interference."
Higgs said the province will open another overseas office in India, this one to attract skilled workers and investors.
The PC government signalled a shift from job creation to employee recruitment last November when it said its 19 regional economic development offices would shift part of their focus to helping employers find skilled workers to fill vacancies.
Higgs said last night the provincial government will also become "a model user" of new technology to set an example for businesses adopting new tools and will launch a new marketing campaign to promote New Brunswick's brand.
"We need to talk about what is great about this province and there is plenty," he said. "We will showcase our success stories, especially those companies that are embracing immigration, exporting globally, and adopting innovation to drive productivity."
NB Power and health care
Higgs also signalled new moves in other areas, saying he has asked NB Power to develop a plan to reduce its level of debt without affecting power rates.
And he confirmed that he'll be announcing major changes to the health-care system within weeks to address an aging population and labour shortages.
He also said the province will use some of the money it's saving thanks to lower interest payments on a smaller accumulated debt to address addiction and mental health issues.
"There are no easy answers, but our government is committed," he said. "This is an issue that can't be ignored."
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks some folks may enjoy listening to what Higgy really said N'esy Pas?
Jim Cyr
network’s radio coverage of the address was beyond shameful. Never was
it more apparent that anything with a red L attached to it gets praised
by their panel of talking heads (and their news division). Any anything
with a blue C gets automatically panned. Disgraceful bias.....and it’s
from state-run media, no less!
David Amos
Roy Kirk
Kill ONB, take its budget, and use it to reduce the tax burden on low wage workers.
Roland Godin
And le nord du Nouveau-Brunswick is to south New Brunswick what Alberta is to Canada, a natural resource supply chain voilà.
Ned MacAllister
Methinks that David Amos in a wanna be Politician who think's he knows everything. He put his name forward several times but never made the grade. He comments on every post on here but he sways with the wind. No credibility on anything just somebody that wants to but into every post and give his opinion. Just another disgruntled loon. Nes'y Pas ?????
Rick Haars
NB power guy has to go as well.
David Amos
Reply to @rick haars: Methinks everybody but you must know that Mr Thomas is gone next month he is just waiting on Minister Mikey Holland to hold a fancy dinner in his honour and give him a golden handshake and brown paper bag as he heads out the backdoor N'esy Pas?
Jake Newman
Wayne Wright
Making changes at ONB is fine but I hope Higgs is wise enough to NOT change the name just because the Gallant Liberals renamed it. Nothing wrong with the name but changing it will cost PNB thousands of dollars to do that then thousands more just in stationary, etc.
The usual, the winner has the privilege to repaint with their political colour an already thick refurbished framed voilà.
Fred Brewer
Higgs asked NB Power to develop a plan to reduce its level of debt without affecting power rates. They have a plan. Phase one of the plan was Joi magic beans. Phase two is perpetual motion, and phase three is cold fusion. Higgs should come up with a plan of his own that involves cleaning house at NB Power including its board of directors.
Mabel Short
so many NBers left new brunswick for Alberta in the last decades...not because of no jobs in new brunswick but because they were english speakers and weren't wanting sweeping street with their Phd's education. this is the truth of the jobs matter. so i suggest Higgs make an economic agreement with the province of Alberta...allowing free trade between the provinces,
tapping into the technical expertise of albertan business, allowing direct flights between calgary and edmonton and Moncton and Saint john. ....developing a trading road without stops from new brunswick to Alberta...perhaps passing thru Maine instead of Quebec. I think this would be a successful future for the 2provinces.....
And respect spells the same in les deux langues officielles...EH!
Tom Simmons
we need more housing....200000 +/- people will require 50000 unit +/-
at 100000 a unit, 5 billion. along with upgrade to sewage, water, elect.
Need more 3 or 4 more hospitals. Need 20 more schools. Better start
that right away 20 billion investments required over the next twenty
David Amos
David Amos
Reply to @Chuck Stewart: Methinks you should speak for yourself Trust that I am no communist and that my political foe Higgy knows I do not abuse hospital services. I have to pay cash for my Health Care because his minions won't give me back my Medicare Card that I got when it was first created which was no doubt long before you were born N'esy Pas?
Tom Simmons
Reply to @Chuck Stewart: It's sarcasm. I don't expect government do anything but keep the border secure. That being said we will need a massive amount of capital investment and labour in order to grow our province they way Higgs is proposing (which I'm against). I agree about spending on Health as well, but we have a dual system and that isn't going anywhere.
Mabel Short
Reply to @Tom Simmons: if you all were reallly smart you would make Higgs et al cut out all language dispots in filling all provincially funded jobs...let the two languages concept go back to the hell from which it came....hire NBers that are revied by public servants for jobs in government only for experience and for formal brunswick needs to allow resident citizens to be given the senior jobs in the bureaucracy based on education and experiences language restrictions.....and make sure only residents of NB can be hired for any jobs that are paid for by the NB taxpayers.
Robert G. Holmes
Did I miss something? No re-structuring of NB Power, to take advantage of the Atlantic grid interconnect with Hydro Quebec? Short term "vision" is a problem in NB.
Siemens and NB Power strike smart grid pact
CBC News · Posted: Jul 25, 2012 11:00 AM AT
"Siemens Canada and NB Power have struck an agreement that will see the global technology company create a 10 year energy road map for the province.
The new partnership also sees the company open a new research and development centre in Fredericton.
Gaëtan Thomas, the president and chief executive officer of NB Power, said the use of the smart grid technology will help customers in the future.
"This relationship will be long lasting, and will modernize the New Brunswick electricity system and the way our customers view their own electricity consumption. It will also provide long-term benefits to our customers," Thomas said in a statement."
Invest NB will be subsidizing a portion of those jobs, but CEO Robert MacLeod would not comment on how much the deal would cost taxpayers, saying that figure is still being finalized.
"NB Power will pay Siemens for that service, which could cost millions of dollars per year.
Jan Mrosik, the global head of Siemens Smart Grid, said the global technology company is looking forward to setting up in New Brunswick.
"We'll save hundreds of millions of dollars in the long run and this means that NB Power will have to spend much less in generation," Alward said.
Lou Bell
Higgs Liberal predecessor has been hired to implement all his FAILED
ideas as a new hire in Ontario . Must be gonna take Melanson , Boudreau
and his other SANB compatriots to help the disgraced SANB pahpet
implement them !
"As opposition leader, he denounced corporate subsidies and called for
the CEO's firing over unimplemented recommendations made by the auditor
general in the wake of the Atcon loan fiasco.
But Thursday night Higgs praised Lund "for his steady commitment to New
Brunswick's growth, and for his role in helping to shape the future of
Invest NB officially launched
20 September 2011
SAINT JOHN, MONCTON, CAMPBELLTON (CNB) – Invest NB’s business plan framework and board of directors were announced today by Premier David Alward at the Crown Corporation’s official launch.
Alward, Economic Development Minister Paul Robichaud and Invest NB chief executive officer Robert MacLeod together visited the cities of Saint John, Moncton and Campbellton for three distinct launch ceremonies.
"To promote our pro-business environment, Invest NB will make informed, strategic decisions to capitalize upon our strengths," said Alward." The measurements included are representative of Invest NB's focus to invest public money to create high-salary jobs and to develop the economy."
The board members are:
● Denis Losier, president and chief executive officer, Assumption Life;
● Helena Cain, vice-president, Customer Care, Sales and Strategy, Bell Aliant;
● James M. Baumgartner, president and chief executive officer, Moneris Solutions Corp., pending confirmation from his corporation;
● H. E. A. (Eddy) Campbell, president and vice-chancellor, University of New Brunswick;
● Michael Campbell, vice-president and general counsel, McCain Foods Ltd.;
● René Collette, director of Business Development, TD Bank Financial Group;
● Lily Durepos, business owner and executive, Alliance Assurance;
● Martin LeBlanc, president and chief executive officer, Caprion Proteomics;
● Bill Levesque, deputy minister, Business New Brunswick, ex-officio;
● Denis Mallet, general manager, FPM Peat Moss Co. Ltd.; and
● Jeffrey S. Mitchell, senior vice-president and director of research, Strategic Advisors Inc., pending confirmation from his corporation.
anyone know how to get on team Higgs? I'm tired of being a regular
citizen and desire all the perks that come with being part of the chosen
few. Do I simply donate lots of money to the PC party? It's confusing.
Is there an certain church or something I should start going to?
Shelley Parks
is such welcome news. ONB has been giving handouts to it's own
employees to start up businesses while they continue on the payroll of
same NB Government Corp. Oh! I welcome this decision and am ALL for
transparency and action that may follow any questionable findings, which
I know are running rampant there.
Bill Cosby said it best (no matter what else he did) RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guy Richard
This department needs to be dissolved, waste of money, millions pocketed by incompetent leadership.
David Amos
But it won't be dissolved......... let the incompetency continue!
Paul Bourgoin
I wonder where all our forest trees are going or exported and the stumpage fee's are banked where? The volume harvested should give the province stumpage gold but it appears New Brunswick is only banking pennies! The once picture province lured tourism dollars for centuries and the tourism business was excellent, like gold mines. Today, what is left is nothing. Where did the jobs go, 35,000 forestry jobs in 1982, today maybe 7000 jobs left where does the money go?
Paul Bourgoin
"Government actions can strangle us. They can drag us down. They can suffocate us with high taxes. They can drive people away to work in other provinces. And they can make our businesses un-competitive by driving up cost," Sounds like the motto of the Kings of Atlantic Canada where the Poorest Canadians Live, then move away to survive. New Brunswick the only province who doesn't need any Banks because every body is having financial difficulties.
Paul Bourque
Leadership and Vision are required to move the economy forward and
create industries that will employ the future generations of New
Brunswickers. In the absence of this, NB will continue to be a source
of talent for the rest of Canada.
Having been raised in Moncton and educated at UNB, I have lived the NB
economic reality. I left the Maritimes to start my career. In my view,
the very low economic growth and the very low population growth are tied
The NB population has grown 10% in the past 40 years. Ontario's
population has grown 67%, and Canada's population has grown by 50%, over
the same period of time. These stats are partly the result of kids in
NB growing up, getting educated and leaving to start their careers. The
stats also show that the number of people moving into NB from other
parts of Canada to work is relatively low.
Leadership and Vision are required to break the endless cycle of no job
growth causing no sustained population growth and no population growth
causing no job growth.
We have never had the opportunity to elect Leadership and Vision.
David Amos
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Methinks whereas you fail to mention the Independents who go to the trouble of running and ignore all my replies to your opinions as well YOU definitely do get the governments you deserve just like your beloved Green Party Leader and I have been saying for many years N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Fred Brewer:
I stand by my statement:
We have never had the opportunity to elect Leadership and Vision.
But I will add this: of any colour you choose to name.
Jake Newman
Higgs needs a strong majority.
Ken Dwight
I'd be more inclined to believe Mr Higgs needs a strong drink and a non renewal of his contract. If you are believing today's snow job from Mr Higgs you are definitely part of the problem and not a solution.
David Stairs
can bet the new CEO will be a member of the Good Ole Boys Club...
nothing new with the let's fix this problem and then move
onto NB Power ...let's let common sense and proven resumes stand...
Brian Robertson
I would love to see a real audit of the ONB to see just what we have received for our money.
I have real doubts the decisions they have made and the returns to the Province have been worth the expense.
David Peters
Wasn't ONB involved in Atcon...then refused to correct the leaky bucket, like the AG suggested? The term 'free-for-all at the trough' comes to mind.
Alex Butt
It's unfortunate but New Brunswick was, is and always will be a have not province! In a province with non functioning leadership no real jobs except government, irvings or corporations like nb power, an ever decreasing population, poor health care and education, rotten roads and infrastructure, no real enviromentalstewardship, bilingualism etc. New Brunswick is afraid of change, and that will not change.
Stephen Robertson
Matt Steele
It sounds like Higgs is trying , but so much needs to be changed as the province is facing so many issues . N.B. is saddled with high unemployment , a bottom ranked school system , a massive prov. debt, , one of the oldest populations in Canada , a healthcare system in crisis ; and a top management in the Civil Service made up of incompetent political appointments that are impossible to get rid of . Combine those issues with the forced bilingualism experiment that has drove thousands out of the province ; and no one wanting to move here.......what a mess Brian Galant has left for Higgs and Kris Austin to clean up
Marc Martin
Thomas Black
I could care less what Higgs says about anything.
Marc Martin
Fred Brewer
Higgs said the province consulted experts, business leaders and
economists to set a new course for ONB and what we need is to embrace a
pro-growth agenda now. No kidding? Seriously? You needed all that
consultation to determine that an economic development agency needs to
be pro-growth??? How is that a "new course"? Was ONB anti-growth prior
to your consultations?
Yes, it's agenda has historically been based on nepotism.
Jake Newman
a lot of good stuff, but it'll take some time to fix all the damage done by the previous gov't, and it doesn't help having JT in power at the federal level.
Marc Martin
Get rid of the public service practice of baseline budgeting. End collective bargaining agreements, and then introduce free market solutions, including real competition.
What does Russia have to do with healthcare in NB?
In what dimension does communism consist of free market solutions involving real competition?
Communism deals in gov't backed monopolies and crony capitalism. Exactly like the ones we have here in NB...and we can all see how well that's working.
In the US, before gov't got involved heavily in the 60's, you could get a checkup for $, after decades of gov't meddling, a checkup costs $4000.
Once again, healthcare has become prohibitively expensive because of gov't meddling.
What truth is being suppressed?
Exactly, healthcare costs have sky-rocketed since Obamacare came into affect...another real world example of gov't driving up costs in a sector after it attempts to take it over.
The US does not have a free market in healthcare. Not even close.
The red/blue argument is a stall, imo.
Those private clinics are so bogged down in bureaucratic red tape that has driven costs through the roof. The more red tape, the less there is a free market.
Before the gov't/unions/insurance companies/big pharma took over US healthcare in the 60's, the head doctor ran his/her private office. The doctor would decide on the patients cost for major procedures based on the patients income/line of work. The doctor had that kind of freedom then. Not anymore, it's the bureaucracy that sets the price, and they always go with the most expensive way there is, every time...driving up healthcare costs.
Healthcare costs, in the US, have been driven up after all the small take-overs/red tape done by gov't.
As someone once said, "Gov't isn't the solution to the problem, gov't is the problem."
Which claim do you doubt?...or are you now looking at re-writing history?
David Peters
When asked, this morning, if healthcare should turn to free market solutions to meet demand, Higgs said that is not a debate option. Since when does gov't decide what's debatable and what's not? The only other option is to go hat in hand to Ottawa...who is buried in debt.
On the healthcare file, in NB, it appears no one is on the healthcare consumers side. It's all about special interest groups within the industry, and their fight for the budget pie.
Monopolies are also illegal.
"...collective terror of the slippery slope."
Ppl are terrorized by the idea of a slippery slope to better, faster and cheaper healthcare? Looks like the gov't monopoly on k-12 education is paying off in spades.
Right now, there are many doctors making north of a million $/yr...and the system cannot afford to hire enough to meet demand.
A real free market doesn't rely on a zero sum, fake budget...and in a free market, the doctor's themselves would be making the $ decisions, lowering costs for patients to affordable levels. Innovation wouldn't be as strangled as it is now, either...further lowering healthcare costs, producing better, faster service.
Why don't you ask a doctor in the US if he/she makes the $ decisions as far as patient costs go?
Marc Martin
Job cuts, health care cuts, and more money to big corporations nothing new here...The cons way...
EVERY area he touches he fails at.
Cam Randal
Higgs should do some research before spouting nonsence. What weed is
Mr. Higgs smoking? More immigrants equals more cheap labour for big
companies and more poverty in the province! Mr. Higgs needs to spend
more time on the CBC website to learn about the real situation.
From the CBC on January 15, 2020 "For newcomers who arrived between
2011 and 2016, the rate is as high as 71 per cent, according to the
latest Child Poverty Report Card from the Saint John Human Development
The report found nearly half of visible minority children in the province (46.7 per cent of 7,840) are living in poverty.
For immigrants, the child poverty rate was 57.1 per cent."
Lewis Taylor
My! how things change from being in opposition to Premier.
Terry Tibbs
Pretty lofty ideas there Mr Higgs for a place that offers no affordable housing, very limited healthcare, and crap for education. A place that has driven it's best and brightest away with lack of opportunity.
You sure don't live in the same NB that the rest of us do.
But yet you continue to attempt to buy our votes with our money and stories of greatness?
Good work of you can get it.
John Pokiok
Layton Bennett
Start by rescinding ever corporate property tax break and make them reapply in televised public hearings.
I *think* his grand plan is immigration, where he is guaranteeing the Irvings and the McCains all the minimum wage employees they could ever want.
Alison Jackson
So, when is Higgs going to tell Irving to start paying back that $40odd Billion in taxes they owe NB?
Marc Martin
Justin Time
"the worst is when the government has to step in to prop up industry sectors that became uncompetitive because their cost to operate climbed too high." Yet we continue to prop up billion dollar companies and continue to be held hostage.

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Methinks there ain't no opportunity here even for the sneaky bureaucrats within Opportunities New Brunswick N'esy Pas?
#cdnpoli #nbpoli
Opportunities New Brunswick eliminates 24 full-time positions
Laid-off workers being assigned elsewhere in government, says minister
Think about it. Those 24 employees couldn't have been doing much, if they could simply be shuffled along, and the department still operates...............

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
PCs step back from hard line on ONB transparency
In 2017, then-Opposition Leader Blaine Higgs called for the firing of ONB's CEO
· CBC News · Posted: Jan 21, 2019 12:25 PM AT

Economic Development Minister Mary Wilson says she has met with officials at Opportunities New Brunswick who say they are committed to transparency. (CBC)
The Tories demanded specific job-creation figures from the agency just two years ago — and called for the firing of its CEO when those numbers weren't provided — but are now counselling patience.
The shift in tone comes after Auditor General Kim MacPherson reported again last week that ONB still won't say how many jobs are created at each individual company it subsidizes.
"It's a big job for ONB to make sure they do their best to answer what the AG requires," Economic Development Minister Mary Wilson said in an interview.
She said she has met officials there and they're committed to transparency.
- Opportunities NB boss won't say if companies hitting job-creation targets
- Opportunities NB boss defends response to Atcon fiasco
- ONB won't make job creation numbers public, says CEO
Wilson also brushed aside questions about the agency's CEO, Stephen Lund.
In 2017, then-Opposition Leader Blaine Higgs called on the Liberal government to fire Lund after accusing him of misleading MLAs about MacPherson's recommendations.
No plans to remove agency's CEO
Now that Higgs is premier, Wilson said there are no plans to remove Lund.
"All I can say if we continue to look in the past, we're not going to be able to move forward," she said.
"So let's draw that line in the sand and work towards tomorrow, and see how we can make things better."
MacPherson first called for greater transparency at ONB in 2015, when she issued 19 recommendations as part of an audit into tens of millions of dollars of lost loans and loan guarantees to the Atcon group of companies.

ONB didn't exist at the time and Lund has said the Atcon money would never have been approved through his agency's more rigorous scrutiny.
Among MacPherson's 19 recommendations was one urging ONB to release figures comparing how many jobs are expected and created at each company that received a subsidy.
I recall our premier stating that over many years, there's been huge money handed out on corporate handouts, and again, where's the accountability? Are jobs being created? Job creation is the number one thing we're looking for, and that's my job going forward.- Mary Wilson, Economic Development MinisterIn January 2017, Lund got into a lengthy and tense exchange with then-PC MLA Kirk MacDonald at a legislative committee hearing. Lund refused to give MacDonald job-creation results for several companies MacDonald listed.
The Tory MLA suggested that companies shouldn't get subsidies if they weren't willing to let their job-creation results go public.
ONB said last March it could not release company-by-company results because that would reveal commercial, competitive information protected by confidentiality.
Instead, the organization says on its website how many total jobs have been promised and how many have been created. As of Friday, the site said 10,907 jobs have been committed and 4,989 have been created since ONB's inception in April 2015.
In a written statement, ONB vice-president Heather Libbey did not respond to a question about company-by-company job figures.
Instead, she said MacPherson's report "validates that ONB continues to demonstrate its commitment to improving access to and proactively disclosing how it manages and invests public funds."
More transparency needed
Wilson, a first-term MLA elected last September, at first defended ONB's decision to provide only aggregate numbers, calling it "all of their information that New Brunswickers would want to see."
But over the course of a 10-minute interview, she warmed to the need for more transparency.
"We have to be careful on those corporate handouts, absolutely," she said.
- A breakdown of the auditor general's report
- 'Living beyond our means': Auditor general troubled by debt growth
- Frequent school reforms hurt student performance, auditor general finds
She said she will be reviewing the issue in the months to come.
ONB discloses how much money it has handed out to each company, but last year it said it surveyed recipients and found 70 per cent did not want their individual job numbers released.
Auditor general upset over lack of progress
Even so, MacPherson returned to the issue in her report released last week, writing that she was "disappointed further progress has not been made on this important recommendation."
MacPherson said last week 12 of the 19 recommendations to ONB have now been implemented, up from her count of four in 2017.

The call by Higgs for Lund's firing stemmed from a disagreement over how MacPherson counted implemented recommendations.
ONB claimed in 2017 it had implemented 15 recommendations, only to be contradicted by MacPherson's count of four.
Minister doesn't see major changes coming
ONB vice-president Paul Fudge said last year they had put in place most of the extra monitoring MacPherson wanted, but, in a few cases, some files "were missing a piece of paperwork." ONB considered that an implemented recommendation but MacPherson did not.
After the auditor general contradicted Lund's count in 2017, Higgs declared, "Stephen Lund should lose his job over this. He should be fired."
But Wilson said, "in fairness, they are working very hard to make things better, accountable, transparent. I don't see any major changes coming in the near future."
The minister said in the coming months the Higgs government will launch an all-party review of ONB's mandate and will look at other ways to "energize" the private sector by lowering taxes and reducing red tape.
Commenting is now closed for this story.

David R. Amos

David R. Amos

I think anyone that starts every post with Methinks, does other readers a favour. No need to read them. Still annoying but you can skip over them.

David R. Amos
Methinks some folks may find this worth reading N'esy Pas?,%20Appleby,%20and%20Nova%20Scotia%E2%80%99s%20welcome%20to%20tax%20avoiders
"Lund, for his part, has his own interesting history:
About that NSBI job… the position used to be held by Stephen Lund, who before coming to work for NSBI worked at Butterfield Bank in Bermuda. At the helm of NSBI, he oversaw the extension of $9.1 million in payroll rebates for Butterfield Bank to expand in Halifax, but somehow neglected to mention he once worked for the bank. Lund left NSBI in August 2013, heading back to his old stomping grounds and took charge of the Bermuda Business Development Agency. But he abruptly left that job in April for unspecified personal reasons, and headed back to Nova Scotia. Lund was gobbled up by the Irvings and now works as Vice President of the Halifax Shipyard, where he uses his expertise in ladling out public funds to private corporations to design war ships, I guess.
Lund left Irving for a job as CEO of Opportunities New Brunswick, which is that province’s equivalent of NSBI. I can’t imagine how he reflects upon a career trajectory that took him from working for one of the world’s largest hedge fund banks in sunny Bermuda to an obscure posting in podunk and cold New Brunswick, but that’s his business. Still, there in New Brunswick, he’s managed to make himself the subject of a legislative controversy."

Greg Clouston

Richard Dunn
Jacques Poitras, and his liberal bias, is becoming even more annoying......if that is possible.

Dream on

Lou Bell

Lou Bell

Fred Brewer
It seems he will be a back-pedaling premier just like the rest of them.

Dianne MacPherson
12 of 19 recommendations isn't good enough, Mr. Higgs !!
Opportunities NB has been getting away with a
half-*** performance for years ....time to bring the
hammer down !!!
WHEN will the Bureaucracy in this Province ever be
FULLY held to account ????

FULLY held to account ????"
Survey Says?

In order to change the public’s perception of politics, the lies must stop

Samual Johnston

Gabriel Boucher

Yet another people that finally realized he should have voted People's Alliance!

Rod McLeod

Matt Steele

The only time the Liberals and Conservatives will listen is when they both lose.

This slush fund is simply too big for the powers to be to leave it to chance of an election...

David Peters

Harold Fitzgerald

Craig O'Donnell

...or better yet, rid of the crooked practice altogether. End all forms of corporate welfare.

David Peters
The headline could read, "Gov't backed companies refuse to give job numbers"

From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)" <fin.minfinance-financemin.
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 18:14:24 +0000
Subject: RE: CBC is blocking me again for the benefit of NB Power and
their liberal buddies Methinks I will have to make a few calls again
N'esy Pas Rob Moore and Higgy?
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Subject: Automatic reply: CBC is blocking me again for the benefit of
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From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 14:14:10 -0400
Subject: CBC is blocking me again for the benefit of NB Power and
their liberal buddies Methinks I will have to make a few calls again
N'esy Pas Rob Moore and Higgy?
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Questionable Florida investment by NB Power in spotlight at rate hearing
Utility and province spent $13M on licensing rights for technology
claiming to generate hydrogen from seawater
Robert Jones · CBC News · Posted: Feb 06, 2020 6:00 AM AT
David Amos
Methinks my friend Roger Richard made NB Power kinda nervous too N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Matter 458
IN THE MATTER OF an application by New Brunswick Power Corporation for
approval of the schedules of rates for the fiscal year commencing
April 1st 2020.
Held at the Delta Hotel, Saint John, N.B. on February 5th 2020.
DR. RICHARD: Now Mrs. Mitchell if you want to go to document NBP 1.27.
Page 4. Go a little bit at the bottom of the page. Ok. Are all your
unions due to negotiate their contracts in 2020?
MR. MURPHY: Yes, I believe as indicated here, we currently have our
distribution in customer service in transmission collective agreements
currently under negotiation and the generation and nuclear ones,
current collective agreements would terminate December of ’19. So
they, you know, in due course subsequently will be negotiated during
the 2020 year.
DR. RICHARD: Will it affect our financial plan?
MR. MURPHY: So recognizing these collective agreements were due, we
would make assumptions around the cost of renegotiating the collective
agreement, and we would build that into our forecast both in the test
year and in the 10-Year Plan. So there would be assumptions in there
in recognition of the fact that these were coming1 due and providing
some provision for their negotiation.
DR. RICHARD: That must explain why the union letter is the only letter
from the public that is for the increase in electricity prices. Thank
you for your time.
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