Convoy leader Pat King back behind bars
King turned himself in on Wednesday, intends to fight allegations he breached his bail
Pat King's trial may have ended last week, but the prominent figure in the 2022 convoy protests is back behind bars after turning himself in to police amid allegations he breached his bail conditions.
King has pleaded not guilty to mischief, intimidation and other charges for his role in what became known as the Freedom Convoy.
During a brief court appearance on Wednesday, the Crown confirmed there was an "ongoing investigation" and additional charges were anticipated.
After his trial ended, King has broadcast online — something he had done occasionally since being released from custody in July 2022.
He was given specific permission to do this in order to raise funds for his legal expenses, but is not allowed to comment on the case.
In those broadcasts, King discussed the status of his sureties and his plans to sue the government following a possible victory in the courts.
He's also spoken at length about his trial, which is expected to return Oct. 4 for a decision.
King to 'vigorously defend' himself
King arrived at the Ottawa Courthouse at just past 2 p.m. on Wednesday and shortly afterward was led away in handcuffs.
King didn't make any comment as he entered the courthouse, but his lawyer, Natasha Calvinho, released a statement following his appearance.
She said there were allegations King had breached his bail conditions.
"Mr. King will be seeking a bail hearing at the earliest opportunity and intends to vigorously defend against any allegations that he breached his previous bail conditions," Calvinho's statement said.
One of the people responsible for monitoring King while he is out on bail also informed the court they no longer wanted to do so.
protest organizer Pat King is seen outside the courthouse in May.
King's lawyer says he will 'vigorously defend' himself over the new
allegations. (Spencer Colby/The Canadian Press)
Has been in Alberta
King had been in Alberta and was appearing by video conference for the final days of his trial.
By Sunday, word had spread online among King's supporters and followers that he would be turning himself in.
On Monday night, King told his supporters he would be travelling to Ottawa and "surrendering" to police because of "allegations of a breach."
It's expected King will seek to be released on bail the first opportunity — which likely isn't until next week.
Convoy protest leader Pat King in custody for alleged bail breach
His lawyer said he would seek bail again at the earliest opportunity "and intends to vigorously defend against any allegations that he breached his previous bail conditions."
The lawyer of a ringleader of the 2022 convoy protest says her client has turned himself in for an alleged breach of his bail conditions.
Natasha Calvinho says Pat King “surrendered himself” at the Ottawa courthouse on Wednesday.
“Mr. King will be seeking a bail hearing at the earliest opportunity and intends to vigorously defend against any allegations that he breached his previous bail conditions,” Calvinho said in a statement.
Calvinho’s statement also said one of King’s bail sureties intended to revoke their status and “there were allegations that Mr. King breached his current bail conditions.”
A bail surety is a person who promises to supervise an accused person while they are out of custody on bail.
It’s not clear what led to King allegedly breaking his bail conditions.
King has pleaded not guilty to mischief, intimidation and other charges for his role in the 2022 convoy protest, which attracted thousands of demonstrators to downtown Ottawa near Parliament Hill in protest against public-health restrictions, COVID-19 vaccine mandates and the federal government.
King’s trial wrapped up in late July, with a verdict from Superior Court Justice Charles Hackland expected in early October.
The Crown is relying mainly on King’s own videos, which he posted to social media throughout the protest to document the demonstration and communicate with protesters.
Crown prosecutor Emma Loignon-Giroux alleges King co-ordinated the honking of horns from big rigs across Ottawa’s downtown core, and ordered drivers to sound those horns for 10 minutes at a time every 30 minutes.
He also told people to “hold the line,” when he allegedly knew police and the City of Ottawa wanted protesters gone, Loignon-Giroux said in her closing arguments.
She pointed to one instance when King helped move 80 trucks to block a major downtown street by “turning it into a three-lane parking lot.” He encouraged his social-media followers to help gridlock the city and led a convoy of trucks that rolled slowly down a highway and around the Ottawa airport to grind traffic to a near halt, she said.
“We all have as Canadian citizens the right of freedom of expression and assembly. Those rights are given to us through the Charter, and they’re extremely important, but, as I mentioned, they’re not without limitations, not without limit,” Loignon-Giroux said.
Calvinho is asking the court to dismiss the charges against King and has blamed police, city officials and other protesters for allowing tensions to escalate during the 2022 protest.
Calvinho argued King was a peaceful protester and was not in any way a “leader.”
“They did have the right to be downtown and peacefully protest,” Calvinho told the court during closing arguments.
Hackland interrupted both the Crown and defence several times during their closing arguments to ask questions.
He asked Calvinho several times how particular elements of the defence’s evidence were relevant to King and the charges he was facing.
Calvinho often responded that her evidence provided context, which she said the Crown’s case lacked. Ultimately, all levels of government failed Ottawa residents with their response to the protests, she argued, which was not the fault of King or others who protested lawfully.
The justice also questioned whether the Crown had established enough evidence to link King to the mischief at the demonstration.
“I’m seeing a man driving around, shouting out the window,” Hackland said of social-media videos showing King yelling “freedom,” “hold the line” and other messages.
“That’s being a party to mischief because what’s going on in the background is mischief?” the judge asked.
The Crown told the judge the videos shouldn’t be looked at in isolation, but should be considered together to get a full picture of King’s involvement.
With files from The Canadian Press
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Judge:" There are some people waiting in the waiting zoom waiting room. If there was a media in the waiting room, and would like to observe. I don't want to exclude them.
Def Counsel:" I don't know who
Natasha said she was going to reduce the witness list of PLT officers - it was a broad brush stroke "judge raised his eyebrows"
Judge hope you and the crown have an he opportunity to discuss the witnesses you proposed, and you have a couple civilians and I understand Buford and Ayotte have some focus
I've read bernier's evidence - what's happening in senior management isn't necessary to this case.
Judge agreed with nathasha by nodding his head that it's a lot of work to do an agreed statement of facts, now that I've narrowed it we may be able to reduce it.
10:31 am Daniel Joseph Bulford swearing in.
Def Counsel:" Mr Bulford before I start asking questions. I want to talk about previous statement. I sent you some documents.
Def Counsel:" you would have authored and affidavit for the civil suit
Mr. Bulford: " yes
Def Counsel:" are you named
Mr. Bulford: " yes
Def Counsel:" did you sign an affidavit in June ..
Mr. Bulford: " that was the anti-slapp
Def Counsel:" you testified at the POEC
Mr. Bulford: " YES
The 4 documents is that what I sent you. This was 2 years ago so you remember the details
Mr. Bulford: " yes
Def Counsel:" dates and times will you know them
Mr. Bulford: " probably not
Def Counsel:" have you testified to other criminal trials.
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:" how old are you?
Mr. Bulford: " 42
Def Counsel:" no longer law enforcement what do you do
Mr. Bulford: " I farm now
Def Counsel:" since when
Mr. Bulford: " Sept 2023 - he was abroad in 2022
Def Counsel:" when did you get into rcmp 24
Mr. Bulford: " ERT in Ottawa - sniper"
Def Counsel:" you conducted investigations
Mr. Bulford: " yes
Def Counsel:" when were you taught about note taking
Mr. Bulford: " everything has to be full fair and frank.
Def Counsel:" did you take notes during the convoy
Mr. Bulford: " yes I took detailed notes the entire time
Def Counsel:" there comes a point you resign.
Mr. Bulford: " Dec 15, 2021
Def Counsel:" why did you resign
Mr. Bulford: " I opposed the mandates. I went to internal chain of command that didn't work, union didn't work . There were 200 or so rcmp to speak.
Def Counsel:" did you take a pension
Mr. Bulford: " I took a payout
Def Counsel:" how is it that you got involved in the freedom commit
Mr. Bulford: " there were multiple freedom groups, I got involved with TBOF - one leader reached out to me to see if I would work with other leaders from the medical science and ethics perspective. That was my full time profession before I quit was protection. Jan 25 I received a phone call from a friend who knew Chris Garrah ...
Def Counsel:" can you say who that friend was?
Mr. Bulford: " Bethan Nodwell
Def Counsel:" so she she says there is adopt a trucker
Mr. Bulford: " I was told they were planning to host the truckers
When they arrived
Def Counsel: what do you mean
Mr. Bulford: " they were providing help for showers, first aid and safety and security.
Def Counsel:" what did you know about the convoy before the he 25th of January
Def Counsel:" when you started to hear on about the arrivals
Mr. Bulford: " maybe the week before. Tuesday was the phone call, Wednesday I met with the adopt a trucker. A small group of
People trying to manage a large event. I have experience on planning mass events.
Def Counsel:" such as
Mr. Bulford: " president visits, Canada Day
Def Counsel:" how are you learning about this movement
Mr. Bulford: " mainly social media, and some on the news.
Def Counsel:" what was your understanding of the volume
Mr. Bulford: " we were hearing all kinds of
Large numbers, like
I heard 50K vehicles, then I heard it was as long as the Saskatchewan province. It was obvious it was very large and there was a lot of support.
Def Counsel:" are you able to watch that live or clips
Mr. Bulford: " for me after the fact, I don't follow lives
Def Counsel:" what was your understanding of the duration of
The protest
Mr. Bulford: " until the mandates were dropped
Def Counsel:" was there any deadline
Mr. Bulford: " I never heard the deadline but I did at POEC
Def Counsel:" Jan 26 wed you go to a friends house
Mr. Bulford: " yes it was very scrambled and high stress and I said I would help as it was a big task. You may need to find someone to protect the the doctors and
Def Counsel:" has you heard of adapt a trucker before
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:" who is that
Mr. Bulford: " Chris Garrah
Def Counsel:" what was the role
Mr. Bulford: " To help them shower and find food
Def Counsel:" was there funding or donations
Mr. Bulford: " not at that time
Def Counsel:" when did trucks arrive
Mr. Bulford: " I heard some came
On the Thursday but I didn't see those . I didn't see the convoy in person until the 29th the Saturday
Def Counsel:" from the 26th to the 29th walk us through what you were doing
Mr. Bulford: " we got set up at the Swiss hotel
Def Counsel:" where is it
Mr. Bulford: " east of Rideau
Def Counsel:" adopt a trucker is set up at the Swiss hotel where
Mr. Bulford: " there was a boardroom on the main level
Def Counsel:" how would you describe your role at this point
Mr. Bulford: " I was a volunteer and a police liaison
My initial communication with Isabelle Cyr from Ottawa police because Mr Garrah was in contact with her
Def Counsel:" what was the purpose
Mr. Bulford: " just to tell her who I was and my role and to make a
Connection right away. In my experience with big events there is always a connection to make sure there is communication.
Def Counsel:" what was your role
Mr. Bulford: " chuckles well
To find volunteers, some kind of
A citizens on patrol to keep an eye on the trucks because some were being damaged. I was triaging information coming in to me. Triaging info and passing info on
Def Counsel:" if you received information that there would be possibly be danger or
Mr. Bulford: " yes first we would tell the truck captains, you need to get this out to their blocks. Occasionally I would do video broadcasts that I thought were necessary
Def Counsel:" what was your intention by notifying police e
Mr. Bulford: " to make
Sure I'm m
The police knew we weren't the ones causing the mom
Def Counsel:" did PLT ever pass info to you
Mr. Bulford: " they weren't giving me info to police operations
Def Counsel:" can we show the witness exhibit 26
Def Counsel:" please have a look through it please.
Mr. Bulford: " okay
Def Counsel:" is that a document you saw before this morning
Mr. Bulford: " I emailed a package to Tamara lich before the trucks came in "
Def Counsel:" I'm just going to talk about the date you received of the maps. Just read those to yourself and see if it refreshes your memory.
Def Counsel:" Jan 26 you had conversations with cyr a map was forthcoming
Mr. Bulford: " yes
Def Counsel:" when did you get the map update
Mr. Bulford: "....(inaudible)...
Def Counsel:" was there any locations for emergency lanes
Mr. Bulford: " yes there were hard no go lanes
Def Counsel:" you said you sent it to Ms Lich
Mr. Bulford: " yes she was the only name I knew of
Def Counsel:" on Jan 27 why are you sending this to Ms Lich
Mr. Bulford: " she was the only person I knew her name or knew who anyone else was yet. I had spoken to her on the phone. She asked if Mounties for freedom could help monitor social media
Def Counsel:" the 28th is the day you went downtown to see the protests
Mr. Bulford: " the initial contact with frost was before I had seen the convoy. There were the truckers that were frustrated on Booth and Sir John A - 02:30 hours.
Def Counsel:" you receive some info about upset truckers
Mr. Bulford: " they could see there was a big open road to Supreme Court and the archives - they could see the gap- they wanted to be close by the parliament him. They came from out west. There was a barricade
Def Counsel:" can you describe how much space?
Mr. Bulford: " from the Supreme Court to the war memorial
Def Counsel:" you attendee that areas
Mr. Bulford: " I was at booth and SJA and that's who I spoke to see why we can't move these trucks up. I met sgt Frost and drove around the streets and looking at the areas and emergency lanes. During our ride along we find vacant areas that trucks could go to.
Def Counsel:" did you say the time of this
Mr. Bulford: " I met sgt frost at police station at 230 in the morning
Def Counsel:" frost showed you no go lanes
Mr. Bulford: " yes the bus lanes
Def Counsel:" where you able to make observations about the bus routes
Mr. Bulford: " yes I would get up at 4 am perimeter walk because I knew I would be in the Swiss hotels. One spot on Kent at queen or slater it was fully blocked
Def Counsel:" how often did you walk
Mr. Bulford: " almost daily
Def Counsel:"almost daily - other than that one area... ....(inaudible)...
Mr. Bulford: " yes emergency lanes open and bus routes
Def Counsel:" ....(inaudible)....
Def Counsel:" at this point in time, had You met Mr king?
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:". Want to speak about the 28th of January with issues with audio equipment. What was it used for
Mr. Bulford: " it had been rented to go on the stage truck, or
The crane truck at Wellington and metcalfe, for the speakers, doctors and scientists. It opened up and I even spoke. The av equipment was to be used there so people could listen to speakers and music
Def Counsel:" was there an issue getting it to you
Mr. Bulford: " yes it got blocked and there was supposed to be one in parliament hill. The girls who got the permit for
It I didn't know her. So the plan B truck was the crane truck because we couldn't get to the hill. I think the av was intercepted by police e
Def Counsel:" your info was that there was permit
Mr. Bulford: " there was a permit for victoria on parliament hill. We had no idea who she was.
Def Counsel:" can you tell
Us what day this was
Mr. Bulford: " Friday I believe
Def Counsel:" the 28
Mr. Bulford: " yes Friday the 28th
Def Counsel:" you meet with sgt frost on the morning of the 29 did you see anything for the 28th
Mr. Bulford: " no not really until I got to booth and SJA
Def Counsel:" so when you see barricades and the drive around with sgt frost, are you able to comment about the volume
Mr. Bulford: " I really can't recall
That much from that morning. I remember them setting up the highway pylons. They were being set up on Wellington
Def Counsel:" do you see anything else come as barriers
Mr. Bulford: " yes like trucks and snow removals and the flat deck barrier that's were being used to replaced to the heavy machinery
Def Counsel:" when did heavy equipment come out
Mr. Bulford: " the heavy equipment right away the first few days the after the week it was the jersey barriers
Def Counsel:" what were they there for
Mr. Bulford: " presumably to stop more cars from coming in
Crown: " objection regarding wording
Def Counsel:" where did you see jersey barriers
Mr. Bulford: " right on Wellington by chateau Laurier
Def Counsel:" ....(inaudible)...
Mr. Bulford: " ... east of the barricades they Quebec component was at Rideau and Sussex
Def Counsel:" if I wanted to get out how would I
Mr. Bulford: " you would have to coordinate with the police"
Def Counsel:" could I back up if I wanted to?
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:" why not?
Mr. Bulford: " because the barricades"
Def Counsel:" on the issue of
Of the permit was it for audio visual do you know what the permit was for
Mr. Bulford: " the PPS sometimes puts up stages for protests
Def Counsel:" have you heard of any other other permits
Mr. Bulford: " I know people at the Swiss were looking for permits for toilets downtown"
Def Counsel:" I asked about your ride along with frost about barricades in emergency lanes, in the early morning hours did you see any roads being blocked off
Mr. Bulford: " not that I recall
Def Counsel:" are you able to help of a date ...
Mr. Bulford: " Rideau and Sussex was blocked but o know a spot on Sussex - by the arc hotel to the Marriott for the first press conference was with Keith Wilson was around the 7th
Def Counsel:" of February
Mr. Bulford: " that's when I noticed all of Kent blocked but the east and west streets
Mr. Bulford: looking at notes
Sorry it was Feb 3
Def Counsel:" from police side the barricades started when
Mr. Bulford: " the wood ones
Def Counsel:" like a marathon
Mr. Bulford: " then heavy equipment....
Def Counsel:" did you receive any info about washrooms
Mr. Bulford: " yes parliament closed them because they wouldn't be able to keep the upkeep and sanitary. Because they weren't going to be allowed to use the washrooms
Def Counsel:" on Jan 29 washrooms are closed, is there any port a poty
Mr. Bulford: " I had a soft argument with opp about it. We weren't able to bring trucks to service the washroom. I was upset because we need to give people more roper sanitation...
Audience member Didi Marie "right"
Pat king shaking his head
Def Counsel:" the issue of bricks
Can you explain
Mr. Bulford: " on January 30
At 1130 that 4 pallets of bricks. We're being ordered from smith falls - some bmr - Home Depot and the police thought I ordered bricks
Def Counsel:" what came of that ?
Mr. Bulford: " it was a non event as far as I know"
Def Counsel:" there was reports of rocks being thrown "
Mr. Bulford: " that was around booth and sir John a - 1650 on the 30th, constable Askin (sp) ....(Inaudible)... protestors on foot throwing rocks at police. He received no such reports. "
Def Counsel:" tell me about your conversation with ops askin "
Mr. Bulford: " I was told there would be no other vehicles that would move in. Police would only help with egress out."
Def Counsel:" did you get any instructions for a mass egress "
Mr. Bulford: " no"
Def Counsel:" any information what an egress would look like or be facilitated?"
Mr. Bulford: " no "
Def Counsel:" you received
info regarding sir John a at paragraph 7"
📌SIDEBAR:/ Judge isnt paying attention right now.
Def Counsel:" were you able to make these observations yourself ?"
Mr. Bulford: " not at that moment no "
Def Counsel:" at 650 that evening ops talked about restrictions ...
Mr. Bulford: " they would not allow food or fuel, and they would not backfill the trucks that left to go rest, no return in allowed"
Def Counsel:" did you know where these checkpoints were"
Mr. Bulford: " at Rideau and Sussex, access restrictions at Laurier and Elgin, Booth and SJA and there were additional checkpoints a few blocks south of parliamentary precinct. Probably I think around the Supreme Court. There was police there"
Def Counsel:" there were these daily walks, including the 30 and 31st, did you do walk around during the day?
Mr. Bulford: " I did occasionally during the day. I gave a speech on the truck on the 29th, and when Brian Peckford was on the stage, and walking between Swiss and Sheraton"
Def Counsel:" what is the significance of the arc hotel"
Mr. Bulford: " it was a secondary logistics section. Their main function was dealing with movement of the trucks - I would call it truck operations. They were part of the reducing the footprint, so that was taken over at the arc hotel"
Def Counsel:" did you see pat king ?"
Mr. Bulford: " no"
Def Counsel:" Tamara Lich
Mr. Bulford: " yes
Def Counsel:" Chris barber
Mr. Bulford: " yes
Def Counsel:" and who were they to you"
Mr. Bulford: " they were the defacto face of the convoy "
Def Counsel:" were you made aware of any roles they were given "
Mr. Bulford: " I knew Tamara was attached to the go fund me, Chris was a truck driver from Saskatchewan- he had a truck I learned was called big red, - he was a road captain from Saskatchewan."
Def Counsel:" back to parliament what are your observations "
Mr. Bulford: " it was the biggest event in downtown ottawa ever. More people I had seen. I would describe it as festive feeling type atmospheres. It was a very emotional time. "
Def Counsel:" did you hear music ?"
Mr. Bulford: " yes, it was a-giant winter Canada Day
Def Counsel:" what was the volume like ?"
Mr. Bulford: " It was loud, there was a shared sense of hope
That we are going to stop what was happening to us"
Def Counsel:" From your hotel, could you hear the honking at the Swiss hotel?
Mr. Bulford: " no I couldn't hear it from the Swiss. I know soon after
The trucks captains came up with a schedule to not upset the locals. There was a 7-7 or 8-8 no honking through the middle of the night. "
Def Counsel:" - we know about the injunction- was the honking schedule before or after the injunction"
Mr. Bulford: " before. The weekends were more a weekend party atmosphere. "
Def Counsel:"so like Saturday and Sunday ?"
Mr. Bulford: " no it was more Friday and Saturday
Def Counsel:" were any portable toilets ever brought down?
Mr. Bulford: " I remember seeing some on a trailer behind the Senate. Some were moved to the west end - there was a park in the west end. I don't think that was facilitated by the police - I think that was locals"
Def Counsel:" when were they serviced
Mr. Bulford: " I don't know.
📌SIDEBAR:/ Judge isn't taking notes.
Def Counsel:" your involvement comes to an end on the 18, did you see any violence
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:" what did you see throughout the convoy
Mr. Bulford: " I saw the bouncy castles, the street hockey, I saw people shoveling the sidewalks.
Def Counsel:" any trash collection
Mr. Bulford: " actually yes I know the guy who organized that.
Def Counsel:" I asked about an email with OPS Cyr yes
Def Counsel hands out a sheet
Def Counsel:" looks like an email from you sent on Jan 28 at 750 pm to introduce yourself to ops Cyr
Mr. Bulford: " yes
Def Counsel:" asked that it is marked as an exhibit
Def Counsel:" did you have more email with her
Mr. Bulford: " yes
Def Counsel:" do you recall
What you exchanged
Mr. Bulford: " I sent an email about someone possibly setting up propane bombs placed around parliament hill. This was not reliable but I wanted them (ops) to know if it were true.
Def Counsel:" hands the witness an email jan 31 at 738 in the evening. Can you review that and see if you recognize it sir.
Mr. Bulford: " yes i sent that email
Def Counsel:" what were you trying to tell the police
Mr. Bulford: " if anyone is deliberately blocking the intersection those aren't the people I am working with. I was worried....
Def Counsel:" did you get paid for any work
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:" so strictly volunteer no money
Mr. Bulford: " Chris Garrah from adopt a trucker paid my hotel towards the end
Witness continues to talk about his accounts frozen.
Def Counsel:" was driving around your initial role with sgt Frost"
Mr. Bulford: " yes to see where we could move trucks
Def Counsel:" who was out of
The arc hotel
Mr. Bulford: " Tom Morrazo
Def Counsel:" once it moved to the arc did you have anything to do with egress
Mr. Bulford: " not really
Def Counsel:" did anyone ever
Judge interrupts - "what was your role, what was your exit strategy ?"
Mr. Bulford: " I was under the thought process that I don't control these people, if they want to stay my role was to make sure it was safe, people - the truckers were hypersensitive about being told what to do.
Def Counsel:" so people like yourself trying to fix logistics, was there a planned end date
Mr. Bulford: " I don't recall a planned end dat, but there was a plan to decrease the footprint. People on Wellington could leave and if they wanted to continue protesting they could return on foot.
Def Counsel:" what do you mean by footprint
Mr. Bulford: " the protest was quite spread out. The primary protest was against the mandates for trucks. The negotiations were taken place between the lawyers and freedom corp and Tom Morazzo were involved in those negotiations"
Def Counsel:" when was this?
Mr. Bulford: " it was definitely before the EA act was invoked. I believe it was Justice Maclean on the 16th ...
Def Counsel:" what was your understanding of what was lawful"
Mr. Bulford: "there had to be no blocking of trade or blocking critical Infrastructure and no violence.
Crown objects states his understanding is not be legal interpretation.
Def Counsel:" prior to the mass arrests did you see anyone being arrested ?
Mr. Bulford: " video maybe - yes I saw people being arrested for bringing in fuel into the downtown core.
Def Counsel:" Feb 13, up until this point do you hear about an agreement reached between Tamara and the mayor shrinking the footprint
Mr. Bulford: " ....(inaudible)...
Def Counsel:" did you know about any agreement between Tamara and the mayor.
Mr. Bulford: " I don't think I knew then
Def Counsel:" if there was a reduction of the footprint were you involved?
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:" Feb 13 it was weekend about farm tractors coming to ottawa - paragraph 89 of your statement
Mr. Bulford: " yes
Def Counsel:" were there still farm tractors still trying to come to ottawa
Mr. Bulford: " I don't recall this convo being about farm
Tractors coming - he wanted to know if we had any involvement in Cornwall
Def Counsel:" okay we will move on. On the 13 were you told by PLT or city of ottawa to leave?
Mr. Bulford: " liaison handed out something about the red zone. It had a blue border or red border
Def Counsel:" okay prior to red notice or blue notice were you asked to leave?
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:" were you asked by PLT to ask truckers to leave
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:" one plt asked if i could help the Quebec crew at Rideau and Sussex to adjust their position. That's not my role, I said you have to talk to the arc hotel"
Def Counsel:" because they were handling the logistics of the trucks"
Mr. Bulford: " correct
Def Counsel:" what date do you start to receive the red and blue notices
Mr. Bulford: " the 14th they came to the Swiss and Tamara and some of the volunteers - they wanted to discuss the red notice. And that's when I expressed my opinion based on previous policing experience. My experience as rcmp, the rhetoric was making the situation worse. Chief Sloly was very fair until he resigned. Chief Blair upped the rhetoric.
Def Counsel:" did you see any increase in violence
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:" you described this as rhetoric what did you mean
Mr. Bulford: " they were describing what wasn't happening
Def Counsel:" was there conflict with counter protesters
Mr. Bulford: " oh yes there was in front of city hall. I don't recall seeing any violence and on the video you can see the counter protesters being more violent.
Def Counsel:" are you viewing it in person
Mr. Bulford: " no I saw videos and I had people reporting back to me
Def Counsel:" so
The videos you saw, you saw them from the Swiss
Mr. Bulford: " yes
Def Counsel:" like months later
Mr. Bulford: " no they would have been almost in real time
Def Counsel:" where you given the blue notice
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:" what about the red notice
Mr. Bulford: " that was handed to me at the Swiss
Def Counsel:" what did it say
Mr. Bulford: " anyone with a vehicle in the red zone. I didn't feel I had to leave because I wasn't actively protesting with a vehicle.
Def Counsel:" were you given any instructions what an egress might look like.
Mr. Bulford: " no I was not.
Def Counsel; I have one more area but this would be a good time to check my notes .
Lunch back at 2
Ms. Stewart speaks to HH about what counsel have agreed to regarding when she will present her motion.
Def Counsel:" okay want to go back to the counter protests - daytime or nighttime ?
Mr. Bulford: " daytime
Def Counsel:" What were the noise levels, convoy present ?
Mr. Bulford: " yes
Def Counsel:" counter protestors sitting there silent
Mr. Bulford: " there was a lot of yelling across the police line of protestors. Yelling at people to go back to Alberta. Hitting the trucks.
Def Counsel:" who was doing that
Mr. Bulford: " people opposed to the convoy. They surrounded the truckers on riverside and formed a human circle and wouldn't let them continue to drive on riverside dr.
📌SIDEBAR:/ he is referring to what Ottawa calls "Battle of Billing's Bridge" City councillor Shawn Menard and city councilor Catherine McKenna organized the "battle" I know because Jeff Leiper was my councillor and was also hating the convoy.
Def Counsel:" you said in your professional capacity you had attended some protests
Mr. Bulford: " yes
Def Counsel:" an estimate?
Mr. Bulford: " 20 ish
Def Counsel:" how many would have involved the the parliamentary police service
Mr. Bulford: " about 1/3 or less than 10
Def Counsel:" did you ever in
These 10 hearing of port-a -potty shut down?
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:" sanitation cut down.
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:" did you ever see pat king at the Swiss hotel
Mr. Bulford: " no
Def Counsel:" if you can read para 27 page 6 Mr. Bulford. You mentioned concerns about truck drivers on SJAM- what were the concerns?
Mr. Bulford: " they wanted to be closer to the parliament they felt isolated because they were the ones that came from western Canada and wanted to be by the action.
Def Counsel:" so after the 17th of Feb you get the red notice, did you see any communications between others, what was the feeling ?
Mr. Bulford: " the 17th is the day Chris Barber is arrested. I think that was the Thursday morning or day, I remember when Chris
was arrested, me and Tamara went for a walk and spoke to a sgt on Metcalfe and kind of presented ourselves and asked if we were to be arrested. He said not at this time. Tamara was arrested later that night.
Def Counsel:" what is the general mood on the 17th of Feb, when you are walking with Tamara
Mr. Bulford: " the day the ....(inaudible)... level had came up for sure. There was reporting of influx of more rcmp Coming to town. Constant talk of A mass mobilization. People were trying to remain calm. There was tension, but we kept with the "stay peaceful"
Def Counsel:" is that what you were saying"
Mr. Bulford: " yes there is a video of me telling people to stay peaceful. actually the Thursday the 17th at 6 am that was was my brief interactions with Pat the Swiss hotel - Pat came in saying that police were starting to mobilize"
Def Counsel:" was that the extent
Of your interactions with Mr king
Mr. Bulford: " yes as soon as he said that, I went out to see, it turns out they didn't mobilize that day, but they did the next day.
Def Counsel:" once the injunction on the 7th of Feb was the noise level down
Mr. Bulford: " yes definitely. We had noted this the first week
Def Counsel:" ....(inaudible)...
Mr. Bulford: " detective Benson started to msg me on signal. He had asked if I could provide a statement for a mischief charge.
Def Counsel:" ....(inaudible)...
Mr. Bulford: " ....(inaudible)... I asked Benson if I was being arrested. Benson asked for what?
Def Counsel:" was any instructions given to Mr king what he should do
Mr. Bulford: " all I remember saying is I will go Check it out
Def Counsel:" This was at 6 am anything about arousing truckers
Mr. Bulford: " no there was a lot of rumours and false alarms. I wanted to see if this was happening before I mass communicated with people
Def Counsel:" so at this point you are going around and did you tell detective Benson any information.
Mr. Bulford: " I remember implying that he was a homisode detective who should be looking at crimes against humanity.
Def Counsel:" was there any indication from police or Benson about arresting people
Mr. Bulford: " on the morning of the 18th when their public order unit came out by the senate, like a last ditch effort, I was saying "I was one of you, you can say no. "
Judge: you were telling the police they didn't have to do this? Is that what the rcmp trained you?
Mr. Bulford: " I was trained I only have to follow lawful orders"
Def Counsel:" page 23 paragraph 107 ....(inaudible)...
Mr. Bulford: " I went on foot around 7 am and remained there until I was pulled to the Lord Elgin for the press conference and then I was arrested
Def Counsel:" so what happening
Mr. Bulford: " Tom Morazzo was just finishing and once I was done I was arrested afterwards
Def Counsel:" you learn the police are looking to arrest you what do you do
Mr. Bulford: " my wife texts me and says the media says they are looking for me"
Def Counsel:" ....(inaudible)...
Mr. Bulford: " I walked up to the police line and said you are looking to arrest me. I was arrested and went to the lineup at Daly and lined up for prisoner transport vehicles and brought me to the police station on Elgin.
Def Counsel:" approximately what time?
Mr. Bulford: " looks at note 1700hrs
Def Counsel:" at ....(inaudible)... detective Benson interviews you
Mr. Bulford: " yes detective Benson seemed annoyed I was there" Benson asked if I asked to be arrested. I relayed that story to him and they were releasing me without charge. Benson said people were hurt on both sides.
Def Counsel:" in your time as a police officer, what is a long honk
Mr. Bulford: " it has to do with a distress signal' I may have seen a video of Mr Barber speaking about it.
Def Counsel:" those are my questions.
Crown is up
Asks about the injunction
Mr. Bulford: " legal team told us about infrastructure, trade and ...
Crown: so this is the first time
You read the injunction?
Mr. Bulford: " yes "
Mr. Bulford is reading the injunction and his notes.
The mtg I referenced was Feb 15 has to do with I was at a mtg with Keith and Eva and i was told that the EA had been invoked unlawfully
Natasha objects - The order is air horns.
📌SIDEBAR:/ Injunction on Feb 7 is the exact wording of the Feb 16 so obviously the noise level was down otherwise the new injunction would have had new wording.
Crown states Bulford was informed by counsel that as long as no one committing a crime, blocking critical infrastructure ....
Bulford had a press conference with Vincent and Eddie Cornell
Afternoon of Feb 15
I stopped taking notes of the discussion around the injunction, I'm sure Natasha has it all.
Back Thursday July 18.
And if you find typos expect more.
I'm trying to type as things are being said. Quite frankly, I've put enough time. I didn't bother proofreading my notes.
Amanda Purdy
Amanda Purdy is a Canadian citizen with no direct or family connection to the military. This has not stopped her from being a champion for recognition and remembrance of those who have bravely served our country in her hometown of Ottawa, Ontario. This year, Amanda is working in her community and with local schools to raise awareness of the 75th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy.
Before 2016, Amanda and her family didn’t know how truly life changing a visit to Normandy, France and more specifically Juno Beach, could be. During this trip, she was moved by the powerful stories of Veterans who served in D-Day and the Battle of Normandy and found a desire to advocate for the on-going commemoration of Veterans in her hometown of Ottawa.
In 2016, Amanda, her husband, and her two young daughters took a family vacation to France. During their time, they visited historic war memorials and participated in a ceremony held at a Canadian cemetery. This ceremony had a special connection to Canadian students – a school in Ontario had encouraged their students to write personal messages of gratitude to the fallen soldiers buried in France. There were 2048 messages in total.
“To be standing on the very ground where it all happened, where so many lives were lost, made a lifelong impact on our family.”
At the end of this ceremony, every individual in attendance was given a stack of Canadian flags with these hand-written messages. They were then asked to place a flag on each grave marker. “This was an absolutely moving experience and I can honestly say, it forever changed our family and our respect for what our military does, and the Veterans and the sacrifices they made.”
During their time in France, the family also visited Juno Beach and the Juno Beach Center. Amanda was truly moved by this experience as well, “The Centre has something for every age to interact with. To have my young girls engaged to learn about D‑Day and the significance of Juno Beach was remarkable. To be standing on the very ground where it all happened, where so many lives were lost, made a lifelong impact on our family.”
“We decided to name our new dog Juno”.

Following the trip, the family continued to be moved by their time in Normandy, France and their gratitude for those who served. It was so powerful, in fact, Amanda explained, “We decided to name our new dog Juno”. When asked about the name, Amanda uses the opportunity to educate other children and youth about Juno Beach and D-Day.
Amanda has her sights set on a new mission thanks to this experience. She is working with local schools to create an awareness campaign about this important moment in Canadian history. She also wishes to re-create the messages of gratitude and involve all of the schools in Ottawa.
Along with raising awareness for children and youth, Amanda is also actively pursuing having a street re-named in Ottawa to honour veterans who served in the Second World War.
Amanda Purdy is one of our Faces of Freedom for the 75th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy. She is demonstrating how every Canadian can honour the memory of those who sacrificed themselves for our peace and freedom in their own way.
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