Saturday 17 August 2024

Online threats lead to standoff with RCMP in Dinsmore


Thomas Zaugg
Here's a thread about my appearance in Alex Cargills spaces. I think it's important to highlight the blatant hypocrisy of this character. Initially, I had simply tuned in to hear what this guy was on about. For whatever reason decided to make me a speaker /1
Trans(je suis Alex Cargill #PPC)
Set a reminder for my upcoming Space! Here you are
I'm here to hear you out. Even messiah narcissists deserve a hearing.
Alex Cargill #PPC)
Trans(je suis Alex Cargill #PPC)
talking to a Bernier hater named @davidRaymondam1
today at 11:00 PM 

Thomas Zaugg
I had seen some of his appearance on a recent episode of the show, and I thought he came across as very thoughtful and considerate. I thought maybe moving to NS had mellowed him out a bit. I guess it's the schtick that he uses for Twitter. What I notice is /2

Thomas Zaugg
Is that the guy doesn't seem to ever really engage in a thoughtful discussion of the facts that goes beyond partisanship. It's as if constructive criticism is a concept that escapes the partisan. How can any organization grow when it stiffles any unique thoughts? It's funny /3

Thomas Zaugg
This guy accuses me of being an agent provocatuer but ignores my documented political history. Because of my political activities I have been subjected to a #Zersetzung system of torture. This system is applied to many dissidents in this country. /4

Labrador man denied long-sought hearing about his detainment for a tweet

Judge found detention of Andrew Abbass in a mental health hospital was unlawful

Thomas Zaugg
The nature of my struggle likely would disqualify me from any political position, but that doesn't mean that I have to sit down, shut up and agree with bullshit. There are legitimate grievances people have with the leadership of the PPC. I support the idea of a party to be /5

Thomas Zaugg
The vehicle of change for Canada. I just think if that party is going to be the PPC, there needs to be some changes in how the party operates. There needs to be more dialogue and more open debate and less political orthodoxy. I do think the parties failure to recruit someone /6

Thomas Zaugg
Like Grant Abraham speaks volumes about this closed minded orthodoxy and failure to communicate. We don't need a 100 different parties for the same cause, but as long as the leadership of this party continues to behave in the manner it does, it will fail to build a coalition /7

Thomas Zaugg
With independent Canadian voices. This failure to build a coalition of independent Canadian voices creates fractures where there could be unity. The idea that every person that isn't simply a good "Catholic" and accepts Pope Maxime creates stagnation /8

Thomas Zaugg
New parties should be lively centers for debate. Through lively debates is where a party would find its best potential parliemntarians and its voice. As long as this there isn't room in the party to constructively criticize the leadership, there cannot be a meritocracy of debate.

"For whatever reason" You asked. That was the reason you deceptive Nelly.

Thomas Zaugg
The level of projection from you is wild. You fundamentally do not care about what the truth is. Like I had a lot to contribute to that discussion, but you couldn't hear anything I was saying because you fundamentally misunderstand my motivations. I agreed with a lot of what you

Thomas Zaugg
Had to say about BJ Dicter for example. I got maybe as up close of a view on how he operated as someone could, on account of me staying in his hotel room with Boardman. But no one 'our side' even wants to hear it. Don't you think it's weird that of all people they had never stay

Thomas Zaugg
*ever had stay with them, they had me. Why is that? Am I the only person that thinks that's strange? Like look at the 12 minute mark of this video that Tamara and BJ watched. Truth matter more than close minded partisanship. 

First Mention of a Freedom Convoy

Sep 13, 2020 Riel (1979) #HeWasBilo    • Riel (1979)  


Too Too Funny
@davidamos7114  thanks David. I hope you are able to get justice for your cause, although I may not be able to grasp what it is currently. I know that someone that is diligent and persistent like you are, is someone that seeks the truth.
 @thomasthezaugg  Why not pick up the phone and talk to me???
 @davidamos7114  I have no idea what your telephone number is.
 @thomasthezaugg  506 434 8433 I Tweeted it to everyone before the circus began
 @thomasthezaugg  Why did you delete my reply then call me???

Justin Bourque should get the Medal of Freedom

Thomas THE Zaugg

  Sep 19, 2020 #Bilo  
Longest unedited Bourque interrogation footage I could find    • Video   
How the system wants you to think about this incident    • 16x9 | Under Fire: Were Moncton RCMP ...   
 More Stupidity From Canada's courts in relation to this incident    • RCMP fined for labour code conviction...   
Link to the creepy music (Good Friend makes it and he is a misunderstood person #Bilo
Revenge-The Warning   / revenge-the-warning   
 If you want to chip in to travel expenses as this video will basically be putting me on the lamb, you can send your sweet sweet scrilla to my


Well we talked correct?
Interesting that you clipped a video of Chucky Leblanc and his buddy and a bit about Ron Francis the cop who harassed me for awhile


Trans(je suis Alex Cargill #PPC)
Set a reminder for my upcoming Space! Here you are
I'm here to hear you out. Even messiah narcissists deserve a hearing.
Alex Cargill #PPC)
Trans(je suis Alex Cargill #PPC)
talking to a Bernier hater named @davidRaymondam1
today at 11:00 PM 

homas Zaugg
Like, just on a communications front, I could recommend do a basic summary instead of sperging out links to a mountain of documents I have to sift through to find the meaning of. You sent a bunch letter 20 years ago trying to address corruption. Is that the jist of it?
I guess you don't read too good either. My initial comment is very critical of the direction Maxime is taking the party, pointing out his failure to have a leadership convention and how this is stalling the parties growth. You seem a little... emotionally unhinged.

homas Zaugg
... so we're believing everything we read in the media now? 
All I said was I don't really follow what you're on about. Instead of taking the time to enlighten me as to what you're on about, you attack me.

Thomas Zaugg
Even I have a hard time following what that guy is on about. 
My critique of the party has consistently been that it needs to have a leadership convention, in order to open up the floor to debate. I contend until the party does this, it will continue to stagnate instead of grow.

David Raymond Amos
Do you know how to read?
David Raymond Amos
I do

Online threats lead to standoff with RCMP in Dinsmore

A 35-year-old man is undergoing a mental health assessment after a standoff with the RCMP in Dinsmore, Saskatchewan.

A man in Dinsmore who sparked a lengthy standoff with the Mounties after allegedly making threats and barricading himself inside a home with weapons had posted hours of video content online about conspiracy theories leading up to his arrest.

According to RCMP spokesman Rob King, the 35-year-old man was taken into custody early Thursday morning after what became an hours-long standoff. Police said the incident began around 4:15 p.m. Wednesday after officers responded to the home, about three hours northwest of Regina, due to reports that a man was making threats online.

King would not provide any further details on the nature of the threats.

At 9:22 p.m. Wednesday, police issued a release alerting the public of an increased police presence in the village. The RCMP’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) also responded to the scene. Police asked that residents avoid the scene, but said there was no threat to the surrounding area.

Police said the man was taken into custody around midnight, and that he had barricaded himself, with weapons, inside the home. King said police had to enter the home to arrest the man, as he would not come out on his own.

The man was then taken to hospital for treatment and a mental health assessment.

Police have not released his name. However, the Leader-Post has learned the man is Thomas Christian Zaugg, who is originally from Toronto. A notorious figure in Toronto, Zaugg was arrested and charged in 2019 with spray painting the cenotaph outside Old City Hall.  He was released on bail and was ordered to undergo counselling. Zaugg later claimed he vandalized the cenotaph in response to Don Cherry being fired from CBC. Thomas Christian Zaugg was arrested by the RCMP in Dinsmore on Thursday after allegedly barricading himself inside a home with weapons. He was taken to hospital for treatment and a mental health assessment. (Photo: DLive) jpg

In a video that was live streamed on Wednesday, Zaugg can be seen inside a dark room. He references the fact that police are outside his home, and that he believes they are there to kill him.

“They’re intending on murdering me,” said Zaugg in the video.

Police can be heard on a loudspeaker attempting to speak with Zaugg. At one point a buzzing sound is heard, and Zaugg remarks that police are using a drone outside.

Zaugg had posted several hours worth of live-streamed videos in the past three days. Much of the videos involve him alone in front of a webcam speaking incoherently about a multitude of topics, such as the Canadian constitution and the military.

In another video taken on Thursday before his arrest, Zaugg exits his home and yells at two RCMP members at the end of a driveway.

“You are blindly following orders like Nazis, communists. All the things that you claim to stand against. You are a disgrace,” said Zaugg, who then asks police if they have ever heard of QAnon, in reference to the global conspiracy movement.

In other videos, Zaugg can be seen carrying what appears to be a rifle and a crossbow. He speaks of not going down without a fight, before trailing off.

On a Twitter account bearing Zaugg’s name, the last post at 9:28 p.m. Wednesday addresses the police presence outside his home. He also tagged U.S. President Donald Trump and wrote “SIR. I AM Q>I REQUIRE YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION.”

In a tweet from Dec. 14, 2020, Zaugg wrote that he would favour the U.S. sending its army into Canada to liberate it from its “traitorous communist government.”

Kevin Metcalf is a Toronto resident who runs a Facebook page that monitors far-right movements in the city. Metcalf said Zaugg  had been known for walking around Kensington Market dressed as a wizard while making anti-Semitic remarks. Metcalf said Zaugg has also been associated with an online organization called The Plaid Army.

“It’s like an ecosystem of far-right video bloggers who share each other’s content and support each other’s work. I understand there’s been some falling out between Thomas Zaugg and The Plaid Army in the last few days that may have precipitated this incident. That’s sort of what I’ve been researching,” said Metcalf. Members of the RCMP’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) were on scene in the village of Dinsmore on the evening of Jan. 6, 2020. Police were responding to a report that a man had made threats online. Police also said the man had barricaded himself inside a home with weapons. He was taken into custody shortly after midnight on Thursday, and sent to hospital for treatment and a mental health assessment. (Christian Moulding/West Central Online) jpg

As of Thursday afternoon, Zaugg was not yet facing any charges in connection with the incident, which is still under investigation by the RCMP.

Harvey Lonsberry, the mayor of Dinsmore, did not wish to identify the man arrested as Zaugg, but said the individual had been living there for only a few weeks. He described the village, which has a population of 290, as typically a very “sleepy community.”

“There was a large police presence so everybody was very curious about it,” said Lonsberry. Members of the RCMP’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) were on scene in the village of Dinsmore on the evening of Jan. 6, 2020. Police were responding to a report that a man had made threats online. Police also said the man had barricaded himself inside a home with weapons. He was taken into custody shortly after midnight on Thursday, and sent to hospital for treatment and a mental health assessment. (Christian Moulding/West Central Online) jpg


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