Tuesday 27 August 2024

Is Higgs's criticism of lawsuit naming nurses a legitimate gripe? Lawyer explains


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Date: Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at 11:45 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: Is Higgs's criticism of lawsuit naming nurses a legitimate gripe? Lawyer explains
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Date: Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at 12:02 PM
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Date: Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at 11:42 AM
Subject: Is Higgs's criticism of lawsuit naming nurses a legitimate gripe? Lawyer explains
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Saturday 24 August 2024

N.B. premier slams naming nurses in Mesheau family's lawsuit


Is Higgs's criticism of lawsuit naming nurses a legitimate gripe? Lawyer explains

There are legal and tactical reasons to name individuals in lawsuit, says law professor

When his students are unsure, Dalhousie law professor Jonathan Shapiro tells them it's always safer to overname when filing lawsuits.

That's because it's easier to drop names from a lawsuit than add them down the road when it might be too late. It's a normal practice in lawsuits against private companies, Shapiro said, but one that Premier Blaine Higgs is taking issue with in a case involving a regional health authority. 

Higgs issued a statement over the weekend urging the family of a man who died in the Fredericton emergency department not to name individual nurses in their lawsuit against Horizon Health Network.

Darrell Mesheau, 78, spent about seven hours in the waiting room of the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital ER before he was discovered slumped and motionless in a wheelchair by a licensed practical nurse around 4:30 a.m. on July 12, 2022. His sister, Susan Mesheau, is the executor of his estate and filed the notice of action this month.

WATCH | Why not naming someone in a lawsuit could mean trouble down the road:

Why it’s sometimes safer to sue everyone in a lawsuit’s early stages

Jonathan Shapiro, a teaching fellow at Dalhousie University's Schulich School of Law, explains why it's better to be safe than sorry. He says there are strategic and legal reasons to name individuals in a lawsuit against a company.

The lawsuit names Danielle Othen, a registered nurse who triaged Mesheau, and April Knowles, a licensed practical nurse tasked with monitoring patients. 

Higgs said there was already an inquiry into Mesheau's death, which "highlighted important changes that needed to be made."

"The inquiry did not find any instances of negligence on the part of these nurses. To suggest otherwise by naming them in the lawsuit is unacceptable."

When reached on the weekend, Susan Mesheau said the family had no further comment. So while the family's lawyer's strategy is not known, Shapiro said there are legal and strategic reasons to name individuals in a lawsuit.

Suing the government versus suing a private company

Shapiro, who's been a teaching fellow at the Schulich School of Law for more than 10 years and was previously a lawyer for the federal department of justice, pointed out that when someone sues the government, there's actually a statute that prevents them from naming individuals. 

For example, if someone was suing an RCMP officer or a prison guard, you would just name the Crown as the defendant. 

A man with gelled back silver hair and wearing a grey dress shirt smiles and leans against a stone wall. Jonathan Shapiro is a teaching fellow at Dalhousie University's Schulich School of Law in Nova Scotia. (Submitted by Jonathan Shapiro)

"When you're dealing with a private lawsuit, it's ordinary, normal in many circumstances, to name, for example, a company and its employees," Shapiro said. 

While there's government overlay in the case of Mesheau, Shapiro said the family is not actually directly suing the government, but rather a company that is contracted by the government.

The early stages of a lawsuit

When a lawsuit is in its very early stages and a statement of defence has not yet been filed — like in the case of Mesheau's family — naming a person in a lawsuit and that person ultimately being held responsible are two very different things, Shapiro said.

"If I were the lawyer for the nurses, I'd be saying to them, you don't have that much to worry about here," Shapiro said.

He acknowledged it's very stressful to be named in a lawsuit, and said he understands Higgs's concern about causing that anxiety for health-care workers. 

"We're in a health-care crisis across this country. It is very hard to keep and attract skilled labour, and nurses are amongst those. If nurses are afraid that when they're doing their legitimate jobs, they'll end up named personally in lawsuits, they might not want to stick around in the province," Shapiro said.

That's why he also tells his students that if they're going to name someone in a lawsuit, they should consider the repercussions for that person. Still, a lawyer may decide to name someone as a way to apply pressure to the case, and that's part of doing their job and representing their client in the best way possible. 

Vicarious liability

Naming individuals in a lawsuit requires extra time and resources during the legal process, Shapiro said, which can end up being a waste if those names are dropped.

So why do it? 

One reason is vicarious liability, which Shapiro said is the concept that employers are responsible for the actions of their employees.

If a company guarantees vicarious liability will apply, there's usually no reason to name individuals in a lawsuit, Shapiro said.

A portrait of a man with grey hair and a beard, wearing a blue collared shirt and brown tweed blazer. Darrell Mesheau, 78, sat in the waiting room of the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital emergency room for about seven hours before he was discovered unresponsive around 4:30 a.m. on July 12, 2022. (Darrell Mesheau/Facebook)

But if vicarious liability is not guaranteed, then it's in the best interest of the lawyer who's filing the lawsuit to name the individuals involved, in case the employer being sued decides to say in its defence that the employee is at fault, not them.

If that happens and a lawyer hasn't named that employee in the lawsuit, then it could be either difficult to add them to the lawsuit — requiring more time and resources — or it might not even be possible, due to statutes of limitations. The lawyer is then at risk of being sued by their client. 

If the employer formally guarantees vicarious liability after the statement of claim has been filed, it's likely the individual names will be dropped from the lawsuit, Shapiro said.

In Mesheau's case, it's unclear whether vicarious liability is guaranteed. While it's true the provincial government will cover the legal fees of the nurses, as well as any legal punishment that results from the lawsuit, that's not a reason to not name the individuals in the lawsuit, Shapiro said.

Can Higgs ban naming health-care professionals?

In his weekend statement, Higgs said if he's re-elected, he'll introduce legislation that bans the naming of individual health-care workers in lawsuits. 

Higgs can technically do this, Shapiro said, though he's not aware of any precedent for it, nor any other province that has introduced similar legislation. 

He anticipates one major drawback to that kind of legislation, however — cases where vicarious liability does not apply, or cases where the action was so extreme that the limits of vicarious liability are exposed.

"One of the things about vicarious liability that's limited is that if the employee's behaviour is either not covered by their job description or wildly negligent, well outside of what an employer would expect their employee to do, then the employer's not responsible," Shapiro said.

"In that environment, you really do have to sue the individual."


Raechel Huizinga

Social Media Producer

Raechel Huizinga is a social media producer based in Moncton, N.B. You can reach her at raechel.huizinga@cbc.ca.


David Amos
Content Deactivated
I repeat Mr Outhouse should have advised his client not to comment on a matter before a court 
David Amos
Content Deactivated
This was the dumbest lawyer I ever encountered Perhaps they should teach this in law school

David Amos
"Shapiro, who's been a teaching fellow at the Schulich School of Law for more than 10 years and was previously a lawyer for the federal department of justice, pointed out that when someone sues the government, there's actually a statute that prevents them from naming individuals."

I wonder if he refers to my lawsuit as he teaches law 

Al Clark 
Reply to David Amos
He probably limits discussion to ACTUAL lawsuits, that have been filed completely (the fee) 
David Amos
Content Deactivated

Reply to Al Clark   
Federal Court File Number T-1557-15 is very real Higgy watched me show it to a crowd Were you there? 
David Amos
Reply to Al Clark
Federal Court File Number T-1557-15
David Amos
Reply to David Amos
Higgy was in the audience when I revealed the lawsuit 
Al Clark 
Reply to David Amos

Doug kirby  
Oh higgs never fails to amuse us all 
Allan Marven  
Reply to Doug kirby  
He isn't funny. Neither is Justin.
David Amos 
Reply to Doug kirby 
Welcome back to the circus  
Allan Marven 
He was boss at the time. All we need to know.  
David Amos
Reply to Allan Marven  
Its all you want to know

Al Clark 
When has Higgs ever worried about his gripes being legitimate?
David Amos
Content Deactivated
Reply to Al Clark   
When have you?

Holley Hardin  
So say you work at Large hardware chain and it's your responsibility to build and maintain the shelving in the store and you know that one of the overhead rake's is missing some important bracing but you say nothing and it collapses killing some one should you not be named in the suit?

Pretty much the same issue isn't it?...these nurses knew or ought to have known the ER was dangerously under staffed...

David Amos
Reply to Holley Hardin  
What do yo when the nurses assault you under doctor's orders? 
Dan Lee
why not name nurses .....if they were incompetent.......negligent........demanding.......did you forget my brother in law already Higgs.........  
Gregory Wulf
Reply to Dan Lee  
Is your brother in law a nurse? 
David Amos
Reply to Gregory Wulf
Who is Dan Lee? 
Gregory Wulf
Reply to David Amos 
Who is John Galt? 
David Amos
Reply to Gregory Wulf
You tell me I am certain you are who you claim to be 
Al Clark 
Reply to David Amos
Who is Raymond?
David Amos
Reply to Al Clark   
He was my Mother's Favourite Brother He was killed in Normandy on June 8th 1944 two weeks before my Father's Friend David died on my Mother's birthday  
 When has Higgs ever worried about his gripes being legitimate?
Allan Marven 
Reply to Dan Lee  
100% right. If you think you have the stuff, and you don't, you need to be called out. 
Allan Marven 
Reply to David Amos
My violin strings just broke. 
David Amos
Content Deactivated
Reply to Allan Marven 
Your forgot to ask me if I cared about your fiddling abilities
Al Clark 
Reply to David Amos
Interesting. My father's most and least favourite brothers both made it up the beach

Robert Brannen  
That's just Higgs expounding upon topics for which he has no expertise --- again.

David Amos
Reply to Robert Brannen  
That's an understatement
Ronald Miller 
Reply to Robert Brannen  
Based on what you post you are in no position to judge anyone on being an expert in anything.
Robert Brannen  
Reply to Ronald Miller
How would you know that; from your posts today, I see you think that you know what the majority of New Brunswickers desire.

William Peters 
They ought to be suing Higgs.
David Amos
Reply to William Peters
Marc LeBlanc  
Wouldn't any action against the healh authority would include those employees relevant to the case

There's no need to name them

David Amos
Reply to Marc LeBlanc
I disagree
Al Clark 
Reply to Marc LeBlanc   
Trust me the money it cost the Judge to send his boy to STU was wasted.  
John Dutton
Completely disagree with this lawyer and what they stand for. Naming nurses was wrong.

Bill Hanson
Reply to John Dutton
ever heard the quip about asking a lawyer what's right and wrong

and being advised on how to stay out of court?

David Amos
Reply to Bill Hanson

Kyle Woodman
Half a decade in power and not a single school yet built in Saint John. Higgs couldn't care less about your child's education. He only cares about introducing conservative curriculum in the class. It all about identity politics with Higgs. He's obsessed.

David Amos
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Was he ever relevant???

IMHO Cardy ran the circus Higgy was just the ringmaster

SarahRose Werner
"He acknowledged it's very stressful to be named in a lawsuit" - But he thinks over-naming should be done anyway because it's easier for the lawyers. Yeah, there's a reason there are so many lawyer jokes.

David Amos
Reply to SarahRose Werner
Perhaps you are beginning to understand my jokes

Clive Gibbons
Reply to SarahRose Werner
They're not jokes though... 
Sandra Boudreau
I have been ill for over a month and i know i need an ekg. i'm afraid to go to the ER, i dont want to sit there until i die.

valmond landry
Reply to Sandra Boudreau
you can always come to vitality in bathurst you'll be treated well i find everything well organized .although their might be some exception they go by priority .

Bill Hanson
Reply to Sandra Boudreau
if you "need" an ECG

go to a lab

or the lab in the hospital

or are you saying you are having cardiac symptoms?

in which case...you will be top of the list at the ER

David Amos
Reply to valmond landry
I could not go the Horizon System for years without the possibility of being arrested again assaulted again but my new doctor directs me there and its been ok lately

Bill Hanson
well...I've been sued by a psych patient's estate after a suicide

an extremely gruesome event...bit of an 'inward bruise"

both my employer and I were named in the suit

not fun....about 6 months of being told by the hospital's lawyer that there was no case followed by about 3 months of going to court and hearing why we/I was at fault

and the Jury found us to be not negligent

but that doesn't make it easier

I should have called in sick that day

David Amos
Content Deactivated

Reply to Bill Hanson
Perhaps your patient would have fared better if you called in sick that day Eh?

David Amos
Reply to Bill Hanson
Oh My My

David Amos
Reply to Bill Hanson
Remember when I was assaulted in the DECH ER???
Bill Hanson
Reply to David Amos
New Brunswick?
David Amos
Reply to Bill Hanson
Bill Hanson
Reply to David Amos
well then...it wasn't me 
David Amos
Reply to Bill Hanson
Never said it was 

Samual Johnston
Great advice - ruin the lives of people just because you did not do your research.

"When his students are unsure, ... professor Shapiro tells ... to overname...because it's easier to drop names from a lawsuit than add them down the road..."

David Amos
Reply to Samual Johnston
Look who keeps naming them

Deborah Reddon
Once again, Higgs acts out like a child and speaks on issues he has no knowledge of. His retirement is coming soon.

Robert Snider
Reply to Deborah Reddon
Don't be too sure of that tho

David Amos
Reply to Robert Snider
I agree with both of you

Lorelei Stott
I'm voting for Higgs but I don't like his stance on this one, less government intervention more transparency please

Deborah Reddon
Reply to Lorelei Stott
Not a chance Higgs should be in power. His lack of knowledge on issues has already caused the citizens on NB millions in damages as he acted inappropriately.. He seems unable to hold his tongue and let those who are knowledgeable speack for the government.

David Amos
Content Deactivated

Reply to Lorelei Stott
Why waste your vote on a clown?

David Amos
Reply to Lorelei Stott
Too Too Funny

Gilles Vienneau
Higgs never hesitated to name Dr Ngola and Horizon CEO Dornan, did he? So thie "rule" of his doesn't apply to him, just other. Reminds me of an orange clown...

David Amos
Reply to Gilles Vienneau
Good Point
Al Clark
Reply to Gilles Vienneau
He has presidential immunity?

Jonathan Shapiro

University Teaching Fellow



Related information

Email: jshapiro@dal.ca
Phone: 902-494-4294
Mailing Address: 
Room 420, Weldon Law Building, 6061 University Avenue
PO Box 15000 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2
Research Topics:
  • Law
  • Criminal law
  • Administrative law
  • Immigration and refugee law
  • National security


  • BA Hons (UBC)
  • LLB (Dalhousie)
  • LLM (Columbia)

Bar admissions

  • British Columbia, 2003
  • Nova Scotia, 2007


Professor Shapiro practiced law for 10 years with the Department of Justice Canada prior to joining the faculty of the law school. His primary area of teaching is in working with students to develop practical legal skills such as persuasive legal writing and oral advocacy.

Areas of substantive teaching interest include: Criminal Law, Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law and Immigration Law. He has also taught Introduction to Law for several years, which is a course offered by the law school to non-law school students. 

Research interests

Professor Shapiro's primary research interest is the intersection of criminal law and administrative areas of law, particularly where there are overlapping interests, such as the use of immigration measures as a way of dealing with national security threats. 


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