Family of man who died in ER waiting room 'appalled' by premier's comments about lawsuit
Darrell Mesheau died after waiting 7 hours at Chalmers Hospital ER
After Premier Blaine Higgs slammed the family of Darrell Mesheau last weekend for naming nurses in the lawsuit over their father's death, Mesheau's son is speaking out.
"I feel that I am forced to speak up," Ryan Mesheau said in an emailed statement to CBC News.
"I became quickly appalled because of the misinformation that Premier Higgs chose to spread in his statements, seeming to use the death of my father for what appeared to be a self-serving attempt to gain political points."
Susan Mesheau, executor of the estate of her brother Darrell Mesheau, filed a notice of action against Horizon Health and two nurses who were on shift at a Fredericton emergency room the night he died.
Darrell Mesheau, 78, sat in the waiting room of the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital emergency room for about seven hours before he was discovered unresponsive around 4:30 a.m. on July 12, 2022.
The notice names Danielle Othen, a registered nurse who triaged Mesheau, and April Knowles, a licensed practical nurse with the task of monitoring patients.
Last Saturday, Higgs issued a statement criticizing the Mesheau family for naming individual nurses in the lawsuit and called them to reconsider.
"There was an inquiry into Mr. Mesheau's death, which highlighted important changes that needed to be made.… The inquiry did not find any instances of negligence on the part of these nurses," Higgs said in the statement. "To suggest otherwise by naming them in the lawsuit is unacceptable."
In a statement, Ryan Mesheau says he was appalled at the premier's statement and felt the need to respond. (CBC)
Ryan Mesheau took issue with that part of Higgs's statement, calling it untrue.
A coroner's inquest does not determine guilt. It hears evidence about the circumstances of a death and makes recommendations to prevent similar deaths in the future.
"As I'm sure the premier is aware, the inquest into my father's death did not determine that no negligence occurred," said Mesheau, adding the family had no choice but to name individuals.
Higgs also pledged legislation, if re-elected, that "further protects health-care professionals from being named in lawsuits," he said, noting the health minister would begin consultation with union leadership.
When reached by phone Friday, Mesheau declined to be interviewed about his statement but confirmed that the family is continuing with the lawsuit as it stands.
Mesheau said he and his family sent Higgs a letter in May following the coroner's inquest.
"We asked Premier Higgs to demonstrate leadership, integrity and humanity by undertaking four reasonable and realistic requests in the hope that it would help improve the health-care system for the frontline health-care professionals and the citizens of this province," Mesheau wrote.
Among the requests in the family's letter were that Higgs make a public apology and a public commitment to implement three recommendations put forth by the inquest.
In a statement last weekend, Premier Blaine Higgs criticized the Mesheau family for naming individual nurses in their lawsuit. (Radio-Canada)
The three recommendations were that staff be equipped with hand-held electronic devices to record patient vitals; that all stakeholders to "collaborate and show ownership in the resolution of the bed-blockage issue;" and that eight recommendations stemming from an internal Horizon review following Mesheau's death be "fully implemented, funded and staffed."
Mesheau also asked that a plaque be installed in the waiting room stating Horizon Health's mandate and that Higgs consider updating the New Brunswick Fatal Accidents Act.
Mesheau said Higgs did respond to the family's letter, but the response was "vacuous" and didn't address the concerns the family had put forth.
"Premier Higgs must understand that the best way to garner political gain from this situation is to earn it," Mesheau said. "And there is an opportunity now to do so.
"Everyone in New Brunswick needs him to turn his focus to the deep, real and measurable positive actions that will improve New Brunswick's health-care system — those things that will truly benefit our frontline health-care professionals and our citizens."
From: Mitton, Megan (LEG) <>
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 6:48 PM
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Mr Outhouse should advise his client that its not wise to comment about matters that are before the courts N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
Megan Mitton (elle / she, her)
Députée / MLA - Memramcook-Tantramar
Responsable en matière de la santé, le logement, le changement climatique, et les droits humains.
Advocate and Critic on files including Health, Housing, Climate Change, and Human Rights.
Le Nouveau-Brunswick est situé sur les territoires traditionnels, non cédés des Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqiyik & Peskotomuhkati. / New Brunswick is situated on the unceded traditional territories of the Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqiyik & Peskotomuhkati.
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 6:29 PM
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Mr Outhouse should advise his client that its not wise to comment about matters that are before the courts N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for contacting the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P. office. We appreciate the time you took to get in touch with our office.
If you did not already, please ensure to include your full contact details on your email and the appropriate staff will be able to action your request. We strive to ensure all constituent correspondence is responded to in a timely manner.
If your question or concern is time sensitive, please call our office: 506-832-4200.
Again, we thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns.
Office of the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P.
Member of Parliament for Fundy Royal
From: edinnb <>
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 8:46 PM
Subject: RE: Fwd: Methinks Mr Outhouse should advise his client that its not wise to comment about matters that are before the courts N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
It was probably porta-potty that told him to do it.
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 6:22 PM
Subject: Methinks Mr Outhouse should advise his client that its not wise to comment about matters that are before the courts N'esy Pas?
To: blaine.higgs <>, <>, BrianThomasMacdonald <BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail.
N.B. premier slams naming nurses in Mesheau family's lawsuit
Darrell Mesheau, 78, was found unresponsive after 7 hours waiting for emergency care in Fredericton ER
New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs is urging the family of a man who died in Fredericton's emergency room to reconsider naming individual nurses in their lawsuit.
Susan Mesheau of Fredericton, executor of the estate of her brother Darrell Mesheau, filed a notice of action against Horizon Health Network and two nurses on shift when he died.
Darrell Mesheau, 78, sat in the waiting room of the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital emergency room for about seven hours before he was discovered unresponsive around 4:30 a.m. on July 12, 2022.
The notice names Danielle Othen, a registered nurse who triaged Mesheau, and April Knowles, a licensed practical nurse tasked with monitoring patients.
In a statement Saturday, Higgs called on the family to reconsider the strategy.
"The death of Darrell Mesheau was a tragedy," Higgs said. "The loss of a loved one is always difficult, and even years later, I want to extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Mr. Mesheau.
Mesheau, 78, sat in the waiting room of the Dr. Everett Chalmers
Regional Hospital emergency room for about seven hours before he was
discovered unresponsive around 4:30 a.m. on July 12, 2022. (Darrell Mesheau/Facebook)
"There was an inquiry into Mr. Mesheau's death, which highlighted important changes that needed to be made.... The inquiry did not find any instances of negligence on the part of these nurses. To suggest otherwise by naming them in the lawsuit is unacceptable."
Higgs noted the province pays 100 per cent of legal fees for nurses employed by the Regional Health Authorities, as well as any judgment against them.
"I believe that front-line health-care providers – who serve patients in good faith and to the best of their abilities – should not have extra stress heaped upon them by being named in lawsuits," the statement said.
"Even if costs are covered, it is still an attack on a nurse's reputation, and is personally stressful."
He also pledged legislation, if re-elected, that "further protects health-care professionals from being named in lawsuits," noting an instruction to the health minister to begin consultation with union leadership.
When reached Saturday, Susan Mesheau said the family had no further comment at this time.
The New Brunswick Nurses Union and Horizon Health Network declined to comment on the matter on Friday.
Family of man who died waiting for care at Fredericton ER sues Horizon, 2 nurses
Darrell Mesheau, 78, died at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital on July 12, 2022
The family of a man who died waiting for care at the Fredericton hospital's emergency department two years ago is suing health-care providers for negligence over his death, alleging "reckless and outrageous acts and omissions" in his care and treatment.
Susan Mesheau of Fredericton, executor of the estate of her brother Darrell Mesheau, has filed a notice of action against Horizon Health Network and two nurses.
Darrell Mesheau, 78, spent about seven hours in the waiting room of the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital ER before he was discovered slumped and motionless in a wheelchair by a licensed practical nurse around 4:30 a.m. on July 12, 2022.
His death sparked outrage across the province and prompted a major shakeup of New Brunswick's health-care leadership, including the firing of Horizon's president and CEO, replacement of the health minister and removal of the Horizon and Vitalité boards.
It also led to a coroner's inquest earlier this year, which ended with three jury recommendations aimed at improving ER services and preventing deaths under similar circumstances.
The family's lawsuit names as defendants Regional Health Authority B, doing business under the name of Horizon, which is "legally responsible for the acts and omissions of its nursing staff," as well as Danielle Othen and April Knowles.
Othen, a registered nurse, "was responsible for triaging patients" in the Chalmers ER waiting room July 11-12, 2022, based on the Canadian Emergency Department Triage and Acuity Scale, according to the statement of claim, filed with the Court of King's Bench in Fredericton.
Knowles, a licensed practical nurse, "had a duty of care to monitor and care for patients in accordance with their triage level" July 11-12, the court documents state. "As part of her duties, [she] had to check and monitor patient vitals," such as heartbeat, breathing rate, temperature and blood pressure.
Seek punitive, special damages
The Mesheau family, including his four siblings, two children, and granddaughter, contends the defendants failed to provide him with "proper medical care and attention.
"This included, but was not limited to, the defendants not providing [Canadian Emergency Department Triage and Acuity Scale] Level 3 medical care, which prescribes a patient vitals check and reassessment every 30 minutes."
They further allege the defendants' "acts and omissions caused or contributed to" Mesheau's death, and that their actions "fell well below the standard of care."
None of the allegations have been proven in court.
month after Mesheau's death, Horizon hired patient service workers to
monitor the vital signs of patients in the emergency department waiting
rooms of five of its biggest hospitals. (Joe McDonald/CBC)
The family is seeking unspecified punitive and/or exemplary damages, special damages for financial losses, and damages for "loss of guidance, companionship, and/or support." In addition, they are seeking costs, interest and any other relief the court deems just.
Susan Mesheau declined an interview.
"The family doesn't have anything to add at this time," she said in an email Friday morning.
No statements of defence have been filed yet, according to court staff.
Horizon and the New Brunswick Nurses Union both declined to comment.
Only assessed twice during 7-hour wait
Darrell Mesheau, a former diplomat, arrived at the hospital by ambulance on July 11, around 9:33 p.m., after he called 911, and was placed in a wheelchair in the ER waiting room.
According to the documents, he was "only examined and/or assessed twice by nursing staff with his vitals being taken the same number of times" during the roughly seven hours he waited — although the coroner's inquest heard testimony about a third check.
On July 11, around 10:44 p.m., Othen triaged him as being a Level 3, which is considered urgent, according to the Canadian Emergency Department Triage and Acuity Scale, which ranges from Level 1, the most serious, to Level 5.
nurse Danielle Othen told the coroner's inquest there was a lineup of
patients to be triaged July 11-12, 2022, and being short-staffed meant
no washroom or food breaks. (Craig Chivers/CBC)
She did not note any of Mesheau's medical history, which included a heart attack and quadruple bypass, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
The second time was around 2:03 a.m. the next day, when Knowles took his vitals, according to the documents — although Knowles told the inquest she also took his vitals around 11:15 p.m. and they were within normal limits.
"No medical or nursing staff working at the DECH on July 12, 2022, interacted with Darrell Mesheau from the time his vitals were last taken at or around 2:03 a.m. and the time that he was found unresponsive, cool to touch, and/or deceased by nursing staff in the waiting room at or around 4:28 a.m." the documents state.
A code blue was called, but attempts to resuscitate Mesheau were unsuccessful and he was pronounced dead around 4:44 a.m. A pathologist later determined he died from heart failure.
Horizon failed to provide 'competent personnel, adequate facilities'
Mesheau's death was "caused or contributed to by the negligence" of Horizon, according to the family.
They allege that the regional health authority failed to, among other things, provide Mesheau with "competent personnel, adequate facilities and equipment" and "proper emergency room care."
Othen is accused of causing or contributing to Mesheau's death by allegedly failing to inquire about and document his medical history, failing to properly investigate his symptoms, and failing to have him examined by a doctor.
She also failed to properly carry out the responsibilities of a registered nurse in accordance with Chalmers protocols and guidelines and the standard of care required of a registered nurse at the time, the family contends.
Horizon documents obtained by CBC following Mesheau's death showed the
New Brunswick Nurses Union described the nurse to patient ratio in the
Chalmers ER as 'alarmingly high and unquestionably ...unsafe.' (Chris Young/The Canadian Press)
Knowles is accused of causing or contributing to Mesheau's death by allegedly failing to properly record his presenting signs and symptoms, failing to properly investigate his symptoms, failing to properly monitor and care for him, and failing to have him examined by a doctor.
The family alleges she also deviated from the accepted standard of care regarding Level 3 monitoring, and failed to properly carry out the responsibilities of a licensed practical nurse in accordance with Chalmers protocols and guidelines and the standard of care required of a licensed practical nurse at the time.
Knowles told inquest she volunteered to help in ER
During the two-day coroner's inquest, Othen testified she worked a 12-hour shift alone, triaging ER patients the day Mesheau died because they were short-staffed. "We didn't have all of the staff that we should have had to work properly," she testified.
She was unable to monitor the vital signs of patients she had already triaged, she said, because she was too busy triaging new patients coming in.
There were 52 patients in the ER between 7 p.m. on July 11 and 5 a.m. on July 12, and 14 of them were Level 2s, or emergent, the inquest heard.
Knowles testified that she was assigned to work on the psychiatric side of the waiting room the day Mesheau died, but volunteered to help out in the ER because they were short-staffed.
Although she said there was no real change in his vitals between 11:15 p.m. and 2:03 a.m., she was concerned because he was so pale, so she bumped his chart ahead of three other patients.
Around 4:30 a.m., another licensed practical nurse told Knowles that Mesheau "didn't look so good," so she went to take his vitals again and found him unresponsive, the inquest heard.
He was already cool to the touch, according to ER Dr. Shawn Tiller, meaning he hadn't had any circulation in "quite a while."
Knowles testified staff know they're "supposed to do an hourly check," but stressed she had other patients and other duties.
"It means we are human, we are one human … doing six or seven jobs," she said.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices|
This is yet another example where outsourcing health care costs taxpayer more in return for less service and less accountability... and longer wait times.
Every time a health care service is outsourced, service declines and wait times increase... and tax payers pay more.
" But when patients like Wiseman try to sue their doctor, a CBC investigation shows the rate of success is very low.
CBC News obtained every annual report filed by the Canadian Medical Protective Association, which provides liability coverage and legal support to physicians, dating back to 1901.
An analysis of the past 40 years shows that as the number of doctors increased, the rate of patients suing has dropped. For the cases that do make their way to court, the number of patients who have won has also gone down.
In the late 1970s, roughly one in three cases that went to trial was decided in favour of the patient. In the past five years, that figure has dipped closer to one in five.
No coroner inquests into 2 other ER waiting room deaths in 2022, N.B. says
2 men died waiting for care at the Moncton Hospital and Edmundston hospital emergency departments
Coroner inquests will not be held into two other emergency department waiting room deaths that occurred in New Brunswick in 2022, shortly after Fredericton ER waiting room death of Darrell Mesheau in July of that year, for whom an inquest was held last week.
A man died at the Moncton Hospital's ER on Nov. 22, after he waited some six hours to see a doctor or nurse. The former kidney transplant patient, a husband and father of five, allegedly told staff numerous times he believed he was dying.
Fifteen days later, on Dec. 7, a man in his 70s died in the waiting room of the Edmundston Regional Hospital's ER.
"Coroner Services has investigated the two deaths and determined there will be no inquests," Department of Justice and Public Safety spokesperson Allan Dearing told CBC News Monday.
"As part of the process to determine if an inquest will be conducted, outside of what's required by legislation, Coroner Services reviews past and/or scheduled inquests to determine if recommendations have been made to prevent deaths under similar circumstances in the future," he said in an emailed statement.
Dearing did not immediately respond to a request to elaborate.
Coroner Services is mandated to review all suspicious or questionable deaths in the province and to conduct inquests when deemed necessary "in the public interest."
An inquest helps satisfy a community that a death has not been "overlooked, concealed, or ignored," deputy chief coroner Emily Caissy told the Mesheau inquest.
Moncton ER was in 'critical overcapacity state'
The death of the Moncton ER patient, identified by members of the Moncton Muslim Association by only the initials MS, prompted a rally outside the hospital on Nov. 26.
He had undergone a medical procedure a few days earlier and was instructed to return to the ER immediately if he had back or chest pain, according to the association. He went to the ER on Nov. 21 with severe back and chest pain and was directed to the waiting room around 10 p.m.
By 3:30 a.m., MS was dead.
Moncton Hospital ER patient who died had been triaged and was waiting
to be assessed by a physician when his condition 'quickly deteriorated,'
Horizon's head of emergency services has said. (Guy LeBlanc/Radio-Canada)
The ER was "in a critical overcapacity state" at the time, Horizon Health Network's clinical lead of emergency services, Dr. Serge Melanson, previously told CBC.
The patient was "triaged appropriately as an emergency priority," and was placed in the main waiting room "until a suitable exam space was available," Melanson said.
Some tests were conducted and he was being monitored, but his "condition quickly deteriorated."
As of February 2024, Horizon patients in the Moncton region, Zone 1, face the longest ER waits — an average of 328 minutes, or about 5½ hours, the performance dashboard shows. No data for individual hospitals is provided.
Edmundston ER had high traffic, long waits
In the Edmundston case, the ER had a "high level of traffic and long wait times" at the time of the patient's death, but "no cause-and-effect relationship" had been established, Vitalité Health Network has said.
The patient was triaged, monitored and cared for according to established protocols, Dr. France Desrosiers, president and chief executive officer, said in a statement at the time.
His condition was deemed stable during triage, she said.
has not released any other information about the patient who died at
the Edmundston Regional Hospital's ER or his condition, citing privacy. (Radio-Canada)
Witness Suzanne Ducas, who was at the ER with her daughter, who had an injured foot, said the man had been in the waiting room for several hours when someone shouted, "The gentleman is not well."
Then a woman shouted, "code blue," and staff tried to resuscitate the man, she said.
"It is catastrophic what is happening in our [ERs]," Ducas said, in French, at the time.
3 recommendations from Mesheau inquest
Darrell Mesheau, 78, died on July 12, 2022, after he waited seven hours to see a doctor at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital's ER, a coroner's inquest heard last week.
Mesheau arrived at the ER by ambulance on July 11, around 9:30 p.m., saying he felt weak and short of breath on exertion.
He was triaged as a Level 3 around 10:45 p.m. and directed to the waiting area, where he was discovered unresponsive the next morning around 4:30 a.m., and was already cool to the touch.
Mesheau, 78, a former diplomat, father of two and grandfather of one,
died July 12, 2022, after waiting about seven hours for care at the
Chalmers hospital ER in Fredericton. (Darrell Mesheau/Facebook)
His death sparked outrage across the province and prompted a major shakeup of New Brunswick's health-care leadership.
The two-day inquest heard evidence from 10 witnesses and ended with three recommendations from the jury:
- Health agencies and government departments "collaborate and show ownership" to resolve the "bed-blockage issue." This refers to when ER patients who have been admitted to hospital have to remain in ER beds because no beds on other units are available, largely because of the number of people waiting in hospital for a long-term care placement, such as a nursing home.
- Eight recommendations that stemmed from an internal Horizon review following Mesheau's death, such as having dedicated staff to monitor patients in the waiting room, should also be "fully implemented, funded and staffed."
- Staff should be equipped with hand-held electronic devices to record patient vitals.
They never do
This remains a sad state of affairs IMO. The inquest on Mr. Mesheau included an ER doctors commenting that the exact same thing was occurring as recently as this past week. I thought Dr. Higgs was going to fix this. Clearly there are things remaining to fix. IMO
Bob Smith
Reply to Garry Mackay
Impatient Blaine Higgs drops health minister, Horizon CEO
Bruce Fitch becomes health minister, Dorothy Shephard moves to Social Development
Premier Blaine Higgs dropped his health minister Friday and fired the CEO of one of two New Brunswick health networks after worsening news on the health-care front that included a "traumatizing" death in an emergency department's waiting room.
Bruce Fitch is now health minister, switching places with Dorothy Shephard, who moves from Health to Social Development, Higgs announced, during a Friday afternoon news conference.
Higgs also announced Horizon Health Network CEO John Dornan was fired from his role, and replaced on an interim basis by Margaret Melanson, the network's vice-president clinical services.
In addition, Higgs said he revoked the boards of both Horizon and Vitalité health networks and installed in their place a trustee for each.
WATCH | 'It starts at the top:' Higgs details changes to health-care leadership
Higgs says he was ‘appalled’ to hear of death in ER waiting room
The premier announced Friday he was firing the CEO of Horizon and replacing his health minister."We have a plan," Higgs said. "It needs to be implemented. The situation we're in today is the result of many, many years of successive governments refusing to deal with urgent situations."
The shakeup of New Brunswick's health-care leadership comes after a patient died in the waiting room of the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital's emergency department early Tuesday morning while waiting for care.
Witness John Staples said the man, a senior, had been waiting alone in a wheelchair, in visible discomfort for hours when he appeared to fall asleep. It was only during a routine check of people in the waiting room that a hospital employee realized the man had stopped breathing, he said.
Investigation ordered into death
Higgs said he was "appalled" when he heard a patient died while waiting to be seen in an emergency department.
He said he's asked Horizon Health Network to undertake an investigation into what happened, and that if he's not satisfied with the results, will ask for an external review.
Blaine Higgs said the death of a patient in a Fredericton waiting room
this week was traumatizing for the ER, the family and people who
witnessed it. (Pat Richard/CBC)
"I have no doubt that every New Brunswicker is saddened and concerned by this story. We all want to know that if we go to the hospital we will receive help we need."
Answering questions from reporters, Higgs said his hope is the investigation uncovers whether any standards for care at the hospital were not being met when the patient died in the waiting room.
However, he was quick to note he doesn't believe fault lies with frontline health-care workers.
"I don't believe this has anything to do with — and I'm just stating an opinion here — anything to do with the nurses on shift or the people on shift.
"I believe it's a management issue. I believe there's no co-ordination of activity and that's what I'm trying to drive home here. If we don't get better management results in our hospitals, we won't get better health care."
Switching ministers
Higgs praised Shephard's work during the pandemic, and for her role in putting forward a new health-care plan for the province.
However, he said, Fitch would take a "fresh look" at how the department measures performance and where the shortcomings lie in health care.
Shephard was shuffled from being minister of health to minister of
social development, while Bruce Fitch was moved from social development
to the role of health minister. (CBC)
"In the case of Bruce joining, sometimes a change is, some may say, better than a rest," Higgs said.
"Bruce is a seasoned individual within the government … he'll work with people anywhere, as Dorothy was, but bringing in a fresh look at, OK, how do we measure performance? How do we deliver on results? Where have we not provided and followed through on commitments made and what were the root causes of that?"
Revoking health authority boards
In place of the boards of directors for the two health authorities, Higgs said his government has appointed trustees Suzanne Johnston and Gerald Richard for Horizon and Vitalité, respectively.
"We are fortunate to have two outstanding and experienced individuals to come out of retirement to help guide us through these challenging times.
The boards of the health networks include members elected by the public and members appointed by government.
Higgs said the two boards were revoked to make quicker changes at the two health authorities.
"We're taking a crisis management approach here to allow decisions to be made, to allow direct consultation with appropriate people and get on with it.
"So we're removing this situation of a bureaucratic stalemate … and this isn't intended to be permanent but this is intended to get results. And right now I need to see results, and I want to remove the barriers and roadblocks for our health professionals to achieve them."
Higgs said he didn't have a timeline for when he expects results from the two trustees and was vague on what their targets were.
"There's going to be some targets we'll be setting out there that we want to achieve first. So I can't put a timeline on it but I do want to be clear on what the outcomes need to be."
'Major step backwards,' says ousted Horizon chair
Higgs's announcement was met with swift criticism from Jeff McAloon, the Horizon board chair until Friday.
"I am disappointed and disheartened by Premier Higgs's unilateral decision to remove Dr. John Dornan as CEO of Horizon Health Network," McAloon said in an email statement.
"I believe in Dr. Dornan's experience and ability to affect real and positive change in the provincial health system."
During the news conference, Higgs sidestepped a question about what it was Dornan failed to do in his role as CEO.
"I think what I'm demonstrating here is a need to get a groundswell in relation to frontline workers in the case of Margaret Melanson and her role in clinical services and you know, how we can direct that in the hospitals," he said.
"I think in every hospital there needs to be a manager of clinical services that is really that gatekeeper of who is coming in? Who is going out? What's the time in? How quickly are we managing that? And we need to get on the ground with that.
Dr. John Dornan was fired as CEO of Horizon Health Network after being
officially named to the position only four months ago. (Jacques
McAloon characterized Higgs's move as a centralization of health-care control.
"To me, and to the partially elected, local board I led, today's announcement is a major step backward," he said.
"It represents the loss of community ownership and engagement and clinical, leadership expertise.
"Centralizing control within the Premier's Office is not the answer. Politics is what got us here and is not the solution."
McAloon said he had not heard from Higgs and only learned of his decision moments before the news conference began.
"I join with all New Brunswickers in their feelings of shock and want nothing more than to see our system stabilized."
Johanne Lise Landry, spokesperson for Vitalité Health Network, said in an email that the health network did not receive any correspondence about its board being revoked.
There was also reaction from the medical community itself.
"Firing Dr. John Dornan would have to rank as one of the ill-advised, mindless and ill-considered decisions I have ever heard," tweeted cardiologist Dr. Robert Teskey.
Opposition reaction
Interim Liberal Leader Roger Melanson wondered why it's taking so long for Higgs to do something about problems in the health–care system.
He said the premier has been in office for four years, and he needs to explain to New Brunswickers what his new plan is and why he thinks it will work.
But Melanson is concerned that attracting new doctors won't be high on the agenda for the province.
"We need health-care workers to be able to deliver these services, and they still have not even mentioned that today in this press conference," said Melanson.
Green Party health critic Megan Mitton said successive governments of Liberal and PC stripes have contributed to the state of the province's health-care system.
She's concerned about the abandonment of partially elected health boards, a move she said goes against democracy.
"We should not be seeing more centralization of our health-care system," said Mitton. "We should be going in the other direction and having more decision-making and power and resources at the local level."
Melanson said he would like to see the legislature recalled to deal with this issue, something Mitton said she would support.
-With files from Karissa Donkin, Shift and Jordan Gill
When reached Saturday, Susan Mesheau said the family had no further comment at this time.
The New Brunswick Nurses Union and Horizon Health Network declined to comment on the matter on Friday.
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2022 17:37:01 -0300
Subject: Attn Jeff McAloon (506 343 5087) Here is a little proof of
what I was trying to tell you is true
Cc: motomaniac333 <>
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Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2022 05:25:36 +0000
Subject: Réseau de santé Vitalité Health Network
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2022 02:23:46 -0300
Subject: Fwd: At least your lawyer Tim Ross can never deny that I am
still alive despite the fact I have been denied Heath Care since 2008
when a doctor directed 3 members of the RCMP and two hospital security
guards to assault me CORRECT?
To:,,, "blaine.higgs" <>,
"thomas.lizotte" <>,
fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@,, "chuck.chiasson"
<>,,, "kris.austin" <>, "robert.mckee"
<>, "robert.gauvin" <>,, Newsroom <>,
"Ross.Wetmore" <>, andre <>,, pm <>, "geoff.regan"
<>, "Katie.Telford"
<>, "Ian.Shugart"
<>, "ian.fahie" <>,
"andrew.scheer" <>,,
"pierre.poilievre" <>, "Candice.Bergen"
<>,,,, "Alex.Vass"
<>,, "Mark.Blakely"
<>, "Marco.Mendicino"
<>, "Bill.Hogan" <>
Cc: motomaniac333 <>,,,,,,
From: Ryan Campbell <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2022 02:55:53 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: CBC makes a splash about Brody McGee's
health care issues and his troubles go away fast So much for ethics EH
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
I am currently away from the office until Tuesday, July 12, 2022. If
this is urgent please contact John Maher at
From: Newsroom <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2022 12:36:15 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: CBC makes a splash about Brody McGee's
health care issues and his troubles go away fast So much for ethics EH
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.
If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
support, please contact our Customer Service department at
1-800-387-5400 or send an email to customerservice@globeandmail.
If you are reporting a factual error please forward your email to<mailto:publiceditor@
Letters to the Editor can be sent to
This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and
press releases.
14 people come forward in lawsuit against UNB, psychiatrist accused of
sexual assault
One victim wants to be representative for students allegedly sexually
assaulted by psychiatrist
Hadeel Ibrahim · CBC News · Posted: Jul 07, 2022 4:52 PM AT
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Wed, 25 May 2022 12:06:21 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Re The coverup of the the actions of the Fredericton
Police Force, the RCMP and Manoj Bhargava against me
Cc: motomaniac333 <>
University New Brunswick Class Action
Valent Legal has commenced a class action lawsuit against the
University of New Brunswick and Dr. Manoj Bhargava on behalf of a
group of students who accessed mental health services through the UNB
Student Health Centre and allege to have been subjected to sexual
assault perpetrated by Dr. Bhargava.
The Class Action alleges the University of New Brunswick, and its
employees, were negligent by failing to properly protect the students
accessing their health care services. The Class Action further alleges
Dr. Bhargava was medically negligent by subjecting the student class
members to sexual assault.
Valent Legal is working on this Class Action in collaboration with New
Brunswick law firm, Moss Hachey Law. To speak with a representative
from Moss Hachey Law, please contact Erika Baker at 506-449-7544.
Notice of Action
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2021 09:06:58 -0300
Subject: Re The coverup of the the actions of the Fredericton Police
Force, the RCMP and Manoj Bhargava against me
Cc: motomaniac333 <>
Erika R. Hachey
Called to the bar: 2013 (NB),
Andrew C.W. Moss
Called to the bar: 2015 (NB)
Moss Hachey Law
90 Woodside Lane, Suite 103
Fredericton, New Brunswick E3C 2R9
Phone: 506-449-7544
Fax: 506-300-2072
"Referring complaints to police
Schollenberg said the college involved the police recently, after
suspending Bhargava.
"It became apparent that there may be more to this," he said.
He said the college asked some of the 18 complainants if they were
interested in speaking to the police and passed on their information
to the Fredericton Police Force if they said yes.
Fredericton psychiatrist suspended by College of Physicians and Surgeons
Alycia Bartlette, spokesperson for the Fredericton Police Force, would
not confirm whether the police are investigating Bhargava.
"In general, we would not confirm whether a specific individual was
the subject of a police investigation until such time as charges are
laid in court, or there are operational reasons otherwise," she said
in an email."
>>> From: "Ross, Ken (DH/MS)" <>
>>> Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 08:43:31 -0300
>>> Subject: Re: Hey Ken Who is Mental Health's and the Hospital in
>>> Fredericton's lawyers?
>>> To:
>>> Got your messages Dave. I am in Toronto for meetings and will be back
>>> in the office Friday. I will ask Barb Whitenect to follow up with you
>>> in the interim. Yes Herby picked up ypur bike a while back.
>>> Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
>>> --- On Wed, 7/9/08, David Amos <> wrote:
>>> From: David Amos <>
>>> Subject: Hey Ken Who is Mental Health's and the Hospital in
>>> Fredericton's lawyers?
>>> To:,,
>>> Cc:,,,
>>> Date: Wednesday, July 9, 2008, 3:03 AM
>>> KENNETH ROSS, Assistant Deputy Minister
>>> Addictions and Mental Health Services / Health
>>> Contact Information
>>> Phone: (506) 457-4800
>>> Fax: (506) 453-5243
>>> Addictions and Mental Health Services / Health
>>> Contact Information
>>> Phone: (506) 444-4442
>>> Fax: (506) 453-8711
>>> EMail Address:
>>> Sorry to involve you but lets just say that I am really really pissed
>>> off for very justifiable reasons.
>>> This should prove to some folks that at least I know how to read.
>>> I have no doubt whatsoever that you would more pissed than I am if
>>> the malicious bullshit that happened to me last weekend had happened
>>> to you.
>>> I will try to call you in business hours but I suspect in the end I
>>> will wind up arguing this dude in court in short order. (On a lighter
>>> note did Herby pick up my bike?)
>>> David Eidt
>>> Legal Services
>>> Office of the Attorney General
>>> Tel: (506) 453-3964
>>> Fax: (506) 453-3275
>>> Best Regards
>>> Dave
>>> These emails and the bullshit from the news last year should to all
>>> that I am as serious as a heart attack and far from mentally unstabe
>>> but the cops have proven themselves to be monumental liars many times
>>> Subject:
>>> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
>>> From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)"
>>> To:
>>> January 30, 2007
>>> Mr. David Amos
>>> Dear Mr. Amos:
>>> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
>>> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
>>> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
>>> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
>>> Graham of the RCMP "J" Division in Fredericton.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
>>> Minister of Health
>>> CM/cb
>>> Warren McBeath wrote:
>>> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
>>> From: "Warren McBeath"
>>> To:,,
>>> CC:,,
>>> "Bev BUSSON",
>>> "Paul Dube"
>>> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
>>> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n
>>> Dear Mr. Amos,
>>> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over
>>> the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not
>>> ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
>>> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
>>> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
>>> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
>>> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
>>> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
>>> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
>>> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
>>> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear that
>>> Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and the
>>> US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment policing in
>>> Petitcodiac, NB.
>>> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
>>> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
>>> GRC Caledonia RCMP
>>> Traffic Services NCO
>>> Ph: (506) 387-2222
>>> Fax: (506) 387-4622
>>> E-mail
>>> charles leblanc wrote:
>>> Where are ya living now???? Since the media seem to ignore ya? I'll
>>> sit down for a debate with a recorder for the blog...Now? Don't get
>>> all exicted and send this all over the
>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>> From: David Amos
>>> To:;;
>>> mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.
>>> Cc:;;
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 10:37:04 PM
>>> Subject: I promised one of the Fat Fred City cop Randy Reilly that I
>>> would try to make him famous
>>> A man is only as good as his word EH? To bad priests, bankers,
>>> politicians, lawyers and cops can't claim the same N'est Pas
>>> FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006
>>> Senator Arlen Specter
>>> United States Senate
>>> Committee on the Judiciary
>>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>>> Washington, DC 20510
>>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>>> raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that
>>> these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in
>>> contact with you about this previously.
>>> Very truly yours,
>>> Barry A. Bachrach
>>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>>> Email:
>>> Paulette Delaney-Smith Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-
>>> David,
>>> I received your voice mail, I have been transferred to another unit
>>> and I am unaware of who is dealing with your complaints at this time.
>>> Paulette Delaney-Smith, Cpl.
>>> RCMPolice "J" DIvision HQ
>>> http://gypsy-blog.blogspot.
>>> Threat against Burke taken seriously
>>> Published Thursday May 24th, 2007
>>> Appeared on page A1
>>> An RCMP security detail has been guarding Justice Minister and
>>> Attorney General T.J. Burke because of threats made against him
>>> recently.
>>> Burke, the Liberal MLA for Fredericton-Fort Nashwaaksis, wouldn't
>>> explain the nature of the threats.
>>> "I have had a particular individual or individuals who have made
>>> specific overtures about causing harm towards me," he told reporters
>>> Wednesday.
>>> "The RCMP has provided security to me recently by accompanying me to a
>>> couple of public functions where the individual is known to reside or
>>> have family members in the area," said Burke. "It is nice to have
>>> some
>>> added protection and that added comfort."
>>> The RCMP provides protection to the premier and MLAs with its VIP
>>> security
>>> unit.
>>> Burke didn't say when the threat was made but it's believed to have
>>> been in recent weeks.
>>> "When a threat is posed to you and it is a credible threat, you have
>>> to be cautious about where you go and who you are around," he said.
>>> "But again, I am more concerned about my family as opposed to my own
>>> personal safety."
>>> Burke said he doesn't feel any differently and he has not changed his
>>> pattern of activity.
>>> "It doesn't bother me one bit," he said. "It makes my wife
>>> feel awful nervous."
>>> Burke served in an elite American military unit before becoming a
>>> lawyer and going into politics in New Brunswick.
>>> "(I) have taken my own precautions and what I have to do to ensure my
>>> family's safety," he said. "I am a very cautious person in
>>> general due
>>> to my background and training.
>>> "I am comfortable with defending myself or my family if it ever had to
>>> happen."
>>> Burke said it is not uncommon for politicians to have security concerns.
>>> "We do live unfortunately in an age and in a society now where threats
>>> have to be taken pretty seriously," he said.
>>> Since the terrorism attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001,
>>> security in New Brunswick has been
>>> beefed up.
>>> Metal detectors were recently installed in the legislature and all
>>> visitors are screened.
>>> The position of attorney general is often referred to as the
>>> province's "top cop."
>>> Burke said sometimes people do not differentiate between his role as
>>> the manager of the justice system and the individual who actually
>>> prosecutes them.
>>> "With the job sometimes comes threats," he said. "I have had
>>> numerous
>>> threats since Day 1 in office."
>>> Burke said he hopes his First Nations heritage has nothing to do with
>>> it.
>>> "I think it is more of an issue where people get fixated on a matter
>>> and they believe you are personally responsible for assigning them
>>> their punishment or their sanction," he said.
>>> Is the threat from someone who was recently incarcerated?
>>> "I probably shouldn't answer that," he replied.
>>> Reporters asked when the threat would be over.
>>> "I don't think a threat ever passes once it has been made," said
>>> Burke. "You have to consider the credibility of the source."
>>> Bruce Fitch, former justice minister in the Conservative government,
>>> said "every now and again there would be e-mails that were not
>>> complimentary."
>>> "I did have a meeting with the RCMP who are in charge of the security
>>> of the MLAs and ministers," said Fitch.
>>> "They look at each and every situation."
>>> Fitch said he never had bodyguards assigned to him although former
>>> premier Bernard Lord and former health minister Elvy Robichaud did
>>> have extra security staff assigned on occasion.
>>> He said if any MLA felt threatened, he or she would discuss it with the
>>> RCMP.
CBC New Brunswick
Allegations that Bhargava has mistreated patients at the Student
Health Centre were shared on Instagram and Facebook late last week.
Fredericton psychiatrist suspended by College of Physicians and Surgeons
Fredericton psychiatrist suspended by College of Physicians and Surgeons
Reports that Dr. Manoj Bhargava mistreated patients at the Student
Health Centre came to light on Instagram and Facebook late last week.
Mike Archibald
THis came out of nowhere on media but its not 'new', on 'ratemydoctor'
these criticisms have been there for some time.
Josanne Landry
Mike Archibald - Unfortunately the College can't act on online ratings
until a verified patient contacts them with an official complaint.
Mike Archibald
I suspect it would probably take more than one 'official complaint'.
But I was more referring to CBC and other media that can certainly
look at online sources like that for story ideas.
David Raymond Amos
Mike Archibald Remember me and the Not So Good Doctor in 2008???
David Raymond Amos
Mike Archibald http://davidraymondamos3.
CBC New Brunswick
Allegations that Bhargava has mistreated patients at the Student
Health Centre were shared on Instagram and Facebook late last week.
Fredericton psychiatrist suspended by College of Physicians and Surgeons
Fredericton psychiatrist suspended by College of Physicians and Surgeons
Reports that Dr. Manoj Bhargava mistreated patients at the Student
Health Centre came to light on Instagram and Facebook late last week.
Mike Archibald
THis came out of nowhere on media but its not 'new', on 'ratemydoctor'
these criticisms have been there for some time.
Josanne Landry
Mike Archibald - Unfortunately the College can't act on online ratings
until a verified patient contacts them with an official complaint.
Mike Archibald
I suspect it would probably take more than one 'official complaint'.
But I was more referring to CBC and other media that can certainly
look at online sources like that for story ideas.
David Raymond Amos
Mike Archibald Remember me and the Not So Good Doctor in 2008???
David Raymond Amos
Mike Archibald http://davidraymondamos3.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 13:32:58 -0400
Subject: At least your lawyer Tim Ross can never deny that I am still
alive despite the fact I have been denied Heath Care since 2008 when a
doctor directed 3 members of the RCMP and two hospital security guards
to assault me CORRECT?
To:,, "victor.boudreau"
<>, "hugh.flemming" <>,
"serge.rousselle" <>
Cc: David Amos <>, "Larry.Tremblay"
<>, "Liliana.Longo"
"Jacques.Poitras" <>, "jeremy.keefe"
<>, nmoore <>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tim Ross <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 17:21:39 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Atttn John Maher and Tim Ross Why didn't
your boss Anthony Knight or several former Ministers of Health answer
me in writing years ago?
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for your email.
I will be out of office November 16 - 17, 2017. I will have
intermittant access to my email, and will try to respond to your email
as soon as possible.
Best Regards,
Tim Ross
Merci pour votre e-mail.
Je serai hors du bureau 16 - 17 novembre, 2017. Je vais avoir accès
intermittent à mon email , et je vais essayer de répondre à votre
e-mail dès que possible .
Tim Ross
Manager, Economics & Negotiations | Gérant, Questions économiques
In-House Counsel | Avocat Général
New Brunswick Medical Society |Société Médicale du Nouveau-Brunswick
21 Alison Boulevard, Fredericton NB E3C 2N5
Tel/tél: (506) 458-8860 ext. 674
This email message and any attachments are confidential and are
intended only for the person(s) or organization(s) named above. The
information contained in this email message and any attachments is
private and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient of
this message, you are prohibited from disseminating, distributing,
disclosing, reading, reproducing or otherwise using this
communication. If you have received this communication in error,
please return it to the sender and delete all records of this email
message and any attachments from your computer. Thank you.
On 11/16/17, David Amos <> wrote:
> John Maher
> Director, Economics & Negotiations
> (506) 462-4622
> Province doesn't let nurse practitioners fill health-care gaps, group says
> At least 20,000 residents of New Brunswick are without a health-care
> provider
> By Elizabeth Fraser, CBC News Posted: Nov 16, 2017 11:14 AM AT
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos" <>
> To: <>; <>;
> "jeff.mockler" <>; <>;
> <>; <>;
> <>; <>;
> "Jacques.Poitras" <>; <>;
> <>; "execdirgen" <>;
> "Davidc.Coon" <>; "Wayne.Lang"
> <>; "brent.blackmore"
> <brent.blackmore@fredericton.
> Cc: "oldmaison" <>; "Margot" <>;
> "kennedyc" <>; <>;
> "briangallant10" <>; <>;
> <>; <>; <>;
> <>; "David Amos" <>;
> <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:28 AM
> Subject: Who should I sue the "Independent" Dr Jim Parrot and his
> greedy doctor pals or the evil lawyers Anytime Flemming, Mr
> "Unethical" EX Minister of Health Mikey Murphy???
> Anthony Knight
> Chief Executive Officer
> (506) 458-8860 ext. 670
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> When I look on the web and see that Chucky Baby and the new MLA the ex
> cop from Fat Fred City Carl Urquart crossed paths in Harvey and are
> now great pals, I see Red and wanna call Wally Stiles again.
> For the record it was Carl Urquart and his buddy Greggy Baby Thompson
> the MP and Minister (they share and office a couple hundred yards from
> where I was staying for the past year just outside of Fat fred City)
> that made the false allegatiions that allowed the RCMP to get me
> locked up in the looney bin for a bit. The doctors who got sucked in
> by the RCMP bullshit about me were.
> Manoj Bhargava
> Community Mental Health
> 65 Brunswick Street
> Fredericton NB E3B 5G6
> Psy 04-02883
> Guadalajara 1987
> (506)-453-2132
> Zlatko Banic
> 69 Bliss Carman Drive Fredericton NB E3B 9P2
> Psy 03-02785
> Novi Sad 1981
> (506)-460-1905
> Dr.Jane V. Findlater
> Everett Chalmers Hospital
> PO Box 9000 Fredericton
> NB E3B 5N5 EmM 75-01333
> Dal 1974 (
> 506)-452-5058
> (506)-452-5645
> The New Brunswick Medical Society will launch a legal challenge
> against the Alward government’s decision to cut the amount doctors can
> bill medicare for services.
> The medical society announced its decision to fight the budgetary
> decision in court during a news conference in Fredericton on
> Wednesday.
> The organization, which represents the province’s doctors, said it
> believes the provincial government’s decision to cut medicare billing
> funds goes against a signed agreement it has with the government.
> Officials say they will file their challenge "imminently.”
> Dr. Robert Desjardins, the president of the New Brunswick Medical
> Society, said the board’s decision was unanimous.
> “The decision that we have unfortunately taken to go to court to have
> our agreement respected is unanimous among the representatives on our
> board, which again represents everyone in the province, and without
> any dissension,” he said.
> Subject:
> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
> From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)"
> To:
> January 30, 2007
> Mr. David Amos
> Dear Mr. Amos:
> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP. Because of the nature of
> the allegations made in your message, I have taken the measure of
> forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve Graham of the RCMP
> "J" Division in Fredericton.
> Sincerely,
> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
> Minister of Health
> Warren McBeath wrote:
> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
> From: "Warren McBeath"
> To:,,
> CC:,,
> "Bev BUSSON",
> "Paul Dube"
> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over
> the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not
> ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear that
> Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and the
> US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment policing in
> Petitcodiac, NB.
> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
> Sincerely,
> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
> GRC Caledonia RCMP
> Traffic Services NCO
> Ph: (506) 387-2222
> Fax: (506) 387-4622
> E-mail
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Cleary, Dr. Eilish (DH/MS)" <>
> Date: Sat, 11 May 2013 12:31:56 -0300
> Subject: Re: Attn Dr Eilesh Cleary I called you weeks ago and you have
> not responded yet. Howcome?
> To: "" <>
> Apologies for not responding to your earlier email. I did receive it
> thank you. I struggle sometimes to keep up with the volume of emails I
> get so I don't get to respond to each and every one, although I
> certainly appreciate when people take the time to write
> Eilish Cleary
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 09:57 PM Atlantic Standard Time
> To: Cleary, Dr. Eilish (DH/MS)
> Cc: David Amos <>
> Subject: Attn Dr Eilesh Cleary I called you weeks ago and you have not
> responded yet. Howcome?
> I am not surprised but rather disappointed anyway. I thought that
> maybe just maybe you were ethical and gave you the benefit of my
> doubts
> However when I read the news today I just shook my head and was mad at
> myself because I know better than to trust a a high paid bureaucrat
> such as your evil former underling Van Buynder or even my friend Ken
> Ross.
> Its kinda obvious that you governement are just playing words games
> and that the greasy gasy oily guys will get what they want for nothing
> just like they always do.
> Be they Doctoer or lawyer or Indian Chief the personal wealth of a
> bureaucrat is far more important to them than the health or wealth of
> the people they purportedly serve.
> If you wish to dispute me have the sand to call me back or respond to
> a simple email
> Forget trying to lock me up in your looney bin aggain. That nonsens
> did not work out to well for ya the last time Van Buynder and the
> corrupt RCMP tried that trick on me in 2010 and it appears that you
> were his boss the whole time Correct?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 18:51:21 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Dr Eilesh Cleary I am very impressed with your Integrity and
> gumption
> To:
> Cc:,
> Dr Elish Cleary
> Chief Medical Officer
> HSBC Place
> Floor: 5
> P. O. Box 5100
> Fredericton, NB E3B 5G8
> Phone : (506) 444-2112
> If you ever need help dealing with the :Powers that Be in this Place
> trust that is lots I can do but for now less is more Please use our
> resources to print this pdf file an stow it away for a rainy day.
> http://www.checktheevidence.
> Then if push comes to shove someday merely mention my name and watch
> their eyes. The email below and the link to a Youtube should prove you
> I can put the Heath Minister over a barrel in a New York minute (Its
> always about the money) .
> If the smiling bastards still won't change their tune with you even
> after you show them the letters within the pdf file above, email me or
> give me a call and leave a message if I don't pick up. I will do my
> best to assist you ASAP.
> Best Regards and Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369

Jeff McAloon
Board Chair
Chair - Executive Committee
Currently working as an executive in the renewable energy sector, Jeff has held leadership roles in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors and remains heavily involved in his community.
During his eight-year term as the President & CEO of the Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation, Jeff was responsible for leading fundraising initiatives that resulted in over $75 million raised for projects advancing health care in New Brunswick.
He is a graduate of Mount Allison University and Ryerson University.
Jeff has extensive experience as a Board Director, having served as Vice Chair of the Saint John Police Commission, Chair of the Saint John Parking and Transit Commission, Vice Chair of the Imperial Theatre, Chair of Touchstone Academy and the inaugural Chair of Connection Dance Works. It is through his work and volunteer experience that Jeff has developed a strong penchant for strategic planning, governance and team building.

Jeff McAloon Resigning As CEO Of Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation
SAINT JOHN – The CEO of the Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation is moving on to the next chapter of his career.
Foundation officials announced Wednesday that Jeff McAloon is leaving the role effective July 1.
McAloon said after eight years as the foundation’s president and CEO, he feels now is the time for new leadership.
“I’m a believer that change in leadership is a really important thing, but the timing of that change is also critical,” McAloon said in a phone interview.
“The fact that we have finished one campaign, we have not launched another large campaign yet, that to me is the perfect time for leadership transition.”
During his tenure, McAloon has led the $12-million capital campaign for the Clinic 1 expansion project, which reached its fundraising goal in late March.
The expansion will increase the square footage of the clinic from 7,000 to 14,700 square feet, improving accessibility, privacy and patient comfort and care.
Clinic 1 serves more than 40,000 patients from across Atlantic Canada every year — a number that is expected to reach 46,000 in the next five years.
McAloon said there are “so many” highlights from his time with the foundation, but the biggest is the generosity he has witnessed from Saint Johners and New Brunswickers.
“I’ve always known that Saint John and New Brunswickers are incredibly generous, but I’ve got to experience first-hand,” he said. “The hundreds and hundreds of people that I’ve met who’ve shared their stories, who’ve shared their gifts of either encouragement or donations, it’s incredible.”
McAloon said he will be moving into an entrepreneurial role in the private sector, with more details to come in the near future.
In the meantime, an interim special committee of active board members, including chair Jamie Gallagher and vice-chair Derek Dobson, will act as transitional support for the foundation over the coming months.
The special committee will bring in an external recruitment firm and launch a comprehensive national search for McAloon’s replacement this month.
“We’re in a perfect position to do a really effective and smooth leadership transition,” said McAloon.
Gallagher thanked McAloon on behalf of the board of directors for his dedication and passion for the foundation.
“I have greatly enjoyed working with him, and I know my fellow Board members, management and staff have shared that experience,” Gallagher wrote in a news release. “We will miss Jeff, but he leaves the Foundation in a strong position for the future.”
Brad Perry is the news director with 97.3 The Wave/Country 94, Huddle content partners. The Smart Energy Company™ Announces New Addition to Leadership Team
The Smart Energy Company™, New Brunswick’s leading commercial solar developer, is
pleased to announce the appointment of Jeff McAloon as its new Chief Revenue Officer
effective July 1st, 2021. McAloon has led cross-sectoral operational growth for more than
McAloon will be responsible for new revenue development including the export of the
NOREASTER® Solar Farm product line - a first-of-its-kind, modularized and packaged solar
energy solution proven to withstand the harsh climate of Atlantic Canada. Worldwide demand
for commercial-grade solar packages for farmers, businesses, municipalities and utilities is
growing exponentially.
“The solar industry is poised for historic growth, but it takes strong leadership to effectively
capitalize on opportunities like this,” said Chief Executive Officer, Mark McAloon. “Jeff has a
long history of building highly efficient and effective teams along with successfully growing new
lines of business in a variety of industries. I’m proud to be working alongside my brother while
enabling our complementary skill sets to strengthen the growth of our organization. We are
absolutely thrilled he is joining our team.”
About The Smart Energy Company™: The Smart Energy Company™ is New Brunswick’s
leading commercial solar developer, whose projects to date account for close to half of all
grid-tied solar installations in New Brunswick. More information about the NOREASTER® and
the Smart Energy Company™ and can be found at
For more information:
Sarah Barrie
Chief Operating Officer
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