The Ides of March 2010 for Al Jazeera Iceland WikiLeaks Zionists vs Mean Old Me
From: "David Amos"
To: "Julian Assange)"
Cc:"Dan Fitzgerald"
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: Al Jazeera on Iceland's new plan Thanx Here is something about Iceland and Banksters Al Jazeera would enjoy
Checkout this old pdf file from 2005 at about page two or three
Then read on and chuckle
From: "Julian Assange)"
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 3:15 PM
Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland's plan for a press safe haven
FYI: Al-Jazeera's take on Iceland's proposed media safe haven • The Listening Post - The 'hearts and ...
More info
Julian Assange
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 15:06:39 +0000
Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious
question. Why have you people ignored me for three years?
To: David Amos
Dear David Amos
Unfortunately there has been a considerable delay in responding to
incoming letters due to heavy workload and many inquiries to our office.
We appreciate the issue raised in your letter. We have set up a web site where we have gathered various practical information
regarding the economic crisis in Iceland.
Greetings from the Ministry of Finance.
Tilvísun í mál: FJR08100024
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 13:57:55 -0300
Subject: Re: Regarding your enquiry to the Prime Ministry of Iceland
On 10/8/08, wrote:
David Raymond Amos
Your enquiry has been received by the Prime Ministry of Iceland and waits attendance.
Thank you.
From: Birgitta Jonsdottir
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 07:14:02 +0000
Subject: Re: Bon Soir Birgitta according to my records this is the
first email I ever sent you
To: David Amos
dear Dave
i have got your email and will read through the links as soon as i
find some time keep up the good fight in the meantime
thank you for bearing with me
i am literary drowning in requests to look into all sorts of matters
and at the same time working 150% work at the parliament and
the creation of a political movement and being a responsible parent:)
plus all the matters in relation to immi
with oceans of joy
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 11:34:40 -0300
To:,,,,,,,,,,, "Robert. Jones",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Cc:,,,,, Dan Fitzgerald, "", gypsy-blog, "nb. premier", nbpolitico, "bruce.fitch", "bruce.alec"
I know that the Yankee law enforcement people are either as dumb as posts or pure evil. There appears to be few exceptions. The ethical Ms. Olson is my favourite klady today. Does anyone speaking or acting in the best interests of the decent folks in Iceland understand my sincerity and her Integrity YET?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Error: This email account is closed and your
email has not reached its intended recipient. Please visit to write to the Prime Minister.
Albanese, Anthony (MP)<> | Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 11:10 PM |
To: David Amos <> | |
ERROR: This email account is closed and your email has not reached its intended recipient. Please visit |
Re: Assange Attn Al Jazeera, Clair Dobbin KC and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
David Amos<> | Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 11:10 PM |
To:,,,,, washington field <>, "wayne.eyre" <>, mcu <>, "Michael.Duheme" <>, "Greta.Bossenmaier" <>, "Nathalie.G.Drouin" <>, Newsroom <>, news-tips <>,,, pm <>, "pierre.poilievre" <>, "Katie.Telford" <> | |
Cc:,, "fin.minfinance-financemin.fin" <>,, birgittajoy <> | |
Does Al Jazeera remember their video that Assange sent me a link to in 2010 before he became world famous??? "This video isn't available anymore" However I put it within one of mine years ago The Ides of March 2010 for Al Jazeera Iceland WikiLeaks Zionists vs Mean Old Me From: "David Amos" To: "Julian Assange)" Cc:"Dan Fitzgerald" Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 8:35 PM Subject: Re: Al Jazeera on Iceland's new plan Thanx Here is something about Iceland and Banksters Al Jazeera would enjoy Checkout this old pdf file from 2005 at about page two or three Then read on and chuckle From: "Julian Assange)" To: Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 3:15 PM Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland's plan for a press safe haven FYI: Al-Jazeera's take on Iceland's proposed media safe haven More info Julian Assange Editor WikiLeaks From: Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 15:06:39 +0000 Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious question. Why have you people ignored me for three years? To: David Amos Dear David Amos Unfortunately there has been a considerable delay in responding to incoming letters due to heavy workload and many inquiries to our office. We appreciate the issue raised in your letter. We have set up a web site where we have gathered various practical information regarding the economic crisis in Iceland. Greetings from the Ministry of Finance. Tilvísun í mál: FJR08100024 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Chrystia Freeland <> Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 01:43:31 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: RE Assange Attn James Lewis KC, Edward Fitzgerald KC and Mark Summers KC To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your comments. Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel. Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <> Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 01:45:11 +0000 Subject: Automatic Reply To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. Thank you for writing to the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. Due to the volume of correspondence addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be carefully reviewed. We do not respond to correspondence that contains offensive language. ------------------- Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Arif Virani, ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada. En raison du volume de correspondance adressée au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin. Nous ne répondons pas à la correspondance contenant un langage offensant. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Fjármála- og efnahagsráðuneytið <> Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 01:46:21 +0000 Subject: Fjármála- og efnahagsráðuneytið hefur móttekið tölvupóst þinn / The Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs hereby confirms the receipt of your e-mail To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. Fjármála- og efnahagsráðuneytið hefur móttekið tölvupóst þinn / The Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs hereby confirms the receipt of your e-mail. Vinsamlega ekki svara þessum tölvupósti, hafið samband í gegnum / Do not reply to this email. Contact us with any queries via Með bestu kveðju / Best regards ------------------------------ Fjármála- og efnahagsráðuneytið / Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs Arnarhvoli við Lindargötu, 101 Reykjavík, sími/tel. +354 545 9200<http:// Fyrirvari/Disclaimer<http:// https://davidraymondamos3. Wednesday 21 February 2024 Assange went 'way beyond' journalism, U.S. says at his last-ditch extradition appeal |
Assange went 'way beyond' journalism, U.S. says at his last-ditch extradition appeal
Decision on extradition weeks away as Assange misses 2-day hearing for health reasons
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should face espionage charges in the United States because he put innocent lives at risk and went beyond journalism in his bid to solicit, steal and indiscriminately publish classified U.S. government documents, lawyers for the American government argued Wednesday.
The lawyers spoke before Britain's High Court in response to a last-ditch bid by Assange's defence team to stop his extradition from the United Kingdom to the U.S.
Assange's lawyers are asking the High Court to grant him a new appeal — his last roll of the legal dice in a saga that has kept him in a British high-security prison for the past five years.
The judges overseeing the case, Victoria Sharp and Jeremy Johnson, reserved their decision at the end of the two-day hearing, and a ruling on Assange's future is not expected until March at the earliest.
If they rule against him, he can ask the European Court of Human Rights to block his extradition — although supporters worry he could be put on a plane to the U.S. before that happens, because the British government has already signed an extradition order.
The 52-year-old Australian has been indicted on 17 charges of espionage and one charge of computer misuse over his website's publication of a trove of classified U.S. documents almost 15 years ago. American prosecutors allege Assange encouraged and helped U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning steal diplomatic cables and military files that WikiLeaks published, putting lives at risk.
Assange a 'political prisoner': wife
Lawyer Clair Dobbin told the High Court that Assange damaged U.S. security and intelligence services and "created a grave and imminent risk" by releasing the hundreds of thousands of documents — risks that could harm and lead to the arbitrary detention of innocent people, many of whom lived in war zones or under repressive regimes.
Dobbin added that in encouraging Manning and others to hack into government computers and steal from them, Assange was "going a very considerable way beyond" a journalist gathering information.
Assange's wife, Stella, starts a march to Downing Street with
protesters at the end of a two-day hearing at the Royal Courts of
Justice in London on Wednesday. The High Court heard the WikiLeaks
founder's final appeal against extradition to the United States, where
he faces espionage charges for publishing classified military and
diplomatic files on the WikiLeaks site. (Kin Cheung/The Associated
Assange was "not someone who has just set up an online box to which people can provide classified information," she said. "The allegations are that he sought to encourage theft and hacking that would benefit WikiLeaks."
Assange's supporters maintain he is a secrecy-busting journalist who exposed U.S. military wrongdoing in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have long argued that the prosecution is politically motivated and he won't get a fair trial in the U.S.
His lawyers argued on the first day of the hearing on Tuesday that American authorities are seeking to punish him for WikiLeaks' "exposure of criminality on the part of the U.S. government on an unprecedented scale," including torture and killings.
Lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said Assange may "suffer a flagrant denial of justice" if he is sent to the U.S.
Dobbin rejected claims that the charges are a "tool of oppression" to punish Assange for his political opinions. She added that the First Amendment does not confer immunity and that media outlets that went through the process of redacting the documents before publishing them are not being prosecuted, she said.
Assange's lawyers say he could face up to 175 years in prison if convicted, though American authorities have said the sentence is likely to be much shorter.
Assange was absent from court on Wednesday and Tuesday because he is unwell, WikiLeaks said. Stella Assange, his wife, said he had wanted to attend, but was "not in good condition."
"Julian is a political prisoner and he has to be released," she told reporters.
Legal odyssey
Assange's family and supporters say his physical and mental health have suffered during more than a decade of legal battles, including seven years in self-exile in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.
"They're putting Julian into the hands of the country and of the people who plotted his assassination," said Stella Assange, referring to claims by Assange's lawyers that he was a target of a CIA plot to kidnap or kill him while he was in the Ecuadorian Embassy. A judge previously dismissed the claims.
WATCH l Appeals court overturns Assange decision (2021):
Assange's legal troubles began in 2010, when he was arrested in London at the request of Sweden, which wanted to question him about allegations of rape and sexual assault made by two women. In 2012, Assange jumped bail and sought refuge inside the Ecuadorian Embassy.
The relationship between Assange and his hosts eventually soured, and he was evicted from the embassy in April 2019. British police immediately arrested and imprisoned him for breaching bail in 2012. Sweden dropped the sex crimes investigations in November 2019 because so much time had elapsed.
A U.K. district court judge rejected the U.S. extradition request in 2021 on the grounds that Assange was likely to kill himself if held under harsh U.S. prison conditions. Higher courts overturned that decision after getting assurances from the U.S. about his treatment. The British government signed an extradition order in June 2022.
Meanwhile, the Australian parliament last week passed a motion calling for Assange to be allowed to return to his homeland. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was among those voting in favour.
RE Assange Attn James Lewis KC, Edward Fitzgerald KC and Mark Summers KC
David Amos<> | Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 9:43 PM |
To:,,, washington field <>, "wayne.eyre" <>, mcu <>, "Michael.Duheme" <>, "Greta.Bossenmaier" <>, "Nathalie.G.Drouin" <>, Newsroom <>, news-tips <>,, | |
Cc:,, "fin.minfinance-financemin.fin" <>,, birgittajoy <> | |
Does anyone remember this email Assange sent me in 2010 before he became world famous??? The Ides of March 2010 for Al Jazeera Iceland WikiLeaks Zionists vs Mean Old Me From: "David Amos" To: "Julian Assange)" Cc:"Dan Fitzgerald" Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 8:35 PM Subject: Re: Al Jazeera on Iceland's new plan Thanx Here is something about Iceland and Banksters Al Jazeera would enjoy Checkout this old pdf file from 2005 at about page two or three Then read on and chuckle From: "Julian Assange)" To: Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 3:15 PM Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland's plan for a press safe haven FYI: Al-Jazeera's take on Iceland's proposed media safe haven More info Julian Assange Editor WikiLeaks From: Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 15:06:39 +0000 Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious question. Why have you people ignored me for three years? To: David Amos Dear David Amos Unfortunately there has been a considerable delay in responding to incoming letters due to heavy workload and many inquiries to our office. We appreciate the issue raised in your letter. We have set up a web site where we have gathered various practical information regarding the economic crisis in Iceland. Greetings from the Ministry of Finance. Tilvísun í mál: FJR08100024 ---------- Original message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2019 11:38:25 -0400 Subject: Re: Attn James Goodale RE Your opinions aired on CBC this weekend about Assange I just called and talked to your assistant Correct? To:,,,,,,, Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.,,; ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2019 14:38:33 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Attn James Goodale RE Your opinions aired on CBC this weekend about Assange Perhaps we should talk To: Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member of Parliament for Vancouver Granville. This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email. Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be carefully reviewed. To help us address your concerns more quickly, please include within the body of your email your full name, address, and postal code. Thank you ------------------- Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de Vancouver Granville. Le pr?sent message vise ? vous informer que nous avons re?u votre courriel. En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de correspondance, il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Sachez que votre message sera examin? attentivement. Pour nous aider ? r?pondre ? vos pr?occupations plus rapidement, veuillez inclure dans le corps de votre courriel votre nom complet, votre adresse et votre code postal. Merci |
Julian Assange risks ‘flagrant denial of justice’ if tried in US, London court told
Lawyers seek permission at high court to appeal against WikiLeaks founder’s extradition
Tue 20 Feb 2024 17.22 GMT
First published on Tue 20 Feb 2024 13.53 GMTJulian Assange faces the risk of a “flagrant denial of justice” if tried in the US, his lawyers have told a permission to appeal hearing in London, which could result in the WikiLeaks founder being extradited within days if unsuccessful.
Assange, who published thousands of classified military and diplomatic documents relating to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, could be jailed for up to 175 years – “a grossly disproportionate punishment” – if convicted in the US, the high court heard on Tuesday.
Edward Fitzgerald KC, representing Assange, also argued that his client could be targeted by US state agencies for “extra-legal attack elimination” if he was extradited, particularly given “the real possibility of a return of a [Donald] Trump administration”.
Assange’s lawyers are seeking a full appeal hearing. If the two judges deny permission, all challenges in the UK courts will have been exhausted, leaving an intervention by the European court of human rights (ECHR) as Assange’s only hope to avoid extradition to the US.
Outside the court, scores of his supporters held placards and chanted, demanding his release. The WikiLeaks founder was granted permission to attend the two-day hearing but Fitzgerald said Assange was unwell.
Fitzgerald told the court that if Assange was extradited there was “a real risk that he’ll suffer a flagrant denial of justice”. In written arguments, Fitzgerald said: “This legally unprecedented prosecution seeks to criminalise the application of ordinary journalistic practices of obtaining and publishing true classified information of the most obvious and important public interest.”
He said Assange and WikiLeaks “were responsible for the exposure of criminality on the part of the US government on an unprecedented scale”, including torture, rendition, extrajudicial killings and war crimes. One of the most infamous disclosures was video footage of a helicopter attack by US forces that killed 11 people in Iraq, including two Reuters journalists. Fitzgerald alleged the US prosecution was motivated by “state retaliation” and so was unlawful.
Among the grounds on which Assange is seeking permission to appeal is the claim that his extradition is in breach of the extradition treaty between the UK and the US, which prohibits doing so for political offences.
Assange faces 17 charges of espionage, which Fitzgerald said was manifestly a political offence and politically motivated, as well as one of computer misuse.
“The prohibition on extradition for political offences, reflected in article 4 [of the extradition treaty], has venerable historic and juristic importance,” Fitzgerald told the court. “It is one of the most fundamental protections recognised in international and extradition law … Other western countries and governments stand firm against US extradition requests for ‘political offences’.”
Mark Summers KC, also for Assange, raised the issue of a “breathtaking” plan for rendition or murder of the WikiLeaks founder while he was sheltering in the Ecuadorian embassy, which was reported by Yahoo News. Fitzgerald cited those allegations when arguing there was a real risk Assange “could be targeted by US state agencies as a ‘hostile, non-state actor’ meriting the application of clandestine and extra-legal attack or elimination”.
Organisations backing Assange include Reporters Without Borders, PEN International, the National Union of Journalists, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

Outside the court, Assange’s wife, Stella, told the crowd: “We have two big days ahead, we don’t know what to expect, but you’re here because the world is watching. They just cannot get away with this. Julian needs his freedom and we all need the truth.”
She told reporters her husband’s case was analogous to that of Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition activist who died in prison on Friday. “Julian is a political prisoner and his life is at risk. What happened to Navalny can happen to Julian,” she said.
If Assange is refused permission to appeal, he will have to apply to the ECHR to order the UK not to extradite him while it considers his case. If the application is refused he could be removed from the country by US marshals within days.
The US will have the opportunity to make oral arguments on Wednesday but, in written arguments, it accused Assange’s lawyers of having “consistently and repeatedly misrepresented” the case.
James Lewis KC said the WikiLeaks founder was not being prosecuted for “mere publication” but for “aiding and abetting” or “conspiring with” the whistleblower Chelsea Manning to unlawfully obtain the documents in question, “undoubtedly committing serious criminal offences in so doing and then disclosing the unredacted names of sources (thus putting those individuals at grave risk of harm)”.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2019 11:41:31 -0400
Subject: Attn Jennifer Robinson and Paul Hareijust called both of you
here is a new blog and an old email for the Doughty Street Law firm to
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Friday, 12 April 2019
How the liberal tide turned against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks
Today on The Current:
The arrest of Julian Assange Thursday starts a new chapter in the
saga of the Wikileak's founder. We ask how the world should view him
and what will be his legacy: as a whistleblower, a free-speech
fighter, or a traitor?
Students in New Brunswick have been learning about Chinese
language, food and culture in weekly half-hour classes paid for by the
Confucius Institute. What they're not taught is anything remotely
controversial, such as China's record on human rights violations. Are
the classes a lesson in soft power and propaganda?
Jennifer Robinson
Jen has joined Doughty Street to contribute to a broad range of
chambers’ practice areas, including media law, public law,
international law and extradition.
Prior to joining chambers, Jen was a solicitor in the media and
international team at Finers Stephens Innocent LLP, acting in key
freedom of speech and freedom of information cases on behalf of media
organisations, journalists and human rights organisations. She advised
on a wide range of media law issues, including defamation, privacy,
contempt, freedom of information, national security and reporting
restrictions, and intervened regularly on behalf of the media in
strategic cases before UN bodies, the European Court of Human Rights
and the English courts. Jen has advised individuals, states and
international organisations on public international law, extradition
and human rights issues and has given expert evidence to the UN. She
has also worked as a judicial associate.
Paul Webster Hare
Senior Lecturer
MA University of Oxford, UK
JD College of Law in London, UK
(617) 358-5550
152 Bay State Road
Room 224
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 11:14:40 -0400
Subject: Attn Amal Clooney FYI I did speak directly to James Wood a
managing partner of your British law firm. Methinks the doughty old
bastard now knows that he pissed off the wrong Maritimer N'esy Pas PM
Trudeau "The Younger"?
"" <>, news-tips <>, newsonline
<>, newstips <>, gopublic
Cc: David Amos <>
<>, MulcaT <>, "maxime.bernier"
<>, ""
andre <>, "Jacques.Poitras" <>,
"ed.pilkington" <>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Póstur FOR <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 14:55:19 +0000
Subject: Re: Fwd: Attn Amal Clooney ATTN Claude Bernier I told you
yesterday that I do not trust lawyers particularly ones working with a
government I am already suing but thanks for proving it to me again
why I think that way.
To: David Amos <>
Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið / Your request has been received
Kveðja / Best regards
Forsætisráðuneytið / Prime Minister's Office
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 10:54:48 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Attn Amal Clooney Re your concerns about Julian
Assange,ISIS and the UN etc I just called from Nova Scotia My number
is 902 800 0369
To:, news-tips <>,
newsonline <>, newstips <>,
gopublic <>
Cc: David Amos <>
Sarah Cleveland
Faculty Co-Director
Phone: 212.854.2651
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 10:13:17 -0400
Subject: Attn Amal Clooney Re your concerns about Julian Assange,ISIS
and the UN etc I just called from Nova Scotia My number is 902 800
Cc: David Amos <>
<>, "Jacques.Poitras" <>,
"ed.pilkington" <>
Amal Clooney Urges The U.N. To Investigate ISIS | TIME
Published on Mar 10, 2017
Amal Clooney addressed the United Nations once again on Thursday to
speak out against ISIS.
Amal Clooney is a barrister who specialises in public international
law, international criminal law and human rights. She represents
clients before international courts including the International
Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice and the European
Court of Human Rights and domestic courts in the UK and US. Alongside
court work, she provides advice to governments and individuals on
legal issues in her areas of expertise.
Amal served as a senior advisor to Kofi Annan when he was the UN’s
Envoy on Syria. She also served as Counsel to the UN Inquiry on the
use of armed drones led by the Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism
and Human Rights. She is a member of the UK’s team of experts on
preventing sexual violence in conflict zones. And she was recently
appointed to the UK Attorney General’s expert panel set up to advise
and represent the UK government in cases involving public
international law.
Prior to joining the London Bar, Mrs Clooney worked in The Hague with
various UN-sponsored justice mechanisms including the International
Court of Justice, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. She is also admitted
to the New York Bar and practiced as a litigation attorney at Sullivan
& Cromwell LLP in New York. She speaks English, French and
Amal's case profile includes:
Tymoshenko v Ukraine. Representing Yulia Tymoshenko, former
Ukrainian Prime Minister, in human rights claim concerning her
politically-motivated prosecution and detention in Ukraine (European
Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg). Watch BBC interview here.
Prosecutor v Mohamed Fahmy. Journalist from Al Jazeera English
television network detained in Egypt following an unfair trial (Cairo
Court of Appeal and Egypt Supreme Court). Please click here for media
Cambodia v Thailand. Representing Cambodia in inter-state
territorial claim concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear.
(International Court of Justice, The Hague). Please click here for
judgment, and media coverage.
Prosecutor v Senussi and Gaddafi. Representing Abdallah Al
Senussi, former Libyan intelligence chief, arguing that he should be
put on trial in The Hague for alleged crimes against humanity
perpetrated in Libya (International Criminal Court, The Hague).
Perincek v Switzerland: Representing the Republic of Armenia
intervening as a third party in a case concerning denial of the
Armenian genocide (European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg). Please
click here for media coverage and video of submissions.
Sweden v Assange. Representing Julian Assange, head of Wikileaks,
in extradition proceedings (City of Westminster Magistrates' Court,
London). Please click here for media coverage.
Georgia v Russia (II). Representing Georgia in an inter-State case
against Russia concerning alleged indiscriminate and disproportionate
attacks against the civilian population in Abkhazia and South Ossetia
in August 2008 (European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg).
Parthenon Marbles. Advising the Greek Government on the return of
cultural property – the Parthenon Marbles - from the United Kingdom to
Greece. Please click here for media coverage.
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo v Philippines. Representing the former
President of the Philippines in a human rights claim challenging her
detention in Manila before the United Nations.
R (oao Bancoult) v FCO (No.2). Representing Mr Bancoult in
proceedings concerning the removal of Chagossians from the Chagos
Islands in 1971 and their right to return (UK Supreme Court). Please
click here for media coverage.
Ireland v UK. Instructed to advise the ‘hooded men’ on an
application by the Republic of Ireland for revision of a 1978 decision
by the European Court of Human Rights on torture Please click here
for media coverage.
Prosecutor v Ayash et al. Member of the prosecuting team in case
against four persons accused of assassinating former Lebanese Prime
Minister Hariri (Special Tribunal for Lebanon, The Hague).
Prosecutor v Milosevic. Judicial assistant to Judge Patrick
Robinson, Presiding Judge in the trial of former President of Serbia
for international crimes allegedly committed in Kosovo, Croatia and
Bosnia including crimes against humanity and genocide. (UN
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, The
Merck (MSDIA) v Ecuador. Assistant to the Tribunal in UNCITRAL
arbitration concerning a claim of denial of justice by a US company
against Ecuador (Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague).
Amal has also been appointed to a number of international human rights
investigations and conflict-resolution panels. She is or has been:
Appointed to the UK Attorney General’s Public International Law C
Panel (2014-2019), a small panel of experts in international law who
will be called upon to represent the UK Government in cases involving
public international law in international courts and in the courts of
England and Wales;
Counsel to the Inquiry led by UN Special Rapporteur on
counter-terrorism and human rights, Ben Emmerson QC, into the use of
drones. Watch CNN coverage here;
Adviser to Kofi Annan, the Joint Special Envoy of the United
Nations and the Arab League on Syria;
Legal adviser to the head of the UN commission investigating the
assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri and other
terrorist attacks in Lebanon;
Legal adviser to the King of Bahrain in connection with the
Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry headed by Professor Cherif
Member of Expert Panel of Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative
formed by UK Foreign Secretary William Hague to gather evidence of
sexual crimes committed in conflict zones;
Rapporteur for the International Bar Association Human Rights
Institute, focusing on the independence of the judiciary in Egypt
following the 2011 revolution. See latest report and video here.
Teaching and Training
Amal is currently a Visiting Professor at Columbia Law School, where
she co-teaches the Human Rights course with Professor Sarah Cleveland.
Amal regularly devises and delivers training to judges, state
officials and UN investigators on international criminal law and human
Direct Access
Amal can be instructed directly in suitable cases under the Bar’s
Direct Access scheme.
Contractual Terms
Amal accepts instructions under the Bar Council Standard Contractual
Terms. For enquiries regarding potential legal representation, please
email Richard Bayliss at For other
enquiries, please email
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