Peace-Man will hold accountability
ACCEPTABLE? Interim report is posted! It is for the security of person, country and humanit
David Amos<> | ![]() | ||||
To: | ||||| Winnipeg Alternative Media is live now with Dana-lee Melfi. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dana-lee Melfi <> Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2024 00:45:22 +0000 Subject: ACCEPTABLE? Interim report is posted! It is for the security of person, country and humanity To: Mailbox Complaints Department <>, "" <> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. "RCMP.NSIN-RISN.GRC@rcmp-grc. <RCMP.NSIN-RISN.GRC@rcmp-grc. <Communications@sirc-csars.gc. Hello, I cannot make a complaint at the link you have provided. It requires an address and mine is new. It is not listed on the Canada Post site. (I did contact Canada Post and they said it would take a week) My address is **** *********** Rd, Griffith, Ont, K0G 2R0 As well your intake forms have insufficient and non existent information to deal with a file of this scope. I wish to also speak to the respective representatives of both Law societies to do a phone recording of my complaints. It is provided in the documents you can request from Monick Greiner or JCCF Lawyer James Manson or John Carpay. I still wish to make my complaint on the named lawyers and firms within this report. Time is of the essence to stop others from being harmed. My complaints are not solely based on my personal contracts. They will be for the protection of Canadian citizens from a massive deception from this firm, other firms and lawyers they have contracted to do business. I have added only the information that I could put out publicly without these parties using their lawfare against me. I have informed, as you can see in my original email the authorities right up to the Justice of Canada. I have received a response from them. This is a threat of National security. The reason for contacting the LSO is because of the magnitude as these unprofessional, unethical, Illegally operating lawyers are starting to represent thousands in a class action suits. I have given enough information in this email for you not to ignore this threat. I can provide ALL communications, Contracts, Screenshots, in whatever format you would like. Do I have to remind you of Law Society Act, RSO 1990, c L.8 To not take a complaint in any form is against the ACT. I am sure if I look at Albertas, I might find the same. Do not have money for lawyers and was reassured I was protected when using these types of services out of nessesity. I am sure if we look at the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act ( R.S.C. , 1985, c. C-23) again we see that any "viable threat" cannot be ignored. And once again we see the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act ( R.S.C. , 1985, c. R-10) Department of Justice Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. J-2) These will all be referenced in the "Final Report" TBA. This is an interim report I was not ready to do. But we have had some exponential moves that need to be addressed immediately. I have put a "digital footprint" that can be followed the entire time. CSIS Please do your job. My life as a proud Canadian is on the line here. When you open the investigation please provide me with a reference # Thank you. All of you. Act accordingly. Dana-lee Melfi Peace-Man [ This site tells a story as it continues<https://peace-man. You can find the interactive documented path at ... ACCEPTABLE? ______________________________ From: Mailbox Complaints Department <> Sent: March 1, 2024 1:18 PM To: <> Subject: RE: Hello David Let's really start asking some questions - JCCF your 7 days are up Hello Dana-lee, Thank you for your email. As you may know, the Law Society of Ontario governs Ontario’s lawyers and paralegals. If you wish to file a complaint against a lawyer or paralegal, please follow the instructions below: Please be advised that our complaint process has changed. We can no longer act on complaints received via mail, fax, email, and have discontinued the previous complaint form. In order to submit a complaint to the Law Society of Ontario, please use our new online webform: https://lsoconnects-requests. Please provide a brief summary of the complaint in the space provided. We will reach out if further information or documentation is needed. You can find information about the Law Society’s complaints process on this page of our website: This email inbox is no longer monitored for complaints or inquiries. Regards, Client Service Centre Law Society of Ontario 130 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 2N6 [cid:image001.png@01DA6BE3. This communication is intended for use by the individual(s) to whom it is specifically addressed and should not be read by, or delivered to, any other person. Such communication may contain privileged or confidential information. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender and permanently delete the communication. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Dana-lee Melfi <> Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2024 2:02 PM To: Monick Grenier <>; John Carpay <>; James Manson <>; Law Society <>;;; Communications@sirc-csars.gc. <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. info@nationalcitizensinquiry;;; Office of the Premier <>; pierre.poilievre <>;; Stephen Konkle <>;; RCMP.NSIN-RISN.GRC@rcmp-grc. Subject: Fw: Hello David Let's really start asking some questions - JCCF your 7 days are up CAUTION: This email originated from outside the LSO. Exercise caution before clicking links, opening attachments, or responding. ______________________________ From: Dana-lee Melfi << Sent: February 25, 2024 12:26 PM To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.< << kingpatrick278 << Tyson Billings <<mailto:f << Wayne.Long <<mailto:<mailto:j <<mailto:<mailto:m <<mailto:<mailto:info <<mailto:inf< << Cc: steven.johnston <<< <<<mailto:ask@ <<mailto:ask <<mailto:Da realpatriotsmoothie@ <realpatriotsmoothie@<mailto:j <<mailto:<mailto:m <<mailto:<mailto:info <<mailto:inf< << martin.gaudet << pm <<mailto:pm@pm.gc. <<<mailto:jc <<mailto:j< << pierre.poilievre << leslyn.lewis <<< << Marco.Mendicino << Mark.Blakely << Kevin.leahy << ian.fahie <<<mailto:ebel <<mailto:ebe <sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.<mailto:C <<mailto:< <<< <<<<mailto: <<< << Jones <<mailto:Ro << NightTimePodcast << nsinvestigators <<< << <<mailto:mcu@ fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <fin.minfinance-financemin.< <<<mailto:dj <<mailto:d<mailto: <<<< <<< << kingpatrick278 << Tyson Billings <<mailto:f << Chance Of Fluri << Fraser <david.fraser@mcinnescooper. David.Akin <<<mailto:ccb <<mailto:cc info@nationalcitizensinquiry. <info@nationalcitizensinquiry.< << canadacitizensinquiry@mail. <canadacitizensinquiry@mail. <ragingdissident@protonmail.<mailto:sher <<mailto:she<mailto:ble <<mailto:bl<mailto:rick@ <<mailto:rick@ << Michael.Duheme < kris.austin <<mailto:kri <<mailto:pre <<mailto:prem <<mailto:PREM <<mailto:sc <<mailto:prem <<mailto:prem <<mailto:prem <<mailto: <<mailto:premier <<mailto:prem <<mailto:prem<mailto:gid <<mailto:gi<mailto:getav <<mailto:geta< <<<mailto: <<<mailto:Ki <<mailto:K Subject: Hello David Let's really start asking some questions - JCCF your 7 days are up Some light reading to put some things together of just the past 2 years Hello all, My name is Dana-lee Melfi This email is one of the first steps to once again secure our county. There has been a great deception going on and very few taking the steps to bring it to an end. I would have reported sooner, but the investigation was not complete. I have done all I can to this point and will be returning home soon from Ottawa. As a mere citizen, without influence, without bias, without fear, without religion based faith, without corporate funding have been doing an investigation for quite some time. The OIC is aware and so is CSIS. I was aware some true humans were doing the same in different ways. I had just not met them until recently. Now the dots get connected. I want all to know, I never inserted myself anywhere other than the protest itself as a mere man standing in peace. I did know though, that this would be used to my advantage. My premiss was I could not spend time investigating people or entities without "personal interactions to document". The push for the deception has now come expediential and I cannot finish my report because of terrorists being let in into OUR HOUSE Feb 16th. Instead have decided to give the first piece of the puzzle. Ask the proper authorities to take my laptop for a forensic audit. I bought it just for this purpose. I am going to teach you a lesson on "Never stop and talk to the troll" And certainly never go into a contract with one. (JCCF, HIS MAJESTY, CORPERATION OF CANADA, PEBA, DOJ, PIDC, RCMP, and many more have entered into contracts with me.) The troll is all about truth if you really understand the story. I am no fed, nor do I bow to globalists that we do not see. For security purposes I will not be adding my report in this email. We are going to start here for a very important reason. Why? Because of the contracts.... and the terms being broken to the citizens. Closing from FREEDOM CORP. ET AL AND HIS MAJESTY THE KING IN RIGHT OF CANADA and ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CANADA Emergencies ACT Inquiry of Canada https:// (Did we see the important "evidence" needed for truth?) (What lawyers "spoke for the people"?) (When "expert witnesses were called, why was the question never asked about a Corp making demands on a Five Eyes country?) (Why , a lot of questions not asked from any investigator or investigative journalists?) Change in Directors 02/08/2022 https://www. (strange amendments made in first year) Requirements for soliciting corporations under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (NFP Act) Deeming a corporation non-soliciting (Non-Soliciting means they brought in less than 10k in a year) Five Eyes Charter Freedom 2022 Human Rights and Freedoms (Corporation number 1372685-1 ) Copies of requested corporate documents Document Description Date Directors PDF (199 KB) Change to director information 2022-02-08 Directors PDF (199 KB) Change to director information 2023-04-28 Registered office PDF (134 KB) Change to registered office 2023-05-08 Annual Return PDF (121 KB) 2023 2023-05-01 Directors PDF (197 KB) Change to director information 2023-01-11 Incorporation Certificate Articles PDF (517 KB) 2022-01-30 Amendment Certificate Articles PDF (244 KB) Province or Territory of Registered Office 2023-01-11 Registered office / Directors PDF (134 KB) Initial 2022-01-30 Registered office PDF (136 KB) Change to registered office 2023-01-11 Trial now done and what transpired will shock you! It turned out to be a puppet show, and that Freedom Corp, JCCF were the only ones defending the Citizens. Think about that for a moment. On February 8th 2022 a Corporation was formed and the first order of business was to make demands of a government. (A Five Eyes Gov) Imagine the precedent it would set if they even communicated? Exactly why they did not. Before the 8th of February it was still "a Citizen led initiative to have dialogue with their Government." The moment it was a demand through a Corporation nobody knew was being formed the citizens voice was stolen. Or was it? This is where Conspiracy<https://laws-lois. Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)<https://laws-lois. Treason Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)<https://laws-lois. Murder<https://www.criminal- Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)<https://laws-lois. I will do these arrests by giving the evidence to each one of these charges and asking our security forces to do their jobs. The truth was not even addressed or questioned in the EA puppet show nor in the Lich, Barber trial. Below you will see also how when "the people" had a chance to question our Prime Minister, It was waisted and a disgrace< What I learned by researching the POEC is some answers to my questions. "Why in so many inquiries and court cases do we not see subpoenaed video from body cams or street CCTV?" So I made a pdf (found on site link at bottom of email) document and in it reveals that there were cctv cams at key locations that were in the POEC. But nothing of when it should have been recording? For example: Document ID: OTT00029875.0001-01<https:// This camera is at Wellington and Metcalf. This video shows me it exists and rotates right? So where is the video from this cam when police were illegally beating and arresting people? Where are the questions from the lawyers that had a duty to "preform their tasks to the best of their abilities?" I know they were not as I was in a private chat with Eva and Kieth as the POEC was going on. And this is where it gets interesting! Would you like to see over a months communications in a room facilitated by JCCF lawyers that directly violated the conditions of a few key members? And if there is a "trial of the century" and such good investigations why is none of this revealed in the trial? I seen Ottawa Police get on stand like Mr. Blonde and I gave him the proof to investigate. He does not mention it though Hmmmmmm? These are the types of questions and answers you will find on March 1st! I documented everything I had personal interactions with and JCCF with Monick have also broken the contract. They all have drained me of resources and not one lawyer will help me file for compensation now. Though I will need it to have some sort of quality of life after this it was never the focus. Why did "experts" not get questioned with pertinent information that needed answers? "All Cdn truckers from all prov going to shut down Canada and heading to Ottawa JAN 23 Video" Public Order Emergency Commission COM00000829<https:// This video shows part of the setup if you know information about the players. My information can only be derived from "personal interactions". So I had some! I had questions when I was watching live. I could see the setup before it happened because of James earlier endeavors. This does show who "The Architect" is and why. [https:// All Cdn truckers from all prov going to shut down Canada and heading to Ottawa JAN 23 Video<https:// COM00000829 publicorderemergencycommission https:// Contracts and Retainers are vital to showing some of the truth hidden. The cases already fought show a LOT! And hide a LOT! The same "witnesses" used over and over? The hypocrisy that "Alternative media" are exposed. Did you see it? Were you to afraid to ask? Have you seen what happens to those that have? Yes, I am no longer silenced and sick of the deception. Bring it on. Ask a question. If not to me, ask your favorite media personalities or heros? Have a great day In the protection of person and humanity. ✌😁🇨🇦 If I could show you right now.... But my report won't be out until March 1st 2024 This report will give no choice other than to accept there is a #5th option...... If you have been paying attention, you know how tenacious I am. Many that are evil can see my quest for truth and instantly block because they know I will catch them in their untruths. The point is to end this deception and return to humanity working together for a far different future than the path in this current movie. It can be done in peace and the answer is in the truth and digital footprints from more than one person for the good of humanity. Here is who was let into OUR HOUSE< to address the nation on Feb 16th I do not need to show anything else about this terrorist that builds street cred. Just ONE example. Kelly Anne Wolfe 10/15/2022 This is a video of Kelly Anne as I called her up as she was calling for "extremists" to go to Toronto and “shut down the financial district”. There is another video on this call as well. She makes amazing claims that were never substantiated. Even says she has Trump behind her. She is all part of the "Team" they have operating in Canada. Come on now, she says she has "golden blood". CSIS are aware and does nothing. Ok so now we get to JCCF and their involvement. This is a large file I have. To show you the number of communications because of their deceptions on the people I have put it straight out and holding them to the contract they signed with my lawyer. I made sure to log some information with David Amos blog after I forwarded an email comms with Monick and JCCF. It also went to the authorities and was not taken seriously. How serious do you think I am now Mr. Carpay? JCCF lawyers and only "voice of the people" first with Miller and his "clown show" then they have the best chance to ask real questions and do-nothing Oct 2022 You can go check and all these people do is interview each other and never have an open forum with real questions, just vetted ones and if anyone says something uncomfortable, they have an army online to silence you. this facilitated room by Eva and Keith one of the first messages I see is "This is fight club!" and "You know what happens if you talk about fight club 😏" To me this was a death threat, so I stayed in and seen it was all about creating "Propaganda" and "building narratives" Everyone in the room is complicit in "aiding and abiding" criminals in an active conspiracy to manipulate citizens. [ Screen Recording 20240117 154748 Signal< Video is from October 2022A video of a "clandestine group" They called it "Fight club" if you entered.The first thing discussed was how to create propaganda.... This was the first of many documents they shared and had zoom meeting about. It was expected that as a person in the group you must follow this template and "Narrative" What the heck is "Stakeholder engagement"?! Since they control the media, it is easy to show the connections. They are backed and fundraise to "drain resources" and "silence people". John Carpay has a sorted past and has lost his license but continues to use a lot of resources propping Tamara up for political aspirations. That is the whole reason for controlling media.! There are a lot more and these questions and concerns have been brought to CSIS, and Ottawa police. Both have ignored. Why would lawyers and firms put their backing behind a corporation that placed demands on a country? HMMMMMM? They thought I could be threatened, bought, coerced and the likes. I cannot.! After JCCF was added as a payee onto my retainer I watched closely. They only ever placed one ad with my face as a "news release" with a donate button for over 450 days. Now some removed but of course I have captured them all. And all the subs you make money on for using your media for clicks and so on.! Here is the only post made by JCCF about me. I was never added into "active cases" and zero contact for over a year until they sent an email to my lawyer saying I would have to take their "appointed lawyer" because they could not pay for "Private lawyers". Funny thing about that is I can show you where other "private lawyers are paid" like Wayne Narvy with the very same lawyer as me. I asked Wayne if his bill was paid in total and the answer was yes. He was advised to take a deal and plead guilty for the charges in Ottawa and the crown would drop the charges from his stopping the poisoning of our rivers. Then even after several communications of mine asking them to uphold their agreement they did not. and posted this. As you can see the page was removed. They asked me to remove all references to JCCF from MY media pages. I unequivocally said no. I warned them I would hold them accountable. What they do no Crisis actors in Parliament. Now I felt Derek is very smart and a good man (I still hope). But this Dacey actor is nothing but trouble for Canada and part of a much larger group as you have seen. And I know for a fact he works with corrupt Ottawa Police like Blonde and his boss. (BTW Dacey I warned that boss a few minutes before you spoke on the 17th, did you talk about it? I asked him if he had arrested Blonde yet.) THEN someone let another Crisis actor (and maybe more) into our house. wow just wow. Now, right after all of this I was on the hill, and many came up to me with support and asking me to continue in this investigation. So many deceived though and cannot see the setups! [ Canadian Democratic Defence Association Proposes New Political Initiative<https://www.cpac. Kelly Anne Wolfe, CEO of the Canadian Democratic Defence Association (CDDA), holds a news conference in Ottawa to launch a national campaign for a proposed political party. The CDDA hopes to run independent candidates at all levels of government to address what it says is a lack of accountability, leadership and representation in Canada. (February 16, 2024) (no interpretation)<http://www.cpac. So that is enough for today and JCCF you better pay your bill. And Monick return my stolen money from MY supporters. You are going to need some defence yourself soon in a big way. If I am wrong, Yas can all sue me! You have until March first when the interim report comes out! What is Acceptable? Dana-lee Melfi Peace-Man [ This site tells a story as it continues<https://peace-man. I will cooperate to the fullest and in total honesty and integrity. I will tell you that there are real police officers, RCMP and others ready to collaborate and have told me they understand the danger until then. I am no fed, nor do I bow to globalists that we do not see. For security purposes I will not be adding my report in this email. I will surrender what is needed to start arrests under : Conspiracy Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46) 465. (1) Except where otherwise expressly provided by law, the following provisions apply in respect of conspiracy: […] A conspiracy consists not merely in the intention of two or more, but in the agreement of two or more to do an unlawful act, or to do a lawful act by unlawful means. Treason Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46) 46 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada, (a) kills or attempts to kill Her Majesty, or does her any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds her, or imprisons or restrains her; (b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or. Using: Citizens Arrest Criminal Code ( RSC , 1985, c. C-46) 494(1) Any one may arrest without warrant (a) a person whom he finds committing an indictable offence; or (b) a person who, on reasonable grounds, he believes (i) has committed a criminal offence, and (ii) is escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person. I am only interested in the law and protection of our country. There are many more capital crimes listed in the document and "hard links". The JCCF connection right up to the terrorists that were let into parliament on Feb 16th to address the nation are all connected. Now that there is a "hard link" to those that authorized this action is the time to address the penetration of government and citizens before the planned destabilization continues. That is right Justin and it has now been linked to you this time. The crisis actors and those that aid and abed crimes like Chris Dacey and Kelley Anne Wolfe were not let in to "address the Nation" by booking the media room. This could NOT have happened without your oversight Justin Trudeau and other MP's. All complicit in treason now. (in audit) Now I know we always get the same type of messages back like "We get a lot of communications and will try and respond". This better not happen in this case going forth. Some of you know how to forensic audit what David Amos has been sending. Many respond to David and say "why are you sending me this" Some of you know of his impeccable records. I am going to share some of mine for some light reading into the roles of the ones I have personal experience with and explain what you are about to see very clearly. In 2020 my best friend was murdered Ian Porter. This was your 1st big mistake! For a couple years I had to live with that after I held his hand as he took his last breath. I vowed to him on that death bed I would catch who had done this. What I did not realise was I had already been on that path. PIDC complaint 2018 by Dana-lee Melfi. (So let me get something straight. You work and are an assistant for both the Ombudsman and PIDC? Yinka Jarikre, B.A. (Hons.), J.D. Assistant Ombudsman|Assistant Commissioner) When Ian passed I moved back to Ontario to my hunt camp to meditate for a year and wait for investigations I was involved in to conclude. They never really did though and a shell game was played on me. I made sure to document it. I will list some of the files currently being worked on: DANA-LEE VS SASKATCHEWAN GOVERNMENT AND CANADA LIFE HIS MAJESTY THE KING / SA MAJESTE LE ROI - and / et - DANA-LEE MELFI 22-A8428 CHARTER APPLICATION OIC INVESTIGATION file: 5821-04375 / Institution's file: A-2021-00580 DOJ PIDC INVESTIGATION PIDC: Disclosure Form : Entry # 1238 LOGGED RCMP COMLAINT File number 2020- 12016 Only Canadian in history to have an extension removed on an ATIP ACT request and they had no process to do so. So I told them "Let me teach you how". Ten days later the extension reversed and an investigation ensued. The Request in question is also why "extra layers were added". It is your move........(Spidey) ______________________________ From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. Sent: February 24, 2024 7:11 PM To:< <<< << kingpatrick278 << Tyson Billings <<mailto:f << Wayne.Long <<mailto:<mailto:j <<mailto:<mailto:m <<mailto:<mailto:info <<mailto:inf< << Cc: pm <<mailto:pm@pm.gc. << premier <<mailto:pre <<mailto:prem <<mailto:bl << Mark.Blakely << ministryofjustice << fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <fin.minfinance-financemin. Michael.Duheme < Subject: Re: I just called Jeremy Mackenzie (639 318 9073_ Again https://na01.safelinks. David Raymond Amos @DavidRaymondAm1 I am on the phone right now about this malice https://na01.safelinks. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <<mailto:Pre Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 23:01:32 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: I just called Jeremy Mackenzie (639 318 9073_ Again To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued. You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, reviewed and taken into consideration. There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a response may take several business days. Thanks again for your email. ______ Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations. Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons. Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre. Merci encore pour votre courriel. On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. wrote: > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. > Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2023 14:29:00 -0400 > Subject: I just called Jeremy Mackenzie (639 318 9073 and his lawyer > Mr Foda AGAIN Correct? > To: > << > Cc: "pierre.poilievre" << > <<mailto:pm@pm.gc. > < > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. > Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2022 14:32:24 -0400 > Subject: I just called Jeremy Mackenzie’s number 639 318 9073 and left > a voicemail then spoke briefly with his lawye Mr Foda correct? > To: > Cc: motomaniac333 << ><mailto:rick@ > > https://na01.safelinks. > > Diagolon leader Jeremy Mackenzie to challenge decision denying him bail > Bryn Levy | Posted: Oct. 28, 2022, 10:49 a.m. > > Jeremy MacKenzie, the founder of the online group “Diagolon” was > arrested in September 2022 in Cole Harbour, N.S., on a Canada-wide > warrant related to charges stemming from an alleged Nov. 2021 assault > near Viscount, Sask.(Jeremy MacKenzie/Facebook) > > Jeremy MacKenzie, the founder of the online group “Diagolon” was > arrested in September 2022 in Cole Harbour, N.S., on a Canada-wide > warrant related to charges stemming from an alleged Nov. 2021 assault > near Viscount, Sask. - Jeremy MacKenzie / Facebook > > The leader of a Canadian far-right group is set to challenge a judge’s > decision to keep him in custody while awaiting trial. > > Jeremy Mackenzie, 36, faces assault and weapons charges in connection > with an incident near Viscount, Sask. in November 2021. > > He was denied bail on Oct. 7 by a Saskatoon provincial court judge. > The reasons for that decision are protected by a court-ordered > publication ban, which is a standard measure in most bail proceedings > meant to protect an accused’s right to a fair trial. > > Mackenzie’s previous defence lawyer was granted leave to withdraw on > Oct. 13, after telling court he’d been fired. > > At Thursday’s hearing, Toronto-based defence lawyer Sherif Foda > indicated he will represent Mackenzie, and that his client will seek a > review of the Oct. 7 bail decision. Mackenzie is due back in court > Nov. 10. > > Court previously heard there is an ongoing investigation into how > audio recordings from Mackenzie’s bail hearing found their way online > in violation of the publication ban — an offence punishable by up to > two years in jail and a $5,000 fine. > > Mackenzie is the self-proclaimed leader of Diagolon, a group described > in a 2022 House of Commons report as a violent extremist organization. > Its name refers to a fictional country comprised of provinces and > states without COVID-19 mandates, forming a diagonal line across North > America. > > He is also charged with harassment and intimidation in connection with > an anti-mask protest outside the home of Nova Scotia’s chief medical > health officer in March, and faces 13 firearm-related charges in Nova > Scotia after a police search in January. > > RCMP have said they are also reviewing an allegation that Mackenzie > made rape threats against Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre’s wife > during a livestream video in September. > > There has also been suggestion of a link between Diagolon and the case > of four men charged with conspiracy to commit murder after a February > RCMP raid against an anti-mandate blockade of a Canada-U.S. border > crossing at Coutts, Alta. > > Mounties reported seizing items including 13 long guns, handguns, a > machete, a large quantity of ammunition and body armour. A tactical > vest seized at the scene had a Diagolon patch on it — a white diagonal > line across a black rectangle. The four suspects are scheduled for > trial in 2023. > > With Canadian Press files > > > > https://na01.safelinks. > > Sherif M. Foda is a criminal defence lawyer who fights for his > clients. His work largely consists of complex crimes, with an emphasis > on large-scale project prosecutions for drug, gun, and violent > offences. He regularly defends people alleged to have ties with > criminal organizations, and conducts both trials and appeals at all > levels of court in Canada. > > Sherif also practices regulatory law, having represented people > charged with various provincial offences. He has both represented > professionals and worked in an advisory capacity in cases under the > Securities Act, the Regulated Health Professions Act, the Ontario > College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, and other regulatory and > quasi-criminal statutes. > > Sherif attended law school at the University of Ottawa where he was an > international moot court competition champion. After graduating law > school as silver medalist, Sherif was awarded the Canadian Bar > Association’s Viscount Bennett fellowship. He used that to pursue a > Master’s in Law and Finance at the University of Oxford, where he > graduated with Distinction. He then articled at McCarthy Tetrault in > Montreal, followed by a clerkship at the Supreme Court of Canada with > Justice Cromwell. > > Sherif is called to the bar in Quebec, Ontario, and New York. His > practice has been located in the Greater Toronto Area since 2014. He > serves his clients in English, French, and Arabic. > > > Sherif M. Foda > 171 John Street - Suite 101, > Toronto, ON, M5T 1X3 > Tel: 416.642.1438 > > Email:<mailto:sher > > > Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s my problem @Leigh I voted max from > his first ballot I just wanted change 👍 > David AmosAnybody can Google me Anyone who falsely claims that I am > a Hells Angel is obviously a very desperate Fed > Kimberley JaneIF we get PPC seats then they can openly support Diagalon, > no? > Hell in a Handbasketyes leigh, also a problem is his accent > Leigh Stewy > if he was smart, he would have been the face of the whole thing > Davy Crockett Goes NorthHe couldn’t he’s just another piece of the game > Leigh Stewy > He's getting bad advice from people surrounding him, Davy > Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s 💯 > Leigh Stewy > or one person at least > Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣 good one Feri > Hell in a HandbasketMax's exact problem is his hide and seek personality. > Hell in a HandbasketJer is guns blazin > dale bairdYUP FERRY SAID A MOUTH FULL, USA. > Davy Crockett Goes NorthMax was clear his first time around the > country’s cread card is full we need to pay if of with oil money and > no imagination. That I was 💯 on board > Patricia LaforetI stayed with a PPC member during the convoy. She > saw a lot of room for improvement in the party > dale bairdBASE SYSTEM HAS TO BE FIXED. > Ruby's Shadowmax doesn't have the qualities needed for effective > leadership, incl accent > M E G Ayou can be a member of every party in canada as well > Elle MReclamation Party.. reclaim your country > dale bairdTO MANY PPP`S > Seansathen OlafsonWould be better imo just having thousands of > people sign up for the Liberal Party through their free membership and > just screwing up their internal elections and policy making. Since its > free. > Davy Crockett Goes North🤔? > dale bairdYUP TRUE > Trent DabsDoes this guy live in reality? 😂 > Leigh Stewy > remember when Palowski was ejected? > Davy Crockett Goes NorthGet Soros out of the courts that is a big problem > dale bairdCAN`T KICK YOU OUT IN USA > Hell in a Handbaskettrent, why bother? nothing else has worked > Kimberley JaneMAX accent has nothing to do with it. Remember Chretien lol > Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣 > Trent DabsWe hit a iceberg and the ship is going down Fast and > people think if we just get a new captain Everything will be fine 🤣 > Ruby's Shadowtruth trent > Hell in a Handbasketno trent steal the safes > Leigh Stewy > they're going to break the coalition > supervillainz73NEO DILF PARTY > Leigh Stewy > elisabeth may for PM > dale bairdTOWELS TO TIGHT. > 4stringrr78Is meatjug becomes pm , jeets gona riot , the dot ones > Leigh Stewy > yep she sure is lol > Helena Jenningscute dog 🐕 > East Coast Canadian > Greetings Rage. Whisper sweet bigotries into my our ears > dale bairdLOOK J M IN THE HOUSE > SIn City Captiveplaid to the bone > Trent DabsHow did Jeremy get whiter ?😆 > Hell in a Handbasketshowtime > Trent DabsI shouldn't talk Shit because I'm so white I glow 😅 > dale bairdUSED MAGIC MARKER. > Davy Crockett Goes NorthJeremy \\\ > Good Times\\\ > Helena Jenningslove it 😀 > Guerrilla-RadioFamily, > Guerrilla-RadioClans > Guerrilla-RadioTribes > East Coast Canadian > It was an SOS > Jesus Le Jesus- like man. Let us not crawl down amongst the rats > begging for mercy or trying to out-sneak them and pretend to be rats > ourselves! > Davy Crockett Goes NorthLol blink twice if your in danger Jay 😝 > Jesus Le JesusGLR 🥰 > Helena Jenningsno more bending over lol 😆 😂 > dale bairdQUIT A FEW TIMES IF YOUR A CANADIAN. > Ruby's Shadowfinally some astute observations\\\ > Davy Crockett Goes NorthYou boys have bring the receipts 🔥🔥🔥 > Roy Elderkin\\\ NCI structured commission to conduct real peoples > interests of governance. > Davy Crockett Goes NorthIt is a corp 🫣 > S W12 Foot Davis is ashamed of Freeland > supervillainz73say chris sky one more time > Davy Crockett Goes NorthInternet has been amazing, to much computing > over load 🤣 > Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤣 > S WCastro planned this in 1971 > New World DisorderYou need to use a volume gate on your mic input to > stop clipping when you yell. > Helena Jenningsinteresting 🤔 > New World DisorderThat wqay you can scream to all hell but it stays > the same max volume at home > Hell in a Handbasketand they get voted in without us seeing a resume > David AmosI bet MacKenzie remembers the 1 and only time we talked EH? > Hell in a Handbasketor assigned > Patricia Laforet@Quick dub 👆 > David AmosMackenzie knows my number ask him if he wishes to debate me > LIVE > Helena Jenningsnot my canada anymore > SIn City Captivedenounce the cloud > dale bairdITS A BUNCH OF COMMIE`S > Hell in a HandbasketDavid Amos, do you need a shower? > Trent DabsI love how random people show up and demand to be on the show > 😂 > Davy Crockett Goes NorthAll of it Jeremy I want it all > S W338 drawn and quartered would be 84.5 per quarter > David AmosMacKenzie and I should discuss what I said at the 28 > minute mark https://na01.safelinks. > dale bairdCOKE BROTHERS DO THAT NOW > SIn City Captiveleaky roof - shut it down > Patricia Laforet@Trent he’s been sperging all afternoon when he’s > not muted lol > Kimberley JaneEXACTLY the people should stop giving Walmart money, > but the wont. > Trent Dabslol > Davy Crockett Goes Northlol > Hell in a Handbasketis bj sneaking around, scrubbing his butt on the > carpet @trent > Leigh Stewy > he said it wasnt a federal issue lol > Trent DabsFerrymans dog 🤣 > Leigh Stewy > peanut butter time lol > Trent DabsDogs lime COME ON MAN I need peanut butter bro > Trent DabsYou no the rules and so do I > jay katcherwhat ever happened to james the toppenator?? havent heard > much... > New World DisorderBut we otherwise get fired for displaying any > activism for the jobs we do. Sounds about right. > Leigh Stewy > james topp has moved on, concentrating on his career > SIn City Captiveway to be > S L_2teesCheers All DTS\\\ > Helena Jenningsinteresting 🤔 > New World DisorderWith exact Chinese accuracy. > Patricia LaforetCheers Steve \\\ > David AmosHMMM > David AmosMacKenzie and I should discuss what I said at the 28 > minute mark https://na01.safelinks. > Hell in a HandbasketHarper wanted out - with no successor, cuz his > bosses wanted that > Davy Crockett Goes North💯Jeremy criminals > dale bairdALEX FOR CAPTAIN, I WILL SIGN UP. > SIn City Captive\\\ born of necessity > dale bairdI AM WHITE AND I DEMAN. > Dom Ieracithe traditional Canadian party > David AmosAlex is not wrong > Guerrilla-RadioWrong wrong Ferri we have legal right to organize as > a clan in Canada. Clans/ groups have legal access to the king > Helena Jenningsits discrimination > dale bairdGO FERRY MAN > M E G Ai dont even need preferential treatment. equal treatment > would be a good start > David AmosThe Ferry Man should pick up the phone and talk to me > Helena Jenningswow > New World Disorder@Guerrilla-Radio - Try forming a group around > freedom and tell me how that goes. > Peterget in the box Amos > David AmosYou block me > TradLife \\\ > Patricia LaforetSpergs gotta sperg lol > Davy Crockett Goes NorthMy cuz showed me a trans at my old high school > 🤣🤣🤡 > Helena Jenningswe are screwedd 😳 > New World Disorder@KevinJJohnston Not true at all. > 1quickdub > This David guy never gives up lol he's been getting timed out over > and over for hours 🤣 > Seansathen OlafsonThe Federal Government in the last three years has > done about 90% of their hiring as Nigerians. > Davy Crockett Goes NorthHi @1quickdub👍 > dale bairdPEANUT BUTTER IS REPLACING US. > Jesus Le Jesusthere will be no pale face reservations > Birds EyeMichael you didn’t hear Alex > SIn City CaptiveTY > Neeka Elliott > I lol > 1quickdub > Hi Davy, didn't mean you lol > Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣 > SIn City Captivedale you are next > IHaveMentalChillnessDamn it's heated in here o/ > Davy Crockett Goes NorthI know bud 😝 > Leigh Stewy > KJJ speaking facts > Guerrilla-RadioI accept the challenge- NWD > Neeka Elliott > lol mentalchillness that's almost as good as dentalmisorder > Seansathen OlafsonThe great irony is that the people looking at > these problems and seeking solutions are peaceful. Danger comes from > the regular citizen steeped in ignorance being forced to open their > eyes. > Helena Jenningswhat's 🐕 name 😀 > Peteris Active Club they way forward ? > Ruby's ShadowOzzy @Helena Jennings > Trent DabsOzzie is the dogs name > Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🔥🔥 > Ryan Watson🤣🤣🤣🤣 > 1quickdub > only 350? @KevinJJohnston > 1quickdub > or did you mean 3500 > Helena Jenningsshadow thanks nice ozzy 😀 > Leigh Stewy > ozzy lol > Ruby's Shadowdag dogs best dogs in canada > dale bairdWHO LET THE DOGS OUT. > Helena Jenningsyes very cuddly 😊 > Trent DabsI love how Ozzy just chills > Peterit's best not to be drunk when formulating plans > M E G Alast i checked PP wad getting ratiod hard over Ukraine > KevinJJohnstonAlbertans have had their chance to rise up, they are > TOO comfortable and have not suffered enough yet to rebel. > supervillainz73nobodys drunk here Peter > Peteryeah pats gone > SIn City Captive🐢 > Guerrilla-RadioHate of shared tyrant > Edgar Foerster\\\ > Peteryou missed the last 3-4 years supr villienz > Kim Griffiths@KevinJJohnston I dont know, I think when things get a > bit worse , people will rise up , i still have faith in Canadians > dale bairdI`AM IN NOVA SCOTIA AND I SAY GO ALBERTA. > KevinJJohnstonI wanted to wish everyone the best. I wanted to tell > you all just HOW TERRIBLE the remand centres in Alberta really are. I > know, they put me in ALL of them. It is torture to be in there > David AmosWhy is it that I feel honoured that you big talking dudes > hate mean old me??? Harper was not elected and had not committed our > troops to combat when I talked to Stevey Boy Murphy on CTV Correct? > supervillainz73not the last 2.5 peter > David > Amoshttps://na01.safelinks. > KevinJJohnstonIt is VERY HARD time to be in there > KevinJJohnstonThese men were beat down by the system that MUST be > deconstructed > Leigh Stewy > send KJJ a link lol > David AmosCry me a river > 1quickdub > Alberta needs it's Louis Riel moment > Petersend David Amos a link rants > 1quickdub > Kevin o you want to come on the show > Scrooge McTrucksad but true > Trent DabsWhy would we do that? @Pete > KevinJJohnstonI just wanted to say that those boys have to get out > of there, it is a brutal place. > Scrooge McTrucksome might stay > Trent DabsThis isn't one Mic night > Trent Dabsopen* > KevinJJohnstonGotta go folks. Get those boys out of there. > Trent Dabslol > Kimberley Jane😅😅😅 > Leigh Stewy > send him a link! > Leigh Stewy > lol > PrairieHi Jason 👋👋🌻 > Leigh Stewy > he did in the chat here again > Kim Griffithslol > dale bairdBRING HIM ON > Peterget him on > Trent DabsOh get this clown on here 😂 > Helena Jennings😂 > David AmosI love it > Ruby's Shadow🙂 > PeterI thought it wasn't open mic night Trent dabs > The Hypocrite's Matrix😅😅😅🍭 > Peterjeremy scared of Amos imo > David AmosWell call me MacKenzie > Jonny Bravolol > M E G Alol i guess it is open mic night. will watch > Trent DabsIt's not But it should be funny @Peter > PeterTrent. you fit in well. flip flopper > SIn City Captiveit's fine, everything's fine - dog chow time toronto > Trent DabsYou think I care what a random anonymous person calls me > on the internet? 😂🤣😆 > Birds EyeLet’s hear it 😊 > dale bairdYUP > East Coast Canadian > I’m getting my popcorn ready > Kim Griffithslol > SIn City Captivepopcorn-yellow- > Leigh Stewy > totally stable individual > Trent DabsI'm watching you 😆 > Neeka Elliott > lol > Kim Griffithswhat a fken creeper > Mr. Long SnatchYou keep a calling but you can't come in > Whiskey ChickWYF? > Guerrilla-RadioMy lord > Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣freak > Whiskey ChickWTF? > M E G Alol wtf > RonI'm behind..who is that? > East Coast Canadian > You’ll have to change your number now > Leigh Stewy > what > Leigh Stewy > LOL > Leigh Stewy > AHHAAAH > Trent DabsWho ? > Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤣 > SIn City Captivewild horses > Birds EyeHmm ok > Chris Burke Musicjason wants some nice messages to wake up to! > Leigh Stewy > gooooodbyeee horrsessss > Elle MNo life > Leigh Stewy > hes gonna wear your skin as a mask lol > Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣 > binlovedmade me think of scenes from pulp fiction > 1quickdub > Stan > Whiskey ChickThat was Bryan. > Mr. Long SnatchWell at least its not mayo 🤣😂 > dale bairdYUP SKIN AS MASK > Leigh Stewy > it did sound like Bryan a bit > PolymathingJeremy...just put the lotion in the basket > Davy Crockett Goes NorthKnow I want Jeremy’s number 🤣🤣🤣 > dale bairdSAFTY FIRST > RonMust be fun when the people that support you are scarier than the > ones that don't > Trent Dabsit puts the lotion on it's skin or else I will call again > Chat... > You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a moderator > > > On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >> https://na01.safelinks. >> >> Super Conspiracy Movie >> East Coast Canadian >> 4,007 views Premiered Dec 1, 2022 >> >> https://na01.safelinks. >> >> COUTTS 4, Chris Lysak legal defense fundraiser 4 of 4 >> Derek Rants >> >> >> >> Neeka Elliott >> Fuck is goin on in the chat lol >> Chief DogmaCheers boys >> Dee❤ mods >> Ruby's Shadow\\\🙂 >> SiskaHow’s the fishing going chief ? 😂 >> Chief DogmaGot nothing yet 🥲 >> Peterusing a tequila worm pat? >> dale bairdUNREAL THE COMMIE GOV/ CROWN >> SiskaSay hi to Doug for me 😂 >> Chief DogmaThey're just swimming right by our lines teasing us >> David AmosHmmm >> Chief DogmaSiska he doesn't know who you are but said hi haha >> Peterlol Amos. they don't want to hear it. keep posting >> David AmosPat King is too dumb to realize he is a patsy >> SiskaIt’s JoAnn neighbor >> Chief Dogmaoh no kidding haha >> dale bairdWHAT ARE THE ODDS >> SiskaYa 😂😂😂 >> jason73drop a few bucks in the give send go if you got em >> Chief Dogmaanother sylvan lake dag 😉 >> SiskaAbsolutely 👍 \\\ >> DeeSo its a "Sloption"?? >> Hell in a Handbasketthis ain't no country club >> mr_green_thumb_ottawapaul champ i bet you or zexi lee >> mr_green_thumb_ottawadenna sherif ? >> mr_green_thumb_ottawapurse nugget ?? >> mr_green_thumb_ottawa🤣 >> Point Fire >> David Amos Was your ego stoked when the RCMP hired you as an expert >> witness? >> Leigh Stewy >> its danielle lol >> mr_green_thumb_ottawa🤣 >> Point Fire >> David Amos Was your ego stoked when the RCMP hired you as an expert >> witness? >> Leigh Stewy >> its danielle lol >> Patricia LaforetSoutherland? >> AmmoC9MQuatloos - look it up for law society /Crown clownery >> 1quickdub >> CIA was investigating us too? >> Hell in a Handbasket5 eyes , manged by nossad >> Good Times⏰ >> supervillainz73@quickdub the slash runs through there too lol >> Michael LockhartPat couldn't write a coloring book >> David AmosAm I still blocked??? >> Kimberley Jane❣ I believe that 2024 is the universe turnaround year. >> Petercan see you davis amos >> Neeka Elliott >> lol I didn't see the buildup @quickdub what's goin on with David lol >> Peterno blocked again >> dale bairdWHATS IMPORTANT ABOUT THIS WOMEN ? >> 1quickdub >> He's taking a break from sperging >> Patricia LaforetLol Dubs >> supervillainz73JP stiffed ya pat? >> Neeka Elliott >> lol >> New World DisorderShow them the receipts. >> Patricia LaforetWasn’t Danielle the certain someone giving certain >> people happy endings lol >> SiskaHey 👋 Pat >> 1quickdub >> Thanks Pat >> M E G ADiagolon is a great bunch of people >> jason73where did derek go? >> Patricia LaforetGet more firewood? Lol >> Ruby's Shadowderek and ozzy had to go pee >> 1quickdub >> They haven't paid... yet. >> Patricia LaforetNo probly eating >> Boomer manTrump is still defending the Jan 6ers >> New World DisorderHe's rolling his afternoon doob. >> jason73trump could have pardoned the jan 6ers but he pardoned black >> rappers instead >> Point Fire >> Gotta love the irony, David claims Jason is playing us like a >> violin. Meanwhile David was employed by the RCMP as an expert witness >> then claimed he was a Hells Angel and a drug dealer. >> 1quickdub >> nah he's takingthe dog for a piss and stoking the fire/grabbing >> wood. He'll be back in 5 >> 1quickdub >> He will roll on camera lol >> Boomer manJason73 he’ll pardon them when he gets back in >> Peterferry. great idea but this isn't hollywood film >> Josh Browncivil suits in their personal capacity >> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our >> community guidelines. >> Learn more >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBehind bars 💯🔥🔥🔥 >> 1quickdub >> 4 bacon, 3 eggs, 2 chicken... maybe I should have 1 piece of cheese >> for dessert lol >> jason73so they can rot in jail for 4 years and then he pardons >> them....what a fucking hero >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthLike I say Nuremberg 2.0 only way to get >> questions? >> dale bairdNOW FERRY MAN IS OVER THE TARGET. >> Boomer manThey didn’t start getting arrested till after he left >> Peterlike the ppc ferry? >> dale bairdPRISON FOR THE TOP GOV GUYS. >> Kimberley JaneThat's right Ferry. Accountability but hardly enough >> moral people left to fight. >> Patricia Laforet😂 Peter >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBut did we get the right answers during >> Nuremberg? I watched the documentary on the loyer that ran Nuremberg >> was it all true was it GAY? >> Peterjeremy/derek ppc founding members remember >> M E G Aim a founding member of PPC as well, so what? @Peter >> BriggsLifeThe PPC is just more establishment. Their colors are >> literally a mash or red and blue. lol >> Patricia LaforetYes back when we still thought there was a political >> solution >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthI’m honest I voted PPC from the start I >> wanted change a long time ago😰 >> Davy Crockett Goes North💯Feri >> Boomer manJason73 never said he was I was just saying I think he’ll >> free the Jan 6ers >> PeterBriggslife is correct >> Boomer manNever said Trump was are guy >> Boomer manThat’s his base u don’t think he’ll free them >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThanks @Jason your the best❤🔥🔥 >> jason73did he pardon assange? >> Jesus Le Jesusthat was a Jewish show trial >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthI understand 💯@Feri your right >> M E G Awell, the head of every state is complicate... they want to >> slip away and be forgotten about >> Patricia LaforetThe winners of war write the his story books >> dale bairdTHE PEOPLE OF CANADA SLEEP LIKE SHEEP, ITS SAD. >> Boomer manNo but I just have a feeling he’ll pardon them he’s been >> campaigning what I’ve seen and has paid more attention to them even >> ferry thinks Trump will pardon the jan6ers >> Davy Crockett Goes North@Patricia Laforest 💯👍 >> Guerrilla-RadioMotley Crew! >> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣❤🫡 >> Kimberley JaneTOO many egos that prevent moral people from working >> together. >> jason73you believe what politicians say while campaigning bro? >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthMCGA🤣🫢🤫 >> dale bairdTHE GOV HERDS THE PEOPLE. >> Josh Brownprivate members associations >> Leigh Stewy >> democracy is ghey >> dale bairdBUT DON`T HEAR THE POEPLE. >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthFollowing them great stuff coming from that >> Patricia LaforetRevolution >> Boomer manNo >> Davy Crockett Goes North@ Jay I’m 30% American 🤣2nd🚀 >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthPro* >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthTalking Jews? >> Davy Crockett Goes North🤫🫢 >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthSorry >> Boomer manWe will see what happens in a 11 months >> Boomer manNot everything >> Patricia LaforetWhy 11 months? >> Davy Crockett Goes North⏰ >> Patricia LaforetAmerican election? >> Guerrilla-RadioBoth >> Kimberley JaneNO but getting some opposition in the house is a good >> step. lol PPC >> Hell in a Handbasketnext is vindaloo ontario >> Jesus Le JesusNSDAP >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWay Feri talked wee doomed 🤣 >> Hell in a Handbasketmore jeets than us berry berry soon >> Peterhence join forces with Omar crew hellinhandbasket >> Kimberley JanePPC is worth getting seats. We owe them IMO >> M E G Afarmer/trucker party. time may have passed for that >> Leigh Stewy >> maxime bernier missed a HUGE opportunity during the convoy >> jhonston666"But Muh' Couttttsssss.............." >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s my problem @Leigh I voted max from >> his first ballot I just wanted change 👍 >> David AmosAnybody can Google me Anyone who falsely claims that I am >> a Hells Angel is obviously a very desperate Fed >> Kimberley JaneIF we get PPC seats then they can openly support >> Diagalon, >> no? >> Hell in a Handbasketyes leigh, also a problem is his accent >> Leigh Stewy >> if he was smart, he would have been the face of the whole thing >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHe couldn’t he’s just another piece of the game >> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 17:19:10 -0400 >> Subject: You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or >> a moderator >> To:,, kingpatrick278 >> <>, Tyson Billings <>, >> "" <>, "Wayne.Long" >> <>,,, >>, >> Cc: pm <>, "pierre.poilievre" >> <>, premier <> >> >> You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a moderator >> >> >> Michael Griffinleprachon soup is great >> supervillainz73I think rocky did 6 eggs >> Mr. Long SnatchFerryman are they store bought eggs >> Coalbert’s Mom >> UGH >> The Carpenter Chrisyum >> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps >> LuckyLuckylol >> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao >> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki >> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa >> The Carpenter Chriswho came first? >> 1quickdub >> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were >> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol >> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋 >> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to >> cooked , but great for lack of time >> 1quickdub >> He wanted jacked boys >> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies >> sophielol >> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson >> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating? >> 1quickdub >> based 80's dads for the win >> sophiewhen the stars align >> sophieand the infinity stones become one >> Kirk Blackadar >> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well >> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂 >> sophieword >> sophie\\\ >> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy >> dale bairdCSIS WATCHES HIM.HES THAT GOOD >> sophieooooo... >> sophieclassic merch >> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on >> sophiecollectors >> LizYa banned! Figures >> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt >> sophieauction, bid starts at 20 >> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie. >> dale bairdMAT RULES EAST COAST CANADIAN. >> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying. >> sophielol >> sophieFIESTA >> sophiei need an auto clicker >> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a >> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets. >> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria >> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well >> sophiemy brain is broken. >> sophiePEANUTS! >> dale bairdYOU COULD SELL FREEDOM CHICKENS. >> sophielol >> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500. >> Point Fire >> Loch Ness halter top? >> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am >> jason73\\\ >> Leigh Stewy >> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol >> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL >> Leigh Stewy >> has to be a mass murderer >> Kirk Blackadar >> Terry fox's sneakers >> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw >> Leigh Stewy >> there ya go Kirk lol >> Leigh Stewy >> lol >> Point Fire >> Luca's chopsticks. >> Leigh Stewy >> ask Pat King >> Kirk Blackadar >> 😂 >> Leigh Stewy >> im sure he has an extra one laying around >> 1quickdub >> Tell her to use Entropy >> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too >> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data >> like a mofo >> Point Fire >> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt >> in perspiration. >> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust >> Hell in a Handbasketdo it >> Leigh Stewy >> whoa that was weird lol >> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time. >> Hi brother\\\ >> Trent Dabs😂 >> Good Times\\\ >> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut. >> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our >> community guidelines. >> Learn more >> Kirk Blackadar >> pat hows the bite? >> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st >> nite of convoy >> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct? >> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG >> Point Fire >> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz >> East Coast Canadian >> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun >> Leigh Stewy >> ECC LOL >> 1quickdub >> Help from Jeets, >> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium >> started in 1988 >> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣 >> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me >> correct? >> Leigh Stewy >> thats what i just said lol >> Leigh Stewy >> and then he arrived >> New World Disorder\\\ >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣 >> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely >> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene >> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤ >> East Coast Canadian >> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember. >> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started. >> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘 >> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a >> strange couple >> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍 >> M E G Aimpressive >> Jesus Le JesusWHATCHA DO TA MY BODY BAAAAABY YOU GIVE ME FEEEEVEEEER >> YOU MAKE ME WEAK >> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the >> monkey man >> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day, >> she loved to flip her hair >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥 >> Point Fire >> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans >> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement >> prosthetics. >> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!! >> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time >> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is >> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤ >> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so >> 1quickdub >> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently >> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho >> dale bairdDON`T BLAME HIM, COMMIE`S ALL AROUND ME. >> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live >> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA >> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with >> him on Pelee Island back in the day >> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻 >> Point Fire >> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German >> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried >> to borrow it. lol >> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again >> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle >> New World DisorderNver let it make you feel less. It's required, >> important and beneficial for the cause. >> Hell in a Handbaskethe's not allowed on the internet >> sophiethat makes sense >> dale bairdFALL GUY >> Birds EyeBest of luck Pat >> dale bairdFFFFFFFFFFFF THE GOV >> dale bairdHES SLEEPING >> Leigh Stewy >> hes thinking >> ARTORIUS SOLThe Jews got Jason! >> M E G Ai think he is in lethbridge >> New World DisorderEvery minute we remain standing united is another >> minute they have to be worried about us. >> Davy Crockett Goes North\\\ >> Good Times\\\ >> Canadian Crusader\\\ >> Chris Freestone\\\ >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthPro 2nd ❤\\\ >> David AmosYou have another email >> Oh wellso cool to dee all of yous together & other guys on too. good >> for you Derek >> Point Fire >> Wind them up, Pat. Bring in Mandarin and Cantonese interpreters. >> Oh wellsee >> Trent DabsThey make Rv trailer that lower onto the ice >> 1quickdub >> Bayshore mall in Ottawa evacuated >> New World DisorderHis mic is muffled >> David >> Amoshttps://na01.safelinks. >> Oh wellso corrupt >> Thomas & Catherine DenaultTwo years of absolute lies from the >> Criminals in Ottawa... it's honestly stomach retching. Sorry for all >> the bullshit you had to go through Mr.King >> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 >> David AmosYou dudes already got an email about what Lavigne is >> talking about right now >> dale bairdTHE CROWN IS EVIL. >> ARTORIUS SOL@dale baird we need the red king to rise lol >> LizWhat they hell? >> dale bairdNUDDY MAG >> Cristan BenneWhat happened with the 2 undercover RCMP and 1 hockey >> bag full of "guns"? >> Trent DabsThey also try saying there was nuclear material in a truck in >> Ottawa >> sophieopen and shut case johnson >> Dom Ieracithe country has to split up, all dags pick an area and >> move there and slowly take over the government >> Trent DabsBut if that was true all you have to do is walk down the >> street with a Geiger counter >> David AmosLavigne is playing you all like a fiddle and I enjoy the tune >> Oh wellok. lol >> David AmosAt least Ezera Levant was clever enough to figure him out >> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci I hear there was a place i New Brunswick >> that they were making into a stronghold >> Leigh Stewy >> is this allowed to be discussed with a publication ban? >> Thomas & Catherine DenaultEzra Levant "Clever" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 >> David AmosAnybody listen to the wiretaps I have??? >> 1quickdub >> Stingray device >> Dom Ieracithat's really cool to hear @Artorius >> David AmosJerry turned on them bigtime >> Geekerella00There is still time on the Signed Lysak arrested Tank >> Top - includes Essence of Lysak >> CarverYes >> Carver@davidAmos I’m interested >> Rogue Spear >> Fruit from a poisonous tree can never be trusted. >> David AmosYo Carver enjoy >> https://na01.safelinks. >> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci one in New Brunswick and I think one north >> of Calgary near Nordegg but I'm not sure >> New World Disorderhm. >> David AmosI love the Fact that the crooked Feds are reading this >> David AmosPatty Baby's lawyer knows who I am >> Oh wellDisney Amazon >> Oh wellKept my banned book afterall >> dale bairdATTWOKE THE CAPITAL OF CANADA >> David AmosI have a big lapdog too >> Oh wellhey Strider! >> New World DisorderOne of us could read it out loud and send it to you. >> sophiepost it online and get sponsorships/ads >> David AmosMy buddy Bo Is a chocolate lab >> New World DisorderMaybe Jeremy could make an audio copy for us. >> David AmosAsk yourselves why I am saving the chat >> Thomas & Catherine DenaultAMAZON BEST SELLING AUTHOR!!!! >> sophieseek life elsewhere tick >> Peterget in the box and tell us David Amos >> sophiepat kings gonna get eaten by a narwhal >> Dom Ieracijust nothing good about that temp or lower >> Oh wellDerek whimping out on weather! lol. Ive been out 1hr a day for >> prolife. >> East Coast Canadian >> Lord of the kings >> supervillainz73why are you saving it @david ? >> New World DisorderI suppose we are up to our shitters with feds in >> this chat. Their fate is the same as ours, they just don't know it, >> yet. >> Thomas & Catherine Denault🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 >> Hell in a HandbasketAmos, why are you gay >> Thomas & Catherine Denault👏👏👏👍👍👍 >> supervillainz73that was epic >> David AmosMatthew M Copeland @55Copeland Proud Canadian. Maritimer. >> Dreamer. Hard worker. Security Guard. Artist. I love film, tv, art, >> drawing, writing, singing, playing guitar, creating. >> Chris FreestoneFISH ON! >> East Coast Canadian >> Django Unchanged by Pat King >> Thomas & Catherine DenaultNO.... YOURE A AMAZON BEST SELLING AUTHOR >> Thomas & Catherine Denaultdon't discredit the algorithm 🤣 >> New World DisorderThat is quite a trophy. trophy-yellow-smiling >> David >> Amoshttps://na01.safelinks. >> Point Fire >> The New normal Loose Change. >> jason73drop some donos if you got them boys >> New World Disorder1994 >> supervillainz73it was 2012 .....when bigot earth prime started dying >> dale bairdREMEMBER YOUR RULES PAT,🙁 >> David AmosJan 10, 2020The full length New Brunswick made film >> "Reprobate Road" has been getting some attention from local newspapers >> and radio shows.It stars 40 local comedians and Bernard Robichaud >> David Amosfrom Trailer Park Boys. The world premiere at the BMO >> theatre in Saint John, NB was a sold out show with a standing ovation >> and non stop laughs .Creator/co-star Matt Copeland and director Adam >> Landry >> David Amos were invited onto CBC information in the morning to talk >> about the movie. >> DeeI love when you corrected them Pat..was epic >> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 >> David AmosPatty Baby is quite a hero EH??? >> SiskaYa I remember that >> SiskaAll those vids are great 👍 >> David AmosNone of this is funny >> Nobodyz_fault_ but_MineNOT A SPY BARROON >> David AmosI have been battling the Feds since 1982 when most of you >> were in pampers >> David AmosPat King is too dumb to realize he is a patsy >> Neeka Elliott >> Fuck is goin on in the chat lol >> Chief DogmaCheers boys >> Dee❤ mods >> Chat... >> You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a moderator >> Report >> Block >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 16:41:06 -0400 >> Subject: YO Derek Patty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne >> Wolf >> is >> To:,, kingpatrick278 >> <>, Tyson Billings <>, >> "" <>, "Wayne.Long" >> <>,,, >>, >> Cc: pm <>, "pierre.poilievre" >> <>, premier <> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >> From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario >> <> >> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 19:56:23 +0000 >> Subject: Automatic reply: RE Derek Rants Live Fund Raiser I loved what >> Murray said about Wayne Long just now >> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >> >> Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly >> valued. >> >> You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, >> reviewed and taken into consideration. >> >> There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the >> need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your >> correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a >> response may take several business days. >> >> Thanks again for your email. >> ______ >> >> Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de >> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations. >> >> Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en >> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons. >> >> Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère >> responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de >> la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours >> ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre. >> >> Merci encore pour votre courriel. >> >> >> ggs >> Coalbert’s Mom >> UGH >> The Carpenter Chrisyum >> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps >> LuckyLuckylol >> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao >> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki >> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa >> The Carpenter Chriswho came first? >> 1quickdub >> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were >> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol >> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋 >> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to >> cooked , but great for lack of time >> 1quickdub >> He wanted jacked boys >> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies >> sophielol >> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson >> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating? >> 1quickdub >> based 80's dads for the win >> sophiewhen the stars align >> sophieand the infinity stones become one >> Kirk Blackadar >> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well >> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂 >> sophieword >> sophie\\\ >> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy >> dale bairdCSIS WATCHES HIM.HES THAT GOOD >> sophieooooo... >> sophieclassic merch >> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on >> sophiecollectors >> LizYa banned! Figures >> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt >> sophieauction, bid starts at 20 >> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie. >> dale bairdMAT RULES EAST COAST CANADIAN. >> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying. >> sophielol >> sophieFIESTA >> sophiei need an auto clicker >> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a >> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets. >> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria >> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well >> sophiemy brain is broken. >> sophiePEANUTS! >> dale bairdYOU COULD SELL FREEDOM CHICKENS. >> sophielol >> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500. >> Point Fire >> Loch Ness halter top? >> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am >> jason73\\\ >> Leigh Stewy >> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol >> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL >> Leigh Stewy >> has to be a mass murderer >> Kirk Blackadar >> Terry fox's sneakers >> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw >> Leigh Stewy >> there ya go Kirk lol >> Leigh Stewy >> lol >> Point Fire >> Luca's chopsticks. >> Leigh Stewy >> ask Pat King >> Kirk Blackadar >> 😂 >> Leigh Stewy >> im sure he has an extra one laying around >> 1quickdub >> Tell her to use Entropy >> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too >> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data >> like a mofo >> Point Fire >> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt >> in perspiration. >> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust >> Hell in a Handbasketdo it >> Leigh Stewy >> whoa that was weird lol >> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time. >> Hi brother\\\ >> Trent Dabs😂 >> Good Times\\\ >> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut. >> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our >> community guidelines. >> Learn more >> Kirk Blackadar >> pat hows the bite? >> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st >> nite of convoy >> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct? >> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG >> Point Fire >> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz >> East Coast Canadian >> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun >> Leigh Stewy >> ECC LOL >> 1quickdub >> Help from Jeets, >> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium >> started in 1988 >> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣 >> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me >> correct? >> Leigh Stewy >> thats what i just said lol >> Leigh Stewy >> and then he arrived >> New World Disorder\\\ >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣 >> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely >> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene >> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤ >> East Coast Canadian >> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember. >> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started. >> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘 >> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a >> strange couple >> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍 >> M E G Aimpressive >> Jesus Le JesusWHATCHA DO TA MY BODY BAAAAABY YOU GIVE ME FEEEEVEEEER >> YOU MAKE ME WEAK >> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the >> monkey man >> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day, >> she loved to flip her hair >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥 >> Point Fire >> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans >> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement >> prosthetics. >> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!! >> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time >> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is >> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤ >> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so >> 1quickdub >> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently >> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho >> dale bairdDON`T BLAME HIM, COMMIE`S ALL AROUND ME. >> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live >> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA >> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with >> him on Pelee Island back in the day >> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻 >> Point Fire >> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German >> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried >> to borrow it. lol >> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again >> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle >> Chat... >> >> >> >> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >>> https://na01.safelinks. >>> >>> COUTTS 4, Chris Lysak legal defense fundraiser 4 of 4 >>> Derek Rants >>> >>> 1 >>> 2 >>> 3 >>> 4 >>> 5 >>> 6 >>> 7 >>> 8 >>> 9 >>> 0 >>> 1 >>> 2 >>> 3 >>> 4 >>> 5 >>> 6 >>> 7 >>> 8 >>> 9 >>> 0 >>> 1 >>> 2 >>> 3 >>> 4 >>> 5 >>> 6 >>> 7 >>> 8 >>> 9 >>> >>> >>> 1 >>> 2 >>> 3 >>> 4 >>> 5 >>> 6 >>> 7 >>> 8 >>> 9 >>> 0 >>> 1 >>> 2 >>> 3 >>> 4 >>> 5 >>> 6 >>> 7 >>> 8 >>> 9 >>> 0 >>> 1 >>> 2 >>> 3 >>> 4 >>> 5 >>> 6 >>> 7 >>> 8 >>> 9 >>> >>> >>> 1 >>> 2 >>> 3 >>> 4 >>> 5 >>> 6 >>> 7 >>> 8 >>> 9 >>> 0 >>> 1 >>> 2 >>> 3 >>> 4 >>> 5 >>> 6 >>> 7 >>> 8 >>> 9 >>> 0 >>> 1 >>> 2 >>> 3 >>> 4 >>> 5 >>> 6 >>> 7 >>> 8 >>> 9 >>> >>> >>> >>> watching now >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Started streaming 2 hours ago >>> Give send go link >>> >>> https://na01.safelinks. >>> >>> >>> >>> Freee Chris Lysak T-shirt link >>> >>> https://na01.safelinks. >>> >>> Top Chat >>> >>> heavyEquipment'stop selling crack ur just a baby!' >>> Wipeoutethnic teletubbies >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWe need a Canadian South Park came to me >>> this week when I was watching Jeremy him using is amazing voices >>> Christine lmao @ the 4 of you >>> jason73kevin spencer was canadian south park >>> Wipeouttinky-winkystein now has a star of david on his head >>> Bearded NomadFresh Prince of Reddeer >>> Charlie Bravo\\\ >>> Wipeoutbut ferry I put red circles around their gay moon landing set >>> take a look please >>> Leigh Stewy >>> dinosaurs are for sure fake though lol >>> Leigh Stewy >>> oh and birds >>> Leigh Stewy >>> birds are government spies, except for crows >>> Wipeoutjews >>> Wipeoutdon't think its coincidental all these time sync-unproductive >>> theories are strictly popular on 'the far right' >>> LuckyLuckycmon Ferry, there are nazi dinosaur gas chambers on the moon >>> Ryan WatsonGerbilsorous are real. Ask Trudeau >>> MćGanjá Highpriestess exactly no shit Sherlock lol >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣 >>> MćGanjá Highpriestess lol >>> Ryan WatsonIQ of a piece of lint >>> Wipeoutgot called gay, career over >>> TowelThat is something a fairy would do "pack it in" >>> Bobbywe can make Ferry in to Lerry >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣💯 >>> Christine Ferry..the use for that is because it makes you smile and >>> laugh....good use >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthYup >>> Patricia LaforetMaking Christianity illegal >>> Leigh Stewy >>> David Lynn >>> Ryan WatsonI have only one bill for them. 🖕 >>> LuckyLuckyDeacon Derek >>> Patricia LaforetKinda like China >>> LuckyLuckyThe Koran is protected, not Christian Karens >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe Block Qc🖕I troll Francois Legault all >>> the time on X like today 🤣 >>> Ryan WatsonShould be a game show >>> Canadian CrusaderRev 3 9 >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe block Qc pretends to be Christian lmao >>> LuckyLuckylol Eastcoast >>> Leigh Stewy >>> they dont need a bill, they're already enforcing that anyways >>> Ryan WatsonDon’t covet thy neighbours poop pipe.🤣 >>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 Leigh >>> MćGanjá Highpriestess a Jewel >>> Leigh Stewy >>> David Lynn has been arrested many times for preaching in >>> predominantly gay areas >>> EdgyDtv >>> I think Gavin and Alex Jones are playing the heel often >>> Ryan WatsonAgreed edgy 🐐 >>> EdgyDtv >>> Brother Nathanael thought the same thing too about Alex, playing >>> good cop bad cop >>> WipeoutThey think alex is going to gatekeep them or subvert the >>> message of the guest. Not the first time their plane failed >>> Wipeoutplan >>> Christine Jones is controlled >>> WipeoutYes that's true Ferry >>> Ryan WatsonBrother Nathen is based >>> LuckyLuckyAlex Jones is a liability at this point >>> Ryan WatsonI see them all on the payroll >>> Christine rather satanic >>> CammiBEE’s >>> Ryan WatsonLater Dr. Claw💪 >>> Ryan WatsonStryder. 💪 >>> LuckyLuckySend an invite to Brother Nathaniel 😁 >>> Steve750o/ >>> East Coast Canadian >>> ok no worries >>> Christine Wilson is a lawyer >>> LuckyLuckyflcca >>> LuckyLucky? >>> LuckyLuckyccca? >>> Patricia LaforetCOnstitutional lawyers >>> SiskaIt was United We Roll for oil and gas Glen Carritt was the >>> organizer of that >>> Patricia LaforetIt’s JCCF >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThank you Ferry for sending me there way👍❤ >>> TOFU TV >>> Danger cats canceled in Winnipeg >>> Hell in a HandbasketRicky yellowvest >>> Rhea HayesCHEERS EVERYONE \\\ >>> LuckyLuckyFerry, what's your codename? 😆 >>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our >>> community guidelines. >>> Learn more >>> Mr. Long SnatchCode name Bubbles >>> Hell in a Handbasketwhere or how fo I get the secret diag 69 shirt >>> Rhea Hayes@RYAN WATSON 👋 GOOD TO SEE YOU HAPPY & HIGH ON LIFE😂🤣 🥰 >>> Hell in a Handbaskethow do I get the meme kampfor >>> David AmosI loved what Murray said about Wayne Long just now >>> >> >> >> >> Michael Griffinleprachon soup is great >> supervillainz73I think rocky did 6 eggs >> Mr. Long SnatchFerryman are they store bought eggs >> Coalbert’s Mom >> UGH >> The Carpenter Chrisyum >> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps >> LuckyLuckylol >> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao >> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki >> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa >> The Carpenter Chriswho came first? >> 1quickdub >> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were >> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol >> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋 >> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to >> cooked , but great for lack of time >> 1quickdub >> He wanted jacked boys >> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies >> sophielol >> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson >> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating? >> 1quickdub >> based 80's dads for the win >> sophiewhen the stars align >> sophieand the infinity stones become one >> Kirk Blackadar >> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well >> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂 >> sophieword >> sophie\\\ >> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy >> dale bairdCSIS WATCHES HIM.HES THAT GOOD >> sophieooooo... >> sophieclassic merch >> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on >> sophiecollectors >> LizYa banned! Figures >> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt >> sophieauction, bid starts at 20 >> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie. >> dale bairdMAT RULES EAST COAST CANADIAN. >> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying. >> sophielol >> sophieFIESTA >> sophiei need an auto clicker >> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a >> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets. >> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria >> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well >> sophiemy brain is broken. >> sophiePEANUTS! >> dale bairdYOU COULD SELL FREEDOM CHICKENS. >> sophielol >> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500. >> Point Fire >> Loch Ness halter top? >> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am >> jason73\\\ >> Leigh Stewy >> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol >> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL >> Leigh Stewy >> has to be a mass murderer >> Kirk Blackadar >> Terry fox's sneakers >> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw >> Leigh Stewy >> there ya go Kirk lol >> Leigh Stewy >> lol >> Point Fire >> Luca's chopsticks. >> Leigh Stewy >> ask Pat King >> Kirk Blackadar >> 😂 >> Leigh Stewy >> im sure he has an extra one laying around >> 1quickdub >> Tell her to use Entropy >> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too >> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data >> like a mofo >> Point Fire >> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt >> in perspiration. >> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust >> Hell in a Handbasketdo it >> Leigh Stewy >> whoa that was weird lol >> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time. >> Hi brother\\\ >> Trent Dabs😂 >> Good Times\\\ >> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut. >> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our >> community guidelines. >> Learn more >> Kirk Blackadar >> pat hows the bite? >> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st >> nite of convoy >> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct? >> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG >> Point Fire >> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz >> East Coast Canadian >> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun >> Leigh Stewy >> ECC LOL >> 1quickdub >> Help from Jeets, >> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium >> started in 1988 >> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣 >> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me >> correct? >> Leigh Stewy >> thats what i just said lol >> Leigh Stewy >> and then he arrived >> New World Disorder\\\ >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣 >> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely >> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene >> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤ >> East Coast Canadian >> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember. >> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started. >> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘 >> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a >> strange couple >> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍 >> M E G Aimpressive >> Jesus Le JesusWHATCHA DO TA MY BODY BAAAAABY YOU GIVE ME FEEEEVEEEER >> YOU MAKE ME WEAK >> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the >> monkey man >> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day, >> she loved to flip her hair >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥 >> Point Fire >> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans >> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement >> prosthetics. >> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!! >> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time >> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is >> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤ >> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so >> 1quickdub >> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently >> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho >> dale bairdDON`T BLAME HIM, COMMIE`S ALL AROUND ME. >> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live >> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA >> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with >> him on Pelee Island back in the day >> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻 >> Point Fire >> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German >> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried >> to borrow it. lol >> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again >> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle >> New World DisorderNver let it make you feel less. It's required, >> important and beneficial for the cause. >> Hell in a Handbaskethe's not allowed on the internet >> sophiethat makes sense >> dale bairdFALL GUY >> Birds EyeBest of luck Pat >> dale bairdFFFFFFFFFFFF THE GOV >> dale bairdHES SLEEPING >> Leigh Stewy >> hes thinking >> ARTORIUS SOLThe Jews got Jason! >> M E G Ai think he is in lethbridge >> New World DisorderEvery minute we remain standing united is another >> minute they have to be worried about us. >> Davy Crockett Goes North\\\ >> Good Times\\\ >> Canadian Crusader\\\ >> Chris Freestone\\\ >> Davy Crockett Goes NorthPro 2nd ❤\\\ >> David AmosYou have another email >> Oh wellso cool to dee all of yous together & other guys on too. good >> for you Derek >> Point Fire >> Wind them up, Pat. Bring in Mandarin and Cantonese interpreters. >> Oh wellsee >> Trent DabsThey make Rv trailer that lower onto the ice >> 1quickdub >> Bayshore mall in Ottawa evacuated >> New World DisorderHis mic is muffled >> David >> Amoshttps://na01.safelinks. >> Oh wellso corrupt >> Thomas & Catherine DenaultTwo years of absolute lies from the >> Criminals in Ottawa... it's honestly stomach retching. Sorry for all >> the bullshit you had to go through Mr.King >> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 >> David AmosYou dudes already got an email about what Lavigne is >> talking about right now >> dale bairdTHE CROWN IS EVIL. >> ARTORIUS SOL@dale baird we need the red king to rise lol >> LizWhat they hell? >> dale bairdNUDDY MAG >> Cristan BenneWhat happened with the 2 undercover RCMP and 1 hockey >> bag full of "guns"? >> Trent DabsThey also try saying there was nuclear material in a truck in >> Ottawa >> sophieopen and shut case johnson >> Dom Ieracithe country has to split up, all dags pick an area and >> move there and slowly take over the government >> Trent DabsBut if that was true all you have to do is walk down the >> street with a Geiger counter >> David AmosLavigne is playing you all like a fiddle and I enjoy the tune >> Oh wellok. lol >> David AmosAt least Ezera Levant was clever enough to figure him out >> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci I hear there was a place i New Brunswick >> that they were making into a stronghold >> Leigh Stewy >> is this allowed to be discussed with a publication ban? >> Thomas & Catherine DenaultEzra Levant "Clever" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 >> David AmosAnybody listen to the wiretaps I have??? >> 1quickdub >> Stingray device >> Dom Ieracithat's really cool to hear @Artorius >> David AmosJerry turned on them bigtime >> Geekerella00There is still time on the Signed Lysak arrested Tank >> Top - includes Essence of Lysak >> CarverYes >> Carver@davidAmos I’m interested >> Rogue Spear >> Fruit from a poisonous tree can never be trusted. >> David AmosYo Carver enjoy >> https://na01.safelinks. >> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci one in New Brunswick and I think one north >> of Calgary near Nordegg but I'm not sure >> New World Disorderhm. >> David AmosI love the Fact that the crooked Feds are reading this >> David AmosPatty Baby's lawyer knows who I am >> Oh wellDisney Amazon >> Oh wellKept my banned book afterall >> dale bairdATTWOKE THE CAPITAL OF CANADA >> David AmosI have a big lapdog too >> Oh wellhey Strider! >> New World DisorderOne of us could read it out loud and send it to you. >> sophiepost it online and get sponsorships/ads >> David AmosMy buddy Bo Is a chocolate lab >> New World DisorderMaybe Jeremy could make an audio copy for us. >> David AmosAsk yourselves why I am saving the chat >> Thomas & Catherine DenaultAMAZON BEST SELLING AUTHOR!!!! >> >> >> >> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >>> From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario >>> <> >>> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 19:56:23 +0000 >>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE Derek Rants Live Fund Raiser I loved what >>> Murray said about Wayne Long just now >>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >>> >>> Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly >>> valued. >>> >>> You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, >>> reviewed and taken into consideration. >>> >>> There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the >>> need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your >>> correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a >>> response may take several business days. >>> >>> Thanks again for your email. >>> ______ >>> >>> Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de >>> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations. >>> >>> Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en >>> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons. >>> >>> Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère >>> responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de >>> la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours >>> ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre. >>> >>> Merci encore pour votre courriel. >>> >>> >>> ggs >>> Coalbert’s Mom >>> UGH >>> The Carpenter Chrisyum >>> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps >>> LuckyLuckylol >>> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao >>> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki >>> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa >>> The Carpenter Chriswho came first? >>> 1quickdub >>> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were >>> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol >>> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋 >>> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to >>> cooked , but great for lack of time >>> 1quickdub >>> He wanted jacked boys >>> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies >>> sophielol >>> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson >>> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating? >>> 1quickdub >>> based 80's dads for the win >>> sophiewhen the stars align >>> sophieand the infinity stones become one >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well >>> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂 >>> sophieword >>> sophie\\\ >>> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy >>> dale bairdCSIS WATCHES HIM.HES THAT GOOD >>> sophieooooo... >>> sophieclassic merch >>> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on >>> sophiecollectors >>> LizYa banned! Figures >>> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt >>> sophieauction, bid starts at 20 >>> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie. >>> dale bairdMAT RULES EAST COAST CANADIAN. >>> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying. >>> sophielol >>> sophieFIESTA >>> sophiei need an auto clicker >>> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a >>> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets. >>> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria >>> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well >>> sophiemy brain is broken. >>> sophiePEANUTS! >>> dale bairdYOU COULD SELL FREEDOM CHICKENS. >>> sophielol >>> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500. >>> Point Fire >>> Loch Ness halter top? >>> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am >>> jason73\\\ >>> Leigh Stewy >>> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol >>> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL >>> Leigh Stewy >>> has to be a mass murderer >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> Terry fox's sneakers >>> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw >>> Leigh Stewy >>> there ya go Kirk lol >>> Leigh Stewy >>> lol >>> Point Fire >>> Luca's chopsticks. >>> Leigh Stewy >>> ask Pat King >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> 😂 >>> Leigh Stewy >>> im sure he has an extra one laying around >>> 1quickdub >>> Tell her to use Entropy >>> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too >>> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data >>> like a mofo >>> Point Fire >>> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt >>> in perspiration. >>> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust >>> Hell in a Handbasketdo it >>> Leigh Stewy >>> whoa that was weird lol >>> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time. >>> Hi brother\\\ >>> Trent Dabs😂 >>> Good Times\\\ >>> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut. >>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our >>> community guidelines. >>> Learn more >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> pat hows the bite? >>> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st >>> nite of convoy >>> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct? >>> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG >>> Point Fire >>> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz >>> East Coast Canadian >>> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun >>> Leigh Stewy >>> ECC LOL >>> 1quickdub >>> Help from Jeets, >>> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium >>> started in 1988 >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣 >>> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me >>> correct? >>> Leigh Stewy >>> thats what i just said lol >>> Leigh Stewy >>> and then he arrived >>> New World Disorder\\\ >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣 >>> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely >>> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤ >>> East Coast Canadian >>> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember. >>> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started. >>> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘 >>> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a >>> strange couple >>> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍 >>> M E G Aimpressive >>> Jesus Le JesusWHATCHA DO TA MY BODY BAAAAABY YOU GIVE ME FEEEEVEEEER >>> YOU MAKE ME WEAK >>> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the >>> monkey man >>> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day, >>> she loved to flip her hair >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥 >>> Point Fire >>> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans >>> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement >>> prosthetics. >>> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!! >>> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time >>> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤ >>> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so >>> 1quickdub >>> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently >>> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho >>> dale bairdDON`T BLAME HIM, COMMIE`S ALL AROUND ME. >>> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live >>> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA >>> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with >>> him on Pelee Island back in the day >>> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻 >>> Point Fire >>> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German >>> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried >>> to borrow it. lol >>> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again >>> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle >>> Chat... >>> >>> >>> >>> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >>>> https://na01.safelinks. >>>> >>>> COUTTS 4, Chris Lysak legal defense fundraiser 4 of 4 >>>> Derek Rants >>>> >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> 0 >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> 0 >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> >>>> >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> 0 >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> 0 >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> >>>> >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> 0 >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> 0 >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> watching now >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Started streaming 2 hours ago >>>> Give send go link >>>> >>>> https://na01.safelinks. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Freee Chris Lysak T-shirt link >>>> >>>> https://na01.safelinks. >>>> >>>> Top Chat >>>> >>>> heavyEquipment'stop selling crack ur just a baby!' >>>> Wipeoutethnic teletubbies >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWe need a Canadian South Park came to me >>>> this week when I was watching Jeremy him using is amazing voices >>>> Christine lmao @ the 4 of you >>>> jason73kevin spencer was canadian south park >>>> Wipeouttinky-winkystein now has a star of david on his head >>>> Bearded NomadFresh Prince of Reddeer >>>> Charlie Bravo\\\ >>>> Wipeoutbut ferry I put red circles around their gay moon landing set >>>> take a look please >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> dinosaurs are for sure fake though lol >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> oh and birds >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> birds are government spies, except for crows >>>> Wipeoutjews >>>> Wipeoutdon't think its coincidental all these time sync-unproductive >>>> theories are strictly popular on 'the far right' >>>> LuckyLuckycmon Ferry, there are nazi dinosaur gas chambers on the >>>> moon >>>> Ryan WatsonGerbilsorous are real. Ask Trudeau >>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess exactly no shit Sherlock lol >>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣 >>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess lol >>>> Ryan WatsonIQ of a piece of lint >>>> Wipeoutgot called gay, career over >>>> TowelThat is something a fairy would do "pack it in" >>>> Bobbywe can make Ferry in to Lerry >>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣💯 >>>> Christine Ferry..the use for that is because it makes you smile and >>>> laugh....good use >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthYup >>>> Patricia LaforetMaking Christianity illegal >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> David Lynn >>>> Ryan WatsonI have only one bill for them. 🖕 >>>> LuckyLuckyDeacon Derek >>>> Patricia LaforetKinda like China >>>> LuckyLuckyThe Koran is protected, not Christian Karens >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe Block Qc🖕I troll Francois Legault all >>>> the time on X like today 🤣 >>>> Ryan WatsonShould be a game show >>>> Canadian CrusaderRev 3 9 >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe block Qc pretends to be Christian lmao >>>> LuckyLuckylol Eastcoast >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> they dont need a bill, they're already enforcing that anyways >>>> Ryan WatsonDon’t covet thy neighbours poop pipe.🤣 >>>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 Leigh >>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess a Jewel >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> David Lynn has been arrested many times for preaching in >>>> predominantly gay areas >>>> EdgyDtv >>>> I think Gavin and Alex Jones are playing the heel often >>>> Ryan WatsonAgreed edgy 🐐 >>>> EdgyDtv >>>> Brother Nathanael thought the same thing too about Alex, playing >>>> good cop bad cop >>>> WipeoutThey think alex is going to gatekeep them or subvert the >>>> message of the guest. Not the first time their plane failed >>>> Wipeoutplan >>>> Christine Jones is controlled >>>> WipeoutYes that's true Ferry >>>> Ryan WatsonBrother Nathen is based >>>> LuckyLuckyAlex Jones is a liability at this point >>>> Ryan WatsonI see them all on the payroll >>>> Christine rather satanic >>>> CammiBEE’s >>>> Ryan WatsonLater Dr. Claw💪 >>>> Ryan WatsonStryder. 💪 >>>> LuckyLuckySend an invite to Brother Nathaniel 😁 >>>> Steve750o/ >>>> East Coast Canadian >>>> ok no worries >>>> Christine Wilson is a lawyer >>>> LuckyLuckyflcca >>>> LuckyLucky? >>>> LuckyLuckyccca? >>>> Patricia LaforetCOnstitutional lawyers >>>> SiskaIt was United We Roll for oil and gas Glen Carritt was the >>>> organizer of that >>>> Patricia LaforetIt’s JCCF >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThank you Ferry for sending me there way👍❤ >>>> TOFU TV >>>> Danger cats canceled in Winnipeg >>>> Hell in a HandbasketRicky yellowvest >>>> Rhea HayesCHEERS EVERYONE \\\ >>>> LuckyLuckyFerry, what's your codename? 😆 >>>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our >>>> community guidelines. >>>> Learn more >>>> Mr. Long SnatchCode name Bubbles >>>> Hell in a Handbasketwhere or how fo I get the secret diag 69 shirt >>>> Rhea Hayes@RYAN WATSON 👋 GOOD TO SEE YOU HAPPY & HIGH ON LIFE😂🤣 🥰 >>>> Hell in a Handbaskethow do I get the meme kampfor >>>> David AmosI loved what Murray said about Wayne Long just now >>>> >>> >> >> >> >> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >>> You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a >>> moderator >>> >>> >>> Michael Griffinleprachon soup is great >>> supervillainz73I think rocky did 6 eggs >>> Mr. Long SnatchFerryman are they store bought eggs >>> Coalbert’s Mom >>> UGH >>> The Carpenter Chrisyum >>> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps >>> LuckyLuckylol >>> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao >>> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki >>> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa >>> The Carpenter Chriswho came first? >>> 1quickdub >>> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were >>> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol >>> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋 >>> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to >>> cooked , but great for lack of time >>> 1quickdub >>> He wanted jacked boys >>> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies >>> sophielol >>> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson >>> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating? >>> 1quickdub >>> based 80's dads for the win >>> sophiewhen the stars align >>> sophieand the infinity stones become one >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well >>> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂 >>> sophieword >>> sophie\\\ >>> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy >>> dale bairdCSIS WATCHES HIM.HES THAT GOOD >>> sophieooooo... >>> sophieclassic merch >>> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on >>> sophiecollectors >>> LizYa banned! Figures >>> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt >>> sophieauction, bid starts at 20 >>> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie. >>> dale bairdMAT RULES EAST COAST CANADIAN. >>> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying. >>> sophielol >>> sophieFIESTA >>> sophiei need an auto clicker >>> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a >>> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets. >>> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria >>> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well >>> sophiemy brain is broken. >>> sophiePEANUTS! >>> dale bairdYOU COULD SELL FREEDOM CHICKENS. >>> sophielol >>> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500. >>> Point Fire >>> Loch Ness halter top? >>> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am >>> jason73\\\ >>> Leigh Stewy >>> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol >>> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL >>> Leigh Stewy >>> has to be a mass murderer >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> Terry fox's sneakers >>> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw >>> Leigh Stewy >>> there ya go Kirk lol >>> Leigh Stewy >>> lol >>> Point Fire >>> Luca's chopsticks. >>> Leigh Stewy >>> ask Pat King >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> 😂 >>> Leigh Stewy >>> im sure he has an extra one laying around >>> 1quickdub >>> Tell her to use Entropy >>> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too >>> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data >>> like a mofo >>> Point Fire >>> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt >>> in perspiration. >>> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust >>> Hell in a Handbasketdo it >>> Leigh Stewy >>> whoa that was weird lol >>> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time. >>> Hi brother\\\ >>> Trent Dabs😂 >>> Good Times\\\ >>> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut. >>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our >>> community guidelines. >>> Learn more >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> pat hows the bite? >>> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st >>> nite of convoy >>> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct? >>> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG >>> Point Fire >>> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz >>> East Coast Canadian >>> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun >>> Leigh Stewy >>> ECC LOL >>> 1quickdub >>> Help from Jeets, >>> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium >>> started in 1988 >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣 >>> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me >>> correct? >>> Leigh Stewy >>> thats what i just said lol >>> Leigh Stewy >>> and then he arrived >>> New World Disorder\\\ >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣 >>> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely >>> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤ >>> East Coast Canadian >>> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember. >>> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started. >>> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘 >>> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a >>> strange couple >>> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍 >>> M E G Aimpressive >>> Jesus Le JesusWHATCHA DO TA MY BODY BAAAAABY YOU GIVE ME FEEEEVEEEER >>> YOU MAKE ME WEAK >>> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the >>> monkey man >>> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day, >>> she loved to flip her hair >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥 >>> Point Fire >>> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans >>> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement >>> prosthetics. >>> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!! >>> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time >>> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤ >>> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so >>> 1quickdub >>> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently >>> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho >>> dale bairdDON`T BLAME HIM, COMMIE`S ALL AROUND ME. >>> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live >>> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA >>> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with >>> him on Pelee Island back in the day >>> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻 >>> Point Fire >>> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German >>> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried >>> to borrow it. lol >>> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again >>> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle >>> New World DisorderNver let it make you feel less. It's required, >>> important and beneficial for the cause. >>> Hell in a Handbaskethe's not allowed on the internet >>> sophiethat makes sense >>> dale bairdFALL GUY >>> Birds EyeBest of luck Pat >>> dale bairdFFFFFFFFFFFF THE GOV >>> dale bairdHES SLEEPING >>> Leigh Stewy >>> hes thinking >>> ARTORIUS SOLThe Jews got Jason! >>> M E G Ai think he is in lethbridge >>> New World DisorderEvery minute we remain standing united is another >>> minute they have to be worried about us. >>> Davy Crockett Goes North\\\ >>> Good Times\\\ >>> Canadian Crusader\\\ >>> Chris Freestone\\\ >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthPro 2nd ❤\\\ >>> David AmosYou have another email >>> Oh wellso cool to dee all of yous together & other guys on too. good >>> for you Derek >>> Point Fire >>> Wind them up, Pat. Bring in Mandarin and Cantonese interpreters. >>> Oh wellsee >>> Trent DabsThey make Rv trailer that lower onto the ice >>> 1quickdub >>> Bayshore mall in Ottawa evacuated >>> New World DisorderHis mic is muffled >>> David >>> Amoshttps://na01.safelinks. >>> Oh wellso corrupt >>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultTwo years of absolute lies from the >>> Criminals in Ottawa... it's honestly stomach retching. Sorry for all >>> the bullshit you had to go through Mr.King >>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 >>> David AmosYou dudes already got an email about what Lavigne is >>> talking about right now >>> dale bairdTHE CROWN IS EVIL. >>> ARTORIUS SOL@dale baird we need the red king to rise lol >>> LizWhat they hell? >>> dale bairdNUDDY MAG >>> Cristan BenneWhat happened with the 2 undercover RCMP and 1 hockey >>> bag full of "guns"? >>> Trent DabsThey also try saying there was nuclear material in a truck >>> in >>> Ottawa >>> sophieopen and shut case johnson >>> Dom Ieracithe country has to split up, all dags pick an area and >>> move there and slowly take over the government >>> Trent DabsBut if that was true all you have to do is walk down the >>> street with a Geiger counter >>> David AmosLavigne is playing you all like a fiddle and I enjoy the >>> tune >>> Oh wellok. lol >>> David AmosAt least Ezera Levant was clever enough to figure him out >>> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci I hear there was a place i New Brunswick >>> that they were making into a stronghold >>> Leigh Stewy >>> is this allowed to be discussed with a publication ban? >>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultEzra Levant "Clever" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 >>> David AmosAnybody listen to the wiretaps I have??? >>> 1quickdub >>> Stingray device >>> Dom Ieracithat's really cool to hear @Artorius >>> David AmosJerry turned on them bigtime >>> Geekerella00There is still time on the Signed Lysak arrested Tank >>> Top - includes Essence of Lysak >>> CarverYes >>> Carver@davidAmos I’m interested >>> Rogue Spear >>> Fruit from a poisonous tree can never be trusted. >>> David AmosYo Carver enjoy >>> https://na01.safelinks. >>> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci one in New Brunswick and I think one north >>> of Calgary near Nordegg but I'm not sure >>> New World Disorderhm. >>> David AmosI love the Fact that the crooked Feds are reading this >>> David AmosPatty Baby's lawyer knows who I am >>> Oh wellDisney Amazon >>> Oh wellKept my banned book afterall >>> dale bairdATTWOKE THE CAPITAL OF CANADA >>> David AmosI have a big lapdog too >>> Oh wellhey Strider! >>> New World DisorderOne of us could read it out loud and send it to you. >>> sophiepost it online and get sponsorships/ads >>> David AmosMy buddy Bo Is a chocolate lab >>> New World DisorderMaybe Jeremy could make an audio copy for us. >>> David AmosAsk yourselves why I am saving the chat >>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultAMAZON BEST SELLING AUTHOR!!!! >>> sophieseek life elsewhere tick >>> Peterget in the box and tell us David Amos >>> sophiepat kings gonna get eaten by a narwhal >>> Dom Ieracijust nothing good about that temp or lower >>> Oh wellDerek whimping out on weather! lol. Ive been out 1hr a day for >>> prolife. >>> East Coast Canadian >>> Lord of the kings >>> supervillainz73why are you saving it @david ? >>> New World DisorderI suppose we are up to our shitters with feds in >>> this chat. Their fate is the same as ours, they just don't know it, >>> yet. >>> Thomas & Catherine Denault🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 >>> Hell in a HandbasketAmos, why are you gay >>> Thomas & Catherine Denault👏👏👏👍👍👍 >>> supervillainz73that was epic >>> David AmosMatthew M Copeland @55Copeland Proud Canadian. Maritimer. >>> Dreamer. Hard worker. Security Guard. Artist. I love film, tv, art, >>> drawing, writing, singing, playing guitar, creating. >>> Chris FreestoneFISH ON! >>> East Coast Canadian >>> Django Unchanged by Pat King >>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultNO.... YOURE A AMAZON BEST SELLING AUTHOR >>> Thomas & Catherine Denaultdon't discredit the algorithm 🤣 >>> New World DisorderThat is quite a trophy. trophy-yellow-smiling >>> David >>> Amoshttps://na01.safelinks. >>> Point Fire >>> The New normal Loose Change. >>> jason73drop some donos if you got them boys >>> New World Disorder1994 >>> supervillainz73it was 2012 .....when bigot earth prime started dying >>> dale bairdREMEMBER YOUR RULES PAT,🙁 >>> David AmosJan 10, 2020The full length New Brunswick made film >>> "Reprobate Road" has been getting some attention from local newspapers >>> and radio shows.It stars 40 local comedians and Bernard Robichaud >>> David Amosfrom Trailer Park Boys. The world premiere at the BMO >>> theatre in Saint John, NB was a sold out show with a standing ovation >>> and non stop laughs .Creator/co-star Matt Copeland and director Adam >>> Landry >>> David Amos were invited onto CBC information in the morning to talk >>> about the movie. >>> DeeI love when you corrected them Pat..was epic >>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 >>> David AmosPatty Baby is quite a hero EH??? >>> SiskaYa I remember that >>> SiskaAll those vids are great 👍 >>> David AmosNone of this is funny >>> Nobodyz_fault_ but_MineNOT A SPY BARROON >>> David AmosI have been battling the Feds since 1982 when most of you >>> were in pampers >>> David AmosPat King is too dumb to realize he is a patsy >>> Neeka Elliott >>> Fuck is goin on in the chat lol >>> Chief DogmaCheers boys >>> Dee❤ mods >>> Chat... >>> You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a >>> moderator >>> Report >>> Block >>> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >>> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 16:41:06 -0400 >>> Subject: YO Derek Patty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne >>> Wolf >>> is >>> To:,, kingpatrick278 >>> <>, Tyson Billings <>, >>> "" <>, "Wayne.Long" >>> <>,,, >>>, >>> Cc: pm <>, "pierre.poilievre" >>> <>, premier <> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >>> From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario >>> <> >>> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 19:56:23 +0000 >>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE Derek Rants Live Fund Raiser I loved what >>> Murray said about Wayne Long just now >>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >>> >>> Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly >>> valued. >>> >>> You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, >>> reviewed and taken into consideration. >>> >>> There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the >>> need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your >>> correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a >>> response may take several business days. >>> >>> Thanks again for your email. >>> ______ >>> >>> Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de >>> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations. >>> >>> Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en >>> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons. >>> >>> Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère >>> responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de >>> la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours >>> ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre. >>> >>> Merci encore pour votre courriel. >>> >>> >>> ggs >>> Coalbert’s Mom >>> UGH >>> The Carpenter Chrisyum >>> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps >>> LuckyLuckylol >>> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao >>> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki >>> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa >>> The Carpenter Chriswho came first? >>> 1quickdub >>> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were >>> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol >>> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋 >>> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to >>> cooked , but great for lack of time >>> 1quickdub >>> He wanted jacked boys >>> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies >>> sophielol >>> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson >>> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating? >>> 1quickdub >>> based 80's dads for the win >>> sophiewhen the stars align >>> sophieand the infinity stones become one >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well >>> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂 >>> sophieword >>> sophie\\\ >>> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy >>> dale bairdCSIS WATCHES HIM.HES THAT GOOD >>> sophieooooo... >>> sophieclassic merch >>> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on >>> sophiecollectors >>> LizYa banned! Figures >>> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt >>> sophieauction, bid starts at 20 >>> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie. >>> dale bairdMAT RULES EAST COAST CANADIAN. >>> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying. >>> sophielol >>> sophieFIESTA >>> sophiei need an auto clicker >>> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a >>> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets. >>> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria >>> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well >>> sophiemy brain is broken. >>> sophiePEANUTS! >>> dale bairdYOU COULD SELL FREEDOM CHICKENS. >>> sophielol >>> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500. >>> Point Fire >>> Loch Ness halter top? >>> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am >>> jason73\\\ >>> Leigh Stewy >>> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol >>> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL >>> Leigh Stewy >>> has to be a mass murderer >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> Terry fox's sneakers >>> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw >>> Leigh Stewy >>> there ya go Kirk lol >>> Leigh Stewy >>> lol >>> Point Fire >>> Luca's chopsticks. >>> Leigh Stewy >>> ask Pat King >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> 😂 >>> Leigh Stewy >>> im sure he has an extra one laying around >>> 1quickdub >>> Tell her to use Entropy >>> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too >>> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data >>> like a mofo >>> Point Fire >>> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt >>> in perspiration. >>> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust >>> Hell in a Handbasketdo it >>> Leigh Stewy >>> whoa that was weird lol >>> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time. >>> Hi brother\\\ >>> Trent Dabs😂 >>> Good Times\\\ >>> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut. >>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our >>> community guidelines. >>> Learn more >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> pat hows the bite? >>> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st >>> nite of convoy >>> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct? >>> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG >>> Point Fire >>> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz >>> East Coast Canadian >>> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun >>> Leigh Stewy >>> ECC LOL >>> 1quickdub >>> Help from Jeets, >>> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium >>> started in 1988 >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣 >>> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me >>> correct? >>> Leigh Stewy >>> thats what i just said lol >>> Leigh Stewy >>> and then he arrived >>> New World Disorder\\\ >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣 >>> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely >>> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤ >>> East Coast Canadian >>> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember. >>> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started. >>> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘 >>> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a >>> strange couple >>> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍 >>> M E G Aimpressive >>> Jesus Le JesusWHATCHA DO TA MY BODY BAAAAABY YOU GIVE ME FEEEEVEEEER >>> YOU MAKE ME WEAK >>> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the >>> monkey man >>> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day, >>> she loved to flip her hair >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥 >>> Point Fire >>> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans >>> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement >>> prosthetics. >>> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!! >>> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time >>> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤ >>> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so >>> 1quickdub >>> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently >>> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho >>> dale bairdDON`T BLAME HIM, COMMIE`S ALL AROUND ME. >>> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live >>> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA >>> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with >>> him on Pelee Island back in the day >>> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻 >>> Point Fire >>> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German >>> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried >>> to borrow it. lol >>> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again >>> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle >>> Chat... >>> >>> >>> >>> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >>>> https://na01.safelinks. >>>> >>>> COUTTS 4, Chris Lysak legal defense fundraiser 4 of 4 >>>> Derek Rants >>>> >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> 0 >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> 0 >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> >>>> >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> 0 >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> 0 >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> >>>> >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> 0 >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> 0 >>>> 1 >>>> 2 >>>> 3 >>>> 4 >>>> 5 >>>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>> 8 >>>> 9 >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> watching now >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Started streaming 2 hours ago >>>> Give send go link >>>> >>>> https://na01.safelinks. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Freee Chris Lysak T-shirt link >>>> >>>> https://na01.safelinks. >>>> >>>> Top Chat >>>> >>>> heavyEquipment'stop selling crack ur just a baby!' >>>> Wipeoutethnic teletubbies >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWe need a Canadian South Park came to me >>>> this week when I was watching Jeremy him using is amazing voices >>>> Christine lmao @ the 4 of you >>>> jason73kevin spencer was canadian south park >>>> Wipeouttinky-winkystein now has a star of david on his head >>>> Bearded NomadFresh Prince of Reddeer >>>> Charlie Bravo\\\ >>>> Wipeoutbut ferry I put red circles around their gay moon landing set >>>> take a look please >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> dinosaurs are for sure fake though lol >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> oh and birds >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> birds are government spies, except for crows >>>> Wipeoutjews >>>> Wipeoutdon't think its coincidental all these time sync-unproductive >>>> theories are strictly popular on 'the far right' >>>> LuckyLuckycmon Ferry, there are nazi dinosaur gas chambers on the >>>> moon >>>> Ryan WatsonGerbilsorous are real. Ask Trudeau >>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess exactly no shit Sherlock lol >>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣 >>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess lol >>>> Ryan WatsonIQ of a piece of lint >>>> Wipeoutgot called gay, career over >>>> TowelThat is something a fairy would do "pack it in" >>>> Bobbywe can make Ferry in to Lerry >>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣💯 >>>> Christine Ferry..the use for that is because it makes you smile and >>>> laugh....good use >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthYup >>>> Patricia LaforetMaking Christianity illegal >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> David Lynn >>>> Ryan WatsonI have only one bill for them. 🖕 >>>> LuckyLuckyDeacon Derek >>>> Patricia LaforetKinda like China >>>> LuckyLuckyThe Koran is protected, not Christian Karens >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe Block Qc🖕I troll Francois Legault all >>>> the time on X like today 🤣 >>>> Ryan WatsonShould be a game show >>>> Canadian CrusaderRev 3 9 >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe block Qc pretends to be Christian lmao >>>> LuckyLuckylol Eastcoast >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> they dont need a bill, they're already enforcing that anyways >>>> Ryan WatsonDon’t covet thy neighbours poop pipe.🤣 >>>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 Leigh >>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess a Jewel >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> David Lynn has been arrested many times for preaching in >>>> predominantly gay areas >>>> EdgyDtv >>>> I think Gavin and Alex Jones are playing the heel often >>>> Ryan WatsonAgreed edgy 🐐 >>>> EdgyDtv >>>> Brother Nathanael thought the same thing too about Alex, playing >>>> good cop bad cop >>>> WipeoutThey think alex is going to gatekeep them or subvert the >>>> message of the guest. Not the first time their plane failed >>>> Wipeoutplan >>>> Christine Jones is controlled >>>> WipeoutYes that's true Ferry >>>> Ryan WatsonBrother Nathen is based >>>> LuckyLuckyAlex Jones is a liability at this point >>>> Ryan WatsonI see them all on the payroll >>>> Christine rather satanic >>>> CammiBEE’s >>>> Ryan WatsonLater Dr. Claw💪 >>>> Ryan WatsonStryder. 💪 >>>> LuckyLuckySend an invite to Brother Nathaniel 😁 >>>> Steve750o/ >>>> East Coast Canadian >>>> ok no worries >>>> Christine Wilson is a lawyer >>>> LuckyLuckyflcca >>>> LuckyLucky? >>>> LuckyLuckyccca? >>>> Patricia LaforetCOnstitutional lawyers >>>> SiskaIt was United We Roll for oil and gas Glen Carritt was the >>>> organizer of that >>>> Patricia LaforetIt’s JCCF >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThank you Ferry for sending me there way👍❤ >>>> TOFU TV >>>> Danger cats canceled in Winnipeg >>>> Hell in a HandbasketRicky yellowvest >>>> Rhea HayesCHEERS EVERYONE \\\ >>>> LuckyLuckyFerry, what's your codename? 😆 >>>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our >>>> community guidelines. >>>> Learn more >>>> Mr. Long SnatchCode name Bubbles >>>> Hell in a Handbasketwhere or how fo I get the secret diag 69 shirt >>>> Rhea Hayes@RYAN WATSON 👋 GOOD TO SEE YOU HAPPY & HIGH ON LIFE😂🤣 🥰 >>>> Hell in a Handbaskethow do I get the meme kampfor >>>> David AmosI loved what Murray said about Wayne Long just now >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Michael Griffinleprachon soup is great >>> supervillainz73I think rocky did 6 eggs >>> Mr. Long SnatchFerryman are they store bought eggs >>> Coalbert’s Mom >>> UGH >>> The Carpenter Chrisyum >>> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps >>> LuckyLuckylol >>> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao >>> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki >>> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa >>> The Carpenter Chriswho came first? >>> 1quickdub >>> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were >>> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol >>> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋 >>> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to >>> cooked , but great for lack of time >>> 1quickdub >>> He wanted jacked boys >>> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies >>> sophielol >>> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson >>> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating? >>> 1quickdub >>> based 80's dads for the win >>> sophiewhen the stars align >>> sophieand the infinity stones become one >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well >>> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂 >>> sophieword >>> sophie\\\ >>> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy >>> dale bairdCSIS WATCHES HIM.HES THAT GOOD >>> sophieooooo... >>> sophieclassic merch >>> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on >>> sophiecollectors >>> LizYa banned! Figures >>> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt >>> sophieauction, bid starts at 20 >>> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie. >>> dale bairdMAT RULES EAST COAST CANADIAN. >>> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying. >>> sophielol >>> sophieFIESTA >>> sophiei need an auto clicker >>> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a >>> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets. >>> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria >>> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well >>> sophiemy brain is broken. >>> sophiePEANUTS! >>> dale bairdYOU COULD SELL FREEDOM CHICKENS. >>> sophielol >>> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500. >>> Point Fire >>> Loch Ness halter top? >>> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am >>> jason73\\\ >>> Leigh Stewy >>> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol >>> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL >>> Leigh Stewy >>> has to be a mass murderer >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> Terry fox's sneakers >>> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw >>> Leigh Stewy >>> there ya go Kirk lol >>> Leigh Stewy >>> lol >>> Point Fire >>> Luca's chopsticks. >>> Leigh Stewy >>> ask Pat King >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> 😂 >>> Leigh Stewy >>> im sure he has an extra one laying around >>> 1quickdub >>> Tell her to use Entropy >>> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too >>> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data >>> like a mofo >>> Point Fire >>> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt >>> in perspiration. >>> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust >>> Hell in a Handbasketdo it >>> Leigh Stewy >>> whoa that was weird lol >>> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time. >>> Hi brother\\\ >>> Trent Dabs😂 >>> Good Times\\\ >>> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut. >>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our >>> community guidelines. >>> Learn more >>> Kirk Blackadar >>> pat hows the bite? >>> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st >>> nite of convoy >>> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct? >>> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG >>> Point Fire >>> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz >>> East Coast Canadian >>> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun >>> Leigh Stewy >>> ECC LOL >>> 1quickdub >>> Help from Jeets, >>> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium >>> started in 1988 >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣 >>> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me >>> correct? >>> Leigh Stewy >>> thats what i just said lol >>> Leigh Stewy >>> and then he arrived >>> New World Disorder\\\ >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣 >>> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely >>> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤ >>> East Coast Canadian >>> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember. >>> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started. >>> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘 >>> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a >>> strange couple >>> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍 >>> M E G Aimpressive >>> Jesus Le JesusWHATCHA DO TA MY BODY BAAAAABY YOU GIVE ME FEEEEVEEEER >>> YOU MAKE ME WEAK >>> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the >>> monkey man >>> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day, >>> she loved to flip her hair >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥 >>> Point Fire >>> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans >>> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement >>> prosthetics. >>> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!! >>> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time >>> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is >>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤ >>> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so >>> 1quickdub >>> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently >>> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho >>> dale bairdDON`T BLAME HIM, COMMIE`S ALL AROUND ME. >>> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live >>> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA >>> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with >>> him on Pelee Island back in the day >>> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻 >>> Point Fire >>> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German >>> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried >>> to borrow it. lol >>> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again >>> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle >>> New World DisorderNver let it make you feel less. It's required, >>> important and beneficial for the cause. >>> Hell in a Handbaskethe's not allowed on the internet >>> sophiethat makes sense >>> dale bairdFALL GUY >>> Birds EyeBest of luck Pat >>> dale bairdFFFFFFFFFFFF THE GOV >>> dale bairdHES SLEEPING >>> Leigh Stewy >>> hes thinking >>> ARTORIUS SOLThe Jews got Jason! >>> M E G Ai think he is in lethbridge >>> New World DisorderEvery minute we remain standing united is another >>> minute they have to be worried about us. >>> Davy Crockett Goes North\\\ >>> Good Times\\\ >>> Canadian Crusader\\\ >>> Chris Freestone\\\ >>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthPro 2nd ❤\\\ >>> David AmosYou have another email >>> Oh wellso cool to dee all of yous together & other guys on too. good >>> for you Derek >>> Point Fire >>> Wind them up, Pat. Bring in Mandarin and Cantonese interpreters. >>> Oh wellsee >>> Trent DabsThey make Rv trailer that lower onto the ice >>> 1quickdub >>> Bayshore mall in Ottawa evacuated >>> New World DisorderHis mic is muffled >>> David >>> Amoshttps://na01.safelinks. >>> Oh wellso corrupt >>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultTwo years of absolute lies from the >>> Criminals in Ottawa... it's honestly stomach retching. Sorry for all >>> the bullshit you had to go through Mr.King >>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 >>> David AmosYou dudes already got an email about what Lavigne is >>> talking about right now >>> dale bairdTHE CROWN IS EVIL. >>> ARTORIUS SOL@dale baird we need the red king to rise lol >>> LizWhat they hell? >>> dale bairdNUDDY MAG >>> Cristan BenneWhat happened with the 2 undercover RCMP and 1 hockey >>> bag full of "guns"? >>> Trent DabsThey also try saying there was nuclear material in a truck >>> in >>> Ottawa >>> sophieopen and shut case johnson >>> Dom Ieracithe country has to split up, all dags pick an area and >>> move there and slowly take over the government >>> Trent DabsBut if that was true all you have to do is walk down the >>> street with a Geiger counter >>> David AmosLavigne is playing you all like a fiddle and I enjoy the >>> tune >>> Oh wellok. lol >>> David AmosAt least Ezera Levant was clever enough to figure him out >>> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci I hear there was a place i New Brunswick >>> that they were making into a stronghold >>> Leigh Stewy >>> is this allowed to be discussed with a publication ban? >>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultEzra Levant "Clever" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 >>> David AmosAnybody listen to the wiretaps I have??? >>> 1quickdub >>> Stingray device >>> Dom Ieracithat's really cool to hear @Artorius >>> David AmosJerry turned on them bigtime >>> Geekerella00There is still time on the Signed Lysak arrested Tank >>> Top - includes Essence of Lysak >>> CarverYes >>> Carver@davidAmos I’m interested >>> Rogue Spear >>> Fruit from a poisonous tree can never be trusted. >>> David AmosYo Carver enjoy >>> https://na01.safelinks. >>> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci one in New Brunswick and I think one north >>> of Calgary near Nordegg but I'm not sure >>> New World Disorderhm. >>> David AmosI love the Fact that the crooked Feds are reading this >>> David AmosPatty Baby's lawyer knows who I am >>> Oh wellDisney Amazon >>> Oh wellKept my banned book afterall >>> dale bairdATTWOKE THE CAPITAL OF CANADA >>> David AmosI have a big lapdog too >>> Oh wellhey Strider! >>> New World DisorderOne of us could read it out loud and send it to you. >>> sophiepost it online and get sponsorships/ads >>> David AmosMy buddy Bo Is a chocolate lab >>> New World DisorderMaybe Jeremy could make an audio copy for us. >>> David AmosAsk yourselves why I am saving the chat >>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultAMAZON BEST SELLING AUTHOR!!!! >>> >>> >>> >>> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >>>> From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario >>>> <> >>>> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 19:56:23 +0000 >>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE Derek Rants Live Fund Raiser I loved what >>>> Murray said about Wayne Long just now >>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >>>> >>>> Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly >>>> valued. >>>> >>>> You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, >>>> reviewed and taken into consideration. >>>> >>>> There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the >>>> need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your >>>> correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a >>>> response may take several business days. >>>> >>>> Thanks again for your email. >>>> ______ >>>> >>>> Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de >>>> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations. >>>> >>>> Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en >>>> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons. >>>> >>>> Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère >>>> responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de >>>> la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours >>>> ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre. >>>> >>>> Merci encore pour votre courriel. >>>> >>>> >>>> ggs >>>> Coalbert’s Mom >>>> UGH >>>> The Carpenter Chrisyum >>>> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps >>>> LuckyLuckylol >>>> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao >>>> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki >>>> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa >>>> The Carpenter Chriswho came first? >>>> 1quickdub >>>> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were >>>> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol >>>> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋 >>>> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to >>>> cooked , but great for lack of time >>>> 1quickdub >>>> He wanted jacked boys >>>> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies >>>> sophielol >>>> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson >>>> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating? >>>> 1quickdub >>>> based 80's dads for the win >>>> sophiewhen the stars align >>>> sophieand the infinity stones become one >>>> Kirk Blackadar >>>> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well >>>> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂 >>>> sophieword >>>> sophie\\\ >>>> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy >>>> dale bairdCSIS WATCHES HIM.HES THAT GOOD >>>> sophieooooo... >>>> sophieclassic merch >>>> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on >>>> sophiecollectors >>>> LizYa banned! Figures >>>> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt >>>> sophieauction, bid starts at 20 >>>> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie. >>>> dale bairdMAT RULES EAST COAST CANADIAN. >>>> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying. >>>> sophielol >>>> sophieFIESTA >>>> sophiei need an auto clicker >>>> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a >>>> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets. >>>> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria >>>> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well >>>> sophiemy brain is broken. >>>> sophiePEANUTS! >>>> dale bairdYOU COULD SELL FREEDOM CHICKENS. >>>> sophielol >>>> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500. >>>> Point Fire >>>> Loch Ness halter top? >>>> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am >>>> jason73\\\ >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol >>>> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> has to be a mass murderer >>>> Kirk Blackadar >>>> Terry fox's sneakers >>>> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> there ya go Kirk lol >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> lol >>>> Point Fire >>>> Luca's chopsticks. >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> ask Pat King >>>> Kirk Blackadar >>>> 😂 >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> im sure he has an extra one laying around >>>> 1quickdub >>>> Tell her to use Entropy >>>> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too >>>> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data >>>> like a mofo >>>> Point Fire >>>> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt >>>> in perspiration. >>>> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust >>>> Hell in a Handbasketdo it >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> whoa that was weird lol >>>> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time. >>>> Hi brother\\\ >>>> Trent Dabs😂 >>>> Good Times\\\ >>>> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut. >>>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our >>>> community guidelines. >>>> Learn more >>>> Kirk Blackadar >>>> pat hows the bite? >>>> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st >>>> nite of convoy >>>> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct? >>>> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG >>>> Point Fire >>>> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz >>>> East Coast Canadian >>>> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> ECC LOL >>>> 1quickdub >>>> Help from Jeets, >>>> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium >>>> started in 1988 >>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣 >>>> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me >>>> correct? >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> thats what i just said lol >>>> Leigh Stewy >>>> and then he arrived >>>> New World Disorder\\\ >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣 >>>> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely >>>> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene >>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤ >>>> East Coast Canadian >>>> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember. >>>> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started. >>>> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘 >>>> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a >>>> strange couple >>>> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍 >>>> M E G Aimpressive >>>> Jesus Le JesusWHATCHA DO TA MY BODY BAAAAABY YOU GIVE ME FEEEEVEEEER >>>> YOU MAKE ME WEAK >>>> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the >>>> monkey man >>>> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day, >>>> she loved to flip her hair >>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥 >>>> Point Fire >>>> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans >>>> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement >>>> prosthetics. >>>> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!! >>>> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time >>>> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is >>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤ >>>> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so >>>> 1quickdub >>>> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently >>>> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho >>>> dale bairdDON`T BLAME HIM, COMMIE`S ALL AROUND ME. >>>> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live >>>> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA >>>> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with >>>> him on Pelee Island back in the day >>>> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻 >>>> Point Fire >>>> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German >>>> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried >>>> to borrow it. lol >>>> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again >>>> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle >>>> Chat... >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. >>>>> https://na01.safelinks. >>>>> >>>>> COUTTS 4, Chris Lysak legal defense fundraiser 4 of 4 >>>>> Derek Rants >>>>> >>>>> 1 >>>>> 2 >>>>> 3 >>>>> 4 >>>>> 5 >>>>> 6 >>>>> 7 >>>>> 8 >>>>> 9 >>>>> 0 >>>>> 1 >>>>> 2 >>>>> 3 >>>>> 4 >>>>> 5 >>>>> 6 >>>>> 7 >>>>> 8 >>>>> 9 >>>>> 0 >>>>> 1 >>>>> 2 >>>>> 3 >>>>> 4 >>>>> 5 >>>>> 6 >>>>> 7 >>>>> 8 >>>>> 9 >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> 1 >>>>> 2 >>>>> 3 >>>>> 4 >>>>> 5 >>>>> 6 >>>>> 7 >>>>> 8 >>>>> 9 >>>>> 0 >>>>> 1 >>>>> 2 >>>>> 3 >>>>> 4 >>>>> 5 >>>>> 6 >>>>> 7 >>>>> 8 >>>>> 9 >>>>> 0 >>>>> 1 >>>>> 2 >>>>> 3 >>>>> 4 >>>>> 5 >>>>> 6 >>>>> 7 >>>>> 8 >>>>> 9 >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> 1 >>>>> 2 >>>>> 3 >>>>> 4 >>>>> 5 >>>>> 6 >>>>> 7 >>>>> 8 >>>>> 9 >>>>> 0 >>>>> 1 >>>>> 2 >>>>> 3 >>>>> 4 >>>>> 5 >>>>> 6 >>>>> 7 >>>>> 8 >>>>> 9 >>>>> 0 >>>>> 1 >>>>> 2 >>>>> 3 >>>>> 4 >>>>> 5 >>>>> 6 >>>>> 7 >>>>> 8 >>>>> 9 >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> watching now >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Started streaming 2 hours ago >>>>> Give send go link >>>>> >>>>> https://na01.safelinks. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Freee Chris Lysak T-shirt link >>>>> >>>>> https://na01.safelinks. >>>>> >>>>> Top Chat >>>>> >>>>> heavyEquipment'stop selling crack ur just a baby!' >>>>> Wipeoutethnic teletubbies >>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWe need a Canadian South Park came to me >>>>> this week when I was watching Jeremy him using is amazing voices >>>>> Christine lmao @ the 4 of you >>>>> jason73kevin spencer was canadian south park >>>>> Wipeouttinky-winkystein now has a star of david on his head >>>>> Bearded NomadFresh Prince of Reddeer >>>>> Charlie Bravo\\\ >>>>> Wipeoutbut ferry I put red circles around their gay moon landing set >>>>> take a look please >>>>> Leigh Stewy >>>>> dinosaurs are for sure fake though lol >>>>> Leigh Stewy >>>>> oh and birds >>>>> Leigh Stewy >>>>> birds are government spies, except for crows >>>>> Wipeoutjews >>>>> Wipeoutdon't think its coincidental all these time sync-unproductive >>>>> theories are strictly popular on 'the far right' >>>>> LuckyLuckycmon Ferry, there are nazi dinosaur gas chambers on the >>>>> moon >>>>> Ryan WatsonGerbilsorous are real. Ask Trudeau >>>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess exactly no shit Sherlock lol >>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣 >>>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess lol >>>>> Ryan WatsonIQ of a piece of lint >>>>> Wipeoutgot called gay, career over >>>>> TowelThat is something a fairy would do "pack it in" >>>>> Bobbywe can make Ferry in to Lerry >>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣💯 >>>>> Christine Ferry..the use for that is because it makes you smile and >>>>> laugh....good use >>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthYup >>>>> Patricia LaforetMaking Christianity illegal >>>>> Leigh Stewy >>>>> David Lynn >>>>> Ryan WatsonI have only one bill for them. 🖕 >>>>> LuckyLuckyDeacon Derek >>>>> Patricia LaforetKinda like China >>>>> LuckyLuckyThe Koran is protected, not Christian Karens >>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe Block Qc🖕I troll Francois Legault all >>>>> the time on X like today 🤣 >>>>> Ryan WatsonShould be a game show >>>>> Canadian CrusaderRev 3 9 >>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe block Qc pretends to be Christian lmao >>>>> LuckyLuckylol Eastcoast >>>>> Leigh Stewy >>>>> they dont need a bill, they're already enforcing that anyways >>>>> Ryan WatsonDon’t covet thy neighbours poop pipe.🤣 >>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 Leigh >>>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess a Jewel >>>>> Leigh Stewy >>>>> David Lynn has been arrested many times for preaching in >>>>> predominantly gay areas >>>>> EdgyDtv >>>>> I think Gavin and Alex Jones are playing the heel often >>>>> Ryan WatsonAgreed edgy 🐐 >>>>> EdgyDtv >>>>> Brother Nathanael thought the same thing too about Alex, playing >>>>> good cop bad cop >>>>> WipeoutThey think alex is going to gatekeep them or subvert the >>>>> message of the guest. Not the first time their plane failed >>>>> Wipeoutplan >>>>> Christine Jones is controlled >>>>> WipeoutYes that's true Ferry >>>>> Ryan WatsonBrother Nathen is based >>>>> LuckyLuckyAlex Jones is a liability at this point >>>>> Ryan WatsonI see them all on the payroll >>>>> Christine rather satanic >>>>> CammiBEE’s >>>>> Ryan WatsonLater Dr. Claw💪 >>>>> Ryan WatsonStryder. 💪 >>>>> LuckyLuckySend an invite to Brother Nathaniel 😁 >>>>> Steve750o/ >>>>> East Coast Canadian >>>>> ok no worries >>>>> Christine Wilson is a lawyer >>>>> LuckyLuckyflcca >>>>> LuckyLucky? >>>>> LuckyLuckyccca? >>>>> Patricia LaforetCOnstitutional lawyers >>>>> SiskaIt was United We Roll for oil and gas Glen Carritt was the >>>>> organizer of that >>>>> Patricia LaforetIt’s JCCF >>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThank you Ferry for sending me there way👍❤ >>>>> TOFU TV >>>>> Danger cats canceled in Winnipeg >>>>> Hell in a HandbasketRicky yellowvest >>>>> Rhea HayesCHEERS EVERYONE \\\ >>>>> LuckyLuckyFerry, what's your codename? 😆 >>>>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our >>>>> community guidelines. >>>>> Learn more >>>>> Mr. Long SnatchCode name Bubbles >>>>> Hell in a Handbasketwhere or how fo I get the secret diag 69 shirt >>>>> Rhea Hayes@RYAN WATSON 👋 GOOD TO SEE YOU HAPPY & HIGH ON LIFE😂🤣 >>>>> 🥰 >>>>> Hell in a Handbaskethow do I get the meme kampfor >>>>> David AmosI loved what Murray said about Wayne Long just now >>>>> >>>> >>> >> >
Automatic reply: Hello David Let's really start asking some questions - Check my blog
Chrystia Freeland<> | Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 5:37 PM | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To: David Amos <> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario<> | Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 5:37 PM |
To: David Amos <> | |
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued. You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, reviewed and taken into consideration. There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a response may take several business days. Thanks again for your email. ______ Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations. Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons. Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre. Merci encore pour votre courriel. |<> | Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 5:37 PM |
To: David Amos <> | |
Thank you for reaching out to the National Citizens Inquiry. We are grateful for all your messages. Due to the volume of correspondence we are receiving, it may take time to respond. Thank you for your patience. You may find the answer you’re looking for on our website, please visit https:// Commissioners Report: https:// Follow NCI on Social Media: https:// Media Inquiries: https:// Help share the Commissioners Report! Learn more at https:// To stay updated on all things NCI, please sign-up for our e-newsletter: https:// Yours sincerely, NCI Support Team PS The National Citizens Inquiry relies on the gracious support of volunteers to help with our correspondence. If your question was not fully answered, or you have additional questions or concerns, please reach out to us again for assistance. |
David Amos<> | Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 5:37 PM |
To: Dana-lee Melfi <>, Monick Grenier <>, John Carpay <>, James Manson <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, David Amos <>, "" <>, "info@nationalcitizensinquiry" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Office of the Premier <>, "pierre.poilievre" <>, "" <>, Stephen Konkle <>, "" <>, "" <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | |
Cc: "" <>, kingpatrick278 <>, Tyson Billings <>, "" <>, "Wayne.Long" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "steven.johnston" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "David.Fraser" <>, "" <>, "martin.gaudet" <>, pm <>, "Katie.Telford" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "leslyn.lewis" <>, "" <>, "Marco.Mendicino" <>, "Mark.Blakely" <>, "Kevin.leahy" <>, "ian.fahie" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Robert. Jones" <>, Newsroom <>, NightTimePodcast <>, nsinvestigators <>, "" <>, "fin.minfinance-financemin.fin" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Chance Of Fluri <>, David Fraser <>, "David.Akin" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, rfife <>, "Michael.Duheme" <>, "kris.austin" <>, premier <>, premier <>, PREMIER <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <> | |
Sunday 25 February 2024 Hello David Let's really start asking some questions - JCCF your 7 days are up |
Hello David Let's really start asking some questions - JCCF your 7 days are up
Dana-lee Melfi<> | Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 3:02 PM | ||
To: Monick Grenier <>, John Carpay <>, James Manson <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, David Amos <>, "" <>, "info@nationalcitizensinquiry" <info@nationalcitizensinquiry>, "" <>, "" <>, Office of the Premier <>, "pierre.poilievre" <>, "" <>, Stephen Konkle <>, "" <>, "" <> | |||
From: Dana-lee Melfi <>
Sent: February 25, 2024 12:26 PM To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. Cc: steven.johnston <>; <>; <>; David.Fraser <>; realpatriotsmoothie@ Subject: Hello David Let's really start asking some questions - JCCF your 7 days are up Some light reading to put some things together of just the past 2 years
Hello all, My name is Dana-lee Melfi
This email is one of the first steps to once again secure our county.
There has been a great deception going on and very few taking the steps to bring it to an end.
I would have reported sooner, but the investigation was not complete.
I have done all I can to this point and will be returning home soon from Ottawa.
a mere citizen, without influence, without bias, without fear, without
religion based faith, without corporate funding have been
doing an investigation for quite some time.
The OIC is aware and so is CSIS. I was aware some true humans were doing the same in different ways.
I had just not met them until recently.
Now the dots get connected.
I want all to know, I never inserted myself anywhere other than the protest itself as a mere man standing in peace.
I did know though, that this would be used to my advantage.
My premiss was I could not spend time investigating people or entities without "personal interactions to document". The
push for the deception has now come expediential and I cannot finish my
report because of terrorists being let in into OUR HOUSE
Feb 16th.
Instead have decided to give the first piece of the puzzle. Ask the proper authorities to take my laptop for a forensic audit. I bought it just for this purpose. I am going to teach you a lesson on "Never stop and talk to the troll" And certainly never go into a contract with one. (JCCF, HIS MAJESTY, CORPERATION OF
CANADA, PEBA, DOJ, PIDC, RCMP, and many more have entered into contracts with me.)
The troll is all about truth if you really understand the story.
I am no fed, nor do I bow to globalists that we do not see. For security purposes I will not be adding my report in this email. We are going to start here for a very important reason. Why? Because of the contracts.... and the terms being broken to the citizens. Closing from FREEDOM CORP. ET AL
Emergencies ACT Inquiry of Canada
(Did we see the important "evidence" needed for truth?)
(What lawyers "spoke for the people"?)
(When "expert witnesses were called, why was the question never asked about a Corp making demands on a Five Eyes country?)
(Why , a lot of questions not asked from any investigator or investigative journalists?)
Change in Directors 02/08/2022
(strange amendments made in first year)
Requirements for soliciting corporations under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (NFP Act)
Deeming a corporation non-soliciting
(Non-Soliciting means they brought in less than 10k in a year)
Five Eyes Charter
Freedom 2022 Human Rights and Freedoms (Corporation number 1372685-1 )
Copies of requested corporate documents
Document Description Date Directors PDF (199 KB) Change to director information 2022-02-08
Directors PDF (199 KB) Change to director information 2023-04-28
Registered office PDF (134 KB) Change to registered office 2023-05-08
Annual Return PDF (121 KB) 2023 2023-05-01
Directors PDF (197 KB) Change to director information 2023-01-11
Incorporation Certificate Articles PDF (517 KB) 2022-01-30
Amendment Certificate Articles PDF (244 KB) Province or Territory of Registered Office 2023-01-11
Registered office / Directors PDF (134 KB) Initial 2022-01-30
Registered office PDF (136 KB) Change to registered office 2023-01-11
Trial now done and what transpired will shock you! It turned out to be a puppet show, and that Freedom Corp, JCCF were the only ones defending the Citizens.
Think about that for a moment.
February 8th 2022 a Corporation was formed and the first order of
business was to make demands of a government. (A Five Eyes Gov)
Imagine the precedent it would set if they even communicated?
Exactly why they did not.
Before the 8th of February it was still "a Citizen led initiative to have dialogue with their Government."
The moment it was a demand through a Corporation nobody knew was being formed the citizens voice was stolen. Or was it?
This is where
Many that are evil can see my quest for truth and instantly block because they know I will catch them in their untruths.
The point is to end this deception and return to humanity working together for a far different future than the path in this current movie.
It can be done in peace and the answer is in the truth and digital footprints from more than one person for the good of humanity.
Here is who was let into OUR HOUSE to address the nation on Feb 16th
I do not need to show anything else about this terrorist that builds street cred. Just ONE example.
Kelly Anne Wolfe 10/15/2022
This is a video of Kelly Anne as I called her up as she was calling for "extremists" to go to Toronto and “shut down the financial district”. There is another video on this call as well. She makes amazing claims that were never substantiated. Even says she has Trump behind her.
She is all part of the "Team" they have operating in Canada. Come on now, she says she has "golden blood". CSIS are aware and does nothing.
Ok so now we get to JCCF and their involvement. This is a large file I have.
To show you the number of communications because of their deceptions on the people I have put it straight out and holding them to the contract they signed with my lawyer. I made sure to log some information with David Amos blog after I forwarded an email comms with Monick and JCCF. It also went to the authorities and was not taken seriously. How serious do you think I am now Mr. Carpay?
JCCF lawyers and only "voice of the people" first with Miller and his "clown show" then they have the best chance to ask real questions and do-nothing Oct 2022
You can go check and all these people do is interview each other and never have an open forum with real questions, just vetted ones and if anyone says something uncomfortable, they have an army online to silence you.
This was the first of many documents they shared and had zoom meeting about. It was expected that as a person in the group you must follow this template and "Narrative"
What the heck is "Stakeholder engagement"?
Since they control the media, it is easy to show the connections. They are backed and fundraise to "drain resources" and "silence people". John Carpay has a sorted past and has lost his license but continues to use a lot of resources propping Tamara up for political aspirations. That is the whole reason for controlling media.
There are a lot more and these questions and concerns have been brought to CSIS, and Ottawa police. Both have ignored.
Why would lawyers and firms put their backing behind a corporation that placed demands on a country? HMMMMMM?
They thought I could be threatened, bought, coerced and the likes. I cannot.
After JCCF was added as a payee onto my retainer I watched closely. They only ever placed one ad with my face as a "news release" with a donate button for over 450 days. Now some removed but of course I have captured them all. And all the subs you make money on for using your media for clicks and so on.
Here is the only post made by JCCF about me. I was never added into "active cases" and zero contact for over a year until they sent an email to my lawyer saying I would have to take their "appointed lawyer" because they could not pay for "Private lawyers". Funny thing about that is I can show you where other "private lawyers are paid" like Wayne Narvy with the very same lawyer as me. I asked Wayne if his bill was paid in total and the answer was yes. He was advised to take a deal and plead guilty for the charges in Ottawa and the crown would drop the charges from his stopping the poisoning of our rivers.
Then even after several communications of mine asking them to uphold their agreement they did not. and posted this. As you can see the page was removed. They asked me to remove all references to JCCF from MY media pages. I unequivocally said no. I warned them I would hold them accountable.
Crisis actors in Parliament. Now I felt Derek is very smart and a good man (I still hope). But this Dacey actor is nothing but trouble for Canada and part of a much larger group as you have seen. And I know for a fact he works with corrupt Ottawa Police like Blonde and his boss. (BTW Dacey I warned that boss a few minutes before you spoke on the 17th, did you talk about it? I asked him if he had arrested Blonde yet.)
THEN someone let another Crisis actor (and maybe more) into our house. wow just wow.
Now, right after all of this I was on the hill, and many came up to me with support and asking me to continue in this investigation. So many deceived though and cannot see the setups!
So that is enough for today and JCCF you better pay your bill. And Monick return
my stolen money from MY supporters. You are going to need some defence yourself soon in a big way. If I am wrong, Yas can all sue me! You have until March first when the interim report comes out! What is Acceptable?
I will tell you that there are real police officers, RCMP and others ready to collaborate and have told me they understand the danger until then.
I am no fed, nor do I bow to globalists that we do not see.
For security purposes I will not be adding my report in this email.
I will surrender what is needed to start arrests under :
Conspiracy Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)
465. (1) Except where otherwise expressly provided by law, the following provisions apply in respect of conspiracy: […] A conspiracy consists not merely in the intention of two or more, but in the agreement of two or more to do an unlawful act, or to do a lawful act by unlawful means.
Treason Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)
46 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada, (a) kills or attempts to kill Her Majesty, or does her any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds her, or imprisons or restrains her; (b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or.
I am only interested in the law and protection of our country. There are many more capital crimes listed in the document and "hard links".
That is right Justin and it has now been linked to you this time. The crisis actors and those that aid and abed crimes like Chris Dacey and Kelley Anne Wolfe were not let in to "address the Nation" by booking the media room. This could NOT have happened without your oversight Justin Trudeau and other MP's. All complicit in treason now. (in audit)
Now I know we always get the same type of messages back like "We get a lot of communications and will try and respond".
This better not happen in this case going forth.
Some of you know how to forensic audit what David Amos has been sending. Many respond to David and say "why are you sending me this"
Some of you know of his impeccable records.
I am going to share some of mine for some light reading into the roles of the ones I have personal experience with and explain what you are about to see very clearly.
(So let me get something straight. You work and are an assistant for both the Ombudsman and PIDC?
Yinka Jarikre, B.A. (Hons.), J.D. Assistant Ombudsman|Assistant Commissioner)
Ian passed I moved back to Ontario to my hunt camp to meditate for a
year and wait for investigations I was involved in to conclude.
They never really did though and a shell game was played on me. I made sure to document it.
I will list some of the files currently being worked on:
- and / et -
LOGGED RCMP COMLAINT File number 2020- 12016
Only Canadian in history to have an extension removed on an ATIP ACT request and they had no process to do so. So I told them "Let me teach you how".
Ten days later the extension reversed and an investigation ensued.
The Request in question is also why "extra layers were added".
It is your move........(Spidey)
Sent: February 24, 2024 7:11 PM
To: <>; <>; kingpatrick278 <>; Tyson Billings <>; <>; Wayne.Long <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: pm <>; pierre.poilievre <>; premier <>; premier <>; blaine.higgs <>; Marco.Mendicino <>; Mark.Blakely <>; ministryofjustice <>; fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <fin.minfinance-financemin.
Subject: Re: I just called Jeremy Mackenzie (639 318 9073_ Again
David Raymond Amos
I am on the phone right now about this malice
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <>
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 23:01:32 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: I just called Jeremy Mackenzie (639 318 9073_ Again
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.
There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
response may take several business days.
Thanks again for your email.
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
Merci encore pour votre courriel.
On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2023 14:29:00 -0400
> Subject: I just called Jeremy Mackenzie (639 318 9073 and his lawyer
> Mr Foda AGAIN Correct?
> To:
> <>,,
> Cc: "pierre.poilievre" <>, pm
> <>, mcu <>, "Michael.Duheme"
> <
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2022 14:32:24 -0400
> Subject: I just called Jeremy Mackenzie’s number 639 318 9073 and left
> a voicemail then spoke briefly with his lawye Mr Foda correct?
> To:
> Cc: motomaniac333 <>,,
> https://na01.safelinks.
> Diagolon leader Jeremy Mackenzie to challenge decision denying him bail
> Bryn Levy | Posted: Oct. 28, 2022, 10:49 a.m.
> Jeremy MacKenzie, the founder of the online group “Diagolon” was
> arrested in September 2022 in Cole Harbour, N.S., on a Canada-wide
> warrant related to charges stemming from an alleged Nov. 2021 assault
> near Viscount, Sask.(Jeremy MacKenzie/Facebook)
> Jeremy MacKenzie, the founder of the online group “Diagolon” was
> arrested in September 2022 in Cole Harbour, N.S., on a Canada-wide
> warrant related to charges stemming from an alleged Nov. 2021 assault
> near Viscount, Sask. - Jeremy MacKenzie / Facebook
> The leader of a Canadian far-right group is set to challenge a judge’s
> decision to keep him in custody while awaiting trial.
> Jeremy Mackenzie, 36, faces assault and weapons charges in connection
> with an incident near Viscount, Sask. in November 2021.
> He was denied bail on Oct. 7 by a Saskatoon provincial court judge.
> The reasons for that decision are protected by a court-ordered
> publication ban, which is a standard measure in most bail proceedings
> meant to protect an accused’s right to a fair trial.
> Mackenzie’s previous defence lawyer was granted leave to withdraw on
> Oct. 13, after telling court he’d been fired.
> At Thursday’s hearing, Toronto-based defence lawyer Sherif Foda
> indicated he will represent Mackenzie, and that his client will seek a
> review of the Oct. 7 bail decision. Mackenzie is due back in court
> Nov. 10.
> Court previously heard there is an ongoing investigation into how
> audio recordings from Mackenzie’s bail hearing found their way online
> in violation of the publication ban — an offence punishable by up to
> two years in jail and a $5,000 fine.
> Mackenzie is the self-proclaimed leader of Diagolon, a group described
> in a 2022 House of Commons report as a violent extremist organization.
> Its name refers to a fictional country comprised of provinces and
> states without COVID-19 mandates, forming a diagonal line across North
> America.
> He is also charged with harassment and intimidation in connection with
> an anti-mask protest outside the home of Nova Scotia’s chief medical
> health officer in March, and faces 13 firearm-related charges in Nova
> Scotia after a police search in January.
> RCMP have said they are also reviewing an allegation that Mackenzie
> made rape threats against Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre’s wife
> during a livestream video in September.
> There has also been suggestion of a link between Diagolon and the case
> of four men charged with conspiracy to commit murder after a February
> RCMP raid against an anti-mandate blockade of a Canada-U.S. border
> crossing at Coutts, Alta.
> Mounties reported seizing items including 13 long guns, handguns, a
> machete, a large quantity of ammunition and body armour. A tactical
> vest seized at the scene had a Diagolon patch on it — a white diagonal
> line across a black rectangle. The four suspects are scheduled for
> trial in 2023.
> With Canadian Press files
> https://na01.safelinks.
> Sherif M. Foda is a criminal defence lawyer who fights for his
> clients. His work largely consists of complex crimes, with an emphasis
> on large-scale project prosecutions for drug, gun, and violent
> offences. He regularly defends people alleged to have ties with
> criminal organizations, and conducts both trials and appeals at all
> levels of court in Canada.
> Sherif also practices regulatory law, having represented people
> charged with various provincial offences. He has both represented
> professionals and worked in an advisory capacity in cases under the
> Securities Act, the Regulated Health Professions Act, the Ontario
> College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, and other regulatory and
> quasi-criminal statutes.
> Sherif attended law school at the University of Ottawa where he was an
> international moot court competition champion. After graduating law
> school as silver medalist, Sherif was awarded the Canadian Bar
> Association’s Viscount Bennett fellowship. He used that to pursue a
> Master’s in Law and Finance at the University of Oxford, where he
> graduated with Distinction. He then articled at McCarthy Tetrault in
> Montreal, followed by a clerkship at the Supreme Court of Canada with
> Justice Cromwell.
> Sherif is called to the bar in Quebec, Ontario, and New York. His
> practice has been located in the Greater Toronto Area since 2014. He
> serves his clients in English, French, and Arabic.
> Sherif M. Foda
> 171 John Street - Suite 101,
> Toronto, ON, M5T 1X3
> Tel: 416.642.1438
> Email:
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s my problem @Leigh I voted max from
> his first ballot I just wanted change 👍
> David AmosAnybody can Google me Anyone who falsely claims that I am
> a Hells Angel is obviously a very desperate Fed
> Kimberley JaneIF we get PPC seats then they can openly support Diagalon,
> no?
> Hell in a Handbasketyes leigh, also a problem is his accent
> Leigh Stewy
> if he was smart, he would have been the face of the whole thing
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHe couldn’t he’s just another piece of the game
> Leigh Stewy
> He's getting bad advice from people surrounding him, Davy
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s 💯
> Leigh Stewy
> or one person at least
> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣 good one Feri
> Hell in a HandbasketMax's exact problem is his hide and seek personality.
> Hell in a HandbasketJer is guns blazin
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthMax was clear his first time around the
> country’s cread card is full we need to pay if of with oil money and
> no imagination. That I was 💯 on board
> Patricia LaforetI stayed with a PPC member during the convoy. She
> saw a lot of room for improvement in the party
> Ruby's Shadowmax doesn't have the qualities needed for effective
> leadership, incl accent
> M E G Ayou can be a member of every party in canada as well
> Elle MReclamation Party.. reclaim your country
> dale bairdTO MANY PPP`S
> Seansathen OlafsonWould be better imo just having thousands of
> people sign up for the Liberal Party through their free membership and
> just screwing up their internal elections and policy making. Since its
> free.
> Davy Crockett Goes North🤔?
> dale bairdYUP TRUE
> Trent DabsDoes this guy live in reality? 😂
> Leigh Stewy
> remember when Palowski was ejected?
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthGet Soros out of the courts that is a big problem
> Hell in a Handbaskettrent, why bother? nothing else has worked
> Kimberley JaneMAX accent has nothing to do with it. Remember Chretien lol
> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣
> Trent DabsWe hit a iceberg and the ship is going down Fast and
> people think if we just get a new captain Everything will be fine 🤣
> Ruby's Shadowtruth trent
> Hell in a Handbasketno trent steal the safes
> Leigh Stewy
> they're going to break the coalition
> supervillainz73NEO DILF PARTY
> Leigh Stewy
> elisabeth may for PM
> dale bairdTOWELS TO TIGHT.
> 4stringrr78Is meatjug becomes pm , jeets gona riot , the dot ones
> Leigh Stewy
> yep she sure is lol
> Helena Jenningscute dog 🐕
> East Coast Canadian
> Greetings Rage. Whisper sweet bigotries into my our ears
> dale bairdLOOK J M IN THE HOUSE
> SIn City Captiveplaid to the bone
> Trent DabsHow did Jeremy get whiter ?😆
> Hell in a Handbasketshowtime
> Trent DabsI shouldn't talk Shit because I'm so white I glow 😅
> dale bairdUSED MAGIC MARKER.
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthJeremy \\\
> Good Times\\\
> Helena Jenningslove it 😀
> Guerrilla-RadioFamily,
> Guerrilla-RadioClans
> Guerrilla-RadioTribes
> East Coast Canadian
> It was an SOS
> Jesus Le Jesus- like man. Let us not crawl down amongst the rats
> begging for mercy or trying to out-sneak them and pretend to be rats
> ourselves!
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthLol blink twice if your in danger Jay 😝
> Jesus Le JesusGLR 🥰
> Helena Jenningsno more bending over lol 😆 😂
> Ruby's Shadowfinally some astute observations\\\
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthYou boys have bring the receipts 🔥🔥🔥
> Roy Elderkin\\\ NCI structured commission to conduct real peoples
> interests of governance.
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthIt is a corp 🫣
> S W12 Foot Davis is ashamed of Freeland
> supervillainz73say chris sky one more time
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthInternet has been amazing, to much computing
> over load 🤣
> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤣
> S WCastro planned this in 1971
> New World DisorderYou need to use a volume gate on your mic input to
> stop clipping when you yell.
> Helena Jenningsinteresting 🤔
> New World DisorderThat wqay you can scream to all hell but it stays
> the same max volume at home
> Hell in a Handbasketand they get voted in without us seeing a resume
> David AmosI bet MacKenzie remembers the 1 and only time we talked EH?
> Hell in a Handbasketor assigned
> Patricia Laforet@Quick dub 👆
> David AmosMackenzie knows my number ask him if he wishes to debate me
> Helena Jenningsnot my canada anymore
> SIn City Captivedenounce the cloud
> Hell in a HandbasketDavid Amos, do you need a shower?
> Trent DabsI love how random people show up and demand to be on the show
> 😂
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthAll of it Jeremy I want it all
> S W338 drawn and quartered would be 84.5 per quarter
> David AmosMacKenzie and I should discuss what I said at the 28
> minute mark https://na01.safelinks.
> SIn City Captiveleaky roof - shut it down
> Patricia Laforet@Trent he’s been sperging all afternoon when he’s
> not muted lol
> Kimberley JaneEXACTLY the people should stop giving Walmart money,
> but the wont.
> Trent Dabslol
> Davy Crockett Goes Northlol
> Hell in a Handbasketis bj sneaking around, scrubbing his butt on the
> carpet @trent
> Leigh Stewy
> he said it wasnt a federal issue lol
> Trent DabsFerrymans dog 🤣
> Leigh Stewy
> peanut butter time lol
> Trent DabsDogs lime COME ON MAN I need peanut butter bro
> Trent DabsYou no the rules and so do I
> jay katcherwhat ever happened to james the toppenator?? havent heard
> much...
> New World DisorderBut we otherwise get fired for displaying any
> activism for the jobs we do. Sounds about right.
> Leigh Stewy
> james topp has moved on, concentrating on his career
> SIn City Captiveway to be
> S L_2teesCheers All DTS\\\
> Helena Jenningsinteresting 🤔
> New World DisorderWith exact Chinese accuracy.
> Patricia LaforetCheers Steve \\\
> David AmosHMMM
> David AmosMacKenzie and I should discuss what I said at the 28
> minute mark https://na01.safelinks.
> Hell in a HandbasketHarper wanted out - with no successor, cuz his
> bosses wanted that
> Davy Crockett Goes North💯Jeremy criminals
> SIn City Captive\\\ born of necessity
> dale bairdI AM WHITE AND I DEMAN.
> Dom Ieracithe traditional Canadian party
> David AmosAlex is not wrong
> Guerrilla-RadioWrong wrong Ferri we have legal right to organize as
> a clan in Canada. Clans/ groups have legal access to the king
> Helena Jenningsits discrimination
> dale bairdGO FERRY MAN
> M E G Ai dont even need preferential treatment. equal treatment
> would be a good start
> David AmosThe Ferry Man should pick up the phone and talk to me
> Helena Jenningswow
> New World Disorder@Guerrilla-Radio - Try forming a group around
> freedom and tell me how that goes.
> Peterget in the box Amos
> David AmosYou block me
> TradLife \\\
> Patricia LaforetSpergs gotta sperg lol
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthMy cuz showed me a trans at my old high school
> 🤣🤣🤡
> Helena Jenningswe are screwedd 😳
> New World Disorder@KevinJJohnston Not true at all.
> 1quickdub
> This David guy never gives up lol he's been getting timed out over
> and over for hours 🤣
> Seansathen OlafsonThe Federal Government in the last three years has
> done about 90% of their hiring as Nigerians.
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHi @1quickdub👍
> Jesus Le Jesusthere will be no pale face reservations
> Birds EyeMichael you didn’t hear Alex
> SIn City CaptiveTY
> Neeka Elliott
> I lol
> 1quickdub
> Hi Davy, didn't mean you lol
> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣
> SIn City Captivedale you are next
> IHaveMentalChillnessDamn it's heated in here o/
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthI know bud 😝
> Leigh Stewy
> KJJ speaking facts
> Guerrilla-RadioI accept the challenge- NWD
> Neeka Elliott
> lol mentalchillness that's almost as good as dentalmisorder
> Seansathen OlafsonThe great irony is that the people looking at
> these problems and seeking solutions are peaceful. Danger comes from
> the regular citizen steeped in ignorance being forced to open their
> eyes.
> Helena Jenningswhat's 🐕 name 😀
> Peteris Active Club they way forward ?
> Ruby's ShadowOzzy @Helena Jennings
> Trent DabsOzzie is the dogs name
> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🔥🔥
> Ryan Watson🤣🤣🤣🤣
> 1quickdub
> only 350? @KevinJJohnston
> 1quickdub
> or did you mean 3500
> Helena Jenningsshadow thanks nice ozzy 😀
> Leigh Stewy
> ozzy lol
> Ruby's Shadowdag dogs best dogs in canada
> dale bairdWHO LET THE DOGS OUT.
> Helena Jenningsyes very cuddly 😊
> Trent DabsI love how Ozzy just chills
> Peterit's best not to be drunk when formulating plans
> M E G Alast i checked PP wad getting ratiod hard over Ukraine
> KevinJJohnstonAlbertans have had their chance to rise up, they are
> TOO comfortable and have not suffered enough yet to rebel.
> supervillainz73nobodys drunk here Peter
> Peteryeah pats gone
> SIn City Captive🐢
> Guerrilla-RadioHate of shared tyrant
> Edgar Foerster\\\
> Peteryou missed the last 3-4 years supr villienz
> Kim Griffiths@KevinJJohnston I dont know, I think when things get a
> bit worse , people will rise up , i still have faith in Canadians
> KevinJJohnstonI wanted to wish everyone the best. I wanted to tell
> you all just HOW TERRIBLE the remand centres in Alberta really are. I
> know, they put me in ALL of them. It is torture to be in there
> David AmosWhy is it that I feel honoured that you big talking dudes
> hate mean old me??? Harper was not elected and had not committed our
> troops to combat when I talked to Stevey Boy Murphy on CTV Correct?
> supervillainz73not the last 2.5 peter
> David
> Amoshttps://na01.safelinks.
> KevinJJohnstonIt is VERY HARD time to be in there
> KevinJJohnstonThese men were beat down by the system that MUST be
> deconstructed
> Leigh Stewy
> send KJJ a link lol
> David AmosCry me a river
> 1quickdub
> Alberta needs it's Louis Riel moment
> Petersend David Amos a link rants
> 1quickdub
> Kevin o you want to come on the show
> Scrooge McTrucksad but true
> Trent DabsWhy would we do that? @Pete
> KevinJJohnstonI just wanted to say that those boys have to get out
> of there, it is a brutal place.
> Scrooge McTrucksome might stay
> Trent DabsThis isn't one Mic night
> Trent Dabsopen*
> KevinJJohnstonGotta go folks. Get those boys out of there.
> Trent Dabslol
> Kimberley Jane😅😅😅
> Leigh Stewy
> send him a link!
> Leigh Stewy
> lol
> PrairieHi Jason 👋👋🌻
> Leigh Stewy
> he did in the chat here again
> Kim Griffithslol
> dale bairdBRING HIM ON
> Peterget him on
> Trent DabsOh get this clown on here 😂
> Helena Jennings😂
> David AmosI love it
> Ruby's Shadow🙂
> PeterI thought it wasn't open mic night Trent dabs
> The Hypocrite's Matrix😅😅😅🍭
> Peterjeremy scared of Amos imo
> David AmosWell call me MacKenzie
> Jonny Bravolol
> M E G Alol i guess it is open mic night. will watch
> Trent DabsIt's not But it should be funny @Peter
> PeterTrent. you fit in well. flip flopper
> SIn City Captiveit's fine, everything's fine - dog chow time toronto
> Trent DabsYou think I care what a random anonymous person calls me
> on the internet? 😂🤣😆
> Birds EyeLet’s hear it 😊
> dale bairdYUP
> East Coast Canadian
> I’m getting my popcorn ready
> Kim Griffithslol
> SIn City Captivepopcorn-yellow-
> Leigh Stewy
> totally stable individual
> Trent DabsI'm watching you 😆
> Neeka Elliott
> lol
> Kim Griffithswhat a fken creeper
> Mr. Long SnatchYou keep a calling but you can't come in
> Whiskey ChickWYF?
> Guerrilla-RadioMy lord
> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣freak
> Whiskey ChickWTF?
> M E G Alol wtf
> RonI'm behind..who is that?
> East Coast Canadian
> You’ll have to change your number now
> Leigh Stewy
> what
> Leigh Stewy
> Leigh Stewy
> Trent DabsWho ?
> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤣
> SIn City Captivewild horses
> Birds EyeHmm ok
> Chris Burke Musicjason wants some nice messages to wake up to!
> Leigh Stewy
> gooooodbyeee horrsessss
> Elle MNo life
> Leigh Stewy
> hes gonna wear your skin as a mask lol
> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣
> binlovedmade me think of scenes from pulp fiction
> 1quickdub
> Stan
> Whiskey ChickThat was Bryan.
> Mr. Long SnatchWell at least its not mayo 🤣😂
> dale bairdYUP SKIN AS MASK
> Leigh Stewy
> it did sound like Bryan a bit
> PolymathingJeremy...just put the lotion in the basket
> Davy Crockett Goes NorthKnow I want Jeremy’s number 🤣🤣🤣
> dale bairdSAFTY FIRST
> RonMust be fun when the people that support you are scarier than the
> ones that don't
> Trent Dabsit puts the lotion on it's skin or else I will call again
> Chat...
> You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a moderator
> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> https://na01.safelinks.
>> Super Conspiracy Movie
>> East Coast Canadian
>> 4,007 views Premiered Dec 1, 2022
>> https://na01.safelinks.
>> COUTTS 4, Chris Lysak legal defense fundraiser 4 of 4
>> Derek Rants
>> Neeka Elliott
>> Fuck is goin on in the chat lol
>> Chief DogmaCheers boys
>> Dee❤ mods
>> Ruby's Shadow\\\🙂
>> SiskaHow’s the fishing going chief ? 😂
>> Chief DogmaGot nothing yet 🥲
>> Peterusing a tequila worm pat?
>> SiskaSay hi to Doug for me 😂
>> Chief DogmaThey're just swimming right by our lines teasing us
>> David AmosHmmm
>> Chief DogmaSiska he doesn't know who you are but said hi haha
>> Peterlol Amos. they don't want to hear it. keep posting
>> David AmosPat King is too dumb to realize he is a patsy
>> SiskaIt’s JoAnn neighbor
>> Chief Dogmaoh no kidding haha
>> dale bairdWHAT ARE THE ODDS
>> SiskaYa 😂😂😂
>> jason73drop a few bucks in the give send go if you got em
>> Chief Dogmaanother sylvan lake dag 😉
>> SiskaAbsolutely 👍 \\\
>> DeeSo its a "Sloption"??
>> Hell in a Handbasketthis ain't no country club
>> mr_green_thumb_ottawapaul champ i bet you or zexi lee
>> mr_green_thumb_ottawadenna sherif ?
>> mr_green_thumb_ottawapurse nugget ??
>> mr_green_thumb_ottawa🤣
>> Point Fire
>> David Amos Was your ego stoked when the RCMP hired you as an expert
>> witness?
>> Leigh Stewy
>> its danielle lol
>> mr_green_thumb_ottawa🤣
>> Point Fire
>> David Amos Was your ego stoked when the RCMP hired you as an expert
>> witness?
>> Leigh Stewy
>> its danielle lol
>> Patricia LaforetSoutherland?
>> AmmoC9MQuatloos - look it up for law society /Crown clownery
>> 1quickdub
>> CIA was investigating us too?
>> Hell in a Handbasket5 eyes , manged by nossad
>> Good Times⏰
>> supervillainz73@quickdub the slash runs through there too lol
>> Michael LockhartPat couldn't write a coloring book
>> David AmosAm I still blocked???
>> Kimberley Jane❣ I believe that 2024 is the universe turnaround year.
>> Petercan see you davis amos
>> Neeka Elliott
>> lol I didn't see the buildup @quickdub what's goin on with David lol
>> Peterno blocked again
>> 1quickdub
>> He's taking a break from sperging
>> Patricia LaforetLol Dubs
>> supervillainz73JP stiffed ya pat?
>> Neeka Elliott
>> lol
>> New World DisorderShow them the receipts.
>> Patricia LaforetWasn’t Danielle the certain someone giving certain
>> people happy endings lol
>> SiskaHey 👋 Pat
>> 1quickdub
>> Thanks Pat
>> M E G ADiagolon is a great bunch of people
>> jason73where did derek go?
>> Patricia LaforetGet more firewood? Lol
>> Ruby's Shadowderek and ozzy had to go pee
>> 1quickdub
>> They haven't paid... yet.
>> Patricia LaforetNo probly eating
>> Boomer manTrump is still defending the Jan 6ers
>> New World DisorderHe's rolling his afternoon doob.
>> jason73trump could have pardoned the jan 6ers but he pardoned black
>> rappers instead
>> Point Fire
>> Gotta love the irony, David claims Jason is playing us like a
>> violin. Meanwhile David was employed by the RCMP as an expert witness
>> then claimed he was a Hells Angel and a drug dealer.
>> 1quickdub
>> nah he's takingthe dog for a piss and stoking the fire/grabbing
>> wood. He'll be back in 5
>> 1quickdub
>> He will roll on camera lol
>> Boomer manJason73 he’ll pardon them when he gets back in
>> Peterferry. great idea but this isn't hollywood film
>> Josh Browncivil suits in their personal capacity
>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our
>> community guidelines.
>> Learn more
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBehind bars 💯🔥🔥🔥
>> 1quickdub
>> 4 bacon, 3 eggs, 2 chicken... maybe I should have 1 piece of cheese
>> for dessert lol
>> jason73so they can rot in jail for 4 years and then he pardons
>> them....what a fucking hero
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthLike I say Nuremberg 2.0 only way to get
>> questions?
>> Boomer manThey didn’t start getting arrested till after he left
>> Peterlike the ppc ferry?
>> Kimberley JaneThat's right Ferry. Accountability but hardly enough
>> moral people left to fight.
>> Patricia Laforet😂 Peter
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBut did we get the right answers during
>> Nuremberg? I watched the documentary on the loyer that ran Nuremberg
>> was it all true was it GAY?
>> Peterjeremy/derek ppc founding members remember
>> M E G Aim a founding member of PPC as well, so what? @Peter
>> BriggsLifeThe PPC is just more establishment. Their colors are
>> literally a mash or red and blue. lol
>> Patricia LaforetYes back when we still thought there was a political
>> solution
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthI’m honest I voted PPC from the start I
>> wanted change a long time ago😰
>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯Feri
>> Boomer manJason73 never said he was I was just saying I think he’ll
>> free the Jan 6ers
>> PeterBriggslife is correct
>> Boomer manNever said Trump was are guy
>> Boomer manThat’s his base u don’t think he’ll free them
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThanks @Jason your the best❤🔥🔥
>> jason73did he pardon assange?
>> Jesus Le Jesusthat was a Jewish show trial
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthI understand 💯@Feri your right
>> M E G Awell, the head of every state is complicate... they want to
>> slip away and be forgotten about
>> Patricia LaforetThe winners of war write the his story books
>> Boomer manNo but I just have a feeling he’ll pardon them he’s been
>> campaigning what I’ve seen and has paid more attention to them even
>> ferry thinks Trump will pardon the jan6ers
>> Davy Crockett Goes North@Patricia Laforest 💯👍
>> Guerrilla-RadioMotley Crew!
>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣❤🫡
>> Kimberley JaneTOO many egos that prevent moral people from working
>> together.
>> jason73you believe what politicians say while campaigning bro?
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthMCGA🤣🫢🤫
>> Josh Brownprivate members associations
>> Leigh Stewy
>> democracy is ghey
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthFollowing them great stuff coming from that
>> Patricia LaforetRevolution
>> Boomer manNo
>> Davy Crockett Goes North@ Jay I’m 30% American 🤣2nd🚀
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthPro*
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthTalking Jews?
>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤫🫢
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthSorry
>> Boomer manWe will see what happens in a 11 months
>> Boomer manNot everything
>> Patricia LaforetWhy 11 months?
>> Davy Crockett Goes North⏰
>> Patricia LaforetAmerican election?
>> Guerrilla-RadioBoth
>> Kimberley JaneNO but getting some opposition in the house is a good
>> step. lol PPC
>> Hell in a Handbasketnext is vindaloo ontario
>> Jesus Le JesusNSDAP
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWay Feri talked wee doomed 🤣
>> Hell in a Handbasketmore jeets than us berry berry soon
>> Peterhence join forces with Omar crew hellinhandbasket
>> Kimberley JanePPC is worth getting seats. We owe them IMO
>> M E G Afarmer/trucker party. time may have passed for that
>> Leigh Stewy
>> maxime bernier missed a HUGE opportunity during the convoy
>> jhonston666"But Muh' Couttttsssss.............."
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s my problem @Leigh I voted max from
>> his first ballot I just wanted change 👍
>> David AmosAnybody can Google me Anyone who falsely claims that I am
>> a Hells Angel is obviously a very desperate Fed
>> Kimberley JaneIF we get PPC seats then they can openly support
>> Diagalon,
>> no?
>> Hell in a Handbasketyes leigh, also a problem is his accent
>> Leigh Stewy
>> if he was smart, he would have been the face of the whole thing
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHe couldn’t he’s just another piece of the game
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 17:19:10 -0400
>> Subject: You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or
>> a moderator
>> To:,, kingpatrick278
>> <>, Tyson Billings <>,
>> "" <>, "Wayne.Long"
>> <>,,,
>> Cc: pm <>, "pierre.poilievre"
>> <>, premier <>
>> You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a moderator
>> Michael Griffinleprachon soup is great
>> supervillainz73I think rocky did 6 eggs
>> Mr. Long SnatchFerryman are they store bought eggs
>> Coalbert’s Mom
>> UGH
>> The Carpenter Chrisyum
>> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps
>> LuckyLuckylol
>> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao
>> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki
>> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa
>> The Carpenter Chriswho came first?
>> 1quickdub
>> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were
>> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol
>> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋
>> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to
>> cooked , but great for lack of time
>> 1quickdub
>> He wanted jacked boys
>> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies
>> sophielol
>> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson
>> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating?
>> 1quickdub
>> based 80's dads for the win
>> sophiewhen the stars align
>> sophieand the infinity stones become one
>> Kirk Blackadar
>> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well
>> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂
>> sophieword
>> sophie\\\
>> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy
>> sophieooooo...
>> sophieclassic merch
>> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on
>> sophiecollectors
>> LizYa banned! Figures
>> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt
>> sophieauction, bid starts at 20
>> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie.
>> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying.
>> sophielol
>> sophieFIESTA
>> sophiei need an auto clicker
>> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a
>> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets.
>> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria
>> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well
>> sophiemy brain is broken.
>> sophiePEANUTS!
>> sophielol
>> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500.
>> Point Fire
>> Loch Ness halter top?
>> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am
>> jason73\\\
>> Leigh Stewy
>> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol
>> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL
>> Leigh Stewy
>> has to be a mass murderer
>> Kirk Blackadar
>> Terry fox's sneakers
>> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw
>> Leigh Stewy
>> there ya go Kirk lol
>> Leigh Stewy
>> lol
>> Point Fire
>> Luca's chopsticks.
>> Leigh Stewy
>> ask Pat King
>> Kirk Blackadar
>> 😂
>> Leigh Stewy
>> im sure he has an extra one laying around
>> 1quickdub
>> Tell her to use Entropy
>> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too
>> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data
>> like a mofo
>> Point Fire
>> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt
>> in perspiration.
>> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust
>> Hell in a Handbasketdo it
>> Leigh Stewy
>> whoa that was weird lol
>> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time.
>> Hi brother\\\
>> Trent Dabs😂
>> Good Times\\\
>> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut.
>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our
>> community guidelines.
>> Learn more
>> Kirk Blackadar
>> pat hows the bite?
>> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st
>> nite of convoy
>> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct?
>> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG
>> Point Fire
>> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz
>> East Coast Canadian
>> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun
>> Leigh Stewy
>> 1quickdub
>> Help from Jeets,
>> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium
>> started in 1988
>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣
>> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me
>> correct?
>> Leigh Stewy
>> thats what i just said lol
>> Leigh Stewy
>> and then he arrived
>> New World Disorder\\\
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣
>> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely
>> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene
>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤
>> East Coast Canadian
>> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember.
>> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started.
>> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘
>> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a
>> strange couple
>> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍
>> M E G Aimpressive
>> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the
>> monkey man
>> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day,
>> she loved to flip her hair
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥
>> Point Fire
>> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans
>> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement
>> prosthetics.
>> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!!
>> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time
>> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is
>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤
>> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so
>> 1quickdub
>> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently
>> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho
>> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live
>> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA
>> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with
>> him on Pelee Island back in the day
>> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻
>> Point Fire
>> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German
>> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried
>> to borrow it. lol
>> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again
>> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle
>> New World DisorderNver let it make you feel less. It's required,
>> important and beneficial for the cause.
>> Hell in a Handbaskethe's not allowed on the internet
>> sophiethat makes sense
>> dale bairdFALL GUY
>> Birds EyeBest of luck Pat
>> dale bairdHES SLEEPING
>> Leigh Stewy
>> hes thinking
>> ARTORIUS SOLThe Jews got Jason!
>> M E G Ai think he is in lethbridge
>> New World DisorderEvery minute we remain standing united is another
>> minute they have to be worried about us.
>> Davy Crockett Goes North\\\
>> Good Times\\\
>> Canadian Crusader\\\
>> Chris Freestone\\\
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthPro 2nd ❤\\\
>> David AmosYou have another email
>> Oh wellso cool to dee all of yous together & other guys on too. good
>> for you Derek
>> Point Fire
>> Wind them up, Pat. Bring in Mandarin and Cantonese interpreters.
>> Oh wellsee
>> Trent DabsThey make Rv trailer that lower onto the ice
>> 1quickdub
>> Bayshore mall in Ottawa evacuated
>> New World DisorderHis mic is muffled
>> David
>> Amoshttps://na01.safelinks.
>> Oh wellso corrupt
>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultTwo years of absolute lies from the
>> Criminals in Ottawa... it's honestly stomach retching. Sorry for all
>> the bullshit you had to go through Mr.King
>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯
>> David AmosYou dudes already got an email about what Lavigne is
>> talking about right now
>> dale bairdTHE CROWN IS EVIL.
>> ARTORIUS SOL@dale baird we need the red king to rise lol
>> LizWhat they hell?
>> dale bairdNUDDY MAG
>> Cristan BenneWhat happened with the 2 undercover RCMP and 1 hockey
>> bag full of "guns"?
>> Trent DabsThey also try saying there was nuclear material in a truck in
>> Ottawa
>> sophieopen and shut case johnson
>> Dom Ieracithe country has to split up, all dags pick an area and
>> move there and slowly take over the government
>> Trent DabsBut if that was true all you have to do is walk down the
>> street with a Geiger counter
>> David AmosLavigne is playing you all like a fiddle and I enjoy the tune
>> Oh wellok. lol
>> David AmosAt least Ezera Levant was clever enough to figure him out
>> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci I hear there was a place i New Brunswick
>> that they were making into a stronghold
>> Leigh Stewy
>> is this allowed to be discussed with a publication ban?
>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultEzra Levant "Clever" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
>> David AmosAnybody listen to the wiretaps I have???
>> 1quickdub
>> Stingray device
>> Dom Ieracithat's really cool to hear @Artorius
>> David AmosJerry turned on them bigtime
>> Geekerella00There is still time on the Signed Lysak arrested Tank
>> Top - includes Essence of Lysak
>> CarverYes
>> Carver@davidAmos I’m interested
>> Rogue Spear
>> Fruit from a poisonous tree can never be trusted.
>> David AmosYo Carver enjoy
>> https://na01.safelinks.
>> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci one in New Brunswick and I think one north
>> of Calgary near Nordegg but I'm not sure
>> New World Disorderhm.
>> David AmosI love the Fact that the crooked Feds are reading this
>> David AmosPatty Baby's lawyer knows who I am
>> Oh wellDisney Amazon
>> Oh wellKept my banned book afterall
>> David AmosI have a big lapdog too
>> Oh wellhey Strider!
>> New World DisorderOne of us could read it out loud and send it to you.
>> sophiepost it online and get sponsorships/ads
>> David AmosMy buddy Bo Is a chocolate lab
>> New World DisorderMaybe Jeremy could make an audio copy for us.
>> David AmosAsk yourselves why I am saving the chat
>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultAMAZON BEST SELLING AUTHOR!!!!
>> sophieseek life elsewhere tick
>> Peterget in the box and tell us David Amos
>> sophiepat kings gonna get eaten by a narwhal
>> Dom Ieracijust nothing good about that temp or lower
>> Oh wellDerek whimping out on weather! lol. Ive been out 1hr a day for
>> prolife.
>> East Coast Canadian
>> Lord of the kings
>> supervillainz73why are you saving it @david ?
>> New World DisorderI suppose we are up to our shitters with feds in
>> this chat. Their fate is the same as ours, they just don't know it,
>> yet.
>> Thomas & Catherine Denault🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
>> Hell in a HandbasketAmos, why are you gay
>> Thomas & Catherine Denault👏👏👏👍👍👍
>> supervillainz73that was epic
>> David AmosMatthew M Copeland @55Copeland Proud Canadian. Maritimer.
>> Dreamer. Hard worker. Security Guard. Artist. I love film, tv, art,
>> drawing, writing, singing, playing guitar, creating.
>> Chris FreestoneFISH ON!
>> East Coast Canadian
>> Django Unchanged by Pat King
>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultNO.... YOURE A AMAZON BEST SELLING AUTHOR
>> Thomas & Catherine Denaultdon't discredit the algorithm 🤣
>> New World DisorderThat is quite a trophy. trophy-yellow-smiling
>> David
>> Amoshttps://na01.safelinks.
>> Point Fire
>> The New normal Loose Change.
>> jason73drop some donos if you got them boys
>> New World Disorder1994
>> supervillainz73it was 2012 .....when bigot earth prime started dying
>> David AmosJan 10, 2020The full length New Brunswick made film
>> "Reprobate Road" has been getting some attention from local newspapers
>> and radio shows.It stars 40 local comedians and Bernard Robichaud
>> David Amosfrom Trailer Park Boys. The world premiere at the BMO
>> theatre in Saint John, NB was a sold out show with a standing ovation
>> and non stop laughs .Creator/co-star Matt Copeland and director Adam
>> Landry
>> David Amos were invited onto CBC information in the morning to talk
>> about the movie.
>> DeeI love when you corrected them Pat..was epic
>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯
>> David AmosPatty Baby is quite a hero EH???
>> SiskaYa I remember that
>> SiskaAll those vids are great 👍
>> David AmosNone of this is funny
>> Nobodyz_fault_ but_MineNOT A SPY BARROON
>> David AmosI have been battling the Feds since 1982 when most of you
>> were in pampers
>> David AmosPat King is too dumb to realize he is a patsy
>> Neeka Elliott
>> Fuck is goin on in the chat lol
>> Chief DogmaCheers boys
>> Dee❤ mods
>> Chat...
>> You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a moderator
>> Report
>> Block
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 16:41:06 -0400
>> Subject: YO Derek Patty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is
>> To:,, kingpatrick278
>> <>, Tyson Billings <>,
>> "" <>, "Wayne.Long"
>> <>,,,
>> Cc: pm <>, "pierre.poilievre"
>> <>, premier <>
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario
>> <>
>> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 19:56:23 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE Derek Rants Live Fund Raiser I loved what
>> Murray said about Wayne Long just now
>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>> Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly
>> valued.
>> You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
>> reviewed and taken into consideration.
>> There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
>> need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
>> correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
>> response may take several business days.
>> Thanks again for your email.
>> ______
>> Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
>> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
>> Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
>> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
>> Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
>> responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
>> la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
>> ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
>> Merci encore pour votre courriel.
>> ggs
>> Coalbert’s Mom
>> UGH
>> The Carpenter Chrisyum
>> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps
>> LuckyLuckylol
>> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao
>> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki
>> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa
>> The Carpenter Chriswho came first?
>> 1quickdub
>> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were
>> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol
>> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋
>> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to
>> cooked , but great for lack of time
>> 1quickdub
>> He wanted jacked boys
>> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies
>> sophielol
>> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson
>> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating?
>> 1quickdub
>> based 80's dads for the win
>> sophiewhen the stars align
>> sophieand the infinity stones become one
>> Kirk Blackadar
>> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well
>> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂
>> sophieword
>> sophie\\\
>> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy
>> sophieooooo...
>> sophieclassic merch
>> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on
>> sophiecollectors
>> LizYa banned! Figures
>> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt
>> sophieauction, bid starts at 20
>> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie.
>> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying.
>> sophielol
>> sophieFIESTA
>> sophiei need an auto clicker
>> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a
>> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets.
>> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria
>> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well
>> sophiemy brain is broken.
>> sophiePEANUTS!
>> sophielol
>> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500.
>> Point Fire
>> Loch Ness halter top?
>> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am
>> jason73\\\
>> Leigh Stewy
>> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol
>> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL
>> Leigh Stewy
>> has to be a mass murderer
>> Kirk Blackadar
>> Terry fox's sneakers
>> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw
>> Leigh Stewy
>> there ya go Kirk lol
>> Leigh Stewy
>> lol
>> Point Fire
>> Luca's chopsticks.
>> Leigh Stewy
>> ask Pat King
>> Kirk Blackadar
>> 😂
>> Leigh Stewy
>> im sure he has an extra one laying around
>> 1quickdub
>> Tell her to use Entropy
>> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too
>> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data
>> like a mofo
>> Point Fire
>> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt
>> in perspiration.
>> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust
>> Hell in a Handbasketdo it
>> Leigh Stewy
>> whoa that was weird lol
>> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time.
>> Hi brother\\\
>> Trent Dabs😂
>> Good Times\\\
>> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut.
>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our
>> community guidelines.
>> Learn more
>> Kirk Blackadar
>> pat hows the bite?
>> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st
>> nite of convoy
>> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct?
>> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG
>> Point Fire
>> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz
>> East Coast Canadian
>> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun
>> Leigh Stewy
>> 1quickdub
>> Help from Jeets,
>> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium
>> started in 1988
>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣
>> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me
>> correct?
>> Leigh Stewy
>> thats what i just said lol
>> Leigh Stewy
>> and then he arrived
>> New World Disorder\\\
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣
>> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely
>> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene
>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤
>> East Coast Canadian
>> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember.
>> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started.
>> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘
>> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a
>> strange couple
>> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍
>> M E G Aimpressive
>> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the
>> monkey man
>> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day,
>> she loved to flip her hair
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥
>> Point Fire
>> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans
>> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement
>> prosthetics.
>> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!!
>> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time
>> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is
>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤
>> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so
>> 1quickdub
>> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently
>> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho
>> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live
>> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA
>> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with
>> him on Pelee Island back in the day
>> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻
>> Point Fire
>> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German
>> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried
>> to borrow it. lol
>> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again
>> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle
>> Chat...
>> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>> COUTTS 4, Chris Lysak legal defense fundraiser 4 of 4
>>> Derek Rants
>>> Started streaming 2 hours ago
>>> Give send go link
>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>> Freee Chris Lysak T-shirt link
>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>> Top Chat
>>> heavyEquipment'stop selling crack ur just a baby!'
>>> Wipeoutethnic teletubbies
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWe need a Canadian South Park came to me
>>> this week when I was watching Jeremy him using is amazing voices
>>> Christine lmao @ the 4 of you
>>> jason73kevin spencer was canadian south park
>>> Wipeouttinky-winkystein now has a star of david on his head
>>> Bearded NomadFresh Prince of Reddeer
>>> Charlie Bravo\\\
>>> Wipeoutbut ferry I put red circles around their gay moon landing set
>>> take a look please
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> dinosaurs are for sure fake though lol
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> oh and birds
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> birds are government spies, except for crows
>>> Wipeoutjews
>>> Wipeoutdon't think its coincidental all these time sync-unproductive
>>> theories are strictly popular on 'the far right'
>>> LuckyLuckycmon Ferry, there are nazi dinosaur gas chambers on the moon
>>> Ryan WatsonGerbilsorous are real. Ask Trudeau
>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess exactly no shit Sherlock lol
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣
>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess lol
>>> Ryan WatsonIQ of a piece of lint
>>> Wipeoutgot called gay, career over
>>> TowelThat is something a fairy would do "pack it in"
>>> Bobbywe can make Ferry in to Lerry
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣💯
>>> Christine Ferry..the use for that is because it makes you smile and
>>> laugh....good use
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthYup
>>> Patricia LaforetMaking Christianity illegal
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> David Lynn
>>> Ryan WatsonI have only one bill for them. 🖕
>>> LuckyLuckyDeacon Derek
>>> Patricia LaforetKinda like China
>>> LuckyLuckyThe Koran is protected, not Christian Karens
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe Block Qc🖕I troll Francois Legault all
>>> the time on X like today 🤣
>>> Ryan WatsonShould be a game show
>>> Canadian CrusaderRev 3 9
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe block Qc pretends to be Christian lmao
>>> LuckyLuckylol Eastcoast
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> they dont need a bill, they're already enforcing that anyways
>>> Ryan WatsonDon’t covet thy neighbours poop pipe.🤣
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 Leigh
>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess a Jewel
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> David Lynn has been arrested many times for preaching in
>>> predominantly gay areas
>>> EdgyDtv
>>> I think Gavin and Alex Jones are playing the heel often
>>> Ryan WatsonAgreed edgy 🐐
>>> EdgyDtv
>>> Brother Nathanael thought the same thing too about Alex, playing
>>> good cop bad cop
>>> WipeoutThey think alex is going to gatekeep them or subvert the
>>> message of the guest. Not the first time their plane failed
>>> Wipeoutplan
>>> Christine Jones is controlled
>>> WipeoutYes that's true Ferry
>>> Ryan WatsonBrother Nathen is based
>>> LuckyLuckyAlex Jones is a liability at this point
>>> Ryan WatsonI see them all on the payroll
>>> Christine rather satanic
>>> CammiBEE’s
>>> Ryan WatsonLater Dr. Claw💪
>>> Ryan WatsonStryder. 💪
>>> LuckyLuckySend an invite to Brother Nathaniel 😁
>>> Steve750o/
>>> East Coast Canadian
>>> ok no worries
>>> Christine Wilson is a lawyer
>>> LuckyLuckyflcca
>>> LuckyLucky?
>>> LuckyLuckyccca?
>>> Patricia LaforetCOnstitutional lawyers
>>> SiskaIt was United We Roll for oil and gas Glen Carritt was the
>>> organizer of that
>>> Patricia LaforetIt’s JCCF
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThank you Ferry for sending me there way👍❤
>>> Danger cats canceled in Winnipeg
>>> Hell in a HandbasketRicky yellowvest
>>> Rhea HayesCHEERS EVERYONE \\\
>>> LuckyLuckyFerry, what's your codename? 😆
>>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our
>>> community guidelines.
>>> Learn more
>>> Mr. Long SnatchCode name Bubbles
>>> Hell in a Handbasketwhere or how fo I get the secret diag 69 shirt
>>> Hell in a Handbaskethow do I get the meme kampfor
>>> David AmosI loved what Murray said about Wayne Long just now
>> Michael Griffinleprachon soup is great
>> supervillainz73I think rocky did 6 eggs
>> Mr. Long SnatchFerryman are they store bought eggs
>> Coalbert’s Mom
>> UGH
>> The Carpenter Chrisyum
>> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps
>> LuckyLuckylol
>> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao
>> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki
>> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa
>> The Carpenter Chriswho came first?
>> 1quickdub
>> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were
>> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol
>> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋
>> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to
>> cooked , but great for lack of time
>> 1quickdub
>> He wanted jacked boys
>> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies
>> sophielol
>> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson
>> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating?
>> 1quickdub
>> based 80's dads for the win
>> sophiewhen the stars align
>> sophieand the infinity stones become one
>> Kirk Blackadar
>> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well
>> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂
>> sophieword
>> sophie\\\
>> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy
>> sophieooooo...
>> sophieclassic merch
>> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on
>> sophiecollectors
>> LizYa banned! Figures
>> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt
>> sophieauction, bid starts at 20
>> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie.
>> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying.
>> sophielol
>> sophieFIESTA
>> sophiei need an auto clicker
>> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a
>> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets.
>> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria
>> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well
>> sophiemy brain is broken.
>> sophiePEANUTS!
>> sophielol
>> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500.
>> Point Fire
>> Loch Ness halter top?
>> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am
>> jason73\\\
>> Leigh Stewy
>> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol
>> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL
>> Leigh Stewy
>> has to be a mass murderer
>> Kirk Blackadar
>> Terry fox's sneakers
>> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw
>> Leigh Stewy
>> there ya go Kirk lol
>> Leigh Stewy
>> lol
>> Point Fire
>> Luca's chopsticks.
>> Leigh Stewy
>> ask Pat King
>> Kirk Blackadar
>> 😂
>> Leigh Stewy
>> im sure he has an extra one laying around
>> 1quickdub
>> Tell her to use Entropy
>> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too
>> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data
>> like a mofo
>> Point Fire
>> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt
>> in perspiration.
>> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust
>> Hell in a Handbasketdo it
>> Leigh Stewy
>> whoa that was weird lol
>> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time.
>> Hi brother\\\
>> Trent Dabs😂
>> Good Times\\\
>> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut.
>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our
>> community guidelines.
>> Learn more
>> Kirk Blackadar
>> pat hows the bite?
>> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st
>> nite of convoy
>> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct?
>> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG
>> Point Fire
>> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz
>> East Coast Canadian
>> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun
>> Leigh Stewy
>> 1quickdub
>> Help from Jeets,
>> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium
>> started in 1988
>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣
>> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me
>> correct?
>> Leigh Stewy
>> thats what i just said lol
>> Leigh Stewy
>> and then he arrived
>> New World Disorder\\\
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣
>> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely
>> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene
>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤
>> East Coast Canadian
>> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember.
>> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started.
>> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘
>> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a
>> strange couple
>> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍
>> M E G Aimpressive
>> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the
>> monkey man
>> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day,
>> she loved to flip her hair
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥
>> Point Fire
>> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans
>> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement
>> prosthetics.
>> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!!
>> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time
>> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is
>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤
>> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so
>> 1quickdub
>> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently
>> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho
>> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live
>> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA
>> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with
>> him on Pelee Island back in the day
>> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻
>> Point Fire
>> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German
>> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried
>> to borrow it. lol
>> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again
>> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle
>> New World DisorderNver let it make you feel less. It's required,
>> important and beneficial for the cause.
>> Hell in a Handbaskethe's not allowed on the internet
>> sophiethat makes sense
>> dale bairdFALL GUY
>> Birds EyeBest of luck Pat
>> dale bairdHES SLEEPING
>> Leigh Stewy
>> hes thinking
>> ARTORIUS SOLThe Jews got Jason!
>> M E G Ai think he is in lethbridge
>> New World DisorderEvery minute we remain standing united is another
>> minute they have to be worried about us.
>> Davy Crockett Goes North\\\
>> Good Times\\\
>> Canadian Crusader\\\
>> Chris Freestone\\\
>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthPro 2nd ❤\\\
>> David AmosYou have another email
>> Oh wellso cool to dee all of yous together & other guys on too. good
>> for you Derek
>> Point Fire
>> Wind them up, Pat. Bring in Mandarin and Cantonese interpreters.
>> Oh wellsee
>> Trent DabsThey make Rv trailer that lower onto the ice
>> 1quickdub
>> Bayshore mall in Ottawa evacuated
>> New World DisorderHis mic is muffled
>> David
>> Amoshttps://na01.safelinks.
>> Oh wellso corrupt
>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultTwo years of absolute lies from the
>> Criminals in Ottawa... it's honestly stomach retching. Sorry for all
>> the bullshit you had to go through Mr.King
>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯
>> David AmosYou dudes already got an email about what Lavigne is
>> talking about right now
>> dale bairdTHE CROWN IS EVIL.
>> ARTORIUS SOL@dale baird we need the red king to rise lol
>> LizWhat they hell?
>> dale bairdNUDDY MAG
>> Cristan BenneWhat happened with the 2 undercover RCMP and 1 hockey
>> bag full of "guns"?
>> Trent DabsThey also try saying there was nuclear material in a truck in
>> Ottawa
>> sophieopen and shut case johnson
>> Dom Ieracithe country has to split up, all dags pick an area and
>> move there and slowly take over the government
>> Trent DabsBut if that was true all you have to do is walk down the
>> street with a Geiger counter
>> David AmosLavigne is playing you all like a fiddle and I enjoy the tune
>> Oh wellok. lol
>> David AmosAt least Ezera Levant was clever enough to figure him out
>> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci I hear there was a place i New Brunswick
>> that they were making into a stronghold
>> Leigh Stewy
>> is this allowed to be discussed with a publication ban?
>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultEzra Levant "Clever" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
>> David AmosAnybody listen to the wiretaps I have???
>> 1quickdub
>> Stingray device
>> Dom Ieracithat's really cool to hear @Artorius
>> David AmosJerry turned on them bigtime
>> Geekerella00There is still time on the Signed Lysak arrested Tank
>> Top - includes Essence of Lysak
>> CarverYes
>> Carver@davidAmos I’m interested
>> Rogue Spear
>> Fruit from a poisonous tree can never be trusted.
>> David AmosYo Carver enjoy
>> https://na01.safelinks.
>> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci one in New Brunswick and I think one north
>> of Calgary near Nordegg but I'm not sure
>> New World Disorderhm.
>> David AmosI love the Fact that the crooked Feds are reading this
>> David AmosPatty Baby's lawyer knows who I am
>> Oh wellDisney Amazon
>> Oh wellKept my banned book afterall
>> David AmosI have a big lapdog too
>> Oh wellhey Strider!
>> New World DisorderOne of us could read it out loud and send it to you.
>> sophiepost it online and get sponsorships/ads
>> David AmosMy buddy Bo Is a chocolate lab
>> New World DisorderMaybe Jeremy could make an audio copy for us.
>> David AmosAsk yourselves why I am saving the chat
>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultAMAZON BEST SELLING AUTHOR!!!!
>> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario
>>> <>
>>> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 19:56:23 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE Derek Rants Live Fund Raiser I loved what
>>> Murray said about Wayne Long just now
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly
>>> valued.
>>> You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
>>> reviewed and taken into consideration.
>>> There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
>>> need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
>>> correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
>>> response may take several business days.
>>> Thanks again for your email.
>>> ______
>>> Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
>>> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
>>> Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
>>> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
>>> Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
>>> responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
>>> la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
>>> ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
>>> Merci encore pour votre courriel.
>>> ggs
>>> Coalbert’s Mom
>>> UGH
>>> The Carpenter Chrisyum
>>> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps
>>> LuckyLuckylol
>>> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao
>>> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki
>>> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa
>>> The Carpenter Chriswho came first?
>>> 1quickdub
>>> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were
>>> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol
>>> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋
>>> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to
>>> cooked , but great for lack of time
>>> 1quickdub
>>> He wanted jacked boys
>>> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies
>>> sophielol
>>> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson
>>> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating?
>>> 1quickdub
>>> based 80's dads for the win
>>> sophiewhen the stars align
>>> sophieand the infinity stones become one
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well
>>> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂
>>> sophieword
>>> sophie\\\
>>> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy
>>> sophieooooo...
>>> sophieclassic merch
>>> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on
>>> sophiecollectors
>>> LizYa banned! Figures
>>> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt
>>> sophieauction, bid starts at 20
>>> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie.
>>> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying.
>>> sophielol
>>> sophieFIESTA
>>> sophiei need an auto clicker
>>> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a
>>> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets.
>>> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria
>>> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well
>>> sophiemy brain is broken.
>>> sophiePEANUTS!
>>> sophielol
>>> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500.
>>> Point Fire
>>> Loch Ness halter top?
>>> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am
>>> jason73\\\
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol
>>> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> has to be a mass murderer
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> Terry fox's sneakers
>>> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> there ya go Kirk lol
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> lol
>>> Point Fire
>>> Luca's chopsticks.
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> ask Pat King
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> 😂
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> im sure he has an extra one laying around
>>> 1quickdub
>>> Tell her to use Entropy
>>> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too
>>> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data
>>> like a mofo
>>> Point Fire
>>> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt
>>> in perspiration.
>>> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust
>>> Hell in a Handbasketdo it
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> whoa that was weird lol
>>> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time.
>>> Hi brother\\\
>>> Trent Dabs😂
>>> Good Times\\\
>>> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut.
>>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our
>>> community guidelines.
>>> Learn more
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> pat hows the bite?
>>> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st
>>> nite of convoy
>>> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct?
>>> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG
>>> Point Fire
>>> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz
>>> East Coast Canadian
>>> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> 1quickdub
>>> Help from Jeets,
>>> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium
>>> started in 1988
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣
>>> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me
>>> correct?
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> thats what i just said lol
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> and then he arrived
>>> New World Disorder\\\
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣
>>> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely
>>> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤
>>> East Coast Canadian
>>> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember.
>>> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started.
>>> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘
>>> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a
>>> strange couple
>>> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍
>>> M E G Aimpressive
>>> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the
>>> monkey man
>>> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day,
>>> she loved to flip her hair
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥
>>> Point Fire
>>> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans
>>> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement
>>> prosthetics.
>>> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!!
>>> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time
>>> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤
>>> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so
>>> 1quickdub
>>> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently
>>> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho
>>> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live
>>> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA
>>> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with
>>> him on Pelee Island back in the day
>>> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻
>>> Point Fire
>>> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German
>>> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried
>>> to borrow it. lol
>>> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again
>>> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle
>>> Chat...
>>> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>>> COUTTS 4, Chris Lysak legal defense fundraiser 4 of 4
>>>> Derek Rants
>>>> Started streaming 2 hours ago
>>>> Give send go link
>>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>>> Freee Chris Lysak T-shirt link
>>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>>> Top Chat
>>>> heavyEquipment'stop selling crack ur just a baby!'
>>>> Wipeoutethnic teletubbies
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWe need a Canadian South Park came to me
>>>> this week when I was watching Jeremy him using is amazing voices
>>>> Christine lmao @ the 4 of you
>>>> jason73kevin spencer was canadian south park
>>>> Wipeouttinky-winkystein now has a star of david on his head
>>>> Bearded NomadFresh Prince of Reddeer
>>>> Charlie Bravo\\\
>>>> Wipeoutbut ferry I put red circles around their gay moon landing set
>>>> take a look please
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> dinosaurs are for sure fake though lol
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> oh and birds
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> birds are government spies, except for crows
>>>> Wipeoutjews
>>>> Wipeoutdon't think its coincidental all these time sync-unproductive
>>>> theories are strictly popular on 'the far right'
>>>> LuckyLuckycmon Ferry, there are nazi dinosaur gas chambers on the
>>>> moon
>>>> Ryan WatsonGerbilsorous are real. Ask Trudeau
>>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess exactly no shit Sherlock lol
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣
>>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess lol
>>>> Ryan WatsonIQ of a piece of lint
>>>> Wipeoutgot called gay, career over
>>>> TowelThat is something a fairy would do "pack it in"
>>>> Bobbywe can make Ferry in to Lerry
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣💯
>>>> Christine Ferry..the use for that is because it makes you smile and
>>>> laugh....good use
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthYup
>>>> Patricia LaforetMaking Christianity illegal
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> David Lynn
>>>> Ryan WatsonI have only one bill for them. 🖕
>>>> LuckyLuckyDeacon Derek
>>>> Patricia LaforetKinda like China
>>>> LuckyLuckyThe Koran is protected, not Christian Karens
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe Block Qc🖕I troll Francois Legault all
>>>> the time on X like today 🤣
>>>> Ryan WatsonShould be a game show
>>>> Canadian CrusaderRev 3 9
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe block Qc pretends to be Christian lmao
>>>> LuckyLuckylol Eastcoast
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> they dont need a bill, they're already enforcing that anyways
>>>> Ryan WatsonDon’t covet thy neighbours poop pipe.🤣
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 Leigh
>>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess a Jewel
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> David Lynn has been arrested many times for preaching in
>>>> predominantly gay areas
>>>> EdgyDtv
>>>> I think Gavin and Alex Jones are playing the heel often
>>>> Ryan WatsonAgreed edgy 🐐
>>>> EdgyDtv
>>>> Brother Nathanael thought the same thing too about Alex, playing
>>>> good cop bad cop
>>>> WipeoutThey think alex is going to gatekeep them or subvert the
>>>> message of the guest. Not the first time their plane failed
>>>> Wipeoutplan
>>>> Christine Jones is controlled
>>>> WipeoutYes that's true Ferry
>>>> Ryan WatsonBrother Nathen is based
>>>> LuckyLuckyAlex Jones is a liability at this point
>>>> Ryan WatsonI see them all on the payroll
>>>> Christine rather satanic
>>>> CammiBEE’s
>>>> Ryan WatsonLater Dr. Claw💪
>>>> Ryan WatsonStryder. 💪
>>>> LuckyLuckySend an invite to Brother Nathaniel 😁
>>>> Steve750o/
>>>> East Coast Canadian
>>>> ok no worries
>>>> Christine Wilson is a lawyer
>>>> LuckyLuckyflcca
>>>> LuckyLucky?
>>>> LuckyLuckyccca?
>>>> Patricia LaforetCOnstitutional lawyers
>>>> SiskaIt was United We Roll for oil and gas Glen Carritt was the
>>>> organizer of that
>>>> Patricia LaforetIt’s JCCF
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThank you Ferry for sending me there way👍❤
>>>> TOFU TV
>>>> Danger cats canceled in Winnipeg
>>>> Hell in a HandbasketRicky yellowvest
>>>> Rhea HayesCHEERS EVERYONE \\\
>>>> LuckyLuckyFerry, what's your codename? 😆
>>>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our
>>>> community guidelines.
>>>> Learn more
>>>> Mr. Long SnatchCode name Bubbles
>>>> Hell in a Handbasketwhere or how fo I get the secret diag 69 shirt
>>>> Hell in a Handbaskethow do I get the meme kampfor
>>>> David AmosI loved what Murray said about Wayne Long just now
>> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a
>>> moderator
>>> Michael Griffinleprachon soup is great
>>> supervillainz73I think rocky did 6 eggs
>>> Mr. Long SnatchFerryman are they store bought eggs
>>> Coalbert’s Mom
>>> UGH
>>> The Carpenter Chrisyum
>>> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps
>>> LuckyLuckylol
>>> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao
>>> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki
>>> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa
>>> The Carpenter Chriswho came first?
>>> 1quickdub
>>> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were
>>> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol
>>> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋
>>> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to
>>> cooked , but great for lack of time
>>> 1quickdub
>>> He wanted jacked boys
>>> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies
>>> sophielol
>>> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson
>>> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating?
>>> 1quickdub
>>> based 80's dads for the win
>>> sophiewhen the stars align
>>> sophieand the infinity stones become one
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well
>>> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂
>>> sophieword
>>> sophie\\\
>>> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy
>>> sophieooooo...
>>> sophieclassic merch
>>> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on
>>> sophiecollectors
>>> LizYa banned! Figures
>>> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt
>>> sophieauction, bid starts at 20
>>> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie.
>>> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying.
>>> sophielol
>>> sophieFIESTA
>>> sophiei need an auto clicker
>>> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a
>>> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets.
>>> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria
>>> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well
>>> sophiemy brain is broken.
>>> sophiePEANUTS!
>>> sophielol
>>> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500.
>>> Point Fire
>>> Loch Ness halter top?
>>> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am
>>> jason73\\\
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol
>>> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> has to be a mass murderer
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> Terry fox's sneakers
>>> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> there ya go Kirk lol
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> lol
>>> Point Fire
>>> Luca's chopsticks.
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> ask Pat King
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> 😂
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> im sure he has an extra one laying around
>>> 1quickdub
>>> Tell her to use Entropy
>>> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too
>>> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data
>>> like a mofo
>>> Point Fire
>>> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt
>>> in perspiration.
>>> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust
>>> Hell in a Handbasketdo it
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> whoa that was weird lol
>>> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time.
>>> Hi brother\\\
>>> Trent Dabs😂
>>> Good Times\\\
>>> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut.
>>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our
>>> community guidelines.
>>> Learn more
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> pat hows the bite?
>>> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st
>>> nite of convoy
>>> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct?
>>> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG
>>> Point Fire
>>> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz
>>> East Coast Canadian
>>> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> 1quickdub
>>> Help from Jeets,
>>> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium
>>> started in 1988
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣
>>> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me
>>> correct?
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> thats what i just said lol
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> and then he arrived
>>> New World Disorder\\\
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣
>>> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely
>>> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤
>>> East Coast Canadian
>>> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember.
>>> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started.
>>> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘
>>> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a
>>> strange couple
>>> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍
>>> M E G Aimpressive
>>> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the
>>> monkey man
>>> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day,
>>> she loved to flip her hair
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥
>>> Point Fire
>>> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans
>>> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement
>>> prosthetics.
>>> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!!
>>> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time
>>> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤
>>> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so
>>> 1quickdub
>>> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently
>>> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho
>>> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live
>>> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA
>>> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with
>>> him on Pelee Island back in the day
>>> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻
>>> Point Fire
>>> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German
>>> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried
>>> to borrow it. lol
>>> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again
>>> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle
>>> New World DisorderNver let it make you feel less. It's required,
>>> important and beneficial for the cause.
>>> Hell in a Handbaskethe's not allowed on the internet
>>> sophiethat makes sense
>>> dale bairdFALL GUY
>>> Birds EyeBest of luck Pat
>>> dale bairdHES SLEEPING
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> hes thinking
>>> ARTORIUS SOLThe Jews got Jason!
>>> M E G Ai think he is in lethbridge
>>> New World DisorderEvery minute we remain standing united is another
>>> minute they have to be worried about us.
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North\\\
>>> Good Times\\\
>>> Canadian Crusader\\\
>>> Chris Freestone\\\
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthPro 2nd ❤\\\
>>> David AmosYou have another email
>>> Oh wellso cool to dee all of yous together & other guys on too. good
>>> for you Derek
>>> Point Fire
>>> Wind them up, Pat. Bring in Mandarin and Cantonese interpreters.
>>> Oh wellsee
>>> Trent DabsThey make Rv trailer that lower onto the ice
>>> 1quickdub
>>> Bayshore mall in Ottawa evacuated
>>> New World DisorderHis mic is muffled
>>> David
>>> Amoshttps://na01.safelinks.
>>> Oh wellso corrupt
>>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultTwo years of absolute lies from the
>>> Criminals in Ottawa... it's honestly stomach retching. Sorry for all
>>> the bullshit you had to go through Mr.King
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯
>>> David AmosYou dudes already got an email about what Lavigne is
>>> talking about right now
>>> dale bairdTHE CROWN IS EVIL.
>>> ARTORIUS SOL@dale baird we need the red king to rise lol
>>> LizWhat they hell?
>>> dale bairdNUDDY MAG
>>> Cristan BenneWhat happened with the 2 undercover RCMP and 1 hockey
>>> bag full of "guns"?
>>> Trent DabsThey also try saying there was nuclear material in a truck
>>> in
>>> Ottawa
>>> sophieopen and shut case johnson
>>> Dom Ieracithe country has to split up, all dags pick an area and
>>> move there and slowly take over the government
>>> Trent DabsBut if that was true all you have to do is walk down the
>>> street with a Geiger counter
>>> David AmosLavigne is playing you all like a fiddle and I enjoy the
>>> tune
>>> Oh wellok. lol
>>> David AmosAt least Ezera Levant was clever enough to figure him out
>>> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci I hear there was a place i New Brunswick
>>> that they were making into a stronghold
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> is this allowed to be discussed with a publication ban?
>>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultEzra Levant "Clever" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
>>> David AmosAnybody listen to the wiretaps I have???
>>> 1quickdub
>>> Stingray device
>>> Dom Ieracithat's really cool to hear @Artorius
>>> David AmosJerry turned on them bigtime
>>> Geekerella00There is still time on the Signed Lysak arrested Tank
>>> Top - includes Essence of Lysak
>>> CarverYes
>>> Carver@davidAmos I’m interested
>>> Rogue Spear
>>> Fruit from a poisonous tree can never be trusted.
>>> David AmosYo Carver enjoy
>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci one in New Brunswick and I think one north
>>> of Calgary near Nordegg but I'm not sure
>>> New World Disorderhm.
>>> David AmosI love the Fact that the crooked Feds are reading this
>>> David AmosPatty Baby's lawyer knows who I am
>>> Oh wellDisney Amazon
>>> Oh wellKept my banned book afterall
>>> David AmosI have a big lapdog too
>>> Oh wellhey Strider!
>>> New World DisorderOne of us could read it out loud and send it to you.
>>> sophiepost it online and get sponsorships/ads
>>> David AmosMy buddy Bo Is a chocolate lab
>>> New World DisorderMaybe Jeremy could make an audio copy for us.
>>> David AmosAsk yourselves why I am saving the chat
>>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultAMAZON BEST SELLING AUTHOR!!!!
>>> sophieseek life elsewhere tick
>>> Peterget in the box and tell us David Amos
>>> sophiepat kings gonna get eaten by a narwhal
>>> Dom Ieracijust nothing good about that temp or lower
>>> Oh wellDerek whimping out on weather! lol. Ive been out 1hr a day for
>>> prolife.
>>> East Coast Canadian
>>> Lord of the kings
>>> supervillainz73why are you saving it @david ?
>>> New World DisorderI suppose we are up to our shitters with feds in
>>> this chat. Their fate is the same as ours, they just don't know it,
>>> yet.
>>> Thomas & Catherine Denault🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
>>> Hell in a HandbasketAmos, why are you gay
>>> Thomas & Catherine Denault👏👏👏👍👍👍
>>> supervillainz73that was epic
>>> David AmosMatthew M Copeland @55Copeland Proud Canadian. Maritimer.
>>> Dreamer. Hard worker. Security Guard. Artist. I love film, tv, art,
>>> drawing, writing, singing, playing guitar, creating.
>>> Chris FreestoneFISH ON!
>>> East Coast Canadian
>>> Django Unchanged by Pat King
>>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultNO.... YOURE A AMAZON BEST SELLING AUTHOR
>>> Thomas & Catherine Denaultdon't discredit the algorithm 🤣
>>> New World DisorderThat is quite a trophy. trophy-yellow-smiling
>>> David
>>> Amoshttps://na01.safelinks.
>>> Point Fire
>>> The New normal Loose Change.
>>> jason73drop some donos if you got them boys
>>> New World Disorder1994
>>> supervillainz73it was 2012 .....when bigot earth prime started dying
>>> David AmosJan 10, 2020The full length New Brunswick made film
>>> "Reprobate Road" has been getting some attention from local newspapers
>>> and radio shows.It stars 40 local comedians and Bernard Robichaud
>>> David Amosfrom Trailer Park Boys. The world premiere at the BMO
>>> theatre in Saint John, NB was a sold out show with a standing ovation
>>> and non stop laughs .Creator/co-star Matt Copeland and director Adam
>>> Landry
>>> David Amos were invited onto CBC information in the morning to talk
>>> about the movie.
>>> DeeI love when you corrected them Pat..was epic
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯
>>> David AmosPatty Baby is quite a hero EH???
>>> SiskaYa I remember that
>>> SiskaAll those vids are great 👍
>>> David AmosNone of this is funny
>>> Nobodyz_fault_ but_MineNOT A SPY BARROON
>>> David AmosI have been battling the Feds since 1982 when most of you
>>> were in pampers
>>> David AmosPat King is too dumb to realize he is a patsy
>>> Neeka Elliott
>>> Fuck is goin on in the chat lol
>>> Chief DogmaCheers boys
>>> Dee❤ mods
>>> Chat...
>>> You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a
>>> moderator
>>> Report
>>> Block
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 16:41:06 -0400
>>> Subject: YO Derek Patty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne
>>> Wolf
>>> is
>>> To:,, kingpatrick278
>>> <>, Tyson Billings <>,
>>> "" <>, "Wayne.Long"
>>> <>,,,
>>> Cc: pm <>, "pierre.poilievre"
>>> <>, premier <>
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario
>>> <>
>>> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 19:56:23 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE Derek Rants Live Fund Raiser I loved what
>>> Murray said about Wayne Long just now
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>> Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly
>>> valued.
>>> You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
>>> reviewed and taken into consideration.
>>> There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
>>> need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
>>> correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
>>> response may take several business days.
>>> Thanks again for your email.
>>> ______
>>> Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
>>> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
>>> Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
>>> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
>>> Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
>>> responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
>>> la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
>>> ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
>>> Merci encore pour votre courriel.
>>> ggs
>>> Coalbert’s Mom
>>> UGH
>>> The Carpenter Chrisyum
>>> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps
>>> LuckyLuckylol
>>> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao
>>> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki
>>> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa
>>> The Carpenter Chriswho came first?
>>> 1quickdub
>>> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were
>>> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol
>>> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋
>>> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to
>>> cooked , but great for lack of time
>>> 1quickdub
>>> He wanted jacked boys
>>> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies
>>> sophielol
>>> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson
>>> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating?
>>> 1quickdub
>>> based 80's dads for the win
>>> sophiewhen the stars align
>>> sophieand the infinity stones become one
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well
>>> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂
>>> sophieword
>>> sophie\\\
>>> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy
>>> sophieooooo...
>>> sophieclassic merch
>>> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on
>>> sophiecollectors
>>> LizYa banned! Figures
>>> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt
>>> sophieauction, bid starts at 20
>>> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie.
>>> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying.
>>> sophielol
>>> sophieFIESTA
>>> sophiei need an auto clicker
>>> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a
>>> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets.
>>> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria
>>> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well
>>> sophiemy brain is broken.
>>> sophiePEANUTS!
>>> sophielol
>>> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500.
>>> Point Fire
>>> Loch Ness halter top?
>>> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am
>>> jason73\\\
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol
>>> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> has to be a mass murderer
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> Terry fox's sneakers
>>> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> there ya go Kirk lol
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> lol
>>> Point Fire
>>> Luca's chopsticks.
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> ask Pat King
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> 😂
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> im sure he has an extra one laying around
>>> 1quickdub
>>> Tell her to use Entropy
>>> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too
>>> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data
>>> like a mofo
>>> Point Fire
>>> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt
>>> in perspiration.
>>> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust
>>> Hell in a Handbasketdo it
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> whoa that was weird lol
>>> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time.
>>> Hi brother\\\
>>> Trent Dabs😂
>>> Good Times\\\
>>> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut.
>>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our
>>> community guidelines.
>>> Learn more
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> pat hows the bite?
>>> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st
>>> nite of convoy
>>> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct?
>>> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG
>>> Point Fire
>>> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz
>>> East Coast Canadian
>>> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> 1quickdub
>>> Help from Jeets,
>>> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium
>>> started in 1988
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣
>>> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me
>>> correct?
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> thats what i just said lol
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> and then he arrived
>>> New World Disorder\\\
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣
>>> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely
>>> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤
>>> East Coast Canadian
>>> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember.
>>> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started.
>>> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘
>>> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a
>>> strange couple
>>> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍
>>> M E G Aimpressive
>>> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the
>>> monkey man
>>> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day,
>>> she loved to flip her hair
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥
>>> Point Fire
>>> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans
>>> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement
>>> prosthetics.
>>> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!!
>>> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time
>>> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤
>>> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so
>>> 1quickdub
>>> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently
>>> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho
>>> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live
>>> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA
>>> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with
>>> him on Pelee Island back in the day
>>> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻
>>> Point Fire
>>> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German
>>> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried
>>> to borrow it. lol
>>> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again
>>> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle
>>> Chat...
>>> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>>> COUTTS 4, Chris Lysak legal defense fundraiser 4 of 4
>>>> Derek Rants
>>>> Started streaming 2 hours ago
>>>> Give send go link
>>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>>> Freee Chris Lysak T-shirt link
>>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>>> Top Chat
>>>> heavyEquipment'stop selling crack ur just a baby!'
>>>> Wipeoutethnic teletubbies
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWe need a Canadian South Park came to me
>>>> this week when I was watching Jeremy him using is amazing voices
>>>> Christine lmao @ the 4 of you
>>>> jason73kevin spencer was canadian south park
>>>> Wipeouttinky-winkystein now has a star of david on his head
>>>> Bearded NomadFresh Prince of Reddeer
>>>> Charlie Bravo\\\
>>>> Wipeoutbut ferry I put red circles around their gay moon landing set
>>>> take a look please
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> dinosaurs are for sure fake though lol
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> oh and birds
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> birds are government spies, except for crows
>>>> Wipeoutjews
>>>> Wipeoutdon't think its coincidental all these time sync-unproductive
>>>> theories are strictly popular on 'the far right'
>>>> LuckyLuckycmon Ferry, there are nazi dinosaur gas chambers on the
>>>> moon
>>>> Ryan WatsonGerbilsorous are real. Ask Trudeau
>>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess exactly no shit Sherlock lol
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣
>>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess lol
>>>> Ryan WatsonIQ of a piece of lint
>>>> Wipeoutgot called gay, career over
>>>> TowelThat is something a fairy would do "pack it in"
>>>> Bobbywe can make Ferry in to Lerry
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣💯
>>>> Christine Ferry..the use for that is because it makes you smile and
>>>> laugh....good use
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthYup
>>>> Patricia LaforetMaking Christianity illegal
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> David Lynn
>>>> Ryan WatsonI have only one bill for them. 🖕
>>>> LuckyLuckyDeacon Derek
>>>> Patricia LaforetKinda like China
>>>> LuckyLuckyThe Koran is protected, not Christian Karens
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe Block Qc🖕I troll Francois Legault all
>>>> the time on X like today 🤣
>>>> Ryan WatsonShould be a game show
>>>> Canadian CrusaderRev 3 9
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe block Qc pretends to be Christian lmao
>>>> LuckyLuckylol Eastcoast
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> they dont need a bill, they're already enforcing that anyways
>>>> Ryan WatsonDon’t covet thy neighbours poop pipe.🤣
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 Leigh
>>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess a Jewel
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> David Lynn has been arrested many times for preaching in
>>>> predominantly gay areas
>>>> EdgyDtv
>>>> I think Gavin and Alex Jones are playing the heel often
>>>> Ryan WatsonAgreed edgy 🐐
>>>> EdgyDtv
>>>> Brother Nathanael thought the same thing too about Alex, playing
>>>> good cop bad cop
>>>> WipeoutThey think alex is going to gatekeep them or subvert the
>>>> message of the guest. Not the first time their plane failed
>>>> Wipeoutplan
>>>> Christine Jones is controlled
>>>> WipeoutYes that's true Ferry
>>>> Ryan WatsonBrother Nathen is based
>>>> LuckyLuckyAlex Jones is a liability at this point
>>>> Ryan WatsonI see them all on the payroll
>>>> Christine rather satanic
>>>> CammiBEE’s
>>>> Ryan WatsonLater Dr. Claw💪
>>>> Ryan WatsonStryder. 💪
>>>> LuckyLuckySend an invite to Brother Nathaniel 😁
>>>> Steve750o/
>>>> East Coast Canadian
>>>> ok no worries
>>>> Christine Wilson is a lawyer
>>>> LuckyLuckyflcca
>>>> LuckyLucky?
>>>> LuckyLuckyccca?
>>>> Patricia LaforetCOnstitutional lawyers
>>>> SiskaIt was United We Roll for oil and gas Glen Carritt was the
>>>> organizer of that
>>>> Patricia LaforetIt’s JCCF
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThank you Ferry for sending me there way👍❤
>>>> TOFU TV
>>>> Danger cats canceled in Winnipeg
>>>> Hell in a HandbasketRicky yellowvest
>>>> Rhea HayesCHEERS EVERYONE \\\
>>>> LuckyLuckyFerry, what's your codename? 😆
>>>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our
>>>> community guidelines.
>>>> Learn more
>>>> Mr. Long SnatchCode name Bubbles
>>>> Hell in a Handbasketwhere or how fo I get the secret diag 69 shirt
>>>> Hell in a Handbaskethow do I get the meme kampfor
>>>> David AmosI loved what Murray said about Wayne Long just now
>>> Michael Griffinleprachon soup is great
>>> supervillainz73I think rocky did 6 eggs
>>> Mr. Long SnatchFerryman are they store bought eggs
>>> Coalbert’s Mom
>>> UGH
>>> The Carpenter Chrisyum
>>> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps
>>> LuckyLuckylol
>>> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao
>>> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki
>>> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa
>>> The Carpenter Chriswho came first?
>>> 1quickdub
>>> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were
>>> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol
>>> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋
>>> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to
>>> cooked , but great for lack of time
>>> 1quickdub
>>> He wanted jacked boys
>>> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies
>>> sophielol
>>> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson
>>> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating?
>>> 1quickdub
>>> based 80's dads for the win
>>> sophiewhen the stars align
>>> sophieand the infinity stones become one
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well
>>> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂
>>> sophieword
>>> sophie\\\
>>> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy
>>> sophieooooo...
>>> sophieclassic merch
>>> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on
>>> sophiecollectors
>>> LizYa banned! Figures
>>> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt
>>> sophieauction, bid starts at 20
>>> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie.
>>> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying.
>>> sophielol
>>> sophieFIESTA
>>> sophiei need an auto clicker
>>> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a
>>> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets.
>>> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria
>>> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well
>>> sophiemy brain is broken.
>>> sophiePEANUTS!
>>> sophielol
>>> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500.
>>> Point Fire
>>> Loch Ness halter top?
>>> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am
>>> jason73\\\
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol
>>> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> has to be a mass murderer
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> Terry fox's sneakers
>>> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> there ya go Kirk lol
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> lol
>>> Point Fire
>>> Luca's chopsticks.
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> ask Pat King
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> 😂
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> im sure he has an extra one laying around
>>> 1quickdub
>>> Tell her to use Entropy
>>> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too
>>> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data
>>> like a mofo
>>> Point Fire
>>> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt
>>> in perspiration.
>>> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust
>>> Hell in a Handbasketdo it
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> whoa that was weird lol
>>> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time.
>>> Hi brother\\\
>>> Trent Dabs😂
>>> Good Times\\\
>>> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut.
>>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our
>>> community guidelines.
>>> Learn more
>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>> pat hows the bite?
>>> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st
>>> nite of convoy
>>> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct?
>>> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG
>>> Point Fire
>>> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz
>>> East Coast Canadian
>>> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> 1quickdub
>>> Help from Jeets,
>>> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium
>>> started in 1988
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣
>>> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me
>>> correct?
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> thats what i just said lol
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> and then he arrived
>>> New World Disorder\\\
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣
>>> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely
>>> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤
>>> East Coast Canadian
>>> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember.
>>> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started.
>>> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘
>>> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a
>>> strange couple
>>> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍
>>> M E G Aimpressive
>>> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the
>>> monkey man
>>> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day,
>>> she loved to flip her hair
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥
>>> Point Fire
>>> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans
>>> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement
>>> prosthetics.
>>> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!!
>>> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time
>>> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤
>>> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so
>>> 1quickdub
>>> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently
>>> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho
>>> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live
>>> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA
>>> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with
>>> him on Pelee Island back in the day
>>> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻
>>> Point Fire
>>> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German
>>> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried
>>> to borrow it. lol
>>> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again
>>> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle
>>> New World DisorderNver let it make you feel less. It's required,
>>> important and beneficial for the cause.
>>> Hell in a Handbaskethe's not allowed on the internet
>>> sophiethat makes sense
>>> dale bairdFALL GUY
>>> Birds EyeBest of luck Pat
>>> dale bairdHES SLEEPING
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> hes thinking
>>> ARTORIUS SOLThe Jews got Jason!
>>> M E G Ai think he is in lethbridge
>>> New World DisorderEvery minute we remain standing united is another
>>> minute they have to be worried about us.
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North\\\
>>> Good Times\\\
>>> Canadian Crusader\\\
>>> Chris Freestone\\\
>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthPro 2nd ❤\\\
>>> David AmosYou have another email
>>> Oh wellso cool to dee all of yous together & other guys on too. good
>>> for you Derek
>>> Point Fire
>>> Wind them up, Pat. Bring in Mandarin and Cantonese interpreters.
>>> Oh wellsee
>>> Trent DabsThey make Rv trailer that lower onto the ice
>>> 1quickdub
>>> Bayshore mall in Ottawa evacuated
>>> New World DisorderHis mic is muffled
>>> David
>>> Amoshttps://na01.safelinks.
>>> Oh wellso corrupt
>>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultTwo years of absolute lies from the
>>> Criminals in Ottawa... it's honestly stomach retching. Sorry for all
>>> the bullshit you had to go through Mr.King
>>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯
>>> David AmosYou dudes already got an email about what Lavigne is
>>> talking about right now
>>> dale bairdTHE CROWN IS EVIL.
>>> ARTORIUS SOL@dale baird we need the red king to rise lol
>>> LizWhat they hell?
>>> dale bairdNUDDY MAG
>>> Cristan BenneWhat happened with the 2 undercover RCMP and 1 hockey
>>> bag full of "guns"?
>>> Trent DabsThey also try saying there was nuclear material in a truck
>>> in
>>> Ottawa
>>> sophieopen and shut case johnson
>>> Dom Ieracithe country has to split up, all dags pick an area and
>>> move there and slowly take over the government
>>> Trent DabsBut if that was true all you have to do is walk down the
>>> street with a Geiger counter
>>> David AmosLavigne is playing you all like a fiddle and I enjoy the
>>> tune
>>> Oh wellok. lol
>>> David AmosAt least Ezera Levant was clever enough to figure him out
>>> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci I hear there was a place i New Brunswick
>>> that they were making into a stronghold
>>> Leigh Stewy
>>> is this allowed to be discussed with a publication ban?
>>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultEzra Levant "Clever" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
>>> David AmosAnybody listen to the wiretaps I have???
>>> 1quickdub
>>> Stingray device
>>> Dom Ieracithat's really cool to hear @Artorius
>>> David AmosJerry turned on them bigtime
>>> Geekerella00There is still time on the Signed Lysak arrested Tank
>>> Top - includes Essence of Lysak
>>> CarverYes
>>> Carver@davidAmos I’m interested
>>> Rogue Spear
>>> Fruit from a poisonous tree can never be trusted.
>>> David AmosYo Carver enjoy
>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>> ARTORIUS SOL@Dom Ieraci one in New Brunswick and I think one north
>>> of Calgary near Nordegg but I'm not sure
>>> New World Disorderhm.
>>> David AmosI love the Fact that the crooked Feds are reading this
>>> David AmosPatty Baby's lawyer knows who I am
>>> Oh wellDisney Amazon
>>> Oh wellKept my banned book afterall
>>> David AmosI have a big lapdog too
>>> Oh wellhey Strider!
>>> New World DisorderOne of us could read it out loud and send it to you.
>>> sophiepost it online and get sponsorships/ads
>>> David AmosMy buddy Bo Is a chocolate lab
>>> New World DisorderMaybe Jeremy could make an audio copy for us.
>>> David AmosAsk yourselves why I am saving the chat
>>> Thomas & Catherine DenaultAMAZON BEST SELLING AUTHOR!!!!
>>> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario
>>>> <>
>>>> Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 19:56:23 +0000
>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE Derek Rants Live Fund Raiser I loved what
>>>> Murray said about Wayne Long just now
>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>> Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly
>>>> valued.
>>>> You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
>>>> reviewed and taken into consideration.
>>>> There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
>>>> need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
>>>> correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
>>>> response may take several business days.
>>>> Thanks again for your email.
>>>> ______
>>>> Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
>>>> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
>>>> Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
>>>> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
>>>> Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
>>>> responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
>>>> la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
>>>> ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
>>>> Merci encore pour votre courriel.
>>>> ggs
>>>> Coalbert’s Mom
>>>> UGH
>>>> The Carpenter Chrisyum
>>>> Chuck M.If you add a little water/milk it helps
>>>> LuckyLuckylol
>>>> Kevin Nowayhow do you know Alex lmao
>>>> AmmoC9MPoultry Bukaki
>>>> Bearded Nomadhahahahaaaa
>>>> The Carpenter Chriswho came first?
>>>> 1quickdub
>>>> When I was a kid my dad used to make me "milkshakes" that were
>>>> really mostly milk, a banana, some vanilla extract, and raw eggs lol
>>>> The Art of kindnesschicken killer 😋
>>>> supervillainz73body absorbs 80 % of the nutrients raw as opposed to
>>>> cooked , but great for lack of time
>>>> 1quickdub
>>>> He wanted jacked boys
>>>> sophiemy dad did that too, he watched too many bruce lee movies
>>>> sophielol
>>>> sophieand was obsessed with mike tyson
>>>> Peterwhen are you and phill brown collating?
>>>> 1quickdub
>>>> based 80's dads for the win
>>>> sophiewhen the stars align
>>>> sophieand the infinity stones become one
>>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>>> be sure to watch Sons of Plaid as well
>>>> Roy Elderkin\\\ you 3 should take this jig on the road. Hilarious.😂
>>>> sophieword
>>>> sophie\\\
>>>> Hell in a HandbasketPhil the hot dog guy
>>>> sophieooooo...
>>>> sophieclassic merch
>>>> Hell in a Handbasketwhen's he coming on
>>>> sophiecollectors
>>>> LizYa banned! Figures
>>>> sophiesay its a collector edition dag shirt
>>>> sophieauction, bid starts at 20
>>>> sophieor it should be added to a contest bundle dealie.
>>>> sophieim stoned, dont listen to anything im saying.
>>>> sophielol
>>>> sophieFIESTA
>>>> sophiei need an auto clicker
>>>> Bearded NomadThey put all your shit in big plastic wrap like a
>>>> ziplock bag and everything is separated into little sealed pockets.
>>>> sophielol hungry hippos of hysteria
>>>> sophiethat needs to be on a tshirt as well
>>>> sophiemy brain is broken.
>>>> sophiePEANUTS!
>>>> sophielol
>>>> Chris FreestoneStarting bid should be $500.
>>>> Point Fire
>>>> Loch Ness halter top?
>>>> supervillainz73Bernard's trans am
>>>> jason73\\\
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> why not compare it to a Gretzky hockey stick? lol
>>>> chinook preparednessPICTONS APRON!!! LOL
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> has to be a mass murderer
>>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>>> Terry fox's sneakers
>>>> Hell in a Handbasketkittenw
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> there ya go Kirk lol
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> lol
>>>> Point Fire
>>>> Luca's chopsticks.
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> ask Pat King
>>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>>> 😂
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> im sure he has an extra one laying around
>>>> 1quickdub
>>>> Tell her to use Entropy
>>>> supervillainz73cant hear Twitter space sometimes too
>>>> Hell in a Handbasketu can't pause for any length, and burns the data
>>>> like a mofo
>>>> Point Fire
>>>> The metal prosthetics would rust out around the heel from the salt
>>>> in perspiration.
>>>> Hell in a Handbasketit's titanium don't rust
>>>> Hell in a Handbasketdo it
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> whoa that was weird lol
>>>> Trent DabsTHE KING has arrived
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthHoly shit haven’t seen Pat in a long time.
>>>> Hi brother\\\
>>>> Trent Dabs😂
>>>> Good Times\\\
>>>> Chris FreestoneThat's a sweet hut.
>>>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our
>>>> community guidelines.
>>>> Learn more
>>>> Kirk Blackadar
>>>> pat hows the bite?
>>>> supervillainz73yo pat . we met you when u came off the elevator 1st
>>>> nite of convoy
>>>> David AmosSay hey to Patty Baby for me he got the same email correct?
>>>> dale bairdWELL THATS WRONG
>>>> Point Fire
>>>> He'll in a Handbasket Search: Douglas Bader Colditz
>>>> East Coast Canadian
>>>> Can he re do his change statement ? For fun
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> ECC LOL
>>>> 1quickdub
>>>> Help from Jeets,
>>>> Hell in a HandbasketI search myself I have a fake wrist, titanium
>>>> started in 1988
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣
>>>> David AmosEast Coast you don't call you don't write you don't love me
>>>> correct?
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> thats what i just said lol
>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>> and then he arrived
>>>> New World Disorder\\\
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThat’s sick 🤘🤣🤣🤣
>>>> Hell in a Handbasketits titanium most likely
>>>> Hell in a Handbasketnickname ilene
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤘🤘❤
>>>> East Coast Canadian
>>>> David Amos If we ever conversed I don’t remember.
>>>> New World DisorderI used to watch her in Nanaimo when she started.
>>>> Jesus Le Jesuswtf wow
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWow 🤘🤘🤘
>>>> David AmosI must say that Patty Baby and Jason Lavigne make for a
>>>> strange couple
>>>> Good Times\\\ 🤣👍
>>>> M E G Aimpressive
>>>> The Carpenter Chrisget the Headstones the lyrics to pajeeter and the
>>>> monkey man
>>>> Mary LI remember seeing Lee Aaron at the El Macombo back in the day,
>>>> she loved to flip her hair
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthBig ideas for the big man ❤ Pat🔥🔥🔥
>>>> Point Fire
>>>> Hell in a Handbasket Bader was incarcerated in Colditz. The Germans
>>>> had a temporary ceasefire for the Brits to airlift Bader replacement
>>>> prosthetics.
>>>> Wiebo LudwigI used to bartend at boonstock!!
>>>> Birds EyeBig valley and ponoka rodeo was a blast everyyyy time
>>>> David AmosPatty Baby should explain to Lavigne who Kelly Anne Wolf is
>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣🤣🤘 kid rock, let’s get to work guys❤
>>>> Trent DabsWell he still drinks Bud light so
>>>> 1quickdub
>>>> I heard Kid Rock was saying some truths about Israel recently
>>>> Hell in a HandbasketBader is jewish for sho
>>>> David AmosI would l love to argue these dudes live
>>>> dale bairdHERE IN NOVA SCOTIA
>>>> Patricia LaforetThe Kid spittin a lot of truths. Used to party with
>>>> him on Pelee Island back in the day
>>>> RaisinSacGive'er 👉🏻 👍🏻
>>>> Point Fire
>>>> Hell in a Handbasket There's a famous picture of Bader in a German
>>>> cockpit with a German officer holding a pistol in case Douglas tried
>>>> to borrow it. lol
>>>> Wiebo Ludwigwhat wknd is this again
>>>> sophiewhat is pat kings X handle
>>>> Chat...
>>>> On 2/24/24, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
>>>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>>>> COUTTS 4, Chris Lysak legal defense fundraiser 4 of 4
>>>>> Derek Rants
>>>>> Started streaming 2 hours ago
>>>>> Give send go link
>>>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>>>> Freee Chris Lysak T-shirt link
>>>>> https://na01.safelinks.
>>>>> Top Chat
>>>>> heavyEquipment'stop selling crack ur just a baby!'
>>>>> Wipeoutethnic teletubbies
>>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthWe need a Canadian South Park came to me
>>>>> this week when I was watching Jeremy him using is amazing voices
>>>>> Christine lmao @ the 4 of you
>>>>> jason73kevin spencer was canadian south park
>>>>> Wipeouttinky-winkystein now has a star of david on his head
>>>>> Bearded NomadFresh Prince of Reddeer
>>>>> Charlie Bravo\\\
>>>>> Wipeoutbut ferry I put red circles around their gay moon landing set
>>>>> take a look please
>>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>>> dinosaurs are for sure fake though lol
>>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>>> oh and birds
>>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>>> birds are government spies, except for crows
>>>>> Wipeoutjews
>>>>> Wipeoutdon't think its coincidental all these time sync-unproductive
>>>>> theories are strictly popular on 'the far right'
>>>>> LuckyLuckycmon Ferry, there are nazi dinosaur gas chambers on the
>>>>> moon
>>>>> Ryan WatsonGerbilsorous are real. Ask Trudeau
>>>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess exactly no shit Sherlock lol
>>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣
>>>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess lol
>>>>> Ryan WatsonIQ of a piece of lint
>>>>> Wipeoutgot called gay, career over
>>>>> TowelThat is something a fairy would do "pack it in"
>>>>> Bobbywe can make Ferry in to Lerry
>>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North🤣🤣💯
>>>>> Christine Ferry..the use for that is because it makes you smile and
>>>>> laugh....good use
>>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthYup
>>>>> Patricia LaforetMaking Christianity illegal
>>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>>> David Lynn
>>>>> Ryan WatsonI have only one bill for them. 🖕
>>>>> LuckyLuckyDeacon Derek
>>>>> Patricia LaforetKinda like China
>>>>> LuckyLuckyThe Koran is protected, not Christian Karens
>>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe Block Qc🖕I troll Francois Legault all
>>>>> the time on X like today 🤣
>>>>> Ryan WatsonShould be a game show
>>>>> Canadian CrusaderRev 3 9
>>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThe block Qc pretends to be Christian lmao
>>>>> LuckyLuckylol Eastcoast
>>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>>> they dont need a bill, they're already enforcing that anyways
>>>>> Ryan WatsonDon’t covet thy neighbours poop pipe.🤣
>>>>> Davy Crockett Goes North💯 Leigh
>>>>> MćGanjá Highpriestess a Jewel
>>>>> Leigh Stewy
>>>>> David Lynn has been arrested many times for preaching in
>>>>> predominantly gay areas
>>>>> EdgyDtv
>>>>> I think Gavin and Alex Jones are playing the heel often
>>>>> Ryan WatsonAgreed edgy 🐐
>>>>> EdgyDtv
>>>>> Brother Nathanael thought the same thing too about Alex, playing
>>>>> good cop bad cop
>>>>> WipeoutThey think alex is going to gatekeep them or subvert the
>>>>> message of the guest. Not the first time their plane failed
>>>>> Wipeoutplan
>>>>> Christine Jones is controlled
>>>>> WipeoutYes that's true Ferry
>>>>> Ryan WatsonBrother Nathen is based
>>>>> LuckyLuckyAlex Jones is a liability at this point
>>>>> Ryan WatsonI see them all on the payroll
>>>>> Christine rather satanic
>>>>> CammiBEE’s
>>>>> Ryan WatsonLater Dr. Claw💪
>>>>> Ryan WatsonStryder. 💪
>>>>> LuckyLuckySend an invite to Brother Nathaniel 😁
>>>>> Steve750o/
>>>>> East Coast Canadian
>>>>> ok no worries
>>>>> Christine Wilson is a lawyer
>>>>> LuckyLuckyflcca
>>>>> LuckyLucky?
>>>>> LuckyLuckyccca?
>>>>> Patricia LaforetCOnstitutional lawyers
>>>>> SiskaIt was United We Roll for oil and gas Glen Carritt was the
>>>>> organizer of that
>>>>> Patricia LaforetIt’s JCCF
>>>>> Davy Crockett Goes NorthThank you Ferry for sending me there way👍❤
>>>>> TOFU TV
>>>>> Danger cats canceled in Winnipeg
>>>>> Hell in a HandbasketRicky yellowvest
>>>>> Rhea HayesCHEERS EVERYONE \\\
>>>>> LuckyLuckyFerry, what's your codename? 😆
>>>>> Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our
>>>>> community guidelines.
>>>>> Learn more
>>>>> Mr. Long SnatchCode name Bubbles
>>>>> Hell in a Handbasketwhere or how fo I get the secret diag 69 shirt
>>>>> 🥰
>>>>> Hell in a Handbaskethow do I get the meme kampfor
>>>>> David AmosI loved what Murray said about Wayne Long just now
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