Sunday 8 July 2018

Hypocrisy is at the crux of the Trudeau groping allegation

Methinks the LIEbrano Propaganda Machine worked overtime deleting and editing the comment section in order to make the CBC and their boss Trudeau The Younger Appear To Be Ethical N'esy Pas?


Go Figure why they did not delete this

James Rowland
James Rowland
This is really all about Robyn Urback who doesn't leave it alone and brings it beyond the realm of sanity. Why? Because she's a biased conservative mouthpiece that's why. This is nothing short of a smear campaign and a rather flimsy one at that. I've already written the CBC Ombudsman concerning this and I hope you will too. The CBC is not the place for partisan propaganda.

Susan South
Susan South
@James Rowland
it started the day Andy was elected and when Andy supported the embassy move in the middle east 

Replying to and 49 others
Rob Lehtisaari "Double standards are a corruption."
My reply
Methinks Hypocrisy is thy name N'esy Pas CBC?
Interesting notice I got when I logged in this morning Trust that I have seen this before and will email to the proper lawyers working for the Crown

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos 
@Rob Lehtisaari "Double standards are a corruption."

Methinks Hypocrisy is thy name N'esy Pas CBC?

Interesting notice I got when I logged in this morning Trust that I have seen this before and will email to the proper lawyers working for the Crown.

"Your account has been banned until 7/16/2018. Reason: We have banned this account for 7 days because we believe it is in violation of our Terms of Use, specifically repeated uncivil comments and personal attacks. For more information, please visit:";

I did not save my reply to "david mccaig" and several others before quitting for the night but I do recall making one to him specifically. I believe I wrote something about Free Speech being barred in a domain controlled by the Crown but I honestly can't recall it was late and I posted a lot of comments before quitting for the night. Usually I save as I post but I was tired and wanted to get up again before 4 in the morning. in order to insert last words. I overslept and when I refreshed the CBC web pages in the morning a lot of comments went "POOF" I was not surprised to see that my replies were already gone but there was no "Content Disabled" notices.  It and several other comments on the page about Trudeau being a hypocrite do not show up in my comments tally because CBC has blocked my account again.  Whereas my ID is shut down for a week or so I can't review anything that was blocked. So below are the records I did save before CBC had shown me their nasty arse again and compelled to use my new ID once again.

Hypocrisy is at the crux of the Trudeau groping allegation

The prime minister and his defenders are asking for a type of consideration previously denied to others

 Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
 David Amos
"This is about hypocrisy — not about what did or did not happen at a music festival 18 years ago."


Methinks many people are in shock today to see CBC finally agree and publish what many people have been thinking since the story broke in the social media weeks ago N'esy Pas?

Felix Culpa
Felix Culpa
@David Amos
Charming as your idiom may be, the spelling is N'est-ce pas? Literally, Is it not so?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos 
@Felix Culpa "Literally, Is it not so?"

True but spell it your way only if you are a fan of political lawyers from Quebec such as Trudeau The Elder, Mulroney and Chretien to name but a few. Trust that many folks east and west of Quebec are not. Trust that I don't care if you think an idiom is charming or not. As you no doubt know I ran for public office five times thus far so in the "Mean" Time between elections I will spell whatever I want quite literally anyway I wish in websites and lawsuits..

Methinks you have never heard of the COR Party of NB. Well like me they lost all faith in French politicians from Quebec in particular when Justin's Papa Pierre and his federal minions made New Brunswick Canada's only bilingual province What is truly funny is that only snobby Anglos take issue with my spelling while my Acadian friends get the joke N'esy Pas?

Richard Sharp 
Richard Sharp
Trudeau is holding back on the truth in respect for the woman's request for privacy and an end to this. He respectfully disagrees and both sides are done with it.

Except the wolves and pigs in the corporate media and among their owners.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Kyle Doherty

Trudeau Libs on way to meeting almost all of their campaign promises, Kyle. I'm not the worst and the Libs are not swine.

Don't let your hate eat your heart out.

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp Oh My Methinks you are quite upset ovr the fact that your hero Trudeau The Younger got caught by his own rhetoric and even CBC is finally disgusted with his nonsense N'esy Pas?

Felix Culpa
Felix Culpa
@Richard Sharp
The PM has shown great disrespect for women through this whole debacle. Those people who had yet to be disappointed by his litany of bad behaviour now have to accept that he has lost any pretense at credibility.

Richard Sharp 
Richard Sharp
What groping 18 years ago way before he entered public life? We don't know how totally innocent it
might have been but Trudeau is man enough NOT to call her on it. She doesn't want to pursue anything and Trudeau is respecting that wish.

The corporate media, including and especially the CBC, have done a hatchet job on the prime minister of Canada.

Earl Sargent
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Earl Sargent
@Richard Sharp Your opinion Richard. CBC has not covered everything in my opinion to protect Trudeau. It was far far worst then you make it out to be. So In this case I would accuse CBC of covering it up. The fact is he is a hypocrite. He does not stand by his own rules.

John Grant
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John Grant
@Richard Sharp Imagine if this was Harper before he entered public life. The Liberals would have had a collective hissy-fit.

Trudeau set the standard for his own MPs & now we're supposed to give the MP who happens to be the PM a pass.

Just keep throwing those stones......

Earl Sargent
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Earl Sargent
@jason smith You nailed it Jason. Just look at the liberal reaction with Patrick. do as they say, not as they do.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@John Grant

No pass. Trudeau gave a full account, many times now. He's out there facing the music, no matter how contrived the attacks on his character.

Harper would NEVER have put himself in such a vulnerable position but Trudeau does it HUNDREDS OF TIMES compared to Harper's NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS,

Earl Sargent
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Earl Sargent
@Richard Sharp This not a school yard Richard. It is a country. And there are not just a few eyes on Trudeau ,there is a country full of eyes on Trudeau. This Is not a silly game. And it certainly is not a " Do as I say ,not as I do" moment.

Murray Woods
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Murray Woods
@Richard Sharp Doesn't appear your deflection BS is selling with the reading public, maybe switch to Harper made him do it.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Richard Sharp Methinks the jig was up on your hero Trudeau The Younger when as 3rd party leader he supported Harper and his evil Bills N'esy Pas?

Jay Bertsch
Jay Bertsch
@Richard Sharp always on the defensive for this PM, on both the flip and flop.

Harry Weiss
Harry Weiss
@Richard Sharp Always with the "but, but Harper" it has been three years now for you to make excuses for your dopy hero

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Richard Sharp "The corporate media, including and especially the CBC, have done a hatchet job on the prime minister of Canada."

Methinsk you have had quite a day N'esy Pas?

Richard Sharp 
Richard Sharp
Urback must think she's died and gone to heaven what with CBC paying her to hate Trudeau in front of a captured audience.

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp Methinks desperate liberal people post desperate comments N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
YO @Richard Sharp Its been so long and still you don't call, you don't write Methinks its clear you don't love me.. Now it appears the cat still has not got your tongue in CBC as you love affair ends with them N'esy Pas?

Charlize Croft 
Charlize Croft
If I were a man, I’d have taken umbrage to Trudeau’s statement that “WE” have something to learn from all of this. Um..Trudeau, you were the handsy one. Most men know right from wrong. Don’t make this a “we need to learn” thing.

Mark timm
Mark timm
@Richard Sharp ....have you ever heard of the saying , you reap what you sow? Your boy is reaping that harvest as we speak.

David Amos
David Amos
@Charlize Croft "If I were a man, I’d have taken umbrage to Trudeau’s statement that “WE” have something to learn"

I am and did

David Amos
David Amos
@Mark timm "Your boy is reaping that harvest as we speak."

Methinks Tricky Dicky is trying to reap in a whirlwind N'esy Pas?

Charlize Croft 
John Young
It’s fun watching the FEMINIST squirm.

David Amos
David Amos
@John Young "It’s fun watching the FEMINIST squirm."


Charlize Croft 
Al Heywood
So the 'I am a feminist' was all an act?

David Amos
David Amos
@Al Heywood I repeat Welcome to the Circus

Charlize Croft 
donald price
If Trudeau was a Conservative,the Liberals would be protesting on the streets.....Until Starbucks closed

David Amos
David Amos
@donald price YUP

Dirk Beauregard 
Dirk Beauregard
The worst kind of leader is one who judges others by a stronger standard than he judges himself by.

Rob Lehtisaari
Rob Lehtisaari
@Dirk Beauregard

Double standards are a corruption.

This is a principle that has nuances, but holds true predominantly.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rob Lehtisaari I concur

mo bennett
mo bennett
@David Amos and here we thought you were a politician wanna bee.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@mo bennett "and here we thought you were a politician wanna bee."

YO MO Google the following

David Amos Federal Court

Obviously I am a politician who sues lawyers. Methinks you are the wannabe N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos 
@Rob Lehtisaari "Double standards are a corruption."

Methinks Hypocrisy is thy name N'esy Pas CBC?

Interesting notice I got when I logged in this morning Trust that I have seen this before and will email to the proper lawyers working for the Crown.

"Your account has been banned until 7/16/2018. Reason: We have banned this account for 7 days because we believe it is in violation of our Terms of Use, specifically repeated uncivil comments and personal attacks. For more information, please visit:";

mo bennett
mo bennett
@David R. Amos why would you ever lower yerself to a vocation lower than a snake's belly

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@mo bennett "why would you ever lower yerself to a vocation lower than a snake's belly?"

DUHHH??? I explained why in the lawsuits Remember MO?

Methinks even you can't pretend to be that dumb N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@mo bennett "why would you ever lower yerself to a vocation lower than a snake's belly?"

Yea Right Why not ask them why?

Arlond Lynds
Arlond Lynds
@Neil Turv
Hardly, this about pounding a nothing event from 20 yrs ago. The PM has set a standard and does follow it. But until he is able to back in time he will be unable to correct every perceived wrong action from the past. Amazing how many Trump and Ford supporters on here are so offended by this action. How many could live to what you suggest? Do you want anyone to run for public office. Thee was power imbalance for this story from the past. She did not work for him and he had no power over her beyond what she imagined. And it was in a crowd of people no less. Beyond ridiculous. I am glad to see the PM stand his ground with women on their fight against abuse. Sorry to see taking a stand for what is right used to attack him. Note he has not attacked the woman or even the editor, he is clearly not a right winger who rely on attach to defend everything. Even in this case attacking the PM for standing for values they so seldom display.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Arlond Lynds Cry me a river after you review all your leader's words on this subject.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@bill laplante "Yes but he is still a Hypocrite"


Bill Nazarene
Bill Nazarene
@Dirk Beauregard

Sad that the #MeToo movement is being weaponized (usually by men).

We saw Rob-Doug do it to Patrick Brown, we see it here with this dead horse and we'll see it again, then again as all perspective is lost.


David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Bill Nazarene "then again as all perspective is lost."

Methinks the perspective of you left wingnuts may be lost but it appears the point of view of the right wingnuts is picking up steam and even CBC agrees today N'esy Pas?

 Claire Davis 
Claire Davis
This is it...he’s set the bar and preached to be holier than thou, and now is refusing to meet his own standards. Hypocrisy is a politicians greatest sin.

David Amos
David Amos
@Claire Davis Welcome to the circus

mo bennett
mo bennett
@Claire Davis it's not a sin, it's genetics!

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@mo bennett "it's not a sin, it's genetics!"

Methinks therein lies the rub Trudeau The Younger simply can't help himself However even his "peoplekind" fan base know that we are 3 years past 2015. Hence just as Boris Johnson said of his PM our PM is just shining a turd that stinks like Hell and that is a sin N'esy Pas MO?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@mo bennett "it's not a sin, it's genetics!"

Yo Mo Has the cat got your tongue all of a sudden?

Norma Mathers 
Norma Mathers
Mr Trudeau fell off his Feminist high horse

David Amos
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David Amos
@Norma Mathers Methinks Trudeau The Younger resembles Humpty Dumpty now N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Norma Mathers Methinks Trudeau The Younger resembles Humpty Dumpty now N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy) "Maybe he wasn't a feminist back then but is now. Can't people change?"

Methinks a leopard never changes its spots N'esy Pas?

Garry williams 
Kevin Moore
He needs to set an example and remove himself from office. After all that is what he has done to others for far less.

Lou Parks
Lou Parks
@Kevin Moore

> After all that is what he has done to others for far less.

None of those others were elected to their position,
and all of their transgressions were worse than Trudeau's

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lou Parks "None of those others were elected to their position"

Methinks folks should talk to Hunter Tootoo sometime soon and see if he agrees with you and Trudeau now N'esy Pas?

Elizabeth Reid  
Elizabeth Reid
When Trudeau was caught red-handed, he owned up to it right away, apologized and said he wouldn't have done it had he known she was a reporter. (Is everyone else fair game?)

When it caught up with him again, he had an "I don't remember" moment.

Now he is saying Oh yes I do remember and it was nothing.

If it is true that it was nothing, why would it warrant a stern editorial in a local newspaper? Why would the reporter have confirmed recently that it did happen and it was serious?

I believe the editorial and the reporter and surmise that whatever he did was serious and that he is trying to cover it up.

Robin Urback is quite right to call him out for having one set of standards for himself and another set for everyone else.

Rob Lehtisaari
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Rob Lehtisaari
@Elizabeth Reid

Speaking of caught 'red-handed' (a racist term used by the poster above)
Double standards are indeed a thing to condemn, how do you feel about "Bribery" being covered up as "an RBC loan" conspiracy?

After all let's prioritize hypocrisy in parties with the crime & punishment, for valid comparison.

denny jarymy
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denny jarymy
@Elizabeth Reid
Editorials are written by Editors and Yes they do have a political bias. I have seen Many editorials that are so mean spirited they border on "sl and er.

David Amos
David Amos
@Elizabeth Reid I agree

David Amos
David Amos
@Rob Lehtisaari Methinks you should get off your high horse and finally read my lawsuit N'esy Pas?

Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy)
Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy)
@Elizabeth Reid

You believe the reporter yet you discount that she now says Trudeau apologized and she doesn't want it taken any further. Yet you persist. So what is it?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy) Methinks you are playing dumb for rather obvious reasons. In a nutshell Trudeau the Younger must be held to his own standards It is just that simple N'esy Pas?

Charlize Croft  
Richard Boddington
What a country Canada is..the media accuses, tries, and then hangs, Patrick Brown in a matter of a few hours. Justin Trudeau exempts himself from his own rules of conduct, and just carries on.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Guy Stone At least one billion

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Earl Sargent Methinks Trudeau The Younger showed his cards when he supported Harper and Bill C-51 long before the writ was dropped for the election of the 42nd Parliament N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Parker Harris "Trudeau fanned the flames on the Patrick Brown case."


'We take these allegations extremely seriously whenever they come up'

Charlize Croft 
Scotty Davidson
Hypocrisy... you mean like making us pay carbon taxes then giving billions to a foreign oil company so we can ship 3 times as much carbon to China? Or pulling our 6 planes out of Iraq and then putting 300 boots on the ground? Or supporting LGBQ rights then selling weapons to Saudi Arabia where that is a death sentence? No money for our vet's but then sends our troops into harms way?

Kim Luciano
Kim Luciano
@Scotty Davidson Ontario has told the New Liberals in Ottawa to keep it. The rest of the country will follow suit soon enough.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kim Luciano YUP

Roy T. Gilroy
Roy T. Gilroy
@Scotty Davidson Metinks he's a hypocrite, Messy Paws?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roy T. Gilroy "Metinks he's a hypocrite, Messy Paws?"

Methinks you enjoy emulating me in a perverse fashion which also makes you a hypocrite N'esy Pas?

Dirk Beauregard 
Dirk Beauregard
There is provision to name an Acting Prime Minister to take the place of the Prime Minister if the need arises. A man of integrity, honour and ethics would step down and hand control to an Acting Prime Minister until his name was cleared ...but the question is "Does the man have those 3 qualities and will he hold himself to the same standard as expected of his cabinet?"

Harry Weiss
Harry Weiss
@Dirk Beauregard Since Butts is the de facto deputy PM then the answer to all three questions is no

David R. Amos
David R. Amos 
@Dirk Beauregard "Does the man have those 3 qualities and will he hold himself to the same standard as expected of his cabinet?"

Methinks there is no rule that says the Acting Prime Minister can't be a lady. After all the lawyer Kim Campbell the chairperson for Canada's Supreme Court Advisory Board tried to be a PM after she beat the lawyer from Quebec Jean Charest (Who quickly became a liberal) and won the leadership and PM seat when her boss the political lawyer Mulroney bailed on the PC Party before Chretien swept the floor of all but Elsie Wayne N'esy Pas?

denny jarymy
Daphne Veilleux
CBC board is still filled with Conservative party appointees.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Daphne Veilleux NOPE They are all Liberal party

Mark timm 
Mark timm
I was banned for 15 days for asking where the reporting was on this 3 weeks ago. I still want Trudeau to explain what happened to us as he owes us citizens an explanation. This also shows tha he has no clue what he is doing and never has.

Bill Mavin
Bill Mavin
@Mark timm I remember - you were also c rying for Mr Brown's blood - were'nt you

Mark timm
Mark timm
@Bill Mavin....wth are you talking about

Bill Mavin
Bill Mavin
@Mark timm -"wth are you talking about" hypocrisy - work it out

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@Mark timm I was banned again today for making comments in here Go Figure

Hypocrisy is at the crux of the Trudeau groping allegation

The prime minister and his defenders are asking for a type of consideration previously denied to others

In the past, Trudeau has said that the same standards would apply to him if an accusation of sexual misconduct is levied his way. It appears he changed his mind. (Julie Debeljak/CBC)

This is about hypocrisy — not about what did or did not happen at a music festival 18 years ago.
It is about "believing women," until it happens to you; about taking all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously, except if they happen to pass some arbitrary expiration date. It is about employing an unwavering zero-tolerance policy, which, in practice, ends up showing some tolerance for the man at the top.

It is about having one set of standards for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and another set of standards to everyone else. That's the issue. Not what did or did not happen in Creston, B.C.

For the record, there is no dispute from the two parties in question that something happened at that music festival back when Trudeau was a 28-year-old schoolteacher, before he entered politics.

An editorial published at the time in the Creston Valley Advance accused Trudeau of "groping" a young reporter — an allegation the woman re-affirmed in a statement issued last week.
Trudeau initially and bizarrely claimed he did not recall any "negative interactions," then conceded that, yes, there was some sort of encounter, but he believes he did not act inappropriately. Nevertheless, Trudeau says he apologized at the time because he knows that "the same interactions can be experienced very differently from one person to the next."

The expectation now is that everyone just move on, in part, because the woman in question says she has put the ordeal behind her and just wants to move on. That much is understandable: This woman is now caught in an unwelcome political firestorm because of something that happened to her nearly 20 years ago. For that reason, many have insisted this incident be dropped altogether.

That would, however, create a terribly harmful precedent. Indeed, we should not ignore misconduct in cases where the target of an unwelcome advance wants her privacy. If nothing else, it would suggest that we cannot right a wrong unless a victim actively participates. But we should strive to be able to both protect women and to hold powerful men to account.

The National
Trudeau reacts to statement from reporter who alleged he groped her

00:00 02:58
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was asked for his reaction to a statement released by the reporter who alleged he groped her 18 years ago at a charity event. 2:58

What's more, this is not a situation where an incident was dug up out of nowhere and put on the public record without the woman's permission. For better or worse, this encounter was already on the public record in the form of a published, public editorial. The suggestion that we put the genie back in the bottle now is moot.

Ironically, there is at least one recent occasion when a private allegation was put on the public record without the complainants' express permission: That is, in late 2014 when Trudeau went public with allegations against against MPs Scott Andrews and Massimo Pacetti, without telling the women involved — two NDP MPs — in advance. The women felt blindsided, according to the NDP whip at the time.

Trudeau is himself therefore guilty of publicizing a misconduct allegation without the complainants' permission, which makes the suggestion that we now drop the matter concerning the prime minister's conduct — conduct that was already put on the public record — rather rich. It's that conspicuous double-standard, rearing its head again.

Liberal MP Kent Hehr is now out of cabinet because of inappropriate words, though not physical contact. (CBC)
The crux here is that the Trudeau and his defenders are asking for a type of leniency and consideration not afforded to other politicians similarly accused of misconduct. MP Kent Hehr, for example, is now out of cabinet because of inappropriate words, though not physical contact. And MPs Andrews and Pacetti were suspended first, investigated later, when allegations against them first surfaced.

Pacetti, in fact, has used the same defence that Trudeau is now employing in response to allegations that he acted inappropriately. Pacetti, who was accused of having sex without explicit consent with a female MP, has always maintained that he believed the sexual encounter, in which she provided the condom, was entirely consensual. She says it was not. To borrow Trudeau's words: the same interaction was viewed very differently from one person to the next.

This is not a judgment on whether the Pacetti incident was indeed consensual, or to suggest that groping and non-consensual sex are in any way on a par, but simply an observation that the excuse used in both cases — I didn't think I was doing anything wrong was unacceptable in Pacetti's case (he was permanently removed from caucus), but is now permissible in Trudeau's.

Applying universal standards

In the past, Trudeau has said that the same standards would apply to him if an accusation of sexual misconduct is levied his way. It appears he changed his mind.

Practically speaking, however, there is probably no point to launching a formal investigation of this allegation now. The most it would do is uncover a few additional details, for which Trudeau would then apologize, leaving us in the same place we are now. The prime minister will not suspend himself or — as been suggested by some fervent critics — resign.

If we really want to move forward, we don't need an investigation. We need an admission that these things are complicated. That "believe women" as a blanket approach to each and every accusation sounds good in theory, but can be problematic in practice. That we can take allegations extremely seriously without having to reflexively believe them. That punishing before investigating is wrong. That there are scales of wrongdoing, and that we can make room for people to learn from their mistakes, while simultaneously showing no tolerance for those who commit the worst ones.

The prime minister is now experiencing first-hand how a one-size-fits all approach to dealing with accusations of sexual misconduct is extremely fraught. But instead of conceding that admission, he is simply changing the standard to a one-size-fits-most: Everyone except the prime minister. That's the issue. It's the hypocrisy, not the act.

This column is part of CBC's Opinion section. For more information about this section, please read this editor's blog and our FAQ.

About the Author


Robyn Urback
Robyn Urback is an opinion columnist with CBC News and a producer with the CBC's Opinion section. She previously worked as a columnist and editorial board member at the National Post. Follow her on Twitter at:

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