Tuesday 17 July 2018

Trump's news conference with Putin stuns fellow Republicans

The Evil Bastards within CBC were too slow on the draw again. This time my first comment about Trudeau yapping in Nova Scotia was disliked 6 times and I had blogged it, tweeted it and emailed it before I noticed that VIAFOURA had made it "POOF" as per their malicious MO. 


Furthermore everybody knows that if I make anymore comments in CBC right away no doubt they will block them as well particularly while the same VIAFOURA moderators are at their post. Hell the nasty bastards may even kill my ID just like they did at Xmasstime or block my ID for over a week just like they did before Trump brought his Circus Europe N'esy Pas?  


Hence "The Dude Will Abide" in CBC for now and simply enjoy the thunderstorms on my birthday and laugh at the nonsense of it all as I listen to their news paid for by my taxpayer dimes on my old radio. Need I say I got quite laugh listening to our mindless Minister of Defense and Harper's lawyer buddy Howie Anglin and Terry Seguin and all their bullshit first thing this morning?





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Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Trump's news conference with Putin stuns fellow Republicans


Replying to and 49 others
Methinks the Circus never ends. No Canadian should deny that it is the Greatest Show On Earth now that Mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger has to "put in" our two bits worth against President Putin N'esy Pas? 


Trudeau has harsh words for Putin after Helsinki summit, in contrast to Trump

PM repeats Canada's opposition to Russian behaviour in Crimea, Ukraine, Syria and U.K.

CBC News · Posted: Jul 17, 2018 10:16 AM ET


Scotty Davidson
Not a huge fan of Trudeau, but he tackled this issue the way I would expect from our PM.

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Rudy Baker Methinks the Circus never ends. No Canadain should deny that it is the Greatest Show On Earth in light of the fact that Mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger has to "put in" our two bits worth against President Putin N'esy Pas?


'This is shameful': Trump's news conference with Putin stuns fellow Republicans

'No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant,' says Trump critic McCain

CBC News · Posted: Jul 16, 2018 2:07 PM ET

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Jon Underwood 
Jon Underwood
There really is nothing left to say about this guy. It is now incredulous that what there IS left to say is that those with power are STILL not doing anything about the situation.

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Jon Underwood "There really is nothing left to say about this guy"

Methinks everybody "in the know" knows that I have lots to say about Senator McCain If CBC had not blocked certain link this morning you may have known it to N'esy Pas?

Peter Mals
Peter Mals
@David R. Amos you use "methinks' far too much... and get back to work

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Peter Mals Methinks you are talking to my ghost N'esy Pas?

Mike Martin
Mike Martin
@Peter Mals
Work? Amos? Methinks not, n'est pas?

Jack Christian
Jack Christian
@David R. Amos Grow up.

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Jack Christian "Grow up"

Methinks everybody knows a ghost can't do that N'esy Pas?

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@Jon Underwood

What makes you think no one is doing anything about the situation? True, Republicans will continue to normalize Trump in their own self interests - but in the end, the true foes of any leader/politician - are the people. The people will remedy the situation when they see fit to do so. Nothing scares the pants off politicians like the power the people hold over them. The people rent power to leaders - leaders never own it.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Kate Ferguson "What makes you think no one is doing anything about the situation?"

Methinks fans of the GOP may enjoy checking out page 25 N'esy Pas?


Juan Love
Juan Love
@david mccaig
The people you refer to as right-wing are actually:
Selfish greedier and/or less tolerant people who have figured out that Uniting and claiming to be Right or Conservative can win them unjustified power to do understandably unacceptable things.

This is not Right vs. Left. This is Altruism vs. Egoism. And for humanity to have a future the Egoists need to lose.

The freedom to be selfish will ruin everything, including democracy and free markets. Especially is misleading marketing...

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@david mccaig "WHAT really INFURIATES ME these right wingers come on this site everyday and DEFEND TRUMP"

Methinks you make that rather obvious by the number of comments you post daily. You appear to make it a point to bury other people's words. However do you even bother to read what others say to you directly? Perhaps you should read my comment above and clink on the link before you bury it as well. Most folks can understand it in the time its takes to enjoy a cup off cup of coffee. Perhaps you will too N'esy Pas?

Jack Christian 
Jason Kaine
If there was any doubt that Trump was corrupt beyond words, that is no longer the case.

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Jason Kaine Methinks many Yankees would agree that they were wise enough to pick a clown over any very corrupt politician to govern them Many Canadians would agree that at least can make us laugh at the nonsense N'esy Pas?

Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor
@Jason Kaine

The military industrial complex and imperial types HATE Trump trying diplomacy and peace with Russia. That's bad for business.

Good on Trump for rattling your cages! I like the guy more every fake headline CBC prints. Found those WMDs yet?

Jane Miller
Jane Miller
@Steve Taylor

the wmd's, for the second Iraq war? that Trump supported?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Steve Taylor "Found those WMDs yet?"


However they did find something really important to the Federal Reserve Bank and its cohorts in Canada and it appears only I will talk about it. Methinks thats why CBC blocks me so much N'esy Pas?

Nelson Porter 
Nelson Porter
This is just beyond bizarre. The Russians must have something on this guy.

Karen King
Karen King
@Nelson Porter

First of all Trump admires fascists govts like Putin's, he wants to be just like him so he can be like a king. More importantly follow the money!

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Karen King "First of all Trump admires fascists govts"

Methinks your hero admires the strangest things as well N'esy Pas?


Juan Love
Juan Love
@Lou Parks
"Those are not nuclear superpowers" ... and Trump is not a stable genius, and nothing else he claims has stood up to careful thoughtful investigation.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos 
@Juan Love "nothing else he claims has stood up to careful thoughtful investigation."

Methinks too many people who type a lot of opinions into CBC should take their own advice sometime. I mean you no offense. you appear to be the most reasonable soul commenting within this thread in which I was blocked from out of the gate. Please check out the link I offered within the the top comment thread (It was blocked earlier as well). If nothing else I have the right to say the file will stand up to careful thoughtful investigation because it is proof of my work Nesy Pas?

thomas stewart 
thomas stewart
A world turned inside out.

Falsehoods proclaimed as truth.

Truths scorned as fakery.

America's staunchest friends are attacked and insulted as adveraries.

America's adversaries are fêted.

The President attacks America's own actions and institutions.

And enables a shrewd manipulator like Putin to avoid the harsh issue of Russian efforts to suborn American electoral processes.

Mark Baker
Mark Baker
@thomas stewart

Yup. I wonder if the republicans are getting tiered of winning yet...

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Mark Baker LOL

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@thomas stewart Cry me a river

Lou Parks
Lou Parks
@Bea Westy

Some people who don't vote
don't want to endorse a candidate
they don't want

Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor
@thomas stewart

The military industrial complex is horrified peace might break out. That's the reason why Trump is criticized here -by guys like Bomb, bomb, bomb, Songbird McCain.

Charles Hobart
Charles Hobart
@Steve Taylor
Peace? You are being incredibly naive. Trump has given Putin a green light to do as Russia sees fit in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Expect the Russians activity in the Ukraine, the Baltic’s, Georgia, and the Middle East among others to intensify.

If US intelligence detect menacing troop movements in Russia, will Trump believe it and act to deter or will Putin simply have to say to Trump ‘ fake news’? Why wouldn’t Putin want to test this given his track record?

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Lou Parks "Some people who don't vote don't want to endorse a candidate they don't want"

Methinks all the liberals must be well aware that I ran for public office 5 times between 2004 and 2015 while being denied my right to vote N'esy Pas?


David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Need I say Shame on CBC again?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Charles Hobart "Peace? You are being incredibly naive. "

I disagree. Methinks that the folks who bother to read this article and its comment section are entitled to know that the Yankees know I have a Twitter account too N'esy Pas?

Marc Belanger
Tom Crelse
Putin looks so smug at the start of the second video on this page. Never in his wildest dreams did he, or any previous Russian leader, ever think they would have an agent of their state in such a high position within the US government. Pretty sad state of affairs.

Marc Belanger
Marc Belanger
@Tom Crelse I am not sure that DT is a willing or knowing participant. The man answers to flattery alone and is easily manipulated if you make him believe that the idea, any idea, comes from him.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc Belanger I agree

Robert Lee
Robert Lee
@Bill Nazarene


They got the goods on all the family members too.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Robert Lee "IT'S MUELLER TIME!!! "

Methinks I should agree perhaps you should check out pages 2 and 5 of this old document N'esy Pas?


Brent Grywinski 
Brent Grywinski
I think a lot of Republicans are going to turn on Trump for this embarrassing and disgraceful news conference. Trump is Putin's poodle. Putin must have something really awful to hold over Trump.

Karen King
Karen King
@Brent Grywinski

Haven't seen the apologists yet but then again it's still early for them

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Karen King Methinks the lady doth jest too much N'esy Pas?

Lou Parks
Lou Parks
@Brent Grywinski

Republicans who have turned on Trump before,
have been defeated in elections

Juan Love
Juan Love
@Lou Parks
All that 'some people who opposed Trump have been defeated' proves is that popularity and profitability are not proof of decency or helpfulness to the development of a sustainable better future for humanity.

Unethical cheaters can and do prosper in places like Russia and the USA.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos

Marco Banino 
Marco Banino
The US has been compromised at the highest level, and the world must act accordingly. Trump does see the west as a threat for good reason, being they are not aligned with Russia.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marco Banino Nope

Marcus Pilkington
Marcus Pilkington
@Marco Banino the CIA should do it for us.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos 
@Marcus Pilkington Methinks that as a Proud Canadian (not a duel citizen) who is married to a Yankee Lady and the Proud Father of two adult Yankees who have duel citizenship status I have the right to ask the obvious question N'esy Pas?.

What is it you think the CIA can do for us 16 years after I sued many Yankees because they attacked my Clan? They did so because I had filed whistleblower forms (Form 211) with the IRS against my wife's powerful family and also spilled the beans with the FBI as a doublecheck. The Yankee Feds in lieu of merely doing their jobs protected the crooks and attacked the victims instead. Go Figure why I am so vindictive.

Troy Mann 
Troy Mann
Impeachment pronto

Chris Spear
Chris Spear
@Troy Mann What laws have been broken, Bad management is not illegal.

Marc Belanger
Marc Belanger
@Chris Spear It isn't so much his bad management but what his actions imply.

denny jarymy
denny jarymy
@Chris Spear
I don't think the impeachment requirements are restricted to bad management.

Robert Lee
Robert Lee
@Troy Mann

Too lenient. He must pay for his international crimes as well.


Jim Palmer
Jim Palmer
@Chris Spear

"..... Bad management is not illegal".

Maybe not, but I believe that treason is.

Martin Howser
Martin Howser
@Robert Lee : IF (note if - personally I just think he’s dumb and thin skinned and doesn’t like idea he didn’t win on his own ) he has done something illegal, it’d be far easier to try him for it after impeachment

As his own lawyers point out, he can pardon himself

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Martin Howser I concur

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Troy Mann Why?

Richard A Petrella 
Richard A Petrella
the POTUS is subversive... for someone who grew up during the Cold War, the irony is palpable...

Robert Lee
Robert Lee
@Richard A Petrella

Then ironical, that a businessman who likes to sue everyone he comes in contact with, will spend the balance of his presidential term defending his self in court.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Robert Lee Methinks everybody knows that I am thoroughly enjoying the irony of it all N'esy Pas?

BTW I must ask is your middle initial E?

mike potter
mike potter
This just gets weirder everyday.

Robert Lee
Robert Lee
@mike potter

B-b-b-baby, you just ain't seen n-n-nothin' yet
Here's something that you never gonna forget
B-b-b-baby, you just ain't seen n-n-nothin' yet

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@mike potter Welcome to the Circus

Trump says he doesn't see why Russia would have meddled in election

After Putin meeting, Trump tweets: 'I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people'

Thomson Reuters · Posted: Jul 16, 2018 1:49 AM ET

5404 Comment
Commenting is now closed for this story.

Grace Oliver 
Grace Oliver
The President is elected to serve the people. By now it should be obvious to all but the most brainwashed supporters that this president isn't serving the American people. And the Republican party is nothing but a bunch of spineless enablers, helping him to destroy their own country. Anyone who votes for this lot in the midterm elections either hasn't been paying attention or is complicit.

Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor
@Grace Oliver

Trump is breaking the establishment. Their greatest fear is peace breaking out. Go Trump!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Steve Taylor Methinks you may be more right than wrong Trump's mindless self serving Circus Acts may yield positive results for the benefit of all in the end N'esy Pas?

Trudeau has harsh words for Putin after Helsinki summit, in contrast to Trump

PM repeats Canada's opposition to Russian behaviour in Crimea, Ukraine, Syria and U.K.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes an announcement of $90 million to improve the Trans-Canada Highway in northeastern Nova Scotia during a press conference in Sutherlands River, N.S. on Tuesday, July 17, 2018. (Darren Calabrese/Canadian Press)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau avoided calling out U.S. President Donald Trump's by name over his behaviour during Monday's controversial news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
But, in stark contrast to Trump, Trudeau had harsh words for the Russian president when asked by reporters about the Helsinki summit during a media availability in Nova Scotia Tuesday.

"Canada has been unequivocal in our condemnation of Vladimir Putin and Russia," said Trudeau in Sutherlands River, N.S.

"Whether it's their illegal annexation of Crimea, their incursion into the Donbass in Ukraine and the fact that we're glad to have 200 Canadian soldiers there helping to train Ukrainian armies. Whether it's their interference in Syria and the support for the murderous Assad regime, whether it's what they were responsible for in the chemical weapons attack in Salisbury on U.K. soil against British nationals. Canada has always been clear."

When specifically asked about Trump, Trudeau reiterated his views on Putin.

"As I said, we condemn Russia and the way Vladimir Putin engages in international affairs," he said.
During a high-profile meeting in Helsinki on Monday, Trump said he didn't see "any reason why"

Russia would have interfered in the 2016 U.S. election, despite the findings from his own intelligence agencies.

Trump and Vladimir Putin shake hands during a joint news conference after their meeting in Helsinki on Monday. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)
When asked directly on Monday if he held Russia "accountable for anything," Trump said he held "both countries responsible."

That's sparked controversy around the world, including in Trump's own Republican Party.
Trump's meeting with Putin came just days after a special prosecutor in the United States indicted 12 Russian agents for stealing Democratic Party documents to help him win the vote.

Trudeau's comments come during one of the most tense periods in Canada-U.S. relations in recent years due to an ongoing trade war.

'This is shameful': Trump's news conference with Putin stuns fellow Republicans

'No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant,' says Trump critic McCain

U.S. President Donald Trump gestures as he speaks during a joint news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin after their meeting in Helsinki, Finland, on Monday. (Grigory Dukor/Reuters)
On a trip in which Donald Trump dumbfounded allies and his usual critics in the Democratic Party with comments concerning the European Union and British leaders, the U.S. president ended with a news conference performance at his first head-to-head summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin that had even some Republicans shaking their heads.

Democrats had called on Trump to scrap the meeting in Finland and not give Putin legitimacy on the heels of the announcement of new indictments in the special counsel probe investigating Russian interference into the 2016 presidential election and Russian contacts with members of Trump's campaign team.

When asked directly on Monday if he held Russia "accountable for anything," Trump said he held "both countries responsible," echoing language he used after hostilities broke out last year when white nationalists rallied in Virginia.

"I think the United States has been foolish, I think we've all been foolish. We should have had this dialogue a long time ago," said Trump, who has twice previously met with Putin on the sidelines

The comments prompted Sen. Ben Sasse, a Nebraska Republican, to release a statement characterizing it "bizarre and flat out wrong."

Watch as Trump blames both the U.S. and Russia for frosty relations between the countries. 

Trump blames U.S. and Russia for frosty relations between countries

00:00 02:00
 'I think that the United States has been foolish,' U.S. president says at Helsinki news conference 2:00
Trump also again assailed the investigation being led by former FBI director Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 election, calling it a "disaster for our country," and seemingly expressed skepticism over the findings of his own intelligence agencies.

Mark Warner, the top ranking Democrat on the Senate's foreign intelligence committee, said it was a "disgrace" Trump appeared to side with Putin over his own intelligence agencies. To Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, it was something not seen "in the entire history of our country." 

For the President to side with Putin over his own intelligence officials and blame the United States for Russia’s attack on our democracy is a complete disgrace.

In the entire history of our country, Americans have never seen a president of the United States support an American adversary the way @realDonaldTrump has supported President Putin.

When asked point blank whether he'd challenge Putin on the subject of Russia interference, Trump avoided the question and pivoted to concerns he had about the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server when she was secretary of state.

More news from CBC:

Trump said he clearly "beat Hillary Clinton easily," referring to the 2016 election results in which he won the electoral college in key states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by a total of some 77,000 votes, losing the popular vote by some three million.

Former CIA director John Brennan, who has been among the most vocal of past officials in his criticism of the president, was unsparing.

Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

Brennan, in a subsequent television interview with MSNBC, also said, "This, I think, rises to the point of good American patriots resigning in objection to that performance," referring to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, chief of staff John Kelly and national security adviser John Bolton by name.

Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, has continually sounded the alarm that Russia will look to also interfere with the U.S. midterm elections in 2018. Coats was referred to by Trump at the Helsinki news conference, and then essentially dismissed.

View image on Twitter

Coats's office released a statement three hours after the meeting stressing that Russian efforts to meddle were "pervasive," and that it would continue to provide "unvarnished and objective intelligence."

The flurry of response came after an event in Helsinki on Monday, when Trump said Putin strongly denied meddling in the 2016 election.

"I have President Putin — he just said it's not Russia," Trump said. "I will say this: I don't see any reason why it would be."

Watch as Trump deflects a direct question about Russian election interference.

Trump deflects direct question about Russian election interference

00:00 04:41
 Blames Democrats and Hillary Clinton, and says he believes Vladimir Putin's denial of any wrongdoing 4:41

Trump issued a tweet later Monday that appeared to respond to some of the criticism, saying, "As I said today and many times before, 'I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people.' However, I also recognize that in order to build a brighter future, we cannot exclusively focus on the past — as the world's two largest nuclear powers, we must get along!"

He later sent another tweet saying, "a productive dialogue is not only good for the United States and good for Russia, but it is good for the world.

Vice-President Mike Pence stood alongside his boss, saying the meeting was constructive. According to Pence, the meeting showed Americans and the world that Trump "will always put the prosperity and security of America first."

'I am done with him'

Pence's view stood apart from many of Trump's rivals, but what was striking about the snap reaction to Monday's assorted comments from Trump was the disappointment and even scorn from the Republican side of the aisle.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell didn't answer when asked if he was disappointed in the president's remarks, but he did say that the Russians "are not our friends."  And he said he "entirely" agrees with intelligence agencies' assessment that Russians meddled in the election.

Radio talk show host Joe Walsh, a self-described Tea Party conservative who served a term earlier this decade as a U.S. congressman, said on social media, "I am done with him." He implored fellow Republicans to speak out in a subsequent Twitter post.

This press conference is an absolute disgrace. Trump won't even side with America.

What Trump did today was commit treason. He cannot be supported anymore. He is a clear & present danger to America. Republicans can no longer be quiet.

I won't be quiet. I am done with him.

Senators Jeff Flake, and to a lesser extent, Lindsey Graham, have been among a small group of Republicans in Congress who have occasionally criticized perceived lapses in judgment by Trump since his inauguration last year.

Arizona's Flake, who has felt free to speak his mind since announcing he won't run for another term, deemed Trump's comments on Monday "shameful," with Graham of South Carolina admitting it will be perceived as "a sign of weakness."

I never thought I would see the day when our American President would stand on the stage with the Russian President and place blame on the United States for Russian aggression. This is shameful.

Missed opportunity by President Trump to firmly hold Russia accountable for 2016 meddling and deliver a strong warning regarding future elections.

This answer by President Trump will be seen by Russia as a sign of weakness and create far more problems than it solves. (1/3)

Today’s press conference in was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.

My full statement on the : https://www.mccain.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=press-releases&id=A99FDA26-673D-4560-B4EA-5AEDF0685EC5 

The most consistent critic of Trump in the upper chamber has been Flake's fellow Arizonan John McCain, who last year helped scuttle the president's attempt to get rid of the Affordable Health Care Act, known as Obamacare.

"No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant," said McCain in a statement.

While in Helsinki, Putin suggested that Moscow and Washington could jointly conduct an investigation into allegations of election meddling by Russia — but in return, he would expect the U.S. to co-operate in the Russian probe against Bill Browder, a U.S-born British investor charged with financial crimes in Russia.

Browder, an outspoken Putin critic, spoke to CBC News on Monday from an undisclosed location. In 2005, Browder was declared an enemy of the state by Moscow for his part in exposing corruption in Russia.

CBC News
Bill Browder on Putin's tactics

00:00 09:21

Browder, an outspoken critic of the Russian president, says 'Vladimir Putin is a global menace' and the summit should never have happened. 9:21

Browder said Putin has become "obsessed" with arresting him because he "put [Putin's] money and the money of his criminal cronies at risk under the Magnitsky Act" — a series of U.S. laws that target the holdings of corrupt foreign officials.

He also called Putin a "global menace."

"He's playing Trump and the United States like a fiddle right now," Browder told CNBC on Monday.

CBC News
Donald Trump news conference with Vladimir Putin

00:00 45:50

U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin speak to reporters following their meeting in Helsinki on Monday. 45:50

House Speaker Paul Ryan chided the president for false equivalency in his answer about accountability.
"There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our most basic values and ideals," Ryan said in a statement. "The United States must be focused on holding Russia accountable and putting an end to its vile attacks on democracy."

Trump has sometimes received completely praiseworthy coverage from Fox News following big moments on the global stage, but he did not earn a total pass on the right-wing network. Fox News anchor Bret Baier called the news conference "surreal," while Fox Business veteran Neil Cavuto said the president's inability to take a strong stance concerning the consequences of future cyberattacks directed at the U.S. "made it disgusting."

"It's not a left or right thing, it's just wrong," said Cavuto, who was incredulous Trump didn't even offer "a mild criticism" of the Russian leader.


Neil Cavuto of Fox Business calls Trump's press conference "disgusting", "That sets us back a lot."

Abby Huntsman, another Fox on-air personality, opined, "no negotiation is worth throwing your own people and country under the bus."

Huntsman, it should be noted, is the daughter of Trump's ambassador to Russia, Jon Huntsman, who was in the room on Monday in Helsinki.

Ahead of the summit, Trump said he would press Putin on the issue of Russian interference in the election but that he didn't expect a "Perry Mason" moment to result.

Melania Trump and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo look on during the news conference in Helsinki. Former CIA director John Brennan said top officials like Pompeo should really consider whether they can continue serving the president. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)
Trump's reluctance to go as hard on the Russian leader while breaching standard public protocol with allies like Britain's Theresa May, Germany's Angela Merkel and Canada's Justin Trudeau, has raised the spectre for some critics that the former KGB and FSB intelligence officer Putin has compromising information on the president.

Putin insisted the claims were "sheer nonsense."

"Do you really believe that we try to shadow every businessman?" he said.

Watch the full Trump-Putin news conference below.

With files from Reuters and The Associated Press

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