David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
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Methinks Humpty Dumpty aka Higgy must have figured out by now that folks living under the questionable rules of his Police State are very tired of all his flip flops N'esy Pas?
#nbpoli #cdnpoli
Higgs scraps legislation to increase emergency powers of government and police
Bill 49 will not proceed when the legislature resumes Tuesday
· CBC News · Posted: Jun 15, 2020 3:39 PM AT

Premier Blaine Higgs said Monday a second shooting of a First Nations person by police in eight days convinced him it was the wrong time to give police more power. (Joe McDonald/CBC)
The Higgs government is scrapping a plan to increase the emergency powers of the provincial cabinet and the police.
Premier Blaine Higgs told reporters Monday afternoon the controversial legislation, Bill 49, would not proceed when the legislature resumes Tuesday.
He said a second shooting of an Indigenous person by police in New Brunswick in an eight-day period had convinced him it was the wrong time to give police more power to stop people.
"Friday night changed things for a lot of people, including myself," he said, referring to the death of Rodney Levi of Metepenagiag First Nation.
The legislation introduced last week would have given police powers to stop people during a state of emergency and demand documentation to ensure they're complying with an emergency order.

Chantel Moore, 26, and Rodney Levi, 48, were each shot and killed by police in New Brunswick this month. (CBC)
Higgs reiterated that the bill was intended to clarify powers of enforcement officers working at the border to screen people entering the province for COVID-19.
But he said in light of the two recent shootings and what he called "systemic racism … I think it's important now to focus on the healing process."
Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers said Higgs was "very wise" to withdraw the bill, which he said was an anachronism that would likely not have survived a constitutional challenge.
University of New Brunswick law professor Nicole O'Byrne, who slammed the bill after it was introduced last week, said the premier did the right thing.
She said the bill "did more than it needed to do to tackle the problems that they articulated as the rationale for the bill in the first place."

Nicole O'Byrne, a law professor at the University of New Brunswick, previously said it's unwise for government to amend emergency powers in an emergency. (CBC)
Michael Bryant, the executive director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, called it "a good democratic moment for New Brunswick."
Higgs said he will join four of his ministers at a meeting with Indigenous chiefs on Wednesday to discuss the issue and said he was open to a public inquiry on police treatment of Indigenous people.
"I can see that moving forward," he said. "I could see it moving forward in a public inquiry that's well-defined so that we're sure to capture all of the issues that are currently of a concern."
A shift in tone
Higgs was hesitant about an inquiry last week, saying he wanted to get the facts on the death of Chantel Moore first before looking at broader issues.But Levi's shooting death last Friday, just eight days after Moore was fatally shot by an Edmundston city police officer during a wellness check, prompted the premier to shift his tone Monday.
"We are still waiting to learn all of the facts but the process of beginning to heal and implement real changes cannot wait," he said.
"We certainly have to recognize the challenge we're having here in our province, the systematic racism that seems to be part of our society, that has been for generations."
Both shootings are now under investigation by Quebec's independent police investigation agency, the Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes.
Another part of Bill 49 that was also widely criticized would have let the cabinet suspend provincial laws or municipal bylaws during a state of emergency without a vote in the legislature for 30 days.
This must be a time for us as a government to listen.- Blaine Higgs, premier
The government argued last week that it would simply clarify in law the powers that the cabinet has already been using under the Emergency Measures Act.
But the scrapping of the entire bill means that proposed change is dead as well.
Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart, Aboriginal Affairs Minister Jake Stewart, Justice Minister Andrea Anderson-Mason and Social Development Minister Dorothy Shephard will all join Higgs at the meeting with chiefs on Wednesday.
"This must be a time for us as a government to listen," the premier said.
"I've heard the calls for dialogue and the concerns of our First Nation chiefs. That is what I want our government to focus on right now."
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Buddy Best
Higgs promised to roll back taxes on vehicles that the Liberals implemented. I just paid $893 on a $1500 purchase. Blood suckers. Times are tough enough for seniors. Don't call a cop for help!!!
David Amos
Reply to @Buddy Best: A simple truth is that if the cops were not called last week two people would likely still be alive
David Amos
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Methinks Humpty
Dumpty aka Higgy must have figured out by now that folks living under
the questionable rules of his Police State are very tired of all his
flip flops N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
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Reply to @David Amos:
He isn't smart enough.
Reply to @David Amos:
He isn't smart enough.
Lou Bell
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Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! And you 2 are ? Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! And you 2 are ? Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
val harris
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Flip flop higgy is at er again
Brian Robertson
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Reply to @val harris:
That's not juvenile at all.
That's not juvenile at all.
Dan Stewart
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Reply to @Brian Robertson: Just right it would seem..
David Amos
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Reply to @val harris: YUP
Lou Bell
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Content disabled
Reply to @val harris: I see you've been reading the Amos blog . Another follower of the " Me Party " I see.
David Amos
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Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you read my latest blog because I am referring to you in the title of it N'esy Pas?
val harris
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Reply to @Lou Bell: no just saying what people are saying lou, you should listen to others at times
Lou Bell
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Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: As I said before , don't follow the social media fake news never have , never will .
Lou Bell
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Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos:
Blogs are for those who can never get the attention of anyone and where
they can open their rants up to anyone who has nothing better to do
than to read fake news
Lou Bell
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Reply to @val harris: Exactly what Dave just said ! Surprise ! Surprise ! Surprise !
Lou Bell
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Reply to @val harris:
And the leaders of the other parties WANTED INPUT into the changes !
You know that ! They said that when they were interviewed !
David Amos
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Methinks Humpty
Dumpty aka Higgy must have figured out by now that many folks living
under the questionable rules of his Police State are very tired of his
nonsense N'esy Pas?
Buford Wilson
Good call, Blaine.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Buford Wilson:
2 steps ahead, and 3 back, the "Higgs shuffle" in action.
2 steps ahead, and 3 back, the "Higgs shuffle" in action.
David Amos
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Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks thats Mr Wilson's favourite dance N'esy Pas?
Bruce Ellingwood
An excellent re-think of the situation Mr. Premier. Very refreshing from what how the liberals do things. Now, we just need you to drop the mandatory injection of children from Bill 11.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Bruce Ellingwood:
For a "re-think" to happen there has to be an initial "think".
I see no evidence of that.
For a "re-think" to happen there has to be an initial "think".
I see no evidence of that.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Nor I
Claude DeRoche
Another good reason to NEVER give the Irving Boy a majority government.
David Amos
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: I concur
Lou Bell
Reply to @Claude
DeRoche: I'll take Higgs anytime over the SANB Liberals and their
UNDISCLOSED 130 million dollar " PHONIE GAMES " giveaway ! Imagine ! 130
million ! TWICE what they gave Atcon ! Can you imagine 130 million on
top of what COVID has cost ?? And if you have any idea at all , this
would have had to have been passed in the Legislature ! And other party
leaders in interviews indicated THEY WANTED INPUT into this legislation !
So it wasn't a " one party plan " !!!
Justin Gunther
Premiere Higgs, I formally request a US style "townhall" meeting. Or likely more than one, for the good of all of New Brunswick. The people would like to see you personally, shake your hand, and ask you some questions very politely.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Justin Gunther:
You are kidding me?
I have met Mr Higgs twice, both times were followed by a strange compulsion to wash, thoroughly wash.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I'd like to have the opportunity to experience that myself, unpleasant as it may be.
I also had a momentary lapse in judgement. I forget we're living in the age of no handshakes but protests are no big deal. So we'll scrap the handshake, Premiere Higgs, and perhaps just get close enough to tolerate each other.
How does that sound?
I also had a momentary lapse in judgement. I forget we're living in the age of no handshakes but protests are no big deal. So we'll scrap the handshake, Premiere Higgs, and perhaps just get close enough to tolerate each other.
How does that sound?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Justin Gunther:
You forget, but you are not alone in forgetting, that with a Conservative majority these laws would have been a "done deal" last week, and we would be living them this week.
How many times is this? Attempts at good governance, that were bad, with a complete reversal a couple of days later.
We deserve better.
You forget, but you are not alone in forgetting, that with a Conservative majority these laws would have been a "done deal" last week, and we would be living them this week.
How many times is this? Attempts at good governance, that were bad, with a complete reversal a couple of days later.
We deserve better.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: YUP
David Amos
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Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Trust that many people will never forget my one and only encounter with Higgy
Mackenna Wilson
Who thought expanding police powers as a good idea in the first place? Honestly, I am done with conservatives.
David Amos
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Reply to @Mackenna Wilson: Methinks you are not alone N'esy Pas? Edward Andrews
Ah Higgs, it ain't the police that worry me is the politicians telling the police to take on more powers and adding more laws that they [politicians] then expect police to enforce. So if anyone is going to take a reality pill it's you. Crossing into NB and having someone demanding my ID, recording my information is a bit...well lets say we all thought that was over with in Sept of 1945. Add to this the person who took my ID wore no gloves, no mask and handled everyone's ID and could be a vector point for contaminating people. All a farcical show.
David Amos
Reply to @Edward Andrews: Welcome to the circus
Matt Steele
It sounds like Premier Higgs meant well as he thought that Law Enforcement needed the extra powers to keep the N.B. borders contained ; but he was wise to drop the idea as there has already been to much militarization of the police in Canada . It may be time to start reducing the powers , and militarization , of the police , rather than increasing them . We certainly do not need N.B. , or Canada in general for that matter , to become an example for George Orwell's " 1984 " .
Reply to @Matt Steele:
If this doesn't prove once and for all that a Higgs majority government would be a BIG mistake I don't know what would.
If this doesn't prove once and for all that a Higgs majority government would be a BIG mistake I don't know what would.
David Amos
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Reply to @Terry
Tibbs: Methinks the path leads to madness if you try convincing the
folks who swill the blue kool aid of what should be obvious to all N'esy
Frank Dee
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: because of his ability to change his mind based on new information..?
Tim Smitty
I wish he was running Alberta .
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Tim Smitty: You can have him. He will fit right in!
Tim Smitty
Reply to @Jos Allaire: better than the ucp
Buddy Best
Reply to @Tim Smitty: I wish he would too. Good reddens!!!!
Joseph Carrier
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Kenney is more Peter Lougheed with a tinge of Stock Day...
Randy McNally
Reply to @Tim Smitty: I wish he was in Alberta
David Amos
Reply to @Tim Smitty: Me Too But for much different reasons than yours Of that I have no doubt
Lou Bell
Didn't the SANB Liberals under Louis and McKenna underhandedly redo our Constitution without the consent of N.B.'s citizens , no votes , nothing ? Much like they did with their " Phonie Games " giveaway ? Perhaps this law would have given ALL citizens a choice, instead of just a chosen few !
Buddy Best
Reply to @Lou Bell: Yeah like the PC are saints!!!! They are all cut from the same cloth.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Lou Bell: Reply to @Lou Bell: Tu fit plus avec ley COR. Say poor sa ke tame Higgs. Sayin COR.
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Lou Bell: I
bet if you go back even farther in time you can find something else to
go on about... Do you really feel Higgs and his Conservatives are doing
such a terrible job you have to compare them to perceived Liberal
indiscretions at every opportunity?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Dan Stewart:
Lou is almost like a broken clock. A broken clock is right twice a day, giving something for Lou to aspire to.
Lou is almost like a broken clock. A broken clock is right twice a day, giving something for Lou to aspire to.
Randy McNally
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: You did say "almost"...maybe twice a month?
David Amos
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Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks its time for your nap N'esy Pas?
David Amos
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Reply to @Randy McNally: Methinks even you are being too generous in your estimation N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Another example of the , soon to be patented, Higgs shuffle.
2 steps ahead, 3 back.
Brian Robertson
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
Of course you would prefer he make a complete political blunder.
But, your fall back position serves for the moment.
Why not come straight out and declare your undying loyalty to the left.
Of course you would prefer he make a complete political blunder.
But, your fall back position serves for the moment.
Why not come straight out and declare your undying loyalty to the left.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Brian Robertson: And you the right!
Brian Robertson
Reply to @Jos Allaire:
I am both; the right, and right.
Terry is no doubt the left, and wrong.
I am both; the right, and right.
Terry is no doubt the left, and wrong.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Brian Robertson:
I'm beginning to believe that if not yet, but soon, if you google "political blunder", it will give you a picture of Mr Higgs.
I'm beginning to believe that if not yet, but soon, if you google "political blunder", it will give you a picture of Mr Higgs.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Major blunder!!!!
Brian Robertson
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
That hardly explains his continued high popularity amongst New Brunswickers.
That hardly explains his continued high popularity amongst New Brunswickers.
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Brian Robertson: The thing about popularity is that it never lasts.
Brian Robertson
Reply to @Dan Stewart:
Just ask the Liberals about that.
Just ask the Liberals about that.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: YUP
David Amos
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Reply to @Brian Robertson: I just got done laughing Please tell me another one
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Brian Robertson:
Sooner, or later, the voters in this province will wake up to the simple fact that Mr Higgs puts his mouth in gear before his brain realizes it's time to think.
He, like the Liberals, have stacked the top spots in government with patronage appointments, so that when good advice is needed there is none to be had, resulting in actions of this sort.
The political well is well poisoned in NB.
Sooner, or later, the voters in this province will wake up to the simple fact that Mr Higgs puts his mouth in gear before his brain realizes it's time to think.
He, like the Liberals, have stacked the top spots in government with patronage appointments, so that when good advice is needed there is none to be had, resulting in actions of this sort.
The political well is well poisoned in NB.
David Amos
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Reply to @Dan
Stewart: Methinks you can trust in the fact that you and your brudda JJ
ain't too popular in my blog today for rather obvious reasons N'esy
David Amos
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Reply to @Jos Allaire: "Major blunder!!!!" Methinks its merely one of many faux pas' N'esy Pas?
David Amos
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Reply to @Terry
Tibbs: Oh so true Methinks Higgy et al know as well as I that is why ran
against them all 7 times thus far and even sued the Queen in 2015
N'esy pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Jos Allaire: 83 % approval on how he's handling COVID !! 83 % !!! WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Don't worry, he'll mess that up good and proper.
Do you remember having to recite The Lord's Prayer in school and we all knew it by heart?
But for some, like Mr Higgs, they had to write it down.
Don't worry, he'll mess that up good and proper.
Do you remember having to recite The Lord's Prayer in school and we all knew it by heart?
But for some, like Mr Higgs, they had to write it down.
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos:
7 FAILING times with nary even 25 votes in any of them ! Now if that
doesn'y qualify for a " Badge of Futility ' I don't know what does ! And
howd you make out with " the Queen suit " ??
Lou Bell
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: So you can't read . I knew that .
Lou Bell
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: 83 % say you're wrong . 83 % !!!!!!!!! WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Lou Bell: Form thaw djeule. Two fay an foll the toi.
David Amos
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Reply to @Lou Bell:
Methinks many would agree that it is you who can't even read the writing
on the wall that Higgy's Police State has put around us N'esy Pas?
Buddy Best
Reply to @Brian Robertson: You are full of it Righty!!
Buddy Best
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Thank COVID 19. This too will pass. Then Higgs is toast.
Buddy Best
Reply to @Lou Bell: Have you tried to get into SNB lately!!!!? Talk about overkill!!!!
Jos Allaire
A politician's popularity is like in sports. You're as good as your last game!
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Brian Robertson: My point exactly... And I see no reason why we couldn't ask the Conservatives.
Randy McNally
Reply to @Lou Bell: Who are they asking? There is really not much good to be said about anybody who actually stays on the line long enough to do a survey, and if it's done online it's done on a page or a website supportive of whoever is paying for the pole. So in reality the results probably should be viewed with a plus/minus of well over 40%.
David Amos
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Reply to @Randy McNally: Trust that I stay on line in order to save many words for my personal survey before they go "Poof"Murray Brown
Conservative philosophy typically argues against more government control. Socialist and Liberals typically calling for more control by government, then again Higgs is kind of like the Donald... He's not a conservative or a liberal... He's an Irving man.
Reply to @Murray Brown:
Making him a little bit of both, depending on the direction the wind is blowing.
Making him a little bit of both, depending on the direction the wind is blowing.
David Amos
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Reply to @Terry
Tibbs: Methinks Higgy don't think that deep He just follows orders tis
all and his handlers are mindless greedy fools N'esy Pas? Randy McNally
Reply to @Murray Brown: At least that is the perception they(whoever "they" are) want us to have for what ever reason. The fact remains that people are individuals and each one capable (in most cases) of formulating and entertaining an original thought. Problem is, the media go to great lengths to frame everything within a red/blue paradigm - 2 teams. There are two teams but they are not red and blue. They are the government and the people and we'd be well advised keep that in mind
David Amos
Reply to @Randy McNally: I Wholeheartedly Agree Sir
Bob Smith
The recent deaths didn't stop the bill alone. I think it was sober second thought as well away from those who wanted this in the first place.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Bob Smith:
You are assuming a lot. Was there even a first thought?
You are assuming a lot. Was there even a first thought?
David Amos
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Reply to @Bob Smith: Dream on David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Nope
Amajor Hall
Dictatorship averted!
David Amos
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Reply to @Amajor Hall: Not really Methinks many would agree that the Police State already here Higgy et al just wanted to make appear legal but their mindless Bill put the spotlight on their wrongs N'esy Pas?
Greg Bragdon
What many critical of this government fail to acknowledge is that it does adopt constructive criticism, which in part is good governance.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Greg
Bragdon: Although in this case, we was not only way out in left field,
but not even in the ballpark. A totally unconstitutional decision and a
blatant violation of fundamental rights. CONservatives are well-known
for that.
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Greg Bragdon: Or what Cons like to say when its a Liberal government... Wishy-washy...
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Greg Bragdon:
It shouldn't have to adopt anything. As tax payers we are paying top dollar for department heads who know their stuff and can advise government wisely on policy. Instead, those top spots have become patronage appointments, making them homes for do nothing/know nothings.
It shouldn't have to adopt anything. As tax payers we are paying top dollar for department heads who know their stuff and can advise government wisely on policy. Instead, those top spots have become patronage appointments, making them homes for do nothing/know nothings.
David Amos
Reply to @Greg Bragdon: Yea Right
Lou Bell
Reply to @Jos
Allaire: And the other parties when asked about it last week , indicated
THEY WANTED INPUT into the bill . Even the SANB Liberals !
Matt Steele
Reply to @Greg
Bragdon: ....Very true ; the Higgs Govt. does seem to react to the
concerns of N.B.ers ; quite a change from Brian Gallant's total control
at all costs management style .
Reply to @Lou Bell: It was the COR Higgs idea!
Reply to @Matt Steele: An note foo red!
Buddy Best
Reply to @Matt Steele: No grey matter required!!. Throw out an outrageous idea and then crush to look like a hero.
You can fool some of the people some time!!
David Amos
Reply to @Buddy Best: But not all the folks all the time
James Smythe
It took the second shooting of a person by the RCMP for him to arrive
at this conclusion? As in the first shooting, along with everything
going on in the US at the moment wasn’t already an overwhelming
abundance of evidence for him to realize how insensitive it was to table
a bill like this now? Good grief.
David Amos
Reply to @James Smythe: Welcome back to the circus
Dan Stewart
no one is surprised that such a ill considered bill has been tossed. I
suspect the day after it was proposed the writing was on the wall...
Higgs just needed the right time to say so.
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Dan Stewart: I suspect he would have found "the right time" even if there hadn't been a second death.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Dan Stewart:
Here is "the scary bit", with a majority Conservative government this would have been passed last week and we would be living it this week.
Here is "the scary bit", with a majority Conservative government this would have been passed last week and we would be living it this week.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Oh So True
Higgs, please be transparent. The fact remains you had an on-slot of
negativity in this regards as you did with your wish to close hospitals
prior. Frankly, it would have been best to just say, I made an error in
judgement. I commend you for your position on handling Covid19, but
certainly not with losing health care facilities and a do what you want
policy for enforcement. We the people are the voters!
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Kim
Life-Coach: I agree with most of what you wrote, but myself, I would
have suggested that Higgs find another phrase than "error in judgement."
That one's been overused recently.
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: ...let's try 'Judgemental error!', better??
David Amos
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Reply to @Kim
Life-Coach: Methinks according to the rules your opinion should not
count because you cannot vote with the name you use in here N'esy Pas?
Jeff LeBlanc
Now maybe cooler heads will prevail instead of "let's toss Higgs and
vote in Vickers". Somewhere in Canada Curtiss Barrett is smiling.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Higgs Eva pruned an day bark next election!
Jos Allaire
Higgs sayin grow truth Tchu!
David Barker
Reply to @Jeff
LeBlanc: I don't think so. Vickers has a good head on his shoulders.
He hasn't yet been given a chance to shine as Higgs hasn't allowed a
by-election. He wouldn't have made these recent blunders that Higgs
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc:
I *think* you are missing the most important point. BOTH parties have had opportunity to prove their worth, and deserve to be left in minority government limbo, where we can keep a close eye on them and they have to openly cooperate to get anything done.
This is yet another complete reversal for Mr Higgs. With a majority this would have been passed last week and we would have been living it this week.
I *think* you are missing the most important point. BOTH parties have had opportunity to prove their worth, and deserve to be left in minority government limbo, where we can keep a close eye on them and they have to openly cooperate to get anything done.
This is yet another complete reversal for Mr Higgs. With a majority this would have been passed last week and we would have been living it this week.
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @David Barker: You don't even know who Curtiss Barrett is do you?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Methinks there are lots of things that you should never forget as well N'esy Pas?
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