David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks many folks agree with the political lawyer Ahmed Hussen However many more with 2 clues between their ears should be very embarrassed the leader of Canada would do such a thing N'esy Pas?
Trudeau takes a knee at anti-racism protest on Parliament Hill
'I think it's powerful when you have the head of government taking a knee,' Minister Ahmed Hussen says
· CBC News · Posted: Jun 05, 2020 5:33 PM ET

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a knee for eight minutes and 46 seconds of silence, the length of time that a Minneapolis police officer knelt on George Floyd's neck before his death, at an anti-racism protest on Parliament Hill Friday. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made an appearance at an anti-racism protest on Parliament Hill today, showing up unannounced to hear speeches from activists demanding fairer treatment from police for minorities.
Trudeau joined the large crowd in kneeling for eight minutes and 46 seconds — which is how long a Minneapolis police officer held down George Floyd with his knee on his neck before he died. The African-American man died while in police custody on May 25; all four officers at the scene now face charges.
Protesters in other cities have asked police officers to kneel to show respect for black people who have been killed in police custody. Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders also took a knee during a protest in that city today.
Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick launched the kneeling gesture some years ago by dropping to one knee during the national anthem to protest violent police treatment of African-Americans. His critics accused him of showing disrespect for the anthem and the American flag.
Trudeau tried to blend into the crowd Friday — but TV cameras and the RCMP security detail made his presence known to the roughly 4,000 activists gathered around the Centennial Flame on the lawn at Parliament Hill. Trudeau told his security detail to stop pushing people as he made his way closer to the stage where the speakers were addressing the crowd.
Trudeau initially was met with chants of "Stand up to Trump!" and "Go away!" from some in the crowd. The yelling died down as local black leaders started speaking about their calls for an end to racial injustice at home and abroad.
WATCH | Justin Trudeau takes a knee during anti-black racism protest

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made an appearance at an anti-racism rally on Parliament Hill in Ottawa Friday. He was met with chants of "Stand up to Trump!" from the crowd and kneeled for eight minutes and 46 seconds to remember George Floyd. 1:47
The Trump chant was a reference to the prime minister's reluctance to condemn U.S. President Donald Trump by name over his handling of the protests.
Trudeau was asked this week to respond to the president's threat to deploy active duty military personnel on protesters in U.S. cities — a question that Trudeau answered after a 21-second pause.
The prime minister clapped Friday as the assembled speakers chanted "black lives matter" and called on those in power to do more to address systemic racism.
Someone in the crowd handed the prime minister a T-shirt with that slogan emblazoned on the front.
Trudeau was accompanied by Families Minister Ahmed Hussen, a Somali-Canadian who has spoken out about the racism he has faced in Canada.
"I think it's powerful when you have the head of government taking a knee and clapping when people say 'black lives matter,'" Hussen said. "It's incredibly powerful for him to come and be part of this."
The crowd on hand for the Parliament Hill protest was a multi-racial cross-section of the city, something Hussen said gives him "a lot of hope in the future."
WATCH | Ahmed Hussen says the PM's action were 'pretty powerful'

Families Minister Ahmed Hussen spoke with reporters after attending the anti-racism rally on Parliament Hill with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau June 5. 1:29
After the speeches, the protesters moved down Wellington St., which runs right in front of the Prime Minister's Office in downtown Ottawa.
NDP Jagmeet Singh also took part in similar anti-black racism protests in Toronto. He marched with the activists to that city's Nathan Phillips Square.
"We need to be heard. People need to be heard," Singh said in a video post on his Instagram page.
"People want justice, they want systemic change and an end to racial profiling."
Erica Nashir
Content disabled
So he can attend a rally with thousands in close proximity, but too dangerous to be in the House of Commons, with social distancing procedures in place
james Jones
Content disabled
Reply to @Marie Harris: parliament is shut down - there is no oversight on how the liberals are spending.
If JT can attend a rally (photo op) it’s time for him to stop hiding in his cottage and explain to taxpayers how he plans to pay back the BILLIONS he borrowed before and after Covid 19.
Reply to @Marie Harris: parliament is shut down - there is no oversight on how the liberals are spending.
If JT can attend a rally (photo op) it’s time for him to stop hiding in his cottage and explain to taxpayers how he plans to pay back the BILLIONS he borrowed before and after Covid 19.
Bort Smith
Content disabled
Reply to @Marie Harris:
Virtual Parliament is not parliament. It's a sham by the Liberals to hide from scrutiny.
Reply to @Marie Harris:
Virtual Parliament is not parliament. It's a sham by the Liberals to hide from scrutiny.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Erica Nashir: 'I think it's powerful when you have the head of government taking a knee,' Minister Ahmed Hussen says
Methinks many would agree with that political lawyer however many more should be very embarrassed that our leader would do such a thing N'esy Pas?
Reply to @Erica Nashir: 'I think it's powerful when you have the head of government taking a knee,' Minister Ahmed Hussen says
Methinks many would agree with that political lawyer however many more should be very embarrassed that our leader would do such a thing N'esy Pas?
Craig Forbes
Trudeau and Singh jointly decided to postpone parliament due to covid safety concerns yet are able to join a large random crowd for protest?
How is that right. Go back to work Mps you have lots to do
Rick Mailloux
Reply to @Nico De Jong: $600.000.000 buys allot of favorable press...
brian duog
Reply to @Craig Forbes: some parties will trade ethics, the economy and health for a few more days in power
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Craig Forbes: 'I think it's powerful when you have the head of government taking a knee,' Minister Ahmed Hussen says
Methinks many would agree with that political lawyer however many more should be very embarrassed that our leader would do such a thing N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Rick Mailloux: YUP
Reply to @Craig Forbes: 'I think it's powerful when you have the head of government taking a knee,' Minister Ahmed Hussen says
Methinks many would agree with that political lawyer however many more should be very embarrassed that our leader would do such a thing N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Rick Mailloux: YUP
Ben Casey
Reply to @David Amos: You forgot N'esy Pas on that one.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ben Casey: Methinks you must be talking to a ghost N'esy Pas?
Chris Maurier
Reply to @james Jones: You are wrong and cant see the forest for the trees.
Nico De Jong
So, let's see if we have this right. Trudeau shuts down parliament - his REAL JOB - for 3 months, due to the dangers of covid, and need for social distancing. Today, he is WILLINGLY within 6 feet of at least 8 other people, and within a large CROWD that is not doing ANY SOCIAL DISTANCING. Any responsible media would be all over this hypocrisy - but we have NO RESPONSIBLE media in Canada.
Jack Barton
Reply to @Nico De Jong: CBC would never think of criticizing JT.
Doug Cannon
Joy Brenjim
Actor on world stage pretending he cares.
Gord Gundersen
Breaking news, now that Justin has hung around with 5000 people and did not maintain social distancing, Parliament will be opening at 8 am on June 6th, 2020.
valentina vivianao
Jason Wozniuk
I believe he’s breaking the law by attending a large social gathering....
Thomas Hall
Reply to @Jason Wozniuk: Ottawa citizens getting $700 dollar fines.
Peter Inya
David Smith
Marek Jerzy
Anyone applauding the PM for going to for a walk today while closing parliament for 3 months needs to give their head a shake and read a history book. Unprecedented.
John Ross
So parliament with all the room between people is way way more virus dangerous then going to the protest and standing on top of each other?
Reply to @Ben Casey: Methinks you must be talking to a ghost N'esy Pas?
Chris Maurier
Reply to @james Jones: You are wrong and cant see the forest for the trees.
Nico De Jong
So, let's see if we have this right. Trudeau shuts down parliament - his REAL JOB - for 3 months, due to the dangers of covid, and need for social distancing. Today, he is WILLINGLY within 6 feet of at least 8 other people, and within a large CROWD that is not doing ANY SOCIAL DISTANCING. Any responsible media would be all over this hypocrisy - but we have NO RESPONSIBLE media in Canada.
Jack Barton
Reply to @Nico De Jong: CBC would never think of criticizing JT.
Doug Cannon
Reply to @Jack Barton:
CBC is showing real pictures and telling the story as is !
NOT photoshopped pics nor excerpts from FNNs !!
CBC is showing real pictures and telling the story as is !
NOT photoshopped pics nor excerpts from FNNs !!
james Jones
Reply to @Doug Cannon: CBC is JTs biggest fan
Edward Andrews
Reply to @Nico De Jong: He is protected by virtue.
Richard Sharp
Reply to @Nico De Jong:
Um. The deal is about wearing masks when social distancing is not possible, such as in NATIONAL protests like this. I applaud Trudeau for being there. He's a very caring and dedicated man. Screw everyone who calls me names for saying so.
Um. The deal is about wearing masks when social distancing is not possible, such as in NATIONAL protests like this. I applaud Trudeau for being there. He's a very caring and dedicated man. Screw everyone who calls me names for saying so.
james Jones
Reply to @Richard Sharp: Its a photo op. He needs to show some leadership and reopen the HoC.
John Gerrits
Reply to @Richard
Sharp: Wow...richard sharpe supporting his hero....again....the only
blackfaced politician convicted of ethic violations and....oh well...too
many other violations to list
Miles Long
Reply to @james Jones: Not going to happen Covid 19 allows him to stay in power and not be held accountable
Bob Boberts
Reply to @Nico De Jong: Well, to be fair...this has been the longest length of time he has ever vacationed inside Canada.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Nico De Jong: "we have NO RESPONSIBLE media in Canada"
Trust that I wholeheartedly agree and have gone to great lengths and personal expense to prove it since 2002
Trust that I wholeheartedly agree and have gone to great lengths and personal expense to prove it since 2002
David Amos
Reply to @Miles Long: I concur
Joy Brenjim
Actor on world stage pretending he cares.
Casey Clements
Reply to @JIM smith: Neither did May, Jagmeet or Blanchet. Your point is rendered weak at best!
David Amos
Reply to @Joy Brenjim: Oh So True
Gord Gundersen
Breaking news, now that Justin has hung around with 5000 people and did not maintain social distancing, Parliament will be opening at 8 am on June 6th, 2020.
valentina vivianao
Reply to @Gord Gundersen:
You mean 2021?
You mean 2021?
dave Snothear
Reply to @Gord Gundersen: Just thinking that. Can’t open parliament but you can hang out at a protest. No hypocrisy in that.
John Chow
Reply to @Gord Gundersen:
Just in time for D-Day.
Just in time for D-Day.
Reply to @John Chow:
Records show that each battalion of the 716th Static Infantry Division
which faced the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division on Juno Beach on D-Day
had "political officers" whose job was to enforce the inculcation of
Nazism to the greatest degree possible. Those officers would be proud
of you and your fellow Con's view of race relations.
Bob Boberts
Reply to @Brendan
Dominick: painting your face black and firing visible minority
secretaries and ministers, doesn't give you a whole lot of moral
authority. But hey, nice hair.
David Amos
Reply to @John Chow: Not funny
David Amos
Reply to @Brendan
Dominick: The ghosts of many of my forefathers are no doubt rolling in
their graves as folks use their sacrifices for political rhetoric
FYI My Mother's favourite brother Raymond who is one of the men I am named after was killed June 8th 2 days after the landing and Father friend David whom I am also named after was killed on my Mother's June 24th, 1944 and he was awarded the Victoria Cross. BTW My Father's aircraft crashed at Tofino where Trudeau the Younger likes to surf. He was the sole survivour of the 9 men flying with him that day or I would not be registering my indignation today.
FYI My Mother's favourite brother Raymond who is one of the men I am named after was killed June 8th 2 days after the landing and Father friend David whom I am also named after was killed on my Mother's June 24th, 1944 and he was awarded the Victoria Cross. BTW My Father's aircraft crashed at Tofino where Trudeau the Younger likes to surf. He was the sole survivour of the 9 men flying with him that day or I would not be registering my indignation today.
Jason Wozniuk
I believe he’s breaking the law by attending a large social gathering....
Thomas Hall
Reply to @Jason Wozniuk: Ottawa citizens getting $700 dollar fines.
Peter Inya
Reply to @Jason Wozniuk: He's above the law. Go back to work.
John Peters
Reply to @Thomas Hall: The fine is for sitting on park benches.
David Smith
Reply to @Jason Wozniuk:
Laws are for plebs.
Photo ops are forever.
Laws are for plebs.
Photo ops are forever.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Jason Wozniuk: What law?
Marek Jerzy
Anyone applauding the PM for going to for a walk today while closing parliament for 3 months needs to give their head a shake and read a history book. Unprecedented.
james Jones
Reply to @Marek
Jerzy: so JT can continue to rack up more debt - unchallenged and
unaccountable. What do they call that again? A dict actor ship
David Amos
Reply to @Marek Jerzy: I Wholehearted Agree
John Ross
So parliament with all the room between people is way way more virus dangerous then going to the protest and standing on top of each other?
Donald Tupin
Reply to @BobbyTaylor: Oh get serious. Andy Scheer ask tough questions??? ROFL
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Donald Tupin: Welcome to the circus
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2020 13:29:01 -0300
Subject: Re: YO Petey Baby MacKay do you and your buddy Andy care what Minister Ahmed Hussen says about anything anymore???
To: MinisterJPS@gov.pe.ca, karenmacdonald@gov.pe.ca, vickitse@gov.pe.ca, "Mike.Comeau"
Cc: motomaniac333
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Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2020 16:14:33 +0000
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Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2020 16:14:29 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Petey Baby MacKay do you and your buddy
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Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2020 16:14:29 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Petey Baby MacKay do you and your buddy
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Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2020 16:14:31 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Petey Baby MacKay do you and your buddy
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Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2020 09:14:34 -0700
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From: "OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX"
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2020 16:14:30 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Petey Baby MacKay do you and your buddy
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Again, thank you for writing.
John Horgan
On 6/7/20, David Amos
> https://twitter.com/DavidRayAmos/with_replies
> David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
> Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
> Methinks many folks agree with the political lawyer Ahmed Hussen
> However many more with 2 clues between their ears should be very
> embarrassed the leader of Canada would do such a thing N'esy Pas?
> https://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.com/2020/06/httpstwitter.html
> #nbpoli #cdnpoli
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-anti-racism-parliament-hill-1.5600803
> Trudeau takes a knee at anti-racism protest on Parliament Hill
> 'I think it's powerful when you have the head of government taking a
> knee,' Minister Ahmed Hussen says
> John Paul Tasker · CBC News · Posted: Jun 05, 2020 5:33 PM ET
> Erica Nashir
> Content disabled
> So he can attend a rally with thousands in close proximity, but too
> dangerous to be in the House of Commons, with social distancing
> procedures in place
> Uh-huh...
> Show 5 older replies
> james Jones
> Content disabled
> Reply to @Marie Harris: parliament is shut down - there is no
> oversight on how the liberals are spending.
> If JT can attend a rally (photo op) it’s time for him to stop hiding
> in his cottage and explain to taxpayers how he plans to pay back the
> BILLIONS he borrowed before and after Covid 19.
> Bort Smith
> Content disabled
> Reply to @Marie Harris:
> Virtual Parliament is not parliament. It's a sham by the Liberals to
> hide from scrutiny.
> David Amos
> Content disabled
> Reply to @Erica Nashir: 'I think it's powerful when you have the head
> of government taking a knee,' Minister Ahmed Hussen says
> Methinks many would agree with that political lawyer however many more
> should be very embarrassed that our leader would do such a thing N'esy
> Pas?
> Craig Forbes
> Trudeau and Singh jointly decided to postpone parliament due to covid
> safety concerns yet are able to join a large random crowd for protest?
> How is that right. Go back to work Mps you have lots to do
> Show 8 older replies
> Rick Mailloux
> Reply to @Nico De Jong: $600.000.000 buys allot of favorable press...
> brian duog
> Reply to @Craig Forbes: some parties will trade ethics, the economy
> and health for a few more days in power
> David Amos
> Content disabled
> Reply to @Craig Forbes: 'I think it's powerful when you have the head
> of government taking a knee,' Minister Ahmed Hussen says
> Methinks many would agree with that political lawyer however many more
> should be very embarrassed that our leader would do such a thing N'esy
> Pas?
> David Amos
> Content disabled
> Reply to @Rick Mailloux: YUP
> Ben Casey
> Reply to @David Amos: You forgot N'esy Pas on that one.
> David Amos
> Reply to @Ben Casey: Methinks you must be talking to a ghost N'esy Pas?
Federal ministers express outrage over N.B. shooting death of Chantel Moore
26-year-old woman from Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation killed Thursday
· CBC News · Posted: Jun 05, 2020 11:41 AM AT
Chantel Moore, 26, grew up on Vancouver Island but left recently to live in New Brunswick where she joined her mother and five-year-old daughter, Gracie. (Chantel Moore/Facebook)
Eight investigators with Quebec's independent police watchdog group have been sent to Edmundston to investigate a police officer's actions leading up to the shooting death of Chantel Moore early Thursday.
Moore, a 26-year-old woman from Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation in British Columbia, was shot as police were carrying out a wellness check.
Police in the northwestern New Brunswick city say Moore ran out of her apartment onto a balcony with a knife, threatening the officer who then shot her.
In a news release, Quebec's Independent Investigations Office said it will determine if the information released by police is correct. Sylvie Boutin, a spokesperson for the organization, said no interviews will be provided during the investigation, which could take a few months to complete.
Moore's death has drawn national attention at a time of increased scrutiny on the use of force by police in Canada and the United States.
Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller, speaking during a news conference Friday in Ottawa, said he's "outraged" by the continuing pattern of police violence against Indigenous people in Canada.
"I don't understand how someone dies during a wellness check," Miller said about Moore's death, adding when he first heard about it he thought it was some kind of a morbid joke.

Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller says there is a 'pattern' of police violence against Indigenous people in Canada, citing the shooting death of a New Brunswick woman earlier this week and a video that appears to show police in Kinngait, Nunavut, striking a man with the door of a pickup truck. 2:00
First Nations leaders in British Columbia issued a statement Thursday evening condemning the police actions and expressed outrage over her "tragic and senseless death."
The shooting occurred just over a year after the release of the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
Doug White, chair of the BC First Nations Justice Council, said the government has failed to act on the report.
"De-escalation training and racial bias training is urgently needed across this country to avoid another senseless loss," White said.
Many have questions about the exact circumstances which led to her death, and her loved ones and community deserve those answers through the independent review announced by the police.
Federal Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Carolyn Bennett tweeted Thursday that her heart is with Moore's family, friends and community.
"Another Indigenous woman is no longer with us," Bennett wrote. "Significant work remains to ensure that all Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit and gender diverse people have access to the supports they need and can walk safely, wherever they live."
The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council, representing 14 First Nations along the Pacific coast of Vancouver Island, issued a statement calling for answers.
The council also called for police practices that de-escalate situations and to use trauma-informed approaches.
Edmundston police on Thursday said the officer didn't attempt to use non-lethal force, though that would be part of the independent investigation. The force in the city of 16,500 along the border with Maine does not use body cameras.
Edmundston Mayor Cyrille Simard has yet to comment on what happened. A spokesperson for the city said neither the municipality or the police force would be commenting now that the independent investigation is underway.
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