David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks everybody knows this announcement has a lot to do with Northrup and Cardy sending me butter tarts before the last election which caused me to run against him N'esy Pas?
#nbpoli #cdnpoli
Longtime PC MLA stepping down this fall
Byelection to fill Bruce Northrup's soon-to-be vacated seat set for October, MLA says
· CBC News · Posted: Jun 18, 2020 8:27 PM AT
PC MLA Bruce Northrup says he will retire from politics in October. (Graham Thompson/CBC)
One of the longest-serving Progressive Conservative MLAs in the New Brunswick legislature says he'll bow out of provincial politics this fall.
Bruce Northrup, who was first elected in 2006 and was minister of natural resources and later of public safety in the David Alward government, plans to resign as MLA for Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins before this fall.
Northrup spoke out publicly in February against a plan by the Higgs government, later cancelled, to close the emergency departments at night in six small hospitals, including the one in Sussex.
But Northrup told CBC News his decision was entirely about wanting more family time, including with two grandchildren — one born three weeks ago — he has not been able to see because of COVID-19 restrictions.
"The time just feels right. It's hard to explain anything beyond that," he said.
"What I've done the last 14 years is put politics first and family second. I want to change that around and put family first and politics down at the bottom of the agenda."
PC MLA Bruce Northrup says byelections will be held in October to fill his seat and the other two vacancies. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
He said not being able to see his grandchildren "kind of added to things."
On Thursday, Northrup voted against proposed legislation to eliminate religious and philosophical exemptions from the policy on mandatory vaccinations for school children. Last summer, he called the issue "probably the biggest struggle I've had, personally" as an MLA.
Northrup's departure would make it even harder for the Higgs government to pass legislation in the house.
The Progressive Conservatives have 20 MLAs, the Liberals have 19 and the People's Alliance and Greens each have three. There is one independent MLA and two vacancies.But Northrup said he will try to time his departure so that a byelection can be held in Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins at the same time two other byelections are expected this fall.
He plans to sit on legislative committees this summer.
A bill passed in March postponed two required byelections in the Saint Croix and Shediac Bay-Dieppe ridings. The bill said they must be held at the latest 30 days before the start of a new session of the legislature this fall.
Northrup said the plan now within the government is to hold them in mid-October, and he hopes his replacement can be elected then too, but planning for that is "at the early stages."
Northrup was first elected in 2006 and was re-elected in 2010, 2014 and 2018.
He became natural resources minister in the Alward government in 2010
While he supported shale gas development, in 2011 he alleged Windsor Energy broke the law by conducting seismic testing in Sussex without the town's consent, an allegation that prompted the company to sue him for defamation.
The New Brunswick Court of Appeal eventually ruled that Northrup's comments were factual, so he could not be sued for what he said.
Northrup was later shuffled out of the natural resources portfolio. In 2018, he told CBC News he was moved after J.D. Irving Ltd. pressured then-premier Alward over Northrup's reluctance to increase the amount of Crown wood logged by industry, something Alward's advisers said was not the case.
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David Amos
Methinks whereas I ran in the last election against Northrup I have every right to welcome folks to the circus and hope that they enjoy the desperate PC spin doctor's nonsense as much as I do N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
No surprise. What is the story about rats and sinking ships? One might expect more Conservative MLA's, who have secured their pensions by service, might just follow. (think federal NDP just after the leadership convention)
The idea of advancement within the party was trashed with Mr Cardy, so why stick around, once you have your pension?
No surprise. What is the story about rats and sinking ships? One might expect more Conservative MLA's, who have secured their pensions by service, might just follow. (think federal NDP just after the leadership convention)
The idea of advancement within the party was trashed with Mr Cardy, so why stick around, once you have your pension?
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I know that is a fact with Northrup. He was very wimpy when we debated. I beleive that he just wants everyone to think well of him as he remains in his hometown. What took the cake between he and I was when the Green Meanies had me barred from a big debate about private woodlots. Everybody noticed our exchange before the debate and when he said nothing after I was denied the right to debate his goose was cooked in front of many common friends of ours.
David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al
know that this announcement has a lot to do with the Bructer and Cardy
sending me butter tarts in the mail before the last election which
caused me to run against him N'esy Pas?
Rob Mason
Reply to @David Amos: you certainly showed him!!
David Amos
Reply to @Rob Mason: I'm still standing
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks everyone is waiting with bated breath the hear little Lou's spin on this revelation N'esy Pas?Tony Mcalbey
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: (Basically he seconded my comment but everything went "Poof"before I could save it because Lou Bell was obviously respodig at the same point in time)
Lou Bell
A loner who went to the beat of his own drum !
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Hmmm
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Little Lou appears as expected and her buddy Tony and I go "Poof" Go Figure
Buddy Best
No offence to Bruce but how many former MLAs do we now have feeding at the trough? 740K?
David Amos
Bob Smith
Family time? Hard eye roll...he was going to be joining Gauvin in the independent ranks soon enough and probably defeat come next election. He wants that sweet pension money.
Pete Spence
Should have absented himself from vaccination vote.
But politicians seldom, if ever have scruples.
Terry Tibbs
SarahRose Werner
It will be interesting to see how the by-elections in October are conducted, as these will be the first elections held in NB in the "new normal" of COVID-19. Maybe if Elections NB can get the details worked out for the by-elections, we can then go ahead and hold the municipal elections that were postponed from May.
Pierre LaRoches
no great loss for this anti-science, pro sick kids flunkie to move on.
David Amos
Janice small
Oh here we go again, the family and friends goodbye and excit,, must be some kind of excited scripted politicaians have in their email drafts after they qualify for their sweet pension .. Very very selfish , if Higgs ever needed his party with him it's now.. You could of stepped down after the inevitable election on the horizon .. very selfish, you can make it right by reconsidering..
Tim Morton
Thank you Mr. Northrup for standing against that horrible vaccine bill 11.
Measles hasnt killed anyone in North America for a long time, but people have died from vaccines. Sure, 1 in 1000000 statistics, but Canada needs to step up and have a vaccine compensation program for those who are vaccine injured. At least now if we play vaccine russian roulette, it's our choice. Thank you for protecting our human rights.
Bob Smith
Jonas Smith
He'll always be known as the the MLA who caved to anti-vaxers. Good riddance
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Hmmm
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Little Lou appears as expected and her buddy Tony and I go "Poof" Go Figure
Buddy Best
No offence to Bruce but how many former MLAs do we now have feeding at the trough? 740K?
David Amos
Reply to @Buddy Best: I talked to one yesterday who wanted rid of some ferries years ago Guess who that was
Bob Smith
Family time? Hard eye roll...he was going to be joining Gauvin in the independent ranks soon enough and probably defeat come next election. He wants that sweet pension money.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Bob Smith:
There are other factors involved.
There are other factors involved.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Top of the list are Cardy's butter tarts
Pete Spence
Should have absented himself from vaccination vote.
But politicians seldom, if ever have scruples.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Pete Spence:
Why would you say that? Is he not still a MLA? At least until the door hits him on the way out?
Maybe he is making a statement? Are you prepared to listen?
Why would you say that? Is he not still a MLA? At least until the door hits him on the way out?
Maybe he is making a statement? Are you prepared to listen?
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Pete Spence:
This man has scruples in spades...he is not afraid to stand up for what he believes and what his constituents tell him that they want...... He did not " tow the line " just to be in Higgs and the party whip's good books.... He actually stands for what he believes and is willing to put that belief into actions...
This man has scruples in spades...he is not afraid to stand up for what he believes and what his constituents tell him that they want...... He did not " tow the line " just to be in Higgs and the party whip's good books.... He actually stands for what he believes and is willing to put that belief into actions...
David Amos
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Dream on
SarahRose Werner
It will be interesting to see how the by-elections in October are conducted, as these will be the first elections held in NB in the "new normal" of COVID-19. Maybe if Elections NB can get the details worked out for the by-elections, we can then go ahead and hold the municipal elections that were postponed from May.
Reply to @SarahRose
Werner: I'm not expecting municipal elections until next spring.
Elections NB needs a full four months to gear up and unless they do it
now it will be too late for this year.
David Amos
Reply to @Douglas
James: Methinks you should think about what you posted then consider the
possibility of a General Election just like the one you and I ran in
not long ago N'esy Pas?
Pierre LaRoches
no great loss for this anti-science, pro sick kids flunkie to move on.
David Amos
Reply to @Pierre LaRoches: Methinks he was one of your heroes not long ago N'esy Pas?
Janice small
Oh here we go again, the family and friends goodbye and excit,, must be some kind of excited scripted politicaians have in their email drafts after they qualify for their sweet pension .. Very very selfish , if Higgs ever needed his party with him it's now.. You could of stepped down after the inevitable election on the horizon .. very selfish, you can make it right by reconsidering..
Reply to @Janice small:
It has been made more than clear that there will be no advancement, in the party, for the party faithful.
If you had it "made in the shade" you would likely be moving on too.
It has been made more than clear that there will be no advancement, in the party, for the party faithful.
If you had it "made in the shade" you would likely be moving on too.
David Amos
Reply to @Janice
small: Methinks many folks who do not partake of Cardy's butter tarts
would agree that Northrup's retirement at his point in time was Higgy's
idea N'esy Pas?
Tim Morton
Thank you Mr. Northrup for standing against that horrible vaccine bill 11.
Measles hasnt killed anyone in North America for a long time, but people have died from vaccines. Sure, 1 in 1000000 statistics, but Canada needs to step up and have a vaccine compensation program for those who are vaccine injured. At least now if we play vaccine russian roulette, it's our choice. Thank you for protecting our human rights.
Bob Smith
Reply to @Tim Morton:
Vaccine injured? Really? Folks like you are the reason Covid may linger
for years after a vaccine is available.
Rob Mason
Reply to @Tim Morton: Tim Morton
55 minutes ago
Thank you Mr. Northrup for standing against that horrible vaccine bill 11.
Measles hasnt killed anyone in North America for a long time,
That is because of mass vaccination, why does it not compute??
55 minutes ago
Thank you Mr. Northrup for standing against that horrible vaccine bill 11.
Measles hasnt killed anyone in North America for a long time,
That is because of mass vaccination, why does it not compute??
David Amos
Reply to @Rob Mason: I see that you are abandoning your old buddy Bruce when he could use a friend
Reply to @Bob Smith:
You know Bob, I certainly don't know, but what happens if "the cure" is worse than the disease? Like cancer?
You know Bob, I certainly don't know, but what happens if "the cure" is worse than the disease? Like cancer?
Gil Murray
Reply to @Terry
Tibbs: What is in a vaccine that will cause cancer? Use a flu vaccine,
for instance. What ingredient has proven to cause cancer?
Gil Murray
Reply to @Tim Morton:
Russian roulette? So you believe there is a 1 in 6 chance that a common
vaccine will kill you? Which ingredient is going to do it?
Reply to @Gil Murray:
Maybe another try at the reading and comprehension?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Sure go ahead Terry ! Although it hasn't worked for you in the past !!!!
David Amos
Maybe another try at the reading and comprehension?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Sure go ahead Terry ! Although it hasn't worked for you in the past !!!!
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Methinks you acting as a their number one spin doctor are as much of an
embarrassment to the PC Party as Cardy is N'esy Pas?
Jonas Smith
He'll always be known as the the MLA who caved to anti-vaxers. Good riddance
David Amos
Reply to @Jonas Smith: So you say
Terry Tibbs
What's not to like?
Got the big pension, and "the party" has made it more than clear there will be no advancement within the party for the party faithful, time to move on, Happy Trails.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: BINGO
Lou Bell
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Party Faithful ? He was a loner in it for himself ! How could a loner ever represent ALL in N.B. , as he showed his true colours in yesterdays vote , as did Coon solely because he couldn't get his amendment added by the ALL PARTY COMMITTEE !
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Kinda "funny" that loner is the longest sitting CONServative MLA in NB.
But don't let any facts get in the way of your misrepresentations and stories.
Kinda "funny" that loner is the longest sitting CONServative MLA in NB.
But don't let any facts get in the way of your misrepresentations and stories.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks Bruce Fitch and Trevor Holder have been riding the Gravy Train longer N'esy Pas?
Chris Merriam
Good riddance....he and a good portion of NB politicians of ALL PARTIES failed us all in their vote yesterday. NB voters will remember.
David Amos
Reply to @Chris Merriam: Don't bet on it Many of us don't even bother to vote for obvious reasons
Jack Straw
My religion is against seatbelts....can I get an exemption too? The anti vaxxers are loons and the vote yesterday shows how backwards NB really is.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jack Straw:
Probably would be easier to get a doctor's note.
Probably would be easier to get a doctor's note.
David Amos
Reply to @Jack Straw:
You seem bitter Perhaps you should get a double double next time you
are in Sussex then see if the RCMP let you drink it in the parking lot
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Sussex is Northrups territory ! He runs the show there , as badly as he does ! Pay attention .
David Amos
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Sussex is Northrups territory ! He runs the show there , as badly as he does ! Pay attention .
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Methinks I must ask again who ran against Northrup in the last election
after he and his buddy Cardy sent me Butter Tarts in th email with a
signed note that you no doubt read N'esy Pas???
Mack Leigh
Tell me exactly when did " Bow Out " and being " Forced Out " come to have the same meaning ?? Sad to see one politician go that actually had the gonads to stand up for his constituents rather than fall in line with a party..
David Amos
Reply to @Mack Leigh:
Methinks everybody knew the Irving Clan had had enough of Northrup long
ago but Higgy needed his seat Thats why little Lou attacks me so much
about running against him last time and ignores all my runs in Fundy
Royal for the federal seat N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Runs ? More like tripping over the start line and never getting up !
Fred Brewer
So he wants to spend more time with his grandchildren. Well Mr. Northrup I hope for your sake they don't fall ill due to lack of vaccinations at their school.
David Amos
Reply to @Fred
Brewer: Methinks old Freddy should take a nap and try to get over
Cardy's loss before he has a stroke on one of the hottest days of the
year for Higgy et al in more ways than one N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Is that in the policy statement of the " Me Party " ?? What page ?? Will it be discussed with Tony , Joe , Jim , and Ms. Harris at this weekends Leadership Convention at Timmies ??
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: What is this "Me Party" that are you going on and on and on about?
janice small
All the best,, with lips sealed and good by..
David Amos
Reply to @janice small: Why be nice?
Brent Harris Blizzard
Wish they all would resign. With our population NB only needs 10 MLA,s anyway.
David Amos
Reply to @Brent
Harris Blizzard: I agree that they all should resign but methinks many
folks would agree that we need about 25 MLAs or so to run a proper
circus N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
A loner who represented the 9 % minority that followed the Fake News social media's uneducated " experts " and turned his back on the 91 % who solely wanted their kids protected ! ! More suited for the " Me Party " .
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Once again Who is the "Me Party" ?
BIG pension: check
ReplyDeleteThe Party making it more than clear there is no room for advancement: check
Time to move on: check
Happy Trails.
Its The Junkman I presume