C3RF Update, 03 Sep 2021 – David v Goliath

Remarque! La version française suit un peu plus bas
Never let a crisis go to waste
Former Obama Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, popularized the phrase, “never let a good crisis go to waste”. He meant to say that times of crisis present opportunities to do things that, otherwise, would not be possible. And so it is today that we find ourselves in the throes of an election in spite of the stable minority government that has ruled the nation for the past two years. After all, the crisis afforded by the advent of the Wuhan virus has given the government-of-the-day the perfect excuse to raid the public coffers and ply its constituents with free money – all in an effort to blunt the economic pain levied by the same government’s lockdown and business-crushing policies.

And what better time to cash in on the largesse? A year and a half and three waves into the Wuhan virus and Canadians still believe their social interactions and vaccination status are the problems. If only the laggards among them didn’t resist vaccination and persist in offering up their bodies as incubators for more contagious, virulent variants of the virus. The timing is perfect, but tight, as the “scientific” basis for such notions is eroding fast in the face of inescapable and worldwide developments. In almost fully vaccinated Israel, for example, it is the vaccinated that are spreading the contagion and suffering most in hospital settings. The same is happening in other jurisdictions, like the UK and Iceland, that are heavily vaccinated and mere months ahead of Canada when it comes to such programs. Indeed, had the Canadian government waited to call its election it might very well have found itself in a similar situation – in the midst of a fourth wave with monies spent seen as a waste rather than a “we’ve got your back” blessing.

Then again and as the evidence mounts, the Liberal government just might find itself in the midst of a national realization that Canadian politicians and healthcrats have been making the contagion worse with its “zero Covid”, vaccine-only remedies. If and when asked, how would they explain that:
cases are surging in an Israel characterized by 90% vaccination rates and that “boosters” are now required;
Upwards of 95% of those hospitalized with severe Covid illness in Israel are fully vaccinated; and
those with natural immunity to the Wuhan virus are much better protected than those with vaccine immunity.
The political and bureaucratic elites were delighted in the past by the knowledge that the main stream media was on their side with no intention of asking these obvious questions. Problem is, the cat is out of the bag, now, with everyday citizens asking for, and even demanding, answers. Witness the need for the Trudeau campaign to cancel a Bolton, Ontario event to avoid rowdy, unsafe crowds. And note the submission of legal suits by grassroot organizations to block draconian and mandatory vaccine injection and passport measures. Have the Liberals run out of time?

A day late and a dollar short
It does appear that the Liberal government could very well be a day late and a dollar short with its election call. This, as citizens wrestle with what a vaccine passport Canada will look like even as they are sickened by the profligate spending aimed at buying their votes. Still, the government has decided to roll the dice by exploiting vaccine passports as a “wedge” issue even as it continues to promise new spending measures on a daily basis. In the case of the passports, they are no doubt placing their bets on focus groups and internal polling that suggest a fearful populace is craving the security afforded by 100% vaccination rates. But should the Party be worried that the polls are wrong as evidenced by a disastrous first week of campaigning and the desperate need to change the channel?

In retrospect, perhaps the Liberals should be thanked for raising the vaccine issues as campaign “wedges”. After all, the civil liberty questions raised by both federal and provincial actions across the country have been ignored by a compliant media and replaced with case counts that have instilled fear in the Canadian populace. This, even though individual rights and freedoms are central to what it means to be a Canadian in our heretofore free and democratic society. The fact that these issues have been ignored throughout the Wuhan virus crisis, to the detriment of all Canadians, is an understatement and in great need of rectification. After all, the implementation of emergency measures that limit the individual rights of Canadians come with a concomitant requirement to “demonstrate” that they are “prescribed by law”, meet the objective and are proportional – in accordance with Section 1 of the Charter.

Canadians could be forgiven for wondering if such deliberations were ever entertained as, after almost two years of emergency edicts issued by both federal and provincial governments, they have yet to see related debates take place in their political halls of power. Indeed, throughout this whole period political authorities have accepted as fact any and all WHO-based remedies that have been funnelled to them through their public health authorities. Unfortunately, these new “lockdown” strategies come to us from China’s experience in dealing with the Wuhan virus and depart markedly from the WHO’s own Pandemic Planning Guidelines of 2019. These guidelines recognized the massive damage that can be visited upon societies that close borders and industries and recommended vociferously against such measures. How could such considerations have escaped the attention of our political leaders before they lowered the boom on our civil liberties in the name of the Wuhan virus?

David v Goliath (Garneau)
It is clear now that the ballot-box question of Election 2021 has moved beyond mundane vote-buying to embrace the individual rights and freedoms that have been so ravaged by government fiat over the past 18 months. Besides the controversial vaccine mandates and passports that have been recently announced by various governments, the related debate is being propelled by data coming out of countries that are ahead of Canada when it comes to the rollout of vaccine programs. And so we see in Israel and the UK the surge of new and serious cases of “Delta” infections in fully vaccinated individuals. Indeed, in both countries over 60% of the serious illnesses and death are occurring in the fully vaccinated. Additionally, it is beginning to appear that it is the vaccinated who are responsible for incubating “mutations” even as they serve as “super-spreaders” of the virus.

There can be little doubt that this unfolding evidence and data is driving a new “Ballot-Box” question that has been steadfastly ignored by the legacy federal parties. After all, they have, each and every one, been four-square behind the crushing of individual rights in the name of promoting the “common good” to defeat the Wuhan virus. But what if they are wrong? What if both the “common good” and individual liberties were better served by the pandemic planning guidelines that were based on decades of epidemiological science – the guidelines from 2019? What if they are asked to explain the new data coming out of Israel and the UK that sees flagging vaccine efficacy rates, the need for boosters and disease being spread by the fully vaccinated? What will or can they say? How will they explain away Sweden’s success at coming through the contagion without locking down when Canada faces a new “fourth wave”? This, even as our Prime Minister promises one billion dollars for provinces that implement vaccine passports and Ontario changes course to cash in?

If we are going to see these questions play out it will very likely be in the riding of Notre-Dame-de-Grace-Westmount. The riding should be a slam-dunk for the Liberal incumbent, Marc Garneau. After all, he is the current Minister for Foreign Affairs, a past contender for the Liberal Party leadership, Canada’s first astronaut and former Executive Vice President of Canada’s Space Agency. Problem is and as noted in previous “updates”, he is a solid member of the party system that has usurped power from the individual Member of Parliament to vest it in the party itself. He was an integral member of the Cabinet that ousted Jodie Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott in the face of the SNC Lavalin scandal and he stood for the suspending and proroguing of parliament to skate around the WE debacle. One wonders, can he expect to be re-elected on a platform that includes dividing Canadians on the basis of their medical status?

Then again we have M. Garneau’s competitor from the People’s Party of Canada (PPC), David Freiheit. The PPC is one of the few federal parties, the Christian Heritage Party (CHP) among them, that promises to restore individual rights and freedoms and re-instate the proven pandemic measures of the past. For his part, David Freiheit, a litigation lawyer by trade, has been an enthusiastic supporter of the Charter and the need to restrict related fundamental freedoms only given “prescribed laws” that can be “demonstrated” to be necessary. C3RF had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Freiheit and he can be seen to expound on his freedom-based leanings here. M. Garneau has been invited to be interviewed by yours truly but, as of yet, has not responded. In any event, the recognition of vaccine mandates and passports as the “Ballot-Box” question of Election 2021 and the contribution of these two gentlemen in the related debate is much appreciated and looked forward to.

Thanks for your continued support
Your patronage makes a world of difference in the ability of C3RF to educate, advocate and act in service of preserving the individual and fundamental rights of all Canadians. It is truly unfortunate that such efforts are required but the fact remains, these rights and freedoms are coming under increasing attack from all quarters including our own legislative, judicial, media, academic and security authorities. Please know that the funds you so generously donate go directly into campaigning, events, bookkeeping, technology costs and legal advice. When these basic services are met, we use excess funding to assist other groups in advancing the cause of Canadian individual rights within a strong and free Canada. We also contribute to related legal proceedings and charitable activities when able. If you missed the call, Click here to support C3RF today!
And while you're considering making a difference, please follow C3RF on Twitter, on Facebook, on Gab, on Parler and on our web site and share with friends our great content and a realistic outlook on the continuing battle for Charter Rights in Canada. You can also join our Twitter feed here and view our videos on YouTube, on Rumble and on Odysee.

Major Russ Cooper (Ret’d)
President and CEO, C3RF

Major Russ Cooper (Ret'd) 'In Hot' with PPC candidate David Freiheit - 30 August 2021
Major Russ Cooper (Ret'd) follows the reverberations emanating from the Notre-Dame-de-Grace-Westmount riding and rolls "In Hot" on Election 2021. It looks like the ballot-box question is being moved away from "climate change" and "day care" as the PPC candidate, David Freiheit, respectfully disagrees. How is it, he wonders, that "flattening the curve" was allowed to become "get an experimental vaccine or suffer the consequences". Strap in for some hard maneuvering as the discussion analyzes Canada's movement away from being strong and free to becoming a police state. Is this election really about "climate change"? Or is it about disrupting tyranny?
My Interview with Major Russ Cooper (Ret'd) & the Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms
Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson interviews Major Russ Cooper (Ret'd): Canada's Culture of Fear
Major Russ Cooper (Ret'd), President and CEO of C3RF, participates in an extended interview with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson on her social media program, "& Friends" . The conversation is fast-paced and chronicles the stripping away of individual, "fundamental" freedoms in Canada with the onset of the current Liberal government in 2015. Forget about the cavalry riding over the hill in the form of previously respected, competent and impartial institutions to save the day. They are on the other side, now, and it's up to each citizen to stand up and take back the rights and freedoms that are theirs as Canadians.
Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson interviews Major Russ Cooper (Ret'd): Canada's Culture of Fear
Daniel Bordman was live.
"Conservative" honors the Muslim Brotherhood member in Parliament
Why I am Voting PPC
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C3RF Press Release on UN Global Compact
Contact: Major Russ Cooper (Ret'd)
Email: russ.cooper@canadiancitizens.org
Canadian Non-Profit Raises Serious Objections to Canada's Signing of the UN Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (to be signed in Morocco 10/11 December, 2018)
[Ottawa, Ontario, 05 December, 2018]
Major Russ Cooper (Ret’d), Co-Chair of the Non Profit, Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms (C3RF), has issued a call to action by Canadians to join a rally in Ottawa on 08 December, 2018 on Parliament Hill at 11 AM and to write letters to their MPs on the negative impacts associated with signing the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. The rally is jointly sponsored by a variety of groups, including C3RF, that worry that the international Compact will come at the cost of national sovereignty, security and individual Charter Rights that Canadians see as fundamental to their citizenship. Major Cooper requests that letters written to political leaders stress the fact that the Compact has not been debated by Canadians even though it stands to effect a sea-change in the nation’s approach to migration, border control and national security.
The Global Compact on Migration has been turned down by several nations, including the United States, for these and other reasons. These include the fact that the international agreement proposes to treat migration as a “human right” capable of overriding the national security concerns, values, cultures, self determination and social and fiscal capacities of destination countries. It suggests that any and all migrants be allowed to enter any country with national agencies established to aid in this decision-making process. The Compact then goes beyond logistical considerations to make migration a one-way street with destination countries responsible for the provision of “culturally sensitive” health, education and social services while it takes measures to assure that the host population is disabused from challenging any aspect of migration programs or migrant behaviour. There is no need for migrants to assimilate within their new home. Indeed, the words assimilate” and “assimilation” do not appear in the Compact. This intrusion in the national life of a country is beyond the pale and threatens social cohesion with no recourse for amelioration. Canadians must not sit idly by while the current Liberal government agrees to limit freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and implements an overall bias against those who would defend Canada's right to control its own borders.
Canadians find themselves facing a loss of national sovereignty and fundamental freedoms at the 11th hour as their signature on the Global Compact on Migration looms. There is little doubt that such a lack of transparency serves the purposes of a political leadership that is not looking out for its constituents but, rather, a globalist elite with other priorities in mind. Looking back, there were some clues of what was to come:
Shortly after coming to power PM Trudeau declared to the New York Times that Canada has no core values and is the first among “post-national states”;
In December, 2016, the Liberal Party tabled Motion M-103 that called for “quelling” a national affliction of systemic racism and religious discrimination – including Islamophobia. Such unfounded accusations are in line with assumptions embedded within the Compact;
Throughout the M-103 approval process the Liberal Party refused to reconsider the use of the term Islamophobia in M-103. It insisted on retaining the ambiguity resonant within the term thus leaving the door open to interpreting the criticism of religious doctrine and beliefs as beyond the limits of “free speech” – as is the case with limits proposed by the Compact; and
Once the M-103 Report was submitted, the Government responded by carving out $23 million from in-place budget provisions to satisfy related initiatives. In this fashion, no “Bill” was required for debate and funding purposes. Similarly, the Global Compact is advertised as innocuous as it is “non-binding” and not worthy of close inspection. (see “backgrounder material” for why non-binding isn’t what it seems)
Fact is, the Global Compact on Migration is worthy of very close inspection as it calls for a number of accommodations capable of depleting national resources and stunting personal liberties. These include:
Objective 2 which commits destination nations to the elimination of poverty and social inequity in originating nations;
Objective 5 requirement to assist migrants with identifying the best host country for their needs;
Objective 7 stipulation that calls for “irregular” status migrants to be considered for “regular” status;
Objective 16 direction to accommodate family reunification programs thereby expanding, exponentially, the flow rate of migration;
Objective 17 requirement to eliminate “all forms of discrimination” in the host population including those that call into question the political opinions of migrants. Here we can see Motion M-103 as a precursor for a larger, more comprehensive Global Compact initiative;
Objective 17 direction to tightly control criticism of migrants and migration programs;
Objective 17 restrictions on media outlets and professionals to ensure they are properly “sensitized” and “educated” in matters pertaining to migration;
Objective 20 stipulations that faster, better, more efficient remittance programs be developed to funnel monies out of destination and into originating nations; and
Objective 22 requirement to make all migrant-gained social benefits and pensions portable to any other jurisdictions of his or her choice.
For further information please review the “Backgrounder Material” enclosed below or contact Major Russ Cooper (Ret’d) at
Background Material
[About C3RF]
Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms (C3RF) is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to the preservation of the fundamental rights and freedoms of everyday Canadians. It is comprised of more than 5,000 Canadians from across the land. These folks are representative of all the ethnicities, religions and creeds that make Canada the multi-cultural miracle that it is. C3RF members believe that this multi-cultural miracle is based on fundamental, individual rights that have the power to unite all Canadians through the shared believe that these freedoms best serve the national project.
C3RF originated and grew rapidly out of the Government of Canada’s advancement of Motion M-103. This motion was seen as both demeaning and misinformed as it accused Canadians of systemic racism and religious discrimination. This, even as it framed the term “Islamophobia” as being benign and not meant to shield one religion before and above all others. Given the use of the term in the European context over the previous two decades, C3RF members did not believe this to be the case and worked diligently to make their disagreement known. Although the Motion went on to be approved by a majority Liberal government, the membership was successful in generating a national debate and derailing the “slam-dunk” that Motion M-103 was meant to be.
At the end of the day, they were correct in their assessment of Islamophobia being a weaponized term designed to protect Islam from criticism. This was borne out in Europe when the European Human Rights Court recently declared that defamation of the prophet Mohammad exceeded the “permissible limits” of freedom of expression. In the Canadian context, we now see the country’s Prime Minister calling opponents of his plan to coddle returning ISIS fighters as “Islamophobic”. It is clear that Motion M-103 was meant to run cover for sharia speech codes that criminalize blasphemy through the weaponization of the concept of Islamophobia. It is also clear that this concept is endorsed by Canada’s political elite and is working to stifle the fundamental right of Canadians to express themselves in opposition to certain ideas and ideologies.
[The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration – an “M-103 on Steroids”]
It is in this brave, new Canadian context that we can see the signing of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration as accommodating an “M-103 on steroids”. How else to describe a U.N. covenant that will open up the world’s national borders, establish “regular pathways” for migration and make any opposition to such fundamental and draconian measures unacceptable. Indeed, we are already seeing Canada’s Minister of Immigration calling out citizens for being “not Canadian”. In a similar fashion, we are also told by the Prime Minister’s Principal Secretary that we are “alt-right” for opposing the loss of our national borders and security. It truly seems as if the M-103 playbook is being rolled out once again. A playbook that uses false accusations, intimidation and insults to distract from narratives that cannot stand a thorough scrutiny.
[Europe has already been here – the test run]
The fact that the Compact has been scrutinized and found to be lacking is exemplified by the growing number of nations that are refusing to sign it in Morocco on 10/ 11 December, 2018. These countries include the United States, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Israel and Estonia with Austria, Italy, Belgium and Switzerland likely to follow. The United States is on record as pulling out due to sovereignty concerns as the Compact calls for the coordination of border controls and the supremacy of international law. Hungary notes that the Compact lionizes migration when it cannot be seen as a plus when it poses such an existential threat to national security.
It would be difficult to argue with Hungary’s assessment given the fact that the Global Compact on Migration has already undergone a test-run in an “open borders” European Union. This initiative, under the guise of offering refuge to Syrians fleeing Middle-East war, has seen millions of mostly fighting age, Muslim men flow into Europe over the past several years. Sweden and Germany have been particularly generous in their acceptance of such migration and have been rewarded accordingly. Sweden is experiencing soaring violent crime rates characterized by shootings, grenades, gang warfare and “no-go zones” where first and second-generation immigrants hold sway. Germany is likewise afflicted with the worst kind of violence in the form of terrorism. The prosecution of such cases is now exceeding the capacity of the security and jurisprudence systems to blunt and punish them respectively. How would the Global Compact on Migration prevent such outcomes in Canada?
[Canada on the cusp of losing itself?]
Problem is, the Compact is not structured to deal with the curtailment of such possibilities. It is written from the perspective that migration is a culturally enriching prospect for the gaining country and, as such, entails no responsibility for the migrant to assimilate within a host culture. Indeed, the terms “assimilate” or “assimilation” are nowhere to be found within the document. Rather than this, the document is replete with guidance that calls upon the host country to deliver programs, including health, education and work services, in a “culturally sensitive” fashion. The Compact is a one-way street in this regard.
[No Problem – it’s “non-binding”]
A popular, but disingenuous, argument for the signing of the Compact is, “no problem, it’s non-binding”. One would be wise, however, to assume that a Canadian signature on the Compact on Migration would result in a requirement to fulfil the formal obligations noted above. This is the case as Canadian courts frequently turn to international agreements, particularly in the human rights domain, when “interpreting the meaning and scope of particular rights and liberties in Canadian law”. It was in this fashion that Canada’s Supreme Court reviewed the constitutionality of some of Canada’s laws against hate speech and decided that international norms were sufficiently formed to justify the restriction of Canadian free speech provisions in the national Charter. International agreements might also be directed by the Parliament itself to address ordinary, non-constitutional law in the Canadian context. One such relevant initiative was the enactment of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act wherein Parliament specifically directed that it should be interpreted in a way which best “complies with international human rights instruments to which Canada is signatory”. It would be safe to say that Canada will feel compelled to honour what it signs in Morocco this December – and sooner rather than later.
[Are Canada’s new leaders the globalist elite? Or you?]
All this to say that the Compact cannot be seen as disposable or in the national interest. In the matter of national interest, it can easily be seen to have been designed to work against such priorities. Indeed, it can be seen to purposely operate in favour of a global enterprise in the form of U.N. Agenda 2030. This shift in emphasis, from the national to the global, represents a seismic transformation of the relationship between Canadians and their elected leaders. Did Canadians, past and present, serve their country in military capacities to fight and die for such an understanding? It needs to be said, if a nation’s leaders are not operating in the best interests of their constituents then should they be allowed to continue leading?
By signing onto the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration Canada’s elected leaders are breaking this trust without so much as a consultative “how do you do” from the Canadians that will be footing the incredibly expensive bills and loss of sovereignty and security that will most certainly follow. With this Compact, Canadian leadership elite have commenced down a path that sees them writing cheques that their electorate cannot possibly cash.
If the Government of Canada proceeds to sign the Compact without a clear understanding that Canadians support such a transformative initiative, there will be a price to be paid. That price will be evident at the close of next year’s federal election - an election that will see the Compact on Migration as the “ballot-box” question. To all those that hear this message, please do your best to advise the Government of Canada on the folly that they are about to bestow on the citizens of Canada. Do that and attend the Rally against the signing of the Compact on Parliament Hill, this Saturday, 08 December, 2018 beginning at 11AM.
Major Russ Cooper (Ret'd)
Co-Chair C3RF
About Us
We are a group of Canadians from many religious and ethnic communities. Many of us have long histories as human rights advocates. We believe in Canadian values and the rule of Canadian law. We believe in freedom of expression. We support women’s and gay rights.
Board Members

Major Russ Cooper (Ret'd),
Founding Member, Board Chair, President and CEO
Russ Cooper is retired from both the Royal Canadian Air Force and Air Canada. In his military career, he was a decorated CF18 combat pilot and served in several staff positions as a Director of major capital acquisition projects. In the civilian aviation sector, he complemented service as an international airliner pilot with national responsibilities in the field of post 9/11 civil aviation security. He is published internationally in this latter area.
Now fully retired from his follow-on career as a Human Factors Engineer and a Transport Canada Flight Test Pilot delegate, he is pursuing an abiding interest in the preservation of fundamental Canadian Charter rights. This latter pursuit has been prompted by his sense that these rights, hard-won by the sacrifice of Canadians past, are under attack and on the verge of being lost.
Irving Weisdorf, Founding Member, Board Vice-Chair
Irving Weisdorf is Founder and President of The Mozuud Freedom Foundation, and Past President of Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation. He is a successful Toronto businessman who counts among his employees, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Jews and atheists, who are of diverse ethnic backgrounds, including Chinese, African, Filipino, Tamil, Jamaican, Trinidadian, Hungarian, Czech, Cuban and Indian.
Weisdorf, like many Canadians of all races and religions is concerned
about current “Woke” tyranny that is infecting our universities and
social media, with its “cancel culture”, and threatening the freedom of
speech of all Canadians. Critical Race Theory is slowly replacing
critical thinking, with the result that people are now being judged by
the color of their skin, instead of the content of the character. The
foolish notion that all cultures and all values are equal is just that –
a foolish and dangerous notion. Honour killings, female genital
mutilation and child marriages are NOT Canadian values and we must make
sure they are never considered to be.
Irving Weisdorf Holdings
2801 John StL3R 2Y8 Markham
Ontario - Canada
Valerie Price, Founding Member, Board Director, Treasurer
Valerie Price is the Director of ACT! For Canada, which is comprised of a group of Canadians from many religious and ethnic communities who have long concerned themselves with issues of Canadian rights and unity. Many have long histories as human rights advocates and all believe in freedom of expression and the equality rights of all Canadians.
Madeline Weld, Founding Member, Board Director, Secretary
Madeline Weld is retired from Health Canada. She is president of Population Institute Canada, which advocates sustainable populations and support for international family planning, and a co-editor of Humanist Perspectives.
Dan Mayo, Board Director
Christine Douglass-Williams
Christine Douglass-Williams is author of the books The Challenge of Modernizing Islam - published by Encounter Books in New York, and Fired by the Canadian Government for Criticizing Islam, published by The Center for Security Policy in Washington DC. She is a regular writer for Jihad Watch, and Associate Editor for Frontpage Magazine. Christine is also a former-federally appointed Director with the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and past advisor to the former Office of Religious Freedom in Canada. Christine has conducted over 1,700 live television interviews as a current affairs talk show host and television producer on the former CTS TV in Burlington-- renamed YES TV. She captured six international awards for her show “On the Line”, including Videographer awards, Telly Awards and Omni. A past political and crime news reporter and news room editor, Christine has also served as a regular national columnist with Metro News. Her writings have appeared in many publications including: the Middle East Quarterly, FrontPage Magazine, USA Today Online, Wall Street online and the Gatestone Institute in New York where she has served on the Board of Governors.
David Solway
David Solway is known for his work both as a poet, essayist, a teacher and a song writer as well as for his polemical outspokenness, especially in opposition to Islam and in defense of Zionism, and the war on terror. More recently his focus has been on the loss of personal freedoms due to Covid-19. His latest book is “Notes from a Derelict Culture”. David is married to Janice Fiamengo
Geoffrey Clarfield
Geoffrey Clarfield has spent 20 years living abroad conducting ethnographic fieldwork and engaging in project management, biodiversity issues and poverty alleviation. Since his return to Canada and the US in 2005, he has worked for a variety of human rights organizations. He is now a co-director with the Yezidi Rescue Committee. An internationally recognized author, Geoffrey believes that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is being eroded and that the greatest threat to the future of Canadian politics is the rise and spread of Cultural Marxism and Critical Race Theory.
Janice Fiamengo
Janice Fiamengo is a retired professor of English from the University of Ottawa. Professor Fiamengo is an experienced lecturer who has packed venues to standing-room-only capacity with an active and engaged audience. Her lectures are electrifying, thought-provoking and sometimes controversial. She is an original, clear and insightful voice of reason in support of individual rights and freedom of speech in a world filled with increasingly angry demands to eliminate hard-won civil rights like the presumption of innocence and due process before the law. Janice is married to David Solway.
Salim Mansur
Salim Mansur was born in Calcutta, India. After arriving in Canada, he worked his way through school, earning a doctorate in Political Science from the University of Toronto. A long-time resident of London, Ontario, he is now Professor Emeritus at the University of Western Ontario, where he taught for over three decades. He has been also a syndicated columnist for the Sun chain of newspapers.
Salim is the author of several books, including The Qur'an Problem and Islamism and Delectable Lie – a liberal repudiation of multiculturalism. In the 2019 federal election, he ran as a candidate for the People’s Party of Canada in the London North Centre riding.
As a consistent and conservative voice on foreign affairs and other aspects of public policy, Salim has been called on to testify before the Canadian parliament numerous times. He is an academic consultant for the Centre for Security Policy in Washington, DC, and a member of the board of Canadians Against Suicide Bombing.
In Canada, he was the vice president and founding member of the Council of Muslims Facing Tomorrow, a group championing freedom, human rights and gender equality in the Muslim world and the Canadian Muslim community. Salim is also a founding member of the Forum for Canadian Sovereignty.
Tom Quiggin (MA, CD)
Tom is a former intelligence officer and a court recognized expert on terrorism in both the Federal and criminal courts. Over a period of 40 years, he has been employed by the Canadian Forces, the RCMP, the Privy Council Office and Immigration Canada. Much of his current research work is focused on issues of free speech, extremism, and social unrest. He has testified to Senate and House of Commons committees as well as the Air India Inquiry (Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182.) He has a sole author book on national security intelligence requirements titled “Seeing the Invisible: National Security Intelligence in an Uncertain Age”. He was also the lead author of the book “SUBMISSION: The Danger of Political Islam to Canada with a Warning to America.” His most recent book is a fictional spy thriller which examines the dangers of the Great Reset movement to Europe and North America. The book is titled “The New Order of Fear” and is part of the Great Reset Trilogy.
Founding Members
Raheel Raza, Founding Member
Raheel Raza, a leading global voice against Radical extremism, is President of The Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow, founding member of The Muslim Reform Movement, author of the book Their Jihad – Not My Jihad, award winning journalist, public speaker, and advocate for human rights, gender equality and dignity in diversity.
David Nitkin, Founding Member
David is an internationally-known ethicist and teacher. As a corporate responsibility professional, and president of EthicScan Canada, he has served many public and private sector clients. He serves in community leadership roles for Canadians For The Rule of Law, the Muslim-Jewish Dialogue, IsraelAA.ca(the Israel Activist Alliance of Canada), Canadian Friends of Tazpit, and StopSponsoringHatred.com.
Andria Spindel, Founding Member
Executive Director of Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation, President of Kulanu Canada, formerly President and CEO of a major national charitable organization in the disability sector.
Teresa Reinhart, Founding Member
Teresa Reinhart is an IT consultant in the non-profit sector, specializing in Business Intelligence, with a focus on Education, Healthcare, Affordable Housing and Homelessness. Teresa is a frequent volunteer and supporter of charitable organizations and community-based initiatives intended to improve the lives of those in need.
Loretta Levinson, Founding Member
© 2021 by Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms, a Mozuud Freedom Foundation project.
Suite #107, 11-300 Earl Grey Drive, Kanata, ON, K2T 1C1, Canada
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