UCP MLA attacks Kenney for his COVID ‘tone’
“This type of communication from our leader feeds a narrative of anger and division which is unproductive in an already turbulent time.”

A UCP MLA blasted Premier Jason Kenney for his tone to Albertans as he again reimposed COVID-19 regulations on the province.
“Last Friday, the Government of Alberta announced restrictions adopting a disparaging and accusatory tone toward unvaccinated individuals,” said Airdrie-Cochrane MLA Peter Guthrie in a letter to constituents on his Facebook page.
“People refusing COVID-19 shots were painted as culpable for creating challenges to the healthcare system. This type of communication from our leader feeds a narrative of anger and division which is unproductive in an already turbulent time. The $100 vaccine incentive has also created animosity within the constituency and I am not in favour of the negative tone adopted by leadership.”
The anti-Kenney comments are a change of pace for Guthrie who has previously shown steadfast support of the premier in the face of caucus unrest.
In fact, it was Guthrie who made the motion in the UCP Caucus to expel the disgruntled MLAs Todd Loewen and Drew Barnes.
And he had earlier blasted his former colleague Barnes’ call for government bureaucrats and provincial politicians to take a 20% wage rollback to show solidarity with Albertans suffering from COVID-19 pandemic economic woes.
But it appears times have changed.
“Two months ago, the Government of Alberta, my colleagues and I told you that Alberta was not only ‘Open for Summer,’ but ‘Open for Good.’ With all the information at my disposal, I truly believed this to be the case. Yet here we are, weeks later, imposing restrictions on constituents again, and for this reason, I want to offer my sincere apologies,” he wrote on his Facebook page.
“I think most Albertans watched with trepidation over the last several weeks as patient numbers in hospitals, particularly ICUs, began to climb and vaccination rates stalled. Increased anxiety from the public regarding the load on the healthcare system triggered discussions on mandatory vaccination, masks, and vaccine passports. These contentious issues have created division within our community.
“I am vaccinated and believe vaccines to be an effective measure to protect Albertans from the virus. That said, I also support the rights of individuals to choose for themselves, have control over their bodies, and have the right to maintain privacy in personal health matters. If one believes that we should have these individual rights and we are indeed “in this together,’ then we should respect the decisions of our fellow constituents regardless of what those decisions may be.”
Guthrie said the rising pressure on the provincial hospital system has to be the top priority for the UCP government.
“The degradation of our public health system and the inability to react to an evolving situation is the issue at hand, not accusing individuals who are unvaccinated,” said Guthrie.
“During last week’s announcement, it was also revealed to me that the province will be introducing a QR Code for Albertans to use as proof of vaccination for organizations choosing to introduce a so-called ‘vaccine passport.’
“Such a move suggests that the government’s position on this practice is shifting. Various public opinions exist on the use of vaccine passports, but I am not convinced it is a good practice for domestic use as it not only limits access to services and isolates individuals, it also provides a false sense of security for those who are vaccinated – all of which increases the divisions we unfortunately see now.”
Dave Naylor is the News Editor of the Western Standard
Dave Naylor is the News Editor of the Western Standard and the Vice-President: News Division of Western Standard New Media Corp. He has served as the City Editor of the Calgary Sun and has covered Alberta news for nearly 40 years.
Kenney hints about action to combat Alberta’s rising COVID-19 cases
Canada election: Will Jason Kenney's plummeting popularity impact federal Conservatives?
'Boiling point': Alberta doctors warn of health system collapse as COVID cases climb
Staffing crisis, overwhelmed ICUs & mixed messaging from province created 'dire' situation, doctors say
Dr. Shazma Mithani, an emergency room physician in Edmonton, said a staffing crisis, overwhelmed intensive care units and mixed messaging from the province has created a "dire" situation.
Her biggest fear, she said, is that doctors will need to triage patients should hospitalizations continue to mount.
"We don't want to have to make these decisions where we're choosing who gets to have (intensive) care or not. And we're getting closer and closer to that every day," Mithani said in an interview.
'Things are very dire'
Alberta Health Services, the province's health-care provider, said in a statement Wednesday there were 258 intensive care beds in the province, which includes 85 added spaces.
It said intensive care unit capacity sat at 87 per cent — just slightly below a seven-day average of 91 per cent.
Dr. Shazma Mithani works in both pediatric and adult emergency rooms in Edmonton (Shazma Mithani)
Mithani said the government needs to listen to frontline health-care workers and implement stronger public health restrictions to prevent the health system from crumbling.
"This is much, much worse than I think people understand," she said. "We, as health-care workers, are telling you that things are very dire, that ICU beds are running out, that we are stretched very thin in terms of our hospital capacity."
Definitive action
On Friday, the Government of Alberta reinstated an indoor mask mandate for public spaces and an alcohol sales curfew at 10 p.m.
It also announced a $100 incentive for unvaccinated Albertans who get their shots in response to an intensifying crisis.
Dr. Ilan Schwartz, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Alberta, said those efforts are "all but meaningless."
"They are worse than doing nothing at all because now it is going to delay the government from taking more definitive action," Schwartz said during a panel discussion Wednesday with advocacy group Protect Our Province.
Dr. Darren Markland, an intensive care physician in Edmonton who was also on the panel, said the government should consider vaccine passports and a circuit-breaker lockdown, which is a tight set of restrictions for a limited amount of time to curb ongoing transmission of COVID-19.
Relying solely on vaccinations won't rein in a growing fourth wave driven by the highly contagious Delta variant, added Mithani.
It takes at least six weeks for people to build full immunity against COVID-19 because vaccine shots need to be separated by a month and then allow another two weeks to develop protection.
Risks of government inaction
In the meantime, there are no signs COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are slowing.
There were 647 Albertans in hospital Wednesday due to COVID-19, with 147 of those patients in intensive care. Hospitalizations jumped by 7.5 per cent from Tuesday. Another 18 people died in a 24-hour period.
The doctors with Protect Our Province said there are risks related to government inaction. Those risks, they said, include reduced health-care access for Albertans and increased burnout among health-care professionals.
Alberta Health Services announced late Wednesday that all scheduled, elective surgeries and outpatient procedures in the Calgary Zone have been postponed for the rest of the week. It said on social media the move was necessary to deploy qualified staff to intensive and critical care units.
"The situation really has come to a boiling point," said Schwartz.
"It's going to be a while before the premier and the chief medical officer of health will be willing to step back and accept that these actions have failed to immediately curb transmission and by that point, we're going to be in dire, dire trouble."
Alberta's rising COVID-19 cases due to faulty modelling and government inaction, experts say
'People are going to die and it is really tragic — but it is also infuriating'
But they say the problem was compounded as Premier Jason Kenney and Dr. Deena Hinshaw, the chief medical officer of health, failed to reimpose measures despite the steady rise of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations through the summer.
"At this point in the pandemic, there is no excuse for this sort of negligence at the government level," said Dr. Ilan Schwartz, an associate professor of infectious diseases at the University of Alberta.
"The bottom line is that people are going to die and it is really tragic — but it is also infuriating, because this was all entirely preventable."
In late May, Kenney promised the "best summer ever" for Albertans as he announced the government's three-part plan to be the first and most open province in Canada, with no restrictions by July 1.
Then in late July, Hinshaw announced the province would end testing, contact tracing and mandatory isolation, a move that alarmed doctors and infectious disease experts across the country.
Based on U.K. data
According to Kenney and Hinshaw, the moves were based on data from the United Kingdom showing that high vaccination rates had "decoupled" infections from severe outcomes, which in turn had resulted in much lower rates of hospitalization.
But both Schwartz and Dean Karlen, a physics professor and expert in modelling at the University of Victoria, said Alberta's reliance on the U.K. experience made little sense.
"You don't just use one jurisdiction to base your best knowledge [on]. Especially you don't choose the one that has the most optimistic future," said Karlen, a member of British Columbia's independent COVID-19 Modelling Group, which has been publicly releasing modelling information about Alberta.
"You really should be looking at multiple jurisdictions."
You really should be looking at multiple jurisdictions.- Dean Karlen, University of Victoria modelling expert
Karlen said it was evident the U.K. was an outlier, because major outbreaks in Europe and the U.S. were being followed by predictable increases in hospitalizations.
"The preponderance of data was not supporting any kind of decoupling like that," Karlen said.
Hinshaw and Health Minister Tyler Shandro declined requests to be interviewed for this story.
Perplexing failure to act
Karlen said Alberta's assumptions were based on the decline of the alpha variant of COVID-19, despite evidence that the more contagious delta variant was surging and would become dominant.
He also said the U.K. had a higher, more uniform rate of vaccination. Alberta, in contrast, had several pockets with very low vaccination rates.
Dr. Ilan Schwartz, assistant professor of infectious diseases at the University of Alberta, said the government missed the signals to act. (CBC)
Because most of the new infections in Alberta would be among the unvaccinated — and because delta's effect on health is more severe — there was no reason to assume these people wouldn't be hospitalized, Karlen said.
Alberta's COVID-19 statistics bear that reasoning out.
As of July 1, there were 1,055 active COVID-19 cases, 165 people in hospital, a test positivity rate of 1.17 per cent and 2,301 total deaths.
On Aug. 1, just days after Hinshaw had announced plans to scale back testing, tracing and isolation, there were 1,655 active cases, 90 people in hospital and a positivity rate of 2.39 per cent
On Sept. 1, the numbers showed how the virus was spreading: 12,290 active cases, 465 people in hospital, a positivity rate of 10.8 per cent and 2,383 deaths.
Throughout the pandemic, the Kenney government consistently sought to limit what it viewed as unnecessary restrictions on the public and on businesses.
But the delta variant, Schwartz said, "doesn't obey political wishes, which is essentially what this was."
Return to restrictions
On Sept. 3, with more than 1,000 new infections a day and the province's intensive care units at 95 per cent occupancy, Kenney, Shandro and Hinshaw announced the reimposition of restrictions, such as mandatory masking in all indoor spaces, and introduced a $100 gift card as an incentive for people to get vaccinated.
The government has also stated that mandatory, versus recommended, isolation measures will continue for people who have tested positive.
Schwartz said the Alberta government should have been more responsive to the situation and acted sooner.
"I think that it is possible that [Hinshaw] made a really bad mistake, clearly under political pressure, in late July when pushing for the ending of testing, tracing and isolation," Schwartz said.
"But really, the critical failure was not changing course and not instituting public health interventions much earlier."
Kenney's vacation is over, but his political troubles aren't
Premier is back in the office but questions linger about his 23-day absence
OK, now what?
Now that Premier Jason Kenney has poked his head over the ramparts via a Facebook live appearance Wednesday night, what will he do about the worrying fourth wave of COVID?
Other than trying to gaslight us as he did during his Facebook performance where he suggested it was no big deal that he hadn't been seen for 23 days as COVID-19 cases skyrocketed in Alberta and Justin Trudeau called a federal election.
"I don't think people taking a bit of personal time should be a political football," said Kenney who explained he was simply on vacation. His critics, though, say he was in hiding.
There's no reason, I suppose, why he couldn't be doing both: vacationing and hiding.
Depending on where he went, it might have been a staycation. But then again, since we don't know much about his trip, call it an obfuscation. Or considering he left no one to answer questions in person about the fourth wave, call it an abdication.
That he chose to avoid the federal election is not in itself a mystery. Down-in-the-polls Kenney has become so politically toxic that if the United Conservative premier turned up on the campaign trail, Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole would have to wear a hazmat suit.
And then there's pandemic. In June, Kenney promised Albertans the "best summer ever" after he announced the province would be dropping pandemic restrictions July 1 and reopening the province "for good."
The delta variant apparently didn't get the memo. Alberta has seen COVID-19 explode to the point the province is averaging 1,000 new cases a day, where Alberta Health Services is postponing surgeries to free beds up for COVID-19 patients, where the City of Edmonton is re-invoking a mandatory mask mandate for public spaces, and where several other provinces – with fewer cases than Alberta – are introducing vaccine passports.
Perhaps Kenney went on vacation to avoid explaining why he prematurely promised Albertans the best summer as he rushed to lift pandemic restrictions July 1.
Health Minister Tyler Shandro and Alberta Premier Jason Kenney unveil
an opening sign after speaking about the Open for Summer Plan and next
steps in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, in Edmonton, Friday, June 18,
2021. (Jason Franson/The Canadian Press)
It now seems the province is on track to deliver the worst Autumn ever where experts with British Columbia's COVID-19 Modelling Group are warning that in October, Alberta could see 6,000 people a day contract the virus, with 1,500 in hospital and 500 of those in ICU.
That's a worst-case scenario but it's a scenario that doesn't seem to frighten the government.
'Wasn't unexpected'
On Tuesday, while delivering optimistic news about the province's finances, Finance Minister Travis Toews suggested the government has not been caught off guard by the current numbers: "We're in the fourth wave at this present time and the delta variant is very contagious, cases are going up. That wasn't unexpected at this point in time."
I'm not one for conspiracy theories but you have to wonder if critics of the government are on to something when they argue Kenney wants the delta variant to burn itself out by ripping through the unvaccinated.
Lending credence to this theory are comments from the government's caucus chair Nathan Neudorf who, in an interview last week, seemed to suggest he expected and wanted COVID-19 cases to escalate among the unvaccinated and then quickly drop off as the virus has nowhere else to go – as it did, he said, in the United Kingdom.
After facing a public backlash, Neudorf said he was only speaking for himself, not the government, and was hoping cases would simply level off quickly. But his initial comments would certainly help explain why Kenney and others in government disappeared from public view in the last half of August. They were hoping the case numbers, after suddenly spiking, would suddenly drop.
But they keep rising.
After 18 months of COVID-19 during which Kenney's popularity dropped from 60 per cent to 31 per cent he is still caught between urban voters who want more restrictions and rural voters who want fewer or no restrictions.
"If indeed we do see this wave jeopardizing the health-care system, we may have to take some very targeted actions but nothing like lockdowns," Kenney said Wednesday night in an equivocating comment sure to irritate people on both sides of the issue.
Kenney mentioned that Shandro and Hinshaw would hold a news conference later this week. They didn't do that Thursday. So, expect them to face journalists Friday — on the eve of a long weekend, the favoured time for governments to release bad news and then head to the hills.
That won't be a problem for Alberta government politicians and officials who have had plenty of practice the past three weeks running for the hills.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
Over 75% of Albertans would support vaccine passport, survey suggests
Instead, taxpayers on the hook to pay for $100 vaccine incentive, professor says
The national survey was conducted by polling and marketing research firm Leger in collaboration with The Canadian Press between Aug. 27 and 29, and included responses from 173 Albertans over the age of 18.
Seventy-seven per cent of Albertans surveyed said they would either somewhat or strongly support a vaccine passport system requiring proof of vaccination for non-essential services such as bars, restaurants, gyms and festivals.
As COVID cases have spiked during Canada's fourth wave, such systems have been introduced in several provinces, including Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia.
"We found that Albertans are not far out of step with Canadians across the country," said Leger vice-president Andew Enns.
Lori Williams, an associate professor of policy studies at Mount Royal University, told CBC News she is not surprised by the results.
"Those who have been vaccinated are concerned about infection by those who are not," Williams said. "And so giving greater access to those who are vaccinated and therefore at lower risk makes sense."
Taxpayers bear burden for $100 vaccine incentive, prof says
Alberta's vaccination rates have flattened in recent months while new COVID cases and hospitalizations have increased.
In other provinces, there has been some evidence that vaccine passport systems motivate unvaccinated populations to get the shot.
For example, the number of people registering for the vaccination program or booking appointments each day in B.C. jumped by as much as 201 per cent in a week.
Instead of a passport system that would introduce more hurdles for Alberta's unvaccinated population, Kenney announced Friday that the government would offer a $100 incentive for people to get their jabs.
"I wish we didn't have to do this, but this is not a time for moral judgments. This is a time to get people vaccinated," Kenney said.
"We have done everything we can. Left no stone unturned … [the unvaccinated] only [get] $100 if they do the right thing and get the jab. We're going to try everything we can, and this is the next step."
But jurisdictions that have introduced similar financial incentives for the unvaccinated — for example, Colorado — have not seen significant uptake, Williams said.
"What's happening here is that taxpayers are being allegedly appreciated for the sacrifices that they have made already," Williams said. "[And] they're going to be required to subsidize payment to people who have not gotten the vaccine up until this point — without clear evidence that this is even going to be effective."
Majority dissatisfied with Kenney's pandemic response
Meanwhile, Kenney ranked lower than any other premier in Canada in regard to his handling of the pandemic, according to the same Leger poll.
Sixty-five per cent of Albertans said they were either somewhat or very dissatisfied with the measures Kenney has put in place to fight COVID-19.
However, the results were tabulated before the Alberta government's Friday unveiling of the $100 vaccination incentive.
The province also introduced curfews for restaurants and a recommendation that unvaccinated Albertans limit their social gatherings. As well, starting Saturday, masks will be required for all indoor public places and workplaces.
But Williams said she isn't sure it will help Kenney win popularity contests.
"Albertans who are worried about their loved ones, those who are at high risk, who either can't get vaccinated or who are immunocompromised — they're now facing increased risk, [and] a premier that doesn't seem to understand the severity of that risk," Williams said.
For comparison purposes, a probability sample of the Leger poll would have a margin of error ± 7 per cent 19 times out of 20.
With files from Colleen Underwood and CBC British Columbia
How Kenney's political ideology is out of touch with Alberta values
The approach has not worked, argues Duane Bratt
When it comes to Alberta's COVID-19 response and the public's reaction to it, I think it's fair to say we have a problem.
The flames of outrage are burning on many fronts, and the premier poured more gas on the fire last Friday with the "cash for a jab" offer.
So what's going on? What's behind all the decisions and non-decisions?
Many observers have identified a partisan political angle.
However, Premier Jason Kenney's political ideology is a much more powerful explanation for Alberta's comparatively poor response to COVID-19.
Ideologies can often predict public policy. That has been the case with the Kenney government and its response to COVID-19. Look through Kenney's lens, you see a pattern.
Problem is, Albertans are looking through a different lens.
A clear political ideology
All political parties, and politicians, come equipped with an ideology.
Rachel Notley has an ideology, as do Justin Trudeau and Erin O'Toole. Ideology is not a negative term — rather, it is a set of interrelated values or beliefs composed of attitudes toward various institutions and societal processes. It helps us understand where our politicians are coming from and what they might do.
Jason Kenney has been a political figure in Alberta and Ottawa for 30 years. Throughout this time he has articulated a clear political ideology through his words and actions.
As a conservative (the name is a good indicator), Kenney attempts to either preserve the status quo or revive certain aspects of the past.
His ideology sees the state as a promoter and protector of morality, social responsibility, personal responsibility, and traditional institutions and practices.
He advocates smaller government through decentralization of authority and maximizing individual freedom. Smaller government also extends to the economic realm by reducing social spending, cutting taxes, balancing budgets, deregulation and privatization.
Alberta has been hit hard by the second, third and fourth waves of the pandemic, Duane Bratt writes. (CBC)
But the ideology allows for government intervention in order to protect the "traditional" family through supporting religious institutions, parental rights and challenging certain abortion and LGBTQ+ rights.
Kenney has not hidden his political ideology but embraced and promoted it.
He has also surrounded himself with many like-minded individuals in cabinet, caucus, and political staff.
Albertans know what Kenney believes, and in 2019 they elected the UCP with a strong majority government. The strongest UCP supporters, in fact, wanted to punt the NDP for, in their view, imposing what some called Notley's socialist ideology on Alberta. They wanted to replace her ideology with Kenney's.
But there can come a problem with ideology when that of politicians no longer aligns with that of the population as a whole. When there is a fundamental disconnect between the government and the governed.
And that, I think, helps explain the problem so many Albertans have with the UCP government's handling of the COVID-19 crisis.
The first wave
What happens when political ideology confronts a once-in-a-century pandemic?
Initially, Kenney's response was to downgrade his ideological principles and adopt a more pragmatic approach.
Big government, making big decisions. Collective action over individual liberties.
In his response to the first wave, starting in March 2020, Kenney declared a public emergency and placed restrictions on large gatherings (sporting events, concerts, restaurants, theatres, etc.) and shut down in-person classes in schools, post-secondaries, and child care facilities.
Employers were encouraged to have their employees work from home. A testing/tracing/isolation protocol was also put in effect. In an April 7, 2020, televised address, Kenney encouraged collective action and asked Albertans to act like buffalo, and, "herd closely together and face the storm head on, coming out of it strong and united."
Premier Jason Kenney and his new cabinet ministers hold a press
conference after a cabinet shuffle at in Edmonton on July 8, 2021. (Jason Franson/The Canadian Press)
Kenney's response to the first wave was effective. Compared to other provinces, Alberta saw fewer cases, hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths.
But some of the original ideological values still arose and caused problems — most notably the decision to continue with trying to reduce doctors' compensation in the midst of a pandemic. This backfired and explained why Kenney, unlike other premiers, did not receive a COVID-19 bump in approval.
Still, this bending to the overwhelming needs of a pandemic worked and worked relatively well.
Unfortunately, Kenney's response to the first wave — even though it was successful — was an outlier.
The next waves
Not only did he adopt a much more ideological approach to the second, third and fourth waves, but he apologized for some of the ideological actions that made the first wave less severe.
When the second wave started to arrive in Alberta in October 2020, the Kenney government initially refused to re-impose the previous COVID-19 restrictions.
Instead, Kenney emphasized personal responsibility and personal choice.
In a foreshadowing of his response to the fourth wave, Kenney was publicly absent for 10 days at the beginning of the second wave. When action was finally taken (well after other Canadian provinces), it was much less restrictive than other provinces and Alberta's first wave response.
Even when Kenney announced the COVID restrictions, he went out of his way to explain that this went against his core values.
"[B]ehind every one of these restrictions lie crushed dreams and terrible adversity. Life savings, years of work, hopes and dreams that are suddenly undone due to no fault of brave Albertans who have taken the risk to start businesses, to create jobs."
The response to the third wave in Spring 2021 was similar.
The lighter restrictions imposed during the third wave were removed much quicker to allow for the "best summer ever" to start on July 1.
The vaccination plan itself also revealed the ideological approach of the Kenney government.
Even as Kenney emphasized the critical importance of vaccines (those in hospitals and ICUs are overwhelmingly not vaccinated) and implemented a decentralized system to get shots into arms, he also maintained vaccines were an individual choice.
Vaccines would not be mandatory.
Decades-old provincial legislation was even repealed that previously allowed the government to require vaccines, even though that power had never been used.
So far, unlike most other provincial governments, the Kenney government has refuted the concept of a vaccine passport or to mandate vaccinations in schools, large gatherings and private businesses.
The problem with the approach?
It has not worked!
Alberta has been hit hard by the second, third and fourth waves.
In the fourth wave, which picked up steam in mid-August 2021, Alberta has seen the province hit with the highest number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the country, not just in per capita terms but in absolute terms.
As with the second wave, Kenney was silent for three weeks and no one else in the government could publicly speak.
When the response finally came on Sept. 3, a province-wide mask mandate was reintroduced (churches exempted) and a curfew for alcohol sales was established (rodeos exempted).
But the major policy response was to plead with unvaccinated Albertans to get the jab including, remarkably, an inducement of $100 to do so. A free market bribe rather than a vaccine passport. Completely in keeping with Kenney's ideology.
Individual choice, not government mandate, remained the primary policy tool.
Another problem is that the pandemic, and the public outrage, reveals the ideological lens through which Jason Kenney views the province, and which he uses to create government policy, no longer reflects modern Alberta.
Where we are at
In a time of crisis — war, depression, natural disaster, health pandemic — an ideology that emphasizes the individual, the market and small government does not work.
The ideological approach to COVID-19 so far tries to appeal to the mythology of Alberta's frontier past — of settlers taming a harsh environment and harnessing its natural resources through hard work, ingenuity, and free from the shackles of government.
This vision of ourselves has a long history in Alberta's grassroots political movements of the United Farmers of Alberta in the 1920s, Social Credit in the 1930s, the Reform Party in the 1980s, Wildrose Party in the late 2000s/early 2010s, and the UCP today.
It may work well as a rhetorical flourish (few are those who would argue against empowering the individual) but it's an ideology that presupposes everyone works toward some shared notion of the common good.
And, this common good, I think we have learned in the pandemic, is not a mutually agreed upon path.
Herein we find one of the great ideological dilemmas in our province.
A major disconnect
These political ideological notions Kenney has of 'who we are', and 'how we act', are outmoded. And, given the diversity of values held by individuals across the province, applying this flawed all-inclusive vision puts the government out of step with the people.
Evidence for this comes from many sources including the 2018, 2020, and 2021 Road Ahead Surveys conducted by Janet Brown for CBC Calgary that found that Albertans consistently placed themselves in the centre of the political spectrum.
The 2018 survey — pre-COVID — showed a large majority of Albertans did not want cuts to social programs and believed the government should take steps to reduce the gap between rich and poor, and men and women. Half of Albertans believed that there was a role for the government in job creation, not just private business.
In short, the survey data, I would argue, explains the current emotional eruptions over the government's handling of COVID.
It reveals a major disconnect between Kenney's political ideology of government staying small and out of sight and the values of a majority of Albertans.
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CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
Masks or no masks? Fear, frustration as Alberta schools set their own rules
'The government's downloaded a bombshell,' says one school board trustee
At a special meeting Tuesday, trustees on the Parkland School Division board narrowly voted against reinstating a masking policy. Face coverings will be strongly recommended — but not mandatory — for students, staff and visitors.
Jacqueline Sampson, a parent of two students in the school division west of Edmonton, said the province should not be downloading divisive public health decisions onto local school boards.
"I don't think they should be forced to make a decision like this, but the Alberta government has forced them," Sampson said in an interview Wednesday.
"And so, because the Alberta government is not choosing to protect kids, somebody's got to."
Last Friday, in a bid to clamp down on rising fourth wave, Premier Jason Kenney announced that masks would become mandatory in indoor public spaces and workplaces in Alberta.
Schools, however, are exempt.
School boards have been left to set their own policies on masking, creating a patchwork of rules across the province as students return to the classroom.
Public and Catholic school boards in Edmonton and Calgary have since voted to have masks remain mandatory. Students and staff in Red Deer, Fort McMurray and Elk Island Public Schools will also need to mask up.
When Education Minister Adriana LaGrange promised a "normal" school year on Aug. 13, Alberta had 4,438 active cases and 152 people in hospital with the illness.
As of Tuesday, there were 15,486 active cases with 602 people in hospital.
Detailed school data is no longer being reported online. Provincial data shows 2,892 of Alberta's active cases are among people aged five to 19.
It's going to totally backfire.-Jacqueline Sampson, parent
Sampson fears the hodgepodge of rules will leave her children, ages six and 12, at risk — and accelerate the spread of COVID in Alberta communities.
If she could afford to keep her six-year-old at home until she's eligible for vaccination, she would.
"When the cases go up, you can be sure that those cases are going to be coming from schools," she said. "It's going to totally backfire. "
According to back-to-school guidelines announced in August, students must wear masks on school transportation.
Beyond the school bus, classroom policies on masks have diverged.
On Wednesday, trustees with Rocky Mountain House-based Wild Rose School Division voted 4-2 against making masks mandatory.
The board, however, voted in favour of mandatory masking for school visitors, and prohibiting schools from holding any large indoor gatherings.
'Fed up'
Wednesday's Wild Rose board meeting demonstrated the divisions facing schools grappling with whether or not to introduce mask mandates.
Parent Roxanne Franczak urged trustees to reject mandatory masks.
She said parents should decide what's best — and said there is no reason why boards should adopt rulers stricter than those set out by the province.
Masks are harmful to students' mental health, Franczak said.
"This is not normal for healthy childhood development," she said. "Parents and children are getting fed up with the narrative and restrictions being pushed upon us."
Wild Rose trustee Daryl Scott, who ultimately voted against the mask mandate, said he supported the motion but felt pressure from parents to reject it.
"The government's downloaded a bombshell," Scott said.
"We, as school boards in the province of Alberta, have been asking for autonomy, more autonomy … Well, the government's picked a very hot topic and said, 'There, deal with it.'"
Protecting the school year
School boards are making health decisions with limited access to public health data, he said.
"There's lots of evidence out there showing vaccination is one of the ways to get out of this pandemic but we can't force everybody to be vaccinated. So there's a problem on our doorstep that, no matter what we say or do, we can't ignore."
Children under age 12 are not eligible for vaccines.
The province has stopped contact tracing in classrooms and is no longer notifying schools of positive cases. School boards are having to rely on the honour system.
Wild Rose trustee Russ Hickman said that despite receiving complaints, he felt compelled to vote in favour.
He said he wants to avoid another year marked by closures and quarantines.
"We can protect children and protect the school year by implementing mask mandates," Hickman said.
Edmonton Chamber of Commerce advocating for vaccine passports in Alberta
Premier Jason Kenney has previously spoken against introducing a vaccine passport system
The Edmonton Chamber of Commerce is urging the province to consider implementing vaccine passports that would work within Alberta and beyond.
President and CEO Jeffrey Sundquist said businesses are cautiously optimistic about the economy reopening and are up for anything that might help them confidently open up to the public in a safe manner. He said proofs of vaccination are one way to encourage consumers to visit businesses or participate in events and travel.
"What the government chooses to do clearly is up to them but the business community is open to any and all discussions relating to any sort of platform that can get this economy back on track," he told CBC's Edmonton AM on Thursday.
Vaccine passports would be documents that show proof of immunization against COVID-19.
Premier Jason Kenney has said previously that the province will not be bringing in vaccine passports.
"I believe they would in principle contravene the Health Information Act and also possibly the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act," he told reporters on July 12.
Kenney is joined by Ontario's Premier Doug Ford and Saskatchewan's Premier Scott Moe in this position.
Meanwhile, Quebec is implementing a vaccine passport system on Sept. 1. The passports will be used to access public events, bars, restaurants and gyms.
Manitoba is offering proof-of-immunization cards to residents who are two weeks past their second shot.
Standardized system needed
Sundquist said the inconsistent way jurisdictions are handling vaccine passports is raising concerns around the visitor economy, especially one that brings in large crowds through sports teams, tourism operations, and event promoters.
"They would like some easy standardized system to ensure confidence in attendees to get people back assembling," he said.
Sundquist said all orders of government would need to collaborate for consistency.
"We need governments to take the leadership role on this and work together to make it easy as possible for frontline workers to effectively screen customers as they see fit."
As for the actual passports, Sundquist said they could be either in a digital format through an app integrated with a health system or else in paper form.
Whatever the format, he hopes the documents could be used by individuals no matter where they are in the country.
"There has to be consistency and predictability, where different jurisdictions recognize that whatever this passport looks like is recognized beyond borders," he said.
Sundquist said the chamber of commerce will continue to advocate for any mechanism that may help jump start the economy.
Alberta premier says he won't 'take lectures' from federal health minister on COVID-19
Patty Hajdu wrote to Alberta counterpart saying lifting rules is a gamble
Hajdu earlier penned a letter to her Alberta counterpart saying she agrees with the Canadian Paediatric Society's description of Alberta's move to lift all COVID-19 measures as an "unnecessary and risky gamble."
"We're not going to ... take lectures from Minister Hajdu, particularly when it appears that she and her boss [Prime Minister] Justin Trudeau are hell-bent on a federal election campaign," Kenney said Friday at a news conference in Bowden, Alta., about drought support for farmers.
"If they really are that concerned about COVID, then why is she getting ready to put up campaign signs?"
Kenney went on to describe Hajdu's letter as a political ploy and criticized her handling of COVID-19 in the early days of the pandemic.
He said the federal government should respect the advice of Alberta's top doctor, as his government does.
Hajdu is one of many political leaders and health-care experts across the country who have spoken out about Alberta's decision to eliminate COVID-19 isolation, testing and contact tracing measures.
Dozens of people chanted "test, trace and isolate" outside the legislature in Edmonton on Friday. It was the ninth consecutive day of protests, which have also taken place in Calgary.
Organizers said they will continue to protest every day until Aug. 16 — the day quarantine requirements lift in Alberta for people infected with COVID-19.
David Walsh, 14, said even though he is fully vaccinated, he is concerned for his peers when they return to school in September.
"It's idiotic, quite frankly," Walsh said. "I'm worried about asymptomatic people in the school ... and not having to isolate anymore is concerning. I'm worried about my classmates and those who have been fed misinformation and haven't been vaccinated."
Businessman Rob Sproule attended the protest with his wife and children. He said he is gravely concerned about a fourth COVID-19 wave.
"No other jurisdiction has gone this far. Dropping restrictions is one thing. You don't have to take it one step further and treat COVID like it's the cold. It's not a cold," said Sproule.
As concerns mount, cases are increasing in Alberta. Thursday marked the single highest daily case count since July 1 with 397 new infections. Alberta also had the highest active case count in Canada, according to federal data.
On Friday, the province reported 369 more cases, and 11 new hospitalizations.
Craig Jenne, an infectious disease expert at the University of Calgary, said severe outcomes as a result of community transmission is the biggest concern.
"If this trend continues, I think we're going to have to face some tough decisions on how to slow it," said Jenne.
"If, however, we see a stronger disconnect between rising cases in the community and limited hospitalizations, then that's an indication we can continue moving forward."
Earlier Friday, Alberta's Opposition NDP called on Kenney to release internal modelling that the government says supported its decision to eliminate its public health measures.
NDP deputy leader Sarah Hoffman said the government needs to release the data so Albertans can make decisions on their health and gauge the risks.
Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta's chief medical officer of health, has said the modelling looked at transmission and severe outcomes related to the highly contagious delta variant.
Hinshaw said the modelling suggests cases will rise for a month but will have a limited impact on the province's acute care system.
Chris Bourdeau, a spokesman for Alberta Health, said in a statement that Hinshaw's decisions are based on "thorough medical analysis, using the best data available from Alberta and around the world."
Bourdeau said Hinshaw will release some data next week, but did not clarify if the internal modelling will be included.
Late Friday afternoon, the province released a 126-page independent report into its response during the first wave of the pandemic.
The review looked into the government's response to acute and continuing care, the economic consequences of the pandemic, messaging on COVID-19, the government's decision-making process and procurement of personal protective equipment.
It made three recommendations, including one for the province to work collaboratively with other stakeholders, such as municipalities.
With files from Fakiha Baig of the Canadian Press
Alberta will not bring in vaccine passports, premier says
Premier Jason Kenney says passports likely contravene Health Information Act
Quebec intends to bring in the passports, beginning in September, for anyone wanting to visit non-essential businesses in parts of the province where the COVID-19 rate is high.
Manitoba has been issuing proof-of-immunization cards to residents who are two weeks past their second shot.
"We've been very clear from the beginning that we will not facilitate or accept vaccine passports," Kenney told reporters at the annual premier's Calgary Stampede pancake breakfast on Monday.
"I believe they would in principle contravene the Health Information Act and also possibly the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act."
right, flips a pancake at the breakfast. The Stampede, which runs until
July 18, is being watched closely as one of the first mass events in
Canada since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Alberta was the first province
to relax nearly all of its public health measures on July 1. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press)
Kenney replied "yes" when asked whether Alberta would speak up if the federal government attempted to bring in the passports.
He noted that Alberta also amended its Public Health Act to remove a 100-year-old power allowing the government to force people to be inoculated.
"These folks who are concerned about mandatory vaccines have nothing to be concerned about," he said.
Shadow of COVID-19 hangs over Stampede, breakfast
Hundreds of people attended the breakfast, but the shadow of COVID-19 hung over the event. Gone were lineups watching food being prepared on the grill. Instead, containers with pancakes and eggs already dished up were handed out.
The Calgary Stampede is being watched closely as one of the first big mass events in Canada since the pandemic began.
right, greets a supporter at the Stampede breakfast. Gone were lineups
watching food being prepared on the grill. Instead, containers with
pancakes and eggs already dished up were handed out. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press)
Alberta was the first province in Canada to relax nearly all of its public health measures on July 1, including its provincewide mask mandate and cap on gatherings. A City of Calgary vote shortly after removed a municipal mask bylaw just in time for the Stampede, which kicked off last Friday and runs to July 18.
New safety measures adopted by the Stampede include cutting daily attendance in half, sanitation stations for the public and enhanced cleaning throughout the grounds. Staff and volunteers are required to wear masks and get COVID-19 rapid tests. The chuckwagon races aren't being held and the parade to kick off the Stampede is confined to the grounds without the public in attendance.
a dozen protesters opposed to Alberta's COVID-19 vaccination program
and pandemic restrictions were at the breakfast, shouting slogans and
waving signs. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press)
The 18-plus party tent at the Stampede, called Nashville North, is believed to be the first major venue in Canada that won't let patrons enter unless they show proof of having had at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot at least two weeks prior or get a negative rapid test result. Guests can get the test at the tent door or at an entrance to the Stampede grounds. On its opening night, thousands spent time in the Nashville North tent.
"Are you having a good Stampede? Are you happy Alberta is open for summer and that Alberta will be open for good?" Kenney asked the cheering crowd at Monday's pancake breakfast.
"We're proud to be hosting the first major event in Canada with the Stampede as we emerge from the pandemic."
Protesters accused of 'spreading misinformation'
There were also jeers and chants from about a dozen protesters opposed to Alberta's COVID-19 vaccination program and the restrictions that were put in place during the height of the pandemic.
One sign had photos of Kenney and Alberta Health Minister Tyler Shandro with the words: "Alberta's Most Wanted — For Crimes Against Humanity."
Minister Tyler Shandro speaks to the media at the breakfast. One of the
signs waved by the handful of protesters at the breakfast included
photos of Kenney and Shandro with the words 'Alberta's Most Wanted — For
Crimes Against Humanity.' (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press)
"It's unfortunate that we have a loud but very small minority who are spreading misinformation about the safety of vaccines. Let me be clear about this: These people are trying to spread fear and misinformation that could ultimately cost lives," Kenney said.
Alberta has administered more than four million doses, said the premier, who added that about 700 people have experienced adverse effects that were mostly minor.
"We've had one death," he said. "Every death is tragic, but it's one death from a vaccine adverse outcome as opposed to 2,400 COVID-19 deaths."
The premier said he would like to see 80 per cent of eligible Albertans receive the vaccine but estimated that about 10 per cent will refuse no matter what.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
Kevin J. Johnston supporters corner Alberta Health Minister Tyler Shandro's family at Canada Day event
Small but vocal group forced Shandro to lift his children over a fence to get away
The protesters, yelling "arrest Shandro," and "lock Shandro up," followed the minister, his two sons and his wife, as they tried to enter the event in Calgary.
"You've destroyed thousands and thousands of Alberta lives," said one protester.
The abuse was directed at Shandro's sons as well.
"Sorry buddy but your father is a war criminal."
Eventually, the family was forced to lift their upset children over a chain link fence into the field where the event was taking place.
"I took Tyler's son across the fence and brought him in here because he was crying. You don't do that to children," said Gary Vegelis.
"That's a lack of respect. Tyler, whether you agree with what he does or not doesn't matter. It's been tough on everybody. I've had friends who died during COVID and we're going to live through this. We're going to go on."
'Some anxiety'
Shandro and his visibly shaken wife then tried to walk away from the small group of vocal protesters before being forced back through the crowd to enter the event.
The protesters were carrying posters supporting Johnston.
Shandro spoke briefly to reporters after the incident.
"I think it's an unfortunate way for people to be expressing their opinions today. This is a day for happiness and celebration, a day for family so it's an unfortunate way for them to be expressing that," he said.
"I think obviously throughout the pandemic there's been a lot of high emotions from folks on both sides of the political spectrum."
Shandro spent a few moments after the event hugging his family.
"There's some anxiety on that, for them to hear people believing some of the misinformation about vaccines is unfortunate and to hear the way that it was expressed today was unfortunate."
Premier Kenney
The event was part celebration of Canada Day and part celebration of the province removing almost all of its public health restrictions.
Premier Jason Kenney took part in a short Canada Day parade before driving to deliver a few remarks and slap an Open for Summer sign on a banner.
"On Canada Day we should be grateful and I want to say we should be grateful to Albertans. Thanks to their diligence. Thanks to 73 per cent who have been vaccinated today. Alberta is open. Open for summer," Kenney said.
A man and woman shouted profanities at him during his speech, putting their middle fingers in the air. The man warned two police officers not to touch him when asked to step back.
Vegelis approached the duo and told them their behaviour and language in front of children was unacceptable before being given the finger himself.
"You have the right to protest but with respect and dignity and we don't have that," he said. "The language they were using was inappropriate."
Alberta's reopening means no more caps on indoor and outdoor social gatherings, in restaurants, stores and places of worship. The entire province, with the exception of Calgary, is also lifting its mask mandate.
Johnston's legal troubles
Johnston and his supporters have been vocal opponents of masks and health restrictions and Johnston is facing multiple charges related to violating public health orders and for harassing an Alberta Health Services employee. He is also facing a lawsuit from AHS for threatening employees in a series of online videos.
Johnston is also facing an assault charge in British Columbia and hate crime charges in Ontario.
He is currently behind bars after being denied bail on June 14 in connection with charges of causing a disturbance and breaching a court order.
The premier's office said they do not comment publicly about security matters when asked if the day's events would bring any changes.
With files from The Canadian Press
Tonight on the Kevin J. Johnston Show is Q&A night!
WATCH THE KEVIN J. JOHNSTON SHOW, Monday to Friday from 7 PM to 9 PM Calgary Time
who is my videographer, gets arrested for recklessly flying a drone two counts of that and endangering the public and aviation.
says it's not an arrestable offence it would be a bylaw infraction, by
the cops going through Derek's phone they have breached those laws and
they do require a warrant regardless what they they tell you. Wrongful
arrest, negligent investigation, malicious prosecution, negligence.
Police cannot go without conducting an investigation and then arrest
someone that's also a constitutional violation.
WATCH THE KEVIN J. JOHNSTON SHOW, Monday to Friday from 7 PM to 9 PM Calgary Time
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2021 17:46:35 -0300
Subject: Re: I bet you remember my crossing paths with Mack Lamoureux
before he got his job with VICE Magazine and claims to have moved to
Toronto EH Mayor Don Iveson???
To: Airdrie.Cochrane@assembly.ab.
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Cc: "erin.otoole" <>, premier
<>,,,,, "Nathalie.Drouin"
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<>, "steve.murphy" <>,
banff.kananaskis@assembly.ab., Livingstone.Macleod@assembly., DraytonValley.Devon@assembly.
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FYI You may review these emails here
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
UCP MLA attacks Kenney for his COVID ‘tone’
On 9/8/21, David Amos <> wrote:
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> Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2021 18:01:59 +0000
> Subject: RE: Restraining order issued against mayoral candidate Kevin
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On Sep 8, 2021, at 11:00 AM, David Amos
<<>> wrote:
Alberta MLA accuses government of 'disparaging' the unvaccinated
Peter Guthrie says 'negative tone' of premier's recent speech feeds 'anger and division'
An Alberta MLA who criticized his colleagues for breaking ranks with Jason Kenney's government has himself taken aim at its new policy on masks and vaccinations.
Peter Guthrie, the United Conservative Party MLA for Airdrie-Cochrane, which hugs the north and west edges of Calgary, said Tuesday that the provincial government's recent announcement about renewed mask mandates and incentives for vaccinations adopted a "disparaging and accusatory tone" toward the unvaccinated.
"People refusing COVID-19 shots were painted as culpable for creating challenges to the health-care system," he wrote in a letter to constituents posted to his social media.
Kenney on Friday said the large number of unvaccinated people in Alberta was causing problems, as cases of the delta variant rip through that population.
wish we didn't have to do this, but this is not a time for moral
judgments," the premier said, as he announced a $100 incentive for those
receiving first or second doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.
My response to last week's announcement.
"We still have 30 per cent of the eligible population without full vaccine protection — that is to say, without two doses. And the delta variant is ripping its way through this group at an aggressive rate."
Guthrie did not offer specific examples from the premier's speech, but said that the "negative tone adopted by leadership" feeds "a narrative of anger and division."
He also argued against vaccine passports and apologized to constituents for supporting the government's promise earlier this year that the province was "open for good."
Earlier this year Guthrie criticized 16 of his fellow UCP MLAs after they wrote a letter objecting to the government's return to pandemic restrictions in April.
WATCH | Alberta health-care workers say they're frustrated with COVID-19 response:
Health-care workers speak out against Alberta’s pandemic response
CBC News has reached out to the premier's office, and to Health Minister Tyler Shandro, for comment on Guthrie's letter.
Guthrie's office declined an interview request and said they would let the letter speak for itself.
Alberta currently leads the country in daily new COVID-19 cases and active cases. On Monday the province reported 4,903 new cases over past four days, and 17 more deaths.
Letter 'confusing'
It's unclear what Guthrie thinks should happen to stem the tide of hospitalizations.
"It was confusing," said Duane Bratt, a professor of political science at Mount Royal University in Calgary, when asked about the letter.
"He talks about the importance of vaccination and then criticized the premier for criticizing the unvaccinated. Well, the stats back up what Kenney said. You know, the vast majority of those hospitalized in the ICU for COVID are unvaccinated. This is a crisis of the unvaccinated."
Bratt argues the letter could indicate a broader sentiment in caucus and explain why the government was unable or unwilling to bring in a more forceful measures like a vaccine passport.
Guthrie said in his letter that he is vaccinated but supports "the rights of individuals to choose for themselves."
He argues that creating division is unproductive and says the province should focus on incentivizing Albertans to get vaccinated, while also accusing it of sowing division for offering $100.
Guthrie's proposals, presented in the letter, involve wage incentives for health-care employees, "increased use of rural facilities and the possible utilization of temporary private services" to deal with the crush of new cases.
"The degradation of our public health system and the inability to react to an evolving situation is the issue at hand, not accusing individuals who are unvaccinated," he wrote.
Bratt said that kind of logic is faulty.
"That would be like saying we've got a whole bunch of people in hospital because of drunk driving, but let's not blame the drunk drivers," he said.
With files from Colleen Underwood
Peter Guthrie
Pete Guthrie was elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Airdrie-Cochrane on April 16, 2019. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts and the Standing Committee on Families and Communities.
Prior to his service with the Legislative Assembly, Mr. Guthrie was a private business owner in the ranching and retail industries for close to 20 years. A professional engineer by trade, he worked for several years in the chemical and manufacturing industries before becoming an entrepreneur. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alberta.
Mr. Guthrie is a passionate advocate for Canadian Forces Members and Veterans and an active supporter of civil societies organisations in his community. He works hard to promote local small businesses and their community contributions.
Mr. Guthrie lives in Cochrane with his wife and two children.
- Constituency Phone587.493.2050
- Legislature Phone780.638.3018
N.B. COVID-19 roundup: 16 new cases, absolutely everyone should be wearing masks now, doctor says
Why masks, even if they're not mandated, are still a crucial part of the fight against COVID-19
A few months ago, we thought hitting a 75 per cent vaccination rate was going to change everything.
But as a fourth wave of COVID-19 infections moves in, and our understanding of the vaccines changes, experts are saying 75 per cent isn't high enough — and some are saying the vaccination rate itself should not be our sole focus.
According to CBC medical columnist Dr. Peter Lin, there's a simple, four-letter solution to curbing to the fourth wave of infections: mask.
"Everyone, and I mean everyone," should be wearing a mask, whether the current rules require it and whether they're vaccinated or not, Lin said in an interview on Information Morning Fredericton on Wednesday.
The problem, Lin said, is that herd immunity only works when vaccinated people can't get the virus and can't infect others.
We've since learned that isn't the case with COVID-19 vaccines.
"The CDC has said vaccinated people can still get infected if they're exposed to the virus," Lin said. "They're much less likely to get sick" and may have mild or no symptoms at all, "but they can still spread the virus."
"In Israel, there's lots of vaccinated people there, and yet they're at about 8,000 cases per day on average," he said, noting a similar trend in the United States, with "almost three times as many cases this year versus Labour Day last year."
Those climbing infection rates may be partly attributable to the fact that the Centres for Disease Control had told people they no longer had to wear masks if they were vaccinated, Lin said.
"That might explain why their cases are so high down in the U.S., and so they've told people to put your mask back on. But it's a bit late."
Vaccination is 'still a good message, but it can't be the only message anymore,' Dr. Peter Lin says. (CBC)
As well, children under 12 are not eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19, so the vaccinated adults in their lives can spread the virus to them, and they can spread it to others.
"And so the answer is very simple," Lin said. "If [people] wear their mask and do their distancing, they won't spread."
Lin advises making a conscious effort to "avoid the breath of other people."
"Think about your day," he said. Lunch time, for example, is "high risk," so strive to have fewer people sharing a lunchroom at one time, use plastic dividers, avoid directly facing each other while eating.
In tight spaces, such as on a bus, "turn a little bit to your left or right" to avoid directly facing another person.
"Vaccination is still a good message, but it can't be the only message anymore," Lin said.
"So that means everyone, and I mean everyone, needs to keep the mask on and keep their distance. It's cheap and it works."
16 new cases
There are 16 new cases of COVID-19 in the province Wednesday, and hospitalizations have risen from four to five, according to the provincial government's dashboard.
Of those five people in hospital, four are in intensive care, up from three people on Tuesday.
The number of active cases dropped to 112 Wednesday, from 125 on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, Public Health announced a four-day total of 54 cases over the long weekend, including:
Moncton region, Zone 1, 13 new cases:
- two people 19 and under
- seven people 20 to 29
- two people 40 to 49
- a person 60 to 69 and
- a person 80 to 89
Fredericton region, Zone 3, 11 cases:
- two people 19 and under
- three people 20 to 29
- a person 40 to 49
- three people 50 to 59
- a person 60to 69
- a person 80 to 89
Edmundston region, Zone 4, 11 cases:
- five people 19 and under
- four people 30 to 39
- a person 60 to 69 and
- a person 70 to 79
Campbellton region, Zone 5, eight cases:
- three people 20 to 29
- two people 30 to 39
- two people 50 to 59 and
- a person 60 to 69
Bathurst region, Zone 6, four cases:
- two people 19 and under
- two people 20 to 29
Miramichi region, Zone 7, seven cases:
- a person 19 and under;
- two people 20 to 29;
- a person 30 to 39;
- a person 50 to 59; and
- two people 60 to 69.
There were four people in hospital, three of them in the intensive care unit.
There have been 54 recoveries since Sept. 3. The number of active cases is 125.
Since July 1, 458 of the province's 519 cases – or 88 per cent – were not fully vaccinated.
Former NHL star Theo Fleury's COVID-19 vaccine passport comments a 'stain on his legacy': Brandon University
BU, which gave Fleury honorary doctorate in 2015, denounces 'espousing of conspiracy theories'
Former NHLer Theoren Fleury has been stirring the anti-vaccine pot on social media, prompting Brandon University to take a stand against its honorary doctorate recipient and call his statements "a stain on his legacy."
"Fleury has turned his voice to launching personal and political attacks and to the espousing of conspiracy theories," said a statement released by the southwestern Manitoba university on Tuesday.
"Over the weekend, he shared a reprehensible statement falsely linking vaccine passports to pedophilia, and he responded to criticism by brandishing a screenshot highlighting several of his past awards, including his honorary degree from BU.
"Honorary degrees are awarded by Brandon University to recognize an individual's significant achievements or contributions; they are not an academic credential."
The Twitter post citing pedophilia has since been deleted from Fleury's account but there are many others attacking Justin Trudeau as a clown and tyrant trying to use vaccine passports to control the population.
Fleury, 53, has also touted ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medicine commonly used for livestock, as an alternative COVID-19 treatment, and lambasted the mainstream media as liars for an "absolute all out disinformation campaign" over use of the medication.
Developed in the 1970s, ivermectin is used to treat parasites, such as intestinal worms or lice, in animals and humans.
Studies exploring its effectiveness as an anti-viral medication that could be used to treat COVID-19 have been used to fuel misinformation — despite being deemed low quality and robustly debunked by federal health agencies.
Health Canada has issued an advisory against using it as a COVID-19 treatment
In its statement, Brandon University said it is steadfast in its support of robust public debate around issues of consequence but those freedoms must be balanced against responsibilities like honesty, integrity and good faith.
"We are disappointed that honorary degree recipient Theo Fleury is, increasingly, not meeting that balance," it said.
Fleury was given the degree in 2015 for his significant contributions to combating child sexual abuse and for his efforts to promote healing and recovery "at that time," the university said.
Born in Saskatchewan but raised in Russell, Man., northwest of Brandon, Fleury played 16 seasons in the NHL with the Colorado Avalanche, New York Rangers, Chicago Blackhawks and Calgary Flames.
He won a Stanley Cup and Olympic gold medal but his success was also matched by problems with drinking, drugs and gambling, all of which are well documented in books, public speeches and even a play.
He has also suffered the trauma of sexual abuse at the hands of his former junior hockey coach Graham James.
That experience led Fleury to become one of the key voices exposing sexual predation in junior hockey, for which he continues to deserve both praise and understanding, Brandon University said.
"It is understandable that he may struggle to trust authority and that he may see dark motives in others' actions. His recent statements, however, go beyond reasonable distrust and are a stain on his legacy, which saddens us."
The university called on Fleury to recognize that he is now a person in a position of authority and to recognize that his actions as an authority put him in a place where he can cause harm to others.
"We hope he takes advantage of the resources at his disposal and seeks greater understanding of the science behind the pandemic and the essential public health role of vaccines," the university statement said.
CBC News has reached out to Fleury for comment.
On 5/14/21, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Calgary judge overturns anti-free speech restraining order
May 14, 2021
Rebel News
1.46M subscribers
A judge in Calgary has denied an application to have Alberta Health
Services’ anti-free speech restraining order overturned. But the fight
is just getting started, because now Fight The Fines lawyers are going
to examine Alberta’s chief medical officer, Deena Hinshaw, in court.
FULL REPORT by Sheila Gunn Reid:
First published at 22:17 UTC on May 14th, 2021.
3694 subscribers
Restraining order issued against mayoral candidate threatening armed
visits to Alberta health-care workers
Kevin J. Johnston has been trying to publish private information of
AHS employees
CBC News · Posted: May 14, 2021 3:55 PM MT | Last Updated: 5 minutes ago
Province gets injunction to block all anti-public health order protests
Ban prevents groups from staging illegal gatherings in defiance of
public health orders
Blair Rhodes · CBC News · Posted: May 14, 2021 1:36 PM AT
Judge orders Church of God, site for 'contemptuous activity' amid
pandemic, to lock its Aylmer, Ont., doors
Church, Pastor Henry Hildebrandt fined for not following provincial
law on gatherings
Kate Dubinski · CBC News · Posted: May 14, 2021 10:33 AM ET
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From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario
Date: Fri, 14 May 2021 16:19:38 +0000
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la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
Merci encore pour votre courriel.
On 5/14/21, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "O'Toole, Erin - M.P." <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2021 03:29:21 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: The Maverick dudes should have asked me long
ago what I thought of Jason Kenney, the Taxman, the LIEBRANOS and the
VICE spin doctors or Jay Hill and your ex RCMP buddy Petey Baby
Downing EH Patty Boy King???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
On behalf of the Hon. Erin O’Toole, thank you for contacting the
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition.
Mr. O’Toole greatly values feedback and input from Canadians. We read
and review every incoming e-mail. Please note that this account
receives a high volume of e-mails. We reply to e-mails as quickly as
If you are a constituent of Mr. O’Toole’s in Durham with an urgent
matter please contact his constituency office at:
Office of Erin O’Toole, M.P.
54 King Street East, Suite 103
Bowmanville, ON L1C 1N3
Tel: (905) 697-1699 or Toll-Free (866) 436-1141
Once again, thank you for writing.
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition
Au nom de l’hon. Erin O’Toole, merci de communiquer avec le Bureau du
chef de l’Opposition officielle.
M. O’Toole apprécie beaucoup le point de vue et les commentaires des
Canadiens et des Canadiennes. Nous lisons tous les courriels que nous
recevons. Veuillez noter que ce compte reçoit beaucoup de courriels.
Nous y répondons le plus rapidement possible.
Si vous êtes un électeur ou une électrice de M. O’Toole dans la
circonscription de Durham et que vous avez une question urgente,
veuillez communiquer avec son bureau de circonscription, au :
Bureau d’Erin O’Toole, député
54, rue King Est, bureau 103
Bowmanville (Ontario) L1C 1N3
Tél. : (905) 697-1699 ou sans frais : (866) 436-1141
Encore une fois merci d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire.
Veuillez agréer nos salutations distinguées,
Bureau du chef de l’Opposition officielle
Friday, 9 April 2021
Caucus dissent over COVID OK, breaking health rules means expulsion:
Alberta premier
Replying to @DavidRaymondAm1 @Nyonitz and 47 others
Methinks everybody and his dog could see this coming from over a
country mile over a month ago N'esy Pas @SheilaGunnReid @EzraLevant ?
Alberta MLAs Todd Loewen, Drew Barnes booted from UCP caucus
In an open letter Thursday, Loewen called on Premier Jason Kenney to
Michelle Bellefontaine · CBC News · Posted: May 13, 2021 4:30 PM MT
---------- Original message ----------
From: West Yellowhead <West.Yellowhead@assembly.ab.
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2021 07:19:29 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Drew Barnes should man up by
following Michaela Glasgo's lead and at least acknowledge that proof
of what I sent the Feds and all the Alberta Premiers since 2004 exists
on the Internet N'esy Pas Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email to Martin Long, MLA for West Yellowhead.
This automatic response is to confirm your email has been received and
will be reviewed. Please note that the MLA receives a high volume of
emails and your patience is appreciated.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Vermilion-Lloydminster-
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2021 07:19:28 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Drew Barnes should man up by
following Michaela Glasgo's lead and at least acknowledge that proof
of what I sent the Feds and all the Alberta Premiers since 2004 exists
on the Internet N'esy Pas Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email to the Vermilion-Lloydminster-
Constituency Office.
This response is to confirm your email has been received and will be
We will respond to your message as soon as we are able.
Due to Covid-19 we will be prioritising enquiries and requests from
those most in need.
Proforma emails are considered a petition.
Thank you,
Tel: 780-842-6177
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
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are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager. This message contains confidential information and
is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this email.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2021 04:19:16 -0300
Subject: Methinks Drew Barnes should man up by following Michaela
Glasgo's lead and at least acknowledge that proof of what I sent the
Feds and all the Alberta Premiers since 2004 exists on the Internet
N'esy Pas Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson???
To: OldsDidsbury.ThreeHills@, banff.kananaskis@assembly.ab.,,
Athabasca.Barrhead.Westlock@,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ezra
<>, sheilagunnreid <>,, "barbara.massey"
Cc: motomaniac333 <>, Newsroom
<>, Nathalie Sturgeon
"Robert. Jones" <>,,,,
Trust that Erin O’Toole and his old buddy Jason Kenney know that I
NEVER keep my comunications with public offcials and their many
minions confidential and much to their chagrin I continue to publish
my work on a daily basis
I wonder if Ken Grafton has ever bothered to check my work I qoute him
Methiinks Trudeau the Younger backroom boys should advise him to
consider creating an MOU between Canada and I before he has the actng
Governor General drop another writ for the benefit of Canada's so
called "Natural Governing Party" N'esy Pas?
----------Original message ----------
From: "O'Toole, Erin - M.P." <>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2021 05:50:15 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson claims that folks
should not panic but methinks Ezy Levant believes its high time his
old pal Jason Kenney and his evil cop buddies get nervous now that Fox
News is yapping N'esy Pas Drew Barnes???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
On behalf of the Hon. Erin O’Toole, thank you for contacting the
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition.
Mr. O’Toole greatly values feedback and input from Canadians. We read
and review every incoming e-mail. Please note that this account
receives a high volume of e-mails. We reply to e-mails as quickly as
If you are a constituent of Mr. O’Toole’s in Durham with an urgent
matter please contact his constituency office at:
Office of Erin O’Toole, M.P.
54 King Street East, Suite 103
Bowmanville, ON L1C 1N3
Tel: (905) 697-1699 or Toll-Free (866) 436-1141
Once again, thank you for writing.
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition
Au nom de l’hon. Erin O’Toole, merci de communiquer avec le Bureau du
chef de l’Opposition officielle.
M. O’Toole apprécie beaucoup le point de vue et les commentaires des
Canadiens et des Canadiennes. Nous lisons tous les courriels que nous
recevons. Veuillez noter que ce compte reçoit beaucoup de courriels.
Nous y répondons le plus rapidement possible.
Si vous êtes un électeur ou une électrice de M. O’Toole dans la
circonscription de Durham et que vous avez une question urgente,
veuillez communiquer avec son bureau de circonscription, au :
Bureau d’Erin O’Toole, député
54, rue King Est, bureau 103
Bowmanville (Ontario) L1C 1N3
Tél. : (905) 697-1699 ou sans frais : (866) 436-1141
Encore une fois merci d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire.
Veuillez agréer nos salutations distinguées,
Bureau du chef de l’Opposition officielle
---------- Original message ----------
From: Brooks-Medicine Hat <Brooks.MedicineHat@assembly.
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2021 13:25:35 +0000
Subject: RE: Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson claims that folks should not
panic but methinks Ezy Levant believes its high time his old pal Jason
Kenney and his evil cop buddies get nervous now that Fox News is
yapping N'esy Pas Drew Barnes???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Good morning David.
Thank- you for emailing Brooks-Medicine Hat Constituency Office with
the below information.
Your email has been noted.
Kirsten Spisak
Constituency Assistant | Brooks-Medicine Hat
Michaela Glasgo, MLA
#4, 650 Cassils Rd E | Brooks, AB Canada | T1R 1M6
537 4 St. SE | Medicine Hat, AB Canada | T1A 0H5
Brooks Office: 587-270-5111|Medicine Hat Office: 403-527-5622
E-mail: Brooks.Medicinehat@assembly.
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager. This message contains confidential information and
is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.
DAILY | Live from GraceLife! Kenney Threatens MLAs
16,280 views•Streamed live
Rebel News
🔴 Rebel News Daily with Ezra Levant and Sheila Gunn Reid SEND A
One hot party and one hot mess
The Alberta NDP is gaining political advantage as the UCP fights a
giant political dumpster fire. Rachel Notley's poll numbers are on the
rise while Jason Kenney's are tanking. The premier is fighting a
caucus rebellion spurred on by his pandemic response. Meanwhile,
Notley is a headline speaker following Jagmeet Singh at this weekend's
federal NDP convention - an interesting lineup given their past
disagreements. Kathleen Petty looks at the many political fires
burning with her guest, Brian Topp, Notley's former chief of staff,
and this week's panel - University of Alberta political scientist
Jared Wesley, conservative strategist Erika Barootes of Enterprise
Canada, and National Observer columnist, Max Fawcett.
West of Centre 53:27 One hot party and one hot mess
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Office of the Mayor <>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2021 17:02:20 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: [EXT] I bet you remember my crossing paths
with Mack Lamoureux before he got his job with VICE Magazine and
claims to have moved to Toronto EH Mayor Don Iveson???
To: David Amos <>
Thank-you for taking the time to share your concerns and feedback with
the Mayor's Office. Our team reviews all incoming messages to
determine what assistance or information we might be able to provide.
Requests for City services (i.e., bylaw concerns, water services,
etc.) are best handled by the City’s 311 service. For the most
efficient response, please reach out directly to
a week!
**It is important to note what each level of government is responsible
for as it relates to Covid questions/concerns. Each of these links has
the latest up-to-date information available:
• Municipal/Calgary<https://www.
• Provincial/Alberta<https://
• Federal/Canada<https://www.
To get information to you faster, these links may provide the
information you’re reaching out about:
• The Future of Richmond
• Guidebook for Great
• Support Local Business/Patio
• Fair Entry<
The Office of the Mayor
Calgary Municipal Building
800 Macleod Trail SE
P.O. Box 2100, Station M, #8069
Calgary, AB, Canada T2P 2M5
*The City of Calgary supports a safe and respectful work environment
where trust and respect are expected of our employees and its
citizens. Abuse of any kind (profanity, threats, etc.) will not be
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Forsætisráðuneytið <>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2021 17:02:20 +0000
Subject: Forsætisráðuneytið hefur móttekið tölvupóst þinn / Prime
Minister's Office hereby confirms the receipt of your email.
To: David Amos <>
Forsætisráðuneytið hefur móttekið tölvupóst þinn / Prime Minister's
Office hereby confirms the receipt of your email.
Vinsamlega ekki svara þessum tölvupósti, hafið samband í gegnum<> / Please do not reply to this email,
contact via<>.
Athygli er vakin á að skv. 2. mgr. 13. gr. upplýsingalaga nr. 140/2012
er ráðuneyti í Stjórnarráði Íslands skylt að birta upplýsingar úr
málaskrám sínum með rafrænum hætti/
Note that, pursuant to art. 13., para. 2, of act no. 140/2012, a
ministry in the Government of Iceland is obliged to publish
information from its case files electronically.
Með bestu kveðju / Best regards
Forsætisráðuneytið / Prime Minister's Office
Stjórnarráðshúsinu, IS - 101 Reykjavík, Sími/Tel. +354 545 8400<http://
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Viva Frei <>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2021 17:03:03 GMT
Subject: Thanks for your message
To: David Amos <>
Thank you very much for your message.
I receive a ton of emails and DMs, and I can’t get to all of them. So
if I don’t get back to you, don’t take it personally. And the standard
disclaimer that I cannot and do not give legal advice, nor can I
respond to specific personal or legal questions (and be weary of any
lawyer who would via DM or social media! lol).
See you on the inter-webs, and know the vlawg! Peace!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2021 14:02:13 -0300
Subject: I bet you remember my crossing paths with Mack Lamoureux
before he got his job with VICE Magazine and claims to have moved to
Toronto EH Mayor Don Iveson???
To:,,,, "Jacques.Poitras"
<>, "steve.murphy" <>,
"scott.macrae" <>, Glen Canning
<>, christopherrowe <>,
philiprose123 <>, Julian Assange
<>, djtjr <>, washington
field <>, "Boston.Mail"
<>, jbosnitch <>, andre
<>, "David.Coon" <>, briangallant10
<>, "Dominic.Cardy" <>,
jesse <>, "Armitage, Blair"
<>,, birgitta
<>, birgittajoy <>,, "erin.otoole" <>,
oldmaison <>, ministryofjustice
<>, "Kaycee.Madu" <>,, "" <>,,, "Frank.McKenna"
<>, votemaxime <>, Viva Frei
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, "chris.scott@
< chris.scott@
<>, ""
<>, sheilagunnreid
<>, "" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>, mcu <>,
"blaine.higgs" <>, ""
<>, Norman Traversy <>,
"" <>, "Ian.Shugart"
<>, "Kevin.leahy"
<>, ""
<>, ""
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.,,
Inspiring! The Canadian Far-Right is Falling Apart Because This Guy
Can’t Read Court Documents
Patrick King’s claims that he forced Alberta to abandon lockdowns
received international attention, making him a hero of Canada’s
COVID-19 conspiracy community. Then people realized he’s just bad at
reading court documents.
Mack Lamoureux
by Mack Lamoureux
Toronto, CA
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2015 13:06:23 -0700
Subject: Attn VICE Magazine, Mayor Don Iveson, Chief Knecht and
Minister Bernie Valcourt your very racist client Barry Winters aka Mr
Baconfat of Edmonton asked me to inform you of his latest blog
To: "don.iveson" <>, "rod.knecht"
<>, "Bernard.Valcourt.a1"
< Bernard.Valcourt.a1@parl.gc.
<>, sunrayzulu <>,
patrick_doran1 <>, Rhansen
<>, ppalmater <>,
deanr0032 <>, "Gary.Rhodes"
<>, "Michelle.Boutin"
< Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.
< Sylvain.Roussel@rcmp-grc.gc.
<>, DDrummond <>
Cc: David Amos <>,,
oldmaison <>, tglynn <>, Newsroom
<>, jesse <>,, sean <>, hmc
<>, "Jacques.Poitras" <>,
"steve.murphy" <>, "scott.macrae"
<>, Glen Canning <>,
christopherrowe <>, philiprose123
As you may know I already sent some of you a Tweet about it. It
appears that the mindless Mad Shangi was not long reading it and added
me to his Google circle just in case he missed something. He need not
fear that. Whereas the Cyber Stalker in Calgary Patty Baby Doran wants
to know everything I often include him in the emails to the cops that
he is a minor shill for. (A useful idiot so to speak)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Google+ <
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2015 10:19:11 -0800 (PST)
Subject: TheMadShangiPWNZU3 added you on Google+
Add TheMadShangiPWNZU3 and others to your circles to follow and share with
Don't know some of these people? You don't have to add them back (they'll
only see what's shared with them). Learn more:
These are some of the Tweets that the Mad Shangi and his fellow Trools have read
Two Kids Died in a House Fire on a First Nations Reserve as Canadian
Firefighters Stayed Put Over an Unpaid Bill
0 replies 112 retweets 60 favorites
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
@VICE @Min_BValcourt @doniveson @edmontonpolice FYI Your friend the
evil Mr Baconfat wanted you informed of his work
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos Feb 18
@MackLamoureux @vicecanada @omar_aok @angelrehtaeh @GlenfordCanning
@CBCEdmonton @globalhalifax @edmontonpolice READ
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites
10:07 AM - 18 Feb 2015 · Details
Angel Rehtaeh @angelrehtaeh Feb 19
@DavidRayAmos @MackLamoureux @vicecanada @amliomar have never
responded to one word of this trolls ramblings because I don't feed
12:30 AM - 19 Feb 2015 ·
Doug Harrison retweeted your Retweets
Feb 17:
A scandal where newspaper editors tried to doctor gov't records. It
has billionaires & fish. Our guide to #GulchGate
Feb 16
Mew Kitty Booboo retweeted you
Feb 16:
Yo @pmharper @edmontonpolice @RCMPAlberta @CalgaryPolice Why is it
that I am not afraid of a mindless Yankee bimbo @Krysti_M & @MadShangi
More than Beautiful retweeted a Tweet you were mentioned in
Feb 16:
@DavidRayAmos @MadShangi @lorimink @Krysti_M I bet your mom wishes she
had that abortion.
More than Beautiful @Krysti_M Feb 16
"@DavidRayAmos @pmharper @edmontonpolice @RCMPAlberta @CalgaryPolice"
@MadShangi: you aren't yapping at us in person. Cyber bully = pussy
0 replies 1 retweet 1 favorite
Mew Kitty Booboo retweeted you Feb 10:
@cbcasithappens @CBCNS @angelrehtaeh @GlenfordCanning @RCMPAlberta All
know its Barry Winters
Feb 16
Mew Kitty Booboo retweeted some Tweets you were mentioned in
Feb 16:
@MadShangi @DavidRayAmos @lorimink @pmharper @edmontonpolice
@RCMPAlberta @CalgaryPolice If only this mf knew what he was really
dealing w
Mew Kitty Booboo @MewKittyBooboo Feb 16
@DavidRayAmos @MadShangi @lorimink @Krysti_M I bet your mom wishes she
had that abortion.
0 replies 1 retweet 1 favorite
Mew Kitty Booboo @MewKittyBooboo Feb 16
@DavidRayAmos Hey mister, got any dick pics?
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites
More than Beautiful @Krysti_M Feb 16
@DavidRayAmos thanks for the free promo homo :)
View conversation 0 replies 1 retweet 1 favorite
More than Beautiful @Krysti_M Feb 16
@DavidRayAmos I bet the nasty @Krysti_M 's Mom is really proud of her
EH Keep my name out of your mouth if you know what's good for you.
1 retweet 1 favorite
More than Beautiful @Krysti_M Feb 16
@MadShangi @DavidRayAmos @pmharper @edmontonpolice @RCMPAlberta
@CalgaryPolice #toolegittoquit #amothersloveisunconditional
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites
More than Beautiful @Krysti_M Feb 16
@MadShangi @DavidRayAmos @lorimink @pmharper @edmontonpolice
@RCMPAlberta @CalgaryPolice If only this mf knew what he was really
dealing w
0 replies 2 retweets 2 favorites
Although Mr Baconfat's take of the scene should be enough to offend
anyone I must say the most interesting part of his blog about the VICE
article to me was the following quote
"The community’s anger is close to boiling over, as a 27-year-old man
was arrested on Wednesday morning for threatening Loon Lake’s mayor
over Facebook."
If Chief Knecht had bothered to notice within the emails I sent him
last week his Client Mr Baconfat had said an interesting thing on
Patty Baby Doran birthday video. While a dumb Yankee bimbo was reading
an email I had sent to her and Chief Knecht recently Mr Baconfat made
another death threat.
That part of their conversation began at 48 minutes 30 secs of a video
published with Google's domain YouTube. Anyway whilst the bimbo reads
Mr Baconfat say I should be taken out and shot. Why because I sent the
corrupt cops another email complaing of his constant libel, sexual
harrassment and death threats etc towards my family and I since 2009?
Listen for yourselves
For comic relief I hope you listened to how poorly the Yankee Bimbo
can read. When she stated that she doesn't even know what the RCMP are
or why I would contact them, I died laughing when Patty Doran and Mr
Baconfat failed to enlighten her.
On the topic of I wonder if the Edmonton Police Service recalls their
old client Lois Sheplawy and her idiot son Dean Roger Ray aka Dirty
Dicky Dean and his numerous YouTube channels and videos?
These call to the cops etd are from Dirty dicky dean's first YouTube
channel that I became aware of.
Clearly old Lois and Dirty Dicky Dean proved for us all that the EPS
and the RCMP don't care about police brutality EH? So it was a
nobrainer that they would never investigate the cyberstalking
practiced by him and his old buddy Mr Baconfat. Glen Canning and Leah
Parsons proved that fact again beginning in 2013 and the Twitter
comment above easily prove that its ongoing to this very day.
Years later Dean Roger Ray posted this video about himself and his old
Youtube channel as he continued to sexually harass and threaten to
kill my teenage daughter. The Fat Little Bastard in Alberta even had
the nerve to use my daughter's photo in order to ID himself. This
shit went down many years BEFORE the demise of Amanda Todd and Rehteah
Parsons and Crimestopers, the RCMP and Cybertip etc were made
irrefutably aware of it all since 2007.
I find it amazing that the lawyer David Drummond of GOOGLE has
allowed that channel in particular to stand for so long but even after
I bitched to GOOGLE, the FBI and the RCMP as soon as it went up on the
Internet. Trust that I saved it all as usual.
Are these death threat or are they not. Notice Owen Foster Mr
Baconfat's strange little 4chan pal Owen Foster in the UK could not
resist adding his two bits worth?
AMOSthestalker 3 years ago
Provocateuring is more illegal than a deaththreat and I will give you
plenty more stay tuned! I have not heard from my assassin friend yet
but when he gets back to me I will threaten you again and again! I
will threaten anyone you claimed I threatened no charge I will give
you the proof! Get busy provocateur and RCMP! This is the motherload
of threats over the internet. I will threaten all your friends and
connections relatives and inlaws and even your crack dealer!
AMOSthestalker 3 years ago
Plus I will give RCMP a call tomorrow and speed up the process I am
sure they will like me to come down there and save them the foot work!
AMOSthestalker 3 years ago
So who does live in Chipman? Who is going to feel the pain and
embarrassment till I do find your kid and expose her to her community!
SecularNumanist 3 years ago
how did I miss this channel? Hello, Kid Todger Gay :)
AMOSthestalker 3 years ago
I have a message for you from my assassin friend! Same guy that killed
William Weeks aka chang13a ......He says it sucks to be a parent of
children who die in car crashes. You should not of stalked me amos now
your going to learn the hard way! I am truly sorry it came to this
Amos but the message of "do not gangstalk " is not coming accross very
well!!!! Truly sorry for your loss! I did not make the choices here I
am just the messanger!
In closing I must once again point out that 8 years ago your client
Barry Winter aka Mr Baconfat had to ask a dumb Maritmer who his
neighbour Dean Roger Ray was instead of asking his friends in the DND
and the various police services the same hold true for Glen Canning
and his Anonymous friend six years later.
Sone "intel" a former officer in the 1PPCLI has EH? Like hell Mr
Baconfat was even an officer or attended RMC. At least Glen Canning
served our country for 25 years. The evil Zionist Mr Baconfat merely
impersonates Canadain forces officers tis all.
I am a participant on MSN boards. Canadian poltical discussion group
What is up with a certain whack job named copernicus?
It seems I need to deal with him...I live in Edmonton Alberta. I am
Tory Canadian former serving CF Officer (1PPCLI)....any intel would be
B Winters
Veritas Vincit
David raymonf Amos
902 800 0369
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2015 01:15:28 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: The Wild Rose Party, their former members such as Mrs.
Kerry Towle and the RCMP in Sylvan Lake should also listen very
closely to your old friend Dean Roger Ray as well EH Mr Baconfat?
To: David Amos <>
Little David, you best e mail all your "fans" and the Mayor because I
done did it again!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 21:08:47 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: The Wild Rose Party, their former members such as Mrs.
Kerry Towle and the RCMP in Sylvan Lake should also listen very
closely to your old friend Dean Roger Ray as well EH Mr Baconfat?
To: David Amos <>
David are your kids still swallowing cum tonight! YOU still fucking
little boys in playgrounds in Halifax? Little David....I still write
my "evil blog" everyday...and YOU still whine, cry, bitch and moan.
Fuck you, little David!
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: "BARRY WINTERS" <>, "deanr0032"
<>, "innisfail sylvanlake"
< innisfail.sylvanlake@
<>, "smcintyre" <>,
"Kerry Towle" <>, "joe.anglin"
Cc: "David Amos" <>, "Edmonton Rutherford"
< Edmonton.Rutherford@assembly.
<>, "ppalmater"
<>, "oldmaison" <>,
"COCMoncton" <>,, "brian
hodgson" <>, "Danielle.Smith"
<>, "Drew.Barnes"
<>, "Heather.Forsyth"
< Heather.Forsyth@assembly.ab.
<>, "ed" <>, "Raj.Sherman"
<>, "Rachel Notley"
<>, "Charmaine.Bulger"
< Charmaine.Bulger@rcmp-grc.gc.
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2015 8:56:55 PM
Subject: The Wild Rose Party, their former members such as Mrs. Kerry
Towle and the RCMP in Sylvan Lake should also listen very closely to
your old friend Dean Roger Ray as well EH Mr Baconfat?
This video is very old but the RCMP will have to explain it soon
Mrs. Kerry Towle (PC)
South Bay, 5006 50 Street
Sylvan Lake, AB
Canada T4S 1M5
Phone: (403) 887-0852
On 2/20/15, BARRY WINTERS <> wrote:
> Go ahead and read Davis Amos' insane shite.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos" <>
> To:, "brian hodgson" <>,
> "Danielle.Smith" <>, "Drew.Barnes"
> <>, "Heather.Forsyth"
> < Heather.Forsyth@assembly.ab.
> <>, "ed" <>, "Raj.Sherman"
> <>, "Rachel Notley"
> <>, "Charmaine.Bulger"
> < Charmaine.Bulger@rcmp-grc.gc.
> Cc: "David Amos" <>, "Edmonton Rutherford"
> < Edmonton.Rutherford@assembly.
> "rod.knecht" <>, "ppalmater"
> <>, "oldmaison" <>,
> "COCMoncton" <>
> Sent: Friday, February 20, 2015 8:21:05 PM
> Subject: Here is another email I promised to send the Wild Rose Party
> Although their client Barry Winters aka Mr Baconfat has blogged portions of
> this email severval times over the years I have yet to receive an answer
> from anyone about it
> Here Mr Baconfat's latest spin on it. Within 24 hours Brian Hodgson
> and the RCMP were making false allegations against me and within a
> very few hours of that it was announced that Ms Smith and most of her
> followers were joining Prentice's caucus.
> What say you Drew Barnes? Does what is left of the Wild Rose think
> Prentice and the boyz were trying to shut me up or not? Better yet
> howcome every phone call I make or email I send is not worthy of a
> response from anyone except an insult from the lawyer Saskiw? Small
> wonder why I think the Wild Rose, the Libranos and the NDP deserve to
> go the way of the Social Credit Party EH?
> https://baconfatreport.
> The Rantings of Violent David Amos!
> by baconfatreport on December 14, 2014
> David Amos e mailed myself and the Edmonton Police Service to tell
> them that it appeared Mayor Iveson and Chief of Police Rod Knecht
> would be pleased that David Amos and myself would “kill each other,”
> come Monday morning. Now little David Amos isn’t a threat to anyone.
> First of all David Amos, and his siblings are the product of drunken
> incestuous sexual congress. David Amos has the attention span of a
> gnat. Little David is dyslexic, and devoid of the requisite mental and
> financial capacity to rise to the purchase of an air fare and actually
> find Edmonton Alberta on the best day he ever had.
> David Amos is so pathetic he had his brother Dale Amos come to
> Edmonton, late last summer video my apartment building, go to my local
> bar, masturbate outside our window, and claim, “he was gonna get me!”
> David Amos lives in Halifax, in maritime kanada that’s sort of
> behavior is considered normal.
> Here is an example of what he calls his work!
> From: David Amos
>>> Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 20:33:55 -0300
>>> Subject: Attn Don Marshall we just talked. Meet Barry Winters and Dean
>>> Roger Ray and my friends Robin Reid and Werner Bock
>>> To:, Barry Winters , dean
>>> Ray
>>> Cc: webo , Robin Reid
>>> Good Day Sir
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 13:42:56 -0300
> Subject: ATTN Tanis Nicholson please please do ASAP As you can easily
> see I have contacted them many times
> To:, "internet.abuse" <>,
>, BARRY WINTERS <>, robin
> reid <>, "brad. woodside"
> <>, woodsideb <>,
> "dan. bussieres" <>
> Cc:, campaign <>, PREM
> Premier <>, Edmonton Castledowns
> < edmonton.castledowns@
> < edmonton.castledowns@
> "" <>, thepurplevioletpress
> < thepurplevioletpress@gmail.
> "" <>, We are Fred up
> <>, occupyfredericton
> <>, Arthur Taylor <>,
> danfour <>, thenewbrunswicker
> <>, mhayes <>, dsimon
> <>, MacKnightb <>
> For the Public Record I have NEVER heard of you an I checked MY
> records immediately to be certain.
> I Never I repeat never sent you an email until this response to YOUR
> threat CORRECT??
> .While you at talking to the "authorities" Please Mention Ken.Zielke's
> Edmondton Corporate file # 2009-1449 and the Alberta lawyer Don
> Marshall
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 20:33:55 -0300
> Subject: Attn Don Marshall we just talked. Meet Barry Winters and Dean
> Roger Ray and my friends Robin Reid and Werner Bock
> To:, Barry Winters <>, dean
> Ray <>
> Cc: webo <>, Robin Reid <>
> Good Day Sir
> As I said I was grateful for your call but very confused as to why you
> were playing dumb and yet in the end only wanted to know my
> whereabouts at the moment. Trust that even the RCMP and the FBI are
> confused about that most of the time for good reason. As you will soon
> see it is for good reason I might add.
> Clearly I got back to you as soon as I checked you out to see if you
> were for real. Your name was not on the roster with the other lawyers
> that I called yesterday. thus i felt you were just another corrupt cop
> playing me and picking my brain especially when you did not wish to
> look on the Internet to verify what i was saying was true. I am
> certain you would understand why I was confused as to why you would
> know the number to call me but not bother to read my emails first.
> Hard telling not knowing but perhaps the other lawyers etc did not
> give my emails to you because they are quite simply pure hell in a
> handbasket for any lawyer or cop to receive to say the least.
> Please check my work closely and do your job. I am certain we can
> settle for chump change out of court and public view as long as a
> little justice is finally served upon some bad acting characters ASAP.
> This what happened to Robin Reid in your city years ago. that "Barry
> Winters" supports his malicious slander with. As a witness to a crime
> Alberta locks her up to shut her up and fails to properly prosecute a
> killer? Go figure?
> http://www.lastlinkontheleft.
> This is what happened to Robin in your neighborhood recently after she
> suggested meeting "Barry Winters" in person in front of a politcian.
> This was the wacko Dean Roger Ray two years ago when he lived in your
> city and was threatening to have me killed and making false
> allegations against me etc your and Police Dept and the RCMP laughed
> at my concerns.
> This is the latest piece of malevolent work "Barry Winters" aka
> "Seren" Aka "Baconat53" or whomever he maybe next
> http://baconfat53.blogspot.
> This is the link to the Edmonton corporate file that I was referring to
> file
> file://edmcorpfilebr02/Ken.zielke$/FILES/2009-1449%20%20REID,%20Robin%20%20Threats/Just%20Dave.htm
> From my research of you people thus far this elusive Ken Zielke
> character appears to me to an ex RCMP officer who has had a certain
> interest in cow mutalations in the past. He may have crossed paths
> with the same people both Werner Bock and I have been in touch with.
> However I am not certain yet.
> The other emails I was referring to will follow this one. After you
> check into my work and our concerns what say you? Does the City wish
> to seetle with us? If not tell me what would the lawyer in you do if
> you were us? Sue some people and City Hall too?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> Don Marshall
> Director
> 780-496-5139
> Angela Leatherland
> Risk Management Coordinator
> 780-496-5132
> Clyde Lindstrom
> Supervisor / Senior Adjuster
> 780-496-5133
> Irene Yaskiw
> Contract Analyst
> 780-496-5137
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Shaw Internet Abuse <>
> Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 18:10:26 -0600
> Subject: RE: Mr Baconfat now that the election is one I called your
> friends Jay Ramotar and his people for the last time today
> To:
> ATTENTION: This is an automated response.
> Your message has been received by Shaw Cablesystems Acceptable Use
> Policy Management Team. Unless additional information is needed to
> pursue your complaint, this may be the only response that you receive.
> Shaw Cablesystems takes all reports of abuse seriously.
> For ease of reporting and assist in faster handling, please consider the
> following sites in reporting your incident.
> your complaint will not be processed.
> If you are describing an incident of alleged abuse, please make sure
> that you have provided all the details which you have available
> regarding the
> incident, including the time, time zone, IP address and description of
> attack or abuse, along with any other information you may have
> regarding the
> incident of abuse (e.g. ONLY THE PORTION of the firewall log
> containing the Shaw IP).
> If you are emailing regarding Unsolicited Commercial Email (SPAM),
> please be sure to provide the full email headers. This is the detailed
> information about which servers the message passed through on its way
> to you. We need this information to effectively identify and stop
> these messages.
> If you are describing an incident of criminal activity, threats of
> violence or bodily harm, slander, libel or harassment, contact your
> local law enforcement authorities immediately and we will cooperate
> with any resulting investigation in accordance with Canadian law.
> Shaw Cablesystems is dedicated to ensuring that its service is used in
> a manner that is consistent with the terms set forth in its Acceptable
> Use Policy. Shaw's Acceptable Use Policy can be viewed at
> Thank you for taking the time to contact Shaw.
> Sincerely,
> Shaw Customer Protection Team
> Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
> 2400 - 32nd Avenue N.E.
> Calgary, Alberta, T2E 9A7
> Telephone: (403) 750-7420
> Facsimile: (403) 539-6831
> E-mail:
> E-mail:
> Please include all previous correspondence when replying
> From: Tanis Nicholson <>
> Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 10:27:13 -0600
> Subject: Re: Why not try some new BULLSHIT Mr Baconfat ?You obviously
> convinced Mr Smith the convience store dude in Fat Fred City nobody
> else
> To: David Amos <>, BARRY WINTERS
> <>, robin reid <>
> This is a private, personal email address you are writing too. Should this
> inappropriate conversation continue I will be contacting the authorities.
> On 3/31/12, David Amos <> wrote:
>> Particularly after Chucky just showed his arse to his old buddy
>> Woodside declared that he supports the wannabe Mayor young Matty Baby
>> Hayes.
>> Rest assured Chucky's blog will soon be updated and some of it may be
>> deleted just like you and Chucky other blogging butt buddies like
>> Norrad always do when I bust them in front of their friends. That why
>> it is so important to save everything N'esy Pas Danny Boy
>> Fitzgerald???
>> http://
>> However all the snobs are all quite likely still at the Farmers Market
>> in Fat Fred Cty kissing Chucky Leblanc's arse so he will speak well of
>> them within his blog.
>> Mr Baconfat Please do tell all us dumb inbred Maritimers some more
>> awful truth about ourselves as you twisted mind percieves us to be. In
>> your drunken stuper do you even recall when you quit supporting your
>> old blogging butt buddy Chucky Leblanc and attacked the ex RCMP dude
>> Danny Boy Bussieres as the Sgt at Arms?
>> It was in May of 2009. EH???
>> Even Redford must admit that was incredibly STUPID CORRECT MS Premier?
>> On 3/31/12, David Amos <> wrote:
>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>> Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 09:06:14 -0600
>>> Subject: Re: I am not afraid Mr Baconfat Hell you used to write spin
>>> for the liberals in 2004 and even publishd your bullshit in Storm
>>> Front
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> Cc:, campaign <>, PREM
>>> Premier <>, Edmonton Castledowns
>>> < edmonton.castledowns@
>>> < edmonton.castledowns@
>>> "" <>, thepurplevioletpress
>>> < thepurplevioletpress@gmail.
>>> "" <>, We are Fred up
>>> <>, occupyfredericton
>>> <>, Arthur Taylor <>,
>>> danfour <>, thenewbrunswicker
>>> <>, mhayes <>, dsimon
>>> <>, MacKnightb <>
>>> David, do your neighbours know that you are an anti-Semite Jew Hater?
>>> They will now.
>>> Do your "friends" and family know you believe that the "Jews are
>>> trying to blow up the world economy"?
>>> Do your "friends and neighbours know that you lurk about schoolyards
>>> and playgrounds looking for children to molest and abuse? I guess they
>>> do now.
>>> You still got that Swaztika tatoo on your forehead, Charley?
>>> On 3/31/12, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>> Not everthing is well known to all who wish to blog about it.
>>>> However many people who know me well know that Dan Wesson was a very
>>>> good friend of mine. Hell he even doctored up my old pistol in the
>>>> eighties so it works far better than most. Dan died in CT in 1990 just
>>>> before my son was born. I stil have the gun to this day and will NEVER
>>>> part with it. That old pistol's action is VERY smooth and the caliber
>>>> is far deadier than your puny Browning that you like brag about. More
>>>> importantly it is just a gun. I keep it to Honour a friends and my son
>>>> will own when I am no more.
>>>> http://www.lastlinkontheleft.
>>>> However YOU Mr Baconfat braggd to much in that you and Ken Ziekle were
>>>> HIRED to attack Robin Reid and I Furthermore I proved to City
>>>> Solicitors in 2009 I had the number of Kenny Babyy's Corporate file
>>>> when he worked for the City of Edmonton
>>>> This is just one of your many blogs CORRECT PERVERT?
>>>> Do you and Tommy Boy and Stevey Boy Harper remember this YOUTUBE Mr
>>>> Baconfat?
>>>> On 3/31/12, BARRY WINTERS <> wrote:
>>>>> Oh Dear, you "proved" what? That you can't spell? That you are
>>>>> semi-literate? Oh Dear! What's next David, another phone call from
>>>>> the"White
>>>>> House"?LOL! Are the amerkan authorities still trying to "render" you
>>>>> to
>>>>> Guantanamo Bay? Still trying to tell the world you were a "bountry
>>>>> hunter"
>>>>> and an "ethical whistleblower" LOL
>>>>> David....Take that imaginary"Dan Wesson" handgun and blow out your
>>>>> "imaginary" brains on the wall.
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Saturday, March 31, 2012 8:48 am
>>>>> Subject: I am not afraid Mr Baconfat Hell you used to write spin for
>>>>> the
>>>>> liberals in 2004 and even publishd your bullshit in Storm Front
>>>>> To: BARRY WINTERS <>,,
>>>>> campaign
>>>>> <>, PREM Premier <>, Edmonton
>>>>> Castledowns <edmonton.castledowns@
>>>>> "edmonton.castledowns"
>>>>> < edmonton.castledowns@
>>>>> Cc:, "" <>,
>>>>> thepurplevioletpress <thepurplevioletpress@gmail.
>>>>> <>, ""
>>>>> <>,
>>>>> We are Fred up <>, occupyfredericton
>>>>> <>, Arthur Taylor <>,
>>>>> danfour <>, thenewbrunswicker
>>>>> <>, mhayes <>, dsimon
>>>>> <>, MacKnightb <>
>>>>>> You want the world to forget that I proved to your zionist fans and
>>>>>> even your blogging butt buddy Chucky Leblanc that you plagarized
>>>>>> other
>>>>>> people's work and that is why you quit your evil blog at Xmass time
>>>>>> 2010 CORRECT???
>>>>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>>>>> Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 08:37:10 -0600
>>>>>> Subject: Re: You and Chucky Leblanc really need to quit drinking and
>>>>>> learn how to read Mr Baconfat
>>>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>>>> David Raymond Amos.....
>>>>>> "For the the public record." I have just entered your name in several
>>>>>> Jewish and Gentile data bases as a violent anti-Semite and
>>>>>> molester of
>>>>>> Jewish children. You are on the same registry as the murders of the
>>>>>> GFogel family and their three month old baby.
>>>>>> I am quite sure that infamy makes you quite proud.
>>>>>> Wave in front of the window David!
>>>>>> On 3/31/12, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> for-wildrose-doc
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > In about a month or so we all shall see if the Wildrose takes
>>>>>> > charge
>>>>>> > of Alberta and prosecutes the likes of you.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Intimidated into running for Wildrose: Doc 72
>>>>>> > By JACKIE L. LARSON ,Edmonton Sun
>>>>>> > First posted: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 12:27 PM MDT
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Related Stories
>>>>>> > Wildrose is no threat, Mar says
>>>>>> > Danielle Smith predicts Wildrose government
>>>>>> > MLA pay decision 'personal': Redford
>>>>>> > Game on for opposition as election call looms
>>>>>> > Topics
>>>>>> > Battle for Alberta
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > The Wildrose Party has put a prime example of what they say is
>>>>>> > government intimidation of physicians into the electoral race.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Dr. Peter Rodd, a former Alberta Hospital psychiatrist,
>>>>>> announced his
>>>>>> > MLA candidacy for Edmonton-Manning on Tuesday — and levelled some
>>>>>> > accusations at the same time.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Rodd practised psychiatry at in the forensic unit of Alberta
>>>>>> Hospital> Edmonton from 2008 to 2012. He claimed he was
>>>>>> repeatedly pressured by
>>>>>> > Alberta Health Services to release criminally dangerous mental
>>>>>> > patients into the community before it was safe.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > “Because of a lack of sufficient resources in our mental health
>>>>>> > system, I was pressured to discharge my patients before I felt they
>>>>>> > were ready,” he said, adding that the discharges would have
>>>>>> endangered> the public and patients themselves.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > “I was threatened with loss of my job, blackmailed and
>>>>>> tormented.They> tried to force me into submission and when I
>>>>>> wouldn’t submit,” he
>>>>>> > said.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Appearing with Wildrose Party Leader Danielle Smith, Rodd said
>>>>>> > intimidation is still a factor for him as he waits for AHS to
>>>>>> release> documents that would allow him to continue practising
>>>>>> in an Alberta
>>>>>> > hospital.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Smith and Rodd repeated a call for a public judicial inquiry
>>>>>> on doctor
>>>>>> > intimidation.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Premier Alison Redford fired back in question period Tuesday.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > “The way to fix health care in Alberta is not to politicize this
>>>>>> > issue, by having people at one point talk about doctor intimidation
>>>>>> > and then 20 minutes later announce that they’re a candidate
>>>>>> for a
>>>>>> > political party,” she said when grilled by Wildrose MLA Heather
>>>>>> > Forsythe.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > An Alberta Health Services spokesman declined to comment Tuesday,
>>>>>> > saying it was a political issue.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Redford has said she will limit an upcoming inquiry to the
>>>>>> topic of
>>>>>> > queue-jumping, despite an Alberta Health Quality Council
>>>>>> survey that
>>>>>> > showed widespread fear, intimidation and muzzling of Alberta
>>>>>> > physicians.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > On the legislature floor Tuesday, she reiterated her position,
>>>>>> saying> she has accepted the AHQC report and the intimidation
>>>>>> allegations it
>>>>>> > contains, and will fix the health system.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > “I’m not at all surprised a Wildrose candidate would be making
>>>>>> > these
>>>>>> > allegations about doctor intimidation,” Redford said.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > On 3/31/12, BARRY WINTERS <> wrote:
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> To all of David's addressees
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> As you can see here clearly, Little Davey lied! Little Davey the
>>>>>> >> convicted
>>>>>> >> child molester and fraud. said he would no longer e mail me.
>>>>>> He lied.
>>>>>> >> Little
>>>>>> >> Davey claims to be a"victim" but he does not want to stop
>>>>>> bering a troll.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Hey Little Davey, I have audio tapes of your daughter coming,
>>>>>> you want me
>>>>>> >> to
>>>>>> >> e mail "em" to you?
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Did your Mother live to see how you turned out to be sex
>>>>>> offender and
>>>>>> >> monster?
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> >> From: David Amos <>
>>>>>> >> Date: Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:52 am
>>>>>> >> Subject: You and Chucky Leblanc really need to quit drinking
>>>>>> and learn
>>>>>> >> how
>>>>>> >> to read Mr Baconfat
>>>>>> >> To: Barry Winters <>,,
>>>>>> >> "" <>,
>>>>>> thepurplevioletpress>> <thepurplevioletpress@gmail.
>>>>>> >> Cc: evelyngreene <>,
>>>>>> "">> <>, We are
>>>>>> Fred up <>,
>>>>>> >> occupyfredericton <>, Arthur Taylor
>>>>>> >> <>, danfour <>,
>>>>>> >> thenewbrunswicker
>>>>>> >> <>, mhayes <>, dsimon
>>>>>> >> <>, MacKnightb <>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>> I am leaving you out of the loop with the FEDS but I am
>>>>>> throwing you
>>>>>> >>> back in bed with Mr Greene and your old blogging buddy
>>>>>> Chucky Leblanc
>>>>>> >>> BIGTIME.
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> November 1st was when Ms Greene and her pal Sarah Brooks
>>>>>> first made
>>>>>> >>> friends with you to try to dig up some dirt on mean old me. That
>>>>>> >>> didn't work out too well for for CORRECT PERVERT???
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> BTW Did ya notice the Fake Left wackos Andre Murray and
>>>>>> Chucky Leblanc
>>>>>> >>> in Fat Fred City were celebrating the 39th birthday of th British
>>>>>> >>> bitch Sarah Brooks yesterday???
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> Check out your butt buddy's blog its too too funny latly. It
>>>>>> appears>>> to mean old me they were late for that by about twety
>>>>>> years or so.
>>>>>> >>> Hell accorrding to her pal Ms Greene Sarah Brooks is way
>>>>>> past "Meany
>>>>>> >>> Pause" and is just plain MEAN. Perhaps you should date her
>>>>>> she brags
>>>>>> >>> about what herfat daddy once did for the Brits just like you
>>>>>> >>> claim the
>>>>>> >>> name of a rugby star. Trust that you would make a fine pair of
>>>>>> >>> bullshitters to spend your latter days in the looney bin with.
>>>>>> >>> EH Mr
>>>>>> >>> Baconfat???
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> >>> From: Evelyn Greene <>
>>>>>> >>> Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2011 00:45:12 -0200
>>>>>> >>> Subject: RE: BTW Mr Lovely I am this David Amos I am sure Mr
>>>>>> >>> Zabel and
>>>>>> >>> his law firm can explain
>>>>>> >>> To:
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> Hi David, are you a member of the Hells Angels or some other
>>>>>> uncover>>> organization such as CSIS? Just
>>>>>> wondering. Do you
>>>>>> >>> think that charles
>>>>>> >>> LeBlanc thinks you are connected to the US feds or CSIS?
>>>>>> >>> Throw me a
>>>>>> >>> bone David. You know that I am under attack here in New
>>>>>> >>> Brunswick for
>>>>>> >>> reporting crime and it was recently I contacted CSIS.
>>>>>> >>> Thanks. Evelyn
>>>>>> >>> > Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 21:22:17 -0300
>>>>>> >>> > Subject: BTW Mr Lovely I am this David Amos I am sure Mr Zabel
>>>>>> >>> and his law firm can explain
>>>>>> >>> > From:
>>>>>> >>> > To:; joseph.maher@caritaschristi.
>>>>>> >>>;;;
>>>>>> >>>;;
>>>>>> >>>; ajamil@nationalnursesunited.
>>>>>> >>>;;;
>>>>>> >>>;;
>>>>>> >>>;
>>>>>> >>> > CC:;;
>>>>>> >>>;;
>>>>>> >>>;;
>>>>>> >>>;
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
>>>>>> wendy-
>>>>>> >>> olsen-on.html
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > http://www.checktheevidence.
>>>>>> yea-
>>>>>> >>> right.-txt.pdf
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > I sure wish you had picked up the phone or called me back
>>>>>> >>> today I made
>>>>>> >>> > certain that many of the Nurses Unions knew who I was
>>>>>> before the
>>>>>> >>> > protests last week. But there is a big one in Washington soon.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> Join-Global-Call-for-Financial-Transaction-Tax.aspx
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > http://www.
>>>>>> >>> nurses-call-for-long-term-sites-for-occupy-oakland-and-
>>>>>> occupy-sf/
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> http://www.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > http://www.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > For more information, contact David Schildmeier at
>>>>>> >>> > 781-249-0430.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> >>> > From: David Amos <>
>>>>>> >>> > Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 13:54:59 -0300
>>>>>> >>> > Subject: Mr Lovely I am truly grateful that you called
>>>>>> >>> > To:
>>>>>> >>> > Cc: maritime_malaise <>
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > Rest assured that I am very quick study.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > I will call back as soon as I move to another location for a
>>>>>> >>> better connectio
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > We should discuss some old litgation ASAP Look at page 134 of
>>>>>> >>> one of
>>>>>> >>> > my files found the web Perhaps you should study it
>>>>>> >>> closely before I
>>>>>> >>> > call back
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > here
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > http://www.checktheevidence.
>>>>>> txt-.pdf
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > or here
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > From: magicJack <voicemail@notify.magicjack.
>>>>>> >>> > Subject: New VM (3) - 0:17 minutes in your magicJack mailbox
>>>>>> >>> from 6172540100
>>>>>> >>> > To: "DAVID AMOS"
>>>>>> >>> > Date: Monday, October 31, 2011, 9:17 AM
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > Dear magicJack User:
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > You received a new 0:17 minutes voicemail message, on Monday,
>>>>>> >>> October> 31, 2011 at 12:17:16 PM in mailbox 9028000369 from
>>>>>> >>> 6172540100.>
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > magicJack Customer Care
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > From: Gary Aguirre <>
>>>>>> >>> > Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 07:18:07 +0200
>>>>>> >>> > Subject: RE: Mr Aguirre I just called from 902 800 0369
>>>>>> >>> > To: David Amos <>
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > Dear Mr. Amos:
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > I will be back in the US after Labor Day and will look
>>>>>> over the
>>>>>> >>> > material you forwarded at that time.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > Regards,
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > Gary Aguirre
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > The Aguirre Law Firm
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > 501 W. Broadway, Suite 800
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > San Diego, CA 92101
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > Tel: 619-400-4960
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > Fax: 619-501-7072
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > This E-Mail is intended only for the use of the
>>>>>> individuals to which
>>>>>> >>> > it is addressed, and may contain information that is
>>>>>> >>> > privileged,
>>>>>> >>> > confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
>>>>>> >>> > Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the
>>>>>> >>> > attorney-client or any other privilege. If you have
>>>>>> received this
>>>>>> >>> > communication in error, please do not distribute it and
>>>>>> notify us
>>>>>> >>> > immediately by email to
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> >>> > From: David Amos <>
>>>>>> >>> > Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 21:14:11 -0300
>>>>>> >>> > Subject: Mr Aguirre I just called from 902 800 0369
>>>>>> >>> > To:
>>>>>> >>> > Cc: maritime_malaise <>,
>>>>>> >>> > NYAG.Pressoffice@oag.state.ny.
>>>>>> >>> > <>
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > FYI I am the unamed Whistleblower that Mr Nester of the SEC
>>>>>> >>> mentioned> in 2009 who is the link from Putnam investments and
>>>>>> >>> Madoff matter
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > To support , my allegations first and foremost Eric
>>>>>> >>> > Schneiderman
>>>>>> >>> > should see that Eliot Spitzer testified on the very day he
>>>>>> >>> thanked me
>>>>>> >>> > for the info in November of 2003.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > Please notice the transcripts and webcasts went of th
>>>>>> >>> Senate hearings
>>>>>> >>> > "poof' not long after I made the congressman Ron Paul and
>>>>>> >>> legions of
>>>>>> >>> > others well aware of their existence as he bitched about
>>>>>> such things
>>>>>> >>> > whilst running for the GOP endorsement to run for
>>>>>> president in 2007.
>>>>>> >>> > The records of the hearings were deleted in late fall 2007
>>>>>> >>> just as all
>>>>>> >>> > the subprime mortgages began to smell bad.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > Now check the dates on the letters in this file page 13 in
>>>>>> >>> particular>
>>>>>> >>> > http://www.checktheevidence.
>>>>>> yea-
>>>>>> >>> right.-txt.pdf
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > BTW I just discovered you and your client Darcy Flynn
>>>>>> byway of these
>>>>>> >>> > news reports
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> dealbook-comes-to-the-secs-defense-20110823
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > "My first clue came when I called the SEC before the story
>>>>>> >>> came out
>>>>>> >>> > and asked them about the allegations by SEC
>>>>>> attorney/whistleblower>>> > Darcy Flynn. I sent them a detailed
>>>>>> questionnaire, both about the
>>>>>> >>> > document disposal and the mini cover-up among SEC higher-
>>>>>> ups like
>>>>>> >>> > former Goldman executive Adam Storch (who was not sure he
>>>>>> >>> should “take
>>>>>> >>> > on this exposure voluntarily,” because the SEC FOIA officer
>>>>>> >>> told him
>>>>>> >>> > there “might be criminal liability”). Then, when I called
>>>>>> >>> back, I
>>>>>> >>> > expected them to deny the whole thing and trash Flynn as an
>>>>>> >>> unreliable> disgruntled employee.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > They did none of that. Instead, to my amazement, SEC
>>>>>> >>> spokesperson John
>>>>>> >>> > Nester copped to the document destruction right away when I
>>>>>> >>> got him on
>>>>>> >>> > the phone. When I asked him how long it had been going on,
>>>>>> >>> Nester not
>>>>>> >>> > only offered that it had been “at least the early
>>>>>> nineties,” but
>>>>>> >>> > volunteered, without my even asking about it, that he couldn’t
>>>>>> >>> be sure
>>>>>> >>> > it hadn’t “always been the policy.” He didn’t deny any of
>>>>>> Flynn’s>>> > allegations at all. It was a very weird call – I
>>>>>> kept waiting
>>>>>> >>> for the
>>>>>> >>> > other shoe to drop, and it never did."
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> destroyed-documents-whistle-blower-alleges.html
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> covering-
>>>>>> >>> up-wall-street-crimes-20110817
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > I can be found all over the web as well but I am latgely
>>>>>> >>> mentioned by
>>>>>> >>> > people trying hard to impeach my character. However it is the
>>>>>> >>> > docmentation that is truly important not the malicious
>>>>>> spin on them.
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > A portion of the email below can be found within the following
>>>>>> >>> link or
>>>>>> >>> > simply Google Amos and Madoff and anyone can find it
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > This is not my blog
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
>>>>>> wendy-
>>>>>> >>> olsen-on.html
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > Notice Mr Nestor of the SEC?
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > These are more informative blogs of his about me
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
>>>>>> on-
>>>>>> >>> bank-fraud-payout.html
>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>> >>> > http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
>>>>>> >>> whistleblower-part-3.html
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >
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