Higgs reverses exclusion of rebellious MLAs from committees
Former ministers who landed few positions in October changes get new roles
In October, the Progressive Conservative majority in the legislature overhauled the membership of committees to reflect a major caucus revolt and cabinet shuffle in June.
Two ministers quit in June and two others were shuffled out of their jobs. They were among six PC MLAs who voted against the government on a motion about the province's policy on pronouns and gender identity in schools.
Some of the so-called "rebellious" MLAs found themselves with few committee assignments.
Opposition MLAs said that Premier Blaine Higgs was trying to prevent them from bringing their experience to the committees, review legislation, study issues and hold departments to account for their spending.
MLAs said that Premier Blaine Higgs was trying to prevent the so-called
'rebellious' MLAs from bringing their experience to the committees,
review legislation, study issues and hold departments to account for
their spending. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
But in a motion this week, the government reversed some of the changes.
"We're always kind of modifying them in some degree and you probably can answer your own question in some areas, but it's what we think works now," Higgs told reporters at the legislature Thursday.
"We do hope that our committee members that are supporting government are supporting government."
Dorothy Shephard, the Saint John Lancaster MLA and former health minister who was excluded from the public accounts committee is now a member.
That means she'll be in a position to question Auditor-General Paul Martin next month when he releases the second part of his audit on the province's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Isles-Saint John West MLA Andrea Anderson-Mason, a minister shuffled
out of cabinet in 2020 and removed from five of her seven committee
positions in October, was put back in two of them. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
New Maryland-Sunbury MLA Jeff Carr, who was placed on only three committees in October, has now been given four more committee assignments.
And Andrea Anderson-Mason, the Fundy-The Isles-Saint John West MLA who was shuffled out of cabinet in 2020 and removed from five of her seven committee positions in October, has been put back in two of them.
MLAs get an additional $125 for each committee day, but the role means extra work and additional travel to Fredericton.
David Amos
And the editing begins
David Amos
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Need I say I picked up the phone an made several calls once I read
this nonsense?
"Anglophone East council votes to sue N.B. over school gender-identity policy
If filed separately, this lawsuit would be second to be launched over Policy 713
Hadeel Ibrahim · CBC News · Posted: Nov 22, 2023 4:47 PM AST"
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Le Wier
Reply to Kyle Woodman
After the email he sent out to party members last night one has to wonder.
Clive Gibbons
Reply to Le Wier
Do tell
Le Wier
Reply to Clive Gibbons
And religion
Le Wier
Reply to Clive Gibbons
Policy 713
David Amos
Reply to Le Wier
Methinks Mr Outhouse is not fond of me N'esy Pas?
Ronald Miller
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David Amos
Reply to Ronald Miller
You do go on and on too
Ronald Miller
Reply to David Amos
Only in response to the nonsense.
David Amos
Reply to Ronald Miller
You started this thread
Ronald Miller
Reply to David Amos
Indeed I did.
Ronald Miller
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Clive Gibbons
Reply to Ronald Miller
They're upset at the doh head that flip flops more than a trout in the bottom of the boat. The bus, remember?
David Amos
Reply to Clive Gibbons
How can we forget such a fancy bus?
Deborah Reddon
Unbelievable! He twists, he turns, it's the Flip Flop Man. Trust nothing he says.
David Amos
Reply to Deborah Reddon
Nobody does
Content Deactivated
Higgs exhibits the qualities of vindictiveness and impulsivity which
are not good traits in a leader.
David Amos
Reply to Howie Otoole
Everybody knows that
Personally, I do NOT think that the Members of His Majesty's Executive Council For The Province of New Brunswick ------ the Premier and the Ministers of The Crown in Right of New Brunswick ------- should be able to control the standing committee assignments of the backbenchers in The Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick.
Reply to Ronald McCallum
They don't just Higgy does
MR Cain
Reply to Ronald McCallum
Higgs has been doing it for a while now. Everybody is afraid of getting fired and losing their pensions.
Ronald McCallum
Reply to David Amos
My point is simple: NONE of them should be able to influence the committee assignments of the backbenchers on the Standing Committees, Ad hoc committees and so forth, of the Legislative Assembly of the Legislature/General Assembly/Parliament of the Province of New Brunswick!
David Amos
Reply to Ronald McCallum
If not Higgy then who?
Ronald McCallum
Reply to David Amos
Reply to MR Cain
If so, how could Higgs "fire them and they lose their pensions?"
Higgs may be able to "fire" from the Progressive Conservative caucus ----- even I don't think that they are any like the old Progressive Conservatives of yesteryear under Higgs ---- but, Higgs can NOT fire them from the Le1gislative Assembly, only the voters are able to in a properly called General Election!
MR Cain
Reply to Ronald McCallum
MR Cain
Reply to Ronald McCallum
Ronald McCallum
Reply to MR Cain
I am saying that the standing committees of the Legislative Assembly should NOT be appointed by the Premier of the Province, and be appointed by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly.
Ronald Miller
Reply to MR Cain
Once again you had to be corrected, Higgs can't fire anyone nor can he control anyone's pension. Are you saying Higgs is so powerful he controls one's ability to be reelected? If he is doing so much wrong according to your nonsense would they not stand a better chance of getting back in if they are opposite to him? I have once again used your own senseless logic against you.
Ronald McCallum
Reply to MR Cain
I think we should get away from this Presidential version of a Parliamentary Party leadership, and return the leadership to the members of the Parliamentary Party, ie. the Caucus. That is the way it operates with the parliamentary parties of the Political parties in Australia.
In the end, the political party belongs to ALL the members, and most definitely NOT to the Leader of the Party. Most political parties have policy conventions to guide the Parliamentary Party in the governance of the nation or state or province.
Ronald Miller
Reply to MR Cain
Most public servants go in and do their day to day jobs regardless who is power or what is being reported on this site, and think nothing of it because it affects them to a very minor degree if at all. But you keep thinking otherwise, the entertainment is priceless.
MR Cain
Reply to Ronald McCallum
I know what you are saying. Committees are made up of members selected by the parties to represent their party and further the interests of their party.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Ronald McCallum
Your thoughts on committee makeups are interesting and might be a better way to go about building them. I wonder how well they work in Australia.
MR Cain
Reply to Ronald McCallum
The caucus members are appointed by the leader, which means they can be de-appointed by the leader. Problem we have is with an autocratic leader.
David Amos
Reply to MR Cain
Ronald McCallum
Reply to MR Cain
The members of the Standing Committees and Select Committees are NOT there to represent their parties and their party's interests; they are there to represent the people of the Province of New Brunswick and to examine the legislation put forth by the Government of the Day, and from any other Member of the Legislative Assembly. Committees report to the Legislative Assembly and make recommendations re: amendments to the legislation. Also, the committees are there to hear experts in their field.
I wonder did any of the committees of the Legislative Assembly heard testimony from any teachers, psychologists, medical and nursing professionals in regards to the controversial changes to gender policies in the schools?
Ronald McCallum
Reply to MR Cain
I was just saying that it should NOT be up to the party leader.
MR Cain
Reply to Ronald McCallum
No idea how you would appoint committee members or the caucus. They can have internal elections, but there has to be a mechanism to also get rid of ineffective members. Personally, I would prefer a multi-party government like Finland, wherein all parties work together for the benefit of the people they represent.
MR Cain
Reply to Ronald McCallum
The members ARE there to represent their party, which includes the electorate they represent.
Check out the legislative site to see the committees in action, which include experts as required. Ref the gender issue, there have been a number of representations made. The premier is from another generation entirely, and spreads misinformation to his base daily. Thus, we have some court cases pending.
G. Timothy Walton
They might as well enjoy their final term as MLAs – Higgs won't be
signing their nomination papers next time.
Get ready for lots of Faytene types.
David Amos
Reply to G. Timothy Walton
I disagree
G. Timothy Walton
Reply to David Amos
Isn't she aiming at your riding?
David Amos
Reply to G. Timothy Walton
Close but no cigar
Christine Martinez
Useless is as useless does.
David Amos
Reply to Christine Martinez
Forest Gump's mother could not say it any better
Hugh MacDonald
"Higgs reverses removal of rebellious MLAs from committees"
For rebellious MLAs, it's a "reversal of misfortunes".
Reply to Hugh MacDonald
Inger Nielsen
counting the days till election
Robert Losier
Reply to Inger Nielsen
You in a hurry to see another PC Majority?
SW Home
Reply to Robert Losier
That's an interesting way of spelling defeat.
David Amos
Reply to Inger Nielsen
Me too
Robert Losier
Reply to SW Home
Well give him that, he made a mistake folks and he is man enough to own up to it. So let him move on and get down to business. Remember he is just a man. The past is the past, so get atter and get things
going, moving or whatever them folks do. I bet there is lots to do. Is there anyone out there that wants that job. Easy to say, i bet. Easy to criticize too.
Allan Marven
Reply to Shawn Tabor
pay is good too. he's up to something for sure, just watch.
Jos Allaire
Reply to Allan Marven
He did it in revenge. Higgs needs to go.
MR Cain
Reply to Shawn Tabor
Yes, there is a lot to do; when is he going to start? He has an awful lot of burnt bridges to rebuild; everything is broken.
David Amos
Reply to Shawn Tabor
Did Higgy send you some butter tarts?
Shawn Tabor
Reply to David Amos
No but i wish he would, a whole bunch of them, and a great big jug of Milk, you know i drink more then 2 litres a day, everyday. But i think if he did he would be going behind or creating more of a deficit, for the price that we pay for a stable that should be comparable to other provinces. Butter tarts, milk and a Saturday night hockey game, watching Montreal kicking Toronto’s Ass. LOL
Michel Forgeron
Interesting - Higgs relationship with Faytene Grasseschi. Turning the
province into a theocracy.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Michel Forgeron
What relationship?
Michel Forgeron
Reply to Ronald Miller
Google Higgs and Grasseschi
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Michel Forgeron
They are like two peas in a pod.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Michel Forgeron
I did, I found no article that details any relationship. So since you posted it, please reference the article that details any type of ongoing relationship strictly between the 2.
Michel Forgeron
Reply to Ronald Miller
You can do your own education.
David Amos
Reply to Kyle Woodman
William Peters
They're all getting along in the old folks home again.
David Amos
Reply to William Peters
Ask yourself why
MR Cain
Losing all the perks of a minister's salary and benefits, government car and gas, per diem for expenses, that $125 per day sure looks enticing. Imagine a boss who can just take it all away on a whim. The mlas need union.
David Amos
Reply to MR Cain
Is that your idea of witty?
Reply to MR Cain
They don't. They just need to get rid of their petty, vengeful micromanaging "cactus defence mechanism " of a boss.
Jimmy Cochrane
Who cares really?
David Amos
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
Thats the problem
Alison Jackson
It appears the fine citizens who voted those conservative MLA's into office are not taking kindly to Higgys treatment of them? He needs all the votes he can get at this point.
Jos Allaire
Reply to Alison Jackson
But to no avail, he's done.
David Amos
Reply to Jos Allaire
The fat lady ain't sun yet
Geoff MacDonald
Good move on his part in trying to restore good relations with his
MLAs. Not all leaders would do the same thing, including the PM.
SW Home
Reply to Geoff MacDonald
it is only because he needs the votes, not because he wants them there
David Amos
Reply to SW Home
claude bourgeois
The PC party should drop the P. They are full blown Conservative. Fundraising outside the province. Albertans and others who are ultra conservative want to keep Higgs in power. That scares the living you
know what out of me and it should concern all NB citizens! We should not allow parties to fundraise outside the province. It's none of their business except residents of NB.
Raymond Leger
Reply to claude bourgeois
Bunch of sneaks
Ronald Miller
Reply to claude bourgeois
Maybe they can lend the Libs some, I hear they don't have much right now.
Clive Gibbons
Reply to Raymond Leger
Wouldn't be my choice of term...
SarahRose Werner
Reply to claude bourgeois
The PC party has a choice to make: drop the P or drop Higgs.
Robert Losier
Reply to SarahRose Werner
I am sure his team listens to you.
Donald Smith
Reply to Robert Losier
Robert Losier
Reply to Donald Smith
They do in fact listen. That is why they will have another Majority come next election.
Clive Gibbons
Reply to Robert Losier
They listen to polling that's for sure. This is why they decided to not call an early election...
Donald Smith
Reply to Robert Losier
Agreed, more than likely you are right, not because they listen, but because the Liberals haven't stated what they think they can do to fix our issues. This is just one issue Bob, the nursing shortage,. I'm
hearing all kinds of casual and Only part time jobs at the regional hospital in Saint John. Some nursing homes in Saint John only have casual and part time nurses, with only two full times nurses, and they
are 9 to 5 Monday thru Friday management. One staff member calls in sick or with the Blue Flu and somebody ends up working a 16 hour shift. What do the Liberals plan on doing to fix New Brunswick or is it Unfixable?
David Amos
Reply to Clive Gibbons
Nor mine
Reply to claude bourgeois
I think he has pretty much established COR in his government.
He best keep kissing their you know whats, or he'll be put out to pasture.
David Amos
Reply to Raymond Leger
Kyle Woodman
Ah yes the ol' Higgs 3-step. One step forward, two steps back. His song and dance routine is getting old. He should probably stick to the chicken dance he does so well.
Andrew Martin
Reply to Kyle Woodman
And there you are flip flopping on him holding them off committees and complaining that they're back on now.
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Andrew Martin
I'm not complaining that they are back now. They never should have been removed in the first place. I am also not the premier of the province.
Andrew Martin
Reply to Kyle Woodman
there is a silver lining
Ronald Miller
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Do you get your flip floppin habits from Holt?
Alison Jackson
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Do you work at all? If no, and that appears the case, do you have any hobbies for the exception of apologizing for Higgs 24/7?
Ronald Miller
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When it comes to Higgs, there is little to apologize for. Maybe you can help KW out and his Higgs obsession, if you check this board he is the one bringing him up. You should probably get it checked out also, just trying to help.
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Ronald Miller
Your gaslighting is very transparent.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Kyle Woodman
That's your department, one does not need to do that when facts are on
one's side.
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Ronald Miller
You have never presented any facts, just a long list of conjecture almost as long as the list of Higgs' failures.
SW Home
Reply to Ronald Miller
When it comes to Higgs, there is little to not apologize for. Fixed it for you. You forgot a word there
Reply to Alison Jackson
He's a Higgimaniac. Logic is useless on him
SW Home
Reply to Ronald Miller
Just because you call them facts doesn't make them so.
David Amos
Reply to SW Home
Oh so true
Kyle Woodman
The PC Christmas party sounds like a good time. Higgs will hand out coal to those he thought were naughty.
David Amos
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Nice to see the Premier keeping the idle hands of the "rebels" busy. Glad he doesn't hold a grudge.
Robert Brannen
Reply to Laura Smith
The reversal by the premier was not prompted by generosity of spirit, it was prompted by fear on his part.
SW Home
Reply to Laura Smith
He did it because he needs the votes, not that he want's them in the party
David Amos
Reply to Robert Brannen
I concur
valmond landry
one step flip flop again do we have a kindergarten or a legislature in FREDERICTON ?
David Amos
Reply to valmond landry
Neither Its a circus
valmond landry
Another day where ol' flip floppin' Higgs doesn't know whether he's coming or going. Another failure by the Higgs government.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Kyle Woodman
The same members who were on said committees are still on them so show us all where the failure occurred, here is your chance to shine.
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Ronald Miller
The whole fiasco with Policy 713 is an abject failure.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Kyle Woodman
This article is not about 713, you seem confused................ again.
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Ronald Miller
Why did the MLA's rebel against him?
Ronald Miller
Content Deactivated
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Ronald Miller
Do you ever employ simple logic?
Ronald Miller
Reply to Kyle Woodman
I try to since I deal with mostly simple folk.
Jos Allaire
If you were half as smart as you think you are, you would move on.
Arguing with the simple proves that there are two.
SW Home
Reply to Kyle Woodman
David Amos
Reply to SW Home
Common sense does not exist in any house of commons
Such a challenging little province to lead. I wish you well Premier Higgs!
Reply to Zoe Richmond
Surely you jest
Ronald Miller
Reply to Ronald Miller
Why do you keep reading and commenting then?
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Is that a rhetorical question?
Greg Miller
Oh, the "Higgs Haters" are at it again. And again I ask, "where is the better alternative"?
Dan Lee
Reply to Greg Miller
if you sink in quicksand would you grab anything.........
Greg Miller
Reply to Dan Lee
Sure but tell me -- would you grab a brick?
Eugene Peabody
Reply to Greg Miller
Well I have talked to Ms.Holt and I find her to be very smart, willing to listen to everyone to get good ideas from everyone not a my views are right and everyone else is wrong person like Higgs. In short she is a MUCH better leader .
Greg Miller
Reply to Eugene Peabody
Well the last 3 Liberal leaders have been duds and I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel in this time.
Eugene Peabody.
Reply to Greg Miller
Well that is not a surprise that you don.t see the light when you only look at Higgs.
Greg Miller
Reply to Eugene Peabody
Too funny!
David Amos
Reply to Greg Miller
Welcome back to the circus
What Higgs does best---REVERSE.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Kate LeBlanc
So you complain if he does something, you complain if he does nothing, you complain if he does not listen to people wanting things done differently, you complain if he does things differently as people asked. Then you wonder why I only laugh at what you post.
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Ronald Miller
Flip flopper.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Yes, Holt has certainly shown us all she is.
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Ronald Miller
Please explain further?
Ronald Miller
Reply to Kyle Woodman
I want an election, I don't want an election, I want an election, I want the carbon tax, I don't want the carbon tax, where have you been, on surveillance or another tour of Albert county?
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Ronald Miller
I don't think you are remembering correctly. Higgs is the one who flip flopped on your list of things.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Kyle Woodman
He didn't flip on any of them, tell me where he said he wanted an election, show me the article. Show me the article where he said he wanted to carbon tax, please, your time to shine again.
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Ronald Miller
I don't need to show you articles. It came straight from the horses mouth.
Clive Gibbons
Reply to Ronald Miller
So he got the bus wrapped a year ahead of time?
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Clive Gibbons
The bus is a sore spot for PC supporters because they feel duped out of their donations.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Clive Gibbons
He had one ready because there was a chance of one going into the throne speech. I hope you have more to go on than a bus, but probably not.
Clive Gibbons
Reply to Kate LeBlanc
I don't need anymore than that, it speaks for itself. If he just spent a considerable amount of money on "a chance ", it doesn't speak much to his fiscal responsibility, does it?
SW Home
Reply to Clive Gibbons
at taxpayers expense too.
David Amos
Reply to Kate LeBlanc
It appears lots of folks have noticed much to the chagrin of his spin doctors
John Montgomery
Wouldn't want to look like an irrational, impulsive egomaniac after all.... Oh wait, I guess that part already happened.
Le Wier
Reply to John Montgomery
And let’s not forget paranoid.
Dan Lee
Reply to John Montgomery
never seen anybody that its like ......if you dont play with me......you cannot play with my toys.... sheeeesh wonder if he throws tandrums like that home
Doug kirby
Reply to Dan Lee
Probably people like that abuse their powers
David Amos
Reply to Le Wier
I haven't
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