Sunday 18 March 2018

Cognitive Thought Streamed live on Mar 17, 2018 Misandry Today Still Supports Doxing

Misandry Today Still Supports Doxing With @MisandryToday

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Streamed live on Mar 17, 2018
Let's look at this derail video again and clarify some things with evidence.
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John Brown
DDJ is one of a kind. It's the first person I've ever seen that takes what Anonymous says as "truth and facts." Encyclopedia Dramatica is a satire website. Reddit has for the most part an anonymous community of questionable intelligence. Maybe he also believes /pol to be full of legit journalists. But hey, according to him 3 tweets a day makes you deserving of a doxx. Point taken. Being a little more serious about this, he has deep psychological issues. After watching his video The Wall I can conclude that he is living his fantasy of being a lawyer. He has lived in their shadow for decades, and only now he's finally getting to enjoy the status that real lawyers have in our society. Who knows of the ways that he has gotten ridiculed by them over the years while working as a legal secretary, serving them donuts and coffee... being basically their bitch. He will defend that flimsical position of his however he can. He is also extremely insecure, considering he's going to this extent against Mad Shangi, a self-proclaimed troll, who has 57 subs at the moment of this post and whose videos peak 70 views. Why spend so much time on this? Because he's obsessive-compulsive. Albeit not a very smart one. Notice how mob-reliant he really is, by using his audience's emotions to back up his poorly-thought claims. He has dealt with everyone who have opposed him just like a radical leftist would do. No facts, no proof, only smearing and repetition while circumventing any arguments against him. Thank you Cognitive Thought for taking the time to address this. Misandry Today is a blight in the MGTOW community. Unfortunately for the intelligent mgtows, we cannot get rid of him as effectively as we would like to, because he has enthralled many low IQ mgtows and TFLs with his rhetoric. It doesn't help that he is backed by another devious individual called TFM. MGTOW already summons by default a lot of criticism and misinformation. We are not a community of assholes and idiots like DDJ and his troupe make us seem.

David Amos
"Encyclopedia Dramatica is a satire website." YEA RIGHT 

Wait until you see such things posted about you by your hero and rather nasty Troll Patrick Doran. If you really think my lawsuit is fiction why not have the no name Yankee "paralegal" query the Federal Court of Canada docket if you do not know how to do so?

Andrew Mcmillan
....So if Encyclopedia Dramatica isn't satire, as you say (and if the entry you point to is yours).... Aren't you saying that you are a batshit crazy troll and shouldn't be trusted?

David Amos
Nope I am saying I contacted the cops

Andrew Mcmillan
David Amos that seems like a much more reasonable response than using his methods or inflaming YouTube drama. I wish you well, and good luck going forward. 

David Amos
Get a lawyer punk 

Andrew Mcmillan
Wait, you called the cops on me? 

David Amos
The crap that you and your pals have published about me is LIBEL in Canada that is a Criminal Act tell you lawyer to check Section 300 and explain it to you real slow. Everybody know I ran for public office five times thus far and have sued more lawyers that most folks can name. 

FYI It was the RCMP's job to figure out who you all were when I sued the Crown in 2015. It is my job to sue them for NOT doing so 3 years later. 300. 

Punishment of libel known to be false 

300. Every one who publishes a defamatory libel that he knows is false is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years. R.S., c. C-34, s. 264. 

Here is Youtube with real people with real names 

Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local Campaign, Rogers TV 

22 1 Share 

Rogers tv 
Published on Oct 1, 2015 
Federal debate in Fundy Royal, New Brunswick riding featuring candidates Rob Moore, Stephanie Coburn, Alaina Lockhart, Jennifer McKenzie and David Amos. 

Andrew Mcmillan
David Amos I'm not Canadian, and don't keep up in Canadian Politics. The first time I've even heard of you was this comments section. You linked the Encyclopedia Dramatica article saying that it isn't satire, (also not mentioning it as libel untill now) which led me to believe you were saying it was truthful. Thus my confusion. You want to go after people for libeling you, that's good. I wish you the best of luck going after them and applaud you using legal methods to do so. Not everyone here (or at least not me) is attempting to Libel you.

David Amos
FYI I am a person of TWO countries Canada and the USA. The very definition of "Cognitive Thought" dictates that you should have read and understood what I said BEFORE you practiced LIBEL against me. 

My complaint that your buddy Patrick Doran published in ED years ago explains my situation in great detail Trust that there have been 8 decisions in the matter so far. What part of that complaint did you not understand? What about the letter to me from the Department of Homeland Security that Doran published? Did you really think that it was some sort of joke created by a Troll? 

BTW My family whom your fellow Trolls are sexually harassing and threatening to kill etc still live in the USA and your Yankee heroes in the FBI are very familiar with me tell your lawyer to study this file really closely

David Amos 

Mad Shangi 3 days ago (edited) Oh, I'm being accused of sexually harassing someone's minor daughter?! And yes, he did not provide evidence. He doesn't know what he's talking about. David Raymond Amos, the man who posted my dox on ED - is a mentally ill man. And I'm not saying that to insult him, I mean, he's legit mentally ill. I've never met this man in person. I've never met his daughter. He's threatened me, sent food delivery guys to my place in the past, and this is all because I had someone on my livestream that he happened to have beef with. You'll notice DDJ has a pattern of making unsubstantiated claims without evidence. So when DDJ points to a satirical webpage like Encyclopedia Dramatica and uses that as evidence for me being a racist, or a child molester, or whatever the fuck else he's accused me of... This is all because I made videos calling him out and this guy is a paralegal? 4 

David Amos 3 hours ago You are a LIAR and I contacted your boss and you cop pals again 

Andrew Mcmillan
You know what, fuck it. Fuck you. I try to tell you I'm not a part of any group libeling you (or your family) but you don't seem to get it. How about this: FUCK OFF YOU OLD FUCK. I tried to be polite, but you seem to have lost your ability for reason in your damn old age. So fucking bring it. Sue me you cantakerous old fuck. Spoiler alert: you won't get shit cause I have negative monetary value. Hell, falsely labeling me as part of this "Shangi harassment cabal" is what? Oh yeah, LIBEL. Get fucked.

David Amos
Any cop with two clues between his ears can see that you picked this fight with me PUNK I am just finishing it tis all 

Andrew Mcmillan
David Amos you called my boss? Really? How? Specifically: I'm unemployed dumbass 

David Amos
"Spoiler alert: you won't get shit cause I have negative monetary value." Learn to read PUNK I will sue the RCMP about this BTW I already figured that you were likeley just another PUNK like Patrick Doran living in your parent's basement 

Andrew Mcmillan
So you're sueing the mounties, over shit talking online.... No wonder you never won an election.

David Amos
FYI I called Parick Doran boss. So who is the dumbass who can't read and brags of being unemployed? 

Andrew Mcmillan
Fuck you, you libelous dumbass, you were the one lumping me in with that asshole. Besides, what kind of dumbass brags about his Encyclopedia Dramatica article saying he's a crazy piece of shit troll? WHILE IMPLYING IT'S TRUE. Fuck off back to the hospice geezer.

Andrew Mcmillan
David Amos and read what you yourself goddamn wrote you dipshit. You clearly state you called MY boss, not Duran Duran's 

John Brown
Andrew Mcmillan Don't mind David Amos, he's delusional.

David Amos
Tell it to the RCMP and their buddies in the FBI Perhaps they will want to believe you 

Pinned by Cognitive Thought
4:45 So this is where it turly begins. Everything before this was like the Phantom Menace: overblown, decent music, not enough money pouring in to justify some of the choices, with crappy graphics and confusing plot points.

Lyli Even32
I have proof of when those tweets were sent to me. I'm also concerned about you Cognitive thought. You see, Shangi knows the truth and when you asked him if you were incorrect and were prepared to be corrected.. He didn't correct you. He set you up for this.

Cognitive Thought
Lyli Even32 Want to explain how 73 tweets = Stalker/Mass Shooter Material? Was it not over the period of 16 days?

Andrew Mcmillan
Proof would be awesome to see!

Lyli Even32
I only have proof of him sending tweets for 6 days, and that was for the 73, but maybe I missed something because of his accounts being suspended.. And you're right, 73 tweets doesn't equal mass shooter material.. However. One needs to bare in mind that those tweets weren't sent as a conversation because they were mostly one sided. In addition to that, he made several awful videos and attempted to bait me onto his show for the expressed purpose of attacking me (which he's admitted to himself btw) He also has a distinct history of harassing others. He has displayed narcissistic tenancies in his writings. And the fact that he's dialling up the victim card to you all right now show cases manipulative nature. He didn't correct you initially, because he wanted you to feel bad for him... 

Andrew Mcmillan
So that justifies doxxing? Cause that only gives any victim narrative credibility. What type of manipulation is Shangi guilty of? The type where he claims "thousands of harassing tweets" are sent over a year, but it's less than a hundred over the course of ~2 weeks? You don't have to be that manipulative to get people to feel bad for someone being doxxed. In fact, one doesn't have to be manipulative at all to play "muh victim card" to do it. From where I'm sitting, you played yourself. Though what were those "awful" videos? And did I miss you telling DDJ about them? Proof is always awesome to see!

Shangi may be a piece of shit but DDJ is still a doxxer

John Brown
All you say is "I have proof" of this and that. Four videos later, still nothing from you. Care to explain why you're holding back that "definite" proof? And for the record, DDJ's assumption that Cog is doing this for Superchats is utterly moronic. It also shows how he simply avoids the argument that is thrown at him by deflecting. DDJ never tries to prove himself right, all he has done so far is smear others while at the same time deflecting and denying everything like a leftist. Also calling Mad Shangi a potential murderer based on an Encyclopedia Dramatica satire page and on some Reddit posts is the epitome of stupidity. Because Anonymous is always legit, right?

David Amos
YOU and your anonymous legal advice buddy know the TRUTH Patrick Doran and Barry Winters versus Glen Canning and I just like the Calgary Cops, the RCMP and the FBI certainly do

EDIT: I posted this comment before watching further into the video. After Cog figures out how to change the format in discord and scrolls down to the bottom of the DMs with himself and DDJ, the DMs DO match up. I even looked closely at the timestamps. The first set in DDJ's video was sent at 4:50pm his time, and in Cog's DMs, it shows at 12:50am. That's an 8 hour difference. Which sounds close to what Cog had figured earlier that there was a 7 hour difference. I'm thinking it probably IS an 8 hour difference, because the rest of the time stamps also match up with an 8 hour difference. And it was worked out that Daylight Savings Time played a part in that. So, DDJ DID show a correct screenshot of his and Cog's DMs, he's just showing the very end 3 segments of their conversation. Cog also figures this out. My bad. He's still a doxxer though... [Original Post] 1:07:40 Look at the screenshot in DDJ's video, then look at Cog's actual discord window that he shows. DDJ's screenshot has the first DM with 4 lines coming from him—4 separate posts, all 1 line each. Cog's discord has the first DM from DDJ with only 2 separate posts, and the second is 2 lines, which would not show up as a 3rd (or 4th) line like on DDJ's screenshot. Because when you post a new DM, it'll have your name there, but only on the first line of what you post. Also, look at the size of the black block DDJ put over the "messages". It is very small compared to the longer width of text shown on Cog's discord. Now the 2nd DM is from Cog, with THREE LINES. But Cog's discord only shows ONE LINE of response! Which is not even long enough to need a line return! And the 3rd DM from DDJ has 3 lines, like he posted 3 separate responses in a row. But Cog's discord shows 2 lines of responses, which could be either one long reply with a couple sentences, or each sentence as it's own line. Needless to say, even accounting for different formatting of discord, that does not explain the huge disparity between DDJ's "screenshot" and Cog's actual discord window. DDJ's "screenshot" has single, individual responses in every single message from both himself and Cog. While Cog's discord shows a more organic flow of text and line separation between the both of them. Even though DDJ blocked out any kind of text to show the conversation, what he left showing (ie their names from when they supposedly responded to each other), you can still tell that it just doesn't match up to Cog's actual discord window AT ALL. I'm not an expert here...but that certainly looks faked to me. That could even account for the time stamps being way off when comparing time zones. Cog, maybe have a closer look at that.

Cognitive Thought
SaveTheButterflies I figured it out... He showed the last few messages between us. Not the first messages. He lied about me reaching out to him and acts like the conversation was more that 40 minutes worth of actual time spent messaging.

Yeah, the guy is a total doxxing douchebag. My bad on thinking the screenshot was faked, because it wasn't, he was just showing the last few messages, like you said. I edited my comment to reflect that. Guess I fell prey to the "commented before watching the whole video" syndrome. XD I'll do better next time.

Yeah, the guy is definitely a disgusting douchebag for doxxing, and a liar...but he didn't forge the date and time on his screenshot. He just showed the last few redacted messages between him and Cog, not the first few. The time stamps do match up as well, if you account for their time zone differences and daylight savings in the US. I edited my comment to reflect this, but I don't know if you saw that. :) But yeah...still a doxxing douchebag.

Cognitive Thought
SaveTheButterflies Dude I did it the same thing... He structures things in such a bizarre way like he's writing riddles to have bitch made gotcha moments like "you forgot our 40 mins conversation so you're obviously a liar" ... An example being that he just send me a PNG of a comment someone left on his video (the same guy who is in the Reddit comments claiming Shangi is a paedo) who has a link to a YouTube video and says "this is evidence Shangi doxed himself, he said his address live to me"... With this PNG he told me that I'd been lied to by Shangi and this was the evidence... So I went to the comment... Clicked the link... It's a stream from a few days ago that Shangi made.

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