Wednesday 29 May 2024

N.B. schools told not to book sex education group, minister says


N.B. schools told not to book sex education group, minister says

Quebec-based presenter says they've received no communication from the province

Education minister says sex ed group not welcome in New Brunswick

Duration 0:41
Bill Hogan says high schools have been told that any presentations from the group Thirsty for the Talk are now cancelled.

Minister of Education Bill Hogan says he's made good on the premier's promise to ban a Quebec-based sex education group from New Brunswick.

On Friday Blaine Higgs posted a screenshot to X, formerly Twitter, of a sex education presentation that showed several questions about masturbation, pornography and anal sex. 

Higgs said the material was "clearly inappropriate" and, "effective immediately," the group wouldn't be allowed back in New Brunswick schools. 

On Wednesday, Hogan said he had implemented that change, but added that he hadn't communicated directly with the group.

"We've told the high schools that any presentations from that group that have been pre-booked are cancelled," Hogan said. 

"I believe that the group knows that ... I think the group knows that they're not welcome in New Brunswick." 

Teresa Norris, president of a charity called HPV Global Action, which operates the youth sexual education resource called Thirsty for the Talk, told CBC News on Wednesday that no one from the provincial government had reached out to tell her anything about the ban. 

A pink and purple presentation slide with four text bubbles. Premier Blaine Higgs shared a photo on social media of a sex education presentation, calling the material "clearly inappropriate." (X)

She disagrees with the premier's claim that the presentation, which was given to Grade 9 to Grade 11 students, veers outside the provincial curriculum. 

"We're not creating something that the province hasn't already put in place," she said previously in an interview, noting she has been delivering that presentation in New Brunswick for several years. 

Higgs told reporters he decided to ban the group based on a picture he saw of one slide and said he had not seen a copy of the full presentation. 

The premier did not answer a question about why he wouldn't have a discussion with the group, but said an investigation into the matter is underway.

A man in a blue suit and white shirt stands in hallway talking to reporters. Blaine Higgs said he believes a sex education presentation to high school students went beyond what's in the province's curriculum. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

Hogan said the goal of the investigation is to identify what kind of vetting happened before the group was asked to make the sex education presentation. 

"What I want to know is, who vetted it, how they vetted it and why it was recommended to go forward in some of the high schools," he said. 

Hogan said the group was "recommended by another party," but declined to give any more details.

The minister also gave few details on the nature of the vetting process for high school presentations.

"A presentation would be vetted before it goes before the children," he said. "It could be the district, it could be the department, could be the principal — it depends on what it is."

Norris said schools sign a consent form and are provided with an outline of the topics to be covered ahead of her presentation.

Opposition leaders have accused Higgs of stirring up anger in order to collect contact information ahead of the October provincial election, as the X post linked to a campaign survey requiring an email to respond. 

A person with glasses looks at the camera. Green Party Leader David Coon said the province's treatment of the Quebec-based sex education group has been irresponsible. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

Green Party Leader David Coon called the province's treatment of the group "irresponsible."  

"It seems like confusion is reigning on this matter," Coon said, speaking with reporters at the legislature.

"Clearly permission was provided, either by the school or school district, and it should be easy enough to clear up."

Paul MacIntosh, a spokesperson for the Anglophone West School District, said the district has received instructions from the education department to ban the group.

The Anglophone South and North school districts did not respond to a request for comment, while Anglophone East declined to comment.


David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise 

David Amos

Over 20 years ago my wife and I were raising a couple of great kids in the snobbiest town in Massachusetts Both of whom were at the top of their classes. However the school had gone off the deep end of left wing madness The poster on the walls of the halls would make most folks shake their head in disgust. I have no doubt it was because many lawyers judges bureaucrats and politicians including the Governor lived in our town and MA wanted to the first State in the Union to legalize gay marriage. When the school wanted to teach our kids French instead of Spanish I complained bigtime.

Go Figure why I did not protest when both my Yankee kids quit school and finished their High School credits on their own

David Amos
Reply to David Amos 
What has me in a tizzy these days is what is said of my kids in this domain 
David Amos
I have no doubt Mr Outhouse enjoyed reading this spit and chew  
B Johnny Kalibanos 
A quebec based group to provide content and instruction? What could go wrong?  
David Amos
Reply to B Johnny Kalibanos 
I can't imagine 
Kramer Vandelay  
Keep the porn and subversive materials out of the curriculum.
David Amos
Reply to Kramer Vandelay 
Let me guess who you will voting for   
Kramer Vandelay  
Reply to David Amos
I don't think I am asking for much.  
David Amos
Reply to Kramer Vandelay 
I agree with you
Marcel Belanger 
This whole shebang is an Outhouse rage farming to raise money circus.

He’s trying hard to pass off Higgs as the defender of parents rights.

That’s what the religious right wants and that’s what Outhouse wants to promote.

It’s not about the kids or the parents, they’re just tools to achieve power.

Eddy Geek  
Reply to Marcel Belanger 
ding ding ding

We have a winner!!

Eugene Peabody 
Reply to Marcel Belanger 
Yes that is what is going on with the controversy around the schools, it is nothing more than a distraction from the many failures of the Higgs and a backdoor attempt to get uninformed people worked up and try to get their vote. 
Lou Bell 
Reply to Marcel Belanger 
Liberals are just upset over raising little money , previously defeated candidates running who ran for any and all parties , and no ideas at all , much like the federal liberals . 
David Amos
Reply to Marcel Belanger 
Methinks you have been reading my words N'esy Pas? 
Al Clark  
I wonder if Higgy knows where the 100' height of land is in Shediac? Dave?
David Amos
Reply to Al Clark 
Why seek my council???
Howard Otoole   
Once again the Premier reacts impulsively without careful deliberation and consideration of all the facts and pertinent information. He has behaved this way when lashing out at the doctor in Campbellton, in terminating Dr Dornan and the Boards of both RHA's. In case he doesn't know, children have easy access to all sorts of adult sites on the internet and unless you are extremely naive this is the case currently. Proper education and age appropriate information is more important than ever. And to his point that this not part of the existing curriculum, considering the high rates of teenage pregnancy in our province it is obvious that the status quo is not working. Perhaps the existing curriculum needs to be updated,
MR Cain 
Reply to Howard Otoole  
In this instance he is playing politics. He does not care one iota for the people of this province.
David Amos
Reply to Howard Otoole   
Some people understand the wicked game but most folks simply don't care
Donald Gallant
Father , forgive them. They know not what they do
David Amos
Reply to Donald Gallant
Obviously they never did  
Eddy Geek  
Reply to Donald Gallant 
You must be referring to Higgs

Meanwhile, teenagers as always, have questions

Al Clark 
The rapidity with which higgs falls hook line and sinker is worrisome. Is it two parents again Bill, or just one this time?
David Amos
Reply to Al Clark
Mr Outhouse is playing you like a fiddle 
Claude Martel
Someone should tell Higgs that teenagers no more think that storks deliver babies and many have questions they don't want to ask their parents.Knowledge is never a handicap. 
David Amos
Reply to Claude Martel 
Seem that everybody underestimates teenagers these days
Ralph Linwood  
Reply to David Amos
They have always been interested in sex and likely always will be..... 
David Amos
Reply to Ralph Linwood 

Le Wier  
Why is this investigation taking so long? If you take a look at the department of education there is only one person listed as working in the office of health and physical education. If that is the case there is only one employee to ask.
David Amos
Reply to Le Wier 
We have to wait until the next election is history 
Holley Hardin 
Just as an answer to those questions asked in the photo... On Montreal's famous adult web site...."Yes"... 
David Amos
Reply to Holley Hardin
You failed to answer me 

Koffi Babone
Is there not several studies showing sex education reduces teen pregnancy?

Oh... I forgot, the premier does not believe in data..

David Amos
Reply to Koffi Babone
Do you???  
Koffi Babone 
Reply to David Amos
What? Believe in data?  
David Amos
Reply to Koffi Babone 
Thats the question  
Eddy Geek
Reply to Koffi Babone
Not that disagrees with his out of date, pre-determined conclusions 
Koffi Babone 
Reply to David Amos
Yes, I constantly look at data.
David Amos
Reply to Koffi Babone  
Do you believe everything you look at?
Eddy Geek
Yes, why would a sex ed presenter want to answer questions the students actually have?

Best pretend it's still 1924

David Amos
Reply to Eddy Geek
When have you heard students ask such questions? 
Eddy Geek
Reply to David Amos
Ever have daughters David?

Or grandchildren?

If yes, every time we discussed the issues

Knowledge is power!

David Amos
Reply to Eddy Geek 
I have two daughters and two grandchildren who are fine young ladies as well

Trust that I better not catch you discussing such things with them.

There is some power for your newfound knowledge

Kenneth Dwight
Yeah I can see why that poster would give a conservative a heart attack. too many triggers all at once.

Don't worry, if elected Faytene will stop all of it. She'll stand up in the legislature and start speaking in tongues. 

David Amos
Reply to Kenneth Dwight
Tut Tut Tut  
Jarrod Yeo
After reading about the premier's indignation over this presentation, i was expecting something very salacious....or to find out that the children were kindergarteners. What I read was pretty tame considering these are high school kids.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit if New Brunswick ends up with the highest teen pregnancy rate in the country after all this.

Sweeping sex under the rug isn't the answer IMO.

David Amos
Reply to Jarrod Yeo
Nobody is sweeping it under the rug Higgy is using it to get elected again   
John Gray 
Id really like to know the answer on higgs. If it's true, I have no trust in his decision making. The reporter asked if he made the decision based on the panflit he seen without actually reviewing the presentation entirely before making the decision. Instead he just kept saying next question. Unfortunately it's not next question, as a citizen I want to know if the leader of the province makes these decisions without knowing the whole picture. Incompetent at best higgs you need to resign 
David Amos
Reply to John Gray  
Dream on  
Jake Newman  
another good move by the conservatives.
David Amos
Reply to Jake Newman  
Mr Outhouse knows his business 
Eddy Geek 
Reply to Jake Newman  
How so?

or sarcasm?

These were questions the students actually had.

Al Clark
Reply to David Amos
denim dresses? 
MR Cain 
Reply to Jake Newman
Part of the plan, huh? 
Holley Hardin 
People over 50 shouldn't be involved in topics like this...... 
Jake Newman 
Reply to Holley Hardin 
Holley Hardin  
Reply to Jake Newman
Too Prudish....    
John Gray 
Reply to Holley Hardin
I'll disagree with you but... I disagree with higgs decision. This group presents to grade 9 and grade 10. However I'm pretty mad higgs made this decision without reviewing the whole subject. 
David Amos
Reply to Holley Hardin
So you say 
Holley Hardin  
Reply to David Amos
Amos?...why is that name familar....oh right no wonder you object to Prudish...
David Amos
Reply to Holley Hardin
Please explain real slow
Kevin Broussard 
Reply to Holley Hardin
In that case 90% of the folks here would have to refrain from remarking... lol what would they do all day?
Al Clark
Reply to John Gray
Pretty sure? He freely admits it. 
MR Cain 
Reply to John Gray
You can find the full presentation online; nothing secret. The course can be modified to suit the age group. 
David Amos
Reply to Holley Hardin
You claim to be retired Correct?
MR Cain
Reply to Holley Hardin
My mom is more progressive than these people, and she is 95 years old! 
Eddy Geek  
Reply to Holley Hardin
I’m well past 50 and completely disagree with Higgs on this and have had these discussions with my kids and my wife did with the grandkids 
Eddy Geek  
Reply to Eddy Geek 
To be fair, we're both scientists (although I'm now retired), so talking about biology isn't an issue.

Everyone has a body, everyone has thoughts/desires and everyone (eventually) has sex; better to get everything in the open than pretend it doesn't exist

David Amos
Reply to Holley Hardin
Amos communicated God's utter disdain for the hypocritical lives of His people 


  • Once again the Premier reacts impulsively without careful deliberation and consideration of all the facts and pertinent information. He has behaved this way when lashing out at the doctor in Campbellton, in terminating Dr Dornan and the Boards of both RHA's. In case he doesn't know, children have easy access to all sorts of adult sites on the internet and unless you are extremely naive this is the case currently. Proper education and age appropriate information is more important than ever. And to his point that this not part of the existing curriculum, considering the high rates of teenage pregnancy in our province it is obvious that the status quo is not working. Perhaps the existing curriculum needs to be updated,

    • Reply by MR Cain.

    In this instance he is playing politics. He does not care one iota for the people of this province.

  • Reply by David Amos.

  • Some people understand the wicked game but most folks simply don't care

  • Comment by Donald Gallant.

  • “ Father , forgive them. They know not what they do “

    • Reply by David Amos.

    Obviously they never did

  • Comment by MR Cain.

  • The Gleaner says that the vast majority of parents have no problem with the sex ed nor policy 713..

  • Comment by Al Clark.

  • The rapidity with which higgs falls hook line and sinker is worrisome. Is it two parents again Bill, or just one this time?

    • Reply by David Amos.

    Mr Outhouse is playing you like a fiddle

  • Comment by Claude Martel.

  • Someone should tell Higgs that teenagers no more think that storks deliver babies and many have questions they don't want to ask their parents.Knowledge is never a handicap.

    • Reply by David Amos.

    Seem that everybody underestimates teenagers these days

  • Comment by Le Wier.

  • Why is this investigation taking so long? If you take a look at the department of education there is only one person listed as working in the office of health and physical education. If that is the case there is only one employee to ask.

    • Reply by David Amos.

    We have to wait until the next election is history

  • Comment by Holley Hardin.

  • Just as an answer to those questions asked in the photo... On Montreal's famous adult web site...."Yes"...

    • Reply by David Amos.

    You failed to answer me

  • Comment by Koffi Babone.

  • Is there not several studies showing sex education reduces teen pregnancy?

    Oh... I forgot, the premier does not believe in data..

    • Reply by David Amos.

    Do you???

  • Reply by Koffi Babone.

  • What? Believe in data?

  • Reply by David Amos.

  • Thats the question

  • Comment by Eddy Geek.

  • Yes, why would a sex ed presenter want to answer questions the students actually have?

    Best pretend it's still 1924

    • Reply by David Amos.

    When have you heard students ask such questions?

  • Comment by Kenneth Dwight.

  • Yeah I can see why that poster would give a conservative a heart attack. too many triggers all at once.

    Don't worry, if elected Faytene will stop all of it. She'll stand up in the legislature and start speaking in tongues.

    • Reply by David Amos.

    Tut Tut Tut

  • Comment by David Amos.

  • Surprise Surprise Surprise

  • Comment by Jarrod Yeo.

  • After reading about the premier's indignation over this presentation, i was expecting something very salacious....or to find out that the children were kindergarteners. What I read was pretty tame considering these are high school kids.

    Wouldn't surprise me one bit if New Brunswick ends up with the highest teen pregnancy rate in the country after all this.

    Sweeping sex under the rug isn't the answer IMO.

    • Reply by David Amos.

    Nobody is sweeping it under the rug Higgy is using it to get elected again

  • Comment by John Gray.

  • Id really like to know the answer on higgs. If it's true, I have no trust in his decision making. The reporter asked if he made the decision based on the panflit he seen without actually reviewing the presentation entirely before making the decision. Instead he just kept saying next question. Unfortunately it's not next question, as a citizen I want to know if the leader of the province makes these decisions without knowing the whole picture. Incompetent at best higgs you need to resign

    • Reply by David Amos.

    Dream on

  • Comment by Jake Newman.

  • another good move by the conservatives.

    • Reply by David Amos.

    Mr Outhouse knows his business

  • Reply by Eddy Geek.

  • How so?

    or sarcasm?

    These were questions the students actually had.

  • Reply by Al Clark.

  • denim dresses?

  • Reply by MR Cain.

  • Part of the plan, huh?

  • Comment by Holley Hardin.

  • People over 50 shouldn't be involved in topics like this......

    • Reply by Jake Newman.


  • Reply by Holley Hardin.

  • Too Prudish....

  • Reply by John Gray.

  • I'll disagree with you but... I disagree with higgs decision. This group presents to grade 9 and grade 10. However I'm pretty mad higgs made this decision without reviewing the whole subject.

  • Reply by David Amos.

  • So you say

  • Reply by Holley Hardin.

  • Amos?...why is that name familar....oh right no wonder you object to Prudish...

  • Reply by David Amos.

  • Please explain real slow

  • Reply by Kevin Broussard.

  • In that case 90% of the folks here would have to refrain from remarking... lol what would they do all day?

  • Reply by David Amos.

  • You claim to be retired Correct?

  • Reply by Al Clark.

  • Pretty sure? He freely admits it.

  • Reply by MR Cain.

  • You can find the full presentation online; nothing secret. The course can be modified to suit the age group.

  • Reply by MR Cain.

  • My mom is more progressive than these people, and she is 95 years old!

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