Friday 24 May 2024

PC MLA Andrea Anderson-Mason is latest Higgs caucus member to leave politics


PC MLA Andrea Anderson-Mason is latest Higgs caucus member to leave politics

Former N.B. attorney general one of 6 members who voted against government on Policy 713 changes last year

Progressive Conservative MLA Andrea Anderson-Mason says she won't run again in this year's New Brunswick election, stepping away from politics after six years representing Fundy-The Isles-Saint John West.

The former cabinet minister says she has concluded that members of the legislature don't play a meaningful role in developing policy and legislation in the Higgs government.

"When I practised law, it was really important to me that whatever file I took, that it was a file that I firmly believed in and that I felt that I could make a difference," she told CBC News in an interview at a picnic site in her riding overlooking the Magaguadavic Basin.

"I think what I have found is that the role of the MLA may not exactly be what a lot of people think that it is, and I could probably use my skill set better in other places."

No. 12

Anderson-Mason is the 12th PC MLA elected in 2020 to decide not to run again this year. 

She's also the last of the half-dozen Tories, who rebelled against Premier Blaine Higgs last year on Policy 713, to bow out.

She and five colleagues voted against the government in favour of an opposition motion that called for further study of the policy changes by Child and Youth Advocate Kelly Lamrock.

WATCH | 'The process got interrupted': PC MLA on departure, Policy 713 vote:

PC MLA Andrea Anderson-Mason latest N.B. Tory to leave politics

Duration 3:32
Former attorney general was one of six PC MLAs to vote against Premier Blaine Higgs on Policy 713.

That motion passed thanks to the six PC votes, and Lamrock's subsequent report criticized the changes as unconstitutional. 

In Friday's interview Anderson-Mason shed new light on the behind-the-scenes caucus discussions that led up to that contentious vote.

At a PC caucus meeting the evening of Tuesday June 6, "we had decided on a path forward" that involved her and Attorney General Ted Flemming meeting with Lamrock to discuss possible changes to the policy, she said.

Man speaking, flags in the background Anderson-Mason said caucus was never given the report on Policy 713 by child and youth advocate Kelly Lamrock. (Radio-Canada)

Lamrock sent his feedback to the Education Department the following night, she said. But the next morning, Education Minister Bill Hogan announced changes that didn't match the caucus position.

"Caucus was not provided with the opinion from Mr. Lamrock, and so it just seemed like the process got interrupted," Anderson-Mason said.

"We had made a path forward. There was a common agreement of how we were going to proceed. But that's not what happened on that Thursday morning."

The changes require that school staff obtain parental consent before letting a student under 16 adopt a new name or pronoun that reflects their gender identity — a violation of the rights of 2SLGBTQ+ students, according to critics.

The new version of Policy 713 is now being challenged in two separate legal actions by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Anglophone East district education council.

The same morning Hogan announced the changes, eight PC ministers and MLAs refused to show up in the legislature.

A collage of headshots of four men and four women. Then-ministers Dorothy Shephard, Trevor Holder, Daniel Allain, Arlene Dunn, Jeff Carr, Jill Green, and backbenchers Ross Wetmore and Andrea Anderson-Mason all refrained from participating in routine business and question period in June as a way to express [their] extreme disappointment in a lack of process and transparency. (CBC)

A week later, six of them broke ranks and voted against the government on the non-binding motion.

Anderson-Mason said she would not change her vote now if given the opportunity.

"No, I wouldn't," she said.

"All that motion ever embodied was exactly what we as a caucus had decided on that Tuesday night," she said.

"We had decided as a group that we would consult, we would proceed with caution, and we would make sure that what we were doing was legal and appropriate."

First elected in 2018, Anderson-Mason was the attorney general for the first two years of the Higgs government but was shuffled out of cabinet after the 2020 election.

She was reluctant to say Friday what she believes the Policy 713 episode reveals about Higgs's leadership approach, which has been criticized openly by many party supporters over the last year as too top-down.

"I don't think that's fair for me to comment on," she said. 

"He has a style of leadership that works for him, and in fairness, he has been able to get a great deal across the plate, a lot of great changes for the province of New Brunswick, and there's really not much more I can say about that."

medium shot of man with white hair wearing a suit Anderson-Mason would not speculate on how Policy 713 revealed Higgs's leadership approach, but pushed back against suggestions from other PC MLAs that the party has been moving to the right. (Radio-Canada)

She rejected suggestions made by some other PC members, however, that the party has made a sudden turn to the right in the last two years.

She pointed out she pushed back against mandatory vaccination legislation in 2020 — a strongly conservative position, she argued, that predates more recent criticism of the premier's direction as too extreme.

Higgs's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Anderson-Mason's decision or her account of the caucus discussions.

Anderson-Mason said she hadn't told the premier about her decision not to run again, but had been trying to contact him to arrange a meeting. 

"I purposely went out of my way last week to communicate with him and I'll make that effort again," she said. 

"I have heard on a couple of interviews that he said that he's working through the individual differences in his party and in his caucus. I haven't received that call from him yet, but I will make the effort to make sure we have that conversation."


Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. He grew up in Moncton and covered Parliament in Ottawa for the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal. He has reported on every New Brunswick election since 1995 and won awards from the Radio Television Digital News Association, the National Newspaper Awards and Amnesty International. He is also the author of five non-fiction books about New Brunswick politics and history.


Round ONE

Les Cooper
Every time someone quits we save money.
Lou Bell
Meanwhile , another Liberal who came in 3rd in the last election they ran resurfaces again in another riding , one where he doesn't even reside in And another defeated Green running for the Liberals . What are the requirements to run as a Liberal anyway ? Must have been defeated previously ? And the worse the better ? And previously defeated while running for other parties is a plus ?
Lou Bell 
Reply to Lou Bell
Sounds like the Cleveland franchise in baseball of years past !
Art McCarthy
Reply to Lou Bell
I can't say as I'm not a member of the Liberal party. I hope the requirements would include; following facts rather than fancy consulting with experts rather than going by gut feel hiring a qualified CMOH and allowing them the independence and authoiry to do the job listening to the ideas and opinions of others and collaborating that in the decision-making process setting policy that helps everyday NB'ers rather than the wealthy
That would be a good list to start with at least. 
Lou Bell
Meanwhile , the liberals have announced two more people running for them in the coming election . Recycled , previously defeated candidates like so many others now running for the Liberals . Some running in ridings where they don't even live . Appears they're really desperate in finding any candidates at all to run for them .
Don Corey
This is "news"??? No surprise here.....she was toast after last year's fiasco.
Marcel Belanger
Being a progressive conservative in Higgs party is not a good fit. I believe this is not the last of those abandoning ship. 
Don Corey
Reply to Marcel Belanger 
They're not abandoning the PC party.
Lou Bell
Reply to Marcel Belanger 
What's really funny , the liberals are bringing recycled , previously defeated candidates out of the woodwork . They justa nnounce another who finished 3rd the last time he ran and putting him in a riding where he doesn't even live , and another former Green who was also defeated in the last election . Quite obvious no one is even willing to put their hat in the fire for the Liberals .
Les Cooper
Reply to Marcel Belanger 
Just shows , it knows stuff enough to Be in politics
Don Corey
Is his supposed to be a huge Friday afternoon revelation? The writing was on the wall for Anderson-Mason after last year's entertainment.
danny rugg

Don Corey
Reply to danny rugg
There are those who take politics a bit too seriously.
Geoff MacDonald
Reply to danny rugg
The PM? 
Don Corey
Reply to Geoff MacDonald 
Good one lol.
Bob Smith
Quite a purge of Conservative MLA's who aren't looking to embrace Higgs' leadership
Don Corey
Reply to Bob Smith
Do you really think they're all leaving the PC party? I don't.
Bob de trelleg
Reply to Don Corey
Yes, they're really leaving!
Don Corey
Reply to Bob de trelleg
Leaving "political life" does not necessarily mean leaving the party. For the individuals involved, I expect several will be returning at some point not all that far down the road. None will leave the party (unlike Cardy, who was never a real fit anyway).
Bob Smith
Reply to Don Corey
Most elected officials who decide this route rarely resurface afterwards.
Don Corey
Reply to Bob Smith
Time will tell. My take on it is that, at some point, we'll see more of this particular group "resurface" than might usually be expected. But it'll be under a leader other than Higgs obviously.

Round TWO

David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise
David Amos  
Oh My My I just checked the latest polls Methinks Mr Outhouse has a problem and he should tell Higgy to have the writ dropped ASAP N'esy Pas? 
David Amos 
Reply to David Amos 
Lib 40 PC 36 Green 17 PANB 4  
David Amos
IMHO The Progressive Conservative Party has been heading down the same path as the Do Do Bird once Mulroney had his way with it

David Amos

"In a statement to CBC News, Higgs said he wanted "to thank Andrea Anderson-Mason for her service to our province as the MLA for Fundy-The Isles-Saint John West, and I wish her well in her future endeavours."

Mr Outhouse is quite a writer

Murray Brown 
She figured it out.... You can get paid to lobby government and make more money than an MLA. 
David Amos

Reply to Murray Brown  
Welcome back to the circus
Kramer Vandelay 

New Brunswick and Alberta always seem to have negative stories posted here.
Tristis Ward
Reply to Kramer Vandelay
Well, if a government does the thing, they get told on by the press reporting the thing. Higgs created this mess. The members of his party responded to it, and the CBC reported on that news.
David Amos 
Reply to Tristis Ward
Cardy created the mess 
Graham McCormack 
Reply to Kramer Vandelay 
I wonder why. 
ralph jacobs 
Reply to Kramer Vandelay  
There could be many negative ones about the Feds but that isn't allowed.
David Amos 
Reply to ralph jacobs 
Oh So True 
Bennie Pratt
Good. She won't be missed .
Tristis Ward
Reply to Bennie Pratt
I suspect she won't. The PCs a sliding to the right.
David Amos 
Reply to Bennie Pratt
Matt Steele
Really nothing new as this same old story that has already been reported on several times , and is now being regurgitated over again. It is common knowledge that this MLA was not given the option to run again due to a variety of issues which have already been reported , and discussed on many , many , times . Wait another couple of weeks , and the story will be reported again , and again , and again ........with nothing new or factual being added .  
David Amos

Reply to Matt Steele 
How long will you last this time?  
David Amos
Reply to Matt Steele 
My turn Eh?  
Tristis Ward
Reply to Matt Steele
This is the first I'm hearing about her. I guess it's a good thing that the CBC is covering this, even if you think it's old news. 
Jake Newman 
buh bye, no loss. Higgs will still get a majority (which will be great for NB).
David Amos
Reply to Jake Newman
I maintain Higgy will win a minority then quit  
John Darling
Reply to Jake Newman
Will he?
Voters voted for those in his party ….and now they are not running again.

Tristis Ward
Reply to Jake Newman
Do you think the taxpayers will benefit from the cost of fighting against the Charter of Rights?
Graham McCormack
Reply to Jake Newman 
I don't think you understand what a majority is. 
james bolt
Content Deactivated
more casulaties of the maga revolution
David Amos
Content Deactivated 
Reply to james bolt
How so? 

Al Clark
No statement from his highness/outhouse/matt?
Don Corey
Reply to Al Clark
What is there to say? Everyone knew Anderson-Mason would not be running again for Higgs. There's no story here.
David Amos
Reply to Don Corey
Actually there is quite a story and "Al" is part of it
Al Clark
Reply to David Amos
Oh YES! A bigly uge part. 
David Amos
Reply to Al Clark
What of the G4TR??? 
Al Clark  
Reply to David Amos
Wish I had another. It was a tank. Got a great deal when zeke the torch took the subtrans apart and couldn't figure out how to put it back together ;-)
David Amos
Reply to Al Clark
Who had the first G4TR in NB? 
Alison Jackson
Wow 12 people, lol.

I guess this is what happens when you focus on a tiny sliver of the population and try to blow it into a huge issue for the sake of getting re-elected.

Every single person who quit states the same reason: "Can't work with Blaine"
Matt Steele
Content Deactivated 
"Same old story that has already been reported on several times , and is now being regurgitated over ..."
Alison Jackson
Reply to Matt Steele
Hey Matt, you're from SJ. Are you in the Hampton riding? Are you going to be a Faytene voter? Do you support her 'speaking in tongues'?
David Amos
Reply to Alison Jackson
This a different Mr Steele
ralph jacobs
Man! This issue causes so much trouble and yet the solution should be very easy.
David Amos
Reply to ralph jacobs
How so? 
Dan Lee
David Amos
Reply to Dan Lee
Inger Nielsen 
good for Andrea much respect for her. hope to see her join the libs as they promise to put in rent control and tenant protections as it is a must needed action from government for our Province.
Don Corey
Reply to Inger Nielsen 
She won't have anything to do with the libs. Neither will the others who quit. Why would they? 
Tristis Ward
Reply to Don Corey
I don't think that Conservatives who can't work with social-conservatives should have to abandon their party. They should get it back. The foolish ones should be told to go re-form "CoR" and stop interfering in real governance.

NB wouldn't benefit from every sane person being in the Liberal/any other party. The province needs good Conservatives.
David Amos
Reply to Tristis Ward
I have been saying basically that for a year However good politicians are myth 
Alex Butt
No reason for panic... there are plenty of sleezy uncaring candidates to fill her shoes. Our political system of ALL levels have become so disfunctional, poisened and selfserving it has becvome a complete disgrace.
David Amos
Reply to Alex Butt

Don Corey

This is "news"??? No surprise here.....she was toast after last year's fiasco.
David Amos
Reply to Don Corey
Welcome back to the you know what 
Henry Hill
Twelve?? Wow
David Amos

Reply to Henry Hill
I didn't know you were still kicking  
William Peters
Doesn't really say a whole lot for those who have chosen to stay on board does it? What kind of representation do they think they are offering their constituents. Just going through the motions I guess. Beats working for a living.
David Amos
Reply to William Peters
We get the governments we deserve 
Benoit Boudreau
When she mentioned that Higgs has got a lot done for our province, I just wish she'd been asked to name just one thing. Just one. And no, not that he's paying back the debt.
Le Wier
Reply to Benoit Boudreau
This is what the PCs put out today

6 straight balanced budgets

One of the best credit ratings in Canada

Managing your hard earned money wisely

Let’s keep building

Time will tell if that is enough for voters to give Higgs a majority government next election.
Le Wier
Reply to Benoit Boudreau
Oh and he says he fulfilled his 2018 promise of restraint. Whatever that means.
Allan Marven
Reply to Le Wier 
We see what the voters think lol. 
Don Corey
Reply to Le Wier 
I think it means spending within our means, except when it comes settling lawsuits and wrongful dismissal cases. 
Le Wier
Reply to Allan Marven
I know. I was trying to stay neutral.
Le Wier
Reply to Don Corey
Ok. The statement seems open ended to me, and that it’s open to interpretation.
David Amos
Reply to Le Wier 
Not to me
Dan Lee
Reply to Don Corey  
in other words............he did nothing except take more from my pockets  
Don Corey
Reply to Dan Lee 
Nope, your words; sure not mine.  
Le Wier
Reply to David Amos
I think it’s open to interpretation in the sense that Higgs has shown restraint in some areas of governing, and it’s up to the voters to decide if the results of the restraints were worthwhile. For instance some voters will not be responsive to this campaign slogan while Higgs is off touring the province on his Honda Goldwing. It may be seen as a let them eat cake attitude.
David Amos
Reply to Le Wier 
Did you mention his Honda Goldwing to tease me?  
Le Wier
Reply to David Amos
I thought you said you have a Harley? I thought Harley was better than Honda.
David Amos
Reply to Le Wier
Now I know you are teasing me
David Amos
Reply to Le Wier
FYI I own more Hondas than Higgy does
David Amos
Reply to Le Wier  
I have asked you several times if you knew who I was and you never responded Correct?
Le Wier
Reply to David Amos
No I don’t think I do.
David Amos
Reply to Le Wier
I am using my real name Are you?
David Amos
Reply to Le Wier
Go Figure 

David Amos
Reply to Le Wier
"let them eat cake attitude."

Do you know about Higgy et al sending me butter tarts in 2017?

Allan Marven
Are those eel fishermen in the background? Maybe she can go to work for DFO.
David Amos

Reply to Allan Marven
Her coat is the wrong colour 
Bob de trelleg
And another one bites the dust. Good for her. It takes courage and conviction to take a stand. She knows what she stands for, and it isn't the new extreme Christian right wing element, and the remnants the COR party of which our beloved premier was a founding member.
Allan Marven
Reply to Bob de trelleg
That element should investigate the goings on at the Fundy High School assembly yesterday. Incredibly unbelievable.
David Amos
Reply to Bob de trelleg
The kids in the Fundy High School and had a lot fun in a debate in 2019  
Allan Marven
Reply to Christopher Logan
Had enough of the circus no doubt. Didn't last long.
David Amos

Reply to Allan Marven
Every time I post that word my words go "Poof"
David Amos
Reply to Allan Marven
Gee I can't even mention it 

Christopher Logan
The entire party is falling apart around him. Much like our province
Allan Marven
Reply to Christopher Logan
Vindication for us this fall.
David Amos
Reply to Allan Marven
Dream on 
Don Corey
Reply to Christopher Logan
The party will endure, much to the chagrin of libs.

Our province has issues that must be dealt with; no doubt about it. But look no further than Ottawa for confirmation that everything would be much worse under the libs.

John Darling
Reply to Don Corey
This is not about the Feds, or Ottawa.
David Amos
Reply to John Darling
Who sent Higgy the money he did not spend?  

Bobby Richards
Another bad Friday night for Higgs
David Amos.
Reply to Bobby Richards
So you say
Don Corey
Reply to Bobby Richards
Why? He knew she would be pulling out. Her other option would be to run as an independent (maybe she should). 
Al Clark
Reply to Bobby Richards 
Yeah taking a page from his book; drop a statement and slam the door . 
Douglas James
And yet, the unpopular King still rules! (Hopefully, for not much longer.)
David Amos
Reply to Douglas James
Good luck with that I am wondering if your party leader will win a seat again 
Kyle Woodman
She was honestly the most competent MLA on team Higgs. Too bad she had to ride the back benches. Huge missed opportunity dure to Higgs' ego. Another failure by Blaine Higgs,
David Amos
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Surely you jest 

Eugene Peabody
I can not remember a previous time in the last 50 years when so many members of the governing party have refused to run in a upcoming election. Between Higgs management style and the far right swing he has taken the party most of the middle of the road members have left.
David Amos
Reply to Eugene Peabody
"refused to run" or Nobody wants them and they are afraid to run as Independents?
Bobby Richards
Reply to David Amos
Nobody wins as an independent. You should know that.
David Amos
Reply to Bobby Richards
Its not about winning Its about democracy
David Amos
Reply to Bobby Richards
Furthermore how do you explain the victories of Chuck Cadman, Andre Arthur and Jody Wilson-Raybould?
Allan Marven
Reply to Bobby Richards
Of all people.
Don Corey
Reply to Eugene Peabody
Have they really left the party? I'm of the opinion that lack of support for Higgs does not necessarily equate to holding one's nose and voting Liberal.
David Amos
Reply to Don Corey 
Al Clark
Reply to Don Corey
Heck I can't stand him and I just JOINED the party.
Eugene Peabody
Reply to Don Corey
Well if they work for the campaign this fall I would be surprised. Also not donating money and perhaps not voting would be a big signal they are not happy with the direction Higgs is moving to.
Don Corey
Reply to Al Clark
Same here, except I joined last year, hoping to have my say in the leadership vote that didn't happen.
Don Corey
Reply to Eugene Peabody
I agree. I'm certainly not donating to his campaign.
David Amos
Reply to Bobby Richards
Independent Toronto MP Kevin Vuong asks Poilievre to let him join Conservative caucus

CBC News · Posted: May 24, 2024 4:00 PM ADT

Greg Miller
Whatever the on-going problems we have had in the Province's Legislature (some of which "pre-date" Higgs) wouldn't it be nice to see our politicians effectively move New Brunswick forward in a positive fashion.

I see the upcoming election as a type of "Gallows Humour" resulting in little desire to vote. We lack quality leadership on both sides of the House.
David Amos
Reply to Greg Miller
Now is the time to vote if only to destroy your ballot in disgust
Christopher Logan.
Reply to Greg Miller
Basically - the exact thing he vowed would not happen happened. He's just in there to cling to power, not make any big changes
Don Corey
Reply to Greg Miller

jack steeve
I know Higgs has his fans on the extreme right...but 12 elected not running again IS NOT a coincidence...If he thinks that all is well within the party, there is a bigger issue at play....
David Amos
Reply to jack steeve
Everybody knows that They are not telling all tis all
Don Corey
Reply to jack steeve
I think he knows exactly what's going on. If Higgs doesn't, Outhouse sure does.
Don Corey
Reply to David Amos  


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