Tuesday 14 May 2024

Saint John will repair famously neglected north-end home at owner's expense

I wonder if Higgy recalls what his blogging buddy Chucky and equally evil pal said about this sort of thing in Fat Fred City many moons ago


Red Neck sits down with Blogger to debate his views Red Neck style!

Mar 17, 2014 

Saint John will repair famously neglected north-end home at owner's expense

If the owner doesn’t pay the roughly $6,000 cost, the bill will be given to the province for reimbursement.

Saint John will be moving forward to repair a notoriously dilapidated property at 80 Main St. but will forward the bill to the owner, it was decided at council Monday night.

The north-end house, built in 1899, has been sitting empty since before 2020 and has been falling further and further into disrepair.

The house sits in Coun. Barry Ogden's ward, who says the decision is a win.

"In the sense that we want the house fixed up, we want to use it for housing, and we want to preserve our history," Ogden said. 

A man with grey hair in a pink shirt speakers to reporters outside on a city street. Coun. Barry Ogden expressed frustration at owners outside of the city buying properties like the one on 80 Main St. and allowing them to fall into disrepair. (Roger Cosman/CBC)

The city will clean up the premises and repair the "unsightly dilapidated conditions" of the Main Street building, a staff report presented to council said. The cost is estimated at about $6,000.

Last April, the city issued a notice to comply to the listed owner, Lisha Lin, to fix the chimney, garage, the broken windows and address the peeling paint, among other concerns. Lin, who does not live in the house, was given 120 days to address the issues.

While the owner did fix some of the property, peeling paint and debris were left untouched and no plans were offered to the city to address them. 

"After receiving the notice, the owner made efforts to address the outstanding items," said Benn Purinton, manager of the city's vacant building program, in a presentation to council members.

A rundown green house is shown from the back, with wooden debris around it.     A rear view of 80 Main St. (Nipun Tiwari/CBC)

"The garage at the rear of the property was demolished, the dilapidated chimney was removed, broken windows were repaired and a section of siding was repaired."

Purinton said this work took place in July and August of last year but peeling and missing paint and "unsightly debris" on the property are still there.  

House target of repair program pilot

The Main Street property was one of three to receive compliance notices from the city to repair the unsightly conditions of their buildings as part of the city's unsightly repair program, launched last year. 

The program, an "enforcement tool" for buildings with non-hazardous but otherwise dilapidated conditions, allowed the city to issue notices to repair the neglected properties within a given time frame.

Brent Harris poses for a photoCoun. Brent Harris says the empty building could be rehabilitated to create housing for those who need it. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

Coun. Brent Harris praised the effectiveness of the program.

"As we pile notice-after-notice up and we do this kind of work, it's just another way for us to push these [owners] to do something or to make it available to the community to do something with," Harris said.

The other two property owners complied and are in the process of repairing their properties. 

It could be housing people, Ogden says

While Ogden says that from a practical point of view it's good the city is tackling the neglected home, he also laments that it isn't being used for anything.

 A back deck that is falling down with garbage all around it.According to the staff report, the cost of the work will be billed to the property owner and if left unpaid, it will be submitted to the province with a request for reimbursement. (Nipun Tiwari/CBC)

"This is part of our community and everything. And then, you know, we're sitting looking at something that could be housing people," he said.

Ogden also said that it's a poor use of a heritage property.

"One of the reasons people come here in cruise ships is our heritage — but also our heritage belongs to all of us," he said. 

"I don't think that people from away have the right to do this to our heritage. We need to have enough pride to stand up for who we are."

The city will move forward to find someone to conduct the work on the property. 

According to the staff report, the cost of the work will be billed to the property owner and if left unpaid, it will be submitted to the province with a request for reimbursement. 


Nipun Tiwari


Nipun Tiwari is a reporter assigned to community engagement and based in Saint John, New Brunswick. He can be reached at nipun.tiwari@cbc.ca.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
David Amos 
I doubt that Higgy will go along with this plan
Jon Vaughan
Reply to David Amos  
What does higgs have to do with a municipality issue?
David Amos 
Reply to Jon Vaughan
"According to the staff report, the cost of the work will be billed to the property owner and if left unpaid, it will be submitted to the province with a request for reimbursement.
Steve Kincade
I highly doubt that $6,000 would make a dent in making this house livable. With no heat, being vacant, the interior would be falling to the ground, the rear shot looks like asbestos shingles and none of the windows are over R6, meaning heat would be through the roof, literally. It would be nice to also see the price that a contractor must have provided to justify this bill. My guess is more like 80K.

Now if it lost Heritage status, the bill might be only 50K, but $6K??? That is not even a paint job to the exterior and nothing on the interior. What a shame, it could be a beautiful building again, but our city needs to get realistic on what a repair bill would be.

Also, the roof looks shot, there is another 15K Sheesh.

If anyone knows the contractor that will make this livable for 6K, I would like to meet them. I would have plenty of business for them, or maybe not. Ha!

David Amos

Reply to Steve Kincade
It appears that things smell fishy to you as well
David Amos
Reply to Steve Kincade
Jon Vaughan
Sounds like they are using this as an opportunity to seize the property in a desperate attempt to hide the homeless.

These people continue to create issues and then pat them selves on the back for trying to fix it.

Timothy Walton
Reply to Jon Vaughan  
Absentee owners who let their buildings fall to rubble have been a problem in Saint John for decades. If housing the homeless is the motivation it takes to do something about these derelicts, then it's a win-win.
David Amos 
Reply to Jon Vaughan
Perhaps you should read the article again 
Ray Elgaard
I have renovated a few homes. $6000 ? Yeah, okay.

Christine Martinez
Reply to Ray Elgaard
Ther article doesn't say they are contracting the work, it says the city is doing it. The implication is that it will be city "work" crews.

Need I say more?

David Amos
Reply to Christine Martinez
The article does say

"The city will move forward to find someone to conduct the work on the property."

Daniel Franklin  
$6000 would barely cover the cost of new siding installation for just one side of the house.
David Amos
Reply to Daniel Franklin 
Jos Allaire
💲6 000 does not go far these Days.
David Amos
Reply to Jos Allaire
SarahRose Werner
"According to the staff report, the cost of the work will be billed to the property owner and if left unpaid, it will be submitted to the province with a request for reimbursement." - So all the property owner has to do is to blow it off and the city will try to have the province pay the bill instead? I'm seeing a lack of consequences to the property owner here. I'm also not seeing anything that would motivate them to either move in, rent it out or sell it so that people could actually live there.
Sue Fillmore  
Reply to SarahRose Werner 
Ogden said that people could be living there that doesn’t mean the landlord wants anyone living there. Is Ogden and Harris are so interested in fixing it up then they should start a foundation that raises money privately to do so.
David Amos
Reply to Sue Fillmore
Good point
Bernie Fishman
 It is a palace.
David Amos
Reply to Bernie Fishman

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