Justin Trudeau found out on Day 1, campaigns are subject to unforeseen complications
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From: "Dale, Daniel" <ddale@thestar.ca>
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2019 13:38:00 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Mr Butts the RCMP, your boss Mr Trudeau,
your buddy Katie Telford, many of our politcal foes and questionable
journalists can never claim they not duly informed before I file more
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Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2019 13:14:20 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Mr Butts Here are some more comments published within
CBC that the RCMP and their boss Ralph Goodale should review ASAP N'esy Pas?
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Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2019 13:14:21 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Mr Butts Here are some more comments published within
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SNC-Lavalin affair shows, once again, no election plan can prepare for all events
5298 Comments Before I refreshed the page Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Raymond Amos Methinks the Liberals must be Happy Happy Happy for a month or so N'esy Pas?
"The RCMP has not launched an official investigation and it will suspend
its initial inquiries into the matter until after the federal
Kirk Miller Lol
Wow...still going on this. Liberals trying hard to deflect this
away...nothing happened, no crime, blah blah. It's sad how anyone could
stand for this in the government - Liberal, Conservative...doesnt
matter. If they wanted to do anything to any citizen what is stopping
them...they believe they are above the law. Regardless of your political
leanings...this reeks. If there was nothing there...Trudeau would waive
the cabinet confidence and put this to bed and it would go away real
quick. Anyone with half a brain can see that.
What some may not realize is his political career is over. The R C M P
will continue this investigation. Get into whatever semantics you
want...it was an investigation. He has been charged by a private citizen
for obstruction of justice which has been accepted to be heard by the
courts. If he doesnt win a majority...which he wont...no other party
will prop him up to stop further investigations.
Face it...his shelf life has expired
Alfred Frey
Reply to @Kirk
Miller: Why waive cabinet confidence when there's literally no crime to
be found? We already know who said what to the AG. Everything else is
Don Luft
Reply to @Kirk Miller:
Trudeau broke a principle of ethics but a very fine one. Apparently the
principle is that the Atty.Gen can seek the opinion of the government
but that the government is restricted in pushing it's opinion. This is
a principle, not a law.
Dion noted a private interest to the company and a public interest in
this matter, but decided to make his ruling based on the private
interest to say Trudeau breached an ethics rule. He could just as
easily considered the public interest as primary to exonerate him.
Another wonky ruling was on the Aga Kahn matter. It was OK for a
politician to accept "gifts" from friends. Dion ruled the Aga Kahn was
not a friend because they had not seen each other for a long time. For
the last few years I've been meeting with friends I hadn't seen in over
50 years. They are still friends
Two of the ethics violations were merely technical errors related to
disclosure and not significant matters. One case involved a couple of
pairs of sunglasses and the other a mistake in the technical ownership
of a villa, as being shares rather than proprietary.
Why anyone thinks these matters are paramount over what a party intends to do if elected beats the hell out of me.
David Raymond Amos Reply
to @Kirk Miller: Methinks if Trudeau The Younger wins the next mandate
the RCMP will close the file much to the chagrin of many Canadians N'esy
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Don Luft: Yea Right
Brook More
- Gomery launches false opinion piece today. Gomery?? Gomery who
Harper elevated in social media as some sort of exalted personage?
Gomery disciplined by superior court for his aggressive and code of
conduct violating attacks on Jean Chretien...during his
'investigation... him?.... before: having to declare Liberal Party
exonerated of wrong doing and there was no federally 'scam'; same Gomery
whose conduct led to same court determining that Gov't of Canada had to
pay all the personal legal fees acquired by Chretien defending himself
against the improper conduct of Gomery [you can google all this]? That
Gomery. Is now a media source for another false attack on another
Liberal politician? That same ultra conservative party partisan?
hello media fact alert.
Alfred Frey
Reply to @Carson
Brook: Full court press? There's plenty of folk trying to relive the
Sponsorship days but it just doesn't seem to be taking. Worth a bit in
the polls but a lot of work to keep alive. The Fife piece was their
trump card
Don Luft
Reply to @Alfred Frey:
Past behaviour is the only guide we have to future behaviour and anyone
who thinks the Conservatives will be a bunch of choir boys is fooling
Glenn Dunn
Reply to @Alfred
(His own "Obstruction of Justice "), WE HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM IN EVERY
"Trudeau for Jail"....that should be Canada's campaign !!!
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Don Luft: YUP
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Glenn Dunn: Cry me a river
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Carson
Brook: Methinks I would love to see a liberal lawyer try explain why in
2017 Jody Wilson Raybould appointed both Bill Pentney and Sally Gomery
to be judges after I argued Pentney's minions and in front of 2 members
of the RCMP and discussed wiretap tapes and Gomery and Mulroney with 3
Justices of the Federal Court of Appeal Months later in their decision
the Justices after stating in writing that they could ignore the rule of
lawy quoted only a few of my words from the hundreds of documents and
CDs that I had sent both Mulroney and Chretien in 1984 over a year
before Gomery came out with his infamous report N'esy Pas?
Alfred Frey
know everything that was said to the AG. Wilson-Raybould and Dion both
say there was no crime in it. If there's no crime in it there's no
crime behind it. Any further criminal investigation is a waste of time.
Great press but otherwise useless
Keith Laughton
Reply to @Alfred Frey:
The report does not support your statement even before the nine
witnesses who were blocked from providing evidence by Mr Trudeau are
taken into account.
It says the following:
(282) "As Prime Minister, Mr. Trudeau was the only public office holder
who, by virtue of his position, could clearly exert influence over Ms.
Wilson‑Raybould. The authority of the Prime Minister and his office was
used to circumvent, undermine and ultimately attempt to discredit the
decision of the Director of Public Prosecutions as well as the authority
of Ms. Wilson‑Raybould as the Crown's chief law officer."
He also stated this in the Summary
"For these reasons, I found that Mr. Trudeau used his POSITION OF
AUTHORITY (CAPITALS ARE MINE) over Ms. Wilson‑Raybould to seek to
influence, both directly and indirectly, her decision on whether she
should overrule the Director of Public Prosecutions' decision not to
invite SNC-Lavalin to enter into negotiations towards a remediation
Repeating your assertion does not make it fact.
As for wasting time, perhaps a better example of the intersection of the
PM, the RCMP and a waste of time would be the pursuit of VAdm Mark
Norman where blocking access to government information was a prominent
I agree that thinking about a crime is not an offence however attempting it might be.
Like a bank robber who is stopped while trying to carry out his plan.
Alfred Frey
Reply to @Keith
Laughton: The very fact Dion published a report at all means he didn't
think there was a crime. If he did he'd be compelled to suspend his own
investigation and refer it to the RCMP
Carson Brook
Reply to @Keith Laughton:
yeah - keep it up...... while a long list of legal experts declare that
Dion was wrong in both fact and conclusion.... and who didn't bother to
look too closely into the ethics violating conduct of JWR
Carson Brook
Reply to @Alfred Frey: well @ Keith Laughton is a true believer in his own position as purveyor of the tabloid....
so the fact that Dion has violated the ethics rules in more than one
front - especially in his lack of reference to the RCMP relationship vis
a vis the commissioner... THAT is troubling
Alfred Frey
Reply to @Carson
Brook: I never took his decision too seriously. It moved the goalposts
so far any MP helping a constituent becomes a conflict of interest. He
completely ignored the parameters. Luckily his account of all contact
with Wilson-Raybould is thorough. We get to see everything of interest
to the RCMP. Not a crime in sight.
Keith Laughton
Reply to @Carson Brook:
No doubt you will provide this long list of legal experts. Starting
with Mr Iacobucci and Mr Major who both are employed by SNC-Lavalin.
Keith Laughton
Reply to @Carson Brook:
I see that you are at least pretending that there is a reason for your attacks on Ms Wilson-Raybould unlike earlier today.
"Carson Brook
9 hours ago
Reply to @Thomas Albrecht:
fake news. and JWR helped craft the DPA, and JWR voted for it in the House of Commons. fact another
fact - by last September she was all riled up by the PM failing to sign
her inappropriate SCC choice in - so here's her sooky revenge.... right
down to her standing up at the AFN conference on justice awhile ago and
actually declare that - imagine... some people dared disagree with her'
Seeming unaware that that's how working groups work. oh, right - she's
already declared that she's not a team player anyway - and is running as
an independent so's to do things differently."
Unfortunately your position is still lacking in facts as your earlier post was.
After all Ms Wilson-Raybould did not champion the bill, nor did she
speak n parliament on it nor did she defend it as a simple examination
of House of Commons records shows.
The only ethical concern is that she taped the Clerk of the Privy
Council when he was delivering the threats from Mr Trudeau. Words that
the Clerk later denied when giving evidence (not under oath) to the
House of Commons.
She was willing to face the consequences of her actions, however Mr Trudeau is not.
And his statements on the subject continue to show his very casual acquaintance with the truth.
By the way your comment about fake news is very Trumpian. Is that
because you agree that Mr Butts and Mr Bannon were similar operators?
Keith Laughton
Reply to @Alfred Frey:
How many MPs would you say tried to help a constituent avoid a criminal trial?
How many MPs are allowed to lobby the Attorney-general from a position of authority?
I am also sure that the Chinese looked at Mr Trudeau's actions and think
that their own are all about applying "Appropriate" pressure to "Find a
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Alfred
Frey: Methinks some folks would like to know when was the last time you
believed a political lawyer N'esy Pas?
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Carson
Brook: Methinks you should try to keep up and study my confrontation
with Mario Dion when he was the Commissioner of Public Sector Integrity
in 2014 and his predecessor Madame Dawson Trust that many justices of
Federal Court know I filed signed documents in their dockets while I
argued Jody Wilson Raybould and her many minions in the Fedral Court for
years N'esy Pas?
Danielle Dalbec Content disabled Both the Admiral and SNC fiascos should remain front and centre during this campaign so as to not be forgotten.
David Raymond Amos Content disabled Reply
to @Danielle Dalbec: Methinks folks should Google my name and that of
Admiral Norman if they truly seek the truth about Trudeau's mandate
N'esy Pas?
Valentina Vivianao Canadians have a right to know the truth.
"In March, Trudeau and senior PMO staffers retained outside lawyers at
taxpayer expense on the matter. This, in the event government officials
were to face a charge themselves, be named in a court action, face a
lawsuit or the threat of such a suit.
While there is nothing illegal about Trudeau and/or PMO staff hiring
outside legal representation regarding the SNC-Lavalin situation, the
timing is interesting.
What should be disturbing in the extreme to all is that Canada’s
national police may not receive full disclosure while they review
particulars of a sitting attorney general having been possibly shoved
out of her position. And how might such interference have been
Roy Green, GN
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @valentina
vivianao: Methinks you wish to know the truth you should go to Federal
Court and pull File Number T-1557-15 or simple Google me versus the
Queen and start reading N'esy Pas?
Don Cameron If
there was nothing to the SNC affair, Trudeau could have ended this in a
day by allowing full disclosure by all involved. He didn't.
And so it drags on. Reminds one of the expression, 'where there is smoke, there is fire'.
Lloyd Jones Reply to @Don Cameron:
Don it reminds me of ...
2006 - RCMP allege Liberal ministers involved in illegal insider trading
as election begins, Harper wins, investigation evaporates.
2016 - FBI Days before a US election Director Comey against Justice
Department rules announces new findings of privately held classified
emails traced to Hillary Clinton on a laptop then announces it amounts
to nothing. This becomes a major factor in Clinton's loss to Trump.
Having inappropriately influenced the 2006 election, the RCMP would be
correct to suspend this matter until after this one. Trudeau will be
available for prosecution if needed. Otherwise they are open to charges
of partisanship.
Lloyd Jones Reply to @George Alexander:
Even Wilson-Raybould (a former Crown Prosecutor) said Trudeau broke no
laws. AFAIK the RCMP have not said they have begun formal investigation
into this matter and are only involved at the urging of the
Conservatives who are arguably seeking partisan electoral advantage from
it. Polls suggest most voters have already made up their minds. We'll
see if Wilson-Raybould's book (due out soon) has much effect on a close
Lloyd Jones Reply to @James Holden:
Companies this large are known for "supporting" political parties sympathetic to their business who might form government.
SNC were caught illegally funneling donations to both the Liberal and
Conservative parties through individuals. I guess they would regard this
sort of thing a just a cost of doing business, like bribing Libyan
officials to win contracts.
John Dunn Reply
to @Lloyd Jones: The "bribing of Libyan officials" is standard practice
in the real world. If you don't grease palms you don't get the work.
That is the part that most Canadians do not understand about the rest of
the world.
Dan Desormeaux Reply to @John Dunn: exactly, I've been saying that from the start.
John Dunn Reply
to @John Dunn: I dealt with international business and let me assure
you that this is the way business is conducted. Would anyone expect
Gathafi to not require bribes. lol
David Raymond Amos Content disabled Reply to @Don Cameron: "And so it drags on."
Methinks this is interesting that another Wherry article has stayed open for comments for 3 days N'esy Pas?
David Raymond Amos Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Methinks I struck another nerve N'esy Pas?
David Raymond Amos Reply to @Don Cameron: YUP
David Raymond Amos Reply to @Lloyd Jones: Yea Right
Kevan Cleverbridge (Hill 70) Canadians
are sick and tired of being told untruths. This election will boil down
to whether you believe Justin and whether you believe Justin has been a
disaster in all other areas of governance. A competent and responsible
government is all we want.
David Raymond Amos Reply
to @Kevan Cleverbridge (Hill 70): Methinks the awful truth is most
folks are so disgusted by all the nonsense coming from all the
politicians that they simply don't care anymore Hence the election
result may surprise everyone N'esy Pas?
Jamie Gillis Really,
CBC? First off, this isn't a news article. At best it's another
so-called "analysis." But really, don't you think it's questionable to
have the guy who has a new book out cheerleading for Trudeau and working
hard to minimize anything associated to SNC writing supply objective
journalism pieces on it now? We've heard enough from Wherry.
David Raymond Amos Reply to @Jamie Gillis: Methinks you can expect hear a lot more for the next month or so N'esy Pas?
Charles M. Sendie What’s Justin Trudeau hiding? Give the RCMP full access!
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Charles M. Sendie: Methinks the RCMP don't need to seek permission to investigate a crime. If they were not so afraid of their politically appointed boss the job would already be done N'esy Pas?
Michael Kachmar I am flabbergasted with the obsession to defend Trudeau and the Liberals for the indefensible.
Of course I am going to make another choice in the upcoming election,
that is what you are supposed to do when exposed to such toxic
leadership with its mixture of virtue-signaling, ethics violations,
political interference, and nefarious expenditures that are with
David Raymond Amos Reply
to @Michael Kachmar: Methinks many folks just consider it more of the
same old same old. Lest we not forget that not all that long ago after
your hero Harper was found in contempt of Parliament he returned with
his first and only majority mandate after decimating the Liberals. Then
he really put it to us with his omnibus bills. While the NDP yipped and
the Liberals came up with a plan. Harper was history once the King of
Selfies courted the feminist and far left vote while promising to
legalize dope, no more first past the post elections and an open and
accountable government Peoplekind seemed happy happy happy for a while
until a couple of powerful lady cabinet ministers staged a palace coup
of sorts with the help of the Globe and Mail Now we have an interesting
Circus unfolding it's tent N'esy Pas?
Graeme Scott It
seems like there is still more to the SNC Lavalin affair yet come out.
The fact that the Liberals are continuing to stonewall and hide behind
cabinet confidentiality supports that view. The CBC (and the rest of
Canada's media) would be doing a disservice to the country if they allow
Trudeau to "move on" to other issues without pressuring him for
David Raymond Amos Reply
to @Graeme Scott: Methinks Senator Mike Duffy and many other politcal
pundits would agree that the fat lady has sung on the matter and after
polling day most folks will not care about it anymore no matter who wins
the mandate N'esy Pas? Rob Unrau Justin won’t allow full excess to rcmp because he has something to hide.
Stephen Scg Reply to @Rob Unrau: Except that the RCMP is not bound by cabinet confidentiality
David Raymond Amos Reply
to @Stephen Scg: Methinks that is correct However everybody knows the
RCMP Bosses are afraid of political lawyers such Ralph Goodale in
particular N'esy Pas?
Nicolas Krinis I
listened to him yesterday. I have never heard so many meaningless
platitudes coming out of the mouth of a politician, ever. On the other
hand, I did very much enjoy how he was put on the spot and hot seat
repeatedly. Disgraceful.
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis:
We know you prefer Conservative bait and switch pandering.
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: It was quite a hoot
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @James
Holden: Methinks the liberals' fancy knickers are in a quite a knot now
matter how you spin it you cannot deny that your leader's words were
truly a telling thing to many N'esy Pas?
Michael Flinn
The only people who thought/hoped SNC had gone away were partisan Liberals like the CBC.
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @michael flinn: True
---------- Original message ----------
From: Barbara Massey <Barbara.Massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2019 12:38:14 -0400
Subject: Re: Yo Mr Butts Are your ears burning? If not then you are
not reading the spin and the comments within CBC N'esy Pas? (Out of
Office )
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
I will be away on duty until Sept. 13, 2019. In my absence, you may
Jolene Harvey (Acting Sr. Gen. Counsel) 613 843 4892; Jolene.harvey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca or my Exec. Asst. – Sandra Lofaro 613 843
3540; Sandra.lofaro@rcmp-grc.gc.ca.
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Mr Wherry's headline says enough Heres hoping Mr Prime
Minister Trudeau the Younger reads it and considers it deeply for the
benefit of us all before the writ is dropped. He still has time to act
with Integrity N'esy Pas?
Why Justin Trudeau's main foe in 2019 is the Justin Trudeau of 2015
A leader who frames every issue around ideals can expect blowback when
he can't - or won't - live up to them
Aaron Wherry · CBC News · Posted: Sep 07, 2019 4:00 AM ET | Last
Updated: 4 hours ago
I refresh the page 7 hours later to see if the comment section is
still open (The last comment was that of Neil Austen I remarked that
Harper was still in the closet to mark the spot before I refreshed the
Then I viewed many more comments yet the tally is lower Clearly CBC is
deleting many other comments and not just mine.
I added my two bits here and there and now the tally has climbed back up
David Amos
"For one thing, the Trudeau of 2019 now knows exactly how much trouble
can result when you make an open-ended, but absolute, promise to
implement electoral reform."
Methinks anyone can access the Public Record to review what I said to
the Electoral Reform Committee in Fredericton NB just before
Thanksgiving in 2016 The Prime Minister would have a hard time arguing
my words duly recorded in the Parliamentary Record All political
parties can never claim that I did not predict the outcome N'esy Pas?
Curtis Green
The article turned out so well, Aaron, in spite of the nasty headline
and byline! I would say that your paycheque is safe...
David Amos
Reply to @Curtis Green: I agree
David Amos
Reply to @Curtis Green: However methinks he did open the door to a
blizzard of anti Trudeau comments just before the writ is dropped
N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Did anybody but me wonder why Wherry updated
this article 3 hours ago and kept the comment section open? Methinks
he is covering bases just in case Harper 2.0 wins the next mandate
N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Curtis Green: Methinks Mr Wherry's headline says enough
Heres hoping Mr Prime Minister Trudeau the Younger rolls up his
sleeves reads it and considers it deeply for the benefit of us all
before the writ is dropped. He Joyce Hope Shortell
What is sad is Trudeau's hypocrisy & lack of ethical values yet
there are many who will vote for him to lead Canada. Trudeau's virtue
signalling is nothing more than smoke & mirrors.
David Amos
Reply to @Joyce Hope Shortell: Methinks Trudeau must be sad about this
comment section not closing in a timely fashion while his opposition
keeps on pounding his severe lack of ethics before the writ is dropped
N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Joyce Hope Shortell: Methinks Mr Butts has read his email
from me today by now and is no doubt checking out this comment section
as well N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Need I holler BINGO???
John Kenny
Reply to @Joyce Hope Shortell: .shows how mistrusted Scheer is
David Amos
Reply to @John Kenny: Why else would Maxime jump ship?
Bob Barino
OH look Justin just bought some buses.
With the planet having only 10 years left.
Why would he buy buses that will be usable beyond that time?
In GREEN BC of all places
Government of Canada invests in reliable bus service in northern
British Columbia
Actions speak louder than words and actions do not require words to
determine if one is li-ing.
David Amos
Reply to @Bob Barino: I see no harm in a few buses to serve fellow
Bob Barino
Like Macron, Justin Trudeau is nothing more than a UN SHILL.
Trudeau will do as his UN MASTERS dictate with no regard for Canada or
David Amos
Reply to @Bob Barino: Methinks he is just like his Daddy N'esy Pas?
Dean Melanson
jabberingjustin .... an arrogant ego-fueled prettyboy with a nasty
temper who loves throwing around tons of taxpayer $$$ (and elbows),
dressing up in foreign countries and demands everything be done his
way ... or else .... glad his days are numbered ...
David Amos
Reply to @Dean Melanson: Methinks the wicked game ain't over until the
Fat Lady Sings in October It certainly appears to me that the leaders
of Mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger's opposition's teams are
stuck behind the eight ball while Maxy the lawyer nobody wants to
argue is having a Hay Day Its quite a Circus N'esy Pas?
Bob Barino
Trudeau's main foe is the TRUTH
Maritime Bulletin
Maritime and Crimean Shipping News
Ship with Climate Change Warriors caught in ice, Warriors evacuated
All 16 Climate Change warriors were evacuated by helicopter in
challenging conditions, all are safe. 7 crew remains on board, waiting
for Coast Guard ship assistance.
Something is very wrong with Arctic ice, instead of melting as ordered
by UN/IPCC, it captured the ship with Climate Change Warriors.
When a maritime report takes a shot at the climate/warming scam is it
not time to call it a SCAM.
The poster child of the SCAM an arctic free ice and the ice has been
stable or growing ever since the claim was made in 2007.
The polar bears are doing fine. Actually too fine as there are so many
they are threatening the Inuit people. UN before Canadian right Mr.
NOT SO Prime Minister.
David Amos
Reply to @Bob Barino: Methinks he has hired Anne McLellan to twist the
truth for him N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks Mr Wherry's headline says enough Heres hoping Mr Prime
Minister Trudeau the Younger rolls up his sleeves reads it and
considers it deeply for the benefit of us all before the writ is
dropped. He still has time to act with some semblance of Integrity
N'esy Pas?
Sally Ride
This one picture of Justin and Jody speaks volumes aboutTeam of Jane
and Jody that Mr Butts will not allow his buddy to talk
about yet N'esy Pas?
Pete Prosser
Americans will think we are crazy if we pick Howdy Doody for the new
John Smith
Reply to @pete prosser: you mean someone that looks exactly like
Trudeau's oldest son?
David Amos
Reply to @John Smith: Methinks Mr Prosser may be referring to another
lapdog for Trump who is often referred to as Harper 2.0 or Harper Lite
N'esy Pas?
Grant Mouland
Ultimately I cannot believe that the Canadian public is with left with
the option of Justin or Andrew as front runners to lead the country.
They both lack maturity, something the country needs at this point.
Well here is hoping to a minority government and two new leaders next
time around!
David Amos
Reply to @Grant Mouland: Dream on
Billy Joe
The west including Canada should stop accepting more of their people
and strip their religious status in the west, labelled it as a
political movement and banned it on the ground of subversion. Outlaw
their ideology in the west.
Those who are already here can chose to move to nations where they can
continue their practice or staying but not allowed to promote or
practice in the west. This way the west can effectively reject their
immigrants, stopping their Trojan Horse into the west.
If the table were turned, non-believers were targeting their
population for attacks, NONE of the non-believers would be allowed to
step foot in their nations let alone getting citizenship, freedom of
religion, welfare & benefits like the west are giving them.
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe: Methinks you have made it blatantly obvious that
you are Conservative on a mission to smother other people's words
before the comment section closes N'esy Pas?
Neil Austen
Bottom line - I wouldn't shoot myself in the foot and allow a
Conservative party to gain power in Canada just to punish Trudeau.
Conservative parties are just Trump-Harper style government pushing
fear and anger for power. Just a bunch of yahoos turning Canada into a
gong show. Support Conservatives in Canada means you are supporting
the following: (all taken from Harper's time as PM)
Decreasing Taxes for the rich.
Deregulating Industries for the sake of the wealthy and at the expense
of Canadian health and safety.
Transferring Canadian tax dollars to Isreal.
Eliminating the freedom and privacy of the INTERNET so that it can be
controlled and monetized for the wealthy.
The environment is not important and any protection of Canadian
waterways and arboreal forests should be rescinded.
Demonizing anyone, religion, political stance, etc that differs from
their myopic vision.
Eliminating Canadian Democracy, restricting the democratic process to
only those who agree with them.
Warmongering to increase profits for corporations
Women are meant to be at home to cook, clean, and churn out babies only.
You believe in the idea that individuals working for their own greed
and selfishness is better than Canadians working together to build a
better Canada.
If the above is what you stand for, then yes, you should vote for
Conservatives. You deserve what you get. Harper was a disgrace.
Ian Douglas
Reply to @Neil Austen: Better check Harper isn't hiding under your bed
with the other monsters.
David Amos
Reply to @Ian Douglas: He is in the closet as usual
Grant Mouland
His hubris and amaturesque need to control everything and everyone has
run completely up-stream to everything he purported to be back in
Grant Mouland
Reply to @Grant Mouland: SB “needed”.
David Amos
Reply to @Grant Mouland: True
Danielle Dalbec
We must also not forget, the Admiral and the SNC
David Amos
Reply to @Danielle Dalbec: I didn't Methinks you should Googl
Lee McEachern
Reply to @When you see his sleeves rolled up you know he is going to
be working extra hard.
David Amos
Reply to @Lee McEachern: Methinks Mr Wherry's headline says enough
Heres hoping Mr Prime Minister Trudeau the Younger rolls up his
sleeves reads it and considers it deeply for the benefit of us all
before the writ is dropped. He still has time to act with some
semblance of Integrity N'esy Pas?
: Methinks Mr Wherry's headline says enough Heres hoping Mr Prime
Minister Trudeau the Younger rolls up his sleeves reads it and
considers it deeply for the benefit of us all before the writ is
dropped. He still has time to act with some semblance of Integrity
N'esy Pas?
Ian Douglas
Reply to @David Amos: He wouldn't know how.
Billy Joe
Reply to @Lee McEachern: More for show only, he has no clue, can't
give a speech without script.
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe: Methinks this is an interesting thread for you to
finally respond to N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Ian Douglas: Sad but likely true
Mary Anne Clarke
Aaron--you forgot to mention: the OECD indicating SNC's serious
charges made them ineligible for a DPA, but Trudeau chose to meddle in
this court case, and that of VA Norman and the shipping issue, and
then withheld documents the defense needed for their case; China
embargoed Can. canola in Mar. and only in Sept did Trudeau govt
approach WTO; in TMX appeal case, Trudeau's govt did not submit
arguments, did not even attend the proceedings.
David Amos
Reply to @Mary Anne Clarke: Go Figure
Mike Smith
The liberal energy minister: How and Why?
He must go.
Darin Loso
Reply to @Mike Smith: energy minister, environment Minister, foreign
affairs minister, prime minister
Billy Joe
Reply to @Mike Smith: JT and his entire incompetent clan need to be
booted this Oct., should have never been elected in 2015.
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe: YUP Your knickers are in quite a knot
David Amos
YO Gerry Butts Methinks you should tell Dominic Leblanc and your buddy
from Quebec that you all have mail that you should read before the
writ is dropped N'esy Pas?
Darin Loso
Dominique Leblanc, a Liberal takeing gifts from oil men.
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: Methinks that is libel N'esy Pas?
Darin Loso
Reply to @David Amos: can't be libel if it's true. Nesy pis
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: and if it not?
Darin Loso
Reply to @David Amos: he took the plane flight. Nesy pas, sounds like
a gift to me Nestle Quick. Don't play tough to me, Nesy pis
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: No need for me to play tough just save the proof
and report you malice. Methinks you should have read about Minister
McKenna's woes and how strict the RCMP are getting about online
harassment before you libeled another liberal lawyer N'esy Pas?
Darin Loso
Reply to @David Amos: laughable.
Darin Loso
Reply to @Darin Loso: I seen Climate B story. Don't believe it.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Darin Loso: Methinks you are one of Paul Fromm's neo nazi
fanboyz N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Looks like a struck a nerve
David Amos
Methinks many folks know why I tweeted and blogged my last comment for
tonight before it went "Poof" N'esy Pas?
Darin Loso
Reply to @David Amos: what is a Nesy Pas
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: Chiac It is lingo from where Dominc Leblanc and
I come from Say it as I spell it and you will understand it
Darin Loso
Reply to @David Amos: the Liberal that gets favors from billionaire
oil company executives. Joe can that be?
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: how can that be
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: Google Fundy Royal Debate to see why I am
running for public office for the 7th time while suing the Queen again
DariReply to @Darin Loso: Methinks everybody knows my Father knew
Dominic's daddy long before he was appointer Attorney General. Trust
that everybody knows my Father sent the Sheriff down to put a chain on
the gates of the Irving Clan's Refinery in order to make him pay his
property taxes N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: I thinks people in the Maritimes who vote
Liberal is what is wrong with this country.
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: Methinks you know who I am correct? After my
Father died my Mother married the Chief Electoral Officer Plus my
Brother in Law's law firm partner and Vice President of the PC Party
assisted Peter MacKay in merging with Harper's party at the very same
point in time that Spitzer was testifying before the US Senate Banking
Commitee and thanking me for the info N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: Even you know why I run as an Independent and it
has nothing to do with getting elected and everything to do with very
serious litigation
Darin Loso
Reply to @David Amos: are you the little girl who held up the sign
Stop Harper in the HOC.
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: Methinks you just made yourself rather infamous
byway of my Twitter account N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: Nope but I did know Kevin Vickersin a past life.
Everybody knows the RCMP used to hire me back in the 70s and 80s Ask
Wayne Easter or Ralph Goodale or Peter Van Loan or Stockwell day about
that Some things I did are still secret N'esy Pas?
Darin Loso
Reply to @David Amos: I don't do Twitter
Darin Loso
Reply to @Darin Loso: who cares
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Remember in June of 2004 after Harper got back
from theMaritimes he announced that he had info the Arar Inquiry and
Jack hooper of CSIS said he didn't know anything about it. Well Anne
McLellan and Justice Richard Bell and Ward Elcock certainly did N'esy
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: YOU do
Darin Loso
Reply to @David Amos: your day has come and gone. Clean your dentures
Ang good night. Nesy pas
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: You registered with a Crown Corp with that name
and an IP address N'esy Pas?
Darin Loso
Reply to @David Amos: bring it on
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: Your wish is my command
Darin Loso
Reply to @David Amos: I've seen your posts here before. All talk
Darin Loso
Reply to @Darin Loso: I've sad a lot about Justin here over the years,
nobody had come knocking
David Amos
Reply to @Darin Loso: Post your address and I will turn up one day
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks the RCMP and the Edmonton Cops will
never forget the time I went to Barry Winters' door then inserted his
words about Justin Trudeau and I in the the lawsuit against the Crown
in 2015 N'esy Pas?
Darin Loso
Reply to @David Amos: with your walker and air tank.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Darin Loso: Whats your address Mr Tough Talker?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Feel free to look me up. Methinks as you sit in
your parents' basement you are just clever enough to know that anyone
can get my info from Election Canada or at the bottom of my lawsuits
N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks Mr Wherry's headline says enough Heres hoping Mr Prime
Minister Trudeau the Younger reads it and considers it deeply for the
benefit of us all before the writ is dropped. He still has time to act
with Integrity N'esy Pas?
Billy Joe
Smith put it the best way regarding JT’s involvement in the SNC-Lavalin
Smith: Trudeau is guilty again, but don’t expect any consequences
Still, it remains shocking that violating the Conflict of Interest Act
carries no penalties, especiacharges, he went through a three-year
ordeal of hearings, RCMP
investigation, a criminal trial and suspension from the Senate.
Former MP Dean Del Mastro overcontributed $21,000 of his own money to
his re-election campaign, exceeding the $92,567 spending cap. He went
to jail.
The prime minister has been found guilty of breaching the Conflict of
Interest Act for the second time, using his position of authority over
Wilson-Raybould to influence her decision to intervene in a criminal
prosecution, violating the principles of prosecutorial independence
and the rule of law. There is no fine. No charges. No trial. No
resignation. No public inquiry. Not even an independent parliamentary
committee investigation.
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe: Methinks whereas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau the
Younger hired the lawyer Anne McLellan to advise him months ago by now
she must have noticed her letter to me and another from the Governor
circa 2004 They were quoted verbatim within the very first paragraphs
of my lawsuit (Federal Court File No T-1557-15) which I filed when
Harper was the PM and answered by Pater MacKay's minions before
polling day 2015 N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe: Here are some old documents of mine the prove
what I say is true
Methinks Mr Wherry's headline says enough Heres hoping Mr Prime
Minister Trudeau the Younger reads it and considers it deeply for the
benefit of us all before the writ is dropped. He still has time to act
with Integrity N'esy Pas?
Simon Jonas
Reply to @David Amos:
Sorry--that time has passed.
Out with him!
David Amos
Reply to @Simon Jonas: Methinks you should never lose your faith in
peoplekind N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks whereas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau the Younger hired the
lawyer Anne McLellan to advise him months ago by now she must have
noticed her letter to me and another from the Governor circa 2004 They
were quoted verbatim within the very first paragraphs of my lawsuit
(Federal Court File No T-1557-15) which I filed when Harper was the PM
and answered by Pater MacKay's minions before polling day 2015 N'esy
David Lugli
we have seen the enemy and it is us
David Amos
Reply to @david lugli: Methinks Walt Kelly was not joking N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @david lugli: Here are some old documents of mine the prove
what I say is true
Reply to @Garry Hiebert: Methinks it would not be wise to bet the farm
on your opinion N'esy Pas?
Simon Jonas
Scheer is not Harper.
Trudeau is still Trudeau.
And that is not a good thing for Canada.
David Amos
Reply to @Simon Jonas: Methinks there is good reason why folks call
Scheer Harper 2.0 N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks Billy Joe may have set some kind of record in CBC for posting
20 comments in a row long after closing time N'esy Pas?
Kevan Cleverbridge (Hill 70)
You got that right Aaron,Justin Trudeau is Justin Trudeau's worst
enemy. He has proven himself unworthy of the office he currently
holds,one and done.
David Amos
Reply to @Kevan Cleverbridge (Hill 70): Methinks after the provocative
headline this article takes a huge swing to support the Prime Minister
N'esy Pas?
Lee McEachern
The only thing he has been good at as PM for the past 4 years is
attending parades.
David Amos
Reply to @Lee McEachern: Methinks you forgot that he enjoys wearing
strange costumes and taking selfies to keep us laughing until the next
polling day N'esy Pas?
Carl Tyrell {dit antaya)
A persowill recall his statement that the budget would balance itself.
However to be fair to Mr Prime minister Trudeau The Younger I suspect
that his words were taken from a much larger statement then spun by
the Conservative attack machine. My reasoning is simple. Nobody is
that dumb. Furthermore even my fellow Maritimer the not so clever Mr
Butts would never allow such nonsense to be stated by a Quebecker
whether he was his boss or not N'esy Pas?
Carl Tyrell {dit antaya)
Reply to @David Amos: In all fairness, if a budget has been achieved
through mathematics, by following it , it should balance itself but
you have to follow the plan.
The old saying work your plan and plan your work it's that simple
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @carl tyrell {dit antaya): Methinks if you were to Google me
you would see that Mr Butts and the Jane and Jody Tag Team know that I
have a plan N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @carl tyrell {dit antaya): Trust that i have a plan
Eddy Lew
A long winded article supporting the obvious conclusion that Trudeau
is the worst pm of all time.
Stan Danke
Reply to @Eddy Lew: Yes, but with the usual shots at conservatives for
David Amos
Reply to @Eddy Lew: Methinks you should read the article again real
slow N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Stan Danke: Methinks its just spin in support of the PM N'esy
Evan Guest
Shorter synopsis Aaron...
Harper was a successful Prime Minister.
Trudeau is a failure.
David Amos
Reply to @Evan Guest: WRONG Read it again
Lloyd Jones
Reply to @Mark Thomas:
Yes Mark, I'm also hoping for a Liberal minority supported by the NDP
(hopefully under a new leader).
What have the Liberals given away in USCAM that is not widely known?
Maybe I'm missing something here.
You're right, Freeland was a 1993 Oxford Rhodes Scholar in Slavonic
"Why her? Because she knows America better than most, having been a
high-ranking journalist with Thomson Reuters in New York, covering
banking, trade and the economy. “She knows her files really well and
she’s known across the U.S.,”
She was not alone of course, backed by Ambassador McNaughton, Steve
Verheul, Kirsten Hillman, David Usher, Kendall Hembroff and others.
Freeland was the political lead, part of an expert team.
Could you explain how the government's approach was weak and could
have been improved?
David Amos
Reply to @Lloyd Jones: Methinks Mr Martin had such a mandate briefly
after I ran against him and his cohorts in 2004. If you wish to recall
the Liberal government bearly survived its first budget vote. They
gave Stronach a Cabinet position after she dumped MacKay and crossed
the floor in order to save Humpty Dumpty from falling along with the
assistance of Cadman and the Speaker . Then when the Gomery Report
came out Martin had the writ dropped before the news got worse. Well
they lost to Harper whom we suffered with for ten long years no thanks
to Canada's self described "Natural Governing Party" N'esy Pas?
Robert Campbell
I dont believe these manipulated polls. Trudeau is going to get wiped
out October 21.
David Amos
Reply to @Robert Campbell: Methinks many agree with polls and that its
gonna go right down to the line to see who wins the next minority
mandate N'esy Pas?
Lee McEachern
Canada's main foe in 2019 is Justin Trudeau.
Mo Bennett
Reply to @Lee McEachern: you forgot Andy, who's even more dangerous.
David Amos
Reply to @mo bennett: YO MO Methinks you forgot to to enlighten the
folks as to why you know so much about hard ball politicking N'esy
Robert Campbell
You can sum up Justin's time as PM in a few words. Chaotic reckless
spending with a lot of unethical behavior. He does not deserve a
second chance
David Amos Reply to @Grant Mouland: Me too. Nobody could deny that it
would be a hoot to see either Maxy Baby or Dizzy Lizzy the questionable political lawyers who are the lowest in the polls win first prize in this
carnival. However I know its just a pipe dream. Methinks the best we
can hope for is a slim minority mandate no matter who is the
ringmaster and hopefully lots of Independents find seat as well Then
we would have real circus to enjoy as our rights and interests are
purported being protected N'esy Pas?
Robert Campbell
What is the source of Trudeaus inflated ego and arrogance? Certainly
not his dismal performance as PM.
David Amos
Reply to @Robert Campbell: Methinks its called DNA N'esy Pas?
George Smith
Trudeau has three main opponents this election:
1. Honesty
2. Integrity
3. Ethics
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @George Smith: Methinks you would be hard pressed to find any
politician who swore an oath to the Queen that could beat such
formidable opponents N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Oh My My Methinks I must have touched another
nerve N'esy Pas?
Jimmy Johnson
Being on the cover of Vogue is not an accomplishment a PM should hang
his hat on. It's self serving, and pretentious , which sums the PM
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Jimmy Johnson: Methinks if got his picture on the cover of
the Rolling Stone now that would be really something I bet he would
order Mr Butts to send five copies to his Mother and the members of
the Rolling Stones ASAP N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks that comment was totally harmless in
light of the irrefutable fact that this article bragged that Trudeau
The Younger was on the cover of the Rolling Stone N'esy Pas?
Craig Sweeney
"Trudeau's most damaging crisis came when he ran afoul of two strong,
independent-minded women: Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott."
You have some nerve, Wheary, to blame the victims. Now you frame it as
JT "ran afoul of two strong independent-minded women".
In reality a sad leader drunk on his own power, strong armed two
women, because they didnt sit down, be quiet, and do what they were
told to do.
Craig Sweeney
Reply to @Warren Stanley Pollock:
I think that speaks to their personal ethics and promise they made to
their constituents. Their issue was not with the Liberal party, just
the current 'leader'.
David Amos
Reply to @Craig Sweeney: Methinks you don't know the whole story of
the Jane a Jody Tag Team yet N'esy Pas?
SNC-Lavalin affair shows, once again, no election plan can prepare for all events
As Justin Trudeau found out on Day 1, campaigns are subject to unforeseen complications
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau talks to media at Rideau Hall in Ottawa on Wednesday. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press)
Political campaigns do not occur within hermetically sealed
containers and elections are never perfectly simple comparisons of
leaders and platforms. Events intervene. Things come up. Choices become
So it was that Day 1 of the 43rd general election
campaign began with a story from the Globe and Mail claiming that
unidentified individuals were somehow limited by cabinet confidentiality
in what they could say to the RCMP about the SNC-Lavalin affair. Hours
later, the day ended with a report that Jody Wilson-Raybould, the former
attorney-general, spoke with the RCMP on Tuesday.
The initial
report ensured that the first question Trudeau heard at Rideau Hall on
Wednesday concerned the affair. The second report surely ensures that he
will be asked again about the issue when he meets reporters on
election of 2019 will be about a great many things and many great
things. And the SNC-Lavalin affair was always bound to hang over the
proceedings to some degree or another. But Wednesday's revelations leave
an uncomfortably open question to linger, one that Trudeau's rivals
will no doubt be happy to exploit.
More questions raised than answered
Globe's stories raise more questions than are answered, particularly as
it pertains to how cabinet confidence is being invoked in this case. It
is unclear who is claiming that confidence, to which discussions they
are applying it or even how that confidence is being defined.
to the Globe, the RCMP has not launched an official investigation and
it will suspend its initial inquiries into the matter until after the
federal election.
her committee testimony in the spring, Wilson-Raybould, now seeking
election as an independent in Vancouver-Granville, said she did not
believe a criminal offence had been committed.
And the ethics
commissioner is required by law to "immediately suspend an examination"
if he "believes on reasonable grounds" that an offence has been
committed. That commissioner Mario Dion completed his investigation
would suggest that he did not believe any part of the affair rose to the
level of a crime.
But the RCMP's view has now been raised as
an unresolved matter and, crucially, that is something that won't be
definitively resolved until sometime after October 21.
CBC News
Trudeau responds to questions over SNC-Lavalin affair
Liberal Leader Justin
Trudeau said he respects the decision the Privy Council Clerk made over
the SNC-Lavalin affair during a news conference at Rideau Hall
This might raise uncomfortable memories of 2006 for
the Liberals, but also for the Mounties, who apparently sat down with
Wilson-Raybould when an election call was imminent. But the
Conservatives and New Democrats are unlikely to reserve judgment or
tiptoe delicately around the legal nuances.
response on Wednesday was to be as succinct as possible. "We gave out
the largest and most expansive waiver of cabinet confidence in Canada's
history," he said.
Trudeau cannot resolve that now. Even if he
was persuaded to extend the waiver, the RCMP's inquiries would
presumably remain paused.
Trudeau can try to shift the subject
Liberal leader can only insist on continuing to talk about the things
he would rather talk about: the middle class, climate change, and the
various things his government managed to do when it wasn't worrying
about the fate of SNC-Lavalin.
He tried to do that on Wednesday
and he will try again on Thursday. If there is not another story in the
Globe and Mail tomorrow or the next day, Trudeau might not be hearing
questions about the SNC-Lavalin affair by the start of next week.
as these questions have already consumed some amount of precious time
and headline space, this likely already registers as some kind
of setback. Every campaign will be challenged with some number of
intrusions — on Wednesday, reporters were also keen to hear the federal
leaders comment on Quebec's Bill 21. But some will be more bothersome than others.
CBC News
Scheer calls on Trudeau to waive cabinet confidentiality
Convervative Leader
Andrew Scheer called on Justin Trudeau to waive cabinet confidentiality
today over the SNC-Lavalin affair while answering questions before the
Trudeau called the federal election Wednesday.
campaign will find other concerns. Other things will come up. Thursday
is another day and there will be another 38 days after that.
speaking, the campaign that spends the most time talking about what it
wants to talk about stands the best chance of winning. The SNC-Lavalin
affair might be given new life and it might now linger throughout. But
if it fades from the forefront, the Liberals will have some number of
days to talk about other thing
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