Trudeau's go-to Albertan, Anne McLellan, on old-time politics and giving Jagmeet Singh his due
When McLellan looks back to her days in politics, there’s more than a touch of nostalgia for the way things used to be
This is a conversation series by Donna Kennedy-Glans, a writer and former Alberta cabinet minister, featuring newsmakers and intriguing personalities.
Anne McLellan has prevailed as the rarest of birds — a prominent Liberal in an overwhelmingly conservative prairie landscape.
Best known nationally as Paul Martin’s deputy prime minister, she still has a voice at national policy tables and think-tanks, and she’s been influential on the boards of several large western Canadian resource companies — Nexen (energy), Nutrien (potash) and Cameco (uranium). Currently, she’s vice-chair of Invest Alberta, an Alberta Crown agency set up by former premier Jason Kenney to emulate Quebec’s success in attracting foreign direct investment to the province.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, like his father before him, seems unable to grasp the aspirations of Canadians on the prairie; he requires navigators. McLellan has been his go-to woman on some tough files.
While we don’t see eye-to-eye on the attributes of the current prime minister, I’m curious to understand how “Landslide Annie” (as she was often called due to her razor-thin margins of victory in Edmonton) continues to cast such a long shadow. When she connects virtually from her office in Edmonton, her vibe is best described as forthright and earnest.
In 2016, she chaired the Liberal government’s task force on cannabis legalization. In the midst of the 2019 SNC-Lavalin scandal, McLellan was tapped to research the question of whether or not the Government of Canada should separate the roles of Solicitor General and Justice, as is the practice in the U.K. (recall that Jody Wilson-Raybould was ejected from the Liberal caucus in April that same year). Following the October 2019 election, McLellan, together with Isabelle Hudon of Quebec (a former Canadian ambassador to France), interviewed prospective cabinet ministers as part of Trudeau’s transition team.
These kinds of tasks require someone who is qualified, experienced in the political saddle, and loyal. McLellan ticks all three boxes. Before her election in 1993, she taught constitutional law at the University of Alberta’s law school. She’s led several government ministries (Natural Resources, Justice, Health). And as Deputy PM in Paul Martin’s government (from 2003-2006), she was lead on Canada-U.S. relations, set up and ran a public safety and emergency preparedness ministry, and took care of the day-to-day running of the government and Parliament.
Because it was a minority government, McLellan shares, “you stayed in Ottawa a lot because you never knew when the votes were coming.” That’s something her present-day counterpart, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, doesn’t have to worry about, McLellan continues. “Because of the agreement with the New Democrats, they don’t have to worry about every vote in the House.”
Perhaps it’s her role as Deputy PM in a minority government that helps to explain McLellan’s soft spot for NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. After watching a tight two-party race this spring in Alberta — with the third party, the Alberta Party, kicked to the curb by voters — I ask if we should expect something similar to manifest in the next federal election.
“Singh will be able to say that he helped provide stability through some difficult and crucial times in the sense that nobody had to worry, day in and day out, about the fall of government,” McLellan responds. Plus, she observes, Singh’s likeable. She admits to sounding a tad naive, but says she would like to think, “after everything we’ve been through with the polarization and nastiness, Canadians would say, there’s some benefit to being likeable, to being kind and trying to work with others to create a better country for everyone…. I do believe Mr. Singh should be rewarded for that.”
I intervene for a reality check: Didn’t strategic voting get you elected? Yes, she admits, that true. This is how the strategy worked for her: “You can vote New Democrat in my riding, but it’s not going to help you have the voice you would like to have in the Liberal government of Mr. Chrétien or Mr. Martin.”
But McLellan isn’t a particularly partisan politico. Presently, she’s collaborating with Tory Lisa Raitt on a cross-partisanship initiative called the Coalition for a Better Future. She speaks of Tories Jason Kenney, Rahim Jaffer, James Rajotte and Peter MacKay as friends. And when she harkens back to her days in politics, there’s more than a touch of nostalgia for the way things used to be: “How many times did I sit beside Diane Ablonczy (a Conservative) on the plane when you went to Calgary and then from Calgary to Edmonton from Ottawa?”
Would it be the same now? “I’d like to think so,” McLellan reflects, “but I’m afraid not.” She places some of the blame for a different political culture on the social media effect. When she left politics in 2006, Facebook was a novelty and Twitter brand-new. McLellan recalls the day in cabinet when John Manley, then minister of industry, put a “black square thing” in front of the prime minister and said, “Prime Minister, this is going to change the world.” It was an early prototype of the BlackBerry phone.
But McLellan recognizes the inevitably of change, and the need to adapt. She has been busy stepping down from her positions on for-profit boards, recognizing the value of change. “As a matter of good governance, I argue quite strongly that boards should have age limits,” the 72-year-old says.
So how does she respond to calls for Trudeau to take his own leave, to understand his political situation and boldly say to his party: “I’ve done what I was called to do; now it’s time to open the doors to fresh leadership.” History may even treat him more kindly if he did, I add.
“Mr. Trudeau has said he’s fighting the next election,” McLellan responds, firmly, “And I take him at his word.”
Donna Kennedy-Glans is active in the energy business and a multi-generational family farm. Her latest book is Teaching the Dinosaur to Dance: Moving Beyond Business as Usual (2022).
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2015 15:09:21 -0700
Subject: Re: BTW Jean Chretien knew that Mel Hurtig OC got one thing
wrong when he told off Paul Cellucci 12 years ago We were deeply
involved in the War on Iraq Everybody in the know knew it Ask General
Walt Natynczyk or Jean Chretien if you don't believe me
To:,, COCMoncton
<>, "peter.dauphinee" <>,
oldmaison <>, andre <>,
markandcaroline <>, "Jean.Chretien"
<>, michaelharris
<>, pm <>, "peter.mackay"
<>, "pej.prentice" <>,
"paul.vickery" <>, john adams
<>,,,,, "john.logan"
<>, "" <>, sunrayzulu
<>,, "Thomas.Lawson"
Cc: David Amos <>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Vickery, Paul" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2015 22:07:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: BTW Jean Chretien knew that Mel Hurtig OC
got one thing wrong when he told off Paul Cellucci 12 years ago We
were deeply involved in the War on Iraq Everybody in the know knew it
Ask General Walt Natynczyk or Jean Chretien if you don't...
To: David Amos <>
I am away from the office and out of the country on annual leave,
returning on February 11, 2015. In my absence you may contact my
assistant, Sarah Gosson, at 613- 288-5075. On the Hepatitis C,
Retrofoam, Statistics Canada and Tobacco files, please contact Monika
Lozinska at 613-670-6377. On the student loans privacy files, and
medical Marihuana, please contact Catharine Moore at 613-670-6390, or
Travis Henderson, at 613-670-6374. On the disabled veterans matters,
please contact Travis Henderson at the above number, or Lori Rasmussen
at 902-426-4472. In regard to residential schools and the TRC, please
contact Catherine Coughlan at 780-495-2975. Thank you.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2015 15:07:20 -0700
Subject: BTW Jean Chretien knew that Mel Hurtig OC got one thing wrong
when he told off Paul Cellucci 12 years ago We were deeply involved in
the War on Iraq Everybody in the know knew it Ask General Walt
Natynczyk or Jean Chretien if you don't believe me
To:,, COCMoncton
<>, "peter.dauphinee" <>,
oldmaison <>, andre <>,
markandcaroline <>, "Jean.Chretien"
<>, michaelharris
<>, pm <>, "peter.mackay"
<>, "pej.prentice" <>,
"paul.vickery" <>, john adams
<>,,,,, "john.logan"
<>, "" <>, sunrayzulu
<>,, "Thomas.Lawson"
Cc: David Amos <>
With this one
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 08:28:51 -0700
Subject: FWD: Re Harpers WAR Tommy Boy Mulcair's answer to Mean Old Me
ain't good enough What say you Jean Chretien, Jean Charest and Trudeau
"the Younger" ?
To: michael.blais@
<>,,, "Kady.O'Malley" <Kady.O'>,,,,,,,, Mackap <>, "rob.nicholson.a1"
<>, stoffp1 <>,
Cc: David Amos <>
Kristie Smith
iPolitics, 17 York Street, Suite 201
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2014 14:32:23 -0600
Subject: Re Harper's WAR Tommy Boy Mulcair's answer to Mean Old Me
ain't good enough What say you Jean Chretien, Jean Charest and Trudeau
"the Younger" ?
To: "Jean.Chretien" <>, jcharest
"greg.weston" <>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<>, "david.akin" <>,
acampbell <>, "steve.murphy" <>,
"bob.paulson" <>, mclellana
<>, "pej.prentice" <>,
"jonathan.denis" <
Cc: David Amos <>
Journal)" <>
< greg.preston@edmontonpolice.
Rachel Notley <>
<>, kris wells <>,
"Marianne.Ryan" <>
"justin.trudeau.a1" <>
<>, Mackap <>, leader
<>, glen <>, "vanhorne.ryan"
<>, dexterdyne <>, justmin
BTW Mr Minister of Justice Jonny Boy Denis in case ya didn't know WARS
tend to make a LOT of NOISE and lots of innocent folks get KILLED as
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jonathan Denis QC <>
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 21:48:28 +0000
Subject: RE: Here is some VERY serious gossip for the Left Wingers in
Calgary (Tory ineptitude??? Methinks the Herald is no better EH Mr
Minister Denis?)
To: David Amos <>
I've learned to ignore the noise and keep focused on the task at hand...
Your buddies in the RCMP really should have arrested Mr Baconfat
YESTERDAY EH Jimmy Prentice???
Friday, October 3, 2014
Little David Amos' "True History Of War" Canadian Airstrikes And
Stupid Justin Trudeau
Canada's and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
behind Amerka's and NATO's skirts.
When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to
the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth
of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the "last
minute" Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its
mind. The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would
not deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO's thinking that it was
less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien's
then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien's
incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
professional, punched well above it's weight, and the PPCLI Battle
Group, is credited with "saving Afghanistan" during the Panjway
campaign of 2006.
What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don't tell you now, is that then
Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
Canadian army to Canada's longest "war" without the advice, consent,
support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling
chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
as a "six pac cell" of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
deployment of a Battle Group, nor a "war" make. The Canadian
Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have the
"constitutional authority" to commit the Canadian nation to war. That
has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
"constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
remove "confidence" in The Crown's Government in a "vote of
non-confidence." That could not happen to the Chretien Government
regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won't happen in this
instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.
President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
attacks in New York; that the Taliban "occupied" and "failed state"
Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,
and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
essential for the security and tranquility of the developed world. An
ISIS "caliphate," in the Middle East, no matter how small, is a clear
and present danger to the entire world. This "occupied state," or
"failed state" will prosecute an unending Islamic inspired war of
terror against not only the "western world," but Arab states
"moderate" or not, as well. The security, safety, and tranquility of
Canada and Canadians are just at risk now with the emergence of an
ISIS "caliphate" no matter how large or small, as it was with the
Taliban and Al Quaeda "marriage" in Afghanistan.
One of the everlasting "legacies" of the "Trudeau the Elder's
dynasty," was Canada and successive Liberal governments cowering
behind the amerkan's nuclear and conventional military shield, at the
same time denigrating, insulting them, opposing them, and at the same
time self-aggrandizing ourselves as "peace keepers," and progenitors
of "world peace." Canada failed. The United States of Amerka, NATO,
the G7 and or G20 will no longer permit that sort of sanctimonious
behavior from Canada or its government any longer. And Prime Minister
Stephen Harper, Foreign Minister John Baird , and Cabinet are fully
cognizant of that reality. Even if some editorial boards, and pundits
are not.
Justin, Trudeau "the younger" is reprising the time "honoured" liberal
mantra,and tradition of expecting the amerkans or the rest of the
world to do "the heavy lifting." Justin Trudeau and his "butt buddy"
David Amos are telling Canadians that we can guarantee our security
and safety by expecting other nations to fight for us. That Canada can
and should attempt to guarantee Canadians safety by providing
"humanitarian aid" somewhere, and call a sitting US president a "war
criminal." This morning Australia announced they too, were sending
tactical aircraft to eliminate the menace of an ISIS "caliphate."
In one sense Prime Minister Harper is every bit the scoundrel Trudeau
"the elder" and Jean 'the crook" Chretien was. Just As Trudeau, and
successive Liberal governments delighted in diminishing,
marginalizing, under funding Canadian Forces, and sending Canadian
military men and women to die with inadequate kit and modern
equipment; so too is Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Canada's F-18s are
antiquated, poorly equipped, and ought to have been replaced five
years ago. But alas, there won't be single RCAF fighter jock that
won't go, or won't want to go, to make Canada safe or safer.
My Grandfather served this country. My father served this country. My
Uncle served this country. And I have served this country. Justin
Trudeau has not served Canada in any way. Thomas Mulcair has not
served this country in any way. Liberals and so called social
democrats haven't served this country in any way. David Amos, and
other drooling fools have not served this great nation in any way. Yet
these fools are more than prepared to ensure their, our safety to
other nations, and then criticize them for doing so.
Canada must again, now, "do our bit" to guarantee our own security,
and tranquility, but also that of the world. Canada has never before
shirked its responsibility to its citizens and that of the world.
Prime Minister Harper will not permit this country to do so now.
Posted by Seren at 12:52 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thomas Mulcair <>
Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 12:27:25 -0600
Subject: Tom on the Issues
Tom on the Issues
**Dear Friend:**Thanks to everyone who continues to write, call and
email my office. I am always glad to hear from so many engaged and
thoughtful citizens. I'm sorry that I don't have the resources to get
back to each and every one of you, but please know that your feedback
helps guide our work.
I hope you had a chance to relax and recharge over the summer. I was
fortunate to be able to enjoy some down time with my family. And, I
was thankful to be invited into your communities—from coast to coast
to coast. I met with folks on their doorsteps, at farmers markets,
barbeques and community events. I heard from people like you—folks who
are frustrated with the direction Stephen Harper's Conservatives are
taking Canada—hard-working Canadians who are worried about their
children and grandchildren's job prospects and who are wondering how
they'll ever be able to afford to retire.
**It was clear to me that Canadians are ready for change—and New
Democrats are the change that's ready**.
Canadians told me that they want someone who will stand up for their
family and make sure they don't have to accept less. New Democrats are
doing just that. Day-in-and-day-out we work hard to make things better
for you, and for all Canadians. We've got an optimistic vision for a
more inclusive Canada and we have an experienced, dynamic team that's
ready to lead.
**Canadian families' priorities are our priorities. **
After spending the summer meeting with Canadians and hearing your
concerns, NDP MPs got together at our caucus retreat in Edmonton to
determine our focus for the fall session. We took into account what you
had to say and we made sure that **your**priorities are **our**
priorities. New Democrats are anxious to tackle the big issues in this
fall session of Parliament.
** **
**Here are some of the issues you asked us to work on:**
** **
**Health Care**-we're dedicated to protecting and expanding public
health care. We're making sure that quality health care is there for you
when you need it, regardless of where you live or your ability to pay.
** **
**Childcare**-we'll make sure that all Canadians can access quality,
affordable childcare.
** **
**Jobs**-we're fighting for good, middle class jobs that will help
families succeed. We're pushing for a fairer, greener economy.
What's more, we'll keep plugging away at our campaigns to **strengthen
retirement security**, **save Canada Post's home delivery service**,
**get respect for veterans**, and **make life more affordable**.
We'll continue to put forward substantive proposals that will help
Canadians **right now**—**like********bringing back the federal
minimum wage, progressively bring it up to $15 per hour** and cracking
down on unpaid internships. We're dedicated to raising living standards
for all workers.
And, in our first week of Parliament we had the first of many wins—we
out-maneuvered the Conservatives, simply by showing up for work—and
forced a debate on missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada.
**You can help get justice for aboriginal women**by joining our call for
a full inquiry here**:**
I've already
committed to establishing a full public inquiry within the first 100
days of an NDP government.
** **
**But wait, there's more…**
In the week and months to come we'll be sharing more of our proposals
with you.
I hope that you will continue sending your thoughts and comments my way
as we roll out our vision for a better Canada. Together, we can build
the Canada of our dreams!
Thanks for reading and for keeping the conversation going! Keep
sending your comments to me here:
Great to meet with so many of you this summer!
**On fixing Question Period:**
"Mulcair, whose party just introduced a motion to give the Speaker
authority to demand the reasonable answers from the government, is
forcing the other members of parliament into adopting a more civil, less
deflective tone. If this maintains, Mulcair will be rightfully seen as
the catalyst in a new era of political civil discourse."
(James Di Fiore,
**September 30, 2014)**
** **
On 10/2/14, David Amos <> wrote:
Re The CBC and True History of War Mongers such as Mr Baconfat versus
Harper and now the NDP and the Libranos 12 years apart
> These are the words of Mr Baconfat published by the Edmonton Journal
> 10 years ago when he was a spindoctor for the Libranos .
> Greg Weston of CBC should have noted LONG AGO that that was published
> after the mindless zionist pervert claimed that he had helped the
> Yankees plan the attack on Iraq two years before
> http://thedavidamosrant.
> This is what the Talking Heads on CBC are are saying Today.
> This is what Harper's Spindoctor said of the Dewar of NDP early this year
> This is what Dewar sent to me AFTER the Libranos and the NDP and the
> BLOC FAILED to stop Harper out of the gate
> Subject: RE: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and
> put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow
> Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 13:49:47 -0400
> From: "Dewar, Paul - M.P." <>
> To: "David Amos"
> Hi David. My name is James and I have been asked to send this message
> onto you from Paul…
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> Thank you for informing me of your concerns regarding Canada 's role
> in Afghanistan after February 2007.
> The NDP voted against this motion because we believe it is the wrong
> mission for Canada . It does not reflect the peace-making values that
> Canadians want to see our forces undertake on the world stage. This
> forced motion essentially ties our aid and development funds to
> war-making, and we cannot support that.
> It is quite clear that Harper's Conservatives aren't interested in due
> diligence. They're interested in dragging us further into a US-style
> combat role and away from our traditional peace keeping role. Much
> like the Liberals before them, the Conservatives have failed to tell
> Canadians:
> - What the chain of command and control will be for this mission.
> - What the definition of success will be for our troops.
> - What our exit strategy will be.
> Many Canadians have written me wanting answers and it is our duty as
> representatives of our constituents, to get answers before committing
> to any new missions overseas. As any soldier knows, time spent on
> reconnaissance is never wasted.
> New Democrats recognize that Canada does have a role in assisting
> Afghanis in rebuilding their country. Afghanistan is the largest
> recipient of Canadian overseas development aid and we fully support
> the continuation of that funding - outside of this mission.
> Thank you again for the time and effort you have taken to share your
> thoughts with me, and for bringing your opinion on this matter to my
> attention.
> Sincerely,
> Paul Dewar, MP Ottawa Centre
> ------------------------------
> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac_02186@
> Sent: May 16, 2006 8:13 PM
> To: Allen, Mike - M.P.;;;
> Angus, Charlie - M.P.; Atamanenko, Alex - M.P.; Bell, Catherine -
> M.P.; Bevington, Dennis - M.P.; Black, Dawn - M.P.; Blaikie, Bill -
> M.P.; Charlton, Chris - M.P.; Chow, Olivia - M.P.; Christopherson,
> David - M.P.; Comartin, Joe - M.P.; Crowder, Jean - M.P.; Cullen,
> Nathan - M.P.; Davies, Libby - M.P.; Dewar, Paul - M.P.; Julian, Peter
> - M.P.; Marston, Wayne - M.P.; Martin, Pat D. - M.P.; Martin, Tony -
> M.P.; Masse, Brian - M.P.; Mathyssen, Irene - M.P.; Nash, Peggy -
> M.P.; Priddy, Penny - M.P.; Savoie, Denise - M.P.; Siksay, Bill -
> M.P.; Wasylycia-Leis, Judy - M.P.; Emerson, David - M.P.
> Cc: Simms, Scott - M.P.; Russell, Todd - M.P.; Manning, Fabian - M.P.;
> Hearn, Loyola - M.P.; Doyle, Norman - M.P.; Byrne, Gerry - M.P.;
> McGuire, Joe - M.P.; MacAulay, Lawrence - M.P.; D'Amours, Jean-Claude
> - M.P.; Hubbard, Charles - M.P.; Murphy, Brian - M.P.; Thibault,
> Robert - M.P.; Savage, Michael - M.P.; Regan, Geoff - M.P.; Keddy,
> Gerald - M.P.; Eyking, Mark - M.P.; Cuzner, Rodger - M.P.; Brison,
> Scott - M.P.
> Subject: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and put a
> stop Harper's motion tommorrow
> Hey
> Before all the Parliamentarians argue and then vote to support
> further Canadian deaths in one of George W. Bush's Wars for Global
> Control for the benefit of his corporate cohorts perhaps, you should
> at least listen to the attachments if you do not wish to bother to
> read what Billy Casey and the Bankers got on May 12th. If I can assist
> in preventing the demise of just one more Canadian warrior in a
> malicious foreign war, all of my work will have been worth it EH?
> If everyone ignores me as usual, I will not be surprised. At
> least I will sleep well with my conscience tonight because I know I
> have done my very best to stop the nonsense since early 2002 long
> before the War in Iraq began. None of you deserve to sleep well at all
> because you all supported Harper's orders to send our people to war
> even before the 39th Parliament sat this year. As far as I am
> concerned the blood of four very honourable soldiers can be found on
> your hands. Shame on all of you for not even bothering to honour our
> dead by lowering the flag on the Peacetower. As long as I have been
> aware and could consider myself a Proad Canadian, I thought we were
> peacekeepers rather than poorly paid hired guns for crooked
> corporations, corrupt politicians and their wicked Yankee bible
> pounding buddies.
> Veritas Vincit
> David
> Raymond Amos
> Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 00:00:53 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "David Amos" <>
> Subject: Jumping Jimmy Flaherty's jump boots versus Crosbie's old
> mukluks in a liberal Senate
> To:, Russell_Feingold@feingold.
>, tomp.young@atlanticradio.
> josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc.
> CC:,,,
> Deja Vu Anyone? Anyone?
> That's what John Crosbie wore
> tHe mAdd pRoFeSsOr <> wrote:
> From: "tHe mAdd pRoFeSsOr" <>
> To: <TruthAGAINSTtradition@
> < theoneswithoutnames@
> < HeavensTerrors@yahoogroups.
> < Global_Police_State@
> "Greenman" <>
> Subject: Get a grip on this?
> Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 09:07:12 -0600
> For those of you who wanna stir the pot, I offer the above link to
> contact regarding this. It is an FBI (illegal?) wiretap you are
> listening to, where it is evident the FBI is lying and covering up
> some black op with ovbious complicity of the FBI itself. Research this
> at the below website..........
> The letter I sent Specteor is below. I don't really expect that there
> would be much improvement even if we got rid of bush, (the democrats
> are thick as thieves with the idea of the new world order and betrayal
> of all America once stood for too, but at least it is a stand for the
> truth, and it will make them squirm a little. As well as increase
> their guilt whenever they do face judgement for their actions, which
> all men will answer to our Lord sooner or later anyways after its all
> over.
> ------------------------------
> FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006
> Senator Arlen Specter
> United States Senate
> Committee on the Judiciary
> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
> Washington, DC 20510
> Dear Mr. Specter:
> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
> raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that
> these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in
> contact with you about this previously.
> Very truly yours,
> Barry A. Bachrach
> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
> Email:
> ------------------------------
> This sent to Specteor today.....
> Could you please inform me of the results of your disposition
> regarding the following matter.
> I am concerned over the information presented by this Mr. David Amos
> fellow regarding illegal wiretaps, and the treachery and deceit
> practiced by the present Administration, all under the guise of
> "Homeland Security" ? Would you please be kind enough to show me where
> David Amos has made false allegations, or if not, then explain to me
> what actions have been taken to remedy this situation. It seems to me
> that if indeed our present Administration is guilty of half of the
> things Mr. Amos presents on his website, then there should have
> already been some action taken by any honest person, by you or your
> collegues to get that lying deciever out of office, along with his
> consort Cheney too? Or if those allegations are false and baseless
> that were made by David Amos, then could you explain that to me as
> well?
> I refer to the matter addressed below...........
>>> Anyone can call me back and stress test my integrity after they read
>>> this simple pdf file. BTW what you Blue Sky dudes pubished about
>>> Potash Corp and BHP is truly funny. Perhaps Stevey Boy Harper or Brad
>>> Wall will fill ya in if you are to shy to call mean old me.
>>> The Governor General, the PMO and the PCO offices know that I am not
>>> a shy political animal
>>> Veritas Vincit
>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> 902 800 0369
>>> Enjoy Mr Weston
>>> "But Lang, defence minister McCallum's chief of staff, says military
>>> brass were not entirely forthcoming on the issue. For instance, he
>>> says, even McCallum initially didn't know those soldiers were helping
>>> to plan the invasion of Iraq up to the highest levels of command,
>>> including a Canadian general.
>>> That general is Walt Natynczyk, now Canada's chief of defence staff,
>>> who eight months after the invasion became deputy commander of 35,000
>>> U.S. soldiers and other allied forces in Iraq. Lang says Natynczyk was
>>> also part of the team of mainly senior U.S. military brass that helped
>>> prepare for the invasion from a mobile command in Kuwait."
>>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.
>>> "I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there
>>> being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends"
>>> demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing. American
>>> "veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying
>>> into the US policy.
>>> At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of my
>>> colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning
>>> in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would
>>> report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation.There was
>>> never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where there
>>> were deployed WMD.
>>> Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and
>>> invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were
>>> concerned about the number of "boots on the ground" for the occupation
>>> (and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned
>>> about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at
>>> that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil
>>> authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy.
>>> There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to
>>> its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was contrary
>>> to the lessons of Vietnam but also to current military thought, that
>>> folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others elucidated
>>> upon."What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions are
>>> to met before US troop can redeploy?
>>> Prime Minister Jean Chretien and the PMO were even at the very
>>> preliminary planning stages wary of Canadian involvement in an Iraq
>>> operation....History would prove them correct. The political pressure
>>> being applied on the PMO from the George W Bush administration was
>>> onerous
>>> American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
>>> military assets even more so It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
>>> naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantine operations
>>> in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan
>>> thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
>>> operation....The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian
>>> lives and liberal political capital.. and the priority of which
>>> ....not necessarily in that order. "
>>> You can bet that I called these sneaky Yankees again today EH John
>>> Adams? of the CSE within the DND?
On 1/9/15, David Amos <> wrote:
> http://www.thedreamofcanada.
> Mel Hurtig to Paul Cellucci
> Date:
> April 4, 2003
> Location:
> University of Victoria
> Speech on Canada - U.S. Relations --
> Mel Hurtig (780) 488-3832
> I want to say a few words about the ill-mannered, obnoxious, arrogant
> U.S. Ambassador to Canada, Paul Cellucci.
> Mr. Cellucci,
> you ask why Canada doesn't support the United States. Why have we let you
> down?
> Is not an equally justified question, Mr. Cellucci, why have you not
> supported Canada? Why have you turned your back on us? Why have you
> and your country proceeded in a reckless, arrogant manner which is
> 100% guaranteed to substantially increase terrorism and volatility
> around the world, is guaranteed to destabilize Egypt, Saudi Arabia,
> Jordan, Iran, Pakistan (with its nuclear weapons), Turkey, Indonesia,
> the Philippines, Sudan, Yemen and many other countries?
> Why have you launched into this foolhardy aggression that will cause
> hundreds of millions of Muslims to hate and despise Westerners for
> generations into the future, with potentially cataclysmic results, for
> ourselves, for our children and for our grandchildren?
> Mr. Cellucci,
> you ask why Canada doesn't support the United States in your
> aggressive, pre-emptive militarism.
> Let me give you just a few of the reasons:
> First, we are opposed to war when we believe there are viable
> alternatives to war.
> Scores of countries, Canada included, made it clear that they believed
> that more weapons inspectors and more time would determine whether or
> not Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
> We also believed that unless they were invaded, there was no
> probability of Iraq launching attacks beyond its border.
> We also believed that there was no evidence of cooperation between two
> natural opponents, Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden.
> We also believed that your war would kill and injure thousands of
> innocents.
> We also believed that we should not break with clear, long-established
> international lawŠ. international law which is the fundamental basis
> of the United Nations.
> Unlike your country, Mr. Cellucci, Canada has always been a strong
> supporter of the United Nations.
> Perhaps, Mr. Cellucci, you should look in a mirror and ask why it is
> that BOTH your NAFTA partners fought off heavy pressure from the White
> House and your State Department to join your ill-advised war. After
> all, didn't Mr. Bush once say that the U.S. has no greater friend than
> Mexico?
> Where is it mandated that if your neighbour chooses to go off into a
> potentially catastrophic war, you must go too, even if we strongly
> disagree with your reasons and your logic, and if we regard your
> evidence for the necessity of war with the greatest skepticism?
> Mr. Cellucci, the war your country has launched is the very type of
> war that was so harshly condemned by the Nuremberg War Crime Trials.
> How is your attack on Baghdad different from the terrible day of
> infamy that Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke of after Japan's attack on
> Pearl Harbour, December 7th, 1941? Today, just as we were in the case
> of the Vietnam War, Canada is on the right side of history in relation
> to the war on Iraq.
> Were also on the side of morality, justice and well-established,
> principled international law.
> And were also on the side of innocent Iraqi men, women and children,
> not to mention the young British and American men and women who have
> been and will be killed both during the war, and for many years AFTER
> the war is over in the Balkans - like quagmire of ethnic war lords,
> bigotry and hatred and in the inevitable civil war that will result
> from the debris of Americas so-called and almost humorous, if it
> wasn't so deadly - coalition of the willing.
> You know, bullied and bribed countries like Cameroon, the Marshall
> Island, Angola, Guinea, Ethiopia, El Salvador and Eritrea.
> Several times in your inappropriate, offensive, threatening speech,
> Mr. Cellucci, you referred to Canadians as part of our family.
> Mr. Cellucci, this might come as a surprise for you, but we are NOT
> part of your family and we have no desire to be part of your family.
> In a public opinion poll for Maclean's magazine, Canadians were asked
> how they would describe our relations with the U.S. Only one in three
> said like family or best friends. 65% said cordial but distant or
> openly hostile. In another Maclean's poll, 72% of Canadians said that
> they did not want to move closer to the U.S. And, more recently, only
> 8% said they thought Canada should become more like the U.SŠ Five
> times as many opted for less like the U.S.
> Mr. Cellucci, some of these poll results were from polls taken soon
> after September 11th, when world-wide sympathy and support for your
> country was impressive and enthusiastic. Shouldn't you be asking
> yourself how you and Mr. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney have
> managed to squander so much popular support from around the world in
> so short a time?
> Mr. Cellucci, you say that the United States would be there for Canada
> and that Americans are disappointed and upset that Canada is not
> supporting the U.S. now.
> Please tell me, exactly, where was the United Sates when from 1914 to
> 1917 tens of thousands of young Canadian men were left dead in the
> muddy trenches of Europe fighting off the Germans?
> And, where was the United Sates from 1939 to late 1941, when Germany
> was overrunning Europe and the Luftwaffe and the rockets were bombing
> England and killing tens of thousands of men, women and children
> during the blitz and the Germans were beginning their roundup of
> millions of Jews who would be slaughtered in the Nazi concentration
> camps?
> How is it that even though you knew exactly what was happening, your
> country sat back in the face of so much evil and agony, and waited
> until the Japanese attacked you before you finally, reluctantly, got
> involved in the war against the brutal Nazis?
> Mr. Cellucci, Id like to hear your answer to that question.
> And, by the way, thank you for being there for us when your country
> invaded us three times, the only country to ever invade Canada.
> And, please don't ever lecture us again about going to war. We left
> 45,000 Canadians in European graves during our defence of liberty and
> democracy in the Second World War, while for much of the war your
> isolationists refused to get involved.
> Mr. Cellucci, lets be clear. Canadians do not approve of your bad
> manners, your grossly undiplomatic behaviour, your lecturing us about
> defence spending, your warnings about the possible linkage of our
> opposition to war with your trade policies.
> Best be careful. If you want to advocate linkage, Canadians may want
> to consider imposing a 27% tariff on our exports of oil, natural gas
> and electricity to the United States as a reasonable quid pro quo for
> your egregious softwood lumber duties. After all, you do believe in
> reciprocity, don't you?
> And, don't for a moment consider it a meaningful warning for you to
> suggest that Mr. Bush might not want to come to Canada for his
> official state visit next month.
> Canadians well remember the disastrous results for Canadian
> sovereignty when Ronald Reagan visited the obsequious Brian Mulroney
> in Quebec City in 1985.
> Moreover, we all know why Mr. Bush was or is planning to come to
> Ottawa. There was only one reason. Not to patch up relations between
> the two countries, but rather to get your hands on even more of
> Canada's oil, natural gas and electricity. Best mind your manners, Mr.
> Cellucci, or the Canadian government might just possibly finally wake
> up to the fact that Mexico, your other NAFTA partner, firmly refused
> to sign the ridiculous NAFTA energy and resource-sharing agreement
> that some of our inept trade negotiators somehow managed to agree to.
> Perhaps the Canadian government will realize that we haven't replaced
> our declining natural gas reserves since 1982. That our major Western
> sedimentary basin pools are depleting at the rate of 20% a year, that
> new replacement reserves are proving to be much more expensive to
> locate, are smaller in size and deplete more rapidly.
> Mind your manners Mr. Cellucci, or perhaps Canada will have to walk
> away from the foolish NAFTA clauses that mean we must continue selling
> you 62% of our oil and natural gas, even if we Canadians begin to run
> short ourselves.
> Mr. Cellucci, you were greatly upset that Cabinet Minister Herb
> Dhaliwal made totally inappropriate remarks by suggesting that George
> W. Bush was a failed statesman.
> My, my, my. How terribly offensive can one be? How does failed
> statesman compare with Richard Nixon calling Prime Minister Pierre
> Trudeau an asshole, or John F. Kennedy calling Prime Minister John
> Diefenbaker a son of a bitch and a prick, or Lyndon Johnson grabbing
> Lester Pearson by the collar and shouting you pissed on my rug when
> Pearson suggested a pause in the U.S. bombing of North Vietnam and the
> slaughter of hundreds of thousands of civilians in the bombing.
> It seems to me that being called a failed statesman is not only a mild
> criticism by comparison, but it is an accurate criticism.
> George W. Bush is no moron. Few Canadians regard Americans as
> bastards. Most Canadians like most Americans.
> But, not since the days of Richard Nixon and the Vietnam War has there
> been so much anti-Americanism in the world. The U.S. has antagonized
> not only the Muslim world, but long-time allies as well. It has walked
> away from, worked against or failed to support a long list of
> international agreements supported by Canada and the overwhelming
> majority of countries - the Land Mines Treaty, the Nuclear Test Ban
> Treaty, the agreement to provide lower cost drugs to developing
> countries battling AIDS and other diseases, the International Criminal
> Court, the U.N. protocol on Developing, Producing or Stockpiling
> Biological or Toxic Weapons, the Small Arms Treaty, the United Nations
> Convention on the Rights of the Child (supported by 191 countries, but
> not the U.S. or Somalia!).
> While it is true that in recent months anti-Americanism in Canada has
> been increasing, and has increased since the invasion of Iraq and your
> ill-considered remarks, most of the antipathy is directed not at
> average Americans, but at George W. Bush and the arrogant, aggressive
> men and women who surround him as key advisors, the repugnant Donald
> Rumsfeld, the selfishly-motivated Dick Cheney, Karl Rowe and Paul
> Wolfowitz and other American hyper hawks who apparently place little
> value on human lives and have little appreciation for the value of
> patient international diplomacy.
> Mr. Cellucci, Canadians are not impressed by your campaign of
> intimidation, by threats re the border, by proposed American boycotts
> of Canadian products.
> Perhaps you would much better serve your country if you reminded your
> fellow citizens that millions of American jobs depend on your exports
> to Canada, that as every year goes by you will become increasingly
> dependent on imports of Canadian resources, that for 46 years in a row
> Canada has been the leading export market in the world for U.S. goods
> and services, that your exports to Canada every year are greater than
> your exports to all fifteen European Union countries combined, greater
> than your exports to Japan, the United Kingdom and Germany put
> together and more than to all of Latin America and the Caribbean
> countries combined.
> Perhaps, instead of threatening us with economic retaliation for not
> taking part in your military aggression, you would be wise to remind
> Americans that by punishing Canadians you would be harming your best
> customer (not a very bright thing to do), you would be harming the
> profitable American companies that dominate so much of the Canadian
> economy, and you would be encouraging more anti-Americanism in Canada.
> Mr. Cellucci, both you and your predecessor Gordon Giffin and Senator
> Hillary Clinton have expressed concerns about the Canada-U.S. border
> and, in Giffins words, skepticism about Canada's reliability on
> security.
> Forget for a moment that Canada has already committed close to an
> extra $10 billion to security and defence spending since September
> 11th. Forget too, that Canada has had in place overseas
> document-screening for air travelers well before the United States
> even thought of such precautions. Forget that the September 11th
> terrorists were mostly from your Saudi Arabian friends, and were in
> the U.S. on visas. Forget that at the time of September 11th there
> were some six million illegals living in your country, but do consider
> the following.
> There is not one single airport in Canada, not one single flight
> school that would have been dumb enough to agree to train people from
> the Middle East how to fly large passenger jet aircraft - people who
> had no interest in learning how to take off or how to land the
> aircraft - without quickly reporting the highly suspicious students to
> the RCMP and/or to CSIS.
> Once again, Mr. Cellucci, look in the mirror instead of warning
> Canadians re security. Increasingly, your CIA, your FBI, your National
> Security Agency, all with huge multi-billion dollar budgets, make the
> term American intelligence seem like a laughable oxymoron.
> And, by the way, have you thought about apologizing to Canadians for
> all the Canadians killed on September 11th and for your own
> irresponsible action in appointing your personal driver as head of
> security at Logan Airport in Boston, where two of the ill-fated
> aircraft and their hijackers took off from? Don't you think that you
> owe Canadians an apology?
> Shouldn't it be Canadians who need to be concerned about the border,
> given your poor security record and all the violent nutcases your
> gun-ridden society breeds, your murderous snipers, your anthrax
> disseminators, your Timothy McVeighs, your Columbines, your paranoid
> militia, your aggressive history and behaviour?
> Please dont threaten us about the border, because if you do, we might
> just decide to look more closely at your own records.
> And, don't for a single moment believe that Tom d'Aquino, Allan
> Gotlieb and Brian Mulroney represent majority opinion in Canada. They
> never have, and they certainly don't now.
> The best thing you and your fellow Americans can do in the best
> interests of future Canadian - American relations, is to listen
> carefully to every word Mr. d'Aquino, Mr. Gotlieb and Mr. Mulroney
> say, and then remember that Brian Mulroney left office as the least-
> popular prime minister in Canadian history, and that most Canadians do
> not subscribe to the craven policies of Gotlieb and d'Aquino.
> Canada, you and Mr. Bush may find it hard to believe, is not yet an
> American colony, and we have no intention of becoming one. You would
> best serve your country by making that clear in Washington.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 16:41:38 -0700
> Subject: Now Blacklocks knows some of what Harper has known for years
> To:,
> Cc: David Amos <>
> Monday, January 5, 2015
> Feds Run News Blacklist, Ban Employee Access To Website
> A federal agency banned public employees from accessing news stories
> at Blacklock’s Reporter via government internet servers, documents
> confirm. Confidential records show Shared Services Canada imposed the
> government-wide blackout on website access by hundreds of thousands of
> staff. Files on the blacklisting were obtained through Access To
> Information.
> Shared Services Canada offered no explanation. A 218-page file
> detailing the ban is heavily censored and conceals email messages in
> which Shared Services staff discuss the action in messages headed,
> “Block Domain:”.
> “This is outrageous conduct,” said Blacklock’s publisher Holly Doan,
> who noted the newsroom first learned of the blacklisting from
> individual subscribers in federal departments who were unable to
> access news content. Shared Services Canada manages telecom services
> for 43 departments.
> No reason is given for the blacklisting. Blacklock’s is an accredited
> member of the Parliamentary Press Gallery covering bills, regulations,
> Access to Information and federal courts.
> “It’s astonishing to see Canada join the short list of countries that
> forbid public employees from accessing internet news sites,” Doan
> said. “This is not only Orwellian, it appears to breach the
> government’s own guidelines on workplace internet use.”
> Cabinet’s official Policy On Acceptable Network & Device Use adopted
> in 2013 permits federal employees to “search for information online”
> and “share links to professional activities and events or interesting
> and relevant articles”. The Policy also details “unacceptable use” of
> government computers including access to “hate propaganda”;
> “pornography”; “obscenity”; and “illegal gambling”.
> Doan said, “Surely Shared Services Canada can tell the difference
> between Blacklock’s and a jihadist website or crime syndicate”; “No
> rational agency would blacklist an accredited news site in the name of
> security or crime prevention”. Doan noted the Blacklock’s ban appeared
> to be revoked September 9, the same day the publication filed a formal
> request for records from Shared Services Canada.
> ‘Way Ahead There, Boss Man’
> Documents indicate the government’s central internet provider blocks
> numerous domain sites. Shared Services Canada would not explain how
> many sites it has blacklisted, what their names are, or how many
> others are accredited news sites. “We do not comment on the specifics
> of methods used to protect the Government of Canada’s IT
> infrastructure,” said Marie-Helene Rouillard, a Shared Services
> spokesperson.
> Access To Information records show the department’s IT security
> division blocked the website from last August 22,
> sending an email alert to numerous agencies including the Department
> of Industry, Correctional Service of Canada, tax department and
> others. “The email went to all contacts we have on record,” Dave
> Tough, a Shared Services security analyst, writes in one August 25
> email; “Way ahead of you there, boss-man.”
> Tough rated the alert of “high importance”, and indicated several IT
> staff monitored the news site. Blacklock’s was also cited in an August
> 27 Cyber Brief distributed to telecom staff across all government
> agencies; “Cyber Briefs are publications released by the Government of
> Canada with the goal of preventing widespread incidents,” the memo
> reads. All references to Blacklock’s were lengthy and censored.
> Tough did not reply to repeated requests for an interview. “At no time
> did our newsroom pose a security threat to the nation,” said Publisher
> Doan.
> Under cabinet’s Policy on workplace computer use, more than 200,000
> federal employees are permitted to “watch online broadcasts of
> work-related content” and “keep up-to-date with news and current
> events”, according to Examples Of Acceptable Use. Other permitted
> activities include “subscribe to web feeds”; “check the weather
> forecast”; “confirm bus schedule information”; “read or contribute to
> online forums”; and “visit social networking sites to connect with
> family and friends”.
> Forbidden computer activities include using workplace computers to
> “make public comments about government policies”; “engage in political
> activity”; or “breach the duty of loyalty requirement for public
> servants”.
> By Staf
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 10:16:14 -0700
> Subject: Attn Michael Harris Trust that you are wrong about Bill Casey
> and several other things in your UNIFOR speech However you are on the
> right track about Arthur Hamilton Perhaps we should talk ASAP
> To:
> Cc: David Amos <>
> The documents hereto attached as pdf files speak for themselves
> Obviously I am this David Amos
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> http://thedavidamosrant.
> And this is you
> http://www.nationalnewswatch.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 01:34:33 -0700
> Subject: ATTN CSt Dale Drummond of the RCMP Please study the pdf files
> hereto attached VERY closely May I suggest that you do your job ASAP
> or find a far smarter lawer that Don Scott?
> To:, "Marianne.Ryan"
> <>
> <>, "brian.hodgson"
> <>
> "rod.knecht" <>
> <>, "bill.clark" <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> <>, DavidYurdiga <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:50:49 -0700
> Subject: ATTNN Eric J. Fygi, Deputy General Counsel My number is 902 800
> 0369
> To:, russ_girling <>
> rusun <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> Eric J. Fygi, Deputy General Counsel
> 202-586-5284
> 202-286-7583 (fax)
> Dmitry Kalinichenko for
> Accusations of the West towards Putin traditionally are based on the
> fact that he worked in the KGB. And therefore he is a cruel and
> immoral person. Putin is blamed for everything. But nobody ever
> accused Putin of lack of intelligence.
> Any accusations against this man only emphasize his ability for quick
> analytical thinking and making clear and balanced political and
> economic decisions.
> Often Western media compares this ability with the ability of a
> grandmaster, conducting a public chess simul. Recent developments in
> US economy and the West in general allow us to conclude that in this
> part of the assessment of Putin's personality Western media is
> absolutely right.
> Despite numerous success reports in the style of Fox News and CNN,
> today, Western economy, led by the United States is in Putin's trap,
> the way out of which no one in the West can see or find. And the more
> the West is trying to escape from this trap, the more stuck it
> becomes.
> What is the truly tragic predicament of the West and the United
> States, in which they find themselves? And why all the Western media
> and leading Western economists are silent about this, as a well
> guarded military secret? Let's try to understand the essence of
> current economic events, in the context of the economy, setting aside
> the factors of morality, ethics and geopolitics.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:33:02 -0700
> Subject: The Administrative Conference is committed to promoting
> improved government procedures including fair and effective dispute
> resolution
> To:,, "Peter.Edge"
> <>, "bob.paulson" <>,
> "Thomas.Lawson" <>,
>,, oig <>, oig
> <>, "Patrick.Fitzgerald" <Patrick.Fitzgerald@skadden.
> Cc: David Amos <>
> Paul R. Verkuil
> Email:
> Phone: 202.480.2080
> Shawne McGibbon
> General Counsel
> 202.480.2088
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Ron Klain <>
> Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 16:22:15 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: I just called the Office of Governor Rick
> Scott and got the usual runaround I have gotten since 2004
> To: David Amos <>
> I am on a leave of absence to serve in the US Government. I will NOT
> be reading or responding to emails sent to this account during this
> period. Please resend your email to
> and she will follow-up.
> •White House alum moves to D.C. investment firm. Marissa Hopkins
> Secreto worked for President Obama and most recently as senior adviser
> to the Assistant Treasury Secretary for Public Affairs. She will be
> serving as chief of staff to Chairman Steve Case of his investment
> firm, Revolution.
> Ronald A. Klain
> President, Case Holdings
> General Counsel, Revolution LLC
> **Currently on leave of absence from Revolution**
> Ron Klain is President of Case Holdings and General Counsel at Revolution
> LLC.
> Prior to joining Revolution, Ron was a Partner and National Practice
> Group Chair at O'Melveny & Myers LLP. In addition to his career in
> law and business, Ron has extensive public service experience, most
> recently as a senior White House aide to President Obama and Chief of
> Staff to Vice President Biden.
> Earlier, he served as Chief of Staff or Staff Director for Vice
> President Al Gore, Attorney General Janet Reno, the Senate Democratic
> Leadership Committee, and the Senate Judiciary Committee. He has
> served as a top debate preparation advisor to Presidents Obama and
> Clinton, as well as Democratic Presidential nominees Al Gore and John
> Kerry. He gained national notice as General Counsel for the Gore
> Recount Committee in 2000, in recognition of which he was selected as
> one of National Law Journal's "Lawyers of the Year" and portrayed by
> Academy Award winner Kevin Spacey in the HBO film Recount.
> Active in a number of civic and non-profit groups, Ron has served as
> Chairman of the Board of the Vice President's Residence Foundation, a
> member of the Board of Visitors of Harvard Law School, and a Board
> Member of the American Constitution Society and the American Progress
> Action Fund.
> Ron is a summa cum laude graduate of Georgetown University and holds a
> JD, magna cum laude, from Harvard Law School, where he was an Editor
> of the Harvard Law Review and won the Sears Prize for the highest
> grade average in 1985. He served as a law clerk to Supreme Court
> Justice Byron White
> Dr. Steven Croley is General Counsel of the Department of Energy.
> Prior to this, he was Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy
> Counsel to the President in the Office of the White House Counsel from
> 2012 to 2014. Previously, Croley served as Senior Counsel to the
> President in the Office of the White House Counsel from 2011 to 2012
> and Special Assistant to the President for Justice and Regulatory
> Policy at the White House Domestic Policy Council from 2010 to 2011.
> http://thedavidamosrant.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 17:27:53 -0300
> Subject: Re Teddy Baby Olson was on Fox News today yapping about
> Presidential enemies list as he represents the crooks in Koch
> Industries??? If anyone should know about such things it is Olson
> after all he assisted Ashcroft and Bush against me
> To: pm <>,,,
>, "Gilles.Moreau"
> <>
> "ed.pilkington" <>
> <>, leader <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> Hey
> As Harper sits and bullshits his cohorts in the Council of Foreign
> Relations in the Big Apple today I bet he was listening to what was
> happening
> with Obama and the IRS and Holder and his DOJ minions in Washington.
> Hevery body and his dog knows Harper knew about my battles with the US
> Treasury and Justice Depts way back when he was the boss of the
> opposition in Canada's Parliament. Two simple files easily found on
> the Internet cannot be argued.
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Office of Chief Counsel, Treasury.
> Inspector General for Tax Administration, (202) 622-4068.
> When Teddy bitches about polticians using the IRS to attack their
> enemies because he knows it true because he helped Bush the IRS
> against me
> when Obama was just a State Senator . The proof was when I sent him
> the documents that came along with the letter found on page 13 of this
> old
> file Teddy Baby Olson quit as Solicitor General.
> http://www.checktheevidence.
> Harper and every body else knows It was no coincidence that I sent the
> lawyers Olson as Solicitior General, Ferguson as the co chair of the
> Federal Reserve Bank, and J Strom Thurmond Jr the youngest US
> Attorney the same pile of documents on April Fools Day 2004.
> The sad but terrible truth is that legions of cops, lawyers polticians
> and bureaucrats in Canada and the USA knew about the US Secret Service
> coming to my home after dark on April Fools Day 2003 bearing false
> allegations of a presidential threat and threatening to use their
> implied right to use exta ordinary rendition against me as a non
> citizen less than two weeks after the needless War in Iraq began and
> no WMD were ever found.
> You can bet dimes to dollars i called some Yankee Inspector Generals
> (starting with 202 622 4068) and reminded them that I am still alive
> and kicking and reminding the world of their malicious incompetence
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> PS Below you can review some emails I sent you and your Yankee cohorts
> such asTeddy Baby Olson before Obama was reelected EH Harper? In truth
> I would rather settle in confidence with Obama then sue the Hell out
> of the CROWN and the Holy See Trust that the evil old Judge Bastarache
> has known why for a very long time.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2014 01:04:19 -0700
> Subject: I see no need for me to contact Elon Musk Checkout some of my
> old files Gary
> To:,
> Cc: David Amos <>
> You do know I am this guy correct?
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> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 10:37:23 -0700
> Subject: Fwd: I am on the phone to CNN right now Re I just called the
> Office of Governor Rick Scott and got the usual runaround I have
> gotten since 2004
> To:,, "dean.buzza"
> <>, "jean-pierre.blais"
> <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> Legal Department
> Time Warner Cable Inc.
> 290 Harbor Drive
> Stamford, CT 06902-6732
> Telephone: (203) 328-0631
> Telecopy: (203) 328-4094
> Email: marc.lawrence-
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> Telephone: (212) 484-7980
> Telecopy: (212) 258-3172
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> Attention: General Counsel
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 10:26:58 -0700
> Subject: Fwd: I am on the phone to CNN right now Re I just called the
> Office of Governor Rick Scott and got the usual runaround I have
> gotten since 2004
> To:, NewsTips <>,
> news-tips <>, news <>,
> Cc: David Amos <>, "bob.paulson"
> <>, oig <>
> Keith Cocozza
> Time Warner Inc.
> (212) 484-7482
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 09:34:42 -0700
> Subject: I am on the phone to CNN right now Re: I just called the
> Office of Governor Rick Scott and got the usual runaround I have
> gotten since 2004
> To:,
> <>, RBauer <>, bginsberg
> <>, "ron.klain" <>,
> tolson <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "CNN.Viewer.Communications.
> < CNN.Viewer.Communications.
> Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 16:23:38 +0000
> Subject: From CNN
> To: David Amos <>
> Greetings,
> Thank you for taking the time to submit your news tip to CNN. This
> message is your confirmation that we have successfully received it. A
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> From: Scott Open Government <scottopengov@eog.myflorida.
> Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 11:39:31 -0500
> Subject: Acknowledgement of your email
> To: David Amos <>
> Governor Rick Scott's Office of Open Government
> Dear Citizen,
> Thank you for contacting the Governor's Office of Open Government in
> Florida. The Office of Open Government receives a high volume of
> correspondence. Please know that we are making every effort to respond
> to your inquiry or are routing your email to the most appropriate
> division or agency. If you are currently in need of assistance from the
> Governor's Office with a constituent issue unrelated to public records,
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> are in need of records from a specific State Agency please see a list of
> contacts HERE <
> . If you are making a public records request, we will provide an
> estimate if any costs will be associated with processing your request,
> prior to incurring any expense on your behalf. Please review the Cost
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> contact the Office of Open Government at: (850) 921-6099.
> Sincerely,
> The Office of Open Government
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Ron Klain <>
> Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 16:22:15 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: I just called the Office of Governor Rick
> Scott and got the usual runaround I have gotten since 2004
> To: David Amos <>
> I am on a leave of absence to serve in the US Government. I will NOT
> be reading or responding to emails sent to this account during this
> period. Please resend your email to
> and she will follow-up.
> On 12/3/14, David Amos <> wrote:
>> Office of Governor Rick Scott
>> State of Florida
>> The Capitol
>> 400 S. Monroe St.
>> Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
>> (850) 488-7146
>> Under Florida law, all correspondence sent to the Governor’s Office,
>> which is not exempt or confidential pursuant to Chapter 119 of the
>> Florida Statutes, is a public record. All public record electronic
>> mail sent through this website will be posted to Project Sunburst at
>> , and will be accessible to the public.
>> If you do not want the public record contents of your e-mail or your
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>> electronic mail to this entity.
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>> such as home addresses and telephone numbers, may be posted to the
>> Sunburst public records website.
>> Contact:
>> (850) 717-9248
>> The Office of Open Government is charged with providing both the
>> Executive Office of the Governor and each of Florida’s agencies with
>> the guidance and tools to serve Florida with integrity and
>> transparency.
>> On January 4, 2011 Governor Rick Scott issued Executive Order 11-03
>> reestablishing the Office of Open Government.
>> The order states, in part:
>> “The Office (of Open Government) will (1) facilitate Floridians’ right
>> to know and have access to information with which they can hold
>> government accountable, (2) establish and maintain a website providing
>> ready access to accountability information, (3) continue to assure
>> full and expeditious compliance with Florida’s open government public
>> records laws, and (4) provide training to all executive agencies under
>> my purview on transparency and accountability. The Office will also
>> have primary responsibility for ensuring that the Office of the
>> Governor complies with public records requests in an expeditious
>> manner.”
>> Communications Office
>> Contact:
>> 850 / 717-9282
>> 850 / 488-4042 (fax)
>> The Communications Office provides support for the Governor in the
>> dissemination of information regarding his programs and initiatives.
>> The office provides information regarding the Governor’s agenda to
>> radio, print and television journalists, issues press releases,
>> schedules press conferences, and announces appointments to various
>> offices.
>> Media Inquiries –
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <>
>> Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 08:40:53 -0700
>> Subject: The puck is in your corner now Mr Wudrick
>> To:, Aaron Wudrick <>, ppalmater
>> <
>> < Bernard.Valcourt.a1@parl.gc.
>> Cc: David Amos <>
>> <>, "jack.harris.a1" <>
>> Aaron Wudrick, CTF Federal Director w: 1-800-265-0442, c: 613-295-8409
>> Jeff Bowes, CTF Research Director w: 1-800-265-0442
>> John Kartch, Americans for Tax Reform w: 202-785-0266 (Washington, D.C.)
>> Candice Malcolm, CTF Ontario Director c: 416-648-0850 (Toronto)
>> Jordan Bateman, CTF BC Director w: 604-999-3319 (Vancouver)
>> Scott Hennig, CTF VP, Communications w: 780-589-1006 c: 780-953-4484
>> (Edmonton)
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <>
>> Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 18:16:24 -0700
>> Subject: Email # 3 is Pure Political Hell for the nasty Neo Nazis, the
>> Zionists in the RCMP and of course all their far from ethical
>> journalistic pals in Sun Media etc EH Cpl Levas?
>> To: BC_Hate_Crime_Team@rcmp-grc.
>> john green <>, "lucie.dubois"
>> <>, "luc.labonte" <>,
>> "Paul.Collister" <
>> <>, paul <>,,
>> maryann4peace <>, "jennifer.johnston"
>> <>, "JAG.Minister" <>
>> Cc: David Amos <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 09:21:42 -0700
> Subject: I just called the Office of Governor Rick Scott and got the
> usual runaround I have gotten since 2004
> To:,
> <>, RBauer <>, bginsberg
> <>, "ron.klain" <>,
> tolson <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> Office of Governor Rick Scott
> State of Florida
> The Capitol
> 400 S. Monroe St.
> Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
> (850) 488-7146
> Under Florida law, all correspondence sent to the Governor’s Office,
> which is not exempt or confidential pursuant to Chapter 119 of the
> Florida Statutes, is a public record. All public record electronic
> mail sent through this website will be posted to Project Sunburst at
> , and will be accessible to the public.
> If you do not want the public record contents of your e-mail or your
> e-mail address to be published on this website or to be provided to
> the public in response to a public records request, please do not send
> electronic mail to this entity.
> Please be aware that personal information sent in your correspondence,
> such as home addresses and telephone numbers, may be posted to the
> Sunburst public records website.
> Contact:
> (850) 717-9248
> The Office of Open Government is charged with providing both the
> Executive Office of the Governor and each of Florida’s agencies with
> the guidance and tools to serve Florida with integrity and
> transparency.
> On January 4, 2011 Governor Rick Scott issued Executive Order 11-03
> reestablishing the Office of Open Government.
> The order states, in part:
> “The Office (of Open Government) will (1) facilitate Floridians’ right
> to know and have access to information with which they can hold
> government accountable, (2) establish and maintain a website providing
> ready access to accountability information, (3) continue to assure
> full and expeditious compliance with Florida’s open government public
> records laws, and (4) provide training to all executive agencies under
> my purview on transparency and accountability. The Office will also
> have primary responsibility for ensuring that the Office of the
> Governor complies with public records requests in an expeditious
> manner.”
> Communications Office
> Contact:
> 850 / 717-9282
> 850 / 488-4042 (fax)
> The Communications Office provides support for the Governor in the
> dissemination of information regarding his programs and initiatives.
> The office provides information regarding the Governor’s agenda to
> radio, print and television journalists, issues press releases,
> schedules press conferences, and announces appointments to various
> offices.
> Media Inquiries –
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 08:40:53 -0700
> Subject: The puck is in your corner now Mr Wudrick
> To:, Aaron Wudrick <>, ppalmater
> <
> < Bernard.Valcourt.a1@parl.gc.
> Cc: David Amos <>
> <>, "jack.harris.a1" <>
> Aaron Wudrick, CTF Federal Director w: 1-800-265-0442, c: 613-295-8409
> Jeff Bowes, CTF Research Director w: 1-800-265-0442
> John Kartch, Americans for Tax Reform w: 202-785-0266 (Washington, D.C.)
> Candice Malcolm, CTF Ontario Director c: 416-648-0850 (Toronto)
> Jordan Bateman, CTF BC Director w: 604-999-3319 (Vancouver)
> Scott Hennig, CTF VP, Communications w: 780-589-1006 c: 780-953-4484
> (Edmonton)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 18:16:24 -0700
> Subject: Email # 3 is Pure Political Hell for the nasty Neo Nazis, the
> Zionists in the RCMP and of course all their far from ethical
> journalistic pals in Sun Media etc EH Cpl Levas?
> To: BC_Hate_Crime_Team@rcmp-grc.
> john green <>, "lucie.dubois"
> <>, "luc.labonte" <>,
> "Paul.Collister" <
> <>, paul <>,,
> maryann4peace <>, "jennifer.johnston"
> <>, "JAG.Minister" <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 17:27:06 -0700
> Subject: Attn Pierre-Karl Peladeau Re the Mob, the Libranos (Ezzy's
> word) and their doings in Quebec etc I just called and left you and
> the other wannabe PQ leaders a voicemail from 902 800 0369
> To: Pierre-Karl.Peladeau.STJE@
> <>, "Kory.Teneycke"
> <>,, radical
> <>, "t.wilson" <>, paul
> <>, "jennifer.johnston"
> <>,
> sunrayzulu <>, "Amato, Mike #509" <>,
> "Randy.McGinnis" <
>,, frankffrost
> <>, andre <>, sallybrooks25
> <>, COCMoncton <>,
> "peter.dauphinee" <>, oldmaison
> <>, premier <>, "David.Coon"
> <>, Brian Gallant <>,
> "Davidc.Coon" <>, "mckeen.randy"
> <>, "randy.mckeen" <>,
> "pej.prentice" <>, premier <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
>, Alexandre.Cloutier.LSJ@assnat.
>, Martine.Ouellet.VACHON@assnat.
> Jean-Francois.Lisee.ROSE@
> Pierre Karl Péladeau kicks off PQ leadership run in St-Jérôme
> PKP gets support from 18 former Parti Québécois MNAs and ministers
> CBC News Posted: Nov 30, 2014 1:28 PM ET|
> Pierre Karl Péladeau is kicking off his Parti Québécois leadership
> campaign Sunday afternoon in his riding of St-Jérôme, Que.
> Péladeau, also known as PKP, joins five other candidates vying for the
> PQ’s top job.
> ■Parti Québécois will have new leader in May 2015
> ■Pierre Karl Péladeau will run for Parti Québécois leadership
> ■Is the PQ ready for the Pierre Karl Peladeau show?
> Péladeau announced his intention to run on Thursday at the University
> of Montreal, after much speculation and back-and-forth on whether he
> would take the leap.
> The other candidates who have signed up to run are sitting MNAs
> Alexandre Cloutier, Bernard Drainville, Jean-François Lisée and
> Martine Ouellet, and labour rights activist Pierre Céré.
> However, recent polls have put Péladeau far ahead of his opponents.
> Also the majority shareholder of major media corporation Québecor,
> Péladeau has a number of notable PQ members on his side, including
> former premier Bernard Landry and 18 former PQ MNAs and ministers.
> Péladeau said on Thursday that he wants to be a unifying leader and
> that his focus is on sovereignty for Quebec.
> Leadership hopefuls have until Jan. 30 to toss their hats into the ring.
> The PQ’s membership will vote for the new leader in May 2015.
> Clearly many people in Quebec and everywhere else have been playing
> dumb for years about my concerns about the Mob EH Det Mikey Amato>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Réception Coalition Avenir Québec <info@coalitionavenirquebec.
> Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2012 19:11:43 -0700
> Subject: Nous confirmons la réception de votre message Re: Re The Mob
> Attention Det Mike Amato (905 830 0303 ext 7731) I just called from
> 902 800 0369
> To:
> Bonjour,
> Nous accusons réception de votre courriel. Soyez assuré que nous
> traiterons votre demande dans les plus brefs délais.
> Merci de votre appui!
> L'équipe de la Coalition Avenir Québec
> Greetings,
> We acknowledge receipt of your e-mail. It will be processed as soon as
> possible and a response will follow in due time.
> Thank you for your support!
> Coalition Avenir Québec Team
> Mr Peladeau need I say that your employee Ezzy Levant and his number
> one fanboy Mr Baconfat are very evil people who should be sued and
> prosecuted many times over?
> In a nytshell Sections 300 and 319 of the Canadian Criminal Code must
> be applied evenly by the RCMP against everyone or there is no Justice
> at all. I have no doubt whatsoever that the lawyer Khurrum R. Awan
> and the very strange Neo Nazi Arty Baby Topham agree with that simple
> statement even though they hate me as much as you nasty people in Fat
> Fred City do N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc?
> http://thedavidamosrant.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 6:50 AM
> To: David Amos
> Subject: Will Jeanah do a snuff flic for me?
> Blog this cunt fuck!
> https://baconfatreport.
> New Brunswick The Shit Hole Of Canada
> November 30, 2014
> The Province of New Brunswick is akin to the distant relation always
> hitting you up for money. The deadbeat always hitting you up for cash
> and assistance he will never payback. New Brunswick is like that
> distant family member that’s entirely uneducated, lazy, and utterly
> without accomplishment. But you put up with the bastard anyway
> because…he’s sorta family. What is it about maritime kanada, that
> breeds bums, semi illiterate cyber-space panhandlers like Charles
> Leblanc. Is it a substandard education system? Is it the generations
> old culture of working only part-time so these parasites can apply for
> UI and “go on paid vacation” for six months.
> Hard working, decent, industrious Western Canadians are now wondering
> how much longer we need to subsidize the animals of New Brunswick and
> Eastern Bastard Land. Real Canadians no longer want to pay for the
> government and social programmes of a region of Canada, that has made
> no contribution to Canada
> To wit:
> By Ezra Levant, QMI Agency
> Sunday, May 11, 2014 9:02:46 EDT AM
> In his new book Groundswell: The Case for Fracking, Sun News Network’s
> Ezra Levant explores the promise of natural gas that fracking has made
> possible and the controversy that is preventing the exploitation of
> this resource around the world and here in Canada. In this excerpt,
> Levant looks at the situation in New Brunswick where the potential
> benefits of fracking are meeting with protest…
> With fracking, New Brunswick could be an economic force.
> For more than a century, New Brunswick has been what they call in
> Canada a “have not” province. Less politely put, it’s a province
> dependent on constitutionally mandated “equalization” payments from
> more financially secure provinces just to keep up with the national
> Canadian standard of living.
> Even less politely put, New Brunswick is poor. It’s the third-poorest
> province in Canada. Its per-capita GDP is 18% lower than the Canadian
> average. But compared with an energy-producing province, like Alberta
> or Saskatchewan, its GDP per person is more than 40% lower.
> New Brunswick governments have tried almost everything to goose
> economic growth in their province. In the 70s, taxpayers shovelled
> subsidies into the Bricklin Motors company, with visions of starting a
> Canadian-made car company. The Bricklin SV-1, designed by the same guy
> who helped create TV’s Batmobile and backed by Malcolm Bricklin, who
> founded Subaru’s American operation, was sleek, with gull-wing doors,
> but it was a huge money-loser.
> Bricklin spent $16,000 to make each SV-1 and then sold them to dealers
> for $5,000. Fewer than 3,000 cars were made before Bricklin went out
> of business, taking millions in taxpayer loans with it.
> In the 90s, the provincial government had a grand plan to use
> subsidies to lure call-centre operations – for banks, tech companies,
> travel agencies, etc. – to New Brunswick. The province would be the
> call-centre centre of North America. That must have sounded like a
> plausible plan – until India decided to turn itself into the
> call-centre centre of the world.
> New Brunswickers might need the work – the province’s 10.5%
> unemployment rate in the first quarter of 2013 was double that of
> oil-rich Alberta’s- but with a legislated minimum wage of $10 an hour,
> they weren’t going to stand much of a chance competing with New Delhi.
> The next big idea to hit New Brunswick was natural gas. Not just
> drilling for gas: with 10 million cubic feet of gas produced each day,
> N.B. wasn’t much of a producer. Nearby Nova Scotia was producing 10
> times that, never mind a more energy-rich province like British
> Columbia, which produces 3.5 billion cubic feet a day. New Brunswick
> was going to import gas, from abroad. Liquefied natural gas (LNG).
> Canaport, a facility designed to accept liquefied natural gas from
> Qatar and other gas-producing nations and re-gasify it, started
> construction in the mid-2000s. It accepted its first shipment in 2009.
> When Canaport was about to open, it must have been a very hopeful time
> for the province.
> Co-owned by Spanish-based Repsol and locally based refining firm
> Irving Oil, Canaport was the first LNG facility to be built on the
> North American east coast in 30 years. By the time it was operational,
> a lot of that hope must have been dissipating. The timing couldn’t
> have been worse.
> In July 2008, the U.S. wellhead price for natural gas had hit a record
> high – $10.79 per thousand cubic feet. By June 2009, just 11 months
> later, when that tanker with three billion cubic feet of LNG pulled in
> from Trinidad and Tobago, prices had collapsed by more than
> two-thirds, to $3.38 per thousand cubic feet. And they would never
> again climb anywhere near to where they had been.
> Canaport today is running well below capacity – using just 30% of its
> capacity. By early 2013, with gas still trading at around US$4, Repsol
> had decided to bail on the natural gas business and on Canaport. Its
> debt rating was in danger of being downgraded to junk status. But it
> was Canaport – and a 25-year commitment to ship gas into Canada – that
> blocked the deal. Nobody wanted to be saddled with an LNG-import
> facility on the east coast, when northeastern states like New York
> were suddenly awash with a glut of shale gas. Canaport wasn’t alone:
> all LNG import operations in New England were running idle, or at
> least close to it.
> New Brunswick, it seems, is stuck with yet one more failure in its
> attempt to become an economic force.
> But New Brunswick may finally have something that the world would
> dearly value – not uneconomical sports cars, overpriced call centres,
> or foreign liquefied natural gas imports. It has shale – the thickest
> shale gas reservoir in North America is located in New Brunswick.
> Nobody knows yet how much gas is trapped in that thick reservoir; the
> exploration is just beginning. But Frank McKenna, the province’s
> former premier and a former Canadian ambassador to the United States,
> has estimated that developing New Brunswick’s shale-gas industry could
> generate more than $7 billion in royalties and tax revenues for the
> government. For a province with an annual budget just over $7 billion,
> that’s an incredible amount of money. Imagine if California had
> suddenly stumbled on a new industry worth $100 billion – the total of
> its annual state budget.
> That’s why the New Brunswick government is taking shale gas very
> seriously. All that potential for shale gas combined with an Atlantic
> seaport – with the potential for exporting LNG to Asia or Europe,
> replacing the now-uneconomic import plan – could feasibly turn New
> Brunswick into a vibrant energy-export hub someday.
> In May 2013, the provincial government released a “blueprint” for
> energy exploration in the province. The premier, David Alward, called
> it a “key part of our government’s plan to rebuild New Brunswick’s
> economy and create jobs here at home.”
> The blueprint considers how to balance the interests of water
> management, air quality, royalty regimes, workforce development,
> economic development and attracting investment, supply planning, and
> opportunities to get economically challenged First Nations bands
> involved in the energy industry. It has already granted an exploration
> licence to SWN Resources Canada to search 2.5 million acres of the
> province for gas, and SWN has committed to investing a minimum of $47
> million into the project.
> Alward is taking an exceedingly careful and gradual approach to
> rolling out shale-gas development. He should. He needs to. New
> Brunswick borders Quebec, where anti-fracking hysteria has reached
> absurd proportions, with the Quebec government imposing a draconian
> moratorium on shale-gas exploration, as we’ve seen. New Brunswick is
> also close to New England, where the American anti-fracking movement
> has managed a firm foothold.
> Environmentalist groups have already started working to mobilize
> Indian bands in New Brunswick, exploiting them to hijack aboriginal
> interests just as they have done in western Canada and Quebec.
> And they’re stirring up trouble, using fear. In June 2013, members of
> the Elsipogtog Indian Nation band confronted a seismic testing crew
> from SWN Resources, accompanied by protesters claiming to be
> “independent UN observers” (there are no UN observers in Canada).
> After a heated encounter, the demonstrators towed the company’s trucks
> onto the nearby native reserves – essentially stealing millions of
> dollars’ worth of equipment. Later that same month, police arrested
> protesters trying to block SWN trucks from doing testing in the same
> area.
> The protests turned even more violent and destructive when protesters
> turned to arson, setting ablaze two of SWN’s seismic rigs. Police had
> to arrest more than 30 people for breaking the law in the onslaught
> against the company and its employees.
> This is what New Brunswick is up against: the opportunity to develop
> its economy, finally, in a sustainable and market-oriented way, facing
> resistance from a handful of professional anti-fracking agitators
> using local native groups as their pawns. It won’t be an easy battle –
> the anti-fracking lobby has a lot of resources and support behind
> them, from well beyond New Brunswick.
> But New Brunswick has known for too long what it means to be dependent
> on others just to get by. To the province’s credit, it seems, so far,
> determined to overcome the attacks by anti-fracking groups and finally
> build energy security, and a thriving economy, for itself.
> Excerpted from Groundswell by Ezra Levant. © 2014 Ezra Levant.
> Reprinted by permission of McClelland & Stewart, a division of Random
> House of Canada Ltd. All rights reserved. END QUOTE
> Isn’t it interesting that the animals of New Brunswick are loathe to
> “frack” or develop their own resources in the name of “saving Mother
> Earth. But have NO Problems leeching off provinces that do. New
> Brunswick and maritime kanada are parasitic assholes.
> Ezra Levant ordered to pay $80,000 in defamation suit
> By Staff The Canadian Press
> Pawel Dwulit/The Canadian Press
> TORONTO – An Ontario judge who heard a defamation lawsuit against Sun
> News Network host Ezra Levant ruled Thursday that the controversial
> media personality libelled a Saskatchewan lawyer in a series of blog
> posts the judge said were “motivated by malice.”
> Justice Wendy Matheson ordered Levant to pay $80,000 in damages to
> Khurrum Awan and remove “defamatory words” about the man from his
> website within 15 days.
> “I find that the defendant’s dominant motive in these blog posts was
> ill-will, and that his repeated failure to take even basic steps to
> check his facts showed a reckless disregard for the truth,” Matheson
> wrote in her decision.
> Awan was completing his articling and looking for work as a lawyer
> when the statements were posted online by Levant. Awan was seeking
> $100,000 in damages.
> Levant’s posts centred on Awan’s testimony at a British Columbia Human
> Rights Tribunal case about a complaint regarding an article in
> Maclean’s magazine from 2006, titled “The future belongs to Islam.”
> Awan was a law student when the article was published and was among a
> group of students who alleged the article was Islamophobic.
> The human rights tribunal hearing took place in 2008, before the
> inception of Sun News Network, so the posts were on Levant’s personal
> blog.
> Some of blog posts are titled “Awan the liar,” “Awan the liar part
> two” and so forth.
> Awan’s lawyer had argued the blog posts included statements labelling
> Awan as a jihadist, an anti-Semite, a liar, a perjuror and alleging
> that he acted in a conflict of interest.
> He argued that Levant had caused tremendous damage to his client with
> the posts, which remain online years after they were originally
> published.
> Meanwhile, Levant’s lawyer had said his defence was primarily one of
> fair comment.
> He had said the blog posts were based upon what Levant observed over
> two days of Awan’s testimony at the human rights tribunal and were
> comments on a matter of public interest.
> But Matheson found that at trial, Levant “repeatedly tried to minimize
> his mistakes and his lack of diligence.”
> “The defendant makes a general assertion that none of the words
> complained of were defamatory due to the defendant’s reputation,” she
> wrote. “There is, however, ample evidence before me demonstrating
> express malice on the part of the defendant.”
> Levant also appeared to have little regard for the facts, Matheson found.
> “He did little or no fact-checking regarding the posts complained of,
> either before or after their publication….and with one exception, when
> he learned that he got his facts wrong, he made no corrections,” she
> wrote.
> The fact that Levant himself is a lawyer ought to have made him aware
> of the “serious ramifications” of his words on Awan’s reputation,
> Matheson added.
> “Yet, at trial, he repeatedly tried to minimize his mistakes and his
> lack of diligence,” she wrote.
> Levant, meanwhile, wrote on his website that he is reviewing the
> ruling with his lawyer but plans to appeal “all the way to the Supreme
> Court if necessary.”
> He called the ruling a “shocking case of libel chill” and asked
> supporters to help him foot the bill for his appeal, which he
> estimates will cost at least $30,000.
> © The Canadian Press, 2014
> Comments 6
> Andre Salazar · Top Commenter · Works at Sbe Media, Manager:
> Nighthawkz Produtions
> Typical Jew! Always spewing venom at anyone breathing & screaming
> bloody-hell when you say they're wrong about anything! #douchebag
> Mark Williamson
> This is the type of lawyer who gives them all a bad name. And now he's
> trying to hide behind the right to free speech? On top of that he
> makes more money then most people in Canada, and still thinks it right
> to ask the public for money to pay his legal fees?
> James Ryan · Edmonton, Alberta
> It looks good on this clown. He spews hate and division every chance he
> gets.
> Veronique Hibbard · Queen's University
> Why should anybody bail him out? Does he not have enough "supporters"
> among certain interest groups here and in the Middle East?
> Rory Lawford · Graphic Designer at Black Gecko Design
> I thought conservatives hated people asking the public for financial
> help... "moochers" wasn't it? "takers"? Something about "accepting
> personal responsibility"?
> Shane Fage · Top Commenter · University of Calgary
> I absolutely love it. I also love that this big mouth is going to the
> public to bail him out :)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 15:19:26 -0700
> Subject: Fwd: Email # 3 to the NDP and Dr. Craig S. MacMillan of the RCMP
> To:
> <>, "bob.paulson"
> <>, Newsroom <>,
> "terry.seguin" <>, "Paul.Collister"
> <
> <>
> <>
> "Geoffrey.McDonald" <>, cward
> <>, Tracey Matters <>,
> Whistleblower <>, gopublic <>,
> oldmaison <>, law <>,
> "danny.copp" <>, w5 <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> Need I say that I would like to see Commissioner Paulson's notebooks
> from when he was lowly Cpl in Prince Rupert investigating the Murders
> on Highway 16 in 1999?
> http://thedavidamosrant.
> 1995 – 1999: Promoted, now-Corporal Paulson moves to Prince Rupert,
> B.C., to work in the Northwest District’s unsolved homicide unit.
> There, he assists in the investigations of a string of murders of
> young aboriginal women along B.C. Provincial Highway 16, now known as
> the Highway of Tears.
> Need I also say Bullshit to the CBC once again???
> RCMP accountability lauded amid fight to contain watchdog's report
> Public Service Integrity Commissioner Mario Dion found wrongdoing with
> Ottawa air section of RCMP
> By Laura Payton, CBC News Posted: Dec 01, 2014 12:55 PM ET|
> RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson, right, and Public Safety Minister
> Steven Blaney held a press conference Monday to mark the advent of a
> new accountability regime for the RCMP. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)
> Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney is applauding increased
> accountability for the RCMP one day before a federal watchdog is to
> release a report the Mounties fought to keep from being made public.
> Blaney and RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson held a press conference
> Monday to announce the new RCMP accountability act, which got
> parliamentary approval in June, 2013, is now in force.
> ■RCMP officers break rules on note-taking: internal audit
> ■Government wants integrity czar's probe of alleged RCMP wrongdoing tossed
> out
> Blaney said the Enhancing Royal Canadian Mounted Police Accountability
> Act "ushers in significant changes to further modernize and transform
> our national police force."
> The press conference comes one day before a report into the RCMP's
> conduct is to be tabled in Parliament.
> Public Sector Integrity Commissioner Mario Dion says he'll table on
> Tuesday a report about "findings of wrongdoing" following an
> investigation into the Ottawa air section of the RCMP. The RCMP keeps
> a small fleet of aircraft in Ottawa.
> It seems the report could be significant: the government went to
> Federal Court to try to prevent Dion from tabling the report. The
> court dismissed the injunction motion.
> Report risks undermining confidence in RCMP
> The report was supposed to be tabled the week of Nov. 17, but was
> delayed by the court proceedings.
> Paulson told reporters Monday that he couldn't comment on the case,
> but said the RCMP would respect the court's decision.
> Blaney said the RCMP already has two organizations to supervise the
> Mounties' actions, the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for
> the RCMP and the RCMP External Review Committee.
> The RCMP had also argued that it was up to Transport Canada to
> investigate the case.
> The government's Federal Court application and the integrity
> commissioner's response aren't being released publicly yet, so there
> is little available information about the case. But the judge's
> reasons for denying the injunction are public.
> In the decision, Judge Roger T. Hughes says the integrity commissioner
> had information there were irregularities in how the RCMP dealt with
> its aircraft.
> The judgment says the RCMP argued there is "real potential of
> undermining public confidence in the RCMP," and of damaging relations
> between the RCMP and its pilots. The RCMP also worried about its
> ability to retain and recruit pilots.
> The Mounties also argued the pilots alleged to be part of the
> wrongdoing, even if not named, could be readily identified because
> it's a small community.
> RCMP will face embarrassment
> But the judge found that the harm the RCMP fear is speculative, and
> that the possible harm to the pilots constituted harm to a third
> party, which the court cannot consider when the matter before it is
> about the RCMP itself.
> "The RCMP will face some embarrassment but that appears to be a
> consequence of what Parliament intended when it passed the [Public
> Servants Disclosure Protection Act] which states in its preamble that
> it is in the public interest to maintain and enhance public confidence
> in the integrity of public servants," Hughes wrote.
> The new RCMP accountability act, a press release from Public Safety
> says, updates the Mounties' human resources management. It also:
> ■Makes members subject to the code of conduct both on and off-duty, in
> or outside of Canada.
> ■allows misconduct to be addressed faster and at the lowest appropriate
> level.
> ■places greater focus on remedial, corrective and educative solutions
> rather than punishment.
> ■specifically name harrassment as a contravention.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Info <>
> Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 20:46:19 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: Email # 3 to the NDP
> To: David Amos <>
> *Le français suit*
> Hello,
> Thank you for sending your inquiry to Canada’s NDP.
> We will reply to your email as soon as possible. If you have
> previously left a voicemail message – please be assured your call will
> be addressed. We are working to respond to each message as quickly as
> possible.
> Thank you for your patience during this busy – but exciting – time.
> Have a nice day,
> Canada’s New Democrats
> ______________________________
> 300-279 Laurier West/Ouest Ottawa, ON K1P 5J9
> (TÉL) 866.525.2555 | (TÉLÉC/FAX) 613.230.9950
> |
> Cope 225:js
> ------------------------------
> Bonjour/Bonsoir,
> Merci de votre courriel.
> Nous répondrons à votre courrier électronique dès que possible. Si
> vous nous avez déjà laissé un message vocal, s'il vous plaît soyez
> assuré que nous vous retournerons l’appel. Nous travaillons afin de
> pouvoir répondre à chaque message vocal et courrier électronique aussi
> vite que possible.
> Nous vous remercions de faire preuve de patience au cours de cette
> période occupée mais fort passionnante.
> Bonne journée,
> Le NPD du Canada
> ______________________________
> 300-279 Laurier West/Ouest Ottawa, ON K1P 5J9
> (TÉL) 866.525.2555 | (TÉLÉC/FAX) 613.230.9950
> |
> Cope 225:js
> Need I say I was not surprised that MacMillan and his cohorts would
> not come to the phone on Thursday?
> RCMP ‘integrity’ appointment raises eyebrows
> Dr. Craig S. MacMillan
> Adjudicator
> Called to the bar: 1994 (BC)
> Royal Canadian Mounted Police
> Adjudications Directorate
> 73 Leikin Dr.
> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
> Phone: 613-843-6400
> Email:
> "In the court filing, the government argues the integrity
> commissioner's decision — which remains under wraps — should be tossed
> out because the matter is already being dealt with under another,
> unspecified parliamentary provision. (CBC)"
> Government wants integrity czar's probe of alleged RCMP wrongdoing tossed
> out
> Details of the purported offence remain a mystery
> By Jim Bronskill, The Canadian Press Posted: Nov 27, 2014 2:22 PM ET
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 13:45:52 -0700
> Subject: Email # 3 to the NDP
> To:,, Karine Fortin <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:55:01 -0700
> Subject: Fwd: Re the RCMP versus Werner Bock and his latest buddy Jessy
> Forsyth
> To: "Paul.Beauchesne" <Paul.Beauchesne@rcmp-grc.gc.
> Cc: David Amos <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 15:07:43 -0700
> Subject: Re the RCMP versus Werner Bock and his latest buddy Jessy Forsyth
> To:, maryann4peace <>,
>, "Kevin.leahy" <>,
> "Claude.Tremblay" <Claude.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.
> <>, "luc.labonte" <>,
> "lucie.dubois" <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> <>, "peter.dauphinee" <>,
> law <>
> Jessy Forsyth
> @illtrax
> (506) 862-8166
> illtrax
> J. W. Jessy Forsyth
> @illtrax
> Creative Profesional [Sound Engineer, 3D Animator, Visual Effects,
> Motion Graphics, Editor, Photographer, Webmaster] Cannabis, Comedy,
> X-Sports, Docs, Politics
> Atlantic Canada
> Joined April 2009
> David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos 4 minutes ago
> @illtrax @RCMPNB #cbc @RCMP_Nat_Div @CBCNews @bloggercharles We just
> talked about your pal Werner Bock Correct Punk?
> Published on Jun 1, 2014
> I recently was invited by Werner Bock to record an interview with him
> at his home detailing his ongoing court battle and the events leading
> up to it.
> Regardless of ones opinion on Werner's view of the world, remember he
> is an intelligent and hard working human being that has been messed
> with since the 70s. False rumours and wive's tails have been told for
> years around the community and in the media; but for those who know
> Werner, know of a sweet, funny man who cares about his community and
> its future.
> Werner is due back in court on June 19th, 2014.
> Note: There is minimal editing done and a few temporary audio
> corrections. Werner has amassed a huge paper trail throughout the
> years via his correspondents with all parties involved. This evidence
> will be presented in the final documentary.
> Category
> Film & Animation
> License
> Standard YouTube License
> Comment 4
> Vee Friend
> 2 weeks ago
> I admire you Mr. Werner Bock. You have soldiered on for so long
> against these ranking criminals in their various departments.
> Thank you for your perseverance and your bravery. My heart is with you.
> ooooooohm
> 3 weeks ago
> I hear that this man wrote a book. I WANT TO PURCHASE HIS BOOK. If
> anyone knows where it may be found on the internet, or by way of a
> request through the mail, kindly post that information here. Thank you
> very much.
> ·
> Vee Friend
> 2 weeks ago
> It is insulting that a psychiatric assessment was ordered. They
> brought out the whole bag of dirty tricks. Disgusting.
> illtrax
> 5 months ago
> I recently was invited by Werner Bock to record an interview with him
> at his home detailing his ongoing court battle and the events leading
> up to it.
> Reply
> ·
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 11:24:41 -0700
> To:,,,
>, "victor.boudreau" <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> "carl.urquhart" <>, "serge.rousselle"
> <>, "hugh.flemming" <>
> SUSAN PIERCE, (Patient Advocate)
> Psychiatric Patient Advocate Services (Unit)
> 300 Saint Mary's Street
> Fredericton
> P: (506) 444-4446
> TOM MASTON, (Deputy Minister)
> Deputy Minister - Executive Management Committee (Deputy Head's Office)
> P: (506) 453-2542
> MURIELLE FRANCOEUR, (Executive Secretary)
> Deputy Minister - Executive Management Committee (Deputy Head's Office)
> P: (506) 457-4800
> 520 King Street
> Fredericton
> MARK WIES Executive Director Health
> Org Unit :Policy, Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations (Branch)
> Contact
> Phone : (506) 453-2013
> Fax : (506) 444-5236
> Email :
> HSBC Place
> 520 King Street
> Fredericton, New Brunswick
> E3B 6G3
> Canada
> Legislative Assembly
> Org Unit : Fredericton South, Electoral District 40 (Constituency Office )
> Contact
> Phone : (506) 457-6842
> Fax : (506) 453-7154
> Email :
> Old Education Building, East Block
> 710 Queen Street
> Fredericton, New Brunswick
> E3B 1C5
> Canada
> January 30, 2007
> Mr. David Amos
> Dear Mr. Amos:
> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
> Graham of the RCMP °J" Division in Fredericton.
> Sincerely,
> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
> Minister of Health
> CM/cb
> Warren McBeath wrote:
> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
> From: "Warren McBeath"
> To:,,
> CC:,,
> "Bev BUSSON",
> "Paul Dube"
> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off
> over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I
> was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
> that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and
> the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment
> policing in Petitcodiac, NB.
> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
> Sincerely,
> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
> GRC Caledonia RCMP
> Traffic Services NCO
> Ph: (506) 387-2222
> Fax: (506) 387-4622
> E-mail
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 02:50:41 -0700
> Subject: Everybody and his dog and that includes the welfare bum
> Chucky Leblanc knows why Danny Boy Bussieres is pulling the pin now
> that the Libranos are back in N'esy Pas Donald J. Forestell
> To:, oldmaison <>, "dan. bussieres"
> <>, "danny.copp" <>,
> "david.alward" <>, freemanrobmenard
> <>, briangallant10
> <>, "dan.murphy" <>,
> "Davidc.Coon" <>, "randy.mckeen"
> <>, andre <>, COCMoncton
> <>, "peter.dauphinee" <>,
> "kevin.vickers" <>, "Tim.RICHARDSON"
> <>, woodsideb <>,
> "macpherson.don" <macpherson.don@dailygleaner.
> < chris.macpherson@fredericton.
> <>
> < leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.
> <>, law <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> <>
> http://thedavidamosrant.
> http://
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 16:56:49 -0700
> Subject: Well I just called and tried to talk to both new mayors
> before you take your oath the CROWN correct?
> To:,,
> Cc: David Amos <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 12:06:33 -0700
> Subject: The text of this email and the documents hereto attached
> should at least prove to the Investers in Kinder Morgan, Endbridge and
> TransCanada etc that I am not joking about blowing the whistle on the
> RCMP and their cohorts in the DND
> To:, "craig.callens"
> <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> <>, ahamilton <>, pm
> <>, MulcaT <>, Karine Fortin
> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1" <>
> "Paul.Collister" <
> <>
> William C. Kaplan Partner
> Called to the bar: 1980 (BC); Q.C.2001 (BC)
> Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
> Ste. 2600, Three Bentall Centre
> PO Box 49314 Stn Bentall Centre
> Vancouver, British Columbia V7X 1L3
> Phone: 604-631-3304
> Fax: 604-631-3309
> Email:
> http://thedavidamosrant.
> http://thedavidamosrant.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jim White <>
> Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 08:18:16 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: Putin and cohorts thought I raised a lot of
> Hell ten years ago and then again last year during the G20 meetting
> last year when Obama and Harper wanted to bomb Syria
> To: David Amos <>
> I will be out of the office on business Nov. 17-21; responding to
> email as available.
> We respect your right to choose which electronic messages you receive.
> To stop receiving this message and similar communications from
> TransCanada PipeLines Limited please reply to this message with the
> subject “UNSUBSCRIBE”. This electronic message and any attached
> documents are intended only for the named addressee(s). This
> communication from TransCanada may contain information that is
> privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure and it
> must not be disclosed, copied, forwarded or distributed without
> authorization. If you have received this message in error, please
> notify the sender immediately and delete the original message. Thank
> you. Nous respectons votre droit de choisir quels messages
> électroniques vous désirez recevoir. Pour ne plus recevoir ce message
> et les communications similaires, de la part de TransCanada PipeLines
> Limited, veuillez répondre à ce message en inscrivant dans l’objet «
> SE DÉSINSCRIRE ». Ce message électronique et tous les documents joints
> sont destinés exclusivement au(x) destinataire(s) mentionné(s). Cette
> communication de TransCanada peut contenir des renseignements
> privilégiés, confidentiels ou par ailleurs protégés contre la
> divulgation; ils ne doivent pas être divulgués, copiés, communiqués ou
> distribués sans autorisation. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur,
> veuillez en avertir immédiatement l’expéditeur et détruire le message
> original. Merci
> http://thedavidamosrant.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Hamilton, Arthur" <>
> Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 05:20:25 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: yo Mr Perrin I remember the sneaky know it
> all lawyer Amir Attaran covering up things for his boss Allan Rock
> years ago
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for your email. I am away from the office until Thursday,
> November 21, at which time I will be pleased to respond to your
> message. If you require immediate assistance, please contact my
> assistant Stella at 416.860.6594 or at
> Please note that you will receive this auto-reply only once.
> ______________________________
> This message, including any attachments, is privileged and may contain
> confidential information intended only for the person(s) named above.
> Any other distribution, copying or disclosure is strictly prohibited.
> Communication by email is not a secure medium and, as part of the
> transmission process, this message may be copied to servers operated
> by third parties while in transit. Unless you advise us to the
> contrary, by accepting communications that may contain your personal
> information from us via email, you are deemed to provide your consent
> to our transmission of the contents of this message in this manner. If
> you are not the intended recipient or have received this message in
> error, please notify us immediately by reply email and permanently
> delete the original transmission from us, including any attachments,
> without making a copy.
> ______________________________
> From: Pamela Palmater <
> Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 05:21:24 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: yo Mr Perrin I remember the sneaky know it
> all lawyer Amir Attaran covering up things for his boss Allan Rock
> years ago
> To: David Amos <>
> Kwe /Hello;
> Although I am in the office teaching for the Fall Term 2013 I will be
> out of the office regularly working on several major research
> projects.
> Due to the extremely high volume of emails, calls, and requests over
> the last few months, there may be some delay before I can get back to
> your request. My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
> It may be helpful to send a reminder if your matter is urgent and/or
> put the nature of the request in the subject heading.
> If you have a media request, please put MEDIA in your subject line and
> I will get back to you as soon as I can.
> Thank you/Welal'in
> Pam
> Dr. Pamela D. Palmater
> Chair in Indigenous Governance
> Ryerson University
> http://thedavidamosrant.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 11:07:28 -0700
> Subject: Hey Mike Klassen and Daniel Fontaine trust that many old rich
> white men and even your pals such as Ezzy Levant, Suzanne Anton and
> the RCMP know what I am up to these days
> To:,,
>, "JAG.Minister"
> <>, "suzanne.anton.mla"
> <>, ""
> <>, lgunter <>, "steve.murphy"
> <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> "joe.oliver.c1" <>, "steven.blaney"
> <>
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> http://eedition.vancouver.
> Appreciating the oil sands
> Suzanne Anton July 2, 2012
> It's interesting what a bad rap the oil sands get
> If the countries of the world are buying oil – and they are – then why
> not buy it from Canada?
> After all, we are a secure country, with the rule of law and a
> democratic society.
> Canada is the world's sixth largest oil producer and has the third
> largest reserves. The countries with the largest reserves besides
> Canada are Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Iran and Iraq. None are known for
> the quality of their democracies, working conditions or environmental
> responsibility.
> Kearl Lake construction camp, about 5000 workers
> The oil sands contribute billions of dollars to government services.
> Tens of thousands of people work in well-paid jobs in Fort McMurray.
> Hundreds of thousands of families in every province are supported by a
> family member in a spin-off industry job, keeping the kids in hockey
> and the mortgage paid.
> At Fort McMurray, the Cree used bitumen seeping out of the soil along
> the Athabaska River to repair their canoes. In 1790, the explorer
> Alexander Mackenzie was the first to record a description of the oil
> sands.
> The oil operations which either mine or drill to extract the oil have
> ramped up dramatically over the last few years. The mines are open pit
> sites, where oil filled soil is shoveled into mighty trucks, processed
> on-site, and then the oil is sent off to market in pipelines. Oil that
> is too deep to mine is recovered by drilling using a process which
> heats the underground oil, and pumps it up to the surface.
> Open pit mining
> Sites no longer in use are restored back to their natural biology.
> The pipeline from Fort McMurray heads south to the markets of the
> world – or at least, the markets of the US, given the limited access
> to world markets. But the very interesting issue of pipelines to the
> west coast is not for this column.
> Oil is Canada's biggest export sector at $114 billion last year. As a
> small country we need to be able to trade. People understand that,
> which is why, for example, the export of liquid natural gas is
> well-supported here in BC.
> So why, outside Alberta, do the oil sands have trouble getting respect?
> Opposition in general comes from two directions – political and
> environmental.
> Thomas Mulcair, leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition, disagrees
> with oil sands development, in spite of the tens of thousands of union
> jobs they generate and the equalization payments which pour into
> Quebec — $7.4 billion last year.
> Closer to home, the Mayor of Vancouver has stamped his foot and said
> no more tankers, taking a direct swipe at the industry.
> The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) invited
> environmentalist Bill McKibben to address a crowd in Vancouver, and he
> spent an hour telling the audience why Canadian oil is bad. Really?
> Why not Nigerian? Or Iranian?
> Pipeline heading south
> Greenpeace has a long-standing "tar sands" campaign. Other on-line
> journals and environmental groups take great glee in mocking the
> industry.
> It's good that as a society we try to reduce our collective carbon
> footprint. Cities in particular can build so that people walk more,
> consume less energy and reduce their overall greenhouse gas
> production. Vancouver, for example, has actually met the Kyoto target
> for greenhouse gas reduction.
> Smart people can develop alternate energy sources, and most of us hope
> that one day a magic bullet will be found. But that day hasn't
> arrived, and even hydro power, that most benign of energy sources, is
> hard to develop in new facilities.
> In the meantime, we still drive to work and we fly to Toronto. If
> we're lucky, we holiday in warm places. And let's face it, many of us
> like our flat screen TVs.
> We live in an world running on oil, and Canadian oil is as good as it gets.
> For the environmental groups, the explanation for disliking the oil
> sands is fairly straightforward. If you can make a point which your
> supporters love and will support with cash, then that's a fruitful
> point for you to be making. There are some who believe that Americans
> are conspiring to keep oil imports cheap by blocking our access to
> other markets, which is possible but difficult to prove.
> Even though many of the anti-oil sands campaigns are over the top,
> most of us can agree that environmental oversight is good. We all want
> the oil sands producers to get it right, to restore their sites when
> done, and to mine in a responsible way.
> It's the political criticism which is more troubling. Thomas Mulcair's
> strong dislike, Dalton McGuinty's scorn, NDP leader Adrian Dix's
> grumbling and the Mayor of Vancouver's outright non-support all
> demonstrate a lack of leadership and an unwillingness to consider how
> important the oil sands are to Canada.
> Politicians need to keep an open mind. They need to spend the time to
> understand the issues and the alternatives. Unthinking criticism is
> poor leadership.
> Because, fundamentally, the oil sands are too valuable to our citizens
> and to our country to wish them away.
> - post by Suzanne Anton
> About the author: Suzanne Anton
> Starting as an activist with youth soccer, Suzanne Anton advocated for
> neighbourhood facilities and programs to help children onto the
> playing fields of the city. With that platform she was elected to the
> Vancouver Park Board in 2002, then elected to Vancouver City Council
> in both 2005 and 2008. She's a passionate advocate for smart land use
> planning and economic development in Metro Vancouver. Suzanne was a
> weekly political commentator on the CBC Radio One Early Edition
> program. In May 2013 Suzanne was elected BC MLA for
> Vancouver-Fraserview, and appointed Minister of Justice and Attorney
> General.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 10:01:19 -0700
> Subject: RE Some of my old records in which the Pivot Legal Society
> and Mayors of Fredericton and Vancouver are mentioned
> To:, andre <>, "Leanne.Fitch"
> <>, sallybrooks25 <>,
> "leanne.murray" <leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.
> <>,,
> "danny.copp" <>, "Davidc.Coon"
> <>, "stephen.horsman"
> <>
> <>, "macpherson.don"
> < macpherson.don@dailygleaner.
> < chris.macpherson@fredericton.
> "Jacques.Poitras" <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> Katrina Pacey.
> Pivot Legal Society.
> 121 Heatley Avenue.
> Vancouver, BC
> V6A 3E0.
> Phone: 604-255-9700 ext 106.
> Fax: 604-255-1552.
> Email:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 13:19:12 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: Re the ladies of Fat Fred City Finest and their blogger buddy
> Chucky Leblanc
> To:,,,
> evelyngreene <>,,
> David Amos <>
> Cc:,,
>, Arthur Taylor <>,
> occupyfredericton <>
> If anyone should study this email about the corrupt Fredericton Cops
> ASAP its Evelyn Greene
> Chucky Baby anyone with half a mind can see that you are a rather
> profound bullshitter.
> How many times have you talked to them over the years?
> Hell YOU informed the world that Deputy Chief Leanne Fitch had
> introduced herself to you when she and her underlings arrested YOU in
> front of the LEG in 2009 You bragged about this for years and still
> do to this very day DUHHH????
> http://
> What the corrupt cops and I also know is that YOU deleted all your
> blogs in your "old" blog not long after you posted your first part of
> your three part series about your fellow no so happy blogging camper
> and fellow bible pounder Jimmy Baby Oicle. (You do know I saved every
> word YEARS AGO because of what Oicle explained to us all about
> politicians, the looney bin in the DECH and the connections between
> Deputy Chief Leanne Fitch and her brother whose demise you are yapping
> about today..
> The attachments showing your deleted work forever prove once again
> that YOU are the liar not EH Frenchy?
> http://trialsandtribsofjim.
> The story of James Oickle, a man from New Brunswick who received a
> ticket for pitching a "red tent" provided by Pivot Legal Society on a
> sidewalk next to Vancouver’s provincial court several weeks ago, took
> a strange twist on Tuesday. The VPD had to say "oops" and blame it on
> a rookie cop's inexperience, and are withdrawing the ticket. You can
> read the Vancouver Sun and Province's stories, replete with outraged
> comments from dozens of readers.
> You can falsely claim whatever you wish but anyone can see byway of
> what remains of your blogs that you and Jimmy are still buddies and
> the fact that you do not ignore your old blog either because you still
> post in it in now and then. The corrupt cops and I know that even
> though you edited ALL THREE of YOUR blogs heavily over the years for
> your benefit and that of your buddies I save EVERTHING of interest to
> mean old me N'esy Pas Chucky Baby?
> http://oldmaison.wordpress.
> http://
> Jim Oickle said...
> Careful my friend they may scoop you up on some trumped up charge and
> stick a needle in your ass.
> They are dragging it out hoping you will make a mistake. Until you get
> your day in court stay out of confrontation. If you see any of your
> adversaries between now and then while out on your walk abouts just
> smile, take pictures, don't say a word other than a God Bless then go
> home and BLOG until your hearts content. Good luck and congrats on
> today. The idiots should have just let it go. Now they have given you
> fodder for your blog until Christmas. Peace James
> 2:42 AM, June 16, 2009
> Anonymous said...
> I would think what Jim Oickle is stating is in some way what thier
> going to try and pull the same kinda game with You,dont play thier
> game get others to do it for you?
> They are hoping you will step out somehow where they can either charge
> you or push you into a corner using the medical establishment? seen
> other cases where they have done similar to Jim over much less,it is
> almost standard operating procedure!
> http://
> Saturday, February 13, 2010
> Violence Erupts at the Olympics in Vancouver!!!
> Lots of bloggers taking pictures.....
> I noticed more people taking pictures than Police.
> Funny!!!
> I wonder if jim oickle is there????
> Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 3:37:00 PM
> James Oickle said...
> I'm here and I had words with these dick heads. I woke up to these
> idiots on my front steps when I was heading to MY GARDEN. Did I say
> All 200 with mask chanting'' These are our streets and were taking
> them back." I walk with the cops and antagonized the little dick
> heads. In the D.T.E.S we don't wear mask. More later. I am being
> kicked out of a coffee shop and its 3 am. Tell all my political
> friends I said HELLO. Did I say DICK HEADS.
> 6:59 AM, February 14, 2010
> http://
> James Oickle said...
> Charles: Reread their email and it states their wishes. What don't you
> understand about "I do not want you to publish this email."
> Had you used KHJ approach of "KHJ has learned...." then all would
> focus on THE STORY. Instead focus and comments are about you and your
> method of telling STORY.
> Lets get back to this story, CROOKED COPS and their CHIEF.
> http://
> James Oickle said...
> If I get some gold at the olympics my friend I will bring you home a
> nice Mac Pro Laptop you can drag around to the Tim's and really piss
> off the whiner.
> I must say in the photo of young single Mom shoveling I hope you did
> indeed take over and finish up for her.
> Love checking your blog each day. I was gardening in a T-shirt again
> today:)
> http://
> Saturday, February 11, 2012
> Private Investigator Shawn Fitch died last night at the age of 52!!!
> Who was this guy???
> Please tell....
> Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 7:38:00 PM
> Anonymous said...
> That is Leanne Fitch Brother. Leanne is with the Fredericton Police
> Force. You should know this Charles.
> 10:36 AM, February 12, 2012
> Charles LeBlanc said...
> don't know those people...looks like a big family affair...
> 10:40 AM, February 12, 2012
> Anonymous said...
> You don't know the Deputy Chief???
> Perhaps you should have hired the private investigator to investigate
> your arch enemies the police and learn who they are...
> 11:20 AM, February 12, 2012
> Anonymous said...
> Shawn was Sherrie Fitchs' brother.
> 11:58 AM, February 12, 2012
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 10:44:12 -0700
> Subject: Fwd: Now Christine Melnick knows some of what Joe Anglin already
> knows
> To:, "terry.seguin" <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 13:31:51 -0700
> Subject: Now Christine Melnick knows some of what Joe Anglin already knows
> To:
> <>,, premier
> <>, premier <>, premier
> <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2014 02:13:02 -0700
> Subject: Fwd: The documents hereto attached and the text of this email
> should put the lawyer/directors of the "Taxpauer" dudes and their pal
> John Hilton-O'Brien a Founder and Past President of Alberta`s Wildrose
> Party on the same page.
> To:, jhilton-obrien@triviewcapital.
>, dfildebrandt <>, Rhansen
> <>, pol7163 <>,
> themayor <>, "Staples, David (Edm Journal)"
> <>
> <
> <>
> <>, "joe.oliver.c1"
> <>, "Biage.Carrese"
> <>
> <>
> rimbey.rockymountainhouse.
> Cc: David Amos <>
> <>, Mackap <>,
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2014 01:44:43 -0700
> Subject: The documents hereto attached and the text of this email John
> Hilton-O'Brien a Founder and Past President of Alberta`s Wildrose
> Party.
> To:
> Cc: David Amos <>
> From: John Hilton-O'Brien (via Twitter)
> Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 7:16 PM
> To: David Raymond Amos
> Subject: John Hilton-O'Brien (@hiltonjohn) mentioned you on Twitter!
> John Hilton-O'Brien @hiltonjohn
> HOB's Choice - Daily News Digest is out!…
> Stories via @Daorcey @jcmcintyre @DavidRayAmos
> John Hilton-O'Brien
> Founder and Past President of Alberta`s Wildrose Party.
> Health, Disability Services, and Employment Background.
> Editor's note
> This paper uses articles pointed out by people I follow on
> social media. As I am involved with Alberta's Wildrose Party,
> and live in Calgary's Bowness Community, there is a definite
> bias towards those interests.
> As "Hilton-O'Brien" is very long, my last name is usually
> shortened to HOB -- hence the title of this digest.
> John Hilton-O'Brien @hiltonjohn · Nov 7
> The unofficial leader of #Alberta's opposition - @Dfildebrandt - is
> moving on.
> #abpoli #wrp
> John Hilton-O'Brien @hiltonjohn
> Financier for small businesses, worker with homeless and disabled.
> A founder and Past President of Alberta's Wildrose Party.
> Bowness in Calgary, Alberta
> Joined March 2009
> John Hilton-O'Brien, BA, MA
> #414, 815-1st Street SW
> Calgary, Alberta, T2P 1N3
> W:403-984-6570
> C: 587-229-9318
> F: 403-984-6571
> jhilton-obrien@triviewcapital.
> http://blogs.edmontonjournal.
> Posted by David Staples
> Who are the Wildrose?
> A party of old grudges and ideological purity? Or ready for prime time?
> April 12, 2012. 9:59 am • Section: Edmonton Commons, The Edmonton Commons
> The simple, common sense commitment Danielle Smith should make this week…
> Who are the Wildrose? Are they ready for prime time?
> Do they have the smarts and experience to lead Alberta into the
> future? Or do they just want to re-fight a bunch of old battles and
> culture wars where they’ve been nursing grudges because their side
> didn’t win or get all it wanted?
> Each of us will answer this question in our own way. I’ll be looking
> at any number of issues myself, including the Wildrose stand on the
> conscience rights and on the revisiting the Edmonton airport issue.
> But another issue for me, right now, is the construction of the new
> Royal Alberta Museum.
> Now, I know that not everyone loves museums as much as I do. When I go
> to a new city, the major museum is invariably one of the first places
> I visit. I’m a museum nerd.
> But all my enthusiasm for museums aside, I’m going to suggest that the
> building of the Royal Alberta Museum in a sane, economic manner is a
> crucial test for the Wildrose.
> The good news for the Wildrose …
> The good news is that it’s easy for the Wildrose to pass this test.
> All they have to do is let their common sense rule them and not be
> guided by purist ideology or old scores to settle.
> Here’s the issue: Wildrose leader Danielle Smith said last week that a
> new Royal Alberta Museum building would be a “a fantastic new facility
> to have in Edmonton’s downtown.”
> But even in the wake of the Wildrose party leader’s praise for this
> project, on Wednesday on Twitter, the past president of the Wildrose,
> John Hilton-O’Brien, a Calgary political insider, lashed out at the
> project, labeling it as “pork” for Edmonton.
> Pork is a strong word. To me, in this context, it implies the Royal
> Alberta Museum project has little or no worth, that it’s only being
> done to please Edmontonians, and only being done because PC premiers
> Ed Stelmach and Alison Redford were willing to sell out other
> Albertans in Edmonton’s interest.
> Use the federal funding or lose it …
> Such notions about the museum projects are a bit odd, I must say.
> The fact is the old museum is too small. It’s also falling part. It’s
> packed with asbestos and has most of its collection boxed up. There’s
> no viewing areas for Albertans to see many of our most important
> artifacts and treasures. Our top museum is second-rate and failing.
> The need to build a new museum has been recognized by three levels of
> government, each of them tight with their dollars, including Stephen
> Harper’s federal Conservatives. Last fall, the feds and the province
> came up with $340 million for the new project.
> This federal money comes from a funding package put in place to get
> the economy going during the economic downturn, so there’s some
> strings attached to it.
> This is stimulus money. It’s no good spending it a few years from now
> when the economy might heat up. It’s supposed to be spent now.
> So that’s why MP Laurie Hawn made it clear when he announced federal
> support for the Royal Alberta Museum project that construction must
> start by November 2012 or the federal funding will evaporate.
> The project is now going full steam ahead. The funding is in place. An
> architectural competition was held. A winner was picked. Contracts
> have been signed.
> Smith says museum project is “fantastic”
> But then came the election campaign.
> Danielle Smith has now made it crystal clear that if she were premier,
> she would delay the project. Not kill it, delay it.
> She wants to balance the budget and build other crucial infrastructure
> before the museum project proceeds.
> This is a fair enough position for Smith to take, though it will be
> costly to break contracts and it’s also a waste of the millions
> already spend on the project.
> But a balanced budget is important. Schools, hospitals, C-Train and
> LRT, and roads are important.
> Still — and this is the crucial point — Smith wants to see this museum
> built one day. Here’s what Smith said on the matter last week: “I
> think Edmonton has already established itself as a major arts centre
> in the province. … We have amazing arts infrastructure. It’s the
> capital city so we have a lot of tourism that is coming to Edmonton.
> We promised (the museum) to the Queen back in 2005 and it would be a
> fantastic new facility to have in Edmonton’s downtown.”
> That’s a strong endorsement and rightly so. Hundreds of thousands of
> Albertans and tourists have enjoyed our many excellent museums. The
> Royal Tyrrell Dinosaur Museum in Drumheller, the Remington Carriage
> Museum in Cardston, the Reynolds in Wetaskiwin, the Head Smashed-In
> Buffalo Jump Interpretive Centre near Fort McLeod, these are jewels of
> Alberta’s culture.
> A delight for generations to come
> But the Royal Alberta Museum is the most important of them all. A
> great new building for our most important collection will inform and
> delight Albertans for generations to come. It will especially have a
> major impact on children. They’ve flocked to the old museum for
> generations.
> So I heartily agree with Smith’s enthusiasm for the project. I do
> wonder, however, about delaying it. Smith says not to worry, she is
> already at work seeing if she can get the federal government to agree
> to keep the $122 million in place for when Alberta is finally ready to
> build in a few years.
> She may well succeed at that.
> But what if she can’t? What if the feds won’t keep that money in place?
> It makes no sense to throw away that $122 million in 2012, only to
> have to come up with it on our own in 2014 or 2015. The sensible
> thing for Smith to do is to try and get that commitment from the
> Harper government, but to also make a commitment to Albertans right
> now, during this election campaign, that if she can’t get the federal
> money put on hold that she won’t throw away $122 million, that she
> will build the Royal Alberta Museum right now with the help of that
> massive Ottawa grant.
> I wrote much of this already in my column on Wednesday.
> “… promise pork like Redford.”
> And that’s what set off Mr. John Hilton-O’Brien, a founding board
> member of the Wildrose in 2007 and the vice-president of policy from
> 2009-10.
> Said Hilton-O’Brien: “(David Staples) says if (Danielle Smith) REALLY
> loves Edmonton, she’ll promise pork like Redford.”
> In response, I asked Hilton-O’Brien: “What ‘pork’ are you talking
> about? Why say this?” And: “Does it make sense to chuck out $120
> million in federal funding for Royal Alberta Museum? Sound Wildrose
> money management?”
> Hilton-O’Brien: “When someone actually comes out and demands money for
> their pet project, is there a better name? #porkitis.”
> Staples: “The money is ALREADY in place for Royal Alberta Museum. Is
> it sound fiscal policy to throw away $122 million from Ottawa?”
> Hilton-O’Brien: “Very likely that (Danielle Smith) will make that
> happen. But a specific funding promise? That’s unseemly.”
> Staples: “I am saying that the funding is there. Smith says she
> desires this project. Prove it.
> “Smith wants Calgary and Edmonton voters to trust her. If the Wildrose
> can’t build major projects in sensible way, why should we?”
> Who are the real Wildrose?
> At that point, Rod Ladouceur, the Wildrose vice-president of policy,
> entered the debate to remind me that Hilton O’Brien was the “past
> president” of Wildrose.
> He said this “pork” comment was Hilton O’Brien’s opinion, but wasn’t
> something any of the candidates or Smith herself was saying.
> “I do agree we shouldn’t toss out 120 million,” Ladouceur said of the
> federal funding commitment. “I personally trust Danielle & Team to
> make the right decisions.
> “She’s very, very smart. I know that Danielle and caucus won’t be
> foolish. Just need a chance to look at the books.”
> I appreciate conversing with people like Ladouceur. It assures me that
> the Wildrose has some reasonable and competent people.
> At the same time, with Hilton O’Brien’s caustic comment to mind.
> So just who are the Wildrose? The party of Hilton-O’Brien or the part
> of Ladouceur?
> Of course, the answer isn’t really either/or. The Wildrose is the
> party of both Hilton-O’Brien and Ladouceur. And that’s why I have my
> questions about it.
> And that’s why it’s reasonable to ask Smith to clarify the Wildrose
> position on the Royal Alberta Museum and to do it during the election
> campaign, when such a clarification is meaningful.
> The commitment …
> Will she make a common sense commitment right now to:
> a: if elected, seek out rock solid assurances that the $122 million in
> federal funding for the Royal Alberta Museum can be held in place for
> when Alberta is ready to build (no later than 2015).
> b) if she fails in getting such an assurance, commit to start building
> the Royal Alberta Museum in November 2012, when that $122 million is
> in place from Ottawa.
> This really is an slow, steady pitch for Smith to hit.
> Nonetheless, it will still be reassuring to see her knock it out of the
> park.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 17:44:06 -0700
> Subject: Tell it to Jimmy Prentice or the RCMP or the Alberta
> Sheriff's MAYBE they will believe you EH Scotty Baby Hennig?
> To:, "Marianne.Ryan"
> <>
> <
> <>, "Jonathan.Denis"
> <>, "tim.turner" <>,
> "pej.prentice" <>, premier <>
> Cc: Kevin Lacey <>, Derek Fildebrandt
> <>, Aaron Wudrick <>,
> David Amos <>
> On 11/8/14, <> wrote:
>> Like I said, we have that autoresponder set up. Thanks for forwarding
>> the
>> correspondence to our lawyers. They are reviewing it now. You can take
>> all
>> other CTF addresses off the list in order to maintain one set of
>> documents.
>> Regards,
>> Scott Hennig
>> Vice President, Communications
>> Canadian Taxpayers Federation
>> Original Message
>> From: David Amos
>> Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 5:32 PM
>> To:;;; shennig;
>> greg.horton; Biage.Carrese;; radical;
>> jennifer.johnston;
>> t.wilson; paul; deborah.alexander; david.allgood; jennifer.warren;
>> Frank.McKenna;;
>> rimbey.rockymountainhouse.
>> Raj.Sherman;; Danielle.Smith; bbachrach;
>> Gilles.Moreau; Paul.Fiander; GillesLee; Gilles.Blinn;
>>;; DavidYurdiga;
>>; dfildebrandt; John.Williamson.c1; jason.kenney.c1;
>> Mackap; atlantic.director; Kevin.leahy; scott.macrae; Glen Canning;
>> justmin;
>> JAG.Minister;;;
>> lgunter; serge.rousselle; Jonathan.Denis; Peter.Edge; Peter.Edge
>> Cc: bob.paulson; premier; Geoffrey.McDonald; suzanne.anton.mla;
>>; frankffrost; The Disinfector; brad.anderson;
>> Pete.Berndsen; David Amos; justin.trudeau.a1; MulcaT; leader;
>> Davidc.Coon;
>> jamiebaillie; Jacques.Poitras; nick.moore; oldmaison; andre; COCMoncton;
>> peter.dauphinee; premier; PREMIER; premier
>> Subject: Yo Scotty Baby Hennig I must say you are one sick little puppy
>> who
>> I am gonna enjoy filing against
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <>
>> Date: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 00:29:36 +0000
>> Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
>> To:
>> Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
>> Technical details of permanent failure:
>> Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the
>> server for the recipient domain by
>> [2a00:1450:400c:c04::1a].
>> The error that the other server returned was:
>> 550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.
>> Please
>> try
>> 550-5.1.1 double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or
>> 550-5.1.1 unnecessary spaces. Learn more at
>> 550 5.1.1
>> gn9si10239742wib.62 - gsmtp
>> On 11/8/14, David Amos <> wrote:
>>> How is your conscience doing after checking out my last email?
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From:
>>> Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 17:22:46 -0700
>>> Subject: Re: Yo Derek Fildebrand Whereas your mindless buddy Scott
>>> Hennig wants me to sue him personally along with you I will assume
>>> that these are your correct current addresses
>>> To: David Amos <>,, Aaron
>>> Wudrick <>, Kevin Lacey <>
>>> Please forward all correspondence to our lawyers at
>>> You might get a message that it has bounced, but ignore that, it's an
>>> autoresponder that we set up.
>>> Our lawyers will review all information you send to that address as
>>> they prepare our court defense.
>>> You can remove all other CTF email addresses from your correspondence,
>>> as it will be vital to ensure there's only one copy on file.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Scott Hennig
>>> Vice President, Communications
>>> Canadian Taxpayers Federation
>>> Original Message
>>> From: David Amos
>>> Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 4:54 PM
>>> To:;; shennig; greg.horton;
>>> Biage.Carrese;; radical; jennifer.johnston;
>>> t.wilson; paul; deborah.alexander; david.allgood; jennifer.warren;
>>> Frank.McKenna;;
>>> rimbey.rockymountainhouse.
>>>; Raj.Sherman;;
>>> Danielle.Smith; bbachrach; Gilles.Moreau; Paul.Fiander; GillesLee;
>>> Gilles.Blinn;;;
>>> DavidYurdiga;; dfildebrandt; John.Williamson.c1;
>>> jason.kenney.c1; Mackap; atlantic.director; Kevin.leahy; scott.macrae;
>>> Glen Canning; justmin; JAG.Minister;;
>>>; lgunter; serge.rousselle; Jonathan.Denis;
>>> Peter.Edge; Peter.Edge
>>> Cc: David Amos; justin.trudeau.a1; MulcaT; leader; Davidc.Coon;
>>> jamiebaillie; Jacques.Poitras; nick.moore; oldmaison; andre;
>>> COCMoncton; peter.dauphinee; premier; PREMIER; premier
>>> Subject: Yo Derek Fildebrand Whereas your mindless buddy Scott Hennig
>>> wants me to sue him personally along with you I will assume that these
>>> are your correct current addresses
>>> On 11/8/14, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>> You smiling bastards in the RCMP have a lot of Ghosts to answer to
>>>> along Highway 16 and they are not all Indian woman EH Bobby Baby
>>>> Paulson???
>>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>>> In an email late last week discussing the Human Rights Watch report on
>>>> police mistreatment of indigenous women and girls in northern British
>>>> Columbia, Paulson reportedly told officers "My message to you today is
>>>> – don't worry about it, I've got your back."
>>>> "Commissioner Paulson's dismissive approach sets precisely the wrong
>>>> tone, and illustrates the challenges RCMP victims face," said Meghan
>>>> Rhoad, women's rights researcher at Human Rights Watch. "His comments
>>>> underscore the need for investigation of police abuse complaints by an
>>>> independent civilian agency that won't leap into organizational
>>>> defense mode the moment police abuse is exposed."
>>>> Paulson further wrote that the RCMP has "tried to persuade [Human
>>>> Rights Watch] to provide the names and specific details of these
>>>> allegations in order that they can be investigated in accordance with
>>>> our external investigation policy. If not to us then to any other
>>>> investigative body. To date they have refused."
>>>> Deena Lyn BRAEM Murder of
>>>> Quesnel RCMP Case No. 1999-7285
>>>> Open Letter to the Federal & Provincial Honourable Members of
>>>> Parliament from Lonnie Landrud
>>>> To the Honourable Members:
>>>> Stephen Harper, Prime Minister; Thomas Mulcair, Opposition Leader; Vic
>>>> Toews, Federal Public Safety Minister; Rob Nicholson, Federal
>>>> Solicitor General; Christy Clark, Premier of B.C.; Adrainne Dix,
>>>> Leader, B.C. Opposition Party.
>>>> I again find myself having to write to you the leaders of Canada and
>>>> British Columbia to try and put a stop to the attempts on my life by a
>>>> group of RCMP members and their paid informants.
>>>> I have already sent letters to some of you Honourable Members and some
>>>> of you I have never contacted. So I will repeat my situation to put
>>>> everyone on the same page.
>>>> I will start by stating I have contacted some of your Honourable
>>>> predecessors before and was either ignored or told that the government
>>>> operates separate from the RCMP and that they cannot interfere
>>>> personally or by way of office s they have no mandate to do so.
>>>> What I am asking is for someone outside the RCMP with the mandate to
>>>> investigate the actions of all the RCMP members and their paid
>>>> informants to do so.
>>>> If there is no one with a mandate to physically collect evidence or
>>>> interview witnesses, I ask that the laws be changed that gives someone
>>>> office that can investigate outside the RCMP.
>>>> I ask that this staff be given the rights and mandate to go back
>>>> twenty-five years in order to look at all the relevant evidence. I
>>>> have been stuck in this situation for over fourteen years personally
>>>> however this has started way before then.
>>>> If this cannot be done then I request a Public Inquiry into my
>>>> accusations against the actions of the RCMP members involved.
>>>> On January 19th, 2013 I had another attempt on my life. At this time I
>>>> will not go into detail. I will state that this has been the eleventh
>>>> of crimes committed against myself and my life in order to silence me.
>>>> None of which have been investigated from outside the RCMP. Those of
>>>> which that were investigated by the RCMP enabled them to tamper with
>>>> evidence and they never interviewed me or my witnesses.
>>>> I do know the more that these RCMP members do and fail the crazier
>>>> that I sound.
>>>> These police officers would like you to believe that I am delusional,
>>>> however I ask for them to bring forth the evidence that can prove what
>>>> I saw and what I have lived, wrong.
>>>> The stress of this situation is incomprehensible. Then add the fact
>>>> that the government's mandate has left me reliving it over and over
>>>> again in order to try to get our of this alive.
>>>> Then add the fact the amount of numerous physical injuries I have
>>>> incurred during these attempts on my life to silence me.
>>>> I will continue by stating that not one of these injuries has been
>>>> treated by a physician due to the fact that they do not want to
>>>> testify in court, for one reason that it would cost them money. For
>>>> the second reason that they are friends to some of these RCMP members
>>>> involved. Some of these member's wives are nurses.
>>>> I will give one example of the many instances that left me feeling
>>>> like my life is not worth a plugged nickel.
>>>> I had gone to the emergency department at the local hospital and as I
>>>> was having my temperature and blood pressure taken a Doctor Grapes
>>>> walks over and picks up my medical records and starts to read and as
>>>> he is doing this he looks at the nurse and states right in front of
>>>> me. I quote: "Isn't that funny, me and the other doctors have a bet on
>>>> who gets to pronounce him dead." I could not believe my ears. He then
>>>> set down my file and walked out the door.
>>>> I will expand on this by stating that the cop who tried to murder me
>>>> in my hime and the one who I shot in the left arm with a 12 gauge shot
>>>> gun loaded with #4 birdshot, his wife was a nurse here in Quesnel for
>>>> years. She has worked with all these doctors and they all have seen my
>>>> internet statement on YouTube. (Quesnel, RCMP, Corruption: The Lonnie
>>>> Landrud Story – for those of you who haven't seen or heard about it).
>>>> I will continue by stating that I am sitll suffering Post Traumatic
>>>> Stress Disorder (PTSD) and that I cannot even get treated because the
>>>> RCMP have stated that this event never happened, nor any of the
>>>> others. I for one know when I shot someone in my home and even if I
>>>> were in my home alone the RCMP members cannot prove me wrong. That
>>>> night they had to radio out on a public channel because their ghost
>>>> channels do not work or their cell phones due to my property's
>>>> location. There are dozens of people who heard what was taking place
>>>> and heard that Paul Collister was shot by me. There are a lot of
>>>> scanners here in public hands that are monitored around the clock. I
>>>> have spoken to some of these people. Perhaps someone should start to
>>>> listen to the whole truth! Like I have stated in previous letters, if
>>>> I could not prove my story I sure as hell would not be risking my
>>>> life. The evidence can speak for itself. I can sure point to a lot of
>>>> evidence, all's I need is for someone outside the RCMP to investigate
>>>> and to interview the people that I have spoken with.
>>>> Now at this point some of you Honourable Members might want to send me
>>>> to the RCMP Complaints Commission or the Independent Investigations
>>>> Office of B.C. (IIOBC). I have already tried and neither one has the
>>>> mandate to investigate this situation. The Complaints Commission only
>>>> reviews paperwork put forth by the RCMP. The other's mandate is to
>>>> investigate only after September 12th, 2012. This is the date given by
>>>> Shirley Bond, BC Solicitor General to the IIOBC and this was after the
>>>> fact that she knew the situation that I have been trying to deal with
>>>> (I have a letter from her that was handed to her by Kevin Falcon and
>>>> the reply letter that she sent me). She too sent me to the Complaints
>>>> Commission. Then she signed a twenty year deal with the RCMP shortly
>>>> thereafter.
>>>> There is not one thing that anyone of you Honourable Members can't
>>>> tell me to do that I have not tried. I have had five legal advocates
>>>> and not one could do anything. I have contacted hundreds of lawyers
>>>> and cannot find one to represent me. They are all scared to be
>>>> victimized by the RCMP. I've been to the media and had the same
>>>> outcome with then. I have also tried a private investigator and he too
>>>> was threatened with obstruction of justice charges which would destroy
>>>> his credibility. I have sent a letter to Wally Opal, Supreme Court
>>>> Justice who was looking into the murdered and missing women by way of
>>>> Public Inquiry. I received no reply at all.
>>>> I have in my possession enough evidence to prove that I have No Legal
>>>> Rights, No Civil Rights and No Human Rights in Canada.
>>>> The reason being the RCMP are above the law and will be until they no
>>>> longer investigate themselves.
>>>> Now I would hazard to guess you're asking why would I continue to
>>>> expose myself to the danger that I face? My reply is these cops are
>>>> not going to stop trying to murder me anyway so what do I have to
>>>> lose? Then add the fact that I have survived this thus far. Unlike the
>>>> thirteen people who have been murdered by these RCMP members and on
>>>> top of all that the fifty girls that have came forward to the Human
>>>> Rights watch dogs in Prince George, B.C., then you had better realize
>>>> there is a lot more at stake than this. I've spoken to a few of them.
>>>> There is no way in hell that I am going to sit back and let members of
>>>> the RCMP murder people. Just like I am not going to let you Honourable
>>>> Members hid behind your mandates and policies. Someone had better
>>>> realize that I have nothing left to lose but I still have a means to
>>>> expose this to the people of Canada and the world.
>>>> Now I will tell you my story and I'm going to give the names of the
>>>> RCMP members involved and expose what they have done to cover up the
>>>> truth. I am not going to start with what led up to the first attempt
>>>> on my life.
>>>> I was house sitting for a friend's mom when I witnessed the murder of
>>>> Deena Lynn Bream by Paul Collister and Bev Hosker, both members of the
>>>> Quesnel RCMP. But there was a paid informant, Dianne Fuccenecco there
>>>> also.
>>>> I phoned the Quesnel detachment of the RCMP however their night calls
>>>> go to Prince George dispatch. I told them about the gun shots that I
>>>> was hearing, eight in all. It sounded like a twelve gauge shot gun. I
>>>> never gave my name. I was told that they would dispatch the police to
>>>> the location (Sugar Loaf Ball Park in West Quesnel). The next morning
>>>> I had a surveillance team in a trailer next door. It consisted of the
>>>> following RCMP officers: Constable Gill, Constable Gruending,
>>>> Constable Hughs, Constable Hosker and later on Constable Collister.
>>>> These are the names that I was giving to Sgt. Norrise of the Kamloops
>>>> RCMP the morning after I shot Constable Collister in my home.
>>>> Unknown to me I was recorded and after the tape was tampered with was
>>>> used in court and with the Complaints Commission when I filed a
>>>> complaint. I can prove it was tampered with. I had a witness sitting
>>>> right next to me when I spoke to Sgt. Norrise and what I wait was a
>>>> lot different than the tape. What my witness suggested I tell them
>>>> (which I did) does not even appear on the tape. There are also other
>>>> discrepancies that appear on the tape.
>>>> At the time I did not know the names of the members that, with
>>>> Constable Collister, came to my property. They were Constable Kinloch
>>>> and Constable Coutier (the ones on top of my house and the ones who
>>>> pursued me across my landing). Constable Barkman, Constable McMillan,
>>>> Constable Anderson, these were the police officers that I saw at my
>>>> gate. Constable McMillan and Constable Anderson were the ones who
>>>> hunted me in my field. This was the third attempt.
>>>> The second attempt was a few months earlier in which Constable
>>>> McMillan, Constable Rogas came to my friend's home and arrested me for
>>>> obstruction of justice. I committed no crime and had no idea why I was
>>>> being arrested. I was severely beaten with a flashlight while in
>>>> handcuffs and taken to the Quesnel detachment where Constable Paul
>>>> Collister's old partner Constable Sardinea tried to murder me with a
>>>> pressure point attack that has not healed to this day.
>>>> The attempts in between were by paid informants or police officers
>>>> that I could not get a good look at. I can identify some of the paid
>>>> informants.
>>>> The eighth attempt was by Constable Ray Kinloch of the Quesnel RCMP.
>>>> He came to my rural home and property. He was dressed in camouflage
>>>> and wearing the same fur hat as the night that I shot Constable
>>>> Collister.
>>>> It was an hour and a half after dark and he had to travel two
>>>> kilometres through the bush to be where he was at. I felt a direct
>>>> threat to my life and I shot at his head and then heard him run
>>>> through the bush and trip and fall. I left and went to my mom's. When
>>>> I returned a few days later I located where he tripped on a piece of
>>>> blowdown and I found something that fell out of his pocket. I also
>>>> have a witness to corroborate part of my story.
>>>> The ninth attempt was by a paid informant. Again, severe injuries.
>>>> The tenth attempt was by someone with a rifle with a silencer that
>>>> tried to shoot me in the head in my own yard. As I stated to Christy
>>>> Clark it was dumb luck that the bullet missed me. However I again did
>>>> not escape injury.
>>>> The eleventh attempt was on January 19th, 2013 when, after spending
>>>> the night at my friend's trailer (the same one I phoned the police
>>>> from years earlier when I witnessed the murder), someone during the
>>>> night tampered with my propane ignition system in my truck by taking a
>>>> hose clamp off and pulling the hose off the intake to my engine and
>>>> also pulling a plug wire off the front spark plug.
>>>> My truck also runs on gasoline and I was using that until my trip
>>>> home. When I changed over I was moving and had travelled a few miles
>>>> before the truck exploded. If I had been sitting still I would not
>>>> have survived. However I was moving and the explosion occurred beneath
>>>> the truck lifting it off the ground. The result was a near fatal
>>>> accident with a family of four including two children. They were
>>>> passing me and travelling in the same direction and were right next to
>>>> me at the time.
>>>> I'm in a quandary and have no understanding as to why this situation
>>>> has been allowed to continue. I have tried everything humanly possible
>>>> to have this investigated from outside the RCMP. There is a lot more
>>>> information and witnesses that I can expose but for now I feel like
>>>> this should prove that this is no delusion.
>>>> To the Honourable Christy Clark: Re: The letter that was your response
>>>> after the tenth attempt on my life. Here is what happened after you
>>>> suggested going to pro-bono law, Access to Justice. In late December
>>>> 2012 I tried five times to contact them and leaving messages. I
>>>> received no replies.
>>>> I tried again in late January 2013 and spoke to someone. He stated
>>>> that he was the office manager. He never gave his name. I explained my
>>>> situation and what was taking place and what I have done. He suggested
>>>> that I run. I told him that I had nowhere to go. He gave me a phone
>>>> number and said that they could help me. It turned out to be a
>>>> homeless shelter. So I phoned him back leaving him a message. He
>>>> returned my call four days later. I explained to him that I did not
>>>> need a shelter, that I needed a lawyer to give me legal advice. To
>>>> this day I've had no legal advice!
>>>> I again explained my situation. He stated that he was a lawyer and he
>>>> could not help me. I requested that in writing. His reply was, "We get
>>>> 10,000 calls a day and we do not have the time to write letters to
>>>> everyone." He went on to state that I should continue to deal with the
>>>> Complaints Commission. This after I explained to him that I've been
>>>> down that road before and they only review paperwork put forth by the
>>>> RCMP. He went on again to state that I should run!
>>>> A couple of days later I phoned the Complaints Commission to request
>>>> the phone numbers of Bob Paulson, Head RCMP commissioner and Craig
>>>> Cullen, Deputy Commissioner here in B.C. I spoke to a lady who stated
>>>> she was a complaints commissioner and that I had no right to that
>>>> information. That she, herself, could not contact them directly. She
>>>> suggested that I try the RCMP website. I have no access to a computer.
>>>> I however have had and the web sites that are connected to me are
>>>> being stalked by the RCMP. I have exposed two such sites that have
>>>> been created by the RCMP. I will also state that my mom's phone has
>>>> been tapped and after contacting Telus I was told that I have no right
>>>> to that information.
>>>> On January 19th 2013 I went to the Native Friendship Centre and spoke
>>>> to Criss Dunlope who handles legal aid and explained my situation to
>>>> her. She asked, "Why are you coming to me?" I told her that I needed a
>>>> lawyer and legal advice. She said that she was not a lawyer and
>>>> everything she could suggest I have already done. She went on to state
>>>> that I should go underground because my situation will not change
>>>> until the RCMP quit investigating themselves.
>>>> On February 6th, 2013 I again phoned the RCMP Complaints Commission. I
>>>> asked the receptionist that answered if the commission's mandate has
>>>> changed or do the RCMP still investigate themselves. She stated, "No,
>>>> our mandate is still the same and the RCMP still investigate
>>>> themselves." I told her my situation and she said, "I will have an
>>>> analyst phone me back."
>>>> I received a phone call twenty minutes later. It was a man's voice who
>>>> asked, "Now what the fuck do you want?"
>>>> Now I am a logger and used to such belligerence until he continued by
>>>> stating, "We have been down this road in 2005 and we will not deal
>>>> with this any further you fucking asshole." So I asked him, "Can I get
>>>> that in writing?" He replied, "No, we have given you everything in
>>>> writing we are going to give you!"
>>>> So I asked, "So you're telling me I have no rights. I just had someone
>>>> try to blow me up after I was at a friend's and some one tampered with
>>>> my propane system."
>>>> He asked, "Did anyone see who did it?" I replied, "Well the only
>>>> enemies that I have been dealing with are cops and they are the ones
>>>> I'm trying to get investigated." He said, "No, we cannot help you." So
>>>> I said, "So you're telling me that you're going to do nothing just
>>>> like when I shot Constable Paul Collister? I mean it would have been
>>>> really simple to subpoena the medical records of Collister." I went on
>>>> and said, "You know that I did shoot him in the left arm with a twelve
>>>> gauge shotgun loaded with #4 birdshot! That he is still being treated
>>>> for a blockage in his ulna." I then added, "I could implicate him in
>>>> as many as thirteen murders." He then stated that they have done
>>>> everything that they could and then told me again that I could go fuck
>>>> myself.
>>>> I understand why he treated me the way that he did. In my opinion he
>>>> did an inadequate and inept job when asked for a review by the
>>>> Complaints Commission. He went solely on the word of Sgt. Hildebrant
>>>> who was Constable Collister's cohort for years and then add the
>>>> tampered-with tape.
>>>> I mean, would you not ask for proof that Collister was not shot? How
>>>> hard would it have been to ask for medical reports?
>>>> It's also my opinion that the Complaints Commission is just a cover-up
>>>> organization for the RCMP and is a useless facet of our justice
>>>> system.
>>>> Something I do not understand is why do the RCMP have such control?
>>>> They are just people like us.
>>>> You know that I have been asked by lawyers why I was not dead yet and
>>>> why are you trying to get us killed?
>>>> I have also been told that I am a threat to national security by these
>>>> same lawyers. I have always asked why? I'm just trying to deal with a
>>>> system that has a crack in it that I've unknowingly fallen into. I'm
>>>> just trying to stay alive. Is that too much to ask? I've had to relive
>>>> this much too long.
>>>> The stress and anxiety and the fear for my life, along with the
>>>> physical injuries, has left me feeling like I'm being tortured to
>>>> death.
>>>> I ask all you Honourable Members what do I do, let them murder me? I
>>>> have always stated to everyone that I may have to forfeit my life.
>>>> That, I have always expected, but I ask you, am I not going to fight
>>>> to defend my life?
>>>> I mean I could go ballistic like the ex-L.A. police officer who was
>>>> reported to have murdered other police officers. I can relate to some
>>>> of the feelings but my no means can I understand why he did what he
>>>> did. I believe there has been enough killing already. That is why I'm
>>>> doing what I'm doing to prevent me from having to harm anyone. I have
>>>> only asked for someone to investigate from outside the RCMP and I
>>>> request to be put in protective custody till this is resolved. I also
>>>> request medical treatment to see if my injuries can be treated.
>>>> On the other hand, what do I do if you ignore my requests? Do I go to
>>>> the United States and ask for asylum? These RCMP members are above the
>>>> law and will not stop till I'm dead and there is no one who protects
>>>> me from my supposed protectors. I always thought this was a free
>>>> country to do what I want within the laws of Canada. Having to live in
>>>> almost house arrest conditions for nine years has shown me that we
>>>> live in a police state. I cannot even go to my own home, I have to
>>>> live with my mother in order to feel any sort of safety and even then
>>>> it's very little. There has been no way out of this. I have tried
>>>> everything.
>>>> I ask the Honourable Christy Clark about your letter dated November
>>>> 28th, 2012. You stated that you could not get personally involved. Yet
>>>> you sent my letter to the Quesnel RCMP detachment to be investigated.
>>>> Your actions exposed every piece of personal identification that I
>>>> possess to the people who are trying to murder me. These RCMP members
>>>> have a computer system called C.P.E.C. and now can track me where ever
>>>> I go in Canada. I ask you, is that not overstepping your mandate and
>>>> in doing so exposing me to further threat?
>>>> The RCMP officer who phoned me on your behalf was police officer Ray
>>>> Kinloch. He asked me to go in and make a statement. I refused. Reason
>>>> one is for fear of my life and reason two is I'm not going to give him
>>>> the evidence so it can be altered or go missing.
>>>> I realize that by stating this I'm not making friends or allies and I
>>>> do apologize if I've offended you. That was never my intention, ever.
>>>> I wish that I did not have to involve any of you Honourable Members
>>>> but what choice do I have? The truth is the truth and life is like
>>>> that. I have only tried to deal with what's been given to me.
>>>> I believe that you are the people who look out for society's best
>>>> interests. These RCMP officers murdering people and investigating
>>>> themselves is a threat to society is it not? You Honourable Members
>>>> are our representatives by way of legal election. I've never voted for
>>>> who would be members of the RCMP and I sure never put them in a
>>>> position where they are above the law. This has resided in the
>>>> policies that government has mandated since the time of confederation.
>>>> I believe that this arcane system has done nothing to protect myself
>>>> or anyone from being victimized by members of the RCMP and in doing so
>>>> has left these same RCMP members unaccountable for any crimes that
>>>> they choose to commit.
>>>> I will state that if someone from outside the RCMP with a mandate to
>>>> investigate the RCMP does investigate and I am found not to be telling
>>>> the whole truth I would expect to be charged with obstruction of
>>>> justice with the full knowledge of the maximum sentence that can
>>>> brought down upon me. I fully expect to be held in compliance with
>>>> Canadian law.
>>>> I ask you Honourable Members if the I.I.O. office in Ontario can
>>>> investigate the members of the B.C. RCMP. They have been mandated for
>>>> a longer period of time. I however do not know if they can be
>>>> interprovincial. They are a federal branch are they not? I have no way
>>>> to contact them.
>>>> Look. I am not trying to destroy the RCMP. I just believe that they
>>>> should be held accountable. I also know that they are a valuable
>>>> organization with a lot of good people who are a benefit to society's
>>>> safety. On the other hand there is a subculture within the RCMP that
>>>> is a detriment to the safety of the Canadian public by being above the
>>>> law and investigating themselves.
>>>> Please do something. I cannot go on living in fear for my life when I
>>>> know that the laws can be changed and I can feel free to live my life
>>>> again.
>>>> I do request a reply in writing from all you Honourable Members in
>>>> regards to this matter.
>>>> Thank you. God bless.
>>>> Yours truly,
>>>> Lonnie Gabriel Landrud
>>>> April 24th, 2013
>>>> FYI Frank Frost told me tonight that Lonnie Landrud amongst many
>>>> others witnessed the CROWN prosecutor Geoffrey McDonald file HARD COPY
>>>> of some of my documents into the PUBLIC RECORD of Frank Frost's matter
>>>> in a fainthearted effort to make him appear to be crazy. However I had
>>>> already kinda sorta figured it out byway of reading what the
>>>> chickenshit neo nazi Arty Baby Topham had to say about it and hearing
>>>> about the local cops in the Maritmes harassing my friends
>>>> "On Monday, February 3rd Frank Frost appeared in the Prince George
>>>> Court House regarding an application which he had filed earlier
>>>> demanding that his bail conditions be fully rescinded. When he arrived
>>>> at the courthouse he had some additional evidence with him in his
>>>> briefcase (which he affectionately refers to as his "Pandora's Box")
>>>> that could prove to be a major blow to the guilty parties involved in
>>>> his own arrest and the arrest of his partner Carrie Rupf. As well he
>>>> was able to also present to the court another major case of federal
>>>> government corruption with international repercussions that's been
>>>> held back for close to fifteen years now and is one that former
>>>> federal Attorney General Ann McClellan had recommended police
>>>> investigate years ago.
>>>> Appearing before Judge Gray and flanked by Crown Prosecutor Geoff
>>>> McDonald, Frank Frost proceeded to present his arguments and his
>>>> evidence to the court, all of which was accepted. Crown Counsel
>>>> McDonald attempted to persuade the judge that Mr. Frost ought to have
>>>> a "mental evaluation" rather than be taken seriously by the court but
>>>> the judge was not prepared to grant any order of that nature and
>>>> allowed Frost to carry on with his arguments. Crown Counsel had good
>>>> reason to try that last ditch attempt to stop Frank Frost which will
>>>> become all too apparent to readers."
>>>> I bet that Jennifer.Johnston, Geoffrey McDonald and their RCMP buddies
>>>> won't soon forget some very pissed off folks telling them off in a
>>>> very public fashion this summer EH?
>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>> David Raymonf Amos
>>>> 903 800 0369
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: "Johnston, Jennifer JAG:EX" <>
>>>> Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 15:54:48 -0800
>>>> Subject: Out of Office: Yo Derek Fildebrand Whereas your mindless
>>>> buddy Scott Hennig wants me to sue him personally along with you I
>>>> will assume that these are your correct current addresses
>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>> I am out of town, returning the morning of November 13, 2014. If this
>>>> is urgent, please call Kathy Backer at (250) 992-4262.
>>>> On 11/8/14, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>>> This was your address before you got married recently Its public
>>>>> knowledge Correct?
>>>>> Derek Fildebrandt
>>>>> Unit 407
>>>>> 6223 - 31 Avenue NW
>>>>> Calgary, Alberta
>>>>> T3B 3X2
>>>>> I got this info about Scotty Baby from the public phone records
>>>>> Scott Hennig
>>>>> 9705 86 St
>>>>> Fort Saskatchewan, AB,
>>>>> T8L 2Z5
>>>>> 780-998-5459
>>>>> This is Scotty Baby bragging bigtime in his neighbourhood correct?
>>>>> What Scotty Baby don't know about Mean Old Me versus Mikey Duffy and
>>>>> the Senate etc could fill a book EH Cpl Horton?
>>>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>>>> For the Public Record anyone with two clues between their ears can see
>>>>> that despite what your tax free organization names imply The Canadian
>>>>> Taxpayers Federation and The National Citizens Coalition you are just
>>>>> overpaid far right wing spindoctors who either work for politicians or
>>>>> have worked for them as you try to become politicians yourselves
>>>>> I bet by now you not so clever neo con punks have at least finally
>>>>> figured out that threats from politcal wannabes and their corrupt
>>>>> lawyers and cops pals don't scare Mean Old Me not even a little bit.
>>>>> Imagine if the neo con punks had figured out what has been going on
>>>>> been the Feds and I since 1982. The Libranos and the RCMP would not
>>>>> have their way with Canada for so long EH Assistant Commisioner Gilles
>>>>> Moreau?
>>>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>>>> Also for the Public Record John Williamson and Kevin Lacey should not
>>>>> deny that I have spoken with both of them personally several times
>>>>> since 2005 and sent them many emails since then. Kevin Lacey can't
>>>>> deny that his beloved Premier Hamm quit as Premier as soon as I
>>>>> informed Murray Scott the I would publish the letter below in Chucky
>>>>> Leblanc's blog while all the corrupt left wing CBC dudes were locked
>>>>> out of ther jobs and could not report it even if they wanted to.
>>>>> A few years later Chucky's blogging butt buddy Danny Boy Fitgerald
>>>>> opted to publish it as well so that the NDP he supports could tease
>>>>> Gordy Campbell
>>>>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
>>>>> July 31st, 2005
>>>>> Lt. Gov. Norman L. Kwong
>>>>> Premier Ralph Klein
>>>>> c/o Att. Gen. Ron Stevens
>>>>> Lt. Gov. Iona V. Campagnolo
>>>>> Premier Gordon Campbell
>>>>> c/o Att. Gen. Wally Oppal
>>>>> Lt. Gov. Myra A. Freeman
>>>>> Premier John F. Hamm
>>>>> c/o Att. Gen. Michael Baker
>>>>> Halifax, Nova Scotia
>>>>> Lt. Gov. J. Léonce Bernard
>>>>> Premier Pat G. Binns
>>>>> c/o Att. Gen. Mildred A. Dover
>>>>> Charlottetown, PEI
>>>>> RE: Public Corruption
>>>>> Hey,
>>>>> Apparently everybody wanted to play dumb about my concerns and
>>>>> allegations so that Humpty Dumpty Martin's minority government would
>>>>> not fall and they could party hardy while the Queen was in Canada. As
>>>>> you all know months ago, I began faxing, emailing and calling the
>>>>> eight other Lt. Governors I had yet to cross paths with. I fully
>>>>> informed them of my indignation towards the Governor General Clarkson
>>>>> and two of her other Maritime Lieutenants Roberts and Chaisson before
>>>>> the latest wave of bad acting Yankees invaded my home in the USA
>>>>> without warrants or due process if law.
>>>>> I made certain all of the provincial Attorney Generals and Premiers
>>>>> can never deny the fact that I tried to make them well aware of my
>>>>> concerns and allegations in order to make everybody should sit up and
>>>>> pay attention. Not one person from any of your offices ever responded
>>>>> in any fashion at all. You can be certain that I expected the
>>>>> deliberate ignorance. It is one of the oldest tricks in the book that
>>>>> lawyers employ in order to play their wicked game of see no evil, hear
>>>>> no evil speak no evil. I knew it would happen particularly after Nova
>>>>> Scotia's Conflict of Interest Commissioner Merlin Nunn had blocked my
>>>>> emails before I had contacted you. I have no doubt it helped to
>>>>> relieve him of his ethical dilemma before the NS NDP decided what to
>>>>> do about their chance to unseat the Conservatives. I have no doubt
>>>>> whatsoever many lawyers in Canada were praying that the Suffolk County
>>>>> District Attorney would have me back in the loony bin by April 28th
>>>>> and that all your troubles would go away. I opted to let you all have
>>>>> your way and did not bother you anymore until the Queen had left our
>>>>> shores and Parliament quit for the summer. Now it is my turn to have
>>>>> some fun and raise a little Political Hell.
>>>>> While the Queen, Clarkson and Martin where all having a grand old time
>>>>> on the Canadian dime my little Clan went through living hell down
>>>>> here. Trust me, lawyers need to learn some new tricks. Ignorance is no
>>>>> excuse to the law or me. Making some Canadian Attorney Generals and
>>>>> their political buddies show me their arses is child's play to me
>>>>> after all that I have experienced in the last few years. If you doubt
>>>>> me ask Michael J. Bryant and Yvon Marcoux why I am so pissed at their
>>>>> bosses and the DHS. Then check my work for yourself. If the tag team
>>>>> of John Ashcroft and Tom Ridge could not intimidate me, believe me you
>>>>> people don't have a prayer. Both of those dudes have quit their jobs
>>>>> but I am still standing and squaring off against their replacements
>>>>> now. If it were not for all the decent folks I know, the snotty ones
>>>>> like you would make me feel ashamed to be a Canadian. There is no
>>>>> shortage of lawyers. It is just that ethical ones that are rare birds,
>>>>> that's all. You must know how easily the Canadian people can replace
>>>>> you with other lawyers if it becomes widely known how willing you are
>>>>> to ignore crime if it means some fancy dude may be compelled to suffer
>>>>> for his own wrongs.
>>>>> The justice system is supposed to be self-policing. It should clean up
>>>>> its own act rather than trying to maintain a false mask of integrity
>>>>> for lawyers that are obviously criminals. It is way beyond my
>>>>> understanding why you people would choose to support the likes of Paul
>>>>> Martin, Adrienne Clarkson, T. Alex Hickman and Billy Matthews if you
>>>>> are not all as crooked as hell as well. The deliberate ignorance and
>>>>> double-talk employed by the wealthy few to dodge simple truths is
>>>>> absolutely offensive to ordinary people blessed with the rare
>>>>> attribute called common sense. Not all folks are like sheep. Paul
>>>>> Martin's latest tricks make for a very fine example of truly how bad
>>>>> things are. Even amidst wholesale scandals breaking out hell, west and
>>>>> crooked everywhere lawyers and politicians just close ranks and stand
>>>>> together as thick as the thieves they are. I stress tested the ethics
>>>>> of the ladies of the Bloc Quebecois and the Gomery Inquiry immediately
>>>>> after Martin's carefully orchestrated little circus in Parliament on
>>>>> May 19th was a matter of history. Lets just say I was not surprised to
>>>>> not hear one peep in response from anyone other than to get a call
>>>>> from an unidentified and very nervous but cocky Yankee lawyer claiming
>>>>> that Tony Blair was mad at me.
>>>>> Pursuant to my phone calls, emails and faxes please find enclosed as
>>>>> promised exactly the same hard copy of what I sent to the Canadian
>>>>> Ambassadors Allan Rock and Franky Boy McKenna and a couple of nasty
>>>>> FBI agents on May 12th just before an interesting event in front of
>>>>> our home in Milton. I have also included a copy of four letters I have
>>>>> received in response since then that you may find interesting to say
>>>>> the least. I also sent you a copy of a letter sent to a lady Ms.
>>>>> Condolezza Rice whom our former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney
>>>>> considers to be the most powerful woman in the world. The CD of the
>>>>> copy of police surveillance tape # 139 is served upon all the above
>>>>> named Attorney Generals as officers of the court in order that it may
>>>>> be properly investigated. I will not bother you with the details of
>>>>> what I am sending to you byway of the certified US Mail because I will
>>>>> be serving identical material to many other Canadian Authorities in
>>>>> hand and tell them I gave this stuff to you first and enclose a copy
>>>>> of this letter. All that is important to me right now is that I secure
>>>>> proof that this mail was sent before I make my way back home to the
>>>>> Maritimes.
>>>>> However I will say I am also enclosing a great deal more material than
>>>>> what Allan Rock had received in the UN. Some of it is in fact the same
>>>>> material the two maritime lawyers, Rob Moore and Franky Boy McKenna in
>>>>> particular received, while I was up home running for Parliament last
>>>>> year. Things have changed greatly in the past year so I have also
>>>>> included a few recent items to spice things up for you. I am tired of
>>>>> trying to convince people employed in law enforcement to uphold the
>>>>> law. So all I will say for now is deal will your own conscience and be
>>>>> careful how you respond to this letter. If you do not respond. Rest
>>>>> assured I will do my best to sue you some day. Ignorance is no excuse
>>>>> to the law or me.
>>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>>> David R. Amos
>>>>> The enclosed letter from The Public Service Integrity Office, whose
>>>>> boss recently testified before the Gomery Inquiry and following quotes
>>>>> prove why I must speak out.
>>>>> "Well what do you expect?" said Le Hir in reaction. "Anybody who had
>>>>> been involved in that kind of thing isn't going to admit readily, or
>>>>> willfully, to having participated." Asked why he's waited 10 years to
>>>>> come out with his allegations, Le Hir said he was "sworn to secrecy."
>>>>> "I'm breaking that oath, and the only way I could have been relieved
>>>>> by that oath was by a judge in a court saying, 'Mr. Lehir, I
>>>>> understand that you have made an oath of secrecy; and you're hereby
>>>>> relieved of that oath." "Mr. Wallace added that police and the courts,
>>>>> not internal rules, are best-equipped to deal with bureaucrats who
>>>>> cross
>>>>> the line and break the law. But Judge Gomery did not appear satisfied.
>>>>> "It takes a major scandal to get the police involved," he said. "It is
>>>>> not
>>>>> in the nature of the public service to call in the police."
>>>>> Everybody knows that in order to protect the rights and interests of
>>>>> my Clan and to sooth my own soul, I have proven many times over that
>>>>> all lawyers, law enforcement authorities, and politicians in Canada
>>>>> and the USA are not worthy of the public trust. I maintain that their
>>>>> first order of business is to protect the evil longstanding system
>>>>> they have created for their own benefit rather than the people they
>>>>> claim to serve. Call me a liar and put it in writing. I Double Dog
>>>>> Dare ya.
>>>>> Baker got my material. So did everyone else. Only the Attorney General
>>>>> in Quecbec refused it. I bet our newest Governor General knows why. It
>>>>> is likely for the same reason she will not accept my emails. It should
>>>>> be obvious to anyone why I must sue the Crown.
>>>>> That said I must add some more "info" about Jimmy Prentice and his
>>>>> minions for you " Taxpayer" dudes to try to ignore and also say Hey to
>>>>> couple of lawyers on your board of Directors one of whom I have
>>>>> crossed paths with before
>>>>> So Hey David Hunter and Karen Selick (Remember our doings with the
>>>>> evil Neo Nazi's estate and Zionists legal argument New Brunswick?)
>>>>> Here is a little Deja Vu for you.
>>>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>>>> Karen Selick @kselick ·29 Jul 2013
>>>>> BLOG: You don't fight Nazis by becoming a Nazi yourself says @kselick
>>>>> via @HuffPostCanada
>>>>> Michael Taube @michaeltaube ·30 Jul 2013
>>>>> I completely agree with Karen's position. MT @kselick You don't fight
>>>>> Nazis by becoming a Nazi yourself
>>>>> Dr. Dawg @DrDawg ·30 Jul 2013
>>>>> @michaeltaube @kselick So you agree with Karen's laughable assertion
>>>>> that the Nazis opposed private property?
>>>>> Michael Taube @michaeltaube ·30 Jul 2013
>>>>> @DrDawg @kselick Sorry, I don't follow. She wrote that the Nazis
>>>>> opposed Jews owning private property. That's correct.
>>>>> Dr. Dawg @DrDawg ·30 Jul 2013
>>>>> @michaeltaube I misunderstood, then. I thought she was saying it was
>>>>> "Nazi" to oppose private property rights.
>>>>> Michael Taube @michaeltaube ·30 Jul 2013
>>>>> @DrDawg No worries! She was just trying to show how the Nazis
>>>>> arbitrarily opposed Jewish ownership of private property.
>>>>> David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos ·18 Aug 2013
>>>>> @kselick @huffpostcanada @DavidRayAmos I just left you a voicemail
>>>>> because it appears that we have a common foe
>>>>> David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos ·18 Aug 2013
>>>>> @huffpostcanada @kselick @DavidRayAmos BTW I am this David Amos
>>>>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
>>>>> … proof of the pudding
>>>>> http://www.checktheevidence.
>>>>> …
>>>>> I must say that bet that you agree that Arty Baby Topham is not a very
>>>>> nice Neo Nazi EH? Why have you not sued him for slander and libel?
>>>>> Anyway i must say you VERY UNETHICAL "Taxpayer" people who are no
>>>>> doubt still generously supported by Bankster donations must at least
>>>>> recall why I sued three US Treasury Agent in 2002 or the documents I
>>>>> sent to your Wannabe King Harper and his Bankster buddies in 2006
>>>>> while your political pal Derek Baby was still in school N'esy Pas ?
>>>>> How about the letters I got from the Libranos and the CROWN in 2004 I
>>>>> bet your Bankster supporters enjoyed them EH?
>>>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>>>> Jan 3rd, 2004
>>>>> Mr. David R. Amos
>>>>> 153 Alvin Avenue
>>>>> Milton, MA U.S.A. 02186
>>>>> Dear Mr. Amos
>>>>> Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to my
>>>>> predecessor, the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding your safety.
>>>>> I apologize for the delay in responding.
>>>>> If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only
>>>>> suggest
>>>>> that you contact the police of local jurisdiction. In addition, any
>>>>> evidence
>>>>> of
>>>>> criminal activity should be brought to their attention since the
>>>>> police
>>>>> are
>>>>> in
>>>>> the best position to evaluate the information and take action as
>>>>> deemed
>>>>> appropriate.
>>>>> I trust that this information is satisfactory.
>>>>> Yours sincerely
>>>>> A. Anne McLellan
>>>>> September 11th, 2004
>>>>> Dear Mr. Amos,
>>>>> On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne
>>>>> Clarkson, I acknowledge receipt of two sets of documents and
>>>>> CD regarding corruption, one received from you directly, and the
>>>>> other forwarded to us by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of
>>>>> New Brunswick.
>>>>> I regret to inform you that the Governor General cannot
>>>>> intervene in matters that are the responsibility of elected officials
>>>>> and courts of Justice of Canada. You already contacted the various
>>>>> provincial authorities regarding your concerns, and these were the
>>>>> appropriate steps to take.
>>>>> Yours sincerely.
>>>>> Renee Blanchet
>>>>> Office of the Secretary to the Governor General
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 10:26:07 -0600
>>>>> Subject: I just called Jim Prentice's number back and got a Fax
>>>>> Machine???
>>>>> To:,,
>>>>> "fortmcmurray.woodbuffalo" <fortmcmurray.woodbuffalo@
>>>>> fortmcmurray.conklin@assembly.
>>>>> highwood <>, info <>
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>>, "Marianne.Ryan"
>>>>> <>
>>>>> pol7163 <>, "rod.knecht"
>>>>> <>
>>>>> So I called this guy and left a voicemail I strongly suggested that
>>>>> his "media" fella Google the following words
>>>>> david amos
>>>>> Bill Anderson, Press Secretary
>>>>> Campaign Office of Jim Prentice
>>>>> 780-446-2564
>>>>> Obviously I got strange message from your "Fax Machine" that I would
>>>>> like to discuss with Jim Prentice
>>>>> You received a new 0:30 minutes voicemail message, on Thursday, July
>>>>> 24, 2014 at 04:11:15 PM in mailbox 9028000369 from "JIM PRENTICE"
>>>>> <4034576157>.
>>>>> These are the numbers I called on Monday and I talked to real people
>>>>> both very nice ladies if my memory serves me correctly
>>>>> You can also call us at 403-617-3404 (780-756-3629 in Edmonton) or
>>>>> us
>>>>> directly at Calgary Office Jim Prentice Campaign
>>>>> However I certainly did call Jim Prentices'a personal number yesterday
>>>>> and left a voicemail. CORRECT???
>>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>>> 902 800 0369
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 11:44:48 -0600
>>>>> Subject: I just called the CSA, Jim Prentice the CIBC again from 902
>>>>> 800 0369 and nobody picked up the phone as usual
>>>>> To: csa-acvm-secretariat@acvm-csa.
>>>>> <>,, inquiries
>>>>> <>, "jennifer. warren" <>,
>>>>>, "david. allgood" <>, "Frank.
>>>>> McKenna" <>, "deborah.alexander"
>>>>> < deborah.alexander@scotiabank.
>>>>> <>, frankffrost <>,
>>>>> "Darren.Woroshelo" <Darren.Woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>, MulcaT <>,
>>>>>,, "hugh.flemming"
>>>>> <>,,,
>>>>> https://www.securities-
>>>>> However I also called a lot of the various provincial regulators some
>>>>> picked up the phone found my files and some did not.
>>>>> For the PUBLIC RECORD they should have exactly the same documents that
>>>>> Mr Harper and his bankster pals recieved in 2006.
>>>>> Obviously the pdf file hereto attached at least proves that the
>>>>> corrupt cop Dean Buzza and his former boss Landslide Annie know
>>>>> everything
>>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>>> 902 800 0369
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: "Prentice, Jim" <>
>>>>> Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 22:39:00 +0000
>>>>> Subject: Leave of Absence
>>>>> To: David Amos <>,
>>>>> Thank you for your email.
>>>>> Please note that I have formally begun my Leave of Absence from CIBC.
>>>>> My CIBC email address and CIBC-issued mobile number are both inactive.
>>>>> Effective immediately, please contact me at
>>>>> 370-5628.
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> Jim
>>>>> Hon. Jim Prentice, P.C., Q.C.
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: OMBUDSMAN Mailbox <>
>>>>> Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 22:39:36 +0000
>>>>> Subject: Ombudsman Mailbox
>>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>>> Thank you for contacting CIBC.
>>>>> We received your message and will reply to you within 48 hours or 2
>>>>> business days.
>>>>> CIBC Office of the Ombudsman
>>>>> ******************************
>>>>> Merci d'avoir communiqué avec la Banque CIBC.
>>>>> Nous avons bien reçu votre message. Nous vous répondrons d'ici les 48
>>>>> prochaines heures ou deux jours ouvrable.
>>>>> CIBC Bureau de l'ombudsman
>>>>> https://www.securities-
>>>>> Tour de la Bourse
>>>>> 800, Square Victoria
>>>>> Suite 2510
>>>>> Montreal Quebec H4Z 1J2
>>>>> Tel: (514) 864-9510
>>>>> Fax: (514) 864-9512
>>>>> E-mail: csa-acvm-secretariat@acvm-csa.
>>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>>> From: Jonathan Denis QC <>
>>>>> Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 21:48:28 +0000
>>>>> Subject: RE: Here is some VERY serious gossip for the Left Wingers in
>>>>> Calgary (Tory ineptitude??? Methinks the Herald is no better EH Mr
>>>>> Minister Denis?)
>>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>>> I've learned to ignore the noise and keep focused on the task at
>>>>> hand...
>>>>> ______________________________
>>>>> From: David Amos []
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 10:14 AM
>>>>> To:;;
>>>>>; msmith@michaelsmithconsulting.
>>>>> the Premier; Bruce.McAllister@assembly.ab.
>>>>> Chestermere.rockyview@
>>>>> Cc: David Amos; ! Jonathan Denis; mnielsen;;
>>>>> justin.trudeau.a1
>>>>> Subject: Fwd: Here is some VERY serious gossip for the Left Wingers in
>>>>> Calgary (Tory ineptitude??? Methinks the Herald is no better EH Mr
>>>>> Minister Denis?)
>>>>> “The Wildrose, which has the most money to throw at this, is going to
>>>>> throw everything they’ve got at it to gain some credibility, momentum
>>>>> and publicity,” said Lori Williams, associate professor of political
>>>>> science at Mount Royal University.
>>>>> Since becoming PC leader Sept. 6, Prentice has tried to distance
>>>>> himself from the Redford government, promising to sell the fleet of
>>>>> government aircraft, introduce tougher accountability legislation, end
>>>>> entitlements and review rural health care.
>>>>> But opposition parties dismissed Prentice’s moves as mere
>>>>> window-dressing from a party short on ideas, intent on
>>>>> self-preservation and maintaining power after 43 years in government.
>>>>> “Don’t forget that all these things we’re hearing now — change,
>>>>> renewal, a new beginning — this is exactly what was rolled out when
>>>>> Redford came onto the scene,” said Bruce McAllister, Wildrose MLA for
>>>>> Chestermere-Rocky View.
>>>>> “And we all know how that ended, don’t we.”
>>>>> (403) 207-9889
>>>>> http://www.
>>>>> News Coverage/Reporter Sarah Papke 403.775.7525
>>>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>>>> Derek Fildebrandt
>>>>> Alberta Director
>>>>> Office Location:
>>>>> 3625 Shaganappi Trail NW
>>>>> PO Box 84171 Market Mall
>>>>> Calgary, Alberta T3A 5C4
>>>>> Phone: 1-800-661-0187
>>>>> Cell: 403-690-4910
>>>>> E-mail:
>>>>> Twitter @ DFildebrandt
>>>>> 604-560-5015
>>>>> (403) 219-8183
>>>>> 403-768-2720
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:31:07 -0600
>>>>> Subject: Fwd: Here is some VERY serious gossip for the Left Wingers in
>>>>> Calgary
>>>>> To:,,
>>>>>, michelle.glavine@teachers.ab.
>>>>> Rhansen <>, pol7163
>>>>> <>, highwood <>
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>, oldmaison <>
>>>>> “The PCs have been arrogant and out-of-touch,” said Macdonald.
>>>>> “I’m sorry, but the last two weeks of good news announcements by the
>>>>> new premier do not make up for the last several years of government
>>>>> entitlement and mismanagement.”
>>>>> Macdonald retired last year after 25 years on the Calgary Police
>>>>> Service, where she specialized in cybercrime prevention and Internet
>>>>> safety.
>>>>> YEA RIGHT I bet Ms MacDonald worked with your fellow corrupt cop ICE
>>>>> Staff Sgt. Steve Lorne EH Chief Hansen?
>>>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:11:07 -0600
>>>>> Subject: Here is some VERY serious gossip for the Left Wingers in
>>>>> Calgary
>>>>> To:,,
>>>>>,, themayor
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>> "" <>, "joshua.skurnik"
>>>>> <>, lgunter <>,
>>>>> I will lay odds that Col John Fletcher knows exactly who Mr Baconfat
>>>>> is EH Ezzy Levant?
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 15:53:36 -0600
>>>>> Subject: Yo Jimmy Prentice the RCMP that you and your minions oversee
>>>>> are well aware that my brother did not call Mr Baconfat HOWEVER
>>>>> To: "pej.prentice" <>, "Marianne.Ryan"
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> patrick_doran1 <>, Rhansen
>>>>> <>, deanr0032 <>,
>>>>> "Gary.Rhodes" <>, premier
>>>>> <>, ">" <>, "Mackay.P"
>>>>> <>, mccalj <>, "McCallum.J"
>>>>> <>, Mackap <>, birgir
>>>>> <>,
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>> <>,,
>>>>> Anyone recall this email?
>>>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>>>> Many cops including members and their Officers of Queen's Red Serge
>>>>> cannot deny the fact that their blogging butt buddy Mr Baconfat in
>>>>> Edmonton and his pal Dirty Dicky Dean in Sylvan Lake in have been
>>>>> threatening to kill members of my family for nearly 8 years. Nor can
>>>>> the corrupt cops deny the fact that I have the right to self defense
>>>>> particularly when the law enforcement dudes refuse to act within the
>>>>> scope of their employment. As far as I know duels are still legal as
>>>>> long as they are done on the CROWN"s property.
>>>>> If I opt to come to Edmonton AGAIN in order to file a lawsuit or two
>>>>> then take up the nasty Fat Bastard's far from cordial invite to kick
>>>>> his evil arse on parliamenty property is his buddy Rod Kniecht and the
>>>>> dudes in the RCMP gonna arrest me or hold Mr Baconfat's coat and take
>>>>> bet on the outcome?
>>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>>> 902 800 0369
>>>>> Monday, August 25, 2014
>>>>> Meet The Fucked Up Amos Brothers, Little Davey,And Dale
>>>>> A few short weeks ago pathological liar, and convicted sex offender
>>>>> David Amos tried to con Lori, myself and cyber-space that he came here
>>>>> from his humble hovel in Halifax, to "get me." He was called out,
>>>>> called bullshit on and he has ran off to ignominious obscurity and
>>>>> silence. What's the old expression, "good riddance to bad rubbish?"
>>>>> So now little Dale Amos 780 713 6836 Fort Mac Murray has written me,
>>>>> and Lori twice to run the mouth and self aggrandize himself .
>>>>> This is first little missive: " Those Amos videos of your apartment
>>>>> are priceless. Are you going to meet him, or are you a gutless shit? I
>>>>> personally hopes he kills you."
>>>>> Then today little Dale Amos wrote this to Lori and me:
>>>>> "You could call me at 780 713 6836 and we could have a pow wow. If of
>>>>> course you have the sand the back up your words. My Brother is most
>>>>> definitely ready to hand you a proper shit kicking, and I wouldn't
>>>>> mind getting a piece of you after what you said about my nieces.....By
>>>>> the way when they are town Gracie plans to visit Lori at work and ask
>>>>> her personally about your blog. Heads up Dale Amos." END OF QUOTE
>>>>> Dale Amos it appears YOU are as much a pathological liar as little
>>>>> Davey baby is. Little Davey baby nor his paste swallowing "children"
>>>>> could ever rise to the purchase of bus fare, much less a plane ticket,
>>>>> to get to Alberta. In fact none of your inbred "family" have the
>>>>> intellectual capacity to find Edmonton on a map, on the very best day
>>>>> they ever had.
>>>>> Dale Amos YOU are a gobshite! Your Brother is a gobshite! If YOU feel
>>>>> so emotionally committed to "handing me a proper shit kicking," I
>>>>> cordially invite you try and do so before waiting for help to do so.
>>>>> Dale, send my love to your hooker nieces!
>>>>> Posted by Seren at 6:40 PM
>>>>> Tuesday, September 3, 2013
>>>>> To sum up!
>>>>> It is Tuesday, September 3. I am back still traipsing the shallow
>>>>> end of bureaucratic government, DND officialdom. David Amos is still
>>>>> unemployed and Mr. Canning, and Leah Parsons is still trying to extend
>>>>> and parlay their "fifteen minutes of infamy" into something more
>>>>> profitable. "For the love of God do something..." they cry. Which
>>>>> translates to, what can we get out of all this.
>>>>> Since Mr. Canning threatened me with "going national" on his blog,
>>>>> nothing has occurred. There has been no deluge of e mails to my home,
>>>>> none actually. NO torrent of comments to by blog, no promised calls
>>>>> from the "media" or outraged articles or other news stories,
>>>>> "methinks" Mr. Canning has overstated or exaggerated his importance,
>>>>> and influence. I am not over surprised.
>>>>> Rehtaeh Parsons is still dead, a victim of her selfish, addled and
>>>>> negligent "parents", to allow a fifteen year old child to be a drunk
>>>>> and promiscuous. According police there are still outstanding photos
>>>>> or at least one out there.
>>>>> David Raymond Amos still infects cyber-space threatening retribution,
>>>>> spam and imaginary litigation upon anyone that annoys or irks him.
>>>>> From Alison Menard, Robert F. O'Meara, Dan Fouts, Werner Bock, Mark
>>>>> Carney and the rest of the "snobby British Banksters and politicians,
>>>>> to our own "Stevie Boy Harper. Honourable mention goes to the unnamed
>>>>> security constable who David wants his name so he can sue him, for
>>>>> some arcane reason known only to, and understood by Amos. David Amos'
>>>>> e communications are blocked and ignored, as the products of
>>>>> whack-job.
>>>>> David Amos' "children" Max, and Laura are still hard working
>>>>> prostitutes, swallowing paste and giving rim jobs for thirty bucks, a
>>>>> pack of smokes in a pinch. And our "friend" David Amos is still
>>>>> calling Cruise line a gay chat site for thrills.
>>>>> Oh dear....The more things change the more they stay the same.
>>>>> Posted by Seren at 4:23 PM
>>>>> Monday, June 7, 2010
>>>>> Canada and the United States
>>>>> Our friend convicted sex offender David Amos post a few sentences of a
>>>>> previous post of mine that was accurate then and still is.
>>>>> Friday, August 14, 2009 What does Amerika, the "Truther" movment,
>>>>> "God" and retards have to do with Canada?
>>>>> We do not have to worry about comment from Little Dean and Dave...they
>>>>> are to uneducated to understand most posts. So have you seen them,
>>>>> been annoyed or insulted by them, have you smelled their disease? Have
>>>>> you ever crossed the "medicine line" and seen some Yank being taken
>>>>> into custody because he just has..."this constitutional right to bear
>>>>> arms" Canada.
>>>>> I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there
>>>>> being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends"
>>>>> demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing. American
>>>>> "veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying
>>>>> into the US policy.
>>>>> At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of my
>>>>> colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning
>>>>> in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would
>>>>> report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation.There was
>>>>> never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where there
>>>>> were deployed WMD.
>>>>> Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and
>>>>> invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were
>>>>> concerned about the number of "boots on the ground" for the occupation
>>>>> (and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned
>>>>> about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at
>>>>> that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil
>>>>> authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy.
>>>>> There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to
>>>>> its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was contrary
>>>>> to the lessons of Vietnam but also to current military thought, that
>>>>> folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others elucidated
>>>>> upon."What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions are
>>>>> to met before US troop can redeploy?
>>>>> Prime Minister Jean Chretien and the PMO were even at the very
>>>>> preliminary planning stages wary of Canadian involvement in an Iraq
>>>>> operation....History would prove them correct. The political pressure
>>>>> being applied on the PMO from the George W Bush administration was
>>>>> onerous
>>>>> American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
>>>>> military assets even more so It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
>>>>> naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantine operations
>>>>> in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan
>>>>> thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
>>>>> operation....The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian
>>>>> lives and liberal political capital.. and the priority of which
>>>>> ....not necessarily in that order.
>>>>> Essentially Canada was determined to stay out of Iraq, paid the price,
>>>>> of a larger role in Afghanistan to enable US military assets to
>>>>> redeploy to Iraq. The
Fundy Royal campaign targets middle class with focus on jobs
Fundy Royal voters have elected Conservatives all but 1 time in 28 elections over 101 years
The Conservatives have strong roots in the southern New Brunswick riding — this area has given its support to the Conservatives in every election for the past century, save for 1993, when Liberal Paul Zed won office.
In 2011, Conservative incumbent Rob Moore captured nearly 60 per cent of the vote.
Moore said he hopes the party's record, with its focus on the economy and direct benefits to people, will earn him another term in office.
- AUDIO: Green candidate: Stephanie Coburn
- AUDIO: Liberal candidate Alaina Lockhart
- AUDIO: NDP candidate Jennifer McKenzie
- AUDIO: Conservative candidate Rob Moore
The Tory incumbent pointed to programs, such as the Universal Childcare Benefit, as well as family income splitting and pension income splitting, that has left more money in the pockets of Canadians.
But, he said, he has also delivered on bringing federal cash to his ridinng.
Moore says the biggest question he's heard at the door is how the next government will move the regions's economy forward.
He says the answer lies in TransCanada Corp.'s proposed Energy East pipeline.
"The [Irving Oil] refinery is employing many people in our region, there's a lot of spinoff benefits, and if we can bring that resource from Alberta to New Brunswick to be refined and sold from our port, that is a great economic opportunity," said Moore.
Liberals focus on seniors, middle class

Liberal candidate Alaina Lockhart said she is trying to appeal her campaign to the middle class.
"That's the majority of Fundy Royal," said Lockhart, who has owned Lockhart's Weddings and Special Occasions Inc. since 2004.
"People working everyday to make ends meet and the fact that we have a national campaign focused on strengthening the middle class to put more money in their pockets to then stimulate the economy, I'm encouraged by that," she said.
Lockhart says her party's focus on seniors through initiatives like affordable housing, strengthening the Canada Pension Plan and guaranteed income supplement would benefit the region.
"They worked hard their whole lives and we need to make sure they have secure retirements," she said.
Hopeful for change
NDP candidate Jennifer McKenzie says she's sensing an eagerness for change in the large riding.
McKenzie, an electrical engineer living in St. Martins, threw her name in after becoming "discouraged and disillusioned by the current government."
People want our youth back, we want to have reasons to stay here.
- NDP candidate Jennifer McKenzie
The region has lost a lot of its youth because of the Harper government's lack of focus on the economy, she said.
" be part of the economy and have jobs," she asid.
"The current government's focus on the prairie provinces in the oil and gas industry left New Brunswick and the Atlantic provinces neglected, and we actually had a three year recession here."
McKenzie says the NDP's focus on small business would better serve the area's economy.
"Our agricultural industry should be flourishing, we have to make sure we protect the family farm, there's fishing, forestry, I'm proud of our tourism initiatives, so much is a good fit to the NDP," she said.
Lost youth

Stephanie Coburn, the Green Party candidate for Fundy Royal, says the promise of 14,000 direct and indirect full-time jobs across Canada is "hugely exaggerated."
"The pipeline is a bad idea for people locally and we heard about the pipeline spills in northern Alberta and Michigan, and that ... oil they hope to bring in through the pipeline is impossible to cleanup," Coburn said.
"It's a bad idea nationally because it's all going to be exported … And it's going to contribute so much to the greenhouse gases we're trying to avoid to the globe, and exacerbate global warming terribly."
Coburn says she has heard encouragement for her party at the door, a big turnaround from when she first stepped into the political arena in 2010.
"Now I feel I'm finally not talking into the wind as I have been a long time about environmental issues," said Coburn.
"People are aware of the environmental problems we experience, and we're going to experience if we don't make some changes. That's a positive change from when I first ran."
Fundy Royal contains parts of the counties of Albert, Kings, Queens, Saint John and Westmorland and includes St. Martins, Salisbury, Sussex and Petitcodiac, as well as part of Quispamsis.
Jacques Poitras | CBC News | Posted: Thursday, September 16th, 2021 5:22 PM
Image | O'Toole in Saint John
Caption: Erin O'Toole bumps elbows with a former New Brunswick MP Rodney Weston as Fundy Royal MP Rob Moore looks on at a campaign stop in Saint John on Thursday. (Christian Patry/CBC)
One day after Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau dropped in on Fredericton, Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole made a last-minute stop in Saint John in a final scramble for votes ahead of Monday's federal election.
O'Toole appeared with five of his New Brunswick candidates, including Saint John-Rothesay's Mel Norton, in the iceless ice shed of a local curling club.
He sent a clear signal to supporters of the People's Party of Canada that they should be supporting him instead.
"There is only one leader that can replace Justin Trudeau," he said.
"Channel that frustration to replace Mr. Trudeau. We hear you. We know you're frustrated, which is why we have a plan to get our country back on its feet."
O'Toole avoided several questions from reporters on decisions by Premier Blaine Higgs and his Alberta counterpart Jason Kenney to reimpose public-health restrictions in the face of rising COVID-19 case numbers.
O'Toole would not say what he thinks of Higgs's announcement Wednesday that proof of vaccination will be required to enter non-essential businesses and facilities starting next week.
"I will always work with the provinces on their decisions related to proof of vaccination, QR codes, vaccine passports," he said.
People's Party supporters oppose such requirements and O'Toole dodged a question over whether he is happy people with such opinions are not part of his Conservative Party.
Moore held the riding from 2004 until 2015 when he was defeated by Lockhart as part of the red wave that swept over Atlantic Canada that election.
Moore told Global News that he welcomed the chance to once again represent the people of the riding.
“I’m honoured to have been given a mandate of representing the people of Fundy Royal,” he said. “It’s not something I take lightly and I’m looking forward to it.”
Moore said he felt that the policies of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government did not sit well with the residents of the rural New Brunswick riding.
“Issues like the carbon tax have not gone over well here,” he said. “Affordability is a big issue and our platform and our record addressed that concern.”
With the exception of Lockhart’s win, the riding has long been considered a reliable Conservative district for the past 100 years.
Only Liberal Paul Zed’s win in 1993 interrupted the Tories’ dominance in the riding.
New Brunswick premier Blaine Higgs was on-hand to congratulate Moore’s win and said he was overjoyed to see Fundy Royal return to a Conservative riding.
“If you go back in history, you see this riding was pretty traditional as a PC riding, so I think it’s coming back to its roots and Rob was certainly a representative that’s worthy of support, and only got stalled last time around because of that wave coming through,” said Higgs."
From: "Vickery, Paul" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 12:10:21 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Alex Johnston I reregistered with CBC
as you and your fellow lawyers demanded and the malevolent CROWN Corp
is still blocking my comments even when I make the first one WHY?
To: David Amos <>
I am away from the office on business returning June 23rd. In my
absence, you may contact my assistant, James Moores, at 613-
670-6368. Thank you.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 08:10:15 -0400
Subject: Attn Alex Johnston I reregistered with CBC as you and your
fellow lawyers demanded and the malevolent CROWN Corp is still
blocking my comments even when I make the first one WHY?
To: "Alex.Johnston" <>, "sylvie.gadoury"
"alan.white" <>, "redmond.shannon"
<>, nmoore <>,
"mclaughlin.heather" <mclaughlin.heather@
"mike.obrien" <>, "Robert. Jones"
<>, "Leanne.Fitch" <>,
"leanne.murray" <leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.
<>, andre <>, andrewjdouglas
<>, andrew <>, radical
<>, Ezra <>,
"" <>,
"peacock.kurt" <peacock.kurt@
Courier <>, nouvelle
<>,, newsroom
<>, news <>, news
<>, news957 <>,
"ed.pilkington" <>
Cc: David Amos <>
"Jacques.Poitras" <>,,
"Andrew.Treusch" <>
<>, gopublic <>, Whistleblower
<>, w5 <>, investigations
<>, premier <>,
"Deric.MacKenzie-Feder" <>
<>, "bill.pentney"
<>, "paul.vickery"
---------- Original message ----------
From: CBC Feedback <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 10:37:22 -0400
Subject: changes to comment spaces
Hello Mr. Amos,
Alex Johnston shared your correspondence with us. On her behalf, we’d like
to acknowledge receipt of your email and thank you for sharing your
feedback regarding comment spaces on
We'll ensure your concerns are relayed to the moderation staff at
Your feedback will be kept in mind going forward.
Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts.
CBC Audience Services
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 20:06:09 +0000
Subject: RE: Attn Sylvie Gadoury your assistant informed me that you
are at the same meeting with your fellow lawyer Alex Johnston who just
informed me I must register again with CBC. I must ask the obvious why
have you not responded to me?
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.
Please be assured that your email has been received, will be reviewed,
and a response will be forthcoming.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to write.
Merci d'avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick.
Soyez assuré que votre courriel a bien été reçu, qu'il sera examiné
et qu'une réponse vous sera acheminée.
Merci encore d'avoir pris de temps de nous écrire.
Sincerely, / Sincèrement,
Mallory Fowler
Correspondence Manager / Gestionnaire de la correspondance
Office of the Premier / Cabinet du premier ministre
---------- Original message ----------
From: Harvey Cashore <>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2016 13:59:06 -0700
Subject: Out of office Re: Fwd: Attn Diane.Lebouthillier I just called
Commissioner Andrew Treusch and his Deputy John Ossowski and they
would not come to the phone.
I will be out of the office for the next couple weeks. I'll be
checking email but may not respond immediately.
Harvey Cashore
Senior Producer
Bus: 416-205-6575
Cell: 416-526-4704
Video-lottery lounge zoning rejected by Fredericton committee
Dozens of residents pack gallery and applaud as planning advisory
committee vote down zoning change
By Alan White, CBC News Posted: Jun 16, 2016 7:57 AM AT Last Updated:
Jun 16, 2016 8:03 AM AT
Coun. John MacDermid represents the area where Horse Racing New
Brunswick wants to establish a new bar and is also a member of the
city's planning advisory committee. (CBC)
With an almost-packed public gallery looking on Wednesday,
Fredericton's planning advisory committee voted against a zoning
change that would allow a video-lottery lounge to operate in a
building near the NB Liquor store on York Street.
Horse Racing New Brunswick is seeking a zoning change to allow a
"drinking establishment" and video-lottery lounge at 444 Aberdeen
Street. (Jordan Gill/CBC)
Horse Racing New Brunswick needs the zoning change to allow a
"drinking establishment" that would include video-lottery terminals
and gambling on televised horse racing in the building at the corner
of York and Aberdeen streets.
Fredericton's planning department had recommended the zoning change be
approved in its report to the committee comprised of three councillors
and six residents.
Roberta Nixon, the executive director of Horse Racing New Brunswick,
said the planned establishment on Aberdeen Street would not be a
betting-focused establishment.
Video lottery lounge move opposed by some Fredericton residents
Roberta Nixon is the executive director of Horse Racing New Brunswick. (CBC)
"It's not our foremost raison d'etre. It simply is a component," said Nixon.
Some residents of the area argued that gambling would be the primary
focus of the bar.
Jean Philippe Ranger said any sort of bar would change the neighbourhood.
"In effect, we end up creating two bar districts in Fredericton," he said.
"It leaves a whole residential area sandwiched between the two."
Rejected by 4-1 vote
The York-Aberdeen area features a mix of older homes and new
high-density condominium and apartment buildings.
Dozens of residents showed up at Wednesday's committee meeting and
applauded when the request for a zoning change was voted down by a 4-1
"I feel very well-supported by the PAC, excited," said resident
Charlene Roxborough, who helped organize a petition against the
"Residents have not had much time.
Area resident Charlene Roxborough helped organize a petition against
the requested zoning change. (CBC)
"They've done a lot of work trying to organize within a few days and
it's wonderful that the planning advisory committee is supporting us
to keep our neighbourhood safe and respect the character of that
The planning committee's vote is not the final decision on the request
for a zoning change. The request now goes before city council at its
June 27 meeting.
Winner's Lounge dispute
The horse racing group currently operates Winner's Lounge on the
Fredericton Exhibition Grounds which features 25 VLTs and off-track
Nixon said previously the VLT machines that are owned by the Atlantic
Lottery Corp. provide about $15,000 in revenue to the association in a
"good" two-week period.
Horse Racing N.B. business will be back to normal soon, exec says
after lockout
However, Horse Racing New Brunswick has been involved in
landlord-tenant dispute with Fredericton Exhibition Ltd. and its lease
on the Winner's Lounge space expires at the end of the year.
Fredericton Exhibition Ltd. changed the locks at Winner's Lounge in
May, saying Horse Racing New Brunswick had violated the terms of its
However, the horse racing group obtained an injunction from the Court
of Queen's Bench that allows them access to the premises until the
lease expires at the end of 2016.
With files from Redmond Shannon
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names will appear with each submission to CBC/Radio-Canada's online
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Pseudonyms will no longer be permitted.
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David Raymond Amos No translation found. | Logout
David Raymond Amos
This comment is awaiting moderation by the site administrators.
Can anyone figure out why I am chuckling?
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Note: The CBC does not necessarily endorse any of the views posted. By
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---------- Original message ----------
From: CBC Feedback <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 13:27:47 -0700
Subject: Thanks for reaching out to your public broadcaster Re:
changes to comment spaces YEA RIGHT tell me and the nasty Neo
Nazis another one
Thanks for reaching out to us!
We've changed the way we're managing our communication. Please visit
the Help Centre on our site and review our FAQs for information about
our programming and services. If you require more assistance, you can
Submit a Request and we'll do our best to help.
CBC Audience Services
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2016 09:47:31 -0400
Subject: Just as the lawyer Deric MacKenzie-Feder of CBC was calling
me back I was stress testing the comment section of CBC to see if they
would continue to delete my comments
To: "sylvie.gadoury" <sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.
<>, "Deric.MacKenzie-Feder"
gopublic <>, investigations <>,
"steve.murphy" <>, nmoore <>,
oldmaison1 <>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<>, premier <>, "David.Coon"
<>, "Davidc.Coon" <>, leader
<>, "Melanie.Joly" <>, pm
<>, "Gerald.Butts" <>, MulcaT
<>, "stephen.harper.a1"
Cc: David Amos <>
<>, markandcaroline <>,
andre <>, Ezra <>, radical
<>, paul <>, Brian Ruhe
As of right now the score stands at one comment still remains, one
comment is blocked and one comment the smiling bastards within a very
unethical CROWN Corp are still thinking about/ See for yourself
Cabinet shuffle adds 2 new faces and moves all but 2 members
Cathy Rogers becomes province's 1st female finance minister while
Brian Kenny moves to education
By Jacques Poitras, CBC News Posted: Jun 06, 2016 11:05 AM AT Last
Updated: Jun 06, 2016 3:45 PM AT
Media placeholder
Gallant on language makeup after cabinet shuffle 1:41
Here is the full list of Brian Gallant's new cabinet
Premier Brian Gallant has unveiled a slightly larger and fully
overhauled cabinet that gives anglophone MLAs more prominent roles in
the Liberal government.
MLAs John Ames from Charlotte-Campobello and Lisa Harris from
Miramichi Bay-Neguac join the cabinet for the first time. Ames will be
minister of tourism, heritage and culture, and Harris will be minister
for seniors and long-term care.
Lisa Harris joins Brian Gallant's cabinet as minister of seniors and
long-term care. (CBC)
At the same time, two high-profile positions that had been held by
francophones now go to anglophones.
Full list of Brian Gallant's new cabinet
Cathy Rogers, the MLA from Moncton South, replaces Roger Melanson at
finance. She becomes the first female finance minister in the
province's history. Melanson takes the newly created position of
president of the treasury board, a cabinet committee which will
oversee government spending.
Serge Rouselle moved from education
Brian Kenny becomes education minister, replacing Serge Rousselle. (CBC)
And Brian Kenny from Bathurst West-Beresford replaces Serge Rousselle
as the education minister, meaning he'll now be defending contentious
school closures and the province's dual school-bus system.
Rousselle, the only lawyer in the caucus other than Gallant, remains
attorney-general and also becomes minister of environment and local
The changes, near the midway point of Gallant's mandate, give
anglophone Liberal MLAs more visibility at a time when language
tensions have been rising. Some Progressive Conservative leadership
candidates have called for changes to how bilingualism is applied.
Gallant said the shift was "not at all" a response to that. He said it
reflected that most of the experienced MLAs he drew on for cabinet in
2014 happened to be francophone.
Now that Ames and Harris have had a chance to "get their feet under
them," they can step up, he said.
He also said Rousselle's move from education to environment and local
governing is not a demotion, pointing to coming initiatives on climate
change and municipal reform.
"We have a lot to do in environment and local government," he said.
Celtic affairs minister created
Harris also becomes the minister responsible for Celtic Affairs, a new position.
Gallant said it will allow "a coordinated approach" to funding Irish,
Scottish and Welsh festivals. But Green Party Leader David Coon said
the position isn't needed and is designed to pander to New
Brunswickers who've been incensed about bilingualism and duality.
The shuffle also shores up ridings the Liberals won in 2014 outside
their traditional strongholds, such as Ames's Charlotte-Campobello and
Rogers's Moncton South. The Liberals must keep such ridings in 2018 to
retain or expand their three-seat majority in the legislature.
Horsman out of justice, public safety
Stephen Horsman
Stephen Horsman remains in cabinet, but was moved out of the public
safety and justice portfolios and takes on the new position of
minister of family and children. (CBC)
Fredericton North MLA Stephen Horsman stays in cabinet. He is shuffled
out of the justice and public safety jobs, and holds on to the title
of deputy premier while also becoming minister of families and
children, a new position.
That job includes many of the programs, such as social assistance and
housing, that had been part of the department of social development,
and Gallant said Horsman "is one of the best people we have" to take
on those duties.
The PC opposition has called on Gallant to drop Horsman from cabinet
altogether for saying in the legislature he had received phone calls
from judges about the controversial Bill 21.
Veteran MLA Denis Landry takes over justice and public safety.
Cabinet grows in size
Putting Rogers in finance also lets Gallant show he is serious about
giving more women key roles. With Harris joining cabinet as well,
three of the four female Liberal MLAs are in cabinet.
Gallant said the budget is the single most important decision a
government makes and it will help to have "a female perspective."
Media placeholder
Cathy Rogers is New Brunswick's first female finance minister1:13
Rogers told reporters that when she worked for the federal government,
she was "one of these budget nerds" who enjoyed poring over government
financial documents. She also said she'll use the finance role to keep
working to help less-fortunate New Brunswickers.
The total size of the cabinet, including Gallant, increases from 13 to 14.
The shuffle is a major one, with only two ministers besides Gallant
keeping their main responsibilities: Victor Boudreau remains health
minister and Saint John's Ed Doherty is still the minister responsible
for Service New Brunswick and the minister for aboriginal affairs.
PC Opposition Leader Bruce Fitch said a shuffle that mostly moves the
same people into new positions is a missed opportunity for Gallant "to
reset and refocus" a troubled government.
"You're going to see the same philosophy, the same decisions," he said.
Other cabinet moves:
Rick Doucet remains the minister of agriculture, aquaculture and
fisheries, but also becomes minister of energy and resource
development, a newly merged department that takes in the old natural
resources and energy and mines departments. He will also be government
house leader, overseeing the Liberal agenda in the legislature.
Donald Arseneault becomes minister of post-secondary education,
training and labour. He also will be responsible for the Regional
Development Corporation.
Francine Landry moves from that department to take over economic
development, including responsibility for Opportunities New Brunswick.
She remains minister for La Francophonie.
Tourism Minister Bill Fraser becomes minister of transportation
and infrastructure, while keeping responsibility for the Northern Fund
and the Miramichi Fund.
Hédard Albert, who had been government house leader, is the only
departure from the Liberal cabinet. Albert announced last week he
won't run for re-election in 2018.
Starting soon: To encourage thoughtful and respectful conversations,
for all new accounts, first and last names will appear with each
submission to CBC/Radio-Canada's online communities (except in
children and youth-oriented communities). Pseudonyms will no longer be
permitted for existing community members in June.
By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to
reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner
CBC chooses. Please note that CBC does not endorse the opinions
expressed in comments. Comments on this story are moderated according
to our Submission Guidelines. Comments are welcome while open. We
reserve the right to close comments at any time.
David Amos No translation found. | Logout
Let's all take a moment to imagine the reaction this news would have
sparked if it read "Francophone MLAs given more prominent role in
There's no doubt a sizable portion of the comments here would call for
a civil war.
22 hours ago 51 Likes 13 Dislikes
Paul Bourgoin
It is a fact Northwest New Brunswick is a Political Island!!
The more the political scene changes the more it remains the same.
Northwest NB, excellent political officials with no political support.
13 hours ago 2 Likes 0 Dislikes
David Amos
Content disabled.
@Falone In lieu of a Civil War why not just have a few decent Blood
Feuds like the good old days long before the COR Party or even Canada
ever came into play?
40 minutes ago 0 Likes 0 Dislikes
David Amos
This comment is awaiting moderation by the site administrators.
@David Amos I see that CBC is still moderating my comments while I
save the digital proof of what they are doing. Yesterday just as I
posted my first comment in this thread Deric MacKenzie-Feder, a lawyer
representing CBC who claims to be in charge of my file called me from
BC to discuss my communications with his bosses who are having a big
pow wow in Toronto right now. However he refused to discuss the
lawsuit of mine now before the Federal Court of Appeal in which the
malice of CBC since 2002 is mentioned and further wrongs were
predicted. .
With regards to Gallant's new cabinet Trust that they and everybody
else and their dog got an email from me this morning in which I
mention my lawsuit filed in Federal Court while I was once again
running in Fundy Royal in the election of the 42nd Parliament. Most
importantly interested folks who wish to have a good laugh should read
the response from Premier Gallant's lawyer with regards to my lawsuit.
It is properly filed in the Public Record within docket # T-1557-15 of
Federal Court in Fat Fred City. Also please note that my illegal
barring notice is SIGNED by the FRENCH Sgt at Arms and that the entire
document is in ENGLISH ONLY DUHHH?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
11 minutes ago 0 Likes 0 Dislikes
David Amos
I wonder if Minister Harris will acknowledge that I am the Chief of
the Amos Clan
15 hours ago 3 Likes 0 Dislikes
Francis LeDouche
Minister of Celtic affairs, what a JOKE
12 hours ago 2 Likes 0 Dislikes
Minister for Celts, what!!! How about a Minister for Anglo's and an
English Language Commissioner to make us equal to what is there now!!!
This government is moronic as per usual.
2 hours ago 1 Like 0 Dislikes
unofficially unilingual
A " Celtic affairs" minister. Brought to you by the same geniuses
behind " Be ... in this place". If idiocy was a marketable commodity,
this government could pay down the debt next week.
1 hour ago 1 Like 0 Dislikes
Submission Policy
Note: The CBC does not necessarily endorse any of the views posted. By
submitting your comments, you acknowledge that CBC has the right to
reproduce, broadcast and publicize those comments or any part thereof
in any manner whatsoever. Please note that comments are moderated and
published according to our submission guidelines.
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
So what does Premier Gallant and Minister Doucet et al think of my
lawsuit? How about David Coon and his blogging buddy Chucky joking
about being illegally barred from parliamentary property?
New Brunswick Green Party Leader David Coon views on Brian Gallant
Cabinet Shuffle!!!
Me versus Chucky Leblanc and the Fake Left etc
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2016 11:00:54 +0000
Subject: RE: So what does Premier Gallant and Minister Doucet et al
think of my lawsuit? How about David Coon and his blogging buddy
Chucky joking about being illegally barred from parliamentary property
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.
Please be assured that your email has been received, will be reviewed,
and a response will be forthcoming.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to write.
Merci d'avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick.
Soyez assuré que votre courriel a bien été reçu, qu'il sera examiné
et qu'une réponse vous sera acheminée.
Merci encore d'avoir pris de temps de nous écrire.
Sincerely, / Sincèrement,
Mallory Fowler
Correspondence Manager / Gestionnaire de la correspondance
Office of the Premier / Cabinet du premier ministre
etc etc etc
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 16:46:57 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Attn Sylvie Gadoury your assistant informed me that you
are at the same meeting with your fellow lawyer Alex Johnston who just
informed me I must register again with CBC. I must ask the obvious why
have you not responded to me?
To: "paul.vickery" <>,, Deric.Mackenzie-Feder@justice.
Cc: David Amos <>
I was told to call Deric MacKenzie-Feder at 604 662 6837.
So I did and left voicemail
Deric Mackenzie.Feder works as Counsel for Justice Canada.
Deric can be reached at 613-369-3323
90 Elgin Street,
17th Floor
Ottawa Canada K1A 0G5
Department JUS-JUS Justice Canada
Organization FINGLS-FINSLG Finance - General Legal Services
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Judith Harvie <
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 13:26:55 -0700
Subject: À l'extérieur du bureau/Out of the office Re: Fwd: Attn
Sylvie Gadoury your assistant informed me that you are at the same
meeting with your fellow lawyer Alex Johnston who just informed me I
must register again with CBC. I must ask the obvious why have you not
responded to me?
Veuillez noter que Judith Harvie sera à l'extérieur du bureau du 6
juin au 8 juin. Pour toute urgence, prière de communiquer avec son
adjointe Agnès Boileau au 514 597-7451 ou avec le service juridique
au 514 597-4094.
Please note that Judith Harvie will be out of the office today June
6th until June 8th, 2016. For any urgent matter, please contact her
assistant Agnès Boileau at 514 597-7451 or the Law Dept. at (514)
Thank you
Judith Harvie
Avocate-conseil associée et directrice générale, Droit des médias
Associate General Counsel and Executive Director, Media Law
514 597-4091
NOTE: This e-mail message is intended only for the named recipient(s)
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applicables. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur, ou s'il ne vous
est pas destiné, veuillez le mentionner.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 16:26:42 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Attn Sylvie Gadoury your assistant informed me that you
are at the same meeting with your fellow lawyer Alex Johnston who just
informed me I must register again with CBC. I must ask the obvious why
have you not responded to me?
To: christine.bardier@radio-
Cc: David Amos <>
<>, Ezra <>, "steve.murphy"
<>, nmoore <>,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marie Pedneault <marie.pedneault@radio-canada.
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 13:18:22 -0700
Subject: À l'extérieur du bureau Re: Fwd: Attn Sylvie Gadoury your
assistant informed me that you are at the same meeting with your
fellow lawyer Alex Johnston who just informed me I must register again
with CBC. I must ask the obvious why have you not responded to me?
Veuillez prendre note que je suis à l'extérieur du bureau. Je serai de
retour le 13 juin prochain.
Pour toutes urgences, veuillez communiquer avec mon adjointe Christine
Bardier (christine.bardier@radio-
Marie Pedneault
Première conseillère juridique | Droit du travail et de l'emploi
Tél.: 514-597-7632 - Téléc.: 514-597-4087 - cell.: 514-516-5515
NOTE: Ce courriel est destiné exclusivement au(x) destinataire(s)
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please immediately notify the sender and delete this e-mail message.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 20:06:09 +0000
Subject: RE: Attn Sylvie Gadoury your assistant informed me that you
are at the same meeting with your fellow lawyer Alex Johnston who just
informed me I must register again with CBC. I must ask the obvious why
have you not responded to me?
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.
Please be assured that your email has been received, will be reviewed,
and a response will be forthcoming.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to write.
Merci d'avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick.
Soyez assuré que votre courriel a bien été reçu, qu'il sera examiné
et qu'une réponse vous sera acheminée.
Merci encore d'avoir pris de temps de nous écrire.
Sincerely, / Sincèrement,
Mallory Fowler
Correspondence Manager / Gestionnaire de la correspondance
Office of the Premier / Cabinet du premier ministre
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 16:18:11 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Attn Sylvie Gadoury your assistant informed me that you
are at the same meeting with your fellow lawyer Alex Johnston who just
informed me I must register again with CBC. I must ask the obvious why
have you not responded to me?
To:, genevieve.mcsween@radio-
"jill.chisholm" <>, "bill.pentney"
<>, mcu <>,
"Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1" <Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1@parl.
Cc: David Amos <>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sebastien Dubois-JUR <sebastien.dubois-jur@radio-
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 13:04:26 -0700
Subject: Message d'absence/ Absence of office Re: Attn Sylvie Gadoury
your assistant informed me that you are at the same meeting with your
fellow lawyer Alex Johnston who just informed me I must register again
with CBC. I must ask the obvious why have you not responded to me?
Veuillez prendre note que je suis présentement en congé de paternité
sans accès à mes courriels et serai de retour lundi le 6 septembre
2016. Pour assistance, prière de communiquer avec Agnès Boileau au
(514) 597-7451 (questions administratives) ou Marc-André Godin au
(514) 597-4133 (questions juridiques).
Please note that I am currently out of the office on paternity leave
without access to my emails until September 6, 2016. For assistance,
please contact Agnès Boileau at (514) 597-7451 (administrative
assistance) or Marc-André Godin at (514) 597-4133 (legal assistance).
Sébastien Dubois
Conseiller juridique / Legal Counsel
Tel : (514) 597-7845
AVIS DE CONFIDENTIALITÉ : Le contenu de ce courriel est confidentiel,
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 16:04:16 -0400
Subject: Attn Sylvie Gadoury your assistant informed me that you are
at the same meeting with your fellow lawyer Alex Johnston who just
informed me I must register again with CBC. I must ask the obvious why
have you not responded to me?
To: "sylvie.gadoury" <sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada., "ht.lacroix" <>, "Melanie.Joly"
<>, sebastien.dubois-jur@radio-
<>, gopublic <>, "ed.pilkington"
news <>, news <>, news-tips
<>, premier <>,
Cc: David Amos <>
Methinks somebody ethical should have a LONG talk with Sophia Harris ASAP EH?
Sophia Harris
Business reporter
Sophia Harris has worked as a CBC video journalist across the country,
covering everything from the start of the annual lobster fishery in
Yarmouth, N.S., to potash prices in Saskatchewan. She now has found a
good home at the business unit in Toronto where she produces for
national TV news and writes and shoots and edits video for
Twitter: @sophiaharrisCBC
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada
Legal Services
250 Front St. W.
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3G5
Phone: 416-205-3216
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 11:51:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Changes coming to commenting on
In order to see your message, click on the following link:
Changes coming to commenting on
La version francaise suit. This email has been sent to all registered
members of who use an email address to sign-in to our platform.
We’d like to share some important news about a move first announced in
March and that we hope will have a positive effect on the
conversations happening in our online spaces. Starting next week, all community members will be asked to use their real names when
contributing to our sites.
On June 13, you will need to re-register and create a new account
using a real name – even if you already use your full name to comment.
There’s no action you can take now to prevent having to re-register.
How it’ll work
On June 13, at 10 a.m. ET, your old account will become dormant and
you’ll no longer be able to access your profile. Resetting our
community in this way allows us to preserve pseudonyms on comments
you’ve made in the past. It also means we can implement new
verification measures more consistently across all our platforms.
Once you’ve created your new profile, your name will be moderated,
just as comments are. We will only accept comments for publication if
they’re signed by a name that looks real. We’re also introducing email
verification on all new accounts.
A fresh start and a work in progress
For those of you who have invested hours contributing to our stories,
accumulating likes and followers, we recognize that the loss of your
profile may be hard to bear. However, we believe this reset is a
necessary step to help curtail some of the troubling behaviour we
occasionally see on our sites.
This is just another step as we continue to evolve our digital
communities; we welcome your constructive thoughts, ideas and
feedback. Most importantly, we hope you’ll help lead and shape our new
community. You can read more in this blog on how we’re building a
better community and please check out the FAQs for more details.
Finally, we recognize that some of you won’t be pleased with our move
to real names, but we’re hoping that the majority of you will see the
value in promoting transparency within our online communities.
Welcome to your new community (starting June 13).
Alex Johnston
Vice-President, Strategy and Public Affairs
and the Community Team
Ce courriel a été envoyé à tous les membres enregistrés de qui
utilisent un adresse courriel pour se connecter à notre plateforme.
Nous aimerions vous faire part d’une annonce importante à propos d’une
mesure annoncée en mars et que nous espérons aura un effet positif sur
les conversations qui se déroulent dans nos espaces en ligne. À
compter de la semaine prochaine, tous les membres de la communauté de qui veulent publier des commentaires sur nos sites devront
utiliser leur vrai nom.
Le 13 juin, vous devrez vous réenregistrer et créer un nouveau compte
en utilisant votre vrai nom – même si vous utilisez déjà votre vrai
nom pour publier des commentaires. Il n’y a rien que vous puissiez
faire pour éviter d’avoir à vous réinscrire.
Comment procéder
Le 13 juin à 10 h HE, votre ancien compte sera désactivé et vous ne
serez plus en mesure d’accéder à votre profil. En réinitialisant notre
communauté de cette façon, nous pouvons préserver les pseudonymes que
vous avez utilisés pour publier des commentaires dans le passé. Cela
nous permet aussi de mettre en œuvre de nouvelles mesures de
vérification plus cohérentes sur toutes nos plateformes.
Une fois que vous aurez créé votre nouveau profil, votre nom, tout
comme vos commentaires, sera soumis à l’attention d’un modérateur.
Nous ne publierons que les commentaires qui seront signés par un nom
vraisemblable. Dorénavant, nous vérifierons aussi les adresses
électroniques de tous les nouveaux comptes.
Un nouveau départ et des travaux en cours
Pour ceux d’entre vous qui ont passé de nombreuses heures à commenter
nos histoires, à accumuler des « J’aime » et des abonnés, nous sommes
conscients que la perte de votre profil peut être difficile à
accepter. Nous regrettons cet inconvénient, mais nous croyons qu’il
s’agit d’une mesure nécessaire qui contribuera à réduire les
comportements troublants que nous observons parfois sur nos sites.
Ce changement n’est qu’un autre étape dans notre volonté de faire
évoluer nos communautés numériques. Nous vous invitons à nous faire
part de vos réflexions, idées et opinions constructives. Plus
important encore, nous comptons sur votre aide pour faire progresser
et façonner notre nouvelle communauté. Pour en savoir plus, lisez ce
blogue sur la manière dont nous bâtirons une meilleure communauté et
consultez la FAQ pour plus de détails (en anglais seulement).
Enfin, nous sommes conscients que certains d’entre vous ne seront pas
d'accord avec notre décision d’exiger l’utilisation de vrais noms,
mais nous espérons toutefois que la majorité d’entre vous réalisera
l’importance de promouvoir la transparence sur nos communautés en
Bienvenue dans votre nouvelle communauté (dès le 13 juin).
Alex Johnston
Vice-présidente, Affaires publiques et Stratégie d’entreprise
et l’équipe de la communauté de
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CBC appoints women’s advocate Alex Johnston VP of strategy, public affairs
Janet McFarland The Globe and Mail
Published Tuesday, Feb. 09, 2016 2:40PM EST
The CBC is continuing to remake its executive ranks with the
appointment of women’s advocate Alex Johnston as its new
vice-president of strategy and public affairs, marking the third
private-sector appointment to the broadcaster’s eight-member senior
executive team in the past year.
Ms. Johnston, who has headed women’s advocacy group Catalyst Canada
for the past three years, will be responsible for helping implement
the CBC’s latest strategic plan, which emphasizes delivering content
to mobile devices such as phones and tablets, cutting physical
building space in half and sharply reducing in-house productions in
favour of outsourced programming.
Ms. Johnston said she made the move because she cherishes the CBC and
is convinced Justin Trudeau’s new Liberal government is committed to
keeping it a strong institution.
“On a personal level, I’m quite sure it would not have been the right
role for me if the government piece was not in place where I do
believe they see the true value of the institution and want what is in
the best interests of Canadians – and I think that is a strong
CBC/Radio-Canada,” she said in an interview Tuesday.
The CBC faced sharp budget cuts and staff reductions under the former
Conservative government of Stephen Harper, and was rocked by a
sexual-harassment scandal involving former high-profile radio host
Jian Ghomeshi, who is now on trial over sexual-assault allegations.
Ms. Johnston said the CBC needs a period to rebuild, and says part of
her job will be helping sell the new strategic plan to “an
organization full of people who are smart and passionate and
committed” but have been through a lot of turmoil and may not be
excited by the prospect of more change.
“As an organization, it’s been through a lot in the last four or five
years, whether it’s the funding stuff or the personnel stuff, and they
need to get back to a place where there’s hope for the future and not
just managing day-to-day,” she said.
Ms. Johnston fills a position formerly held by Bill Chambers, who was
vice-president of public affairs, which includes responsibility for
communications and government relations. He left the CBC last August.
CBC chief executive Hubert Lacroix has significantly revamped his
executive team over the past year, bringing three outsiders from the
private sector into key roles. In addition to Ms. Johnston, Mr.
Lacroix appointed Judith Purves, former chief financial officer of IBM
Canada Ltd., as CFO last March, and former Rio Tinto global mining
executive Josée Girard as vice-president of people and culture last
August, which is the top human-resources management job at the CBC.
He also promoted Sylvie Gadoury to vice-president of legal services
last June, which was an internal appointment.
The appointments mean there are four new faces on the CBC’s
eight-member executive team, which has three men and five women in the
top positions.
Ms. Johnston, a lawyer who previously practised at Goodmans LLP in
Toronto, spent her early years in Montreal and is bilingual. She is
also the daughter of Governor-General David Johnston.
She said she initially had no plans to leave Catalyst, which has
helped champion reforms adopted last year that require publicly listed
companies to disclose information about their approach to gender
diversity in executive ranks and on their boards of directors. But she
was approached for the CBC job and became sold on the challenge.
Earlier in her career, Ms. Johnston was executive director of policy
to Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, working alongside then-colleague
Gerald Butts, who was Mr. McGuinty’s principal secretary. Mr. Butts
later became a top adviser to Mr. Trudeau, and is now his principal
Ms. Johnston plays down her Ottawa connections, but says she has
enough contact with the government to be certain of its commitment to
the CBC.
“I have no greater vantage point at this stage than anyone else, but
it’s really having a sense of who many of those people are in
government and what their values are,” she said. “I have a sense that
they believe in the institution and I think they put a very strong
minister, Mélanie Joly, who they have a lot of confidence in to lead
Catalyst Canada has launched a search to fill Ms. Johnston’s position
but has not yet chosen a successor. The Canadian office of the global
organization has 10 staff and a budget of about $2-million.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2016 07:05:06 -0400
Subject: Fwd: For the PUBLIC RECORD I am never anonymous or rude Yet
everybody knows that the corrupt Crown Corp known as CBC blocks my
comments for POLITICAL NOT LEGAL reasons
Cc: David Amos <>
Sylvie Gadoury
Vice-President – Legal Services, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
Called to the bar: 1986 (QC)
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada
Legal Services/Services juridiques
1400 boul. René-Lévesque E.
Montréal, Québec H2L 2M2
Phone: 514-597-4069
Fax: 514-597-4087
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 22:05:51 -0400
Subject: For the PUBLIC RECORD I am never anonymous or rude Yet
everybody knows that the corrupt Crown Corp known as CBC blocks my
comments for POLITICAL NOT LEGAL reasons
To: "blaine.higgs" <>, "brian.t.macdonald"
<>,, "ht.lacroix"
<>, "dan.ciraco" <>,, washington field <>,
"Gilles.Moreau" <>
<>, oldmaison <>,
andrewjdouglas <>,,,,,, "john.gamblin"
<>, "" <>, andre
<>, sallybrooks25 <>,
"roger.l.brown" <>
<>, "david.fraser"
< david.fraser@mcinnescooper.
"martine.turcotte" <>, nmoore
<>, w5 <>, Whistleblower
<>, gopublic <>, investigations
<>, iteam <>, "Karen.McCrimmon.c1"
"" <>, info
Cc: David Amos <>
<>, "bruce.northrup" <>,
"lou.lafleur" <>, "martin.gaudet"
<>, "hugh.flemming" <>,
"mike.obrien" <>, woodsideb
<>,,, "David.Coon" <>,
"victor.boudreau" <>, "Melanie.Joly"
<>, "ed.pilkington"
news <>, news <>, news-tips
CBC announces end to anonymous online comments
Policy change fast tracked in wake of complaint by prominent New
Brunswick francophones
CBC News Posted: Mar 17, 2016 5:36 PM AT Last Updated: Mar 17, 2016 9:01 PM AT
CBC will stop allowing anonymous online comments, management of the
public broadcaster announced on Thursday.
Jennifer McGuire, CBC's general manager and editor in chief, said 'in
the interests of encouraging civil conversation CBC will not allow the
use of pseudonyms.'
All commenters will be required to use their real names instead of the
current practice of allowing pseudonyms.
The policy change comes in the wake of a complaint by a group of
prominent New Brunswick francophones over what they considered hateful
attacks on the province's French-speaking community.
A national committee has been reviewing CBC's commenting policies for
months, but has fast tracked its decision following the complaint,
officials said.
"We recognize the limits of a 'real name' policy," Jennifer McGuire,
CBC's general manager and editor in chief, said in an Editor's Blog
published on the website late Thursday afternoon.
"However, in the interests of encouraging civil conversation CBC will
not allow the use of pseudonyms."
Editor's Blog: Reviewing our commenting policy
CBC responds to comments complaint by francophone group
Prominent francophones call for change to CBC comments policy
No timeline for the change has been given.
"We are letting our users know this is coming but it will take some
time to ensure we make this transition smoothly," McGuire wrote.
University of Moncton law professor Michel Doucet, who had organized
the letter signed by 120 New Brunswick francophones, promptly reacted
to the announcement with a post on Twitter in French, saying he is
"happy with the outcome."
Michel Doucet
Michel Doucet, law professor and director of the International
Observatory on Language Rights at the Université de Moncton, is
pleased with the CBC's decision. (CBC)
Reached shortly after for further comment, Doucet said he felt the
change in policy will have an impact.
"I think people, when you have to put your name, it's easy to hide
behind a pseudonym and say anything you want, but when you have to put
your name, people will think twice," he said.
Doucet said he had a meeting with CBC executives earlier on Thursday,
and felt that the letter he had sent to CBC had helped to speed up the
change in policy.
"I think CBC was already doing a reflection on how to deal with their
comments section," said Doucet. "They wanted to make it on a par with
what's being done with Société Radio-Canada. So they wanted to do
that. But it is certainly a direct result of the letters being sent."
Rosella Melanson, one of the signatories and a former executive
director of the now-defunct New Brunswick Advisory Council on the
Status of Women, also responded with a French tweet, saying "Yay."
The letter had called on CBC to overhaul its handling of online
comments to be "more discerning" and filter out those that "attack the
minority community."
Some of the examples cited in the letter included comments about an
"Acadian mafia," calls to "banish all the French" out of the province,
and a comment that said languages commissioner Katherine d'Entremont
appeared "demonic" in a photograph.
Commenters should not be allowed to hide behind pseudonyms, they had argued.
Last week, CBC's senior director of digital news, Brodie Fenlon, had
responded to Doucet, saying "more changes are needed, and will come."
But Fenlon had noted permitting commenters to use pseudonyms allows
for an inclusive platform for all voices, including victims of crime
and whistleblowers.
Requiring commenters to use their "'real names' does not guarantee
civility," he added, pointing to the signed, yet hateful messages
commonly seen on social media.
In November, CBC temporarily suspended comments on stories related to
aboriginal issues due to the inordinate number of comments that
regularly contravened its guidelines and constituted hate.
As of January, CBC now ensures all comments are reviewed by a human
moderator before publication.
Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission
Guidelines. Comments are welcome while open. We reserve the right to
close comments at any time.
Take 4 tylenols; 1 4 each corner!
Good! If you don't have the guts or courage to put your name; then you
are not worth being read.
4 hours ago 22 Likes
Show 19 older replies
Michael Oscar Wright
@Take 4 tylenols; 1 4 each corner! Good job! eye roll
2 hours ago 0 Likes
@Take 4 tylenols; 1 4 each corner!
Like you do.
1 hour ago 0 Likes
David Amos
@Take 4 tylenols; 1 4 each corner! Make fun all you wish but I am as
serious as a heart attack about this. I have always maintained that
people should back up their words with their true names.
However ask yourselves why CBC blocks ALL my comments and denied that
I ran for public office FIVE times?
Just now 0 Likes
Sad day for free speech , killed by a small vocal minority . We now
have a completely controlled press in this province as CBC joins the
likes of CanadaEast.
5 hours ago 62 Likes
Show 10 older replies
@Ex-expat @An anonymous attack is not free speech
Why do you assume it is a vocal minority in NB? I've searched for more
detailed statistics on the support for bilingualism and duality but
can't find anything. However, there are numerous facebook groups and
petitions signed by thousands of NBers who are against bilingualism.
A rhetorical device meant to end discussion about a real issue is to
dismiss it as only "a vocal minority". I'm not saying your wrong, but
I can't find proof you're right.
3 hours ago 3 Likes
Bigotry in NB
@DumbBoy *Sad day for free speech *
Free speech is about you being able to comment on the subjects, no one
will be stopping you from that, but it will stop the slander for most
2 hours ago 1 Like
The people of NB have good reason to question the biased decisions of
their provincial (Liberal) government. This is apparently intolerable
to CBC.
So goodbye CBC.
4 hours ago 39 Likes
Like Reply Share
Show 8 older replies
Bigotry in NB
@teg beck Not comfortable revealing yourself eh...
2 hours ago 0 Likes
An anonymous attack is not free speech
@Ex-expat there are way more than should read the stories as
well. The wave spread across the country.
2 hours ago 0 Likes
On 3/16/16, David Amos <> wrote:
> Fredericton Mayor Woodside's tweet about jobs causing stir
> Tweet said 400 tech jobs coming, but government says 'We don't know
> specifics yet'
> CBC News Posted: Mar 16, 2016 8:13 PM AT
> Brad Woodside will be running for a ninth term as Fredericton's mayor
> in May. (CBC)
> A speech from New Brunswick premier Brian Gallant followed by a tweet
> from Fredericton's mayor Brad Woodside has led to some confusion as to
> how many jobs would be coming to the capital and from where.
> On Wednesday morning Woodside tweeted "Cyber security centre of
> excellence coming to Fredericton creating upwards to 400 jobs. Great
> announcement."
> But since then, nobody at the city, the province, or the Fredericton
> Chamber of Commerce is confirming anything.
> Government spokesperson Sheila Lagacé said there was the mention of
> around 400 hundred jobs at the speech but that no specifics about jobs
> numbers or companies were announced.
> si-woodside-tweet
> Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside sent this tweet out Wednesday morning
> after a speech by the Premier. (CBC)
> "The Premier in his speech this morning referenced the potential for
> hundreds of jobs to be created in the sector in New Brunswick in the
> near future," Lagacé wrote in an emailed statement.
> "Government looks forward to speaking more about the specifics around
> these jobs in the coming weeks," said Lagacé.
> Gallant has voiced his intentions of creating "a centre of excellence
> in cybersecurity" in New Brunswick.
> The Premier spent time earlier this month at a major cybersecurity
> conference in San Francisco promoting the province as an IT hub.
> "But I don't think that was intended to be a specific announcement,"
> said Krista Ross, Chief Executive Officer for the Fredericton Chamber
> of Commerce. "More of a general statement."
> hi-852-big-data-stock
> Premier Gallant wants to create a centre of excellence in
> cybersecurity in New Brunswick. (iStock)
> Office of the Premier spokesperson, Greg Byrne, wrote in an emailed
> statement, "It is my understanding that the Premier indicated that
> specific job announcements for this sector would be made by ONB
> (Opportunities New Brunswick) in the coming weeks."
> Woodside stands by tweet
> But Woodside is defending the tweet.
> In an email to CBC News, Woodside wrote "I picked up the info at this
> mornings Chamber meeting. The 400 number are tech jobs the Premier was
> working on."
> "I don't think that's what the Premier said," said Valerie Kilfoil,
> spokesperson for Opportunities New Brunswick. "The mayor may be
> mistaken."
> "There's definitely jobs coming," said Kilfoil. "But those might just
> be the IT jobs coming to Fredericton. We don't know specifics yet."
> Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission
> Guidelines. Comments are welcome while open. We reserve the right to
> close comments at any time.
> 1 Comment
> David Amos
> Lets watch CBC delete this comment ASAP so I will Tweet about it when they
> do.
> Anyway Woodside tweeted "Cyber security centre of excellence coming to
> Fredericton creating upwards to 400 jobs. Great announcement."
> Correct?
> I will lay odds its the dudes who call the place Rabbit Town that are
> the ones that are coming to Fat Fred City. After all Brian gallant and
> his cohorts were having too much fun with Eric Demers in Beantown last
> week for us not think something was up N'esy Pas Mr Higgs?
> Just now 0 Likes
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 16:14:46 -0400
> Subject: Hey Victor Boudreau do ya think your friend Eric Demers in
> Beantown thinks I am crazy like yout blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc
> claims I am? However even if I were anyone bother to notice that my
> privacy is still being violated to this very day?
> To:,,
> "victor.boudreau" <>, andre <>,
> mhayes <>, sallybrooks25 <>,
> oldmaison <>, "dan.ciraco" <>,
> "dan. bussieres" <>, premier <>,
> "David.Coon" <>, "brian.t.macdonald"
> <>, "hugh.flemming" <>,
> "mike.obrien" <>, woodsideb
> <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> <>, "martin.gaudet"
> <>
> <>
> <>
> You and Chucky Baby and many other yap alot with each others but none
> of you will speak to Mean Old Me N'esy Pas?
> Whereas Ms Smith is checking me out on Twitter perhaps I should fill
> her in on few things about my doings on boths sides of the 49th the
> first thing she should check is the the link right under "Go Figure"
> Here is a shortcut for my fellow geeks in "Rabbit Town" which I call
> Fat Fred City
> http://www.checktheevidence.
> Carey Smith
> @Carey_Smith follows you
> Brand strategist. Marketing enthusiast. Big picture thinker.
> Information junkie. Marketing Director @Accreon.
> This is her boss Mr Demers and
> mr Memers help in Beantown today said I could not talk to him and
> wanted me to talk to a sales agent instead. Go figure why I laughed
> and told her that Mr Demers is gonna get an interesting email to say
> the least..
> Anyway for mr Demers benefit i should introduce myself so this is Mean
> Old Me debating for a seat in Parliament recently
> While CBC denied that I was running once again
> This is me in Federal Court in Fat Fred City even more recently
> This is the docket
> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.
> These are the last two hearings
> Dec 14th
> Jan 11th
> This is what Chucky Leblanc and his buddies have been saying about me
> lately
> Dumb Johnny Never Been Good Gamblin & Dumber Chucky Leblanc
> Johnny Never Been Good Gamblin
> This is some of what Chucky Leblanc was publishing about me years ago
> Feds institutionalize determined NB whistleblower
> Charles LeBlanc's Other blog
> July 8th, 2008
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> David Raymond Amos said...
> Looks like covert Yankee Feds are worried about Canadian Feds
> versus mean old me today EH?.
> BTW danny Boy I wish you would pick sides and quit being so buddy
> buddy with my nasty French enemy Chucky Baby Leblanc. You and Richy
> Baby can't sit on the fence and be friends to he and his pal T.J.
> Burke and mean old me at the same time.
> FYI Richy Baby asked my advice recently about running for leader
> of the PC Party and I just shook my head at the nonsense of it all and
> suggested that he sprout some balls and give T.J. Burke the documents
> and CD I gave around his birthday just before the smiling bastardfs
> locked me up.
> When I look on the web and see that Chucky Baby and the new MLA
> the ex cop from Fat Fred City Carl Urquart crossed paths in Harvey and
> are now great pals, I see Red and wanna call Wally Stiles again.
> For the record it was Carl Urquart and his buddy Greggy Baby
> Thompson the MP and Minister (they share and office a couple hundred
> yards from where I was staying for the past year just outside of Fat
> fred City) that made the false allegatiions that allowed the RCMP to
> get me locked up in the looney bin for a bit. The doctors who got
> sucked in by the RCMP bullshit about me were.
> Manoj Bhargava
> Community Mental Health
> 65 Brunswick Street
> Fredericton NB E3B 5G6
> Psy 04-02883
> Guadalajara 1987
> (506)-453-2132
> Zlatko Banic
> 69 Bliss Carman Drive Fredericton NB E3B 9P2
> Psy 03-02785
> Novi Sad 1981
> (506)-460-1905
> Dr.Jane V. Findlater
> Everett Chalmers Hospital
> PO Box 9000 Fredericton
> NB E3B 5N5 EmM 75-01333
> Dal 1974 (
> 506)-452-5058
> (506)-452-5645
> Saturday, 8 December 2012
> Chucky Leblanc and his wingnuts Saaly Evelyn and Jenn obviously know
> as much about Me versus the RCMP and Shrinks as the corrupt cops
> Bernadine Chapman and Lucie Dubois EH?
> http://thedavidamosrant.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Evelyn Greene
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 8:52 PM
> Subject: RE: Hey Ken Who is Mental Health's and the Hospital in
> Fredericton's lawyers?
> H David. Thank you for the email. Do you mind if I sent it to my
> friend Sally who is going thru similar stuff as me? I am not sure
> what to think of Charles LeBlanc. Could you fill me in? Youare going
> to get an earful in the near future. Do you know that I tried to
> contact Barb Whitenect at Dept. of Health and the Minister of Health
> put a stop to the communication. Mr. Zed in Sussex said there are
> people who want me locked up. I have contacted Chief Commander of
> RCMP, Wayne Lang, and he will not look at the evidence I have that the
> police is covering up the CCTV video tape tampering when I got beaten
> up outside Ambulance N.B on May 13/11.
> What do you think of Charles Le Blance these days?
> Evelyn Greene (see attached letter that I gave the Crown, the police
> and the CBC and Daily Gleaner and Wayne Lang of RCMP--No one wants to
> touch the video and I have copies that I took last Friday to head of
> NB Police Commission who would not take them) Do you know someone in
> Ottawa or elsewhere who would look at the video tapes on CD that are
> evidence of crime?
>> Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 21:50:44 -0300
>> Subject: Fw: Hey Ken Who is Mental Health's and the Hospital in
>> Fredericton's lawyers?
>> From:
>> To:;;
>> CC:;;;
>> From: "Ross, Ken (DH/MS)" <>
>> Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 08:43:31 -0300
>> Subject: Re: Hey Ken Who is Mental Health's and the Hospital in
>> Fredericton's lawyers?
>> To:
>> Got your messages Dave. I am in Toronto for meetings and will be back
>> in the office Friday. I will ask Barb Whitenect to follow up with you
>> in the interim. Yes Herby picked up ypur bike a while back.
>> Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
>> --- On Wed, 7/9/08, David Amos <> wrote:
>> From: David Amos <>
>> Subject: Hey Ken Who is Mental Health's and the Hospital in
>> Fredericton's lawyers?
>> To:,,
>> Cc:,,,
>> Date: Wednesday, July 9, 2008, 3:03 AM
>> KENNETH ROSS, Assistant Deputy Minister
>> Addictions and Mental Health Services / Health
>> Contact Information
>> Phone: (506) 457-4800
>> Fax: (506) 453-5243
>> Addictions and Mental Health Services / Health
>> Contact Information
>> Phone: (506) 444-4442
>> Fax: (506) 453-8711
>> EMail Address:
>> Sorry to involve you but lets just say that I am really really pissed
>> off for very justifiable reasons.
>> This should prove to some folks that at least I know how to read.
>> I have no doubt whatsoever that you would more pissed than I am if
>> the malicious bullshit that happened to me last weekend had happened
>> to you.
>> I will try to call you in business hours but I suspect in the end I
>> will wind up arguing this dude in court in short order. (On a lighter
>> note did Herby pick up my bike?)
>> David Eidt
>> Legal Services
>> Office of the Attorney General
>> Tel: (506) 453-3964
>> Fax: (506) 453-3275
>> Best Regards
>> Dave
>> These emails and the bullshit from the news last year should to all
>> that I am as serious as a heart attack and far from mentally unstabe
>> but the cops have proven themselves to be monumental liars many times
>> Subject:
>> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
>> From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)"
>> To:
>> January 30, 2007
>> Mr. David Amos
>> Dear Mr. Amos:
>> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
>> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
>> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
>> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
>> Graham of the RCMP "J" Division in Fredericton.
>> Sincerely,
>> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
>> Minister of Health
>> CM/cb
>> Warren McBeath wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
>> From: "Warren McBeath"
>> To:,,
>> CC:,,
>> "Bev BUSSON",
>> "Paul Dube"
>> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
>> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n
>> Dear Mr. Amos,
>> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over
>> the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not
>> ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
>> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
>> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
>> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
>> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
>> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
>> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
>> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
>> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear that
>> Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and the
>> US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment policing in
>> Petitcodiac, NB.
>> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
>> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
>> Sincerely,
>> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
>> GRC Caledonia RCMP
>> Traffic Services NCO
>> Ph: (506) 387-2222
>> Fax: (506) 387-4622
>> E-mail
>> charles leblanc wrote:
>> Where are ya living now???? Since the media seem to ignore ya? I'll
>> sit down for a debate with a recorder for the blog...Now? Don't get
>> all exicted and send this all over the
>> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: David Amos
>> To:;;
>> mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.
>> Cc:;;
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 10:37:04 PM
>> Subject: I promised one of the Fat Fred City cop Randy Reilly that I
>> would try to make him famous
>> A man is only as good as his word EH? To bad priests, bankers,
>> politicians, lawyers and cops can't claim the same N'est Pas
>> FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006
>> Senator Arlen Specter
>> United States Senate
>> Committee on the Judiciary
>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>> Washington, DC 20510
>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>> raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that
>> these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in
>> contact with you about this previously.
>> Very truly yours,
>> Barry A. Bachrach
>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>> Email:
>> Paulette Delaney-Smith Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-
>> David,
>> I received your voice mail, I have been transferred to another unit
>> and I am unaware of who is dealing with your complaints at this time.
>> Paulette Delaney-Smith, Cpl.
>> RCMPolice "J" DIvision HQ
>> http://gypsy-blog.blogspot.
>> Threat against Burke taken seriously
>> Published Thursday May 24th, 2007
>> Appeared on page A1
>> An RCMP security detail has been guarding Justice Minister and
>> Attorney General T.J. Burke because of threats made against him
>> recently.
>> Burke, the Liberal MLA for Fredericton-Fort Nashwaaksis, wouldn't
>> explain the nature of the threats.
>> "I have had a particular individual or individuals who have made
>> specific overtures about causing harm towards me," he told reporters
>> Wednesday.
>> "The RCMP has provided security to me recently by accompanying me to a
>> couple of public functions where the individual is known to reside or
>> have family members in the area," said Burke. "It is nice to have
>> some
>> added protection and that added comfort."
>> The RCMP provides protection to the premier and MLAs with its VIP
>> security
>> unit.
>> Burke didn't say when the threat was made but it's believed to have
>> been in recent weeks.
>> "When a threat is posed to you and it is a credible threat, you have
>> to be cautious about where you go and who you are around," he said.
>> "But again, I am more concerned about my family as opposed to my own
>> personal safety."
>> Burke said he doesn't feel any differently and he has not changed his
>> pattern of activity.
>> "It doesn't bother me one bit," he said. "It makes my wife
>> feel awful nervous."
>> Burke served in an elite American military unit before becoming a
>> lawyer and going into politics in New Brunswick.
>> "(I) have taken my own precautions and what I have to do to ensure my
>> family's safety," he said. "I am a very cautious person in
>> general due
>> to my background and training.
>> "I am comfortable with defending myself or my family if it ever had to
>> happen."
>> Burke said it is not uncommon for politicians to have security concerns.
>> "We do live unfortunately in an age and in a society now where threats
>> have to be taken pretty seriously," he said.
>> Since the terrorism attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001,
>> security in New Brunswick has been
>> beefed up.
>> Metal detectors were recently installed in the legislature and all
>> visitors are screened.
>> The position of attorney general is often referred to as the
>> province's "top cop."
>> Burke said sometimes people do not differentiate between his role as
>> the manager of the justice system and the individual who actually
>> prosecutes them.
>> "With the job sometimes comes threats," he said. "I have had
>> numerous
>> threats since Day 1 in office."
>> Burke said he hopes his First Nations heritage has nothing to do with it.
>> "I think it is more of an issue where people get fixated on a matter
>> and they believe you are personally responsible for assigning them
>> their punishment or their sanction," he said.
>> Is the threat from someone who was recently incarcerated?
>> "I probably shouldn't answer that," he replied.
>> Reporters asked when the threat would be over.
>> "I don't think a threat ever passes once it has been made," said
>> Burke. "You have to consider the credibility of the source."
>> Bruce Fitch, former justice minister in the Conservative government,
>> said "every now and again there would be e-mails that were not
>> complimentary."
>> "I did have a meeting with the RCMP who are in charge of the security
>> of the MLAs and ministers," said Fitch.
>> "They look at each and every situation."
>> Fitch said he never had bodyguards assigned to him although former
>> premier Bernard Lord and former health minister Elvy Robichaud did
>> have extra security staff assigned on occasion.
>> He said if any MLA felt threatened, he or she would discuss it with the
>> RCMP.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 14:18:27 -0400
> Subject: Well at least the computers of Diane Lebouthillier and Victor
> Boudreau (Who is quite likely hung over in Beantown about now) are
> ethical like your was in 2004 before the Speech from the Throne N'esy
> Pas Stevey Boy Harper?
> To:,, "Andrew.Treusch"
> <>
> "ht.lacroix" <>,,
>, public.integrity@oag.state.ny.
>,, "roger.l.brown"
> <>
> <>, Karine Fortin <>,
>, "Doug.Gaetz" <>,
> Diane.Lebouthillier@cra-arc.
> "stephen.harper.a1" <>
> <
> <>,,
>, "Robert.Jones" <>,
> "steve.murphy" <>, "Peter.Edge"
> <>, "dean.buzza" <>,
> radical <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> <>, premier <>, "rick.doucet"
> <>,,
> timothy.cruz@massmail.state.
> <>, "David.Coon" <>,
> "Davidc.Coon" <>, "brian.t.macdonald"
> <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From:
> Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 17:28:30 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: The CRA covering for KPMG is merely matters
> of money but the Murders on the Highway of Tears are far more serious
> in nature So Here is a little Deja Vu for Stevey Boy Harper and Boby
> Paulson of the RCMP
> To:
> Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Diane Lebouthillier, députée de
> Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine. Votre courriel recevra toute
> l'attention voulue.
> Thank you for writing to the Hon. Diane Lebouthillier, Member of
> Parliament for Gaspésie - îles-de-la-Madeleine. Please be assured that
> your correspondence will receive every consideration.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Boudreau, Hon. Victor (DH/MS)" <>
> Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 17:28:02 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: The CRA covering for KPMG is merely matters
> of money but the Murders on the Highway of Tears are far more serious
> in nature So Here is a little Deja Vu for Stevey Boy Harper and Boby
> Paulson of the RCMP
> To: David Amos <>
> I am away until Monday, March 14th and will not have my blackberry
> with me. For an emergency, please call my assistant Véronique Léger at
> 862-9564. Thanks!
> Je suis absent jusqu'au lundi 14 mars et je n'aurai pas mon blackberry
> avec moi. Pour une urgence, svp communiquer avec mon adjointe
> Véronique Léger au 862-9564. Merci!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Harper, Stephen - M.P.
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 7:29 AM
> Subject: RE: They read this stuff Monday
> Thank you for your e-mail message to Stephen Harper, Leader of the
> Opposition. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Once
> they have been carefully considered, you may receive a further reply.
> *Remember to include your mailing address if you would like a response.
> If you prefer to send your thoughts by regular mail, please address them
> to:
> Stephen Harper, M.P.
> Leader of the Opposition
> House of Commons
> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
> Mail may be sent postage free to any Member of Parliament.
> You can also reach Mr. Harper by fax at: (613) 947-0310
> Merci d’avoir écrit à Stephen Harper, le chef de l’opposition
> officielle. Votre opinion est importante pour nous. Lorsque nous
> l’aurons étudiée avec soin, nous pourrons vous faire parvenir une
> réponse.
> *N’oubliez pas d’inclure votre adresse postale si vous voulez recevoir
> une réponse.
> Si vous préférez nous écrire en utilisant les services postaux
> régulièrs, veuillez le faire au :
> Stephen Harper, député
> Chef de l’opposition officielle
> Chambre des communes
> Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A6
> Vous pouvez écrire sans affranchissement à tous les députés fédéraux.
> Vous pouvez également joindre M. Harper par fax au (613) 947-0310.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To:
> Cc: ; ;
> ; ; ;
> ;
> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 7:17 AM
> Subject: Fw: They read this stuff Monday
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To:
> Cc: ; ;
> ; line.lacombe-laurin@ccra-adrc.
> marie-josee.martel@ccra-adrc.
> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 8:11 AM
> Subject: Fw: They read this stuff Monday
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To: katherine.baird@csps-efpc.gc.
> Cc: ; ;
> ; ;
> ; ;
> daniel.lavoie@psepc-sppcc.gc.
> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 8:00 AM
> Subject: Fw: They read this stuff Monday
> Everybody knows that politicians come and go It is wicked people
> like Margaret Bloodworth and Eva Plunkett that hang around and run the
> show. Say hey to them for me. Will ya?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To:
> Cc: ; ;
> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 7:40 AM
> Subject: Fw: They read this stuff Monday
> Scott say hey for me to Bloodworth and all the malicious public
> servants yapping it up a APEX next month. Will Ya?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To:
> Cc: ;
> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 7:31 AM
> Subject: Fw: They read this stuff Monday
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To:
> Cc: Byron Prior
> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 7:28 AM
> Subject: They read this stuff Monday
> September 15th, 2004
> Liliana Longo Senior General Counsel
> C/o Assistant Commissioner Gerry Lynch
> RCMP B Division Headquarters
> 100 East Hills Rd
> PO Box 9700
> St. Johns NF A1A 3T5
> RE: Corruption
> Hey,
> Please find enclosed an exact copy of all material served upon
> Lieutenant Governor Roberts by my friend Byron Prior. The copy of
> wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as law
> enforcement authorities in order that it may be properly investigated.
> I have also enclosed a copy of the correspondence between the RCMP
> External Review Committee and I. As you review the same material they
> got, you can see the folks in BC were contacted almost one year ago.
> Apparently the dumb bastards don’t know how to read. If these are the
> best lawyers Anne McLellan has got to send against me, the government
> is about to be embarrassed big time by a simple Maritimer.
> Whereas I have now received my answer from the Lieutenant
> Governor of New Brunswick and the RCMP External Review Committee, I am
> about to file my own complaints. I have given up on my native land
> protecting my dumb ass. If you have any questions may I suggest that
> you take my matter up with Anne McLellan or Jack Hooper.
> With respect to my friend Byron Prior’s sad complaint, let me
> be the first layman to congratulate the RCMP in the fine job they did
> covering up his matters for the benefit many corrupt politicians for
> some many years. It is too bad that the RCMP weren’t so diligent in
> upholding the law. Lets see if I can have any luck tearing the mask of
> virtue off of the RCMP and the likes of T. Alex Hickman for the
> benefit of all the simple folk like Byron and I.
> Shame on all of you. Say hey to the cop in the picture that was
> guarding Harper on June 19th will ya? I need to know his name and
> summons him to court to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing
> but the truth. He can bring his god along to help if he thinks it
> necessary but I would rather he bring his conscience. What say you? If
> I don’t get an answer from you by Oct3rd. I will be due to sue you
> too. What do you think should I complain of the RCMP in a court
> Newfoundland or New Brunswick?
> I already know Byron’s answer.
> Cya’ll in Court :)
> David R. Amos
> 153 Alvin Ave.
> Milton, MA. 02186
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Byron Prior
> To: David Amos
> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 9:44 PM
> Subject: Re: Hey Mr . Irwin why not do the right thing and take your mail?
> Good stuff David, keep the pot boiling & I'll be adding to it very
> soon. They want a circus that's what they're about to get.
> Byron
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To: Byron Prior
> Cc: Bachrach, Barry A. ;
> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:36 PM
> Subject: Fw: Hey Mr . Irwin why not do the right thing and take your mail?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To: cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.
> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:05 PM
> Subject: Hey Mr . Irwin why not do the right thing and take your mail?
> It seems that CSIS is messing with my mail
> Sent by last Thursday by Canada Post to RCMP General Counsel Liliana Longo
> c/o Ast. Commissioner Gerry Lynch in NFLD. I have now called NFLD and
> gave Gerry the tracking number and told him if he wants to read his
> mail he should send someone to find it. after all he is one of the
> second in Command of the RCMP and Longo is his lawyer.Canada Post
> won't say dick to me about it.
> To track and confirm delivery of your item, enter the Item number,
> Reference number, or Delivery Notification Card number in the
> corresponding field provided below, then click the Submit button.
> No records found for specified search criteria: 46227406901
> Sent US Mail Saturday in Beantown all it had to do was go about a half
> a mile to the Canadin Consulate. Obviously I informed them but the
> thing is they don't know who else I told. Kinda of a double check one
> by phone and one by email.
> Track & Confirm
> Shipment Details
> You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 5717
> Your item was forwarded to a different address at 2:22 pm on September
> 21, 2004 in BOSTON, MA 02108. This was because of forwarding
> instructions or because the address or ZIP Code on the label was
> incorrect. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please
> check again later.
> Here is what happened earlier:
> ACCEPTANCE, September 17, 2004, 10:30 pm, BOSTON, MA 02205
> Anyway it ain't no matter to me now Their mail is filed in court
> for the public to view. If they want to piss and moan about it they
> can argue me later in court. They are public servants they should read
> their god damned mail. The Postal Service has
> a little explaining to do anyway over the Attorney General Robb Quinan
> and his Mail fraud anyway. I will just and this shit to it.
> I knew old man Ronald Irwin would duck and run but arguing Longo should be
> fun,
> What I did in Norfolk Probate Court today was way beyond fun it went
> way better than I dreamed it could. October 1st should prove to be
> quite a hoot after meeting Angie in court today. I wonder if Longo is
> a pretty as she is. She looks good in her picture anyway I am certain
> that she is a damn sight smarter than Angie. Angie is so stupid I
> almost feel ashamed for making her show me her ass. (Not really I am
> an ass man)
> Now it appears all the Canadian Boobs have shown me their ass a
> well. Time to talk to the right Yankees just before the November
> Election and then head out as planned. i finally got the tape from the
> New Brunswick Police Commission and I will send a copy of it your way
> someday Byron. I made sure I mentioned you several times and showed
> them the documents but I didn't speak of what it was about but
> everybody will know they got something really kinda big.
> I did to protect ya buddy. I also mentioned Barry once. I hope Barry
> called you today. I know the FEDS are likely listening and reading our
> emails so I recorded it here to protect the both of you and Collen
> Rowley as well. I cannot afford the time
> to wait for her to retire she is more valuable to me as an honest
> lawyer within the FBI before the Yankee federal election, not
> afterwards.
> I also hear Jean and Joyse on the tape so it should protect
> their butts as well. I will order a copy of the Probate Court tape as
> soon as we can afford it. But it will likely be edited anyway.
> Yo Ricky Baby Doucet you do still value my opinion correct? So while
> you and Premier Gallant and the Boyz were in Beantown having fun with
> the Governor Charlie Baker perhaps they should have said hey to his
> lawyers such Loni Povich for Mean Old Me. After all I did I did call
> your office before the Boyz in Red Coats landed in Beantown to party
> with Davey Boy Alward EH Loni?
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Doucet, Rick (LEG)" <>
> Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 01:07:58 +0000
> Subject: RE: Final Docs
> To: David Amos <>
> Will get right on this.
> Always look forward to your brilliant thoughts.
> R
> Hon.Rick Doucet
> Legislative member for Charlotte-the isles
> 28 Mt.Pleasant Rd.
> St.George, N.B. E5C 3K4
> Phone / Téléphone : 506-755-4200
> Fax / Télécopieur : 506-755-4207
> E-mail / Courriel :
> This message is intended for the person to whom it is addressed and is
> to be treated as confidential or private communications. It must not
> be forwarded unless permission has been received from the originator.
> If you have received this message inadvertently, please notify the
> sender and delete the message. Then delete your response. Thank you
> for your cooperation.
> ------------------------------
> Ce message est destiné à la personne désignée dans la présente et il
> doit demeurer confidentiel. Il ne doit pas être réacheminé sans la
> permission de l’expéditeur. Si ce message vous a été envoyé par
> erreur, veuillez aviser l’expéditeur et effacer le message. Effacez
> ensuite votre réponse. Merci de votre collaboration.
> Brian Gallant @BrianGallantNB Mar 7
> Happy to be leading w/ @Rick_Doucet a delegation of NB companies to
> participate in North America’s largest seafood show in Boston
> #SENA2016
> Premier meets with Massachusetts governor
> 08 March 2016
> Media Contact(s)
> Sheila Lagacé, corporate communications, Executive Council Office,
> 506-444-4088.
> BOSTON (GNB) – Premier Brian Gallant met with Massachusetts Governor
> Charlie Baker to discuss areas of common interest such as investment
> opportunities and the need for more collaboration. This was the
> premier’s second meeting with Baker.
> “We discussed the need for Massachusetts and New Brunswick to
> collaborate even more in the technology sector,” said Gallant. “We
> also discussed how increased infrastructure could help the natural gas
> prices in the New England and Maritime energy market. Massachusetts
> and New Brunswick have a long standing historic, geographic and
> economic relationship that we must continue to build upon.”
> While in Boston, Gallant also participated in the Canadian
> Entrepreneurs in New England Roundtable. The Canadian Entrepreneurs in
> New England is composed of accomplished Canadian executives,
> entrepreneurs and investors. Charter Members help to advance Canadian
> entrepreneurship by mentoring promising companies and guiding them
> towards resources and partnerships in the industry.
> “We discussed how we can further support New Brunswick businesses
> looking to access the New England market,” said Gallant. “As our
> province is the most export-driven economy in Canada, this is
> important for job growth in New Brunswick.”
> Gallant also addressed members of the business community and industry
> from throughout New England when he participated in the New England
> Council Roundtable Breakfast.
> The New England Council, the country’s oldest regional business
> organization, is an alliance of businesses, academic and health
> institutions, and public and private organizations throughout New
> England formed to promote economic growth and a high quality of life
> in New England. It represents more than 500 companies and
> organizations throughout the region.
> “This was a great chance to showcase New Brunswick’s world-class
> technology sector and energy opportunities with the business community
> of New England,” said Gallant.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 13:37:46 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Perhap Martha Coakley and Charlie Baker should talk to
> this Yankee Deputy Sheriff before tonight's debate EH?
> To: "lon.povich" <>,, David Amos
> <>, "steven.blaney" <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 3:54 PM
> Subject: Perhap Martha Coakley and Charlie Baker should talk to this Yankee
> Deputy Sheriff before tonight's debate EH?
> To: office <>, info <>,
> "roger.l.brown" <>
>>, oldmaison <>,
> "martin.gaudet" <>
>>, "Davidc.Coon" <>, COCMoncton <
>>, "ht.lacroix" <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
>>, bginsberg <>
> --- On Tue, 10/28/14, magicJack <voicemail@notify.magicjack.
>> From: magicJack <voicemail@notify.magicjack.
>> Subject: New VM (2) - 0:21 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from
> 6177046800
>> To: "DAVID AMOS" > Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2014, 7:43 AM
>> Dear magicJack User:
>> You received a new 0:21 minutes voicemail message, on
>> Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 09:43:42 AM in mailbox
>> 9028000369 from 6177046800.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 11:05:19 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Attn Bobby VERY important
> To:, David Amos <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 10:35 AM
> Subject: Fwd: Attn Bobby VERY important
> To:, timothy.cruz@massmail.state.
>>, jessica.healey@massmail.state.
> "gilles.moreau" <>
> Baker picks former Weld lawyer as chief legal counsel
> <
> [image:
> Governor-elect Charlie Baker, who will be sworn in as governor next month,
> campaigned on bipartisanship.]
> Charles Krupa/AP/File
> Governor-elect Charlie Baker, who will be sworn in as governor next month,
> campaigned on bipartisanship.
> *By David Scharfenberg* Globe Staff December 08, 2014
> Governor-elect Charlie Baker has chosen Lon Povich, who served in the
> administration of former governor William Weld and is currently general
> counsel for warehouse retailer BJ’s Wholesale Club, as his top lawyer.
> The selection of Povich, the latest in a string of Democrats to take top
> posts in the Republican administration, won widespread praise in legal
> circles Monday.
> “It’s a home-run appointment for the governor,” said Martin W. Healy, chief
> legal counsel and chief operating officer for the Massachusetts Bar
> Association. “He’s one of the brightest intellects in the legal community.”
> The influence of the chief legal counsel varies from administration to
> administration, but the position can be among the most powerful in the
> executive branch.
> William “Mo” Cowan rose from Governor Deval Patrick’s top lawyer to chief
> of staff, before Patrick appointed him as an interim US senator when John
> Kerry left the chamber to serve as US Secretary of State.
> The chief legal counsel’s duties typically include shaping the legal
> response to major lawsuits against the state, vetting legislation, and
> overseeing judicial nominations.
> Povich, 55, is familiar with the office. As deputy chief legal counsel for
> Weld, a Republican, he worked on a reorganization of the governor’s
> Cabinet, helped negotiate a pact with the Wampanoag tribe for a
> Southeastern Massachusetts casino that was never built, and developed a
> reputation as a lawyer at once formidable and approachable.
> “Lon has a marvelous disposition,” said Brackett B. Denniston III, who was
> chief legal counsel for Weld and is now general counsel at General
> Electric. “He’s able to give tough-minded advice, but always in a way that
> is graceful.”
> From time to time, friends say, Weld tapped Povich to write comic verse for
> public appearances.
> “He’s a very gregarious person, very friendly,” said Michael Teteur, a
> long-time friend who is national chairman of the litigation department for
> law firm Foley & Lardner. “At Harvard Law School, Lon knew every one of the
> 550 people in our class. And people knew him.”
> Povich, who was not available for an interview Monday, grew up in Bath,
> Maine, a small town north of Portland known for shipbuilding and a handsome
> downtown. His grandfather opened a clothing shop there in 1910 that his
> father ran into the mid-1990s. Twenty years later, the sign is still on the
> building, now home to an antiques shop.
> Povich graduated from Dartmouth College before attending Harvard Law, where
> he met his future wife, Ilissa. He began his career as a law clerk for the
> Maine Supreme Judicial Court’s Chief Justice Vincent L. McKusick,
> oscillating between the public and private sectors in the decades that
> followed.
> As an assistant United States attorney, he prosecuted white-collar crime
> during the savings and loan crisis before joining the Weld Administration.
> It was there that he got to know Baker, who served as health and human
> services secretary and, later, budget chief.
> For a decade, Povich worked as vice president and general counsel at Boston
> Consulting Group and then moved to BJ’s Wholesale, eager to work for a
> publicly traded company, according to friends. A few years later, the
> company was taken private.
> Povich has served on the board of the Greater Boston Food Bank and recently
> won the Good Apple Award for “demonstrated dedication to public service,
> fairness, and social justice” from the Massachusetts Appleseed Center for
> Law and Justice. He has two children, a daughter who teaches special
> education and a son who is at Dartmouth.
> Baker, who has moved between government and the private sector, is forming
> a Cabinet in his own mold.
> He tapped Republican state Representative Matthew Beaton, co-owner of a
> construction firm that promotes green building techniques, as his energy
> and environmental affairs secretary. Steven Kadish, his incoming chief of
> staff, worked at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and in the state’s health and
> human services bureaucracy, just like the governor-elect.
> Kadish, like Povich, incoming secretary of housing and economic development
> Jay Ash, and incoming chief secretary Carlo Basile, is a Democrat.
> “Assembling a team of experienced professionals committed to making
> Massachusetts great is our top priority and Lon joins a bipartisan team
> ready to hit the ground running in January,” said Baker, in a statement
> announcing the Povich appointment.
> Povich, in a statement, called Baker “a dedicated public servant with the
> imagination and drive needed to make Massachusetts a better place to live.”
> Observers say Baker’s approach to criminal justice issues will help
> determine the contours of Povich’s job.
> Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Ralph D. Gants has
> called for an end to mandatory minimum sentences for low-level drug
> offenders. And many in the legal community are pressing for better pay for
> assistant district attorneys, public defenders, and private attorneys
> appointed to defend the indigent.
> “We’ll be there early on congratulating Lon on his appointment,” said Healy
> of the Massachusetts Bar Association, “but also trying to lobby him to do
> the right things and to make the right recommendations to the governor.”
> *David Scharfenberg can be reached at david.scharfenberg
> <>
> <
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 9:00 AM
> Subject: Attn Bobby VERY important
> To: David Amos <>
> http://wareham-ma.villagesoup.
> These are pages 151 and 152 of this file
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Terry McAuliffe <>
> Date: Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 6:16 PM
> Subject: TOMORROW:
> To: David Amos <>
> David,
> Big news: Tomorrow, the Supreme Court will be hearing three cases in order
> to determine whether states should be allowed to ban same sex marriage and
> not recognize same sex marriages from other states.
> *Let’s make our collective voice heard before the Supreme Court reaches a
> decision: Sign your name to stand up for marriage equality nationwide!*
> < http://action.terrymcauliffe.
> Here in Virginia, it’s been an uphill battle to secure marriage equality
> for our LGBT friends, family, and neighbors. In October, we finally won
> that battle. But there are still *over a dozen states* that refuse to allow
> same sex couples to marry and receive the same benefits as other couples.
> I’ve always said that every single Virginian should have the same
> opportunity to succeed, no matter their background or whom they love. We
> can’t stand idly by while states continue to violate the rights of their
> citizens by refusing marriage privileges to certain populations.
> *Add your name to voice your support for marriage equality and show that
> the American people want equal treatment for all under the law. >>*
> < http://action.terrymcauliffe.
> Thanks for standing with me,
> Terry
> On 3/9/16, David Amos <> wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <>
>> Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 13:26:21 -0400
>> Subject: The CRA covering for KPMG is merely matters of money but the
>> Murders on the Highway of Tears are far more serious in nature So Here
>> is a little Deja Vu for Stevey Boy Harper and Boby Paulson of the RCMP
>> To:,,
>>,, "Robert.
>> Jones" <>, "steve.murphy" <>,
>> "Peter.Edge" <>, "dean.buzza"
>> <>, radical <>
>> Cc: David Amos <>
>> <>
>> <
>> <>
>> I did post this email within Andre Murray's blog months before I went
>> out west to look into things for myself Correct?
>> Tuesday, 4 March 2014
>> Fwd: Yo Bobby boy Paulson Whereas many people watched the very ethical
>> Lonnie Landrud testify under oath before a judge WHY hasn't the CROWN
>> or the at least sneaky lawyer Ian McPhail finally investigated your
>> buddy Paul Collister You smiling bastards must still have his back
>> EH???
>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>> Furthermore I did mention the Lonnie Landrud matter within my lawsuit
>> now before the Federal Court and the Judges Bell and Soutcott
>> admitted that they read it CORRECT?
>> http://davidraymondamos3.
>> 84. The Plaintiff states that the RCMP is well aware that he went to
>> western Canada in 2104 at the invitation of a fellow Maritimer in
>> order to assist in his attempt to investigate the murders of many
>> people in Northern BC. The Plaintiff has good reasons to doubt his
>> fellow Maritimer’s motives. The fact that he did not tell the
>> Plaintiff until he had arrived in BC that he had invited a Neo Nazi he
>> knew the Plaintiff strongly disliked to the same protest that he was
>> staging in front of the court house in Prince George on August 21,
>> 2014. The Plaintiff was looking forward to meeting Lonnie Landrud so
>> he ignored the Neo Nazi. Several months after their one and only
>> meeting, Lonnie Landrud contacted the Plaintiff and asked him to
>> publish a statement of his on the Internet and to forward it to anyone
>> he wished. The Plaintiff obliged Landrud and did an investigation of
>> his own as well. He has informed the RCMP of his opinion of their
>> actions and has done nothing further except monitor the criminal
>> proceedings the Crown has placed against the Neo Nazi in BC and save
>> his videos and webpages and that of his associates. The words the
>> Plaintiff stated in public in Prince George BC on August 21, 2014 were
>> recorded by the Neo Nazi and published on the Internet and the RCMP
>> knows the Plaintiff stands by every word. For the public record the
>> Plaintiff truly believes what Lonnie Landrud told him despite the fact
>> that he does not trust his Neo Nazi associates. Therefore the
>> Plaintiff had no ethical dilemma whatsoever in publishing the
>> statement Lonnie Landrud mailed to him in a sincere effort to assist
>> Lonnie Landrud’s pursuit of justice. The Crown is well aware that
>> Plaintiff’s former lawyer, Barry Bachrach once had a leader of the
>> American Indian Movement for a client and that is why he ran against
>> the former Minister of Indian Affairs for his seat in the 39th
>> Parliament.
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
>> P.S. For the public record this is who got my email yesterday before I
>> contacted many others about the talk of the CRA and KPMG on CBC.
>> Trust that they will get this email next.
>> ---------- Original message ----------
>> From: David Amos <>
>> Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 16:10:50 -0400
>> Subject: A litle Deja Vu for Stevey Boy harper, Andrew Treusch, Kevin
>> Dancey, the KPMG lawyers and some of the other people who told me to
>> go to Hell over the years
>> To:,, "Andrew.Treusch"
>> <>
>> "ht.lacroix" <>,,
>>, public.integrity@oag.state.ny.
>>,, "roger.l.brown"
>> <>
>> <>, Karine Fortin <>,
>> Cc: David Amos <>
>> <>
>> Andrew Treusch
>> Commissioner & Chief Executive Officer:
>> Canada Revenue Agency
>> Commissioners Office
>> 7th Flr., 555 MacKenzie Ave.
>> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L5
>> Phone: 613-957-3688
>> Fax: 613-952-1547
>> CBC Investigates
>> Canada Revenue offered amnesty to wealthy KPMG clients in offshore tax
>> 'sham'
>> Federal authorities demanded secrecy in no-penalty, no-prosecution
>> deal to high net worth Canadians
>> By Harvey Cashore, Dave Seglins, Frederic Zalac, Kimberly Ivany, CBC
>> News Posted: Mar 08, 2016 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Mar 08, 2016 6:34
>> AM ET
> On 3/16/16, David Amos <> wrote:
>> CBC yaps abut you wannabe PC leaders in the liberla "Place to Be" all
>> the time yet still denies that I ran for public office FIVE times to
>> this very day.
>> Go figure why I gonna have fun with you sneaky PC dudes
>> Blaine Higgs set to run for Progressive Conservative leader
>> Former PC finance minister to enter race with announcement in
>> Quispamsis on Thursday
>> CBC News Posted: Mar 16, 2016 7:45 AM AT Last Updated: Mar 16, 2016 7:45
>> AM
>> AT
>> Former Progressive Conservative finance minister Blaine Higgs will
>> officially enter the party's leadership race on Thursday.
>> Higgs is scheduled to make the announcement Thursday in his riding of
>> Quispamsis.
>> Blaine Higgs, Mike Allen ponder Tory leadership bids
>> Brian Macdonald launches Progressive Conservative leadership bid
>> Higgs was first elected in 2010 and served as finance minister in
>> David Alward's government, establishing a reputation for straight talk
>> and desire to cut government spending.
>> When the Alward government was defeated in 2014, Higgs retained his
>> seat as the MLA for Quispamsis.
>> Prior to entering politics, Higgs was an executive with Irving Oil
>> Ltd. in Saint John.
>> The party's leadership opened up when Alward resigned following the
>> 2014 election loss and was later named Canada's consul general in
>> Boston.
>> The party's leadership convention is scheduled for Oct. 22 in
>> Fredericton.
>> Brian Macdonald, the MLA for Fredericton West-Hanwell, was the first
>> candidate to officially enter the race.
>> Saint John Mayor Mel Norton and former Tobique Mactaquac MP Mike Allen
>> are also considering entering the race.
>> Riverview MLA Bruce Fitch has been leading the Tories on an interim
>> basis.
>> Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission
>> Guidelines. Comments are welcome while open. We reserve the right to
>> close comments at any time.
>> hopefuture
>> Does this mean that Higgs will be representing his previous employer
>> when it comes to decisions on Provincial taxes for major Industrial
>> Corporations? We all know that major corporations in Saint John have
>> been receiving special tax treatment, such as the Irving Refinery.
>> 11 hours ago 25 Likes
>> Show 1 older reply
>> 2Right4U
>> @hopefuture
>> such as the requested change to NB Power billing rates to have "the
>> people" pay a bigger share of the bill while the excess capacity that
>> needs to be in the system is there for industry, not "the people".
>> 11 hours ago 18 Likes
>> Davey
>> @hopefuture Once an Irving man, always a Irving man. The Irvings
>> expect complete loyalty from their employees and especially executives
>> and Higgs is no exception.
>> 9 hours ago 12 Likes
>> David Amos
>> @hopefuture Oh my my things just got interesting for mean old me
>> Just now 0 Likes
>> Jade East
>> Excellent Mr. Higgs. You have my vote!
>> 11 hours ago 10 Likes
>> Show 3 older replies
>> Jade East
>> @Bruce
>> I certainly don't support free rides but I will say the Irvings and
>> their prodigy must have the population of a good sized town
>> working. If it wasn't the Irvings with their hand in the cookie jar in
>> NB then I'm sure it would be just some other Corp. that we'd be
>> dissatisfied with.
>> 8 hours ago 5 Likes
>> thewilster
>> @Jade East
>> Yeah that is why NB is bankrupt and the poorest crappiest province in
>> the country...THere is no hand in the cookie jar he took the cookie
>> jar and the cookies are no more... We have to find the cookie jar???
>> Do you know where it is ???? LOL.....
>> 6 hours ago 5 Likes
>> On 3/16/16, David Amos <> wrote:
>>> Senator Sandra Lovelace Nicholas won't face criminal probe over expenses
>>> 3 other New Brunswick senators whose expense claims were questioned in
>>> audit couldn't be reached for comment
>>> By Jacques Poitras, CBC News Posted: Mar 16, 2016 6:48 PM AT
>>> At least one New Brunswick senator whose travel expenses were
>>> questioned in the Senate spending scandal has been told she won't be
>>> prosecuted by the RCMP.
>>> T.J. Burke, the lawyer for Senator Sandra Lovelace Nicholas, says she
>>> learned of that decision several months ago.
>>> New Brunswick Senator Sandra Lovelace Nicholas, whose travel expenses
>>> were questioned by the federal auditor-general last year, has been
>>> told she won't be prosecuted by the RCMP. (CBC)
>>> "We were aware since the late fall of 2015 that Senator Lovelace
>>> Nicholas would not be investigated criminally by the RCMP with respect
>>> to her involvement with Senate expense issues," Burke said.
>>> Last year's report by the federal auditor-general questioned why
>>> Lovelace Nicholas, who is from Tobique First Nation, had more than 40
>>> stays of more than one night in Fredericton while commuting through
>>> the city on her way to and from Ottawa.
>>> One of the stays lasted nine nights, the audit said.
>>> • 4 senators challenge auditor general's expense-scandal findings
>>> • Fishing trips, weddings and contracts: AG details Senate spending mess
>>> Lovelace Nicholas said at the time she often used Fredericton as a
>>> base for hearing from aboriginal groups as part of her Senate work.
>>> "Obviously a great many individuals find it easier to meet with me in
>>> Fredericton than to travel to the Tobique First Nation," she wrote in
>>> an official response to the auditor-general's report.
>>> The audit also questioned some other travel expenses, which Lovelace
>>> Nicholas defended as part of her Senate duties.
>>> Arbiter's report expected Monday
>>> At least 20 of 30 current or former senators named in last year's
>>> report by the federal auditor-general have been told they will not be
>>> prosecuted, CBC News confirmed on Wednesday.
>>> The Globe and Mail named six senators or former senators who have yet
>>> to be told they're in the clear, including New Brunswick's Rose-Marie
>>> Losier-Cool.
>>> The audit of Senator Rose-Marie Losier-Cool's expenses found she had
>>> claimed travel based on Moncton being her primary residence, even
>>> though she appeared to live most of the time near Ottawa. (Senate)
>>> Losier-Cool did not respond to a call to her home by CBC News. Her
>>> audit said she had claimed travel expenses based on Moncton being her
>>> primary residence, even though she appeared to live most of the time
>>> near Ottawa.
>>> The two other senators whose office expenses were questioned in last
>>> year's audit were Joseph Day, a Liberal, and retired Senate speaker
>>> Noël Kinsella, a Conservative.
>>> Kinsella and Day couldn't be reached Wednesday to confirm whether
>>> they've been told they will not be prosecuted by the RCMP.
>>> Senators who disagreed with the auditor-general's findings were
>>> allowed to appeal the conclusions in private hearings with retired
>>> Supreme Court of Canada justice Ian Binnie.
>>> Binnie is expected to release his report on the 14 appeals on March
>>> 21. Senators whom Binnie rules spent money improperly will have to
>>> repay the amounts in question.
>>> Burke says he sought assurances from the RCMP last fall that the
>>> testimony Lovelace Nicholas gave to Binnie would not be used against
>>> her in any criminal prosecution.
>>> "The RCMP had answered in the positive that they were not interested
>>> in pursuing a criminal investigation against her based on the
>>> information they had received from the auditor-general of Canada's
>>> office," he said.
>>> Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission
>>> Guidelines. Comments are welcome while open. We reserve the right to
>>> close comments at any time.
>>> 1 Comment
>>> David Amos
>>> Why is it that I am not surprised?
>>> Just now 0 Likes
>>> Submission Policy
>>> Note: The CBC does not necessarily endorse any of the views posted. By
>>> submitting your comments, you acknowledge that CBC has the right to
>>> reproduce, broadcast and publicize those comments or any part thereof
>>> in any manner whatsoever. Please note that comments are moderated and
>>> published according to our submission guidelines.
>>> On 2/22/16, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>> Don't ya think that before you smiling bastards in the CROWN Corp
>>>> known as the CBC deleted another comment of mine you should have at
>>>> least checked to see if I had sent the prof that it once existed to
>>>> many other crooks first? I have been doing that a lot lately N'esy
>>>> Pas? Have you snobby bastards even bothered to wonfder why?
>>>> FYI I did call the Yankee editor at large Walter V Robinson and left
>>>> him a voicemail informing him of Federal Court File no T1557-15 (You
>>>> CBC people do know that the documents that I just sent him byway of
>>>> email are already in the the docket as evidence Correct? Perhaps Robby
>>>> Robinson and Mikey Enright would enjoy listening to mean old me
>>>> discuss the matter with two judges recently?
>>>> Enjoy Ya Bastards
>>>> The text of my filings can be found here.
>>>> http://davidraymondamos3.
>>>> Your lawyers will have to query the docket to see the CROWN's filing
>>>> as they contain an amazing amount of desperate bullshit that I could
>>>> not possibly scan.
>>>> This was what was said in the past month before the court during oral
>>>> arguments pertaining to Federal Court File no T-1557-15
>>>> Dec 14th
>>>> Jan 11th
>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>> 902 800 0369
>>>> Sunday February 21, 2016
>>>> How revealing the Church's cover-up of child sex abuse by priests
>>>> changed Boston forever
>>>> David Amos
>>>> Content disabled.
>>>> Mikey Enright of CBC should find the copies of the lawsuits I sent CBC
>>>> on July 16th, 2002 see page 14 of this old pdf file
>>>> http://www.checktheevidence.
>>>> After all one of them is against his beloved Colonel/Cardinal Bernard
>>>> Francis Law EH?
>>>> Robby Robinson should had a long talk with his old buddy Jonathan
>>>> Saltzman about the conversation we had and the email I sent him last
>>>> month N'esy Pas Hubby baby LaCroix?
>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>> Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 14:52:12 -0400
>>>> Subject: Re Hollywood versus true stories
>>>> To:
>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>> Please view page 134 see Cardinal Law Now look at the date stamp
>>>> (Notice Dec 12, 2002)
>>>> Then read your own news from Dec 13th, 2002
>>>> 1 hour ago 0 Likes
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: "Green, John (DNR/MRN)" <>
>>>> Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2016 09:11:43 +0000
>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Oh My The not so good Catholic Boys Robby
>>>> Robinson of the Boston Globe and Mikey Enright of CBC can cry me a
>>>> river as they whine about the demise of the journalistic profession
>>>> and the reputation of their far from beloved church
>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>> Je suis présentement hors du bureau et je serai de retour le vendredi
>>>> 26 fevrier. Pour de l'assistance immédiate veuillez téléphoner Kathy
>>>> Walker au 453-2739
>>>> Merci et Bonne journée.
>>>> --------------------
>>>> I am currently out of the office and will return on Friday, February
>>>> 26. For immediate assistance please call Kathy Walker at 453-2739
>>>> Thank you and Have a nice day
>>>> John Green
>>>> Human Resources Advisor / Conseiller en Ressources humaines
>>>> Department of Natural Resources/
>>>> Ministère des Ressources naturelles
>>>> Phone / Téléphone: (506) 457-6925
>>>> Fax / Télécopieur: (506) 453-2486
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <>
>>>> Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2016 09:11:15 +0000
>>>> Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
>>>> To:
>>>> Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
>>>> Technical details of permanent failure:
>>>> Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the
>>>> server for the recipient domain by
>>>> [2001:4801:7903:100:6969:2b9e:
>>>> The error that the other server returned was:
>>>> 552 size limit exceeded
>>>> On 2/22/16, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>>> Perhaps Robby should ask his reporters at the Globe to explain these
>>>>> emails and attachemnts ASAP EH Martine Turcotte of BCE? Does any
>>>>> Yankee recall how many times I viisted the Boston Globe and the other
>>>>> newsrags in Beantown in 2002?
>>>>> How about when the Boston Herald was asking the US Attorney in the big
>>>>> Apple about Madoff and Mean Old Me in 2009?
>>>>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
>>>>> @WalterVRobinson
>>>>> E-mail
>>>>> Phone 617-929-3048
>>>>> Does W5 recall this old email? More info can be found here
>>>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: W-FIVE Viewer Mail
>>>>> To: 'R. S. Webb'
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 3:03 PM
>>>>> Subject: RE: possble story
>>>>> Dear Mr. Amos,
>>>>> I would like to thank you for your email to W-FIVE, sorry for the
>>>>> delay in responding.
>>>>> We review every email and story idea that we receive here at W-FIVE
>>>>> and give it serious consideration. Your email has been forwarded to
>>>>> our executive and senior producer for review. If we are interested in
>>>>> pursuing your idea further, you will be contacted by one of our
>>>>> researchers.
>>>>> Thanks again for your input. Your interest in our program is much
>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> Lisa-Marie
>>>>> Production Coordinator
>>>>> W-FIVE
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: R. S. Webb
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 2:28 PM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: possble story
>>>>> I am a Canadian Citizen who thus far, as a plaintiff, has two Lawsuits
>>>>> in the US District Court of Massachucetts they are numbered 02-11686-
>>>>> RGS and 02-11687-RGS. They were removed to that Court from the Norfolk
>>>>> Superior Court by the US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan very improperly.
>>>>> However they shall remain there because of my status as a Canandian
>>>>> Citizen. Judge Sterns has not even held a Conference about the matters
>>>>> because he likely does not want to hear the matter because I have
>>>>> presented all Members of the Bar with their worst fear of a catch 22
>>>>> problem. Accordinging to law he is late. I have complained of 47
>>>>> defendants 34 of whom are State Defendants( the Attorney General, The
>>>>> Commission of Judicial Conduct Board of Bar Overseers etc) and 3 are
>>>>> Federal Treasury Agents. Some of the defendants are over two months
>>>>> late in their answer to the Summons. The smallest suit amounts to 188
>>>>> million dollars in the form of relief.
>>>>> There is a lot to these matters and too much to briefly explain. But
>>>>> in
>>>>> a
>>>>> nutshell my wife's Aunt, who is buried beside Rose Kennedy, left my
>>>>> wife
>>>>> some money. It was stolen by her relatives in executing the estate.
>>>>> No news there. But the crooks are very well connected politically and
>>>>> every part of the old crony network in Boston covered for them. The
>>>>> crook
>>>>> and our cousin, Charles J. Kickham Jr of the Kickham Law Office on
>>>>> Beacon St, has been past President of Bar Associations. He has sat on
>>>>> the Board of Governors of Harvard Law School etc.
>>>>> I have given much information to many members of the press who have
>>>>> simply ignored some interesting facts. What should be somewhat
>>>>> newsworthy is how far a wild colonial boy has come in prosecuting Pro
>>>>> Se
>>>>> the most profund Yankee carpetbaggers.
>>>>> My next two lawsuits Under title 18 are wickedly righteous. I have
>>>>> left
>>>>> one copy of much information in Saint John New Brunswick at a lawyer's
>>>>> Office, Mosher and Chedore 33 Charlotte St if some one wishes to view
>>>>> them. I can be reached at this Cell number 506 434- 1379
>>>>> David R. Amos
>>>>> LAW
>>>>> Canadian Media Deregulation Provides Insight Into FCC Proposal
>>>>> Critics of consolidation say the integrity of the news is being
>>>>> undermined by the effects of concentrated ownership
>>>>> The original version of this story (see below) posted on May 29, 2003
>>>>> incorrectly stated that Canada's two national newspapers, The Globe
>>>>> and Mail and the National Post, recently laid off their online
>>>>> editorial staffs. According to editor Angus Frame,
>>>>> there have been no recent editorial layoffs at; the
>>>>> site's 18-person staff continues to write and edit stories that are
>>>>> published exclusively online. The National Post did not have dedicated
>>>>> online editorial staff, and did not have online editorial layoffs.
>>>>> The story also failed to acknowledge that the country's largest
>>>>> newspaper, the Toronto Star, also has a significant online operation.
>>>>> The Federal Communications Commission is poised to unveil new media
>>>>> ownership rules June 2 that some experts believe may change the face
>>>>> of American journalism.
>>>>> The new rules would allow media companies to own television stations
>>>>> and newspapers in the same cities.
>>>>> The FCC barred companies from owning newspapers and TV stations in the
>>>>> same market in 1975, but big media owners like the Tribune Co., Knight
>>>>> Ridder, MediaNews Group and the New York Times say it's time to lift
>>>>> that ban.
>>>>> They argue that cross-ownership makes for better journalism: Staffers
>>>>> working for companies that own newspapers and TV stations in the same
>>>>> market can work together to create richer, multimedia news reports
>>>>> that can then run in the company's paper and on their stations and Web
>>>>> sites.
>>>>> Advocates say the synergies of convergence lead to cost savings,
>>>>> increased advertising revenues and greater efficiencies.
>>>>> Cross-ownership already exists in some markets: The FCC granted about
>>>>> 40 exemptions to the cross-ownership rule in cases where a company
>>>>> already had television or radio stations and a newspaper in a single
>>>>> city. The FCC also granted exemptions in larger markets after media
>>>>> mergers produced cross-ownership situations.
>>>>> 'The concentration of ownership in a lot of major Canadian cities is
>>>>> of interest for a lot reasons, but mainly because it provides too much
>>>>> news coming through one pipeline.'
>>>>> --Russ Mills, former publisher of the Ottawa Citizen
>>>>> The Tribune Co., for example, owns television stations and newspapers
>>>>> in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Miami.
>>>>> How further media consolidation and convergence would play out if the
>>>>> FCC does lift the ban on cross-ownership has been the subject of hot
>>>>> debate in the weeks leading up to the commission's June 2 vote.
>>>>> Experts familiar with the rapid consolidation of media in Canada say
>>>>> the U.S. should look northward for some lessons on what loosening
>>>>> cross-ownership restrictions could mean to journalism in the U.S.
>>>>> In Canada, the deregulation of cross-media ownership occurred
>>>>> gradually over the last 20 years. Within the past eight years, it has
>>>>> led to massive consolidation of media companies.
>>>>> Most of Canada's news media -- including newspapers and broadcast
>>>>> stations in all of its major cities -- are in the hands of two media
>>>>> giants: CanWest Global Communications Inc., and Bell Globemedia -- a
>>>>> division of the country's largest telephone company, Bell Canada.
>>>>> The rapid media consolidation in Canada has inspired an
>>>>> often-acrimonious debate over whether Canadian journalists are able to
>>>>> report objectively on social and political issues and whether the
>>>>> country's corporate media has allowed business interests to undermine
>>>>> the role of journalism in a modern democracy.
>>>>> "Based on the experience in Canada, dropping restrictions on
>>>>> cross-ownership certainly hasn't worked out well," said Russ Mills,
>>>>> former publisher of the Ottawa Citizen in Canada's capital city, who
>>>>> was fired by CanWest in a fight over editorial independence.
>>>>> "The concentration of ownership in a lot of major Canadian cities is
>>>>> of interest for a lot of reasons, but mainly because it provides too
>>>>> much news coming through one pipeline," he said. "When companies use
>>>>> ownership to control the news, and they do have the ability to do so,
>>>>> it hurts everyone."
>>>>> Though the two media conglomerates said cross-media consolidation
>>>>> would improve online journalism, many media observers say online
>>>>> journalism at local papers has gone downhill in the wake of
>>>>> consolidation.
>>>>> The country's two national newspapers, the National Post, half-owned
>>>>> by CanWest, and The Globe and Mail, owned by Bell Canada's media wing,
>>>>> Globemedia, have laid off the online reporters and editors at the two
>>>>> papers that once produced copy separate from print editions.
>>>>> The two papers, former online staffers said, were the only ones in
>>>>> Canada that were doing something other than simply repurposing content
>>>>> from newspaper pages into newspaper Web sites.
>>>>> Executives at Bell Globemedia and CanWest have defended the cutbacks,
>>>>> saying they were a result of cost-cutting efforts and consolidations
>>>>> undertaken after spending billions of dollars to acquire newspaper and
>>>>> broadcasting properties.
>>>>> etc etc etc
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From:
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Cc: ;
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:28 AM
>>>>> Subject: RE: I am curious
>>>>> Mr. Amos, I confirm that I have received your documentation. There is
>>>>> no need to send us a hard copy. As you have said yourself, the
>>>>> documentation is very voluminous and after 3 days, we are still in the
>>>>> process of printing it. I have asked one of my lawyers to review it
>>>>> in my absence and report back to me upon my return in the office. We
>>>>> will then provide you with a reply.
>>>>> Martine Turcotte
>>>>> Chief Legal Officer / Chef principal du service juridique
>>>>> BCE Inc. / Bell Canada
>>>>> 1000 de La Gauchetière ouest, bureau 3700
>>>>> Montréal (Qc) H3B 4Y7
>>>>> Tel: (514) 870-4637
>>>>> Fax: (514) 870-4877
>>>>> email:
>>>>> Executive Assistant / Assistante à la haute direction: Diane Valade
>>>>> Tel: (514) 870-4638
>>>>> email:
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac_02186@
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:12 AM
>>>>> To: Turcotte, Martine (EX05453)
>>>>> Cc:;
>>>>> Subject: I am curious
>>>>> Madam
>>>>> I did not receive a response from you to the last email so I am
>>>>> not certain if you received it. I must inform you that I will be
>>>>> closing my briefcase in Yahoo for public view at the end of the week.
>>>>> I have a great deal of material to add and I only wish certain parties
>>>>> to view it. I opened it for you the other day as an act of good faith.
>>>>> Mr. Pozen can check my work in the dockets of the various courts
>>>>> around Boston they are a matter of Public Record my files are not. As
>>>>> you can see by this and some following emails. I am very busy dealing
>>>>> with criminal matters first before filing civil complaints in the USA.
>>>>> As I told you when you called a lot has been happening. I have made a
>>>>> lot of cops mad at me and I don't trust them a bit particularly after
>>>>> the Police Commission is willing to check their work so i have been
>>>>> busy watching my back and covering my butt. However that does not mean
>>>>> that I have not thought about our conversation and was
>>>>> curious about a few things.
>>>>> I was glad to receive your call and impressed by the fact that
>>>>> you were more than willing to receive the material and a copy of the
>>>>> wiretap tape in particular. Your stated willingness to uphold the law
>>>>> was a rare statement to me. However I was curious why you only
>>>>> mentioned my voicemail to Mr. Pozen and not the email to your company
>>>>> and the news program that it owns. Did they not inform you as well? If
>>>>> they didn't I am not surprised because I have some other rather
>>>>> interesting denials from the Media. the most interesting would have to
>>>>> be from the PBS program called Frontline when I introduced its
>>>>> producer Michael Sullivan to the US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan. Now
>>>>> that is a story well worth W5 telling. Too bad they showed me their
>>>>> ass. As a courtesy to you and a further act of good faith, I will not
>>>>> forward this email to anyone else until after I return to the USA and
>>>>> nothing has been resolved between BCE and I and I am compelled to
>>>>> name it in my complaint. I would find it very hard to believe that
>>>>> Mr, Pozen does not know everything he needs to know about me right
>>>>> now.
>>>>> I had also called a lawyer, Steven Skurka who had a week long
>>>>> little special on CTV . I had tried to inform him that I knew my
>>>>> rights his assistant hollered at me. You from speaking to me yourself
>>>>> that I am not a rude character. I found it too funny to be treated
>>>>> that way and I had resolved to serve him this stuff byway of the local
>>>>> ATV Station that had presented his smiling talking head to me. That is
>>>>> why I was telling you that you could get this stuff from the local ATV
>>>>> station. I found it quite strange that you did not rely on them to
>>>>> send it on to you. Thus I must make an extra copy to comply with your
>>>>> request.
>>>>> I know the date stamp on the forwarded email is incorrect but
>>>>> that is because my old laptop goes to the first year in it when I boot
>>>>> up and sometimes I am too busy or tired to bother changing it. However
>>>>> MSN tracks it with the true date. Brad Smith and I have a bone to pick
>>>>> as well and I have been checking his work rather closely since he
>>>>> ignored my letter to him last year. His boss Bill Gates is gonna be
>>>>> very angry and Brad Smith and Steve Balmer in the near future if I
>>>>> have anything to do with it. If you do act ethically and immediately I
>>>>> will settle with your company very cheaply in comparsion to the bottom
>>>>> lines of my first two complaints. In fact I will be so impressed I
>>>>> will immediatlely offer you a better job than the one you have now.
>>>>> Please study the material I will provide you closely and ask me any
>>>>> thing you wish.
>>>>> I will do as I promised and send the material you requested as
>>>>> soon as I can put it all together. Right now I am on the move and far
>>>>> away from my printer. Is the following your correct address? Perhaps
>>>>> you should consider sending someone to the my meeting with the Police
>>>>> Commission in Fredericton next week in order to hear me speak of these
>>>>> matters to law enforcement before I return to the USA. Once I do
>>>>> return there I will serve the Mr. Pozen the material as promised and
>>>>> call him to testify in my pending trial. The following emails should
>>>>> explain some of my concerns to you. My wife will be in Canada next
>>>>> week as well to pick up our kids. I will allow you to speak to her if
>>>>> you wish. She has had a nervous breakdown over the legal crap and I do
>>>>> have her Durable Power of Attorney pursuant to M.G.L. 201 B. Mr. Pozen
>>>>> can ask Robert S. Creedon Jr. about that document. I argued it with
>>>>> him before the entire Judicuary Commitee on Sept. 18th
>>>>> 2003.
>>>>> I will call you in a minute to make certain that you get this and
>>>>> the following emails.
>>>>> David R. Amos
>>>>> Martine Turcotte
>>>>> 1000 de la Gauchetiere Ouest
>>>>> Floor 41
>>>>> Montreal, Quebec H3B 58H Canada
>>>>> Tel: (514) 870-4637
>>>>> Fax: (514) 870-4877
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: moto maniac
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Cc:
>>>>> Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 2:48 PM
>>>>> Subject: Thanks for asking
>>>>> Martine Turcotte
>>>>> 1000 de la Gauchetiere Ouest
>>>>> Floor 41
>>>>> Montreal, Quebec H3B 58H Canada
>>>>> Tel: (514) 870-4637
>>>>> Fax: (514) 870-4877
>>>>> Re: Robert C. Pozen and the rest of the fellas
>>>>> Martine
>>>>> I will send the material as you requested and I will send some
>>>>> forwards of emails sent to others about these matters. The files
>>>>> contained here are older. Much has happened since I came home and ran
>>>>> for Parliament. I will return to the USA to begin litigation as soon
>>>>> as the Canadian authorities assure me that I will not be harassed by
>>>>> the DHS in the USA.
>>>>> I have unlocked the files for you. This wicked stuff. Trust me I
>>>>> am not smart enough to make this up and just dumb enough not to quit
>>>>> defending our rights and interests. Feel free to ask me anything you
>>>>> wish in order to stress test my ethics to the max.
>>>>> I will settle with your company very cheaply if you simply tell
>>>>> the truth to the Arar Commission and the Media interests that your
>>>>> company controls do the same for the public benefit. The same holds
>>>>> true for Mr. Pozen in America. All he has to do is go to Norfolk
>>>>> Superior Court and start reading what is left of the dockets and then
>>>>> act ethically immediately. Tell him to say hey to Francis Galvin,
>>>>> Charles J. Kickham Jr. and J. Owen Todd for me.
>>>>> Dave
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: David Amos
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Cc: ;
>>>>> Sent: Sunday, January 06, 1980 4:07 PM
>>>>> Subject: My turn to tell a tale.
>>>>> I think is time to let a little something out of the bag for the
>>>>> benefit of a few Maritimers who think they know something about the
>>>>> Media.I did notify CBC, the Rogers crowd and Harry Steele's folks that
>>>>> I knew a little bit about the Media and that I had written a book
>>>>> about it. Problem is I need an editor and I believe I may have found
>>>>> one.He comes in the form of a disenchanted newspaper man. But the
>>>>> thing is I want to put it on the web for all to read for free so there
>>>>> is no money in it for him. So I guess I wiil sue some big company with
>>>>> a Prima Facia complaint and settle for a lesser amount out of court.
>>>>> Lets just say I am looking hard at you dudes. I had zeroed in on the
>>>>> Yankee media long ago and I am certain folks within the Ottawa Citizen
>>>>> and Democracy Watch had checked my work(Hey Duff say hey to Dan for
>>>>> me) I have crossed paths with many of Globemedia's people many times
>>>>> for many reasons and I can easily prove it. What I haven't bothered
>>>>> to tell them that I knew the reason Gobal etc never mentioned me was
>>>>> Frank McKenna and the Irving influence because basically that was a no
>>>>> brainer anyway.
>>>>> However If Globemedia and all their cohorts didn't think I knew about
>>>>> the influence Robert Pozen in Boston, you had best think again. then
>>>>> give Mr. Spitzer, Mr. Galvin, Mr. Shelby and Mr. Donaldson a call and
>>>>> drop my name along with Mr. Nesters and Mr. Koski's and tell them my
>>>>> stuff is off to the Arar Commission I am heading back to the USA to
>>>>> call Mr. Pozen and many folks he calls friends to court.
>>>>> Perhaps in Ottawa Bill Rowe will truly speak for the common man after
>>>>> all if the worm turns on his buddies. How do you people sleep at
>>>>> night? What say you? Why not get honest with the world and I will
>>>>> settle cheap? I will give one of your lawyers something real soon
>>>>> before I serve Mr. Pozen his just due byway of this lawyer
>>>>> Jeffrey N Carp
>>>>> MFS Investment Management
>>>>> 500 Boylston Street
>>>>> Boston MA 02116-3741
>>>>> 617-954-5747
>>>>> Perhaps he should call Putnam investments or the Brookline Savings
>>>>> bank and say hey to Mr Chapman and Mr Tripp for me. I just called Bob
>>>>> Pozen at 617 954-5707 and introduced myself so that he can never say
>>>>> that he never heard my name.
>>>>> MFS set to agree to second settlement
>>>>> · MFS set to agree to second settlement
>>>>> 00:00 EST Wednesday, March 31, 2004
>>>>> 00:00 EST Wednesday, March 31, 2004
>>>>> Sun Life Financial Inc.'s Boston-based mutual fund arm will agree to a
>>>>> $50-million (U.S.) settlement today with U.S. regulators over
>>>>> allegations the firm directed trading commissions to brokerages in
>>>>> exchange for preferential treatment, according to people familiar with
>>>>> the matter.
>>>>> Sources said Massachusetts Financial Services Co. will announce a deal
>>>>> with the Securities and Exchange Commission this morning that will
>>>>> also include "compliance reforms," in addition to a token $1
>>>>> disgorgement penalty.
>>>>> Eric Morse, a spokesman for MFS, declined to comment. A spokesman for
>>>>> the SEC refused to discuss any talks with the firm.
>>>>> The embattled fund company is hoping this settlement will enable it to
>>>>> move beyond the intense public and regulatory scrutiny it has endured
>>>>> in the past several months.
>>>>> In early February, MFS agreed to a $350-million settlement with the
>>>>> SEC and New York State Attorney-General Eliot Spitzer for allegedly
>>>>> permitting improper trades in some of its bigger funds. That figure
>>>>> included $225-million in penalties and restitution to investors, along
>>>>> with $125-million in fee reductions spread out over the next five
>>>>> years.
>>>>> The fallout within MFS, which manages about $140-billion in assets,
>>>>> was also considerable. Its two highest-ranking officials -- chief
>>>>> executive officer John Ballen and president Kevin Parke -- were each
>>>>> fined and slapped with temporary suspensions by the SEC, leading to
>>>>> their departures from the firm. Long-serving chairman Jeffrey Shames
>>>>> also retired in the aftermath of MFS's problems, and was replaced by
>>>>> Robert Pozen, formerly a senior executive at Fidelity Investments and
>>>>> onetime associate general counsel at the SEC.
>>>>> Mr. Pozen has been charged with cleaning up the mess, and tightening
>>>>> the firm's internal controls.
>>>>> He has already hired new legal and compliance officers, added
>>>>> monitoring staff, and imposed a ban on so-called "soft dollar"
>>>>> transactions. The firm also prohibited the practice of directing
>>>>> trading fees to brokerages in exchange for being placed on a preferred
>>>>> list of customers and receiving better visibility for its funds.
>>>>> This latter arrangement, known in industry circles as "pay for play,"
>>>>> is at the centre of MFS's pending settlement with the SEC. Sources
>>>>> said the current settlement talks advanced fairly quickly because of
>>>>> the voluntary compliance improvements MFS has undertaken.
>>>>> In a recent interview with The Globe and Mail, Mr. Pozen attacked the
>>>>> basis of the regulator's case as "very weak" and said it should have
>>>>> raised this as a problem when it conducted audits of the company.
>>>>> Nevertheless, he said he hoped to settle the matter quickly, in large
>>>>> part to avoid a costly legal battle and prevent nervous investors from
>>>>> pulling their money out of MFS funds. So far, the damage has been
>>>>> contained to one major client, the Illinois Teachers Retirement
>>>>> System, which fired MFS last month as lead manager on a $664-million
>>>>> portfolio.
>>>>> The SEC is investigating about a dozen other fund companies for
>>>>> directed brokerage, although sources say MFS will settle individually,
>>>>> rather than as part of a group.
>>>>> Last fall, brokerage powerhouse Morgan Stanley agreed to pay
>>>>> $50-million to settle charges it failed to tell investors it was
>>>>> promoting funds with which the firm had a special arrangement. Morgan
>>>>> Stanley had a "Partners Program" of 14 funds, including MFS, that paid
>>>>> "substantial" fees in return for the brokerage steering their funds to
>>>>> investors, the SEC claimed.
>>>>> The regulator indicated a few months ago it would begin investigating
>>>>> a number of fund companies for directing commissions, but did not say
>>>>> which firms it would target.
>>>>> Sun Life revealed in a filing that MFS was under investigation for
>>>>> this practice just a couple of weeks after its first settlement with
>>>>> the SEC and Mr. Spitzer. The news came as a surprise to most
>>>>> observers, some of whom criticized the insurer's CEO, Donald Stewart,
>>>>> for not disclosing this probe earlier.
>>>>> MFS is hoping to recoup some of the $175-million it must repay
>>>>> investors under the terms of the first settlement by suing firms and
>>>>> individuals that engaged in market timing and late trading of its
>>>>> funds. Market timing involves making frequent trades in and out of
>>>>> funds in order to cash in on minor pricing discrepancies. It is not
>>>>> illegal, but is usually prohibited by many fund companies, since the
>>>>> quick trading can raise administrative costs and undermine returns to
>>>>> investors.
>>>>> Sunday February 21, 2016
>>>>> How revealing the Church's cover-up of child sex abuse by priests
>>>>> changed Boston forever
>>>>> On January 6, 2002, the Boston Globe published an explosive story
>>>>> about widespread sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests in the
>>>>> Boston archdiocese. It started as an investigation into a number of
>>>>> allegations of abuse committed by Father John Geoghan. It became a
>>>>> report about dozens of priests abusing children … and a cover-up by
>>>>> the hierarchy of the archdiocese, which quietly shunted the offending
>>>>> priests out of service or shuffled them off to other parishes.
>>>>> Cardinal Bernard Law
>>>>> On Aug. 2, 2002, Roman Catholic Church Cardinal Bernard Law tetifies
>>>>> in Boston's Suffolk Superior Court, regarding his knowledge and
>>>>> handling of the child sex abuse case against the Rev. John Geoghan,
>>>>> and an alleged $30 million settlement from the Boston Archdiocese to
>>>>> be given to victims. (George Martell/Boston Herald via AP)
>>>>> The Archbishop of the Boston Archdiocese, Cardinal Bernard Law, who
>>>>> had held nearly unchallenged authority over Boston society, was shown
>>>>> to have orchestrated the hushing up of priestly misconduct. And he was
>>>>> forced to resign the following December.
>>>>> After a year and a half of the Globe's reporting, 250 priests stood
>>>>> accused of sexually abusing children over the course of 50 years. It
>>>>> stands as a landmark of investigative reporting, that won the Pulitzer
>>>>> Prize.
>>>>> The story of the Boston Globe's investigation is the subject of
>>>>> Spotlight, which is nominated for six Oscars, including Best Picture,
>>>>> at next week's Academy Awards.
>>>>> It's very much about the work of journalists, and considering how much
>>>>> investigative journalism is unglamorous, painstaking tedium - knocking
>>>>> on doors, making cold calls, chasing false leads, poring over file
>>>>> after file of archives and records. It is unlikely material for a
>>>>> suspenseful thriller.But in the tradition of All The President's Men,
>>>>> the Globe's journalists are depicted as gutsy defenders of the public
>>>>> interest, using their wits and courage to expose wrongdoing. You could
>>>>> be excused for pumping your fist at the film's climax.
>>>>> The film could also be read as sort of a requiem for print journalism
>>>>> in the current bleak environment for the newspaper business.
>>>>> Walter Robinson was the leader of the Boston Globe's investigative
>>>>> unit called Spotlight - the team that broke the story. Although he may
>>>>> be somewhat better known as "the guy Michael Keaton plays in the
>>>>> film."
>>>>> From 2007-2014, Robinson was the Distinguished Professor of Journalism
>>>>> at Northeastern University, and now he's back at the Globe as
>>>>> editor-at-large.
>>>>> Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission
>>>>> Guidelines. Comments are welcome while open. We reserve the right to
>>>>> close comments at any time.
>>>>> David Amos
>>>>> Mikey Enright of CBC should find the copies of the lawsuits I sent CBC
>>>>> on July 16th, 2002 see page 14 of this old pdf file
>>>>> http://www.checktheevidence.
>>>>> After all one of them is against his beloved Colonel/Cardinal Bernard
>>>>> Francis Law EH?
>>>>> Robby Robinson should had a long talk with his old buddy Jonathan
>>>>> Saltzman about the conversation we had and the email I sent him last
>>>>> month N'esy Pas Hubby baby LaCroix?
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 14:52:12 -0400
>>>>> Subject: Re Hollywood versus true stories
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>> Please view page 134 see Cardinal Law Now look at the date stamp
>>>>> (Notice Dec 12, 2002)
>>>>> Then read your own news from Dec 13th, 2002
>>>>> Just now 0 Likes
>>>>> Raphe Perenial
>>>>> What happened within the Catholic Church was allowed to happen because
>>>>> the Catholic Church was powerful enough to shut down dialog on an
>>>>> explosive and embarrassing situation. While Michael and his guest were
>>>>> highlighting the importance of open dialog, I came to your website and
>>>>> found it curious that there is no open dialog on Michael's opening
>>>>> essay from this morning. When the CBC restricts dialog on the conduct
>>>>> of their former employee in this case, how is that any different than
>>>>> the Catholic Church trying to shut down dialog on the behavior of
>>>>> their employees?
>>>>> 13 hours ago 1 Like
>>>>> Abolish Faith Schools
>>>>> It is a puzzle as to why this institution continues today. It will of
>>>>> course dissipate once it is not longer allowed to inculcate/initiate
>>>>> children into superstitious beliefs. It is as if evolution just isn't
>>>>> getting through. Who would ever continue to allow clergy to exist
>>>>> above Common Law?
>>>>> Using alcohol to seduce kids and adults for that matter was the
>>>>> traditional method of re-stocking priests.
>>>>> People are so afraid that clergy, who have no more insight in to
>>>>> gods/afterlife than my pet rock, can threaten and will wave a magic
>>>>> wand and turn them into toads.
>>>>> 17 hours ago 2 Likes
>>>>> johnny k
>>>>> Everyone wants 'free stuff'. You know the 'stuff' that causes the
>>>>> agony of watching television, on line and mailed fund raisers. The
>>>>> 'stuff' that gives you embedded reporting (ie cheer leading wars and
>>>>> police and 'security' actions), 'one feed' stories and the
>>>>> amalgamation and shuttering of legitimate news sources. However if you
>>>>> want the best 'free stuff' and I'm talking about freedom, invest in a
>>>>> newspaper.
>>>>> 18 hours ago 0 Likes
>>>>> Submission Policy
>>>>> Note: The CBC does not necessarily endorse any of the views posted. By
>>>>> submitting your comments, you acknowledge that CBC has the right to
>>>>> reproduce, broadcast and publicize those comments or any part thereof
>>>>> in any manner whatsoever. Please note that comments are moderated and
>>>>> published according to our submission guidelines.
>>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>>> From: "Fraser, David" <david.fraser@mcinnescooper.
>>>>> Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 15:53:41 +0000
>>>>> Subject: Your call
>>>>> To: "" <>
>>>>> David,
>>>>> could you please explain what you were getting at in your call just
>>>>> now? I was in the middle of something else, wasn't able to understand
>>>>> it all and then the line just cut out.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> d.
>>>>> Notice This communication, including any attachments, is confidential
>>>>> and may be protected by solicitor/client privilege. It is intended
>>>>> only for the person or persons to whom it is addressed. If you have
>>>>> received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by e-mail or
>>>>> telephone at McInnes Cooper's expense. Avis Les informations contenues
>>>>> dans ce courriel, y compris toute(s) pièce(s) jointe(s), sont
>>>>> confidentielles et peuvent faire l'objet d'un privilège avocat-client.
>>>>> Les informations sont dirigées au(x) destinataire(s) seulement. Si
>>>>> vous avez reçu ce courriel par erreur, veuillez en aviser l'expéditeur
>>>>> par courriel ou par téléphone, aux frais de McInnes Cooper.
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 15:58:24 -0400
>>>>> Subject: Attn Wilson Rogers Jr. have look at your own work I called to
>>>>> remind you not so good Catholic Boys that I am still alive and paying
>>>>> attention and say that everybody and his dog knows that "journalists"
>>>>> and Hollywood never tell a true tale
>>>>> To:
>>>>>,, oldmaison
>>>>> <>, "john.gamblin" <>,
>>>>> "" <>, andre <>,
>>>>> sallybrooks25 <>, "roger.l.brown"
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>, "david.fraser"
>>>>> < david.fraser@mcinnescooper.
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>> <>, newsroom <>, news
>>>>> <>, newsonline <>, nmoore
>>>>> <>, "steve.murphy" <>,
>>>>> "Jacques.Poitras" <>
>>>>> "Tom McCarthy: ‘Spotlight is not an attack on the Catholic Church"
>>>>> YEA RIGHT I trust that you dudes know that I will never quit attacking
>>>>> the evil church that stole my Clan's interests and helped to cover it
>>>>> up for the benefit of the very greedy Kickhams EH?
>>>>> https://bostoncatholicinsider.
>>>>> http://www.therogerslawfirm.
>>>>> Email:
>>>>> Phone: 781.794.1600, ext. 224
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 14:52:12 -0400
>>>>> Subject: Re Hollywood versus true stories
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>> Please view page 134 see Cardinal Law Now look at the date stamp
>>>>> (Notice Dec 12, 2002)
>>>>> Then read your own news from Dec 13th, 2002
>>>>> Reverend Robert Kickham, Chief Secretary to the Cardinal
>>>>> http://www.cardinalseansblog.
>>>>> "I also went to St. Francis House where I had a Christmas service, an
>>>>> ecumenical service, for the residents.
>>>>> Grace, John and Robert Carney, nieces and nephews of Father Bob
>>>>> Kickham, provided the music for the event . They did a very good job.
>>>>> I then gave a sermon to the residents and volunteers"
>>>>> "There is a popular diner near the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. One of
>>>>> the items on the menu is called "The Emergency Room" consisting of
>>>>> bacon, sausages, eggs, pancakes, french toast, hash browns. The
>>>>> clientele are people from the hood, a few Archie and Edith Bunkers,
>>>>> Ralph and Alice Kramdens, cops and priests. It's the kind of place you
>>>>> could invite Pope Francis to. Juke box music from the 50's and 60's
>>>>> adds to the atmosphere. While having dinner there last week with Fr.
>>>>> O'Leary and Fr. Kickham, the phone rang. I presumed it was a
>>>>> telemarketer. It was Oprah Winfrey. I almost had to order "the
>>>>> emergency room". She called to tell me she was reading
>>>>> and wanted to thank me for the comments I had
>>>>> published on the blog. "
>>>>> Pilot: Your first assignment was as parochial vicar in Needham�
>>>>> Msgr. Deeley: Once I was ordained, I served at St. Bartholomew in
>>>>> Needham for five years, from '73 to '78 under Msgr. Robert Kickham. He
>>>>> was a great pastor and a wonderful man, a very wise man. Then, I was
>>>>> asked to become the secretary of the Tribunal, which I did from 1978
>>>>> to 1981. I lived at that time at Mary Immaculate of Lourdes in Newton
>>>>> with Father Michael Doocey, another wonderful and kind priest.
>>>>> The PIlot
>>>>> 66 Brooks Drive
>>>>> Braintree, MA 02184-3839
>>>>> News Desk: 617-779-3782
>>>>> "Tom McCarthy: ‘Spotlight is not an attack on the Catholic Church"
>>>>> Tom McCarthy says Catholics should not be put off seeing his
>>>>> Oscar-nominated film about the Boston Globe's investigation into
>>>>> sexual abuse by clergy
>>>>> The buzz around Spotlight started almost immediately after its release
>>>>> in America late last year. Critics hailed the film, which tells the
>>>>> story of The Boston Globe’s investigation into the cover-up of
>>>>> clerical abuse in the Archdiocese of Boston. Abuse survivors also
>>>>> applauded the movie and box office figures proved very decent.
>>>>> More surprisingly, perhaps, the Catholic community largely welcomed
>>>>> it. Both Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington DC and Archbishop Joseph
>>>>> Kurtz, president of the US bishops’ conference, used publicity
>>>>> generated by the film to highlight the work done by the American
>>>>> Church in the last decade to try to get to grips with this most
>>>>> devastating of scandals.
>>>>> That Catholics in America praised Spotlight rather than protested
>>>>> against it suggests that the faithful across the globe may be finally
>>>>> coming to terms with the abuse crisis. The last 20 years or so have
>>>>> seen a stream of accusations and recriminations throughout the world.
>>>>> It seems now that almost all Catholics accept that the situation was
>>>>> badly mishandled by the hierarchy, and that it is not anti-Catholic to
>>>>> say so.
>>>>> This theory will be put to the test when Spotlight, which stars
>>>>> Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams and Mark Ruffalo, is released around
>>>>> the world in the coming weeks. It comes out in Britain on January 29
>>>>> and I fully expect Catholics here to react similarly to their
>>>>> counterparts on the other side of the Atlantic.
>>>>> The positive reception Spotlight has received is also due in no small
>>>>> part to its measured and thoughtful approach. It doesn’t seek to
>>>>> sensationalise its subject matter or demonise the Church. The action
>>>>> unfolds from the point of view of the Globe journalists (if “action”
>>>>> is not too grand a term for scenes involving the mundane rituals of a
>>>>> journalist’s trade: door knocks, phone calls and the painstaking
>>>>> scanning of paperwork). The abuse is described but never shown – and
>>>>> then only to a limited degree. The film gives enough information to
>>>>> shock and horrify, without ever becoming prurient or voyeuristic.
>>>>> Church leaders and diocesan officials in Boston are rightly held to
>>>>> account and vexing issues surrounding celibacy and secrecy are raised,
>>>>> but Spotlight is not an angry attack on the Church. If anything, it’s
>>>>> an ode to investigative journalism and a critique of society at large,
>>>>> as director and co-writer Tom McCarthy confirms to me when we meet at
>>>>> a swanky London hotel just before Christmas.
>>>>> “It’s a sensitive issue and part of our approach was to not
>>>>> sensationalise or be gratuitous,” he says. “It’s not just a question
>>>>> of a newspaper going after the Church but also a larger question of
>>>>> societal complicity and deference, in this case towards the Church,
>>>>> but also in general.
>>>>> “What did people know and was it just the power of the Church stopping
>>>>> them from speaking out, or was there more to it? I hope this is a
>>>>> universal movie that transcends this particular case and speaks of
>>>>> other institutions where bad things are happening.”
>>>>> McCarthy adds by way of example that the Globe itself is one of those
>>>>> other institutions scrutinised in the film. Spotlight asks why the
>>>>> paper didn’t cover the story sooner considering there was plenty of
>>>>> information available long before it actually appeared in the paper.
>>>>> He also points out that he and his co-writer, Josh Singer, sought to
>>>>> fully flesh out characters such as Cardinal Bernard Law, the
>>>>> Archbishop of Boston who resigned in 2002 because of the scandal.
>>>>> McCarthy and Singer wanted to avoid presenting anyone as a cartoonish
>>>>> villain of the piece.
>>>>> Noted American Catholic journalist Philip Lawler would disagree on
>>>>> this point. Although generally positive about Spotlight in an article
>>>>> for First Things, he took issue with the portrayal of Cardinal Law,
>>>>> calling it “particularly weak, conveying neither the strength of
>>>>> personality nor the tragic flaws of that unhappy prelate”. He also
>>>>> criticised the film’s premise that the Globe was David to the Church’s
>>>>> Goliath. There has also been criticism from Jack Dunn, the spokesman
>>>>> for Boston College, a school implicated in the scandal, who says he is
>>>>> unfairly represented on screen.
>>>>> Of course, whenever a film attempts to re-enact real events there will
>>>>> always be inaccuracies and artistic licence taken, and while the
>>>>> issues raised by Lawler and Dunn may have a solid foundation, it seems
>>>>> to me that the holes to be picked in Spotlight from a Catholic
>>>>> perspective are minor.
>>>>> McCarthy is an experienced actor, director and writer who appeared, by
>>>>> coincidence, as a journalist in the final series of The Wire.
>>>>> In 2009 he was nominated for an Oscar for his screenplay for the Pixar
>>>>> film Up. He was raised a Catholic and sought the counsel of his devout
>>>>> parents before he went ahead and made his movie. Although his father
>>>>> died before its completion, his parents’ reaction to the proposed
>>>>> project, and his mother’s subsequent appreciation of the finished
>>>>> film, helped him to identify what Spotlight offers a Catholic audience
>>>>> who may be feeling angered, betrayed and bewildered by the abuse
>>>>> crisis.
>>>>> “My father was a wonderful man, father and Catholic and I wanted him
>>>>> to know why I was doing the film because I knew he’d read about it,”
>>>>> McCarthy tells me. “During the course of a conversation, which my
>>>>> mother joined, in a diner near their home in New Jersey, they started
>>>>> discussing the crisis. My interpretation was that was the first time
>>>>> they had really talked about it in depth and they had a very good
>>>>> marriage. I was fascinated because I was sensing my mother’s anger and
>>>>> frustration, and the sense that she was still working through it.”
>>>>> When McCarthy’s mother did see Spotlight he says she was “greatly
>>>>> affected” by it and “had a tough time processing it”. “She was
>>>>> struggling, and in a great side note, and an example of a great
>>>>> priest, our local priest Fr Jack drove into New York to see it. He
>>>>> loved it and had a great conversation with her and talked her through
>>>>> it. It was something my dad would have done for her, but now he’s not
>>>>> around, a priest did it instead.”
>>>>> Spotlight has just been nominated for Best Picture at this year’s
>>>>> Oscars and McCarthy has also picked up a nomination for Best Director.
>>>>> Both would be worthy winners. The film’s release comes at a pertinent
>>>>> moment for the Church, with questions about freedom of the press
>>>>> swirling in the light of the new VatiLeaks trial, and people around
>>>>> the world hoping that the child abuse commission and tribunal set up
>>>>> by the Pope have a genuine and lasting impact.
>>>>> Recently, there has been disquiet concerning Francis’s decisions to
>>>>> appoint Bishop Juan Barros to the diocese of Osorno in Chile and
>>>>> choose Cardinal Godfried Danneels as one of his personal nominations
>>>>> for the family synod, as both men were previously accused of
>>>>> involvement in covering up abuse.
>>>>> Since the journalists at The Boston Globe started asking tough
>>>>> questions of the Church, strides have undoubtedly been taken to deal
>>>>> with the abuse crisis. More than a decade on, the search for answers
>>>>> and solutions must continue.
>>>>> This article first appeared in the January 22 2016 issue of The
>>>>> Catholic Herald. To download the entire issue for free with our new
>>>>> app
>>>>> The Catholic Herald
>>>>> Herald House
>>>>> 15 Lamb’s Passage
>>>>> Bunhill Row
>>>>> London EC1Y 8TQ
>>>>> 020 7448 3603 (for editorial inquiries)
>>>>> News Editor Mark Greaves
>>>>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
>>>>> From: David Amos
>>>>> Subject: Remeber my email to and McKendy and his Quakers freinds
>>>>> before he spoke in Fat Fred City at the social forum then got dead
>>>>> Danny Boy?
>>>>> To:,,,
>>>>> Cc:,,
>>>>> mclaughlin.heather@
>>>>> "",
>>>>> ReverendMark_O'Connell@rcab.
>>>>> Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 6:10 AM
>>>>> You asked Danny Boy so please allow me to introduce you to a very
>>>>> evil high priest or two..
>>>>> For the record I talked to several of your Unitarian buddies in
>>>>> Fat Fred City months before you approached me in Youtube. They were
>>>>> amongst the first to know about the records of the hearings in the
>>>>> US Senate Banking Committee evaporating long before I ever read your
>>>>> bitching about banksters about etc.
>>>>> I told you I read alot didn't I? You must realize by now I keep
>>>>> good
>>>>> records too. For the record your pal Chucky Leblanc hates me
>>>>> bigtime
>>>>> because I sued one of his heroes bible pounding Cardinal Bernard
>>>>> Francis Law seven god damned years ago and caused him to spilit
>>>>> Beantown on December 13th, 2002 the day after I filed the
>>>>> affidavit I first sent you that you never even read.
>>>>> Call me a liar I Double Dog Dare ya. But before you do perhaps you
>>>>> should call the high priest's old secretary my wife's cousin the
>>>>> priest Robert T. Kickam he is now Cardinal "Omaleey's secretary
>>>>> (the
>>>>> last time I checked at least) I alway call him just before Xmass
>>>>> and wish that ex banker turned priest a merry fucking Xmass just to
>>>>> remind him I am still above ground and still in the atack atack attack
>>>>> mode.
>>>>> Consider me the mean old Maritmer that loves to spoil Xmass for
>>>>> evil
>>>>> high priests.
>>>>> Seán Patrick Cardinal O'Malley, OFM Cap
>>>>> Archbishop of Boston
>>>>> C/o Robert T.Kickham, Chief Secretary to the Cardinal
>>>>> 2121 Commonwealth Av.
>>>>> Boston, MA 02135-3192
>>>>> Phone: 617-782-2544
>>>>> FAX: 617-782-8358
>>>>> http://www.
>>>>> "His Emminence, Sean Cardinal O'Malley has asked me to acknowledge
>>>>> his receipt of your recent card and gift of a white stone, sent as
>>>>> God's graces given in the sacraments." "Through the intercession of
>>>>> Mary, Mother of the Church, let us go forth with the work of the
>>>>> Lord."
>>>>> Reverend Robert T. Kickam Secretary to the Archbishop
>>>>> What is making me particularly pissed off these all the whining
>>>>> you Fake Left bastards in Fat Fred City go on and on about. Tell
>>>>> Chuckyy yo say Hoka Hey to the evil little Antony Cooper for me will
>>>>> ya? Opps I just did Didn't I
>>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: Dan Fitzgerald
>>>>> Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 10:57:21 +0100 (CET)
>>>>> Subject: Re: A community within which even I, a reprobate and
>>>>> heretic if ever there were, can feel welcomed and respected???
>>>>> To: David Amos
>>>>> It seems you need to - why don't you say why?
>>>>> On Wed, December 17, 2008 5:46 am, David Amos wrote:
>>>>> > Need I say Bullshit Danny Boy?
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > December 2008 Editorial
>>>>> > Tony Fitzgerald - The Touchstone
>>>>> >
>>>>> > The Newsletter of the Unitarian Fellowship of Fredericton
>>>>> >
>>>>> > This issue of Touchstone is rather thin and there were not a lot
>>>>> of
>>>>> > articles that had to be converted to the markup language I
>>>>> prefer
>>>>> for
>>>>> > typesetting the newsletter and I have some time to put fingers
>>>>> to
>>>>> > keyboard. In another article(1), written by a visitor, which
>>>>> gives
>>>>> an
>>>>> > interesting view of our community from an "outsider's" eyes,
>>>>> the
>>>>> > phrases "Christ-like" and "Christ in the midst" are
>>>>> used to describe
>>>>> > us.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Until that point, I was reading in a yes, that is interesting
>>>>> and
>>>>> now
>>>>> > nice frame of mind, but upon encountering those phrases,
>>>>> something
>>>>> > rankled. Something in the arrogance that when people are nice to
>>>>> one
>>>>> > another, somehow, Christ must be involved! I was also minded of
>>>>> an
>>>>> old
>>>>> > cartoon. The patient is saying "good morning" to the
>>>>> psychiatrist and
>>>>> > the psychiatrist's thought balloon contains the response "I
>>>>> wonder
>>>>> > what he means by that?" What means "Christ in the midst"?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > A search through Google (2) found a number of references, from
>>>>> the
>>>>> > literal bodily resurrection of Christ who was now physically in
>>>>> the
>>>>> > midst of his followers to more allegorical references. One very
>>>>> > poignant reference by a lesbian to the trepidation with which
>>>>> she
>>>>> > approaches congregations in the faith of her birth, a
>>>>> conservative
>>>>> > fundamentalist sect, and is never sure how she will be received.
>>>>> In
>>>>> > her reference, "Christ in the midst" are good people who are
>>>>> reviled
>>>>> > as was Christ for being who they are. And many other references,
>>>>> a
>>>>> few
>>>>> > well worth browsing.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > It seems then, that like so many religious references, "Christ
>>>>> in
>>>>> the
>>>>> > midst" is one of those slippery meaning shifting phrases that
>>>>> can
>>>>> be
>>>>> > thrown around and everyone can be happy with their own personal
>>>>> > interpretations and only the "trouble maker" will pause to ask
>>>>> "and...
>>>>> > exactly what does that mean?"
>>>>> >
>>>>> > As an atheist and a secular humanist who (as I like to say) has
>>>>> found
>>>>> > a religious home among the Unitarians, I find my explanations
>>>>> without
>>>>> > reference to Christ, so I suppose I should not be surprised that
>>>>> a
>>>>> > devout Christian would analyze the world with references to
>>>>> Christ.
>>>>> It
>>>>> > makes sense from their world view even though I consider it a
>>>>> needless
>>>>> > complication at best and possibly disingenuous at times. Homo
>>>>> > (self-styled) sapiens is a social animal. Social animals all
>>>>> share
>>>>> > certain characteristics to varying degrees: altruism, loyalty,
>>>>> trust,
>>>>> > sociability, dedication, love. As pre-industrial
>>>>> hunter/gatherers
>>>>> we
>>>>> > evolved in a natural state wherein we lived in tribal groups of
>>>>> up
>>>>> to
>>>>> > a hundred individuals, about the size of a Fellowship. More than
>>>>> that
>>>>> > and we become overwhelmed and lost in the loneliness of the
>>>>> city,
>>>>> the
>>>>> > anonymity of the crowd.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Call it "Christ in our midst" if you must or if that makes sense
>>>>> to
>>>>> > you. I call it community, the natural environment of human
>>>>> beings.
>>>>> A
>>>>> > community within which even I, a reprobate and heretic if ever
>>>>> there
>>>>> > were, can feel welcomed and respected. No community of human
>>>>> beings
>>>>> > will be perfection and utopia, but through our foibles, aws and
>>>>> > failings we generally try to do what is best for our community
>>>>> because
>>>>> > we understand instinctively the importance of community. Thank
>>>>> you
>>>>> for
>>>>> > being a community which accepts me, accepts my contributions
>>>>> such
>>>>> as
>>>>> > they are and makes me want to be a part of it.
>>>>> > Blessed be, Namasté, So be it
>>>>> >
>>>>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> > From: David Amos
>>>>> > Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 20:25:52 -0400
>>>>> > Subject: Attn Allison Calvern your wish is my comand
>>>>> > To:
>>>>> > Cc:,
>>>>> >,
>>>>> > Administrator@
>>>>> >,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Shame on you. Have your silent friends explain the email to you
>>>>> if
>>>>> you
>>>>> > do not understand why I am disgusted..
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Veritas Vincit
>>>>> > David Raymond Amos
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On 12/5/08, wrote:
>>>>> >> Helo David Raymond Amos, allison calvern here, responding from
>>>>> the
>>>>> >> Unitarian
>>>>> >> Fellowship of Fredericton.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Your eMail cannot be processed in its present state. Should you
>>>>> decide
>>>>> >> to
>>>>> >> send another note, please understand that brevity and coherence
>>>>> are
>>>>> >> valuable.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Thank you for your attention.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> allison calvern
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> From: "David Amos"
>>>>> >>> Date: 2008/11/29 Sat PM 02:59:02 EST
>>>>> >>> To:,
>>>>> >>>,
>>>>> >>> Administrator@
>>>>> >>> CC:,,
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Subject: Fwd: I am on the phone to you folks (in Fredericton
>>>>> in
>>>>> >>> particular) once again right now
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> About Unitarians
>>>>> >>> What We Believe
>>>>> >>> Unitarians do not have a shared creed, but are united by a set
>>>>> of
>>>>> >>> principles.
>>>>> >>> We affirm:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> The inherent worth and dignity of every person
>>>>> >>> Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
>>>>> >>> Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual
>>>>> growth
>>>>> in
>>>>> our
>>>>> >>> congregations
>>>>> >>> A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
>>>>> >>> The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process
>>>>> within
>>>>> >>> our congregations and within society at large
>>>>> >>> The goal of world community, with peace, liberty, and justice
>>>>> for
>>>>> all
>>>>> >>> Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which
>>>>> we
>>>>> are a
>>>>> >>> part.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> >>> From: David Amos
>>>>> >>> Date: Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 1:54 PM
>>>>> >>> Subject: Remember me Mr. Shea? You and your pals can press
>>>>> on
>>>>> >>> the pdf file and read this email and keep playing dumb all you
>>>>> wish
>>>>> >>> To:,,
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> From: Sommer Ronald W
>>>>> >>> Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 15:48:14 -0500
>>>>> >>> Subject: Thank you for the call
>>>>> >>> To:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Will forward substance of your call to appropriate parties
>>>>> here.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Ron Sommer
>>>>> >>> The Bank of New York Mellon
>>>>> >>> Corporate Communications
>>>>> >>> One Mellon Center, Room 151-1840
>>>>> >>> +1 412 236 0082 *
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> The information contained in this e-mail, and any attachment,
>>>>> is
>>>>> >>> confidential and is intended solely for the use of the
>>>>> intended
>>>>> >>> recipient. Access, copying or re-use of the e-mail or any
>>>>> attachment,
>>>>> >>> or any information contained therein, by any other person is
>>>>> not
>>>>> >>> authorized. If you are not the intended recipient please
>>>>> return
>>>>> the
>>>>> >>> e-mail to the sender and delete it from your computer.
>>>>> Although
>>>>> we
>>>>> >>> attempt to sweep e-mail and attachments for viruses, we do not
>>>>> >>> guarantee that either are virus-free and accept no liability
>>>>> for
>>>>> any
>>>>> >>> damage sustained as a result of viruses.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Please refer to http://disclaimer.bnymellon.
>>>>> certain
>>>>> >>> disclosures relating to European legal entities.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> December 17, 2008 at 6:21 AM
>>>>> David Raymond Amos said...
>>>>> From: David Amos
>>>>> Subject: As I said Danny Boy Chicago is not my kind of town
>>>>> To:,,,
>>>>>,, "webo"
>>>>> Cc:,,
>>>>> mclaughlin.heather@
>>>>>, ReverendMark_O'Connell@rcab.
>>>>> Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 9:46 AM
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos
>>>>> Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 13:18:49 -0400
>>>>> Subject: Attn Chris Fusco I am on the phone to you right now
>>>>> To:,
>>>>> Cc:,,
>>>>> dmoseley@ambassadororganics.
>>>>> Hey Ed Genson.
>>>>> Remember me? Say Hoka Hey to the Gov, Lord Conrad Black, Carol
>>>>> Moseley Braun and Peter Fitzgerald for me will
>>>>> You and the US Attorney and Jesse Jackson Jr and your old legal
>>>>> buddy
>>>>> Eddy Greenspan should certainly recall these documents EH Eddy
>>>>> Baby?
>>>>> Never forget Yankee that snobby Canadian Eddy Greenspan answered
>>>>> me in August of 2007 long BEFORE your client Lord Conrad Black went to
>>>>> jail.
>>>>> Methinks I was the cause of your purportedly little riff EH?
>>>>> Attn Chris, FuscoI am on the phone to you right now
>>>>> Chris, Fusco, Chicago Sun-Times, Newspaper, State Governments
>>>>> Reporter, (312 ) 321-2522,
>>>>> http://blog.salazarpackaging.
>>>>> http://www.ambassadororganics.
>>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>>> P.S. Here is a little proof that I know how to read Guess who I
>>>>> called
>>>>> and sent this email to next right after I call this guy and this
>>>>> lawyers assistants denied that he had this email address.
>>>>> Michael J. Madigan D-Chicago)
>>>>> 22nd District
>>>>> District Office
>>>>> 6500 South Pulaski Road
>>>>> Chicago, IL 60629
>>>>> (773) 581-8000
>>>>> (773) 581-9414 (fax)
>>>>> Capitol Office
>>>>> 300 State House
>>>>> Springfield, IL 62706
>>>>> (217) 782-5350
>>>>> Source: Blagojevich nixed job for Jackson's wife
>>>>> By DON BABWIN, Associated Press Writer Don Babwin, Associated
>>>>> Press
>>>>> Writer – 11 mins ago
>>>>> CHICAGO – Shortly after his 2002 election, Gov. Rod Blagojevich
>>>>> told
>>>>> Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. he didn't appoint the congressman's wife
>>>>> for
>>>>> lottery director because he had refused to make a $25,000 donation
>>>>> to the governor's campaign, a person familiar with the conversation
>>>>> told The Associated Press.
>>>>> "That's why she's not getting the job," the person quoted
>>>>> Blagojevich as saying. The person, a Jackson associate who was
>>>>> interviewed Tuesday by the AP, spoke on condition of anonymity because
>>>>> of the ongoing federal investigation.
>>>>> Jackson's name has played prominently ever since Blagojevich was
>>>>> arrested last week on corruption charges, including allegations that
>>>>> the governor tried to sell or trade President-elect Barack Obama's
>>>>> vacant Senate seat for personal gain.
>>>>> Jackson has been identified as one of the candidates Blagojevich
>>>>> was
>>>>> considering for the seat, and a criminal complaint said his
>>>>> supporters were willing to raise $1.5 million for the governor if he
>>>>> picked the congressman.
>>>>> The complaint quotes Blagojevich as saying on federal wiretaps
>>>>> that an associate of the candidate offered to raise money for him if
>>>>> he made the Jackson appointment happen.
>>>>> Jackson spokesman Kenneth Edmonds declined to comment on the
>>>>> account
>>>>> of the exchange shortly after Blagojevich's 2002 election but said
>>>>> the Democratic congressman, the son of civil rights activist Jesse
>>>>> Jackson, has approached federal investigators to discuss the governor
>>>>> and others for years.
>>>>> "He has shared information with federal prosecutors about public
>>>>> corruption during the past several years, including information
>>>>> about
>>>>> Blagojevich and others," Edmonds said.
>>>>> Randall Samborn, spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office in
>>>>> Chicago,
>>>>> declined to comment, as did Blagojevich spokesman Lucio Guerrero.
>>>>> Jackson has openly sought the Senate position but denies
>>>>> initiating or authorizing anyone to promise anything to Blagojevich on
>>>>> his behalf. The congressman has said federal prosecutors told him he
>>>>> is not a target of their investigation.
>>>>> The Jackson associate interviewed by the AP did not know whether
>>>>> Jackson's wife, Sandi had asked for the state lottery job. At the
>>>>> time, Blagojevich was the first incoming Democratic governor after
>>>>> years of Republican rule and had scores of state jobs to fill.
>>>>> "The governor had kind of penciled Sandi in as lottery director
>>>>> and
>>>>> then asked for contributions from the congressman," the person
>>>>> said.
>>>>> Sandi Jackson, who has since been elected to the Chicago City
>>>>> Council, did not return a call to her office seeking comment.
>>>>> In April, the Chicago Tribune reported that an examination of
>>>>> campaign donations to Blagojevich showed that three in four donors who
>>>>> gave exactly $25,000 received administration favors such as state
>>>>> board appointments or contracts.
>>>>> It's also the same amount of money that figured prominently in the
>>>>> testimony of a government witness in the political corruption
>>>>> trial
>>>>> this summer of political fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko.
>>>>> Ali Ata, the former executive director of the Illinois Finance
>>>>> Authority, testified that Blagojevich spoke encouragingly about
>>>>> getting him a job in his administration after he personally brought
>>>>> him a $25,000 campaign contribution.
>>>>> Rezko, who raised more than $1 million for Blagojevich's campaign
>>>>> fund, was convicted of shaking down companies seeking state
>>>>> business for campaign contributions.
>>>>> December 17, 2008 at 9:55 AM
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: Investigations Investigations <>
>>>>> Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 06:14:51 -0800
>>>>> Subject: Thank you for your email Re: Oh My My Perhaps your old
>>>>> blogging butt buddy Barry Winters aka Mr Baconfat should tell this con
>>>>> man to take a number and get in line N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Thank you for sending your story idea to the CBC's Investigative Unit.
>>>>> We appreciate your interest and will read your suggestions. If we
>>>>> move forward with your idea we will be in touch.
>>>>> Thanks again for contacting us.
>>>>> The investigative team.
>>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 10:10:11 -0400
>>>>> Subject: Oh My My Perhaps your old blogging butt buddy Barry Winters
>>>>> aka Mr Baconfat should tell this con man to take a number and get in
>>>>> line N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc
>>>>> To: sunrayzulu <>, "Paul.Lynch"
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>,, "roger.l.brown"
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> patrick_doran1 <>, Glen Canning
>>>>> <>, "john.gamblin" <>,
>>>>> "" <>, chiefape <>,
>>>>> oldmaison <>, dexterdyne <>,
>>>>> "robb.costello" <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>> --- On Mon, 2/1/16, Serial Killer <> wrote:
>>>>>> From: Serial Killer <>
>>>>>> To: David Amos
>>>>>> Date: Monday, February 1, 2016, 2:40 PM
>>>>>> Attention,
>>>>>> I am very sorry for you, is a pity that this is how your
>>>>>> life is going to end as soon as you don't comply. As you
>>>>>> can see we are the members of the Deadly Networks in the
>>>>>> world, which is responsible for the bombing of twin
>>>>>> [ISO-8859-1?]tower’s in America on Sept. 11th and the
>>>>>> bombing of London transport services on July 7th (AL-QAEDA
>>>>>> NETWORKS WORLDWIDE), I don't have any business with you,
>>>>>> my duty as I am mailing you now is just to KILL you and I
>>>>>> have to do it as I have already been paid for that.
>>>>>> Someone
>>>>>> who you called your friend wants you dead by all means, and
>>>>>> this person have spent a lot of money in this venture, This
>>>>>> person came to us and told me that he wanted you dead and he
>>>>>> provided us with your name, picture and other necessary
>>>>>> information's we needed about you.
>>>>>> So I sent
>>>>>> my boys to track you down this including bugging of your
>>>>>> phones with satellite tracking devices and they have carried
>>>>>> out the necessary investigation we needed for the operation
>>>>>> on you, and if you doubt this information am going to give
>>>>>> you all the necessary information about you back to you in
>>>>>> your next reply so that you can believe me, and my boys are
>>>>>> really on you but I told them not to kill you that I will
>>>>>> like to contact you and see if your life is important to you
>>>>>> and the one of your family. I called my client back and ask
>>>>>> him of your email address which I didn't tell him what I
>>>>>> wanted to do with it and he gave it to me and I am using it
>>>>>> to contact you now. As I am writing you this mail my men are
>>>>>> monitoring you and they are telling me everything about you.
>>>>>> Now do you
>>>>>> want to LIVE OR DIE? Since all program has be made and draw
>>>>>> to kill you. Get back to me now if you are ready to pay some
>>>>>> fees to spare your Life, $8,000 is all you need to spend in
>>>>>> this process you will first of all Pay $3,000 and then I
>>>>>> will send a tape to you which I recorded in every discussion
>>>>>> I had with the person who wanted you dead and as soon as you
>>>>>> get the Tape,
>>>>>> You will pay the remaining balance of $5,000. If you are not ready
>>>>>> for my help, then I will carry on with my job straight-up.
>>>>>> WARNING:
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 17:02:23 -0400
>>>>> Subject: Fwd: Re Federal Court File # T-1557-15 YO HUBBY LACRIOX WHY
>>>>> THE CROWN?
>>>>> To:, "Gilles.Moreau"
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>> Robert Falla
>>>>> Robert Falla works as Senior Reviewer/Analyst for Civilian Review and
>>>>> Complaints Commission for the RCMP.
>>>>> Robert can be reached at 613-952-1278
>>>>> First name
>>>>> Robert
>>>>> Last name
>>>>> Falla
>>>>> Title
>>>>> Senior Reviewer/Analyst
>>>>> Examinateur-analyste principal
>>>>> Telephone Number
>>>>> 613-952-1278
>>>>> Alternate Number
>>>>> Fax Number
>>>>> 613-952-8045
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 16:40:23 -0400
>>>>> Subject: Re Federal Court File # T-1557-15 YO HUBBY LACRIOX WHY DOES
>>>>> CROWN?
>>>>> To:, "leanne.murray"
>>>>> < leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.
>>>>> <>, woodsideb <>,
>>>>> "mike.obrien" <>,
>>>>> "david.fraser" <david.fraser@mcinnescooper.
>>>>> <>, andre <>, sallybrooks25
>>>>> <>, "luc.labonte" <>,
>>>>> "jeff.mockler" <>, "serge.rousselle"
>>>>> <>, "john.gamblin"
>>>>> <>, "martin.gaudet"
>>>>> <>
>>>>> "peter.dauphinee" <>, COCMoncton
>>>>> <>, markandcaroline <>
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>> maryse.bertrand@radio-canada.
>>>>> Jones" <>
>>>>> Just before he started at CBC/Radio-Canada, Mr. Lacroix was included
>>>>> in the 2008 edition of The Best Lawyers of Canada. He also spent five
>>>>> years as an Adjunct Professor with the Faculty of Law at Université de
>>>>> Montréal where he taught securities, mergers and acquisitions.
>>>>> Before joining CBC/Radio-Canada, Ms. Bertrand was a partner
>>>>> specializing in corporate and securities law at Davies Ward Phillips &
>>>>> Vineberg (1981–2009).
>>>>> Maryse E. Bertrand
>>>>> Vice-President, Real Estate, Legal Services & General Counsel:
>>>>> Called to the bar: 1981 (QC)
>>>>> Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada
>>>>> Legal Services
>>>>> 1400 boul. René-Lévesque E.
>>>>> Montréal, Québec H2L 2M2
>>>>> Phone: 514-597-4643
>>>>> Fax: 514-597-4087
>>>>> Email: maryse.bertrand@radio-canada.
>>>>> Mr. Cooper is President of the University of King’s College in
>>>>> Halifax, Nova Scotia, having been appointed to that position in July,
>>>>> 2012. He is on leave from the Atlantic Canada law firm of McInnes
>>>>> Cooper, where he remains Counsel; formerly he practiced corporate and
>>>>> commercial law in the firm’s Halifax office. He was Chair of the
>>>>> firm’s board of directors from 2006–2012. He is former Member of
>>>>> Parliament and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice of
>>>>> Canada.
>>>>> George Cooper
>>>>> President and Vice Chancellor
>>>>> Phone: 902-422-1271 ext. 121
>>>>> For additional information, please contact:
>>>>> Chuck Thompson
>>>>> Head of Media Relations, CBC English Services
>>>>> tel. 416-205-3747
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 16:30:38 -0400
>>>>> Subject: Re: Re Federal Court File # T-1557-15 YO HUBBY LACRIOX WHY
>>>>> THE CROWN?
>>>>> To: "ht.lacroix" <>,,
>>>>> "Wayne.Gallant" <>
>>>>>, Joe Friday <>,
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>>, andrew <>, andrewjdouglas
>>>>> <>
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: Dan Ciraco <>
>>>>> Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 12:20:55 -0800
>>>>> Subject: OUT OF OFFICE Re: Re Federal Court File # T-1557-15 YO HUBBY
>>>>> To:
>>>>> I am currently out of the office, returning on February 1, 2016.
>>>>> For immediate assistance, please contact my assistant at
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Dan Ciraco
>>>>> Senior Legal Counsel
>>>>> Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
>>>>> 416-205-3352
>>>>> NOTICE : This e-mail is confidential, may be privileged and is
>>>>> intended for the exclusive use of the addressee. If you are not the
>>>>> intended recipient, please notify us immediately and delete all
>>>>> copies. Thank you.
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: Chuck Thompson <>
>>>>> Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 12:20:57 -0800
>>>>> Subject: Annual Leave Re: Re Federal Court File # T-1557-15 YO HUBBY
>>>>> To:
>>>>> I'll be away from the office until Monday, February 1st. In my
>>>>> absence, please contact Emma Bedard at or on
>>>>> 416-205-7831.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Chuck
>>>>> Chuck Thompson
>>>>> Head of Public Affairs
>>>>> CBC English Services
>>>>> 416-205-3747
>>>>> 416-509-3315 (cell)
>>>>> On 1/27/16, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>>>> Alexandra Fortier
>>>>>> Manager, Media Relations and Issues Management
>>>>>> Corporate Communications
>>>>>> Tel: 613-288-6335
>>>>>> Chuck Thompson
>>>>>> Head of Public Affairs
>>>>>> CBC Services
>>>>>> 416-205-3747
>>>>>> Journalists requiring information specifically related to
>>>>>> Radio-Canada
>>>>>> programming or issues please contact:
>>>>>> Marc Pichette
>>>>>> Director, Public Relations & Television Promotion
>>>>>> Radio-Canada Services
>>>>>> 514-597-4342
>>>>>> Dan Ciraco
>>>>>> Senior Legal Counsel
>>>>>> Called to the bar: 2002 (ON)
>>>>>> Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada
>>>>>> Legal Services
>>>>>> 250 Front St. W.
>>>>>> Toronto, Ontario M5V 3G5
>>>>>> Phone: 416-205-3352
>>>>>> Fax: 416-205-2723
>>>>>> Email:
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: Edith Cody-Rice <>
>>>>>>> Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 16:53:07 -0500
>>>>>>> Subject: Calls and E-mails to CBC
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> Cc: Rob Renaud <>
>>>>>>> Dear Mr. Amos:
>>>>>>> CBC personnel have contacted me concerning your calls and e-mails to
>>>>>>> them. As you are threatening legal action, would you kindly direct
>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>> further calls or correspondence to me. Other CBC personnel will not
>>>>>>> respond further to your correspondence or calls.
>>>>>>> Edith Cody-Rice
>>>>>>> Senior Legal Counsel
>>>>>>> Premier Conseiller juridique
>>>>>>> CBC/Radio-Canada
>>>>>>> 181 Queen Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1K9
>>>>>>> Postal Address: P.O. Box 3220, Station C, Ottawa K1Y 1E4
>>>>>>> Tel: (613) 288-6164
>>>>>>> Cell: (613) 720-5185
>>>>>>> Fax/ Télécopieur (613) 288-6279
>>>>>>> This communication is subject to solicitor/client privilege and
>>>>>>> contains confidential information intended only for the person(s) to
>>>>>>> whom it is addressed. Any unauthorized disclosure, copying, other
>>>>>>> distribution of this communication
>>>>>>> or taking any action on its contents is strictly prohibited. If you
>>>>>>> have received this message in error, please notify us immediately
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> delete this message without reading, copying or forwarding it to
>>>>>>> anyone.
>>>>>>> La présente communication est assujettie au privilège du secret
>>>>>>> professionnel de l'avocat et renferme des renseignements
>>>>>>> confidentiels
>>>>>>> intéressant uniquement leur destinataire. Il est interdit de
>>>>>>> divulguer, de copier ou de distribuer cette communication par
>>>>>>> quelque
>>>>>>> moyen que ce soit ou de donner suite à son contenu sans y être
>>>>>>> autorisé. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur, veuillez nous en
>>>>>>> avertir immédiatement et le supprimer en évitant de le lire, de le
>>>>>>> copier ou de le transmettre à qui que ce soit.
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>>> Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2016 17:37:06 -0400
>>>>>> Subject: Re Federal Court File # T-1557-15 Whereas outside counsel
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> the RCMP now prefer emails from me rather than confer in private
>>>>>> please allow me to introduce Andrew Kemp to Mark Ertel
>>>>>> To: akemp <>, "craig.callens"
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> "roger.l.brown" <>
>>>>>> <>, "lianna.longo"
>>>>>> <>, "Ian.McPhail"
>>>>>> <>,, sunrayzulu
>>>>>> <>, "Paul.Lynch" <>
>>>>>> patrick_doran1 <>, pol7163
>>>>>> <>, Glen Canning <>,
>>>>>> police
>>>>>> <>, mnielsen <>
>>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>>> <>,, "Colin.Warwick"
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> <
>>>>>> "Jacques.Poitras" <>, nmoore
>>>>>> <>, oldmaison <>,
>>>>>> "Leanne.Fitch"
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> http://www.
>>>>>> RCMP respond to Matters civil suit
>>>>>> Mark NIELSEN / Prince George Citizen
>>>>>> January 21, 2015 10:25 AM
>>>>>> Andrew Kemp,
>>>>>> Lawyer & Mediator
>>>>>> 411 Quebec Street, Suite 204
>>>>>> Prince George, BC V2L 1W5
>>>>>> RCMP chooses trial by judge on Labour Code charges
>>>>>> 4 charges relate to equipment, training and supervision after 3
>>>>>> officers killed, 2 wounded by Justin Bourque
>>>>>> CBC News Posted: Jan 22, 2016 6:00 AM AT
>>>>>> Mark Ertel
>>>>>> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
>>>>>> Phone:
>>>>>> 613-604-2188
>>>>>> 877-786-4479
>>>>>> Fax:
>>>>>> 613-236-6958
>>>>>> E-mail:
>>>>>> Too Too Funny Parker Rudderham's old lawyer buddy turns on him
>>>>>> Oct 24, 2015 - Did Joel Pink call the cops on me? This bit of
>>>>>> correspondence, direct from the chrome-domed Pink Larkin partner's
>>>>>> lair in the Trillium building
>>>>>> Frank magazine owner to fight ticket after fatal collision in Cape
>>>>>> Breton
>>>>>> Prominent businessman Parker Rudderham was fined $399.91 after his
>>>>>> Cadillac Escalade collided with a motorcycle, killing the motorcycle
>>>>>> driver.
>>>>>> By: Karissa Donkin Staff Reporter, Published on Thu Nov 01 2012
>>>>>> A prominent Cape Breton businessman plans to fight a $399.91 Motor
>>>>>> Vehicle Act ticket he received after he was involved in a fatal
>>>>>> collision.
>>>>>> Douglas Parker Rudderham is president and CEO of Quebec-based
>>>>>> Pharmacy
>>>>>> Wholesale Services Inc., a company that bills itself on its website
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> “the largest privately held wholesale medical diagnostics distributor
>>>>>> in North America.”
>>>>>> “It’s like anybody else, you get a speeding ticket, and you don’t
>>>>>> agree with it, you contest it,” said Joel Pink, Rudderham’s lawyer.
>>>>>> The 57-year-old also owns Coltsfoot Publishing, which publishes
>>>>>> Halifax-based Frankmagazine, a news, commentary and satire magazine
>>>>>> that tackles everything from politics to the local rumour mill.
>>>>>> On Sept. 14, Rudderham was driving his Cadillac Escalade in Sydney,
>>>>>> N.S. around 4 p.m. when his vehicle collided with a motorcycle
>>>>>> travelling in front of him.
>>>>>> The motorcycle driver, 67-year-old Jack MacDonald, was pronounced
>>>>>> dead
>>>>>> at the scene.
>>>>>> Since then, the collision has been the talk of Cape Breton, said
>>>>>> MacDonald’s sister-in-law, who did not want to be named. “You can’t
>>>>>> go
>>>>>> anywhere. Everybody’s talking about it.”
>>>>>> MacDonald’s sister-in-law said he once sat on a committee to have
>>>>>> traffic lights installed at the intersection. “He tried really,
>>>>>> really
>>>>>> hard but to no avail.”
>>>>>> MacDonald was on his way home from getting a haircut when the
>>>>>> collision happened, she said.
>>>>>> Investigators ruled out criminal negligence in the collision, but
>>>>>> police “still believe that (Rudderham) was responsible for the
>>>>>> collision,” said Cape Breton Regional Police Service spokeswoman
>>>>>> Desiree Vassallo.
>>>>>> He has been charged with failing to drive or operate a motor vehicle
>>>>>> in a careful and prudent manner under the Motor Vehicle Act, she
>>>>>> said.
>>>>>> In addition to a fine, the charge carries a penalty of six demerit
>>>>>> points.
>>>>>> Pink said Rudderham, who goes by his middle name, Parker, intends to
>>>>>> plead not guilty in January, sending the matter to trial.
>>>>>> “Mr. Rudderham believes in principle. He’s not the type of person who
>>>>>> pleads (guilty) to something that he didn’t do just to get out of
>>>>>> it,”
>>>>>> Pink said.
>>>>>> “He could pay $399 and go home and accumulate six points and that’s
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> . . . but he definitely says that he was not driving carelessly or
>>>>>> imprudently.”
>>>>>> Pink said his client is grieving for MacDonald’s family.
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: "Chisholm, Jill" <>
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 19:43:52 +0000
>>>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Re Federal Court File # T-1557-15 For the
>>>>>> Public Record I just called the lawyers Duff Conacher and David Baker
>>>>>> and they paled dumb as usual
>>>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>>>> Thank you for your message. I will be away from the office until
>>>>>> Monday, January 25, 2016 and will not be accessing email frequently
>>>>>> during this time. Should you require assistance please contact
>>>>>> Jacqueline Fenton at (902) 426-6996. Otherwise I will be pleased to
>>>>>> respond to your message upon my return.
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 15:43:48 -0400
>>>>>> Subject: Re Federal Court File # T-1557-15 For the Public Record I
>>>>>> just called the lawyers Duff Conacher and David Baker and they paled
>>>>>> dumb as usual
>>>>>> To:,, "bill.pentney"
>>>>>> <>, "jill.chisholm"
>>>>>> <>, "david.hansen"
>>>>>> <>, mcu <>,
>>>>>> "Gilles.Moreau"
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> <>, "Michael.Wernick"
>>>>>> <
>>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>>> Lets see if the Upper Canadian lawyers can understand an old
>>>>>> voicemail
>>>>>> from Brazil and a Published email exchange EH Michael.Wernick???
>>>>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>>>>> Duff Conacher, LL.B.
>>>>>> Director, Consulting
>>>>>> 416-546-3443
>>>>>> David Baker B.A., LL.B., LL.M., L.S.M.
>>>>>> email:
>>>>>> phone: 416 533-0040, ext. 222
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 12:57:07 -0400
>>>>>> Subject: Well Greta.Bossenmaier the latest boss of the CSE can never
>>>>>> deny that all of the "Five Eyes" are well aware of me now N'esy Pas
>>>>>> Elizabeth May?
>>>>>> To: WhistleblowerProtection@tigta.
>>>>>>, ""
>>>>>> <
>>>>>> SpeakersOffice3@parliament.
>>>>>> "George.Soros" <George.Soros@
>>>>>> "stephen.harper.a1" <>
>>>>>> <>, "David.Coon" <>,
>>>>>> gopublic
>>>>>> <>, whistle <>, washington field
>>>>>> <>, whistleblower
>>>>>> <>, Whistleblower <>,
>>>>>>, "justin.ling" <>,
>>>>>> Karine Fortin <>, "carolyn.bennett"
>>>>>> <>,,
>>>>>>, "Paul.Lynch" <>
>>>>>> "Marianne.Ryan" <>
>>>>>> <>,, ""
>>>>>> <>, chiefape <>,
>>>>>>, "redmond.shannon" <>,
>>>>>> Joe Friday <>,,
>>>>>> "steve.roberge" <>, "robert.stoney"
>>>>>> <>, "Leanne.Fitch" <>,
>>>>>>, "lou.lafleur" <>,
>>>>>>, oldmaison <>, andre
>>>>>> <>, "greg.byrne" <>,
>>>>>>, nbpc <>, "Greta.Bossenmaier"
>>>>>> < Greta.Bossenmaier@cse-cst.gc.
>>>>>> <>, "jon.gerrard"
>>>>>> <>, Karen.Kraushaar@tigta.treas.
>>>>>> "roger.l.brown" <>
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> Cc:,,, David
>>>>>> Amos <>
>>>>>>, TIGTAcommunications
>>>>>> < TIGTAcommunications@tigta.
>>>>>> Afte all US Ambassador Bruce Heyman and US Consul General Steven
>>>>>> Giegerich cannot deny that the CBC and a former US Ambassador got
>>>>>> exactly the same pile of document from Mean Old Me just in time for
>>>>>> my
>>>>>> birthday in July of 2002 CORRECT? Berfore Anyone tries to deny it
>>>>>> perhaps you should review page 14 of the pdf hereto attached then
>>>>>> read
>>>>>> all the rest rather closely N'esy Pas?
>>>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>>>> 902 800 0369
>>>>>> http://halifax.usconsulate.
>>>>>> Purdy's Wharf Tower II
>>>>>> 1969 Upper Water Street, Suite 904
>>>>>> Halifax, NS B3J 3R7
>>>>>> Phone 1-902-429-2480
>>>>>> Email for questions relating to services for American citizens:
>>>>>> Email for questions about non-immigrant visas:
>>>>>> Please note questions will not receive a response if the answer is on
>>>>>> the website.
>>>>>> Email for media inquiries:
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: "Robb, Andrew (MP)" <>
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 16:34:24 +0000
>>>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Re J. Russell George the US Treasury
>>>>>> Inspector General for Tax Administration and his response to Federal
>>>>>> Court File No: T-1557-15
>>>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>>>> Thank you for taking the time to contact me.
>>>>>> This is an automatically generated reply so that you know that your
>>>>>> email has arrived.
>>>>>> As you will appreciate given the large number of emails received each
>>>>>> day, a reply cannot be sent immediately, nor can a reply be sent to
>>>>>> every email received.
>>>>>> I will however read your correspondence.
>>>>>> I prioritise emails from my constituents and those relating to my
>>>>>> trade, investment and tourism portfolio.
>>>>>> If your email relates to my responsibilities as Minister for Trade
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> Investment, I will consider your correspondence and respond if
>>>>>> appropriate.
>>>>>> If your email is part of an automatically generated campaign, I will
>>>>>> note your views.
>>>>>> For those interested, there is a significant amount of useful facts
>>>>>> regarding the China FTA and Trans Pacific Partnership on my
>>>>>> Department’s website:
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> In the meantime, you may be interested in completing my community
>>>>>> survey by clicking
>>>>>> here<http://www.andrewrobb.
>>>>>> may also be interested in visiting my
>>>>>> website<http://www.andrewrobb.
>>>>>> Facebook<https://www.facebook.
>>>>>> Twitter<
>>>>>> YouTube<
>>>>>> Yours sincerely,
>>>>>> Minister for Trade & Investment
>>>>>> Federal Member for Goldstein
>>>>>> E:<
>>>>>> Electorate Office
>>>>>> 368 Centre Road, Bentleigh VIC 3204
>>>>>> P 03 9557 4644 F 03 9557 2906
>>>>>> Parliament House
>>>>>> Suite M1-22
>>>>>> Parliament House
>>>>>> Canberra ACT 2600
>>>>>> P (02) 6277 7420 F (02) 6273 4128
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: "J Key (MIN)" <>
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 16:35:08 +0000
>>>>>> Subject: Thank you for your email
>>>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>>>> On behalf of the Prime Minister, Rt Hon John Key, thank you for your
>>>>>> email.
>>>>>> Please note that although email increases the speed of delivery, it
>>>>>> may not be possible to provide you with the rapid response users of
>>>>>> email may anticipate.
>>>>>> The fact that you have taken the time to write is appreciated. You
>>>>>> can be assured that your views will be noted.
>>>>>> Yours sincerely
>>>>>> The Office of the Prime Minister
>>>>>> ______________________________
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: "OSBORNE, George" <
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 16:34:35 +0000
>>>>>> Subject: Thank you for your e-mail
>>>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>>>> Rt Hon George Osborne MP
>>>>>> Thank you for your email. This is an automated response.
>>>>>> If you are contacting George Osborne in his capacity as Chancellor of
>>>>>> the Exchequer, please re-send your email to
>>>>>> public.enquiries@hmtreasury.
>>>>>> Alternatively, write to: The Correspondence & Enquiry Unit, HM
>>>>>> Treasury, 1 Horseguards Road, London, SW1A 2HQ or telephone 020 7270
>>>>>> 5000.
>>>>>> If you are a resident of the Tatton constituency, please ensure that
>>>>>> you have included your full postal address and postcode so that we
>>>>>> can
>>>>>> identify you as a constituent. We receive a large volume of emails
>>>>>> every day and will reply to your message as soon as possible.
>>>>>> The Tatton Office, which is for constituents only, can be reached on
>>>>>> 01565 873 037. If you are unsure whether George Osborne is your MP,
>>>>>> you can check by using this utility: http://findyourmp.parliament.
>>>>>> If you are a personal contact, your e-mail will be forwarded to Mr
>>>>>> Osborne accordingly.
>>>>>> Office of the Rt Hon George Osborne MP
>>>>>> First Secretary of State & Chancellor of the Exchequer
>>>>>> Member of Parliament for Tatton
>>>>>> UK Parliament Disclaimer: This e-mail is confidential to the intended
>>>>>> recipient. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender
>>>>>> and delete it from your system. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, or
>>>>>> copying is not permitted. This e-mail has been checked for viruses,
>>>>>> but no liability is accepted for any damage caused by any virus
>>>>>> transmitted by this e-mail. This e-mail address is not secure, is not
>>>>>> encrypted and should not be used for sensitive data.
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From:
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 16:34:22 +0000
>>>>>> Subject: Thank you for contacting the Office of Elizabeth May, O.C.,
>>>>>> M.P
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Thank you for contacting me. This response is to assure you that your
>>>>>> message has been received. I welcome and appreciate receiving
>>>>>> comments
>>>>>> and questions from constituents.
>>>>>> I receive a much larger volume of correspondence (postal and email)
>>>>>> than the average MP. My office replied to over 400,000 pieces of
>>>>>> correspondence 2014. All emails are reviewed on a regular basis,
>>>>>> however due to the high volume of emails my office receives, I may
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> be able to respond personally to each one.
>>>>>> My constituents in Saanich-Gulf Islands are my highest priority. If
>>>>>> you are a constituent, please email
>>>>>> help me serve you better, please ensure that your email includes your
>>>>>> full name and street address with your postal code.
>>>>>> For meeting requests and invitations, please email
>>>>>> Thank you once again for contacting me.
>>>>>> Elizabeth May, O.C., M.P.
>>>>>> Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands
>>>>>> Leader of the Green Party of Canada
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Je vous remercie d'avoir communiqué avec moi. La présente réponse
>>>>>> vous
>>>>>> confirme que votre message a été reçu. Les questions et les
>>>>>> commentaires des électeurs sont toujours les bienvenus.
>>>>>> Je reçois une correspondance (postale et électronique) beaucoup plus
>>>>>> abondante que le député type. Mon bureau a répondu à plus de 400 000
>>>>>> lettres en 2014. Tous les messages électroniques sont lus
>>>>>> régulièrement, mais, en raison de l'abondance des courriels reçus à
>>>>>> mon bureau, il se peut que je ne sois pas en mesure de répondre
>>>>>> personnellement à chacun d'entre eux.
>>>>>> Mes électeurs de Saanich-Gulf Islands passent en premier. Si vous
>>>>>> êtes
>>>>>> un électeur, veuillez écrire à
>>>>>> Pour m'aider à mieux vous servir, veillez à ce que votre courriel
>>>>>> comporte votre nom complet, votre adresse municipale et votre code
>>>>>> postal.
>>>>>> Pour les demandes de rencontre et les invitations, veuillez écrire à
>>>>>> Je vous remercie encore d'avoir communiqué avec moi.
>>>>>> Elizabeth May, O.C.
>>>>>> Députée de Saanich-Gulf Islands
>>>>>> Chef du Parti vert du Canada
>>>>>> On 1/21/16, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Methinks I will give the latest US Consul General, Steven Giegerich,
>>>>>>> lin my neck of the woods a call this morning to see who has a bigger
>>>>>>> file on each other and ask him the obvious question about J. Russell
>>>>>>> George..
>>>>>>> Obviously I heard Giegerich say he was talking to the RCMP in Fat
>>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>>> City just before I appeared in Federal Court. I bet when he said
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> that both the CBC and the US State Dept was wondering if my name
>>>>>>> came
>>>>>>> up EH Ast Com Roger Brown?
>>>>>>> Whereas J. Russell George has afmitted knowledge of my concerns in
>>>>>>> writing several times perhaps he should blow the whistle himself
>>>>>>> before I sue him personally.
>>>>>>> Hereto attached are some of documents that are now before Federal
>>>>>>> Court right now.
>>>>>>> The text of my filings can be found here.
>>>>>>> http://davidraymondamos3.
>>>>>>> Your lawyers will have to query the docket to see the CROWN's filing
>>>>>>> as they contain an amazing amount of desperate bullshit that I could
>>>>>>> not possibly scan.
>>>>>>> This was what was said in the past month before the court during
>>>>>>> oral
>>>>>>> arguments pertaining to Federal Court File no T-1557-15
>>>>>>> Dec 14th
>>>>>>> Jan 11th
>>>>>>> Meet the IG: J. Russell George this is what brags about himself
>>>>>>> this is some of what I wrote about J. Russell George as his
>>>>>>> Conserative cohorts three years ago
>>>>>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>>>>>> Monday, 3 June 2013
>>>>>>> J. Russell George of the IRS versus Prez Obama
>>>>>>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
>>>>>>> http://www.checktheevidence.
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 17:27:53 -0300
>>>>>>> Subject: Re Teddy Baby Olson was on Fox News today yapping about
>>>>>>> Presidential enemies list as he represents the crooks in Koch
>>>>>>> Industries??? If anyone should know about such things it is Olson
>>>>>>> after all he assisted Ashcroft and Bush against me
>>>>>>> To: pm <>,,
>>>>>>>, "Gilles.Moreau"
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> "ed.pilkington" <>
>>>>>>> <>, leader <>
>>>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> Hey
>>>>>>> As Harper sits and bullshits his cohorts in the Council of Foreign
>>>>>>> Relations in the Big Apple today I bet he was listening to what was
>>>>>>> happening with Obama and the IRS and Holder and his DOJ minions
>>>>>>> in Washington.
>>>>>>> Hevery body and his dog knows Harper knew about my battles with the
>>>>>>> US Treasury and Justice Depts way back when he was the boss of the
>>>>>>> opposition in Canada's Parliament. Two simple files easily found on
>>>>>>> the Internet cannot be argued.
>>>>>>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
>>>>>>> FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Office of Chief Counsel, Treasury.
>>>>>>> Inspector General for Tax Administration, (202) 622-4068.
>>>>>>> When Teddy bitches about polticians using the IRS to attack their
>>>>>>> enemies because he knows it true because he helped Bush the IRS
>>>>>>> against me when Obama was just a State Senator . The proof was when
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> sent
>>>>>>> him
>>>>>>> the documents that came along with the letter found on page 13 of
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> old file Teddy Baby Olson quit as Solicitor General.
>>>>>>> http://www.checktheevidence.
>>>>>>> Harper and every body else knows It was no coincidence that I sent
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> lawyers Olson as Solicitior General, Ferguson as the co chair of the
>>>>>>> Federal Reserve Bank, and J Strom Thurmond Jr the youngest US
>>>>>>> Attorney the same pile of documents on April Fools Day 2004.
>>>>>>> The sad but terrible truth is that legions of cops, lawyers
>>>>>>> polticians
>>>>>>> and bureaucrats in Canada and the USA knew about the US Secret
>>>>>>> Service
>>>>>>> coming to my home after dark on April Fools Day 2003 bearing false
>>>>>>> allegations of a presidential threat and threatening to use their
>>>>>>> implied right to use exta ordinary rendition against me as a non
>>>>>>> citizen less than two weeks after the needless War in Iraq began and
>>>>>>> no WMD were ever found.
>>>>>>> You can bet dimes to dollars i called some Yankee Inspector Generals
>>>>>>> (starting with 202 622 4068) and reminded them that I am still alive
>>>>>>> and kicking and reminding the world of their malicious incompetence
>>>>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>>>>> 902 800 0369
>>>>>>> PS Below you can review some emails I sent you and your Yankee
>>>>>>> cohorts
>>>>>>> such asTeddy Baby Olson before Obama was reelected EH Harper? In
>>>>>>> truth
>>>>>>> I would rather settle in confidence with Obama then sue the Hell out
>>>>>>> of the CROWN and the Holy See Trust that the evil old Judge
>>>>>>> Bastarache
>>>>>>> has known why for a very long time.
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> To: "Rob Talach" <>
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:59 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Attn Robert Talach and I should talk ASAP about my
>>>>>>> suing
>>>>>>> the Catholic Church Trust that Bastarache knows why
>>>>>>> The date stamp on about page 134 of this old file of mine should
>>>>>>> mean
>>>>>>> a lot to you
>>>>>>> http://www.checktheevidence.
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> To: <>
>>>>>>> Cc: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 7:43 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: Re the IRS Tom 330-592-1848
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 19:25:43 -0300
>>>>>>> Subject: Re the IRS
>>>>>>> To: tom.zawistowski@
>>>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> To: <
>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>> <>; <>
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Cc: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> < Charles.O'>;
>>>>>>> <>; <>; "oig"
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:42 AM
>>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: I just called about the IRS etc I bet the former
>>>>>>> Yankee
>>>>>>> Attorney Generals Mukasey, Gonzales and Ashcroft remember me EH Mr
>>>>>>> Bauer
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> Mr Harper?
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: David Amos
>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 14:47:12 -0400
>>>>>>> Subject: You people can't say that I did not call and try to tell
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> stuff about Bernard Madoff and his pals
>>>>>>> To:,,
>>>>>>>, gary.a.morgenstern@accenture.
>>>>>>> Cc: oig
>>>>>>> FYI I called Andrew Kosloff of JP Morgan Chase (212-552-4672) and
>>>>>>> told
>>>>>>> him to remind his boss Stephen Cutler that i am still above ground
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> still Rasing Hell
>>>>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>>>>> Just Dave
>>>>>>> By Location Visit Detail
>>>>>>> Visit 19,468
>>>>>>> Domain Name ? (Commercial)
>>>>>>> IP Address 74.66.242.# (Road Runner)
>>>>>>> ISP Road Runner
>>>>>>> Location Continent : North America
>>>>>>> Country : United States (Facts)
>>>>>>> State : New York
>>>>>>> City : New York
>>>>>>> Lat/Long : 40.7619, -73.9763 (Map)
>>>>>>> Language English (U.S.) en-us
>>>>>>> Operating System Macintosh MacOSX
>>>>>>> Browser Safari 1.3
>>>>>>> Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8; en-us)
>>>>>>> AppleWebKit/533.21.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.5
>>>>>>> Safari/533.21.1
>>>>>>> Javascript version 1.5
>>>>>>> Monitor Resolution : 1440 x 900
>>>>>>> Color Depth : 24 bits
>>>>>>> Time of Visit May 23 2013 12:57:15 am
>>>>>>> Last Page View May 23 2013 1:02:11 am
>>>>>>> Visit Length 4 minutes 56 seconds
>>>>>>> Page Views 2
>>>>>>> Referring URL
>>>>>>> Search Engine
>>>>>>> Search Words "andrew kosloff"
>>>>>>> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...-
>>>>>>> Visit Exit Page
>>>>>>> Out Click
>>>>>>> Time Zone UTC-5:00
>>>>>>> Visitor's Time May 22 2013 11:57:15 pm
>>>>>>> Visit Number 19,468
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 21:00:02 -0300
>>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: I just called about the IRS etc I bet the former
>>>>>>> Yankee
>>>>>>> Attorney Generals Mukasey, Gonzales and Ashcroft remember me EH Mr
>>>>>>> Bauer and Mr Harper?
>>>>>>> To:,,
>>>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> <>, pm <>
>>>>>>> Now this was beyond ridiculous
>>>>>>> https://www.
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> To: <>
>>>>>>> Cc: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 10:24 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: I just called 617 249 4113 about Mr Gomez running for the
>>>>>>> Senate
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 21:00:02 -0300
>>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: I just called about the IRS etc I bet the former
>>>>>>> Yankee
>>>>>>> Attorney Generals Mukasey, Gonzales and Ashcroft remember me EH Mr
>>>>>>> Bauer and Mr Harper?
>>>>>>> To:,,
>>>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> <>, pm <>
>>>>>>> Now this was beyond ridiculous
>>>>>>> https://www.
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> To: <georgiateapartypatriots@
>>>>>>> <>;
>>>>>>> <>; <>;
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Cc: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 7:22 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: I just called about the IRS etc
>>>>>>> Atlanta Tea Party Patriots
>>>>>>> This is the group for all of Atlanta Tea Party Patriots. While all
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> metro Tea Party Patriots group fall under the Atlanta Tea Party, we
>>>>>>> encourage each respective county to have their own group so you can
>>>>>>> get to know your fellow Tea Party Patriots in your area.
>>>>>>> Local Coordinators:
>>>>>>> Julianne Thompson ~ georgiateapartypatriots@gmail.
>>>>>>> Debbie Dooley ~
>>>>>>> Jenny Beth Martin
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> To: <>
>>>>>>> Cc: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 6:53 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: I just called AGAIN
>>>>>>> From: Dean Peachey <>
>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 16:51:45 -0500
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: I just called AGAIN (Out of office)
>>>>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> I will be working out of the country untiil Friday, May 24, with
>>>>>>> intermittent access to email, and may be delayed in responding to
>>>>>>> correspondence. If the matter is urgent, please contact Vanja Tubin
>>>>>>> at or 204-988-7105.
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> To: <>; <>; "Tom.Mann"
>>>>>>> <>;
>>>>>>> <>; "david" <>;
>>>>>>> "allan.cutler"
>>>>>>> < allan.cutler@
>>>>>>> <>;
>>>>>>> "Dion.Mario" <>; "toewsv1"
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Cc: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> <>; <>
>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 6:50 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: I just called AGAIN
>>>>>>> Duff Conacher, LL.B.
>>>>>>> Director, Consulting
>>>>>>> 416-546-3443
>>>>>>> David Baker B.A., LL.B., LL.M., L.S.M.
>>>>>>> email:
>>>>>>> phone: 416 533-0040, ext. 222
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> To: <>
>>>>>>> Cc: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> <>; "bob.paulson" <>
>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 5:43 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: I just called Mr Malley
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> To: "justicedonedirtcheap.
>>>>>>> < justicedonedirtcheap.
>>>>>>> Cc: "David Amos" <>
>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 5:34 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: Re Teddy Baby Olson was on Fox News today yapping
>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>> Presidential enemies list as he represents the crooks in Koch
>>>>>>> Industries???
>>>>>>> If anyone should know about such things it is Olson after all he
>>>>>>> assisted
>>>>>>> Ashcroft and Bush against me
>>>>>>> From: Elizabeth May <>
>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 13:28:01 -0700
>>>>>>> Subject: Thank you for your message / Merci pour votre courriel Re:
>>>>>>> Re
>>>>>>> Teddy Baby Olson was on Fox News today yapping about Presidential
>>>>>>> enemies list as he represents the crooks in Koch Industries??? If
>>>>>>> anyone should know about such things it is Olson after all he
>>>>>>> assisted
>>>>>>> Ashcroft and Bush against me
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> Thank you for your email. We will work to ensure that a response is
>>>>>>> sent to you as soon as possible.
>>>>>>> For invitations or meeting requests, please email
>>>>>>> For media inquiries, please email
>>>>>>> Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de nous écrire. Nous ne
>>>>>>> ménagerons aucun effort pour vous transmettre notre réponse dans les
>>>>>>> meilleurs délais.
>>>>>>> Leader's Office Correspondence Team
>>>>>>> Équipe de correspondance du Bureau de la chef
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Green Party of Canada
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: *TIGTA Whistleblower Protection Ombudsman
>>>>>>> < WhistleblowerProtection@
>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 11:37:08 +0000
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Hey Paul Samyn Re Federal Court File No: T-1557-15 I
>>>>>>> wonder after January 11th if the fancy dudes over in the UK or way
>>>>>>> down under will continue to ignore me as well??? After we share the
>>>>>>> same Queen N'esy Pas Stevey Boy harper?
>>>>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> Good morning,
>>>>>>> We have received your e-mail to the Treasury Inspector General for
>>>>>>> Tax
>>>>>>> Administration (TIGTA) Whistleblower Protection Ombudsman. This
>>>>>>> e-mail account and TIGTA’s Ombudsmen are available to Internal
>>>>>>> Revenue
>>>>>>> Service (IRS) employees and applicants as well as contractors who
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> been subjected to retaliation as a result of engaging in
>>>>>>> whistleblowing activities (i.e., efforts on your part to report
>>>>>>> fraud,
>>>>>>> waste, and abuse). Based upon the information in your e-mail, it
>>>>>>> does
>>>>>>> not appear that your inquiry falls within these parameters.
>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 6:23 PM
>>>>>>> To:;;
>>>>>>>; SpeakersOffice3@parliament.
>>>>>>>; George.Soros; stephen.harper.a1;
>>>>>>> elizabeth.may; David.Coon; gopublic; whistle; washington field;
>>>>>>> *TIGTA
>>>>>>> Whistleblower Protection Ombudsman; whistleblower; Whistleblower;
>>>>>>>; justin.ling;; Karine Fortin;
>>>>>>> carolyn.bennett;;;
>>>>>>>;; Paul.Lynch;
>>>>>>> Marianne.Ryan; sunrayzulu;;;
>>>>>>> chiefape;
>>>>>>>; redmond.shannon; Joe Friday;
>>>>>>>; steve.roberge; robert.stoney; Leanne.Fitch;
>>>>>>>; lou.lafleur;; oldmaison;
>>>>>>> andre;
>>>>>>> greg.byrne;;; nbpc
>>>>>>> Cc: David Amos; Greta.Bossenmaier; Jonathan.Vance; jon.gerrard
>>>>>>> Subject: Hey Paul Samyn Re Federal Court File No: T-1557-15 I wonder
>>>>>>> after January 11th if the fancy dudes over in the UK or way down
>>>>>>> under
>>>>>>> will continue to ignore me as well??? After we share the same Queen
>>>>>>> N'esy Pas Stevey Boy harper?
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 19:44:28 -0400
>>>>>>> Subject: Well at least Paul Samyn of the Free Press has finally
>>>>>>> admitted what the Free Press in Louis Riel's old stomping gronds has
>>>>>>> been ignoring for 11 years EH Justin Trudeau
>>>>>>> To: pm <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> "carolyn.bennett" <>,
>>>>>>>, "Paul.Lynch" <>
>>>>>>> "Marianne.Ryan" <>
>>>>>>> <>, mcu <>,,
>>>>>>> "" <>, chiefape <>
>>>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> <>, oldmaison <>, radical
>>>>>>> <>, newsonline <>,
>>>>>>> newsroom <>, nmoore <>,
>>>>>>> andre <>
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: "Samyn,Paul" <>
>>>>>>> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 23:40:17 +0000
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Re Federal Court File No: T-1557-15 the CBC, the RCMP,
>>>>>>> their new boss Justin Trudeau and his Ministers of Justice and
>>>>>>> Defence
>>>>>>> etc cannot deny their knowledge of Paragraphs 81, 82, 83, 84, and 85
>>>>>>> now CORRECT G$?
>>>>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> David;
>>>>>>> We are in receipt of your emails as well as your voice mail
>>>>>>> messages.
>>>>>>> At this point, we will not be following up on this story.
>>>>>>> Paul
>>>>>>> Paul Samyn | Editor
>>>>>>> 204.697.7234 | 1355 Mountain Ave. | R2X 3B6
>>>>>>> | @paulsamyn
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: Robert Stoney <>
>>>>>>> Date: Tue, 05 01 2016 05:05:12
>>>>>>> Subject: Auto Response: Hey TJ Burke and Louie lafleur January 11th
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> coming fast Ya can't say that your buddies and the Police Commission
>>>>>>> ain't mentioned bigtime in my complaint N'esy Pas Stevey Boy
>>>>>>> Roberge?
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> I am currently experiencing difficulties with the following email
>>>>>>> accounts:
>>>>>>> If you have sent a message to either of these accounts, please
>>>>>>> re-send
>>>>>>> that message to:
>>>>>>> Also, please update my contact information to reflect
>>>>>>> as my primary email address, effective
>>>>>>> immediately.
>>>>>>> Thank you for your patience.
>>>>>>> //RMS//
>>>>>>> Robert Stoney
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: "Robb, Andrew (MP)" <>
>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2016 12:27:35 +0000
>>>>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE Nasty Trolls on the Internet & TPP So
>>>>>>> Prime Minister John Key and Minister Andrew Robb Should the FIVE
>>>>>>> EYES
>>>>>>> do their jobs for the benefit of the common man instead of messing
>>>>>>> with for yours N'esy Pas Justin Trudeau???
>>>>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> Thank you for taking the time to contact me.
>>>>>>> This is an automatically generated reply so that you know that your
>>>>>>> email has arrived.
>>>>>>> As you will appreciate given the large number of emails received
>>>>>>> each
>>>>>>> day, a reply cannot be sent immediately, nor can a reply be sent to
>>>>>>> every email received.
>>>>>>> I will however read your correspondence.
>>>>>>> I prioritise emails from my constituents and those relating to my
>>>>>>> trade, investment and tourism portfolio.
>>>>>>> If your email relates to my responsibilities as Minister for Trade
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> Investment, I will consider your correspondence and respond if
>>>>>>> appropriate.
>>>>>>> If your email is part of an automatically generated campaign, I will
>>>>>>> note your views.
>>>>>>> For those interested, there is a significant amount of useful facts
>>>>>>> regarding the China FTA and Trans Pacific Partnership on my
>>>>>>> Department’s website:
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> In the meantime, you may be interested in completing my community
>>>>>>> survey by clicking
>>>>>>> here<http://www.andrewrobb.
>>>>>>> may also be interested in visiting my
>>>>>>> website<http://www.andrewrobb.
>>>>>>> Facebook<https://www.facebook.
>>>>>>> Twitter<
>>>>>>> YouTube<
>>>>>>> Yours sincerely,
>>>>>>> Minister for Trade & Investment
>>>>>>> Federal Member for Goldstein
>>>>>>> E:<
>>>>>>> Electorate Office
>>>>>>> 368 Centre Road, Bentleigh VIC 3204
>>>>>>> P 03 9557 4644 F 03 9557 2906
>>>>>>> Parliament House
>>>>>>> Suite M1-22
>>>>>>> Parliament House
>>>>>>> Canberra ACT 2600
>>>>>>> P (02) 6277 7420 F (02) 6273 4128
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: Speakers Office <SpeakersOffice3@parliament.
>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2015 22:18:52 +0000
>>>>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Trust that I don't mind being wrong about
>>>>>>> the choice of Speaker after listening to the Senate reform plans I
>>>>>>> say
>>>>>>> WOW just like Geoff Regan did when he commented that he was the
>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>> Speaker from the Maritimes in nearly 100 years
>>>>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> On behalf of Rt Hon David Carter, Speaker of the House of
>>>>>>> Representatives, thank you for your email.
>>>>>>> Thank you for taking the time to write and please be assured that
>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>> comments will be read by Mr Speaker. However, there may be no
>>>>>>> further
>>>>>>> response to you.
>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>> Office of the Speaker
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: "J Key (MIN)" <>
>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2016 12:28:12 +0000
>>>>>>> Subject: Thank you for your email
>>>>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> On behalf of the Prime Minister, Rt Hon John Key, thank you for your
>>>>>>> email.
>>>>>>> Please note that although email increases the speed of delivery, it
>>>>>>> may not be possible to provide you with the rapid response users of
>>>>>>> email may anticipate.
>>>>>>> The fact that you have taken the time to write is appreciated. You
>>>>>>> can be assured that your views will be noted.
>>>>>>> Yours sincerely
>>>>>>> The Office of the Prime Minister
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: "Francis -" <>
>>>>>>> Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2015 17:57:43 -0800
>>>>>>> Subject: [#2468707]: Your recent message to
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>> Feel free to scroll down until your conscience bothers you.
>>>>>>>> https://baconfatreport.
>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>> The site in question has been removed from for
>>>>>>> violating
>>>>>>> our Terms of Service.
>>>>>>> Francis
>>>>>>> Community Guardian
>>>>>>> | Automattic
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2015 15:51:51 -0700
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [#2468707]: Phone message from +19028000369 and your
>>>>>>> client Barry Winters' malevolent WordPress blog
>>>>>>> To:, "washington.field"
>>>>>>> <>, "gilles.moreau"
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> "serge.rousselle" <>, ""
>>>>>>> <>, "rod.knecht" <>
>>>>>>> pol7163 <>, Glen Canning
>>>>>>> <>, patrick_doran1 <>
>>>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>, Barry Winters
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Thanks for responding to my calls
>>>>>>> Here ya go. Feel free to scroll down until your conscience bothers
>>>>>>> you.
>>>>>>> https://baconfatreport.
>>>>>>> You client is Barry Winters of Edmonton Alberta and his email
>>>>>>> address
>>>>>>> can be found in the Cc line of this email
>>>>>>> Perhaps you should confer with your lawyers. Obviously I sent the
>>>>>>> emails l directly to them one year apart and received no response.
>>>>>>> Scroll past your message to me and you will see my latest email to
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> people in its entirety.
>>>>>>> Trust that my family and I will sue your company in the USA someday.
>>>>>>> However i have every right to sue WordPress in Canada first
>>>>>>> FYI My family still lives in the Boston area and you people have
>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>> publishing libel, sexual harassment and death threats against them
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> way past too long. Trust that I saved every word.of this evil
>>>>>>> website
>>>>>>> of yours.
>>>>>>> Clearly both the FBI and the RCMP got the same email as well. I am
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> joking about this.
>>>>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>>>>> 902 800 0369
>>>>>>> On 12/28/15, Sal P. - <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi there David,
>>>>>>>> Thanks for getting in touch.
>>>>>>>> I'm not seeng any previous emails from the address you're currently
>>>>>>>> writing
>>>>>>>> from, but perhaps you used a different address in the message you
>>>>>>>> mentioned
>>>>>>>> sending last year?
>>>>>>>> If you have a complaint about a blog, please provide
>>>>>>>> further
>>>>>>>> information. In order to correctly review an abuse report we need
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> following info:
>>>>>>>> * The complete and exact URL of the post, page, or comment content
>>>>>>>> being
>>>>>>>> reported.
>>>>>>>> * Direct quotations or citations of text or other material
>>>>>>>> appearing
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> above URL.
>>>>>>>> * Explanation as to why the above content is being reported as a
>>>>>>>> violation
>>>>>>>> of our Terms of Service, and specifically, which term said content
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> violating.
>>>>>>>> Once we have all of the above information, we can proceed with
>>>>>>>> reviewing
>>>>>>>> your complaint.
>>>>>>>> If you have legal process you'd like to send us, you can attach it
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> reply to this message. Keep in mind that is located
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> United States. Per our policies, we will respond only in compliance
>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> US
>>>>>>>> law and in reply to valid US-issued legal process or orders.
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Sal P. | Community Guardian |
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 18:22:05 -0400
>>>>>>> Subject: Re Federal Court File No: T-1557-15 Did you order Harper
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> the NDP to ignore me as well???
>>>>>>> To: Liberal / Assistance <>,,
>>>>>>> pm
>>>>>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1" <>
>>>>>>> mcu
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> How about Dizzy Lizzy May and the Bloc?
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 16:57:43 -0400
>>>>>>> OF
>>>>>>> WORDRESS
>>>>>>> HATE
>>>>>>> To:, sunrayzulu <>, "Paul.Lynch"
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>>>> <>, "david.fraser"
>>>>>>> < david.fraser@mcinnescooper.
>>>>>>> andrew <>, andrewjdouglas
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: EFF Press <>
>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 12:56:10 -0800
>>>>>>> Subject: Out of Office
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> Hello. EFF offices are closed through January 4. We may be able to
>>>>>>> answer some urgent requests, but please note: we may not be able to
>>>>>>> get back to you as much of the staff is traveling. Thank you and see
>>>>>>> you on January 4.
>>>>>>> On 12/25/15, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>> From: Cindy Cohn <>
>>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 12:52:55 -0800
>>>>>>>> Subject: EFF is closed until January 4, 2016
>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>> EFF is closed until January 4, 2016.
>>>>>>>> I will be periodically checking my email over the holiday, however.
>>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>>> this is an emergency, please resend with URGENT in the subject
>>>>>>>> line.
>>>>>>>> For media requests, please email
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Cindy
>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 16:52:44 -0400
>>>>>>>> WORDRESS
>>>>>>>> HATE
>>>>>>>> To: sunrayzulu <>, "Paul.Lynch"
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>>>> premier <>, "scott.mckeen"
>>>>>>>> <>, "don.marshall"
>>>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>>>> Cindy Bruneau <>,,
>>>>>>>> customercare.other@hudsonsbay.
>>>>>>>> marks.customer.service@
>>>>>>>> DDrummond <>, abusecomplaints@markmonitor.
>>>>>>>>,, mcu
>>>>>>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> <>,,,
>>>>>>>>,, patrick_doran1
>>>>>>>> <>, pol7163 <>,
>>>>>>>> "rodney.wadden" <>
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> <>, "Paul.Collister"
>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>> <>, "trudeau.j" <>,
>>>>>>>> john
>>>>>>>> graham <>, bruce bowman
>>>>>>>> <>, karin mccaskill
>>>>>>>> <>,, gopublic
>>>>>>>> <>, andre <>, oldmaison
>>>>>>>> <>, newsroom <>,
>>>>>>>> newsonline
>>>>>>>> <>, news-tips <>, news
>>>>>>>> <>, news <>, news
>>>>>>>> <>, "mclaughlin.heather"
>>>>>>>> < mclaughlin.heather@
>>>>>>>> <>, paul <
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