Thursday 9 March 2017

Methinks the Liberal Folks in Montreal just serves on Prime Minister Trudeau "The Younger" a shocking surprise.

High school teacher beats out Yolande James to win Liberal nomination in Saint-Laurent

Emmanuella Lambropoulos scores upset over provincial cabinet minister, law professor in Montreal riding

CBC Posted: Mar 08, 2017 9:50 PM ET

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David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
Hurray It renews my faith in mankind to see local folks vote for an underdog and surprise the "Powers That Be"

Phillip Smirnoff
Phillip Smirnoff
@David Raymond Amos
not to worry, now the underdog will join the ranks of powers that be and it will be business as usual.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Phillip Smirnoff Have a little faith Perhaps she will break the mold and ask Justin why I filed a lawsuit against the Crown before he was ever a Prime Minister then give me a call like her Mayor did yesterday before she won the nomination.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
Methinks Mayor Alan DeSousa should seize the day and announce that he will run as an Independent. If the local won the seat he would very powerful voice in the 42nd Parliament far more so than the Green Party leader. I suspect his words would definitely put Montreal back on the map of Canada where it truly belongs particularly.after suffering through many years of the Harper Regime just like the folks in the Maritimes have.

Don Cameron
Don Cameron
Looks like, in Montreal, the grassroots Liberals rose up against the Liberal Party's preferred candidate.
I feel bad for Toronto, where the game was fixed by Ottawa to ensure Ng got the nomination.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Don Cameron Remember when the Liberals did it for Iggy before the election of the 39th Parliament? If it worked before I have no doubt they figured it should work again and and again.

Well my hat is off to the folks in Montreal who upset the apple cart for PM Trudeau "The Younger" and his scheming backroom team. Heres hoping the local Mayor Mr Desousa runs as an Independent and makes this by-election in particular and serious horse race for the benefit of all the folks of Canada.

Matt Stewart
Matt Stewart
Well, this is what happens when you parachute a candidate in and treat it like it's an anointment. When you want to represent a riding, it helps if you have an affiliation with the riding. Bit of a fail for the Trudeau brain trust

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos 
@Matt Stewart I can't help but would if folks in Montreal know about what I said on the public record in Fredericton NB On October 7th, 2016 to Francis Scarpaleggia chair of the ERRE Committee not long before his boss PM Trudeau "The Younger " went back on a big promise he made before winning a huge mandate for the liberal party and his many proud feminist Cabinet Ministers.

Anybody bother to notice the liberals still support Harper's Bill C 51 and have a couple of new bill that will make matters even worse? Methinks we need lots of Independents in the 43rd Parliament. What say you sir?

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Matt Stewart "Part of it is payback for not allowing DeSousa" Sorry to say I agree but the Lady also beat an much talked about tax lawyer who was challenging Justin's CRA and their KPMG cohorts

Furthermore Emmanuella Lambropoulos won without the media talking about her at all. Google her and you would be hard pressed to find anything about her on the Internet until she surprised the Hell out of the media. Hence in my book the young Lady definitely earned her victory the hard way.

Tigui Dou  
Tigui Dou
Did the nabobs at the LPC learn anything from this exercise?
That manipulation doesn't quite work like it used to?
And that polls mean squat come election day?
Stay tuned.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos 
@Tigui Dou Which channel are you watching I am as a fierce politcal animal getting rather dizzy surfing them all trying to avoid the Fake News. I only noticed a report on the third lady seeking the nomination at about the time came it came for the local folks to vote. However Ms James was all over the news. So much for the journalists doing their job in an ethical fashion N'esy Pas?

Tigui Dou
I think it is deplorable that Alan DeSousa was not allowed by the party to run and allow the local party members to elect him if they so choose. This after JT promising to always allow the local people to decide. Could it be that our feminist PM doesn't want Allan because he is a man. Sexism can work both ways. Alan should have been the logical choice due to his experience and the confidence that the people of St. Laurent have in him.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@RICK DIXON I agree Sir

Tigui Dou
Greg Gore
Democracy Trumps all. Local representation means far much more to voters than parachute politicians.

David Raymond Amos

David Raymond Amos 
@Greg Gore Methinks nothing has been Trumped yet. April 3rd is when all the cards are on the table. The Lady is still a Liberal in what CBC wants us to believe is a secure riding for them. What about all the other folks who live in that riding who may disagree with CBC and the liberals?

Another Mr Gore who is a wealthy politcal lawyer thought folks believed such things years ago. That is until Georgey Boy Bush's lawyers out foxed him in the courts.

Now that a Yankee named Trump has stepped up to the plate and proven the world byway of his greedy little thumbs and a Twitter account that it is a dog eat dog world to Hillary and Obama. Folks are beginning to understand that Democracy and Justice are mere myths. Sad as the awful truth may be at least I get to laugh alot lately. Its all just malicious nonsense but it truly is one Hell of circus to entertain and confuse all the political animals in the zoo.

Elma Fayerrly 
Elma Fayerrly
Democracy is alive and well within the Liberal party. Cheers.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Elma Fayerrly Methinks the Lady doth jest too much :)

 Larry Porter 
Larry Porter
I guess Justin didn't scare her off like so many before her!!

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Larry Porter Mehinks the Lady just scared Justin

Don Cameron
Jim Redmond
Nothing against a 26 year old high school teacher, but she wouldn't exactly enhance the experience/knowledge pool within the Liberal government, though on the other hand, she probably has more relevant capabilities than many other members of the Liberal government.

David Raymond Amos

David Raymond Amos
@Jim Redmond All the Lady has to be is ethical and she would have a fan in in me.

Don Cameron
Brian Smith
A tainted nomination victory for Lambropoulos with DeSousa being BARRED from running. But certainly better than a Parachuted James victory. But the word on the street is that residents would have preferred a more experienced, accomplished candidate, with deep roots and who has a history of serving the community, like DeSousa over a 26 year old, wide eyed school teacher with little to no life experience and no major community accomplishments to her name. Democracy not working at it's finest due to senior Liberal arrogance and meddling in local riding affairs. Very unfortunate.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos 
@Brian Smith If Mayor DeSousa truly wishes to be an MP he can always throw his hat in the ring as an independent just a many citizens do including me. Why does he protest that a political party does not support him? Why not return the favour and explain to the folks in his neighbourhood why they should not support the Liberal party but him instead like they have done in the past? His constituents can then decide who they want to take a seat on the Hill and speak for them.

My two bits worth from the peanut gallery is If the seasoned Mayor does not run then I feel that the young Lady has earned the right to take the seat fair and square.

Don Cameron
Dale Verigan
Very telling that Justin's star candidate came in third place. The people are getting very tired of governments planting their own people in ridings all over the nation, quite obviously. Good for the people.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Dale Verigan I tell it that Justin's star candidate came in LAST place

Don Cameron
Steven Scott
The cons will get the same results when they try to parachute oleary into a safe riding

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Steven Scott Heres hoping that your prediction comes true

Malcolm Alexander  
Malcolm Alexander
Good to see the people still have the power.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Malcolm Alexander YUP

Dwight Williams
Dwight Williams
Out with the old, in with the new.

I'm fine with that. I'm tired of the same old liberal/conservative hacks.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Dwight Williams Me too

Don Cameron
Don Cameron
-"The race has been the subject of controversy, as long-serving St-Laurent borough mayor Alan DeSousa was blocked from seeking the nomination by the party — without explanation."-

Trudeau's commitment to open nominations, before the election, was one of the more absurd promises to come out of his mouth. We've seen massive interference in the ridings up for grabs in the by-elections.
It's like they can't help themselves.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Don Cameron Methinks they help themselves all the damned time but every now and then folks say enough is enough.

John chevy  
John chevy
No-one cares cbc, these clowns are off to the circus in 2019

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@John chevy You are kidding correct? They are part of the ongoing circus played by five political parties within the House of Not So Common people.

Don Cameron
Ray Peters
St-Laurent riding voters will have a backbencher Liberal MP instead of a Minister in the Cabinet of the Liberal government... I seem to recall that among one of junior's election promises was 'transparency'.

'Transparency' seems to have fallen by the wayside along with many other important promises made by junior...

I guess this result is what happens when the will of the electorate - even if it is a federal Liberal party electorate - is so openly thwarted.

Refusing to allow a long-standing local politician, popular with the REAL electorate, and parachuting in an 'annointed' candidate, WILL cause a backlash.

And, given this open slap in the face to the citizens of the riding, you can be assured that the REAL electorate will remember this in the by-election! Stephane Dion must be rolling over in his political grave..

David Raymond Amos
.David Raymond Amos
@Ray Peters
Stephane Dion was booted out by his buddies. He is not surprised not even a little bit. I bet he is laughing every bit as hard as I am right now.

Julien Lemieux
Julien Lemieux
St-Laurent riding voters will have a backbencher Liberal MP instead of a Minister in the Cabinet of the Liberal government..

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Julien Lemieux You just said a mouthful about the wicked games they play eh?

Julien Lemieux
Julien Lemieux
@David Raymond Amos

That's the price the electors of the riding of St-Laurent will have to pay for having been contrary to the wishes of their PM.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Julien Lemieux Sometimes there is a different outcome

Don Cameron
Julian Hoyak
@David Raymond Amos - Seems an illness afflicting the "business" of politics. We elect them, and we pay them...but who do they work for?

Don Cameron
Brent Grywinski
It seems that this hard-working young woman won the nomination the old-fashioned way. She knocked on numerous doors and actually talked to the voters one-on-one. Congratulations!

David Raymond Amos
.David Raymond Amos
@Brent Grywinski I second it

Don Cameron
Tim Olan
Democracy worked this time...

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Tim Olan Not yet April 3rd tells the tale

Ron Sharpe 
Donald Simpson
Good for her,she didn't get rail road by Justin and his elite backers She probably cares more about Canadians and Quebecers than Justin and deserves the job . For Justin All you have to do is look at what he did yesterday voting against Bill S-201 which will protect the public against genetic discrimination by insurance companies.

David Raymond Amos
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David Raymond Amos
@Donald Simpson That was a rather telling thing

Ron Sharpe  
Ron Sharpe
There's something to be said for actually being from the riding you aim to represent.

David Raymond Amos
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David Raymond Amos
@Ron Sharpe Most folks for the colour of the coat and often times can't even tell you six months later who was wearing it

High school teacher beats out Yolande James to win Liberal nomination in Saint-Laurent

Emmanuella Lambropoulos scores upset over provincial cabinet minister, law professor in Montreal riding

CBC Posted: Mar 08, 2017 9:50 PM ET

Emmanuella Lambropoulos, centre, admitted she was surprised after winning the Liberal party nomination for the riding of Saint-Laurent, as fellow candidates Yolande James, left, and Marwah Rizqy look on.
Emmanuella Lambropoulos, centre, admitted she was surprised after winning the Liberal party nomination for the riding of Saint-Laurent, as fellow candidates Yolande James, left, and Marwah Rizqy look on. (Graham Hughes/Canadian Press) 

A 26-year-old high school teacher has defeated former provincial cabinet minister Yolande James for the Liberal nomination in the riding of Saint-Laurent.

Emmanuella Lambropoulos beat both James and law professor Marwah Rizqy Wednesday night to secure the nomination.

Lambropoulos and her team couldn't hold back their surprise at winning out over James, the woman considered to be the Liberal party favourite. She said her victory was the result of a lot of hard work.

"I really went every day, door-to-door, with one or two other people. We worked really hard," Lambropoulos told Radio-Canada.

Leading up to the vote the media didn't pay much attention to her candidacy, she said, and often, people didn't even know there was a third candidate running.

James was reportedly approached by the party to run and served as provincial immigration minister between 2007-2010 under former Quebec premier Jean Charest.

She had also recently worked as a commentator on CBC and Radio-Canada.

James didn't speak to reporters following the announcement, but sent a tweet congratulating Lambropoulos. She ended up finishing in third.

Lambropoulos teaches in Montreal's Rosemont neighbourhood and has worked for the Saint-Laurent riding association.

'We came from the bottom up'

Her supporters credited the fact she lives in the Saint-Laurent borough and wasn't parachuted in by the Liberal party as the main reason she came away with the victory.

Liberal Candidate Elections 20170308
Emmanuella Lambropoulos reacts after winning the nomination. (Graham Hughes/Canadian Press)

"We came from the bottom up," said Petro Vouloukos, 22, who helped Lambropoulos secure her win. "We were the grassroots. Not from the top up like Mrs. James."

The Saint-Laurent riding has been Liberal for decades and is considered a safe seat for the party in the April 3 byelection. The seat was left empty when Stéphane Dion accepted the role of ambassador to the EU and Germany.

Lambropoulos was the only of the three candidates to live in the riding.

Second place was Rizqy, a tax lawyer who ran unsuccessfully for the Liberals in another Montreal riding in the 2015 federal election.

Controversy over blocking DeSousa 

The race has been the subject of controversy, as long-serving St-Laurent borough mayor Alan DeSousa was blocked from seeking the nomination by the party — without explanation.

His appeal of the decision was unsuccessful.

A Liberal member at Wednesday's vote who has lived in the riding for 13 years, Bilal Hamideh, told CBC it was unfortunate DeSousa was not allowed to run.

"In general, I think it's discouraging to participate in the [nomination] system," Hamideh said.

"It does weaken the system in a way if it is not clearly explained why he wasn't allowed.

with files from CBC's Antoni Nerestant, Radio-Canada and The Canadian Press

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