---------- Original message ----------
From: Newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 04:54:25 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Chucky Leblanc Remember your buddy Andre
Murray and his blog about back in 2005 when I ran against your MP Andy
Scott while your buddy Chucky Murray worked for Brad Green and you
were contantly bitching about Blaine Higgs' beloved C...
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.
If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
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---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 04:54:26 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Chucky Leblanc Remember your buddy Andre
Murray and his blog about back in 2005 when I ran against your MP Andy
Scott while your buddy Chucky Murray worked for Brad Green and you
were contantly bitching about Blaine Higgs' beloved C...
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.
There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
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Thanks again for your email.
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
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Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
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ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
Merci encore pour votre courriel.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 00:54:18 -0400
Subject: Yo Chucky Leblanc Remember your buddy Andre Murray and his
blog about back in 2005 when I ran against your MP Andy Scott while
your buddy Chucky Murray worked for Brad Green and you were contantly
bitching about Blaine Higgs' beloved COR Party???
To: oldmaison1@yahoo.ca, charles.murray@gnb.ca, blaine.higgs@gnb.ca,
news@kingscorecord.com, news@dailygleaner.com, Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca,
steve.murphy@ctv.ca, Newsroom@globeandmail.com, brian.gallant@gnb.ca,
robert.mckee@gnb.ca, hugh.flemming@gnb.ca,
andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca, David.Coon@gnb.ca,
Kevin.A.Arseneau@gnb.ca, megan.mitton@gnb.ca, kris.austin@gnb.ca,
rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca, michelle.conroy@gnb.ca,
claude.poirier@snb.ca, Michel.Carrier@gnb.ca, Tim.Porter@gnb.ca,
sutherland.marie@ brunswicknews.com,
Therien.mike@brunswicknews.com ,
jp.lewis@unb.ca, tj tj@burkelaw.ca, kelly@lamrockslaw.com,
jeff.carr@gnb.ca, Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca,
Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, Gilles.Cote@gnb.ca,
tyler.campbell@gnb.ca, tim.turner@gov.ab.ca,
Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com,
premier@gnb.ca, premier@ontario.ca, scott.moe@gov.sk.ca,
davidcoon@greenpartynb.ca, Amanda.wildeman@gnb.ca,
darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca, terry.seguin@cbc.ca
I know your old buddy Stevey Boy Murphy certainly should N'esy Pas?
Clearly this was no April Day Joke 5 years ago EH?
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=f1azdNWbF3A
Me,Myself and I
David Amos
Published on Apr 1, 2013
My blog today is no joke either N'esy Pas Chucky Murray?
https://davidraymondamos3. blogspot.com/2019/04/a-little- deja-vu-for-you-all-to-enjoy. html
Monday, 1 April 2019
A Little Deja Vu for you all to enjoy before April Fools Day
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Murray, Charles (Ombud)" <Charles.Murray@gnb.ca>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 18:16:15 +0000
Subject: You wished to speak with me
To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I have the advantage, sir, of having read many of your emails over the years.
As such, I do not think a phone conversation between us, and
specifically one which you might mistakenly assume was in response to
your threat of legal action against me, is likely to prove a
productive use of either of our time.
If there is some specific matter about which you wish to communicate
with me, feel free to email me with the full details and it will be
given due consideration.
Charles Murray
Ombud NB
Acting Integrity Commissioner
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Hon.Ralph.Goodale (PS/SP)" <Hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2019 19:13:07 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE DAVID RAYMOND AMOS v. HMQ - COURT FILE
NO.: A-48-16 , A Little Deja Vu for you all to enjoy before April
Fools Day
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Merci d'avoir ?crit ? l'honorable Ralph Goodale, ministre de la
S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile.
En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
adress?e au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un
retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Soyez assur? que votre
message sera examin? avec attention.
L'Unit? de la correspondance minist?rielle
S?curit? publique Canada
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence
addressed to the Minister, please note there could be a delay in
processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be
carefully reviewed.
Thank you!
Ministerial Correspondence Unit
Public Safety Canada
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Warner, Lorri" <Lorri.Warner@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2019 19:14:08 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE DAVID RAYMOND AMOS v. HMQ - COURT FILE
NO.: A-48-16 , A Little Deja Vu for you all to enjoy before April
Fools Day
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I will be away from the office until April 1, 2019. Please contact
Annette Hartlen at 902-426-7040 /
annette.hartlen@justice.gc.ca< mailto:annette.hartlen@ justice.gc.ca>
you require assistance. Thank you.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2019 19:13:19 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE DAVID RAYMOND AMOS v. HMQ - COURT FILE
NO.: A-48-16 , A Little Deja Vu for you all to enjoy before April
Fools Day
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2019 15:07:04 -0400
Little Deja Vu for you all to enjoy before April Fools Day
To: Manon.Hardy@justice.gc.ca, JUSTMIN@novascotia.ca,
daniel.gosselin@cas-satj.gc.ca ,
Bruce.Preston@cas-satj.gc.ca, Beatriz.Winter@cas-satj.gc.ca,
Gib.vanErt@scc-csc.ca, marc.giroux@fja-cmf.gc.ca,
complaints@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca, "greg.thompson2" <greg.thompson2@gnb.ca>,
"carl.urquhart" <carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "hugh.flemming"
<hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, Lorri.Warner@justice.gc.ca,
jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca, bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca,
Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca, Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. ca,
mcu@justice.gc.ca, Clare.Barry@justice.gc.ca,
David.Hansen@justice.gc.ca, Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
liliana.longo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca,
andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca, maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca, "Michael.Wernick"
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"Larry.Tremblay" <Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca >,
<David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
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"brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs"
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<kris.austin@gnb.ca>, "Gilles.Cote" <Gilles.Cote@gnb.ca>, oldmaison
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
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JUSTWEB <JUSTWEB@novascotia.ca>, "jus.minister"
<jus.minister@gov.sk.ca>, justice <justice@mail.gov.nl.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>,
<Paul.Shuttle@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford"
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<Ian.Shugart@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, "philip.bryden" <philip.bryden@gov.ab.ca>
>>> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must ask
>>> them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=vugUalUO8YY
>>> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
>>> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
>>> cards?
>>> http://www.archive.org/ details/ FedsUsTreasuryDeptRcmpEtc
>>> http://archive.org/details/ ITriedToExplainItToAllMaritime rsInEarly2006
>>> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/ 2006/05/wiretap-tapes-impeach- bush.html
>>> http://www.archive.org/ details/ PoliceSurveilanceWiretapTape13 9
>>> http://archive.org/details/ Part1WiretapTape143
>>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>>> Senator Arlen Specter
>>> United States Senate
>>> Committee on the Judiciary
>>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>>> Washington, DC 20510
>>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>>> raised in the attached letter.
>>> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap
>>> tapes.
>>> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
>>> Very truly yours,
>>> Barry A. Bachrach
>>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>>> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 06:06:57 -0400
Attn Lorri Warner have you and your bosses talked the RCMP and the FBI
To: "jan.jensen" <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>, "lorri.warner"
<lorri.warner@justice.gc.ca>, "clare.barry"
<clare.barry@justice.gc.ca>, "Nathalie.Drouin"
<Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca >,
<daniel.gosselin@cas-satj.gc. ca>,
<andrew.baumberg@fct-cf.gc.ca> ,
<Bruce.Preston@cas-satj.gc.ca> ,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> ,
<hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "Liliana.Longo"
<Liliana.Longo@justice.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Frank.McKenna" <Frank.McKenna@td.com>,
"Larry.Tremblay" <Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca >,
<Liliana.Longo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> ,
mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
"Jody.Wilson-Raybould" <Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. ca>,
"David.Lametti" <David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn"
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail" <Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>,
Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, "brian.gallant"
<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
"David.Coon" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "kris.austin" <kris.austin@gnb.ca>,
"Gilles.Cote" <Gilles.Cote@gnb.ca>
> [22] Mr. Amos also included with his submissions a CD. He
> stated in his affidavit dated June 26, 2017 that there is a “true copy
> of an American police surveillance wiretap entitled 139” on this CD.
> He has also indicated that he has “provided a true copy of the CD
> entitled 139 to many American and Canadian law enforcement authorities
> and not one of the police forces or officers of the court are willing
> to investigate it”. Since he has indicated that this is an “American
> police surveillance wiretap”, this is a matter for the American law
> enforcement authorities and cannot create, as Mr. Amos suggests, a
> conflict of interest for any judge to whom he provides a copy.
> [30] The Judge determined that he could not strike the Claim
> on the same jurisdictional basis as the Prothonotary. The Judge noted
> that the Federal Court has jurisdiction over claims based on the
> liability of Federal Crown servants like the RCMP and that the actors
> who barred Mr. Amos from the New Brunswick legislature in 2004
> included the RCMP (Federal Court Judgment at para. 23). In considering
> the viability of these allegations de novo, the Judge identified
> paragraph 14 of the Claim as containing “some precision” as it
> identifies the date of the event and a RCMP officer acting as
> Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant Governor (Federal Court Judgment at
> para. 27).
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <mcu@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 17:58:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: C'yall in Court
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for writing to the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of
Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence
addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay in
processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be
carefully reviewed.
Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable David Lametti, ministre de la
Justice et procureur général du Canada.
En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
adressée à la ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir
un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous
assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Warner, Lorri <lorri.warner@justice.gc.ca>,
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 5:45 AM
To: mailto:david.raymond.amos@ gmail.com
Cc: Jensen, Jan <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>,
Good morning Mr. Amos
Please find attached correspondence on behalf of Jan Jensen.
Thank you,
Lorri Warner
Legal Assistant
Atlantic Regional Office
Suite 1400, Duke Tower
5251 Duke Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1P3
National Litigation Sector
Department of Justice Canada
Government of Canada
tel: (902) 407-7461
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Bureau régional de l’Atlantique
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Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse) B3J 1P3
Secteur national du contentieux
Ministère de la Justice Canada
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Please consider the environment before printing this email.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Navdeep.Bains@parl.gc.ca
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 12:46:51 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks the lawyer John Lawford should
learn how to respond to people he claims to represent before he whines
to CBC about funding N'esy Pas?
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
?Thank you for contacting the Parliamentary office of the Hon. Navdeep
Bains, Member of Parliament for Mississauga-Malton.
For any inquiries related to the Ministry of Innovation, Science and
Economic Development, please contact
ised.minister-ministre.isde@ canada.caised. minister-ministre.isde@canada. ca
>From: Newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 04:54:25 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Chucky Leblanc Remember your buddy Andre
Murray and his blog about back in 2005 when I ran against your MP Andy
Scott while your buddy Chucky Murray worked for Brad Green and you
were contantly bitching about Blaine Higgs' beloved C...
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.
If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
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---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 04:54:26 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Chucky Leblanc Remember your buddy Andre
Murray and his blog about back in 2005 when I ran against your MP Andy
Scott while your buddy Chucky Murray worked for Brad Green and you
were contantly bitching about Blaine Higgs' beloved C...
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.
There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
response may take several business days.
Thanks again for your email.
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
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la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
Merci encore pour votre courriel.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 00:54:18 -0400
Subject: Yo Chucky Leblanc Remember your buddy Andre Murray and his
blog about back in 2005 when I ran against your MP Andy Scott while
your buddy Chucky Murray worked for Brad Green and you were contantly
bitching about Blaine Higgs' beloved COR Party???
To: oldmaison1@yahoo.ca, charles.murray@gnb.ca, blaine.higgs@gnb.ca,
news@kingscorecord.com, news@dailygleaner.com, Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca,
steve.murphy@ctv.ca, Newsroom@globeandmail.com, brian.gallant@gnb.ca,
robert.mckee@gnb.ca, hugh.flemming@gnb.ca,
andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca, David.Coon@gnb.ca,
Kevin.A.Arseneau@gnb.ca, megan.mitton@gnb.ca, kris.austin@gnb.ca,
rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca, michelle.conroy@gnb.ca,
claude.poirier@snb.ca, Michel.Carrier@gnb.ca, Tim.Porter@gnb.ca,
jp.lewis@unb.ca, tj tj@burkelaw.ca, kelly@lamrockslaw.com,
jeff.carr@gnb.ca, Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca,
Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, Gilles.Cote@gnb.ca,
tyler.campbell@gnb.ca, tim.turner@gov.ab.ca,
Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
premier@gnb.ca, premier@ontario.ca, scott.moe@gov.sk.ca,
davidcoon@greenpartynb.ca, Amanda.wildeman@gnb.ca,
darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca, terry.seguin@cbc.ca
I know your old buddy Stevey Boy Murphy certainly should N'esy Pas?
Clearly this was no April Day Joke 5 years ago EH?
Me,Myself and I
David Amos
Published on Apr 1, 2013
My blog today is no joke either N'esy Pas Chucky Murray?
Monday, 1 April 2019
A Little Deja Vu for you all to enjoy before April Fools Day
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Murray, Charles (Ombud)" <Charles.Murray@gnb.ca>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 18:16:15 +0000
Subject: You wished to speak with me
To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I have the advantage, sir, of having read many of your emails over the years.
As such, I do not think a phone conversation between us, and
specifically one which you might mistakenly assume was in response to
your threat of legal action against me, is likely to prove a
productive use of either of our time.
If there is some specific matter about which you wish to communicate
with me, feel free to email me with the full details and it will be
given due consideration.
Charles Murray
Ombud NB
Acting Integrity Commissioner
New Brunswick Ombudsman Charles Murray goes out of way to meet the Blogger for an interview!!!!
3 new watchdogs appointed
Premier names child and youth advocate, official languages commissioner and ombudsman
Alward government has announced the appointment of three new people to
watchdog positions in the province, based on a new selection process.
The new child and youth advocate is Saint John lawyer Norm Bossé, who represented victims in the Kingsclear reformatory sex abuse case.
Katherine d'Entremont, a career civil servant, will be the new commissioner of official languages.
And the new ombudsman is Charles Murray, a civil servant and former political assistant to one-time Tory MP Elsie Wayne and to former PC cabinet minister Brad Green.
"I am confident that their experience and education will help them to carry out their respective duties effectively," said Premier David Alward.
He said Murray's appointment is not political.
"The individuals went through a very significant assessment and interviewing process."
In March, the government overhauled the selection process for the arm's-length watchdog positions that offer a six-figure, deputy minister-level salary, for a seven-year term.
Previously, the government picked people for the positions that report to the legislative assembly, in consultation with the opposition. The legislature would then approve the choice.
But now, a committee of bureaucrats, lawyers and academics review applications from people who are interested in the positions and presents qualified individuals to the premier.
He then consults with the leader of the opposition and recommendations are made through the legislative assembly.
The committee in this case included a provincial court judge, a member of the university community, the clerk of the legislature and the clerk of the executive council.
"We are pleased as a government that we created a new process to be more fair and transparent," said Alward.
Liberal Opposition Leader Brian Gallant was consulted on the three choices and signed off on all of them, including Murray.
"Charles Murray has a very impressive resume," said Gallant. "There was a good group of people that looked through a lot of the candidacies and he came through as the consensus choice."
The new child and youth advocate is Saint John lawyer Norm Bossé, who represented victims in the Kingsclear reformatory sex abuse case.
Katherine d'Entremont, a career civil servant, will be the new commissioner of official languages.
And the new ombudsman is Charles Murray, a civil servant and former political assistant to one-time Tory MP Elsie Wayne and to former PC cabinet minister Brad Green.
"I am confident that their experience and education will help them to carry out their respective duties effectively," said Premier David Alward.
He said Murray's appointment is not political.
"The individuals went through a very significant assessment and interviewing process."
Selection process overhauled
In March, the government overhauled the selection process for the arm's-length watchdog positions that offer a six-figure, deputy minister-level salary, for a seven-year term.
Previously, the government picked people for the positions that report to the legislative assembly, in consultation with the opposition. The legislature would then approve the choice.
But now, a committee of bureaucrats, lawyers and academics review applications from people who are interested in the positions and presents qualified individuals to the premier.
He then consults with the leader of the opposition and recommendations are made through the legislative assembly.
The committee in this case included a provincial court judge, a member of the university community, the clerk of the legislature and the clerk of the executive council.
"We are pleased as a government that we created a new process to be more fair and transparent," said Alward.
Liberal Opposition Leader Brian Gallant was consulted on the three choices and signed off on all of them, including Murray.
"Charles Murray has a very impressive resume," said Gallant. "There was a good group of people that looked through a lot of the candidacies and he came through as the consensus choice."
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Hon.Ralph.Goodale (PS/SP)" <Hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2019 19:13:07 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE DAVID RAYMOND AMOS v. HMQ - COURT FILE
NO.: A-48-16 , A Little Deja Vu for you all to enjoy before April
Fools Day
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Merci d'avoir ?crit ? l'honorable Ralph Goodale, ministre de la
S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile.
En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
adress?e au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un
retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Soyez assur? que votre
message sera examin? avec attention.
L'Unit? de la correspondance minist?rielle
S?curit? publique Canada
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence
addressed to the Minister, please note there could be a delay in
processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be
carefully reviewed.
Thank you!
Ministerial Correspondence Unit
Public Safety Canada
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Warner, Lorri" <Lorri.Warner@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2019 19:14:08 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE DAVID RAYMOND AMOS v. HMQ - COURT FILE
NO.: A-48-16 , A Little Deja Vu for you all to enjoy before April
Fools Day
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I will be away from the office until April 1, 2019. Please contact
Annette Hartlen at 902-426-7040 /
you require assistance. Thank you.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2019 19:13:19 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE DAVID RAYMOND AMOS v. HMQ - COURT FILE
NO.: A-48-16 , A Little Deja Vu for you all to enjoy before April
Fools Day
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.
If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
support, please contact our Customer Service department at
1-800-387-5400 or send an email to customerservice@globeandmail.
If you are reporting a factual error please forward your email to
Letters to the Editor can be sent to letters@globeandmail.com
This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and
press releases.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2019 15:07:04 -0400
Little Deja Vu for you all to enjoy before April Fools Day
To: Manon.Hardy@justice.gc.ca, JUSTMIN@novascotia.ca,
Bruce.Preston@cas-satj.gc.ca, Beatriz.Winter@cas-satj.gc.ca,
Gib.vanErt@scc-csc.ca, marc.giroux@fja-cmf.gc.ca,
complaints@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca, "greg.thompson2" <greg.thompson2@gnb.ca>,
"carl.urquhart" <carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "hugh.flemming"
<hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, Lorri.Warner@justice.gc.ca,
jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca, bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca,
Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca, Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
mcu@justice.gc.ca, Clare.Barry@justice.gc.ca,
David.Hansen@justice.gc.ca, Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
liliana.longo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca,
andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca, maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca, "Michael.Wernick"
"Dale.Morgan" <Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, ethics-ethique
<hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "Liliana.Longo"
<Liliana.Longo@justice.ca>, "Frank.McKenna" <Frank.McKenna@td.com>,
"Larry.Tremblay" <Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
<David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn"
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail" <Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>,
"brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs"
<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "kris.austin"
<kris.austin@gnb.ca>, "Gilles.Cote" <Gilles.Cote@gnb.ca>, oldmaison
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
"andrea.anderson-mason" <andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca>
<robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, "JAG.Minister" <JAG.Minister@gov.bc.ca>,
JUSTWEB <JUSTWEB@novascotia.ca>, "jus.minister"
<jus.minister@gov.sk.ca>, justice <justice@mail.gov.nl.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
<Paul.Shuttle@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford"
<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "Ian.Shugart"
<Ian.Shugart@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, "philip.bryden" <philip.bryden@gov.ab.ca>
>>> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must ask
>>> them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?
>>> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
>>> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
>>> cards?
>>> http://www.archive.org/
>>> http://archive.org/details/
>>> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/
>>> http://www.archive.org/
>>> http://archive.org/details/
>>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>>> Senator Arlen Specter
>>> United States Senate
>>> Committee on the Judiciary
>>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>>> Washington, DC 20510
>>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>>> raised in the attached letter.
>>> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap
>>> tapes.
>>> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
>>> Very truly yours,
>>> Barry A. Bachrach
>>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>>> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 06:06:57 -0400
Attn Lorri Warner have you and your bosses talked the RCMP and the FBI
To: "jan.jensen" <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>, "lorri.warner"
<lorri.warner@justice.gc.ca>, "clare.barry"
<clare.barry@justice.gc.ca>, "Nathalie.Drouin"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
<hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "Liliana.Longo"
<Liliana.Longo@justice.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Frank.McKenna" <Frank.McKenna@td.com>,
"Larry.Tremblay" <Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
"Jody.Wilson-Raybould" <Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
"David.Lametti" <David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn"
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail" <Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>,
Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, "brian.gallant"
<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
"David.Coon" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "kris.austin" <kris.austin@gnb.ca>,
"Gilles.Cote" <Gilles.Cote@gnb.ca>
> [22] Mr. Amos also included with his submissions a CD. He
> stated in his affidavit dated June 26, 2017 that there is a “true copy
> of an American police surveillance wiretap entitled 139” on this CD.
> He has also indicated that he has “provided a true copy of the CD
> entitled 139 to many American and Canadian law enforcement authorities
> and not one of the police forces or officers of the court are willing
> to investigate it”. Since he has indicated that this is an “American
> police surveillance wiretap”, this is a matter for the American law
> enforcement authorities and cannot create, as Mr. Amos suggests, a
> conflict of interest for any judge to whom he provides a copy.
> [30] The Judge determined that he could not strike the Claim
> on the same jurisdictional basis as the Prothonotary. The Judge noted
> that the Federal Court has jurisdiction over claims based on the
> liability of Federal Crown servants like the RCMP and that the actors
> who barred Mr. Amos from the New Brunswick legislature in 2004
> included the RCMP (Federal Court Judgment at para. 23). In considering
> the viability of these allegations de novo, the Judge identified
> paragraph 14 of the Claim as containing “some precision” as it
> identifies the date of the event and a RCMP officer acting as
> Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant Governor (Federal Court Judgment at
> para. 27).
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <mcu@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 17:58:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: C'yall in Court
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for writing to the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of
Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence
addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay in
processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be
carefully reviewed.
Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable David Lametti, ministre de la
Justice et procureur général du Canada.
En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
adressée à la ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir
un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous
assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Warner, Lorri <lorri.warner@justice.gc.ca>,
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 5:45 AM
To: mailto:david.raymond.amos@
Cc: Jensen, Jan <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>,
Good morning Mr. Amos
Please find attached correspondence on behalf of Jan Jensen.
Thank you,
Lorri Warner
Legal Assistant
Atlantic Regional Office
Suite 1400, Duke Tower
5251 Duke Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1P3
National Litigation Sector
Department of Justice Canada
Government of Canada
tel: (902) 407-7461
fax: (902) 426-2329
This communication contains information that may be
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not read, rely on, retain, or distribute it. Please delete or
otherwise destroy this communication and all copies of it immediately,
and contact the sender at (902) 407-7461 or by email at
Lorri Warner
Assistante Juridique
Bureau régional de l’Atlantique
pièce 1400, tour Duke
5251 rue Duke
Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse) B3J 1P3
Secteur national du contentieux
Ministère de la Justice Canada
Gouvernement du Canada
tél : (902) 407-7461
téléc : (902) 426-2329
Ce message contient des renseignements qui pourraient être
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Please consider the environment before printing this email.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Navdeep.Bains@parl.gc.ca
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 12:46:51 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks the lawyer John Lawford should
learn how to respond to people he claims to represent before he whines
to CBC about funding N'esy Pas?
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
?Thank you for contacting the Parliamentary office of the Hon. Navdeep
Bains, Member of Parliament for Mississauga-Malton.
For any inquiries related to the Ministry of Innovation, Science and
Economic Development, please contact
or visit this page:
Have a great day!
Kind Regards,
The office of the Hon. Navdeep Bains, P.C., M.P.
Member of Parliament for Mississauga - Malton
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 03:08:54 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Methinks that after arguing Manon Hardy's buddies in
Federal Court for over 3 years they cannot deny the obvious The
documents hereto attached are properly filed in the docket N'esy Pas?
To: mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, Manon.Hardy@justice.gc.ca,
"pierre.poilievre" <pierre.poilievre@parl.gc.ca>,
olad-dlo@justice.gc.ca, David.Lametti.a1@parl.gc.ca, "maxime.bernier"
<maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca>, "andrew.scheer"
<andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca>, "charlie.angus"
<charlie.angus@parl.gc.ca>, "PETER.MACKAY"
<tony.clement.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "scott.bardsley"
<scott.bardsley@canada.ca>, "scott.brison" <scott.brison@parl.gc.ca>,
"scott.macrae" <scott.macrae@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "warren.mcbeath"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
<hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Hardy, Manon" <Manon.Hardy@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 18:33:19 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks that after arguing Manon Hardy;s
buddies in Federal Court for over 3 years they cannot deny the obvious
The documents hereto attached are properly filed in the docket N'esy
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Please note that I will be back to the office on January 3, 2019.
Veuillez noter que je serai de retour au bureau le 3 janvier 2019.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 14:33:07 -0400
Subject: Methinks that after arguing Manon Hardy;s buddies in Federal
Court for over 3 years they cannot deny the obvious The documents
hereto attached are properly filed in the docket N'esy Pas?
To: Manon.Hardy@justice.gc.ca, Samantha.Boorman@justice.gc.ca
Melissa.Chan@justice.gc.ca, mcu@justice.gc.ca, JUSTMIN@novascotia.ca,
"Mark.Blakely" <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "martin.gaudet"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Liliana.Longo"
"greg.thompson2" <greg.thompson2@gnb.ca>, "carl.urquhart"
<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "hugh.flemming" <hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>,
"andrea.anderson-mason" <andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca>
<david.hansen@justice.gc.ca>, Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>,
sfine <sfine@globeandmail.com>, daniel.gosselin@cas-satj.gc.ca
andrew.baumberg@fct-cf.gc.ca, Bruce.Preston@cas-satj.gc.ca,
Beatriz.Winter@cas-satj.gc.ca, Gib.vanErt@scc-csc.ca,
marc.giroux@fja-cmf.gc.ca, Lorri.Warner@justice.gc.ca,
jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca, bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
---------- Original message ----------
From: Manon Hardy <Manon.Hardy@priv.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:37:37 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Facing a divided province, a non-profit
strives for 'social cohesion' in New Brunswick ??? YEA RIGHT
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Je vous remercie pour votre message. Veuillez noter qu'? partir du 12
nov. 2018, je travaillerai au minist?re de la Justice du Canada.
Veuillez communiquer avec Ewelina Frackowiak ou Julia Barss pour
toute assistance.
Thank you for your message. Please note that starting on Nov. 12,
2018, I will be joining the Department of Justice of Canada. Please
contact Ewelina Frackowiak or Julia Barss for assistance.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:25:01 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Facing a divided province, a non-profit
strives for 'social cohesion' in New Brunswick ??? YEA RIGHT
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
of Parliament for Vancouver Granville.
This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there
may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
message will be carefully reviewed.
To help us address your concerns more quickly, please include within
the body of your email your full name, address, and postal code.
Please note that your message will be forwarded to the Department of
Justice if it concerns topics pertaining to the member's role as the
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. For all future
correspondence addressed to the Minister of Justice, please write
directly to the Department of Justice at
Thank you
Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
Vancouver Granville.
Le pr?sent message vise ? vous informer que nous avons re?u votre
courriel. En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de
correspondance, il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
votre courriel. Sachez que votre message sera examin? attentivement.
Pour nous aider ? r?pondre ? vos pr?occupations plus rapidement,
veuillez inclure dans le corps de votre courriel votre nom complet,
votre adresse et votre code postal.
Veuillez prendre note que votre message sera transmis au minist?re de
la Justice s'il porte sur des sujets qui rel?vent du r?le de la
d?put?e en tant que ministre de la Justice et procureure g?n?rale du
Canada. Pour toute correspondance future adress?e ? la ministre de la
Justice, veuillez ?crire directement au minist?re de la Justice ?
mcu@justice.gc.ca ou appelez au 613-957-4222.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Barry, Clare" <Clare.Barry@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:37:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Facing a divided province, a non-profit
strives for 'social cohesion' in New Brunswick ??? YEA RIGHT
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Je serai absente du bureau entre le 27 decembre et le 2 janvier. Dans
mon absence, veuillez contactez Sam Boorman ou Melissa Chan dans le
bureau regional.
I will be away from the office from December 27, 2018 to January 2,
2019. In my absence, kindly contact Sam Boorman or Melissa Chan of the
Atlantic Regional Office.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Jensen, Jan" <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:37:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Facing a divided province, a non-profit
strives for 'social cohesion' in New Brunswick ??? YEA RIGHT
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I will be away from the office and not returning until Tuesday
December 27th, 2018. If you require immediate assistance, please
contact my assistant at (902) 407 7461.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:37:57 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Facing a divided province, a non-profit
strives for 'social cohesion' in New Brunswick ??? YEA RIGHT
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
Please be advised that the Constituency Office of Bill Blair will be
closed from December 24th to January 1st. The office will re-open on
January 2nd, 2019. During this time I will have limited access to
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all the best for 2019.
Jessica Bozzo
---------- Original message ----------
From: Justice Minister <JUSTMIN@novascotia.ca>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:37:27 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Facing a divided province, a non-profit
strives for 'social cohesion' in New Brunswick ??? YEA RIGHT
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for your email to the Minister of Justice. Please be assured
that it has been received by the Department. Your email will be
reviewed and addressed accordingly. Thank you.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 22:02:31 -0400
Subject: YO Brenda Lucki You know as well as I that the Civilian
Review and Complaints Commission has not done anything ethical since
we crossed paths in 2003 and obviously never will
To: daniel.gosselin@cas-satj.gc.ca
Bruce.Preston@cas-satj.gc.ca, Beatriz.Winter@cas-satj.gc.ca,
Gib.vanErt@scc-csc.ca, marc.giroux@fja-cmf.gc.ca,
Lorri.Warner@justice.gc.ca, jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca,
bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca, Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca,
Clare.Barry@justice.gc.ca, David.Hansen@justice.gc.ca,
Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, liliana.longo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca, Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca,
Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca, andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca,
maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca, "Michael.Wernick"
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, "Gilles.Blinn"
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Larry.Tremblay"
<Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail" <Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "David.Raymond.Amos"
- Hide quoted text -
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Complaints <complaints@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 17:56:32 +0000
Subject: Civilian Review and Complaints Commission 2018-2861 David Amos
To: "david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
David Amos:
Please see the attached letter regarding your complaint against the RCMP.
Intake Office, Operations
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP / Government of Canada
1-800-665-6878 / TTY: 1-866-432-5827/
Bureau de réception des plaintes, Opérations
Commission civile d'examen et de traitement des plaintes relatives à
la GRC / Gouvernement du Canada
1-800-665-6878 / ATS : 1-866-432-5827/
"Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca wrote:
Subject: RE: Re: Lets all go through the looking glass to check the
Integrity of the Talking Heads in BC tonight
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 15:32:54 -0500
From: "Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Thank you for your e-mail message to Stephen Harper, Leader of the
Opposition. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Once they
have been carefully considered, you may receive a further reply.
*Remember to include your mailing address if you would like a response.
If you prefer to send your thoughts by regular mail, please address them to:
Stephen Harper, M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Mail may be sent postage free to any Member of Parliament.
You can also reach Mr. Harper by fax at: (613) 947-0310
Martin Demands That Harper Must Come Clean on Notwithstanding Clause
by LPC Friday, 16 December 2005
Prime Minister Paul Martin demanded Conservative Leader Stephen Harper
come clean that he intends to use the notwithstanding clause to
overturn the Charter right to same-sex marriage.
Mr. Harper said during tonight’s leader’s debate in Vancouver on the
topic of abolishing same-sex marriage: "I will never use the
notwithstanding clause on that issue."
Prime Minister Martin asked that he be honest with the Canadian people
regarding his intention to override a Charter right.
"We're talking about integrity. That means being honest. Either Mr.
Harper is going to try to change the law of the country that protects
the rights and freedoms of gays and lesbians or he's not going to,"
said Prime Minister Martin.
"If he's going to use the notwithstanding clause, he should say so,
and the people will at least know what his position is."
The Prime Minister said Mr. Harper’s proposal would require the use of
the notwithstanding clause because it is not possible to have a vote
in the house that will overrule the Constitution and the courts
without using the notwithstanding clause.
This is borne out by a January 25 open letter from more than 100 legal
experts from across Canada to Mr. Harper regarding same-sex marriage
Mr. Martin called on Mr. Harper to be "honest."
He made clear that the Liberal government does not believe that you
can pick and choose which Charter rights you will protect and he
affirmed that he will respect the Charter as a whole.
The Prime Minister said Mr. Harper’s proposal would require the use of
the notwithstanding clause because it is not possible to have a vote
in the house that will overrule the Constitution and the courts
without using the notwithstanding clause.
This is borne out by a January 25 open letter from more than 100 legal
experts from across Canada to Mr. Harper regarding same-sex marriage
Mr. Martin called on Mr. Harper to be "honest."
He made clear that the Liberal government does not believe that you
can pick and choose which Charter rights you will protect and he
affirmed that he will respect the Charter as a whole.
On 12/12/18, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://davidraymondamos3.
> Wednesday, 12 December 2018
> The latest Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart yesterday the RCMP and
> many lawyers know Fat Fred City and the province are about to get sued
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Gallant, Brian (LEG)" <Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
> Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 17:48:50 +0000
> Subject: RE: YO Deputy Premier Robert Gauvin Enjoy
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Thank you for writing to the Leader of the Official Opposition of New
> Brunswick. Please be assured that your e-mail will be reviewed.
> If this is a media request, please forward your e-mail to
> ashley.beaudin@gnb.ca
> ---
> Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le chef de l’opposition
> officielle du Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel
> sera examiné.
> Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
> ashley.beaudin@gnb.ca
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario
> <Premier@ontario.ca>
> Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 17:48:28 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Deputy Premier Robert Gauvin Enjoy
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly
> valued.
> You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
> reviewed and taken into consideration.
> There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
> need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
> correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
> response may take several business days.
> Thanks again for your email.
> ______
> Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
> Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
> Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
> responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
> la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
> ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
> Merci encore pour votre courriel.
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Gauvin, Serge (SNB)" <Serge.Gauvin@snb.ca>
> Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 17:48:49 +0000
> Subject: Réponse automatique : YO Deputy Premier Robert Gauvin Enjoy
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> I am out of the office. Please contact Patrick Windle at
> patrick.windle@snb.ca
> Je suis absent du bureau. Veuillez contacter Patrick Windle à
> patrick.windle@snb.ca
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Cormier, Donna (JAG/JPG)" <donna.cormier@gnb.ca>
> Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 20:15:11 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: Yp John Logan I just called
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> I'm away from the office until December 12, 2018. Should your matter
> require immediate attention, please contact Susan Butler at (506)
> 453-6309.
> Je suis à l'extérieur du bureau jusqu'au 12 décembre 2018. Si votre
> matière est urgente, veuillez communiquer avec Susan Butler au (506)
> 453-6309.
> Merci / Thank you
> Donna Cormier
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 15:49:18 -0400
> Subject: Yp John Logan I just called
> To: donna.cormier@gnb.ca, John.Logan@gnb.ca
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2018 02:04:52 -0400
> Subject: So Much for the Strong Ethics of the Strong Organization
> commonnly knows as the RCMP/GRC N'esy Pas?
> To: Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, "Jody.Wilson-Raybould"
> <Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
> <mike.holland@gnb.ca>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)" <megan.mitton@gnb.ca>,
> "carl.urquhart" <carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "Stephane.vaillancourt"
> <Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-
> <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, news <news@kingscorecord.com>, "Gilles.Blinn"
> <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Michelle.Boutin"
> <Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.
> <michelle.conroy@gnb.ca>, "michael.comeau" <michael.comeau@gnb.ca>,
> "Norman.Sabourin" <Norman.Sabourin@cjc-ccm.gc.ca
> <andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca>, "maxime.bernier"
> <maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Moreau"
> <Gilles.Moreau@forces.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Cote" <Gilles.Cote@gnb.ca>,
> "gerry.lowe" <gerry.lowe@gnb.ca>, "Gerald.Butts"
> <Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "Michael.Wernick"
> <Michael.Wernick@pco-bcp.gc.ca
> <Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "dale.drummond"
> <dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> ddale <ddale@thestar.ca>, sfine <sfine@globeandmail.com>
> Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: ethics-ethique ethics-ethique <ethics-ethique@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 00:22:30 -0500
> Subject: Re: Re My many calls to the Calgary Police Dept about their
> client Partick Doran and his many cohorts
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> This will confirm that we have received your enquiry and it has been
> placed in a priority sequence.
> ******************************
> La présente confirme que nous avons bien reçu votre requête et qu'elle
> a été placée en ordre de priorité de réception.
> Thank you/Merci
> Professional Ethics Office / Bureau de l'éthique professionelle
> Royal Canadian Mounted Police / Gendarmerie royale du Canada
> 73 Leikin Dr., M5-3-101
> RCMP Mailstop #58/
> GRC Arrêt Postal #58
> Ottawa, Ontario
> K1A 0R2
> 1-866-206-0195 (off/bur)
> ethics-ethique@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> "Strong Ethics, Strong Organization"
> « Une éthique solide pour une organisation solide »
> This document is the property of the Government of Canada. It is
> loaned, in confidence, to your agency only and is not to be
> reclassified or further disseminated without the consent of the
> originator."
> « Ce document appartient au gouvernement du Canada. Il n'est transmis
> en confidence qu'à votre organisme et il ne doit pas être reclassifié
> ou transmis à d'autres sans le consentement de l'expéditeur. »
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 09:32:09 -0400
>> Subject: Attn Integrity Commissioner Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
>> To: coi@gnb.ca
>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Good Day Sir
>> After I heard you speak on CBC I called your office again and managed
>> to speak to one of your staff for the first time
>> Please find attached the documents I promised to send to the lady who
>> answered the phone this morning. Please notice that not after the Sgt
>> at Arms took the documents destined to your office his pal Tanker
>> Malley barred me in writing with an "English" only document.
>> These are the hearings and the dockets in Federal Court that I
>> suggested that you study closely.
>> This is the docket in Federal Court
>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.
>> These are digital recordings of the last three hearings
>> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/
>> January 11th, 2016 https://archive.org/details/
>> April 3rd, 2017
>> https://archive.org/details/
>> This is the docket in the Federal Court of Appeal
>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.
>> The only hearing thus far
>> May 24th, 2017
>> https://archive.org/details/
>> This Judge understnds the meaning of the word Integrity
>> Date: 20151223
>> Docket: T-1557-15
>> Fredericton, New Brunswick, December 23, 2015
>> PRESENT: The Honourable Mr. Justice Bell
>> Plaintiff
>> and
>> Defendant
>> (Delivered orally from the Bench in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on
>> December 14, 2015)
>> The Plaintiff seeks an appeal de novo, by way of motion pursuant to
>> the Federal Courts Rules (SOR/98-106), from an Order made on November
>> 12, 2015, in which Prothonotary Morneau struck the Statement of Claim
>> in its entirety.
>> At the outset of the hearing, the Plaintiff brought to my attention a
>> letter dated September 10, 2004, which he sent to me, in my then
>> capacity as Past President of the New Brunswick Branch of the Canadian
>> Bar Association, and the then President of the Branch, Kathleen Quigg,
>> (now a Justice of the New Brunswick Court of Appeal). In that letter
>> he stated:
>> As for your past President, Mr. Bell, may I suggest that you check the
>> work of Frank McKenna before I sue your entire law firm including you.
>> You are your brother’s keeper.
>> Frank McKenna is the former Premier of New Brunswick and a former
>> colleague of mine at the law firm of McInnes Cooper. In addition to
>> expressing an intention to sue me, the Plaintiff refers to a number of
>> people in his Motion Record who he appears to contend may be witnesses
>> or potential parties to be added. Those individuals who are known to
>> me personally, include, but are not limited to the former Prime
>> Minister of Canada, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper; former
>> Attorney General of Canada and now a Justice of the Manitoba Court of
>> Queen’s Bench, Vic Toews; former member of Parliament Rob Moore;
>> former Director of Policing Services, the late Grant Garneau; former
>> Chief of the Fredericton Police Force, Barry McKnight; former Staff
>> Sergeant Danny Copp; my former colleagues on the New Brunswick Court
>> of Appeal, Justices Bradley V. Green and Kathleen Quigg, and, retired
>> Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang of the Royal Canadian Mounted
>> Police.
>> In the circumstances, given the threat in 2004 to sue me in my
>> personal capacity and my past and present relationship with many
>> potential witnesses and/or potential parties to the litigation, I am
>> of the view there would be a reasonable apprehension of bias should I
>> hear this motion. See Justice de Grandpré’s dissenting judgment in
>> Committee for Justice and Liberty et al v National Energy Board et al,
>> [1978] 1 SCR 369 at p 394 for the applicable test regarding
>> allegations of bias. In the circumstances, although neither party has
>> requested I recuse myself, I consider it appropriate that I do so.
>> AS A RESULT OF MY RECUSAL, THIS COURT ORDERS that the Administrator of
>> the Court schedule another date for the hearing of the motion. There
>> is no order as to costs.
>> “B. Richard Bell”
>> Judge
>> Below after the CBC article about your concerns (I made one comment
>> already) you will find the text of just two of many emails I had sent
>> to your office over the years since I first visited it in 2006.
>> I noticed that on July 30, 2009, he was appointed to the the Court
>> Martial Appeal Court of Canada Perhaps you should scroll to the
>> bottom of this email ASAP and read the entire Paragraph 83 of my
>> lawsuit now before the Federal Court of Canada?
>> "FYI This is the text of the lawsuit that should interest Trudeau the
>> most
>> ---------- Original message ----------
>> From: justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca
>> Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 8:18 PM
>> Subject: Réponse automatique : RE My complaint against the CROWN in
>> Federal Court Attn David Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to
>> submit a motion for a publication ban on my complaint trust that you
>> dudes are way past too late
>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Veuillez noter que j'ai changé de courriel. Vous pouvez me rejoindre à
>> lalanthier@hotmail.com
>> Pour rejoindre le bureau de M. Trudeau veuillez envoyer un courriel à
>> tommy.desfosses@parl.gc.ca
>> Please note that I changed email address, you can reach me at
>> lalanthier@hotmail.com
>> To reach the office of Mr. Trudeau please send an email to
>> tommy.desfosses@parl.gc.ca
>> Thank you,
>> Merci ,
>> http://davidraymondamos3.
>> 83. The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
>> in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
>> allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
>> five years after he began his bragging:
>> January 13, 2015
>> This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
>> December 8, 2014
>> Why Canada Stood Tall!
>> Friday, October 3, 2014
>> Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
>> Stupid Justin Trudeau
>> Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
>> behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.
>> When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
>> actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
>> in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to
>> the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
>> involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
>> significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth
>> of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
>> operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute”
>> Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
>> The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
>> deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
>> Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
>> redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
>> less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
>> alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s
>> then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
>> incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
>> professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
>> Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
>> campaign of 2006.
>> What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then
>> Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
>> Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
>> support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
>> What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling
>> chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
>> less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
>> as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
>> deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.
>> The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
>> the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
>> That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
>> constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
>> remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
>> non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
>> regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
>> instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
>> limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.
>> President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
>> attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
>> Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,
>> and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
>> initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
>> P.S. Whereas this CBC article is about your opinion of the actions of
>> the latest Minister Of Health trust that Mr Boudreau and the CBC have
>> had my files for many years and the last thing they are is ethical.
>> Ask his friends Mr Murphy and the RCMP if you don't believe me.
>> Subject:
>> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
>> From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca
>> To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>> January 30, 2007
>> Mr. David Amos
>> Dear Mr. Amos:
>> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
>> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
>> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
>> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
>> Graham of the RCMP “J” Division in Fredericton.
>> Sincerely,
>> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
>> Minister of Health
>> CM/cb
>> Warren McBeath warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
>> From: "Warren McBeath" warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>> To: kilgoursite@ca.inter.net, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
>> nada.sarkis@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, dwatch@web.net,
>> motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>> CC: ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, riding@chuckstrahl.com,John.
>> Oda.B@parl.gc.ca,"Bev BUSSON" bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>> "Paul Dube" PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
>> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have not
>> Dear Mr. Amos,
>> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off
>> over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I
>> was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
>> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
>> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
>> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
>> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
>> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
>> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
>> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
>> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
>> that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada
>> the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment
>> and policing in Petitcodiac, NB.
>> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
>> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
>> Sincerely,
>> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
>> GRC Caledonia RCMP
>> Traffic Services NCO
>> Ph: (506) 387-2222
>> Fax: (506) 387-4622
>> E-mail warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>> Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
>> Office of the Integrity Commissioner
>> Edgecombe House, 736 King Street
>> Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1
>> tel.: 506-457-7890
>> fax: 506-444-5224
>> e-mail:coi@gnb.ca
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Justice Website <JUSTWEB@novascotia.ca>
> Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 14:21:11 +0000
> Subject: Emails to Department of Justice and Province of Nova Scotia
> To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Mr. Amos,
> We acknowledge receipt of your recent emails to the Deputy Minister of
> Justice and lawyers within the Legal Services Division of the
> Department of Justice respecting a possible claim against the Province
> of Nova Scotia. Service of any documents respecting a legal claim
> against the Province of Nova Scotia may be served on the Attorney
> General at 1690 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS. Please note that we will
> not be responding to further emails on this matter.
> Department of Justice
> On 8/3/17, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If want something very serious to download and laugh at as well Please
>> Enjoy and share real wiretap tapes of the mob
>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>> ilian.html
>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/
>>> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must
>>> ask them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?
>>> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
>>> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
>>> cards?
>>> http://archive.org/details/
>>> 6
>>> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/
>>> http://www.archive.org/
>>> http://archive.org/details/
>>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>>> Senator Arlen Specter
>>> United States Senate
>>> Committee on the Judiciary
>>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>>> Washington, DC 20510
>>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>>> raised in the attached letter.
>>> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap
>>> tapes.
>>> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
>>> Very truly yours,
>>> Barry A. Bachrach
>>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>>> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
> http://davidraymondamos3.
> Sunday, 19 November 2017
> Federal Court of Appeal Finally Makes The BIG Decision And Publishes
> It Now The Crooks Cannot Take Back Ticket To Try Put My Matter Before
> The Supreme Court
> https://decisions.fct-cf.gc.
> Federal Court of Appeal Decisions
> Amos v. Canada
> Court (s) Database
> Federal Court of Appeal Decisions
> Date
> 2017-10-30
> Neutral citation
> 2017 FCA 213
> File numbers
> A-48-16
> Date: 20171030
> Docket: A-48-16
> Citation: 2017 FCA 213
> Respondent on the cross-appeal
> (and formally Appellant)
> and
> Appellant on the cross-appeal
> (and formerly Respondent)
> Heard at Fredericton, New Brunswick, on May 24, 2017.
> Judgment delivered at Ottawa, Ontario, on October 30, 2017.
> Date: 20171030
> Docket: A-48-16
> Citation: 2017 FCA 213
> Respondent on the cross-appeal
> (and formally Appellant)
> and
> Appellant on the cross-appeal
> (and formerly Respondent)
> I. Introduction
> [1] On September 16, 2015, David Raymond Amos (Mr. Amos)
> filed a 53-page Statement of Claim (the Claim) in Federal Court
> against Her Majesty the Queen (the Crown). Mr. Amos claims $11 million
> in damages and a public apology from the Prime Minister and Provincial
> Premiers for being illegally barred from accessing parliamentary
> properties and seeks a declaration from the Minister of Public Safety
> that the Canadian Government will no longer allow the Royal Canadian
> Mounted Police (RCMP) and Canadian Forces to harass him and his clan
> (Claim at para. 96).
> [2] On November 12, 2015 (Docket T-1557-15), by way of a
> motion brought by the Crown, a prothonotary of the Federal Court (the
> Prothonotary) struck the Claim in its entirety, without leave to
> amend, on the basis that it was plain and obvious that the Claim
> disclosed no reasonable claim, the Claim was fundamentally vexatious,
> and the Claim could not be salvaged by way of further amendment (the
> Prothontary’s Order).
> [3] On January 25, 2016 (2016 FC 93), by way of Mr.
> Amos’ appeal from the Prothonotary’s Order, a judge of the Federal
> Court (the Judge), reviewing the matter de novo, struck all of Mr.
> Amos’ claims for relief with the exception of the claim for damages
> for being barred by the RCMP from the New Brunswick legislature in
> 2004 (the Federal Court Judgment).
> [4] Mr. Amos appealed and the Crown cross-appealed the
> Federal Court Judgment. Further to the issuance of a Notice of Status
> Review, Mr. Amos’ appeal was dismissed for delay on December 19, 2016.
> As such, the only matter before this Court is the Crown’s
> cross-appeal.
> II. Preliminary Matter
> [5] Mr. Amos, in his memorandum of fact and law in
> relation to the cross-appeal that was filed with this Court on March
> 6, 2017, indicated that several judges of this Court, including two of
> the judges of this panel, had a conflict of interest in this appeal.
> This was the first time that he identified the judges whom he believed
> had a conflict of interest in a document that was filed with this
> Court. In his notice of appeal he had alluded to a conflict with
> several judges but did not name those judges.
> [6] Mr. Amos was of the view that he did not have to
> identify the judges in any document filed with this Court because he
> had identified the judges in various documents that had been filed
> with the Federal Court. In his view the Federal Court and the Federal
> Court of Appeal are the same court and therefore any document filed in
> the Federal Court would be filed in this Court. This view is based on
> subsections 5(4) and 5.1(4) of the Federal Courts Act, R.S.C., 1985,
> c. F-7:
> 5(4) Every judge of the Federal Court is, by virtue of his or her
> office, a judge of the Federal Court of Appeal and has all the
> jurisdiction, power and authority of a judge of the Federal Court of
> Appeal.
> […]
> 5(4) Les juges de la Cour fédérale sont d’office juges de la Cour
> d’appel fédérale et ont la même compétence et les mêmes pouvoirs que
> les juges de la Cour d’appel fédérale.
> […]
> 5.1(4) Every judge of the Federal Court of Appeal is, by virtue of
> that office, a judge of the Federal Court and has all the
> jurisdiction, power and authority of a judge of the Federal Court.
> 5.1(4) Les juges de la Cour d’appel fédérale sont d’office juges de la
> Cour fédérale et ont la même compétence et les mêmes pouvoirs que les
> juges de la Cour fédérale.
> [7] However, these subsections only provide that the
> judges of the Federal Court are also judges of this Court (and vice
> versa). It does not mean that there is only one court. If the Federal
> Court and this Court were one Court, there would be no need for this
> section.
> [8] Sections 3 and 4 of the Federal Courts Act provide that:
> 3 The division of the Federal Court of Canada called the Federal Court
> — Appeal Division is continued under the name “Federal Court of
> Appeal” in English and “Cour d’appel fédérale” in French. It is
> continued as an additional court of law, equity and admiralty in and
> for Canada, for the better administration of the laws of Canada and as
> a superior court of record having civil and criminal jurisdiction.
> 3 La Section d’appel, aussi appelée la Cour d’appel ou la Cour d’appel
> fédérale, est maintenue et dénommée « Cour d’appel fédérale » en
> français et « Federal Court of Appeal » en anglais. Elle est maintenue
> à titre de tribunal additionnel de droit, d’equity et d’amirauté du
> Canada, propre à améliorer l’application du droit canadien, et
> continue d’être une cour supérieure d’archives ayant compétence en
> matière civile et pénale.
> 4 The division of the Federal Court of Canada called the Federal Court
> — Trial Division is continued under the name “Federal Court” in
> English and “Cour fédérale” in French. It is continued as an
> additional court of law, equity and admiralty in and for Canada, for
> the better administration of the laws of Canada and as a superior
> court of record having civil and criminal jurisdiction.
> 4 La section de la Cour fédérale du Canada, appelée la Section de
> première instance de la Cour fédérale, est maintenue et dénommée «
> Cour fédérale » en français et « Federal Court » en anglais. Elle est
> maintenue à titre de tribunal additionnel de droit, d’equity et
> d’amirauté du Canada, propre à améliorer l’application du droit
> canadien, et continue d’être une cour supérieure d’archives ayant
> compétence en matière civile et pénale.
> [9] Sections 3 and 4 of the Federal Courts Act create
> two separate courts – this Court (section 3) and the Federal Court
> (section 4). If, as Mr. Amos suggests, documents filed in the Federal
> Court were automatically also filed in this Court, then there would no
> need for the parties to prepare and file appeal books as required by
> Rules 343 to 345 of the Federal Courts Rules, SOR/98-106 in relation
> to any appeal from a decision of the Federal Court. The requirement to
> file an appeal book with this Court in relation to an appeal from a
> decision of the Federal Court makes it clear that the only documents
> that will be before this Court are the documents that are part of that
> appeal book.
> [10] Therefore, the memorandum of fact and law filed on
> March 6, 2017 is the first document, filed with this Court, in which
> Mr. Amos identified the particular judges that he submits have a
> conflict in any matter related to him.
> [11] On April 3, 2017, Mr. Amos attempted to bring a motion
> before the Federal Court seeking an order “affirming or denying the
> conflict of interest he has” with a number of judges of the Federal
> Court. A judge of the Federal Court issued a direction noting that if
> Mr. Amos was seeking this order in relation to judges of the Federal
> Court of Appeal, it was beyond the jurisdiction of the Federal Court.
> Mr. Amos raised the Federal Court motion at the hearing of this
> cross-appeal. The Federal Court motion is not a motion before this
> Court and, as such, the submissions filed before the Federal Court
> will not be entertained. As well, since this was a motion brought
> before the Federal Court (and not this Court), any documents filed in
> relation to that motion are not part of the record of this Court.
> [12] During the hearing of the appeal Mr. Amos alleged that
> the third member of this panel also had a conflict of interest and
> submitted some documents that, in his view, supported his claim of a
> conflict. Mr. Amos, following the hearing of his appeal, was also
> afforded the opportunity to provide a brief summary of the conflict
> that he was alleging and to file additional documents that, in his
> view, supported his allegations. Mr. Amos submitted several pages of
> documents in relation to the alleged conflicts. He organized the
> documents by submitting a copy of the biography of the particular
> judge and then, immediately following that biography, by including
> copies of the documents that, in his view, supported his claim that
> such judge had a conflict.
> [13] The nature of the alleged conflict of Justice Webb is
> that before he was appointed as a Judge of the Tax Court of Canada in
> 2006, he was a partner with the law firm Patterson Law, and before
> that with Patterson Palmer in Nova Scotia. Mr. Amos submitted that he
> had a number of disputes with Patterson Palmer and Patterson Law and
> therefore Justice Webb has a conflict simply because he was a partner
> of these firms. Mr. Amos is not alleging that Justice Webb was
> personally involved in or had any knowledge of any matter in which Mr.
> Amos was involved with Justice Webb’s former law firm – only that he
> was a member of such firm.
> [14] During his oral submissions at the hearing of his
> appeal Mr. Amos, in relation to the alleged conflict for Justice Webb,
> focused on dealings between himself and a particular lawyer at
> Patterson Law. However, none of the documents submitted by Mr. Amos at
> the hearing or subsequently related to any dealings with this
> particular lawyer nor is it clear when Mr. Amos was dealing with this
> lawyer. In particular, it is far from clear whether such dealings were
> after the time that Justice Webb was appointed as a Judge of the Tax
> Court of Canada over 10 years ago.
> [15] The documents that he submitted in relation to the
> alleged conflict for Justice Webb largely relate to dealings between
> Byron Prior and the St. John’s Newfoundland and Labrador office of
> Patterson Palmer, which is not in the same province where Justice Webb
> practiced law. The only document that indicates any dealing between
> Mr. Amos and Patterson Palmer is a copy of an affidavit of Stephen May
> who was a partner in the St. John’s NL office of Patterson Palmer. The
> affidavit is dated January 24, 2005 and refers to a number of e-mails
> that were sent by Mr. Amos to Stephen May. Mr. Amos also included a
> letter that is addressed to four individuals, one of whom is John
> Crosbie who was counsel to the St. John’s NL office of Patterson
> Palmer. The letter is dated September 2, 2004 and is addressed to
> “John Crosbie, c/o Greg G. Byrne, Suite 502, 570 Queen Street,
> Fredericton, NB E3B 5E3”. In this letter Mr. Amos alludes to a
> possible lawsuit against Patterson Palmer.
> [16] Mr. Amos’ position is that simply because Justice Webb
> was a lawyer with Patterson Palmer, he now has a conflict. In Wewaykum
> Indian Band v. Her Majesty the Queen, 2003 SCC 45, [2003] 2 S.C.R.
> 259, the Supreme Court of Canada noted that disqualification of a
> judge is to be determined based on whether there is a reasonable
> apprehension of bias:
> 60 In Canadian law, one standard has now emerged as the
> criterion for disqualification. The criterion, as expressed by de
> Grandpré J. in Committee for Justice and Liberty v. National Energy
> Board, …[[1978] 1 S.C.R. 369, 68 D.L.R. (3d) 716], at p. 394, is the
> reasonable apprehension of bias:
> … the apprehension of bias must be a reasonable one, held by
> reasonable and right minded persons, applying themselves to the
> question and obtaining thereon the required information. In the words
> of the Court of Appeal, that test is "what would an informed person,
> viewing the matter realistically and practically -- and having thought
> the matter through -- conclude. Would he think that it is more likely
> than not that [the decision-maker], whether consciously or
> unconsciously, would not decide fairly."
> [17] The issue to be determined is whether an informed
> person, viewing the matter realistically and practically, and having
> thought the matter through, would conclude that Mr. Amos’ allegations
> give rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias. As this Court has
> previously remarked, “there is a strong presumption that judges will
> administer justice impartially” and this presumption will not be
> rebutted in the absence of “convincing evidence” of bias (Collins v.
> Canada, 2011 FCA 140 at para. 7, [2011] 4 C.T.C. 157 [Collins]. See
> also R. v. S. (R.D.), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 484 at para. 32, 151 D.L.R.
> (4th) 193).
> [18] The Ontario Court of Appeal in Rando Drugs Ltd. v.
> Scott, 2007 ONCA 553, 86 O.R. (3d) 653 (leave to appeal to the Supreme
> Court of Canada refused, 32285 (August 1, 2007)), addressed the
> particular issue of whether a judge is disqualified from hearing a
> case simply because he had been a member of a law firm that was
> involved in the litigation that was now before that judge. The Ontario
> Court of Appeal determined that the judge was not disqualified if the
> judge had no involvement with the person or the matter when he was a
> lawyer. The Ontario Court of Appeal also explained that the rules for
> determining whether a judge is disqualified are different from the
> rules to determine whether a lawyer has a conflict:
> 27 Thus, disqualification is not the natural corollary to a
> finding that a trial judge has had some involvement in a case over
> which he or she is now presiding. Where the judge had no involvement,
> as here, it cannot be said that the judge is disqualified.
> 28 The point can rightly be made that had Mr. Patterson been
> asked to represent the appellant as counsel before his appointment to
> the bench, the conflict rules would likely have prevented him from
> taking the case because his firm had formerly represented one of the
> defendants in the case. Thus, it is argued how is it that as a trial
> judge Patterson J. can hear the case? This issue was considered by the
> Court of Appeal (Civil Division) in Locabail (U.K.) Ltd. v. Bayfield
> Properties Ltd., [2000] Q.B. 451. The court held, at para. 58, that
> there is no inflexible rule governing the disqualification of a judge
> and that, "[e]verything depends on the circumstances."
> 29 It seems to me that what appears at first sight to be an
> inconsistency in application of rules can be explained by the
> different contexts and in particular, the strong presumption of
> judicial impartiality that applies in the context of disqualification
> of a judge. There is no such presumption in cases of allegations of
> conflict of interest against a lawyer because of a firm's previous
> involvement in the case. To the contrary, as explained by Sopinka J.
> in MacDonald Estate v. Martin (1990), 77 D.L.R. (4th) 249 (S.C.C.),
> for sound policy reasons there is a presumption of a disqualifying
> interest that can rarely be overcome. In particular, a conclusory
> statement from the lawyer that he or she had no confidential
> information about the case will never be sufficient. The case is the
> opposite where the allegation of bias is made against a trial judge.
> His or her statement that he or she knew nothing about the case and
> had no involvement in it will ordinarily be accepted at face value
> unless there is good reason to doubt it: see Locabail, at para. 19.
> 30 That brings me then to consider the particular circumstances
> of this case and whether there are serious grounds to find a
> disqualifying conflict of interest in this case. In my view, there are
> two significant factors that justify the trial judge's decision not to
> recuse himself. The first is his statement, which all parties accept,
> that he knew nothing of the case when it was in his former firm and
> that he had nothing to do with it. The second is the long passage of
> time. As was said in Wewaykum, at para. 85:
> To us, one significant factor stands out, and must inform
> the perspective of the reasonable person assessing the impact of this
> involvement on Binnie J.'s impartiality in the appeals. That factor is
> the passage of time. Most arguments for disqualification rest on
> circumstances that are either contemporaneous to the decision-making,
> or that occurred within a short time prior to the decision-making.
> 31 There are other factors that inform the issue. The Wilson
> Walker firm no longer acted for any of the parties by the time of
> trial. More importantly, at the time of the motion, Patterson J. had
> been a judge for six years and thus had not had a relationship with
> his former firm for a considerable period of time.
> 32 In my view, a reasonable person, viewing the matter
> realistically would conclude that the trial judge could deal fairly
> and impartially with this case. I take this view principally because
> of the long passage of time and the trial judge's lack of involvement
> in or knowledge of the case when the Wilson Walker firm had carriage.
> In these circumstances it cannot be reasonably contended that the
> trial judge could not remain impartial in the case. The mere fact that
> his name appears on the letterhead of some correspondence from over a
> decade ago would not lead a reasonable person to believe that he would
> either consciously or unconsciously favour his former firm's former
> client. It is simply not realistic to think that a judge would throw
> off his mantle of impartiality, ignore his oath of office and favour a
> client - about whom he knew nothing - of a firm that he left six years
> earlier and that no longer acts for the client, in a case involving
> events from over a decade ago.
> (emphasis added)
> [19] Justice Webb had no involvement with any matter
> involving Mr. Amos while he was a member of Patterson Palmer or
> Patterson Law, nor does Mr. Amos suggest that he did. Mr. Amos made it
> clear during the hearing of this matter that the only reason for the
> alleged conflict for Justice Webb was that he was a member of
> Patterson Law and Patterson Palmer. This is simply not enough for
> Justice Webb to be disqualified. Any involvement of Mr. Amos with
> Patterson Law while Justice Webb was a member of that firm would have
> had to occur over 10 years ago and even longer for the time when he
> was a member of Patterson Palmer. In addition to the lack of any
> involvement on his part with any matter or dispute that Mr. Amos had
> with Patterson Law or Patterson Palmer (which in and of itself is
> sufficient to dispose of this matter), the length of time since
> Justice Webb was a member of Patterson Law or Patterson Palmer would
> also result in the same finding – that there is no conflict in Justice
> Webb hearing this appeal.
> [20] Similarly in R. v. Bagot, 2000 MBCA 30, 145 Man. R.
> (2d) 260, the Manitoba Court of Appeal found that there was no
> reasonable apprehension of bias when a judge, who had been a member of
> the law firm that had been retained by the accused, had no involvement
> with the accused while he was a lawyer with that firm.
> [21] In Del Zotto v. Minister of National Revenue, [2000] 4
> F.C. 321, 257 N.R. 96, this court did find that there would be a
> reasonable apprehension of bias where a judge, who while he was a
> lawyer, had recorded time on a matter involving the same person who
> was before that judge. However, this case can be distinguished as
> Justice Webb did not have any time recorded on any files involving Mr.
> Amos while he was a lawyer with Patterson Palmer or Patterson Law.
> [22] Mr. Amos also included with his submissions a CD. He
> stated in his affidavit dated June 26, 2017 that there is a “true copy
> of an American police surveillance wiretap entitled 139” on this CD.
> He has also indicated that he has “provided a true copy of the CD
> entitled 139 to many American and Canadian law enforcement authorities
> and not one of the police forces or officers of the court are willing
> to investigate it”. Since he has indicated that this is an “American
> police surveillance wiretap”, this is a matter for the American law
> enforcement authorities and cannot create, as Mr. Amos suggests, a
> conflict of interest for any judge to whom he provides a copy.
> [23] As a result, there is no conflict or reasonable
> apprehension of bias for Justice Webb and therefore, no reason for him
> to recuse himself.
> [24] Mr. Amos alleged that Justice Near’s past professional
> experience with the government created a “quasi-conflict” in deciding
> the cross-appeal. Mr. Amos provided no details and Justice Near
> confirmed that he had no prior knowledge of the matters alleged in the
> Claim. Justice Near sees no reason to recuse himself.
> [25] Insofar as it is possible to glean the basis for Mr.
> Amos’ allegations against Justice Gleason, it appears that he alleges
> that she is incapable of hearing this appeal because he says he wrote
> a letter to Brian Mulroney and Jean Chrétien in 2004. At that time,
> both Justice Gleason and Mr. Mulroney were partners in the law firm
> Ogilvy Renault, LLP. The letter in question, which is rude and angry,
> begins with “Hey you two Evil Old Smiling Bastards” and “Re: me suing
> you and your little dogs too”. There is no indication that the letter
> was ever responded to or that a law suit was ever commenced by Mr.
> Amos against Mr. Mulroney. In the circumstances, there is no reason
> for Justice Gleason to recuse herself as the letter in question does
> not give rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias.
> III. Issue
> [26] The issue on the cross-appeal is as follows: Did the
> Judge err in setting aside the Prothonotary’s Order striking the Claim
> in its entirety without leave to amend and in determining that Mr.
> Amos’ allegation that the RCMP barred him from the New Brunswick
> legislature in 2004 was capable of supporting a cause of action?
> IV. Analysis
> A. Standard of Review
> [27] Following the Judge’s decision to set aside the
> Prothonotary’s Order, this Court revisited the standard of review to
> be applied to discretionary decisions of prothonotaries and decisions
> made by judges on appeals of prothonotaries’ decisions in Hospira
> Healthcare Corp. v. Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, 2016 FCA 215,
> 402 D.L.R. (4th) 497 [Hospira]. In Hospira, a five-member panel of
> this Court replaced the Aqua-Gem standard of review with that
> articulated in Housen v. Nikolaisen, 2002 SCC 33, [2002] 2 S.C.R. 235
> [Housen]. As a result, it is no longer appropriate for the Federal
> Court to conduct a de novo review of a discretionary order made by a
> prothonotary in regard to questions vital to the final issue of the
> case. Rather, a Federal Court judge can only intervene on appeal if
> the prothonotary made an error of law or a palpable and overriding
> error in determining a question of fact or question of mixed fact and
> law (Hospira at para. 79). Further, this Court can only interfere with
> a Federal Court judge’s review of a prothonotary’s discretionary order
> if the judge made an error of law or palpable and overriding error in
> determining a question of fact or question of mixed fact and law
> (Hospira at paras. 82-83).
> [28] In the case at bar, the Judge substituted his own
> assessment of Mr. Amos’ Claim for that of the Prothonotary. This Court
> must look to the Prothonotary’s Order to determine whether the Judge
> erred in law or made a palpable and overriding error in choosing to
> interfere.
> B. Did the Judge err in interfering with the
> Prothonotary’s Order?
> [29] The Prothontoary’s Order accepted the following
> paragraphs from the Crown’s submissions as the basis for striking the
> Claim in its entirety without leave to amend:
> 17. Within the 96 paragraph Statement of Claim, the Plaintiff
> addresses his complaint in paragraphs 14-24, inclusive. All but four
> of those paragraphs are dedicated to an incident that occurred in 2006
> in and around the legislature in New Brunswick. The jurisdiction of
> the Federal Court does not extend to Her Majesty the Queen in right of
> the Provinces. In any event, the Plaintiff hasn’t named the Province
> or provincial actors as parties to this action. The incident alleged
> does not give rise to a justiciable cause of action in this Court.
> (…)
> 21. The few paragraphs that directly address the Defendant
> provide no details as to the individuals involved or the location of
> the alleged incidents or other details sufficient to allow the
> Defendant to respond. As a result, it is difficult or impossible to
> determine the causes of action the Plaintiff is attempting to advance.
> A generous reading of the Statement of Claim allows the Defendant to
> only speculate as to the true and/or intended cause of action. At
> best, the Plaintiff’s action may possibly be summarized as: he
> suspects he is barred from the House of Commons.
> [footnotes omitted].
> [30] The Judge determined that he could not strike the Claim
> on the same jurisdictional basis as the Prothonotary. The Judge noted
> that the Federal Court has jurisdiction over claims based on the
> liability of Federal Crown servants like the RCMP and that the actors
> who barred Mr. Amos from the New Brunswick legislature in 2004
> included the RCMP (Federal Court Judgment at para. 23). In considering
> the viability of these allegations de novo, the Judge identified
> paragraph 14 of the Claim as containing “some precision” as it
> identifies the date of the event and a RCMP officer acting as
> Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant Governor (Federal Court Judgment at
> para. 27).
> [31] The Judge noted that the 2004 event could support a
> cause of action in the tort of misfeasance in public office and
> identified the elements of the tort as excerpted from Meigs v. Canada,
> 2013 FC 389, 431 F.T.R. 111:
> [13] As in both the cases of Odhavji Estate v Woodhouse, 2003 SCC
> 69 [Odhavji] and Lewis v Canada, 2012 FC 1514 [Lewis], I must
> determine whether the plaintiffs’ statement of claim pleads each
> element of the alleged tort of misfeasance in public office:
> a) The public officer must have engaged in deliberate and unlawful
> conduct in his or her capacity as public officer;
> b) The public officer must have been aware both that his or her
> conduct was unlawful and that it was likely to harm the plaintiff; and
> c) There must be an element of bad faith or dishonesty by the public
> officer and knowledge of harm alone is insufficient to conclude that a
> public officer acted in bad faith or dishonestly.
> Odhavji, above, at paras 23, 24 and 28
> (Federal Court Judgment at para. 28).
> [32] The Judge determined that Mr. Amos disclosed sufficient
> material facts to meet the elements of the tort of misfeasance in
> public office because the actors, who barred him from the New
> Brunswick legislature in 2004, including the RCMP, did so for
> “political reasons” (Federal Court Judgment at para. 29).
> [33] This Court’s discussion of the sufficiency of pleadings
> in Merchant Law Group v. Canada (Revenue Agency), 2010 FCA 184, 321
> D.L.R (4th) 301 is particularly apt:
> …When pleading bad faith or abuse of power, it is not enough to
> assert, baldly, conclusory phrases such as “deliberately or
> negligently,” “callous disregard,” or “by fraud and theft did steal”.
> “The bare assertion of a conclusion upon which the court is called
> upon to pronounce is not an allegation of material fact”. Making bald,
> conclusory allegations without any evidentiary foundation is an abuse
> of process…
> To this, I would add that the tort of misfeasance in public office
> requires a particular state of mind of a public officer in carrying
> out the impunged action, i.e., deliberate conduct which the public
> officer knows to be inconsistent with the obligations of his or her
> office. For this tort, particularization of the allegations is
> mandatory. Rule 181 specifically requires particularization of
> allegations of “breach of trust,” “wilful default,” “state of mind of
> a person,” “malice” or “fraudulent intention.”
> (at paras. 34-35, citations omitted).
> [34] Applying the Housen standard of review to the
> Prothonotary’s Order, we are of the view that the Judge interfered
> absent a legal or palpable and overriding error.
> [35] The Prothonotary determined that Mr. Amos’ Claim
> disclosed no reasonable claim and was fundamentally vexatious on the
> basis of jurisdictional concerns and the absence of material facts to
> ground a cause of action. Paragraph 14 of the Claim, which addresses
> the 2004 event, pleads no material facts as to how the RCMP officer
> engaged in deliberate and unlawful conduct, knew that his or her
> conduct was unlawful and likely to harm Mr. Amos, and acted in bad
> faith. While the Claim alleges elsewhere that Mr. Amos was barred from
> the New Brunswick legislature for political and/or malicious reasons,
> these allegations are not particularized and are directed against
> non-federal actors, such as the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Legislative
> Assembly of New Brunswick and the Fredericton Police Force. As such,
> the Judge erred in determining that Mr. Amos’ allegation that the RCMP
> barred him from the New Brunswick legislature in 2004 was capable of
> supporting a cause of action.
> [36] In our view, the Claim is made up entirely of bare
> allegations, devoid of any detail, such that it discloses no
> reasonable cause of action within the jurisdiction of the Federal
> Courts. Therefore, the Judge erred in interfering to set aside the
> Prothonotary’s Order striking the claim in its entirety. Further, we
> find that the Prothonotary made no error in denying leave to amend.
> The deficiencies in Mr. Amos’ pleadings are so extensive such that
> amendment could not cure them (see Collins at para. 26).
> V. Conclusion
> [37] For the foregoing reasons, we would allow the Crown’s
> cross-appeal, with costs, setting aside the Federal Court Judgment,
> dated January 25, 2016 and restoring the Prothonotary’s Order, dated
> November 12, 2015, which struck Mr. Amos’ Claim in its entirety
> without leave to amend.
> "Wyman W. Webb"
> J.A.
> "David G. Near"
> J.A.
> "Mary J.L. Gleason"
> J.A.
> JANUARY 25, 2016; DOCKET NUMBER T-1557-15.
> A-48-16
> Fredericton,
> New Brunswick
> May 24, 2017
> October 30, 2017
> David Raymond Amos
> For The Appellant / respondent on cross-appeal
> (on his own behalf)
> Jan Jensen
> For The Respondent / appELLANT ON CROSS-APPEAL
> Nathalie G. Drouin
> Deputy Attorney General of Canada
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Kulik, John" <john.kulik@mcinnescooper.com>
>> Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 17:37:49 +0000
>> Subject: McInnes Cooper
>> To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com" <motomaniac333@gmail.com>,
>> "david.raymond.amos@gmail.com" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Dear Mr. Amos:
>> I am General Counsel for McInnes Cooper. If you need to communicate
>> with our firm, please do so through me.
>> Thank you.
>> John Kulik
>> [McInnes Cooper]<http://www.
>> John Kulik Q.C.
>> Partner & General Counsel
>> McInnes Cooper
>> tel +1 (902) 444 8571 | fax +1 (902) 425 6350
>> 1969 Upper Water Street
>> Suite 1300
>> Purdy's Wharf Tower II Halifax, NS, B3J 2V1
>> asst Cathy Ohlhausen | +1 (902) 455 8215
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>> vous avez reçu ce courriel par erreur, veuillez en aviser l'expéditeur
>> par courriel ou par téléphone, aux frais de McInnes Cooper.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 10:35 AM
>> Subject: RE My complaint against the CROWN in Federal Court Attn David
>> Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to submit a motion for a
>> publication ban on my complaint trust that you dudes are way past too
>> late
>> To: David.Hansen@justice.gc.ca, peter.mackay@justice.gc.ca
>> peacock.kurt@telegraphjournal.
>> david.akin@sunmedia.ca, robert.frater@justice.gc.ca,
>> paul.riley@ppsc-sppc.gc.ca,
>> greg@gregdelbigio.com, joyce.dewitt-vanoosten@gov.bc.
>> joan.barrett@ontario.ca, jean-vincent.lacroix@gouv.qc.
>> peter.rogers@mcinnescooper.com
>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, gopublic@cbc.ca,
>> Whistleblower@ctv.ca
>> https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-
>> http://www.scc-csc.gc.ca/
>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>> I repeat what the Hell do I do with the Yankee wiretapes taps sell
>> them on Ebay or listen to them and argue them with you dudes in
>> Feferal Court?
>> Petey Baby loses all parliamentary privelges in less than a month but
>> he still supposed to be an ethical officer of the Court CORRECT?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:10:14 -0400
>> Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
>> the USDOJ for me will ya?
>> To: RBauer@perkinscoie.com, sshimshak@paulweiss.com,
>> cspada@lswlaw.com, msmith@svlaw.com, bginsberg@pattonboggs.com,
>> gregory.craig@skadden.com, pm@pm.gc.ca, bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>> bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net, MulcaT@parl.gc.ca, leader@greenparty.ca
>> Cc: alevine@cooley.com, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
>> michael.rothfeld@wsj.com, remery@ecbalaw.com
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>> Visit Number 29,419
>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
>> Could ya tell I am investigating your pension plan bigtime? Its
>> because no member of the RCMP I have ever encountered has earned it yet
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:36:04 -0400
>> Subject: This is a brief as I can make my concerns Randy
>> To: randyedmunds@gov.nl.ca
>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> In a nutshell my concerns about the actions of the Investment Industry
>> affect the interests of every person in every district of every
>> country not just the USA and Canada. I was offering to help you with
>> Emera because my work with them and Danny Williams is well known and
>> some of it is over eight years old and in the PUBLIC Record.
>> All you have to do is stand in the Legislature and ask the MInister of
>> Justice why I have been invited to sue Newfoundland by the
>> Conservatives
>> Obviously I am the guy the USDOJ and the SEC would not name who is the
>> link to Madoff and Putnam Investments
>> Here is why
>> http://banking.senate.gov/
>> Notice the transcripts and webcasts of the hearing of the US Senate
>> Banking Commitee are still missing? Mr Emory should at least notice
>> Eliot Spitzer and the Dates around November 20th, 2003 in the
>> following file
>> http://www.checktheevidence.
>> http://occupywallst.org/users/
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Hansen, David" David.Hansen@justice.gc.ca
>> Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 19:28:44 +0000
>> Subject: RE: I just called again Mr Hansen
>> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Hello Mr. Amos,
>> I manage the Justice Canada civil litigation section in the Atlantic
>> region. We are only responsible for litigating existing civil
>> litigation files in which the Attorney General of Canada is a named
>> defendant or plaintiff. If you are a plaintiff or defendant in an
>> existing civil litigation matter in the Atlantic region in which
>> Attorney General of Canada is a named defendant or plaintiff please
>> provide the court file number, the names of the parties in the action
>> and your question. I am not the appropriate contact for other
>> matters.
>> Thanks
>> David A. Hansen
>> Regional Director | Directeur régional
>> General Counsel |Avocat général
>> Civil Litigation and Advisory | Contentieux des affaires civiles et
>> services de consultation
>> Department of Justice | Ministère de la Justice
>> Suite 1400 – Duke Tower | Pièce 1400 – Tour Duke
>> 5251 Duke Street | 5251 rue Duke
>> Halifax, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nouvelle- Écosse
>> B3J 1P3
>> david.hansen@justice.gc.ca
>> Telephone | Téléphone (902) 426-3261 / Facsimile | Télécopieur (902)
>> 426-2329
>> This e-mail is confidential and may be protected by solicitor-client
>> privilege. Unauthorized distribution or disclosure is prohibited. If
>> you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us and delete
>> this entire e-mail.
>> Before printing think about the Environment
>> Thinking Green, please do not print this e-mail unless necessary.
>> Pensez vert, svp imprimez que si nécessaire.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>>> Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 02:23:24 -0300
>>> Subject: ATTN FBI Special Agent Richard Deslauriers Have you talked to
>>> your buddies Fred Wyshak and Brian Kelly about the wiretap tapes YET?
>>> To: boston@ic.fbi.gov, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>>> Brian.Kelly@usdoj.gov, us.marshals@usdoj.gov, Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov,
>>> jcarney@carneybassil.com, bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net
>>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, birgittaj@althingi.is,
>>> shmurphy@globe.com, redicecreations@gmail.com
>>> FBI Boston
>>> One Center Plaza
>>> Suite 600
>>> Boston, MA 02108
>>> Phone: (617) 742-5533
>>> Fax: (617) 223-6327
>>> E-mail: Boston@ic.fbi.gov
>>> Hours
>>> Although we operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, our normal
>>> "walk-in" business hours are from 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday
>>> through Friday. If you need to speak with a FBI representative at any
>>> time other than during normal business hours, please telephone our
>>> office at (617) 742-5533.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>>> Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 01:20:20 -0300
>>> Subject: Yo Fred Wyshak and Brian Kelly your buddy Whitey's trial is
>>> finally underway now correct? What the hell do I do with the wiretap
>>> tapes Sell them on Ebay?
>>> To: Brian.Kelly@usdoj.gov, us.marshals@usdoj.gov,
>>> Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov, jcarney@carneybassil.com,
>>> bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net, wolfheartlodge@live.com, shmurphy@globe.com,
>>> >> jonathan.albano@bingham.com, mvalencia@globe.com
>>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
>>> PATRICK.MURPHY@dhs.gov, rounappletree@aol.com
>>> http://www.bostonglobe.com/
>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/
>>> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must ask
>>> them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?
>>> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
>>> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
>>> cards?
>>> http://www.archive.org/
>>> http://archive.org/details/
>>> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/
>>> http://www.archive.org/
>>> http://archive.org/details/
>>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>>> Senator Arlen Specter
>>> United States Senate
>>> Committee on the Judiciary
>>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>>> Washington, DC 20510
>>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>>> raised in the attached letter.
>>> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap
>>> tapes.
>>> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
>>> Very truly yours,
>>> Barry A. Bachrach
>>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>>> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>>> To: "Rob Talach" rtalach@ledroitbeckett.com
>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:59 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Attn Robert Talach and I should talk ASAP about my suing
>>> the Catholic Church Trust that Bastarache knows why
>>> The date stamp on about page 134 of this old file of mine should mean
>>> a lot to you
>>> http://www.checktheevidence.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:37:08 -0400
>>> Subject: To Hell with the KILLER COP Gilles Moreau What say you NOW
>>> Bernadine Chapman??
>>> To: Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, phil.giles@statcan.ca,
>>> maritme_malaise@yahoo.ca, Jennifer.Nixon@ps-sp.gc.ca,
>>> bartman.heidi@psic-ispc.gc.ca, Yves.J.Marineau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>> david.paradiso@erc-cee.gc.ca, desaulniea@smtp.gc.ca,
>>> denise.brennan@tbs-sct.gc.ca, anne.murtha@vac-acc.gc.ca,
>>> webo@xplornet.com, julie.dickson@osfi-bsif.gc.ca,
>>> rod.giles@osfi-bsif.gc.ca, flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca, toewsv1@parl.gc.ca,
>>> Nycole.Turmel@parl.gc.ca,Cleme
>>> >> oig@sec.gov, whistleblower@finra.org, whistle@fsa.gov.uk,
>>> david@fairwhistleblower.ca
>>> Cc: j.kroes@interpol.int, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
>>> bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> Juanita.Peddle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
>>> Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca,
>>> ian.fahie@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
>>> http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/nb/
>>> http://nb.rcmpvet.ca/
>>> From: Gilles Moreau Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 08:03:22 -0500
>>> Subject: Re: Lets ee if the really nasty Newfy Lawyer Danny Boy
>>> Millions will explain this email to you or your boss Vic Toews EH
>>> Constable Peddle???
>>> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>>> Please cease and desist from using my name in your emails.
>>> Gilles Moreau, Chief Superintendent, CHRP and ACC
>>> Director General
>>> HR Transformation
>>> 73 Leikin Drive, M5-2-502
>>> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
>>> Tel 613-843-6039
>>> Cel 613-818-6947
>>> Gilles Moreau, surintendant principal, CRHA et ACC
>>> Directeur général de la Transformation des ressources humaines
>>> 73 Leikin, pièce M5-2-502
>>> Ottawa, ON K1A 0R2
>>> tél 613-843-6039
>>> cel 613-818-6947
>>> gilles.moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>> First things first have a Look at the 3 documents hereto attached (Not
>> a big read)
>> Listen to these old voicemails from interesting FEDS at about the
>> same point in time (Won't take long)
>> http://www.archive.org/
>> then ask youselves or the lawyers Senator Shelby or Spizter or Cutler
>> or Bernie madoff's old buddy Robert Glauber where the webcast and
>> transcript went for a very important hearing held in late 2003 by the
>> United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
>> http://www.banking.senate.gov/
>> Review of Current Investigations and Regulatory Actions Regarding the
>> Mutual Fund Industry
>> November 20, 2003 02:00 PM
>> The Committee will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct the second in a
>> series of hearings on the “Review of Current Investigations and
>> Regulatory Actions Regarding the Mutual Fund Industry.”
>> Archived Webcast
>> Witness Panel 1
>> Mr. Stephen M. Cutler
>> Director - Division of Enforcement
>> Securities and Exchange Commission
>> cutler.pdf (175.5 KBs)
>> Mr. Robert Glauber
>> Chairman and CEO
>> National Association of Securities Dealers
>> glauber.pdf (171.1 KBs)
>> Eliot Spitzer
>> Attorney General
>> State of New York
>> spitzer.pdf (68.2 KBs)
>> Permalink:
>> http://www.banking.senate.gov/
>> Trust that the evil women and men that PM Trudeau "The Younger"
>> appointed to to his cabinet will continue to play dumb because of
>> their oath to The Privy Council. However it does not follow that
>> everybody who works for them are dumb and they have no such oath to
>> uphold N'esy Pas?.
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Lisa Porteous <lporteous@kleinlyons.com>
>> Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 14:46:22 +0000
>> Subject: RCMP
>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> David,
>> Thank you for your email inquiring about our class action against the
>> RCMP. As you may know, the Notice of Claim was filed in the British
>> Columbia Supreme Court on March 27, 2012. The lawsuit has been
>> brought by former RCMP constable Janet Merlo on behalf of female RCMP
>> members. Unfortunately, we cannot assist you with your claim.
>> We recommend that you contact Mr. Barry Carter of Mair Jensen Blair
>> LLP to discuss any claim you may have against the RCMP for harassment.
>> His contact information is as follows:
>> Mr. Barry Carter
>> Mair Jensen Blair LLP
>> 1380-885 W. Georgia Street
>> Vancouver, BC V6C 3E8
>> Phone: 604-682-6299
>> Fax 1-604-374-6992
>> This is not intended to be an opinion concerning the merits of your
>> case. In declining to represent you, we are not expressing an opinion
>> as to whether you should take further action in this matter.
>> You should be aware that there may be strict time limitations within
>> which you must act in order to protect your rights. Failure to begin
>> your lawsuit by filing an action within the required time may mean
>> that you could be barred forever from pursuing a claim. Therefore, you
>> should immediately contact another lawyer ( as indicated above) to
>> obtain legal advice/representation.
>> Thank you again for considering our firm.
>> Yours truly,
>> Lisa Porteous
>> Case Manager/Paralegal
>> lporteous@kleinlyons.com
>> www.kleinlyons.com
>> Suite 400-1385 West 8th Avenue
>> Vancouver BC V6H 3V9 Canada
>> Office 604.874.7171
>> Fax 604.874.7180
>> Direct 604.714.6533
>> This email is confidential and may be protected by solicitor-client
>> privilege. It is intended only for the use of the person to whom it is
>> addressed. Any distribution, copying or other use by anyone else is
>> strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please
>> telephone us immediately and destroy this e-mail.
>> Please consider the environment before printing this email.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
It has been bought to my attention that you have been bloggling too much and taking too many pictures without consent of individuals.
You must leave the premises in one houe as of this time and date. 7:15am April 2/06
Millie and Jim
It has been bought to my attention that you have been bloggling too much and taking too many pictures without consent of individuals.
You must leave the premises in one houe as of this time and date. 7:15am April 2/06
Millie and Jim
- You are being evicted for blogging?
- Methinks it is because of our little spit and chew EH Frenchie? Did ya
notice the CT Yankee put back my work and a great deal more?
Give me a call at(506 434 1379) and try to call me a liar. I Double Dog Dare Yaa Too. Say Hey to your wannabe lawyer buddy Vaughn for me will ya.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos - April Fool's
- Way ahead of ya Frenchie I was already laughing at the joke
Verita Vincit
David Raymon Amos - You ain't as quick on the draw all of a sudden. Did you fall asleep Frenchie or have a stroke?
- who the heck is David Amos?
- is this for real. he is a good person, he trys to help people out. i hope he is not evioted because he is a good person
- The obvious answer is: You see my phone number why not call me and ask
me direct? I ain't shy.It is not my fault you never heard of me. I ran
for a Seat in Parliament twice with no hope of getting elected if you
are so concerned about LNG whay not ask me what i know of the crap.
Furthermore I sent you some emails to prove my integrity. Didn't so it I
before I tried to post my comments in your blog? Why did you block
them? My question Mikey MacDonald is who the hell are you?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Watch Frenchie prove his malice shaortly by making this blog melt as he always does however As a double check I just emailed it to you and Chucky in order to prove that it once existed. - Mr Amos when I tore apart Mr Chases article I sent it to him with my full name .I don't care that you know who I am.
I may soon have a pipeline running through my back yard which is going to change the quality of life of my family.I am a citizen who got fed up with one sided journalism.There is no smoke and mirrors with me.I am calling them as I see them.If you don't like the blog .I guess all I can say is don't blog or blog away .Thats what it is there for.I don't expect everyone to agree with me.Thats democracy.
If you are trying to intimidate me with your rants.think again. - No you think again Mikey Baby. USE your telephone as I challenged you to do. The simple truth should not intimadate an honest man. It was you who struck my words. If you had bothered to read my so called rants before you ignored them and then asked the world you the Hell I am, you would have noticed I agree with you and in fact know about this crap than you can dream of.
- Now stayed tuned to this particular blog and watch Frenchie make it
melt. He is the liar not me. He labelled me as a Hells Angel when I ran
against the aptly named lawyer Rob Moore in Fundy in 2004. There is no
denying that I am a vindictive son of a bitch with a long memory but
even you must admit that i am fair. Although both Chucky and Indymedia
erased their blogs when I protested their obvious malice, like you they
erased everything I attemped to post. Ask yourself why Mikey Baby and
the cry me a river again about what Irving is having crammed through
your backyard. Guess who saves every word I write or what is said of me
to use in litigation? In answer to your question in your own blog. Yes
the people in Saint John should sue somebody in order to put a stop to
the evil Empires control. Good luck finding a lawyer that ain't afraid
of Irvings. You took a picture down as soon as you got a phone call. In
my book that makes you a chickenshit. You talk the talk but do not walk
the walk. You should have let them sue you in order to meet them in
court and make you issues well known and recorded in the public record. I
have been begging someone to sue me for years if they think they can
prove what I say is untrue because whenever I sue them the corrupt
courts meerely see it dismissed and stricken from the record. Look up
Byron Prior sometime in Google and then tell me again that you
Obviously you used my phone number now I know yours. Clearly you just pissed me off Lets see you apology ya bastard. - ok...I just came back from moving someone. I see that David is debating his issues again.
Listen David? I'll let a debate your issues in this blog here.
I must delete the blog that has emails.
As long you don't swear and smear anyone? You should be ok!!
Everyone has their different style of sending out their message.
I got mine and you got yours.
By the way? Evicted??? It was a April Fool joke from Millie and Jim but I didn't bite!...lol - This is weird! What in the hell is going on here?
- Hey David??? Why don't you start your own blog?
You got that email list and you could invite people to your site like I do!!!! - THere's no site like Charles!!! Entertaining as all hell! I have no idea what all these people are talking about, but it's more entertaining than anything on television! God bless the loonies!
- February 24th, 2006
Rick Hancox Executive Director
c/o Suzanne Ball Senior
Legal Counsel
and Manon Losier General Counsel
and Secretary to the New Brunswick
Securities Commission
85 Charlotte Street, Suite 300
Saint John, NB E2L 2J2
RE: Securities Fraud and Public Corruption
Pursuant to our conversation today please find enclosed exactly the same material sent to the eight other provincial Attorney Generals in Canada before I returned to my native land again this year. Obviously the AGs Brad Green and Tom Marshall have known the truth of my matters since the summer of 2004. They have maliciously ignored my false imprisonment in the USA for their own political benefit. The tapes enclosed are exactly the same copies that were served upon the lawyers acting for Rogers Media byway of their newsman Tom Young today. As you listen to the tape you will hear that I mentioned your Commission on air in Saint John weeks ago. Methinks you should have called me then instead of waiting for me to contact you again today.
The tapes and the CD of wiretap tape #139 are served upon the Commission's lawyers Ms. Ball and Ms. Losier as in confidence as officers of the court in order that my allegations of illegal wiretaps by crooked law enforcement authorities may be finally properly investigated ASAP by ethical law enforcement authorities. Hopefully this will be done before I sue the Crown about my false imprisonment but I am not holding my breath. April 3rd is coming fast. Upon your study of these documents you will see that I have not yet given the Yankee SEC all of my evidence of Securities Fraud. However every Attorney General in Canada has been made well aware of it for quite sometime before the SEC declared it was willing to investigate the actions of the former Minister of Finance Ralph Goodale. To date not one person has responded me nor did me the simple courtesy of returning my calls or emails as you finally did today.
Clearly I must complain of the Crown myself without delay before further harm is done to my Clan. Rest assured I will be calling you, Mr. Hancox and the lawyers within your Commission to testify at a trial of my matters in Federal Court in Fredericton. A very pigheaded yet ethical Maritimer knows that justice has been delayed way past too long for the benefit of public corruption and not the public trust. I will not wait for anyone on public service to act within the scope of their employment anymore. To put it simply, after our conversation today I had no faith that you were willing to do your job.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.O. Box 234
Apohaqui, NB E5P 3G2 - Nope the first question should be Chucky where is the computer I gave you in 2004 Yopu know the one the Anglo due from Minto took home for you. You claimed it was no good yea well I would like to have it back
- The next question is does your buddy Vaughn Burnett still have the material that you promised you would serve upon Brad Green in June of 2004 for me? Has he listened to the CD which is a copy of police surveilance tape # 139? I will call hinm and you as witnesses to testify in Federal Court in Fredericton. The wannabe lawyer and you buddy Bernard Richard both admitted to me that they had the evidence before I was falsely imprisoned in the Yankee jail in 2004. So much for etyhical EH?
- What do you do with a computer that don't work?
You know the answer!
Papers? to deliver to the Justice Minister? Sorry...I'm not a Sheriff!!!!
Remember be nice in this blog.... - What's everybody talking or fighting about ?
Always read your site Charles.
The person is right. More entertaining the TV, and I mean that as Big Compliment :>) - As far as blogging goes I do have one but do not post much. Because
unlike you I feel that less is moreI do not need a blog I employ other
people's blogs and only deal with the issues they raise first then take
them down the path of the garden of good and evil just like I did with
you years ago when they call me a liar. Check with your associate Mikey.
He did not allow even my first comment. Just like your buddies in
Indymedia. However they certainly allowed you to slam me. Didn't they
Just in case anyone cares about the spelling I am typing quickly because Methinks Chucky will soon erase this stuff just like he always does. However here is my phone number again call me and I will show anyone the proof of what I is true and I will even allow them to listen to a wiretap tape or two. - Your said the computer didn't work but I know that it did and I brought it all the way from Boston because you were crying poor mouth on the phone. Furthermore I have to witnesses that heard you say you would love to take on Brad Green. the Anglo dude from Minto is one. you the one you call a bigot. I was looking for you in the legislature library to witness me serving the liberal lawyers Burke and Lamrock next door at 710 Queen St when your buddy Dannyboy Bussieres and the Fredericton cops threw me out on June 24th 2004. I was not talking from the gallery as you falsely claim. I have a witness to that fact to . In fact he is a Deputy Minister you was on the floor at the time. the Commisssioners you have befriended made false allegations about me.
- Charles? Friends with the commissioners?? That's funny! Sounds like you two guys should be getting along great-two peas in a pod of crazy. Nobody even knows what you guys are talking about.
- C'mon keep it going
- Anonymous said...
Mr. David Raymond Amos,
We respectfully invite you to consider a Letter to the Editor, i.e.., How Free Trade undermines Maritime Economic Development. We had heard you make some representation about a U.S. company which truck out Maritime 'wealth', as a result of not having similar .provincial resources rights as Alberta, Many Maritimes would be potentially interested in such an editorial.
Office of John Stokes
The Canadian National Newspaper
internet site: http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com - Hey Mr. Stokes
Thanks for the suggestion. As you should know the most glaring example of a company that has been raping the Maritimes with abandon for many years is obviously the Irving Empire. However lately there are some very nasty new players on the scene such a PCS and Corridor Resourses etc etc. I am very busy these days and I am not a journalist. You people are though yet it seems you would rather me say the awlful truth than yourselves because of some possible lawsuit EH?
So be it. I will because it is not slander if one's words are true. Perhaps you should consider checking my work and then come to court sometime in order to listen to me argue all the smiling bastards. You can have much of my work in a click of the button of my mouse. But first please allow me to introduce you to the New Brunswick Securities Commission. I got a rather interesting response from them today whilst I was in Fredericton. They have ignored my concerns for almost a year but now that Bernie Lord's government is getting tipsy, it appears all the bad actors want to show me their arse just in time for me to boot it.
It is Securities Commissions such as this that allow many publicly held companies such as Corridor Resources or Magna Entertainment etc to get away with many things rather than remind them of the law and on how they should conduct business in an ethical fashion. That said, these Commisssions have no say whatsoever over the Irving Empire and that is truly bad. It is a privately held corporation that knows very well the power of money and on how to pay off greedy politicians in order to get anything they want. In the nutshell of the Maritimes that is quite simply everything. It seems that I am the only Maritimer who is not afraid of the ghost of mean old KC Irving and his monoply game. It has always been hard times in the Maritimes. We lament about it all the time but our apathy and fear of the Irvings etc gives us the govenments we deserve.
Print this if you wish. You are off the hook that Irving's lawyers threaten ordinary folks with. I am fearless yet never reckless with the truth. I stand by my own words and invite anyone to sue me if they think I am a liar and wish to argue me. I hate it when the chickenshits send crooked cops against me bearing false allegations in a faint hearted effort to shut me up. It does the smiling bastards no good and only serves to make matters worse.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos - March 24, 2006
Michael “Tanker” Malley
C/o Cleveland Allaby
480 Queen Street
Suite # 200
Fredericton NB. E3B 1B6
Simpson Thacher & Barlett LLP
C/o Derek Burney
Chair of the Board of Directors of NB Power
515 King Street Fredricton, NB E3B 4X1
Jody Carr
C/o Paul Blackmore
Chestnut Complex
470 York Street
Fredericton, NBE3B 3P7
Patrick A.A. Ryan
Edgecombe House
736 King Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 1G2
Re: Public Corruption
Pursuant to my many phone calls and email to your offices please find enclosed the material I promised to you before I file my complaints in Federal Court in Fredericton. The CD which is a true copy of wiretap tape number 139 is served upon you all in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be investigated byway of my suing the Crown.
While Norm Betts and Derek Burney’s buddy Stevey Boy Harper is busy in New Brunswick today trying hard to shore up the shaky government of Jody Carr’s buddy, Bernie Lord with long delayed federal tax dollars. I am polishing off my promises to crooked lawyers in the hope that the very corrupt House crumbles ASAP. If not maybe President Chavez will help me bankrupt the crooks working within NB Power within a crooked government’s blessing. Methinks Tanker will need another lawyer if the one he has now continues to play dumb. Lord paid Allaby a lot of money to study the doings of the Justice Dept a long time ago. He should understand the scene.
Shame on you all for forcing me to go to such lengths to protect my rights under the Charter. Methinks you have underestimated my diligence EH? Now ask yourselves why I don’t sue you after I sue the Crown? I fail to see any reason not to. That is the only way I know of to hold such people as you accountable. Stevey Boy Harper never will even though he talks the talk of such things. Everybody knows what I served upon his party’s lawyer Arthur Hamilton before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA in 2004.
Despite whatever Act our latest Prime Minister wishes to introduce to the Canadian people that he claims will compel our government to act with integrity, he can never deny my right to drag anyone into court. In fact he has done so himself in the past and I am no less of a man than he. Even a simple pigheaded Maritimer has the right to argue the law even with people who think themselves above it. How you all have failed to uphold the law and the public trust placed in your public office is either a matter of public record or soon shall be or my name ain’t Dave. There is no Democracy without Truth and Justice. It is just that simple.
Thats all for now fellas. I look forward to seeing you all in court someday or I will die trying to make it happen in an ethical fashion. It is just another one of those things I do that lawyers fail to appreciate. Ask your friends why that is if you don’t already know.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.O. Box 234
Apohaqui, NB. E5P 3G2 - Hey
Everybody received hard copy in hand to their offices except of course what the UPS dudes are bringing to Paul Shuttle and Andre Arthur. Obviously Yankees ain't as quick as me even when I give them two days head start. I have signatures and pictures to prove that all the New Brunswickers named below got their material today as I promised last week except for the sneaky Conflict of Interest Commmissioner Mr. Patrick who hides behind locked doors. He just sent the Sergeant at Arms who tried to run me off again.
However the Frenchman Danny Boy Bussieres had to accept my material on behalf of the Commissioner and our Queen whom he represents no matter how much he wishes to ban me from the Legislature. He didn't sign anything but what transpired between us was witnessed by a man who was not involved. I gave the crooked Quebecer hard copy in hand. Somebody speaking for the Queen should answer me ASAP. EH? If Danny Boy wishes to attempt to ban me from the Legislature again he really should put it in writng. EH? Perhaps he should clearly state the reasons behind his malice and who is accusing me of what. Otherwise I will ignore him until we meet in court. Then I will have many questions for him on the public record. I repeat, I have never threatened or harassed anyone. The next time he and I meet I hope to have many witnesses watching our exchange of words instead of just one man.The Sergeant at Arms Danny Boy Brouseirres lake most lawyers and politicians is a liar.
I will leave you all to wonder who receives this email next but lets just say I was very correct about my assessment of the Public Utilities Board and the New Brunswick Securoties Commission. corrupt Maritimers act just like crookedYankees. After all most of them are lawyers and their brotherhood practices their malice across borders all day long every day. The thing is can they trust each other when the politiking gets down and dirty. Methinks there is no honour amongst theives no matter how powerful they are. What say you? I know your answer already and that only time will tell the tale to prove what I say is true. Until then I will simply remain a man of my word and hope for justice to prevail. It is your job to uphold the Public Trust not mine.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos - March 24, 2006
Bernard Shapiro
Ethics Commissioner
C/o Andre Arthur MP
325 de l'Eglise
Donnacona, Québec G3M 2A2
Jean T. Fournier
Senate Ethics Officer
C/o Senator Noel Kinsella and Michael Comeau
Holy Cross House Rm. 206
St. Thomas University
Fredericton NB
Kevin Lynch Clerkc/o Paul Shuttle
Director of Legal Operations
Privy Council Office
59 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A3
David Gourdeau
Commissioner for FederalJudicial Affairs
c/o Willa Doyle
District Administrator
Suite 100
82 Westmorland Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 3L3
Re: Public Corruption
Pursuant to my many phone calls and email to your offices please find enclosed the material I promised to you before I file my complaints in Federal Court in Fredericton. The CD which is a true copy of wiretap tape number 139 is served upon you all in confidence as officers of the court and or Parliamentarians in order that it may be investigated byway of my suing the Crown.
While Stevey Boy Harper is busy in New Brunswick today trying hard to shore up the shaky government of his little buddy, Bernie Lord with long delayed federal tax dollars. I am polishing off all my promises to crooked lawyers in the hope that the very corrupt House crumbles ASAP.
Shame on you all for forcing me to go to such lengths to protect my rights under the Charter. Methinks you have underestimated my diligence EH? Now ask yourselves why I don’t sue you after I sue the Crown? I fail to see any reason not to. That is the only way I know of to hold such people as you accountable. Stevey Boy Harper never will even though he talks the talk of such things. Everybody knows what I served upon his party’s lawyer Arthur Hamilton before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA in 2004.
Despite whatever Act our latest Prime Minister wishes to introduce to the Canadian people that he claims will compel our government to act with integrity, he can never deny my right to drag anyone into court. In fact he has done so himself in the past and I am no less of a man than he. Even a simple pigheaded Maritimer has the right to argue the law even with people who think themselves above it. How you all have failed to uphold the law and the public trust placed in your public office is either a matter of public record or soon shall be or my name ain’t Dave. There is no Democracy without Truth and Justice. It is just that simple.
Thats all for now fellas. I look forward to seeing you all in court someday or I will die trying to make it happen in an ethical fashion. It is just another one of those things I do that lawyers fail to appreciate. Ask your friends why that is if you don’t already know.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
PO Box 234
Apohaqui, NB. E5P 3G2
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Tracking results provided by UPS: 27/03/2006 16:18 Eastern Time - David Amos is mentally ill folks. just ignore him and maybe he will go away. he is a criminal and a liar. he rants and raves like a lunatic. he makes charlie seem like a choir boy. he is one sick s.o.b.
- Well I must say I am not surprised. I am in fact delighted to introduce
some folks in the Martimes to the man most responsible for my false
imprisonment in the USA. I have been fishing for him to make his usual
appearance within a Blog. If one speaks of the devil long enough he is
sure to appear. EH Chucky? This crook's name is Deputy Dog Robert F.
O'Meara of the Norfolk County sheriffs Dept. A bigger snake in
Massachusetts there never was. Right now it is suppertime and I ain't
goona let it grow cool worrying about what he may say of me but rest
assured I will relish and save every word of it. Stay tuned and I will
post many of his words that have been deleted from many other blogs in
order to protect him and the crooks who have covered up his many crimes.
At least I have a name EH Deputy Dog? Even on the internet you use girlfriend's Wicked Wanda Willard's ID - Hey? As long he leaves his view in this little blog and not others? I don't have a problem with the guy.
He's pretty mellow with his words compare to past emails.
Hey? We might have a second Spinks here???...lol - David is a less of lunatic compared to Chucky.
- Now that I finally see one vote of confidence.It is time to stress
Chucky's words to the max. Lets see if this post stands the test of
time. I am posting something that only a few politicians have seen.
Whereas Chucky's buddy Danny Boy Brussieres had banned me from the
Legislature and Chucky did not have the balls to deliver the material to
Brad Green I and my son, Max delivered in hand the matereial to both of
the following dudes offices in Moncton right after Canada Day and Paul
Martin's boat had been caught in Sidney with more coke than coal on
board. We then went home to where I was raised in Dorchester Nb and I
laughed at the thought of Charles LeBlanc as I drove through his
hometown. If he had had the sand to deliver this letter and the material
I had given him to Brad when he promised to so. He would be my hero,
Bernie Lord's government would have fallen, my adversary Deputy Dog
Robert F. O'Meara would have gone to jail instead of me and most
importantly my little Clan would be still in their home today. If Brad
Green Bernie Lord and Franky Boy McKenna had acted with integrity I
would not have to sue the Crown in order to have a fraudulent warrant
for my arrest revoked in the USA. Anyone should feel free to print or
email the text of this letter with abandon simply because Brad Green
answered it. I can email anyone a copy of his response in a tif file. In
fact I will email one to Frenchie and Deputy Dog Robert F. O'Meara,
Brad Green and his buddies first first. You will know that Chucky got it
first and can never play dumb no more. I will forward it on to anyone
who asks and they can decide you is crazy and who is not and who is a
liar and who is not. My email address is motomaniac_02186 at yahoo.com
and my phone number is 506 434 1379 I do not call people collect as
Chucky does.
July 1st, 2004
Brad Green
c/oBernard Lord
132 Mill Road
Moncton, NB. E1A 4A5
Frank McKenna
c/o McInnis Cooper
655 Main St.
Moncton NB E1C 8T6
RE: Corruption
Hey Fellas,
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon Paul Zed before he met Paul Martin at the airport last weekend. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. As you review the material it should be painfully obvious to you why I have no respect for your chosen profession of lawyer/politician. I must say that both Mr. Lord and Mr. McKenna were clever to keep some distance from the recent federal election but I don’t think it was very wise for Mr. Lord to have me expelled from the Legislature Building for political reasons rather than legal reasons.
I have done as the Sargent at Arms ordered on June 24th and stayed away from the Legislature and waited for it to take its summer break so that no more bullshit about me can be said. I have now delivered this material to your constituency office Mr. Lord so that you may deal with this at a personal level with Mr. Green. I will complain of you Mr. Lord and your friends Mr. Green, Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Burke to court along with the Fredericton Police Dept. and the Sargent at Arms if I do not receive a satisfactory response very quickly and convince me of your ethics and stand with me. I have not heard from the Fredericton Police Dept. thus I suspect that Corporal Ross has done as he threatened and thrown this material in the trash for the benefit of his fellow police officer, Mr. LeBlanc.
Mr. Green may I suggest that you study every word and listen to the CD closely and prepare to argue every word if you disagree with the fact that a fellow Canadian has the right to seek justice and relief for the many wrongs practiced against him. What would you do if the Men in Black had appeared at your door and were willing to take you away to Cuba without counsel because of false allegations were made against you in order to stop you from defending your family’s interests? As you can see I have come home to protest these actions in a political and legal fashion. I have done only as the Solicitor General Anne McLellan has suggested and given the evidence to those who claim to have jurisdiction over me. You speak for the Sargent at Arms and the Fredericton Police. They dropped the ball the instant they pulled me outside the building for no reason. They claimed jurisdiction but refused to investigate. I have seen it reported that I had tried to speak from the gallery and the Sargent at Arms falsely claimed that I had attempted to serve someone within the legislature building. Both statements are untrue. I left materials at the door in the custody of the security guard as he requested. I was only looking to find Charles Leblanc in order that he may witness me delivering the enclosed materials to T.J. Burke’s office. This was necessary for me to do because as you know most lawyers are reckless with the truth. I will let your fellow politician/lawyer. Peter McKay, explain to you the reason why that is. However it was no longer necessary to require a witness because the Sargent at Arms and the Fredericton Police had watched me go into 710 Queen St and come out without the material they had just refused after harassing me. They are my witnesses as you are now.
As for you, Mr. McKenna, I expect you and your fellow lawyers at McInnes Cooper to uphold the law and conduct yourselves in a professional manner according to the rules that allow you to practice law for a fee. Don’t you think you should act ethically rather quickly and report your newfound knowledge of crime? At the very least I have made you witnesses to my complaints and rest assured I will be asking you many questions in court if the RCMP doesn’t ask you first. Mr. McKenna, I read your recent speech about how you likened the actions of federal political leaders to various purebred dogs. I must add my two bits worth to your comments. Those fancy dogs don’t hunt like the mangy old mutt that is the guard dog of my little Clan. I don’t bark but I am quick to bite. If you turn around you will see me sniffing at your heels. If any lawyer makes one false move, I make every effort to rip his nuts off. Check my work before you call me a liar.
I have followed the money home to the Maritimes. I find that you and many other liberals have been in pursuit of filthy lucre every bit as much as Mr. Mulroney, Mr. Crosbie and their many cohorts. The Maritime Provinces have suffered the most from the many years of political abuse by greedy lawyers and their bosses. Mr. Harper called Maritimers defeatists but he failed to say who was beating us up. Obviously it was federal politicians on both sides of the fence. The last thing Mr. Martin is to me is noble. In my opinion he is a fine example of a very crooked lawyer aspiring to be an adept politician like his daddy. I view your speech about dogs simply as a little dog licking a big dog’s nuts in a stylish way in order to win the Alfa male’s favor and someday win his position amongst a pack of political thieves. Feel free to argue me after you explain to me real slow how Cardinal Law was legally removed from my complaint and what right the Men in Black had to try to take me away because I am exposing the awful truth about bad acting bankers and Feds. Please don’t pretend that you guys don’t know a few very well heeled Yankees that have helped you along in your own personal pursuit of happiness. Mr. Tobin got a great job working for an interesting Conservative. Eh? Should Belinda listen to Mr. Mulroney and Mr. Harper or to her new CEO? What do you think? How much time do you think I may have left on the planet for asking such questions as this? What do you think may cause my demise? In the end I will rest assured that someday my ghost will be very vindictive against lawyers that failed to uphold the law. At this point in time it would be very easy for some lawyer to act ethically and become the people’s political hero. What say you? Can you trust your legal and political friends to not turncoat and stand with me? Interesting dilemma, eh?
Cya’ll in Court:)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton. MA. 02186
Certificate of Service
I, David R. Amos on July 2, 2004, I served the enclosed materials in hand to the offices of Frank McKenna at McInnis Cooper 655 Main St. Moncton NB E1C 8T6 and Bernard Lord at 132 Mill Road. Moncton, NB.E1A 4A5
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186 - "WOW" What a guy.Where did all that come from. Sounds like this guy has a problem.NO maybe a lot of problems.Too bad.
- He just goes on and on doesn't he?
- yeah it's not pretty. it's like a car wreck that just keeps happening. kinda scary knowing he is in our back yard again. Mr.Amos you need professional help man. i can give you some numbers. you don't have to live with your paranoia. there is help if you seek it.
- Before I can even begin to believe that you are for real Why not crawl out of cyber space and into the real world. It stars by proving to all that you have a name. Cheap shots under Anoymous in Chucky's ain't worth squat to me unless you are man enough to look me in the eye and stand by your words. I do What say you got a name and a set of balls or just a mouth like Chucky?
- Only the crooks are scared that I am back in the Maritimers. A lot of
ordinary folks like me are laughing at how I am poking holes in their
stuffed shirts. This letter is wickedly funny, Both Adrienne Clarkson
and Herménégilde Chiasson answered this one after my wife and I and a
lawyer who wanted Rob Moore's seat in parliament visited the Police
Commission in New Brunswick. Bev Harrison would not answer this letter
or even return my calles even though he has represented me from my spot
on the hill since I landed home last year. His assistants have affirmed
to me several times that they received it. I am demanding an answer
from Tanker now tha old Bev's assistant Bill Oliver refused to call me
back for the last time on Friday. I do not care what the tough talking
Danny Boy Bussieres says only the Speaker can authorize the Sergeant at
Arms to ban a man from the legislature. Besides that the Governor
General his ultimate boss told me I was doing the right thing before I
returned to the USA and into Deputy Dog's buddy's jail. I wiil put this
letter and the responses in the same email to Chucky and Deputy Dog
August 24th, 2004
Lieutenant-Governor of
New Brunswick,
Herménégilde Chiasson
Old GovernmentHouse
51 Woodstock Road
Fredericton, NB E3B 9L8
Phone (506) 453-2505
Fax (506) 444-5280
Speaker of the Legislative Assembly,
Bev Harrison
Constituency Office: Hampton-Belleisle
Room: Unit 4, 46 Keirstead Avenue
Hampton, NB E5N 5A4
Phone (506) 832-6464
Fax (506) 832-6466
RE: Corruption
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon Premier Lord and Frank McKenna on the day after Canada Day and a copy of Brad Green’s response. I have also enclosed a letter to Senator Joe Day that was to be forwarded to the Arar Commission. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as the Queen’s representatives of in order that it may be properly investigated. I ask New Brunswick’s Lieutenant-Governor of, Herménégilde Chiasson to forward this material to the Governor General of Canada. I have already emailed her notice to expect this material and I will email her the text of this letter as well.
Whereas the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick stands adjourned until Tuesday, December 14, 2004, at 1 o'clock p.m, perhaps you fellas can find a little time to answer me before I sue the Queen in the USA. My questions are as follows: Why did Sergeant-at-Arms, Dan Bussieres and the Fredericton Police Dept. ask me to step outside the Legislature Building and then forever ban me from re-entering the premises on June 24th, 2004? What will you do with your newfound knowledge of crime?
It is only fair that I ask these questions. After all I am a Canadian Citizen and I do have the right to ask any question to those who represent me. Whether they are born to the position or elected or appointed or merely hired, they all must uphold the law and the public trust. The Queen of Canada, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, is the official Head of State and is represented in New Brunswick by the Lieutenant-Governor. Therefore, the Lieutenant-Governor is the nominal Head of State at the provincial level, empowered with the responsibility of representing the Queen in the province. Thus I have asked him the aforesaid questions before I leave the jurisdiction of New Brunswick.
The Ombudsman, Bernard Richard told me to take my matter up the Speaker of the House and thus far Mr. Harrison has ignored my phone calls and emails. Bev Harrison did have the opportunity to ask me any question he wished before he decided not to vote for me. It seems he would rather have the lawyer, Rob Moore speak for him in Parliament. I would not be surprised to learn that Bev Harrison was the same man I had spoken to months ago or that he had attended the debate in Hampton. I have no doubt that Mr Harrison knows exactly who I am and why I was in Fredericton that day. I am not a rebel just because I make inquiries and demand that people in public service uphold the law.
The problem is that on June 24th I was a candidate for the 38th Parliament. I was busy challenging those still in public service such as John Herron to do their jobs and uphold the law. I was merely in the legislative building looking for the Frenchman Charles Leblanc so he could witness me serve this material upon the lawyer, T J Burke next door. I had made certain that many politicians were made well aware of my concerns and allegations before coming home to run for a seat in the next Parliament. The local liberal, Leroy Armstrong was willing to debate me so I was giving this material to his liberal lawyer friends to review. Dan Bussieres offended me for political reasons not legal reasons. The Speaker of the House should not have allowed the Sergeant’s actions or at least responded to my inquiry. These must be irrefutable facts because after almost two months of asking everyone imaginable about the actions of the Sergeant-at-Arms, no one would even tell me his name let alone explain his actions, It appears that the Government of Canada would rather assist corrupt politicians within a country that had rebelled against the Queen than assist one of her subjects to escape their harassment.
I must return to the USA because I have been summoned to court to argue more false allegations made against me. Whereas my country is willing to throw me back into Ashcroft’s clutches, I must complain of the Crown. It seems the Yankees may have been right long ago when they refused to pay taxes without proper representation. Perhaps Canada should follow suit. We all know what has been said about the evils of longstanding governments. What say you sirs? Am I speaking sedition or common sense?
I have heard that Louis Riel once said that the French would take over Canada without firing a shot. Now many of the French wish to separate. Maybe true Canadians can reunite our country in the same fashion. There is no need of the cartridge box as long as we properly employ the soap box and ballot box. The tools of bloodless revolutions are the laws of the land. They are in the hands of people begging us for our vote every so often. Canada does not need to pay homage to a Queen who will not check the work of the people representing her and us. We need a new form of government. I agree with Louis Riel’s thinking when he proclaimed that the Metis were “loyal subjects of Her Majesty the Queen of England’. If we are rebels, we are rebels against the Company that sold us” Although he was labelled a rebel, Louis Riel was a Canadian patriot who did stop Western Canada from being absorbed by the USA. He was also elected to Parliament twice. He would abhor NFTA as much as I. The words in Riel’s diary are well worth heeding.
“O my God! Save me from the misfortune of getting involved with the United States. Let the United States protect us indirectly, spontaneously, through an act of Providence, but not through any commitment or agreement on our part.” Riel stated in his diary this as well: “God revealed to me that the government of the United States is going to become extraordinarily powerful.”
Cya’ll in Court:)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton. MA. 02186 - This letter really put Lizzy Weir's panties in a knot. Chucky's buddy
Bernie Richard answered me immediately but she never did. When I got out
of jail and jumped bail in the USA one year later and started demanding
answers from the NDP she was not long taking a job from Bernie Lord and
leaving her party in the toilet. Bernie Richard di the same thing years
ago to save Lord nasty little minority. The problem is the liberals are
no better ask the not so good Dr. Doherty if he wishes to argue me in
public about it. In order to argue him and the pretty woman Bernie Lord
had his eyes on I tried to run in Bernie's snap election in Saint John
Harbour because in my opinion I caused Lizzy to quit and run off. I knew
I would never be elected but the decent folks who always voted NDP
deserved to know the score and my opinion of the LNG scene is worth
listening to. However the not so non partison Anne Hollies and her yo yo
underling Paddy Addison illegally refused me for the benefit of Bernie
Lord.The Irvings and the Spanish dudes who have lost their popularity in
other countries want to put such a dangerous thing right int the damned
harbour and the crooked Mayor suppots it? What planet is he from I must
ask. People with no names call me crazy. Well in retort I say if the
politicians are sane then I am glad I am nuts.
However before they put me away anyone can have this letter and Bernie Richard's very dumb answer. I would not be surprised if this blog turns into a pumpkin by midnight EH Chucky? However if you leave it up I will post sometime a very wicked Cinderella Affadavit by Newfy Johnny Crosbie's law firm of Patterson Palmer that will explain why the liberal President in NB Greg Byrne has now gone solo.
August 24th, 2004
NDP Leader Elizabeth Weir
Constituency Office
39 King Square North
Saint John, NB E2L 1E6
Bernard Richard
Office of the Ombudsman
767 Brunswick Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 1H8
Re: Corruption
Sir and Madam,
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon New Brunswick’s Lieutenant-Governor, Hermenegilde Chiasson and many others today. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated.
There is no need to be long winded with you two people. I can prove contact with each of you and your associates many times. I know that you are expecting this material and why I am providing it to you for your review. Not only will I be mentioning your names today to the Police Commission but your names can be found in various places within my documents. I feel that you are entitled to review the material and I am entitled to expect you to act ethically and with integrity as would befit an officer of the court. What you will do with your newfound knowledge of crime? Please send your response to this letter to the address below. I can no longer linger in New Brunswick and wait for politicians to find the time to uphold the Public Trust.
Cya’ll in Court:)
David R, Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186
I, David R. Amos, of 153 Alvin Ave. Milton, MA. on August 25th, 2004, I delivered the enclosed material to the Office of the Ombudsman, Bernard Richard at 767 Brunswick Street, Fredericton, NB E3B 1H8. Whereas the Provincial office building at 710 Queen St. is no longer assessable to the public, I will provide these documents to Elizabeth Weir’s Constituency Office at 39 King Square North Saint John, NB E2L 1E6 as soon as possible.
David R, Amos - Some people sent me private emails asking me- Who the hell is that nut???
Well? As I said earlier in the day.
No swearing or smears and everything should be ok.
I can delete this particular blog in seconds but we'll keep it here.
So far so good....
Try to be nice.... - One no named dude lamented that I go on and on and I admit that that is
true. On ther other hand earlier another fella ask for more and lamented
that I was too slow posting. Rest assured I know most Maritimers do not
give a damn about legal crap or politics. I fit in that boat as well it
is just that the smiling bastards attacked me and my little clan and I
must defend myself the best way I know how. I figure fire with fire so
to speak so I went fiercely political and did not care about being
elected. I just wanted to make my issues public for the benefit of my
family first and foremost and the awful truth only hurts crooks. Most
folks would find this crap boring yet lawyers and politicians like old
women are gossips big time. They climb to the top pulling on the balls
of others to get there. Trust that many would find this an interesting
read. There is a lot to tell after being blocked in most places for
years and I am trying hard to stay local to Fredericton only simply
because that is the audience the Chucky draws. If the dude don't like to
read my stuff click to another of Chucky's mindless blogs and look a
pictures that take a long time to look at in dial up.
For ethical lawyers (if there is such athing) benefit here is something that will help explain the news today in a very funny light. McAllister answered me but Miller did not. Miller's (David Hache's too)law firm is merging with the rest of Patterson Palmer's outfit so it appears I have now crossed paths with the same bunch of bastards at least four times in various matters. Merging makes a firm more powerful but it also opens the door to the need to defend the bad actions of your many partners. Everybody knows you can't trust lawyer the that Patterson and palmer in Halifax went with Franky Boy McKenna's buddies i all to funny to me. The dudes in Turo are the only smart ones in the bunch. They said to hell with them all. Maybe I will give then a call. If you cannnot find an honest lawyer your might as well hire the wisest one EH? As i said Byron Priors complaint will prove to the Maritimes why. Look him up on the web or in front of Parliament next week.
August 24th, 2004
Gary A. Miller
371 Queen St. Suite 400,
Fredericton, NB E3B 4Y9
George A. McAllister
212 Queen St.
Fredericton, NB E3B 1A8
RE: Corruption
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon New Brunswick’s Lieutenant-Governor Hermenegilde Chiasson and many others. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated.
Months ago I contacted you, Mr. McAllister by phone and informed you that I wholeheartedly agreed with your standing that Insurance companies were making the consumers cover their losses in the stock market. Brad Green and Premier Lord played Ms. Weir and the Commission like a fiddle and were merely doing their part to assist the interests of the Insurance Companies at the expense of the public trust. Although you were happy to hear that your opinions had been read and understood, you definitely did not want my evidence supporting your claims. Pursuant to my last statement to you, Mr. McAllister I have now proved to you that I am a man of my word and I now expect you to obey the Code of Conduct that you must obey in order to practice law for a fee.
Mr. Miller, the same holds true for you. Within these documents you will find the name of a lawyer you know very well, David Lutz. I find this man to be a very poor example of an officer of the court and I don’t mind telling the world my opinion of him. Please read my letter to him and let me know as to whether or not you stand with him and against me. If anyone were to ask me, Mr. Lutz is a man in need of legal aid and has no right to charge others for his malicious assistance. Will you spring to his defence when I file a complaint against him? Whether you fellas like it or not I have now made you witnesses to my sad complaints before I returned to the USA.
If I survive the malicious prosecution that I am looking forward to in Boston next month, I will return to litigate in New Brunswick. There is no middle ground for any lawyer to stand on in this battle within two corrupt justice systems. All that I have demanded from any lawyer is simple ethical conduct. Why is that too much to ask for?
I have read your various spit and chews with Brad Green and I must admit I find them to be quite comical from my position as a layman in the catbird seat. Rest assured that I will endeavour to make my opinions widely known. Sue me if you wish. In fact I double dog dare ya to. Bring this material to court so that the jury can have something to read while we argue truth, justice and the Maritimes kowtowing to the American Way.
Cya’ll in Court:)
David R, Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186 - Even if you do delete it Chucky you know for a fact that I already saved it. With luck I will be showing you a printed copy of it in court someday. I will ask you many questions in public not private emails about what the hell you know about this crap. Why you lied about me called me names and didn't give Brad Green my material as you promised spoke volumes to me about your integrity. Don't even try to argue me about my manners. I know how to behave myself it is you who does not.
- 2005 01 T 0010
SUMMARY OF CURRENT DOCUMENTCourt File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010Date of Filing of Document:25 January 2005Name of Filing Party or Person:Stephen J. MayApplication to which Document being filed relates:Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it’s entirety, and to refer this proceeding to case management.Statement of purpose in filing:To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its entirety and refer this proceeding to case management.
I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John’s, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say as follows:
THAT I am a Partner in the St. John’s office of PATTERSON PALMER solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for Random-Burin-St. George’s in the Parliament of Canada.
THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a publication called “My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town with a Secret”. In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr. Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior’s sister.
THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr. Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “1" to my Affidavit.
THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts’ letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached as Exhibit “2".
THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit “3" to my Affidavit. Following Mr. Roberts’ receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our firm closed our file.
THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author of the material on the site.
THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews’ intentions to commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “4" to this Affidavit.
THAT I attach as Exhibit “5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004 voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend of Mr. Prior.
THAT I attach as Exhibit “6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail from Mr. Amos.
THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr. Amos.
THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews’ claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews’ solicitor. I attach as Exhibit “7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach as Exhibit “8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.
THAT I attach as Exhibit “9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr. Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts’ letter also covered his reply to Mr. Amos.
THAT I attach as Exhibit “10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on Sunday, 23 January 2005.
THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike Mr. Prior’s counterclaim.
SWORN to before me at
St. John’s, Province of Newfoundland
and Labrador this 24th day of
January, 2005.
Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature
A Commissioner for Oaths in and for
the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
My commission expires on December 31, 2009. - Dear Mr. Amos,
On behalf of Ms. McLellan I would like to thank you for your email message concerning the current federal election. I regret that the volume of messages prevented me from responding sooner.
Your message has been brought to Ms. McLellan`s attention, as she is always pleased to receive comments, both positive and negative.
Again, thank you for bringing this matter to Ms. McLellan`s attention.
Kirsten Odynski
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister - Hey Mr. Costello
Need I say I was not impressed by you yesterday. At least you confessed that you knew who I was but so much for a jealous defense of your client’s interests. EH? That said there is no need to send you hard copy of my material. Your associates within McInnes Cooper already have enough to review and confer with you about.
Perhaps you should call the dudes or ladies (: Tell them how I chuck rocks will ya? from Patterson Palmer in Halifax that merged with your firm or better yet Lenny Hoyt and Franky Boy McKenna. In my humble opinion your little buddy Franky Boy as Canadian Ambassador should have tried to stop NB Power’s malicious lawsuit against Venezeula in the USA before it picked up steam. But what do I know. EH? I think the dudes from Venezeula were wise to bring the issues back to the Maritimes and into the Irvings’ lap. I think it was a hoot that they employed your firm to do so. What say you? Whereas you do not wish to speak to me I will speak to these dudes about you, Embassy of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 32 Range Rd Ottawa Ontario K1N 8J4, Phone: 613 235-5151 and then send them what I sent Allan Rock Franky Boy Mckenna and the FBI almost one year ago. Perhaps you should call some of your friends mentioned below that I served my stuff upon yesterday after I talked to you and ask them what the Hell I am up to if you don’t already know.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S. the following was an interesting article to come out in the local paper just as Humpty Dumpty had the Governor Gerneral drop the Writ on the last election. It certainly seems to me that the Irving’s and Bernie Lord were trying hard to help Stevey Boy Harper’s government and John Wallace get elected in order to protect their own selfish interests. EH? If he won’t tell ya then ask me why Franky Boy does not want to be the liberal leader right now. I Double Dog Dare Ya. As I said in closing yesterday you have my number but maybe the dudes from Venezeula lost it so here it is again 506 434 1379. Your problem is do I want to talk to you now. Whilst I am talking to your clients about your incompetance I will explain to them why I am preparing to sue your whole god damned law firm.
November 25, 2005
Liberal leader ‘jeopardizing’ NB Power’s chances in lawsuit over failed Orimulsion deal: Tory MLA
New Brunswickers should question whether Liberal Leader Shawn Graham is fighting for them or for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, says a Tory MLA. Jody Carr, MLA for Oromocto-Gagetown, made the stinging indictment against Mr.Graham Thursday during a heated committee hearing where the Liberal leader took repeated swipes at David Hay, NB Power’s president and chief executive officer, for failing to answer legal questions regarding the utility’s Orimulsion lawsuit. Mr. Graham questioned some of the tactics being advanced by NB Power’s legal staff and demanded to know how much the power corporation budgeted for the legal battle against the Venezuelan government and its state-owned oil company.
Mr. Carr said the Liberal leader crossed the line in Thursday’s committee hearing and could endanger NB Power’s lawsuit. “The issue is complicated and it shows the issue is far over his head to what he can comprehend,” Mr. Carr said in an interview later."He was in effect working on the side of the Venezuelan government by jeopardizing the court proceedings."He was jeopardizing the chances of government and NB Power recouping the $2.2 billion in savings and therefore, in essence, that put him on the other side.” NB Power restarted its lawsuit on Sept. 1, when it filed a statement of claim looking for $2.2 billion in financial damages, which equates to the price difference between purchasing heavy fuel oil to burn at the Coleson Cove Generation Station and Orimulsion, a cheap water-and-bitumen mixture patented by Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA).
NB Power has hired Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales to quarterback the lawsuits filed in Fredericton and New York along with Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP to serve as their U.S. counsel. Mr. Hay estimated that the corporation has already spent as much as $600,000 on legal bills relating to the Orimulsion lawsuit.The Liberal leader grew increasingly frustrated when Mr. Hay stonewalled his attempt to get a firm answer on NB Power’s budget for Orimulsion-related legal fees. “For the life of me I can’t understand how it could jeopardize the court proceedings in saying how much we are thinking this court challenge may cost,” Mr. Graham said.Throughout the committee session, Mr. Hay assured the Liberal leader that the power corporation was evaluating the risk-reward ratio at each legal “fork in the road.” Mr. Hay said he cannot disclose any details that could tip the utility’s legal hand considering the Venezuelans are keeping a close eye on the proceedings."We are dealing with people with extremely deep pockets. And if you go to a poker game “... and you say, I have my $1,000 here or whatever it is you are playing with, that gives an advantage to the other side,” Mr. Hay said.
Mr. Carr also accused Mr. Graham of misleading Saint John residents about the Orimulsion costs during the recent byelection campaign in Saint John Harbour. Mr. Carr said he found it disconcerting that Liberal campaign signs said the Conservative government lost $2.2 billion through the bungled Orimulsion fuel deal but now Mr. Graham admits the money was a “potential loss of savings.”
- Daniel McHardie - Canadaeast News Service Source: Telegraph-Journal | page A5 on Nov. 25, 2005 - From: “Steve Erickson”
To: motomaniac
Subject: from Steve Erickson from Masschusetts
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 19:26:32 +0000
Mr. David Amos,
we talked about 2 years ago. My cell that we talked on is [Boston area code cellphone # snipped]
Much has happened good for me since then.
Are you in Canada, in Parliment, or are you still in the Boston area?
-Steve Erickson
Does this stuff answer your question Stevey Baby? I read what you said of me within your long winded Blogs. I told you the truth years ago and now I will tell you a little bit more. To me you are just another greedy sneaky Yankee now. But to be fair to you I must admit that we have our share of bull___ing bloggers and crooked politicians in the Maritimes as well One of them is a Frenchie named Charlie Leblanc and another named Bernie Lord. Please allow me to introduce them and some of their cohorts to you. Their emails are wittin and his Blog and yours is below. How dare you bastards imply that I am a one percenter in order to promote yourselves.
This is obvious Bull__ supported by Charlie Leblanc for his old buddy the malevolent Sergreant at Arms Danny Boy Bussieres were talking two years ago. Now that he has lost his trusted staus he files a human rights compalint after he laughed at my false imprisonment in a Yankee jail?
Original article is at http://maritimes.indymedia.org/news/2004/06/7980.php Print comments.
by Charles LeBlanc Friday, Jun. 25, 2004 at 10:56 AM
updates from Charles
I got a few late stories that I want to bring up.
They had a protest at the Legislature on Wednesday
and I would say about 400 people showed up. I made my
own little investigation in the crowd and I soon found
out that many people from the Northern Part of the
Province knew about my protest.
These Acadians read about my protest in L’Acadie
Nouvelle! A few weeks earlier, I found out that the
English Population from the Miramichi area didn’t know
about my fight so this shows me that it’s so important
to have the media covering your issues.
During the protest, I felt like I was in a police
state. There were cops are over the place. I
approached three of them and said - My God? We need
violence, bricks going through windows, people being
shot and tear gas!!!
This is the only way that the Government will
One cop said - If I have to use my gun? I know
exactly where my first bullet is going to go!! Pretty
Speaking of violence?
That guy from the Sackville area who went to
Toronto with his vehicle full of guns! Very scary
What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is
going to crack up one of these days and I know for a
fact the area targeted is going to be the Legislature.
There’s always undercovers cops around but only
when the House is in session.
As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but
it’s just a matter of time till someone is push over
the edge.
I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door
yesterday at the Legislature. This guy is running as
an Independent candidate in the riding of Fundy Royal.
I met the guy over the net and he has a beef with our
political bureaucrats.
I admire people fighting for what they believe in
but you can’t get carried away. I guess in this case?
He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that’s a big
faux pas! - After Stevey Boy Harper gets sworn in I will call Washington to see if
Spectre got the wiretap tapes and then start forwarding this email
everywhere. In an ethical effort to impeach Bush and his lapdog Harper
What did Lamrock, Burke, Murphy, McGuinley and you think of the copy of # 139? Scared the shit out of you EH? Whereas you little local liberal lawyers would not help me unseat Premier Lord and stop Stevey Boy Harper in h9s tracks i will through in the same lawsuits with him. It is hard to get good help these days. The word integrity does not fit in the job discription of a lawyer or a Parliamentian. EH?
The fact that Emerson just crossed the floor and the Dastardly Dave Dingwall story broke yesterday kinda sends your wicked little party down the tubes EH? From my point of view it looks good on you dudes. Say Hey to Franky Boy McKenna for me will ya? I hope to argue you all very soon in court.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006
Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Mr. Specter:
I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wiretap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
David Amos wrote
To Whom it may concern
I know Petey Baby MacKay don't love me so there is no sense in wasting my dime calling him. Hell he has refused to answer my letters or call me back even after Belinda Baby dumped him, so I do not expect him to do the right thing as Minister of Foreign Affairs other than to accept nasty little Franky Boy McKenna's resignation ASAP. Tell me is Franky Boy entitled to severance pay like his fellow Malawyer ritime buddy Dingwall is? Whereas the liberals Wayne Easter and Landslide Annie refused to protect my dumb arse over the years in their capacity as Solicitor General/Minister of Public Safety. I guess I should be fair and allow it Mr. Day's to try to act ethically on my behalf for a day or so, before I sue the Crown. EH?
Rest assured that I ain't holding my breath waiting for Mr. Day to call me back. Like many of the rest of you Stockwell Day has known of my troubles ever since Harper was elected as his latest boss in 2004 when he sat in the 37th Parliament
In the meantime in answer to Andrew Kyrstal's very dumb question on the radio just now.,methinks I should inform the NHL dudes that are being prosecuted by corrupt Yankees how I can help them.I know Andrew Kystral and all the Rogers dudes never will. What the New Jersey Dudes are up to right now is merely a case of the big bad pot calling a minor little kettle black to me and Andrew Kyrtal knows it too. Just like the Lord Conrad Black versus FitzGerald matter in Chicago everybody is trying to play dumb and it was to funny that Peter C. Newman apologized after I sent his lawyers some of my stuff..
Tell me something honestly if any you can find it in your soul to do so. Do you really think that the Conservatives thought that I didn't notice that Mulroney's right hand man Dereck Burney set up your Cabinet or that Michael Fortier was not a partner in his law firm?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos - As a little reward Frenchie Here is the reason Franky Boy McKenna, Allan
Rock, John Manley, and Brian Tobin will not run for leader of the
liberal party.
Call them and ask them or the FBI to sse if they wish to call me a liar. Better yet call the Yankee Senators Arlen Spevter or Russ Feingold. Nitey night Chucky. The clock clicked past midnight and the blog has not turned into a pumpkin yet. I am impressed with your your Newfound sense of integrity but quit the wise cracks and try to say something about this crap I have posted that really matters. Will ya? A polite argument in public in front of many witnesses would be nice.
May 11th, 2005
Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Allan Rock
One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
885 Second Avenue , 14th Floor
New York , NY 10017
Ambassador Franky McKenna
Canadian Embassy
501 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001
Assistant Director Louis M. Reigel III
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
Special Agent David Price
FBI Minneapolis
Suite 1100
111 Washington Avenue, South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2176
RE: Rampant Public Corruption in Canada and the USA
Now that Paul Martin has finally set the date for his confidence vote, methinks its time to pack my bags and head for home. I must raise some serious political hell in the Maritimes before the Commonwealth of Massachusetts does its worst to bankrupt my wife and put my kids on the street before I can expose the rampant public corruption. This is also a very good day to prove within the USA that we are well aware of each other and of my concerns and allegations in order to stress test the integrity of the US Mail. It and the Canada Post have failed me big time in recent years particularly just before the Yankees falsely imprisoned me last year for the benefit of George W. Bush, John Kerry and Paul Martin to name a few. I have no doubt whatsoever each of you dudes know more about me than I do about you. However that does not mean that I have not studied each of you a lot more than the ordinary layman. Just so we are clear, I have no respect for any of you. I know that all of you are as crooked as Chief Mearn, his cops and the lawyers who are coming into our home tomorrow without a warrant. This mail should prove your malice and willingness to support crime and public corruption.
Pursuant to my many emails, phone calls and faxes etc., you will find enclosed as promised exactly the same material I served upon the Solicitor Generals Teddy Olson and landslide Annie McLellan last year before I ran for Parliament last year. The CD of the copy of wiretap tape # 139 is served upon you as officers of the court and FBI Agents in order that it may be properly investigated. Franky got this stuff and more last year. The FBI got even more the year before. Perhaps they should go find the original tapes that the Suffolk County District Attorney and Special Agent in Charge Ken Kaiser have been playing dumb about for far too long. This material was good enough to impeach George W. Bush last year and cause many people to quit or lose their jobs. It is every bit as valuable today and you all know it. Ask the many people whose names can be found within these documents or Franky Boy or Claude Richer, Allan Rock’s lawyer buddy in the RCMP about this stuff before you call me a liar. As you all know I am out of jail on bail pending my upcoming criminal trial in front of a jury of my peers. I have the right to remain silent in the USA. I will employ different rights in Canada and say a lot.
What I choose to say while stumping for a seat in Parliament in Canada is of my concern not yours. If you dudes do your jobs here and I act ethically and legally up home with luck the world will be far better off in short order. I have already checked the rules with the people working for Elections Canada. We agree it is perfectly legal for an innocent man to run for Parliament while being prosecuted with false charges in the wrong jurisdiction and venue in the USA. Everybody knows I can secure my personal freedom quicker in a political forum in Canada rather than argue crooked judges in the USA. They have already imprisoned me on bull**** charges without even reading me my rights or telling me why I was in jail. The crooks are not going to have a sudden fit of ethical behavior now without it becoming a matter of political will. We all know it is high time for a change, the sooner the better for the Maritimes as well as the rest of the world. What better politician to argue with than a right wing lawyer named Rob Moore?
As you all no doubt know I have been talking to many people within the UN and have sent many much of my stuff. You all must have laughed as hard as I did when the Cubans were afraid to talk about my stuff. I must agree with George Bush about one thing. The UN is certainly in need of an overhaul. Yet we all know that nasty dudes like Maurice Strong’s buddy, Paul A. Volcker, the Former North American Chairman of the Trilateral Commission and Karl Rove’s puppet, John Bolton are just going to make matters worse. The same holds true with the turncoat Robert C. Pozen. He now offers advice to Bush on how to fix Social Security simply because I sent him running for cover with my Putnam Investment concerns and the malevolent media control of Global Corporations. Feel free to argue me or act ethically. You choose. I don’t care. Franky Boy knows he is way past too late. I am just rubbing his nose it before I talk a lot about him and his failure to uphold the public trust in our old stomping grounds up home. I can’t help but wonder how he explained his “Harper is a lapdog for Bush” dogma to Karl Rove and his nasty cohorts. I suspect it was an allowed comment from an insider of the Carlyle Group. Don’t you? We all know Stephen Harper would never fit in that group. He is as dumb as a post. All of his successes playing at politicking have just been a matter of luck and playing on the PC and Liberal scandals. Harper is kinda scary to me. He has a truly awful agenda in store for all Canadians like evil old T. Alex Hickman and Johnny Crosbie did for our Newfys.
Sometimes less is more. So in conclusion I will just quote former Inspector General of the DHS Clark Kent Irwin and simply say it would have benefited all if he had taken his own advice way back in November of 2003 when he had an important job.
POGO: “Any advice for your fellow public servants?”
Irwin: “Well, just do your job and let the political chips fall where they may. Unless you’re willing to do that, it seems to me you shouldn’t take the job in the first place.” What say you?
Cya’ll in Court:)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton MA. 02186
They got their mail now. Check for yourself
USPS Track & Confirm
Current Status
You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6592
We attempted to deliver your item at 6:58 am on May 14, 2005 in MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.
Here is what happened earlier:
ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:30 am, QUINCY, MA 02169
Current Status
You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6608
We attempted to deliver your item at 8:04 am on May 14, 2005 in NEW YORK, NY 10017 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.
Here is what happened earlier:
ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:32 am, QUINCY, MA 02169
Current Status
You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6615
We attempted to deliver your item at 4:03 am on May 14, 2005 in WASHINGTON, DC 20535 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.
Here is what happened earlier:
ARRIVAL AT UNIT, May 14, 2005, 4:01 am, WASHINGTON, DC 20022
ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:31 am, QUINCY, MA 02169
Current Status
You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6707
Your item was accepted at 9:32 am on May 12, 2005 in QUINCY, MA 02169. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later - So charlie what papers did he ask you to deliver to brad Green?
And why didn't you complete the task? - Hey David Amos you complain about Chucky's pictures. He posts many
pictures of himself so you fall in love with him. He really likes you.
Chucky really needs you. - I am impressed with Chucky's newfound sense of ethics the blog still
stands this morning. If anyone would like to view the material and
listen to a copy of a wiretap tape that Chucky and his buddy Vaughn are
so afraid of all they have to do is call me and meet me in public
somewhere before I leave Fredericton. I am sitting in town right now and
trying to write my first complaint to file in Federal Court ASAP. Here
is my cell number again 506 434 1379
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos - Methinks Mr Amos is a wacko
- Mr. Amos is in good company with Charlie though. They will get along fine. They seem to have a lot in common.
- Methinks too but Mr. Amos is in good company with Charlie though. They will get along fine. They seem to have a lot in common.
- Oh ye critics with no names why not pick up the phone tomorrow and call
your Ombudsman and Chucky's buddy Bernie Richard mention my name and ask
him whether or not he received this email on August 11th, 2004 at 3.11
pm two weeks before he met my family in his office. Then if you grow up
and get a name and an emaiul address watch me prove to you I am no
friend of Charles Leblanc
Hey Bernard
Thanks for your response though. I didn't believe you on the phone the instant that you tried to make an issue about not receiving the email to Wayne Steeves. I figured that you were covering for Brad Green because that would mean that you knew the CISNB was involved. I laughed when you repeated it in the email. Do you think me dumb?The Fredericton PD guard the legislature correct? Ask Sgt. Kelly or Chief Carlisle if they had jurisdiction over me when they threw me out. The Crown always has jurisdiction over a Canadian citizen particularly when he is on native soil. I figured out it was Dan that threw mw out. He should have taken the stuff in the yard just as soon as he affirmed that he and the cops had jurisdiction over me as he ordered me away from the legislative building. They did watch me go into 710 Queen St to serve TJ Burke and come out without the stuff. They know I did it. Over Two hundred people watched me serve Leroy.Armstrong once he stuck his nose in my affairs. Anne McLellan and Brad Green both suggested that I give this stuff to cops that claim jurisdiction. Go argue Bruce Noble. .I don't need any luck Uncle Franky has been dead for two months even though no one has notified my wife I know it. Watch me turn the worm on the Secret Service, the FBI and the RCMP
There is no way you could have known about Connie Fogal without getting Wayne Steeves' email as well. He should have sent the CISNB out to do their job by now. Obviously that is not the case. Maybe Elizabeth Weir will have more luck making you understand. As for me I simply don't trust you. I will be calling you to court. We can argue about integrity and jurisdiction there. In the mean time perhaps you should go find Leroy Armstrong or T J Burke or Brad Green or Premier Lord or Bruce Noble and ask to see the documents and the copy of the wiretape tape I sent them before I compel you to argue about them with me. There is another fella running around Fredericton with the same stuff. His name is Vaughn Barnett. If the politicians won't talk to you, maybe he will. his number is 457-4559 But he is likely out in the front yard protesting something. I don't trust him either because he and Charles Leblanc are buddies and I know he is a liar.
Cya'll in Court
David R. Amos - I still can't understand what this guy is trying to say. His posts/letters or whatever are WAYYYYYY too long! I still have no idea what his beef is or who it's with.
- I sent the email I promised I would to Chucky and many of his buddies. I
will forward it on to anyone else. All you have to do is ask. Again my
email address motomaniac_02186 (at) yahoo.com
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos - My beef is what all politicians talk about but do nothing about because
they are the ones who practice it. In a nutshell it is called Public
Corruption Get it? If not so be it. I have said enough for now.
Dave - All I know is that David and Chucky make great friends. They are heavenly made couple. They think alike and behave alike.
Only difference is that David rights a little better English when Chucky sucks. - rights???????
- Ok "writes" smart a**.
- Charlie you've been leaving comments since someone above asked you what
papers you were supposed to deliver to brad green for this guy?
and #2 why didn't you complete the task? - Thanks for asking that question again but rest assured Chucky will never answer it?
> by Charles LeBlanc Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 11:26
> AM
> oldmaison@yahoo.com Fredericton
> Thursday morning, I showed up at the Legislature to
> use the computer at the Library.
> I was told by security that two rough looking
> individuals walked through the doors and asked for a
> Charles Leblanc?
> They described the guys as rough looking and one of
> them had a long gray beard with a leather jacket!
> At first, I believe it was the Hell Angels coming
> down from Montreal for a hit on Charles.
> Hours later, I seen my bigot buddy Matthew Glenn and
> he was in front of the Legislature with his
> blowhorn.
> For you people who don’t know the bigot? He’s the
> one who started the Anglo Society. I seen him
> preaching to three young kids and of course I butt
> in and said - Hey Bigot??? Why don’t you bigot go
> home?
> Minutes later, we were approached by two guys and
> they asked politely –Where can we locate a Charles
> LeBlanc???
> In a matter of seconds, the bigot quickly pointed at
> me.
> I said to myself - Ohhh?? Thanks a lot Bigot!!!
> At the end? It was a guy named David Amos and I
> guess that he’s running at an independent in the
> riding of Fundy Royal. The guy have been living in
> the area of Boston and he's been following my
> updates on the internet. I'm telling you that the
> information highway is a great way to spread the
> message to the rest of the world!
> We talked for around 30 minutes and it was nice to
> see the bigot, me and David Amos together debating
> our own little concern issue. We all have our own
> issues and it’s too bad that we cannot unite and
> fight but that’s the way Canadians do things.
> They remind silent until the Government really
> pissed them all and go out and vote the party in
> power out of office - From: charles leblanc
Subject: Re: This is David Amos
To: moto maniac
I don't know what you're talking about but I gace your
info to Vaughn...Maybe he can explain to me what your
papers are all about...lol
--- moto maniac wrote:
> Hey Charles
> I just found out a simple truth about you. You
> are a liar. Not only did you not give my stuff to
> Brad Green as you promised. You did not give it to
> the man from Minto that you enjoy calling a bigot. I
> just had a little talk with him and he affrimed what
> I had suspected about you and denied receiving the
> documents etc. from you as you claimed.
> Perhaps you should get honest and give the
> stuff to Vaughn Barnett. (I just called him 506
> 457-4559 and left him a message to assure him that I
> am sincere and this is not spam I have not been to
> Fredericton lately but I plan to come soon if you
> don't give him the documents and CD I will) I am
> certain he will understand them and know what to do
> with them. Rest assured that I will tell him you
> have them. (In fact I just did didn't I) You can
> explain your own actions to your friends. I
> understand you well enough already.
> I always suspected that you were all about
> Charles LeBlanc and in the self promotion game. But
> I thought you may at least be ethical. Turns out you
> are just a liar and a chickenshit like all the rest.
> By the way I did figure out who threw me out of the
> legislature it was a french fella by the name of
> Dan. I have no idea why he would claim that his name
> was Jean Claude but it does explain to me why he did
> not show me his ID. I ain't no Hells Angel as you
> and the fellas in the legislature like to claim that
> I am. However I am a plenty pissed off boy from
> Dorchester who just had another French asshole show
> me his ass. Ask me why I am not surprised? Don't you
> think I asked around about you? Never forget you
> were raised just up the road from me. I told you
> that out of the gate when I first called you from
> Boston. Remember? That should have been a little
> clue to you. You should have done the same before
> slandering me and adding to the offense by proving
> to me that you are a liar. I
> gave you the benefit of my doubt but you proved for
> me once more first impressions are seldom wrong. I
> have now thrown you in the same boat with your
> frienf the Sergeant at Arms(Even that has acquired a
> french spelling for an English Queen) I don't hate
> french folks but I do find french bullshit very
> contemptable. I have many Cajun friends that share
> the same opinion about french Canadians. In fact I
> was the first Canadian that a lot of them ever met
> that they actually saw eye to eye with. We quickly
> put the english/french stuff in the proper corner
> and went on with our pursuit of happiness We just
> laughed at your snotty attitudes about culture.
> everybody knows it ain't about that at all. It is
> about money and power as usual. Wave all the flags
> you want, you can't fool me. I am too stupid. What
> you and all my other fellow maritmers seem to be
> overlooking is that while we can't see the forest
> for the trees because of our petty squabbles, the
> evil Global dudes have been raping our
> forest primeval. They playing us like a fiddle
> while you dance their jig out of your own self
> interest. Do you want a job in the media or do you
> wish to be like Michael Moore and become famous
> byway of notoriety? Do you really think anyone in
> the media owned by the rich and powerful takes you
> seriously? Can anyone take you seriously once they
> find you to be a liar? At least I do what I say and
> say what I mean. What say you now Chucky Baby?
> Better yet wait until I turn up and say it to me in
> front of your friends. Premier Lord know I love to
> argue with Frenchmen we can talk about it on his
> front lawn. You buddy Dan and the CISNB can listen
> in.
> The following are your words about me. I find
> that you are so full of yourself it is ridculous
> particularly in light of the fact that I consider
> you to be full of shit. Watch how easily I prove
> that fact about you the next time I am in
> Fredericton. Which maybe sooner that you think. Rest
> arrured I will be telling your friends what I think
> of you. Feel free to argue with me. It should prove
> interesting to see who they believe.
> David R.
> Amos
> 506
> 434-1379 - Vaughn did you get my material as Leblanc claims? You are the third guy he says he gave it to. If not I know I will be the last. I have had enough of him and his funny ways at my expense. He whined and complained that he had no computer so I gave him one. But he failed to even say Thanks. Now the liar wants people to buy him a Bull Horn so he can bother more people with his Bullshit. Well Fredericton has already met a real legal and social activist and i did it all without a whisper or any press coverage. Soon Ottawa will receive the same stuff and much much more before I return to the USA to argue the bastards pulling the strings up here in our old houses. The folks working there seem to care more what language the liars are speaking in rather than what they are actually saying. Charles LeBlanc spoke with a forked tongue when he claimed his Scottish heritage. He made my blood boil and my ancestors bones rattle when he went on and on about his roots. First the frenchy wants his flag on the government houses then he wants to wave it wearing our kilts? I am of the Keith Clan and founded my own. My ancestors were fine and noble warriors. Read their motto on the beer bottle Chucky and tell me if you believe it or not. Rest assured I do. Neither my Septs nor I would accept such a man as Charles Leblanc as a trusted friend.
- David,
Yes, Charles gave me the material - although I must admit that I was not able to make much sense of it. Because of that, and because it appears to be out of my area of expertise, I doubt that I can help you very much. Also, unfortunately, your clash with Charles, and your low opinion of him (which I feel is unwarranted) has created a conflict of interests, as Charles is a friend of mine and a fellow activist. Since I doubt I can assist you much anyway, perhaps that doesn't matter. In any event, good luck with your cause.
Vaughn - Chucky finally met his match in David Amos. Chucky deserves it. He messes with good people. Someone is speaking out.
- I must admit that you have lots of guts to condenm me in my blog site.
Anyway? I tried to read those papers and I can honestly say that I don't uderstand what your battle is all about?
I never told you that I would give those papers to any MLA's. Why the hell do I want to be involded in your issues anyway.
I got enough on my own plate.
Ok...you got a little blog because a good supporter of this blog asked me to let you post your views.
Don't blow it!!!!
Is you wish to smear and used bad words? I'll delete the whole blog.
Try to be nice. Not too many websites allowso you to post your views so be nice in here.....
Watch the language....is not??? Well? Why don't you start a new blog????
Is easy to do.....
I really don't understand your point of view.
All the activists are trying to bring important issues to the public and you wish to condenm the same people.
Why burn all those bridges?
Oh well c'est la vie..... - Lets get this straight Chucky so there is no misunderstanding. You only
allowed my words to stand this time around because other people read
them and asked you to? Hmmm some ethics EH?
As for guts not only is my belly bigger than you my balls are as big as basketballs compared to yours. I ain't afraid of Count Peter Hans Klovenbach so why would I be afraid of you? You and your wannbe lawyer friend know full well I have been trying to impeach George W. Bush byway of the courts since 2002. Long before that nonsense in Iraq began. You hate me because if you had even glanced at the papers you just confessed you read then you know I sued Cardinal Law and caused him to quit his job on Dec 13th, 2002. It had nothing to do with child abuse like the media claims. It was merely filthy lucre that is all. Well my wife's cousin the exbanker turned priest Robert T. Kickham is still around around and cooking the books for the brand new Cardinal in Beantown. You know the dude in named O'Malley.
Furthmore Chucky you offer no argument to anything I state other than lie about not promising to serve Brad Green or falsely claiming that the computer I gave you was no good? The best you can is make jokes or critize my choice of words whilst I point out your serious lack of integrity?
In my law books it is not illegal to have poor manners or use the words I have employed thus far(as of yet anyway) I believe it falls under something that can be found in the Charter
However to slander someone and tell ouright lies about them for one's own gain is more than offensive. I have been falsely imprisoned because of the perjury of people like you who choose to support public corruption for their own gain. Methinks I should seek relief in court in fredericton particularly when I can prove it. Furthermore you know you have told several lies within the very blog.
I will wager if I posted something that you can never refute this blog will evporate immediately. Perhaps I should seal its fate and let your friends wonder why you erased me so quickly after I busted you in front of everybody. Never fear though I saved this blog in its entirety already. However you really should check you email and press print on the tif file that I just sent you and yoy hard copy of the proof that I keep wonderful records. Some of your buddies and adversaries may be reading it already. At the end of the day you may realize that I just may turn out to be the honest man that you ever met. - I give up....I'm just going to continue bloggling away.....Bonne Chance...
- Don't you think you should hire a lawyer too? That last email was hell
in a hand basket wasn't it? Why not call Cleveland Allaby (your know
Tanker's lawyer) he hates both Bernie Lord and me but he won't demand
any sort of apology from me. Hell he won't even whisper my name. Just
maybe Cleveland Allaby will help Vaughn and you to understand my
material and then ask you two dudes why you didn't call the RCMP years
ago. Yea I know I am pipe dreaming. Honest cops and lawyers don't exist.
That is pure Hollywood all the way and a long long way from the
Maritimes EH? Ask my Newfy buddy Byron Prior how bad things really are
around here. I Double Dog Dare Ya too Chucky.
Que Sera Sera and
Cya'll in Court
David Raymond Amos - Chucky giving advice to David Amos to not burn bridges? That is funny. Chucky is good at burning bridges himself. He has no bridge left to burn. How can give advice to others to not do the same.
- Subject: Fwd: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you
Everybody loves a mystery. A lot of folks were no doubt wondering why the big talking old fart named Petey Newman apologized to Lord Conrad Black not long after he and Mikey Levine laughed off his lawsuit at the big party in Toronto. Didn't it seem strange to anyone that the Tory's law firm wrote the crooked old Lord a fat cheque as well? It seems that the Torys, a dude named Mr. Moate, Levine, Greenspan, Newman and I may be the only ones to know the true reason why and I am the only one who will tell the tale. Here is your clue see if you can figure it out. I know of two Maritimers who will never have a hope in hell of figuring it out because they do not have two clues between them and if the did they would not know what to do with them. One dude everybody calls Tanker and the other I call Frenchie. They know who they are do you
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos - Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 06:36:11 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos
To: Eddy Greenspan
Subject: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you
Say hey to your buddies the old fart Peter C. Newman and and the corrupt Yankee FitzGerald for me will ya?
"Edward L. Greenspan, Q.C." wrote:
Subject: RE: Since Susan Prosnitz and her boss Fynn would not answer Hard Copy
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 08:10:13 -0500
From: "Edward L. Greenspan, Q.C." To: "David Amos"
Please delete my name from your emails
Greenspan, White
144 King Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1G8
Tel: 416-366-3961
Fax: 416-366-7994 - Subject: RE: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you
"Cleveland J. Allaby" wrote:
Please do not email, write, copy or send anything to me in the future. - Bingo You Mr. Cleveland Allaby win the cake baked by Bernie Lord.
Cya'll in Court . Thanks for finally responding to me. Your timing is perfect. One hour before or so before the 39th Parliament begins and just in time before I polish off my first complaint to file in Federal court in Fredericton. Was it done so quickly after I blogged my letter to you in Chucky LeBlanc's web page? Did the gossip about my blogging in his website reach you first thing this morning? In my book you are as dumb as the Frenchie is. Wise or dumb I will call you as a witness to testify in Federal Court before I get around to suing you. Perhaps your lawyer and I should talk now. Hostile or not you will make an important witness not only on because of your lawsuits concernining Native Aboriginal matters (Remember Barry Bachrach represents me in the USA right now) but more importantly because Bernie Lord paid you a lot of money years ago to study the Justice Dept. (Wasn't it 112,000 grand or so?)
Obviously Cleveland you are no wiser than Eddy Greenspan. Clearly you think your status as a well known lawyer allows you not only to ignore and not uphold the law but break it if you wish. Should you have contacted the RCMP as soon as you listened the the CD I provided you with. Guess what I told them you got it already. My next calls are to the General Counsel of the SIRC and the old lawyer who represent the following folks. He has played dumb with me for way past to long.
Suite 200, 394 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1X4
phone: 416-363-0321
fax: 416-861-1291
Cleveland did you really think your email will scare me off? Look how fast I bounced it back and forwarded it to many others. When a man has been diligently attempting to impeach George W. Bush for over three years despite the attacks from crooked Feds etc nothing scares him anymore. A threat of litigation coming from the email box of a lawyer into mine is like manna from heaven to me. Didn't I slam Eddy Greenspan the same way? Man you are dumb if you though that I would not do the same thing with you. You just proved for me that every body else got my email and hard copy too. you asgin the same question I asked you on February 23rd. Whois your god damned lawyer maybe I know him already. If not tell him he has a fool for a client. Will ya?
Tell me honestly, Cleveland if you can find it in your your soul to do so. Why Didn't you sue Bernie Lord as you threatened to do particularly after you and I talked the day before I gave my material to your buddy Tom Young and the New Brunswick Securities Commission? I heard of no apology from him and I laughed when I saw Tanker being trundled down to the Speakers chair arm in arm with two crooks. I figured another backroom deal went down and Tanker needed a smarter lawyer because I had heard nothing from you and I made certain that you knew the score with Hard Copy of my material before that shit went down. Something definitely smells rotten in New Brunswick EH?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
The question still remains who is the April Fool and will Chucky evict me for Blogging?
chucky leblanc wrote:
You can add this note to all the millions of other
notes but I feel that I have to send ya this note.
We allowed you to have your own little blog. I believe
it's a good way for you to spread your message.
I'm still trying to figure out exactly what the
message is???...lol
Anyway, there's no need to condenm the people who are
activists like Vaugh.
I believe it attracts new visitors that search the
names you mention.
But once that blog is delete? It's too fini.
I too had problems at the Legislature and it's in
front of the Human Rights Commission.
It takes time.....
All I'm asking is that you try to be nice and don't
condenm people like Vaugh who an activist also.
Just try to be nice.....
Lets try to spread our message in a nice way!
What do you think??? - What, specifically, are all these people being sued for? You rant and
rave and nobody can make heads or tails out of what you are talking
We know you ran for office. We know that you try to impeach Bush (and anybody who does that certainly gets good marks from me!) We know that for some reason they held you in jail? Is that correct?
I'm assuming its under the new terrorism laws, since you say they wouldn't let you see evidence. That also is not surprising the way the US is functioning.
But what are all the lawsuits about? There is something about wiretap evidence that for some reason you are sending to canadian politicians and lawyers..why is that?
What exactly are all these law firms doing? If they are crooked, then specifically what evidence do you have? That lawyers are crooks also doesn't surprise most people, I"m mostly surprised we continue to elect so many of them.
But if you could explain point by point what the grievances are against these people, then people may understand. Perhaps you don't care and just want to let off steam, that's fine too, that's what blogs are for. However, many people would like to know what you are suing these people for? - Good day to ye with no name. thanks for the question. Methinks by your
questions you must be Vaughn.I stated the reason for my first lawsuit
clearly live on CTV news to that Murphy character at suppertime just
before I was allowed to debate Andy Scot in Oromocto.
My first lawsuit will be to seek relief for the offense against my rights under the Charter because I was falsely imprisoned without being charged, held without bail and it was all done without even being read my rights. Then I was denied my right to a trial after met the Canadian Consulate in jailand came screaming out. I had tried to remove the matter to the proper jurisdiction and venue in order to prove the malicious prosecution to no avail. the bastarsds in the USA will never give a jury of my peers and Federal Court in Canada does not employ a jury. Thus I must make my issues well known locally before I file so that the Judges will not dismiss my complaints so easily as they have done in the past. Give me a call if you are not Vaughn and I will meet you show you the evidence.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S. My next posting is quite a rant. I explain things in greater detail to say the least but my manners are slipping fast. It will be the maximum stress test of Chucky's newfound sense of ethics. - So you are suing the canadian government for being held in jail in the
US? Is that right, or were you held in Canada? How does that even
Why go on a lengthy rant to 'test' Charles? Take a break if your manners are slipping. Having your messages deleted on the last place your story can be told hardly seems helpful.
"Then I was denied my right to a trial after met the Canadian Consulate in jailand came screaming out"
That makes no sense whatsoever. People don't need long rants, they need clarity. You are suing the canadian government because they refused to help you while in US custody, is that correct? - Bingo. Vaughn
- Wouldn't it be funny if you are not Vaughn but actually Clevelans Allaby or Bras Green or Jeff Mockler or beter yet David Lutz or Vaughn's buddy Brucy Baby Noble. that can't be though because Vaughn must be Chucky's only legal minded friend
- I am typing to fast because I am upt to something far more important right now involving J. Division. Mean old Zach's old stomping grounds.
- You know what? I am am gonna take you advice and take a break from
Chucky's little sideshow and go downtown to see what condition my
condition is in Fredericton. I will be the ugly guy grinning and smoking
a lot but not saying a damned think. From now on i want everything i
say recorded. One must do such things when one sues the Crown.
EH Vaughn? - Well, that makes some sense anyway. So how are these New Brunswick
lawyers involved? Are you saying that none of them will represent you
or what? You are sending them this wiretap evidence for what reason?
If it's federal court why are you even in New Brunswick, all the lawyers
in this province are idiots and irving lackeys. Why not go to Toronto
where there are at least some civil liberties lawyers.
The trouble is, I don't know of any legal grounds that 'forces' the canadian government to intervene in a foreign country's legal system. If somebody plants coke on you in columbia and you get caught, then plead with canada to help you out, you'll be out of luck.
Under the charter canadians have fewer rights than americans. Our 'terror laws' are the mirror image of the US's, but never even had moranda rights or anything ike that. In Canada, you are simply f&&&&& if you cross the state, as any native, environmentalist, protestor, or civil rights attorney will tell you.
I don't know of a single case where somebody successfully sued, even David Milgaard was given a settlement since it was dragging out so long. Natives have tried suing for years.
However, it's easy to talk from the outside. But if Ernst Zundel couldn't sue for being held for almost a decade with no charges against him in Canada, I don't see how far a lawsuit against Canada for not intervening in a foreign country will go. - Civil rights? Where do you think you ar?? Lok at th e blog. A woman can't panhandel to make life a little bettre. Boarding house residents can't do anything. This was a joke, but if that owner wanted to, he could toss Charles for just that reason. Hell, owners could show up at their apartments and tell them they want a blowjob, any body who said no would be told to get out. Welcome to New Brunswick.
- I am back in more ways than one.
It is half past quitting time and all the corrupt politicians are out getting drunk or laid or both. Tis time for bloggers to come out and play maybe with luck what the smiling bastards read in the morning will give a few of them a stroke and Lord can call some more snap by elections EH?
"Welcome to New Brunswick?" Jeez I was born and raised here i have lived here for over forty years of my life. I am older than Chucky and lived just down the road from where he was brought up in Dorchester NB. I went to High School and UNB in Fredericton when most of the snots that are screwing us did. Why do you think I am so pissed off? You don't think I know the score. If someone claims that I am a Yankee again I think I may hunt them down. If because a man lives somewhere else for awhile makes him a man of that place then how come a Newfy is always a Newfy everywhere he goes.
Here is a God's moment for Chucky:
Wht did God tell the Newfys?
Play dumb til I get back Will ya?
that joke seems to hold true here to. since I left the room nothing further was said. How come. cat got you tongue chucky or could it be the emails I sent ya?
Love and Kisses
Dave - Can ya tell I am fishing?
If you speak of the devil he is sure to appear particularly when you jerk his chain and piss him off.
Dave again - Nobody called you a yankee, but starting threatening people is sure to get you deleted, as well as guaranteeing no court in the country will give you the time of day except to prosecute. As was said, there is virtually zero chance of suing the government for your claim. At least Charles is being constructive and taking it to the human rights people and doing his part to get more rights for new brunswickers. But good luck getting to court.
- I see that you are watching Vaughn. Spoken just like a lawyer you wish
to be. "Hunt you down" is an expression. But it brought you out of the
woods didn't it. Perhaps you should read your next email real slow.
Before I go I must ask you are you trying to intimadate me by making
false allegations against me?
Love and Kisses
(hows that for nice Chucky?) - "As was said, there is virtually zero chance of suing the government for your claim."
Hmm maybe I will ask Vaughn under oath in court someday why he has formed that opinion of my pending lawsuit. Clearly he knows more of my matters than what I or Chucky have given him. I am still human don't you know. Fredericton does not have the only courts in this old World. I except them crooked judges here to try hard to dismiss my matters. Why to you think I am raising hell first. If anyone should understand what I am up to it is an actvist.
Love and Kisses
Dave - You certainly ain't Bruce Noble because he represents the Fredericton PD
if you choose to send them to hassle me. He already know I have a few
bones to pick with him in court. I would welcome more false charges.
Here is the obvious question. Are you Chucky's buddy Vaughn or are you
not? If not who are you?
Love and Kisses
Dave - Thirty minutes have passed and still no comment. Come on now the email was not all that long Vaughn.
Love and Kisses
Dave - I have noticed that Chucky hit counter has picked up a little speed. His
count is starting to appraoch Byron Prior's website. Here it is if
anybody cares. I know I do. Byron is human too and he has been far more
offended than Chucky ever was.
I was bored waiting and check to see if it clicked over a big milestone for him.
80 grand was how many viewers he had when the MP Billy Matthews intmadted him into taking it down.
Chucky is appraoching that number for the first time. this is Byron second kick at the can of worms of injustice.
Love and Kisses
Dave - Tick tick tick Methinks when the count get to 100 I will evict myself
before I get the bum's rush. It is getting kinda boring here anyway. I
wil just safe the posts and go about my evening knowing nobody will miss
me here.
Hell I was even being kinda sorta nice:)
Love and Kisses
Dave - Your silence is deafening Vaughn i must be coorect at you or are you to
busy trying to revive Chucky with mouth to mouth. Did I give you two too
much information in the last email and it overloaded you little minds?
What gives Chuckys other blogs barely have any comments at all he can't
be that busy. I will leave the comment after 99 for Chucky to fill in
or delete. He always likes to have the last word. EH? I will post this
look for a comment and then be gone to leave you to wonder when and
where we will cross paths again.
Love and Kisses
Dave - Now I don't even make sense to myself. I will consider myself evicted and save the blog in its entirety to argue about later.
Cya'll in court or in Hell.
C'est la meme chose n'est pas?
Bon nuit ma petite chou chous.
(Aren't I nice)
Veritias Vincit
(check the Keiths beer bottle)
David Raymond Amos - I don't know who Vaughn is, I was interested in the story because I
couldn't decide whether you were crazy or just very angry. I still
don't know.
I know there are constructive uses for anger, Charles has accomplished quite a bit with his. I'd hate to see ANYBODY spend all that time and energy in a fruitless cause such as trying to sue the government. The mention of being an 'activist' was heartening. Charles has been an activist and he and Tim Smith have almost single handedly got the rights of tenants on the map, and soon an injustice there 'may' be rectified, one that is a hundred years overdue.
Yet he and Tim accomplished it in less than two months, albeit with the help of a byelection.
Being imprisoned in the states is no crime in my book, their entire federal system is an illegal entity. Manlin Chee has been a public defender for over twenty years, won many awards, and now sits in jail because she sat on a panel that argued against the patriot act. While Canada isn't MUCH better, it is SOME better.
But like I said, the courts will give no recourse, as the courts have clearly stated that Canada's own terrorist act does not infringe on civil liberties. Anybody who thinks highly of civil liberties in Canada just needs to remember Oka, or Quebec, where thousands of french were rounded up without charge just so Trudeau could pretend to be macho.
There are lots of organizations that are attacking these things, and personally I think its a shame that those who have virtually identical claims against the government can't seem to get along. If there were a dozen Charles Leblanc's in the province we could literally turn the province upside down. YOu seem to have the passion, but maybe a little too much, as often you are incomprehensible. That's unfortunate because those who are victims of the aggression of the state are those whose stories most deserve to be heard.
Just a recommendation, but when you mentioned all those lawyers then you definitely got my interest. These guys work in a shroud of secrecy and somebody with the guts to air their dirty laundry would definitely accomplish more good with political activism than with lawsuits. Courts were designed to put undesirables in jail, not mete out justice. Hell, New Brunswick doesn't even allow class action lawsuits!
I don't always agree with Charles, and often his views and how he states them make me cringe, but I'm glad that he does what he does, and NB is a province that NEEDS more 'activism'. I'd just suggest doing it in a way that's guaranteed to get the most results. But that's just my opinion-not Vaughns. - What planet in cyber space are you from oh yet with noname who claims
not to be Vaughn? The first thing you should do when you touch down on
mother earth is get a name. Then learn to read BEFORE you write. I ain't
no god damned activist. GET IT? However I am a very fierce political
animal. GET IT? I am just a very pissed off Maritimer with way bigger
balls than you.
Some activist you are with only half a mind to say something like this to me. Go to jail sometime in Yankee Doodleland and then come back home and tell me that crap again.
"Being imprisoned in the states is no crime in my book,"
After you figure out the nonsense that you just wrote in support of a liar. Why not get an email account and a telephone too and learn how to use them BEFORE you attack a man who understands more about what you are yapping about than you could ever dream. I have no doubt that you are clever and you may be well on your way to being just another lawyer but you cannot learn to be ethical in any law school. You must be born with the genes. It seems that you and Chucky are a couple bricks shy of that load.
On the other hand in reading some of your words about what Chucky has done I think you may be the political science student at the homeless shelter that the lady that was on Tom Young's show spoke of when I called her afterwards. Either way I don't care. i don't want to know you.
Ask you buddy Chucky sometime to share his emails from me with you if you are truly are not his buddy Vaughn. Better yet go on a mission with your mouse and go through Chuckys many blogs and figure out who he is for yourself. Then ask Vaughn if you can view the hard copy of the material he admited having BEFORE I was falsely imprisoned in 2004. Activists have a lot to learn about listening to folks before there is trouble. It seems they allow things to happen just so they can protest about it later. I was challenging the FBI etc and arguing crooked US Attorneys about other matters in Federal Court in Boston months before that nonsense in Iraq began. whereas you seem to have a love of lucre Vaughn should tell ya that in two matters I was awarded judgements by default for 32 million bucks and I laughed and told them to shove it up their arse because the judgement came from the wrong court. It is all about jurisdiction venue and justice. I cannot demand integrity of others without proving my own first. When the crooked lawyers filed motions to remove the defaults and file their answers late I did not oppose them. It so shocked the hell out of the Yankee bastards they were not long sending the Secret Service to try to take a man away who would rather argue the awful truth than take a pay off.
In my book false imprisonment is definite illegal and when I look at your writing and Chuckys I cannot forget what I was taught. There are NO degrees of honesty either you are or your are NOT. Go kiss Chucky good night. Will ya? I have had enough of both of you oh ye who may be Vaughn. I so not feel sorry that I do not believe you.(Damned for a little Damned for at lot)
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos - One last ting before I sign off that I forgot to say. Yankee lawyers
swear an oath before the Bar before they are allowed to practice law for
a fee. Part of it goes something like this. "I will not delay or deny
any man for lucre or malice" the politicians and lawyers I am arguing
ignore their oath for lucre which far easier to understand than the
malice you and Chucky wish against me. i tried to help Chucky and even
gave him a computer because he whined that he did not have one. The only
thing I asked in return was for him to go to Brad Green's office and
give him a pile of documents and one CD in an unsealed envelope so that
every one could see that there was nothing harmful inside.The liar
claimed many things and slammed me six ways to Sunday while blocking my
protests. I was getting even on April fools and draging him into a place
where most lawyer fear to go. An ethical argument in public view. Like
Tom Young on the radio he keep threatening to press the delete button
when things were not going his way. Charles Leblanc is all about Charles
LeBlanc no less no more.
Veritas Vincit
Thursday, September 29, 2005
- It is more like a mint for Bernie.
- “I have to remind MLA Kenny that it was the former Liberal that cut the
hourly pay for home support care workers by $2.” Tony Huntjens in a
letter to editor in the Gleaner.
When will these idiots stop living in 90s and realize that 21st century is upon us. What kind of drug he is on? - John Hamm a man of great integrity resigned as a Premier of Nova Scotia. We have unscrupulous Bernard Lord who is still Premier. There is something wrong with us NBers to tolerate this man as our Premier
- Here is the real reason Hamm quit it is at the very bottom of this
particular blog. This email is also why the dudes in Fredericton are so
nervous these days. Simply put I'm back. I can only wonder how long this
Blog will remain before Chucky Leblanc deletes it in order to cover up
the public corruption he secretly supports.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: bsharpe@nl.rogers.com ; davidamos@bsn1.net ; duffy@ctv.ca ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; news@ctv.ca ; am@ctv.ca ; diane.bourque@flsc.ca ; jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca ; gbyrne@pattersonpalmer.ca ; corp.website@sunlife.com ; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; shickman@pattersonpalmer.ca ; lrikleen@Bowditch.com ; John.Conyers@mail.house.gov ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; bmosher@mosherchedore.ca ; carterweb@emory.edu ; Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ; parkhill@stu.ca ; plee@stu.ca ; billestabrooks@navnet.net ; kentlib@nbnet.nb.ca ; police@fredericton.ca ; wickedwanda3@adelphia.net ; marno3@shaw.ca ; cmgstjohns@nf.aibn.net
Cc: guild@interlog.com ; ombudsman@cbc.ca ; lise@cmg.ca ; pacificpalate@telus.net ; ajehman@hotmail.com ; maureen_matthews@cbc.ca ; gerry@cmg.ca ; bvessey@pei.eastlink.ca ; sallypitt@hotmail.com ; garyparsons@nfld.net ; neilmac@vzw.blackberry.net ; deesdee@yahoo.com ; shawk_1999@yahoo.com ; cari_blanchard@yahoo.com ; cturner@nbnet.nb.ca ; briann@accesswave.ca ; mplaurin@sympatico.ca ; lebelb@nbnet.nb.ca ; slmsmbouchard@hotmail.com ; maurice10@rogers.com ; m.meldrum@ns.sympatico.ca ; twomech@nb.sympatico.ca ; dugasp28@hotmail.com ; embateman@hotmail.com ; sawebb@hotmail.com ; pgcastle@hotmail.com ; newschick@hotmail.com ; oldmaison@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 1:19 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: This is who I am Bobby Baby. Read it and weep.
I had to respond to this. Brian Gaudet should have read my last email before bouncing it back to me with his insults. I was already gone. At least this Frenchman, sounds more like a proper Maritimer. Yet if he was going to spout off to me he should have been man enough to say it front of the rest of you too. Let us all see if he has truly Billy Gates blocking me after trying to pick a fight with me. Yahoo will tell the tale on that. That said, I do admire that he defends his wife's name and is willing to fight about it even if he does not understand the issues. That is honourable but dumb. I was confused that the email address said two mech so I suspect that he may be a mechanic just like me and not any sort of lawyer or newsman either. I like that as well.
It seems he has been raised on the four F's just like me. Only thing is I ain't hiding behind an electronic mask like he said. If he had bothered to read I had even inserted my phone number. I will be coming to Sackville very soon but by then your protests will likely be over and I would be met with the indifference that I was faced with last year. So I will bother you all no more even though I will be forwarding and blogging this email in many other places. It is the same methods that the locked out people employed to bring CBC to the table. they have no right to put down my actions against them. I do not wish to speak to the CBC or the employees about a lawsuit I am filing against the Crown because of their actions against me. That would be kinda dumb even for a Maritimer don't you think? I would rather have spoken to pissed off people CBC had locked out of work. It made far more sense to me.
I have many friends in the Sackville area. Perhaps Frenchy should ask around about me to some mechanics he may know to see if most folks who know me well think me to be a liar. He should not rely on CBC to find out the truth about me. To offset any confrontations from people he did not know, Frenchy should have told his wife not to use his email address. If he did not want to be bothered by people she and her other CBC buddies had ignored last year during the last federal election he should have told me out of the gate that he was not his wife. She could have gotten her own hotmail account like my eleven year old in Amherst just did. Instead she used her husband's email to tell the world on the internet that she was actively protesting being out of work? She was soliticiting our support for her plight but in the next electronic breath her husband proves that they care about nobody else? CBC and all of its reporters are the bullshitters in this matter not me. They are self centered greedy bastards also.
CBC does have a mandate to give all people running for a seat in Parliament equal time not just the people the reporters want to win. That is the law and their mandate as a Crown Corp. In case you are reading this Brian Gaudet talk tough all you wish. I don't scare easy because I am too dumb to know fear. Ask the Secret Service who tried to take me away to Cuba over two years ago or the jailers who threw me in the hole last year because I was pretty pissed off if I am a chickenshit or not. Because I display no fear people label me as crazy in order to make themselves feel better about their own cowardice. I have walked the walk for far too long to be frightened by anyone now. I live each day as my last. Only integrity surprises me now. It is a rare thing to find combined with age and power.
If you don't believe me or think I am harrassing you in any way why not call the RCMP or sue me French?. Bring along this email to prove how I have offended you. I will love to argue the Crown about it in court. I will bring along what I served upon the CBC in Saint John while I was running for Parliament last year. It should make for an interesting argument that CBC will not report. Their lawyers have not answered me yet but many others have and know tha CBC got my material too. It appears that i must sue to get an answer as to why the CBC ignored its mandate.
Frenchy I would prefer to meet your lawyer face to face in court in a civil lawsuit rather than duke it out on the street with you and inspire another criminal matter. Besides I have too much to lose even if I won such a senseless thing in court or in the street. You are another ordinary asshole like me. There is no need to battle with you. I am getting too old for such nonsense now but I will certainly defend myself from anyone. If you wish to pursue the matter be forewarned that I don't fight fair anymore. If perchance I lose I am very big on getting even. My battles are never over until that happens. What I teach my son also holds true for me. I tell him to never back down from anyone because it is too expensivee to one's own pride and you will have to run from bullies your whole life. In truth a brawl proves nothing at all except how dumb we can be. Nevertheless like hockey fighting can be a great sport sometimes. Confused? Me too. what do you teach your son Frenchy?
Like you Frenchy I prefer face to face confrontations but only in front of many witnesses these days so that nobody can accuse me of saying or doing anything wrong. If you wish to fight, call the cops first and announce your intentions then all that I ask of you is that you throw the first swing so that my actions will be in defence. Is that OK with you Frenchy??????
You are right about one thing though. Nobody cares. However it is not stupid of me to piss people off. It is merely one of those things I do that nobody seems to appreciate. It works like a charm to get others to prove to me that they are assholes. The big difference between an asshole like me and an asshole like you is that I care about what happens to others. You don't. If you disagree why not help another Maritimer by the name of Byron Prior. He needs all the help he can get. I don't. You don't even have to Google him. Read the portion of his his web site that was at the bottom of the second email I sent to you today. If you have any heart in you at all pick up the phone and call him to see if he is for real for yourself. I did the best I could to help him with his litigation against Billy Matthews and all his Newfy buddies while your wife's buddy Ian Hannamansing who is from Sackville only called Byron a liar while he was doing his big special in Newfoundland about justice last year.
If my memory of what Byron said about the show that night is correct, your wife's fellow CBC workers carefully edited Byron from any of their tapes shown on TV while the Attorney General Tommy Marshall's son sat right by his side and made it on TV. In my opinion the CBC dudes in Newfoundland should all be fired ASAP for that reason alone. That fact has nothing to do with me and my concerns whatsoever. All Canadians were denied the opportunity to hear what Byron Prior had to say about how justice is being served in the Maritimes. It should make no difference at all whether or not Hannamansing thought of Byron a lair. We all had the right to hear what he had to say after CBC had invited the public they work for to speak on TV. How else can we decide the truth about anything if we do not hear from all sides? This is a Democracy isn't it is free speech a myth on public TV? CBC does not have the right to to be judge and jury simply because they have the ability to edit tapes.
Get it Frenchy???????????
Here is my phone number again Frenchy 506 434 1379 if you wish to ask me any questions. I will not bother to look up yours. I do not care about you think anymore if you don't wish to speak man to man. I will do as you requested and merely leave you all alone just like I said in the last email I ever intended to send to any of the CBC crowd. Now that they are comfortably back at work editing the truth for Paul Martin's benefit not ours, I know it would be fruitless to approach them anymore.
Before you give me a call Frenchy, perhaps you should review email that you bounced back to me. For your education here is my face as well and an article about me in a local paper then ask yourself why the CBC reporters ignored an interesting little circus.
I ain't hiding and I ain't a lair. I am just another Maritime asshole just like you Frenchy. You should understand me as being a simple, sincere and serious asshole even if you do not believe that I am a man with some pretty serious beefs against the corrupt justice system and the CBC that helps it in its malice towards us all. It is late and my rambling rant is over. As I wrote this I kept remmbering my encounters with the Frenchy from the far side of my hometown of Dorchester last year. His name is Charles LeBlanc. Man that bastard is full of hot air. I had to get this off my chest. I will sleep better with you dismissed from my mind too. Good luck with your own conscience from now on. Say Hey to Chucky Leblanc for me will ya> Like you he is blocking my emails after sending me a flood of them last year. I will lay odds your wife knows of him. The Maritimes ain't that big a place and he is quite a bragger.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
----- Original Message -----
> > > > From: "McKnight, Gisele" McKnight.Gisele@kingscorecord.com
> > > > To: lcampenella@ledger.com
> > > > Cc:motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
> > > Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM
> > > > Subject: David Amos
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Hello Lisa,
> > > > > David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he
> > became
> > > an
> > > > > independent (not representing any political party) candidate in our
> > > > federal
> > > > > election that was held June 28.
> > > > >
> > > > > He was a candidate in our constituency of Fundy (now called
> > > Fundy-Royal).
> > > > I
> > > > > wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That
> > > story
> > > > > appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story, written
> > by
> > > > one
> > > > > of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a report on
> the
> > > > > candidates' debate held June 18.
> > > > >
> > > > > As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election.
> > The
> > > > > winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358.
> > > > >
> > > > > I have attached the two stories that appeared, as well as a photo
> > taken
> > > by
> > > > > reporter Erin Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the photo
> > that
> > > > > ran, but this one is very similar.
> > > > >
> > > > > Gisele McKnight
> > > > > editor A1-debate A1-amos,David for MP 24.doc debate
> > > > > Kings County Record
> > > > > Sussex, New Brunswick
> > > > > Canada
> > > > > 506-433-1070
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd
By Erin Hatfield
"If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your world is all screwed up, rearrange it."
The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if unofficial, theme song for the debate.
The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn. Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty, mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.
The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.
Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices. Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each other on their answers and criticizing eachothers’ party leaders. Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."
Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.
The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to register sex offenders rather than register the property of law abiding citizens."
The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.
Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You’re out of touch," Armstrong yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time, anyplace," Armstrong responded.
As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate, candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making process for the June 28 vote.
Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his favourite possessions—motorcycles.
The Unconventional Candidate
David Amos Isn’t Campaigning For Your Vote, But….
By Gisele McKnight
FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."
Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.
The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada.
One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail to meet Elections Canada requirements.
When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his favourite place to do so—Fundy.
Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians.
"I’ve become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."
The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in 1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he needed to change his life.
"I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that sometimes in midlife."
So Amos, who’d lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952 Panhead motorcycle.
"Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact) experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask for anything, but you take what they offer."
For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs and conversation all over North America.
Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls himself.
He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."
Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.
"But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said. "It’s alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"
Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.
"I didn’t appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can call me. I’m not going to drive my opinions down their throats."
And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.
"I won’t take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It’s not about money. It goes against what I’m fighting about."
What he’s fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes’ gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.
"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I’m death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.
"There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me, especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right. Don’t necessarily vote for me, but vote."
Although…if you’re going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have your X by his name.
"I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and say, ‘what the hell.’"
Brian Gaudet twomech@nb.sympatico.ca wrote:
From: "Brian Gaudet" twomech@nb.sympatico.ca
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: This is who I am Bobby Baby. Read it and weep.
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 21:41:47 -0300
Listen, asshole.......This is not Suzanne's email it is her husband. I certainly don't care for the remarks that you are making about her. Having said that, I asked you once politely to remove us from your list. I will have blocked you by now, so I will not have to put up with your e-mails or bullshit any longer...................But I am not one for emails anyway.........I prefer to talk face to face............So you can't hide behind this electronic mask.............Do You get it???????????? I would not hide from a pathetic waste of oxygen such as you antway. People just don't care............Understand............No body cares about you and your stupidity..................Go AWAY...........
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: bsharpe@nl.rogers.com ; davidamos@bsn1.net ; duffy@ctv.ca ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; news@ctv.ca ; am@ctv.ca ; diane.bourque@flsc.ca ; jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca ; gbyrne@pattersonpalmer.ca ; corp.website@sunlife.com ; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; shickman@pattersonpalmer.ca ; lrikleen@Bowditch.com ; John.Conyers@mail.house.gov ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; bmosher@mosherchedore.ca ; carterweb@emory.edu ; Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ; parkhill@stu.ca ; plee@stu.ca ; billestabrooks@navnet.net ; kentlib@nbnet.nb.ca ; police@fredericton.ca ; wickedwanda3@adelphia.net ; marno3@shaw.ca ; cmgstjohns@nf.aibn.net
Cc: guild@interlog.com ; ombudsman@cbc.ca ; lise@cmg.ca ; pacificpalate@telus.net ; ajehman@hotmail.com ; maureen_matthews@cbc.ca ; gerry@cmg.ca ; bvessey@pei.eastlink.ca ; sallypitt@hotmail.com ; garyparsons@nfld.net ; neilmac@vzw.blackberry.net ; deesdee@yahoo.com ; shawk_1999@yahoo.com ; cari_blanchard@yahoo.com ; cturner@nbnet.nb.ca ; briann@accesswave.ca ; mplaurin@sympatico.ca ; lebelb@nbnet.nb.ca ; slmsmbouchard@hotmail.com ; maurice10@rogers.com ; m.meldrum@ns.sympatico.ca ; twomech@nb.sympatico.ca ; dugasp28@hotmail.com ; embateman@hotmail.com ; sawebb@hotmail.com ; pgcastle@hotmail.com ; newschick@hotmail.com
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 3:00 PM
Subject: This is who I am Bobby Baby. Read it and weep.
To put it simply in answer to your dumb request Mr. Sharpe. My answer is HELL NO. That is a nice as I can put it. I just called Katie Nicholson and introduced myself. I will it leave you to wonder whom I will call next. Your clue is that you sent them greetings as a Locked-Out brother in sunny St. Johns.
To elaborate, I must say that I definitely will not go away. Look how you people act since you have been locked out of your jobs. You behave far worse tha I. In fact I may be coming to Newfoundland very soon to copy the material in the dockets of Newfoundland Supreme Court in the Billy Matthews versus Byron Prior matter as it pertains to me me. I need hard copy before I sue the CBC and the Crown. My question right now is hey Bobby Baby why don't I sue you too? Maybe I will come around and watch your people do their song and dance for their job. Perhaps you should try meeting me toe to toe and looking me in the eye if you want to meet a simple sincere and very serious man and then dare me to. I will be real easy to pick out. I am the hairy bastard in the Kilt once worn by a good friend of mine Ol Tom. He is one of the last of the Ladies from Hell. I wear it with his blessings. too many of his friends fought and died many years ago so that shit like this should not happen in our own nativeland. Even the Yankee bastard I call Deputy dog has met Ol Tom long before I dated the Yankee's sister. You bear the same first name as Deputy Dog Bobby Baby and you just forwarded all them your dumb little email that jerked this mangey old dog's chain bigtime. Need I say that my wife did not like receiving your response? She has warned me not to send out her email address anymore. Like her I do not listen real good sometimes but I did accomadate her on her birthday at least.
Bobby Baby if you want someone's shoulder to cry on give the lady Liza Frulla a call. She is a former sister of yours correct? I think she may have some job security issues when there is finally a federal election called. The sooner the better for me and the NDP. Frulla did not answer me so I must remain a man of my word and pass this email on as I promised her I would. Quite honestly I did not expect her to answer me. Everybody knows that she does whatever Paul Martin and the warroom dudes within PCO/PMO offices tell her to do. I needed the proof of contact thats all because I was banking on the fact the warroom will tell her to ignore me. I was just playing her like a fiddlewhile fishing for response from yo sos like you and hopefully an ehtical person or two. Paul Dugas who likes to play the fiddle in the town where I was born should certainly get my joke. On the one year anniversary of Ashcroft visiting Canada and Wayne Easter's office talking to me, he joined a forum to yap about violins. I found the coincidence strangely comical. If Paul Dugas or anyone within the CBC had elected to report my doings on that day instead of talking about fiddlin etc, we would all be better off right now. The CBC recived received my material July 16th 2002, the very same day Argeo P. Cellucci did. That was long before the War on Iraq had started. Have your conscience dwell on that sad fact for a minute or two before you answer a lot of ghosts in your Heaven or Hell someday. As you can see I study people a bit and I already have a pretty good idea who will be naughty and who may be nice. I learned long ago cops, lawyers, bankers, priests and newsmen never are. So I attack them out of the gate but only in an ethical fashion byway of the written word and carefully worded phone calls. Newsmen should know that the word is mightier than the sword. You make your living by it you should die by it as well. Please fall on it ASAP or use it to hang the rest of the corrupt bastards. How is that for a challenge?
Furthermore I like to do everything in threes just like they purportly do in Heaven and Hell. Now that Suzanne Gaudet, Paul Dugas from the town where I was born and you the Newfy Bobby Baby have responded to me you have sealed the fate of the Crown Corp of CBC for me. I need no more responses from the likes of you. Why spoil my own fun? I will likely not tell you anymore about what I am up to after I send the next email and print both of them as evidence to use in Federal Court. I will sue the Minister who oversees your conduct and none of you can ever say that you did not know the truth of my concerns before I did. The CRTC can go to Hell for all I care. Starting with their crooked little Minister many of the public servants under her supervision need to be replaced if the public trust in your profession is ever going to be upheld.
Even though the unethical people at CBC, CTV and all other media pretend to have no understanding of what I mean, a lot of Maritimers understand me quite well already. Blogging is truly the only way to go these days. Watch out. Ordinary folks will replace you in a New York minute. Why else has CBC locked you out I might ask? It appears to me that only the Frenchmen has job security EH? Why do you think that is? Better yet look how quick Bloggers embarrassed Dan Rather before you call me a dreamer. That said look to find the text of this email in many Blogs in the near future and you can study the work of a very fierce political animal. All you should have to do is Google your own name or email address. Turn about is fair play. EH? If you don't like please sue me just like Billy Matthews did with Byron Prior. Google that name some time then tell me all is well in Newfoundland.
It is my fellow Maritimers that I want pissed off at the CBC etc. and all the corrupt politicians they have chosen to support. I do not give two hoots about you as a man Bobby Baby. To me you are just a dumb little pawn in a big big game. I am taking on the Masters of War alone despite the laughter from the likes of you. IF you want some insight in to my character have Rudyard Kipling explain my nature to you within his wonderful poem called IF. I take his advice not your. thus you have the reason behind my simple answer of NO. What I would prefer though Newfy is for you to call me a liar in a public forum. I dare ya. You do not seem all that sharp to me so I will warn you I was raised to the F's of the Maritimes that your former Premier explained to the Yankees years ago. I found it funny the chickenshit named only three. So much for being politically correct EH? He came close but no cigar. Castro will get my joke someday soon. Here is me phone number 506 434-1379. Use it Newfy if you dare to use a phone with a caller ID. Otherwise do not bother at all. just find me in the Blogs.
On a personal note Bill, I liked your voicemail to me. You and I should have a long talk sometime. I think it would be best to do in public in front of many witnesses who have no idea what we are talking about. I am up against some pretty bad acting Feds right now. I am sorry to say that I cannot afford to trust anyone. A very busy Bar or Diner where ordinary folk like me hang out are my favorite haunts. I know of a few down your way. Maybe I will give ya call when I am heading to your town. Better yet for the benefit of your party why not come see me ASAP? I ain't hard to find ask the RCMP. They have been watching me like a hawk.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 06:00:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: ROBERT SHARPE bsharpe@nl.rogers.com
Subject: Re: Moma and Max and Happy Birthday Cards
To: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com,
davidamos@bsn1.net, duffy@ctv.ca, martine.turcotte@bell.ca, news@ctv.ca,
am@ctv.ca, diane.bourque@flsc.ca, jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca,
gbyrne@pattersonpalmer.ca, corp.website@sunlife.com,
cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, shickman@pattersonpalmer.ca,
lrikleen@Bowditch.com, John.Conyers@mail.house.gov, smay@pattersonpalmer.ca,
bmosher@mosherchedore.ca, carterweb@emory.edu, Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us,
Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us, parkhill@stu.ca, plee@stu.ca,
kentlib@nbnet.nb.ca, police@fredericton.ca, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net
CC: guild@interlog.com, ombudsman@cbc.ca, lise@cmg.ca,
pacificpalate@telus.net, ajehman@hotmail.com, maureen_matthews@cbc.ca,
gerry@cmg.ca, bvessey@pei.eastlink.ca, sallypitt@hotmail.com,
garyparsons@nfld.net, neilmac@vzw.blackberry.net, deesdee@yahoo.com,
shawk_1999@yahoo.com, cari_blanchard@yahoo.com, cturner@nbnet.nb.ca,
briann@accesswave.ca, mplaurin@sympatico.ca, lebelb@nbnet.nb.ca,
slmsmbouchard@hotmail.com, maurice10@rogers.com, m.meldrum@ns.sympatico.ca,
twomech@nb.sympatico.ca, dugasp28@hotmail.com, embateman@hotmail.com,
sawebb@hotmail.com, pgcastle@hotmail.com, bsharpe@nl.rogers.com,
Who are you to have me on your list? Go away.
--- David Amos wrote:
> Yo Mama
> In lieu of a Birthday card or gift this year
> I figured sending you our Joy Boy Max will have to
> do to cheer you up and then later this email may
> give you some more joy at the thought that it may
> give Deputy Dog a serious stroke or a minor hat
> attack at the very least. I have been waiting awhile
> to repond to the bastard's blog for your benefit as
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:49:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: RE Communications in the Public Interest
To: liza_frulla@pch.gc.ca, Frulla.L@parl.gc.ca
CC: betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca, ocrdct@hotmail.com, davidamos@bsn1.net
From: "Paul Dugas" dugasp28@hotmail.com
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Moma and Max and Happy Birthday Cards
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2005 12:36:14 -0300
Please remove me from your email list thank you
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 22:51:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: So much for ethical reporters the town I was born in EH?
To: dugasp28@hotmail.com, m.meldrum@ns.sympatico.ca, maurice10@rogers.com
Suzanne Gaudet is just like Bill Hamilton, She plays the see no evil, hear no evil speak no evil game. While Maurice Doiron, Murray Meldrum and Paul Duhas just opt to play dumb. What must Liza Frulla think of all this. From my point of view you do nothing so why not replace you with nothing at at. It is cheaper for the Taxpayer to keep piping in the BBC. Bullshit is Bullshit no matter what the accent.
twomech@nb.sympatico.ca wrote:
From: twomech@nb.sympatico.ca
To: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Hey Duffy I know why Dr. Hamm quit and why dog MacKay don't hunt in Nova Scotia
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 20:00:42 -0400
Please remove me from your mailing list. Thank you.
> From: David Amos
> Date: 2005/09/30 Fri AM 08:40:44 EST
> To: duffy@ctv.ca, martine.turcotte@bell.ca, news@ctv.ca, am@ctv.ca,
> diane.bourque@flsc.ca, jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca,
> gbyrne@pattersonpalmer.ca, corp.website@sunlife.com,
> cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, shickman@pattersonpalmer.ca,
> lrikleen@Bowditch.com, John.Conyers@mail.house.gov, smay@pattersonpalmer.ca,
> bmosher@mosherchedore.ca, carterweb@emory.edu, Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us,
Hey Lady Liza Frulla
I got the following response from the email I just sent to one of your underlings Ms. Macphee so I called the number she suggested and got the usual governmental voicemail from her help so I left a message. I got a call back just now from her assistant at 819 997-0313. I told her that I would send this email to you and she affirmed my right to do so. However when she attempted to lay down the law to me, I told her I would see her in court. I prefer to argue their lawyers in court rather than spit and chew with civil servants on the phone on my dime. More importantly to me is that I responded to you her Minister byway of email because I require hard copy for evidence to use during the pending arguments of the complaint against the Crown that I do intend to file in Federal Court in Fredericton New Brunswick soon. I am sending you two more emails after this one because my lawyer advised awhile ago to try hard to make my matters well none to the media. From this point forward as the Minister who oversees the CRTC who can never saw that you did not know what many other have known for quite sometime. For what is worth in my humble opinion if you play your political cards right you could be our first Lady Prime Minister.
I will give you Ms. Frulla the weekend to respond to me before I send this particular email to many others but many others will be receiving what Ms. Macphee aready got. I do not care what her assistant Ms Gable may think. She can gab to somebody else about what she wishes to inform me of. I have done my homework and need no advice from the likes of her. What Ms. Gable may not understand about me is that unlike Paul Martin I am a man of my word. I am just like him in one regard. I am also a very fierce political animal who is is equal and opposite in all things that define men. Martin is evil. I am not. Martin is a very wealthy lawyer. I am a just poor layman. Martin is labeled as Honourable and I am called as crazy as a loon. However I am a man Martin is not. He is a snake. I am indeed a very Proud Canadian who is definitely not proud of the people who speak for me. Get it Ms. Frulla?
As Minister Responsible for Status of Women, you really should make certain that the integrity of all women in government does not come into question. From my point of view some women such as the Yankee Judges, Sidney Hanlon, Paula Carey and Cristina Harms for example do much harm to the reputation of your gender. What they have done to my little family in the USA in order to support the rampant public corruption in Canada and the USA should offend anyone with half a mind at all. My wife is a woman too after all. She has never done any wrong at all. Her only offence to the justice system was to stand against the politcally connected family members who had stolen her interests because no lawyer would dare speak for her. When she had her breakdown I took up the fight as any proud husband and father should. It is not only my right but my duty to protect my little Clan. The biggest difference in our genders is that men are not so quick to cry or back down from any bully. My wife is a very tender soul while I can be as mean as a the snake Paul Martin is.
The New World of the Internet has afforded me quite a weapon to do battle with against the likes of Paul Martin and all his crooked cohorts. There is still a place in this Old World for a fierce ethical warrior such as I. Otherwise crooked men and women who are merely low people in high places to me will walk all over us common ordinary folk. I am no physical threat to anyone. I do battle with the word not the sword. It is mightier. Anyone who once worked for CBC should understand that simple fact.
Furthermore this email is definitely not Spam. I am greatly offended when the powers that be label it as such and block it to protect their own greedy interests. Whether you or anyone else believe me or not, my communications are in the best interest of the public. I feel confident that it is much to the chagrin of the people who have failed the public trust in their elected and politically appointed positions. I suspect that is why Nancy Gabler sounded so pissed off just like the tone of Hélène Lapointe's email to me . Rest assured many Canadians will be reading this email after I sent it to you. It is me on the phone to your office right now after that I am putting a bunch of material in the mail and serving many lawyers in hand. My phone call is an ethical effort to introduce myself in order to prove to you that I am sincere.
I know what I have sent to many Members of Parliament during the course of the past two years and I keep very good record to prove simple truths. For certain you just made my list of people who may be naughty or nice. After Xmas Martin must see that Gomery tells his tale and the Canadian people will decide once again who they think is naughty and nice. As as the freedom loving individual that I am I will decide long before then in the hope that my opinions become well known before an election is called. Whereas the people cannot depend on the CBC etc. to report all things of public interest, I will rely on the Blog.
I have no doubt whatsoever that your buddies within the CBC reported heavily your run for a seat in Parliament last year. As one of our newest Ministers besides Belinda Stronach ask them for your own education why the CBC failed in their mandate to report my bid for a seat as well. Better yet if you want to have fun take it out with the nasty dudes inside the warroom of the PCO/PMO offices. I will wager my name is the biggest curse word in Parliament right now. I am certain that is why it is not said over the airwaves or put in print. From now on at least you can never say that you did not know my name too.
I am begging ya, please do not be like two other women who once worked for the CBC Adrienne Clarkson and Michaelle Jean. Nobody is that dumb. They must have deliberatly ignored my laments because Paul Martin directed them to. May I suggest that you read this entire email from the point of view of an ethical Minister in charge of the public interest of the Canadian people? Please do the right thing despite what the leader of your party may wish. If not as you talk the talk on TV etc in the coming months about the doings of CBC and Parliament etc I will walk the walk and complain of many politicans in court. History has proven that in the end the truth usually wins out even if it is ignored in court in the present tense.
By the way guess who is campaigning hard for a fall election? To have an election on Boxing Day is righteously fine by me. I ain't religious. Ask the Holy See or George W. Bush why. I dare ya.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Excerpt from CTV.ca, Canada on Sep 27, 2005 of news by the Canadian Press
"CBC employees in Quebec and Moncton, N.B., are not affected by the lockout.
Information pickets set up early in the day under pouring rain didn't try to stop Prime Minister Paul Martin or Adrienne Clarkson, the Governor General, as they headed in for a morning news conference on Parliament Hill.
Clarkson, who will be replaced Tuesday by Michaelle Jean, governor-general designate, leaned out of her car to speak with CBC pickets.
At the rally, locked-out workers presented petitions signed by thousands of CBC fans calling for an end to the labour dispute.
Heritage Minister Liza Frulla acknowledged the anger of the Canadian public, telling the rally that cabinet ministers have been hearing demands that something be done to get the network back in business.
"All summer, we had messages from the population out there, messages from all through Canada, saying how they miss you," she told the rally. "
I just had to insert the campaign manager for Oscar Doucet for Leader Hélène Lapointe's answer in comical font. It is too funny to do other wise. How is is that dor the local NDP trying hard to play dumb?
"Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 10:28:40 -0300
Subject: Re: Free Thinkers please feel free to blog this.
From: Hélène Lapointe helenel@nb.sympatico.ca
To: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Le vendredi, 30 sep 2005, à 10:30 Canada/Atlantic, David Amos a écrit :
> The CBC and all others in the media and governemnt will not relay
> this crap to the people. Perhaps we the people should all ask the
> politicians who were elected to speak for us why I have been compelled
> to sue the Queen and the Holy See along with the USA.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To: duffy@ctv.ca ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; news@ctv.ca ; am@ctv.ca"
"Macphee, Betty" betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca wrote:
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Free Thinkers please feel free to blog this.
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:30:51 -0400
From: "Macphee, Betty" betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
I will be away from the office until Friday, September 30th. If you have any urgency, please send your email to Nancy Gabler or contact her at 997-4319.
Je serai absente du bureau justqu'au vendredi le 30 septembre. Si vous avez des urgences, svp envoyer votre courriel à Nancy Gabler où téléphoner à 997-4319.
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 06:30:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Free Thinkers please feel free to blog this.
To: sahara@free-thinkersclub.com, publiceye@cbs.com, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca,
Murphy.S@parl.gc.ca, dmitchell@irvingmitchell.com,
contact@citizenscentre.com, cbc@crimlaw.ca,
belanger.jean-daniel@psio-bifp.gc.ca, pgriffin@lsrsg.com,
jlaskin@torys.com, wbrock@dwpv.com, carley@lutz.nb.ca,
registerodonnell@norfolkdeeds.org, info@mwpc.org, Lliss@rubinrudman.com,
regbert@egbertlaw.com, has@harveysilverglate.com, lawald@web.apc.org,
ahamilton@casselsbrock.com, brad.green@gnb.ca,
gary.ostoich@mcmillanbinch.com, info.com@chrc-ccdp.ca,
Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, Scott.A@parl.gc.ca, radionews@mpbc.org,
publisher@whatsup.nb.ca, kjamerson@wagmtv.com, kbabin@globaltv.ca,
jfoster@globaltv.ca, atvnews@ctv.ca, cmorris@cp.org, info@ccna.ca,
kbissett@broadcastnews.ca, bdnmail@bangordailynews.net,
ehutton@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, argosy@mta.ca,
sylvain.martel@csn.qc.ca, events@cpac.ca, mmacdonald@cp.org,
crgeditor@yahoo.com, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca
CC: rmoir@unbsj.ca, suzanne.ball@nbsc-cvmnb.ca, manon.losier@nbsc-cvmnb.ca,
ottawacomments@state.gov, Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca, Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca,
elizabeth.weir@gnb.ca, ndpnpd@nbnet.nb.ca, mail@allisonbrewer.ca,
aj_titus2002@yahoo.ca, ken.ross@gnb.ca, nanluke@nb.sympatico.ca,
ericson@unb.ca, ocrdct@hotmail.com, helenel@nb.sympatico.ca,
coates2001ca@yahoo.ca, maryanne.bourque.pollack@gnb.ca,
harbourmla@nb.aibn.com, president@ndp.ca, info@gomery.ca,
lcampenella@ledger.com, AdamsoV@erc-cee.gc.ca, betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca,
potterl@scc-csc.gc.ca, josee.touchette@justice.gc.ca,
renaudlp@oag-bvg.gc.ca, rdaoust@privcom.gc.ca, rod.smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
smorel@gg.ca, rraymond@lcc.gc.ca, execassistant@nafta-sec-alena.org,
caroline.whitby@transfair.ca, pbroder@imaginecanada.ca,
cforcese@uottawa.ca, David.Fewer@uOttawa.ca, Philippa.Lawson@uOttawa.ca,
Stephane.Emard-Chabot@uOttawa.ca, Chantale.Fore@uOttawa.ca,
exec@casis.ca, gkealey@unb.ca, dgollob@cna-acj.ca,
justicepourmohamedharkat@yahoo.ca, mail@ccla.org, info@amnesty.ca,
rocht@iclmg.ca, katiag@ccic.ca, admin@cbanb.com, info@cba.org
The CBC and all others in the media and governemnt will not relay this crap to the people. Perhaps we the people should all ask the politicians who were elected to speak for us why I have been compelled to sue the Queen and the Holy See along with the USA.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: duffy@ctv.ca ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; news@ctv.ca ; am@ctv.ca ; diane.bourque@flsc.ca ; jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca ; gbyrne@pattersonpalmer.ca ; corp.website@sunlife.com ; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; shickman@pattersonpalmer.ca ; lrikleen@Bowditch.com ; John.Conyers@mail.house.gov ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; bmosher@mosherchedore.ca ; carterweb@emory.edu ; Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ; parkhill@stu.ca ; plee@stu.ca ; kentlib@nbnet.nb.ca ; police@fredericton.ca ; davidamos@bsn1.net
Cc: guild@interlog.com ; ombudsman@cbc.ca ; lise@cmg.ca ; pacificpalate@telus.net ; ajehman@hotmail.com ; maureen_matthews@cbc.ca ; gerry@cmg.ca ; bvessey@pei.eastlink.ca ; sallypitt@hotmail.com ; garyparsons@nfld.net ; neilmac@vzw.blackberry.net ; deesdee@yahoo.com ; shawk_1999@yahoo.com ; cari_blanchard@yahoo.com ; cturner@nbnet.nb.ca ; briann@accesswave.ca ; mplaurin@sympatico.ca ; lebelb@nbnet.nb.ca ; slmsmbouchard@hotmail.com ; maurice10@rogers.com ; m.meldrum@ns.sympatico.ca ; twomech@nb.sympatico.ca ; dugasp28@hotmail.com ; embateman@hotmail.com ; sawebb@hotmail.com ; pgcastle@hotmail.com ; bsharpe@nl.rogers.com ; newschick@hotmail.com
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:40 AM
Subject: Hey Duffy I know why Dr. Hamm quit and why the little dog MacKay don't hunt in Nova Scotia(slightly edited DRA)
The sad part is so do you people. I am gonna tell everybody the truth about what CTV and CBC have refused to report for years for the benefit of the rampant public corruption you support for your own personal gain. Need I say that I am happy the crooked CBC dudes are locked out of work right now? It appears to me that blogging is the only way to go these days. What say you? Call me a liar after you hear me speak in Federal Court in Fredericton in the near future. I dare ya to have your lawyer Martine Turcotte explain why Robert C. Pozen has become George W. Bush's favorite Democrat. Better why not ask Sunlife's Yankee lawyer Jeffery Carp why a proud Maritimer smells a lot of rotten fish in Beantown.
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 20:43:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Dr. Hamm you picked an interesting day to Quit
To: premier@gov.ns.ca, jdewolfe@ns.sympatico.ca,
michael.baker@ns.sympatico.ca, morse.mla@ns.sympatico.ca,
parentma@gov.ns.ca, rodneym@ns.sympatico.ca, rrussellmla@ns.sympatico.ca,
barnetbe@gov.ns.ca, ronchisholmmla@auracom.com,
bill.dooks@ns.sympatico.ca, elf@ns.sympatico.ca,
bill.langille@ns.sympatico.ca, btaylormla@rushcomm.ca,
chatawaymla@hfxeastlink.ca, mlaclarke@ns.sympatico.ca,
Peter.Christie@ns.sympatico.ca, dentreca@gov.ns.ca,
a.macisaac@ns.sympatico.ca, rhurlburt@auracom.com, hinesgb@gov.ns.ca,
educmin@gov.ns.ca, codonnellmla@ns.sympatico.ca,
kgmorashmla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca
CC: john.macdonell@ns.sympatico.ca, mmacdonald@navnet.net,
mhraymondmla@eastlink.ca, wilsond@gov.ns.ca,
marilynmoremla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, jpye@ns.sympatico.ca,
joanmasseymla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, gaudetw@gov.ns.ca, mackinrv@gov.ns.ca,
macdonman@gov.ns.ca, gordiegosse@ns.aliantzinc.ca,
corbettmlacentre@ns.sympatico.ca, stephenmcneil@ns.aliantzinc.ca,
boudrebv@gov.ns.ca, billestabrooks@navnet.net,
davidawilsonmla@eastlink.ca, samsonmp@gov.ns.ca,
charlieparkermla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, Regan.G@parl.gc.ca
Looks like I am about to rain on your party. Perhaps the sneaky political/lawyers Regan and MacKay will tell you why if your own lawyer Mikey Baker won't do so.
"As premier, I am proud of our record,'' Hamm said.
Unlike many of his predecessors, the family doctor is leaving office without a cloud of controversy hanging over his head.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Sgro.J@parl.gc.ca ; legerv@sen.parl.gc.ca ; trenhm@sen.parl.gc.ca ; ringup@sen.parl.gc.ca ; losier@sen.parl.gc.ca ; Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca ; Poirier-Rivard.D@parl.gc.ca ; Picard.P@parl.gc.ca ; Lavallee.C@parl.gc.ca ; Guay.M@parl.gc.ca ; Gagnon.C@parl.gc.ca ; Faille.M@parl.gc.ca ; Deschamps.J@parl.gc.ca ; Demers.N@parl.gc.ca ; Brunelle.P@parl.gc.ca ; Bourgeois.D@parl.gc.ca ; Bonsant.F@parl.gc.ca ; oec-bce@parl.gc.ca
Cc: buckley@pol.state.ma.us ; steve@djflynn.com ; ombud@globe.com ; paul@djflynn.com ; dan@djflynn.com ; letter@globe.com ; publicrelations@cubanmission.com ; rusun@un.int ; france-presse@un.int ; uk@un.int ; contact@germany-un.org ; c103@c103.com ; general.info@thomson.com ; davidamos@bsn1.net
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 12:16 PM
Subject: I bet a man named Mr. Tax who works for the Justice Dept doubts that he will
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: scottmk@gov.ns.ca ; bev.harrison@gnb.ca ; ted.tax@justice.gc.ca ; graham@grahamsteele.ca ; hepstein@supercity.ns.ca ; deveaux.mla@ns.sympatico.ca ; ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca
Cc: davidamos@bsn1.net ; BBACHRACH@bowditch.com ; adams_sammon@msn.com ; fbinhct@leo.gov ; david@lutz.nb.ca ; HeafeyS@cpc-cpp.gc.ca ; alicia.mcdonnell@state.ma.us ; Scott.A@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 11:08 AM
Subject: Hey Ted Tax as soon as I saw that the Lt. Gov had honoured you
I figured you would do nothing to rock the Queen's boat for reasons of job security. However even you and your pension funds rely on the ethics of the Yankees employed by the SEC in the USA. Perhaps you should side with me ASAP. My kids need a roof over their heads. I am not above suing anyone to get one including the Queen and the Holy See. However it is your job to prosecute criminals not mine. Correct?
"Ted Tax and the Department's Atlantic Regional Office (ARO) were honoured at a Nova Scotia Lieutenant Governor's Awards Ceremony. Tax was presented with a Certificate of Recognition for "contribution to the Reserve Force by taking positive action to assist its employees who are reservists in maintaining their commitments to the Canadian Forces." Following September 11, 2001, there was an increase in the demand for military legal officers on operational deployments. Major John Smithers, a lawyer with the Tax Law Services Section of the ARO, was granted military leave to serve on an overseas mission."
For the record this is the text of the cover letter sent to Baker etc. Lets see what Mr. Speaker has to say now. I believe he is an ex cop ain't he? Lets see if he remembers how to uphold the law. If not don't you think it is high time that the lawyers in the NDP give the crooked Conservative Goverment the Boot? Everybody knows they are lapdogs for George W. Bush. Why else did he make it a point to fly down and see them last year and snub Paul Martin and his cohorts in Ottawa?
July 31st, 2005
Lt. Gov. J. Léonce Bernard Lt. Gov. Myra A. Freeman
Premier Pat G. Binns Premier John F. Hamm
c/o Att. Gen. Mildred A. Dover c/o Att. Gen. Michael Baker
Fourth Floor, Shaw Building, North Department of Justice 4th Floor
105 Rochford Street Room 5151 Terminal Road
P.O. Box 2000 P.O. Box 7
Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7N8 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2L6
Lt. Gov. Norman L. Kwong Lt. Gov. Iona V. Campagnolo
Premier Ralph Klein Premier Gordon Campbell
c/o Att. Gen. Ron Stevens c/o Att. Gen. Wally Oppal
208 Legislature Building Stn Prov Govt PO Box 9044
9E210800 - 97 Avenue Parliament Buildings East Annex
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
RE: Public Corruption
Apparently everybody wanted to play dumb about my concerns and allegations so that Humpty Dumpty Martin’s minority government would not fall and they could party hardy while the Queen was in Canada. As you all know months ago, I began faxing, emailing and calling the eight other Lt. Governors I had yet to cross paths with. I fully informed them of my indignation towards the Governor General Clarkson and two of her other Maritime Lieutenants Roberts and Chaisson before the latest wave of bad acting Yankees invaded my home in the USA without warrants or due process if law.
I made certain all of the provincial Attorney Generals and Premiers can never deny the fact that I tried to make them well aware of my concerns and allegations in order to make everybody should sit up and pay attention. Not one person from any of your offices ever responded in any fashion at all. You can be certain that I expected the deliberate ignorance. It is one of the oldest tricks in the book that lawyers employ in order to play their wicked game of see no evil, hear no evil speak no evil. I knew it would happen particularly after Nova Scotia’s Conflict of Interest Commissioner Merlin Nunn had blocked my emails before I had contacted you. I have no doubt it helped to relieve him of his ethical dilemma before the NS NDP decided what to do about their chance to unseat the Conservatives. I have no doubt whatsoever many lawyers in Canada were praying that the Suffolk County District Attorney would have me back in the loony bin by April 28th and that all your troubles would go away. I opted to let you all have your way and did not bother you anymore until the Queen had left our shores and Parliament quit for the summer. Now it is my turn to have some fun and raise a little Political Hell.
While the Queen, Clarkson and Martin where all having a grand old time on the Canadian dime my little Clan went through living hell down here. Trust me, lawyers need to learn some new tricks. Ignorance is no excuse to the law or me. Making some Canadian Attorney Generals and their political buddies show me their arses is child’s play to me after all that I have experienced in the last few years. If you doubt me ask Michael J. Bryant and Yvon Marcoux why I am so pissed at their bosses and the DHS. Then check my work for yourself. If the tag team of John Ashcroft and Tom Ridge could not intimidate me, believe me you people don’t have a prayer. Both of those dudes have quit their jobs but I am still standing and squaring off against their replacements now. If it were not for all the decent folks I know, the snotty ones like you would make me feel ashamed to be a Canadian. There is no shortage of lawyers. It is just that ethical ones that are rare birds, that’s all. You must know how easily the Canadian people can replace you with other lawyers if it becomes widely known how willing you are to ignore crime if it means some fancy dude may be compelled to suffer for his own wrongs.
The justice system is supposed to be self-policing. It should clean up its own act rather than trying to maintain a false mask of integrity for lawyers that are obviously criminals. It is way beyond my understanding why you people would choose to support the likes of Paul Martin, Adrienne Clarkson, T. Alex Hickman and Billy Matthews if you are not all as crooked as hell as well. The deliberate ignorance and double-talk employed by the wealthy few to dodge simple truths is absolutely offensive to ordinary people blessed with the rare attribute called common sense. Not all folks are like sheep.
Paul Martin’s latest tricks make for a very fine example of truly how bad things are. Even amidst wholesale scandals breaking out hell, west and crooked everywhere lawyers and politicians just close ranks and stand together as thick as the thieves they are. I stress tested the ethics of the ladies of the Bloc Quebecois and the Gomery Inquiry immediately after Martin’s carefully orchestrated little circus in Parliament on May 19th was a matter of history. Lets just say I was not surprised to not hear one peep in response from anyone other than to get a call from an unidentified and very nervous but cocky Yankee lawyer claiming that Tony Blair was mad at me.
Pursuant to my phone calls, emails and faxes please find enclosed as promised exactly the same hard copy of what I sent to the Canadian Ambassadors Allan Rock and Franky Boy McKenna and a couple of nasty FBI agents on May 12th just before an interesting event in front of our home in Milton. I have also included a copy of four letters I have received in response since then that you may find interesting to say the least. I also sent you a copy of a letter sent to a lady Ms. Condolezza Rice whom our former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney considers to be the most powerful woman in the world. The CD of the copy of police surveillance tape # 139 is served upon all the above named Attorney Generals as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated.
I will not bother you with the details of what I am sending to you byway of the certified US Mail because I will be serving identical material to many other Canadian Authorities in hand and tell them I gave this stuff to you first and enclose a copy of this letter. All that is important to me right now is that I secure proof that this mail was sent before I make my way back home to the Maritimes. However I will say I am also enclosing a great deal more material than what Allan Rock had received in the UN. Some of it is in fact the same material the two maritime lawyers, Rob Moore and Franky Boy McKenna in particular received, while I was up home running for Parliament last year. Things have changed greatly in the past year so I have also included a few recent items to spice things up for you. I am tired of trying to convince people employed in law enforcement to uphold the law. So all I will say for now is deal will your own conscience and be careful how you respond to this letter. If you do not respond. Rest assured I will do my best to sue you some day. Ignorance is no excuse to the law or me.
Veritas Vincit
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave
Milton, MA. 02186
The enclosed letter from The Public Service Integrity Office, whose boss recently testified before the Gomery Inquiry and following quotes prove why I must speak out.
"Well what do you expect?" said Le Hir in reaction. "Anybody who had been involved in that kind of thing isn't going to admit readily, or willfully, to having participated." Asked why he's waited 10 years to come out with his allegations, Le Hir said he was "sworn to secrecy." "I'm breaking that oath, and the only way I could have been relieved by that oath was by a judge in a court saying, 'Mr. Lehir, I understand that you have made an oath of secrecy; and you're hereby relieved of that oath."
"Mr. Wallace added that police and the courts, not internal rules, are best-equipped to deal with bureaucrats who cross the line and break the law. But Judge Gomery did not appear satisfied. "It takes a major scandal to get the police involved," he said. "It is not in the nature of the public service to call in the police."
Everybody knows that in order to protect the rights and interests of my Clan and to sooth my own soul, I have proven many times over that all lawyers, law enforcement authorities, and politicians in Canada and the USA are not worthy of the public trust. I maintain that their first order of business is to protect the evil longstanding system they have created for their own benefit rather than the people they claim to serve. Call me a liar and put it in writing. I Double Dog Dare ya.
Baker got my material. So did everyone else. Only the Attorney General in Quecbec refused it. I bet our newest Governor General knows why. It is likely for the same reason she will not accept my emails. It should be obvious to anyone why I must sue the Crown.
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