David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @Kathryn98967631 and 47 others
Methinks every journalist, politician, cop and lawyer in New Brunswick knows why this news makes my day N'esy Pas?

Kevin Vickers declared Liberal leader, effective April 24
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David R. Amos
Methinks every journalist, politician, cop and lawyer in New Brunswick knows why this news makes my day N'esy Pas?
Josef Blow
Reply to @David R. Amos: yes, you are undoubtedly a daily preoccupation for all these people ... .
Al Clark
Reply to @Josef Blow: Now THAT was funny!
David Amos
Reply to @Al Clark: Methinks in more ways that one N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks we already know who one spokesman for Mr Vickers is N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Perhaps Mr. Vickers can find out who wrote the blank cheque to the Organizing Committee of the Francophonie Games . Appears the Libs/ SANB got caught with their hands in the cookie jar , and being the dedicated ex RCMP officer that they claim , perhaps an investigation is the best option !
Josef Blow
Reply to @Lou Bell:
I, like you, hope an investigation will uncover who is responsible for
the mess surrounding the games. I do not think, however, that there was
a "blank cheque", as you suggest, nor was the SANB involved in the
affair, unless I am mistaken.
Reply to @Josef Blow: Once again you are mistaken. Same as your name. You "Blow."
Reply to @Lou Bell:
If the government of New Brunswick limits its cost-benefit analysis of
the Francophonie Games strictly to financial considerations, we are
jeopardising l’Acadie...SANB Jan. 2019 Robert Melanson
Josef Blow
Reply to @Shawn McShane: And I am purportedly mistaken for what reason, Ms. McSham? Please edify the readers on here.
Josef Blow
Reply to @Shawn
McShane: Why are you being given license to ridicule my name? That
means, "Why are you allowed to make fun of my name"?
David Amos
Reply to @Josef Blow: Why not?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Lou Bell: Didn't the CoRservatives sign all the land to the Irving for a penny on a dollar? Since then there has been massif forest cuts and huge floods every year....
Mark (Junkman) George
You know, you look around and see lots of "silly", and you think: "it can't get any sillier", but then it just does, and you think WOW, just WOW!
Josef Blow
Reply to @Mark (Junkman) George: you have illustrated the validity of the very point you are making ... lol.
Mark (Junkman) George
Reply to @Josef Blow:
Monty Python has been put to shame.
Monty Python has been put to shame.
Josef Blow
Reply to @Mark (Junkman) George: Oh, the wit ….
David Amos
Reply to @Mark (Junkman) George: Welcome back to the circus Pass the peanuts will ya?
Cleve Gallant
Doesn’t matter who the liberals put in as leader i for one will not trust this party again,
David Amos
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: I for one never did
Mario Doucet
Couldn't SANB find any other puppet material?
Shawn McShane
Reply to @Josef Blow: Says the guy accusing people of rumors and when proven wrong doesn't apologize.
Josef Blow
Reply to @Shawn McShane: Come again? What are you attempting to say?
Reply to @Josef Blow: You have lost all credibility. Where is Marc Martin?
Josef Blow
Reply to @Shawn McShane: I do not understand your comment.
David Amos
Reply to @Josef Blow: Oh my my
Marc Martin
Reply to @Mario
Doucet: Why is it so bad they have a puppet, the Anglo society and the
anit--French run the CoRservatives and PANB...
Marc Martin
Reply to @Shawn
McShane: *You have lost all credibility. * Says the guy who think he has
a positif approche to bilingualism but yet has proven over and over he
is anti-French...
David Amos
Reply to @Mario Doucet: Apparently not
David Amos
Reply to @Shawn McShane: Methinks if you speak of the Devil he is sure to appear N'esy Pas?
Josef Blow
Reply to @Mario Doucet: Please explain what you mean
Josef Blow
Reply to @David Amos: The profundity of your propos is positively powerless
Gabriel Bouche
How much free publicity does this guy need? There's already been articles saying that he was going to be the new leader of the Liberals. Why bring it up again?
Josef Blow
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: I think the article was written because it is news.
David Amos
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: Go figure
Richard Dunn
I bet they are fighting over who will resign their seat, and the fear of losing the byelection.
Monique LeBlanc, in Moncton East, would be a good one to resign. She operates a business and is an invisible MLA......rumour is the party is not happy with her.
Josef Blow
Reply to @Richard Dunn: what is the name of the business that Ms. LeBlanc operates? Do you have any other rumours to spread?
Reply to @Josef Blow: https://www.yellowpages.ca/bus/New-Brunswick/Moncton/Monique-Leblanc-Physiotherapeute/7053301.html
Reply to @Josef Blow:
The hours, and address, are clearly posted. This is a fact, and one
that she has confirmed in conversation.
Josef Blow
Reply to @Josef Blow:
thank you for the link. Unfortunately, I cannot find Ms. LeBlanc’s name
on the link for the business. Regardless, nothing precludes an MLA
from holding a job in addition to that in the legislature.
Val Harris
Reply to @Richard Dunn: He might as well just wait .. election will be soon
Josef Blow
Reply to @val harris: « He»?? Ms. LeBlanc is a woman.
Shawn McShane
Reply to @Josef Blow:
Seeing as how you accused someone of spreading rumors and then you
were proven wrong, where is your apology?
Josef Blow
Reply to @Shawn McShane: What are you referring to, Mr. McShane? I have somehow been proven wrong? Of what?
Josef Blow
Reply to @Shawn
McShane: When you f ally make a determination of what you are trying to
convey, please do not hesitate to share with the readers. I have not
accused anyone of spreading rumours (other than cite someone who stated
that he was doing just that). Nor was I "proven wrong" about anything
(unless I am mistaken). And, are you in the habit of apologizing for
doing nothing wrong& I'm not. Over to you.
David Peters
Reply to @Josef Blow:
Notice how we know next to nothing about liberals, individually?...the point about invisible mla's is an interesting one, don't you think? Aren't mla's suppose to be public ppl...accessible and actively communicating their positions with the electorate?
Notice how we know next to nothing about liberals, individually?...the point about invisible mla's is an interesting one, don't you think? Aren't mla's suppose to be public ppl...accessible and actively communicating their positions with the electorate?
Josef Blow
Reply to @David Peters: and your point is ??
Reply to @Josef Blow: His point is you Mr. Blow
Josef Blow
Reply to @Shawn
McShane: Your logic is oh so evident … You need to be shawn what logic
is, Ms. MakSham. If brains were measured in dollars, you'd be flat
broke, missy.
Josef Blow
Reply to @Shawn
McShane: Apparently you know precisely what Mr. Peters thinks? I was not
aware you were so intimate. Not that there's anything wrong with that
…haha. I'm signing off for the night. Good night to you gents.
Rj Leblanc
Reply to @Richard
Dunn:And it would also be great if your Mr Higgs would resign his seat
and go back to work with the Irvings as he is doing an extremely poor
job as Premier
David Amos
Reply to @Richard Dunn: I heard that to.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Richard
Dunn: We all cant be visible as Higgs is with his campaign for the
Federal minister Sheer across Canada on NB's dime...
Pierre LaRoches
This guy has been gone from NB so long it is ridiculous that he has been just handed the Liberal leadership. Nice of him to drop in I guess.
David Amos
Reply to @Pierre LaRoches: YUP
Matt Steele
Sadly , Mr. Vickers has been reduced to being the lap dog for the Parti Acadien , The SANB controlled Liberal Party will tell him when to jump , and how high . It is very telling that the only person that the Liberals could find to lead their party has not even lived in N.B. for over FORTY YEARS....very telling indeed . Hopefully Mr. Vickers has been watching as all the TAX and SPEND NDP and Liberal prov. govt. have been dropping across Canada .
Josef Blow
Reply to @Matt Steele: newsflash! The parti acadien disbanded in 1986. So much for astute political observations.
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Josef Blow: Prove it !!!
Josef Blow
Reply to @Mack Leigh:
if you check out the public record (I.e. Elections NB), there is no
Parti acadien to be found. Sorry to state the obvious.
Rj LeBlanc
Reply to @Matt
Steele: You must be mistaken- I suppose you mean that Higgs is being
controlled by the PA and other former COR members
David Amos
Reply to @Rj LeBlanc: Methinks they are all controlled by the Irving Clan N'esy Pas?
Josef Blow
Reply to @David Amos:
For those who have not put 2 and 2 together, the names David Amos and
David R. Amos refer to the same person, not unlike Darrel and his other
brother Darrel on Newhart, He's a clever one this David Amos man.
Dave Peters
Where's Brian Gallant, he's a member of this caucus. That says something does it not?
Matt Steele
Reply to @Dave Peters: .......Brian Gallant is still off sulking after being kicked out of office after ONLY ONE TERM....lol
Josef Blow
Reply to @Dave Peters: indeed. It says that he is a member of the caucus.
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Dave
Peters: He took his toys and went home to his riding where no one has
seen or heard from him.... So much for Gallant representing his
constituents....Must be waiting for his buddy Dominic LeBlanc to return
home for the summer...time for a little pep talk..
David Amos
Reply to @Dave
Peters: Methinks he is hiding under a rock waiting for a fine pension to
kick in After that no doubt he will take up consulting until he is
appointed to be a Judge or a Senator by his political party pals N'esy
Marc Martin
Reply to @Dave Peters: Why does PANB send one of its member chat on a group like CBC need attention ?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Matt Steele: How long did Alward and Higg stay in power again ?
Shawn McShane
Everyone looks like a bunch of gnomes next to him. How tall is the guy?
John Haigh
I didn't notice his height behind all that Soy Face.
Val Harris
Reply to @John Haigh: Mature john
David Amos
Reply to @Shawn McShane: Methinks he is too big for his britches N'esy Pas?
Val Harris
One step down one to go.. tick tock tick tock
David Amos
Reply to @val harris: Tut Tut Tut
Shawn Hickey
Nice fella. Picked the wrong party.
David Amos
Reply to @Shawn Hickey: Nope on both counts
Paul Bourgoin
Congratulations Mr. Kevin Vickers, as NB’s Liberal Party Leader!
Also, at the end of the day your work and presence can’t be worse than Higgs
Marc Martin
Reply to @Paul
Bourgoin: Please don't compare them at least one saved the prime
Minister the other one failed miserably has a finance minister.
David Amos
Reply to @Paul Bourgoin: Methinks thou doth jest too much N'esy Pas?
Josef Blow
Reply to @David Amos: Youthinks you art comical?
Lou Bell
In the Liberal announcement to its' members it cited HIS EXPERIENCE !! At what ???!!!
Heather Smith
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Right?!?!? When he was on the table I wondered that the entire time.
He has had a great career and is a stand up guy but has no business
David Amos
Reply to @Heather Smith: Keep wondering
Marc Martin
Reply to @Heather
Smith: Yeah like business experience helped Higgs run 4 consecutive
deficit when he was finance minister under Alward....
Lou Bell
Posing with " Most of the Liberal caucus " ! Take a look at who's there . Where was the picture taken , Shediac ??
Val Harris
Reply to @Lou Bell: Lou are you a comedian at Yuks yuks!!!
David Amos
Reply to @val harris: Yup
John Haigh
I'd jump off Mt Carlton before I posed for a photo with that group of sad.
Josef Blow
Reply to @John Haigh: no need to consider jumping. You wouldn’t be invited to pose. Lol
David Amos
Reply to @John Haigh: Me Too
Josef Blow
Reply to @David Amos: You too.
Theresa Wark
Congratulations Mr. Vickers!
David Amos
Reply to @Theresa Wark: For what?
Heather Wallace
Thoughts and prayers.
David Amos
Reply to @Heather Wallace: Methinks he needs both N'esy Pas?
Anne Bérubé
Pretty difficult to lose when you are the only candidate...
Josef Blow
Reply to @Anne Bérubé: brilliant déductive reasoning ...
David Amos
Reply to @Anne Bérubé: Methinks it proves he is leading losers N'esy Pas?
Joseph Vacher
lol noone else wanted the job
David Amos
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: Interesting EH?
Kevin Vickers declared Liberal leader, effective April 24
Party cancels June leadership convention

New Brunswick Liberals are cancelling
their June leadership convention and are declaring Kevin Vickers the new
leader of the party effective April 24.
The party's board of directors met Tuesday night to officially approve Vickers's acclamation.
He became the sole candidate in the race after René Ephestion of Moncton, the only other party member to file paperwork by the March 29 deadline, took himself out of the race.
Vickers will replace former premier Brian Gallant as Liberal leader. Gallant resigned after his government lost its majority in the legislature in last September's election and then lost a confidence vote in November.
Vickers was not available for interviews Wednesday.
The party said he'll hold a news conference when he becomes leader April 24.
The 62-year-old newcomer to electoral politics announced his candidacy last month after retiring as Canada's ambassador to Ireland. Vickers was sergeant-at-arms of the House of Commons for almost a decade after a career in the RCMP.
Vickers does not have a seat in the legislature. Longtime Bathurst East-Nepisiguit-Saint-Isidore MLA Denis Landry has been serving as interim leader and leader of the Official Opposition in the house.
The party had scheduled a leadership convention in Saint John in part because it needs to rebuild support in the city if it hopes to take back power in the next election.
Kevin Vickers announced March 15 in Miramichi that he was running for the New Brunswick Liberal leadership. (Ed Hunter/CBC)
With the convention cancelled, the party will instead hold a policy convention there next spring.
That could coincide with the next election campaign. The People's Alliance promised last fall to support the Progressive Conservative minority government on confidence votes for 18 months.
Ephestion said in a Facebook post on April 8 that he was out of the race and wished Vickers luck. A spokesperson for Ephestion later said he had not been approved during a vetting by a party committee.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and PracticesThe party's board of directors met Tuesday night to officially approve Vickers's acclamation.
He became the sole candidate in the race after René Ephestion of Moncton, the only other party member to file paperwork by the March 29 deadline, took himself out of the race.
Vickers will replace former premier Brian Gallant as Liberal leader. Gallant resigned after his government lost its majority in the legislature in last September's election and then lost a confidence vote in November.
The party said he'll hold a news conference when he becomes leader April 24.
The 62-year-old newcomer to electoral politics announced his candidacy last month after retiring as Canada's ambassador to Ireland. Vickers was sergeant-at-arms of the House of Commons for almost a decade after a career in the RCMP.
Policy convention next spring
Vickers does not have a seat in the legislature. Longtime Bathurst East-Nepisiguit-Saint-Isidore MLA Denis Landry has been serving as interim leader and leader of the Official Opposition in the house.
The party had scheduled a leadership convention in Saint John in part because it needs to rebuild support in the city if it hopes to take back power in the next election.

That could coincide with the next election campaign. The People's Alliance promised last fall to support the Progressive Conservative minority government on confidence votes for 18 months.
Ephestion said in a Facebook post on April 8 that he was out of the race and wished Vickers luck. A spokesperson for Ephestion later said he had not been approved during a vetting by a party committee.
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