David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to@DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks folks should ask Mr Duff of the New Brunswick Insurance Board why I was not permitted to intervene after I had read enough of this nonsense last year N'esy Pas?
Uneven auto insurance rate hikes in N.B. are shifting where the deals are
'Everybody needs to compare to make sure that they're paying the lowest price possible'
· CBC News · Posted: Jul 27, 2020 5:00 AM AT

Increasing accident claims have been driving up auto insurance premiums in New Brunswick, but rates at some companies have jumped more than others. (Dylan Hackett/CBC)
New Brunswick drivers looking for the best deal on car insurance this fall and winter may have to switch companies to get it, as major shifts in the province's insurance markets alter where the lowest prices can be found.
"You always have to ask that question," said Justin Thouin, chief executive officer of the auto insurance pricing website lowestrates.ca
"Everybody needs to compare to make sure that they're paying the lowest price possible and they need to compare annually because the company that was best for you one year might not be the company that's best for you the next year."
All auto insurance companies operating in New Brunswick have raised rates over the last three years, but some have raised them more rapidly than others. That is changing where consumers may be able to find the best prices.

Wawanesa's average premium in New Brunswick will have jumped by $337, or 54 per cent, since 2017 after its latest 12 per cent increase takes effect Sept. 1. The new rates will apply to those buying or renewing policies after that date with the company.
Wawanesa representatives told the New Brunswick Insurance Board at a hearing this spring that a series of recent rate hikes have not been enough for it to earn a reasonable profit in New Brunswick because of rising claims.
But not every company insuring drivers in the province has chased increases as aggressively as Wawanesa.
New Brunswick's third largest auto insurer, Toronto-based Intact, has raised the average price of its premiums in the province $168, or 19 per cent, since 2017. It is proposing no increase in September.
That will leave Intact with average annual premiums that are $77, or eight per cent, cheaper than Wawanesa by fall.
Intact declined a request to discuss its pricing in New Brunswick.

Wawanesa's average premium in New Brunswick will have jumped by $337, or 54 per cent, since 2017 after its latest 12 per cent increase takes effect Sept. 1.
Having the lowest average premium does not mean a company will have the lowest rate for every consumer.
Some companies with higher than average premiums may offer loyalty or other discounts, or specialize in insuring certain vehicles or drivers able to produce a better price in specific circumstances.
But Thouin said the significant and uneven range of rate hikes granted insurers in New Brunswick in recent years, and shifting risk profiles of cars and drivers, means the best prices for individual consumers move from company to company over time, and last year's good deal can erode quickly.
Average auto premiums proposed or won for fall 2020 by NB's big 10 insurers:
Intact | $880 |
Economical | $911 |
Wananesa | $957 |
Certas | $967 |
Cooperators | $1,007 |
Unifund | $1,038 |
Allstate | $1,072 |
Royal & Sun | $1,073 |
Aviva | $1,108 |
Security National | $1,154 |
Three years ago, New Brunswick's eighth largest auto insurer, Certas Home and Auto, was charging higher than average premiums in the province. But it has raised its rates the least of any major company since 2017, just $52, or six per cent, and is now priced among the lowest.
New Brunswick has more than five dozen companies that offer auto insurance, but two-thirds of the policies sold to consumers come from 10 providers.
According to company filings and recent decisions of the New Brunswick Insurance Board, the average annual premiums proposed or approved to be charged this fall by those 10 range from $880 to $1,154.
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Methinks folks should ask Mr Duff and Mr Woodside of the New Brunswick Insurance Board why I was not permitted to intervene after I had read enough of this nonsense last year N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: did they ask you to shower first then come back?
David Amos
Methinks it was a small wonder to Insurance Bureau of Canada et al that their cohorts on the local board would not allow me to intervene N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Total waste of their time I suspect .
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: you know when they say cats will wander away to find a spot before they pass... go
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: you know when they say cats will wander away to find a spot before they pass... go
Lou Bell
Payoffs , kickbacks ,
the insurance industry is fraught with fraud . Faulty repair jobs
overlooked , payoffs for business sent in their direction by repair
shops / towing companies , writeoffs that shouldn't be writeoffs with
the vehicles steered to friends and others , all kinds of fraud going on
. Look at what's come out of Toronto just with the fraud and murders
that have been revealed lately .
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Yet I am a total waste of time because i wanted the board to do its job
and stop the the nonsense you complain about? Methinks I should feel
honoured by the fact that you hate me N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Lou Bell: Gallant LeBlanc Cormier too the rescue!!!!
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Lou Bell: Gallant LeBlanc Cormier too the rescue!!!!
David Stairs
seem fair in that the government and the banks force one to have
insurance coverage and then to allow the insurance companies who forced
the governments to make it illegal...be able to gouge the heck out of
the general public....and stay the heck away from Go To Insurance ....
Reply to @David Stairs:
What do you suggest?
Remember Bob Rae? Bob Rae got himself elected on the promise of a reasonable provincial insurance plan (Ontario). He wasn't allowed to do it.
What do you suggest?
Remember Bob Rae? Bob Rae got himself elected on the promise of a reasonable provincial insurance plan (Ontario). He wasn't allowed to do it.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry
Tibbs: Methinks Bob Rae and Brad Woodside should understand why I would
like to have along talk with Justin Thouin if only they or their minions
would return my calls or answer my emails after all these years N'esy
Justin Thouin

Co-Founder & CEO, LowestRates.ca
Justin Thouin is the
Co-Founder and CEO of LowestRates.ca, one of the fastest growing
companies in Canada. He is a 2017 EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award
finalist and under his leadership, LowestRates.ca has ranked in the top
50 on Maclean’s/Canadian Business’ Growth 500 list of Canada’s
Fastest-Growing Companies for the past three years, most recently
placing 11th in 2018.
The company also ranked 9th on Deloitte’s 2018 Technology Fast 50 and was awarded Startup Canada’s Ontario High-Growth Entrepreneurship Award due to its exceptional revenue growth. Prior to starting LowestRates.ca, Justin spent much of his career as a senior executive in the online gaming industry, and is one of Canada’s foremost experts in this space.
In addition to leading LowestRates.ca, Justin invests in early-stage startups and mentors aspiring entrepreneurs. As an alumnus of the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University, he supports his alma mater through speaking engagements and student competitions where he’s able to connect with Canada’s future business leaders.
In his personal life, Justin is a sports and music enthusiast; playing competitive tennis, coaching his daughter’s soccer team, and singing in a local rock choir. He also has a number of real estate investments that include a mix of commercial and residential properties.
Justin has been featured on CTV, BNN, CP24 and in The Globe and Mail, Huffington Post, Maclean’s, MoneySense, and hundreds of other media outlets.
The company also ranked 9th on Deloitte’s 2018 Technology Fast 50 and was awarded Startup Canada’s Ontario High-Growth Entrepreneurship Award due to its exceptional revenue growth. Prior to starting LowestRates.ca, Justin spent much of his career as a senior executive in the online gaming industry, and is one of Canada’s foremost experts in this space.
In addition to leading LowestRates.ca, Justin invests in early-stage startups and mentors aspiring entrepreneurs. As an alumnus of the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University, he supports his alma mater through speaking engagements and student competitions where he’s able to connect with Canada’s future business leaders.
In his personal life, Justin is a sports and music enthusiast; playing competitive tennis, coaching his daughter’s soccer team, and singing in a local rock choir. He also has a number of real estate investments that include a mix of commercial and residential properties.
Justin has been featured on CTV, BNN, CP24 and in The Globe and Mail, Huffington Post, Maclean’s, MoneySense, and hundreds of other media outlets.
Monday November 23, 2020
The Ritz-Carlton , Torontp
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Friday, 28 February 2020
Once considered industry friendly, New Brunswick's auto insurance regulator is pushing back

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks folks should ask Mr Duff and Mr Woodside of the New Brunswick Insurance Board why I have read enough of this malicious nonsense N'esy Pas?
Once considered industry friendly, New Brunswick's auto insurance regulator is pushing back
Wawanesa is asking for two rate increases in 2020, but will have to get by NB's Insurance Board
· CBC News · Posted: Feb 25, 2020 5:00 AM AT

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @Kathryn98967631 and 47 others
Methinks the RCMP and the FBI should recall that in 2006 and again in 2007 the IBC maliciously attempted to link me to a chain of cross border car thieves N'esy Pas?
Here's why your car insurance bill is too high, and why that's so hard to fix
Let's take a whirlwind trip through the wonderful world of insurance premiums

Understanding the problems plaguing the
Newfoundland and Labrador car insurance industry is about as easy as a
foggy drive down a pothole-ridden highway.
Ask any driver the problem and, after their (road) rage subsides, and they'll probably point to the dent premium payments make in their bank accounts.
On average, people in this province pay the most in premiums in Atlantic Canada — 35 per cent more than our Maritime neighbours, according to numbers from the Insurance Bureau of Canada.
That sounds lucrative for Newfoundland and Labrador insurance companies, but they say they're barely turning a profit.
The provincial government, which regulates the entire industry, is mulling over making some changes on the heels of a report released in January by the Public Utilities Board on rising premiums.
The government has been tight-lipped about what changes are in the works, with an announcement set for Monday.
So in the meantime, it's our pleasure to present to you our handy guide to the clear-as-mud world of auto insurance.
Premiums, on average, have been rising steadily since 2005, according to the PUB report. That's the last time the province introduced reforms into the industry, and around that time Newfoundland and Labrador was roughly on par with the Maritimes.
But by 2017, drivers here were paying $318, or about a third, more than the Maritimes.
Industry players point to what they say is a major problem in the system: the province has many more bodily injury claims, with a higher average cost, than the Maritimes. (There are other issues at play, but we'll talk about those later.)
More claims mean more payouts, which — even though the percentage of drivers making these claims is tiny — mean premium rate hikes overall, for everyone. But even with those hikes, the PUB report notes that insurance companies haven't achieved "reasonable" profit levels since 2012.
"The system here is a very expensive system to pay for," said Amanda Dean, a vice-president with the IBC.
Amanda Dean is with the Insurance Bureau of Canada, an industry group pushing for a cap on minor claims in N.L. (Paula Gale/CBC)
But it is a necessary thing to do: it's illegal to drive without insurance. So it's in a driver's best interest to have as much choice in insurance companies as possible, as that ensures competitive rates.
But when a market gets hard to operate in, only a few companies can make a viable go at it, and that's happening here.
The PUB report notes the auto insurance market is highly concentrated in Newfoundland and Labrador compared with the rest of Canada, with fewer insurers operating, and about 98 per cent of all the premiums written by just 15 insurers.
With less competition, fewer choices, higher prices and more sector instability overall, having insurance companies pull out of the province is a bad thing.
The IBC has floated one suggestion: follow in the footsteps of the Maritimes, Alberta and British Columbia and have the province tweak insurance plans to include a cap on minor injury claims.
Dean said such a cap, set at $5,000, wouldn't apply to medical bills or lost wages. Rather, it would affect an extra amount, often negotiated in court, that attempts to compensate someone for a variety of emotional and physical fallout that varies from person to person — what's called in the industry "pain and suffering."
The number of pain and suffering awards has been on the increase here, as well as the average amount of money awarded.
The insurance industry says it is.
The IBC says premiums got cheaper in the Maritimes after such caps were put in place there.
But in New Brunswick, which has a $7,500 cap, several insurers have recently applied for rate increases. Its largest insurer has raised its rates three times since 2016. And in a campaign for a cap in Newfoundland and Labrador, the IBC initially used outdated data from New Brunswick that didn't include those increases.
Muddying the waters further, the PUB report states that while a cap would save money for insurance companies and might stabilize insurance rates, it's "unlikely to result in rate decreases for consumers."
That unlikelihood is why the province's consumer advocate can't get behind such a cap.
Plus, personal injury lawyers have also taken issue with a cap on pain and suffering.
Lawyer Colin Feltham said such amounts can cover extra physical or psychological therapy needed in the wake of a crash, compensate for losing the ability to take part in activities the victim previously enjoyed, or give a person some extra padding if they are forced into early retirement due to an accident — an endless number of scenarios that each require individual attention.
N.L. has the highest frequency of accidents in Atlantic Canada. (CBC)
You're forgiven. This is pretty complicated.
There are several, but overall, two biggies. First up is uninsured drivers.
Yet again, Newfoundland and Labrador takes a dubious honour among Atlantic Canadian provinces, for having the highest claim frequency and costs involving uninsured drivers.
It's impossible to track the exact number of uninsured drivers, but the PUB report estimates it could involve three to seven per cent of vehicles on the province's roads, and the Insurance Brokers Association of Newfoundland says as premiums continue to rise, the number of uninsured drivers also increases as insurance becomes increasingly unaffordable.
Then, when those drivers get in accidents, it's the insurance system, including drivers, that have to absorb the costs.
A few fixes have been proposed, such as better communication between entities, like insurance companies and the department of motor vehicle registration.
One other issue that keeps cropping up is safety: fewer crashes mean fewer claims.
Accidents in RNC jurisdictions — there are no statistics from the RCMP on this — have been dropping since 2012, but personal injury lawyers say more is done on the safety side of things — think better traffic-calming measures, mandatory vehicle inspections, increased driver education — more accidents could be prevented.
Got all that?
If you want to go any deeper, the entire 139-page PUB report is here: a thorough, if slightly dry read.
The Minister of Service NL, Sherry Gambin-Walsh, and the Minister of Justice and Public Safety, Andrew Parsons, are set to make an announcement on "amendments" to the provincial legislation surrounding car insurance on Monday.
Stay tuned!
Read more from CBC Newfoundland and Labrador
Ask any driver the problem and, after their (road) rage subsides, and they'll probably point to the dent premium payments make in their bank accounts.
On average, people in this province pay the most in premiums in Atlantic Canada — 35 per cent more than our Maritime neighbours, according to numbers from the Insurance Bureau of Canada.
That sounds lucrative for Newfoundland and Labrador insurance companies, but they say they're barely turning a profit.
The provincial government, which regulates the entire industry, is mulling over making some changes on the heels of a report released in January by the Public Utilities Board on rising premiums.
The government has been tight-lipped about what changes are in the works, with an announcement set for Monday.
So in the meantime, it's our pleasure to present to you our handy guide to the clear-as-mud world of auto insurance.
Why do we pay so much?
You would think such a simple question would beget a simple answer. You would think.Premiums, on average, have been rising steadily since 2005, according to the PUB report. That's the last time the province introduced reforms into the industry, and around that time Newfoundland and Labrador was roughly on par with the Maritimes.
But by 2017, drivers here were paying $318, or about a third, more than the Maritimes.
Industry players point to what they say is a major problem in the system: the province has many more bodily injury claims, with a higher average cost, than the Maritimes. (There are other issues at play, but we'll talk about those later.)
More claims mean more payouts, which — even though the percentage of drivers making these claims is tiny — mean premium rate hikes overall, for everyone. But even with those hikes, the PUB report notes that insurance companies haven't achieved "reasonable" profit levels since 2012.
"The system here is a very expensive system to pay for," said Amanda Dean, a vice-president with the IBC.

Boo hoo, the insurance companies aren't raking in cash. Why is that a problem?
We get it. Paying insurance is not a fun thing to do.But it is a necessary thing to do: it's illegal to drive without insurance. So it's in a driver's best interest to have as much choice in insurance companies as possible, as that ensures competitive rates.
But when a market gets hard to operate in, only a few companies can make a viable go at it, and that's happening here.
The PUB report notes the auto insurance market is highly concentrated in Newfoundland and Labrador compared with the rest of Canada, with fewer insurers operating, and about 98 per cent of all the premiums written by just 15 insurers.
With less competition, fewer choices, higher prices and more sector instability overall, having insurance companies pull out of the province is a bad thing.
How do we make drivers and companies happy?
If we knew the answer to that, this article probably wouldn't exist.The IBC has floated one suggestion: follow in the footsteps of the Maritimes, Alberta and British Columbia and have the province tweak insurance plans to include a cap on minor injury claims.
Dean said such a cap, set at $5,000, wouldn't apply to medical bills or lost wages. Rather, it would affect an extra amount, often negotiated in court, that attempts to compensate someone for a variety of emotional and physical fallout that varies from person to person — what's called in the industry "pain and suffering."
The number of pain and suffering awards has been on the increase here, as well as the average amount of money awarded.
Is a cap on minor injury claims a good thing?
The insurance industry says it is.
The IBC says premiums got cheaper in the Maritimes after such caps were put in place there.
But in New Brunswick, which has a $7,500 cap, several insurers have recently applied for rate increases. Its largest insurer has raised its rates three times since 2016. And in a campaign for a cap in Newfoundland and Labrador, the IBC initially used outdated data from New Brunswick that didn't include those increases.
Muddying the waters further, the PUB report states that while a cap would save money for insurance companies and might stabilize insurance rates, it's "unlikely to result in rate decreases for consumers."
That unlikelihood is why the province's consumer advocate can't get behind such a cap.
Plus, personal injury lawyers have also taken issue with a cap on pain and suffering.
Lawyer Colin Feltham said such amounts can cover extra physical or psychological therapy needed in the wake of a crash, compensate for losing the ability to take part in activities the victim previously enjoyed, or give a person some extra padding if they are forced into early retirement due to an accident — an endless number of scenarios that each require individual attention.

Are any other options on the table?
A few have been floated, like higher deductibles for minor injury claims, or changes outside the insurance industry that would affect drivers — often incorporating those "other issues" contributing to Newfoundland and Labrador's premiums, mentioned earlier.I nearly forgot about those!
You're forgiven. This is pretty complicated.
Thanks. What are those issues?
There are several, but overall, two biggies. First up is uninsured drivers.
Yet again, Newfoundland and Labrador takes a dubious honour among Atlantic Canadian provinces, for having the highest claim frequency and costs involving uninsured drivers.
It's impossible to track the exact number of uninsured drivers, but the PUB report estimates it could involve three to seven per cent of vehicles on the province's roads, and the Insurance Brokers Association of Newfoundland says as premiums continue to rise, the number of uninsured drivers also increases as insurance becomes increasingly unaffordable.
Then, when those drivers get in accidents, it's the insurance system, including drivers, that have to absorb the costs.
A few fixes have been proposed, such as better communication between entities, like insurance companies and the department of motor vehicle registration.
One other issue that keeps cropping up is safety: fewer crashes mean fewer claims.
Accidents in RNC jurisdictions — there are no statistics from the RCMP on this — have been dropping since 2012, but personal injury lawyers say more is done on the safety side of things — think better traffic-calming measures, mandatory vehicle inspections, increased driver education — more accidents could be prevented.
Got all that?

Sort of.
I hear you. We didn't even get into taxi insurance!If you want to go any deeper, the entire 139-page PUB report is here: a thorough, if slightly dry read.
So when can we expect any insurance changes?
The Minister of Service NL, Sherry Gambin-Walsh, and the Minister of Justice and Public Safety, Andrew Parsons, are set to make an announcement on "amendments" to the provincial legislation surrounding car insurance on Monday.
Stay tuned!
Read more from CBC Newfoundland and Labrador
With files from The St. John's Morning Show
Commenting is now closed for this story.
Jackie Barrett
Part of a reason why Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are reluctant to embrace the Minor Injury Cap are due to false information that the Lawyer led "Insult to Injury" campaign are feeding their people as opposed to giving the facts about "Minor Injury Caps".
Before making judgement on the Minor Injury Cap, I encourage you to watch the "Insurance Bureau of Canada "video about the cap at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1ALfI8BTQ0
David R. Amos
Reply to @Jackie Barrett: "I encourage you to watch the "Insurance Bureau of Canada "video about the cap"
Whereas CBC is promoting IBC videos perhaps they should balance it with a little politicking after IBC falsely accused me of being a thief then assisted in the theft of my property while the insurance rates continued to climb
David R. Amos
Reply to @Jackie Barrett: Need I say I remember your comments posted last month in New Brunswick for IBC's benefit?
@Jackie Barrett: Reply to @Ian Masters: You should watch IBC's video entitled "NL - The truth about a cap on minor injuries" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1ALfI8BTQ0
It not only compares Newfoundland and Labrador's automobile insurance rates to other Atlantic Provinces, it also states the facts about the minor injury cap that "Insult To Injury" didn't tell you about.
@Jackie Barrett: Reply to @Ian Masters: The Insurance Bureau of Canada are not paying me.
I know that Soft Tissue Injury Caps helped lower Nova Scotia's automobile insurance rates as I'm originally from that province.
Allan Campbell
Why is cbc shilling for the insurance industry?
John Brown
Reply to @Allan Campbell: Kick backs like everyone else. Propaganda?
Jackie Barrett
Reply to @Allan Campbell: Because the Insurance Bureau of Canada are speaking the truth.
As a Nova Scotian living in Newfoundland for the last 10.5 years, I agree with IBC that the cap doesn't take away a right to sue, especially for lost wages, treatment, technical aids, Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, etc.
Furthermore, the cap truly does stabilize or even lower Automobile Insurance Rates.
The cap didn't work in Ontario as they use a "No Fault Insurance System" where those whom cause accidents are not penalized, and it didn't work in New Brunswick due to lack of competition no thanks to Wawanesa.
As a Nova Scotian living in Newfoundland for the last 10.5 years, I agree with IBC that the cap doesn't take away a right to sue, especially for lost wages, treatment, technical aids, Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, etc.
Furthermore, the cap truly does stabilize or even lower Automobile Insurance Rates.
The cap didn't work in Ontario as they use a "No Fault Insurance System" where those whom cause accidents are not penalized, and it didn't work in New Brunswick due to lack of competition no thanks to Wawanesa.
Allan Campbell
Reply to @Jackie Barrett: If you believe that rates will be stabilized, or lowered, I have a bridge to sell you.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Allan Campbell: "Why is cbc shilling for the insurance industry?"
Follow the money
Follow the money
David R. Amos
Reply to @Jackie Barrett: "Because the Insurance Bureau of Canada are speaking the truth"
Yea Right
"The IBC says premiums got cheaper in the Maritimes after such caps were put in place there.
But in New Brunswick, which has a $7,500 cap, several insurers have recently applied for rate increases. Its largest insurer has raised its rates three times since 2016. And in a campaign for a cap in Newfoundland and Labrador, the IBC initially used outdated data from New Brunswick that didn't include those increases."
Yea Right
"The IBC says premiums got cheaper in the Maritimes after such caps were put in place there.
But in New Brunswick, which has a $7,500 cap, several insurers have recently applied for rate increases. Its largest insurer has raised its rates three times since 2016. And in a campaign for a cap in Newfoundland and Labrador, the IBC initially used outdated data from New Brunswick that didn't include those increases."
David R. Amos
Reply to @Allan Campbell: "If you believe that rates will be stabilized, or lowered, I have a bridge to sell you."
Methinks if the lawyers such as Colin Feltham merely mentioned my name to the PUB I suspect Amanda Dean of Insurance Bureau of Canada and her buddies in the Insurance Brokers Association of Newfoundland would have a panic attack However everybody knows why lawyers will never say my name N'esy Pas?
Methinks if the lawyers such as Colin Feltham merely mentioned my name to the PUB I suspect Amanda Dean of Insurance Bureau of Canada and her buddies in the Insurance Brokers Association of Newfoundland would have a panic attack However everybody knows why lawyers will never say my name N'esy Pas?
David R. Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Jackie Barrett: Need I say I remember your comments posted last month in New Brunswick for IBC's benefit?
@Jackie Barrett: Reply to @Ian Masters: You should watch IBC's video entitled "NL - The truth about a cap on minor injuries" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1ALfI8BTQ0
It not only compares Newfoundland and Labrador's automobile insurance rates to other Atlantic Provinces, it also states the facts about the minor injury cap that "Insult To Injury" didn't tell you about.
@Jackie Barrett: Reply to @Ian Masters: The Insurance Bureau of Canada are not paying me.
I know that Soft Tissue Injury Caps helped lower Nova Scotia's automobile insurance rates as I'm originally from that province.
Reply to @Jackie Barrett: Need I say I remember your comments posted last month in New Brunswick for IBC's benefit?
@Jackie Barrett: Reply to @Ian Masters: You should watch IBC's video entitled "NL - The truth about a cap on minor injuries" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1ALfI8BTQ0
It not only compares Newfoundland and Labrador's automobile insurance rates to other Atlantic Provinces, it also states the facts about the minor injury cap that "Insult To Injury" didn't tell you about.
@Jackie Barrett: Reply to @Ian Masters: The Insurance Bureau of Canada are not paying me.
I know that Soft Tissue Injury Caps helped lower Nova Scotia's automobile insurance rates as I'm originally from that province.
Doug Chafe
Reply to @Jackie Barrett:
The insurance bureau of Canada are speaking their truth Jackie. Find out from them what their true profit from ALL insurance (vehicle, house, life, etc.) sales were last year, but because you for some reason have a love affair with the insurance industry you probably don't want to know this
The insurance bureau of Canada are speaking their truth Jackie. Find out from them what their true profit from ALL insurance (vehicle, house, life, etc.) sales were last year, but because you for some reason have a love affair with the insurance industry you probably don't want to know this
Doug Chafe
Reply to @Allan Campbell:
And I have some prime real estate in the Florida everglades to sell her too.
And I have some prime real estate in the Florida everglades to sell her too.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Doug Chafe: "The insurance bureau of Canada are speaking their truth Jackie"
Methinks the RCMP and the FBI should recall that in 2006 and again in 2007 the IBC maliciously attempted to link me to a chain of cross border car thieves N'esy Pas?
Methinks the RCMP and the FBI should recall that in 2006 and again in 2007 the IBC maliciously attempted to link me to a chain of cross border car thieves N'esy Pas?
Auto insurers keep quiet on large rate hikes in N.B. during campaign in N.L.
Stale data from 2016 makes auto insurance in N.B. look like a bargain as industry presses N.L.

A campaign by auto insurers in
Newfoundland and Labrador highlighting low premiums for clients in New
Brunswick uses figures from 2016 — but doesn't mention that those rates
have increased substantially since then.
"People in other provinces pay a lot less than we do," an actress portraying a frustrated Newfoundland mother says in a recent Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) ad directed at drivers in that province.
"We need affordable car insurance now."
Newfoundland and Labrador is contemplating significant auto insurance changes to try and lower premiums in the province and through the IBC campaign, companies are actively pushing for the adoption of specific reforms.
The woman in the ad directs viewers to an industry website for more information — betterautoinsurance.ca — which shows how much lower auto insurance rates are in provinces that have adopted restrictions on the payment of some accident injury claims, including New Brunswick.
"Provinces with a cap on minor injuries have lower rates — and drivers still get the coverage they need after a collision," says the website.
Readers are directed to a chart that shows the average auto insurance premium in New Brunswick, which has injury caps, is $789. That's 29 per cent less than the average in Newfoundland and Labrador.
But those numbers are from 2016 and most insurance companies operating in New Brunswick have long since raised rates, or applied to raise rates substantially, with warnings of worse to come in the years ahead.
For example, Allstate Insurance was charging New Brunswick drivers slightly less than the provincial average in 2016 — $767 per vehicle — but just finished a hearing before the New Brunswick Insurance Board where it asked for average rates of $954 — 24 per cent higher than 2016.
Security National, which charged an average 2016 premium in New Brunswick of $797, has an application on file to charge average premiums of $1,000 in New Brunswick beginning in July
"We now have no other option in New Brunswick," said the company in its presentation. "We have limited our rate increases. However, loss costs are escalating. With our policyholders' best interests in mind, we will increase our rates over the next few years until we obtain rate adequacy."
Auto insurance premiums are still cheaper in New Brunswick than in Newfoundland and Labrador but the gap is not nearly as wide as the $328 difference being advertised to consumers.
IBC Atlantic vice-president Amanda Dean said the organization does not know what the current 2019 difference is between average premiums in New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador but acknowledges the 2016 numbers are stale and need to be updated.
Atlantic Vice President Amanda Dean said the organization does not know
what the current 2019 difference is between average premiums in New
Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador. (Insurance Bureau of Canada )
been using the newer [2017] numbers in some of our communications
pieces in the Newfoundland market, Clearly we need to go back and
update the numbers on that site," said Dean.
Dean says the IBC started its campaign in Newfoundland and Labrador last year, and at the time 2016 data was the latest available.
Numbers show average premiums increased $30 per vehicle in New Brunswick in 2017, but she said the much larger increases charged to drivers by IBC members in the province in 2018 and planned for 2019 — up to $150 per car extra — are not fully available to be used.
Average premiums in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2017 increased $15 per vehicle, half as much as in New Brunswick.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices"People in other provinces pay a lot less than we do," an actress portraying a frustrated Newfoundland mother says in a recent Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) ad directed at drivers in that province.
"We need affordable car insurance now."
Newfoundland and Labrador is contemplating significant auto insurance changes to try and lower premiums in the province and through the IBC campaign, companies are actively pushing for the adoption of specific reforms.
The woman in the ad directs viewers to an industry website for more information — betterautoinsurance.ca — which shows how much lower auto insurance rates are in provinces that have adopted restrictions on the payment of some accident injury claims, including New Brunswick.
"Provinces with a cap on minor injuries have lower rates — and drivers still get the coverage they need after a collision," says the website.
Readers are directed to a chart that shows the average auto insurance premium in New Brunswick, which has injury caps, is $789. That's 29 per cent less than the average in Newfoundland and Labrador.
But those numbers are from 2016 and most insurance companies operating in New Brunswick have long since raised rates, or applied to raise rates substantially, with warnings of worse to come in the years ahead.
For example, Allstate Insurance was charging New Brunswick drivers slightly less than the provincial average in 2016 — $767 per vehicle — but just finished a hearing before the New Brunswick Insurance Board where it asked for average rates of $954 — 24 per cent higher than 2016.
Security National, which charged an average 2016 premium in New Brunswick of $797, has an application on file to charge average premiums of $1,000 in New Brunswick beginning in July
'No other option'
New Brunswick's largest insurer is Wawanesa. It has raised prices three times since 2016 by a combined 22.8 per cent, including 11.7 per cent this year. But during its hearing this year it told the Insurance Board it really needs another 16 per cent increase on top of the earlier increases to meet profit targets and will be back to the board to ask for it in future years if its finances do not improve"We now have no other option in New Brunswick," said the company in its presentation. "We have limited our rate increases. However, loss costs are escalating. With our policyholders' best interests in mind, we will increase our rates over the next few years until we obtain rate adequacy."
Auto insurance premiums are still cheaper in New Brunswick than in Newfoundland and Labrador but the gap is not nearly as wide as the $328 difference being advertised to consumers.
IBC Atlantic vice-president Amanda Dean said the organization does not know what the current 2019 difference is between average premiums in New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador but acknowledges the 2016 numbers are stale and need to be updated.

Dean says the IBC started its campaign in Newfoundland and Labrador last year, and at the time 2016 data was the latest available.
Numbers show average premiums increased $30 per vehicle in New Brunswick in 2017, but she said the much larger increases charged to drivers by IBC members in the province in 2018 and planned for 2019 — up to $150 per car extra — are not fully available to be used.
Average premiums in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2017 increased $15 per vehicle, half as much as in New Brunswick.
---------- Original message ----------
From: libbykinghorne@aptla.ca
Date: 18 Mar 2019 19:57:35 -0000
Subject: Re: Mr Forgeron and Ms Dean I just called
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com
From: libbykinghorne@aptla.ca
Subject: APTLA ED Vacation Notice
Thank you for your email. I am out of the office from March 13th to
Match 20th, inclusive. My access to email will be limited, and
therefore a response to your message may be delayed.
Feel free to contact my Assistant, Kayla Briggs @ admin@aptla.ca if
you need immediate assistance.
Best wishes,
Libby Kinghorne
From: libbykinghorne@aptla.ca
Date: 18 Mar 2019 19:57:35 -0000
Subject: Re: Mr Forgeron and Ms Dean I just called
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
From: libbykinghorne@aptla.ca
Subject: APTLA ED Vacation Notice
Thank you for your email. I am out of the office from March 13th to
Match 20th, inclusive. My access to email will be limited, and
therefore a response to your message may be delayed.
Feel free to contact my Assistant, Kayla Briggs @ admin@aptla.ca if
you need immediate assistance.
Best wishes,
Libby Kinghorne
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 15:57:30 -0400
Subject: Mr Forgeron and Ms Dean I just called
To: dforgeron@ibc.ca, adean@ibc.ca, cpower@ibc.ca, rdubin@zubco.com,
kstamp@mwhslaw.com, TRowe@mwhslaw.com, libbykinghorne@aptla.ca,
mburry@sci-nl.ca, tfraize@fraizelawoffices.nf. net,
egittens@gittenslaw.com, cfeltham@wrmmlaw.com, dbrowne@bfma-law.com,
andrew@wphlaw.ca, Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca,
Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca
Cc: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 00:34:24 -0400
Subject: Does the IBC wish to continue to pay dumb until I sue you people???
Never forget Mr Forgeron the IBC and the cops picked this fight not I
To: dforgeron@ibc.ca, adean@ibc.ca, cpower@ibc.ca, rdubin@zubco.com,
kstamp@mwhslaw.com, TRowe@mwhslaw.com
Cc: motomaniac333@gmail.com, libbykinghorne@aptla.ca,
mburry@sci-nl.ca, tfraize@fraizelawoffices.nf. net,
egittens@gittenslaw.com, cfeltham@wrmmlaw.com, dbrowne@bfma-law.com,
andrew@wphlaw.ca, Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca,
Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 14:36:13 +0000
Subject: RE: Attn Ronald and Sandra Godin I just called and tried to
explain my take on the Insurance business Now here are some of pdf
files I promised to send when you refused to check my ethics
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.
Please be assured that your email has been received, will be reviewed,
and a response will be forthcoming.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to write.
Merci d'avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick.
Soyez assuré que votre courriel a bien été reçu, qu'il sera examiné
et qu'une réponse vous sera acheminée.
Merci encore d'avoir pris de temps de nous écrire.
Sincerely, / Sincèrement,
Mallory Fowler
Correspondence Manager / Gestionnaire de la correspondance
Office of the Premier / Cabinet du premier ministre
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 10:35:11 -0400
Subject: Attn Ronald and Sandra Godin I just called and tried to
explain my take on the Insurance business Now here are some of pdf
files I promised to send when you refused to check my ethics
To: ronald.godin@gnb.ca, sandra.godin@gnb.ca, "Wayne.Gallant"
<Wayne.Gallant@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> ,
<brian.t.macdonald@gnb.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>, "hugh.flemming"
<hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> ,
amcgrath@ibc.ca, DForgeron@ibc.ca
Andrew McGrath
Manager, Media Relations
Tel: 416-362-2031 ext. 4312
Email: amcgrath@ibc.ca
http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ new-brunswick/legislature- watchdogs-report-overdue-1. 3677771
Legislative watchdogs overhaul report now 6 months late
Report on roles of legislative officers such as languages commissioner
and ombudsman was due in January
By Jacques Poitras, CBC News Posted: Jul 14, 2016 7:45 AM AT
There's still no word on what will become of a Liberal proposal to cut
the number of legislative watchdogs.
A report commissioned by an all-party committee of MLAs was originally
due in mid-January.
But six months later, there's still no sign of the reporter.
"I have not received the report," legislature Speaker Chris Collins
said in an email.
"When I do I will release."
The Liberal majority on the Legislative Administration Committee voted
to commission the report last November.
N.B. Legislature will study cutting independent watchdogs
Government watchdogs have budgets frozen for next year
The delay means two of the legislative officers who were supposed to
do double duty until the end of June will have to continue in those
Information and Privacy Commissioner Anne Bertrand, who's been the
acting conflict of interest commissioner, has been "asked to continue
for a short period of time, the length of which is to be determined
shortly," her office said.
Charles Murray
Ombudsman Charles Murray took on the addition role as the consumer
advocate for insurance. (CBC)
And Ombudsman Charles Murray, who took on the role of consumer
advocate for insurance, said he will continue in that job for another
six months.
"The government has yet to make decisions on the future of legislative
officers," Murray said.
"Until they make those decisions, they're reticent to come to a final
decision on who should be filling that post."
Murray said having people in these important oversight roles
temporarily, but also for a long time, makes it hard to do long-term
"If we want that office to perform to the best of its ability, it's
really to everyone's advantage to have someone there who knows they
have the mandate to be there for some time."
8 roles reviewed
Katherine d'Entremont
Commissioner of Official Languages Katherine d'Entremont is one of
eight legislative watchdogs in the province. (CBC)
There are eight legislative officer roles:
Chief electoral officer
Access to information and privacy commissioner
Conflict of interest commissioner
Commissioner of official languages
Consumer advocate for insurance
Child and youth advocate
A ninth position, registrar of lobbyists, exists in legislation that
has never been put in effect.
The government's strategic program review report last year said
merging some of the offices could save $400,000 to $700,000.
'Expecting it before now'
PC MLA Brian Macdonald, who sits on the Legislative Administration
Committee, said his understanding was that the report "was almost
finished quite a while ago.
"I'm surprised it's taking it this long," Macdonald said.
"I was expecting it before now."
'I'm surprised it's taking it this long.'
- Brian Macdonald, PC MLA
He agreed with Murray that "filling those roles with interim people
and doing this patchwork that we're seeing isn't helping democracy."
Macdonald also said the legislative administration committee, which
meets in secret, should not be the one to discuss the elimination or
merging of some of the watchdog roles.
He said a new committee of MLAs set up by the Liberals, the standing
committee on legislative officers, should debate any changes publicly.
"I would like to see this discussed openly," he said.
No one from the Gallant government responded to a request for a
comment on the delay.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 15:30:51 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Attn Diane.Lebouthillier why is it that I am not surprised that
Commissioner Andrew Treusch is sneaking out the back door just like his
old buddy Kevin Dancey did not too long ago?
To: Matt.Young@cra-arc.gc.ca, Glen.Jackson@cra-arc.gc.ca,
John.Ossowski@cra-arc.gc.ca, "Diane.Lebouthillier"
<Diane.Lebouthillier@cra-arc. gc.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Dear magicJack User:
You received a new 0:24 minutes voicemail message, on Tuesday, July
12, 2016 at 02:58:47 PM in mailbox 9028000369 from "CRA-ARC"
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 13:37:01 -0400
Subject: Attn Diane.Lebouthillier why is it that I am not surprised
that Commissioner Andrew Treusch is sneaking out the back door just
like his old buddy Kevin Dancey did not too long ago?
To: "Andrew.Treusch" <Andrew.Treusch@cra-arc.gc.ca> ,
John.Ossowski@cra-arc.gc.ca, "Diane.Lebouthillier"
<Diane.Lebouthillier@cra-arc. gc.ca>,
<Diane.Lebouthillier.a1@parl. gc.ca>,
<rona.ambrose.A1@parl.gc.ca>, gopublic <gopublic@cbc.ca>,
cbcnewsvancouver <cbcnewsvancouver@cbc.ca>, cbcinvestigates
<cbcinvestigates@cbc.ca>, investigations <investigations@cbc.ca>,
"Russell.George" <Russell.George@tigta.treas. gov>,
<inspector.general@usdoj.gov>, MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, leader
<leader@greenparty.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, ElenaChurikova
<ElenaChurikova@ifac.org>, "elizabeth.may" <elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca>,
"Michael.Ferguson" <Michael.Ferguson@oag-bvg.gc. ca>,
janice.leahy@gnb.ca, Kim.MacPherson@gnb.ca, "brian.gallant"
<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon"
<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "denis.landry2" <denis.landry2@gnb.ca>,
"serge.rousselle" <serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>, "terry.seguin"
<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>, newsroom
<newsroom@globeandmail.ca>, news-tips <news-tips@nytimes.com>, news
<news@hilltimes.com>, news <news@kingscorecord.com>, "peacock.kurt"
<peacock.kurt@ telegraphjournal.com>,
<duncan@bissettmatheson.com>, Saint Croix Courier
<editor@stcroixcourier.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
"Roger.L.Melanson" <Roger.L.Melanson@gnb.ca>, "Robert. Jones"
<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
infoamfredericton@cbc.ca, "ht.lacroix" <ht.lacroix@cbc.ca>,
"hugh.flemming" <hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, "sylvie.gadoury"
<sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada. ca>,
<Alex.Johnston@cbc.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn" <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
tlambie@cpacanada.ca, tobin.lambie@cica.ca, heather.whyte@cica.ca,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> ,
<kevin.dancey@cica.ca>, "harvey.cashore" <harvey.cashore@cbc.ca>,
Retiring CRA boss leaves KPMG tax-dodge scandal for successor to deal with
Revenue minister praises Andrew Treusch for ‘dedication and support’
through transition period
By Kimberly Ivany, Priscilla Hwang, Harvey Cashore, CBC News Posted:
Jun 17, 2016 9:47 AM ET
http://www.cbc.ca/news/ business/cra-boss-treusch- retires-1.3638695
"The head of the Canada Revenue Agency, who staunchly defended CRA's
handling of the KPMG offshore scandal including its secret "no
penalties" offer to wealthy tax dodgers, is stepping down Friday."
Changing of the guard at Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada
February 8, 2016
The Board of Directors for Chartered Professional Accountants of
Canada (CPA Canada) has approved the appointment of Joy Thomas, FCPA,
FCMA, as president and CEO, effective April 1, 2016. Thomas succeeds
Kevin J. Dancey, FCPA, FCA, who retires May 1.
https://www.cpacanada.ca/en/ connecting-and-news/news/ media-centre/2016/february/ new-cpa-canada-ceo
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2016 16:34:47 -0400
Subject: Attn Diane.Lebouthillier I just called Commissioner Andrew Treusch and 5066365558>
<5066365558>his Deputy John Ossowski and they would not come to the phone.
To: "Andrew.Treusch" <Andrew.Treusch@cra-arc.gc.ca> ,
John.Ossowski@cra-arc.gc.ca, "Diane.Lebouthillier"
<Diane.Lebouthillier@cra-arc. gc.ca>,
<Diane.Lebouthillier.a1@parl. gc.ca>,
<rona.ambrose.A1@parl.gc.ca>, gopublic <gopublic@cbc.ca>,
cbcnewsvancouver <cbcnewsvancouver@cbc.ca>, cbcinvestigates
<cbcinvestigates@cbc.ca>, investigations <investigations@cbc.ca>,
"Russell.George" <Russell.George@tigta.treas. gov>,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> ,
<MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, leader <leader@greenparty.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
ElenaChurikova <ElenaChurikova@ifac.org>, "elizabeth.may"
Whereas I am not allowed to file with CRA I will file my Tax Return in
Federal Court
Who are your CRA people to call a liar today as I try to my tax return?
On one document hereto attached is in YOUR records and that was once
my SIN number CORRECT?
On the other document which a Yankee form 211 is my American Social
Security Number You people do business across borders because of FATCA
so it follows you have known exactly who I am for years.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com> wrote:
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 09:43:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: What say you now Jacky Boy Layton? Cat still got your tongue?
Shame on you. You likely walked past Byron Prior again today
To: "Ciavarra, Louis M." , racing.commission@state.ma.us, dwatch@web.net,
general.info@thomson.com, tracy.parsons@pcparty.org, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca,
ahamilton@casselsbrock.com, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca,
Martin.P@parl.gc.ca, Scott.A@parl.gc.ca, graham@grahamsteele.ca,
michael.baker@ns.sympatico.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, justice@gov.nl.ca,
CC: Kandalaw@mindspring.com, fbinhct@leo.gov,
josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc. ca,
info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, ted.tax@justice.gc.ca, Cotler.I@parl.gc.ca,
lgold.blcanada@b-l.com, Rep.LindaDorcenaForry@Hou. State.MA.US,
Rep.MichaelMoran@Hou.State.MA. US,
Grant.GARNEAU@gnb.ca, Byron
Subject: RE: Byron
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:50:33 -0400
From: "Info, Info"
To: "Info, Info" , "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Thank you for your message to the Privy Council Office. We will reply to
you as soon as possible.Merci d'avoir communiqué avec le Bureau du Conseil
privé. Nous vous répondrons aussitôt que
David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com> wrote:
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 12:46:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
Subject: Patience Depupty Robert F. O'Meara don't get your panties in a
knot check your email
To: Bob <wickedwanda3@adelphia.net>, thee_sandman@hotmail.com,
mchayday@mta.ca, lemisanthrope@hotmail.com, desserud@unbsj.ca,
bernard.miller@mcinnescooper. com,
general@pub.nb.ca, bryan.corbett@ualberta.ca,
mcfaul@hoover.stanford.edu, mayor@ci.boston.ma.us,
patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, Russell_Feingold@feingold. senate.gov,
stephen.cutler@wilmerhale.com, governorlynch@nh.gov
CC: BBACHRACH@bowditch.com, bbixby@burnslev.com,
drosenblatt@burnslev.com, thomas.gatzunis@state.ma.us,
Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us, lcampenella@ledger.com,
Kandalaw@mindspring.com, jmurray@ibc.ca,
tomp.young@atlanticradio. rogers.com,
dwatch@web.net, duffy@ctv.ca,
trvl@hotmail.com, Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us, fbinhct@leo.gov
How is your cyber game going Sandman? The fatlady sings tonight EH?
Bob wrote:
Here we go again, with the frauds and the forgeries. Didn't work then,
won't work now. Here's Dave before the judge,,,,,,But your honor since when
do I have to own something to claim it for myself. Fuck you, Dave
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
To: Bob <wickedwanda3@adelphia.net>, thee_sandman@hotmail.com,
mchayday@mta.ca, lemisanthrope@hotmail.com, desserud@unbsj.ca,
bernard.miller@mcinnescooper. com,
general@pub.nb.ca, bryan.corbett@ualberta.ca,
mcfaul@hoover.stanford.edu, mayor@ci.boston.ma.us,
patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, Russell_Feingold@feingold. senate.gov,
stephen.cutler@wilmerhale.com, governorlynch@nh.gov
Cc: BBACHRACH@bowditch.com, bbixby@burnslev.com,
drosenblatt@burnslev.com, thomas.gatzunis@state.ma.us,
Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us, lcampenella@ledger.com,
Kandalaw@mindspring.com, jmurray@ibc.ca,
tomp.young@atlanticradio. rogers.com,
dwatch@web.net, duffy@ctv.ca,
trvl@hotmail.com, Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us, fbinhct@leo.gov
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 12:26 PM
Subject: I sense another challenge from Norfolk County Deputy Sheriff
Robert F. O'Meara
I will forward just one email between Barry Bachrach a long long time ago
that I am certian he and my G.A.L. Brian Bixby will never wish to explain
in a Yankee Fedeal Court way down in Dixieland or the Court of the Queen's
Bench in Canada. The attachment in the following email is merely two slips
of paper. Clearly I did not file two notices of appearance in the same
yankee court two days in a row, The second document bears my signature but
it is obviously a fraudulent document created by Depupty Dog's lawyer
Angela K. Troccoli and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Prime minister Harper and all his underlings are going to have a hard time
explaining why they supported the malicious actions of Yankees as he tries
to ram his Accountability Act through Parliament.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Bob <wickedwanda3@adelphia.net> wrote:
I could care less about any town in your country. Hi Sam,,,Hi
George,,,,,,,,,you know Dave"I'm gonna sue ya" Amos ? Biggest arsehole in
two countries. Hey,,,,,I hear that your family is tired of you. Hmmmm, what
a shame. Again, fuck you, Dave
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
To: Bob <wickedwanda3@adelphia.net>, george.chiasson@nb.ca,
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 10:14 AM
Subject: Sam and george meet Norfolk County Deputy sheriff Robert F.
That dumb crooked Yankee is my brother in in law. Obviously he does not
even know the difference between one town in Newfoundland and another in
New Brunswick. Trust that he has no idea what I am up to but methinks his
lawyers wish that he would shut up EH?
Bob <wickedwanda3@adelphia.net> wrote:
From: "Bob" <wickedwanda3@adelphia.net>
To: "David Amos" <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Who thinks the dumb crooks in Saint John have one clue what I
am up to?
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 09:58:43 -0400
Why should the dumb crooks in St. John have a clue as to what you are up
to. You don't have a clue to what you are up to. For that matter, no one
cares what you are up to. Fuck You, Dave
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
To: thee_sandman@hotmail.com, mchayday@mta.ca,
lemisanthrope@hotmail.com, desserud@unbsj.ca,
bernard.miller@mcinnescooper. com,
general@pub.nb.ca, bryan.corbett@ualberta.ca, mcfaul@hoover.stanford.edu,
mayor@ci.boston.ma.us, patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov,
Russell_Feingold@feingold. senate.gov,
Cc: BBACHRACH@bowditch.com, bbixby@burnslev.com,
drosenblatt@burnslev.com, thomas.gatzunis@state.ma.us,
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us,
lcampenella@ledger.com, Kandalaw@mindspring.com,
jmurray@ibc.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio. rogers.com,
dwatch@web.net, duffy@ctv.ca, trvl@hotmail.com,
Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us, fbinhct@leo.gov
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2006 9:07 PM
Subject: Fwd: Who thinks the dumb crooks in Saint John have one clue what I
am up to?
Tommorrow is polling day up here and after it is primary day down in the
Yankee neck of the woods. Just for the record I should tell my former
Yankee lawyer Barry Bachrach that I have a pretty good idea who murdered
Anna Mae but the witness up here is too chicken to talk about it. Whereas
our latest Attorney General Vic Teows has given John Graham the boot to
Yankeedoddleland there ain't much I can do to help him now until I have my
own malicious warrants for arrest removed EH? Furthermore why the Hell
should I care anymore. As soon as i get back to the USA I am going to sue
your law firm and Brian Bixby's for your assistance to the Commonweath of
Massachusetts in the screwing of my wife for the benefit of a bunch of bad
acting bankers, Gays and Catholic priests etc.
As far as the shit going down up here, obviously Byron Prior is asking for
my support once again and I obliged but I also know where the Agent Orange
barrels are stashed in Gagetown (right by the Shirley dump which is near
Fire Point # 4). Plus obviously I am the only person willing to say that
the testing of Corridor Resources has caused the folks in the area to lose
their water and for the mine to spring many leaks as well. Everybody but me
is too afraid of being sued to state the simple truth about that simple
fact. However Barry and a bunch of other Yankees know how I love to argue
lawyers EH? Cya'll in Court or Hell. C'est la meme chose. N'est pas?
Barry, the fact that you deliberately intervened in order to help screw my
wife and kids will make you very famous someday or my name ain't Dave. You
are just another lawyer who loves to FAKE LEFT and all your friends know
it. You were right when you told my wife I was going to be pissed off after
you screwed her in court. Do you think your law firm will let you go before
or after I sue it? Do you or Bixby think that your managing partner is any
smarter that David Rosenblatt? Me neither.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must ask
> them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
> http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=vugUalUO8YY
> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
> cards?
> http://archive.org/details/ ITriedToExplainItToAllMaritime rsInEarly2006
> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/ 2006/05/wiretap-tapes-impeach- bush.html
> http://www.archive.org/ details/ PoliceSurveilanceWiretapTape13 9
> http://archive.org/details/ Part1WiretapTape143
> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
> Senator Arlen Specter
> United States Senate
> Committee on the Judiciary
> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
> Washington, DC 20510
> Dear Mr. Specter:
> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
> raised in the attached letter.
> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes.
> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
> Very truly yours,
> Barry A. Bachrach
> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
--- On Tue, 5/30/06, David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Who is at 618 991 7758 and who is accusing me of what?
> To: nsbox@psepc.gc.ca, nbbox@psepc.gc.ca, prevention@psepc.gc.ca
> Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2006, 8:50 PM
> David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> wrote: Date: Sun, 28 May 2006 02:44:29 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Fwd: RE: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach
> George W. Bush and put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow
> To: guidelines@fintrac.gc.ca, feedback@fintrac.gc.ca,
> CBSA-ASFC@canada.gc.ca,
> alan.kessel@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, Guergis.H@parl.gc.ca,
> consultations@international. gc.ca,
> yassin.choukri@gnb.ca, wcummings@ibc.ca, rkeefe@smss.com,
> dgallivan@coxhanson.ca, pdicks@bensonmyles.com,
> info@bankofcanada.ca,
> dd-rd@dd-rd.ca, info@gg.ca
> CC: info@pafso.com, info@ccil-ccdi.ca, dfleming@unb.ca,
> bryden@unb.ca,
> ilaforest@unb.ca, glaforest@smss.com, brooks@justice.gc.ca,
> cclr@law.ubc.ca, bobinski@law.ubc.ca,
> dlenihan@crossingboundaries.ca ,
> nationalcouncil@ crossingboundaries.ca,
> valerie.kilfoil@gnb.ca, susan.butterfield@gnb.ca,
> jack.carr@gnb.ca,
> jody.carr@gnb.ca, andrewkernohan@nsndp.ca, james@skwirl.ca,
> bfarrell@greenparty.ca, slabchuk@greenparty.ca,
> jdessart@greenparty.ns.ca, jlegere@greenparty.ns.ca,
> Gabriel.BOURGEOIS@gnb.ca, kathryn.gregory@gnb.ca,
> bill.richards@gnb.ca
> Here ya go just as promised. Whereas none of you will
> talk to me in private perhaps it is wise that I
> wait until we meet in court in order to argue you on the
> public record for the benefit of all. EH? That said
> listen to the wav files. Don't ya think if
> anyone understood wiretap tapes it would be Bell Canada ?
> You can see that this email was returned to me with a
> promise to investigate. Obviously the Aussie company can
> never say that they don't know some awful truths about a
> publicly held
> company EH? Ya think the lawyers for Computershare
> would study their own pdf files about whistleblowers and
> their own ethical conduct. EH? If you wanna check my
> study of a really nasty lawyer and his Yankee cohorts in the
> communications business ask me about the Newfy Charlie
> White. Better yet I should ask you in court particularly
> after all the strange calls I got from the Yankee Secret
> Service on Friday. EH? What gives with this shit about
> insurance companies investigating I me as a thief
> when I have already proven Securities Fraud practiced by a
> an insurance company and insurance fraud practiced by
> another?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> Send Mail to
> P.O.Box 234
> Apohaqui,
> NB E5P 3G2
> Attention Mr. Wayne
> Cummings, the Upper Canadian insurance dude who has
> decided to investigatie me. Obviously I have compied
> with your demands. Quite bullshitting me and
> ntroduce me to your lawyers now. I have many insurance fraud
> issues to take up with you and your lawyers. If you wish to
> know who were involved in stealing Sandy's frame and
> many
> other people's vehilcles and property, contact
> the lawyer Neil Kerstein or my attorney Barry Bachrach or
> the Milton Massachusetts Police Department before we meet in
> federal court. What I am demanding to know from
> you is where is the rest of the property of my children, my
> wife , my friends and my mine as well? What Police Dept
> contacted you etc. etc.
> Please do
> not play dumb next time I call you. It just pisses me
> off. Obviously I figured out who all the god
> damned lawyers that you associate with are and where to
> serve your office the material that the following law
> firms etc received hard copy of long BEFORE I was
> falsely imprisoned in the USA in 2004 for the benefit
> of some very crooked Yankee insurance companies and
> their cohorts George W. Bush and his pack of nasty
> Yankees . Call me a liar I Double Dog Dare Ya Mr.
> Cummings. Never forget you came
> looking for me EH? What say you do your job now OK?
> The very corrupt Stevey Baby
> Toope should at least confirm to you and the Ontario Human
> Rights Commission that I am at least human. (Yea I
> skimmed the pdf file about IBC words in a report to
> the aforesaid comission. It looked like a bunch of bullshit
> to me to support unnecessary rate increases) Did tell
> ya I was a rather fierce political animal Mr. Cummings? Well
> you really jerked my chain when you figured me to be a
> thief. Now the onus is upon you to prove to me that you are
> not a crook after you already proved to me you are a very
> incompetent liar.
> Atlantic Canada
> 1969 Upper Water Street, Suite 1706
> Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3R7
> Tel: 902-429-2730; Fax: 902-420-0157
> Consumer information:
> Toll-free: 1-800-565-7189 (Atlantic provinces
> only)
> Hours of operation: M-F 8:30 a.m. – 4:30
> p.m. Directory
> of IBC Industry Associate/Stakeholder Members
> Ernst & Young
> (416) 777-8842
> Cox Hanson O'Reilly Matheson
> (902) 421-6262
> McInnes Cooper, Barristers Solicitors &
> Trade Mark Agents
> (902) 425-6500
> Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy, Barristers &
> Solicitors
> (709) 570-5534
> CIBC Wood Gundy Securities Inc.
> The
> Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act (AMENDED March
> 2002) 8-Nov-2001
> NOVA SCOTIA Lawyers Exempt from Money
> Laundering Act Chief Justice
> Kennedy ruled that lawyers are now exempt from the reporting
> requirements in The Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering)
> Act. This means that pending a final determination on
> the constitutional validity of this legislation, lawyers
> need not report on "suspicious transactions"
> involving clients. This Act still pertains to
> Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island and New
> Brunswick. *
> * * *
> * * (The
> federal government is expanding its anti-money laundering
> efforts: The federal government has enacted
> a new Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act (the
> "Act"), significantly expanding the scope
> of its existing legislation. The first parts of the
> Act came into force on November 8,
> 2001. The objective of the
> Act is to help detect and deter money laundering and
> facilitate investigations and prosecutions of money
> laundering offences. To this end, it implements mandatory
> reporting, record keeping and client identification
> requirements for entities such as banks and other financial
> institutions and professional services firms such as
> accountants and lawyers. In particular, we must now keep
> detailed records, and report selected information, on some
> of our clients’ transactions to a new government
> agency. The new obligations of
> professional service firms and the impact on their
> clients: Beginning on November
> 8, 2001, the Act requires firms to report
> "suspicious transactions" - that is, financial
> transactions that a professional reasonably suspects are
> related to the commission of
> a money laundering offence. The
> Act specifically prohibits these professionals and
> their staff from informing a client that a suspicious
> transaction report has been made, or from disclosing to a
> client the contents of a report.
> Over the course of the next 3-15 months, it is
> anticipated that other provisions of the Act will
> come into force and impose further obligations on
> professional services firms to:
> report the importation or exportation of currency or
> monetary instruments of a value greater than an amount to be
> established,
> report large cash transactions of $10,000
> or more, and
> keep a record of large cash transactions
> for five years. You
> should also be aware that under provisions
> of the Act that are not yet in force, certain
> authorities will have the power to seize mail or enter
> firms’ premises. A new federal
> agency, the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis
> Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) will have the authority to enter
> professional services firms, without a search warrant, to
> determine if they are complying with the Act. FINTRAC
> officials will be able to access computer and data
> processing systems, examine and copy file information and
> records, and reproduce any information or record.
> Canada Customs and Revenue Agency will
> also have the authority to seize, retain and open mail that
> it reasonably believes contains $10,000 or more in cash or
> monetary instruments. We
> emphasize that these powers to seize mail or enter
> professional services firms’ premises are not yet in
> force. We anticipate, however, that these powers will be in
> force within the next several months. The
> Act may require lawyers of this firm to
> disclose confidential client information: As
> lawyers, our professional rules of conduct oblige us to keep
> confidential all information about our clients’ business
> and affairs, unless our clients authorize us to release the
> information, or we are required by law or a court to do so.
> The Act is just such a law requiring us to disclose
> our clients’ confidences. Our obligations under the
> Act are not optional. Although the Act does
> not require us to "disclose any communication that is
> subject to solicitor-client privilege", you should be
> aware that not all client confidential information is
> protected by solicitor-client privilege. Our
> firm will ensure that we report or record only the
> information that we are obligated to report or record under
> the Act, in the prescribed form and manner of
> transaction
> reports and records. If FINTRAC attempts to
> examine documents in our possession relating to you, we will
> assert solicitor-client privilege if we believe the
> documents are or may be protected by solicitor-client
> privilege. If we assert solicitor-client privilege in those
> circumstances and we do not receive your instructions to
> waive privilege, or if we cannot contact you, we will then
> have to take steps within 14 days to apply to court to
> establish that privilege. It would be prudent
> for a lawyer outside of this firm to make that application.
> There will be court costs associated with asserting
> privilege on your file materials. If the court is satisfied
> that the document is privileged, it will make an order
> releasing the document to the lawyer who claimed the
> privilege. If the court is not satisfied that the document
> is privileged, it will make an order for production of the
> document for examination or copying by FINTRAC. We caution
> you that even if
> privilege is established on the court application, no court
> costs can be awarded to you. We encourage you to
> contact the partners shown below with any questions about
> the contents of this Client Update.
> Direct Dial
> E-mail Address
> Newfoundland:
> Lewis Andrews, Q.C. -
> St. John's 709.570.8822 landrews@smss.com
> New
> Brunswick: Britt Dysart -
> Fredericton 506.443.0153 bdysart@smss.com
> André Richard -
> Moncton 506.853.1962 arichard@smss.com
> Michael
> Wennberg - Saint John 506.632.2771 mwennberg@smss.com
> Nova
> Scotia: George Caines, Q.C. -
> Halifax 902.420.3307 gcaines@smss.com
> Guy LaFosse, Q.C. -
> Sydney 902.539.5135 glafosse@smss.com
> Prince Edward
> Island: Ronald Keefe -
> Charlottetown 902.629.4510 rkeefe@smss.com
> From: Macdonald,
> Sandy.
> Sent: Tuesday,
> May 23, 2006 3:14 PM
> To:
> 'Cummings, Wayne'
> Subject: RE:
> 91 HD frame
> From: Cummings, Wayne
> [mailto:wcummings@ibc.ca]
> Sent: Monday,
> May 22, 2006 4:14
> PM
> To: Macdonald,
> Sandy.
> Subject: 91 HD
> frame
> Sandy
> Please send me
> Dave’s last name, address & phone
> #.
> Wayne
> Wayne Cummings -
> Investigator Insurance Bureau of
> Canada Auto Theft &
> Vehicle Services Provincial Auto
> Theft Team (PATT) RR# 3 Brighton ,
> Ontario K0K 1H0 Phone:
> 613-475-2087 Cell:
> 613-293-7275 Fax:
> 613-475-0513 wcummings@ibc.ca
> About Us: IBC
> profile and members
> Insurance Bureau of Canada
> Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) is the national trade
> association of non-government property and casualty
> (P&C) insurers, the private companies that insure the
> cars, homes and businesses of Canadians. Member
> insurance companies provide about 90% of the home, car and
> business insurance sold in Canada. Associate membership in
> IBC is available to other industry stakeholders.
> IBC works with its members companies to improve
> communications with public and government, news media and
> other industry associations. IBC's Investigative
> Services works in cooperation with insurers, law enforcement
> agencies, and the Canadian Coalition Against Insurance Fraud
> to detect and prevent insurance crime and to gather evidence
> in aid of prosecuting offenders and securing
> restitution. IBC's legal staff keeps
> member companies informed of developments in case law and
> proposed federal, provincial and territorial legislation
> that could affect them. More than 200 IBC
> member companies and groups of companies directly employ or
> contract services from the full-time equivalent of about
> 100,000 people coast
> to coast. With registered annual sales of $36 billion, and
> controlling assets of more than $80 billion, the industry is
> a major component of the social and financial fabric of
> Canada. P&C insurers in Canada invest mainly in domestic
> government and corporate bonds and in preferred and common
> stocks. Return on these investments helps to reduce
> premiums. Automobile insurance continues to be
> the largest single class of general insurance in Canada, and
> total premiums for this class are greater than for all other
> classes combined. Property insurance ranks second. Another
> category is liability insurance which protects insured
> individuals and companies against legal liability to others
> for injury, death and/or damage to their property caused
> through or by the insured person's or company's
> actions. Liability insurance includes product liability,
> which compensates the public for injury suffered from the
> use of goods and services. It also includes employers'
> liability to employees. IBC member companies
> write most kinds of insurance; exceptions are life insurance
> and surety insurance (a few member companies sell a limited
> amount of sickness and accident insurance). The Canadian Life and Health
> Insurance Association Inc. (CLHIA) represents, as
> its name implies, life and health insurers. The Surety
> Association of Canada represents insurers who guarantee that
> their clients will perform an expressed obligation such as
> completing a construction project on time. IBC
> mission IBC's goal is to strengthen
> the business environment for the property and casualty
> insurance industry. IBC strives to create and sustain a
> positive image for the industry. Aimed at achieving these
> objectives, IBC's activities include developing and
> maintaining relations with governments, the public,
> consumers, and media as well as with
> member companies and other institutions that share some of
> the concerns of member companies. IBC
> identifies and monitors key policy issues affecting the
> general insurance industry, and develops appropriate policy
> papers and strategies. The organization also commissions
> public opinion research to assess public attitudes toward
> insurance-related matters and to measure the effectiveness
> of communications programs. IBC campaigns actively on a
> range of loss-prevention issues, including the promotion of
> safe driving, home safety, and fraud reduction. IBC-led
> "settlement" conferences are reducing the load on
> Canada's overburdened court system, and the five IBC
> regional consumer centres are widely appreciated by
> claimants, policyholders and others. IBC's
> legal staff monitors proposed legislation; members are
> informed by bulletins of changes or proposed changes in
> federal and provincial law that could affect them. Judicial
> interpretations of insurance
> contracts and legislation are also monitored closely and
> IBC frequently intervenes or arranges for appeals in cases
> of importance to the industry. IBC's lawyers monitor a
> variety of legal and other reports in Canada and elsewhere
> to keep the organization and its members abreast of
> developments in the law that affect insurance.
> IBC committees (e.g., Financial Affairs, Standards and
> Practices, etc.) work on a range of important topics,
> including insurance claims and product lines. Ad hoc
> committees of IBC's Board of Directors are formed as
> needed to address issues such as bank/insurance competition,
> catastrophic loss mitigation, effective regulation, privacy,
> and opportunities for privatization. IBC
> regional offices in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal
> and Halifax deliver services that are tailored to local
> needs. To improve liaison with the federal government, IBC
> maintains an office in Ottawa, as well. The core services
> are public relations,
> government relations, legal services, and industry liaison.
> Objectives
> The objectives of IBC are to: provide a
> forum for discussion; promote and advance the
> interests of members; study relevant legislation
> and legislative proposals and make appropriate
> representations; research all relevant matters
> and carry out programs and projects with a view to providing
> a high level of service to the insured public;
> engage in public affairs activities with a view to
> promoting a better understanding of home, car and business
> insurance; engage in all such other activities
> which are, in the opinion of the Board of Directors,
> necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the
> objectives of the organization. History
> Insurance Bureau of Canada was created in 1964 at the
> suggestion of the
> Superintendent of Insurance for Canada, who was concerned
> that poor underwriting practices, caused by inadequate
> information, were threatening the ability of insurers to
> meet claims liabilities. Since then, IBC has addressed
> that concern by providing insurance information to consumers
> and businesses, and (until 1998) by collecting and analyzing
> statistics for member companies and as contracted by
> government agencies. More recently, IBC has worked
> with government and industry to enhance the role of property
> and casualty insurance in Canada. Before
> 1964, there had been two major insurer organizations, the
> All Canada Insurance Federation (which looked after legal
> matters, legislative monitoring and public relations) and
> the Canadian Underwriters Association (which collected
> statistics, developed commercial rating plans and prepared
> policy forms). These functions of these two
> organizations were consolidated within IBC until 1998, when
> IBC's
> Statistical Services Division moved to the newly founded
> Insurance Information Centre of Canada, along with the
> Vehicle Information Centre of Canada, and the information
> and systems technology sections of both the Insurance Crime
> Prevention Bureau and Facility Association.
> Also in 1998, IBC joined forces with the much older
> Insurance Crime Prevention Bureau (ICPB). ICPB was
> founded in 1923, under the auspices of the Canadian Fire
> Underwriters Association in Montreal, as the Investigation
> and Loss Information Bureau, serving Quebec and Ontario. In
> 1926 it acquired a national mandate as the Fire
> Underwriters' Investigation and Loss Information
> Bureau. On its fiftieth anniversary in 1973, after a
> variety of mergers and name changes, the organization
> became the Insurance Crime Prevention Bureau, a name it
> retained until 2001, when it became Insurance Bureau of
> Canada's Investigative Services. Why insurers join
> What is the incentive for insurers to support IBC? More and
> more, governments are seeking constructive partnerships with
> private industry, especially if industry speaks with one
> voice and in the broad public interest. Membership in IBC
> generally improves the odds that government will hear and
> understand industry positions when this counts most - before
> laws are enacted and regulations drafted.
> Membership in IBC allows companies to participate more
> directly in the managing of industry issues and relations
> with governments. Members of IBC committees gain valuable
> experience and exposure to the affairs of the P&C
> insurance industry. IBC maintains a comprehensive reference
> library of insurance, legal and business-related material.
> Jody
> Carr Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Training and
> Minister responsible for the 1st goal of the Premier's
> Five in Five Initiative,
> Government of New Brunswick
> Jody
> Carr was born on July 3, 1975, in Saint John, N.B., the
> youngest son of the late Basil Carr and Debbie Johnston. He
> has a twin brother, Jack, and an older brother, Jeff. He
> attended Oromocto High School where he graduated in 1993 as
> class president, and then went on to the University of New
> Brunswick where he graduated with a Degree in Business
> Administration in 1998, majoring in economics.
> In 1995, at
> 20 years old, Carr was the youngest Progressive Conservative
> Party candidate in the history of New Brunswick when he was
> candidate in the provincial general election in the riding
> of Oromocto-Gagetown. He was co-chair of the 1997
> Progressive Conservative leadership convention and worked as
> a researcher in the Office of the Official Opposition. Carr
> currently chairs the Fredericton region government caucus.
> He is chair of
> the government caucus.
> Carr hails from Geary,
> N.B., and was first elected to the Legislative Assembly of
> New Brunswick in the provincial general election held June
> 7, 1999. During the Fifty-Fourth Legislature, he was a
> member of the Standing Committee on Private Bills, Standing
> Committee on Crown Corporations, Select Committee on
> Education, and Select Committee on Local Governance and
> Regional Collaboration.
> Carr was re-elected to
> the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick in the provincial
> general election held June 9, 2003. He chairs the Standing
> Committee on Law Amendments, is vice-chair of the Select
> Committee on Education and also serves on the Standing
> Committees on Privileges, Public Accounts, and Crown
> Corporations. In addition, he is a member of the Select
> Committees on Health Care and Wood Supply.
> Carr is married
> to Krista (Barker). They
> currently reside in Burton, N.B.
> Deputy Minister of Foreign
> Affairs V. Peter Harder was appointed
> Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Department of Foreign
> Affairs and International Trade in June, 2003. Additionally,
> Mr. Harder assumed the responsibilities of the Personal
> Representative of the Prime Minister to the G8 in December,
> 2003. Mr. Harder first joined the Canadian Foreign Service
> in 1977. Mr. Harder was first appointed Deputy
> Minister in 1991 and has served in that capacity in a number
> of departments including Treasury Board, Solicitor General,
> Citizenship and Immigration, and most recently Industry
> Canada. In 2000, the Governor General presented
> Mr. Harder with the Prime Minister's Outstanding
> Achievement Award for public service leadership.
> Mr. Harder was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1952 and
> was raised in Vineland, Ontario. He has a Bachelor of Arts
> (Honours) in
> Political Science from the University of Waterloo and a
> Master of Arts from Queen's University.
> Alan Kessel becomes Legal
> Advisor, DFAIT Wednesday, 08 February 2006
> Alan Kessel is the current Legal Adviser of the
> Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade,
> replacing Colleen Swords who was appointed Canada's
> Ambassador to the Netherlands. Mr. Kessel has been with the
> Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade since
> 1983, during which time he has been posted to Sweden, the
> United Nations in Geneva and London. He has also held
> numerous positions in the Department's Legal Bureau,
> including that as Deputy Legal Adviser and Director General
> and Director of the United Nations, Criminal and Treaty Law
> Division during which time he headed the Canadian
> Delegation to the United Nations
> preparatory committees negotiating the establishment of the
> International Criminal Court. Mr. Kessel's appointment
> last year as the Legal Adviser makes him an ex
> offico member of the Executive Committee of the
> CCIL's Board of Directors.
> Stephen Toope named President of UBC
> Thursday, 06 April 2006 Professor Stephen
> Toope, former President and current member of the CCIL, has
> been named President of the University of British Columbia.
> Prior to his current position as President of the Pierre
> Elliott Trudeau Foundation, Stephen Toope was Dean of the
> Faculty of Law, McGill University. His scholarly interests
> cover the full range of public international law. His
> current research focuses upon international human rights
> law, legal and institutional constraints on the use of war
> as an instrument of policy, and the bases of legal
> obligation in international society. He currently serves as
> Chair and Rapporteur of the
> United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary
> Disappearances. Carolyn
> Kobernick named Chief Legal Counsel, Public Law (DOJ)
> Sunday, 05 March 2006 Carolyn Kobernick
> was named Chief Legal Counsel (Assistant Deputy Minister) of
> the Public Law Sector at the Department of Justice Canada
> earlier this year. In this role she oversees the Department
> of Justice's legal and policy advice on international
> public, private and trade law matters. As a result of this
> appointment, Ms. Kobernick becomes an ex offico
> member of the Executive Committee of the CCIL's Board of
> Directors. The Executive Committee congratulates Ms.
> Kobernick on her appointment and welcomes her to the Board
> of Directors. Donald
> J. Fleming, BA (Mount Allison), LLB (UNB), LLB
> [International Law] (Cantab), called to the Bar of New
> Brunswick in 1975. His primary teaching interests are
> subjects of
> public international law, trade law, humanitarian law and
> torts law. Professor Fleming has acted as counsel for
> government and aboriginal groups and has published primarily
> on international law and international human rights law.
> Professor Fleming is on the Roster for NAFTA
> Chapter 19 Binational Panels and is currently serving a
> two-year term (Oct 2004 – Oct 2006) as President (elect)
> of the Canadian Council on International Law
> <http://www.ccil-ccdi.ca/>. The Government of Canada awarded
> Professor Fleming the 125th Anniversary Commemorative Medal
> in 1993 for his contribution to human rights. He also
> received the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002.
> postmaster@computershare.com wrote:
> From: postmaster@computershare.com
> To:
> motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
> Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 14:03:18 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: RE: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach
> George W. Bush and put
> a stop Harper's motion tommorrow
> French version follows
> We have received your e-mail and will endeavour to respond
> as soon as possible.
> E-mail sent through the Internet is not secure and should
> not be used to send us confidential information.
> To send us an e-mail securely, use the secure “Contact
> Us� function provided at www.computershare.com in any
> of the online services under the Investors tab on the left.
> Register now for Investor Centre, an online suite of
> self-service functions that will provide you with direct
> access to manage your securities portfolio - sign up today!
> Go to www.computershare.com.
> Or, view your security holdings on-line at
> www.computershare.com - just click on "Investors"
> and "Account Access". After logging in, you'll
> be provided view only access to your
> account details. You will require your Holder Account
> Number in order to complete your request. Your Holder
> Account Number can be located on the front of any statement,
> proxy, cheque or tax form and is generally 11 characters,
> starting with the letter "C" (eg. C0000012345).
> Privacy Notice
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> Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 11:00:38 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W.
> Bush and put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow
> To: bce@computershare.com
> David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> wrote: Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 10:53:17 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush
> and put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow
> To: investor.relations@bce.ca
> Hey
> Before all
> the Parliamentarians argue and then vote
> to support further Canadian deaths in one of George W.
> Bush's Wars for Global Control for the benefit of his
> corporate cohorts perhaps, you should at least listen to the
> attachments if you do not wish to bother to read what Billy
> Casey and the Bankers got on May 12th. If I can assist
> in preventing the demise of just one more Canadian warrior
> in a malicious foreign war, all of my work will have been
> worth it EH?
> If
> everyone ignores me as usual, I will not be surprised. At
> least I will sleep well with my conscience tonight because I
> know I have done my very best to stop the nonsense since
> early 2002 long before the War in Iraq began. None of you
> deserve to sleep well at all because you all supported
> Harper's orders to send our people to war even before
> the 39th Parliament sat this year. As far as I am concerned
> the blood of four very honourable soldiers can be found on
> your hands. Shame on all of you for not
> even bothering to honour our dead by lowering the flag on
> the Peacetower. As long as I have been aware and could
> consider myself a Proad Canadian, I thought we were
> peacekeepers rather than poorly paid hired guns
> for crooked corporations, corrupt politicians and their
> wicked Yankee bible pounding buddies.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 2006
> Senator Arlen Specter
> United States Senate
> Committee on the Judiciary
> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
> Washington, DC 20510
> Dear Mr. Specter:
> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from
> a man named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection
> with the matters raised in the attached
> letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are
> illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in
> contact with you about this previously.
> Very truly yours,
> Barry A. Bachrach
> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
> Date: Thu, 11
> May 2006 00:00:53 -0700 (PDT) From:
> "David Amos"
> <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> Subject:
> Jumping Jimmy Flaherty's jump boots versus
> Crosbie's old mukluks in a liberal Senate
> To:
> Grant.GARNEAU@gnb.ca,
> Russell_Feingold@feingold. senate.gov,
> tomp.young@atlanticradio. rogers.com,
> Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us, Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us,
> Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us, Kandalaw@mindspring.com,
> kmdickson@comcast.net, trvl@hotmail.com,
> patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, fbinhct@leo.gov, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
> dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, michael.malley@gnb.ca,
> EGreenspan@144king.com, josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc. ca,
> alicia.mcdonnell@state.ma.us, info@pco-bcp.gc.ca,
> ted.tax@justice.gc.ca, Cotler.I@parl.gc.ca,
> racing.commission@state.ma.us, dwatch@web.net,
> freeman.c@parl.gc.ca, flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca,
> graham.b@parl.gc.ca, arthur.a@parl.gc.ca
> CC:
> nwnews@cknw.com, davidamos@bsn1.net,
> BBACHRACH@bowditch.com, david.allgood@rbc.com,
> mackay.p@parl.gc.ca, stronach.b@parl.gc.ca,
> moore.r@parl.gc.ca, thompson.g@parl.gc.ca,
> toews.v@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, casey.b@parl.gc.ca,
> mlevine@goodmans.ca, brae@goodmans.ca,
> steve.moate@utoronto.ca, sarah.mann@rci.rogers.com,
> rep@karenyarbrough.com, dc@thepen.us,
> paul.neuman@asm.ca.gov, info@afterdowningstreet.org,
> gearpigs@hotmail.com, alltrue@nl.rogers.com,
> Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca Deja Vu Anyone? Anyone?
> That's what John Crosbie wore in 1979, the last
> time a budget brought down a Canadian government in a
> minority-Parliament situation. It proved to be a bad omen,
> given that the Conservative government of the day foundered
> on Crosbie's document. The mukluks
> proved to be symbolic of Joe Clark's short-lived
> administration -- overconfident and blind to convention. As
> Crosbie observed in his memoirs, Clark "decided to
> govern as though
> we had a majority, a decision that was as arrogant as it
> was presumptuous." By RANDY BURTON — Saskatoon
> Star-Phoenix
> May 10th, 2006
> Prime Minister Stephen
> Harper,
> Franky Boy McKenna, Deputy Chair, Minister of
> Public Safety, Stockwell
> Day, John Bragg and John Thompson,
> Directors President of the Treasury Board, John
> Baird, Chris
> Montague Legal Counsel Ministers James Flaherty,
> and Vic
> Toews
> C/o Jill Crosby, Bank Manager C/o Bill Casey
> MP
> TD Financial Group 103 Albion Street
> South,
> 620 Main Street Amherst, NS, B4H
> 2X2
> Sussex, NB, E4E 5L4 W.
> Geoffrey Beattie,
> Director
> John Manley PC, Director David Allgood,
> Legal
> Counsel, E.
> Jennifer Warren, Legal Counsel C/o Sharon
> Armstrong, Bank
> Manager
> C/o Maria Cormie, Bank Manager Royal
> Bank of
> Canada Canadian
> Imperial Bank of Commerce 644 Main
> Street
> 761 Main St, Sussex, NB, E4E
> 7H9
> Moncton, NB. E1C 1E5
> RE: Blowing the
> whistle on big banks and corrupt politicians too.
> Hey,
> Flaherty’s
> budget looming on the horizon tonight is gonna get the big
> OK from the Bloc EH? Well a mean old bike mechanic in the
> Maritimes has been waiting to chuck a wrench in the works of
> many a crooked beancounter. I just served your offices in
> hand some of the same material that Andre Arthur MP and
> Senator Kinsella received before the 39th
> Parliament began. I am also giving you other material and a
> political rant that they did not receive. The legal counsel
> of all the monstrous Canadian banks have shown me their
> arses, two for a month and three for almost two years. It is
> high time to boot you bankers out off bed with the corrupt
> politicians you depend on to cover up wrongs or sue you
> bastards too. N’est pas?
> You can expect to
> see litigation against the Crown soon. The severe of lack
> integrity of people employed in public service to protect
> the public interests has caused me to prosecute a matter of
> public trust in Pro Se fashion. As is my right. I will do my
> best to hold accountable all those in public office, public
> service and the lawyers etc that have acted wrongfully
> against me. In the past I filed forms in the public record
> and in confidence, argued cops, sued treasury agents,
> lawyers, judges, an Attorney General who aspires to be a
> Governor and even a high priest. To no avail, I made
> thousands of phone calls, sent many more emails and sent
> mountains of letters proving my concerns and sincerity. To
> date no one has ever called me a liar but all of it was
> ignored all the same. If there were such a thing as an
> honest cop, lawyer or politician they could never deny that
> it is ridiculous that a whistleblower would have to go to
> such lengths to attempt to see Justice served in two
> purported Democracies. Pursuant to my quest for Justice, you
> will find
> enclosed hard copy of the material that I promised I would
> send to you before we meet in court. The copy of wiretap
> tape # 139 that all law enforcement authorities in Canada
> and the USA have refused investigate should be of the
> greatest concern to all of you right away. It is served upon
> you in confidence as officers of the court. Prepare to argue
> me about many more tapes and cases of other documents. The
> bankers and I may be arguing the Securities, Bank and Tax
> Fraud in the USA sooner than they think. The AT&T dudes
> should have known police surveillance tapes when they heard
> them. EH?
> Whether you admit it or not, I know I have served upon you
> some of the irrefutable evidence that should have warranted
> the process to impeach George W. Bush years ago. All who sat
> in the 37th, 38th and now the
> 39th Parliament know why the Yankee DHS tried to
> take me away to Cuba on April 1st,
> 2003. It was because of my legitimate efforts to expose
> Bush and his cohorts BEFORE the War on Iraq began. For years
> legions of politicians, lawyers, cops, bankers and priests
> proved an Orwellian truth as they laughed at my ethical
> efforts to defend the rights and interests of my Clan.
> "In the time of universal deceit, telling the
> truth is a revolutionary act" EH? Do you think
> your banks’ investors will laugh like your lawyers did? By
> law and the rules of your professions you must conduct
> yourselves ethically and hold matters in confidence. I do
> not. Now it is a rebel rouser’s turn to laugh as you turn
> page. Awful truths will put your fancy panties in a knot yet
> make me feel as free as my big balls do under my kilt. J
> Please fell free
> to sue me if you disagree but you, Stevey Boy Harper got
> your party its mandate with rhetoric claiming to crack down
> on crime and hold the government
> accountable. Now that Conservatives have had the reigns of
> power for over three months, Stockwell Day at the very least
> must be well aware of all the secrets the two previous
> liberal governments kept from you and us Common Canadian
> Citizens. The secrets about me that most other Canadians do
> not give a damn about, do concern me greatly. Ask the
> Commissioner, John Reid, he must know of the cover up of my
> efforts to expose the well known rampant cross border public
> corruption that has caused my little Clan to suffer so. His
> office hung up on me on the very day he was speaking about
> the Conservatives’ new rules to Parliament. No doubt he
> knows of the evidence I have provided over the years to many
> Canadian law enforcement authorities that is considered a
> matter of public safety. Yet we all know it is not.
> Nevertheless it has caused three very corrupt Canadian
> Federal governments and all Provincial governments to
> willfully support the malice of Yankee State and Federal
> governments acting wrongfully against me. WHY?
> Now
> Harper has shown us his true colours, too bad for you that
> the DHS did not manage to take me away to Cuba. EH Mr. Day?
> I must ask you in court someday soon if you have listened to
> the original wiretap tapes that I provided to CSIS and the
> RCMP before and after the federal election in 2004. It was
> done before I was falsely imprisoned in a Yankee jail. Why
> did the nasty Canadian Consulate officers in Boston refuse
> to accept any more of the Yankee wiretap tapes that my wife
> tried to give to them while I sat in jail held under the
> charges of "other" without bail or even being
> legally arrested or charged? As I sat in a jail in Beantown
> Eliot Spitzer, a Yankee in New York made the big score with
> my info. Yet he allowed Morgan Stanley to sue my wife? The
> 38th Parliament continued to ignore my plight
> throughout its mandate. As we all watched Bush pull off
> another very questionable election it appears only I saw
> Count Peter-Hans Kolvenbach fly to the USA to speak in aid
> of the very evil smoke and mirror show. EH?
> Whereas all
> Canadian authorities have ignored my pleas for assistance
> for three years, I must sue the Crown to seek relief under
> the Charter for my government’s deliberate assistance in
> malicious prosecution and false imprisonment etc. Did you
> politicians think I was kidding when I said it in January on
> CTV News? The smirking newsman, Stevey Boy Murphy asked me
> clearly and I answered him plainly. It was watched live all
> over the Maritimes just minutes before the only time I was
> ever allowed to debate dumb Andy Scott in front of a live
> crowd as I ran against him for his seat in Parliament. Many
> common folks heard me say it and have commented about it in
> the months since. Some of them must have questioned some of
> their various MPs by now. I watched a friend
> confront his MP, Greg Thompson in front folks of two
> ridings. He gave all other candidates running against two
> seated Conservatives a copy of the letter he served upon
> Thompson in hand. Now you have your copy too. Thompson in
> front of witnesses promised to respond in writing to his
> constituent before polling day three months ago. Just as I
> suspected, the new Cabinet Minister broke his promise. I
> know for a fact in 2005 Greg Thompson, Bill Casey and Andy
> Scott ignored other constituents of theirs who brought hard
> copy of my material to their local offices personally while
> I was being illegally prosecuted in the USA. Obviously our
> MPs Liberal or Conservative have no respect for their own
> constituents if they are kin or friends of mine. EH?
> Check the letter that
> Landslide Annie McLellan sent to me when she had Stockwell
> Day ‘s day job. Clearly she was compelled to answer me
> after so many high placed Yankees had already done so. She
> did what all Martinites have done in the past and blamed
> one of Chretien’s arseholes, Wayne Easter for my plight as
> a whistleblower. Stockwell Day did you get off your Jet Ski
> to follow the lead of liberals such as a dumb PEI farmer and
> a very malicious political lawyer from Nova Scotia? You will
> not provide me any assistance whatsoever as is required by
> the mandate of your office? None of your underlings even the
> nervous Marshal dude will do me the simple courtesy of
> calling me back just like your political cohorts never did?
> Your little Newfy buddy, Rob Moore forgot something just as
> Landslide Annie as the Minister of Justice did when Easter
> was Solicitor General. She did not have any idea what
> mechanism a layman would employ to hold many a corrupt
> Parliamentarian accountable. The answer is so simple to me.
> Sue the Bastards. Didn’t anyone notice I have done it in
> the past to many Yankees? I have changed my style and waited
> until some very corrupt public servants were out
> of public office so that they could not employ the weight
> of a corrupt justice system against me. Vic Toews will have
> his job cut out trying to defend the malice of all three
> recent government mandates two of them liberal against one
> Proud Canadian. EH? J
> Whereas Federal Court in
> Canada does not allow me the right to a trial by jury and
> its Commissioner David Gourdeau has shown his arse too, I
> plan to do a double check in the USA. With luck, at about
> the same time my matters may begin in Fredericton, I will be
> seeking a jury in a Yankee Federal Court with a lawsuit
> against some very crooked Canadian political lawyers and
> their many Yankee associates acting against other Canadians,
> Yankees and me. In the "mean" time I have been
> lining up ducks while Jumping Jimmy Flaherty was drop
> kicking his wicked budget past the very confused corrupt
> clucking Chickenshits sitting as the opposition in the
> Chicken
> House. Tonight byway of the Bloc I am making my best
> fiercely political efforts to see that all Conservatives
> will be looking for a new day job far from the Hill in Upper
> Canada. Then I will give this material to other bankers when
> I judge the time is right. Any great mechanic knows that
> there is true magic in the timing of things. If a crook in
> opposition blinks and mentions me in a public forum even
> after the budget is allowed, it will be all over but the
> crying for George W, Bush and his lapdog, Stevey Boy Harper.
> Who may wish to mingle with the media soon is interesting.
> EH? If the
> bankers who did not wish to call me back last month want
> this material explained, it is the task of the Thomson
> dudes, Jealous Johnny Manley and Franky Boy McKenna to do
> now. I did my best to make certain they knew everything over
> the years. The Thomson dudes claim to know everything that
> goes on in court in Canada and the USA. The Upper
> Canadian lawyer was Minister of Finance etc in the
> 37th Parliament, and the Maritimer was our
> Ambassador to the USA under the mandate of the
> 38th. They can explain the malice of Landslide
> Annie and her many cohorts in support of corrupt bankers
> etc. Better yet let the Yankee lawyer Michael Hefler and his
> Canadian counterpart Deborah Alexander explain their support
> of Putnam Investments, Brian Mulroney, Cendant Corp. and
> Franky McKenna’s old BMO crowd etc. Tell me, do ya think
> my name came up when they cooked a little deal between
> Citigroup and Scotia Bank recently? Jennifer Warren should
> be capable of explaining why Garfield Emerson quit the
> Rogers outfit recently. Geoffrey Beattie of Thomson Corp no
> doubt can explain why David Allgood is playing dumb. Need I
> say that the brotherhood of the bar and bankers make me as
> sick as politicians do?
> The reason I ran against
> the aptly named lawyer, Rob Moore in 2004
> should be painfully clear to all Canadians in recent days.
> Stevey Boy Harper is proving to all that he is a lapdog for
> Bush just like Franky Boy McKenna said of him years ago. I
> do not have put one word in the text of this letter in
> support of what many Proud Canadians are agreeing with in
> Frank Boy’s political dogma speech years ago in support of
> the reelection of Rotten Ralphy Goodale. The fact that Moore
> is now Canada’s Parliamentary Secretary for the Minister
> of Justice greatly offends me. All Canadians have the right
> to know why. If he or any other Canadian lawyer had acted as
> a proper officer of the court then my Clan would not be
> suffering from many wrongs right now. The Yankee
> Carpetbagger, David Lutz whom I had given this material to
> BEFORE Moore was elected in 2004 must agree. I am very
> curious what Rob Moore will say in Parliament in his own
> defense when I put him and Lutz in bed in a Canadian
> complaint.
> Rob
> Moore can explain to all Canadians why I think the blood of
> four very honourable Canadian soldiers and countless others
> can be found on his hands and that of his cohorts. In June
> of 2004 during a debate at the Moss Glen Legion we were
> questioned in front of many people including David Lutz, I
> stated my position clearly with regards to War. In defense
> of our warriors I said that they must get the best training
> and weapons possible, then be kept home to defend our
> country. That is their job. Lutz a Yankee draft dodger
> nodded in agreement. Moore did not argue me because he did
> not need to. Less is more for Moore when matters are a sure
> thing. The Blue Coat got the seat he expected to win in
> Fundy just like my dog would have if she had worn his coat.
> However Moore and Lutz are lessor men than I because of
> their inaction as purportedly ethical men. If the lawyers in
> Moore and Lutz disagreed with all I wrote of them since, why
> didn’t they sue me to protect their reputations? The
> answer is the same as I have proven in the turncoat Bad Boy
> Billy Matthews versus Byron Prior matter in Newfoundland.
> Politically appointed Judges like Derek Green or lawyers
> like Bernard Roy controlling the show in court or Inquiry
> only cover up and delay awful truths. It is important that
> public corruption be argued in public view quickly. Thus I
> will sue Crown. Before anyone attempts to deny what I have
> just stated, study this material closely. Look how sending
> this material to any of you is truly redundant. The evidence
> that you or your associates and I crossed have paths many
> times in the past is irrefutable despite the fact that I can
> prove my many letters, phone calls and emails that I sent
> over the years. Turn the page, lawyers. It gets worse for
> you J
> If any of
> you truly do not know who I am, it is the Fed’s fault, not
> mine. I can easily prove that the Feds have done no service
> whatsoever for the public they have an obligation to serve.
> The fact that the Feds have done their worst to keep my
> legitimate actions a whistleblower secret with false claims
> such as confidentiality or public security further serves to
> prove my point about rampant public corruption. To refute
> the false claims of secrecy, I must point out that much of
> my work can still be found in the public record of many
> courts in Canada, the USA and on the Internet as well. Last
> fall my wife saw a copy of wiretap tape # 139 in the docket
> of a Yankee court that anyone could listen to. I had filed
> that copy in a sealed envelope with that court in order to
> protect the Fourth Amendment Rights of the people recorded
> on it. As you can see by the documents I have provided that
> one year ago the District Attorney in Boston lost the many
> original wiretap tapes that I gave him in court in 2004.
> Nothing yet has been said about my lawyer in the USA sending
> 9 original wiretap tapes to the Senate
> Judiciary Committee in Congress this year on February
> 7th. So much for Yankees upholding the law EH?
> Canadians are no better.
> As you can
> see despite my wife and my lawyer’s best efforts to stop
> them, the Yankees seized our home without warrants or due
> process of law. A couple more Yankee bankers and insurance
> dudes made out like the bandits they are. This was done
> while my children and I were in Canada last summer without a
> home. Nobody in Canada or the UN even bothered to care about
> our Human Rights. All of my pleas to the spendthrifts
> Adrienne Clarkson, Pierre Pettigrew and their replacements
> Michaelle Jean, Petey Baby MacKay were ignored despite our
> Canadian birthright and our rights under the Charter. Canada
> supported the theft of our property including many original
> wiretap tapes I had in my possession in our home.
> I have been recently
> informed that Yankees
> have sold all of my possessions at a public auction
> including the wiretap tapes. However, much to chagrin of
> Yankees, I have proven that I have many more wiretap tapes
> in Canada and elsewhere. The aforesaid malicious auction of
> my property was done while my Clan is still awaiting a long
> delayed trial about the illegal actions against us. Our
> property was supposed to be safely stored according to the
> rules of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of
> Public Safety until the matter was resolved. This latest
> malice begs the obvious question..
> Whereas Yankee law
> enforcement authorities feel free to violate their
> Constitution and sell wiretap tapes of their citizens at
> public auction, why can’t I do the same? Interesting
> question. EH? Why should I as a Canadian Citizen care about
> the Civil Rights of Yankee mobsters and their families
> anymore when their evil government does not? Methinks I
> should sell a few on EBAY in
> Europe to see if I can recoup some of my losses ASAP. I
> could use the funds from the sale of the wiretap tapes to
> sue many lawyers etc in the USA and Canada. Look at the very
> dumb answers I got in 2003 from a crooked District Attorney
> in Massachusetts and the corrupt US Attorney in New
> Hampshire, before you try to claim that what I would be
> doing is illegal. The former is a good friend of Argeo P.
> Cellucci and the latter enforces federal code in the State
> where I now permanently reside. Both Yankees claim the tapes
> are not what I say they are but merely evidence in a probate
> action? What planet do Yankee lawyers come from?
> I can’t be the only person on this planet who wishes
> to see George W. Bush impeached ASAP. Ask the fat dumb happy
> Yankee Michael Moore before you disagree. These tapes may
> fetch quite a price from story hungry dudes such as he.
> Truth is stranger than fiction and far more marketable and
> profitable with less money spent in production using
> real people instead of big name actors. Even clever lawyers
> must admit that wiretap tape # 139 makes one wonder what
> happened next. EH? Stay tuned dudes. Small portions of other
> tapes may be in your email inbox for you to listen to. Other
> politicians can read the text of this letter and listen to
> their Parliamentary email along with the rest of mine they
> have ignored for over three years. The many words of a
> fiercely political rant may be added as a postscript to the
> text of this letter and sent to the government’s
> opposition first. I must be fair. You dudes got this letter
> first. My next email may cause quite a stir amongst the
> clucking Chickenshits in the House. Canadians should find it
> very interesting indeed if one or more the smiling bastards
> decide to mention my name to the Speaker.
> How they vote
> against the political pollution of hot air from the windbags
> of Baird and Flaherty that is stinking up the House is
> critical to our future. I see no need to let all the cats
> out of the bag in this letter to you but for fun just check
> my work. See me teasing Derek Burney and his boss Brian
> Mulroney? They know the Barbarian at the gate who is me
> knows what lawyers hold the keys that lock all political
> parties together on both sides of the 49th
> parallel. One nasty Yankee’s name is Harper too. J
> That smiling
> bastard’s law office ain’t too far from the UN. EH?
> Depending how far left you are Michael Ignatieff,Canada’s
> Prince of Darkness or our Sexist Cerebral man knows the
> Yankee Harper quite well. Derek Burney and Karl Rove as
> aymen or Louis Freeh and the new General Counsel of the FBI
> as lawyers would likely agree with little ol me and on one
> thing. It is that bigassed Yankee lawyers like the one named
> Harper makes little liberal lawyers such as Humpty Dumpty,
> Land Slide Annie, Asinine Allan Rock,
> Franky Boy McKenna, and Johnny Jealous Manley look like the
> little lost puppies truly they are. Perhaps bankers etc will
> want Franky Boy McKenna to call some crooked cop he knows
> hanging out in his hometown to figure out how to handle me
> now. Before you do, check my work that I have provided to
> you to see what I have already given you many clues not to.
> I have had enough police harassment for any ten men to
> stand. My ghost or I will sue every cop that has tried to
> stop me from justifiably and legally seeking justice. There
> is no middle ground for any honest man to stand on in my
> battles against very corrupt justice systems in two
> purported Democracies. The interests of investors in many
> banks would be better served if the bankers chastised in
> public view a certain few employees who deliberately failed
> to uphold the law and protect the public’s interests
> invested in their bank and many other publicly held
> companies. From a Canadian’s perspective of the world I
> know that the
> interests of all Canadians are bought and sold on Yankee
> stock markets everyday. I know of many lawyers who should be
> knocked off their high horses ASAP. In fact I just named
> some them. EH?
> Canadian
> politicians should know this before the vote on the budget
> becomes a matter of history. I truly believe that
> Conservatives will continue to follow Bush’s lead for the
> benefit of the bankers whose HQ’s surround Flaherty’s
> office. Like Bush he will try to take our country deep into
> debt. Bankers and politicians will do what they wish with
> the world, tis true. Trust that I don’t care the more the
> merrier for me in litigation. You dudes are about to meet a
> rather formidable layman in court. I have been studying and
> arguing law night and day for four years, all the while
> clearing each and every hurtle that rampant public
> corruption has thrown into my path to Justice. I will not
> pity any lawyer who chooses to stand in court
> beside the likes of Franky Boy, Landslide Annie and Humpty
> Dumpty. You can see that Harper has ignored the words of the
> Accountability Act with doubletalk if his pals need money
> for their party war chests. Our little Lord of NB and his
> buddy Brad Green affirmed that they knew the same truths
> that Rob Moore, Franky Boy and Landslide Annie did years
> ago. It was within a few days of the election and Humpty
> Dumpty’s Third World boat named after his wife was caught
> in Nova Scotia bringing cocaine to Canada along with more
> Blood Coal. Humpty Dumpty employed lawyer’s rhetoric and
> recused himself and Landslide Annie’s underlings made the
> matter evaporate. Harper just looked away in support even as
> Humpty Dumpty picked Franky Boy to be our Ambassador within
> the year to obviously support the Yankee’s malicious
> persecution of me rather than act within the scope of his
> employment as a public servant. If bankers do not understand
> my words, blame your own lawyers. David Allgood should
> have walked the talk of Chris Montague’s words about Red
> Flags in his speech on Feb 11th 2005 and called
> me back if he did not wish to argue me in court. When I
> called both of them Deborah Alexander, Ronald Sirkis and
> Jennifer Warren were past too late. They knew of wiretap
> tapes and Bank Fraud etc since 2004.
> This year after the
> Conservative government accepted Franky Boy’s resignation
> and well before the TD Financial Group hired Franky Boy, I
> called his spokesperson Ruth McCrae. After a minor spit and
> chew ensued, she told me to sue her along with the law firm
> of McInnes and Cooper. A liberal talk show host Tom Young
> will soon affirm that I do not have to be asked twice to sue
> someone but I did call many partners of the aforesaid law
> firm to see if they agreed with Franky Boy and his outspoken
> gal. The words of the lawyer Costello, a partner who argues
> NB Power on behalf of the Venezuela and the silence of the
> rest
> affirmed that all apparently stood with McKenna including
> some of the former partners of Paterson and Palmer.
> Furthermore, Franky Boy should have disclosed everything
> about a potential lawsuit etc to the TD Financial dudes
> before accepting his new position. However I was very open
> and very honest with them as soon as I was aware of his new
> job. Now that Franky Boy and I are both back home in our old
> stomping grounds and I am on the warpath, John Manley may
> quit hustling the Ottawa Senators hockey team to CIBC. It
> would be wise to try to explain why Franky Boy praised
> Yankee success at pond hockey to the law partners of Burns
> and Levenson whom he partied with last fall instead of being
> a proper public servant and discussing with Yankees the
> failings of their partner, my Guardian Ad Litem Brian Bixby.
> J
> For my
> benefit, I made it a point to look into Stevey Boy
> Harper’s pale blue eyes on
> June 19th, 2004 when he stopped in Sussex for
> ice cream the day after I debated Rob Moore the first time.
> We both knew each other at a glance. Lets just say I found
> nothing I admired behind Stevey Boy’s eyes. His soul is
> far meaner than Rob Moore’s. With luck on my side, this
> year my fellow Maritimers should be entertained and educated
> in a three-ring circus of a long awaited monumental hoe-down
> in court. Our little Lord’s justice system that his buddy,
> Cleveland Allaby was well paid to study in secret years ago
> will be the unwilling confused ringmaster to oversee the
> affair. When it comes to being showmen Franky Boy and I are
> on and even keel. We are both smiling bastards who crack a
> lot of jokes fearlessly in front of crowds. To his
> advantage, he is a lawyer whereas I am not. He is famous
> whereas I am not. Franky Boy is very wealthy, whereas I am
> not. On the other hand, I am honest whereas he is not. I
> have many friends that I can trust, whereas he does not. I
> have much evidence of many crimes he has covered up in his
> personal pursuit of lucre, whereas he has only fancy legal
> doubletalk. Franky Boy has climbed high up on the crooked
> totem pole of affluence pedaling his influence over common
> Maritimers without a common man’s conscience that is lost
> to all lawyers. Franky Boy and his many pals in banks and
> companies such as the Carlyle Group may gain the whole world
> at the expense of their own souls. However one pigheaded
> ethical soul will try hard to hold them all accountable by
> just knocking a few off their high horses. I also know there
> are many souls in the Maritimes who were entertained and
> understand the meaning of the old story of David versus
> Goliath or my name ain’t Dave. Watch me look into the eyes
> of the people I pick for a jury before I start chucking
> rocks in court.
> Stevey Boy
> Harper and his little lawyer Rob Moore would not understand
> why I am humming the old
> tune sung the dude who loved to hang around mobsters but
> many other old farts like me will. They will understand why
> I am writing the letter in April and delivering it in hand
> to my MP Bill Casey in May. (I am sending Duccepe and
> Fortier the same material Allan Rock and Franky Boy received
> last May) To give the devil his due, that old dead Yankee
> Franky Boy sang "That’s Life" very well.
> Methinks that Stevey Boy’s big mistake was following the
> directions of Derek Burney and Karl Rove too closely. He
> really should learn to think for himself. He is flying too
> high in April for his own good in May. It seems that Harper
> don’t even know that what goes up always comes down. The
> higher they go the harder they fall. Ask Humpty Dumpty. The
> clucking chickens in opposition may shoot his government
> down in May without the effect he desires. To challenge the
> opposition to unseat him just because he is momentarily
> higher in the polls is dumb beyond belief. If Mulroney and
> his cohorts
> think Harper can win a majority in the House next time
> around simply by blaming the opposition for causing the
> election, they do not remember Humpty Dumpty’s big faux
> pas last year. I sincerely hope that next week holds a very
> bad day for many nasty political Maritimers who have kissed
> Upper Canadian fat fancy arses for years. It has always been
> Hard Times in the Maritimes and it is their fault. N’est
> Pas? Time will
> tell the tale. Right now I can only wish that my efforts
> help knock Jumping Jimmy Flaherty out of his new jump boots
> and into the Newfy, Crosbie’s old mukluks from 1979. With
> any luck at all Luc Lavoie will not be so lucky anymore. He
> and all the other all clucking Conservatives will start
> singing for more Tequila from Sheila as Dominic LeBlanc
> learns how to play his Daddy’s kazoo. As I look towards
> the horizon in the direction of far off Upper Canada, I will
> dream of Petey Baby MacKay and his very punky hunky dory
> sinking beneath the waves of bullshit that has kept him
> afloat for years. There is no denying that I will chuckle as
> I imagine his very nasty ex sweetyfart Belinda Baby picking
> up the phone and calling Magna Entertainment’s Yankee VP
> Argeo P. Cellucci and its General Counsel Don Amos. Her Big
> Daddy Franky may want to rip them new arseholes for in order
> to shove each other’s head into. Clearly they did not do a
> good job protecting the interests of Stronach’s publicly
> held company from one pigheaded Maritimer who is serious
> gambling man in the big game called New World Order. I am
> still gambling that there is no honour amongst thieves and
> somebody will blink in order to protect their own butt. I
> too am wondering and ain’t betting on the ethics of any
> politician. For instance only a fool would bet on the ethics
> of Andre Arthur the Independent MP and if he will quit being
> as quiet as a mouse in the House. If the government goes
> down, I doubt he will get elected again. He had
> his chance to do the right thing just as Chucky Cadman did
> years ago. The Yankee midterm election is the biggest game
> in the world right now. Ask my Clan’s Senator Teddy
> Kennedy. J
> I will wager that I do know
> why nobody wants to talk to or about me. The dark horse in
> this game is the one who will blink, when and where. Knowing
> who won’t say a word is easy. Strangely predicting who may
> be honest is tough. How sad is that? For instance Senator
> Kinsella’s malice against me was a nobrainer. I expected
> it about as much as that he would vote for Lynch in
> Fredericton. On the other hand Andre Arthur had no ethical
> reason whatsoever to ignore me particularly after reading
> things he has said in the past. His recent appointment to
> oversee the CRTC proves to me that he is a crooked as Hell.
> He must have known he was finally free from all the lawyers
> that had once chastised him in the past. They cannot hold
> him
> accountable for whatever he says in the House to a
> nationwide audience as an MP like they once did when he
> spoke on local radio. The chickenshit, Andre Arthur may be
> laying back and waiting for just the right point in time to
> start clucking into the Parliamentary record to make history
> in his own best interests. I don’t know. Nor do I care if
> he has a plan or is just holding to a backroom deal. I do
> know when we talked on the phone months ago, I could tell
> that he did not have any balls at all. The silence of a
> former big talking talk show host from Quebec spoke volumes
> to me months ago about why that Frenchman won’t mingle
> with the media he now oversees. His appointment to the
> committee that oversees the very dudes who once tortured
> him, stinks of backroom deal and a political payoff to
> me. All Andre Arthur or anyone else in the House had
> to do this month or in the years before was to have the sand
> to stand up and ask the Speaker in a question period on the
> record
> simply state the following. "Who the Hell is David
> Raymond Amos and what the Hell is talking about?" There
> I even wrote the script for him just in case he or anyone
> sprouts some testicles real soon. If anyone acts like an
> ethical Parliamentarian, it will be Rob Moore’s task to
> explain my affairs to the House. I will lay odds that if
> Andre Arthur or anyone else were certain that they could
> profit rather than suffer from such few words, they would.
> love to make history and become the hero who saved Democracy
> for us all.
> Nobody
> will talk to me for the same reason Arthur is silent to
> everyone else. It is based in political deceit. Justice is
> always a matter of political will rather than the way that
> it should be. I am just wise enough to know I can be the
> most effective in finding a little justice when the
> political process is flux. Bernie Shapiro’s office and
> that of his fellow crook, Jean Fournier’s have denied
> receiving anything of mine from Andre Arthur or Noel
> Kinsella. That makes me understand that I am on the right
> track this time. When Shapiro’s office called me last
> year, they were nervous campers after I had made Parliament
> uphold an act and give Fournier a job so that I could
> complain to him about Senator Joe Day. The far from ethical
> parliamentary counselors are quite likely hiding under a rug
> somewhere in the House and praying Baird’s Accountability
> Act replaces them soon. Shapiro and Fournier are just
> playing dumb while waiting to duck out the back and scurry
> into the sunset with unearned severance pays in their
> purses. Once they are all out of public service, they will
> become just a few more paragraphs to me in a future
> complaint against many individuals out of public service I
> plan to sue. The rats abandoning Humpty Dumpty’s boat like
> David Dingwall and Howie Wilson should offend anyone with
> half a mind. Most ordinary folks have all but forgotten the
> Dingwall affair
> but I doubt most did not even know who the dude Howie
> Wilson was or how he assisted Landslide Annie in making
> Humpty Dumpty’s doings with Tainted Blood disappear on
> everyone else’s watch but mine. Does anyone but me
> remember where the bad blood came from and who made the deal
> with whom? I do. This brings me to why I find the Bloc so
> interesting these days. I know Ducceppe is a crooked as the
> rest but some other Bloc may want to fill his shoes. Humpty
> Dumpty’s loss was a given, to me. The loss of the Bloc and
> the Conservative gain was a surprise to everyone. It would
> be truly comical if their leader, Ducceppe were to act
> ethically on my behalf after all these years. It is not
> beyond the realms of possibility that he could be the next
> PM if the Bloc had the majority next time around. The other
> parties could be so decimated by his integrity that maybe a
> legion of Independents would inhabit the House. Less of a
> pipe dream would be that perhaps the Bloc could get the ten
> seats
> in Quebec from the Conservatives and truly make the Liberal
> history as well. C’est Vrai?
> I know what I just stated
> seems crazy but think about it for a minute. Ignore what
> crooked liberals such as the local talk show host, Tom Young
> may say of me being a nut. He retracted "the fool for a
> client spiel" in another matter when it suited his
> political agenda. He knows I was not nuts in my predictions
> about picking Speakers, the Tanker Malley affair or wiretap
> tapes too. Young was not wise to challenge a man such as I
> to sue him on live radio. I ain’t that foolish not to sue
> Jennifer Warren and Rogers Media J
> . Whatever liberals such as
> Young and his cohorts in Rogers say about me negative or
> otherwise on the radio almost two years later is gravy after
> I had made my mission known byway of his own program. I
> openly declared that it was my Securities Fraud issues that
> should most
> concern my fellow Maritimers. Soon it is my turn to fall
> silent in the text of this letter anyway. However before I
> do become truly silent you may wish to know that some of you
> will receive this letter in your email and see it posted on
> the Internet at about the same time the budget vote becomes
> history. I cannot give you time to run political damage
> control. I have long understood your wicked game of hear, no
> evil, see no evil and speak no evil for your own benefit and
> not the people you claim to serve. I know that the things
> like Freedom and Justice that lawyers claim are so important
> in a Democracy are merely myths. Bankers and lawyers know as
> well as I that Freedom does not have prayer because Justice
> is bought and sold everyday to the highest bidder in the
> marketplace and the courts. Money is all the beancounters
> care about as they count the percentage points of gain and
> lawyers follow suit in their fees for assisting in the
> malice against us all. The corrupt Yankees
> that you people support have taught me a lot about how to
> deal with many crooked Canadians. The answer is simple. Make
> Justice a matter of political will particularly in a time of
> War. Now that we all understand the wicked game,
> why mince words anymore? I am raising the stakes and laying
> some more of my cards on table before I summons you all to
> court. You do not have much time to decide if I am bluffing
> or not. Lets just say I have no doubt whatsoever why the
> blog in CTV W5 website was deleted recently after it had
> stood for almost a year. I save all blogs long before they
> are lost in cyber space. The words of the one within CTV’s
> W5 domain that was erased for the benefit of CIBC John
> Manley and the Thomson dudes will resurface somewhere else
> on the Internet in short order. Hard copy of the aforesaid
> blog and many others will be presented in various courts
> someday. Dempsey the lawyer, who has since fallen silent had
> apparently filed a complaint in BC about
> what anybody who has studied the banking profession knows
> to be true. Wise guys know the root of all evil is not
> exactly money but Filthy Lucre, the words that King James
> employed just once. Gain of control over the land is the
> name of the game. Money is just a clever paper tool that is
> based on nothing at all. The idea of money in the form of a
> banknote that is no longer based on gold but debt was
> invented and controlled by bankers and the same holds true
> for the notion of religion invented the banker’s cohorts
> the Roman who turned into priests of one god. It is money I
> must attack and seek because it is what the lawyers who made
> the rules for the benefit of bankers and priests claim I
> must do in order to play their wicked game. I did so out of
> the gate years ago. If you bother to check my work you will
> see that I employed my right to have the freedom to have no
> religion at all to attack what the smiling bastards hold
> most dear, their money.
> The law is clear in
> matters of money and beancounters rely on such laws. It is
> against the law for a trustee to give money he holds in
> trust to any charity on his own accord. For a well-respected
> old lawyer to assist an ex FBI agent in his wrongs against
> the terms of a trust and without the knowledge and accent of
> the beneficiaries is interesting to say the least. To steal
> it and give it to a church that the beneficiaries have no
> faith in is particularly offensive especially when the
> Cardinal’s secretary is the offended person...
[Message clipped] View entire message5066365558>
From: David Amos david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 15:57:30 -0400
Subject: Mr Forgeron and Ms Dean I just called
To: dforgeron@ibc.ca, adean@ibc.ca, cpower@ibc.ca, rdubin@zubco.com,
kstamp@mwhslaw.com, TRowe@mwhslaw.com, libbykinghorne@aptla.ca,
mburry@sci-nl.ca, tfraize@fraizelawoffices.nf.
egittens@gittenslaw.com, cfeltham@wrmmlaw.com, dbrowne@bfma-law.com,
andrew@wphlaw.ca, Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca,
Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca
Cc: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 00:34:24 -0400
Subject: Does the IBC wish to continue to pay dumb until I sue you people???
Never forget Mr Forgeron the IBC and the cops picked this fight not I
To: dforgeron@ibc.ca, adean@ibc.ca, cpower@ibc.ca, rdubin@zubco.com,
kstamp@mwhslaw.com, TRowe@mwhslaw.com
Cc: motomaniac333@gmail.com, libbykinghorne@aptla.ca,
mburry@sci-nl.ca, tfraize@fraizelawoffices.nf.
egittens@gittenslaw.com, cfeltham@wrmmlaw.com, dbrowne@bfma-law.com,
andrew@wphlaw.ca, Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca,
Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 14:36:13 +0000
Subject: RE: Attn Ronald and Sandra Godin I just called and tried to
explain my take on the Insurance business Now here are some of pdf
files I promised to send when you refused to check my ethics
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.
Please be assured that your email has been received, will be reviewed,
and a response will be forthcoming.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to write.
Merci d'avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick.
Soyez assuré que votre courriel a bien été reçu, qu'il sera examiné
et qu'une réponse vous sera acheminée.
Merci encore d'avoir pris de temps de nous écrire.
Sincerely, / Sincèrement,
Mallory Fowler
Correspondence Manager / Gestionnaire de la correspondance
Office of the Premier / Cabinet du premier ministre
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 10:35:11 -0400
Subject: Attn Ronald and Sandra Godin I just called and tried to
explain my take on the Insurance business Now here are some of pdf
files I promised to send when you refused to check my ethics
To: ronald.godin@gnb.ca, sandra.godin@gnb.ca, "Wayne.Gallant"
<brian.t.macdonald@gnb.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>, "hugh.flemming"
<hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Andrew McGrath
Manager, Media Relations
Tel: 416-362-2031 ext. 4312
Email: amcgrath@ibc.ca
Legislative watchdogs overhaul report now 6 months late
Report on roles of legislative officers such as languages commissioner
and ombudsman was due in January
By Jacques Poitras, CBC News Posted: Jul 14, 2016 7:45 AM AT
There's still no word on what will become of a Liberal proposal to cut
the number of legislative watchdogs.
A report commissioned by an all-party committee of MLAs was originally
due in mid-January.
But six months later, there's still no sign of the reporter.
"I have not received the report," legislature Speaker Chris Collins
said in an email.
"When I do I will release."
The Liberal majority on the Legislative Administration Committee voted
to commission the report last November.
N.B. Legislature will study cutting independent watchdogs
Government watchdogs have budgets frozen for next year
The delay means two of the legislative officers who were supposed to
do double duty until the end of June will have to continue in those
Information and Privacy Commissioner Anne Bertrand, who's been the
acting conflict of interest commissioner, has been "asked to continue
for a short period of time, the length of which is to be determined
shortly," her office said.
Charles Murray
Ombudsman Charles Murray took on the addition role as the consumer
advocate for insurance. (CBC)
And Ombudsman Charles Murray, who took on the role of consumer
advocate for insurance, said he will continue in that job for another
six months.
"The government has yet to make decisions on the future of legislative
officers," Murray said.
"Until they make those decisions, they're reticent to come to a final
decision on who should be filling that post."
Murray said having people in these important oversight roles
temporarily, but also for a long time, makes it hard to do long-term
"If we want that office to perform to the best of its ability, it's
really to everyone's advantage to have someone there who knows they
have the mandate to be there for some time."
8 roles reviewed
Katherine d'Entremont
Commissioner of Official Languages Katherine d'Entremont is one of
eight legislative watchdogs in the province. (CBC)
There are eight legislative officer roles:
Chief electoral officer
Access to information and privacy commissioner
Conflict of interest commissioner
Commissioner of official languages
Consumer advocate for insurance
Child and youth advocate
A ninth position, registrar of lobbyists, exists in legislation that
has never been put in effect.
The government's strategic program review report last year said
merging some of the offices could save $400,000 to $700,000.
'Expecting it before now'
PC MLA Brian Macdonald, who sits on the Legislative Administration
Committee, said his understanding was that the report "was almost
finished quite a while ago.
"I'm surprised it's taking it this long," Macdonald said.
"I was expecting it before now."
'I'm surprised it's taking it this long.'
- Brian Macdonald, PC MLA
He agreed with Murray that "filling those roles with interim people
and doing this patchwork that we're seeing isn't helping democracy."
Macdonald also said the legislative administration committee, which
meets in secret, should not be the one to discuss the elimination or
merging of some of the watchdog roles.
He said a new committee of MLAs set up by the Liberals, the standing
committee on legislative officers, should debate any changes publicly.
"I would like to see this discussed openly," he said.
No one from the Gallant government responded to a request for a
comment on the delay.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 15:30:51 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Attn Diane.Lebouthillier why is it that I am not surprised that
Commissioner Andrew Treusch is sneaking out the back door just like his
old buddy Kevin Dancey did not too long ago?
To: Matt.Young@cra-arc.gc.ca, Glen.Jackson@cra-arc.gc.ca,
John.Ossowski@cra-arc.gc.ca, "Diane.Lebouthillier"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Dear magicJack User:
You received a new 0:24 minutes voicemail message, on Tuesday, July
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 13:37:01 -0400
Subject: Attn Diane.Lebouthillier why is it that I am not surprised
that Commissioner Andrew Treusch is sneaking out the back door just
like his old buddy Kevin Dancey did not too long ago?
To: "Andrew.Treusch" <Andrew.Treusch@cra-arc.gc.ca>
John.Ossowski@cra-arc.gc.ca, "Diane.Lebouthillier"
<rona.ambrose.A1@parl.gc.ca>, gopublic <gopublic@cbc.ca>,
cbcnewsvancouver <cbcnewsvancouver@cbc.ca>, cbcinvestigates
<cbcinvestigates@cbc.ca>, investigations <investigations@cbc.ca>,
"Russell.George" <Russell.George@tigta.treas.
<inspector.general@usdoj.gov>, MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, leader
<leader@greenparty.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, ElenaChurikova
<ElenaChurikova@ifac.org>, "elizabeth.may" <elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca>,
"Michael.Ferguson" <Michael.Ferguson@oag-bvg.gc.
janice.leahy@gnb.ca, Kim.MacPherson@gnb.ca, "brian.gallant"
<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon"
<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "denis.landry2" <denis.landry2@gnb.ca>,
"serge.rousselle" <serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>, "terry.seguin"
<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>, newsroom
<newsroom@globeandmail.ca>, news-tips <news-tips@nytimes.com>, news
<news@hilltimes.com>, news <news@kingscorecord.com>, "peacock.kurt"
<duncan@bissettmatheson.com>, Saint Croix Courier
<editor@stcroixcourier.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
"Roger.L.Melanson" <Roger.L.Melanson@gnb.ca>, "Robert. Jones"
<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
infoamfredericton@cbc.ca, "ht.lacroix" <ht.lacroix@cbc.ca>,
"hugh.flemming" <hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, "sylvie.gadoury"
<Alex.Johnston@cbc.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn" <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
tlambie@cpacanada.ca, tobin.lambie@cica.ca, heather.whyte@cica.ca,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
<kevin.dancey@cica.ca>, "harvey.cashore" <harvey.cashore@cbc.ca>,
Retiring CRA boss leaves KPMG tax-dodge scandal for successor to deal with
Revenue minister praises Andrew Treusch for ‘dedication and support’
through transition period
By Kimberly Ivany, Priscilla Hwang, Harvey Cashore, CBC News Posted:
Jun 17, 2016 9:47 AM ET
"The head of the Canada Revenue Agency, who staunchly defended CRA's
handling of the KPMG offshore scandal including its secret "no
penalties" offer to wealthy tax dodgers, is stepping down Friday."
Changing of the guard at Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada
February 8, 2016
The Board of Directors for Chartered Professional Accountants of
Canada (CPA Canada) has approved the appointment of Joy Thomas, FCPA,
FCMA, as president and CEO, effective April 1, 2016. Thomas succeeds
Kevin J. Dancey, FCPA, FCA, who retires May 1.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2016 16:34:47 -0400
Subject: Attn Diane.Lebouthillier I just called Commissioner Andrew Treusch and 5066365558>
<5066365558>his Deputy John Ossowski and they would not come to the phone.
To: "Andrew.Treusch" <Andrew.Treusch@cra-arc.gc.ca>
John.Ossowski@cra-arc.gc.ca, "Diane.Lebouthillier"
<rona.ambrose.A1@parl.gc.ca>, gopublic <gopublic@cbc.ca>,
cbcnewsvancouver <cbcnewsvancouver@cbc.ca>, cbcinvestigates
<cbcinvestigates@cbc.ca>, investigations <investigations@cbc.ca>,
"Russell.George" <Russell.George@tigta.treas.
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
<MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, leader <leader@greenparty.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
ElenaChurikova <ElenaChurikova@ifac.org>, "elizabeth.may"
Whereas I am not allowed to file with CRA I will file my Tax Return in
Federal Court
Who are your CRA people to call a liar today as I try to my tax return?
On one document hereto attached is in YOUR records and that was once
my SIN number CORRECT?
On the other document which a Yankee form 211 is my American Social
Security Number You people do business across borders because of FATCA
so it follows you have known exactly who I am for years.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com> wrote:
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 09:43:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: What say you now Jacky Boy Layton? Cat still got your tongue?
Shame on you. You likely walked past Byron Prior again today
To: "Ciavarra, Louis M." , racing.commission@state.ma.us, dwatch@web.net,
general.info@thomson.com, tracy.parsons@pcparty.org, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca,
ahamilton@casselsbrock.com, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca,
Martin.P@parl.gc.ca, Scott.A@parl.gc.ca, graham@grahamsteele.ca,
michael.baker@ns.sympatico.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, justice@gov.nl.ca,
CC: Kandalaw@mindspring.com, fbinhct@leo.gov,
info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, ted.tax@justice.gc.ca, Cotler.I@parl.gc.ca,
lgold.blcanada@b-l.com, Rep.LindaDorcenaForry@Hou.
Grant.GARNEAU@gnb.ca, Byron
Subject: RE: Byron
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:50:33 -0400
From: "Info, Info"
To: "Info, Info" , "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Thank you for your message to the Privy Council Office. We will reply to
you as soon as possible.Merci d'avoir communiqué avec le Bureau du Conseil
privé. Nous vous répondrons aussitôt que
David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com> wrote:
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 12:46:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
Subject: Patience Depupty Robert F. O'Meara don't get your panties in a
knot check your email
To: Bob <wickedwanda3@adelphia.net>, thee_sandman@hotmail.com,
mchayday@mta.ca, lemisanthrope@hotmail.com, desserud@unbsj.ca,
general@pub.nb.ca, bryan.corbett@ualberta.ca,
mcfaul@hoover.stanford.edu, mayor@ci.boston.ma.us,
patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, Russell_Feingold@feingold.
stephen.cutler@wilmerhale.com, governorlynch@nh.gov
CC: BBACHRACH@bowditch.com, bbixby@burnslev.com,
drosenblatt@burnslev.com, thomas.gatzunis@state.ma.us,
Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us, lcampenella@ledger.com,
Kandalaw@mindspring.com, jmurray@ibc.ca,
trvl@hotmail.com, Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us, fbinhct@leo.gov
How is your cyber game going Sandman? The fatlady sings tonight EH?
Bob wrote:
Here we go again, with the frauds and the forgeries. Didn't work then,
won't work now. Here's Dave before the judge,,,,,,But your honor since when
do I have to own something to claim it for myself. Fuck you, Dave
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
To: Bob <wickedwanda3@adelphia.net>, thee_sandman@hotmail.com,
mchayday@mta.ca, lemisanthrope@hotmail.com, desserud@unbsj.ca,
general@pub.nb.ca, bryan.corbett@ualberta.ca,
mcfaul@hoover.stanford.edu, mayor@ci.boston.ma.us,
patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, Russell_Feingold@feingold.
stephen.cutler@wilmerhale.com, governorlynch@nh.gov
Cc: BBACHRACH@bowditch.com, bbixby@burnslev.com,
drosenblatt@burnslev.com, thomas.gatzunis@state.ma.us,
Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us, lcampenella@ledger.com,
Kandalaw@mindspring.com, jmurray@ibc.ca,
trvl@hotmail.com, Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us, fbinhct@leo.gov
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 12:26 PM
Subject: I sense another challenge from Norfolk County Deputy Sheriff
Robert F. O'Meara
I will forward just one email between Barry Bachrach a long long time ago
that I am certian he and my G.A.L. Brian Bixby will never wish to explain
in a Yankee Fedeal Court way down in Dixieland or the Court of the Queen's
Bench in Canada. The attachment in the following email is merely two slips
of paper. Clearly I did not file two notices of appearance in the same
yankee court two days in a row, The second document bears my signature but
it is obviously a fraudulent document created by Depupty Dog's lawyer
Angela K. Troccoli and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Prime minister Harper and all his underlings are going to have a hard time
explaining why they supported the malicious actions of Yankees as he tries
to ram his Accountability Act through Parliament.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Bob <wickedwanda3@adelphia.net> wrote:
I could care less about any town in your country. Hi Sam,,,Hi
George,,,,,,,,,you know Dave"I'm gonna sue ya" Amos ? Biggest arsehole in
two countries. Hey,,,,,I hear that your family is tired of you. Hmmmm, what
a shame. Again, fuck you, Dave
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
To: Bob <wickedwanda3@adelphia.net>, george.chiasson@nb.ca,
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 10:14 AM
Subject: Sam and george meet Norfolk County Deputy sheriff Robert F.
That dumb crooked Yankee is my brother in in law. Obviously he does not
even know the difference between one town in Newfoundland and another in
New Brunswick. Trust that he has no idea what I am up to but methinks his
lawyers wish that he would shut up EH?
Bob <wickedwanda3@adelphia.net> wrote:
From: "Bob" <wickedwanda3@adelphia.net>
To: "David Amos" <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Who thinks the dumb crooks in Saint John have one clue what I
am up to?
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 09:58:43 -0400
Why should the dumb crooks in St. John have a clue as to what you are up
to. You don't have a clue to what you are up to. For that matter, no one
cares what you are up to. Fuck You, Dave
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
To: thee_sandman@hotmail.com, mchayday@mta.ca,
lemisanthrope@hotmail.com, desserud@unbsj.ca,
general@pub.nb.ca, bryan.corbett@ualberta.ca, mcfaul@hoover.stanford.edu,
mayor@ci.boston.ma.us, patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov,
Cc: BBACHRACH@bowditch.com, bbixby@burnslev.com,
drosenblatt@burnslev.com, thomas.gatzunis@state.ma.us,
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us,
lcampenella@ledger.com, Kandalaw@mindspring.com,
jmurray@ibc.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.
dwatch@web.net, duffy@ctv.ca, trvl@hotmail.com,
Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us, fbinhct@leo.gov
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2006 9:07 PM
Subject: Fwd: Who thinks the dumb crooks in Saint John have one clue what I
am up to?
Tommorrow is polling day up here and after it is primary day down in the
Yankee neck of the woods. Just for the record I should tell my former
Yankee lawyer Barry Bachrach that I have a pretty good idea who murdered
Anna Mae but the witness up here is too chicken to talk about it. Whereas
our latest Attorney General Vic Teows has given John Graham the boot to
Yankeedoddleland there ain't much I can do to help him now until I have my
own malicious warrants for arrest removed EH? Furthermore why the Hell
should I care anymore. As soon as i get back to the USA I am going to sue
your law firm and Brian Bixby's for your assistance to the Commonweath of
Massachusetts in the screwing of my wife for the benefit of a bunch of bad
acting bankers, Gays and Catholic priests etc.
As far as the shit going down up here, obviously Byron Prior is asking for
my support once again and I obliged but I also know where the Agent Orange
barrels are stashed in Gagetown (right by the Shirley dump which is near
Fire Point # 4). Plus obviously I am the only person willing to say that
the testing of Corridor Resources has caused the folks in the area to lose
their water and for the mine to spring many leaks as well. Everybody but me
is too afraid of being sued to state the simple truth about that simple
fact. However Barry and a bunch of other Yankees know how I love to argue
lawyers EH? Cya'll in Court or Hell. C'est la meme chose. N'est pas?
Barry, the fact that you deliberately intervened in order to help screw my
wife and kids will make you very famous someday or my name ain't Dave. You
are just another lawyer who loves to FAKE LEFT and all your friends know
it. You were right when you told my wife I was going to be pissed off after
you screwed her in court. Do you think your law firm will let you go before
or after I sue it? Do you or Bixby think that your managing partner is any
smarter that David Rosenblatt? Me neither.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must ask
> them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?
> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
> cards?
> http://archive.org/details/
> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/
> http://www.archive.org/
> http://archive.org/details/
> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
> Senator Arlen Specter
> United States Senate
> Committee on the Judiciary
> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
> Washington, DC 20510
> Dear Mr. Specter:
> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
> raised in the attached letter.
> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes.
> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
> Very truly yours,
> Barry A. Bachrach
> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
--- On Tue, 5/30/06, David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Who is at 618 991 7758 and who is accusing me of what?
> To: nsbox@psepc.gc.ca, nbbox@psepc.gc.ca, prevention@psepc.gc.ca
> Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2006, 8:50 PM
> David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> wrote: Date: Sun, 28 May 2006 02:44:29 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Fwd: RE: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach
> George W. Bush and put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow
> To: guidelines@fintrac.gc.ca, feedback@fintrac.gc.ca,
> CBSA-ASFC@canada.gc.ca,
> alan.kessel@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, Guergis.H@parl.gc.ca,
> consultations@international.
> yassin.choukri@gnb.ca, wcummings@ibc.ca, rkeefe@smss.com,
> dgallivan@coxhanson.ca, pdicks@bensonmyles.com,
> info@bankofcanada.ca,
> dd-rd@dd-rd.ca, info@gg.ca
> CC: info@pafso.com, info@ccil-ccdi.ca, dfleming@unb.ca,
> bryden@unb.ca,
> ilaforest@unb.ca, glaforest@smss.com, brooks@justice.gc.ca,
> cclr@law.ubc.ca, bobinski@law.ubc.ca,
> dlenihan@crossingboundaries.ca
> nationalcouncil@
> valerie.kilfoil@gnb.ca, susan.butterfield@gnb.ca,
> jack.carr@gnb.ca,
> jody.carr@gnb.ca, andrewkernohan@nsndp.ca, james@skwirl.ca,
> bfarrell@greenparty.ca, slabchuk@greenparty.ca,
> jdessart@greenparty.ns.ca, jlegere@greenparty.ns.ca,
> Gabriel.BOURGEOIS@gnb.ca, kathryn.gregory@gnb.ca,
> bill.richards@gnb.ca
> Here ya go just as promised. Whereas none of you will
> talk to me in private perhaps it is wise that I
> wait until we meet in court in order to argue you on the
> public record for the benefit of all. EH? That said
> listen to the wav files. Don't ya think if
> anyone understood wiretap tapes it would be Bell Canada ?
> You can see that this email was returned to me with a
> promise to investigate. Obviously the Aussie company can
> never say that they don't know some awful truths about a
> publicly held
> company EH? Ya think the lawyers for Computershare
> would study their own pdf files about whistleblowers and
> their own ethical conduct. EH? If you wanna check my
> study of a really nasty lawyer and his Yankee cohorts in the
> communications business ask me about the Newfy Charlie
> White. Better yet I should ask you in court particularly
> after all the strange calls I got from the Yankee Secret
> Service on Friday. EH? What gives with this shit about
> insurance companies investigating I me as a thief
> when I have already proven Securities Fraud practiced by a
> an insurance company and insurance fraud practiced by
> another?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> Send Mail to
> P.O.Box 234
> Apohaqui,
> NB E5P 3G2
> Attention Mr. Wayne
> Cummings, the Upper Canadian insurance dude who has
> decided to investigatie me. Obviously I have compied
> with your demands. Quite bullshitting me and
> ntroduce me to your lawyers now. I have many insurance fraud
> issues to take up with you and your lawyers. If you wish to
> know who were involved in stealing Sandy's frame and
> many
> other people's vehilcles and property, contact
> the lawyer Neil Kerstein or my attorney Barry Bachrach or
> the Milton Massachusetts Police Department before we meet in
> federal court. What I am demanding to know from
> you is where is the rest of the property of my children, my
> wife , my friends and my mine as well? What Police Dept
> contacted you etc. etc.
> Please do
> not play dumb next time I call you. It just pisses me
> off. Obviously I figured out who all the god
> damned lawyers that you associate with are and where to
> serve your office the material that the following law
> firms etc received hard copy of long BEFORE I was
> falsely imprisoned in the USA in 2004 for the benefit
> of some very crooked Yankee insurance companies and
> their cohorts George W. Bush and his pack of nasty
> Yankees . Call me a liar I Double Dog Dare Ya Mr.
> Cummings. Never forget you came
> looking for me EH? What say you do your job now OK?
> The very corrupt Stevey Baby
> Toope should at least confirm to you and the Ontario Human
> Rights Commission that I am at least human. (Yea I
> skimmed the pdf file about IBC words in a report to
> the aforesaid comission. It looked like a bunch of bullshit
> to me to support unnecessary rate increases) Did tell
> ya I was a rather fierce political animal Mr. Cummings? Well
> you really jerked my chain when you figured me to be a
> thief. Now the onus is upon you to prove to me that you are
> not a crook after you already proved to me you are a very
> incompetent liar.
> Atlantic Canada
> 1969 Upper Water Street, Suite 1706
> Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3R7
> Tel: 902-429-2730; Fax: 902-420-0157
> Consumer information:
> Toll-free: 1-800-565-7189 (Atlantic provinces
> only)
> Hours of operation: M-F 8:30 a.m. – 4:30
> p.m. Directory
> of IBC Industry Associate/Stakeholder Members
> Ernst & Young
> (416) 777-8842
> Cox Hanson O'Reilly Matheson
> (902) 421-6262
> McInnes Cooper, Barristers Solicitors &
> Trade Mark Agents
> (902) 425-6500
> Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy, Barristers &
> Solicitors
> (709) 570-5534
> CIBC Wood Gundy Securities Inc.
> The
> Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act (AMENDED March
> 2002) 8-Nov-2001
> NOVA SCOTIA Lawyers Exempt from Money
> Laundering Act Chief Justice
> Kennedy ruled that lawyers are now exempt from the reporting
> requirements in The Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering)
> Act. This means that pending a final determination on
> the constitutional validity of this legislation, lawyers
> need not report on "suspicious transactions"
> involving clients. This Act still pertains to
> Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island and New
> Brunswick. *
> * * *
> * * (The
> federal government is expanding its anti-money laundering
> efforts: The federal government has enacted
> a new Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act (the
> "Act"), significantly expanding the scope
> of its existing legislation. The first parts of the
> Act came into force on November 8,
> 2001. The objective of the
> Act is to help detect and deter money laundering and
> facilitate investigations and prosecutions of money
> laundering offences. To this end, it implements mandatory
> reporting, record keeping and client identification
> requirements for entities such as banks and other financial
> institutions and professional services firms such as
> accountants and lawyers. In particular, we must now keep
> detailed records, and report selected information, on some
> of our clients’ transactions to a new government
> agency. The new obligations of
> professional service firms and the impact on their
> clients: Beginning on November
> 8, 2001, the Act requires firms to report
> "suspicious transactions" - that is, financial
> transactions that a professional reasonably suspects are
> related to the commission of
> a money laundering offence. The
> Act specifically prohibits these professionals and
> their staff from informing a client that a suspicious
> transaction report has been made, or from disclosing to a
> client the contents of a report.
> Over the course of the next 3-15 months, it is
> anticipated that other provisions of the Act will
> come into force and impose further obligations on
> professional services firms to:
> report the importation or exportation of currency or
> monetary instruments of a value greater than an amount to be
> established,
> report large cash transactions of $10,000
> or more, and
> keep a record of large cash transactions
> for five years. You
> should also be aware that under provisions
> of the Act that are not yet in force, certain
> authorities will have the power to seize mail or enter
> firms’ premises. A new federal
> agency, the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis
> Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) will have the authority to enter
> professional services firms, without a search warrant, to
> determine if they are complying with the Act. FINTRAC
> officials will be able to access computer and data
> processing systems, examine and copy file information and
> records, and reproduce any information or record.
> Canada Customs and Revenue Agency will
> also have the authority to seize, retain and open mail that
> it reasonably believes contains $10,000 or more in cash or
> monetary instruments. We
> emphasize that these powers to seize mail or enter
> professional services firms’ premises are not yet in
> force. We anticipate, however, that these powers will be in
> force within the next several months. The
> Act may require lawyers of this firm to
> disclose confidential client information: As
> lawyers, our professional rules of conduct oblige us to keep
> confidential all information about our clients’ business
> and affairs, unless our clients authorize us to release the
> information, or we are required by law or a court to do so.
> The Act is just such a law requiring us to disclose
> our clients’ confidences. Our obligations under the
> Act are not optional. Although the Act does
> not require us to "disclose any communication that is
> subject to solicitor-client privilege", you should be
> aware that not all client confidential information is
> protected by solicitor-client privilege. Our
> firm will ensure that we report or record only the
> information that we are obligated to report or record under
> the Act, in the prescribed form and manner of
> transaction
> reports and records. If FINTRAC attempts to
> examine documents in our possession relating to you, we will
> assert solicitor-client privilege if we believe the
> documents are or may be protected by solicitor-client
> privilege. If we assert solicitor-client privilege in those
> circumstances and we do not receive your instructions to
> waive privilege, or if we cannot contact you, we will then
> have to take steps within 14 days to apply to court to
> establish that privilege. It would be prudent
> for a lawyer outside of this firm to make that application.
> There will be court costs associated with asserting
> privilege on your file materials. If the court is satisfied
> that the document is privileged, it will make an order
> releasing the document to the lawyer who claimed the
> privilege. If the court is not satisfied that the document
> is privileged, it will make an order for production of the
> document for examination or copying by FINTRAC. We caution
> you that even if
> privilege is established on the court application, no court
> costs can be awarded to you. We encourage you to
> contact the partners shown below with any questions about
> the contents of this Client Update.
> Direct Dial
> E-mail Address
> Newfoundland:
> Lewis Andrews, Q.C. -
> St. John's 709.570.8822 landrews@smss.com
> New
> Brunswick: Britt Dysart -
> Fredericton 506.443.0153 bdysart@smss.com
> André Richard -
> Moncton 506.853.1962 arichard@smss.com
> Michael
> Wennberg - Saint John 506.632.2771 mwennberg@smss.com
> Nova
> Scotia: George Caines, Q.C. -
> Halifax 902.420.3307 gcaines@smss.com
> Guy LaFosse, Q.C. -
> Sydney 902.539.5135 glafosse@smss.com
> Prince Edward
> Island: Ronald Keefe -
> Charlottetown 902.629.4510 rkeefe@smss.com
> From: Macdonald,
> Sandy.
> Sent: Tuesday,
> May 23, 2006 3:14 PM
> To:
> 'Cummings, Wayne'
> Subject: RE:
> 91 HD frame
> From: Cummings, Wayne
> [mailto:wcummings@ibc.ca]
> Sent: Monday,
> May 22, 2006 4:14
> PM
> To: Macdonald,
> Sandy.
> Subject: 91 HD
> frame
> Sandy
> Please send me
> Dave’s last name, address & phone
> #.
> Wayne
> Wayne Cummings -
> Investigator Insurance Bureau of
> Canada Auto Theft &
> Vehicle Services Provincial Auto
> Theft Team (PATT) RR# 3 Brighton ,
> Ontario K0K 1H0 Phone:
> 613-475-2087 Cell:
> 613-293-7275 Fax:
> 613-475-0513 wcummings@ibc.ca
> About Us: IBC
> profile and members
> Insurance Bureau of Canada
> Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) is the national trade
> association of non-government property and casualty
> (P&C) insurers, the private companies that insure the
> cars, homes and businesses of Canadians. Member
> insurance companies provide about 90% of the home, car and
> business insurance sold in Canada. Associate membership in
> IBC is available to other industry stakeholders.
> IBC works with its members companies to improve
> communications with public and government, news media and
> other industry associations. IBC's Investigative
> Services works in cooperation with insurers, law enforcement
> agencies, and the Canadian Coalition Against Insurance Fraud
> to detect and prevent insurance crime and to gather evidence
> in aid of prosecuting offenders and securing
> restitution. IBC's legal staff keeps
> member companies informed of developments in case law and
> proposed federal, provincial and territorial legislation
> that could affect them. More than 200 IBC
> member companies and groups of companies directly employ or
> contract services from the full-time equivalent of about
> 100,000 people coast
> to coast. With registered annual sales of $36 billion, and
> controlling assets of more than $80 billion, the industry is
> a major component of the social and financial fabric of
> Canada. P&C insurers in Canada invest mainly in domestic
> government and corporate bonds and in preferred and common
> stocks. Return on these investments helps to reduce
> premiums. Automobile insurance continues to be
> the largest single class of general insurance in Canada, and
> total premiums for this class are greater than for all other
> classes combined. Property insurance ranks second. Another
> category is liability insurance which protects insured
> individuals and companies against legal liability to others
> for injury, death and/or damage to their property caused
> through or by the insured person's or company's
> actions. Liability insurance includes product liability,
> which compensates the public for injury suffered from the
> use of goods and services. It also includes employers'
> liability to employees. IBC member companies
> write most kinds of insurance; exceptions are life insurance
> and surety insurance (a few member companies sell a limited
> amount of sickness and accident insurance). The Canadian Life and Health
> Insurance Association Inc. (CLHIA) represents, as
> its name implies, life and health insurers. The Surety
> Association of Canada represents insurers who guarantee that
> their clients will perform an expressed obligation such as
> completing a construction project on time. IBC
> mission IBC's goal is to strengthen
> the business environment for the property and casualty
> insurance industry. IBC strives to create and sustain a
> positive image for the industry. Aimed at achieving these
> objectives, IBC's activities include developing and
> maintaining relations with governments, the public,
> consumers, and media as well as with
> member companies and other institutions that share some of
> the concerns of member companies. IBC
> identifies and monitors key policy issues affecting the
> general insurance industry, and develops appropriate policy
> papers and strategies. The organization also commissions
> public opinion research to assess public attitudes toward
> insurance-related matters and to measure the effectiveness
> of communications programs. IBC campaigns actively on a
> range of loss-prevention issues, including the promotion of
> safe driving, home safety, and fraud reduction. IBC-led
> "settlement" conferences are reducing the load on
> Canada's overburdened court system, and the five IBC
> regional consumer centres are widely appreciated by
> claimants, policyholders and others. IBC's
> legal staff monitors proposed legislation; members are
> informed by bulletins of changes or proposed changes in
> federal and provincial law that could affect them. Judicial
> interpretations of insurance
> contracts and legislation are also monitored closely and
> IBC frequently intervenes or arranges for appeals in cases
> of importance to the industry. IBC's lawyers monitor a
> variety of legal and other reports in Canada and elsewhere
> to keep the organization and its members abreast of
> developments in the law that affect insurance.
> IBC committees (e.g., Financial Affairs, Standards and
> Practices, etc.) work on a range of important topics,
> including insurance claims and product lines. Ad hoc
> committees of IBC's Board of Directors are formed as
> needed to address issues such as bank/insurance competition,
> catastrophic loss mitigation, effective regulation, privacy,
> and opportunities for privatization. IBC
> regional offices in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal
> and Halifax deliver services that are tailored to local
> needs. To improve liaison with the federal government, IBC
> maintains an office in Ottawa, as well. The core services
> are public relations,
> government relations, legal services, and industry liaison.
> Objectives
> The objectives of IBC are to: provide a
> forum for discussion; promote and advance the
> interests of members; study relevant legislation
> and legislative proposals and make appropriate
> representations; research all relevant matters
> and carry out programs and projects with a view to providing
> a high level of service to the insured public;
> engage in public affairs activities with a view to
> promoting a better understanding of home, car and business
> insurance; engage in all such other activities
> which are, in the opinion of the Board of Directors,
> necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the
> objectives of the organization. History
> Insurance Bureau of Canada was created in 1964 at the
> suggestion of the
> Superintendent of Insurance for Canada, who was concerned
> that poor underwriting practices, caused by inadequate
> information, were threatening the ability of insurers to
> meet claims liabilities. Since then, IBC has addressed
> that concern by providing insurance information to consumers
> and businesses, and (until 1998) by collecting and analyzing
> statistics for member companies and as contracted by
> government agencies. More recently, IBC has worked
> with government and industry to enhance the role of property
> and casualty insurance in Canada. Before
> 1964, there had been two major insurer organizations, the
> All Canada Insurance Federation (which looked after legal
> matters, legislative monitoring and public relations) and
> the Canadian Underwriters Association (which collected
> statistics, developed commercial rating plans and prepared
> policy forms). These functions of these two
> organizations were consolidated within IBC until 1998, when
> IBC's
> Statistical Services Division moved to the newly founded
> Insurance Information Centre of Canada, along with the
> Vehicle Information Centre of Canada, and the information
> and systems technology sections of both the Insurance Crime
> Prevention Bureau and Facility Association.
> Also in 1998, IBC joined forces with the much older
> Insurance Crime Prevention Bureau (ICPB). ICPB was
> founded in 1923, under the auspices of the Canadian Fire
> Underwriters Association in Montreal, as the Investigation
> and Loss Information Bureau, serving Quebec and Ontario. In
> 1926 it acquired a national mandate as the Fire
> Underwriters' Investigation and Loss Information
> Bureau. On its fiftieth anniversary in 1973, after a
> variety of mergers and name changes, the organization
> became the Insurance Crime Prevention Bureau, a name it
> retained until 2001, when it became Insurance Bureau of
> Canada's Investigative Services. Why insurers join
> What is the incentive for insurers to support IBC? More and
> more, governments are seeking constructive partnerships with
> private industry, especially if industry speaks with one
> voice and in the broad public interest. Membership in IBC
> generally improves the odds that government will hear and
> understand industry positions when this counts most - before
> laws are enacted and regulations drafted.
> Membership in IBC allows companies to participate more
> directly in the managing of industry issues and relations
> with governments. Members of IBC committees gain valuable
> experience and exposure to the affairs of the P&C
> insurance industry. IBC maintains a comprehensive reference
> library of insurance, legal and business-related material.
> Jody
> Carr Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Training and
> Minister responsible for the 1st goal of the Premier's
> Five in Five Initiative,
> Government of New Brunswick
> Jody
> Carr was born on July 3, 1975, in Saint John, N.B., the
> youngest son of the late Basil Carr and Debbie Johnston. He
> has a twin brother, Jack, and an older brother, Jeff. He
> attended Oromocto High School where he graduated in 1993 as
> class president, and then went on to the University of New
> Brunswick where he graduated with a Degree in Business
> Administration in 1998, majoring in economics.
> In 1995, at
> 20 years old, Carr was the youngest Progressive Conservative
> Party candidate in the history of New Brunswick when he was
> candidate in the provincial general election in the riding
> of Oromocto-Gagetown. He was co-chair of the 1997
> Progressive Conservative leadership convention and worked as
> a researcher in the Office of the Official Opposition. Carr
> currently chairs the Fredericton region government caucus.
> He is chair of
> the government caucus.
> Carr hails from Geary,
> N.B., and was first elected to the Legislative Assembly of
> New Brunswick in the provincial general election held June
> 7, 1999. During the Fifty-Fourth Legislature, he was a
> member of the Standing Committee on Private Bills, Standing
> Committee on Crown Corporations, Select Committee on
> Education, and Select Committee on Local Governance and
> Regional Collaboration.
> Carr was re-elected to
> the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick in the provincial
> general election held June 9, 2003. He chairs the Standing
> Committee on Law Amendments, is vice-chair of the Select
> Committee on Education and also serves on the Standing
> Committees on Privileges, Public Accounts, and Crown
> Corporations. In addition, he is a member of the Select
> Committees on Health Care and Wood Supply.
> Carr is married
> to Krista (Barker). They
> currently reside in Burton, N.B.
> Deputy Minister of Foreign
> Affairs V. Peter Harder was appointed
> Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Department of Foreign
> Affairs and International Trade in June, 2003. Additionally,
> Mr. Harder assumed the responsibilities of the Personal
> Representative of the Prime Minister to the G8 in December,
> 2003. Mr. Harder first joined the Canadian Foreign Service
> in 1977. Mr. Harder was first appointed Deputy
> Minister in 1991 and has served in that capacity in a number
> of departments including Treasury Board, Solicitor General,
> Citizenship and Immigration, and most recently Industry
> Canada. In 2000, the Governor General presented
> Mr. Harder with the Prime Minister's Outstanding
> Achievement Award for public service leadership.
> Mr. Harder was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1952 and
> was raised in Vineland, Ontario. He has a Bachelor of Arts
> (Honours) in
> Political Science from the University of Waterloo and a
> Master of Arts from Queen's University.
> Alan Kessel becomes Legal
> Advisor, DFAIT Wednesday, 08 February 2006
> Alan Kessel is the current Legal Adviser of the
> Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade,
> replacing Colleen Swords who was appointed Canada's
> Ambassador to the Netherlands. Mr. Kessel has been with the
> Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade since
> 1983, during which time he has been posted to Sweden, the
> United Nations in Geneva and London. He has also held
> numerous positions in the Department's Legal Bureau,
> including that as Deputy Legal Adviser and Director General
> and Director of the United Nations, Criminal and Treaty Law
> Division during which time he headed the Canadian
> Delegation to the United Nations
> preparatory committees negotiating the establishment of the
> International Criminal Court. Mr. Kessel's appointment
> last year as the Legal Adviser makes him an ex
> offico member of the Executive Committee of the
> CCIL's Board of Directors.
> Stephen Toope named President of UBC
> Thursday, 06 April 2006 Professor Stephen
> Toope, former President and current member of the CCIL, has
> been named President of the University of British Columbia.
> Prior to his current position as President of the Pierre
> Elliott Trudeau Foundation, Stephen Toope was Dean of the
> Faculty of Law, McGill University. His scholarly interests
> cover the full range of public international law. His
> current research focuses upon international human rights
> law, legal and institutional constraints on the use of war
> as an instrument of policy, and the bases of legal
> obligation in international society. He currently serves as
> Chair and Rapporteur of the
> United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary
> Disappearances. Carolyn
> Kobernick named Chief Legal Counsel, Public Law (DOJ)
> Sunday, 05 March 2006 Carolyn Kobernick
> was named Chief Legal Counsel (Assistant Deputy Minister) of
> the Public Law Sector at the Department of Justice Canada
> earlier this year. In this role she oversees the Department
> of Justice's legal and policy advice on international
> public, private and trade law matters. As a result of this
> appointment, Ms. Kobernick becomes an ex offico
> member of the Executive Committee of the CCIL's Board of
> Directors. The Executive Committee congratulates Ms.
> Kobernick on her appointment and welcomes her to the Board
> of Directors. Donald
> J. Fleming, BA (Mount Allison), LLB (UNB), LLB
> [International Law] (Cantab), called to the Bar of New
> Brunswick in 1975. His primary teaching interests are
> subjects of
> public international law, trade law, humanitarian law and
> torts law. Professor Fleming has acted as counsel for
> government and aboriginal groups and has published primarily
> on international law and international human rights law.
> Professor Fleming is on the Roster for NAFTA
> Chapter 19 Binational Panels and is currently serving a
> two-year term (Oct 2004 – Oct 2006) as President (elect)
> of the Canadian Council on International Law
> <http://www.ccil-ccdi.ca/>. The Government of Canada awarded
> Professor Fleming the 125th Anniversary Commemorative Medal
> in 1993 for his contribution to human rights. He also
> received the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002.
> postmaster@computershare.com wrote:
> From: postmaster@computershare.com
> To:
> motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
> Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 14:03:18 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: RE: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach
> George W. Bush and put
> a stop Harper's motion tommorrow
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> Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 11:00:38 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W.
> Bush and put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow
> To: bce@computershare.com
> David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> wrote: Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 10:53:17 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush
> and put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow
> To: investor.relations@bce.ca
> Hey
> Before all
> the Parliamentarians argue and then vote
> to support further Canadian deaths in one of George W.
> Bush's Wars for Global Control for the benefit of his
> corporate cohorts perhaps, you should at least listen to the
> attachments if you do not wish to bother to read what Billy
> Casey and the Bankers got on May 12th. If I can assist
> in preventing the demise of just one more Canadian warrior
> in a malicious foreign war, all of my work will have been
> worth it EH?
> If
> everyone ignores me as usual, I will not be surprised. At
> least I will sleep well with my conscience tonight because I
> know I have done my very best to stop the nonsense since
> early 2002 long before the War in Iraq began. None of you
> deserve to sleep well at all because you all supported
> Harper's orders to send our people to war even before
> the 39th Parliament sat this year. As far as I am concerned
> the blood of four very honourable soldiers can be found on
> your hands. Shame on all of you for not
> even bothering to honour our dead by lowering the flag on
> the Peacetower. As long as I have been aware and could
> consider myself a Proad Canadian, I thought we were
> peacekeepers rather than poorly paid hired guns
> for crooked corporations, corrupt politicians and their
> wicked Yankee bible pounding buddies.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 2006
> Senator Arlen Specter
> United States Senate
> Committee on the Judiciary
> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
> Washington, DC 20510
> Dear Mr. Specter:
> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from
> a man named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection
> with the matters raised in the attached
> letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are
> illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in
> contact with you about this previously.
> Very truly yours,
> Barry A. Bachrach
> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
> Date: Thu, 11
> May 2006 00:00:53 -0700 (PDT) From:
> "David Amos"
> <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
> Subject:
> Jumping Jimmy Flaherty's jump boots versus
> Crosbie's old mukluks in a liberal Senate
> To:
> Grant.GARNEAU@gnb.ca,
> Russell_Feingold@feingold.
> tomp.young@atlanticradio.
> Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us, Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us,
> Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us, Kandalaw@mindspring.com,
> kmdickson@comcast.net, trvl@hotmail.com,
> patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, fbinhct@leo.gov, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
> dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, michael.malley@gnb.ca,
> EGreenspan@144king.com, josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc.
> alicia.mcdonnell@state.ma.us, info@pco-bcp.gc.ca,
> ted.tax@justice.gc.ca, Cotler.I@parl.gc.ca,
> racing.commission@state.ma.us, dwatch@web.net,
> freeman.c@parl.gc.ca, flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca,
> graham.b@parl.gc.ca, arthur.a@parl.gc.ca
> CC:
> nwnews@cknw.com, davidamos@bsn1.net,
> BBACHRACH@bowditch.com, david.allgood@rbc.com,
> mackay.p@parl.gc.ca, stronach.b@parl.gc.ca,
> moore.r@parl.gc.ca, thompson.g@parl.gc.ca,
> toews.v@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, casey.b@parl.gc.ca,
> mlevine@goodmans.ca, brae@goodmans.ca,
> steve.moate@utoronto.ca, sarah.mann@rci.rogers.com,
> rep@karenyarbrough.com, dc@thepen.us,
> paul.neuman@asm.ca.gov, info@afterdowningstreet.org,
> gearpigs@hotmail.com, alltrue@nl.rogers.com,
> Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca Deja Vu Anyone? Anyone?
> That's what John Crosbie wore in 1979, the last
> time a budget brought down a Canadian government in a
> minority-Parliament situation. It proved to be a bad omen,
> given that the Conservative government of the day foundered
> on Crosbie's document. The mukluks
> proved to be symbolic of Joe Clark's short-lived
> administration -- overconfident and blind to convention. As
> Crosbie observed in his memoirs, Clark "decided to
> govern as though
> we had a majority, a decision that was as arrogant as it
> was presumptuous." By RANDY BURTON — Saskatoon
> Star-Phoenix
> May 10th, 2006
> Prime Minister Stephen
> Harper,
> Franky Boy McKenna, Deputy Chair, Minister of
> Public Safety, Stockwell
> Day, John Bragg and John Thompson,
> Directors President of the Treasury Board, John
> Baird, Chris
> Montague Legal Counsel Ministers James Flaherty,
> and Vic
> Toews
> C/o Jill Crosby, Bank Manager C/o Bill Casey
> MP
> TD Financial Group 103 Albion Street
> South,
> 620 Main Street Amherst, NS, B4H
> 2X2
> Sussex, NB, E4E 5L4 W.
> Geoffrey Beattie,
> Director
> John Manley PC, Director David Allgood,
> Legal
> Counsel, E.
> Jennifer Warren, Legal Counsel C/o Sharon
> Armstrong, Bank
> Manager
> C/o Maria Cormie, Bank Manager Royal
> Bank of
> Canada Canadian
> Imperial Bank of Commerce 644 Main
> Street
> 761 Main St, Sussex, NB, E4E
> 7H9
> Moncton, NB. E1C 1E5
> RE: Blowing the
> whistle on big banks and corrupt politicians too.
> Hey,
> Flaherty’s
> budget looming on the horizon tonight is gonna get the big
> OK from the Bloc EH? Well a mean old bike mechanic in the
> Maritimes has been waiting to chuck a wrench in the works of
> many a crooked beancounter. I just served your offices in
> hand some of the same material that Andre Arthur MP and
> Senator Kinsella received before the 39th
> Parliament began. I am also giving you other material and a
> political rant that they did not receive. The legal counsel
> of all the monstrous Canadian banks have shown me their
> arses, two for a month and three for almost two years. It is
> high time to boot you bankers out off bed with the corrupt
> politicians you depend on to cover up wrongs or sue you
> bastards too. N’est pas?
> You can expect to
> see litigation against the Crown soon. The severe of lack
> integrity of people employed in public service to protect
> the public interests has caused me to prosecute a matter of
> public trust in Pro Se fashion. As is my right. I will do my
> best to hold accountable all those in public office, public
> service and the lawyers etc that have acted wrongfully
> against me. In the past I filed forms in the public record
> and in confidence, argued cops, sued treasury agents,
> lawyers, judges, an Attorney General who aspires to be a
> Governor and even a high priest. To no avail, I made
> thousands of phone calls, sent many more emails and sent
> mountains of letters proving my concerns and sincerity. To
> date no one has ever called me a liar but all of it was
> ignored all the same. If there were such a thing as an
> honest cop, lawyer or politician they could never deny that
> it is ridiculous that a whistleblower would have to go to
> such lengths to attempt to see Justice served in two
> purported Democracies. Pursuant to my quest for Justice, you
> will find
> enclosed hard copy of the material that I promised I would
> send to you before we meet in court. The copy of wiretap
> tape # 139 that all law enforcement authorities in Canada
> and the USA have refused investigate should be of the
> greatest concern to all of you right away. It is served upon
> you in confidence as officers of the court. Prepare to argue
> me about many more tapes and cases of other documents. The
> bankers and I may be arguing the Securities, Bank and Tax
> Fraud in the USA sooner than they think. The AT&T dudes
> should have known police surveillance tapes when they heard
> them. EH?
> Whether you admit it or not, I know I have served upon you
> some of the irrefutable evidence that should have warranted
> the process to impeach George W. Bush years ago. All who sat
> in the 37th, 38th and now the
> 39th Parliament know why the Yankee DHS tried to
> take me away to Cuba on April 1st,
> 2003. It was because of my legitimate efforts to expose
> Bush and his cohorts BEFORE the War on Iraq began. For years
> legions of politicians, lawyers, cops, bankers and priests
> proved an Orwellian truth as they laughed at my ethical
> efforts to defend the rights and interests of my Clan.
> "In the time of universal deceit, telling the
> truth is a revolutionary act" EH? Do you think
> your banks’ investors will laugh like your lawyers did? By
> law and the rules of your professions you must conduct
> yourselves ethically and hold matters in confidence. I do
> not. Now it is a rebel rouser’s turn to laugh as you turn
> page. Awful truths will put your fancy panties in a knot yet
> make me feel as free as my big balls do under my kilt. J
> Please fell free
> to sue me if you disagree but you, Stevey Boy Harper got
> your party its mandate with rhetoric claiming to crack down
> on crime and hold the government
> accountable. Now that Conservatives have had the reigns of
> power for over three months, Stockwell Day at the very least
> must be well aware of all the secrets the two previous
> liberal governments kept from you and us Common Canadian
> Citizens. The secrets about me that most other Canadians do
> not give a damn about, do concern me greatly. Ask the
> Commissioner, John Reid, he must know of the cover up of my
> efforts to expose the well known rampant cross border public
> corruption that has caused my little Clan to suffer so. His
> office hung up on me on the very day he was speaking about
> the Conservatives’ new rules to Parliament. No doubt he
> knows of the evidence I have provided over the years to many
> Canadian law enforcement authorities that is considered a
> matter of public safety. Yet we all know it is not.
> Nevertheless it has caused three very corrupt Canadian
> Federal governments and all Provincial governments to
> willfully support the malice of Yankee State and Federal
> governments acting wrongfully against me. WHY?
> Now
> Harper has shown us his true colours, too bad for you that
> the DHS did not manage to take me away to Cuba. EH Mr. Day?
> I must ask you in court someday soon if you have listened to
> the original wiretap tapes that I provided to CSIS and the
> RCMP before and after the federal election in 2004. It was
> done before I was falsely imprisoned in a Yankee jail. Why
> did the nasty Canadian Consulate officers in Boston refuse
> to accept any more of the Yankee wiretap tapes that my wife
> tried to give to them while I sat in jail held under the
> charges of "other" without bail or even being
> legally arrested or charged? As I sat in a jail in Beantown
> Eliot Spitzer, a Yankee in New York made the big score with
> my info. Yet he allowed Morgan Stanley to sue my wife? The
> 38th Parliament continued to ignore my plight
> throughout its mandate. As we all watched Bush pull off
> another very questionable election it appears only I saw
> Count Peter-Hans Kolvenbach fly to the USA to speak in aid
> of the very evil smoke and mirror show. EH?
> Whereas all
> Canadian authorities have ignored my pleas for assistance
> for three years, I must sue the Crown to seek relief under
> the Charter for my government’s deliberate assistance in
> malicious prosecution and false imprisonment etc. Did you
> politicians think I was kidding when I said it in January on
> CTV News? The smirking newsman, Stevey Boy Murphy asked me
> clearly and I answered him plainly. It was watched live all
> over the Maritimes just minutes before the only time I was
> ever allowed to debate dumb Andy Scott in front of a live
> crowd as I ran against him for his seat in Parliament. Many
> common folks heard me say it and have commented about it in
> the months since. Some of them must have questioned some of
> their various MPs by now. I watched a friend
> confront his MP, Greg Thompson in front folks of two
> ridings. He gave all other candidates running against two
> seated Conservatives a copy of the letter he served upon
> Thompson in hand. Now you have your copy too. Thompson in
> front of witnesses promised to respond in writing to his
> constituent before polling day three months ago. Just as I
> suspected, the new Cabinet Minister broke his promise. I
> know for a fact in 2005 Greg Thompson, Bill Casey and Andy
> Scott ignored other constituents of theirs who brought hard
> copy of my material to their local offices personally while
> I was being illegally prosecuted in the USA. Obviously our
> MPs Liberal or Conservative have no respect for their own
> constituents if they are kin or friends of mine. EH?
> Check the letter that
> Landslide Annie McLellan sent to me when she had Stockwell
> Day ‘s day job. Clearly she was compelled to answer me
> after so many high placed Yankees had already done so. She
> did what all Martinites have done in the past and blamed
> one of Chretien’s arseholes, Wayne Easter for my plight as
> a whistleblower. Stockwell Day did you get off your Jet Ski
> to follow the lead of liberals such as a dumb PEI farmer and
> a very malicious political lawyer from Nova Scotia? You will
> not provide me any assistance whatsoever as is required by
> the mandate of your office? None of your underlings even the
> nervous Marshal dude will do me the simple courtesy of
> calling me back just like your political cohorts never did?
> Your little Newfy buddy, Rob Moore forgot something just as
> Landslide Annie as the Minister of Justice did when Easter
> was Solicitor General. She did not have any idea what
> mechanism a layman would employ to hold many a corrupt
> Parliamentarian accountable. The answer is so simple to me.
> Sue the Bastards. Didn’t anyone notice I have done it in
> the past to many Yankees? I have changed my style and waited
> until some very corrupt public servants were out
> of public office so that they could not employ the weight
> of a corrupt justice system against me. Vic Toews will have
> his job cut out trying to defend the malice of all three
> recent government mandates two of them liberal against one
> Proud Canadian. EH? J
> Whereas Federal Court in
> Canada does not allow me the right to a trial by jury and
> its Commissioner David Gourdeau has shown his arse too, I
> plan to do a double check in the USA. With luck, at about
> the same time my matters may begin in Fredericton, I will be
> seeking a jury in a Yankee Federal Court with a lawsuit
> against some very crooked Canadian political lawyers and
> their many Yankee associates acting against other Canadians,
> Yankees and me. In the "mean" time I have been
> lining up ducks while Jumping Jimmy Flaherty was drop
> kicking his wicked budget past the very confused corrupt
> clucking Chickenshits sitting as the opposition in the
> Chicken
> House. Tonight byway of the Bloc I am making my best
> fiercely political efforts to see that all Conservatives
> will be looking for a new day job far from the Hill in Upper
> Canada. Then I will give this material to other bankers when
> I judge the time is right. Any great mechanic knows that
> there is true magic in the timing of things. If a crook in
> opposition blinks and mentions me in a public forum even
> after the budget is allowed, it will be all over but the
> crying for George W, Bush and his lapdog, Stevey Boy Harper.
> Who may wish to mingle with the media soon is interesting.
> EH? If the
> bankers who did not wish to call me back last month want
> this material explained, it is the task of the Thomson
> dudes, Jealous Johnny Manley and Franky Boy McKenna to do
> now. I did my best to make certain they knew everything over
> the years. The Thomson dudes claim to know everything that
> goes on in court in Canada and the USA. The Upper
> Canadian lawyer was Minister of Finance etc in the
> 37th Parliament, and the Maritimer was our
> Ambassador to the USA under the mandate of the
> 38th. They can explain the malice of Landslide
> Annie and her many cohorts in support of corrupt bankers
> etc. Better yet let the Yankee lawyer Michael Hefler and his
> Canadian counterpart Deborah Alexander explain their support
> of Putnam Investments, Brian Mulroney, Cendant Corp. and
> Franky McKenna’s old BMO crowd etc. Tell me, do ya think
> my name came up when they cooked a little deal between
> Citigroup and Scotia Bank recently? Jennifer Warren should
> be capable of explaining why Garfield Emerson quit the
> Rogers outfit recently. Geoffrey Beattie of Thomson Corp no
> doubt can explain why David Allgood is playing dumb. Need I
> say that the brotherhood of the bar and bankers make me as
> sick as politicians do?
> The reason I ran against
> the aptly named lawyer, Rob Moore in 2004
> should be painfully clear to all Canadians in recent days.
> Stevey Boy Harper is proving to all that he is a lapdog for
> Bush just like Franky Boy McKenna said of him years ago. I
> do not have put one word in the text of this letter in
> support of what many Proud Canadians are agreeing with in
> Frank Boy’s political dogma speech years ago in support of
> the reelection of Rotten Ralphy Goodale. The fact that Moore
> is now Canada’s Parliamentary Secretary for the Minister
> of Justice greatly offends me. All Canadians have the right
> to know why. If he or any other Canadian lawyer had acted as
> a proper officer of the court then my Clan would not be
> suffering from many wrongs right now. The Yankee
> Carpetbagger, David Lutz whom I had given this material to
> BEFORE Moore was elected in 2004 must agree. I am very
> curious what Rob Moore will say in Parliament in his own
> defense when I put him and Lutz in bed in a Canadian
> complaint.
> Rob
> Moore can explain to all Canadians why I think the blood of
> four very honourable Canadian soldiers and countless others
> can be found on his hands and that of his cohorts. In June
> of 2004 during a debate at the Moss Glen Legion we were
> questioned in front of many people including David Lutz, I
> stated my position clearly with regards to War. In defense
> of our warriors I said that they must get the best training
> and weapons possible, then be kept home to defend our
> country. That is their job. Lutz a Yankee draft dodger
> nodded in agreement. Moore did not argue me because he did
> not need to. Less is more for Moore when matters are a sure
> thing. The Blue Coat got the seat he expected to win in
> Fundy just like my dog would have if she had worn his coat.
> However Moore and Lutz are lessor men than I because of
> their inaction as purportedly ethical men. If the lawyers in
> Moore and Lutz disagreed with all I wrote of them since, why
> didn’t they sue me to protect their reputations? The
> answer is the same as I have proven in the turncoat Bad Boy
> Billy Matthews versus Byron Prior matter in Newfoundland.
> Politically appointed Judges like Derek Green or lawyers
> like Bernard Roy controlling the show in court or Inquiry
> only cover up and delay awful truths. It is important that
> public corruption be argued in public view quickly. Thus I
> will sue Crown. Before anyone attempts to deny what I have
> just stated, study this material closely. Look how sending
> this material to any of you is truly redundant. The evidence
> that you or your associates and I crossed have paths many
> times in the past is irrefutable despite the fact that I can
> prove my many letters, phone calls and emails that I sent
> over the years. Turn the page, lawyers. It gets worse for
> you J
> If any of
> you truly do not know who I am, it is the Fed’s fault, not
> mine. I can easily prove that the Feds have done no service
> whatsoever for the public they have an obligation to serve.
> The fact that the Feds have done their worst to keep my
> legitimate actions a whistleblower secret with false claims
> such as confidentiality or public security further serves to
> prove my point about rampant public corruption. To refute
> the false claims of secrecy, I must point out that much of
> my work can still be found in the public record of many
> courts in Canada, the USA and on the Internet as well. Last
> fall my wife saw a copy of wiretap tape # 139 in the docket
> of a Yankee court that anyone could listen to. I had filed
> that copy in a sealed envelope with that court in order to
> protect the Fourth Amendment Rights of the people recorded
> on it. As you can see by the documents I have provided that
> one year ago the District Attorney in Boston lost the many
> original wiretap tapes that I gave him in court in 2004.
> Nothing yet has been said about my lawyer in the USA sending
> 9 original wiretap tapes to the Senate
> Judiciary Committee in Congress this year on February
> 7th. So much for Yankees upholding the law EH?
> Canadians are no better.
> As you can
> see despite my wife and my lawyer’s best efforts to stop
> them, the Yankees seized our home without warrants or due
> process of law. A couple more Yankee bankers and insurance
> dudes made out like the bandits they are. This was done
> while my children and I were in Canada last summer without a
> home. Nobody in Canada or the UN even bothered to care about
> our Human Rights. All of my pleas to the spendthrifts
> Adrienne Clarkson, Pierre Pettigrew and their replacements
> Michaelle Jean, Petey Baby MacKay were ignored despite our
> Canadian birthright and our rights under the Charter. Canada
> supported the theft of our property including many original
> wiretap tapes I had in my possession in our home.
> I have been recently
> informed that Yankees
> have sold all of my possessions at a public auction
> including the wiretap tapes. However, much to chagrin of
> Yankees, I have proven that I have many more wiretap tapes
> in Canada and elsewhere. The aforesaid malicious auction of
> my property was done while my Clan is still awaiting a long
> delayed trial about the illegal actions against us. Our
> property was supposed to be safely stored according to the
> rules of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of
> Public Safety until the matter was resolved. This latest
> malice begs the obvious question..
> Whereas Yankee law
> enforcement authorities feel free to violate their
> Constitution and sell wiretap tapes of their citizens at
> public auction, why can’t I do the same? Interesting
> question. EH? Why should I as a Canadian Citizen care about
> the Civil Rights of Yankee mobsters and their families
> anymore when their evil government does not? Methinks I
> should sell a few on EBAY in
> Europe to see if I can recoup some of my losses ASAP. I
> could use the funds from the sale of the wiretap tapes to
> sue many lawyers etc in the USA and Canada. Look at the very
> dumb answers I got in 2003 from a crooked District Attorney
> in Massachusetts and the corrupt US Attorney in New
> Hampshire, before you try to claim that what I would be
> doing is illegal. The former is a good friend of Argeo P.
> Cellucci and the latter enforces federal code in the State
> where I now permanently reside. Both Yankees claim the tapes
> are not what I say they are but merely evidence in a probate
> action? What planet do Yankee lawyers come from?
> I can’t be the only person on this planet who wishes
> to see George W. Bush impeached ASAP. Ask the fat dumb happy
> Yankee Michael Moore before you disagree. These tapes may
> fetch quite a price from story hungry dudes such as he.
> Truth is stranger than fiction and far more marketable and
> profitable with less money spent in production using
> real people instead of big name actors. Even clever lawyers
> must admit that wiretap tape # 139 makes one wonder what
> happened next. EH? Stay tuned dudes. Small portions of other
> tapes may be in your email inbox for you to listen to. Other
> politicians can read the text of this letter and listen to
> their Parliamentary email along with the rest of mine they
> have ignored for over three years. The many words of a
> fiercely political rant may be added as a postscript to the
> text of this letter and sent to the government’s
> opposition first. I must be fair. You dudes got this letter
> first. My next email may cause quite a stir amongst the
> clucking Chickenshits in the House. Canadians should find it
> very interesting indeed if one or more the smiling bastards
> decide to mention my name to the Speaker.
> How they vote
> against the political pollution of hot air from the windbags
> of Baird and Flaherty that is stinking up the House is
> critical to our future. I see no need to let all the cats
> out of the bag in this letter to you but for fun just check
> my work. See me teasing Derek Burney and his boss Brian
> Mulroney? They know the Barbarian at the gate who is me
> knows what lawyers hold the keys that lock all political
> parties together on both sides of the 49th
> parallel. One nasty Yankee’s name is Harper too. J
> That smiling
> bastard’s law office ain’t too far from the UN. EH?
> Depending how far left you are Michael Ignatieff,Canada’s
> Prince of Darkness or our Sexist Cerebral man knows the
> Yankee Harper quite well. Derek Burney and Karl Rove as
> aymen or Louis Freeh and the new General Counsel of the FBI
> as lawyers would likely agree with little ol me and on one
> thing. It is that bigassed Yankee lawyers like the one named
> Harper makes little liberal lawyers such as Humpty Dumpty,
> Land Slide Annie, Asinine Allan Rock,
> Franky Boy McKenna, and Johnny Jealous Manley look like the
> little lost puppies truly they are. Perhaps bankers etc will
> want Franky Boy McKenna to call some crooked cop he knows
> hanging out in his hometown to figure out how to handle me
> now. Before you do, check my work that I have provided to
> you to see what I have already given you many clues not to.
> I have had enough police harassment for any ten men to
> stand. My ghost or I will sue every cop that has tried to
> stop me from justifiably and legally seeking justice. There
> is no middle ground for any honest man to stand on in my
> battles against very corrupt justice systems in two
> purported Democracies. The interests of investors in many
> banks would be better served if the bankers chastised in
> public view a certain few employees who deliberately failed
> to uphold the law and protect the public’s interests
> invested in their bank and many other publicly held
> companies. From a Canadian’s perspective of the world I
> know that the
> interests of all Canadians are bought and sold on Yankee
> stock markets everyday. I know of many lawyers who should be
> knocked off their high horses ASAP. In fact I just named
> some them. EH?
> Canadian
> politicians should know this before the vote on the budget
> becomes a matter of history. I truly believe that
> Conservatives will continue to follow Bush’s lead for the
> benefit of the bankers whose HQ’s surround Flaherty’s
> office. Like Bush he will try to take our country deep into
> debt. Bankers and politicians will do what they wish with
> the world, tis true. Trust that I don’t care the more the
> merrier for me in litigation. You dudes are about to meet a
> rather formidable layman in court. I have been studying and
> arguing law night and day for four years, all the while
> clearing each and every hurtle that rampant public
> corruption has thrown into my path to Justice. I will not
> pity any lawyer who chooses to stand in court
> beside the likes of Franky Boy, Landslide Annie and Humpty
> Dumpty. You can see that Harper has ignored the words of the
> Accountability Act with doubletalk if his pals need money
> for their party war chests. Our little Lord of NB and his
> buddy Brad Green affirmed that they knew the same truths
> that Rob Moore, Franky Boy and Landslide Annie did years
> ago. It was within a few days of the election and Humpty
> Dumpty’s Third World boat named after his wife was caught
> in Nova Scotia bringing cocaine to Canada along with more
> Blood Coal. Humpty Dumpty employed lawyer’s rhetoric and
> recused himself and Landslide Annie’s underlings made the
> matter evaporate. Harper just looked away in support even as
> Humpty Dumpty picked Franky Boy to be our Ambassador within
> the year to obviously support the Yankee’s malicious
> persecution of me rather than act within the scope of his
> employment as a public servant. If bankers do not understand
> my words, blame your own lawyers. David Allgood should
> have walked the talk of Chris Montague’s words about Red
> Flags in his speech on Feb 11th 2005 and called
> me back if he did not wish to argue me in court. When I
> called both of them Deborah Alexander, Ronald Sirkis and
> Jennifer Warren were past too late. They knew of wiretap
> tapes and Bank Fraud etc since 2004.
> This year after the
> Conservative government accepted Franky Boy’s resignation
> and well before the TD Financial Group hired Franky Boy, I
> called his spokesperson Ruth McCrae. After a minor spit and
> chew ensued, she told me to sue her along with the law firm
> of McInnes and Cooper. A liberal talk show host Tom Young
> will soon affirm that I do not have to be asked twice to sue
> someone but I did call many partners of the aforesaid law
> firm to see if they agreed with Franky Boy and his outspoken
> gal. The words of the lawyer Costello, a partner who argues
> NB Power on behalf of the Venezuela and the silence of the
> rest
> affirmed that all apparently stood with McKenna including
> some of the former partners of Paterson and Palmer.
> Furthermore, Franky Boy should have disclosed everything
> about a potential lawsuit etc to the TD Financial dudes
> before accepting his new position. However I was very open
> and very honest with them as soon as I was aware of his new
> job. Now that Franky Boy and I are both back home in our old
> stomping grounds and I am on the warpath, John Manley may
> quit hustling the Ottawa Senators hockey team to CIBC. It
> would be wise to try to explain why Franky Boy praised
> Yankee success at pond hockey to the law partners of Burns
> and Levenson whom he partied with last fall instead of being
> a proper public servant and discussing with Yankees the
> failings of their partner, my Guardian Ad Litem Brian Bixby.
> J
> For my
> benefit, I made it a point to look into Stevey Boy
> Harper’s pale blue eyes on
> June 19th, 2004 when he stopped in Sussex for
> ice cream the day after I debated Rob Moore the first time.
> We both knew each other at a glance. Lets just say I found
> nothing I admired behind Stevey Boy’s eyes. His soul is
> far meaner than Rob Moore’s. With luck on my side, this
> year my fellow Maritimers should be entertained and educated
> in a three-ring circus of a long awaited monumental hoe-down
> in court. Our little Lord’s justice system that his buddy,
> Cleveland Allaby was well paid to study in secret years ago
> will be the unwilling confused ringmaster to oversee the
> affair. When it comes to being showmen Franky Boy and I are
> on and even keel. We are both smiling bastards who crack a
> lot of jokes fearlessly in front of crowds. To his
> advantage, he is a lawyer whereas I am not. He is famous
> whereas I am not. Franky Boy is very wealthy, whereas I am
> not. On the other hand, I am honest whereas he is not. I
> have many friends that I can trust, whereas he does not. I
> have much evidence of many crimes he has covered up in his
> personal pursuit of lucre, whereas he has only fancy legal
> doubletalk. Franky Boy has climbed high up on the crooked
> totem pole of affluence pedaling his influence over common
> Maritimers without a common man’s conscience that is lost
> to all lawyers. Franky Boy and his many pals in banks and
> companies such as the Carlyle Group may gain the whole world
> at the expense of their own souls. However one pigheaded
> ethical soul will try hard to hold them all accountable by
> just knocking a few off their high horses. I also know there
> are many souls in the Maritimes who were entertained and
> understand the meaning of the old story of David versus
> Goliath or my name ain’t Dave. Watch me look into the eyes
> of the people I pick for a jury before I start chucking
> rocks in court.
> Stevey Boy
> Harper and his little lawyer Rob Moore would not understand
> why I am humming the old
> tune sung the dude who loved to hang around mobsters but
> many other old farts like me will. They will understand why
> I am writing the letter in April and delivering it in hand
> to my MP Bill Casey in May. (I am sending Duccepe and
> Fortier the same material Allan Rock and Franky Boy received
> last May) To give the devil his due, that old dead Yankee
> Franky Boy sang "That’s Life" very well.
> Methinks that Stevey Boy’s big mistake was following the
> directions of Derek Burney and Karl Rove too closely. He
> really should learn to think for himself. He is flying too
> high in April for his own good in May. It seems that Harper
> don’t even know that what goes up always comes down. The
> higher they go the harder they fall. Ask Humpty Dumpty. The
> clucking chickens in opposition may shoot his government
> down in May without the effect he desires. To challenge the
> opposition to unseat him just because he is momentarily
> higher in the polls is dumb beyond belief. If Mulroney and
> his cohorts
> think Harper can win a majority in the House next time
> around simply by blaming the opposition for causing the
> election, they do not remember Humpty Dumpty’s big faux
> pas last year. I sincerely hope that next week holds a very
> bad day for many nasty political Maritimers who have kissed
> Upper Canadian fat fancy arses for years. It has always been
> Hard Times in the Maritimes and it is their fault. N’est
> Pas? Time will
> tell the tale. Right now I can only wish that my efforts
> help knock Jumping Jimmy Flaherty out of his new jump boots
> and into the Newfy, Crosbie’s old mukluks from 1979. With
> any luck at all Luc Lavoie will not be so lucky anymore. He
> and all the other all clucking Conservatives will start
> singing for more Tequila from Sheila as Dominic LeBlanc
> learns how to play his Daddy’s kazoo. As I look towards
> the horizon in the direction of far off Upper Canada, I will
> dream of Petey Baby MacKay and his very punky hunky dory
> sinking beneath the waves of bullshit that has kept him
> afloat for years. There is no denying that I will chuckle as
> I imagine his very nasty ex sweetyfart Belinda Baby picking
> up the phone and calling Magna Entertainment’s Yankee VP
> Argeo P. Cellucci and its General Counsel Don Amos. Her Big
> Daddy Franky may want to rip them new arseholes for in order
> to shove each other’s head into. Clearly they did not do a
> good job protecting the interests of Stronach’s publicly
> held company from one pigheaded Maritimer who is serious
> gambling man in the big game called New World Order. I am
> still gambling that there is no honour amongst thieves and
> somebody will blink in order to protect their own butt. I
> too am wondering and ain’t betting on the ethics of any
> politician. For instance only a fool would bet on the ethics
> of Andre Arthur the Independent MP and if he will quit being
> as quiet as a mouse in the House. If the government goes
> down, I doubt he will get elected again. He had
> his chance to do the right thing just as Chucky Cadman did
> years ago. The Yankee midterm election is the biggest game
> in the world right now. Ask my Clan’s Senator Teddy
> Kennedy. J
> I will wager that I do know
> why nobody wants to talk to or about me. The dark horse in
> this game is the one who will blink, when and where. Knowing
> who won’t say a word is easy. Strangely predicting who may
> be honest is tough. How sad is that? For instance Senator
> Kinsella’s malice against me was a nobrainer. I expected
> it about as much as that he would vote for Lynch in
> Fredericton. On the other hand Andre Arthur had no ethical
> reason whatsoever to ignore me particularly after reading
> things he has said in the past. His recent appointment to
> oversee the CRTC proves to me that he is a crooked as Hell.
> He must have known he was finally free from all the lawyers
> that had once chastised him in the past. They cannot hold
> him
> accountable for whatever he says in the House to a
> nationwide audience as an MP like they once did when he
> spoke on local radio. The chickenshit, Andre Arthur may be
> laying back and waiting for just the right point in time to
> start clucking into the Parliamentary record to make history
> in his own best interests. I don’t know. Nor do I care if
> he has a plan or is just holding to a backroom deal. I do
> know when we talked on the phone months ago, I could tell
> that he did not have any balls at all. The silence of a
> former big talking talk show host from Quebec spoke volumes
> to me months ago about why that Frenchman won’t mingle
> with the media he now oversees. His appointment to the
> committee that oversees the very dudes who once tortured
> him, stinks of backroom deal and a political payoff to
> me. All Andre Arthur or anyone else in the House had
> to do this month or in the years before was to have the sand
> to stand up and ask the Speaker in a question period on the
> record
> simply state the following. "Who the Hell is David
> Raymond Amos and what the Hell is talking about?" There
> I even wrote the script for him just in case he or anyone
> sprouts some testicles real soon. If anyone acts like an
> ethical Parliamentarian, it will be Rob Moore’s task to
> explain my affairs to the House. I will lay odds that if
> Andre Arthur or anyone else were certain that they could
> profit rather than suffer from such few words, they would.
> love to make history and become the hero who saved Democracy
> for us all.
> Nobody
> will talk to me for the same reason Arthur is silent to
> everyone else. It is based in political deceit. Justice is
> always a matter of political will rather than the way that
> it should be. I am just wise enough to know I can be the
> most effective in finding a little justice when the
> political process is flux. Bernie Shapiro’s office and
> that of his fellow crook, Jean Fournier’s have denied
> receiving anything of mine from Andre Arthur or Noel
> Kinsella. That makes me understand that I am on the right
> track this time. When Shapiro’s office called me last
> year, they were nervous campers after I had made Parliament
> uphold an act and give Fournier a job so that I could
> complain to him about Senator Joe Day. The far from ethical
> parliamentary counselors are quite likely hiding under a rug
> somewhere in the House and praying Baird’s Accountability
> Act replaces them soon. Shapiro and Fournier are just
> playing dumb while waiting to duck out the back and scurry
> into the sunset with unearned severance pays in their
> purses. Once they are all out of public service, they will
> become just a few more paragraphs to me in a future
> complaint against many individuals out of public service I
> plan to sue. The rats abandoning Humpty Dumpty’s boat like
> David Dingwall and Howie Wilson should offend anyone with
> half a mind. Most ordinary folks have all but forgotten the
> Dingwall affair
> but I doubt most did not even know who the dude Howie
> Wilson was or how he assisted Landslide Annie in making
> Humpty Dumpty’s doings with Tainted Blood disappear on
> everyone else’s watch but mine. Does anyone but me
> remember where the bad blood came from and who made the deal
> with whom? I do. This brings me to why I find the Bloc so
> interesting these days. I know Ducceppe is a crooked as the
> rest but some other Bloc may want to fill his shoes. Humpty
> Dumpty’s loss was a given, to me. The loss of the Bloc and
> the Conservative gain was a surprise to everyone. It would
> be truly comical if their leader, Ducceppe were to act
> ethically on my behalf after all these years. It is not
> beyond the realms of possibility that he could be the next
> PM if the Bloc had the majority next time around. The other
> parties could be so decimated by his integrity that maybe a
> legion of Independents would inhabit the House. Less of a
> pipe dream would be that perhaps the Bloc could get the ten
> seats
> in Quebec from the Conservatives and truly make the Liberal
> history as well. C’est Vrai?
> I know what I just stated
> seems crazy but think about it for a minute. Ignore what
> crooked liberals such as the local talk show host, Tom Young
> may say of me being a nut. He retracted "the fool for a
> client spiel" in another matter when it suited his
> political agenda. He knows I was not nuts in my predictions
> about picking Speakers, the Tanker Malley affair or wiretap
> tapes too. Young was not wise to challenge a man such as I
> to sue him on live radio. I ain’t that foolish not to sue
> Jennifer Warren and Rogers Media J
> . Whatever liberals such as
> Young and his cohorts in Rogers say about me negative or
> otherwise on the radio almost two years later is gravy after
> I had made my mission known byway of his own program. I
> openly declared that it was my Securities Fraud issues that
> should most
> concern my fellow Maritimers. Soon it is my turn to fall
> silent in the text of this letter anyway. However before I
> do become truly silent you may wish to know that some of you
> will receive this letter in your email and see it posted on
> the Internet at about the same time the budget vote becomes
> history. I cannot give you time to run political damage
> control. I have long understood your wicked game of hear, no
> evil, see no evil and speak no evil for your own benefit and
> not the people you claim to serve. I know that the things
> like Freedom and Justice that lawyers claim are so important
> in a Democracy are merely myths. Bankers and lawyers know as
> well as I that Freedom does not have prayer because Justice
> is bought and sold everyday to the highest bidder in the
> marketplace and the courts. Money is all the beancounters
> care about as they count the percentage points of gain and
> lawyers follow suit in their fees for assisting in the
> malice against us all. The corrupt Yankees
> that you people support have taught me a lot about how to
> deal with many crooked Canadians. The answer is simple. Make
> Justice a matter of political will particularly in a time of
> War. Now that we all understand the wicked game,
> why mince words anymore? I am raising the stakes and laying
> some more of my cards on table before I summons you all to
> court. You do not have much time to decide if I am bluffing
> or not. Lets just say I have no doubt whatsoever why the
> blog in CTV W5 website was deleted recently after it had
> stood for almost a year. I save all blogs long before they
> are lost in cyber space. The words of the one within CTV’s
> W5 domain that was erased for the benefit of CIBC John
> Manley and the Thomson dudes will resurface somewhere else
> on the Internet in short order. Hard copy of the aforesaid
> blog and many others will be presented in various courts
> someday. Dempsey the lawyer, who has since fallen silent had
> apparently filed a complaint in BC about
> what anybody who has studied the banking profession knows
> to be true. Wise guys know the root of all evil is not
> exactly money but Filthy Lucre, the words that King James
> employed just once. Gain of control over the land is the
> name of the game. Money is just a clever paper tool that is
> based on nothing at all. The idea of money in the form of a
> banknote that is no longer based on gold but debt was
> invented and controlled by bankers and the same holds true
> for the notion of religion invented the banker’s cohorts
> the Roman who turned into priests of one god. It is money I
> must attack and seek because it is what the lawyers who made
> the rules for the benefit of bankers and priests claim I
> must do in order to play their wicked game. I did so out of
> the gate years ago. If you bother to check my work you will
> see that I employed my right to have the freedom to have no
> religion at all to attack what the smiling bastards hold
> most dear, their money.
> The law is clear in
> matters of money and beancounters rely on such laws. It is
> against the law for a trustee to give money he holds in
> trust to any charity on his own accord. For a well-respected
> old lawyer to assist an ex FBI agent in his wrongs against
> the terms of a trust and without the knowledge and accent of
> the beneficiaries is interesting to say the least. To steal
> it and give it to a church that the beneficiaries have no
> faith in is particularly offensive especially when the
> Cardinal’s secretary is the offended person...
[Message clipped] View entire message5066365558>
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