David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @Kathryn98967631 and 47 others
"The Nes'y Pas guy is back, N'esy Pas?"
YUP Methinks you must have figured out that I plan to run against your beloved politicians again N'esy Pas?

Trudeau road tests campaign attacks that lump Scheer and Doug Ford with the alt-right
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Alex Forbes
So instead of standing on his own integrity, he plans to attack others. What happened to sunny ways and doing things differently?
David R. Amos
Reply to @Alex Forbes: Methinks desperate politicians do desperate things N'esy Pas?
Fred Sook
Reply to @David R. Amos: The Nes'y Pas guy is back, N'esy Pas?
David R. Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Fred Sook:
YUP I'm back Methinks you must have figured out that I plan to run
against your beloved politicians again N'esy Pas? Enjoy a Little Deja Vu
Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015
Doug Mackenzie
Reply to @Fred Sook:
The point is for you to notice. Hook . . . Line . . . aaannnnd Sinker.
Aaron Morris
Reply to @Fred Sook:
For some reason the CBC system upgrade made it so you have to add people back to your block list all over again.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Bob Gillies: "False...….all 3 have....Scheer most recently in the House of Commons on Wednesday. "
If true then methinks this must be fake news N'esy Pas?
"Andrew Scheer conveniently fails to call out alt-right conspiracy theories. Andrew Scheer fought against a non-binding motion to denounce Islamophobia. Andrew Scheer has proudly spoken at the same rallies as white nationalists. Is that someone who will govern for all Canadians? I don't think so."
"The comment about sharing a stage with white nationalists refers to Scheer's appearance at the pro-pipeline rally United We Roll, on Parliament Hill in February. One of the speakers was a former Rebel Media and alt-right personality who has since been fired from Rebel Media and banned from Facebook for her extreme views."
David R. Amos
Reply to @Fred Sook: "The Nes'y Pas guy is back, N'esy Pas?"
YUP I'm back Methinks you must have figured out that I plan to run against your beloved politicians again N'esy Pas?
Jeffery Callery
He is a weak and bereft of intellectual integrity.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Jeffery Callery: YUP
Aaron Morris
Reply to @Jeffery Callery:
Bereft of intellect AND integrity.
Bereft of intellect AND integrity.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Aaron Morris: Methinks there is something lacking in his eyebrows as well N'esy Pas?
John lewis
Regarding climate change, Harper's public transit credit is much better than drama teacher's carbon tax.
Fred Sook
Reply to @Lloyd
Lovatt: How much are greenhouse growers going to be charged for
injecting CO2 into their greenhouses to increase the health of their
plants and increase yield ?
David R. Amos
Reply to @Fred Sook: Methinks that hard telling not knowing for sure N'esy Pas?
Joan Tyne
Reply to @Sean
Coutinho: and, again how does a tax stop people from having to use their
vehicles and heat their homes? No one bothers to explain how you can
walk 20KM each way to work? not all of us live where there is public
transit and we do need to heat our homes in the winter. not all of us
are given the privilege of flying to florida on the taxpayer's dime - we
have to stay here and keep warm and keep the money flowing for the
privilege of flying all over world at our expense. and, that issue is
never addressed either - the politicians spew more into the air than
most taxpayers do and it's ok with certain people.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Joan Tyne:
Oh So True Methinks to fine examples of fancy dudes who live high on the
hog while telling the rest of us not to have to be David Suzuki and Al
Gore N'esy Pas?
Richard Dekkar
Trudeau hangs around Boyle and Khadr and he points fingers at Scheer? Wow.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Richard Dekkar: Methinks if you run with turkeys then you are a turkey N'esy Pas?
Ken Marcus
While Justin likes to call anyone who votes for conservatives names what should we call him ?
Ko Rupt comes to mind
Archie Brown
Reply to @Ken Marcus: there maybe public money to help you!
David R. Amos
Reply to @Archie Brown: Methinks many folks would pay to bits to see another Humpty Dumpty do a high diving act N'esy Pas?
Fred Sook
Reply to @David R. Amos: N'esy Pas, N'esy Pas?
David R. Amos
Reply to @Fred Sook: Obviously as a critic you are being rather redundant Methinks if you don't like my Chiac then you should not read it instead of repeating it a bunch of time N'esy Pas?
David R. Amos
Reply to @Fred Sook: Enjoy a Little Deja Vu
Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015
Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015
John Smythe
Trudeau shouldnt be lecturing anyones budget. He promised no more than 10 billion per year deficit with a sutplus this year.
Only about 50 billion off the mark
David R. Amos
Reply to @John Smythe: YUP
Fred Sook
Reply to @John Smythe: And the budget will balance itself. It's how you become a millionaire being a snow board instructor.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Fred Sook: Methinks you seem bitter about Trudeau's luck at being born into a wealthy family N'esy Pas?
kenneth D Nelson
Well he can’t campaign on his record
David R. Amos
Reply to @kenneth D Nelson: Go Figure
Reply to @Steve McNally:
Well, there is pot legalization. Not remotely a priority for anyone except Liberal pot execs, but at least there’s that.
Well, there is pot legalization. Not remotely a priority for anyone except Liberal pot execs, but at least there’s that.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Aaron
Morris: Methinks his promise of pot legalization and the fact that many
folks had had enough of Harper and could not stand Mulcair got him
elected last time N'esy Pas?
Bradan Feasa
Hmmm. People who live in glass houses. This is the best he can come up with as his rebuttal to SNC, "Thank you for your donation", India, etc. etc?
David R. Amos
Reply to @Bradan Feasa: Apparently so
Richard Dekkar
Justin must be really scared of Scheer.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Richard Dekkar: YUP
Joan Tyne
Reply to @Clive
Gibbons: and, who said scheer hates immigrants and doesn't find women
smart?? and doesn't believe in global warming? where is that shown? Just
because he doesn't agree with another tax gouge doesn't mean he doesn't
agree with global warming. and, he has some extremely smart women
speaking out often - they can run circles around t2 and most of his
David R. Amos
Reply to @Joan Tyne: Methinks you should ask Mr Scheer why i sued the Crown when he was the Speaker of the House N'esy Pas?
Bryan Danielson
alt-right? Way to pander to the very vocal but tiny fraction of a minority of left wing radicals. Trudeau just alienated nearly his entire vote base.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Bryan
Danielson: Methinks that is just another one of those things he does
that most folks fail to appreciate N'esy Pas?
Trudeau road tests campaign attacks that lump Scheer and Doug Ford with the alt-right
'Liberals fighting Liberals only helps Andrew Scheer,' says PM

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau road
tested his campaign strategy Friday, lumping Conservative Leader Andrew
Scheer with Ontario Premier Doug Ford and other right-of-centre
politicians who deny climate change, vilify immigrants and tolerate
white nationalists.
In a 25-minute speech to supporters in the Toronto suburb of Mississauga that mentioned Ford as much as it did Scheer, Trudeau criticized the recently released Ontario budget and warned how it could be reflected on the federal stage.
Ford "announced his first budget loaded with cuts. Cuts to services for farmers, cuts to services for Franco-Ontarians, for seniors, for post-secondary students, for Indigenous peoples, for children and for all those who rely on community social services. Shame," Trudeau said.
"Andrew Scheer takes his cues from the Ontario premier, so Canadians can expect much of the same if he ever gets elected: Cuts to the Canada Child Benefit, cuts to the National Housing Strategy, cuts to the OAS and to CPP enhancements and on climate change in particular, he's no better."
Ford's budget did make a number of cuts to programs and services, but they were less than were expected and the provincial government is still running a deficit of almost $12 billion.
also criticized Ford's environmental record. He pointed out that the
Ontario government recently fired the province's chief scientist,
scrapped mandatory emissions tests for cars, killed Ontario's
cap-and-trade system for greenhouse gas emissions and is using public
money to fight the federal carbon pricing plan in court.
"Andrew Scheer said that the first thing he'll do if elected prime minister is to make pollution free again. He wants to take us back to Stephen Harper's decade of inaction."
Trudeau said that in contrast, the first thing his government did upon getting elected in 2015 was to increase taxes for the wealthiest one per cent of Canadians and cut taxes for the middle class.
"You want to talk about 'for the people,' that's 'for the people,'" Trudeau said mocking Doug Ford's often used political catchphrase.
"Why worry about climate change, they say, when immigrants are taking your jobs."
"Andrew Scheer conveniently fails to call out alt-right conspiracy theories. Andrew Scheer fought against a non-binding motion to denounce Islamophobia. Andrew Scheer has proudly spoken at the same rallies as white nationalists. Is that someone who will govern for all Canadians? I don't think so."
The comment about sharing a stage with white nationalists refers to Scheer's appearance at the pro-pipeline rally United We Roll, on Parliament Hill in February. One of the speakers was a former Rebel Media and alt-right personality who has since been fired from Rebel Media and banned from Facebook for her extreme views.
Trudeau also asked supporters to come together to fight Scheer, referencing the recent infighting in his party over the SNC-Lavalin affair.
"Liberals fighting Liberals only helps Andrew Scheer," Trudeau said.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices|In a 25-minute speech to supporters in the Toronto suburb of Mississauga that mentioned Ford as much as it did Scheer, Trudeau criticized the recently released Ontario budget and warned how it could be reflected on the federal stage.
Ford "announced his first budget loaded with cuts. Cuts to services for farmers, cuts to services for Franco-Ontarians, for seniors, for post-secondary students, for Indigenous peoples, for children and for all those who rely on community social services. Shame," Trudeau said.
"Andrew Scheer takes his cues from the Ontario premier, so Canadians can expect much of the same if he ever gets elected: Cuts to the Canada Child Benefit, cuts to the National Housing Strategy, cuts to the OAS and to CPP enhancements and on climate change in particular, he's no better."
Ford's budget did make a number of cuts to programs and services, but they were less than were expected and the provincial government is still running a deficit of almost $12 billion.
"Andrew Scheer said that the first thing he'll do if elected prime minister is to make pollution free again. He wants to take us back to Stephen Harper's decade of inaction."
Trudeau said that in contrast, the first thing his government did upon getting elected in 2015 was to increase taxes for the wealthiest one per cent of Canadians and cut taxes for the middle class.
"You want to talk about 'for the people,' that's 'for the people,'" Trudeau said mocking Doug Ford's often used political catchphrase.
Liberals fighting Liberals
The prime minister lumped Scheer in with the rising conservative populist movement globally that Trudeau says has successfully turned anger into political support that wins elections."Why worry about climate change, they say, when immigrants are taking your jobs."
"Andrew Scheer conveniently fails to call out alt-right conspiracy theories. Andrew Scheer fought against a non-binding motion to denounce Islamophobia. Andrew Scheer has proudly spoken at the same rallies as white nationalists. Is that someone who will govern for all Canadians? I don't think so."
The comment about sharing a stage with white nationalists refers to Scheer's appearance at the pro-pipeline rally United We Roll, on Parliament Hill in February. One of the speakers was a former Rebel Media and alt-right personality who has since been fired from Rebel Media and banned from Facebook for her extreme views.
Trudeau also asked supporters to come together to fight Scheer, referencing the recent infighting in his party over the SNC-Lavalin affair.
"Liberals fighting Liberals only helps Andrew Scheer," Trudeau said.
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