David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @Kathryn98967631 and 47 others
Methinks folks forgot the British Queen is our de facto Head of State, the "Protector of the Faith" of the Church of England and she is on our money N'esy Pas?
Court of Appeal ruling prevents nursing home workers from striking
Siding with province, court overrules previous judgment that allowed nursing home workers to strike
The City of Fredericton has halted any
work on the Risteen building in downtown Fredericton for 60 days, so
council can assess whether the property should be brought under the
heritage preservation bylaw and its future decided by the heritage
review board.
A temporary order to cease activity was issued to developer Gabriel Elzayat when his application to demolish the building was submitted.
"And if (councillors) elect to designate it, then the bylaw needs to be amended and it becomes part of the heritage bylaw area," said Juan Estepa, the manager of heritage and urban design with the city.
That could take months, said Estepa.
"Then it's up to the Preservation Review Board to consider the demolition request and any development that may happen on that property," he said.
The first cut stone building in New Brunswick, the Risteen building was built in the 1820s by Anthony Lockwood, surveyor general of New Brunswick.
It later became the Risteen Sash and Door factory, supplying many of the finishings to houses and buildings around the city.
Elzayat wants to build apartments on the site. He owns several buildings in the immediate area that are also expected to be part of the development. He did not wish to comment on the council order.
"This developer bought the property knowing that this was a potential situation, and it was a risk he was prepared to take," Estepa said.
A temporary order to cease activity was issued to developer Gabriel Elzayat when his application to demolish the building was submitted.
"And if (councillors) elect to designate it, then the bylaw needs to be amended and it becomes part of the heritage bylaw area," said Juan Estepa, the manager of heritage and urban design with the city.
That could take months, said Estepa.
"Then it's up to the Preservation Review Board to consider the demolition request and any development that may happen on that property," he said.
The first cut stone building in New Brunswick, the Risteen building was built in the 1820s by Anthony Lockwood, surveyor general of New Brunswick.
Elzayat wants to build apartments on the site. He owns several buildings in the immediate area that are also expected to be part of the development. He did not wish to comment on the council order.
"This developer bought the property knowing that this was a potential situation, and it was a risk he was prepared to take," Estepa said.
- A secondary headline incorrectly said that the heritage review board would consider the fate of the building. In fact, it's council that has 60 days to consider the building's future.Apr 26, 2019 1:56 PM AT
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David R. Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise
George Johnson
Awwww, poor babies, I do the same work and just seen a dentist which will cost 4,000 dollars, zero coverage on a whoping 12.75 / hr, how much do all you nursing home workers pay for dental, prescriptions, how much pay do you all lose if you are sick and can't work, how about zero holidays because you can't afford to take a day off but still have to run a car to work, mine is 16 years old and each day it gets me there I feel lucky. I could go on and on but you all would not care a bit because its not you, greedy bunch of entitled babies, feel so bad for you's.
Kelly Sherrard
Reply to @george
johnson: i can assure you their medical/dental plan wouldn't cover the
$4,000 cost. The plan is pretty pathetic. I had a better plan working
in private industry in Halifax. As for your sick days without pay, zero
holidays.... that is what people striked years ago to get. If you
don't work someplace that has a union, you shouldn't point the finger
of jealousy at others who do. Find another job with your education
there should be lots of doors open.
David R. Amos
Reply to @george johnson: "I could go on and on but you all would not care a bit because its not you"
Methinks that is the awful truth of it when greed and apathy rule the day N'esy Pas?
Methinks that is the awful truth of it when greed and apathy rule the day N'esy Pas?
David R. Amos
Reply to @kelly sherrard: Methinks you know many CUPE members who are working hard against me N'esy Pas?
Mack Leigh
Past time that this whole issue was settled... Ultimately the ONLY ones who will suffer are the seniors who are at the mercy of both government and the workers... Caregivers cannot help but be impacted negatively by all of this dragging on and that includes the level of care they are able or willing to provide to our seniors..
David R. Amos
Reply to @Mack Leigh:
"Ultimately the ONLY ones who will suffer are the seniors who are at
the mercy of both government and the workers."
Danny Debdee
They still have some leverage. Time for the workers to stop working overtime, stop covering shifts, etc....
Johnny Horton
Reply to @Danny Debdee:
The ONLY reason they need to work overtime and shift cover is because of the ridiculous sick days and personal days policy they all get.
The ONLY reason they need to work overtime and shift cover is because of the ridiculous sick days and personal days policy they all get.
David R. Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Johnny
Horton: Methinks inquiring minds would like to know if you decided to
run for pubic office what name would the Crown allow you to put on the
ballot N'esy Pas?
David R. Amos
Reply to @David R. Amos: BINGO
Fay Briggs
What are the nursing home employees going to do now? This ruling will affect all unionized workers in New Brunswick. The teachers, the bus drivers who are in need of a new contract. The EMO's etc. It will be interesting to watch.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Fay Briggs: "It will be interesting to watch."
Alex Forbes
If you don't like your jobs, quit. See if you can get better pay elsewhere (you can't; at least not in NB). These unions are putting mammon over God.
Archie Levesque
Reply to @Alex Forbes: mammon over God? What does this mean? and what does a fictional entity have to do with anything?
David R. Amos
Reply to @Archie Levesque: "what does a fictional entity have to do with anything?"
Methinks you forgot that the British Queen is our de facto Head of State and that she is also the "Protector of the Faith" of the Church of England and she is on our money. Furthermore whereas the Charter clearly states the following we are stuck with that fictional entity N'ey Pas?
'Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law"
William Wallace
Reply to @Johnny Horton: What do you earn, and what do you have for benefits??
Johnny Horton
Reply to @William Wallace:
The median Nb salary is under $31000 a year.
As to your question, I will only tell you thst I am currently self employed. I’m responsible for finding my own work, pricing it so people will hire me and meeting deadlines. All with no benefits, no sick days and no pension, or even CPP payments for old age security. As well as no EI.
The median Nb salary is under $31000 a year.
As to your question, I will only tell you thst I am currently self employed. I’m responsible for finding my own work, pricing it so people will hire me and meeting deadlines. All with no benefits, no sick days and no pension, or even CPP payments for old age security. As well as no EI.
David R. Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Johnny Horton: "All with no benefits, no sick days and no pension, or even CPP payments for old age security"
Yea Right Methinks you work under the table N'esy Pas?
Johnny Horton
Reply to @David R. Amos: It’s only been in the past few years that self e played can pay into cpp. For decades they could not and thus got no pension at 65.
Nah, all above board, I even charge gst .)
David R. Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Johnny Horton: I owned and operated a business over 30 years ago How do you explain my CPP benefits? Furthermore why did my comment you responded to go "Poof" as usual?
David R. Amos
Reply to @David R. Amos: BINGO
David R. Amos
Reply to @David R. Amos: Double BINGO
Johnny Horton
Reply to @David R. Amos:
You do realize self employed people are required to charge get st s specific income right? And can charge so if lower than the required level?
Kelly Sherrard
One can only guess as to why they made this decision. Nursing home workers, like every other unionized worker should have the right to strike. The story the gov't feeds people on many issues is often flawed and twisted to put them in the best possible light. We have a government that signed off on the Medavie deal even though they knew it was going to cost more to administer....Medavie will make millions off this deal and make it almost impossible for the gov't to get out of the contract. The gov't has signed so many bad deals for taxpayers it is getting to the point that all contracts, before signed, should go before a public committee made up of regular taxpayers, to decide if the contract should be signed or not. Incompetent government is what we have. I would say that to any politician's face. There should be absolutely no P3 deals in this province, we have to stop outsourcing gov't services because it is costing more. Private companies are making barrels of money off taxpayers at a time when we have no nursing homes, when gov't employees haven't received a decent pay increase in years, when there are bad decisions being made without research and investigation to ensure it is in the best interest of all NBers. THIS PROVINCE IS GOING DOWN THE TOILET QUICKLY!
Reply to @Johnny Horton: I owned and operated a business over 30 years ago How do you explain my CPP benefits? Furthermore why did my comment you responded to go "Poof" as usual?
David R. Amos
Reply to @David R. Amos: BINGO
David R. Amos
Reply to @David R. Amos: Double BINGO
Johnny Horton
Reply to @David R. Amos:
You do realize self employed people are required to charge get st s specific income right? And can charge so if lower than the required level?
Kelly Sherrard
One can only guess as to why they made this decision. Nursing home workers, like every other unionized worker should have the right to strike. The story the gov't feeds people on many issues is often flawed and twisted to put them in the best possible light. We have a government that signed off on the Medavie deal even though they knew it was going to cost more to administer....Medavie will make millions off this deal and make it almost impossible for the gov't to get out of the contract. The gov't has signed so many bad deals for taxpayers it is getting to the point that all contracts, before signed, should go before a public committee made up of regular taxpayers, to decide if the contract should be signed or not. Incompetent government is what we have. I would say that to any politician's face. There should be absolutely no P3 deals in this province, we have to stop outsourcing gov't services because it is costing more. Private companies are making barrels of money off taxpayers at a time when we have no nursing homes, when gov't employees haven't received a decent pay increase in years, when there are bad decisions being made without research and investigation to ensure it is in the best interest of all NBers. THIS PROVINCE IS GOING DOWN THE TOILET QUICKLY!
Johnny Horton
Reply to @kelly sherrard:
Yes, let’s have our fire on strike while the houses burn down.
Yes let’s have our police on strike while the riots rock on,
Yes let’s have our power workers on strike as leprechaun melts down.
Yes, let’s have our fire on strike while the houses burn down.
Yes let’s have our police on strike while the riots rock on,
Yes let’s have our power workers on strike as leprechaun melts down.
Harold Benson
Reply to @Johnny Horton: Sounds like an excellent idea ...nothing else is working.
Johnny Horton
Reply to @Harold Benson:
If you are having such a time on making double minimum wage, perhaps you should recorder your beds vs wants.
If you are having such a time on making double minimum wage, perhaps you should recorder your beds vs wants.
Harold Benson
Reply to @Johnny Horton: My what vs my what? LOL
Harold Benson
Reply to @Johnny Horton: When you sh ti your pants at 80, I hope they all remember your name.
Johnny Horton
Reply to @Harold Benson:
Assisted dying is legal in Canada.
Assisted dying is legal in Canada.
Harold Benson
Reply to @Johnny Horton: You got me with that one.
Johnny Horton
Reply to @Harold Benson:
As in there’s no reason for any Canadian to sit around like a blithering drooling idiot waiting to die,
As in there’s no reason for any Canadian to sit around like a blithering drooling idiot waiting to die,
David R. Amos
Reply to @Johnny Horton: Well???
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