Poilievre hints to police he would use notwithstanding clause to change laws
While some provincial governments have used Section 33, it has never been invoked federally
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says he would use "whatever tools the Constitution allows" to pass criminal laws if his party forms the next government.
Speaking to the Canadian Police Association on Monday, Poilievre promised to implement more stringent requirements for bail and make it harder for convicted murderers to transfer out of maximum security prisons.
"All of my proposals are constitutional," Poilievre said.
"We will make them constitutional, using whatever tools the Constitution allows me to use to make them constitutional. I think you know exactly what I mean."
Poilievre didn't explicitly say which tools he was referring to and his office provided no official comment when asked for clarification.
In the past, the Conservative leader has said he would use the notwithstanding clause to overturn a 2022 Supreme Court decision that struck down a law that gave judges discretion to hand out consecutive, 25-year blocks of parole ineligibility to offenders who commit multiple first-degree murders.
That decision came in the case of Alexandre Bissonette, who killed six people in a Quebec City mosque in 2017. At the time of the ruling, Poilievre said he would use the notwithstanding clause to reinstate that law.
Supreme Court of Canada is pictured at sunset in Ottawa. In recent
years, the courts have struck down a number of other criminal laws
passed by the Stephen Harper government. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press)
The courts have struck down a number of other criminal laws passed by the Stephen Harper government in recent years — including some laws on mandatory minimum sentences.
The notwithstanding clause, or Section 33 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, gives parliaments in Canada the power to override certain portions of the charter for five-year terms when passing legislation.
Once invoked, Section 33 prevents any judicial review of the legislation in question.
"I will be the democratically elected prime minister, democratically accountable to the people, and they can then make the judgments themselves on whether they think my laws are constitutional," Poilievre said in his speech on Monday.
Mendes, a law professor at the University of Ottawa, says using Section
33 at the federal level would send a signal to the provinces. (University of Ottawa)
Federal Justice Minister Arif Virani said Poilievre's comments show he is willing to follow the lead of some premiers who have decided to use, or threaten to use, the notwithstanding clause.
"I think Pierre Poilievre demonstrated very clearly to the Canadian public what his true intentions are with respect to the notwithstanding clause, and how easily he would use it," Virani told reporters Tuesday, adding that the clause "should be a last option, not a first option."
Errol Mendes, a law professor at the University of Ottawa, told CBC News that in cases where the Supreme Court has made a ruling, Section 33 is the only option governments have to circumvent the ruling.
No federal government has used the clause — but a number of provincial governments have. Quebec invoked the clause to pass a language reform law that limits the use of English in the public service. Ontario also used it to pass back-to-work legislation for education workers in 2022.
Mendes cautioned that using the clause at the federal level would send a signal to provincial governments and could lead to normalizing its use.
"Essentially, it would be the straw that'll break the camel's back and lead to eventually the denigration of the charter as a whole," he said.
"It really shows there has not been a thought given to the long-term impact on Canada if we allow this thing to be used."
Asked about Poilievre's comments, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May accused Poilievre of "sloganeering untethered from principle."
"I'm deeply disturbed that Mr. Poilievre would think it's acceptable to suggest the federal government would use the notwithstanding clause to bulldoze through not just our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but centuries of adherence to the principle that anyone in our criminal justice system is innocent until proven guilty," she told an unrelated news conference on Tuesday.
"He wants to take a wrecking ball to the foundational principles of our civilization."
N.B. police officers stop investigating most reports of gas theft
Province's public safety minister says he's 'disappointed'
Police forces across New Brunswick are no longer investigating fuel thefts unless they involve violence or other crimes.
Police cite an increase in reported thefts, the time spent on cases that result in few charges, safety risks, and how the crime can largely be prevented by requiring customers to pre-pay at gas stations.
"In effect, if there is a fuel theft through the conventional, traditional methodology that some retailers continue to employ, then police would not be responding to those matters," Gary Forward, Woodstock's police chief and president of the New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police, said in an interview.
A March letter to retailers announced the decision by all police forces across the province that took effect April 15.
Forward, president of the New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of
Police, shown here in a file photo, says there were more than 5,200
reports of fuel theft to the association's member police forces between
2020 and 2023. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Several gas station managers who spoke to Radio-Canada and CBC expressed concern about the decision.
Martine Losier is worried the decision will result in further losses.
"At the societal level, it sends a message that, deep down, it's not that serious," Losier, manager of the Taylor Petroleum gas station in Tracadie, told Radio-Canada.
CBC requested an interview with Public Safety Minister Kris Austin about the decision by police forces, but he did not provide one.
Martine Losier, manager of the Taylor Petroleum gas station in Tracadie. (Radio-Canada)
In a statement Friday, Austin said he understands police need to prioritize calls and that some reported crimes don't have witnesses.
"However, I'm disappointed that local police and RCMP would take this approach and will be following up with them for further discussion," Austin said in the statement.
Police are lobbying the province to enact legislation to require retailers to have pre-pay or pay at the pump systems.
Legislation in Alberta has been in effect since 2018 and in British Columbia for almost two decades. The B.C. law was brought in after a gas station worker was killed in 2005 trying to stop a fleeing motorist from stealing $12 worth of gas.
Austin on Friday said the province has no plans to enact similar legislation and said the decision will be left with retailers. Last year, Austin wrote to retailers suggesting they change to pre-pay systems.
In Alberta and B.C., Forward says fuel theft has been "virtually eliminated."
"If the public is looking to say, 'What is the best use of police resources?' I think there are very few crimes out there that could be this easily identified as preventable," Forward said.
"Certainly for those retailers that have made the switch, we've had no issues. So I think the better question is what more can police do, with the available resources, where matters do require police attention. That's where we want to focus our efforts."
18,000 hours of investigation
Forward said there were more than 5,200 reports of fuel theft to the association's member police forces between 2020 and 2023.
He said police spent about 18,000 staff-hours investigating, but only about six per cent of cases were solved with a charge, because of insufficient evidence.
"In some cases the police kind of fell into the role of almost a collection agency and in returning the individuals and placing them back in touch with the retailers, retailers elected not to proceed with charges."
Forward said retailers can still report fuel thefts to police forces that allow online crime reporting, but the information will only be used for statistics and trend analysis.
With files from Radio-Canada
Monday 26 February 2024
Sexual violence oversight teams only working with half of N.B. police forces
---------- Original message ---------
Date: Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 7:32 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: Re Sexual violence oversight teams only working with half of N.B. police forces
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Thank you for contacting the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P. office. We appreciate the time you took to get in touch with our office.
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Office of the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P.
Member of Parliament for Fundy Royal
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <mcu@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 7:31 AM
Subject: Automatic Reply
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
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Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Arif Virani, ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada.
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From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 7:28 AM
Subject: Re Sexual violence oversight teams only working with half of N.B. police forces
To: martin.gaudet <martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>, Mark.Blakely <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, Office of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>, blaine.higgs <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, kris.austin <kris.austin@gnb.ca>, rob.moore <rob.moore@parl.gc.ca>, Mitton, Megan (LEG) <megan.mitton@gnb.ca>, bruce.fitch <bruce.fitch@gnb.ca>, Marco.Mendicino <Marco.Mendicino@parl.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, jan.jensen <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>, JUSTMIN <JUSTMIN@novascotia.ca>, ragingdissident <ragingdissident@protonmail.com>, <DerekRants9595@gmail.com>, Dominic.Cardy <Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, dominic.leblanc <dominic.leblanc@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: <wpfadmin@nbpolice.ca>, <allan.walker@town.woodstock.nb.ca>, <info@svnb.ca>
Monday 26 February 2024
Sexual violence oversight teams only working with half of N.B. police forces
Sexual violence oversight teams only working with half of N.B. police forces
5 remaining forces will join program over next 2 years to improve police response to sexual assault
Frontline workers in the field of gender-based violence are set up to review criminal cases of sexual assault at four of New Brunswick's nine police forces.
The number falls short of a timeline that would have seen each force working with an independent oversight committee by this April.
The committees look at closed sexual assault cases to identify any gaps, missed steps or potential biases police officers had during investigations.
The oversight role can lead to improvements in police response to sexual violence or even cases being reopened, according to Jenn Richard, director of strategic development for Sexual Violence New Brunswick.
New Brunswick made national news in 2017 for having the country's highest rate of unfounded sexual assault cases, meaning officers did not believe a crime had occurred.
First launched with the Kennebecasis Valley Regional Police Force in 2021, the committees are now working with municipal forces in Saint John, Fredericton and Woodstock and review cases on a quarterly or annual basis.
"[Police officers] are more aware of the services that may exist in their community, which I think is really important for survivors, not just for their own healing, but it also helps them stay engaged in the justice process, which is a benefit to everyone."
Teams may overlap in geographically close areas, Richard said. There's also a team working with New Brunswick RCMP.
Similar programs exist in other provinces, including Ontario and Alberta. They're based on work done by Sunny Mariner, who developed the model through her work at the Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre in 2017.
Richard previously told CBC News all nine police forces in New Brunswick would be working with the oversight committees by the end of the current fiscal year. Logistical challenges have delayed that timeline, she said, and she now hopes the remaining forces will be participating within the next year or year-and-a-half.
Jenn Richard is the director of strategic development with Sexual Violence New Brunswick. (Marc Genuist / CBC)
"We've also done a presentation to the New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police, and they've all responded positively, so we're pretty optimistic that things are going to roll ahead," she said.
The Edmundston Police Force and the BNPP Regional Police Force, serving communities northeast of Bathurst, confirmed to CBC News that they will participate in the program. Police in Grand Falls, Miramichi and Bathurst didn't respond to requests for comment.
Head of police chiefs wants review process to stay
Woodstock Chief Gary Forward, who's also the president of the New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police, said the oversight teams are a step in the right direction.
"If we see through these types of partnerships the opportunity to be better, then we need to not only embrace that, but we need to make sure that moving forward we have it in place," he said.
His department had its first audit with the team in 2023. Over the course of a few days, the team members examined records, files and details about the investigative processes of closed cases of sexual violence.
The files never left the building, Forward said, and team members signed a nondisclosure agreement before reviewing them. Some information, like personal medical information, was also redacted.
Gary Forward is the Woodstock police chief and president of the New
Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
After they finished with the files, the team put together a report for the Woodstock force recommending ways to improve their investigative processes going forward.
"There was some very helpful information there," Forward said.
Forward said he wants the auditing process to continue at least yearly. The goal is that officers will learn from each audit, he said, so that the force can proactively address any shortcomings in the investigative process.
Woodstock police also received specialized training from Sexual Violence New Brunswick in 2023, Forward said. They were joined by officers from the Fredericton force and the RCMP.
"It demonstrates that the public safety services in New Brunswick are very aware this is something we need to be on top of and be a part of."
Recommendations about police response still not public
Bettering police response to crimes of sexual violence gained momentum across Canada following a 2017 Globe and Mail investigation that revealed police officers were often dismissing victim allegations as unfounded, depriving them of thorough, trauma-informed investigations.
The Globe's investigation found New Brunswick had the highest percentage of unfounded cases in the country, leading the province to perform an audit of sex crime investigations from 2010 to 2014.
The Department of Justice and Public Safety then put a working group together, made up of advocates in the field and police force associations, to compile formal recommendations about how New Brunswick police officers can improve their response to crimes of sexual violence.
Sexual Violence New Brunswick was part of that work. Richard confirmed to CBC News the recommendations were delivered to the Department of Justice and Public Safety at least two years ago, if not earlier. She also told CBC News in 2022 the recommendations would soon be made public.
That never happened.
The Department of Justice and Public Safety confirmed in an email that the task force made nine recommendations, but would not share them, nor say why they were never made public. In a followup email, the department said it's consulting with stakeholders on a release date.
"I couldn't tell you why they're not public," Richard said."I've also been asking that myself. There has been a lot of really excellent progress that has been made on those recommendations. It's something to actually show off."
David Amos
Guess who just called Gary Forward
Reply to David Amos
Forward should be demoted.
David Amos
Guess who just called Sexual Violence New Brunswick
"Woodstock Chief Gary Forward, who's also the president of the New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police, said the oversight teams are a step in the right direction.
"If we see through these types of partnerships the opportunity to be better, then we need to not only embrace that, but we need to make sure that moving forward we have it in place," he said.
Yea Right
Reply to David Amos
Perhaps the cops should look at what is in front of everyone right now
Oh My My
David Amos
Gary Forward knows why this news does not surprise me
Denis Van Humbeck
Too bad this current government is soft on crime relaxed the bail rules.
Reply to Denis Van Humbeck
Just like California, totally
David Amos
Reply to Denis Van Humbeck
It depends on who the Crown deems as criminals there are 2 dudes in Alberta that have been locked up for over 2 years without bail while awaiting trial
"Frontline workers in the field of gender-based violence"- So different violence has different people? not sure what that means.
Reply to Miles Haukeness
You are so smart. Good for you.
David Amos
Reply to Wilbur Ross
I wish the cops were half as smart
This is a subject that would conflict with our premier's optimistic view of the state of the province.
Canada is too soft on crime and people get released on bail when they shouldn't.
Reply to Denis Van Humbeck
You can thank a previous government that abused the bail process—one of several abuses—to the point that the Supreme Court had to set rules based on something other than optics.
Reply to Denis Van Humbeck
Pretty general statement to make. Statistically, the numbers are very small.
Reply to G. Timothy Walton
There was no abuse of the bail program by the previous government.
Reply to Denis Van Humbeck
Yea Right
Reply to Denis Van Humbeck
Yes, there was. People were being denied bail purely for the optics of being "tough on crime", regardless of their actual offence. It resulted in individual wealth mattering more than individual accused or individual crime.
And since some people who couldn't afford bail were being held in remand longer than their sentence would have been with a trial within a reasonable period, we ended up with the limits the SCOC has set in place.
That's what the abuse was. People effectively serving longer sentences without having received a trial, simply because they were poor.
Reply to G. Timothy Walton
Ah wrong. SCOC should not be allowed to set limits.
Eugene Peabody
The government has sat on the report because the minister of public safety does not agree with it. As usual people have to do the job of the government like they did with the homeless file.
Like the police chief said this idea will only help to make the police forces better over time. There will always be a few members that will not change but maybe they will decrease in number over time.
Reply to Eugene Peabody
Tip of the iceberg How many RCMP members sued the Crown because of sexual harassment by their fellow members?
Sounds like a lot of duplication.
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 3:45 PM
Subject: Guess who just called Gary Forward
To: My Son
Max Amos
Followed you
Gracie Amos
Followed you
Woodstock Police Force
822 Main Street
Woodstock, NB E7M 2E8
Chief Administrative Officer
Allan Walker
506 323 7028
Sexual Violence New Brunswick:
P.O. Box 174
Fredericton, NB
E3B 4Y9
Business Line: 506.454.0460
Support Line: 506.454.0437
Fax: 506.457.2780
Guess who just called Gary Forward
Comment by David Amos.
21 min ago
Guess who just called Sexual Violence New Brunswick
Comment by David Amos.
47 min ago
content deactivated –
"Woodstock Chief Gary Forward, who's also the president of the New
Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police, said the oversight teams
are a step in the right direction.
"If we see through these types of partnerships the opportunity to be
better, then we need to not only embrace that, but we need to make
sure that moving forward we have it in place," he said.
Yea Right
Reply by David Amos.
46 min ago
Perhaps the cops should look at what is in front of everyone right now
Comment by David Amos.
51 min ago
Oh My My
Comment by David Amos.
2 hrs ago
content deactivated –
Gary Forward knows why this news does not surprise me
Comment by Denis Van Humbeck.
2 hrs ago
Too bad this current government is soft on crime relaxed the bail rules.
Reply by Wilbur Ross.
2 hrs ago
Just like California, totally
Reply by David Amos.
44 min ago
It depends on who the Crown deems as criminals there are 2 dudes in
Alberta that have been locked up for over 2 years without bail while
awaiting trial
Comment by Miles Haukeness.
3 hrs ago
"Frontline workers in the field of gender-based violence"- So
different violence has different people? not sure what that means.
Reply by Wilbur Ross.
2 hrs ago
You are so smart. Good for you.
Reply by David Amos.
43 min ago
I wish the cops were half as smart
Comment by MR Cain.
3 hrs ago
This is a subject that would conflict with our premier's optimistic
view of the state of the province.
Comment by Denis Van Humbeck.
5 hrs ago
Canada is too soft on crime and people get released on bail when they shouldn't.
Reply by G. Timothy Walton.
4 hrs ago
You can thank a previous government that abused the bail process—one
of several abuses—to the point that the Supreme Court had to set rules
based on something other than optics.
Reply by MR Cain.
3 hrs ago
Pretty general statement to make. Statistically, the numbers are very small.
Reply by Denis Van Humbeck.
2 hrs ago
There was no abuse of the bail program by the previous government.
Reply by David Amos.
42 min ago
Yea Right
Comment by Robert Fish.
6 hrs ago
The reality that we even need this service is just the worst of the
worst in society.
Comment by Eugene Peabody.
7 hrs ago
The government has sat on the report because the minister of public
safety does not agree with it. As usual people have to do the job of
the government like they did with the homeless file.
Like the police chief said this idea will only help to make the police
forces better over time. There will always be a few members that will
not change but maybe they will decrease in number over time.
Reply by David Amos.
40 min ago
Tip of the iceberg How many RCMP members sued the Crown because of
sexual harassment by their fellow members?
Comment by Jack Whitehead.
7 hrs ago
Sounds like a lot of duplication.
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 1:47 PM
Subject: Re Methinks Rick Howe, Todd Veinotte, Leanne.Fitch, Gary Forward, Roger Brown, the RCMP, the lawyer Anne Jarman, Q.C. and their minions have ignored me for way past to long N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc???
To: <todd@toddloewen.com>, NightTimePodcast <NightTimePodcast@gmail.com>, nsinvestigators <nsinvestigators@gmail.com>, Norman Traversy <traversy.n@gmail.com>, Nathalie.Drouin <Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca>, paulpalango <paulpalango@protonmail.com>, tim <tim@halifaxexaminer.ca>, andrew <andrew@frankmagazine.ca>, Brenda.Lucki <Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Marco.Mendicino <Marco.Mendicino@parl.gc.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, Roger.Brown <Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca>, Mark.Blakely <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, martin.gaudet <martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>, <stephen.kimber@ukings.ca>, <macdonald.ns@gmail.com>, <tuttoncp@gmail.com>, sheilagunnreid <sheilagunnreid@gmail.com>, blaine.higgs <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, Bill.Hogan <Bill.Hogan@gnb.ca>, <heidi.petracek@bellmedia.ca>, <info@masscasualtycommission.ca>, justmin <justmin@gov.ns.ca>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
---------- Original message ----------
From: Justice Minister <JUSTMIN@novascotia.ca>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2022 23:08:45 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Nick Beaton has every right to be angry BUT
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.c
Thank you for your email to the Minister of Justice. Please be assured
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From: Premier <PREMIER@novascotia.ca>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2022 23:09:13 +0000
Subject: Thank you for your email
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.c
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From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2022 23:09:00 +0000
Subject: RE: Nick Beaton has every right to be angry BUT
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.c
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Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.c
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2022 20:06:02 -0300
Subject: Nick Beaton has every right to be angry BUT
To: stephen.kimber@ukings.ca, tim@halifaxexaminer.ca,
macdonald.ns@gmail.com, tuttoncp@gmail.com, "steve.murphy"
<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, sheilagunnreid <sheilagunnreid@gmail.com>,
"blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, "Bill.Hogan"
<Bill.Hogan@gnb.ca>, heidi.petracek@bellmedia.ca,
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Marco.Mendicino"
<Marco.Mendicino@parl.gc.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>,
"Roger.Brown" <Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "martin.gaudet"
---------- Original message ----------
From: Brenda Lucki <brenda.lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2018 17:20:25 -0400
Subject: Re: David Coon and his buddy Chucky Leblanc know Attorney
General Serge Rousselle told the CBC political panel the topic should
not be discussed.because I am about to put my matter before the
Supreme Court (Transferred - Mutation à Ottawa)
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Bonjour - Hello
I am currently in the midst of transferring to Ottawa, and will be
checking my e-mails periodically. If you require assistance in regards
to Depot, please contact Cpl. Roshan Pinto at 639-625-3577 or Nicole
Yandon at 639-625-3066. If you require anything in regards to the
Commissioner' office, please contact Angie Boucher at 613-8436183 or
Brigitte Voitel 613-843-4590.
Je suis actuellement en train de préparer ma mutation à Ottawa; je
vérifierai mes courriels à l'occasion. Pour toute demande urgente
concernant la Division Dépôt, veuillez communiquer avec le cap. Roshan
Pinto au 639-625-3577 ou avec Nicole Yandon au 639-625-3066. Pour toute
demande en lien au bureau du commissaire, veuillez communiquer avec
Angie Boucher au 613-8436183 ou avec Brigitte Voitel au 613-843-4590.
>>> David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> 04/13/18 15:20 >>>
New harassment policy in works after allegations against Speaker
Legislative administration committee is setting up sub-group to write
policy, says David Coon
CBC News · Posted: Apr 12, 2018 7:53 PM AT |
The CBC Political Panel discussed the harassment allegations against
Speaker Chris Collins. Details about the allegations have not been
made public. (CBC News)
Listen to the full CBC New Brunswick Political Panel podcast by
downloading from the CBC Podcast page or subscribing to the podcast in
Members of the legislative administration committee want a more robust
harassment policy specifically for the legislature, according to Green
Party Leader David Coon.
A sub-group of the committee is drafting a new policy, which "will go
above and beyond the workplace harassment policy for general
government," Coon, a member of the committee, said during the CBC New
Brunswick Political Panel podcast this week.
Speaker Collins to fight 'politically driven' harassment allegation
Mystery swirls around who will run for Liberals in Moncton Centre
The decision follows harassment allegations revealed last week by
Premier Brian Gallant against Speaker Chris Collins.
Gallant suspended the Moncton Centre MLA from caucus over a complaint
he harassed a former employee of the legislative assembly.
Collins, who was planning to run in the September provincial election,
will fight the allegations, according to his lawyer, T.J. Burke.
Political Panel: April 12 Edition
00:00 34:42
This weeks political panel with Terry Seguin discusses the allegations
of harassment against Chris Collins. 34:42
Filling policy gaps
The legislative administration committee has agreed the clerk of the
legislature will select an independent investigator to examine the
complaint. It has also begun work to clarify issues with the
harassment policy with respect to the allegations against the Speaker.
"The decision to do that reflects that there was a gap at the
legislative assembly," Coon said.
The Liberals were criticized by opposition panel members for their
response to the complaint. Four of the five panellists said the
government failed to follow the existing harassment policy in not
taking action when it learned there might be a complaint.
Green Party Leader David Coon says the legislative administration
committee is going to draft a new harassment policy. (CBC News)
Gallant learned of a possible complaint in February but has said his
office couldn't act until the official complaint was filed April 5.
But the Progressive Conservatives were quick to point to the policy
that says senior officials must take action about harassment "whether
or not a complaint is filed."
PC member Ted Flemming said on the panel that he was pleased to see an
independent investigation because he doesn't trust the executive
branch to get to the bottom of it.
There is a pattern of shrouding the truth, said the MLA, pointing to
scandals such as Atcon and inflated property taxes.
"We're not able to get thNDP Leader Jennifer McKenzie took exception
to Flemming's comparisons,
saying the process should be followed and communicated clearly to the
public and shouldn't be politicized.
McKenzie said the rights of both Collins and the complainant should be
respected and due process given.
Speaker Chris Collins says he'll fight the harassment allegations. (CBC)
People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin said time is of a factor with the
investigation since it's an election year and Collins was committed to
running. Austin pitched a 60-day deadline for the investigation.
Gallant has said Collins could not run as a Liberal candidate while
suspended from caucus.
Rousselle responds
Attorney General Serge Rousselle told the panel the topic should not
be discussed. He said the harassment policy is being followed and it
would be "inappropriate" to comment on the matter during the
Attorney General Serge Rousselle says the Collins case shouldn't be
discussed while an investigation is underway. (CBC News)
Rousselle also dismissed calls for a full inquiry.
"It could jeopardize the confidentiality of this process and
discourage other people from coming forward with their own complaints
for the fear of publicity that would follow," he said.
He said it's the government's understanding the complainant does not
want a full inquiry either.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 12:24:24 -0400
Subject: Re: Attn Sergeant-at-Arms Gilles Cote (506) 453-2527 I just
called AGAIN
To: Gilles.Cote@gnb.ca, "dan. bussieres" <dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>,
"Michael.Duheme" <Michael.Duheme@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>,
"blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, "Armitage, Blair"
<premier@gov.pe.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, premier
<premier@ontario.ca>, "premier.ministre"
premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, premier <premier@gov.sk.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.nl.ca>, premier <premier@leg.gov.mb.ca>, "Larry.Tremblay"
<Jonathan.Vance@forces.gc.ca>, "Tim.RICHARDSON"
<Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>, info <info@gg.ca>, "serge.rousselle"
<serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>, "denis.landry2" <denis.landry2@gnb.ca>,
"Stephen.Horsman" <Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
<hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "jan.jensen"
<jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>, "Nathalie.Drouin"
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 09:59:24 -0400
Subject: Fwd: So what does Premier Gallant and Minister Doucet et al
think of my lawsuit? How about David Coon and his blogging buddy
Chucky joking about being illegally barred from parliamentary property
To: Ernie.Steeves@gnb.ca, Sherry.Wilson@gnb.ca,
Keirstead.Brian@gnb.ca, "Ross.Wetmore" <Ross.Wetmore@gnb.ca>,
Gary.Crossman@gnb.ca, Glen.Savoie@gnb.ca, Trevor.Holder@gnb.ca,
Dorothy.Shephard@gnb.ca, Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca, Bill.Oliver@gnb.ca,
John.Ames@gnb.ca, "michael.bray" <michael.bray@fosterandcompany
Jody.Carr@gnb.ca, Pam.Lynch@gnb.ca, Jeff.Carr@gnb.ca,
Carl.Urquhart@gnb.ca, Stewart.Fairgrieve@gnb.ca, Andrew.Harvey@gnb.ca,
Chuck.Chiasson@gnb.ca, Madeleine.Dube@gnb.ca, Francine.Landry@gnb.ca
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
<dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>, "brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>,
"Dominic.Cardy" <Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, oldmaison
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, tj <tj@burkelaw.ca>,
"chris.collins" <chris.collins@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon"
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2016 17:05:07 +0000
Subject: RE: So what does Premier Gallant anthink of my lawsuit? How
about David Coon and his blogging buddy
Chucky joking about being illegally barred from parliamentary property
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.
Please be assured that your email has been received, will be reviewed,
and a response will be forthcoming.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to write.
Merci d'avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick.
Soyez assuré que votre courriel a bien été reçu, qu'il sera examiné
et qu'une réponse vous sera acheminée.
Merci encore d'avoir pris de temps de nous écrire.
Sincerely, / Sincèrement,
Mallory Fowler
Correspondence Manager / Gestionnaire de la correspondance
Office of the Premier / Cabinet du premier ministre
On 1/19/18, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 09:32:09 -0400
>> Subject: Attn Integrity Commissioner Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
>> To: coi@gnb.ca
>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Good Day Sir
>> After I heard you speak on CBC I called your office again and managed
>> to speak to one of your staff for the first time
>> Please find attached the documents I promised to send to the lady who
>> answered the phone this morning. Please notice that not after the Sgt
>> at Arms took the documents destined to your office his pal Tanker
>> Malley barred me in writing with an "English" only document.
>> These are the hearings and the dockets in Federal Court that I
>> suggested that you study closely.
>> This is the docket in Federal Court
>> These are digital recordings of the last three hearings
>> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/Ba
>> January 11th, 2016 https://archive.org/details/Ja
>> April 3rd, 2017
>> https://archive.org/details/Ap
>> This is the docket in the Federal Court of Appeal
>> The only hearing thus far
>> May 24th, 2017
>> https://archive.org/details/Ma
>> This Judge understnds the meaning of the word Integrity
>> Date: 20151223
>> Docket: T-1557-15
>> Fredericton, New Brunswick, December 23, 2015
>> PRESENT: The Honourable Mr. Justice Bell
>> Plaintiff
>> and
>> Defendant
>> (Delivered orally from the Bench in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on
>> December 14, 2015)
>> The Plaintiff seeks an appeal de novo, by way of motion pursuant to
>> the Federal Courts Rules (SOR/98-106), from an Order made on November
>> 12, 2015, in which Prothonotary Morneau struck the Statement of Claim
>> in its entirety.
>> At the outset of the hearing, the Plaintiff brought to my attention a
>> letter dated September 10, 2004, which he sent to me, in my then
>> capacity as Past President of the New Brunswick Branch of the
>> Bar Association, and the then President of the Branch, Kathleen
>> (now a Justice of the New Brunswick Court of Appeal). In that letter
>> he stated:
>> As for your past President, Mr. Bell, may I suggest that you check
>> work of Frank McKenna before I sue your entire law firm including
>> You are your brother’s keeper.
>> Frank McKenna is the former Premier of New Brunswick and a former
>> colleague of mine at the law firm of McInnes Cooper. In addition to
>> expressing an intention to sue me, the Plaintiff refers to a number
>> people in his Motion Record who he appears to contend may be
>> or potential parties to be added. Those individuals who are known to
>> me personally, include, but are not limited to the former Prime
>> Minister of Canada, The Right Hon>> Queen’s Bench, Vic Toews; former member of Parliament Rob Moore;
>> former Director of Policing Services, the late Grant Garneau; former
>> Chief of the Fredericton Police Force, Barry McKnight; former Staff
>> Sergeant Danny Copp; my former colleagues on the New Brunswick Court
>> of Appeal, Justices Bradley V. Green and Kathleen Quigg, and, retired
>> Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang of the Royal Canadian Mounted
>> Police.
>> In the circumstances, given the threat in 2004 to sue me in my
>> personal capacity and my past and present relationship with many
>> potential witnesses and/or potential parties to the litigation, I am
>> of the view there would be a reasonable apprehension of bias should I
>> hear this motion. See Justice de Grandpré’s dissenting judgment in
>> Committee for Justice and Liberty et al v National Energy Board et
>> [1978] 1 SCR 369 at p 394 for the applicable test regarding
>> allegations of bias. In the circumstances, although neither party has
>> requested I recuse myself, I consider it appropriate that I do so.
>> the Court schedule another date for the hearing of the motion. There
>> is no order as to costs.
>> “B. Richard Bell”
>> Judge
>> Below after the CBC article about your concerns (I made one comment
>> already) you will find the text of just two of many emails I had sent
>> to your office over the years since I first visited it in 2006.
>> I noticed that on July 30, 2009, he was appointed to the the Court
>> Martial Appeal Court of Canada Perhaps you should scroll to the
>> bottom of this email ASAP and read the entire Paragraph 83 of my
>> lawsuit now before the Federal Court of Canada?
>> "FYI This is the text of the lawsuit that should interest Trudeau the
>> most
>> ---------- Original message ----------
>> From: justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca
>> Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 8:18 PM
>> Subject: Réponse automatique : RE My complaint against the CROWN in
>> Federal Court Attn David Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to
>> submit a motion for a publication ban on my complaint trust that you
>> dudes are way past too late
>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Veuillez noter que j'ai changé de courriel. Vous pouvez me rejoindre à
>> lalanthier@hotmail.com
>> Pour rejoindre le bureau de M. Trudeau veuillez envoyer un courriel à
>> tommy.desfosses@parl.gc.ca
>> Please note that I changed email address, you can reach me at
>> lalanthier@hotmail.com
>> To reach the office of Mr. Trudeau please send an email to
>> tommy.desfosses@parl.gc.ca
>> Thank you,
>> Merci ,
>> 83. The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more
>> in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
>> allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
>> five years after he began his bragging:
>> January 13, 2015
>> This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
>> December 8, 2014
>> Why Canada Stood Tall!
>> Friday, October 3, 2014
>> Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
>> Stupid Justin Trudeau
>> Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
>> behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.
>> When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
>> actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
>> in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary
>> the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
>> involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
>> significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the
>> of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
>> operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “>> Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
>> The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
>> deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
>> Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
>> redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
>> less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
>> alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s
>> then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
>> incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
>> professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
>> Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
>> campaign of 2006.
>> What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then
>> Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
>> Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
>> support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
>> What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and
>> chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
>> less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
>> as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
>> deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.
>> The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
>> the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
>> That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
>> constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
>> remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
>> non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
>> regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
>> instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
>> limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.
>> President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
>> attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
>> Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and
>> and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
>> initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
>> P.S. Whereas this CBC article is about your opinion of the actions of
>> the latest Minister Of Health trust that Mr Boudreau and the CBC have
>> had my files for many years and the last thing they are is ethical.
>> Ask his friends Mr Murphy and the RCMP if you don't believe me.
>> Subject:
>> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
>> From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca
>> To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>> January 30, 2007
>> Mr. David Amos
>> Dear Mr. Amos:
>> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December
>> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
>> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
>> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner
>> Graham of the RCMP “J” Division in Fredericton.
>> Sincerely,
>> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
>> Minister of Health
>> CM/cb
>> Warren McBeath warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
>> From: "Warren McBeath" warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>> To: kilgoursite@ca.inter.net, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
>> nada.sarkis@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, dwatch@web.net,
>> motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>> CC: ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, riding@chuckstrahl.com,John.Fo
>> Oda.B@parl.gc.ca,"Bev BUSSON" bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>> "Paul Dube" PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
>> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have not
>> Dear Mr. Amos,
>> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off
>> over the holidays and>> was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
>> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our
>> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
>> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
>> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
>> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
>> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
>> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
>> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
>> that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada
>> the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment
>> and policing in Petitcodiac, NB.
>> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
>> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
>> Sincerely,
>> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
>> GRC Caledonia RCMP
>> Traffic Services NCO
>> Ph: (506) 387-2222
>> Fax: (506) 387-4622
>> E-mail warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>> Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
>> Office of the Integrity Commissioner
>> Edgecombe House, 736 King Street
>> Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1
>> tel.: 506-457-7890
>> fax: 506-444-5224
>> e-mail:coi@gnb.ca
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 10:35 AM
>> Subject: RE My complaint against the CROWN in Federal Court Attn
>> Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to submit a motion for a
>> publication ban on my complaint trust that you dudes are way past too
>> late
>> To: David.Hansen@justice.gc.ca, peter.mackay@justice.gc.ca
>> peacock.kurt@telegraphjournal.
>> david.akin@sunmedia.ca, robert.frater@justice.gc.ca,
>> paul.riley@ppsc-sppc.gc.ca,
>> greg@gregdelbigio.com, joyce.dewitt-vanoosten@gov.bc.
>> joan.barrett@ontario.ca, jean-vincent.lacroix@gouv.qc.c
>> peter.rogers@mcinnescooper.com
>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, gopublic@cbc.ca,
>> Whistleblower@ctv.ca
>> https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-
>> I repeat what the Hell do I do with the Yankee wiretapes taps sell
>> them on Ebay or listen to them and argue them with you dudes in
>> Feferal Court?
>> Petey Baby loses all parliamentary privelges in less than a month but
>> he still supposed to be an ethical officer of the Court CORRECT?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:10:14 -0400
>> Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
>> the USDOJ for me will ya?
>> To: RBauer@perkinscoie.com, sshimshak@paulweiss.com,
>> cspada@lswlaw.com, msmith@svlaw.com, bginsberg@pattonboggs.com,
>> gregory.craig@skadden.com, pm@pm.gc.ca, bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>> bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net, MulcaT@parl.gc.ca,
>> Cc: alevine@cooley.com, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
>> michael.rothfeld@wsj.com, remery@ecbalaw.com
>> QSLS Politics
>> By Location Visit Detail
>> Visit 29,419
>> Domain Name usdoj.gov ? (U.S. Government)
>> IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice)
>> ISP US Dept of Justice
>> Location Continent : North America
>> Country : United States (Facts)
>> State : District of Columbia
>> City : Washington
>> Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map)
>> Language English (U.S.) en-us
>> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
>> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
>> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; >> Javascript version 1.3
>> Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
>> Color Depth : 32 bits
>> Time of Visit Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
>> Last Page View Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
>> Visit Length 0 seconds
>> Page Views 1
>> Referring URL http://www.google.co...wwWJrm9
>> Search Engine google.com
>> Search Words david amos bernie madoff
>> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-
>> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-
>> Out Click
>> Time Zone UTC-5:00
>> Visitor's Time Nov 17 2012 12:33:08 pm
>> Visit Number 29,419
>> Could ya tell I am investigating your pension plan bigtime? Its
>> because no member of the RCMP I have ever encountered has earned it
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:36:04 -0400
>> Subject: This is a brief as I can make my concerns Randy
>> To: randyedmunds@gov.nl.ca
>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> In a nutshell my concerns about the actions of the Investment
>> affect the interests of every person in every district of every
>> country not just the USA and Canada. I was offering to help you with
>> Emera because my work with them and Danny Williams is well known and
>> some of it is over eight years old and in the PUBLIC Record.
>> All you have to do is stand in the Legislature and ask the MInister
>> Justice why I have been invited to sue Newfoundland by the
>> Conservatives
>> Obviously I am the guy the USDOJ and the SEC would not name who is
>> link to Madoff and Putnam Investments
>> Here is why
>> Notice the transcripts and webcasts of the hearing of the US Senate
>> Banking Commitee are still missing? Mr Emory should at least notice
>> Eliot Spitzer and the Dates around November 20th, 2003 in the
>> following file
>> http://occupywallst.org/users/
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Hansen, David" David.Hansen@justice.gc.ca
>> Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 19:28:44 +0000
>> Subject: RE: I just called again Mr Hansen
>> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Hello Mr. Amos,
>> I manage the Justice Canada civil litigation section in the Atlantic
>> region. We are only responsible for litigating existing civil
>> litigation files in which the Attorney General of Canada is a named
>> defendant or plaintiff. If you are a plaintiff or defendant in an
>> existing civil litigation matter in the Atlantic region in which
>> Attorney General of Canada is a named defendant or plaintiff please
>> provide the court file number, the names of the parties in the action
>> and your question. I am not the appropriate contact for other
>> matters.
>> Thanks
>> David A. Hansen
>> Regional Director | Directeur régional
>> General Counsel |Avocat général
>> Civil Litigation and Advisory | Contentieux des affaires civiles et
>> services de consultation
>> Department of Justice | Ministère de la Justice
>> Suite 1400 – Duke Tower | Pièce 1400 – Tour Duke
>> 5251 Duke Street | 5251 rue Duke
>> Halifax, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nouvelle- Écosse
>> B3J 1P3
>> david.hansen@justice.gc.ca
>> Telephone | Téléphone (902) 426-3261 / Facsimile | Télécopieur (902)
>> 426-2329
>> This e-mail is confidential and may be protected by solicitor-client
>> privilege. Unauthorized distribution or disclosure is prohibited. If
>> you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us and delete
>> this entire e-mail.
>> Before printing think about the Environment
>> Thinking Green, please do not print this e-mail unless necessary.
>> Pensez vert, svp imprimez que si nécessaire.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----->>> Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 02:23:24 -0300
>>> Subject: ATTN FBI Special Agent Richard Deslauriers Have you talked
>>> your buddies Fred Wyshak and Brian Kelly about the wiretap tapes
>>> To: boston@ic.fbi.gov, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>>> Brian.Kelly@usdoj.gov, us.marshals@usdoj.gov, Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov,
>>> jcarney@carneybassil.com, bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net
>>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, birgittaj@althingi.is,
>>> shmurphy@globe.com, redicecreations@gmail.com
>>> FBI Boston
>>> One Center Plaza
>>> Suite 600
>>> Boston, MA 02108
>>> Phone: (617) 742-5533
>>> Fax: (617) 223-6327
>>> E-mail: Boston@ic.fbi.gov
>>> Hours
>>> Although we operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, our normal
>>> "walk-in" business hours are from 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday
>>> through Friday. If you need to speak with a FBI representative at
>>> time other than during normal business hours, please telephone our
>>> office at (617) 742-5533.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>>> Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 01:20:20 -0300
>>> Subject: Yo Fred Wyshak and Brian Kelly your buddy Whitey's trial is
>>> finally underway now correct? What the hell do I do with the wiretap
>>> tapes Sell them on Ebay?
>>> To: Brian.Kelly@usdoj.gov, us.marshals@usdoj.gov,
>>> Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov, jcarney@carneybassil.com,
>>> bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net, wolfheartlodge@live.com,
>>> >> jonathan.albano@bingham.com, mvalencia@globe.com
>>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
>>> PATRICK.MURPHY@dhs.gov, rounappletree@aol.com
>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/s
>>> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must
>>> them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v
>>> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
>>> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
>>> cards?
>>> http://www.archive.org/details
>>> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/2
>>> http://www.archive.org/details
>>> http://archive.org/details/Par
>>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>>> Senator Arlen Specter
>>> United States Senate
>>> Committee on the Judiciary
>>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>>> Washington, DC 20510
>>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the
>>> raised in the attached letter.
>>> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap
>>> tapes.
>>> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this
>>> Very truly yours,
>>> Barry A. Bachrach
>>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>>> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>>> To: "Rob Talach" rtalach@ledroitbeckett.com
>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:59 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Attn Robert Talach and I should talk ASAP about my
>>> the Catholic Church Trust that Bastarache knows why
>>> The date stamp on about page 134 of this old file of mine should
>>> a lot to you
>>> http://www.checktheevidence.co
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:37:08 -0400
>>> Subject: To Hell with the KILLER COP Gilles Moreau What say you NOW
>>>>>> maritme_malaise@yahoo.ca, Jennifer.Nixon@ps-sp.gc.ca,
>>> bartman.heidi@psic-ispc.gc.ca, Yves.J.Marineau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>> david.paradiso@erc-cee.gc.ca, desaulniea@smtp.gc.ca,
>>> denise.brennan@tbs-sct.gc.ca, anne.murtha@vac-acc.gc.ca,
>>> webo@xplornet.com, julie.dickson@osfi-bsif.gc.ca,
>>> rod.giles@osfi-bsif.gc.ca, flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca,
>>> Nycole.Turmel@parl.gc.ca,Cleme
>>> >> oig@sec.gov, whistleblower@finra.org, whistle@fsa.gov.uk,
>>> david@fairwhistleblower.ca
>>> Cc: j.kroes@interpol.int, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
>>> bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> Juanita.Peddle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
>>> Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca,
>>> ian.fahie@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
>>> http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/nb/n
>>> http://nb.rcmpvet.ca/Newslette
>>> From: Gilles Moreau Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 08:03:22 -0500
>>> Subject: Re: Lets ee if the really nasty Newfy Lawyer Danny Boy
>>> Millions will explain this email to you or your boss Vic Toews EH
>>> Constable Peddle???
>>> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>>> Please cease and desist from using my name in your emails.
>>> Gilles Moreau, Chief Superintendent, CHRP and ACC
>>> Director General
>>> HR Transformation
>>> 73 Leikin Drive, M5-2-502
>>> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
>>> Tel 613-843-6039
>>> Cel 613-818-6947
>>> Gilles Moreau, surintendant principal, CRHA et ACC
>>> Directeur général de la Transformation des ressources humaines
>>> 73 Leikin, pièce M5-2-502
>>> Ottawa, ON K1A 0R2
>>> tél 613-843-6039
>>> cel 613-818-6947
>>> gilles.moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2022 13:31:38 -0300
Subject: Methinks Rick Howe, Todd Veinotte, Leanne.Fitch, Gary
Forward, Roger Brown, the RCMP, the lawyer Anne Jarman, Q.C. and their
minions have ignored me for way past to long N'esy Pas Chucky
To: Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, premier
<premier@gnb.ca>, premier@gov.ab.ca, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
andre <andre@jafaust.com>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.c
anne.jarman@edmonton.ca, "martin.gaudet"
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 16:16:06 -0600
Subject: Methinks your lawyer Anne Jarman, Q.C. and her minions have
ignored me for way past to low What say you Mayor Iveson
To: don.marshall@edmonton.ca, "don.iveson" <don.iveson@edmonton.ca>,
ingrid.johnson@edmonton.ca, Anne.Jarman@edmonton.ca, "scott.mckeen"
<scott.mckeen@edmonton.ca>, "greg.preston"
Cc: Rhansen <Rhansen@calgarypolice.ca>, themayor
<themayor@calgary.ca>, patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>,
smcintyre <smcintyre@sylvanlake.ca>, deanr0032
<deanr0032@hotmail.com>, "Gary.Rhodes" <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
bluelightning 03 <bluelightning_03@hotmail.com>
"rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>
YO Rod Knecht your client Mr Baconfat sent you this email before the
big show Correct?
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 13:27:21 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: RE "Anonymous" .Rehtaeh Parsons" Father and my family
versus Big talking politicians, mindless Cops and their buddy Barry
Winters of Edmonton Alberta
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
<PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>, melissaM Mancini
groff <meghan.groff@rci.rogers.com>, cfib@cfib.ca, justmin
<justmin@gov.ns.ca>, news@dailymail.co.uk,"Jacques.
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, calgary northwest
calgary acadia <calgary.acadia@assembly.ab.ca
<dexterdyne@gmail.com>, rod knecht <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>
LUCASCGA <LUCASCGA@gov.ns.ca>, acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>,
oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre
<msegal@murraysegal.com>, glen <glen@glencanning.com>, pm
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, Rick Howe <Rick.Howe@rci.rogers.com>, Todd Veinotte
Your "family" sucks cock. YOU and Glen lost I won. I will be on a pod
cast this evening at 8 talking about you and your bosom buddy Glen.
Then after the really big show YOUR CLIENT Mr Baconfat whined and
cried and attacked a dead teenager and her parents again
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anne Jarman <anne.jarman@edmonton.ca>
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 15:05:03 -0700
Subject: Re: I just called and left a message for the lawyer Don
Marshall or whomevever uses his phone now FYI Ingrid Johnson wanted to
know who were the lawyers working for Edmonton I was talking to years
ago Now she knows it was you and the cops lawyer Greg Preston
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
I am away from the office until Monday, August 18th, 2014. Kismet
Fung is the Acting City Solicitor for the week of July 28th. She can
be reached at 780-496-7208. Ingrid Johnson is the Acting City
Solicitor for the weeks of August 4th and August 11th. She can be
reached at 780-496-7254.
Anne Jarman, Q.C.
City Solicitor
On 8/17/14, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://www.edmonton.ca/city_go
> http://www.edmonton.ca/city_go
> Anne Jarman, Q.C.
> City Solicitor
> 780-496-7203
> Anne Jarman
> City Solicitor
> Called to the bar: 1980 (AB); Q.C.2001 (AB)
> Edmonton, City of
> Law Branch, 9th Flr., Chancery Hall
> 3 Sir Winston Churchill Sq. N.W.
> Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2C3
> Phone: 780-496-7203
> Fax: 780-496-7267
> Email: anne.jarman@edmonton.ca
> You received a new 0:17 minutes voicemail message, on Thursday, August
> 14, 2014 at 03:51:09 PM in mailbox 9028000369 from "CITY OF EDM"
> <7804967254>.
> Ingrid C. Johnson
> Called to the bar: 1990 (AB)
> Edmonton, City of
> Law Branch, 9th Flr., Chancery Hall
> 3 Sir Winston Churchill Sq. N.W.
> Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2C3
> Phone: 780-496-7254
> Fax: 780-496-7267
> Email: ingrid.johnson@edmonton.ca
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 15:41:38 -0600
> Subject: Yo Ken Zielke the lawyer Ray.Bodnarek can try to play dumb
> but the CROWN can't and YOU should say Hey to your boss Jonathan Denis
> and his assistant Christine for me when you get bat to work tommorrow
> Tell them I demand to see your Edmonton Corporate file # 2009-1449
> To: oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
> almabrooks26 <almabrooks26@hotmail.com>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>,
> laurie hawn <laurie.hawn.a1@parl.gc.ca>, mclellana
> <mclellana@bennettjones.com>, info <info@ricmciver.com>, "Richard D.
> Brinkman" <richardwtc@gmail.com>, info <info@jimprentice.ca>, Thomas
> Lukaszuk <edmonton.castledowns@assembly
> <edmonton.centre@assembly.ab.c
> <don.iveson@edmonton.ca>, "rod.knecht" <rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>
> "Marianne.Ryan" <Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> <scott@scottmckeen.ca>, "scott.mckeen" <scott.mckeen@edmonton.ca>,
> "David.Veitch" <David.Veitch@edmontonpolice.c
> greg.preston@edmontonpolice.ca
> <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, deanr0032 <deanr0032@hotmail.com>,
> "Gary.Rhodes" <Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "gary.forward"
> <gary.forward@fredericton.ca>, "Leanne.Fitch"
> <Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>, "danny.copp"
> <danny.copp@fredericton.ca>, robb.costello@fredericton.ca,
> "Tim.RICHARDSON" <Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>, "Ken.Zielke"
> <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>, tim.turner@gov.ab.ca, "Paul.Harpelle"
> <Paul.Harpelle@gnb.ca>, madeleine <madeleine@berrevoets2014.ca>,
> "Davidc.Coon" <Davidc.Coon@gmail.com>, Brian Gallant
> <briangallant@nbliberal.ca>, execdirgen <execdirgen@nbliberal.ca>,
> Joel MacIntosh <macintosh.joel@gmail.com>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>,
> PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, David.Glockner@usdoj.gov, lgunter
> <lgunter@shaw.ca>, "Josh.Skurnik" <Josh.Skurnik@sunmedia.ca>,
> "mckeen.randy" <mckeen.randy@gmail.com>, "kirk.macdonald"
> <kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca>, "james.goodman" <james.goodman@forces.gc.ca>,
> "roger.l.brown" <roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> <bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc
> <jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.c
> <Biage.Carrese@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> <Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> <Darren.Woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc.
> <frankffrost@hotmail.com>, radical <radical@radicalpress.com>, merv
> <merv@northwebpress.com>, "foghorn.leghorn_175"
> <foghorn.leghorn_175@zoho.com>
> Cc: Rick.Saunders@gov.ab.ca, assist@gov.ab.ca, David Amos
> <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> <graydon.nicholas@gnb.ca>, Ray.Bodnarek@gov.ab.ca, "calgary.varsity"
> <calgary.varsity@assembly.ab.c
> <calgary.greenway@assembly.ab.
> <calgary.northernhills@assembl
> <calgary.hays@assembly.ab.ca>, "calgary.cross"
> <calgary.cross@assembly.ab.ca>
> calgarynewstips <calgarynewstips@cbc.ca>, "calgary.elbow"
> <calgary.elbow@assembly.ab.ca>
> <calgary.mountainview@assembly
> <calgary.mccall@assembly.ab.ca
> <calgary.acadia@assembly.ab.ca
> <calgary.buffalo@assembly.ab.c
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Ken Zielke <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>
> Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:12:30 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: RE An Evil Fat Man who loves abusing an
> Indian in Front of The Mac's Store in Oliver Alberta is coming to Fat
> Fred City soon
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> I will be out of the office from Jul 31st, 2014 0800 Hrs - Aug.
> 18th, 2014 0800 Hrs, without access to email/BB. Plse contact Rick
> Saunders 780-644-8294 Rick.Saunders@gov.ab.ca or assist@gov.ab.ca
> General inquiries to ASSIST can be directed to 780-427-5089 or
> assist@gov.ab.ca
> For Urgent / Emergency matters, please call 780-644-2680 or email
> assist@gov.ab.ca for the ASSIST On-Call Duty Officer.
> Thank you & Regards,
> Ken
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
> the system manager. This message contains confidential information and
> is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named
> addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com>
> Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:12:01 +0000
> Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
> To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
> Ray.Bodnarek@gov.ab.ca
> Technical details of permanent failure:
> Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the
> server for the recipient domain gov.ab.ca by cnl27.gov.ab.ca.
> [].
> The error that the other server returned was:
> 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Info <GeneralInformation.Renseignem
> Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:12:13 +0000
> Subject: Auto Response / Réponse automatique
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Thank you for writing to the Office of the Secretary to the Governor
> General. We appreciate hearing your views and suggestions. Responses
> to specific inquiries can be expected within three weeks. Please note
> that general comments and opinions may not receive a response.
> *****
> Nous vous remercions d'avoir écrit au Bureau du secrétaire du
> gouverneur général. Nous apprécions votre point de vue et vos
> suggestions. Il faut prévoir trois semaines pour une réponse à une
> demande précise. Veuillez noter qu’il n’y a pas nécessairement de
> suivi pour les opinions et les commentaires généraux qui sont envoyés.
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 20:33:55 -0300
>> Subject: Attn Don Marshall we just talked. Meet Barry Winters and Dean
>> Roger Ray and my friends Robin Reid and Werner Bock
>> To: don.marshall@edmonton.ca, Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, dean
>> Ray <deanr0032@hotmail.com>
>> Cc: webo <webo@xplornet.com>, Robin Reid <zorroboy2004@hotmail.com>
>> Good Day Sir
>> As I said I was grateful for your call but very confused as to why you
>> were playing dumb and yet in the end only wanted to know my
>> whereabouts at the moment. Trust that even the RCMP and the FBI are
>> confused about that most of the time for good reason. As you will soon
>> see it is for good reason I might add.
>> Clearly I got back to you as soon as I checked you out to see if you
>> were for real. Your name was not on the roster with the other lawyers
>> that I called yesterday. thus i felt you were just another corrupt cop
>> playing me and picking my brain especially when you did not wish to
>> look on the Internet to verify what i was saying was true. I am
>> certain you would understand why I was confused as to why you would
>> know the number to call me but not bother to read my emails first.
>> Hard telling not knowing but perhaps the other lawyers etc did not
>> give my emails to you because they are quite simply pure hell in a
>> handbasket for any lawyer or cop to receive to say the least.
>> Please check my work closely and do your job. I am certain we can
>> settle for chump change out of court and public view as long as a
>> little justice is finally served upon some bad acting characters ASAP.
>> This what happened to Robin Reid in your city years ago. that "Barry
>> Winters" supports his malicious slander with. As a witness to a crime
>> Alberta locks her up to shut her up and fails to properly prosecute a
>> killer? Go figure?
>> http://www.lastlinkontheleft.c
>> This is what happened to Robin in your neighborhood recently after she
>> suggested meeting "Barry Winters" in person in front of a politcian.
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v
>> This was the wacko Dean Roger Ray two years ago when he lived in your
>> city and was threatening to have me killed and making false
>> allegations against me etc your and Police Dept and the RCMP laughed
>> at my concerns.
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v
>> This is the latest piece of malevolent work "Barry Winters" aka
>> "Seren" Aka "Baconat53" or whomever he maybe next
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com
>> This is the link to the Edmonton corporate file that I was referring to
>> file
>> file://edmcorpfilebr02/Ken.zie
>> From my research of you people thus far this elusive Ken Zielke
>> character appears to me to an ex RCMP officer who has had a certain
>> interest in cow mutalations in the past. He may have crossed paths
>> with the same people both Werner Bock and I have been in touch with.
>> However I am not certain yet.
>> The other emails I was referring to will follow this one. After you
>> check into my work and our concerns what say you? Does the City wish
>> to seetle with us? If not tell me what would the lawyer in you do if
>> you were us? Sue some people and City Hall too?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> http://www.gov.edmonton.ab.ca/
>> Don Marshall
>> Director
>> 780-496-5139
>> Angela Leatherland
>> Risk Management Coordinator
>> 780-496-5132
>> Clyde Lindstrom
>> Supervisor / Senior Adjuster
>> 780-496-5133
>> Irene Yaskiw
>> Contract Analyst
>> 780-496-5137
> From: robin reid
> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 5:29 PM
> To: pm@pm.gc.ca ; acp@ainc-inac.gc.ca ; admin@turnervalley.ca ;
> andrer@sen.parl.gc.ca ; askdoj@usdoj.gov ; atip@forces.gc.ca ;
> atgreg.weston@cbc.ca ; barry.shaw@forces.gc.ca ;
> bishopfh@rcdiocese-calgary.ab.
> calgary.cross@assembly.ab.ca ; calgary.elbow@assembly.ab.ca ;
> calgary.lougheed@assembly.ab.c
> calgary.west@assembly.ab.ca ; calgary@jasonkenney.com ;
> cardston.taberwarner@assembly.
> chancery@rcdvictoria.org ; chris.caughell@assembly.ab.ca ;
> claims@healthcareinternational
> contact@vaticancrimes.us ; contact@whoisleonardpeltier.in
> contactus@treaty7.org ; creeyellowlegs@knet.ca ;
> danielle@wildrosealliance.ca ; david.raymond.amos@gmail.com ; david
> johnston GOV GENERAL ; dominic ; edmonton.meadowlark@assembly.a
> evagolinger@hotmail.com ; events@greyeaglecasino.ca ;
> feedback@humanrightsfirst.org ; harper1@shaw.ca ; ieagray@hotmail.com
> ; info@greenparty.ca ; info@josipa.ca ; info@justin.ca ;
> info@liberal.ca ; info@trc.ca ; info@truthfool.org ;
> info@wildrosealliance.ca ; info ; infopubs@ainc-inac.gc.ca ;
> jimsisson@inac.gc.ca ; jspottedbear@yahoo.com ;
> knowledgeislimitless@gmail.com ; lcorbella@calgaryherald.com ;
> letters@economist.com ; ltgov@gov.ab.ca ; maggie491@hotmail.com ;
> Marilyn ; melhurtig@gmail.com ; michael wolfheart ; misqusa1@aim.com ;
> mslett@bellabella.net ; okotokschamber@telus.net ;
> office@albertaliberals.com ; people stand up ; premier@gov.ab.ca ;
> premier@gov.sk.ca ; ref1@bankofcanada.ca ;
> sheriff-civil.enforcement@gov.
> shirley.bond.mla@leg.bc.ca ; speakersbureau@worldbank.org ;
> spreadtheword@ccfcanada.ca ; structureoflight@gmail.com ;
> stry8993@live.com ; supreme court ; taxfree@taxrefusal.com ;
> toewsv1@mts.net ; toewsv1@parl.gc.ca ; vactruth@gmail.com ;
> victimsfirst@ombudsman.gc.ca ; votedavedowling@hotmail.com ;
> whitefeathers1@msn.com ; willow_ss@yahoo.ca
> Subject: FW: Premier Redford must be proud of all her mindless minions
> EH Mr Mulcair?
> Premier Redford,
> Edmonton, Alberta.
> Perhaps Ms. Redford you should speak with Barry Winters about this or
> do you condone this despotic behaviour and his foul accomplished
> boozing mouth ??????
> As a women and human rights lawyer you truly have little to be proud
> of with all of this on your record. Do you really think your children
> are going to be proud of you
> one day when they know the truth???????
> And I do wonder why Thomas Lukaszuk and his assistant Winney were
> allowing me to use thair office. Perhaps he should be the one to speak
> to Barry Winter.
> Thank you
> Robin Reid
> Red Nations
>> Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 18:52:18 -0300
>> Subject: Premier Redford must be proud of all her mindless minions EH Mr
>> Mulcair?
>> From: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> To: highwood@assembly.ab.ca; highwood@wildrose.ca;
>> jeff.kasbrick@gov.ab.ca; premier@gov.ab.ca; tflanaga@ucalgary.ca;
>> gthomson@edmontonjournal.com; ezra.levant@sunmedia.ca;
>> bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net; vacman@telus.net
>> CC: MulcaT@parl.gc.ca; Heralddbraid@CalgaryHerald.com
>> pm@pm.gc.ca; Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca; oldmaison@yahoo.com;
>> zorroboy2009@hotmail.com; terry.seguin@cbc.ca; acampbell@ctv.ca
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> Ms Daneille Smith should understand why I need to say that I am
>> honoured that the perverted neocon shill who brags that he is one of
>> Lukaszuk's best friends hates mean old me CORRECT?
>> http://www.wildrose.ca/media/2
>> http://www.calgaryherald.com/o
>> From: robin reid
>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 12:21 PM
>> Subject: hoka hey
>> called Glen and smith - i said your name - HOKA HEY
>> Robin
>> From: zorroboy2009@hotmail.com
>> To: worbro@telus.net; david.raymond.amos@gmail.com; info@gg.ca;
>> pm@pm.gc.ca; premier@gov.ab.ca; highwood@wildrose.ca
>> Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 05:48:18 -0700
>> Mr. Glen Springsteel,
>> I have called Ms. Smith's office and she has not returned my call.
>> Why is that??????
>> Do you agree with abuse for profit Mr. Springsteel ???????
>> Or how about the continued genocide ?????? The theft of life lands
>> water and air upon the indian people and then
>> all other races ??????? through the corrupt immigration program??????
>> I would like to meet with you in High River and speak of many abuses
>> Ms. Smith has ignored when I have contacted her. Is this standard
>> practise to use the abused and lie of the Wildrose Party???????
>> I do have your number so I will be calling you later today also.
>> As your leader Ms. Smith is being very deceitful and this is wrong.
>> Thank you
>> Robin Reid
>> Red Nations
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
>> Date: Wed, 09 May 2012 14:01:38 -0600
>> Subject: Re: Fwd: Robin make note that the RCMP, Kenny Baby Zeikle PM
>> Harper and Premier Redford cannot deny receiving Mr Baconfat's emails
>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Cc: "oldmaison@yahoo.com" <oldmaison@yahoo.com>
>> Hey David! How are you, you ole child fucker? Hey so how's this for
>> the kid fucker that claims to to have "lived hostory?" Thomas Lukaszuk
>> was sworn in yesterday as Deputy Premier and head of operations for
>> the government and Cabinet. I was there. Cabinet swearings are always
>> neat.... there's always an open bar after. As I always say : "If the
>> bar is free always order doubles"
>> What is well and truly ironic is that you your diseased cunt friend
>> Robin Reid will probably be chased out of Alberta now..,.just like she
>> was out of Thomas Lukaszuk's constituency office
>> Hey does your son Little Maxie boy still have male ejaculate oozing
>> out of his ass?
>> You remember that dose of the clap your "aged Mother" had some years
>> ago? I gave it to her!
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012 9:10 pm
>> Subject: Fwd: Robin make note that the RCMP, Kenny Baby Zeikle PM
>> Harper and Premier Redford cannot deny receiving Mr Baconfat's emails
>> To: Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
>> Cc: "oldmaison@yahoo.com" <oldmaison@yahoo.com>
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> > Date: Sun, 6 May 2012 00:05:44 -0300
>> > Subject: Robin make note that the RCMP, Kenny Baby Zeikle PM Harper
>> > and Premier Redford cannot deny receiving Mr Baconfat's emails
>> > To: robin reid <zorroboy2009@hotmail.com>,
>> >
>> > The devil is always in the details Mr Baconfat admited to reading the
>> > email about the big moon that I did not send to his "Barry
>> > Winters"email account. That was a very telling thing to me so
>> > why bother sending that address anymore emails?
>> >
>> > More imporatantly the drunken pervert likely did not notice what he
>> > was bouncing back to everyone tonigt.
>> >
>> > The emails from Hape and the lawyer Rathgeber were inserted the middle
>> > of the the Big Moon email. Methinks Mr Baconfat just helped Harper
>> > Ratheburger and to show everyone itheir fat nasty arses.
>> >
>> > Subject: Office of the Prime Minister / Cabinet du Premier ministre
>> > Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 09:51:54 -0400
>> > From: pm@pm.gc.ca
>> > To: zorroboy2009@hotmail.com
>> > CC: psepcwebmail@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca
>> >
>> > Dear ROBIN REID :
>> >
>> > On behalf of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, I would like to
>> > acknowledge receipt of your recent e-mail correspondence, in
>> > which you
>> > raised an issue that falls within the portfolio of the
>> > Honourable Vic
>> > Toews, Minister of Public Safety.
>> >
>> > Please be assured that your comments have been carefully
>> > reviewed. I
>> > have taken the liberty of forwarding your e-mail to the
>> > Minister, who,
>> > I am certain, will also appreciate being made aware of your views.
>> >
>> > Thank you for writing to the Prime Minister. For more
>> > information on
>> > the Government's initiatives, you may wish to visit the Prime
>> > Minister's Web site, at www.pm.gc.ca.
>> >
>> >
>> > L.A. Lavell
>> > Executive Correspondence Officer
>> > for the Prime Minister's Office
>> > Agent de correspondance
>> > de la haute direction
>> > pour le Cabinet du Premier ministre
>> >
>> >
>> > From: RathgB0@parl.gc.ca
>> > Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 09:52:39 -0500
>> > Subject: RE: Re Wikileaks and Pfc Manning etc I just called you Mr
>> > Coombs my number is 902 800 0369 Correct?
>> > To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> >
>> > Dear Mr. Amos,
>> > On behalf of Mr. Rathgeber, we acknowledge receipt and thank you
>> > for your email.
>> > Please be assured that we will apprise Mr. Rathgeber of your
>> > correspondence at our earliest opportunity.
>> >
>> > Thank you for taking the time to contact Mr. Rathgeber.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Verena Baxter
>> > Legislative Assistant
>> > Brent Rathgeber, Q.C., M.P.
>> > Edmonton-St. Albert
>> > (613) 996 4722
>> >
>> >
>> > On 5/5/12, BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Hey Little "Rob" still trying to sue the Pope, Queen? And
>> > still turning tricks for dope?
>> > >
>> > > ----- Original Message -----
>> > > From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> > > Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012 8:36 pm
>> > > Subject: Fwd: FW: YOU and Kenny Baby Zeikle are PAID by Redford to
>> > > read EVERY word of mine Too bad so sad you evil bastards did not
>> > know how to write though
>> > > To: sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca,
>> > jeff.kasbrick@gov.ab.ca, robin
>> > > reid <zorroboy2009@hotmail.com>
>> > > Cc: "oldmaison@yahoo.com" <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre
>> > <andre@jafaust.com>,> evelyngreene <evelyngreene@live.ca>,
>> > "sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca"> <sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>,
>> > thepurplevioletpress> <thepurplevioletpress@gmail.co
>> > >
>> > >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > >> From: robin reid <zorroboy2009@hotmail.com>
>> > >> Date: Sat, 5 May 2012 19:31:08 -0700
>> > >> Subject: FW: YOU and Kenny Baby Zeikle are PAID by Redford to read
>> > >> EVERY word of mine Too bad so sad you evil bastards did not
>> > know how to write though
>> > >> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, askdoj@usdoj.gov,
>> > premier@gov.ab.ca,>> pm@pm.gc.ca, maggie491@hotmail.com, people
>> > stand up
>> > >> <tonyanderson40@eastlink.ca>, contact@treaty7.org, dominic
>> > >> <dmc_gangstar@hotmail.com>, edmonton.glenora@assembly.ab.c
>> > >> edmonton.meadowlark@assembly.a
>> > edmonton.riverview@assembly.ab
>> > andrer@sen.parl.gc.ca,>> barry.shaw@forces.gc.ca,
>> > calgary.cross@assembly.ab.ca,>
>> > calgary.varsity@assembly.ab.ca
>> > calgary.lougheed@assembly.ab.c
>> > >> cardston.taberwarner@assembly.
>> > >> chrisjjmotorcars@gmail.com, cliff.atleo@nuuchahnulth.org,
>> > >> contact@whoisleonardpeltier.in
>> > David Amos
>> > >> <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>,
>> > david.patton@albertahealthserv
>> > GENERAL <info@gg.ca>, dbrazeau@justice.gc.ca,
>> > >> events@greyeaglecasino.ca, health <jay.ramotar@gov.ab.ca>,
>> > >> health.minister@gov.ab.ca, health.ahinform@gov.ab.ca,
>> > >> ida.chong.mla@leg.bc.ca, ieagray@hotmail.com, info@greenparty.ca,
>> > >> info@josipa.ca, info@justin.ca, info@liberal.ca,
>> > >> info@lethbridgelawyers.com, jimsisson@inac.gc.ca,
>> > >> jspottedbear@yahoo.com, justice <ray.bodnarek@gov.ab.ca>,
>> > >> ken.zielke@gov.ab.ca, Marilyn <mj_baptiste@yahoo.ca>, michael
>> > >> wolfheart <wolfheartlodge@live.com>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> Premier RedfordEdmonton, Alberta. Ms. Redford, What kind of
>> > >> women and
>> > >> mother would condone assaults, Barry Winters, Ken Zeikle,
>> > defamation,>> murder, lies and use the abused like you have
>> > done?????Please answer
>> > >> this as you being a human rights lawyer I believe you have
>> > done many
>> > >> wrongs here, been very deceitful and lie. You and the likes
>> > of your
>> > >> people will hang your heads in shame when the truth
>> > >> prevails, do you
>> > >> think your children will be proud of what youhave done with
>> > all your
>> > >> education???????? Now concerning suing the oil companies over
>> > >> royalties, is this for the people that you have so abused all these
>> > >> years or is this just foryour own pockets as godly corrupt
>> > >> OF??????? Shame, Shame Thank you Robin ReidRed NationsPPOF
>> > >> > Date: Sat, 5 May 2012 22:36:33 -0300
>> > >> > Subject: YOU and Kenny Baby Zeikle are PAID by Redford to read
>> > >> EVERY word of mine Too bad so sad you evil bastards did not know
>> > >> how to write though
>> > >> > From: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> > >> > To: sunrayzulu@shaw.ca; premier@gov.ab.ca; pm@pm.gc.ca
>> > >> > CC: Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca; jeff.kasbrick@gov.ab.ca
>> > >> >
>> > >> > Just Dave
>> > >> > By Location Visit Detail
>> > >> > Visit 16,840
>> > >> > Domain Name shawcable.net ? (Network)
>> > >> > IP Address 70.74.221.# (Shaw Communications)
>> > >> > ISP Shaw Communications
>> > >> > Location Continent : North America
>> > >> > Country : Canada (Facts)
>> > >> > State/Region : Alberta
>> > >> > City : Edmonton
>> > >> > Lat/Long : 53.55, -113.5 (Map)
>> > >> > Language English (U.S.) en-us
>> > >> > Operating System Microsoft WinNT
>> > >> > Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
>> > >> > Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0;
>> > >> > GTB7.3; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR
>> > >> > 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; BRI/2)
>> > >> > Javascript version 1.3
>> > >> > Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024
>> > >> > Color Depth : 32 bits
>> > >> > Time of Visit May 4 2012 7:55:17 am
>> > >> > Last Page View May 4 2012 7:55:17 am
>> > >> > Visit Length 0 seconds
>> > >> > Page Views 1
>> > >> > Referring URL http://www.bing.com/...3210127
>> > >> > Search Engine bing.com
>> > >> > Search Words david amos league of reason tommy
>> > >> > Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...per-and
>> > >> bankers.html> Visit Exit Page
>> > >> http://davidamos.blo...per-and
>> > >> > Out Click
>> > >> > Time Zone UTC-7:00
>> > >> > Visitor's Time May 4 2012 4:55:17 am
>> > >> > Visit Number 16,840
>> > >> >
>> > >> >
>> > >> > On 5/5/12, BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca> wrote:
>> > >> > > Blah Blah Blah
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > > Not only I never read your spam....NO ONE else does either!
>> > >> lol lol
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > > "C'yall in court" laddie
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > > ----- Original Message -----
>> > >> > > From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> > >> > > Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012 7:26 pm
>> > >> > > Subject: That means you read it without my having to send it
>> > >> to you "Barry Winters" CORRECT PERVERT?
>> > >> > > To: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
>> > >> > > Cc: ken zielke <water46@live.ca>, "Ken.Zielke"
>> > >> <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>> >
>> > >> > >> On 5/5/12, BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca> wrote:
>> > >> > >> >
>> > >> > >> > As the say in Quebec, David ...Blah blah blah! This is the
>> > >> > >> same shit you spammed awhile ago.
>> > >> > >> > "c'yall in court:" May I suggest some Grade 3 language arts
>> > >> > >> courses! lol lol
>> > >> > >> >
>> > >> > >> >
>> > >> > >> >
>> > >> > >> >
>> > >> > >> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > >> > >> > From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> > >> > >> > Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012 7:19 pm
>> > >> > >> > Subject: Yo Barry Shaw say Hoka Hey to Kenny Baby
>> > Zielke for me will ya?
>> > >> > >> > To: Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "Mackay.P"
>> > >> > >> <Mackay.P@forces.gc.ca>,> stoffp1 <stoffp1@parl.gc.ca>
>> > >> > >> > Cc: "Barry.Shaw" <Barry.Shaw@forces.gc.ca>,
>> > "Shawn.Cooper2">> > >> > <Shawn.Cooper2@forces.gc.ca>
>> > >> > >> >
>> > >> > >> >>
>> > >> > >> >
>> > >> > >>
>> > >> > >
>> > >>
>> > >
>> >
>> > From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
>> > Date: Sat, 05 May 2012 20:58:53 -0600
>> > Subject: Re: Exactly Mr Baconfat Thank you DUMMY
>> > To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> > Cc: toewsv1 <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, nichor
>> > <nichor@parl.gc.ca>, andre
>> > <andre@jafaust.com>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
>> > <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,thepurpl
>> > <thepurplevioletpress@gmail.co
>> > <premier@gov.ab.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Ken.Zielke"
>> > <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>, "jeff.kasbrick"
>> > <jeff.kasbrick@gov.ab.ca>
>> > Also it is "threaten"
>> >
>> > Now you know why no one listens to you.
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> > Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012 8:48 pm
>> > Subject: Exactly Mr Baconfat Thank you DUMMY
>> > To: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
>> > Cc: toewsv1 <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, nichor
>> > <nichor@parl.gc.ca>, andre
>> > <andre@jafaust.com>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
>> > <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,thepurpl
>> > <thepurplevioletpress@gmail.co
>> > <premier@gov.ab.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Ken.Zielke"
>> > <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>, "jeff.kasbrick"
>> > <jeff.kasbrick@gov.ab.ca>
>> > > On 5/5/12, BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca> wrote:
>> > > > I think you mean "presume"
>> > > >
>> > > > ----- Original Message -----
>> > > > From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> > > > Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012 8:41 pm
>> > > > Subject: Re: Just so we are clear Your lawyer buddy Redford
>> > > pays YOU Mr
>> > > > Baconfat to practice libel, sexually harass people and theaten
>> > > to kill them
>> > > > CORRECT?
>> > > > To: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
>> > > > Cc: toewsv1 <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, nichor
>> > > <nichor@parl.gc.ca>, andre
>> > > > <andre@jafaust.com>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
>> > > <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,> thepurplevioletpress
>> > > <thepurplevioletpress@gmail.co
>> > > > <premier@gov.ab.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Ken.Zielke"
>> > > <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>,> "jeff.kasbrick"
>> > > <jeff.kasbrick@gov.ab.ca>>
>> > > >> I will prsume that is a yes CORRECT Ns Redord??
>> > > >>
>> > > >> On 5/5/12, BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca> wrote:
>> > > >> > Oh Dear in "pro se fashion" correct ! lol lol
>> > > >> >
>> > > >> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > > >> > From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> > > >> > Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012 8:32 pm
>> > > >> > Subject: Just so we are clear Your lawyer buddy Redford pays
>> > > >> YOU Mr Baconfat
>> > > >> > to practice libel, sexually harass people and theaten to kill
>> > > >> them CORRECT?
>> > > >> > To: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
>> > > >> > Cc: toewsv1 <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, nichor
>> > > >> <nichor@parl.gc.ca>, andre
>> > > >> > <andre@jafaust.com>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
>> > > >> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,> thepurplevioletpress
>> > > >> <thepurplevioletpress@gmail.co
>> > > >> > <premier@gov.ab.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Ken.Zielke"
>> > > >> <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>,> "jeff.kasbrick"
>> > > >> <jeff.kasbrick@gov.ab.ca>>
>> > > >> >> On 5/5/12, BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca> wrote:
>> > > >> >> >
>> > > >> >> > David Amos, are "a gonna" sue us all in "the pro se
>> > fashion"!> >> >> lol lol
>> > > >> >> >
>> > > >> >> > Or are you just going to continue to spam e mail accounts?
>> > > >> >> >
>> > > >> >> > You "lived history" alright! lol lol lol
>> > > >> >> >
>> > > >> >> >
> On 8/17/14, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yo Davey baby Alward I wonder if the latest Premier and the three
>> Stooges who wannabe the next Premier of Alberta remeber my battles
>> within their last election or Mr Baconfaat's bragging immediately
>> afterwards. Better yet DO YOU??? Do ya think I won't be every bit as
>> fierce as soon as the the Writ is dropped in "The Palce to Be"
>> Pleas Enjoy little Deja Vu about your nasty neo con butt buddies in
>> Alberta
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> Saturday, April 28, 2012
>> A hint for our pedophile "friend"
>> An Alberta political perspective of an Albertan from the Marshall Tory
>> Building! Last week's election after some hiccups, justified or
>> illustrated the correctness of Alison Redford's moving of the Alberta
>> Progressive Conservative Party more to the ideological centre of the
>> political spectrum.
>> I wrote previously about roughly mid-way through the campaign the Wild
>> Rose Alliance, it appeared, to have "jumped the shark" or suddenly and
>> completely lost credibility with the Alberta electorate.
>> Yesterday long time serving Speaker of the Alberta Legislature Ken
>> Kowalzki announced his well deserved and earned retirement. In his
>> interview with media he told Alberta's legislators not to forget that
>> Albertan's, Albertas demographics, and society has changed. Alberta
>> has no longer been the"redneck" or homogeneous, or insular and wildly
>> libertarian society it once was....If it ever was!
>> That was, I think clearly illustrated when Danielle Smith's Wild Rose
>> Party exploded spectacularly half way through the election campaign.
>> It was a combination of several long time Wild Rose Policies that
>> Alberta's electorate were reminded of during the campaign and
>> political debate. That led to the electoral demise of the Wild Rose
>> Alliance
>> The libertarian / Reform /Canadian Alliance cherished notion of
>> "firewalling Alberta" had become distinctly unpalatable. As Alison
>> Redford's new Tory cant had become; "Alberta needs to build pipelines
>> not fire walls."
>> The Tory campaign machine reminded Albertans early in the campaign of
>> the Wild Rose Party's policy regarding "issues of conscience"
>> regarding doctors and marriage councilors. The rather impolictical
>> statements and tweets of Pastor Hunsperger and others were well
>> trumpeted and spread by both Alberta's more editorial left of centre
>> papers, the Herald and Journal
>> In a private conversation with Alberta's first elected woman Premier
>> she told me: (another hint David that's two, aren't you lucky) That
>> the idea of the 400 dollar dividends or "Dani dollars was really the
>> turning point of the campaign. What Albertans want is what the Tories
>> had promised; investments in education, infrastructure and health
>> care.
>> Notwithstanding Premier Redford's moving the PCs to the centre, she
>> has made several mistakes in her brief pre-election period of
>> Premiership. The cancellation of the fall sitting of the Legislature
>> without consultation of the caucus. When the Alberta PCs were up in
>> the polls last winter, many political strategists thought she ought
>> have dropped the writ then. But she called for an abbreviated Spring
>> Sitting of the Legislature, tabled a budget, and then dropped the
>> writ, when the polls had suggested a shift in PC popularity.
>> There is be a once again abbreviated May session of the Alberta
>> Legislature to elect a new Speaker, introduce new ministers, and to
>> announce a small reorg of government Ministries.
>> In our brief conversation we recognized that the opposition parties
>> will publicly be very chagrined with a short session of The
>> Legislature, but privately be happy for the time to prepare for the
>> Fall Sitting.
>> Premier Redford recognizes that she may have been "impulsive" in her
>> decisions and announcements immediately subsequent her winning the PC
>> leadership. Whilst she is promising "big changes", you can count on
>> them being measured and incremental.
>> The PC party is currently in a state of flux or change. Many of the
>> "old guard" have left, will leave or are without the influence they
>> once had.
>> Evolution and or change within the Alberta Progressive Conservative
>> Party is a very good thing. As Premier Redford said; "we won with one
>> word, progressive!
>> Alberta and Albertans are evolving and changing as Canada's political
>> and economic centre of gravity is shifting to the "new big west". So
>> will its political discourse.
>> So much for the "assistance" of the pedophile David Amos to affect
>> "political change in Alberta" via E mail.
>> Posted by Seren at 9:05 AM
>> I am far from broken yet and have many thoughts and questions to put
>> to the CROWN
>> http://davidamosrant.wordpress
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com
>> Sunday, May 31, 2009
>> The thoughts of a broken "man" Or: Who the fuck is Sherriff Tim Turner
>> and who cares?
>> David Raymond Amosuis a convicted pedophile that is holed up in New
>> Brunswick because he has outstanding arrest warrants in the US.
>> Mr. Amos infects web sites, blogs and posts people's private personal
>> data to create mischief. He is an American animal and a conspiracy
>> theory nuttier.
>> His e mailed this to me...and to the chief of the RCM Police, various
>> political leaders and his few fucked up friends. He is....beaten
>> Until we meet in person I no longer care what you say or do.
>> Now it is over 5 years later
>> Lets deal with Sheriff Tim Turner and his support of his pal Mr
>> Baconfat's latest blog about Indians
>> I must say I find it very strange that the CROWN, the Alberta Premier
>> and even his security people such Tim Turner and Ken Ziekle think
>> their mindless Zionist/DND associate Mr Baconfat is such an
>> ourtstanding citizen.
>> N'esy Pas Mr Out Going Lt Gov Graydon Nicholas???
>> I feeled compellto ask an ex judge and an officer of the Queen's
>> howcome you did not deem it important to defend your own race BEFORE
>> you became a Lt Governor???
>> What are you gonna do now as you head south of the medicine line to
>> play with your grandkids? ADon't my kids and grand kids who also live
>> in Canada AND the USA have the same RIGHTS as yours? I suspect that
>> the RCMP and the lawyer in you has told you to continue to play as
>> dumb as the Librano lawyers Brian Gallant, Mikey Murphy, Greg Byrne,
>> Brit Dysart, Kelly Lamrock, TJ Burke or the other nasty bastards you
>> call friends such as Chucky Leblanc David Alward, Krissy Baby Austin,
>> Dominic Cardy and David Coon. CORRECT?
>> That said I hope Chucky Leblanc, David Alward and their many Indian or
>> Palestinian or gay friends are aware that that their old blogging butt
>> buddy Mr Baconfat will be in Fat Fred City once again shortly. If not
>> you dudes can never say that I didn't inform the RCMP and the DND
>> before the evil Zioniist bastard appoaches any of my family or friends
>> in the Maritmes. If he does trust that there will be Hell to pay.
>> One thing I know for sure the corrupt cops in Fat Fred City such as
>> Robb Costello no doubt love readIng Mr Baconfat's blogs about Chucky
>> Leblanc and mean old me. This is what Chucky posted on my birthday
>> http://charlesotherpersonality
>> If the corrupt cop Robb Costello does not think that the title of
>> Chucky's Blog alone does not violate Sections 300 and 319 of the
>> Canadian Criminal Code I will eat the crook's hat badgee and all. Why
>> don't he at least sue the nasty French bastard?
>> "Fredericton Police Detective Robb Costello could be the first Black
>> Pedophile Cop in the Maritimes???"
>> Yo be fair to Chucky Baby here is Mr Baconfat's latest piece of work
>> about Chucky and I. Small wonder the cops support Mr Baconfat EH?
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> Saturday, August 16, 2014
>> Pedophiles Charles Leblanc, David Amos, and a Tale of Two Provinces
>> This is really a tale of two provinces, two peoples, and two cultures.
>> In maritime kanada generally, and Fredericton specifically there are
>> "people" like Charles Leblanc, David Amos and his "family" of
>> prostitutes. Charles Leblanc is a lay about, a bum, a social welfare
>> parasite, a mental defective, convicted criminal, panhandler and con
>> artist. But above all else Charles Leblanc of Westmorland Street in
>> Fredericton is a pedophile. He has been under investigation by
>> Fredericton Police, and other Canadian law enforcement agencies for
>> some years now. His inter-net provider has been freely cooperating
>> with police to eventually convict this criminal. Charles Leblanc has
>> already been convicted of a violent assault. Mr. Leblanc has
>> pathetically tried to disperse allegations against himself, by
>> "accusing the entire Fredericton police force pedophiles, drug
>> dealers, steroid monkies, deep into heavy drugs, racists, and being
>> "maudit Quebecois."
>> Charles Leblanc is diagnosed bipolar, sociopathic, having ADHD,
>> epilepsy, being a moron, and a mental defective. Charles Leblanc would
>> be an object of great pity, if he weren't fucker of small boys, into
>> child porn, such an inter-net panhandler, and societal freeloader.
>> Charles Leblanc likes drum up sympathy by telling the "cyber-world" he
>> is the "product of a broken home." But the truth is, both his parents
>> threw him out of the family home at 20 years old because he was a
>> thief, freeloader, a lay about, and a fucker of children. To this day
>> Charles Leblanc is despised by his Mother an Father.
>> Charles Leblanc impersonates a "journalist" as he uses his blog to
>> get people to give him, cameras, computer equipment, police scanners,
>> beer, free dinners, flat screen TVs, furniture, clothing, use of cars,
>> and any cash he can get. Charles Leblanc is a classic example of a New
>> Brunswicker . Albertans would be better off if our federal tax dollars
>> did not subsidize Canada's "welfare state" New Brunswick , and little
>> boy fuckers like Charles Leblanc. All we can hope is brave Fredericton
>> police get him off the street, and in jail soon
>> Hiding with his "magic jack" phone on Donaldson Street in Halifax 902
>> 800 0369, leeching off his children is David Amos. David Amos pimps
>> out his kids and grand kids to perverts "earn his daily bread." David
>> Amos is also a convicted criminal, pedophile, registered sex offender,
>> and has outstanding criminal warrants in the United States of amerka.
>> David Amos and his children are less than human sex trade workers. It
>> is well known in maritime kanada, no one swallows past like an Amos!
>> David Amos couldn't find Edmonton Alberta on a map, on the very best
>> day he ever had. But this pathological liar created an elaborate yet
>> ineffectual little con to try and convince the "cyber-world" he came
>> here to get me and my better half. David Amos, and Charles Leblanc are
>> the norm, typical maritime kanadians. Thank God I am an Albertan!
>> It is fifteen minutes to noon this Saturday in maritime kanada. Do you
>> know where you kids are? Charles Leblanc and or David Amos could be
>> fucking them!
>> Posted by Seren at 8:46 AM
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> KID????
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> Thursday, August 14, 2014
>> Snuff Gracie, and an another "Testiment of Pure Political Evil"
>> Gracie, baby, did your "Dad" give you my offer sheet for you to do
>> a"snuff film!" Not a "real one" of course, well maybe. Gracie Baby
>> I'll make you a very very big star! All you need is a baseball bat,
>> and a gallon can of Mazolla Corn Oil.
>> So Davey Baby, when will we "C'yall in court!" When will you finally
>> get a "Canadian lawyer to sue me for a piece of the action?" When will
>> you butt buddy Frankie Frost come and get Lori and myself?
>> I'll be in your neck of woods soon son! Its a shame you and I, are
>> destined to have this forever "unrequited love affair" from afar. lol
>> lol
>> Bang! Gracie Baby!
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
>> As the long gone Gypsy Blogger and Wannabe RCMP dude used to exclaim in
>> NB
>> Enjoy Ya Bastards
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> Sunday, August 17, 2014
>> Katrina The Cunt Says!
>> Little Katrina a walking, talking, decrepit female sex organ says"
>> "You are a horrible person. You're probably a bitter PTSD addled old
>> man. You should be locked up in a hospital for the rest of your life
>> so the rest of us don't have to deal with your horribleness any more."
>> Now our little "friend" is vexed, nay outraged over my post about the
>> finding a passed out, or dead injin at the Mac's Store. I wonder about
>> our little "friend" Katrina. Katrina, sweetheart, let me guess you're
>> an amerkan aren't you!
>> Were your Mother and Father, Brother and Sister? It certainly would
>> explain a lot about you. Do you have children? Are they as inbred as
>> you appear to be?
>> Katrina, my dear woman, if you perceive me to be so "horrible" then do
>> feel free, not read this humble blog. If you are so offended by my
>> "horribleness" do NOT read any of my little epistles. And more to the
>> point, feel free not comment about your obsession with my
>> "horribleness," and then I won't feel so compelled to comment about
>> what kind of stupid and mentally deficient woman you are.
>> Katrina, I am confused, is your stupidity, a Katrina thing, or a womanly
>> thing?
>> Posted by Seren at 11:17 AM No comments:
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> Wednesday, July 30, 2014
>> Dead Injin (I hope) In Front of The Mac's Store
>> A five thirty AM this morning I was on the way to work. I walk in
>> front of the liquor store, directly beside a Mac's store. I pick up a
>> paper at Mac's, and cross the street to the bus stop. This morning on
>> the side walk was a supine and dead looking injin animal, surrounded
>> by three guys looking at him. One of the bystanders, is a regular
>> patron of Teddy's, he calls, "Hey Barry just step over him, we did."
>> I join the three others staring at an injin that is hopefully dead.
>> One of the men said, "so do you think its dead?" I said " why don't
>> you put your hear to his chest, or your face to his and try to detect
>> breath sounds or breathing." Another one of the bystanders said. "I
>> don't need to know that bad." I mused, "if we pour water on him, will
>> he wake up?" One guy replied, no water, but we could all piss on his
>> head, that will wake him up." At that point my friend from Teddy's
>> drove his work booted foot into the animals guts, it didn't move.
>> One guys remarked, "that could be called assault." Not if he is dead,
>> I said. "Then it is rendering an indignity to a human body." Nothing
>> human about this guy," remarked the guy who kicked the injin. "Do you
>> think he has Ebola," I wondered aloud. "No," remonstrated another guy.
>> This guy is "smoked meat, not a nigger." There was a pause whereupon a
>> quiet voice said, "not much difference though." We all agreed, we all
>> have to get to work, and we don't want to tough "the dead injin,"
>> after all he might have the Ebola virus.
>> I crossed the Jasper Avenue to catch the # 1 bus, when the bus arrived
>> our injin was still asleep or hopefully dead.
>> Posted by Seren at 4:19 PM
>> Katrina said...
>> You are a horrible person. You're probably an old, bitter, PTSD addled
>> man. You should be locked up in hospital for the rest of your life so
>> the rest of us don't have to deal with your horribleness anymore.
>> August 17, 2014 at 9:55 AM
>> Seren said...
>> Katrina if you like drunk and diseased injins so much, I suggest you
>> suck their cocks
>> August 17, 2014 at 10:44 AM
>> http://alberta.ca/release.cfm?
>> Sep 20, 2012
>> Queen's Medal for outstanding citizens and Edmonton community leaders
>> Hard working and dedicated citizens from Edmonton and area were
>> recognized today with Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals, at a
>> ceremony at Government House in Edmonton hosted by His Honour Col.
>> (Ret’d) the Honourable Donald S. Ethell.
>> “This honour is presented to citizens who share Her Majesty the
>> Queen’s lifelong commitment to service,” said Lieutenant Governor
>> Ethell. “These caring and insightful Albertans have dedicated
>> themselves to building a stronger quality of life for their fellow
>> citizens and they have truly earned this special day of celebration.”
>> Medal recipients included Members and Officers of the Order of Canada
>> who are leaders in areas such as medicine, engineering, education,
>> community service and the arts. A number of Alberta Sheriffs were also
>> recognized along with Members of the Nursing Sisters Association of
>> Canada. A list of recipients is attached.
>> The Diamond Jubilee Medal, which is a national honour, recognizes
>> citizens of all ages and walks of life who have made significant
>> contributions to their communities. The medals are being presented at
>> ceremonies across the province, hosted by the Lieutenant Governor and
>> other dignitaries, public bodies and organizations taking part in the
>> program. Information about the Diamond Jubilee is at
>> www.gg.ca/diamondjubilee.
>> Attachment: Recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
>> - September 20, 2012, Edmonton, Alberta
>> Media inquiries, contact:
>> Janet Resta
>> Communications Officer, Office of the Lieutenant Governor
>> 780-427-9222
>> To call toll free within Alberta dial 310-0000.
>> September 20, 2012
>> Recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal -September
>> 20, 2012, Edmonton, Alberta
>> Sheriff Tim Turner (Edmonton)
>> Tim Turner has offered 30 years of distinguished service to the Crown
>> as a member of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry and the
>> Loyal Edmonton Regiment and has completed tours and missions in
>> Afghanistan Cyprus, Croatia, the Middle East and West Africa. As an
>> Alberta Sheriff he served two Lieutenant Governors of Alberta he now
>> serves the Hon. Allison Redford.
>> Sheriff Diane Koenig (Stony Plain)
>> Diane Koenig served as a member of the Edmonton Police Service before
>> taking on security duties at Government Centre in Edmonton. During her
>> service with Alberta Justice and Solicitor General she has provided
>> support to four Lieutenant Governors of Alberta.
>> Sheriff Gerald Lemieux (Leduc)
>> Gerald Lemieux’s 21 years of service to the Crown includes 10 years as
>> an Alberta Sheriff, eight years of military service as a reserves and
>> regular force member of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light
>> Infantry and duties with the Ontario Provincial Police.
>> For more information, contact:
>> Janet Resta
>> Communications Officer, Office of the Lieutenant Governor
>> 780-427-9222
>> To call toll free within Alberta dial 310-0000.
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> Wednesday, September 29, 2010
>> The cowardly "Mr.Ken Zielke"
>> In the "vast emptiness of cyber-space" dwells a cowardly little
>> nebish, that impersonates a Alberta bureaucrat named Ken Zielke:
>> Whereas he also claims to be a "spokesperson" for the "Blackfeet",
>> educated and an expert on grammar. Our anonymous "friend" hiding in
>> cyber-space also claims that the "clock is ticking and that I am soon
>> to "meet my creator". Our cowardly little "phantom" wrote this:
>> I am just writing everyone to get their opinion on this stupid Barry
>> Winter> and his awful grammar along with his politically incorrect,
>> uneducated> blogs. Is this guy for real?> Does anyone even know if he
>> is real or is he a criminal writing his blog> from prison. We need to
>> get this idiot off of the net to avoid our children> from seeing this
>> smucks writing; if you can call it writing. If anyone has> information
>> to convict this idiot please send it to me. I work over seas and> in
>> Canada and have been following him for a while. Lets work together to>
>> keep this pimp and pedophile off our streets. Maybe he will not make
>> it back> form Israel this year!>> Cheers!>
>> Well I suppose first I would enlighten my anonymous "friend" that it
>> is schmuck and not "smuck". That my grammar is considered first rate
>> by the numerous publications I write for. I might also add many of the
>> entries in this blog are verbatim reprises of articles I wrote for
>> several newspapers here in Canada and abroad.
>> So alas our little strawman, our little impersonator, little "Ken
>> Zielke", must make himself content with nasty, poorly written,
>> anonymous e mails and implied threats. Indeed what sad, pathetic,
>> uneducated little nebish!
>> So whilst our little "friend" is so concerned about his "children"
>> reading my blog, I would inform him that; my daughter is in law school
>> and my son, soon to be a Chartered Accountant.
>> It seems that not only am I more wealthy, intelligent, educated and a
>> better writer than our "little friend"...I have indeed raised finer
>> children and future citizens than..."Ken Zielke".
>> I would suggest to our impersonator of Ken Zielke one last thing: If
>> he doesn't like or a approve of my little blog, don't read it nor
>> visit it in the vast expanses of cyber-space.... and thus feel free to
>> shut the fuck up! Our little strawman might also consider putting a
>> gun in his mouth and blowing what functional gray matter he has on the
>> walls of his hovel.
>> Cheers!
>> Posted by Seren at 9:20 AM
>> http://govinjustice.blogspot.c
>> Thursday, June 04, 2009
>> why am i getting all this E-mail from Amos???
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com
>> From:
>> <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->David Amos (myson333@yahoo.com)
>> Sent: June 4, 2009 3:48:16 PM
>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com; webo@xplornet.com
>> Cc: oldmaison@yahoo.com; injusticecoalition@hotmail.com
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com
>> Sunday, May 31, 2009The thoughts of a broken "man" Or: Who the fuck is
>> Sherriff Tim Turner and who cares? David Raymond Amosuis a convicted
>> pedophile that is holed up in New Brunswick because he has outstanding
>> arrest warrants in the US.
>> Mr. Amos infects web sites, blogs and posts people's private personal
>> data to create mischief. He is an American animal and a conspiracy
>> theory nuttier.
>> His e mailed this to me...and to the chief of the RCM Police, various
>> political leaders and his few fucked up friends. He is....beaten
>> Until we meet in person I no longer care what you say or do.
>> 20 comments: David Raymond Amos said...
>> I suspect that Sheriff Tim Turner very much cares about whom he is Barry
>> Baby.
>> You have fallen strangely silent since this lat post. Tell me have the
>> chicken shit Alberta finally sprouted some balls and arrested you?
>> Would anyone tell me if they did? Perhaps I will call Timmy Boy in the
>> Legislative Building and demand that he do his god damned job again.
>> BTW within the emails I sent you recently I introduced you to one of
>> my family's lawyers. Methinks that they may wish to sue you too.
>> Anyway thanks arsehole for answering all my emails last weekend and
>> sending some of them to the RCMP for me.
>> It forever proves that they can no longer play dumb. Have ya figured
>> out yet that a not so dumb Mari timer has been truly playing you like
>> a fiddle in a rather unusual but very ethical fashion? Yes I am a Hell
>> of a Blogger. Before you try to disagree ask the Mises dudes what I
>> did with them last weekend if you even know who they are that is.
>> For the record I realy don't think you are all that clever Barry
>> Barry. I don't think fellas like you should be allowed play with guns
>> or trucks. What say you Sheriff Tim Turner? Death Threats are Death
>> Threats and very much against the law Correct?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> June 2, 2009 12:42 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> Attn Tim Turner of the Alberta Sheriffs Dept TRUE or FALSE?
>> Testing testing 1 2 3
>> "t.j.burke@gnb.ca" t.j.burke@gnb.ca, vanlop1 vanlop1@parl.gc.ca,
>> "John. Foran" John.Foran@gnb.ca, Robin Reid zorroboy2004@hotmail.com,
>> An option to blog stupidity
>> Sunday, May 31, 2009
>> The thoughts of a broken "man"
>> Or: Who the fuck is Sherriff Tim Turner and who cares? David Raymond
>> Aloysius a convicted pedophile that is holed up in New Brunswick
>> because he has outstanding arrest warrants in the US.
>> <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
>> <!--[endif]-->
>> June 3, 2009 3:03 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> My my now this is interesting ain't it Tim Turner of the Alberta Sheriffs
>> Dept?
>> You can bet some lawyers will find it interesting as well.
>> For the record (I am saving all this don't ya know) After I register
>> my righteous indignation towards this blog in an email about you and
>> then post it my own blog and your desperate RCMP buddies and their
>> many cohorts have my blog deleted instead of this one?
>> Can ya tell I am far from a broken man yet?
>> No matter what your nasty buddy Barry Baby Winters may wish to falsely
>> claim about mean old me, you know I am decent dude who is very pissed
>> off at you and the RCMP etc. if only from the meals i sent you
>> You at least should never deny that I talked to you personally on the
>> phone twice and many of your associates in the Alberta Legislature as
>> well.
>> Did I not give you gave you people proper notice to do your fucking jobs
>> ASAP?
>> My question now is do you have a fucking lawyer, Timmy Baby???
>> From: David Raymond Amos noreply-comment@blogger.com
>> Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 20:01:47 -0700 (PDT)
>> Subject: [Just Dave] New comment on Mariitime and Yankee Arseholes.
>> To: David.Raymond.Amos@gmail.com
>> David Raymond Amos has left a new comment on the post "Maritime and
>> Yankee Arseholes":
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Andrew Krystal andrew.krystal@atlanticradio.r
>> Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 21:34:04 -0400
>> Subject: thank you for your cooperation
>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> please remove me from your email list. Thanks.
>> Andrew Krystal
>> www.news957.com
>> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gma
>> Sent: Tue 02/06/2009 4:36 PM
>> To: tim4nm; edmonton.strathcona;
>> Subject: Attn Tim Turner of the Alberta Sheriffs Dept TRUE or FALSE?
>> To: David.Raymond.Amos@gmail.com
>> David Raymond Amos has left a new comment on the post "Mariitime and
>> Yankee Arseholes":
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
>> <!--[endif]-->
>> Subject: My my now isn't this special?
>> <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
>> <!--[endif]-->
>> Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 7:50 PM
>> Like his nasty big talking buddy Tom Young he proves for me what you
>> all received. Even the sneaky French bastard Chucky Leblanc ain't that
>> dumb anymore.
>> Don't ya think Andy Baby Krystal should have at least wise enough to
>> read my only comment in the far western ring wing wing nut first and
>> then try to play dumb like the rest of you? Obviously not, thus he
>> must be dumb N'esy Pas Chucky?
>> However I have an even better question to ask that I know you will all
>> play dumb about and never answer. Did you Chucky Leblanc or anyone
>> else bother to read that wacko's words before your buddy Rick Baby
>> Harris postes in his blog Bock called him about his posting as soon as
>> it went up and I
>> emailed him several times registering our indignation
>> Still Rick Harris allowed his buddy Barry Winter's words to remain
>> published in his blog. How dumb is that I must ask?
>> FYI it wasn't only mean old me that your new blogger buddy the nasty
>> bastard Barry Winters (or whoever he may be) was slandering EH Graham
>> Steele?
>> Chucky whines about was being written in a CBC commentary?
>> Best he read what is published pals' blogs before the
>> crackpot Chucky Leblanc call the CBC's kettle black
>> Why the CBC in "The Place to BE", Rickyby Harris and your "Blogger
>> General" T.J. Burke opted to play as dumb as Chucky Leblanc thereby
>> supported such obvious over the years just spelled only one thing to
>> mean old me long ago.
>> Guess who is blogging ONLY the first portion of this email?
>> Does anyone even know why?? My my the silence is deafening. Just like
>> the RCMP and the Fat Fred city finest etc all you nasty little
>> chickenshits are playing the hear no evil, see no evil speak no evil
>> game and praying like hell that somebody shuts me up. ASAP
>> N'esy Pas? Even if they did sooner or later the truth will leak out.
>> Hence my Clan's motto has always been the perfect and very polite to
>> say fuck you.
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> Post a comment:
>> https://www.blogger.com/commen
>> Unsubscribe to comments for this post:
>> http://www.blogger.com/comment
>> Posted by David Raymond Amos to Just Dave at Tuesday, June 02, 2009
>> June 3, 2009 3:46 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 00:55:47 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: [Just Dave] New comment on Mariitime and Yankee Arseholes.
>> My my aren't our public servants getting nasty EH Wee Willy Elliott?
>> Tell me did you dudes manage to get Byron Prior locked up yet? You
>> want me real bad too don't ya. To bad so sad like my blog soon I will
>> go "Poof" too then maybe send a lawyer or two to do my bidding. Every
>> dog has his day as they say EH? Now that a lot of people are losing a
>> lot of money not everybody hates so much anymore. Some in fact are
>> begining to believe me after all these years. I will lay odds a couple
>> of people blew the whistle on my behalf lately just like one did last
>> year. Trust that the RCMP can't keep everyone hushed up. as you no
>> doubt know I talked to some more honest people working within the
>> govenments of two countries today and they are getting pretty pissed
>> off at all the corruption too. Who know maybe a few RCMP members might
>> finally do the right thing. They can't be ALL bad could they?
>> for the public record as I posted this comment my blog went "Poof"
>> without so much as a warning from Google/Bogger. seems that they don't
>> even play by their own rules anymore. One minute the blog it there and
>> then gone before I could post the second part of the email I just
>> promised to publish.
>> Methinks the RCMP are getting wickedly despertate after what I
>> received from the US Attorney yesterday and called a few people. I
>> suspect that this email account and my Youtbes will be the next to
>> evaporate as per standard operating procedure of corrupt Feds and
>> their many cronies. Correct? It does not matter much now. I proved the
>> public corruption in spades many times and nobody much cared anyway.
>> Methinks I may make a lucrative deal with an minor devil who doesn't
>> like you and former Commissioners Inkster and mean old Zack very much.
>> Perhaps then nobody will hear from me anymore as I sit back and shake
>> my head as I watch the shit continue to hit the fan or be covered up.
>> At least the rest of ya can't say that I didn't try to tell the truth
>> about it all for seven years or so. No sense flogging a dead horse
>> that was still born in the first place. N'esy Pas?
>> With my last blog going down I will treat it as a sign that we are all
>> screwed and it is high time for me to turn the page and protect my own
>> dumb selfrighteous arse. Eh Dr Bill?
>> However just in case the Feds think they won this little cyber game.
>> Some folks know I save everything. There is no need to send ya the
>> proof to the RCMP they will see it soon enough in court Also there is
>> no need to send your nasty boyz with the yellow stripes up their pants
>> and their backs to harass me anymore. Most of them were still shitting
>> yellow when the RCMP and I first butted heads.
>> Correct Wee Willy Elliott of the GRC?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> June 3, 2009 3:48 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 14:00:56 -0300
>> Subject: I will put another call into the New York Inspector.General's
>> Office AGAIN
>> http://www.ig.state.ny.us/abou
>> Rest assured that I already tried to call this dude again
>> http://www.nyintegrity.org/pub
>> http://www.nyintegrity.org/pub
>> Walter C. Ayres
>> 518-474-4418
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 13:21:49 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: I am on the phone
>> http://www.davidgrandeau.com/
>> http://interactive.wxxi.org/co
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 13:05:55 -0300
>> Subject: I am on the phone to ctyfile right no
>> To: tips@cityfile.com
>> I also found the hit from South Africa interesting after speaking with
>> Adam last night. I may be too paranoid but not a lot of people know
>> who Karla Dobinski, Senior Deputy Chief, Criminal Section of the US
>> DOJ is.
>> June 3, 2009 3:54 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> Just Dave
>> By Location Visit Detail
>> Visit 8,053
>> Just Dave
>> Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
>> HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - JOKER
>> On May 24, 2009, at 10:06 AM, David Amos wrote:
>> FYI I have good reasons to feel as mean a as snake Ask Splitting the
>> Sky and his many 911 Truther pals why that is.
>> However you wish is my command First I will send you all the same pdf
>> files and email that Ms Machon has just received Then I will fill
>> just you in with a great deal more info in a heartbeat and a few
>> clicks of a my mean little mouse.
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> June 3, 2009 3:59 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> From: Truth victoria911truth@gmail.com
>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> "...should send her some serious stuff that you 911 Truthers have
>> refused to read for no reason that I will ever understand."
>> Sorry bro,
>> You have already broken rule #1 - Never make Assumptions!
>> I don't know who you are but you do sound like a "mean old Maritimer"
>> in the way you speak to others - especially people YOU DON"T KNOW. You
>> classify us 9/11 Truthers in one big ball and thats probably why you
>> get the responses you do. Personally, Im no fan of Alex Jones or the
>> other 'truth profiteers' who promote fear and negative energy but I
>> don't necessarily discredit every bit of their work. To find the truth
>> you need to digest all the information and find the balance in what
>> makes sense.
>> Im sorry you've been tainted by someone or some group in the past and
>> are now bitter towards other people and ideas. I, personally, don't
>> hate Maritimers, or anyone from out east. And I sure as hell wouldn't
>> want to see Canada divided because of ridiculous assumptions like the
>> ones you arrogantly display.
>> Perhaps if YOU contacted Annie earlier (like we "fat dumb happy dudes
>> out west" did) and diligently worked hard to arrange her to come to
>> your city, she would have.
>> Good luck to you my friend, with your approach to others, you'll need it!
>> www.Vic911Truth.org
>> ps - give me a chance and send me some info that I "refused to read"
>> so I can determine wether or not to remove you from this peaceful
>> list.
>> June 3, 2009 4:07 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> On 24-May-09, at 8:52 AM, David Amos wrote:
>> That said I must confess I kinda sorta like it that way. At least as
>> Danny Boy Willims sometimes suggest if we ever separate from Canada
>> because of the malice of Harper and the Upper Canadians towards us
>> nobody will miss us much EH?
>> Whereas it is rude to talk about a person in front of them without
>> including them in the fray or allowing them to understand the scene
>> perhaps the mean old Maritimer in me should send her some serious
>> stuff that you 911 Truthers have refused to read for no reason that I
>> will ever understand. Who knows maybe the lady will become bored
>> talking to you fat dumb happy dudes out west and give a mean old
>> Maritimer a call so that he can entertain her while explaining his
>> doings with the DHS, SEC and the RCMP etc.
>> BTW I did notice that her associate talked to the strange Yankee Alex
>> Jones. Lets just say I found what he said interesting and no doubt
>> true but that the glory hound Alex Jones does not impress me even a
>> little bit.
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Truth victoria911truth@gmail.com
>> Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 23:16:08 -0700
>> Subject: Re: Say hey to Annie Machon for me if you cross path with
>> will ya Alex? Perhaps she willl call me if she comes to the East Coast
>> eh?
>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> FYI:
>> Here is Annie's Canadian speaking dates and locations, (Toronto,
>> Halifax, Hamilton, Montreal, Waterloo) Maybe you can see here there?
>> http://www.anniemachon.com/ann
>> www.Vic911Truth.org
>> June 3, 2009 4:08 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> iyinOn 23-May-09, at 6:34 PM, David Amos wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> http://www.opednews.com/articl
>> The obvious answer. It makes no difference The hearings evaporate
>> and everybody ignores the whistleblowers as they and their families
>> suffer through the trials of Job.
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> http://banking.senate.gov/publ
>> Review of Current Investigations and Regulatory Actions Regarding
>> the Mutual Fund Industry
>> Tuesday, November 18, 2003 10:00 AM
>> 538 Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 538
>> The Committee will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct the first in a
>> series of hearings on the “Review of Current Investigations and
>> Regulatory Actions Regarding the Mutual Fund Industry.”
>> Witnesses
>> Panel 1
>> Mr. William H. Donaldson [view testimony]
>> Chairman Securities and Exchange Commission
>> Panel 2
>> Mr. Matthew P. Fink [view testimony]
>> President Investment Company Institute
>> Mr. Marc Lackritz [view testimony]
>> President Securities Industry Association
>> http://banking.senate.gov/publ
>> Review of Current Investigations and Regulatory Actions Regarding
>> the Mutual Fund Industry
>> Thursday, November 20, 2003
>> 02:00 PM
>> 538 Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 538
>> [view archive webcast]
>> The Committee will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct the second in a
>> series of hearings on the “Review of Current Investigations and
>> Regulatory Actions Regarding the Mutual Fund Industry.”
>> Witnesses
>> Panel 1
>> Mr. Robert Glauber [view testimony]
>> Chairman and CEO National Association of Securities Dealers
>> Mr. Stephen M. Cutler
>> Director - Division of Enforcement Securities and Exchange Commission
>> Eliot Spitzer [view testimony]
>> Attorney General State of New York
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 22:21:25 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: Fwd: RE Madoff and Canadian laws Mr Wagman and
>> associates should care more about how people are treated in the USA
>> before he whines about our animal's rights.
>> To: adam@just3ants.com
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v
>> http://www.archive.org/details
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Adam
>> Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 18:07:22 -0700
>> Subject: Re: Fwd: RE Madoff and Canadian laws Mr Wagman and
>> associates should care more about how people are treated in the USA
>> before he whines about our animal's rights.
>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> David,
>> Do you have a bio or summary of what you have been involved with?
>> Adam
>> June 3, 2009 4:53 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 13:48:28 -0300
>> To: Marc.Litt@usdoj.gov, NesterJ@sec.gov, USANYS.MADOFF@usdoj.gov,
>> What kind of strange game is the US Justice Dept and the SEC playing
>> with me now Mr Litt? Rest assured I won't play it and many people know
>> that I never would Even though the corporate media won't talk about my
>> concerns about your actions, others certainly do.
>> Here is just one example that still exists on the net. Even though
>> Danny Boy Fitzgerald hates this mean old Maritimer, at least
>> understands the meaning of the term Integrity and detests you people
>> more. I am merely wondering how much longer his blog will exist. You
>> know why EH T.J. Burke?
>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.c
>> You dudes know as well as I that my concerns are far greater that mere
>> matters of money and Bernie Madoff. Perhaps you should talk to your
>> associates in the RCMP and the INTERPOL ASAP Clearly I am trying hard
>> to make the whole world know about my concerns about the Feds' severe
>> lack of integrity EH H. David Kotz?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 10:40:12 -0400
>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 9:21 AM
>> To: David Amos; USANYS-MADOFF; Litt, Marc (USANYS)
>> Cc: webo; vasilescua@sec.gov; friedmani@sec.gov; krishnamurthyp@sec.gov
>> Thank you for your response.
>> Wendy Olsen
>> Victim Witness Coordinator
>> June 3, 2009 5:21 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gma
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:48 AM
>> To: USANYS-MADOFF; Olsen, Wendy (USANYS); Litt, Marc (USANYS)
>> Cc: webo; vasilescua@sec.gov; friedmani@sec.gov; krishnamurthyp@sec.gov
>> Ms Olsen
>> Thank you for keeping me informed.
>> Yes unseal all my emails with all their attachments immediately and
>> make certain that the US Attorny's office finally practices full
>> disclosurement as to who I am and what my concerns are as per the Rule
>> of Law within a purported democracy.
>> As you folks all well know I am not a shy man and I have done nothing
>> wrong. It appears to me that bureacratic people only use the right to
>> privacy of others when it suits their malicious ends in order to
>> protect their butts from impreacment, litigation and prosecution.
>> The people in the US Attorney's Office and the SEC etc are very well
>> aware that I protested immediately to everyone I could think of when
>> the instant I knew that my correspondences went under seal and Madoff
>> pled guilty so quickly and yet another cover up involing my actions
>> was under full steam. Everybody knows that.the US Government has been
>> trying to keep my concerns about the rampant public corruption a
>> secret for well over seven long years. However now that a lot of
>> people and their countries in general are losing a lot of money people
>> are beginning to remember just exactly who I am and what i did
>> beginning over seven years ago..
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 506 756 8687
>> P.S. For the record Obviously I pounced on these Yankee bastards as
>> soon as the newsrag in Boston published this article on the web last
>> night.
>> http://www.bostonherald.com/bu
>> ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#
>> Notice that Nester just like everyone else would not say my name? It
>> is because my issues surrounding both Madoff and are NOT marketing
>> timing They are as you all well know money laundering, fraud, forgery,
>> perjury, securites fraud, tax fraud, Bank fraud, illegal
>> wiretappping and Murder amongst other very serious crimes.
>> "SEC spokesman John Nester dismissed similarities between Markopolos
>> and Scannell's cases as "not a valid comparison."
>> He said the SEC determined the market-timing by Putnam clients that
>> Scannell reported didn't violate federal law. Nester said the SEC only
>> acted after another tipster alleged undisclosed market-timing by some
>> Putnam insiders.
>> Scannell, now a crusader for SEC reforms, isn't surprised the agency
>> is in hot water again.
>> Noting that several top SEC officials have gone on to high-paying
>> private-sector jobs, he believes hopes for future employment impact
>> investigations. "It's a distinct disadvantage to make waves before you
>> enter the private sector," Scannell said."
>> --- On Mon, 3/30/09, David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com wrote:
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> To: NesterJ@sec.gov, letterstoeditor@bostonherald.c
>> oig@sec.gov, Thunter@tribune.com, david@davidmyles.com,
>> ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca, "Dan Fitzgerald" danf@danf.net
>> Cc: dsheehan@bakerlaw.com, dspelfogel@bakerlaw.com,
>> mc@whistleblowers.org, gkachroo@mccarter.com,
>> david.straube@accenture.com, gurdip.s.sahota@accenture.com,
>> benjamin_mcmurray@ao.uscourts.
>> Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 10:00 PM
>> Need I say BULLSHIT?
>> http://www.bostonherald.com/bu
>> ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#
>> June 3, 2009 5:23 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 00:03:13 -0300
>> To: Russ.Stanton@latimes.com, meredith.goodman@latimes.com,
>> ninkster@navigantconsulting.co
>> Cc: firstselectmanffld@town.fairfi
>> editor@whatsupfairfield.com, info@csiworld.org, jacques_poitras
>> jacques_poitras@cbc.ca
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:40:55 -0300
>> To: gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct.u
>> "Paul. Harpelle" Paul.Harpelle@gnb.ca, Jason Keenan
>> jason.keenan@icann.org, Kandalaw Kandalaw@mindspring.com
>> Cc: info@grahamdefense.org, fbinhct@leo.gov
>> From: "Peck,Dave" DPeck@town.fairfield.ct.us
>> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 22:32:32 -0400
>> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT
>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> I will be unavailable until 4/1/09.
>> Deputy Chief MacNamara will be in charge while I am away.
>> He can be reached at 254-4831 or email him at
>> gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct.u
>> I will not be checking emails or cell phone messages.
>> Thank you,
>> Chief Dave Peck
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:32:18 -0300
>> To: dpeck@town.fairfield.ct.us, edit@ctpost.com, bresee@courant.com
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:19:35 -0300
>> To: dtnews@telegraph.co.uk
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:06 PM
>> In United States v. Bernard L. Madoff, 09 Cr. 213 (DC), the Court
>> received a request from NBC and ABC to unseal all correspondence from
>> victims that has been submitted in connection with the case.
>> This includes your email to the Government.
>> If the correspondence from victims is unsealed, the victim's personal
>> identifying information including name, address, telephone number and
>> email address (to the extent it was included on the correspondence)
>> will become public. The Government must submit a response to the
>> request by NBC and ABC by Tuesday, March 31, 2009
>> . Please let us know whether you consent to the full disclosure of
>> your correspondence, or whether you wish to have your correspondence
>> remain sealed for privacy or other reasons. If you wish to have your
>> correspondence remain sealed, please let us know the reason. We will
>> defend your privacy to the extent that we can. Thank you.
>> I looks like the US Attorney in New York finally has to unseal my
>> emails that you dudes have been sitting on for quite some time for no
>> reason I will ever understand other than you are just a bunch of
>> chickenshits.
>> I know NBC, ABC, your blogger buddies or any other media wacko will
>> never say my name but the pissed off folks that lost a lot of money
>> with Bernie Baby just may ask how the hell I am EH?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> June 3, 2009 5:30 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:48:50 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
>> KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> To: Marc.Litt@usdoj.gov
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:29:42 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
>> KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> To: PChavkin@mintz.com
>> Cc: webo webo@xplornet.com
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)" Wendy.Olsen@usdoj.gov
>> Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 19:08:04 -0400
>> Subject: RE: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
>> KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> On March 10, 2009, the Honorable Denny Chin provided the following
>> guidance for victims who wish to be heard at the plea proceeding on
>> March 12, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.:
>> Judge Chin stated that there are two issues that the Court will
>> consider at the hearing: (1) whether to accept a guilty plea from the
>> defendant to the eleven-count Criminal Information filed by the
>> Government, which provides for a maximum sentence of 150 years'
>> imprisonment; and (2) whether the defendant should be remanded or
>> released on conditions of bail, if the Court accepts a guilty plea.
>> Judge Chin also stated that, at the hearing on March 12, 2009, he will
>> conduct a plea allocution of the defendant and then will announce
>> whether the Court intends to accept the plea. At that time, the Court
>> will solicit speakers who disagree with the Court's intended ruling.
>> Assuming the defendant pleads guilty and his plea is accepted by the
>> Court, the Court intends to allow the Government and defense counsel
>> to speak on the issue of bail. The Court will then announce its
>> intended ruling on that issue. The Court will then invite individuals
>> who disagree with the proposed ruling on bail to be heard.
>> The Court noted that there will be opportunity for victims to be heard
>> in the future on the subjects of sentencing, forfeiture and
>> restitution in advance of any sentencing of the defendant. The Court
>> also noted that it is not appropriate for victims who wish to speak
>> concerning sentencing issues to be heard at the March 12, 2009
>> proceeding.
>> A link to the a transcript of the March 10, 2009 Court hearing can be
>> found on the website of the United States Attorney's Office for the
>> Southern District of New York:
>> http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/nys
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
>> Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:56 AM
>> To: usanys.madoff@usdoj.gov
>> Subject: FW: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
>> KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gma
>> Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 12:58 PM
>> To: horwitzd@dicksteinshapiro.com; Nardoza, Robert (USANYE);
>> USAMA-Media (USAMA); Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
>> Cc: oig
>> Subject: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG
>> etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> horwitzd@dicksteinshapiro.com
>> June 3, 2009 5:32 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Sartory, Thomas J." TSartory@goulstonstorrs.com
>> Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 07:41:20 -0500
>> Subject: RE: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
>> discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Dear Mr. Amos,
>> I am General Counsel at Goulston & Storrs. Your email below to
>> Messers. Rosensweig and Reisch has been forwarded to me for response.
>> While it's not clear what type of assistance, if any, you seek from
>> Goulston % Storrs, please be advised that we are not in a position to
>> help you. Please do not send further communications to any of our
>> attorneys. We will not be able to respond, and your communications
>> will not be protected by the attorney-client privilege.
>> We wish you well in the pursuit of your concerns.
>> Sincerely,
>> Thomas J. Sartory
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Amos [mailto:
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:18 PM
>> To: Rosensweig, Richard J.; info@LAtaxlawyers.com; Reisch, Alan M.;
>> reed@hbsslaw.com
>> Subject: Fwd: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
>> discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
>> Perhaps somebody should call me back now. EH? (506 756 8687)
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 13:32:39 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: I am on the phone to David Grandeau and WXXI right now
>> To: william.zabel@srz.com
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 13:21:49 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: I am on the phone to David Grandeau and WXXI right now
>> To: dg@davidgrandeau.com, newsroom@wxxi.org
>> http://www.davidgrandeau.com/
>> http://interactive.wxxi.org/co
>> http://www.publicbroadcasting.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 13:05:55 -0300
>> Subject: I am on the phone to ctyfile right no
>> To: tips@cityfile.com
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Sun, 24 May 2009 19:32:22 -0300
>> Subject: Even today people in the USA are still Googling the SEC
>> lawyer Doria Bachenheimer to find mean old me and this very email
>> explains why
>> To: Alex adam
>> Cc: webo webo@xplornet.com
>> I also found the hit from South Africa interesting after speaking with
>> Adam last night. I may be too paranoid but not a lot of people know
>> who Karla Dobinski, Senior Deputy Chief, Criminal Section of the US
>> DOJ is.
>> June 3, 2009 5:40 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> From: "Zabel, William" William.Zabel@srz.com
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 12:43:41 -0400
>> Subject: RE: I called Cityfile but only got voicemail here is my #
>> (506 756 8687)
>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> please stop sending these e-mails.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gma
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 12:34 PM
>> To: Zabel, William
>> Subject: Fwd: I called Cityfile but only got voicemail here is my #
>> (506 756 8687)
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 13:11:31 -0300
>> Subject: I called Cityfile but only got voicemail here is my # (506 756
>> 8687)
>> To: tips@cityfile.com
>> http://cityfile.com/about
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Sun, 24 May 2009 13:17:11 -0300
>> Subject: Here ya go Ms. Annie Machon if you wish check out the pdf
>> files hereto attached and here is a number if you are bored (506 756
>> 8687)
>> To: annie@anniemachon.com
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 16:20:08 -0300
>> Subject: Mr Wagman and associates can never say that they don't know
>> perhaps somebody should call me back now EH? (506 756 8687)
>> To: ppileggi@schiffhardin.com, tbattistoni@schiffhardin.com,
>> agrumet@schiffhardin.com, djacoby@schiffhardin.com,
>> dcampbell@aldf.org, mliebman@aldf.org, lfranzetta@aldf.org,
>> hfa@hfa.org, hsullivan@hsus.org, rquerry@hsus.org,
>> media@farmsanctuary.org, sotto@aldf.org, bwagman@schiffhardin.com,
>> action1@aldf.org
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: dcampbell@aldf.org
>> Date: 21 May 2009 19:13:32 -0000
>> Subject: out of the office May 19th through May 25th
>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Please note that I will be out of the office from May 19th through May
>> 25th and will have intermittent email access. If you need immediate
>> assistance, please contact ALDF's Criminal Justice Program at
>> 503-231-1602 or action1@aldf.org
>> Thank you
>> Dana Campbell
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 14:22:44 -0300
>> Subject: RE: I called Cityfile but only got voicemail here is my #
>> (506 756 8687)
>> To: William.Zabel@srz.com, inspector.general@ig.state.ny.
>> kate.gurnett@ig.state.ny.us, cpi@nyintegrity.org,
>> helpdesk@nyintegrity.org, martin_maclachlan@canaccord.co
>> foil@nyintegrity.org, CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov, oig oig@sec.gov,
>> NesterJ@sec.gov, Richard Harris injusticecoalition@hotmail.com
>> Cc: webo webo@xplornet.com, jacques_poitras jacques_poitras@cbc.ca,
>> "Dean.Buzza" Dean.Buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, drbilldeagle@earthlink.net,
>> Need I say fuck you Willy Boy? I was being fair with you for the
>> benefit of your client's rights and interests and that of my children
>> as well. Need I say that I was not surprised by your response in an
>> effort to paly dumb?
>> You cannot deny that I also called your office and tried hard to
>> explain my first email to you in which you were included with many
>> others. I had studied the latest doings in the Madoff matter after
>> receiving the strange email from the US Attorney's office in New York.
>> Obviously I found the Trustee's lawsuit against your client's very
>> interesting to say the least EH Yankee?
>> If you do not like my style of ethical conduct then please feel free
>> to Sue Me. In Fact I Double dog Dare Ya To.Rest assured you could
>> expect one Hell of a counterclaim. In my humble opinion your clients
>> should sue you for your deliberate incompetence at their expense.
>> Tell me Willy do ALL your clients believe your nonsense about the
>> "Rich Die Richer"
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> June 3, 2009 5:58 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 14:00:56 -0300
>> Subject: I will put another call into the New York Inspector.General's
>> Office AGAIN Maybe State governments will behave better than Feds someday
>> EH?
>> To: inspector.general@ig.state.ny.
>> cpi@nyintegrity.org, helpdesk@nyintegrity.org,
>> martin_maclachlan@canaccord.co
>> Cc: CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov, oig oig@sec.gov, NesterJ@sec.gov
>> http://www.ig.state.ny.us/abou
>> Rest assured that I already tried to call this dude again
>> http://www.nyintegrity.org/pub
>> http://www.nyintegrity.org/pub
>> Walter C. Ayres
>> 518-474-4418
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 13:21:49 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: I am on the phone to David Grandeau and WXXI right now
>> To: dg@davidgrandeau.com, newsroom@wxxi.org
>> http://www.davidgrandeau.com/
>> http://interactive.wxxi.org/co
>> http://www.publicbroadcasting.
>> June 3, 2009 6:03 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 23:50:32 -0300
>> Subject: My my now isn't this special? Look how dumb the Upper
>> Canadian Andy Krystal truly is. Is he even dumber than you Chucky
>> Leblanc?
>> To: oldmaison@yahoo.com, t.j.burke@gnb.ca,
>> injusticecoalition@hotmail.com
>> graham@grahamsteele.ca, leader@greenparty.ca,
>> william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>> Cody-Rice" Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca, jacques_poitras
>> jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, Barry Winters sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, dean Ray
>> deanr0032@hotmail.com
>> Cc: webo webo@xplornet.com, Robin Reid zorroboy2004@hotmail.com, Byron
>> Prior alltrue@nl.rogers.com, KAROL KAROLAK karol_karolak@rogers.com,
>> Steve Thomson fishersofmenvideo@yahoo.ca, "William J. Wagener"
>> producer@onsecondthought.tv
>> Like his nasty big talking buddy Tom Young he proves for me what you
>> all received. Even the sneaky French bastard Chucky Leblanc ain't that
>> dumb anymore.
>> Don't ya think Andy Baby Krystal should have at least wise enough to
>> read my only comment in the far western ring wing wingnut's blog first
>> and then try to play dumb like the rest of you? Obviously not, thus he
>> must be dumb N'esy Pas Chucky?
>> However I have an even better question to ask that I know you will all
>> play dumb about and never answer. Did you Chucky Leblanc or anyone
>> else bother to read that wacko's words before your buddy Richy Baby
>> Harris posted them in his blog?
>> Werner Bock called him about his posting as soon as it went up and I
>> emailed him several times registering our indignation. Still Richy
>> Baby Harris allowed his buddy Barry Winter's words to remain published
>> in his blog. How dumb is that I must ask?
>> FYI it wasn't only mean old me that your new blogger buddy the nasty
>> bastard Barry Winters (or whomever he may be) was slandering EH Graham
>> Steele? Chucky whines about was was being written in a CBC commentary?
>> Best he read what is published pals' blogs before the
>> crackpot Chucky Leblanc call the CBC's kettle black
>> Why the CBC in "The Place to BE", Richy Baby Harris and your "Blogger
>> General" T.J. Burke opted to play as dumb as Chucky Leblanc thereby
>> supported such obvious over the years just spelled only one thing to
>> mean old me long ago..
>> Guess who is blogging ONLY the first portion of this email?
>> Does anyone even know why?? My my the silence is deafening. Just like
>> the RCMP and the Fat Fred city finest etc all you nasty little
>> chickenshits are playing the hear no evil, see no evil speak no evil
>> game and praying like hell that somebody shuts me up. ASAP N'esy Pas?
>> Even if they did sooner or later the truth will leak out.
>> Hence my Clan's motto has always been the perfect and very polite to
>> say fuck you.
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Andrew Krystal andrew.krystal@atlanticradio.r
>> Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 21:34:04 -0400
>> Subject: thank you for your cooperation
>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> please remove me from your email list. Thanks.
>> Andrew Krystal
>> www.news957.com
>> June 3, 2009 6:07 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Subject: Barry Baby take up your threats and malicious concerns with
>> Stevey Boy Harper or Sheriff Tim Turner or the RCMP
>> To: "Barry Winters" sunrayzulu@shaw.ca,
>> Until we meet in person I no longer care what you say or do. Ask
>> Sheriff Tim Turner why if you have the balls to do so.
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Barry Winters sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
>> Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 08:20:59 -0600
>> Subject: David Amos....pedophile
>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> "Mr" Amos is a cunt, a walking talking decrepit female sex organ. He
>> has no problem posting others personal information as phone numbers
>> addresses and the like. I am quite sure someone will hit him with a
>> car some night.
>> When did Stephan Harper become a socialist? Let me introduce Canada's
>> new "axis of evil" the Canadian Autoworkers,
>> General Motors and Chrysler. The Ontario government and the federal
>> government are going to "invest" fourteen-billion dollars in the auto
>> industry...and there is NO prospect of these funds being returned to
>> the Canadian taxpayer. These funds are not guarantteed by assets.
>> There is NO
>> guaranttee that theses "investments" will actually save the auto
>> industry.
>> This government "investment" in Canada's auto industry works out to cost
>> 1.4
>> million dollars per job.
>> Canadian taxpayers will own a piece of two dying auto-makers that have
>> not made a dime's profit in years. If the Ontario government wants to
>> "rescue"
>> failed industries with a failed business plan and union "agreements" that
>> are unsustainable...good. But why should the rest of Canada do so?
>> etc etc etc
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> To: sunrayzulu@shaw.ca; deanr0032@hotmail.com; toddwstbrk@yahoo.com
>> Subject: Fwd: BTW Mark Taylor I called Sgt. Claude Tremblay
>> 506-452-4252 and managed to have a talk with a cop about you and
>> Leonard Gold.
>> June 3, 2009 7:16 PM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
>> David Raymond Amos said...
>> From: Ray Bodnarek Ray.Bodnarek@gov.ab.ca
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 19:39:20 -0600
>> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Attn Tim Turner of the Alberta
>> Sheriffs Dept TRUE or FALSE? ROUND 2
>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> I will be out of the office at meetings until the afternoon of
>> Thursday, June 11, 2009. If the matter is urgent, please contact:
>> Greg Lepp, ADM Criminal Division at 780-427-5046.
>> or my assistant Laura Cline at 780-427-5032.
>> Thank you, Ray
>> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
>> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
>> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
>> the system manager. This message contains confidential information and
>> is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named
>> addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.
>> From: "Glockner, David (USAILN)" David.Glockner@usdoj.gov
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 21:39:12 -0400
>> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Attn Tim Turner of the Alberta
>> Sheriffs Dept TRUE or FALSE? ROUND 2
>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> I will be out of the office until the morning of Thursday, June 4. I
>> will respond to your message as soon as I am able to do so.
>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 22:39:02 -0300
>> Subject: Attn Tim , "shawn. graham" shawn.graham@gnb.ca
>> http://govinjustice.blogspot.c
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 18:14:04 -0700 (PDT)
>> <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
>> <!--[endif]-->
>> Posted by Richard A. Harris at 11:16 PM
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