Wednesday 12 June 2024

Advocate clears Liberals of voter fraud allegations after MLA complaint


Advocate clears Liberals of voter fraud allegations after MLA complaint

Green MLA Kevin Arseneau raised concerns after grandmother with dementia was signed up to vote in Liberal race

A provincial watchdog says there's no evidence voter fraud occurred when a majority of residents at two Bathurst-area seniors' homes registered with the provincial Liberals in 2022. 

Seniors' advocate Kelly Lamrock reported his finding in a written response to allegations made by Green Party MLA Kevin Arseneau in the legislature last month. 

Arseneau raised the issue, and filed a complaint with Lamrock's office, after he said his grandmother, who has dementia, was registered by the Liberal Party at Foyer Chez Annie. 

Steven Sisk co-owns two homes in the Bathurst area. Arseneau said in the legislature that both of those homes saw the majority of residents register with the Liberal Party to vote in a leadership race. 

The Kent North MLA questioned whether all who were registered had given consent and called it a "suspected case of fraud and abuse." 

But Lamrock dismissed that allegation in a report sent to MLAs on Friday. 

"There is no evidence of any wrongdoing, directly or indirectly, by any member of the legislative assembly or any leader or agent of any registered political party," he said. 

"There is no evidence of any act which, in my understanding of the terms, constitutes fraud or abuse toward any senior or vulnerable adult."

WATCH | 'I think we could all do better':

MLA welcomes policy recommendation of seniors’ advocate

Duration 0:56
Kent North MLA Kevin Arseneau agrees with a recommendation from provincial seniors’ advocate Kelly Lamrock for clear rules on how special care homes collect and share seniors’ information. The recommendation follows concerns residents may have been registered to vote in a Liberal race without giving consent.

Hannah Fulton Johnston, executive director of the New Brunswick Liberal Party, said in a statement that she is satisfied with the report. 

"We are committed to ensuring that all party processes are conducted with the utmost integrity and transparency, and this report confirms that standard was upheld," she said. 

Sisk told CBC News a supporter of Liberal leadership candidate Donald Arseneault asked him to invite residents to join the party ahead of its vote for a new leader.

"Everyone who was enrolled consented to it," Sisk said. 

Declined to comment

Lamrock declined a request for comment. His report notes a response to the complaint was only made public because Arseneau raised it publicly.

"I understand [Arseneau's] suspicion when over 80 per cent of residents of a facility join the same party," he said in the report. 

"I note that in the 2020 election, that same party took nearly two-thirds of the vote [in this riding], however, so it does not require too fanciful a leap of the imagination to see a plausibility that a large number of residents found at least one of four leadership candidates intriguing enough to register."

While the advocate cleared all parties of wrongdoing, he said there was a "lack of structure, policy and process" in how Sisk and Foyer Chez Annie "approached residents" about signing up. 

Susan Holt and Kevin Arseneau Liberal Leader Susan Holt approached Green Party MLA Kevin Arseneau to ask for evidence to back up his claim that her party committed voter fraud. (Jacques Poitras/CBC News)

He recommended long-term care homes have a clear policy for collecting and sharing resident information and that the Department of Social Development provide training to that end — a change Arseneau said he would welcome. 

"I think that, morally, we have a duty to make sure that the process is in place, you know, [to] meet certain standards, and so on that point I'm pretty happy," he told reporters Wednesday. 

"At the end of the day, I think Social Development should be taking a lead and writing up a policy in how different senior citizens' homes will be able to approach this. Best practices." 

While the Department of Social Development said it would review the advocate's report, it has not said whether it will adopt that recommendation. 

"Although the legislative framework for voting in nursing homes falls under the Elections Act, not the Nursing Homes Act, the department will be reviewing the report to see if any changes should be considered moving forward," said spokesperson Kate Wright. 


Savannah Awde is a reporter with CBC New Brunswick. You can contact her with story ideas at


David Amos 
Need I say that irritates me that our Seniors' Advocates never cared about my well being??? 
David Amos  
Reply to David Amos
I am still waiting for the old age supplement the government claims it sent and the refunds for my Health care expenses
David Amos 
Methinks history tells us that most old folks voted for the Red Coats since Little Louie ruled the roost in that neck of the woods N'esy Pas?

Dementia or not why would they turncoat with their vote now?

David Amos
I heard it said that if Arseneau does win in the next election he will not get the fancy pension True or False?   
David Amos
I wonder how he likes the weather in Alexandria, Egypt.

David Amos 

Methinks Arseneau must have called in from Egypt Nesy Pas?

He made this announcement weeks ago in FB

"I am proud to announce that I am one of ten young Parliamentarians from the International Francophonie selected to participate in the prestigious course "Diplomacy, Globalization and Francophonie" at Senghor University in Alexandria, Egypt.

I am humbly honored to be the only North American congressman selected to participate in this prestigious course and the first Acadian and New Brunswickian to be selected. I look forward to acquiring new complex problem solving and negotiation skills, and then applying these skills to my work as an MP and Parliamentarian to solve the complex problems of our time, such as the fight against climate change, confidence in our democratic institutions, nation relations at Nation with Indigenous Peoples and the challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence.

I have always valued and encouraged Lifelong Learning and this is a rare opportunity for MPs to gain valuable skills, discuss important global issues that have local repercussions here in North Kent and New Brunswick and network with other MPs from All over the planet.

The course will be held from May 26 to June 14. As a selected candidate, the costs of training, accommodation, meals and internal travel will be covered by the program, while the flights will be covered by The Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie."

Lou Bell  
Huh , Mr. Arsenault thinks the Elections Act falls under Social Development . Not surprised ! 
David Amos
Reply to Lou Bell 
Looking for last word again? 
David Amos
Reply to Lou Bell 
Until 2018 I never voted in my life Guess who I voted for?  
Lou Bell 
Well we must realize the Liberals are mounting a roster of two and three time losing candidates , including some from other parties , including their leader , and most all who have not only been resoundingly defeated , but came 3rd in the ridings they contested in . 
Lou Bell 
Reply to Lou Bell 
Reminds one of the Cleveland baseball team of the past few decades !  
Robert Brannen 
Reply to Lou Bell
What do you have to say about the party that is currently being led by someone who formerly was the leader of a different party? 
Graham McCormack
Reply to Robert Brannen  
That's OK in her mind because she thinks just like him.
Lou Bell  
I'd be sure Arsenaults' mother wanted to support another party . Not ! 
David Amos
Reply to Lou Bell
Did you read the article??? 

Geoff MacDonald  
Where there is smoke, there is fire. The Liberals aren't even governing yet still embroiled in scandal. Wow....embarrassing.
Wilbur Ross 
Reply to Geoff MacDonald   
How many Tories have resigned and denounced Higgs this year? Something's actually going on there, don't ya think? Higgs isn't ashamed or embarrassed because he's not a Conservative; he's the absolute worst kind of GOP Republican. Like Ted Cruz or Matt Gaetz, he doesn't care who he offends. Its all part of the Higgs brand.
David Amos
Reply to Geoff MacDonald 
Par for the course  
Wilbur Ross
Kelly Lamrock ... Chief Devil's Advocate for NB :D 
David Amos
Reply to Wilbur Ross
JOhn D Bond 
Seniors' advocate Kelly Lamrock reported his finding in a written response to allegations made by Green Party MLA Kevin Arseneau in the legislature last month.

Far to easy for politicians to make claims that then cost the taxpayer $ to investigate.

Perhaps a fine or being censured in the legislature would be in order.

David Amos

Reply to JOhn D Bond
Perhaps you may recall what a fine old bard once wrote "Perchance to Dream"
MR Cain
Reply to JOhn D Bond
If you read the article, some good recommendations came of it. Lamrock is on salary, so no idea how much it cost in expenses.
Bobby Richards
It's safe to say that Bathurst will vote Liberal this fall no matter if this happened or not.
Bobby Richards
Reply to Bobby Richards
And yes I realize this was for a leadership race.
David Amos
Reply to Bobby Richards
Whats the scoop on Jake?
James Risdon 
Reply to Bobby Richards
An that's unfortunate. By consistently voting Liberal almost solidly for the past 100 years, Bathurst has put itself in the unenviable position of being completely taken for granted by the Liberals who now do very little to try to win votes in the riding and of being pretty much written off by the Conservatives who do very little to win the riding as it seems to be a lost cause.

The result is that Bathurst has virtually no political clout either in Fredericton or Ottawa.

The ideal outcome in an election for Bathurst would be that they switch their vote to Conservative in an election with a majority Conservative government but only let that Conservative politician squeak in by a narrow margin.

Then, in the next election or the one after that, they could boot that Conservative out and vote Liberal again - but only if the Liberals make some interesting commitments for the riding.

Then, in the next election, they would throw out the Liberals and vote Conservative again - but only if the Conservatives make better commitments for the riding.

Voting in the same party all the time - whether it's the Liberals or the Conservatives - is a bad strategy.

Matt Steele
Ah , Kelly Lamrock , the resident N.B. expert on anything and every thing has spoken once again . Maybe Kelly thought he should try to get some job security , and try not to upset the Liberals incase the government changes this fall .
Jos Allaire
Reply to Matt Steele
Spoken just like the ones who support the Orange Man south of the border, no matter what.
David Amos
Reply to Matt Steele
Mais Oui
David Amos
Reply to Jos Allaire
Methinks you wish to forget all the years that Lamrock was a cabinet minister for you know who N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to Jos Allaire
Anyone aware at all realizes the US is much different than Canada / NB . Biden has a n economy running on 12 cylinders ( and not electric at that ) , supports resource development , making trillions off natural gas while having signed the carbon deal with the European Union . Meanwhile , the Trudeau government stifles resource development , arrests natural gas development , loses trillions because of it , and saves the world a minus 2.5 % in carbon emmissions ! And at least Biden has a chance to win the next election , all the while the Liberals are staying in the " no chance hotel " ! 
Lou Bell
Reply to Jos Allaire
And anyone aware at all knows most all Canadians don't want to see Trump win . Unfortunately , and like in Canada , the left has no one capable of winning in either of the coming Federal elections . 
David Amos

Reply to Lou Bell 
Fake news 
Robert Brannen 
Reply to Matt Steele 
I wonder who appointed Mr. Lamrock to the post her currently holds?

Bobby Richards
Is Arseneau suggesting everyone in a nursing home should have their right to vote taken away?
Wilbur Ross
Reply to Bobby Richards
What would happen to the Tories' voter lists then???
MR Cain
Reply to Bobby Richards
no, the freedom of choice without coercion
David Amos
Reply to Wilbur Ross
Who cares? You know as well as I that Tories won't ever get elected in that riding
David Amos
Reply to Bobby Richards
He is just bitter that the liberals did not want him years ago
Wilbur Ross
Reply to David Amos
As a rule the Tories really count on the votes from the nursing homes.
Wilbur Ross
Reply to MR Cain
Same reason why solicitors aren't allow in to prey upon the vulnerable. 
David Amos
Reply to Wilbur Ross
Surely you jest Everybody knows lawyers do it every day all day long 
Wilbur Ross
Classic NB.

David Amos
Reply to Wilbur Ross
Its the Place to Be if you love a circus  


New Brunswick Liberal Party Welcomes Advocate’s Report Findings

Fredericton, NB (June 12, 2024) — Last week the Child, Youth and Seniors Advocate released a report with the findings of his investigation into the petition initiated by the Member for Kent North, Mr. Kevin Arseneau. The report concludes that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing, fraud, or abuse towards any senior or vulnerable adult by any member of the Legislative Assembly or any leader or agent of any registered political party.

Hannah Fulton Johnston, Executive Director of the New Brunswick Liberal Party, expressed satisfaction with the report’s conclusions, “We are very pleased with the Advocate’s thorough investigation and the findings of the report. We are committed to ensuring that all party processes are conducted with the utmost  integrity and transparency, and this report confirms that standard was upheld.”

The petition, which raised concerns regarding the registration process of residents at Foyer Chez Annie, has been thoroughly reviewed. The Advocate’s findings highlight that while there were procedural gaps in how the facility approached resident registrations, there was no evidence of systemic wrongdoing or benefit derived from any erroneous registrations.

“I commend the Advocate’s office for their detailed and transparent review. This report reinforces our confidence in the processes and the dedication of those who support our democratic engagements,” said Susan Holt, Leader of the New Brunswick Liberal Party.

The New Brunswick Liberal Party remains committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and safeguarding the rights and interests of all citizens, particularly vulnerable groups.

Read the report here.


Advocate’s decision in the matter of a petition from the Member for Kent North, Mr. Kevin Arseneau.

Origin of the Matter
This is the Advocate’s decision in the matter of a petition from the Member for Kent North, Mr. Kevin

On May 8, 2024, the Petitioner wrote to the Advocate requesting a review of certain events occurring
at the Foyer Chez Annie, which operates two special care homes in the Bathurst region.
The petitioner provided the Advocate with a membership list of the New Brunswick Liberal
Association (NBLA) from 2022, which showed that 53 residents of a 60-bed facility had joined the
NBLA, apparently during the 2022 leadership contest campaign period.
This high incidence of membership, combined with the petitioner’s ’s assertion that he knew of one
family member who appeared on the membership list and had told him that she did not consent to
the registration, led the petitioner to seek the remedy of a review of the events which led to the
registration of residents with the NBLA.

The Advocate’s Powers of Review and Investigation

The Petitioner wrote pursuant to Section 15(1) of the Child, Youth and Senior Advocate Act
(hereinafter “the Act”), which states that:
15(1) A person may petition the Advocate, in writing or otherwise, to review, investigate or provide
advocacy services in relation to a matter within the jurisdiction of the Advocate under this Act.1
When provided with a request for advocacy under the Act, the Advocate may first “receive and
review” the matter while proceeding under Section 13 of the Act:
13 (1) In carrying out the functions and duties of the office of Advocate, the Advocate may do any
of the following on petition to the Advocate or on his or her own initiative:
(a) receive and review a matter relating to a child, youth, adult under protection or senior or a
group of children, youths, adults under protection or seniors; […]2

Following that initial review, the Advocate may, at his discretion following an examination of a matter
and issues, pursue an alternative dispute resolution process or any advocacy process to address the
matter , or may pursue the procedures for a full “investigation or review” contained at Sections 19 and
20 of the Act. This larger “review” requires an affirmative decision of the Advocate to open a Section
19 ”review”, and the Act details steps the Advocate must take when moving to this more expansive
19(1) Before commencing an investigation or review, the Advocate shall inform the administrative
head of any authority concerned of the intention to do so….3
It should be noted that while Section 13 and Section 19 both refer to the “review” of a matter
received by petition, they describe different functions. In fact, the French version of the Act does not
use the same wording. The Section 13 procedure is referred to as the power to “recevoir et examiner”
and the Section 19 procedure is “une enquête ou une révision”.

Child, Youth and Senior Advocate Act, SNB 2007, c C-2.7 at 15(1)1
Child, Youth and Senior Advocate Act, SNB 2007, c C-2.7 at 13(1)2
Child, Youth and Senior Advocate Act, SNB 2007, c C-2.7 at 19(1)3
It is my interpretation of these two sections that they grant the Advocate the powers of an initial
review, which is in fact in the meaning of an “examination”, as expressed in the French version of the
Act, where preliminary enquiries may be made by the Advocate for the purposes of determining how
to proceed. The Advocate may then, in his discretion, use one of his powers under Section 13 to
resolve the matter, dismiss the matter as per Section 17, or commence a more fulsome, formal inquiry
under Section 19 of the Act.

The Advocate may decline to investigate the matter if other processes are adequate to address it, or
may determine after examination that no advocacy is warranted;
17(1) The Advocate may, in his or her discretion, refuse to or cease to review, investigate or
provide advocacy services in relation to a matter in the following circumstances:
(a) an adequate remedy or right of appeal already exists, regardless of whether the petitioner
has availed himself or herself of the remedy or right of appeal;
(b) the petition is trivial, frivolous, vexatious or not made in good faith;
(c) having regard to all the circumstances of the case, further investigation or review is
(d) the petition relates to a decision, recommendation, act or omission that the petitioner has
had knowledge of for more than one year before making the petition;
(e) the petitioner does not have a sufficient personal interest in the matter; or
(f) upon a balance of convenience between the public interest and the person aggrieved, the Advocate is of the opinion that the petition should not be investigated or reviewed.4
Upon receipt of the Petitioner’s complaint, I have had my office make preliminary enquiries under my
Section 13 mandate to receive and review the matter, and am detailing which of those remedies I
have chosen to exercise going forward. I am presuming the Petitioner’s request for an inquiry to be a
request for a Section 19 review, although I note that the Advocate has powers of inquiry under the
Inquiries Act, per s. 18 of the Child, Youth and Senior Advocate Act.
Child, Youth and Senior Advocate Act, SNB 2007, c C-2.7 at 174
The Advocate’s Jurisdiction
It is important to note that my ability to compel evidence, make findings and issue recommendations
are defined by the Act that defines my authority. As a Legislative Officer, the Advocate is charged with
providing oversight of public bodies in their treatment of the rights and interests of children, youth
and seniors and providing information to the Assembly and the public on how those rights and
interests can be better served. “Public bodies” are listed in the Act and that list is exhaustive. The
Advocate has broad discretion to define what issues fall within his jurisdiction, but the deference and
powers under the Act follow the Advocate within his jurisdiction.

What this means in the matter at hand is that the Advocate is not charged with the integrity of
elections or the efficacy of voting and registration procedures. While all citizens, including youth and
seniors, have democratic rights at play, there is no particular interest that arises uniquely apart from
the citizenship interests generally at play. The Legislative Assembly has tasked others, to varying
degrees, with oversight of elections, political parties and politicians, but has not chosen to grant the
Advocate those powers.

As well, it is established at law that political parties are private entities which do not attract
government-level duties under the Charter. Like any private entity, they can be regulated by the
government but absent some statutory regime their common law duties to their members is governed
by the law of contract. That is to say that a political party may owe its members a duty to follow the
rules as a condition of the membership agreement, but they do not have a public duty which would
make them a public body under the Advocate’s oversight.

The Act does list special care homes such as Foyer Chez Annie, and the Department of Social
Development which regulates them, as public bodies. So, my examination powers are most efficiently
and effectively limited to the actions and decisions of those public bodies as they pertain to the rights
and interests of seniors and vulnerable adults involved in the facts set out in this matter.

The Initial Review Upon Reception

The Petitioner, Mr. Kevin Arseneau, provided as prima facie proof to back his complaint a membership
list purporting to be that of the New Brunswick Liberal Association for the ridings of Bathurst East-
Nepisiguit-St. Isidore and Restigouche-Chaleur circa 2022. This list did, indeed, contain the names of
53 individuals who listed Foyer Chez Annie as their home address, along with the owner of the facility, Mr. Steven Sisk. As the Liberal Party has made public statements affirming that the list is a true copy,
Mr. Arseneau’s statements validating the list are not necessary to recount here.

A member of our staff reached out to Mr. Arseneau to ensure that he had a full opportunity to share
any information upon which he was relying in making the allegations contained in his petition, and to
ask him to clarify precisely what actions he was alleging violated the rights of seniors and vulnerable
adults at the Foyer Chez Annie.

Our investigator also communicated with Mr. Sisk and asked for his voluntary, written response to our
questions regarding how residents of his facility came to be members of the NBLA.

Mr. Arseneau clarified that he had no evidence to suggest that threats, coercion or inducements were
used in the registration of Foyer Chez Annie residents with the NBLA. Rather, his concern was that the
residents were signed up without their knowledge or consent. In support of that allegation, on a
prima facie basis, he offered two indirect statements from individuals who reported conversations
with residents who said that they had not consented to be registered. There was no direct statement
offered from any resident. For the vast majority of residents who appeared on the list, there is no
evidence of any complaint. Nor was there any evidence of any compliant being raised during the
NBLA leadership campaign from either residents or campaigns of registered leadership contestants.
The prima facie evidence is, effectively, two indirect statements, the observable fact that a significant
percentage of residents who appeared on the list, and the fact that the owner also appeared to be a
member of the NBLA.

As the Petitioner also made his complaint public, announcing the filing of it on the floor of the House
within hours of submitting it and giving further interviews, I have also had access to public statements
reported in the media and, at this preliminary stage, have considered these where relevant.

Mr. Sisk did voluntarily reply to our enquiries. He confirmed that he and his team did affirmatively
offer to help residents who wished to vote in the Liberal leadership race to attain and complete the
necessary membership forms. He noted that he himself did so after speaking with an acquaintance
who was working on the leadership campaign of Mr. Donald Arseneault, one of the ultimately
unsuccessful leadership aspirants. Mr. Sisk stated that he delegated some of the task to his staff but
that he directed his team to survey interest and to offer to help people register only if they expressed
an interest in doing so. He did not provide us with any written procedure, for doing so. Mr. Sisk also
noted that, as a Level 2 facility, Foyer Chez Annie has residents with capacity and interest to
participate in public affairs, and that he has facilitated access to these voters for candidates from
numerous parties.
Formal Reviews As A Remedy
It should be noted that the Advocate has broad discretion under Section 17 to consider the public
interest and circumstances beyond the complaint itself in deciding when to proceed to a full review or
investigation. This is clear direction from the legislature to the Advocate to set priorities with scarce
resources. The Advocate’s Office has under 20 employees, and one can see that full scale reviews or
investigations are done at most a few times a year.

In recent years, investigations have been done on issues such as the death of a youth in custody, the
discovery of young children living in abject neglect while under the auspices of child protection, the
suicide of a youth after being discharged from urgent care, and the death of a nursing home resident
at the hands of another resident. There are also systemic reviews on the quality of long-term care, the
denial of education services to children with disabilities, and the experiences of young people in the
care of Social Development. It would not diminish other issues to note that these are extremely
serious matters. At any given time, the Advocate’s Office has investigators reviewing cases of child
and elder abuse, child protection files, youth experiencing homelessness and children with disabilities
receiving services. New investigations will use resources currently working on these types of files.
Opening an investigation or formal review is not a trivial matter, and the Advocate must always
consider if a petition for an investigation or formal review is the best use of resources.

In exercising this discretion, there are factors I will consider in deciding whether to end my advocacy
at Section 13, to dismiss under Section 17, or open a full-scale review or investigation under Section
19 of the Act. Those factors include, but are not limited to:
(a) the nature of the right or interest at stake,
(b) the degree and severity of the violafon alleged,
(c) the quality of prima facie evidence of a violafon of right or transgression of interest,
(d) whether or not the alleged rights violafon is due to the person’s status as a child or senior, or
whether the interest is one of general applicafon which happens to involve a child or senior,
(e) the availability and effecfveness of remedies available under Secfon 13 or through other
(f) the impact upon the resources, mandate and perceived neutrality of the Office of the Advocate.
The Nature of the Right or Interest At Stake and the Severity of the Violation
The Petitioner has offered no prima facie evidence of any use of threats, coercion, inducement or
deprivation aimed at any senior or vulnerable adult in order to gain their co-operation in joining a
party. Indeed, the Petitioner has never claimed to. His petition is founded on the possibility that a
senior or vulnerable adult was placed upon a party membership list without their knowledge or
without their consent.

Let me say immediately that people should not be signed up for any group, activity or service without
their knowledge or consent. When this happens, it is a violation of their right to autonomy and self-
determination. If personal details are part of the registration process, privacy rights may be engaged.
Of course, not all rights violations are of similar degrees. The right against arbitrary arrest and
detention has been invoked in cases involving both random traffic stops and individuals being strip
searched while in jail without charges for days. Both may have been violations, but they are not
equally egregious. A violation of privacy rights can be anything from a school posting a student’s
middle name without consent up to the online circulation of intimate photographs. Both are
violations, but no one would say that is necessarily equal in severity.

Here, the alleged violation would be that someone provided a person’s name and co-ordinates to a
private organization which published them on a list whose distribution is somewhat controlled. Unlike
cases of fraud, there is no monetary or proprietary detriment to the individual registered or monetary
or proprietary benefit to the home or the NBLA. A party list full of inactive or unwilling members
imposes an administrative burden on political parties without any real benefit.

Of course, being placed on a list without consent can be a negative. If someone signed me up to a
party list without my consent and it created a perception that I had breached my political neutrality as
Advocate, that would be a tangible harm. There is no prima facie evidence of any such tangible harm
in this case.
While an unauthorized registration would cause a privacy issue in the sharing of the name and
address, I would note that there is no evidence here of broad distribution. In fact, the Petitioner
himself has acknowledged providing the list to members of the media and has made statements that
this is acceptable because he was confident that members of the media would not share it. It is a
Member’s discretion to use his or her platform to bring awareness to issues, and I make no negative
finding there. Nor would this information likely have given rise to the Member having a duty under
the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. However, it may be worth letting members
know that if they do have private information, sharing it with unauthorized people in confidence with
the understanding they won’t share it further is not the standard for privacy. At the very least, I must
consider, in assessing the degree of any privacy breach, that the Petitioner has circulated the private
information himself, when submitting it to the Advocate alone was sufficient to ground his request for
a remedy.
Against the autonomy and privacy rights at stake I must weigh the presence of a right that is furthered
by homes facilitating registration of their members. Seniors and vulnerable adults have a right to
vote. I would be loathe to become so overzealous in avoiding errors in registration that I create a
chilling effect which makes people reluctant to assist the seniors and vulnerable adults in residential
facilities from exercising those rights. Indeed, I have noted some online comments and even those
made in political forums which seem to imply that votes cast by residents of nursing homes and
special care homes are somehow inherently illegitimate. This is itself an ageist and ableist view, and I
congratulate the Petitioner for the obvious pains he has taken to be clear that he is not saying this.
The Elections Act actually contains specific provisions for the establishment of polls in residential
facilities, for returning officers to register residents en masse (Section 20(6)) and for special ballots5 6
to be brought to those whose mobility issues preclude a trip to a polling station. It is not only
acceptable to engage residents of special care and nursing homes to register and to vote, it is a legal

I understand that some may intuitively have concerns about capacity. However, I would note that the
Elections Act contains no requirement of capacity in order to exercise the right to vote. If a senior
citizen presents at a polling station in 2024 and announces that she is there to support Tommy
Douglas and the CCF, or that nice Mr. Diefenbaker, the poll worker is to provide her a ballot. While
this may seem counterintuitive, the right to vote is one where we do not get to stand in judgement of
anyone’s subjective reasons for their vote. Many citizens, not just seniors, may cast ballots with
understandings of the facts and analyses that others find wanting. But that is the nature of elections –
we vote how we want whether others like our reasons or not. The history of imposing knowledge or
capacity tests on citizens voting is an unhappy one, as we saw in the pre-civil rights U.S. South when
“literacy tests” were used to target certain groups from casting ballots. Voting is an act where no one
else gets to impose an objective standard on our choice.
ElecSons Act, RSNB 1973, c E-3 at 2 “treatment centre”5
ElecSons Act, RSNB 1973, c E-3 at 20.6(1)(a.1)6
Indeed, party leadership and nomination contests even allow those without the capacity to vote in
general elections to vote. I note that all three parties with representation in the Legislative Assembly
have age requirements lower than the general election standard of 18 years of age.
A child as young as 14 may identify as a Green Party member without parental notification or consent.
A child as young as 14 may identify as a Liberal Party member without parental notification or

A child as young as 14 may identify as a Progressive Conservative Party member without parental
notification or consent.

While on other issues there has been debate and disagreement as to when children may exercise their
rights without parental notification or consent, it appears that when it comes to recruiting their own
party members, all three parties embrace the “evolving capacity of the child” doctrine.

In the riding of Kent North alone, 1,085 special ballots were cast, and 416 of those were cast for the
Petitioner. Efforts of campaigns to identify supporters who need help getting a ballot and facilitating
their voting is not exploitative, because the ability to cast a vote is not a gift to the politician, it is a
furtherance of the individual’s right to vote.

I make this point because it cannot be exploitative to help someone register to vote even if they lack
capacity, because their right to vote exists regardless of capacity. While practices which habitually
place people on lists without consent must be discouraged, I also must be careful not to create a
chilling effect which will make people reluctant to help facilitate helping these groups vote. That
could create a greater rights violation than the appearance of a name on a list without consent.
The Quality of Prima Facie Evidence
At this stage of examination of the matter, I certainly take the Petitioner at his word as a Member that
he had the conversations he says that he had with regards to the indirect statements, and the
authenticity of the list has been affirmed by the NBLA.

I must be careful to use our investigative resources responsibly and our powers to compel others to
give evidence judiciously. It is one thing when presented with direct evidence of a serious rights
violation. However, I cannot simply dispatch investigators to double check everyone under 19 or over
65 who joins a political party. As long as people have lived, worshipped, or assembled in groups of
common demographics, there have been politicians eager to meet them and mobilize them to vote.
From the Old Brewery Mission members in the Mulroney-Clark leadership wars of 1983 to the
students at the Cool Camel in 1999 to the battles over high school students voting in a nomination
meeting in a Saint John federal riding in 2006 to unfounded complaints over Tobique First Nation
polling stations t in the 1995 Victoria-Tobique election, mass mobilization has always been an issue.
Threats and bribes are unacceptable. But, as per my comments on capacity and reasons, people do
not have to give an accounting of why they chose to vote a certain way. If people register for parties
or vote for candidates because someone invited them to, or because their friends were, or because
they were bored, that is their right. If a group of 18-year-olds coming from a residence show up to
vote at a nomination meeting, interviewing them all might not reveal that each could provide a
carefully-researched statement as to why they are voting. But they are not required to.

If the Advocate dispatched investigators simply on the standard that a high percentage of people in a
common area voted the same way or joined the same party, I would soon be double checking every
large turnout from a university dormitory, from a nursing home, or even signups for a local
nomination fight where parents and children over 14 all register together. At some point, there has to
be a presumption of validity absent some direct evidence of significant wrongdoing.

Indeed, all three parties represented in the Assembly have this presumption. My preliminary review
has found numerous people who have joined one of the three parties online. Online, one could
register a child, friend or even a stranger of any age online without their permission. In all cases, it
appears parties process the application with a presumption of validity. If there is then a question or
complaint, a further review happens. Given that parties in New Brunswick have limited resources and
the benefits to registering the unwilling is quite limited, I cannot say this is exploitative. I cannot find
exploitation due to a presumption of validity here when all parties more or less use the same
presumption. Indeed, during a competitive and close leadership race, the incentive for a rival
campaign to raise the issue is high, so it is not meaningless that this did not occur.
I understand the Petitioner’s suspicion when over 80% of residents of a facility join the same party. I
note that in the 2020 election, that same party took nearly two-thirds of the vote, however, so it does
not require too fanciful a leap of the imagination to see a plausibility that a large number of residents
found at least one of four leadership candidates intriguing enough to register. At the very least, to pull
investigators off cases of child abuse and denial of education files I would need more than a suspicion
and two indirect statements of erroneous registration.
Centrality To Mandate
As noted, because capacity is not an issue in registering to vote, it is hard to see seniors as a uniquely
vulnerable group. As I noted, while people should not be registered without consent, the online
nature of registration used by all three parties would allow this to happen to anyone.
In general, the Advocate must give priority to cases where people are at risk or have a special need
because of their status as children, vulnerable adults, or seniors, not matters where the person
happens to be a child, vulnerable adults, or senior but the event could have happened to anyone.
The Availability of Other Remedies
Parties generally operate under a presumption of validity for membership applications because the
harm of an erroneous registration is quite small and the remedy is simple – if the person who does
not wish to be on the list complains, they should be removed from the list. There is no evidence that
any seniors involved or their agents tried this simple remedy and were rebuffed.

Issues of electoral validity could be addressed to the Returning officer of the NBLA’s leadership
process. There is no evidence that this occurred. These remedies exist and are more direct and
effective than an Advocate investigation or full review under Section 19 of the Act.
Conclusion and Findings

My initial review has found that there was a lack of structure, policy and process in how Mr. Sisk and
Foyer Chez Annie approached residents regarding this matter, although there is no evidence to
contradict his statement that he generally facilitates contact with all political parties in good faith. He
should not be discouraged from doing so, although a duty of care exists to protect the autonomy and
privacy of those in his care. Mr. Sisk says that he did not knowingly register anyone without their
consent, and while he delegated this task without clear policies or monitoring structure, the indirect
evidence of two errors after the fact would not justify a finding that he knowingly set out to
systemically register residents without consent, nor is there any evidence that he (or anyone) received
a benefit or even a vote from any erroneous registration.

I do have the power under Section 13(f) of the Child, Youth and Senior Advocate Act to recommend to
the Foyer Chez Annie that they adopt written policies on gaining consent to share residents’
information with third parties, and that the Department of Social Development consider guidance and
training in this area. That remedy seems proportionate to the facts my initial review has uncovered.
Sadly, in our current time, it has become a common political tactic to make a complaint and then use
the existence of the complaint to attack a political rival as being under investigation before the result
can come out. I am absolutely not saying that is the case here – I have every reason to take the
Petitioner at his word that he had a genuine concern for residents and a very personal connection. I
say this not because of a concern in this case, but to explain why it will be my practice to ensure that
my procedure discourages such things generally. As such, I will report my finding in this matter that
there is no evidence of any wrongdoing, directly or indirectly, by any Member of the Legislative
Assembly or any leader or agent of any registered political party. There is no evidence of any act
which, in my understanding of the terms, constitutes fraud or abuse toward any senior or vulnerable
adult. Because this matter has become public through the Petitioner, I am making this decision public
rather than reporting only to the Petitioner.
I believe that the remedies I have taken here under Section 13 of the Act are sufficient and do not
believe that the public interest requires diverting investigative resources from our other files to a
Section 19 investigation of this matter.
I thank the Petitioner for his vigilance and interest in watching out for the interests of seniors and
vulnerable adults. Nothing in this decision should be construed as discouraging those with concerns
from using the avenue of a complaint to the Advocate, and I note that he has done so legitimately.
DATED this 7th day of June, 2024
Kelly A. Lamrock, K.C.

Electoral district Candidates Incumbent
Progressive Conservatives Liberal Green PANB NDP Other
Kent North
Carl Cosby[65]

Kevin Arseneau[57]
Carole Boudreau[66]

May be an image of 1 person, blonde hair and smiling
In Kent North

Carole Boudreau was born on November 29, 1958, in Petit-Rocher, New Brunswick.

Ms. Boudreau is presently retired. She has undergone a certification with the Alternative Medicine College of Canada as Natural Health Practitioner with an Aromatherapy specialization. She also has a certification with the Marietta College as a Mental Wellness Coach. Ms. Boudreau graduated in 1976 from École Secondaire Népisiguit in Bathurst.

Being the mom of two beautiful daughters, Monique and Noémie, she was on the School District Board on two occasions and has also been an avid defender’s right of individuals affected with Fetal Alcohol spectrum disorder and their families.

Being French Acadian is part of her heritage. However, she is very proud of being bilingual and a resident of the only province in Canada with two official languages: English and French. Being part of the People’s Alliance of NB is a privilege that she has welcomed with open arms since they value the same ethical reasoning that she believes in: “It is not about the party. It is about the people that you represent”.

Ms. Boudreau is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others. She enjoys sewing, knitting, crochet and any other needlecrafts projects. She is also an author of three books.

She is presently living in Richibouctou-Village with her faithful companion, her cat Raphie, where she can enjoy the morning ocean’s breeze and the visit of many different wild life, while sipping on a cup of coffee and thinking of all the things that she will be able to help people with in the near future by being part of the People’s Alliance of NB.


Hi, my name is Carole Boudreau. For a few years now, because of personal circumstances and the need to know more about optimal health, I decided to take a course in Natural Health. Since that time, I am continuously looking for new products that could help us, the baby-boomers, to live a better life. You will find on this site everything that might help you to feel good on the inside, and everything that might help you to look great on the outside.

Natural Health practitioner, published author of "This book is not for you"
Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada 




Executive distributor
Young Living Essential oils canada Jul 2007 to Present · 17 yrs


    Page · Political Candidate
    Rexton, NB, Canada, New Brunswick
    (506) 427-1543

March 10 
Happy to announce that I have accepted the PC Nomination to represent Kent North in the next provincial election!
Grateful and humbled by the support at the nomination event! Thank you to all who attended.
Thank you to Senator Rose-May Poirier for the ongoing support—honored to have you by my side.
Looking forward to the opportunity to represent Kent North and help New Brunswick continue to build, grow & thrive!


Rose-May Poirier 

Senator Poirier, Rose-May



Prior to entering provincial politics, Rose-May Poirier was a successful businessperson, working as an insurance representative for Assomption Vie and as an executive VIP manager for Tupperware Canada. During her career, she received numerous distinctions as a sales leader, manager and recruiter, including leading one of the top sales teams in Canada and as one of the best salespeople in North America.

Her political career began at the municipality level where she served two terms on the Saint-Louis de Kent town council. In 1999, Rose-May Poirier made the jump to provincial politics, representing the people of Rogersville-Kouchibouguac for three terms. As a MLA of the Progressive - Conservative Party, Senator Rose-May Poirier was the 1st woman to chair the P.C. caucus. Upon her re-election on June 9, 2003, she was appointed Minister of the Office of Human Resources and 2 years later, in February 2006, she was named Minister of Local Government and Minister responsible for Aboriginal Affairs.

Appointed to the Senate in 2010, Senator Poirier served as the Senate Conservative Caucus Chair and the Vice Chair of the National Conservative Caucus from 2011 to 2015. She recently took back the role as the Senate Conservative Caucus Chair in December 2019.

Senator Poirier currently sits on the Standing Committee on Official Languages as Deputy Chair.

In her community, Senator Poirier has given a lot of her time to various causes: Child Find, Children’s Wish Foundation, Heart and Stroke Foundation, George L. Dumont Tree of Hope campaign and the Friends of the Moncton Hospital as well as economic development for the Kent region.

---------- Original message ---------
From: LeBlanc, Dominic - député <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 9:14 PM
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy I bet Trudeau and you and Senator Rose-May Poirier and legions of others remember this email exchange EH?
To: David Amos <>

(English follows)



Nous accusons réception de votre courriel adressé à L’honorable Dominic LeBlanc, cp, cr, député de Beauséjour et nous vous en remercions.


Veuillez noter que nous recevons actuellement un volume élevé de correspondances. Veuillez prévoir un délai dans nos réponses.


En ce qui concerne les courriels relativement à des enjeux particuliers de nos commettants de Beauséjour, nous allons nous assurer de bien réviser votre message et un employé de notre bureau de circonscription communiquera avec vous si nécessaire. Si vous avez des questions ou vous désirez des clarifications, vous pouvez toujours communiquer avec notre bureau au numéro de téléphone suivant : (506) 533-5700.


Si vous écrivez à propos de sujets relatifs aux fonctions de sécurité publique du ministre LeBlanc, veuillez communiquer avec notre département de Sécurité publique à

Pour toutes demandes des médias, veuillez contacter Kelly Ouimet à et Jean-Sébastien Comeau à

Merci et bonne journée.


Bureau de L’hon. Dominic LeBlanc, cp, cr, député
Député de Beauséjour





We acknowledge receipt and thank you for your email addressed to the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, P.C., K.C., M.P. for Beauséjour.

Please note that we are currently receiving a high volume of correspondence. This may mean a delay in our responding to you.


For emails related to specific issues from our constituents in Beauséjour, we will make sure to review your message and an employee from our constituency office will be in contact with you if necessary. If you have any questions or require clarification, you can always contact our office at the following phone number: (506) 533-5700.

If you are writing with respect to Minister LeBlanc's public safety duties, please direct your correspondence to our Public Safety department at


For all media inquiries, please contact Kelly Ouimet at and Jean-Sébastien Comeau at

Thank you and have a good day.


Office of the Hon. Dominic LeBlanc, P.C., K.C., M.P.
Member of Parliament for Beauséjour

---------- Original message ---------
From: Chrystia Freeland <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 9:14 PM
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy I bet Trudeau and you and Senator Rose-May Poirier and legions of others remember this email exchange EH?
To: David Amos <>

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your comments.

Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel. Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 9:14 PM
Subject: Automatic Reply
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

Due to the volume of correspondence addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be carefully reviewed.

We do not respond to correspondence that contains offensive language.


Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Arif Virani, ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada.

En raison du volume de correspondance adressée au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin.

Nous ne répondons pas à la correspondance contenant un langage offensant.

---------- Original message ---------
From: Moore, Rob - M.P. <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 9:14 PM
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy I bet Trudeau and you and Senator Rose-May Poirier and legions of others remember this email exchange EH?
To: David Amos <>

*This is an automated response*


Thank you for contacting the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P. office. We appreciate the time you took to get in touch with our office.


If you did not already, please ensure to include your full contact details on your email and the appropriate staff will be able to action your request. We strive to ensure all constituent correspondence is responded to in a timely manner.


If your question or concern is time sensitive, please call our office: 506-832-4200.


Again, we thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns.



Office of the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P.

Member of Parliament for Fundy Royal



---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
To: "blaine.higgs" <>,
, "Susan.Holt" <>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)" <>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)" <>, motomaniac333 <>, "hugh.flemming" <>, "huras.adam" <>, nouvelle <>, news-tips <>, "rob.moore" <>, "John.Williamson" <>, "Dominic.Cardy" <>, oldmaison <>, jbowes <>, andre <>, jbosnitch <>, jbaron <>, "jake.stewart" <>, jcarpay <>, "Richard.Bragdon" <>,,,, waynenarvey <>, brigitte belton <>,, Dave Steenburg <>,, Kindness62 <>,,,,,, livefromtheshed2022 <>, Monick Grenier <>, James Manson <>, "" <>,, "Nathalie.G.Drouin" <>, "dominic.leblanc" <>
Cc:,, "steven.johnston" <>,,, "David.Fraser" <>,, Jason Lavigne <>,,,, "martin.gaudet" <>, pm <>, "Katie.Telford" <>, jcharest <>,, "pierre.poilievre" <>, "leslyn.lewis" <>,, "Marco.Mendicino" <>, "Mark.Blakely" <>, "Kevin.leahy" <>, "ian.fahie" <>, ebell <>, "sylvie.gadoury" <>, "Catherine.Tait" <>, "pablo.rodriguez" <>, "Melanie.Joly" <>, plee <>, "Jacques.Poitras" <>, "darrow.macintyre" <>, "Robert. Jones" <>, Newsroom <>, NightTimePodcast <>, nsinvestigators <>, paulpalango <>, mcu <>, "fin.minfinance-financemin.fin" <>, prontoman1 <>,,,,, Dana-lee Melfi <>, kingpatrick278 <>, Tyson Billings <>, "" <>, Chance Of Fluri <>, David Fraser <>, "David.Akin" <>,, National Citizens Inquiry <>,,, ragingdissident <>,,,, rfife <>, "Michael.Duheme" <>, "kris.austin" <>, premier <>, premier <>, PREMIER <>, Office of the Premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>,,, "jagmeet.singh" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 21:13:02 -0300
Subject: Hey Higgy I bet Trudeau and you and Senator Rose-May Poirier and legions of others remember this email exchange EH?

---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 4:34 PM
Subject: Fwd3: Hey Nate Deployment of Emergencies Act passed with support of the NDP because of Trudeau's predictable confidence vote but what will the Senate do about it today EH?
To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
Cc: motomaniac333 <>, Catherine.Tait <>, mcu <>, Marco.Mendicino <>, hugh.flemming <>, huras.adam <>, nouvelle <>, news-tips <>, rob.moore <>, John.Williamson <>, Dominic.Cardy <>, oldmaison <>, jbowes <>, andre <>, jbosnitch <>, jbaron <>, jake.stewart <>, jcarpay <>, Richard.Bragdon <>

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Bradley, Heather" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 20:17:26 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Nate Deployment of Emergencies Act
passed with support of the NDP because of Trudeau's predictable
confidence vote but what will the Senate do about it today EH?
To: David Amos <>

Please note that I am away from the office until February 28th --for
assistance with media requests, please contact Corporate

Veuillez noter que je suis absente du bureau jusqu'au 28 fevrier--pour
obtenir de l'aide concernant une demande des médias, veuillez
communique avec Communications corporatives à

Heather Bradley

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 16:17:17 -0400
Subject: Hey Nate Deployment of Emergencies Act passed with support of
the NDP because of Trudeau's predictable confidence vote but what will
the Senate do about it today EH?
"heather.bradley" <>,,,,,,,,,, leannemb
<>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, washington field
<>, bbachrach <>,
"Bill.Blair" <>, "barbara.massey"
<>, Newsroom <>,
Norman Traversy <>, news <>,
nobyrne <>,,,,, nouvelle
<>, news-tips <>,,
Cc: motomaniac333 <>

Senate Proceedings
February 21, 2022

Tune in for uninterrupted coverage of proceedings in Parliament's
upper chamber as senators debate legislation and consider issues of
national importance.

Monday, 21 February 2022

Deployment of Emergencies Act expected to pass with support of the NDP
because of Trudeau's predictable confidence vote EH?

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Mendicino, Marco - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 19:14:55 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Deployment of Emergencies Act expected to
pass with support of the NDP because of Trudeau's predictable
confidence vote EH?
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for contacting the constituency office of the Hon. Marco
Mendicino, P.C., M.P. for Eglinton—Lawrence.
Please be advised that our office has the capacity to assist with
requests within Eglinton—Lawrence only and we prioritize
correspondence from residents.
If you reside outside the riding and require assistance, you can
contact your local Member of Parliament by entering your postal code
If you are a resident of Eglinton—Lawrence and require assistance
continue reading below.
            · For assistance with casework, we require your full name,
phone number, address and postal code to proceed.
            · For non-ministerial meeting requests, we need to know
the nature of the meeting and we will respond back with possible
            · For media requests, the Press Secretary will get back to you.
To contact Public Safety Canada directly, please visit:
To contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada directly,
please email or phone 613-954-1064.
For assistance with the situation in Afghanistan, please continue reading.
If you and your family require assistance regarding the rapidly
evolving situation in Afghanistan, detailed information on Canada’s
special measures to support Afghan nationals is available here:
For Afghans who assisted the Government of Canada, please contact:
For questions on how Afghan nationals may reunite with their families
in Canada, or information on the humanitarian program to resettle
Afghans outside of Afghanistan, please contact:
You may also call 1-613-321-4243 from Monday to Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 7
p.m. (ET).
For Canadians in need of consular assistance in Afghanistan, please
contact Global Affairs Canada’s 24/7 Emergency Watch and Response
Centre in Ottawa at:
·    Phone: 613-996-8885
·    Email:
·    SMS: 613-686-3658

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Bergen, Candice - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 19:14:55 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Deployment of Emergencies Act expected to
pass with support of the NDP because of Trudeau's predictable
confidence vote EH?
To: David Amos <>

On behalf of the Hon. Candice Bergen, thank you for contacting the
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition.

Ms. Bergen greatly values feedback and input from Canadians.  We read
and review every incoming e-mail.  Please note that this account
receives a high volume of e-mails.  We reply to e-mails as quickly as

If you are a constituent of Ms. Bergen’s in Portage-Lisgar with an
urgent matter please provide complete contact information.  Not
identifying yourself as a constituent could result in a delayed

Once again, thank you for writing.


Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition

Au nom de l’hon. Candice Bergen, nous vous remercions de communiquer
avec le Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle.

Mme Bergen accorde une grande importance aux commentaires des
Canadiens.  Nous lisons et étudions tous les courriels entrants.
Veuillez noter que ce compte reçoit beaucoup de courriels.  Nous y
répondons le plus rapidement possible.

Si vous faites partie de l’électorat de Mme Bergen dans la
circonscription de Portage-Lisgar et que votre affaire est urgente,
veuillez fournir vos coordonnées complètes.  Si vous ne le faites pas,
cela pourrait retarder la réponse.

Nous vous remercions une fois encore d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire.

Veuillez agréer nos salutations distinguées,

Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Blanchet, Yves-François - Député" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 19:14:55 +0000
Subject: Réponse automatique : Deployment of Emergencies Act expected
to pass with support of the NDP because of Trudeau's predictable
confidence vote EH?
To: David Amos <>

(Ceci est une réponse automatique)
(English follows)


Nous avons bien reçu votre courriel et nous vous remercions d'avoir
écrit à M. Yves-François Blanchet, député de Beloeil-Chambly et chef
du Bloc Québécois.

Comme nous avons un volume important de courriels, il nous est
impossible de répondre à tous individuellement. Soyez assuré(e) que
votre courriel recevra toute l'attention nécessaire.

L'équipe du député Yves-François Blanchet
Chef du Bloc Québécois

Thank you for your email. We will read it as soon as we can.

---------- Original message ----------
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 19:06:21 +0000
Subject: Automatic Reply
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for writing to the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of
Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

Due to the volume of correspondence addressed to the Minister, please
note that there may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured
that your message will be carefully reviewed.

We do not respond to correspondence that contains offensive language.


Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable David Lametti, ministre de la
Justice et procureur général du Canada.

En raison du volume de correspondance adressée au ministre, veuillez
prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous assurer que votre message sera lu
avec soin.

Nous ne répondons pas à la correspondance contenant un langage offensant.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 15:06:16 -0400
Subject: Deployment of Emergencies Act expected to pass with support
of the NDP because of Trudeau's predictable confidence vote EH?
To: pm <>, "Katie.Telford" <>,
kingpatrick278 <>, Viva Frei
<>, "" <>,
"jagmeet.singh" <>,, "Candice.Bergen"
<>,, "Bill.Blair"
<>, "David.Lametti" <>,
mcu <>, "Ian.Shugart" <>,
"Kevin.leahy" <>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<>, "blaine.higgs" <>,
"hugh.flemming" <>, premier <>,
premier <>, Office of the Premier
<>, premier <>, PREMIER
<>, premier <>, premier
<>, premier <>, premier
<>, premier <>,,,, paul <>, "Paul.Lynch"
<>, derekstorie85
<>, eps <>,,,,,,,,,, leannemb
Cc: motomaniac333 <>

Monday, 21 February 2022

Deployment of Emergencies Act expected to pass with support of the NDP
because of Trudeau's predictable confidence vote EH?

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2022 22:35:29 -0400
Subject: Re: YO Anthony Rota I called YOU before the Crown began
arresting the folks protesting Trudeau's nonsense You must have found
this email and the document hereto attached by now correct?
To: Dave Steenburg <>
Cc: motomaniac333 <>



---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2022 22:29:09 -0400
Subject: RE Trudeau Invoking the Emergency Act and Freeland defending
her liberal democracy byway of her bankster buddies
To: "andrew.scheer" <>,,,,, "Lindsay.Mathyssen"
"Jenny.Kwan" <>, "Alistair.MacGregor"
<>, "Matthew.Green"
<>, "Gord.Johns" <>,
"peter.julian" <>, "brian.masse"
<>, "don.davies" <>,
"Alexandre.Boulerice" <>,, "Richard.Cannings"
<>, "Taylor.Bachrach"
<>, "Laurel.Collins"
<>, "Rachel.Blaney"
<>, "randall.garrison"
<>,,,,,, "Gary.Vidal"
<>,, "Michael.Kram"
Cc: motomaniac333 <>,,,,,, "Chris.Hall"
<>, " \"president\""
<>, ""
<>, president <>

Saturday, 19 February 2022

Trudeau Invoking the Emergency Act and Freeland defending her liberal
democracy byway of her bankster buddies

 Deja Vu Anyone???

On 2/19/22, Dave Steenburg <> wrote:
> Been dealing with it all day. Most people aren't actually being arrested.
> They are escorted to another location and given the choice to face arrest
> or leave Ottawa. I'm sure you have seen many video's of what has been
> happening in Ottawa both yesterday and today.
> On Sat., Feb. 19, 2022, 12:51 a.m. David Amos, <
>> wrote:
>> The sooner the better for the folks in jail this weekend excepting
>> Patty Baby King
>> On 2/19/22, Dave Steenburg <> wrote:
>> > Call tomorrow. Been on phone non stop.
>> >

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2022 00:08:58 -0400
Subject: YO Anthony Rota I called YOU before the Crown began arresting
the folks protesting Trudeau's nonsense You must have found this email
and the document hereto attached by now correct?
To:, "heather.bradley"
leannemb <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, washington field
<>, bbachrach <>,
"Bill.Blair" <>, "barbara.massey"
<>, Newsroom <>,
Norman Traversy <>, news <>,
nobyrne <>,,,,, nouvelle
<>, news-tips <>,,
Cc: motomaniac333 <>

---------- Original message ----------
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2019 16:04:29 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks YOU and Anthony Rota and the sneaky
lawyer Jody Wilson-Raybould should remember this email and the
document hereto attached N'esy Pas Gerald Butts?

Our office acknowledges receipt of your email.

Thank you for taking the time to contact my office. My staff and I are
here to assist everyone in Nipissing-Timiskaming with any Federal
Government issues, questions or concerns.  In order for us to better
serve you, please provide us with your complete name, mailing address
(including the postal code), and a daytime and home phone number.
This information is kept confidential.
My team in Timiskaming Shores, North Bay and Ottawa and I appreciate
hearing from all constituents and rest assured that correspondence we
receive from residents of Nipissing-Timiskaming is reviewed and acted
Thank you, Miigwech


Par la pr?sente, nous accusons r?ception de votre courriel.

Merci d'avoir pris le temps de contacter mon bureau. Mon personnel et
moi sommes ? l'enti?re disposition des habitants de
Nipissing-Timiskaming pour tout probl?me, question ou pr?occupation
qu'ils peuvent avoir concernant le gouvernement f?d?ral. Pour nous
aider ? mieux vous servir, nous vous demandons de nous transmettre
votre nom au complet, votre adresse postale (y compris le code
postal), ainsi que votre num?ro de t?l?phone ? domicile et le num?ro
o? vous joindre le jour.
Ces renseignements demeurent confidentiels.
Les commentaires des ?lecteurs comptent beaucoup pour moi et pour les
membres de mon ?quipe dans les bureaux de Timiskaming Shores, de North
Bay et d'Ottawa, et soyez assur?s que la correspondance que nous
recevons des habitants de Nipissing-Timiskaming est examin?e et que
nous y donnons suite.
Merci, Miigwech


Anthony Rota
Member of Parliament for Nipissing-Timiskaming | D?put? de Nipissing-Timiskaming
Assistant Deputy Speaker | Vice-pr?sident adjoint de la Chambre
Valour Building, Room 1020 | ?difice de la Bravoure, bureau 1020
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0A6
Tel. | T?l. : (613) 995-6255
Fax | T?l?copieur : (613) 996-7993<>


Kent North (electoral district)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kent North

Kent North (French: Kent-Nord) is a provincial electoral district for the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, Canada.

The district was established in the 1973 redistribution which saw New Brunswick move from a system of plurality-at-large voting (with multi-member ridings) to a first-past-the-post voting system (with single-member ridings). It took the northern third of the former three-member district for Kent County. In the 1994 redistribution, it added the Rogersville area from Northumberland County and was renamed Rogersville-Kouchibouguac. In the 2006 redistribution, it lost minor territory to Kent, but it regained that territory in 2013 as well as additional territory in the Five Rivers and Elsipogtog areas. Following the 2013 changes, it returned to its original name of Kent North.

Members of the Legislative Assembly

Electoral history

Kent North (2014–present)


Kent North (1974–1995)

New Brunswick electoral district
The riding of Kent North (as it exists from 2014) in relation to other New Brunswick electoral districts
Coordinates:46.680°N 65.238°W
Provincial electoral district
LegislatureLegislative Assembly of New Brunswick
Kevin Arseneau
District created1973
First contested1974
Last contested2020
Population (2011)15,720[1]
Electors (2013)11,811[2]
Census division(s)Kent County, Northumberland County
Census subdivision(s)Richibucto, Nouvelle-Arcadie, Saint-Louis-de-Kent, Saint-Louis Parish, Acadieville Parish, Carleton Parish, Harcourt, Saint-Charles Parish, Five Rivers, Elsipogtog First Nation, Richibucto-Village
Assembly Years Member Party
Kent North
Riding created from Kent
48th  1974–1978     Joseph Daigle Liberal
49th  1978–1982
50th  1982–1987 Conrad Landry
51st  1987–1991
52nd  1991–1995
53rd  1995–1999     Kenneth Johnson Liberal
54th  1999–2003     Rose-May Poirier Progressive Conservative
55th  2003–2006
56th  2006–2010
57th  2010–2014     Bertrand LeBlanc Liberal
Kent North
58th  2014–2018     Bertrand LeBlanc Liberal
59th  2018–2020     Kevin Arseneau Green
60th  2020–Present

2020 New Brunswick general election
Party Candidate Votes % ±%

Green Kevin Arseneau 4,021 47.47 +1.55

Liberal Bertrand LeBlanc 2,933 34.62 -2.74

Progressive Conservative Stephen Robertson 1,363 16.09 +3.50

Independent Roger Richard 154 1.82 -1.94
Total valid votes 8,471
Total rejected ballots 15 0.18 -0.33
Turnout 8,486 69.44 -2.70
Eligible voters 12,220

Green hold Swing +2.15
Source: Elections New Brunswick[3]

2018 New Brunswick general election
Party Candidate Votes % ±%

Green Kevin Arseneau 4,056 45.91 +27.74

Liberal Emery Comeau 3,301 37.37 -12.65

Progressive Conservative Katie Robertson 1,112 12.59 -4.01

Independent Roger Richard 194 2.20 +2.20

New Democratic Neil Gardner 171 1.94 -11.83
Total valid votes 8,834 100.0
Total rejected ballots 45
Turnout 8,879 72.58 -2.42
Eligible voters 12,234

Green gain from Liberal Swing +20.19
Source: Elections New Brunswick[4]

2014 New Brunswick general election
Party Candidate Votes % ±%

Liberal Bertrand LeBlanc 4,699 50.02 +3.98

Green Rébeka Frazer-Chiasson 1,707 18.17

Progressive Conservative Nancy Blanchard 1,559 16.60 -25.84

New Democratic Allan Marsh 1,294 13.77 +2.25

People's Alliance Raven-Chanelle Arsenault-Augustine 135 1.44
Total valid votes 9,394 100.0
Total rejected ballots 46 0.49
Turnout 9,440 75.00
Eligible voters 12,587

Liberal notional hold Swing -7.10

2010 New Brunswick general election
Party Candidate Votes % ±%

Liberal Bertrand LeBlanc 3,438 46.04 +6.60

Progressive Conservative Jimmy Bourque 3,169 42.44 -13.46

New Democratic Alida Fagan 860 11.52 +6.86
Total valid votes 7,467 100.0  
Total rejected ballots 151 1.98
Turnout 7,618 82.83
Eligible voters 9,197

Liberal gain from Progressive Conservative Swing +10.03

2006 New Brunswick general election
Party Candidate Votes % ±%

Progressive Conservative Rose-May Poirier 4,332 55.90 +6.52

Liberal Emery Comeau 3,057 39.45 -5.11

New Democratic Oscar Doucet 361 4.66 -1.41
Total valid votes 7,750 100.0  
Total rejected ballots 112 1.42
Turnout 7,862 81.69
Eligible voters 9,624

Progressive Conservative notional hold Swing +5.82

2003 New Brunswick general election
Party Candidate Votes % ±%

Progressive Conservative Rose-May Poirier 3,289 49.38 +7.40

Liberal Maurice Richard 2,968 44.56 +4.36

New Democratic Oscar Doucet 404 6.07 -11.75
Total valid votes 6,661 100.0  

Progressive Conservative hold Swing +1.52

1999 New Brunswick general election
Party Candidate Votes % ±%

Progressive Conservative Rose-May Poirier 2,820 41.98 +1.57

Liberal Maurice Richard 2,700 40.20 -12.09

New Democratic Maria Daigle 1,197 17.82 +10.52
Total valid votes 6,717 100.0  

Progressive Conservative gain from Liberal Swing +6.83

1995 New Brunswick general election
Party Candidate Votes % ±%

Liberal Kenneth Johnson 3,530 52.29 -11.10

Progressive Conservative Hermel Mazerolle 2,728 40.41 +22.78

New Democratic Charles Richard 493 7.30 -11.68
Total valid votes 6,751 100.0  

Liberal hold Swing -16.94

1991 New Brunswick general election
Party Candidate Votes % ±%

Liberal Conrad Landry 3,377 63.39 -3.50

New Democratic Docile Doiron 1,011 18.98 +11.45

Progressive Conservative Dominique Babineau 939 17.63 -7.95
Total valid votes 5,327 100.0  

Liberal hold Swing -7.48

1987 New Brunswick general election
Party Candidate Votes % ±%

Liberal Conrad Landry 3,697 66.89 +14.37

Progressive Conservative Gérald Guimond 1,414 25.58 -15.08

New Democratic Charles Richard 416 7.53 +0.71
Total valid votes 5,527 100.0  

Liberal hold Swing +14.72

1982 New Brunswick general election
Party Candidate Votes % ±%

Liberal Conrad Landry 2,750 52.52 -16.31

Progressive Conservative Elzée Thebeau 2,129 40.66 +17.32

New Democratic Charles R. Richard 357 6.82
Total valid votes 5,236 100.0  

Liberal hold Swing -16.82

1978 New Brunswick general election
Party Candidate Votes % ±%

Liberal Joseph Z. Daigle 3,156 68.83 +9.12

Progressive Conservative Louis Arsenault 1,070 23.34 -5.87

Parti acadien Philippe Ouellette 359 7.83 +2.15
Total valid votes 4,585 100.0  

Liberal hold Swing +7.50

1974 New Brunswick general election
Party Candidate Votes %

Liberal Joseph Z. Daigle 2,479 59.71

Progressive Conservative Willie G. Ferguson 1,213 29.21

Parti acadien Gilles Theriault 236 5.68

Independent Arcade Fontaine 224 5.39
Total valid votes 4,152 100.0  
The previous multi-member riding of Kent elected 3 (of 3) Liberals in the previous election. One Progressive Conservative was elected in the 1971 by-election. None of the three incumbents ran in this riding.

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