Friday 14 June 2024

Higgs says he's hopeful about election wins in francophone north


Higgs says he's hopeful about election wins in francophone north

Premier upbeat about PC chances in the region in last two elections but breakthroughs did not materialize

Premier Blaine Higgs is renewing his push to make electoral gains for his party in northern francophone ridings this fall — the third straight campaign in which he's claimed to be upbeat about his prospects there.

Higgs says he's hopeful that some quality candidates, including a well-known northern mayor, will finally give him a long-awaited breakthrough in the region in the Oct. 21 provincial election.

Normand Pelletier, the mayor of the new town of Heron Bay and the former mayor of Dalhousie, plans to run for the PCs.

Higgs is also bullish on two Madawaska candidates, including Michel Morin, a Haut-Madawaska municipal councillor, and Roger Quimper, a retired business executive.

WATCH |'Growth is everywhere': Higgs on francophone north:

Higgs defends record in francophone north

Duration 0:48
With a provincial election looming in the fall, Premier Blaine Higgs says his government hasn’t ignored northern francophone communities.

"These are really pillars within society that are running for us because they see the opportunities in this province and they want to be part of it," Higgs told Radio-Canada in an interview. 

But Higgs talked up so-called star candidates in northern and francophone ridings in 2018 and 2020, with meagre results.

Robert Gauvin won Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou in 2018 but eventually quit cabinet and the PC Party to become a Liberal.

In 2020, Daniel Allain was elected in Moncton East as the only francophone PC MLA but is not running again this year.

Réjean Savoie won Miramichi Bay-Neguac in a 2022 byelection and recently made provincial funding announcements in Edmundston and Saint-Quentin.

The opposition Liberals say they're not taking anything for granted but they believe Higgs's northern and francophone candidates will have a steep hill to climb.

Grey-haired man speaks into a microphone. Retired business executive Roger Quimper, seen here in this file photo, is a PC candidate in the Oct. 21 election. (Radio-Canada)

"Whoever's going to run under the Higgs banner, I wish them luck," said Bathurst West-Beresford MLA René Legacy. "It's going to be a challenge.

"People haven't exactly forgotten that we haven't seen Higgs up north for the last four years."

Legacy recently released statistics showing only seven per cent of funding for projects through the Regional Development Corporation.

The government argues it based its decisions on the applications it received, but the Liberals say many worthy proposals from the north were ignored.

"Sometimes it feels like, for lack of a better word, it's a lack of interest," Legacy said.

Higgs said his government has assessed projects on their merits and has been equitable with its funding.

"Around the province, you can go francophone-anglophone," he said, citing $3.5 million for upgrades at the Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick in Bathurst and a new nursing home in Champdoré, a francophone community north of Moncton. 

"We have looked around the province and worked with the entire province to support it. Growth is everywhere." 

'We're not buying votes'

The premier insists those recent announcements are based on merit, not the looming election, and that his government does not favour some regions over others.

"We're not buying votes," he said. "We want to be seen, as I believe we've demonstrated, as a party for the province, not for any one particular group.

"And I know in the past, political pursuits may have been much different than my philosophy, but if I'm not treating anyone fairly, I wanna know about it."

In almost the same breath, however, Higgs declared himself open to being influenced by more francophone and northern MLAs in his government. 

"It would be great to have more representatives from the north so that we can have their voices at the table and understand the needs."

'A seat at the table'

In an interview, Morin avoided explaining how he would defend Higgs's record with voters in Madawaska Les Lacs-Edmundston but said he'll argue the riding needs a voice within government.

"It is important that we have a seat at the table," he said.

As mayor of Dalhousie, Pelletier urged Higgs's government to act boldly by amalgamating municipalities to overcome obstacles to regional co-operation — a position that echoed the premier's.

Pelletier did not respond to an email request for an interview about his candidacy.

Legacy says Pelletier is "a good guy" but the exodus of senior PC ministers and MLAs from Higgs's government over the last year should give him pause.

"If you think you can bend your will on Blaine Higgs, good luck. I would tell Norm to look at the history. There's been a lot of strong ministers who've had to back away." 

Balding man with glasses and a goatee. Normand Pelletier, the mayor of the new town of Heron Bay and the former mayor of Dalhousie, plans to run for the PCs. (Bridget Yard/CBC)

While Higgs claims to be hopeful about high-profile PC francophones and northerners this time, he also acknowledges it's not worth devoting maximum effort to some ridings where there's no prospect of victory — such as three won by Liberals in byelections last year.

"If you're planning the next election and you're saying, 'How do I form government?' [and] if you hadn't won a seat in 80 years and the demographic was still the very same as it was or similar, would that be a target?" he said.

In the last poll of New Brunswickers' voting intentions by Narrative Research, taken in May, 39 per cent of respondents in the north said they planned to vote Liberal compared to 24 per cent for the PCs.

Four years ago Higgs dismissed his poor showing in the north and among francophones, saying they didn't have a history of voting PC and a "lampshade" could be elected as a Liberal in those regions. 

In fact, the PC Party won many francophone and northern seats under the leadership of premiers Richard Hatfield, Bernard Lord and David Alward.

Higgs told Radio-Canada he could make the same "lampshade" remark about his own party's wins in some southern New Brunswick ridings.

"Some go back and forth. But I could argue that point in many ridings in the province, whether it be a French lampshade or an English lampshade. We could argue they exist."  


Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. He grew up in Moncton and covered Parliament in Ottawa for the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal. He has reported on every New Brunswick election since 1995 and won awards from the Radio Television Digital News Association, the National Newspaper Awards and Amnesty International. He is also the author of five non-fiction books about New Brunswick politics and history.

With files from Alix Villeneuve

David Amos

Methinks Mr Outhouse has the right to make me eat his hat if Higgy does not have the writ dropped ASAP N'esy Pas? 
David Amos
"Pelletier did not respond to an email request for an interview about his candidacy."

He never does nor does he return phone calls

Deborah Reddon
Reply to David Amos  
Gee, that's been my experience with my Conservative MLA who has failed to respond to my three visits to his office. Then again, poor guy was on training in Toronto, then training in New York City.... more wasted tax dollars.
David Amos
Reply to Deborah Reddon    
The only (time) I can talk to politicians is when I debate them in public
David Amos
A history of voting PC and a "lampshade" could be elected in my neck of the woods 
Ralph Skavinsky

Reply to David Amos   
Lol..likewise across various ridiculous gs eith various parties..both feds and provs 
Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky.
Spell check does its own thing..s/b various ridings ..various partied.
Oscar Biasinni.
Reply to David Amos  
Higgs parroting Alberta's Danielle Smith divisive rhetoric and chaotic style government does not make bode well for responsible government.
Jos Allaire  
Outhouse, what does he know about New Nouveau-Brunswick? Except, we used to have a lot of them.
Bobby Richards 
Reply to Jos Allaire  
He drove through it once before getting hired on to the GNB payroll as Higgs secretary for $20k a month.
David Amos
Reply to Jos Allaire  
Methinks its not wise to underestimate the need for an Outhouse there many secrets revealed in the privy N'esy Pas? 
Bobby Richards 
Reply to David Amos
You know I know a few.
Bobby Richards 
Reply to  Bobby Richards 
secrets that is 
Jos Allaire  
Come next election, there won't be much left of the Higgs government.
Bobby Richards 
Reply to Jos Allaire  
He doesn't even have candidates yet in some of the anglophone ridings. Fundy the Isles
David Amos
Reply to Jos Allaire  
I would not bet the farm on that if I were you
Bobby Richards 
Reply to David Amos
Nomination isn't until mid July
Bobby Richards 
Reply to David Amos
There hasn't been a nomination convention yet. Pretty hard to hit the BBQ circuit when the candidate won't even be chosen until mid summer.
Bobby Richards 
Reply to David Amos
A couple are throwing their hat in the ring. Do they wear denim overalls? n'est-ce pas 
Gary Webber   
I wonder if he's taking Austin with him when he campaigns in the north?
Jos Allaire 
Reply to  Gary Webber  
Higgs would be better off not showing his face up there either.
Bobby Richards 
Reply to  Gary Webber 
If he does he better have a body guard.
David Amos
Reply to Gary Webber 
Wouldn't that be special? 
Matt Steele
Nothing much will change . Premier Higgs and the PC Party will once again sweep Southern N.B. , and win the election ; and the north will be left on the outside looking in without having any MLAs at the table of the government in power . It is what it is .
Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to Matt Steele.
Yes, from what I hear that's the way it will go. I happen to know many imigrants are livid with those opposing #713. They believe families work together regardless of what arises.
Bobby Richards 
Reply to Matt Steele
PCs won Shippagan in 2018 
David Amos
Reply to Matt Steele
Higgy is gonna lose a few seats down here 
Bobby Richards 
Reply to David Amos  
Hear Hear. And I'm a conservative. But not a fan of Higgs.  
Bobby Richards 
Reply to Matt Steele
"It would be great to have more representatives from the north so that we can have their voices at the table and understand the needs."

It's strange how he didn't feel this way over the last 6 years.

Jos Allaire   
Higgs has no more chance in the Francophone ridings than a ❄️ ⚾ in 🔥👹 🔥.
Archara Goldehere
Reply to Jos Allaire  
Right Jos and Higgs hasn't got a chance any where in NB. Higgs is so full of himself and will not be around much longer.
David Amos
Reply to Jos Allaire  
C'est Vrai
Walter Vrbetic
Looks like pork barreling...

For vegans, let's call it carrot dangling.

David Amos
Reply to Walter Vrbetic
What do you know of us? 
Ralph Steinberg
"People haven't exactly forgotten that we haven't seen Higgs up north for the last four years."

Love it.

David Amos

Reply to Ralph Steinberg 
Who is "We"???
ralph jacobs
james bolt
Reply to ralph jacobs
because everything is broken

from what I understand
ralph jacobs
Reply to james bolt
That is why they should be open.
Conrad Tanker
Reply to ralph jacobs
And the nonexistent Eby & Wab opinions & analysis.
Oscar Biasinni
Reply to ralph jacobs
Province run by chaotic ineffective governments like NB and AB tend to get noticed
Allan Marven
Reply to ralph jacobs
Would be nice to know if one is voting for a traitor or not before the next election. The only people with that " privilege" so far, are Certain RCMP members, and Dominic Leblanc.
Bob Olsen
Reply to ralph jacobs
Ashton won't resign. The NDP members have no shame about abusing taxpayer funds. Never have, never will. They see themselves about the rest of us.
Dave Kovic
Reply to ralph jacobs
Ralph Steinberg
Reply to Bob Olsen
What is amusing, is all parties do it, and yet, you are only calling out the NDP. Why is that? Should I bring up all those traveling during the pandemic? On our dime?
Ralph Steinberg
Reply to Bob Olsen
The guy that was using party donations, to send his kids to a private school?
MR Cain
Reply to Ralph Steinberg
Millions of Canadians were still travelling during the pandemic. There was also those cruise ships.
David Amos
Reply to Allan Marven
David Amos
Reply to Bob Olsen
All parliamentarians do Why else do they call themselves Honourable???
Daniel Franklin
"We're not buying votes" is exactly what someone who was buying votes would say.
Kramer Vandelay
Reply to Daniel Franklin
Go Higgy Baby Go!
Daniel Franklin
Reply to Kramer Vandelay
Yup! Go Higgy Go! Straight To Retirement.
David Amos
Reply to Daniel Franklin
Never believe anything until its officially denied

G. Timothy Walton
The PCs find candidates in the north of the province every single election; I doubt the outcome will be any different with Higgs still leading the party. Even where the federal Conservatives have done well there, the Higgs PCs have been trounced.

It's not the party that's the problem.

Deborah Reddon
Reply to G. Timothy Walton
I think it is the Party that's the problem. If all of their MLA's had stood together like a Team should, they could have ousted a Leader who wants to be king. Their lack of vision and focus on anything but the deficit has left NB'ers with even bigger problems.
Les Cooper
Reply to G. Timothy Walton
David Amos
Reply to Les Cooper
and conquer
Albalita Rose 

I think we all know what motivates the French...
David Amos

Reply to Albalita Rose
The same thing that motivates the English
Marc Bourque
Reply to Albalita Rose
and what would that be? Iam french!! I simply dont want a liberal at the helm,just look at Ottawa ,the proof is in the pudding!
G. Timothy Walton
Reply to Albalita Rose
I didn't know immigrants from France were numerous enough to make a difference in our provincial elections.
Koffi Babone
Reply to Marc Bourque
If you are French, please explain why your English is better than your French.
Koffi Babone
Reply to Marc Bourque
"Vous aver mon vote!! Tu n'ai pas le meilleur, mais vous etre mieux q'un liberal!!"
ralph jacobs
Reply to Koffi Babone
I know many who are very proficient in both languages.
Koffi Babone
Reply to ralph jacobs
You need to be French to understand that the sentence above in French is wrong..
Koffi Babone
Reply to ralph jacobs
My point is that what Mr Bourque posted in French is full of errors that I am doubting he is French.
Koffi Babone. 
MR Cain
Reply to Koffi Babone
Maybe Acadian, huh?
Koffi Babone.
Reply to MR Cain
Maybe some of the other mistakes, but I don't know of any francophones, Acadian or otherwise that would say "vous etre mieux".
MR Cain
Reply to Koffi Babone
You just found one. A real person too. Some people have trouble expressing themselves.
David Amos

Reply to 
Need I say I laughed when I noticed my reply went "Poof" too???
Mike Barkman
Higgy wanted to remove French services when he was CoR and get rid of official bilingualism.

A zebra never changes its stripes. The French population in the north won't ever forget that.
Ralph Skavinsky 
Reply to Mike Barkman
And The Acadian Party wanted to split the province..thankfully neither party brought their plan to fruition
Mathieu Laperriere
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
They do not want to split the province. That is only something an anti-francophone would say.
Ronald Miller 
Reply to Mike Barkman
They know what party scratches their back at the cost of the majority. 
G. Timothy Walton
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky  
Did you ever notice how anti-bilingualism anglophone party have actually won seats, while the Parti Acadien never came close?
Donald LeBlanc
Reply to Ronald Miller  
Are you referring to the comments made in the Legislature regarding Social Development Travel Nurses under Minister at the time Fitch, where Spencer Nursing Home ( a home with Church affiliations in Moncton) received $200,000. dollars of coverage and Providence Nursing Home in Shediac received zero dollars?
Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to  Mathieu Laperriere
Lol..perhaps i know Bernard Richard a little better than you sir. 
Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to  G. Timothy Walton
Yes I wil admit they actually became the Official Opposition too. 
Al Clark 
Reply to Mike Barkman
A; Still is COR

B; Lamented he couldn't do so just in the past couple of weeks - like OJ, doesn't know about video.

David Amos

Reply to Al Clark
You seem to be a worried man

Bobby Richards 

Reply to Mike Barkman 
For his COR goals the top of the list was "To establish one official language - English"
David Amos
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
I bet I know him better than you 
David Amos

Reply to Al Clark
Still flagging me EH?

Comment by Oscar Biasinni.
47 min ago

Parroting Alberta's Danielle Smith divisive rhetoric and chaotic style government should not be reelected. All Canadians need to work together to better our country.

Comment by David Amos.
51 min ago

A history of voting PC and a "lampshade" could be elected in my neck of the woods

    Reply by Ralph Skavinsky.

32 min ago

Spell check does its own thing..s/b various ridings ..various partied..

Comment by David Amos.
53 min ago

"Pelletier did not respond to an email request for an interview about his candidacy."

He never does nor does he return phone calls

Comment by David Amos.
1 hr ago

content deactivated –

Methinks Mr Outhouse has the right to make me eat his hat if Higgy does not have the writ dropped ASAP N'esy Pas?

Comment by David Webb.
1 hr ago

I saw on a Global News broadcast the Ms. Holt has promised to balance the budget and pay down the provincial debt. I don't believe her! If she did the knives would be out fairly quickly, I suspect.

    Reply by David Amos.

57 min ago

C'est Vrai
Reply by MR Cain.
23 min ago

How can you not believe a promise is beyond belief. Like, check the crystal ball.

Comment by Graham McCormack.
1 hr ago

Higgs is trying out his new stand up comedy routine.
David Amos
Reply to
Well put
MR Cain
23 min ago

not funny anymore

Comment by Akimbo Alogo.
1 hr ago

Keep up the good work and tune out the vocal minority.

    Reply by David Amos.

50 min ago

Yea right
Reply by Mike Barkman.
40 min ago

Kim Mitchell doesn't think like you buddy.

Comment by james bolt.
1 hr ago

as long as they don't care about healthcare and education Higgs should be fine

    Reply by David Amos.

50 min ago


Comment by Conrad Tanker.
2 hrs ago

Premier Higgs has this . A historic majority delivered by the people of New Brunswick.

    Reply by David Amos.

57 min ago

Surely you jest
Reply by Graham McCormack.
58 min ago

Reply by MR Cain.
21 min ago

Never had a majority at all; a minority of electorate maybe.
Reply by Gabriel Boucher.
7 min ago

Clearly, you're not from NB.

Comment by Bruce Dagsvik.
2 hrs ago

Those northern ridings need a separatist party to vote for.

Free ‘da Nort!

    Reply by Ralph Skavinsky.

1 hr ago

That was tried with the Acadian Party but it didn't happen.
Reply by David Amos.
49 min ago


Comment by Henry Hill.
2 hrs ago

J t is upbeat also

    Reply by David Amos.

48 min ago


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    Reply by Larry McCarthy.

2 hrs ago

Does he state that he is counting on aunty science to win?
Reply by William Murdoch.
1 hr ago

Masking, Social Distancing, getting the Jabs. Seeing as there is still some that believed - who knows who will win the election.
Reply by David Amos.
47 min ago

Methinks you are touching the 3rd rail N'esy Pas?

Comment by Ronald Miller.
2 hrs ago

The Liberals would actually have a much greater chance to win this election if they had a more capable leader (who was not a Gallant clone) and their track record was not so poor on fiscal management and scandals.

    Reply by Mike Barkman.

36 min ago

Ronny's back. Stopped posing as other people did ya?
Reply by David Amos.
3 min ago

Seems so

Comment by Ronald Miller.
2 hrs ago

Sorry Mr. Higgs, you will never get big support from the north because of your background and Liberal supporters vote along party lines more than vice versa, and they do it blindly no matter how much damage it can cause to the majority. The province was once all red, you would never see it all blue, ever. The top 1/3 of the province has been all red for a while now, the bottom 2/3 show varying colours, that is not an accident. If the PCs want inroads up north the leadership will have to change, which will happen a couple of years into Higgs next mandate if he wins, and a more center leader takes over, plain and simple.

    Reply by Graham McCormack.

1 hr ago

Comments on this site pretty much prove that many Conservatives always vote along party lines as well.
Reply by David Amos.
3 min ago


Comment by stephen magee.
2 hrs ago

Higgs would like their vote but doubtful, for some reason most the area left of Dieppe seems to always vote Liberal and i don't care for the way Higgs does business but he is good with our money and Liberals never stay in long enough so they seem to dish out our taxes to please voters.

Comment by Marc Bourque.
3 hrs ago

Vous aver mon vote!! Tu n'ai pas le meilleur, mais vous etre mieux q'un liberal!!

    Reply by Dan Lee.

30 min ago

ambulance arrive dans 10 minutes
Reply by David Amos.
3 min ago

On what planet?

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    Reply by Akimbo Alogo.

3 hrs ago

Care to explain your statement?
Reply by James McCaffrey.
2 hrs ago

He is an obvious phobe.
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
1 hr ago

Phobe...unclear on your meaning. Please explain.

Comment by SarahRose Werner.
3 hrs ago

Higgs is hopeful because Faytene promised to pray for him.

Comment by James Risdon.
3 hrs ago

Everyone in northern New Brunswick should vote Conservative in this upcoming election - if only to send a message to the Liberals that they can no longer take us for granted and to the Conservatives that these electoral districts are worth trying to win.

By voting solidly Liberal for the past 100 years or so, with few exceptions, the voters of northern New Brunswick have gotten to a point where the Liberals take their votes for granted and the Conservatives don't even bother putting up much of a fight.

That has resulted in the region having almost no political clout whatsoever either in Fredericton or Ottawa.

It's time that changed. Northern New Brunswickers have to demand that the Liberals and the Conservatives actually do something for them to get their votes.

    Reply by Marc Bourque.

2 hrs ago

Better to vote for a conservative than a liberal any day! Look at how our country slid down with a liberal at the helm at the federal level!
Reply by JOhn D Bond.
2 hrs ago

Wishful thinking at best. The stats also are not really reflective of, which party formed government. Since 1925, there have been 25 governments in NB, 13 were conservative and 12 were liberal.

So it would appear the assertation in the post is incorrect as 48% of the time the liberals actually formed government, providing as you call it clout.
Reply by James Risdon.
2 hrs ago

Well, if we ever get to the point where the region is voting so consistently Conservative that they start taking us for granted, then I will recommend we vote Liberal just to wake them up.

The politicians should have to earn our votes, not take them for granted.
Reply by David Amos.
46 min ago

content deactivated –

Why not your beloved KISS Party?
Reply by David Amos.
2 min ago

Flag much?

Comment by Akimbo Alogo.
3 hrs ago

Its easy to please people...don't rock any boats and tell everyone what they want to hear. That's not improving the situation though. Actually getting things done takes courage and will always result in someone getting their nose out of joint. Everyone cant get their way if we are to move forward. Just because you have an opinion doesn't make you entitled to get your own way. Sometimes the best way is unpopular. Do you think any of these other candidates have the fortitude to make these decisions? I didn't think so.

    Reply by Ralph Skavinsky.

1 hr ago

You can't always get what you want..but if you try sometime you just might find you get what you need..Rolling Stones
Reply by David Amos.
43 min ago

"Steal a little and they throw you in jail; steal a lot and they make you king." --Bob Dylan ·

Comment by Kate LeBlanc.
4 hrs ago

Not from this Francophone.

Comment by Marge Timmons.
4 hrs ago

I find it revealing that politicians are so desperate to win. If they truly cared they would all be working together instead of focusing on their thirst for power. What’s more confusing is why anyone would be a passionate supporter of any politician regardless of stripe.

    Reply by Akimbo Alogo.

3 hrs ago

If they were desparate to win, they would be pandering to the people rather than making hard and sometimes unpopular decisions.
Reply by SarahRose Werner.
3 hrs ago

It's a basic flaw of our electoral system. We elect politicians based on their ability to compete with each other for votes. Then we expect them to work cooperatively to run the government. What we need to do is to figure out a way to choose politicians based on their ability to cooperate rather than to compete.
Reply by Marge Timmons.
3 hrs ago

I don’t disagree that a major flaw in our our system is greedy voters who demand that govts continuously spend more than they have. Again if politicians truly cared for the long term stability they would pass laws making deficit spending illegal. Instead each party runs their algorithms to determine where to target spending in order to increase their support.
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
3 hrs ago

Every party has done that for 100s of years. I agree, its greasy. But fiscal responsibility is one of the cornerstones of the PC platform. Consecutive surpluses are the proof.
Reply by Nanny White.
3 hrs ago

Yes while people are turfed out of their homes by rental increases.
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
3 hrs ago

How is that the fault of the government? Its a national problem. Certainly not exclusive to NB. Additionally, how do renters expect housing increases not to happen at a similar rate to the increased cost of buying a home? Housing costs go goes up. Don't like it? Buy a house then. Renters seem to want the same rights as homeowners but don't want the responsibilities or burdens. The world doesn't work that way.
Reply by Geordan Mann.
3 hrs ago

They pander to their base with these unpopular decisions and hope to pick up enough disenfranchised others while paving roads to form a majority. This is not rocket science. The unethical actions, condescending attitude and limited foresight are leading to his lack of popularity and likely an election loss.
Reply by MR Cain.
2 hrs ago

Relying on the feds' equalization payments and not investing in the people of New Brunswick makes it easy to get a surplus.
Reply by SarahRose Werner.
2 hrs ago

Politicians in our current system have no reason to care for "long term stability." They're not going to be around for the long term unless they can win votes in the next election cycle, so their thinking is limited by that election cycle.
Reply by John Gray.
2 hrs ago

But higgs surpluses he keeps taking credit for are from federal government kick backs during covid. That he didn't spend on the population. The cons run deficits while slashing social funding and the population seems to forget that quickly. Higgs needs to be reminded that his surpluses were not from his government finances and more on with squandering the publics money
Reply by John Gray.
2 hrs ago

Finally someone identifying that. Mr Cain like you already. Can you explain to the group that conservatives usually do run deficits as well but run them while slashing social funding
Reply by Ralph Skavinsky.
1 hr ago

Well said...we need a Consensus Government
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
1 hr ago

Disagree. It was gained by Government austerity and responsible financial spending. Can you please point out how he "didnt spend on the population?"
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
1 hr ago

What "social funding" was slashed? Easy to say words...harder to back them up.
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
1 hr ago

What wasnt invested in the people of New Brunswick? Explain.
Reply by Robert Brannen.
57 min ago

Blaine Higgs appears to be pandering to a certain segment of the population.
Reply by MR Cain.
57 min ago

Ask the auditor general; pretty clear about irresponsible fiscal management.
Reply by MR Cain.
51 min ago

Every cent he gouged New Brunswickers to get his surplus. Try reading for a change.
Reply by David Amos.
just now

We really need an Ethical Government

Comment by Greg Miller.
4 hrs ago

Sitting on my hands. This election is nothing more than a cruel exercise in "Gallows Humour". "None of the above"!

Comment by Ron parker.
4 hrs ago

at least they use a real name.

    Reply by MR Cain.

2 hrs ago

Never made it on the electorate list.
Reply by Ron parker.
2 hrs ago

my comment was meant to be a reply to another post.
Reply by David Amos.
42 min ago

I do too
Reply by MR Cain.
51 min ago

I know, la bimbo.

Comment by Akimbo Alogo.
4 hrs ago

Not only is he going to win the next election, but it will be by a wide majority. A lot of these comments are going to seem pretty silly at the end of October. They wont age well at all.

    Reply by Ron parker.

4 hrs ago

at least they use a real name.
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Reply by Ron parker.
4 hrs ago

not surprised Kim.
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
3 hrs ago

Nor am I. Typically those who are church educated and call "grunt" a career aren't big thinkers for themselves, right Ronnie?
Reply by Ron parker.
3 hrs ago

Might as well go for a soda.
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
3 hrs ago

how clever indeed.
Reply by David Amos.
41 min ago

and a butter tart

Comment by Doug kirby.
4 hrs ago

Not sure that will fact he may be loosing seats in areas

Comment by Eugene Peabody.
4 hrs ago

Higgs is just trying to rally the old time party members who are upset with his leadership.

Comment by Steve Onuluk.
5 hrs ago

hA ha ha... Best joke i have heard in a long time. PC win

    Reply by Nanny White.

3 hrs ago

Another episode in as the stomach turns

Comment by Marcel Marcotte.
5 hrs ago

Mr. Higgs and the PCs will not win ridings in the North of New Brunswick on October 21st.

Comment by Geordan Mann.
5 hrs ago

Not buying votes. Both parties buy votes at every opportunity. Politics in this province remain stuck in the Con/Lib pendulum and this so called leader is willing to say or do anything, however ethically questionable, to maintain his control over the province.

Comment by Jay Miller.
6 hrs ago

I Don’t buy that fictional story - sorry! You are dividing this province, its citizens, and minority groups - we now know your game! I want my New Brunswick back - a NB where EVERYONE is included - so, it’s time to vote Higgs out!

    Reply by Les Cooper.

4 hrs ago

The french in the north is the reason for the device.
Reply by Lynette Browne.
4 hrs ago

For what device?
Reply by Bob Louie.
2 hrs ago

He is the opposite. The left have becomes experts to dividing us all up with labels and then driving wedges between us. The sub-sub categories of people are ridiculous. Another group appears every week and we have to kow-tow to them while we are stilling learning new rules for the group from the week before.

We are all just people. Be nice and quit re-labeling us all every week.
Reply by John Gray.
2 hrs ago

No it's not. Has nothing to do with the French. It has everything to do with the political right attacking French minority groups.
Reply by David Webb.
1 hr ago

Some may think that a couple of these minority groups are being far from sense-able and reasonable.
Reply by Koffi Babone.
43 min ago

LOL, Higgs needs no help from the left, he buries himself very well with his comments and choices he makes..

Comment by Doug McBride.
6 hrs ago

Higgsy Irving is well past his best due date and should have retired back a few years ago when he said he was considering it! NOW it is obvious that he has taken the attitude that it is 'his way or the highway' and alienated both his fellow Cons and more importantly the people of New Brunswick! He has also taken on the reek of ultra far right doctrine and THAT in itself should make his leadership officially OVER this election! Bye Bye!

Comment by JOhn D Bond.
6 hrs ago

"We're not buying votes," he said. "We want to be seen, as I believe we've demonstrated, as a party for the province, not for any one particular group.

What a load of bunk. It should read party for the large corps party opposed to the actual voters. Look at Health Care, Rent Control, Education System, School Bus Drivers,

    Reply by Les Cooper.

4 hrs ago

Those have been problems for years . Nb hasn't had any money due to lack of industry.
Reply by Mike Sauerteig.
4 hrs ago

Yes, budgets have been problematic in NB for many years, BUT the PCs have been controlling provincial coffers for how long by now ? Kind of hard to pass that blame onto any other party. Higgs’ obsession with reducing the provincial debt at all costs has resulted in serious lack of funding for many portfolios. I think one can agree that some amount of spending in key sectors could be the stimulus to see things move in the right direction.
Reply by JOhn D Bond.
3 hrs ago

Sorry but I will have to disagree. Higgs has brought this to a whole new level.
Reply by John Gray.
2 hrs ago

Yeah and higgs can't even fundraise in nb. He's to above that
Reply by Robert Brannen.
37 min ago

A lack of industry? There is Petroleum, Forestry, Paper Products, Shipping, Electricity Generation; the problem is in the oversight of industry in New Brunswick. That oversight begins with the provincial government.

 Ralph Skavinsky



Comment history

    Ralph Skavinsky posted on Higgs says he's hopeful about election wins in francophone north | CBC News:

    "Spell check does its own thing..s/b various ridings ..various partied.. "

24 min ago

Ralph Skavinsky posted on Higgs says he's hopeful about election wins in francophone north | CBC News:

"Lol..likewise across various ridiculous gs eith various parties..both feds and provs"
25 min ago

Ralph Skavinsky posted on Higgs says he's hopeful about election wins in francophone north | CBC News:

"And The Acadian Party wanted to split the province..thankfully neither party brought their plan to f..."
28 min ago

Ralph Skavinsky posted on Higgs says he's hopeful about election wins in francophone north | CBC News:

"Well said...we need a Consensus Government"
1 hr ago

Ralph Skavinsky posted on Higgs says he's hopeful about election wins in francophone north | CBC News:

"You can't always get what you want..but if you try sometime you just might find you get what you nee..."
1 hr ago

Ralph Skavinsky posted on Higgs says he's hopeful about election wins in francophone north | CBC News:

"That was tried with the Acadian Party but it didn't happen."
1 hr ago

 2 min ago

Higgy wanted to remove French services when he was CoR and get rid of official bilingualism.

A zebra never changes its stripes. The French population in the north won't ever forget that.

Comment by Oscar Biasinni.
7 min ago

Parroting Alberta's Danielle Smith divisive rhetoric and chaotic style government should not be reelected. All Canadians need to work together to better our country.

Comment by David Amos.
11 min ago

A history of voting PC and a "lampshade" could be elected in my neck of the woods

Comment by David Amos.
14 min ago

"Pelletier did not respond to an email request for an interview about his candidacy."

He never does nor does he return phone calls

Comment by David Amos.
32 min ago

Methinks Mr Outhouse has the right to make me eat his hat if Higgy does not have the writ dropped ASAP N'esy Pas?

Comment by David Webb.
41 min ago

I saw on a Global News broadcast the Ms. Holt has promised to balance the budget and pay down the provincial debt. I don't believe her! If she did the knives would be out fairly quickly, I suspect.

    Reply by David Amos.

17 min ago

C'est Vrai

Comment by Graham McCormack.
45 min ago

Higgs is trying out his new stand up comedy routine.

    Reply by David Amos.

18 min ago

Well put

Comment by Akimbo Alogo.
49 min ago

Keep up the good work and tune out the vocal minority.

    Reply by David Amos.

10 min ago

Yea right

Comment by james bolt.
1 hr ago

as long as they don't care about healthcare and education Higgs should be fine

    Reply by David Amos.

10 min ago


Comment by Conrad Tanker.
1 hr ago

Premier Higgs has this . A historic majority delivered by the people of New Brunswick.

    Reply by David Amos.

17 min ago

Surely you jest
Reply by Graham McCormack.
18 min ago


Comment by Bruce Dagsvik.
1 hr ago

Those northern ridings need a separatist party to vote for.

Free ‘da Nort!

    Reply by Ralph Skavinsky.

1 hr ago

That was tried with the Acadian Party but it didn't happen.
Reply by David Amos.
9 min ago


Comment by Henry Hill.
1 hr ago

J t is upbeat also

    Reply by David Amos.

9 min ago


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    Reply by Larry McCarthy.

1 hr ago

Does he state that he is counting on aunty science to win?
Reply by William Murdoch.
27 min ago

Masking, Social Distancing, getting the Jabs. Seeing as there is still some that believed - who knows who will win the election.
Reply by David Amos.
8 min ago

Methinks you are touching the 3rd rail N'esy Pas?

Comment by Ronald Miller.
1 hr ago

The Liberals would actually have a much greater chance to win this election if they had a more capable leader (who was not a Gallant clone) and their track record was not so poor on fiscal management and scandals.

Comment by Ronald Miller.
1 hr ago

Sorry Mr. Higgs, you will never get big support from the north because of your background and Liberal supporters vote along party lines more than vice versa, and they do it blindly no matter how much damage it can cause to the majority. The province was once all red, you would never see it all blue, ever. The top 1/3 of the province has been all red for a while now, the bottom 2/3 show varying colours, that is not an accident. If the PCs want inroads up north the leadership will have to change, which will happen a couple of years into Higgs next mandate if he wins, and a more center leader takes over, plain and simple.

    Reply by Graham McCormack.
    44 min ago

    Comments on this site pretty much prove that many Conservatives always vote along party lines as well.

Comment by stephen magee.
2 hrs ago

Higgs would like their vote but doubtful, for some reason most the area left of Dieppe seems to always vote Liberal and i don't care for the way Higgs does business but he is good with our money and Liberals never stay in long enough so they seem to dish out our taxes to please voters.

Comment by Marc Bourque.
2 hrs ago

Vous aver mon vote!! Tu n'ai pas le meilleur, mais vous etre mieux q'un liberal!!

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Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
2 hrs ago

Care to explain your statement?
Reply by James McCaffrey.
1 hr ago

He is an obvious phobe.
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
57 min ago

Phobe...unclear on your meaning. Please explain.

Comment by SarahRose Werner.
3 hrs ago

Higgs is hopeful because Faytene promised to pray for him.

Comment by James Risdon.
3 hrs ago

Everyone in northern New Brunswick should vote Conservative in this upcoming election - if only to send a message to the Liberals that they can no longer take us for granted and to the Conservatives that these electoral districts are worth trying to win.

By voting solidly Liberal for the past 100 years or so, with few exceptions, the voters of northern New Brunswick have gotten to a point where the Liberals take their votes for granted and the Conservatives don't even bother putting up much of a fight.

That has resulted in the region having almost no political clout whatsoever either in Fredericton or Ottawa.

It's time that changed. Northern New Brunswickers have to demand that the Liberals and the Conservatives actually do something for them to get their votes.

    Reply by Marc Bourque.

2 hrs ago

Better to vote for a conservative than a liberal any day! Look at how our country slid down with a liberal at the helm at the federal level!
Reply by JOhn D Bond.
2 hrs ago

Wishful thinking at best. The stats also are not really reflective of, which party formed government. Since 1925, there have been 25 governments in NB, 13 were conservative and 12 were liberal.

So it would appear the assertation in the post is incorrect as 48% of the time the liberals actually formed government, providing as you call it clout.
Reply by James Risdon.
1 hr ago

Well, if we ever get to the point where the region is voting so consistently Conservative that they start taking us for granted, then I will recommend we vote Liberal just to wake them up.

The politicians should have to earn our votes, not take them for granted.
Reply by David Amos.
6 min ago

content deactivated –

    Why not your beloved KISS Party?

Comment by Akimbo Alogo.
3 hrs ago

Its easy to please people...don't rock any boats and tell everyone what they want to hear. That's not improving the situation though. Actually getting things done takes courage and will always result in someone getting their nose out of joint. Everyone cant get their way if we are to move forward. Just because you have an opinion doesn't make you entitled to get your own way. Sometimes the best way is unpopular. Do you think any of these other candidates have the fortitude to make these decisions? I didn't think so.

    Reply by Ralph Skavinsky.

54 min ago

You can't always get what you want..but if you try sometime you just might find you get what you need..Rolling Stones
Reply by David Amos.
4 min ago

"Steal a little and they throw you in jail; steal a lot and they make you king." --Bob Dylan ·

Comment by Kate LeBlanc.
3 hrs ago

Not from this Francophone.

Comment by Marge Timmons.
3 hrs ago

I find it revealing that politicians are so desperate to win. If they truly cared they would all be working together instead of focusing on their thirst for power. What’s more confusing is why anyone would be a passionate supporter of any politician regardless of stripe.

    Reply by Akimbo Alogo.

3 hrs ago

If they were desparate to win, they would be pandering to the people rather than making hard and sometimes unpopular decisions.
Reply by SarahRose Werner.
3 hrs ago

It's a basic flaw of our electoral system. We elect politicians based on their ability to compete with each other for votes. Then we expect them to work cooperatively to run the government. What we need to do is to figure out a way to choose politicians based on their ability to cooperate rather than to compete.
Reply by Marge Timmons.
3 hrs ago

I don’t disagree that a major flaw in our our system is greedy voters who demand that govts continuously spend more than they have. Again if politicians truly cared for the long term stability they would pass laws making deficit spending illegal. Instead each party runs their algorithms to determine where to target spending in order to increase their support.
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
2 hrs ago

Every party has done that for 100s of years. I agree, its greasy. But fiscal responsibility is one of the cornerstones of the PC platform. Consecutive surpluses are the proof.
Reply by Nanny White.
2 hrs ago

Yes while people are turfed out of their homes by rental increases.
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
2 hrs ago

How is that the fault of the government? Its a national problem. Certainly not exclusive to NB. Additionally, how do renters expect housing increases not to happen at a similar rate to the increased cost of buying a home? Housing costs go goes up. Don't like it? Buy a house then. Renters seem to want the same rights as homeowners but don't want the responsibilities or burdens. The world doesn't work that way.
Reply by Geordan Mann.
2 hrs ago

They pander to their base with these unpopular decisions and hope to pick up enough disenfranchised others while paving roads to form a majority. This is not rocket science. The unethical actions, condescending attitude and limited foresight are leading to his lack of popularity and likely an election loss.
Reply by MR Cain.
2 hrs ago

Relying on the feds' equalization payments and not investing in the people of New Brunswick makes it easy to get a surplus.
Reply by SarahRose Werner.
2 hrs ago

Politicians in our current system have no reason to care for "long term stability." They're not going to be around for the long term unless they can win votes in the next election cycle, so their thinking is limited by that election cycle.
Reply by John Gray.
1 hr ago

But higgs surpluses he keeps taking credit for are from federal government kick backs during covid. That he didn't spend on the population. The cons run deficits while slashing social funding and the population seems to forget that quickly. Higgs needs to be reminded that his surpluses were not from his government finances and more on with squandering the publics money
Reply by John Gray.
1 hr ago

Finally someone identifying that. Mr Cain like you already. Can you explain to the group that conservatives usually do run deficits as well but run them while slashing social funding
Reply by Ralph Skavinsky.
53 min ago

Well said...we need a Consensus Government
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
53 min ago

Disagree. It was gained by Government austerity and responsible financial spending. Can you please point out how he "didnt spend on the population?"
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
51 min ago

What "social funding" was slashed? Easy to say words...harder to back them up.
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
50 min ago

What wasnt invested in the people of New Brunswick? Explain.
Reply by Robert Brannen.
17 min ago

Blaine Higgs appears to be pandering to a certain segment of the population.
Reply by MR Cain.
17 min ago

Ask the auditor general; pretty clear about irresponsible fiscal management.
Reply by MR Cain.
12 min ago

Every cent he gouged New Brunswickers to get his surplus. Try reading for a change.

Comment by Greg Miller.
3 hrs ago

Sitting on my hands. This election is nothing more than a cruel exercise in "Gallows Humour". "None of the above"!

Comment by Ron parker.
3 hrs ago

at least they use a real name.

    Reply by MR Cain.

2 hrs ago

Never made it on the electorate list.
Reply by Ron parker.
2 hrs ago

my comment was meant to be a reply to another post.
Reply by David Amos.
2 min ago

I do too
Reply by MR Cain.
11 min ago

I know, la bimbo.

Comment by Akimbo Alogo.
4 hrs ago

Not only is he going to win the next election, but it will be by a wide majority. A lot of these comments are going to seem pretty silly at the end of October. They wont age well at all.

    Reply by Ron parker.

3 hrs ago

at least they use a real name.
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Reply by Ron parker.
3 hrs ago

not surprised Kim.
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
3 hrs ago

Nor am I. Typically those who are church educated and call "grunt" a career aren't big thinkers for themselves, right Ronnie?
Reply by Ron parker.
3 hrs ago

Might as well go for a soda.
Reply by Akimbo Alogo.
2 hrs ago

how clever indeed.
Reply by David Amos.
1 min ago

and a butter tart

Comment by Doug kirby.
4 hrs ago

Not sure that will fact he may be loosing seats in areas

Comment by Eugene Peabody.
4 hrs ago

Higgs is just trying to rally the old time party members who are upset with his leadership.

Comment by Steve Onuluk.
4 hrs ago

hA ha ha... Best joke i have heard in a long time. PC win

    Reply by Nanny White.

2 hrs ago

Another episode in as the stomach turns

Comment by Marcel Marcotte.
4 hrs ago

Mr. Higgs and the PCs will not win ridings in the North of New Brunswick on October 21st.

Comment by Geordan Mann.
4 hrs ago

Not buying votes. Both parties buy votes at every opportunity. Politics in this province remain stuck in the Con/Lib pendulum and this so called leader is willing to say or do anything, however ethically questionable, to maintain his control over the province.

Comment by Jay Miller.
5 hrs ago

I Don’t buy that fictional story - sorry! You are dividing this province, its citizens, and minority groups - we now know your game! I want my New Brunswick back - a NB where EVERYONE is included - so, it’s time to vote Higgs out!

    Reply by Les Cooper.

3 hrs ago

The french in the north is the reason for the device.
Reply by Lynette Browne.
3 hrs ago

For what device?
Reply by Bob Louie.
2 hrs ago

He is the opposite. The left have becomes experts to dividing us all up with labels and then driving wedges between us. The sub-sub categories of people are ridiculous. Another group appears every week and we have to kow-tow to them while we are stilling learning new rules for the group from the week before.

We are all just people. Be nice and quit re-labeling us all every week.
Reply by John Gray.
1 hr ago

No it's not. Has nothing to do with the French. It has everything to do with the political right attacking French minority groups.
Reply by David Webb.
36 min ago

Some may think that a couple of these minority groups are being far from sense-able and reasonable.

Comment by Doug McBride.
5 hrs ago

Higgsy Irving is well past his best due date and should have retired back a few years ago when he said he was considering it! NOW it is obvious that he has taken the attitude that it is 'his way or the highway' and alienated both his fellow Cons and more importantly the people of New Brunswick! He has also taken on the reek of ultra far right doctrine and THAT in itself should make his leadership officially OVER this election! Bye Bye!

Comment by JOhn D Bond.
6 hrs ago

"We're not buying votes," he said. "We want to be seen, as I believe we've demonstrated, as a party for the province, not for any one particular group.

What a load of bunk. It should read party for the large corps party opposed to the actual voters. Look at Health Care, Rent Control, Education System, School Bus Drivers,

    Reply by Les Cooper.

3 hrs ago

Those have been problems for years . Nb hasn't had any money due to lack of industry.
Reply by Mike Sauerteig.
Reply to

Yes, budgets have been problematic in NB for many years, BUT the PCs have been controlling provincial coffers for how long by now ? Kind of hard to pass that blame onto any other party. Higgs’ obsession with reducing the provincial debt at all costs has resulted in serious lack of funding for many portfolios. I think one can agree that some amount of spending in key sectors could be the stimulus to see things move in the right direction.
Reply by JOhn D Bond.
Reply to

Sorry but I will have to disagree. Higgs has brought this to a whole new level.
Reply by John Gray.
1 hr ago

Yeah and higgs can't even fundraise in nb. He's to above that


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