Imagine if Jeremy MacKenzie or any his V4F buddies had read this email before going overseas
David Amos <> wrote:
From: David Amos <>
Subject: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow
Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Mr. Specter:
I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 2:50 AM
Subject: Automatic Reply
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Due to the volume of correspondence addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be carefully reviewed.
We do not respond to correspondence that contains offensive language.
Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Arif Virani, ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada.
En raison du volume de correspondance adressée au ministre, veuillez
prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous assurer que votre message sera lu
avec soin.
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 2:49 AM
Subject: Re: Diagolon is Strong with Morgan May and Chet Chisholm
To: <>, <>, steven.johnston <>, <>, <>, David.Fraser <>, <>, Jason Lavigne <>, <>, <>, <>, martin.gaudet <>, pm <>, Katie.Telford <>, jcharest <>, <>, pierre.poilievre <>, leslyn.lewis <>, <>, Marco.Mendicino <>, Mark.Blakely <>, Kevin.leahy <>, ian.fahie <>, ebell <>, sylvie.gadoury <>, Catherine.Tait <>, pablo.rodriguez <>, Melanie.Joly <>, plee <>, Jacques.Poitras <>, darrow.macintyre <>, Robert. Jones <>, Newsroom <>, NightTimePodcast <>, nsinvestigators <>, paulpalango <>, mcu <>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <>, prontoman1 <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Dana-lee Melfi <>, kingpatrick278 <>, Tyson Billings <>, <>, Chance Of Fluri <>, David Fraser <>, David.Akin <>, <>, National Citizens Inquiry <>, <>, <>, ragingdissident <>, <>, <>, <>, rfife <>, Michael.Duheme <>, kris.austin <>, premier <>, premier <>, PREMIER <>, Office of the Premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, <>, <>
Cc: brigitte belton <>, <>, Dave Steenburg <>, <>, Kindness62 <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, livefromtheshed2022 <>, Monick Grenier <>, John Carpay <>, James Manson <>, <>
From: Sherif Foda <>
Date: Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: YO Mr Trudeau Need I say Bah Humbug again???
To: David Amos <>
Dec 14th, 2015
>>>>> behaviorurldefaultvmlo.html
>>>>> 83 The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
>>>>> in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
>>>>> allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
>>>>> five years after he began his bragging:
>>>>> January 13, 2015
>>>>> This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
>>>>> December 8, 2014
>>>>> Why Canada Stood Tall!
>>>>> Friday, October 3, 2014
>>>>> Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
>>>>> Stupid Justin Trudeau
>>>>> Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
>>>>> behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.
>>>>> When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
>>>>> actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
>>>>> in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to
>>>>> the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
>>>>> involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
>>>>> significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth
>>>>> of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
>>>>> operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute”
>>>>> Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
>>>>> The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
>>>>> deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
>>>>> Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
>>>>> redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
>>>>> less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
>>>>> alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s
>>>>> then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
>>>>> incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
>>>>> professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
>>>>> Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
>>>>> campaign of 2006.
>>>>> What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then
>>>>> Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
>>>>> Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
>>>>> support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
>>>>> What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling
>>>>> chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
>>>>> less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
>>>>> as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
>>>>> deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.
>>>>> The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
>>>>> the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
>>>>> That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
>>>>> constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
>>>>> remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
>>>>> non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
>>>>> regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
>>>>> instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
>>>>> limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.
>>>>> President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
>>>>> attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
>>>>> Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,
>>>>> and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
>>>>> initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
>>>>> essential for the security and tranquility of the developed world. An
>>>>> ISIS “caliphate,” in the Middle East, no matter how small, is a clear
>>>>> and present danger to the entire world. This “occupied state,”
>>>>> or“failed state” will prosecute an unending Islamic inspired war of
>>>>> terror against not only the “western world,” but Arab states
>>>>> “moderate” or not, as well. The security, safety, and tranquility of
>>>>> Canada and Canadians are just at risk now with the emergence of an
>>>>> ISIS“caliphate” no matter how large or small, as it was with the
>>>>> Taliban and Al Quaeda “marriage” in Afghanistan.
>>>>> One of the everlasting “legacies” of the “Trudeau the Elder’s dynasty
>>>>> was Canada and successive Liberal governments cowering behind the
>>>>> amerkan’s nuclear and conventional military shield, at the same time
>>>>> denigrating, insulting them, opposing them, and at the same time
>>>>> self-aggrandizing ourselves as “peace keepers,” and progenitors of
>>>>> “world peace.” Canada failed. The United States of Amerka, NATO, the
>>>>> G7 and or G20 will no longer permit that sort of sanctimonious
>>>>> behavior from Canada or its government any longer. And Prime Minister
>>>>> Stephen Harper, Foreign Minister John Baird , and Cabinet are fully
>>>>> cognizant of that reality. Even if some editorial boards, and pundits
>>>>> are not.
>>>>> Justin, Trudeau “the younger” is reprising the time “honoured” liberal
>>>>> mantra, and tradition of expecting the amerkans or the rest of the
>>>>> world to do “the heavy lifting.” Justin Trudeau and his “butt buddy”
>>>>> David Amos are telling Canadians that we can guarantee our security
>>>>> and safety by expecting other nations to fight for us. That Canada can
>>>>> and should attempt to guarantee Canadians safety by providing
>>>>> “humanitarian aid” somewhere, and call a sitting US president a “war
>>>>> criminal.” This morning Australia announced they too, were sending
>>>>> tactical aircraft to eliminate the menace of an ISIS “caliphate.”
>>>>> In one sense Prime Minister Harper is every bit the scoundrel Trudeau
>>>>> “the elder” and Jean ‘the crook” Chretien was. Just As Trudeau, and
>>>>> successive Liberal governments delighted in diminishing,
>>>>> marginalizing, under funding Canadian Forces, and sending Canadian
>>>>> military men and women to die with inadequate kit and modern
>>>>> equipment; so too is Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Canada’s F-18s are
>>>>> antiquated, poorly equipped, and ought to have been replaced five
>>>>> years ago. But alas, there won’t be single RCAF fighter jock that
>>>>> won’t go, or won’t want to go, to make Canada safe or safer.
>>>>> My Grandfather served this country. My father served this country. My
>>>>> Uncle served this country. And I have served this country. Justin
>>>>> Trudeau has not served Canada in any way. Thomas Mulcair has not
>>>>> served this country in any way. Liberals and so called social
>>>>> democrats haven’t served this country in any way. David Amos, and
>>>>> other drooling fools have not served this great nation in any way. Yet
>>>>> these fools are more than prepared to ensure their, our safety to
>>>>> other nations, and then criticize them for doing so.
>>>>> Canada must again, now, “do our bit” to guarantee our own security,
>>>>> and tranquility, but also that of the world. Canada has never before
>>>>> shirked its responsibility to its citizens and that of the world.
>>>>> Prime Minister Harper will not permit this country to do so now
>>>>> From:
>>>>> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 14:17:17 -0400
>>>>> Subject: RE: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and
>>>>> the War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still
>>>>> alive
>>>>> To:
>>>>> This is to confirm that the Minister of National Defence has received
>>>>> your email and it will be reviewed in due course. Please do not reply
>>>>> to this message: it is an automatic acknowledgement.
>>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 13:55:30 -0300
>>>>> Subject: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and the
>>>>> War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still alive
>>>>> To:,,
>>>>>, stoffp1 <>,
>>>>>, birgir <>, smari
>>>>> <>,, pm <>,
>>>>> Cc: "Edith. Cody-Rice" <>, "terry.seguin"
>>>>> <>, acampbell <>, whistleblower
>>>>> <>
>>>>> I talked to Don Newman earlier this week before the beancounters David
>>>>> Dodge and Don Drummond now of Queen's gave their spin about Canada's
>>>>> Health Care system yesterday and Sheila Fraser yapped on and on on
>>>>> CAPAC during her last days in office as if she were oh so ethical.. To
>>>>> be fair to him I just called Greg Weston (613-288-6938) I suggested
>>>>> that he should at least Google SOUCOM and David Amos It would be wise
>>>>> if he check ALL of CBC's sources before he publishes something else
>>>>> about the DND EH Don Newman? Lets just say that the fact that your
>>>>> old CBC buddy, Tony Burman is now in charge of Al Jazeera English
>>>>> never impressed me. The fact that he set up a Canadian office is
>>>>> interesting though
>>>>> index.php/team/don-newman/
>>>>> jazeera-english-launch.html
>>>>> Anyone can call me back and stress test my integrity after they read
>>>>> this simple pdf file. BTW what you Blue Sky dudes pubished about
>>>>> Potash Corp and BHP is truly funny. Perhaps Stevey Boy Harper or Brad
>>>>> Wall will fill ya in if you are to shy to call mean old me.
>>>>> The Governor General, the PMO and the PCO offices know that I am not a
>>>>> shy political animal
>>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>>> 902 800 0369
>>>>> Enjoy Mr Weston
>>>>> iraq-invasion-wikileaks.html
>>>>> "But Lang, defence minister McCallum's chief of staff, says military
>>>>> brass were not entirely forthcoming on the issue. For instance, he
>>>>> says, even McCallum initially didn't know those soldiers were helping
>>>>> to plan the invasion of Iraq up to the highest levels of command,
>>>>> including a Canadian general.
>>>>> That general is Walt Natynczyk, now Canada's chief of defence staff,
>>>>> who eight months after the invasion became deputy commander of 35,000
>>>>> U.S. soldiers and other allied forces in Iraq. Lang says Natynczyk was
>>>>> also part of the team of mainly senior U.S. military brass that helped
>>>>> prepare for the invasion from a mobile command in Kuwait."
>>>>> states.html
>>>>> "I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there
>>>>> being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends"
>>>>> demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing. American
>>>>> "veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying
>>>>> into the US policy.
>>>>> At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of my
>>>>> colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning
>>>>> in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would
>>>>> report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation. There was
>>>>> never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where there
>>>>> were deployed WMD.
>>>>> Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and
>>>>> invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were
>>>>> concerned about the number of "boots on the ground" for the occupation
>>>>> (and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned
>>>>> about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at
>>>>> that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil
>>>>> authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy.
>>>>> There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to
>>>>> its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was contrary
>>>>> to the lessons of Vietnam but also to current military thought, that
>>>>> folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others elucidated
>>>>> upon. "What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions
>>>>> are to met before US troop can redeploy? Prime Minister Jean Chretien
>>>>> and the PMO were even at the very preliminary planning stages wary of
>>>>> Canadian involvement in an Iraq operation....History would prove them
>>>>> correct. The political pressure being applied on the PMO from the
>>>>> George W Bush administration was onerous
>>>>> American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
>>>>> military assets even more so It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
>>>>> naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantine operations
>>>>> in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan
>>>>> thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
>>>>> operation....The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian
>>>>> lives and liberal political capital.. and the priority of which
>>>>> ....not necessarily in that order. "
>>>>> You can bet that I called these sneaky Yankees again today EH John
>>>>> Adams? of the CSE within the DND?
>>>>> ContactUSSOCOM.aspx
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 2:21 AM
Subject: Re: Diagolon is Strong with Morgan May and Chet Chisholm
To: Dave Steenburg <>
From: Chrystia Freeland <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 2:00 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: Diagolon is Strong with Morgan May and Chet Chisholm
To: David Amos <>
Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel. Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.
From: Aitchison, Scott - M.P. <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 2:00 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: Diagolon is Strong with Morgan May and Chet Chisholm
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for emailing the office of Scott Aitchison, Member of Parliament for Parry Sound – Muskoka, Shadow Minister for Housing and Diversity and Inclusion.
This office prioritizes communications from the residents of Parry Sound-Muskoka.
Please ensure your email correspondence includes your name, address with postal code, and telephone number. If you are a constituent and require immediate assistance, please call the Huntsville office 705-789-4640. The constituency office lines are open Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm.
If you reside outside of MP Aitchison’s riding of Parry Sound-Muskoka and are contacting him in his role as the Shadow Minister for Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, please call
Please note form letters will be read and recorded but will not be responded to.
Thank you again for contacting MP Scott Aitchison.
From: Fife, Robert <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 2:03 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: Diagolon is Strong with Morgan May and Chet Chisholm
To: David Amos <>
I am away from the office. If you have any story ideas or editorial questions, please contact Bill Curry, at
From: Fraser, David <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 2:01 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: [EXTERNAL] Diagolon is Strong with Morgan May and Chet Chisholm
To: David Amos <>
Thanks for your email.
am out of the office until Thursday, June 13. Please expect that any
response will be delayed. If urgent, please re-send your email with
URGENT in the subject line and copy my
partner Sarah Anderson Dykema at
David Fraser
McInnes Cooper
From: Office of the Premier <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 2:00 AM
Subject: Thank you for your email
To: David Amos <>
This is to acknowledge that your email has been received by the Office of the Premier.
We appreciate the time you have taken to write.
NOTICE: This e-mail was intended for a specific person. If it has reached you by mistake, please delete it and advise me by return e-mail. Any privilege associated with this information is not waived. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.
Avis: Ce message est confidentiel, peut être protégé par le secret professionnel et est à l'usage exclusif de son destinataire. Il est strictement interdit à toute autre personne de le diffuser, le distribuer ou le reproduire. Si le destinataire ne peut être joint ou vous est inconnu, veuillez informer l'expéditeur par courrier électronique immédiatement et effacer ce message et en détruire toute copie. Merci de votre cooperation.
From: Premier <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 2:00 AM
Subject: Thank you for your email
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for your email to Premier Houston. This is an automatic confirmation your message has been received.
As we are currently experiencing higher than normal volumes of
correspondence, there may be delays in the response time for
correspondence identified as requiring a response.
If you are looking for the most up-to-date information from the Government of Nova Scotia please visit:
Thank you,
Premier’s Correspondence Team
---------- Original message ---------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 2:00 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: Diagolon is Strong with Morgan May and Chet Chisholm
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, reviewed and taken into consideration.
There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a response may take several business days.
Thanks again for your email.
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
Merci encore pour votre courriel.
From: OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 2:15 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: Diagolon is Strong with Morgan May and Chet Chisholm
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for taking the time to write. Due to the volume of incoming messages, this is an automated response to let you know that your email has been received and will be reviewed at the earliest opportunity. If your inquiry more appropriately falls within the mandate of a Ministry or other area of government, staff will refer your email for review and consideration.
If your message is intended for a political party or candidate in the upcoming provincial election, please re-direct to the appropriate partisan contact as your email will not be responded to through the Premier's office.
David Eby, KC
From: Premier of Manitoba <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 2:00 AM
Subject: Premier’s Automatic Acknowledgment
To: David Amos <>
On behalf of The Honourable Wab Kinew, Premier of Manitoba, we would like to acknowledge the receipt of your email. Please note that this is an automated response to let you know that your email has been received.
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Premier’s Correspondence Team
Au nom de Wab Kinew, premier ministre du Manitoba, nous accusons réception de votre courriel. Veuillez noter qu’il s’agit d’un message automatique qui confirme que nous avons bien reçu votre message.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
L’Équipe chargée de la correspondance du premier ministre
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 1:59 AM
Subject: Diagolon is Strong with Morgan May and Chet Chisholm
To: <>, <>, steven.johnston <>, <>, <>, David.Fraser <>, <>, Jason Lavigne <>, <>, <>, <>, martin.gaudet <>, pm <>, Katie.Telford <>, jcharest <>, <>, pierre.poilievre <>, leslyn.lewis <>, <>, Marco.Mendicino <>, Mark.Blakely <>, Kevin.leahy <>, ian.fahie <>, ebell <>, sylvie.gadoury <>, Catherine.Tait <>, pablo.rodriguez <>, Melanie.Joly <>, plee <>, Jacques.Poitras <>, darrow.macintyre <>, Robert. Jones <>, Newsroom <>, NightTimePodcast <>, nsinvestigators <>, paulpalango <>, mcu <>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <>, prontoman1 <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Dana-lee Melfi <>, kingpatrick278 <>, Tyson Billings <>, <>, Chance Of Fluri <>, David Fraser <>, David.Akin <>, <>, National Citizens Inquiry <>, <>, <>, ragingdissident <>, <>, <>, <>, rfife <>, Michael.Duheme <>, kris.austin <>, premier <>, premier <>, PREMIER <>, Office of the Premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, <>, <>
Cc: brigitte belton <>, <>, Dave Steenburg <>, <>, Kindness62 <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, livefromtheshed2022 <>, Monick Grenier <>, John Carpay <>, James Manson <>, <>
Judge throws out charges against pair accused of harassing N.S. chief medical officer
Judge rules it took too long to bring Diagolon founder Jeremy MacKenzie and Morgan Guptill to trial
A Nova Scotia judge has thrown out charges against two people accused of harassing the province's chief medical officer of health during a protest against COVID restrictions outside his home, ruling their rights were violated because it's taken too long to bring them to trial.
Jeremy MacKenzie, a 38-year-old podcaster and founder of the controversial group Diagolon, and his partner, Morgan Guptill, 34, were charged in 2022 with criminal harassment, mischief, making harassing phone calls and intimidation of a health professional.
The pair were scheduled to go on trial next week in Dartmouth, N.S. But on Wednesday, provincial court Judge Jill Hartlen ruled the time between arrest and trial violates the 18-month ceiling set by the Supreme Court of Canada, even after taking into account delays caused by the defence.
MacKenzie is known for creating Diagolon, a group Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called white nationalist. MacKenzie has denied allegations of extremism and violence, and has maintained Diagolon is simply a loose-knit community of fans of his podcast.
While he has faced other charges in a number of provinces, all of those have been withdrawn or resolved, including those related to firearms allegedly found during a January 2022 search of his parents' home in Pictou, N.S.
The province's chief medical officer of health, Dr. Robert Strang, speaks at a news conference in 2021. (Communications Nova Scotia)
The charges dealt with Wednesday relate to a three-day protest in March 2022 against COVID-19 restrictions outside the Fall River, N.S., house of Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Robert Strang.
MacKenzie and Guptill have alleged their rights were violated in a number of ways after they were taken into custody, and have claimed the decision to arrest and charge them was politically motivated and influenced by the office of Premier Tim Houston.
Hartlen shot down that assertion last month, ruling there was no evidence police acted to "improperly stifle political activity." She has sided with the defendants in some other respects, however, including over MacKenzie's right to a lawyer of his choice following his arrest.
But the issue that led Hartlen to declare a stay of proceedings, which ends the prosecution, was the math surrounding delays in bringing the case to trial, which was to take place nearly 27 months after the arrests. After subtracting defence delays, she calculated the time to trial still breached the crucial Supreme Court deadline by one month.
One particular issue, she said, was a decision not to hold the trial alongside a series of Charter hearings earlier this year, which would have allowed the trial to wrap up in early May and within the 18-month threshold.
She noted MacKenzie's lawyer, Sherif Foda, had warned last year he would seek to have the charges stayed if a "blended" approach was not taken and it led to trial delays.
Hartlen said the prosecution had wanted to separate the two, but it was her decision to do so, and she acknowledged the way she approached it was "less than ideal."
Protest details
MacKenzie and Guptill declined to comment outside the court. Prosecutor Emma Woodburn said in an email that the ruling was not the outcome the Crown had hoped for, but it respects the decision of the judge, who provided "thorough reasons."
In a statement, Strang said he respected the decision of the judge and understands the reasons for it, but added the stay of proceedings "in no way condones the actions taken by the protesters."
At the time of the protest outside Strang's home, many restrictions related to COVID-19 had been lifted, but a number remained, including the requirement to wear face masks in schools.
The court previously heard that Strang's daughter had a panic attack, and his wife had to escort care workers for their autistic son away from the home because they were too intimidated to leave on their own.
The phone rang constantly one night, after Guptill used social media to urge people to call the Strang home, Hartlen said in a previous ruling, and protesters were livestreaming video of the home, zooming in with their phones to view the interior.
With files from Jean Laroche
Judge rules arrest of Diagolon founder on COVID-19 protest charges not politically motivated
Jeremy MacKenzie, 38, Morgan Guptill, 33, accused of harassing N.S. chief medical officer of health in 2022
A Nova Scotia judge has ruled the 2022 arrest of the founder of an anti-government group who protested COVID-19 restrictions outside the home of the province's chief medical officer of health was not politically motivated.
Judge Jill Hartlen of the Nova Scotia provincial court made the decision last week in the case of prolific podcaster Jeremy MacKenzie, 38, and his partner, Morgan Guptill, 33, who are arguing harassment and mischief-related charges against them should be tossed due to alleged violations of their rights.
The hearing comes as the controversial group founded by MacKenzie, Diagolon, has been the source of heated exchanges in Ottawa, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accusing Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre of courting followers during a visit last week to an anti-carbon tax convoy camp near the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick border.
Trudeau has called Diagolon violent and "white nationalist," the RCMP have described it as a militia-like network that believes the collapse of Western governments should be hastened, and Poilievre in 2022 denounced the group as "dirtbags."
MacKenzie has denied the allegations of extremism and violence, and has maintained Diagolon is simply a loose-knit community of fans of his podcast.
Nova Scotia Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Robert Strang is shown in November 2021. (Communications Nova Scotia)
MacKenzie and Guptill are charged with criminal harassment, mischief, making harassing phone calls and intimidation of a health professional in relation to a small, three-day protest in March 2022 outside the Fall River, N.S., house of Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Robert Strang.
MacKenzie's lawyer, Sherif Foda, has claimed the decision to charge the pair was politically motivated, with interference from the office of Premier Tim Houston, and that police "bowed to political pressure," according to Hartlen's decision.
In particular, the defence focused on the role of Ian Burke, a security officer with the Nova Scotia government who called police over the protest outside Strang's home, and who the judge said "advocated strongly" for RCMP involvement and acted as a go-between with police and Strang.
No 'pull or influence'
But in her decision, Hartlen said there is no evidence the officer in charge of the investigation, Det. Const. Todd Streatch, was ordered to investigate in a certain fashion or give preferential treatment, or felt pressured to lay charges or arrest certain people.
There is also no evidence he spoke to Burke or the premier's office before he decided to lay charges, the judge said, and the evidence shows he did not arrest MacKenzie and Guptill to "improperly stifle political activity."
"The evidence demonstrates that Ian Burke did not have the pull or influence that the applicants wish to portray," Hartlen said.
Not only that, she said Streatch "consistently maintained" that Diagolon and his belief that MacKenzie, who is a Canadian Forces veteran, suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder were not factors in his decision to charge the pair.
There is also no evidence, the judge said, that Burke or the premier's office interfered in the Crown's decision on the release conditions for MacKenzie and Guptill when agreeing to their bail three days after their arrest.
'Not the crime of the century'
In Dartmouth provincial court this week, MacKenzie's lawyer urged the judge to stay proceedings, which would end the prosecution of the case, due to Charter breaches related to the detention of MacKenzie's phone, and alleged breaches related to his access to a lawyer after his arrest and the length of time it has taken for the case to come to trial.
The prosecution is opposed to the stay, and the judge has yet to rule on the application. MacKenzie and Guptill, who is representing herself, are scheduled to go on trial in June.
Foda said in court his client and Guptill "embrace" the chance to go to trial if they fail in their bid to have their cases stayed. He said no one was physical hurt during the protest.
"It's not the crime of the century," he said.
Nova Scotia had lifted many COVID-19 restrictions in the days before the protest outside Strang's home, but a number remained, including the requirement to wear face masks in schools.
Protest details
In her ruling last week, Hartlen said Strang and neighbours saw MacKenzie pacing back and forth in front of the house for hours, making aggressive comments and ranting. Protesters were using the zoom function on their phones to stream over the internet the inside of the house.
At one point, Strang's daughter had a panic attack, the judge said, and his wife had to escort care workers for their autistic son away from the home because they were too intimidated to leave on their own.
Guptill used a livestream on social media to urge people to call the Strang home, and the phone rang throughout the night, causing "distress" to the family, Hartlen said.
MacKenzie has faced charges, many of them firearms-related, in a number of provinces, but all except the current case have been withdrawn or resolved.
In March, firearms-related charges related to a January 2022 search of his parents' home in Pictou, N.S., were resolved, according to the Nova Scotia Public Prosecution Service.
A spokesperson said a peace bond in the case prohibits MacKenzie from possessing weapons for 24 months, and he was required to forfeit any weapons or ammunition.
Diagolon founder Jeremy Mackenzie’s final charges have been stayed

Controversial podcaster Jeremy Mackenzie is free and clear after the final outstanding charges against him were stayed.
against Mackenzie, a 14-year military veteran who served in
Afghanistan, and his girlfriend Morgan Guptill, were stayed by a Nova
Scotia judge who found that the 19 months between being charged and the
end of the trial was an unreasonable length of time.
These were the last remaining criminal charges against Mackenzie
after charges in Quebec and Saskatchewan and others in Nova Scotia were
similarly stayed or dropped.
In the latest one, Mackenzie and
Gultipp were charged with criminal harassment of Nova Scotia chief
medical officer Dr. Robert Strang. They were arrested on the third day
of protesting on a public street near his residence.
Each of the 23 charges thrown at Mackenzie across three separate
provinces has been dropped, stayed, or resolved, including a series of
firearms charges in Saskatchewan.
Mackenzie created an online
community called Diagolon, which he describes as a fictitious meme
country represented by a black flag with a diagonal white line. In an
interview, he told True North that although he is “relieved” the
criminal cases are behind him, he was disappointed that he didn’t get a
chance to defend himself in front of the public and a jury.
Mackenzie said that on top of having his bail denied, he was placed in solitary confinement multiple times. He also said he faced physical attacks because of the media’s and the Liberal government’s characterization of him.
Mackenzie and Diagolon were singled out by the Liberal government during the Freedom Convoy as a national security risk, a position partially relied on to justify the use of the Emergencies Act.
An investigative report
by lawyer Caryma Sa’d, who has represented Mackenzie, alleged that the
government knew that Diagolon was not violent or even a traditionally
definable group.
“We have criminals running around this country
doing whatever they want,” he said. “In the time that it took to have
this case in Nova Scotia finally thrown out, four cases of pedophiles
and people luring children were tossed out because they ran out of time
to prosecute.”
Despite being free of criminal charges, Mackenzie still maintains that he was targeted for his political views.
“It lends more weight, not less, to the idea that people in this
country who are political dissidents and unhappy with the way our rulers
are conducting business are targeted by the state and punished for
dissenting,” he said, “It doesn’t paint a good picture of our legal
system and doesn’t do anything to dispel that.”
Mackenzie also took aim at the relative media silence about his charges being stayed.
lot of things were said. Media had printed a lot of out of context
things and headlines. They really went to town to slander my
reputation,” Mackenzie said. “Now that it’s all over, they have nothing
to say. And there’s no one here to apologize and say ‘We jumped to
conclusions and painted you as this person without getting the facts.’
None of them showed up.”
The RCMP launched an investigation into Mackenzie at the request of Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre over comments Mackenzie made on a podcast threatening to rape Poilievre’s wife, Anaida. Mackenzie said the distasteful comments were made as a joke. The RCMP never laid charges.
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 12:10 AM
Subject: Re: Hey Joanne Person I heard Betty Carbert and her buddy Marco Van Huigenbos tell the Diagolon Dudes that you sued Fancy Socks and his pals True or False???
To: <>, <>, steven.johnston <>, <>, <>, David.Fraser <>, <realpatriotsmoothie@
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Coutts "Leaders" w/ Marco Van Huigenbos
The Lavigne Show
Streaming now
Marco Van Huigenbos, and Alex Van Herk, who are both from Fort
Macleod, Alta., are charged with mischief over $5,000, along with
George Janzen, of Taber, Alta.
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