Saturday 1 June 2024

Schools denying education to hundreds of vulnerable students, advocate says


Schools denying education to hundreds of vulnerable students, advocate says

Kelly Lamrock says partial-day plans are being used illegally by school districts

Hundreds of students in the New Brunswick school system are being denied their right to an education, according to a provincial watchdog. 

In a report issued Thursday, child and youth advocate Kelly Lamrock said school districts are increasingly putting students with disabilities or behavioural challenges on a partial-day plan.

That practice involves removing students from classrooms and providing instruction in an alternative setting. 

Lamrock said his office found hundreds of cases where children were put on a partial-day plan, but were not receiving any educational instruction for partial or entire school days.

WATCH | Lamrock's breakfast sandwich analogy for inclusion failures:

Kelly Lamrock says school districts are breaking promises — and the law

Duration 1:12
New Brunswick’s child, youth and seniors’ advocate Kelly Lamrock released an educational inclusion report today that says school districts are illegally denying hundreds of vulnerable, high-needs students an education. And he used a breakfast sandwich analogy to make his point.

His office found 344 students in the anglophone sector are in that category. The francophone system does not track the number of students on a partial-day plan, but Lamrock estimates it is close to 150. 

"They're simply not being educated for huge portions of the week," he said at a press conference in Fredericton. 

That time away from school can vary from months to years, he added. 

These cases are a violation of education laws, he said, which allow students to be placed in an alternative location but does not allow for those students to go without service. 

"It is not the removal that is automatically illegal, it is the subsequent denial of any services at all," Lamrock wrote in the report. "To claim that there exists legitimate authority for partial day plans, the Department must justify why a complete denial of educational services to a child during a school day is legal."

 A physical copy of a report, one in French and one in English, on a desk.    A report from the province's child and youth advocate says school districts are illegally sending students home without learning materials. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

When the advocate's office asked the department for that justification, it identified Policy 322, which says a "variation of the common learning environment" is allowed when teaching a student in a common setting poses "undue hardship."

But even when that's the case, Lamrock said, the duty to educate the child remains.

"Placing a child in a setting where they receive short-term, targeted, and appropriate interventions to help them gain skills or master behaviours that they will need to return to the classroom is a variation of a learning environment," he said. 

"Sending a child home with no educational services is not a variation of the learning environment. It is a denial of any learning environment."

A person in a tie speaking. Education Minister Bill Hogan said the department would speak to school districts about how many students are now on partial-day plans. (Ed Hunter/CBC )

The school districts did not respond to a request for comment on Thursday. 

Education Minister Bill Hogan told reporters at the legislature the department would review how many students are on a partial-day plan. 

He would not say whether he agreed with Lamrock's assessment that the districts are breaking the law.

"When districts use partial days, a personalized learning plan needs to go along with that, because every child has a right to an education and we have to ensure that they get that education," Hogan said. 

The minister said it would be "of great concern" if hundreds of students were at home without teaching materials, as the advocate's report found, but questioned whether that's the case. 

"They wouldn't all be home without plans. What our challenge is going to be is to make sure they have plans. And if they don't have plans, then they need to have them." 

Haley Flaro, who is executive director of Ability New Brunswick, told CBC News on Thursday that she has heard from clients about their concerns with partial-day plans. 

"The report is unfortunately not surprising. Sending children home has become the easy solution to an inclusive education system that is often under-resourced," she said in a statement. 

A portrait of a smiling woman. Haley Flaro, executive director of Ability New Brunswick, says she hears from clients about the negative impact of partial-day plans. (Radio-Canada)

"Ability N.B. works with many children with a disability where the parents have had to leave jobs, lose their homes due to the lack of disability supports available from the school and Social Development."

Lamrock's report also highlighted cases where parents lost jobs and a home because their child was put on a partial-day plan. In other cases, youth sent home eventually became homeless, incarcerated, or developed an addiction to drugs.

He noted children in care of the Department of Social Development were almost 20 times more likely then their peers to be put on partial days. 

Flaro noted the province's Integrated Service Delivery program is supposed to help address these gaps, but it often doesn't have enough resources. 

A man with light hair and a short beard. He is wearing a grey suit and pink dress shirt. Peter Lagacy, the president of the New Brunswick Teachers' Association, said the province is failing to meet staffing needs of the education system. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

New Brunswick Teachers' Association president Peter Lagacy also pointed to resource shortages in an emailed statement.

"As we've stated repeatedly, the government has failed to fill daily staffing vacancies. This has led to resource teachers and guidance counsellors being pulled into classrooms and students missing out on essential services," he said. 

"Students deserve better. Teachers deserve better. We urge government to do better." 

Lamrock said he plans to follow up on the issue in 12 months, and expects government to clarify the law to districts and teachers. 

"Yeah, we've got to deal with class composition, and yeah, we need some resources, but whatever the response to all that is, it can't be to take the 500 most vulnerable kids and send them home and say, 'Good luck, we'll see you when you're homeless or in jail,'" he said. 

"And that's what we're doing right now."


Savannah Awde is a reporter with CBC New Brunswick. You can contact her with story ideas at

David Amos
Need I post "Welcome Back to the Circus" just to see my comment go "Poof" AGAIN???  

Naw Its more fun to just watch pissed off folks tear the Evil Fat Bastard a brand new arsehole

Methinks this big talking Liberal turned NDP turned Conservative lawyer deserves it N'esy Pas?

Matt Steele 
As usual , Kelly Lamrock is droning on about something that he knows nothing about . Lamrock has never been a teacher , has never been an EA , and has never worked in the classroom . Schools are not prisons or mental health facilities , and are simply not equipped to handle violent and out of control students who are a danger to themselves , other students , and to staff working , and teaching in the classrooms . Educational staff are entitled to a safe working environment , as are other students . Since Lamrock likes to hold himself out as an expert on anything and every thing , maybe he should resign his high paid , and safe , office job ; and get a job as a teacher or EA , and see how long he would last . Premier Higgs certainly made a mistake in awarding Lamrock and Cardy positions of power , and we have all seen the result .
Bob de trelleg 
Reply to Matt Steele 
I rarely agree with most of your opinions, but you are spot on today. The most memorable things about his failed tenure as Minister of Education were his arrogance and conceit.  
Ralph Steinberg 
Reply to Matt Steele 
Amusing, you are blaming Lamrock, for Hogan's failure at his job. And you have no idea who is a danger are guessing.
Akimbo Alogo 
Reply to Ralph Steinberg 
Lots of criticizm ralphie, not many solutions...i know theyre hard, arent they... 
Jack Bell
Reply to Ralph Steinberg 
"And you have no idea who is a danger"

My son was assaulted 3 times in one day by a special needs child who was 6 feet tall and their EA could do nothing about it.

Is being punched in the face and head considered a danger to you?

Bob de trelleg  
Kelly Lamrock likes to be in the limelight. He understands the value of media attention and publicity. Most parents, all employees who toil in the system, and probably anyone who attended a public school have a better understanding of the reality of the state of the province’s education system than politicians, Department of Education employees and school district employees, superintendents included.
John Darling 
Reply to Bob de trelleg  
Hogan is the minister of education, and Lamrock knows more than he does.
Sarah Melanson 
While inclusion has SOME benefits, as a whole it is a failure. There is not enough scaffolding in place for what students need. There is a misconception that there is only one student per classroom with diverse needs, that is not the case. Talk to a teacher as them what their classroom composition looks like. How many students are individualized or accomdated? There are also language barriers with Newcomers that has to be addressed. Schools welcome students from all over the world and they have to meet individual learning needs, may have caps in formal education, not to mention are suffering from traumas witnessed or experienced. This on top with teacher shortages. How many classes were covered by teachers or administrators or guidance councillors because there was not enough supply teachers. For Kelly Lamrock to point the finger at teachers, schools and districts is laughable. Our education system is in crisis and our provincial government is completely oblivious to the needs of the classroom teacher. 
Gary Wheeler 
Reply to Sarah Melanson
At least it would teach how a paragraph works.

Inclusion teaches you to stop pushing YOUR agenda on others in a free society.

Simple or what.

What would actually make sense is celebrating PRIDE month in every school coast to coast..

Because it is normal life.

Ralph Linwood 
Reply to Sarah Melanson 
Well said. 
Jack Bell
""Placing a child in a setting where they receive short-term, targeted, and appropriate interventions to help them gain skills or master behaviours that they will need to return to the classroom is a variation of a learning environment," he said. "

I wonder what's stopping Lamrock from going into classrooms and showing people trained to deal with violent children how to do their jobs....

I for one would love to see video footage of him dealing with a 6 foot 4 child with anger issues that professionals can't deal with.


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