Monday 3 June 2024

N.B. government review of petroleum price controls shrouded in mystery


N.B. government review of petroleum price controls shrouded in mystery

Policy that sets limits on petroleum prices under scrutiny but province not discussing details

The New Brunswick government is declining to release any information about a review it says it has been conducting into whether to lift ceilings placed weekly on petroleum prices in the province by the Energy and Utilities Board.  

Last month Premier Blaine Higgs casually mentioned to reporters a review was underway of New Brunswick's 18-year-old practice of setting upper limits on what can be charged to consumers for a variety of petroleum products. 

Higgs has hinted many times he does not care for the practice and, while being questioned last month about unfilled vacancies at the Energy and Utilities Board, he mentioned in passing that ending petroleum pricing rules is being looked at.

"You've heard me say this a few times about the role of the EUB and whether we should have regulated pricing and whether we shouldn't," said Higgs.   

"We are doing that analysis now." 

 A man with grey hair and glasses, wearing a dark suit, white shirt and tie, speaks to reporters.Premier Blaine Higgs casually mentioned to reporters in early May that the province was looking into whether petroleum pricing limits in New Brunswick should be eliminated. The government has since declined to give further details (CBC)

However, beyond that statement the government has said little else.  

Multiple requests for information about the review have been sent over the last two weeks to both Higgs's office and Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development asking what triggered the investigation, who is being consulted about it, and what is being evaluated. They have gone unanswered. 

In addition, parties normally involved in energy matters in New Brunswick say if a review is underway they haven't been told anything about it.

"We have not been consulted at all by the New Brunswick government," said Bill Simpkins with the Canadian Fuels Association, an oil industry group that often weighs in on petroleum issues in New Brunswick and appears at petroleum hearings.

WATCH | CBC Explains: Free market fill-ups?

Why the days of petroleum price regulation in N.B. may be numbered

Duration 1:35
Premier Blaine Higgs says his government is looking at whether to cancel an 18-year-old policy that limits what consumers can be charged for gasoline, diesel and other petroleum products.

Opposition Leader Susan Holt said she also has heard nothing inside the legislature from the government on the issue and has doubts it is really happening.

However, if it is happening, she said the public should be allowed to know what is under consideration.

"Anytime you are doing something behind closed doors, people assume the worst and for good reason," said Holt.

"They should be able to see what's being said, what's being suggested, and they should be able to weigh in on alternatives or options."

All three Maritime provinces have rules around what consumers can be charged for petroleum products, although New Brunswick's system is the least rigid of the three.

A gas sign at a Moncton Costco    In Moncton last week, Costco was selling gasoline for $1.629 per litre. The price was 11 cents below the maximum that could be charged in New Brunswick at the time and more than 12 cents below what would be legal to charge in P.E.I. and Nova Scotia. (Ian Bonnell/CBC)

In both Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, regulators set specific prices weekly that have to be offered to the public by retailers, with limited room for competition among outlets.

In Nova Scotia's case, retailers are required to sell gasoline inside a 2.3 cents per litre range that is set by the province's Utilities and Review Board. Retailers in P.E.I. have even less ability to manoeuvre, with 1.2 cents separating legal maximum and minimum prices in that province.

In New Brunswick rules are significantly looser.  

Similar to the other two provinces, there is an upper limit set weekly on what consumers can be charged for petroleum products but, unlike its neighbours, New Brunswick has no restriction on retailer competition or discounting.  

That one difference often leads to much lower pricing being available in New Brunswick.

gas station New Brunswick drivers will spend about $2.5 billion on gasoline and diesel this year. Since 2006 the province has set upper limits on what consumers can be charged. (Simon Smith/CBC)

Last week in Moncton the big-box discount store Costco was selling gasoline to consumers for just under $1.63 per litre.  

The amount was 11 cents below the maximum-price ceiling in force in New Brunswick at the time.

It was also more than 12 cents cheaper than what retailers in both P.E.I. and Nova Scotia were legally allowed to sell gasoline for.

Higgs has not specifically articulated what he does not like about that system except to say that he believes New Brunswick's Energy and Utilities Board spends too much of its time and resources on petroleum regulation, and ending the policy might allow government to shrink the size of the regulator.

"A big part of the EUB workload is in terms of monitoring regulated pricing," Higgs told reporters.

"If we didn't stay on that track with regulated pricing then there wouldn't be a requirement for the same number of members."

A large room meeting room. Records kept by the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board show fewer than four per cent of matters it has dealt with since 2011 have involved petroleum pricing despite claims by Higgs that the regulator is being weighed down by the issue. (Robert Jones/CBC)

That claim appears optimistic.

Records kept by the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board show that fewer than four per cent of the regulatory matters it has dealt with since 2011 — 15 of 406 in total — have involved petroleum pricing.  

However, there are critics of New Brunswick's practice of setting a weekly ceiling on petroleum prices that have expressed other concerns about the policy.

Gasoline retailers and oil companies have complained that the price ceiling is often not high enough and does not move quickly enough in changing markets. 

During periods of rising costs they argue the upper limit on pricing may be a good deal for consumers but can squeeze profit margins down to nothing or below and force businesses to sell petroleum products at a loss.

In 2021, at a hearing in front of the board, Irving Oil executive Darren Gillis explained the company's concern with the policy.

"Unregulated markets respond as required to ensure supply at reasonable cost recovery levels. This is not the case in regulated markets," Gillis said, in an affidavit submitted to the regulatory body.

"Unlike wholesalers in provinces other than Atlantic Canada and throughout the Atlantic Northeast, our regulated market does not have the flexibility to respond to immediate changes."

Higgs, who is himself a former Irving Oil executive, has not said explicitly that he shares that view but he has  said his government quietly considering whether to end New Brunswick's practice of setting petroleum price ceilings. 


Robert Jones


Robert Jones has been a reporter and producer with CBC New Brunswick since 1990. His investigative reports on petroleum pricing in New Brunswick won several regional and national awards and led to the adoption of price regulation in 2006.

David Amos
Our Gas Guru should already know the score 
David Amos
Methinks it is Mr Outhouse's fancy job to know what goes behind closed doors so that he can properly advise Higgy N'esy Pas?  
David Amos 
Reply to David Amos
I wonder if Mr Outhouse knows about The EUB vs Me 
David Amos
Anybody recall the EUB Straw Man Report from 2020?  
David Amos
Anybody recall Higgy giving the EUB orders just before the last writ was dropped?
David Amos
Methinks folks should be asking Minister Mikey questions before he slips out the back door for good N'esy Pas? 
Kyle Woodman 
Reply to David Amos
Would have to find him first.  
Shawn Tabor   
Today, some Canadian MP’s and Senators are working with foreign governments to further their own Interests, according to CSIS. Can’t be prosecuted. You suppose this happens in little NB, the place to be, where folks and families have become wealthy on the backs of taxpayers. Would not want to be a politician or their families. Good luck. LOL 
David Amos 
Reply to Shawn Tabor
I bet our Gas Guru is laughing too
David Amos 
Reply to Shawn Tabor  
You do know that this article has nothing to do with the price of tea China Correct?
Shawn Tabor 
Reply to David Amos 
 Going to be a reckoning soon, and they know it. It does not matter, what affiliation, or male nor female. Going down like a large kid on a sea saw. We can read about it. Absolutely crazy. The rest of us can just repeat their words and call it Business.
Hugh MacDonald
"N.B. government review of petroleum price controls shrouded in mystery"

A lot of people like a good mystery but the N.B. government's review of petroleum price controls is not one of them.

David Amos 
Reply to Hugh MacDonald  
Welcome back to the circus
james bolt
they are in bed with Big Oil and everyone understands that

its no big secret what this about

David Amos 
Reply to james bolt
Its just spin before an election

Daniel Franklin   
Don't expect any transparency with any Conservative government. The more secrets they keep, the better off they and their friends pockets will be!
Don Corey 
Reply to Daniel Franklin 
Are you unaware that federal government transparency is non-existent? Sunny ways has never been anything more than a fantasy and a farce.

Lack of transparency is certainly not unique to conservative governments.

David Amos 
Reply to Don Corey
C'est Vrai
G. Timothy Walton 
First corporations and lately his church; somebody needs to explain to Higgs the idea that the citizenry's needs should outweigh his own principles.  
David Amos 
Reply to G. Timothy Walton 
Methinks that is Mr Outhouse's job N'esy Pas?  
David Amos 
Reply to G. Timothy Walton 
Oh Dear
Graham McCormack 
Higgs doing his own thing, behind closed doors; who would have guess that? 
David Amos 
Reply to Graham McCormack 
Mr Outhouse knows everything by now Perhaps he will come out the shadows and tell us what is going on before the writ is dropped 
David Amos 
Reply to Graham McCormack 
Jos Allaire  
It does not concern us peasants. It's between Higgs and the big oil industry.
David Amos 
Reply to Jos Allaire   
C'est Vrai
Ralph Steinberg   
When the government, who is our employee, refuses to show data etc, from any party, you know something shady is going on, imho.
David Amos 
Reply to Ralph Steinberg   
Clearly you don't know Higgy very well
David Amos 
Reply to Ralph Steinberg
What data?
Albalita Rose  
New Brunswickers have no right to complain about the price of fuel after sending 6 liberals to Ottawa...take it up with them...tell them to Axe the Tax... 
MR Cain 
Reply to Albalita Rose
No way! Most New Brunswickers benefit from the rebate, especially given the ageing population and poverty. We have enough pollution; way past time to clean up this province, with more than a thousand contaminated sites, mostly due to oil and gas. 
Graham McCormack 
Reply to Albalita Rose
Nothing to do with the issue but thanks for trying. 
David Amos 
Reply to Albalita Rose 
G. Timothy Walton
Reply to Albalita Rose 
It's not Trudeau that's trying to remove limits on how much oil companies can gouge us for.

You know, the same oil companies that timed their huge price increase to coincide with the carbon tax increasing 3¢ per litre so that people would blame the feds for 20¢ a litre.

Don Corey 
Reply to Albalita Rose
The tax will be axed, but (unfortunately) we'll have to wait until after next fall's Liberal annihilation. 
Robert Brannen 
Reply to Albalita Rose
It has little to do with the number of Liberals in Ottawa, but very much to do with cartels and Economics 101, which teaches you can charge up to whatever limit at which consumers refuse to pay. 
David Amos 
Reply to Robert Brannen
Economics 101 taught me that has everything to do with the number of Liberals in Ottawa and very much to do with cartels etc The buck always stops with the PM 
MR Cain   
Donald Bowser, an international expert on political corruption, says he is "shocked to discover that there is less transparency in New Brunswick than in Kurdistan, Guatemala or Sierra Leone.
David Amos 
Reply to MR Cain
Say Hey to that Crybaby for me will ya?
David Amos 
Reply to MR Cain 
Surprise Surprise Surprise 
Kyle Woodman 
This sounds about right for Higgs. Got to get Irving profits up so their sale price increases. I wonder what his percent is?
David Amos 
Reply to Kyle Woodman 
"Anytime you are doing something behind closed doors, people assume the worst and for good reason," said Holt. 
James McCaffrey 
Just drive an EV. Cheap clean fuel. Problem solved.
Jimmy Cochrane
Reply to  James McCaffrey 
Clean ?  
Gary Webber 
Reply to James McCaffrey  
California is looking at charging EV drivers 33 cents a mile tax 
James McCaffrey  
Reply to Gary Webber  
Actually, they're doing a pilot program charging $0.02 to $0.04 per mile. And the amounts are rebated since it is a pilot for information only. 
James McCaffrey    
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
Yes, Canada's electricity is almost 90% non fossil. 
Gary Webber
Reply to Gary Webber  
Article I watched yesterday quoted 33 cents a mile but doesn't matter a tax will eventually have to be put on for these ridiculously heavy vehicles 
Ralph Steinberg
Reply to Gary Webber
s per the new system, California Road Charge will record the number of miles driven annually by motorists and tax them accordingly. The exact rate for the same though is yet to be fixed. However, a cost simulator lists three options: $0.02, $0.03 and $0.04 per mile.1 day ago

This is from yesterday....

Ralph Steinberg
Reply to Gary Webber
Team it up. 
Ralph Steinberg
Reply to Gary Webber  
Article you watched? Source? 
Gary Webber
Reply to Gary Webber 
Well my guess is if NB adapts this system it will be 4 times higher than the united states if gas prices are the bases for calculations. 
MR Cain  
Reply to Gary Webber  
Any gas tax just ends up in general revenue anyway; a look at our roads pretty much shows the neglect. Ideally, the reduction in fossil fuels should see less pollution, healthier population, lower health costs, among many other savings. Where the money comes from to maintain road repairs is the least of my concern. 
David Amos 
Reply to Gary Webber  
My son won't like that He owns 4 EVs in California 
Harvey York 
Reply to David Amos
If that's even true, at least someone in the family is successful eh? 
Jimmy Cochrane
The Higgs h8tred puts me in mind of the Harper h8tred.

Careful what you wish for.

Dan Lee 
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
only because its justified............................... 
Jimmy Cochrane
Reply to Dan Lee 
Careful what you wish for. A liberal is a liberal is a liberal. 
Dan Lee 
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
also notice a conservative is not always a conservative............... 
Andrew Gilmour 
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
I think you meant Liberal rather than liberal. There's a difference. 
MR Cain 
Reply to Andrew Gilmour 
Yes, Canadians have always benefited the most from a Liberal government.  
David Amos 
Reply to Andrew Gilmour  
Nope There is no difference 
Andrew Gilmour 
Reply to David Amos
Actually, there is. Original liberalism (not Liberalism) advocated for a meritocracy, personal responsibility, and a strong sense of social responsibility. 
David Amos 
Reply to Andrew Gilmour 
Who do you think you are fooling? 
David Amos 
Reply to Andrew Gilmour 
Yea right 
Mike May 
Higgs is waiting for Irving to tell him what to do.
Geordan Mann 
Reply to Mike May 
He is not waiting. He has already been told. Just have to come up with a plan to hide it from gas-tax payers and NB Power ratepayers since the EUB "regulates" both.
David Amos 
Reply to Geordan Mann
Alex Butt   
The amount of closed door and back room deals etc have completly erroded any trust we had in all levels of government. Higgs is only concerned about collecting sky high taxes and helping his buddies like the irvings.
David Amos 
Reply to Alex Butt   
Those were my words 20 years ago
Robert Buck  
These are the words of Higgs when he was first elected. Funny how things change when you have a majority!!

“Let me say it clearly: I mean every word that we say, we will hold ourselves to a higher standard…When we are asked a sincere question, we will give a straight answer. When we are given a job to do, we will measure the results and share them without spin.

"When we make mistakes, we will humbly own them and work to do better. When we defend our choices, we will do so with evidence and facts, not talking points and personal attacks. And we will always remember that results, not image, are the things that will keep the New Brunswick dream alive"

Marcel Belanger 
Reply to Robert Buck 
Yep, he was lying then and he’s lying now. 
Geordan Mann 
Reply to Robert Buck  
Hard to be honest and ethical. This government and the bureaucracy they have set in place is a clear example of that. 
Gary Webber 
Reply to Marcel Belanger 
Truer words have never been spoken 
David Amos 
Reply to Robert Buck  
Well done 
danny rugg  
Usually the one who has their hands in the oil is the greasiest. Higgs is greasy on this file.
David Amos 
Reply to danny rugg 
Everybody knows 













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