Monday 10 June 2024

RE The Killing of David Amos and His Family

---------- Original message ---------
From: SIRT <>
Date: Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: Attn Erin Nauss we just talked Correct???
To: David Amos <>

Hello Mr. Amos,

Thank you for your correspondence. All your correspondence has been shared with the Director.

---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 1:09 PM
Subject: Attn Erin Nauss we just talked Correct???
To: <>

Erin Nauss

SiRT: Serious Incident Response Team                                                                       
Suite 203, 1256 Barrington St.                                                                                   
Halifax, N.S.  B3J 1Y6                                                                                                
Toll Free: 1-855-450-2010                                                                                       

Monday 10 June 2024

Independent watchdog investigating after man dies following 'interaction' with RCMP in Shediac


Deja Vu Anyone??? 


Friday 27 May 2022

RCMP wanted 2011 tip about N.S. gunman to 'go away': Truro police chief

Monday 10 June 2024

RE The Killing of David Amos and His Family


Deja Vu Anyone???


Friday 2 April 2021

Russia warns NATO against deploying troops to Ukraine 



David Raymond Amos
NATO has been picking a fight long before this weekend but big media ain't been saying much about it until now Methinks it was no coincidence US Naval Intel people called me on Good Friday N'esy Pas? 


 #nbpoli #cdnpoli #CORRUPTION 



---------- Original message ---------
From: LeBlanc, Dominic - député <>
Date: Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 10:31 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: RE The Killing of David Amos and His Family
To: David Amos <>

(English follows)




Nous accusons réception de votre courriel adressé à L’honorable Dominic LeBlanc, cp, cr, député de Beauséjour et nous vous en remercions.


Veuillez noter que nous recevons actuellement un volume élevé de correspondances. Veuillez prévoir un délai dans nos réponses.


En ce qui concerne les courriels relativement à des enjeux particuliers de nos commettants de Beauséjour, nous allons nous assurer de bien réviser votre message et un employé de notre bureau de circonscription communiquera avec vous si nécessaire. Si vous avez des questions ou vous désirez des clarifications, vous pouvez toujours communiquer avec notre bureau au numéro de téléphone suivant : (506) 533-5700.


Si vous écrivez à propos de sujets relatifs aux fonctions de sécurité publique du ministre LeBlanc, veuillez communiquer avec notre département de Sécurité publique à

Pour toutes demandes des médias, veuillez contacter Kelly Ouimet à et Jean-Sébastien Comeau à

Merci et bonne journée.


Bureau de L’hon. Dominic LeBlanc, cp, cr, député
Député de Beauséjour





We acknowledge receipt and thank you for your email addressed to the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, P.C., K.C., M.P. for Beauséjour.

Please note that we are currently receiving a high volume of correspondence. This may mean a delay in our responding to you.


For emails related to specific issues from our constituents in Beauséjour, we will make sure to review your message and an employee from our constituency office will be in contact with you if necessary. If you have any questions or require clarification, you can always contact our office at the following phone number: (506) 533-5700.

If you are writing with respect to Minister LeBlanc's public safety duties, please direct your correspondence to our Public Safety department at


For all media inquiries, please contact Kelly Ouimet at and Jean-Sébastien Comeau at

Thank you and have a good day.


Office of the Hon. Dominic LeBlanc, P.C., K.C., M.P.
Member of Parliament for Beauséjour

---------- Original message ---------
From: Moore, Rob - M.P. <>
Date: Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 10:31 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: RE The Killing of David Amos and His Family
To: David Amos <>

*This is an automated response*


Thank you for contacting the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P. office. We appreciate the time you took to get in touch with our office.


If you did not already, please ensure to include your full contact details on your email and the appropriate staff will be able to action your request. We strive to ensure all constituent correspondence is responded to in a timely manner.


If your question or concern is time sensitive, please call our office: 506-832-4200.


Again, we thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns.



Office of the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P.

Member of Parliament for Fundy Royal



---------- Original message ---------
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <>
Date: Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 10:31 AM
Subject: Automatic Reply
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

Due to the volume of correspondence addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be carefully reviewed.

We do not respond to correspondence that contains offensive language.


Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Arif Virani, ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada.

En raison du volume de correspondance adressée au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin.

Nous ne répondons pas à la correspondance contenant un langage offensant.


---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: RE The Killing of David Amos and His Family
To: <>, dominic.leblanc <>, rob.moore <>, mcu <>, <>, <>, martin.gaudet <>, Mark.Blakely <>, kris.austin <>, Mike.Dawson <>, Mike.Comeau <>, John.Williamson <>, andrea.anderson-mason <>, Ross.Wetmore <>, blaine.higgs <>, robert.mckee <>, Susan.Holt <>, hugh.flemming <>, <>, National Citizens Inquiry <>, Nathalie.G.Drouin <>, Robert. Jones <>

>> ---------- Original message ----------
>> From: Kevin Leahy <>
>> Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 12:38:43 -0400
>> Subject: Re: RE The call from the Boston cop Robert Ridge (857 259
>> 9083) on behalf of the VERY corrupt Yankee DA Rachael Rollins
>> To: David Amos <>
>> French will follow
>> Thank you for your email.
>> For inquiries regarding EMRO’s Office, please address your email to
>> acting EMRO Sebastien Brillon at
>> For inquiries regarding CO NHQ Office, please address your email to
>> acting CO Farquharson, David at
>> All PPS related correspondence should be sent to my PPS account at
>> ------------------------------
>> Merci pour votre courriel.
>> Pour toute question concernant le Bureau de l'EMRO, veuillez adresser
>> vos courriels à l’Officier responsable des Relations
>> employeur-employés par intérim Sébastien Brillon  à l'adresse suivante
>> Pour toute  question concernant le bureau du Commandant de la
>> Direction générale, veuillez adresser vos courriels au   Commandant de
>> la Direction générale par intérim Farquharson, David  à l'adresse
>> suivante
>> Toute correspondance relative au Service De Protection Parlementaire
>> doit être envoyée à mon compte de PPS à l'adresse suivante
>> Kevin Leahy
>> Chief Superintendent/Surintendant principal
>> Director, Parliamentary Protective Service
>> Directeur , Service de protection parlementaire
>> T 613-996-5048
>> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email and any attachments are
>> confidential and may contain protected information. It is intended
>> only for the individual or entity named in the message. If you are not
>> the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver the
>> message that this email contains to the intended recipient, you should
>> not disseminate, distribute or copy this email, nor disclose or use in
>> any manner the information that it contains. Please notify the sender
>> immediately if you have received this email by mistake and delete it.
>> AVIS DE CONFIDENTIALITÉ: Le présent courriel et tout fichier qui y est
>> joint sont confidentiels et peuvent contenir des renseignements
>> protégés. Il est strictement réservé à l’usage du destinataire prévu.
>> Si vous n’êtes pas le destinataire prévu, ou le mandataire chargé de
>> lui transmettre le message que ce courriel contient, vous ne devez ni
>> le diffuser, le distribuer ou le copier, ni divulguer ou utiliser à
>> quelque fin que ce soit les renseignements qu’il contient. Veuillez
>> aviser immédiatement l’expéditeur si vous avez reçu ce courriel par
>> erreur et supprimez-le.
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: "Chaplin, Lynn (NBPC/CPNB)" &lt;;
>>> Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 04:58:45 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks the lawyer Rob McKee as the
>>> LIEbrano Shadow Justice and Attorney General,was VERY STUPID to dlete
>>> my emails N'esy Pas/ Andrea Anderson-Mason.
>>> To: David Amos &lt;
>>> Please be advised this account is not monitored.
>>> veuillez noter que ce compte n"est pas surveillé
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: "Mitton, Megan (LEG)" &lt;;
>>> Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2020 06:04:32 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks the lawyer Rob McKee as the
>>> LIEbrano Shadow Justice and Attorney General,was VERY STUPID to delete
>>> my emails N'esy Pas Andrea Anderson-Mason???.
>>> To: David Amos &lt;
>>> Thank you for contacting me.
>>> A provincial election was called on August 17th and will be held on
>>> September 14th. During that time, my constituency office is required
>>> to be closed. The phone and email will not be monitored during this
>>> period.
>>> Thank you!
>>> Megan Mitton
>>> ---
>>> Merci de m'avoir contacté. Des élections provinciales ont été
>>> déclenchées le 17 août et auront lieu le 14 septembre. Pendant cette
>>> période, mon bureau de circonscription doit être fermé. Le téléphone
>>> et le courriel ne seront pas surveillés pendant cette période.
>>> Merci !
>>> Megan Mitton
>>> On 8/22/20, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Brian Gallant <>
>>>> Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2018 08:17:31 -0700
>>>> Subject: Merci / Thank you Re: Attn Robert McKee I am calling you for
>>>> the third time The pdf files hereto attached are for real
>>>> To:
>>>> (Français à suivre)
>>>> If your email is pertaining to the Government of New Brunswick,
>> please
>>>> email me at
>>>> If your matter is urgent, please email Greg Byrne at
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Si votre courriel s'addresse au Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick,
>>>> ‎svp m'envoyez un courriel à
>>>> Pour les urgences, veuillez contacter Greg Byrne à
>>>> Merci.
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>> Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2018 11:17:25 -0400
>>>> Subject: Attn Robert McKee I am calling you for the third time The
>> pdf
>>>> files hereto attached are for real
>>>> To:, "brian.gallant"
>>>> <>, "chris.collins" <>, tj
>>>> <>, "blaine.higgs" <>, "David.Coo>>
>>>> <>, jbosnitch <>
>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
, "greg.byrne"
>>>> <>, "Jack.Keir" <>
>>>> Robert K. Mckee
>>>> Called to the bar: 2012 (NB)
>>>> Fowler Law P.C. Inc.
>>>> 69 Waterloo St.
>>>> Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 0E1
>>>> Phone: 506-857-8811
>>>> Fax: 506-857-9297
>>>> Email:
>>>> Robert McKee to run for the Liberals in Moncton Centre
>>>> Lawyer won Saturday's nomination by acclamation, a spokesperson for
>>>> the party says
>>>> CBC News · Posted: Jun 03, 2018 4:50 PM AT
>>>> Robert McKee, a 32-year-old lawyer and first-term Moncton city
>>>> councillor, declared his candidacy for the Moncton Centre Liberal
>>>> nomination on May 17. (Submitted)
>>>> Robert McKee has won the Moncton Centre Liberal nomination and will
>>>> run for the party in the upcoming provincial election this fall.
>>>> The 32-year-old lawyer was elected to Moncton city council in May,
>>>> 2016, representing Ward 3, and declared his candidacy for the Moncton
>>>> Centre Liberal nomination on May 17.
>>>> He won Saturday's nomination by acclamation, according to Duncan
>>>> Gallant, a spokesperson for the party.
>>>> The availability to run in Moncton Centre for the Liberals opened up
>>>> after Speaker Chris Collins said he wouldn't reoffer for the party.
>>>>     Speaker Chris Collins won't reoffer for Liberals, plans to sue
>>>> premier for libel
>>>>     8 Liberals quit over premier's 'humiliating' treatment of Chris
>>>> Collins
>>>> Premier Brian Gallant suspended Collins from the Liberal caucus on
>> the
>>>> basis of allegations of harassment made by a former employee of the
>>>> legislature.
>>>> Collins described Premier Gallant's handling of the allegations as
>>>> "atrocious" and will finish his term as an independent.
>>>> The election is scheduled for Sept. 24.
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos
>>>>> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 09:32:09 -0400
>>>>> Subject: Attn Integrity Commissioner Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Cc:
>>>>> Good Day Sir
>>>>> After I heard you speak on CBC I called your office again and
>> managed
>>>>> to speak to one of your staff for the first time
>>>>> Please find attached the documents I promised to send to the lady
>> who
>>>>> answered the phone this morning. Please notice that not after the
>> Sgt
>>>>> at Arms took the documents destined to your office his pal Tanker
>>>>> Malley barred me in writing with an "English" only document.
>>>>> These are the hearings and the dockets in Federal Court that I
>>>>> suggested that you study closely.
>>>>> This is the docket in Federal Court
>>>>> These are digital recordings of  the last three hearings
>>>>> Dec 14th
>>>>> January 11th, 2016
>>>>> April 3rd, 2017
>>>>> This is the docket in the Federal Court of Appeal
>>>>> The only hearing thus far
>>>>> May 24th, 2017
>>>>> This Judge understnds the meaning of the word Integrity
>>>>> Date: 20151223
>>>>> Docket: T-1557-15
>>>>> Fredericton, New Brunswick, December 23, 2015
>>>>> PRESENT:        The Honourable Mr. Justice Bell
>>>>> BETWEEN:
>>>>> Plaintiff
>>>>> and
>>>>> Defendant
>>>>> ORDER
>>>>> (Delivered orally from the Bench in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on
>>>>> December 14, 2015)
>>>>> The Plaintiff seeks an appeal de novo, by>>> 12, 2015, in which
>>>>> Prothonotary Morneau struck the Statement of
>> Claim
>>>>> in its entirety.
>>>>> At the outset of the hearing, the Plaintiff brought to my attention
>> a
>>>>> letter dated September 10, 2004, which he sent to me, in my then
>>>>> capacity as Past President of the New Brunswick Branch of the
>> Canadian
>>>>> Bar Association, and the then President of the Branch, Kathleen
>> Quigg,
>>>>> (now a Justice of the New Brunswick Court of Appeal).  In that
>> letter
>>>>> he stated:
>>>>> As for your past President, Mr. Bell, may I suggest that you check
>> the
>>>>> work of Frank McKenna before I sue your entire law firm including
>> you.
>>>>> You are your brother’s keeper.
>>>>> Frank McKenna is the former Premier of New Brunswick and a former
>>>>> colleague of mine at the law firm of McInnes Cooper. In addition to
>>>>> expressing an intention to sue me, the Plaintiff refers to a number
>> of
>>>>> people in his Motion Record who he appears to contend may be
>> witnesses
>>>>> or potential parties to be added. Those individuals who are known to
>>>>> me personally, include, but are not limited to the former Prime
>>>>> Minister of Canada, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper; former
>>>>> Attorney General of Canada and now a Justice of the Manitoba Court
>> of
>>>>> Queen’s Bench, Vic Toews; former member of Parliament Rob Moore;
>>>>> former Director of Policing Services, the late Grant Garneau; former
>>>>> Chief of the Fredericton Police Force, Barry McKnight; former Staff
>>>>> Sergeant Danny Copp; my former colleagues on the New Brunswick Court
>>>>> of Appeal, Justices Bradley V. Green and Kathleen Quigg, and,
>> retired
>>>>> Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang of the Royal Canadian Mounted
>>>>> Police.
>>>>> In the circumstances, given the threat in 2004 to sue me in my
>>>>> personal capacity and my past and present relationship with many
>>>>> potential witnesses and/or potential parties to the litigation, I am
>>>>> of the view there would be a reasonable apprehension of bias should
>> I
>>>>> hear this motion. See Justice de Grandpré’s dissenting judgment in
>>>>> Committee for Justice and Liberty et al v National Energy Board et
>> al,
>>>>> [1978] 1 SCR 369 at p 394 for the applicable test regarding
>>>>> allegations of bias. In the circumstances, although neither party
>> has
>>>>> requested I recuse myself, I consider it appropriate that I do so.
>>>>> AS A RESULT OF MY RECUSAL, THIS COURT ORDERS that the Administrator
>> of
>>>>> the Court schedule another date for the hearing of the motion.
>> There
>>>>> is no order as to costs.
>>>>> “B. Richard Bell”
>>>>> Judge
>>>>> Below after the CBC article about your concerns (I made one comment
>>>>> already) you will find the text of just two of many emails I had
>> sent
>>>>> to your office over the years since I first visited it in 2006.
>>>>>  I noticed that on July 30, 2009, he was appointed to the  the Court
>>>>> Martial Appeal Court of Canada  Perhaps you should scroll to the
>>>>> bottom of this email ASAP and read the entire Paragraph 83  of my
>>>>> lawsuit now before the Federal Court of Canada?
>>>>> "FYI This is the text of the lawsuit that should interest Trudeau
>> the
>>>>> most
>>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>>> From:
>>>>> Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 8:18 PM
>>>>> Subject: Réponse automatique : RE My complaint against the CROWN in
>>>>> Federal Court Attn David Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to
>>>>> submit a motion for a publication ban on my complaint trust that you
>>>>> dudes are way past too late
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Veuillez noter que j'ai changé de courriel. Vous pouvez me rejoindre
>> à
>>>>> Pour rejoindre le bureau de M. Trudeau veuillez envoyer un courriel à
>>>>> Please note that I changed email address, you can reach me at
>>>>> To reach the office of Mr. Trudeau please send an email to
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> 83.  The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more
>> war
>>>>> in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
>>>>> allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
>>>>> five years after he began his bragging:
>>>>> January 13, 2015
>>>>> This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
>>>>> December 8, 2014
>>>>> Why Canada Stood Tall!
>>>>> Friday, October 3, 2014
>>>>> Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
>>>>> Stupid Justin Trudeau
>>>>> Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
>>>>> behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.
>>>>> When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean
>> Chretien
>>>>> actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second
>> campaign
>>>>> in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary
>> to
>>>>> the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
>>>>> involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There
>> were
>>>>> significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the
>> dearth
>>>>> of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
>>>>> operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute”
>>>>> Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
>>>>> The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
>>>>> deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
>>>>> Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins
>> to
>>>>> redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
>>>>> less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
>>>>> alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister
>> Chretien’s
>>>>> then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
>>>>> incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
>>>>> professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
>>>>> Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
>>>>> campaign of 2006.
>>>>> What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that
>> then
>>>>> Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
>>>>> Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
>>>>> support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
>>>>> What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and
>> babbling
>>>>> chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
>>>>> less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by
>> planners
>>>>> as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
>>>>> deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.
>>>>> The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
>>>>> the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
>>>>> That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
>>>>> constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
>>>>> remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
>>>>> non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
>>>>> regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
>>>>> instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
>>>>> limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.
>>>>> President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
>>>>> attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
>>>>> Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and
>> control,
>>>>> and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
>>>>> initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital
>> and
>>>>> P.S. Whereas this CBC article is about your opinion of the actions
>> of
>>>>> the latest Minister Of Health trust that Mr Boudreau and the CBC
>> have
>>>>> had my files for many years and the last thing they are is ethical.
>>>>> Ask his friends Mr Murphy and the RCMP if you don't believe me.
>>>>> Subject:>>> From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)"
>>>>> To:
>>>>> January 30, 2007
>>>>> Mr. David Amos
>>>>> Dear Mr. Amos:
>>>>> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December
>> 29,
>>>>> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
>>>>> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I
>> have
>>>>> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner
>> Steve
>>>>> Graham of the RCMP “J” Division in Fredericton.
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
>>>>> Minister of Health
>>>>> CM/cb
>>>>> Warren McBeath wrote:
>>>>> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
>>>>> From: "Warren McBeath"
>>>>> To:,,
>>>>> CC:,
>>>>>,"Bev BUSSON",
>>>>> "Paul Dube"
>>>>> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
>>>>> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have not
>>>>> Dear Mr. Amos,
>>>>> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off
>>>>> over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I
>>>>> was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
>>>>> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our
>> position
>>>>> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
>>>>> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
>>>>> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
>>>>> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
>>>>> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
>>>>> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
>>>>> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
>>>>> that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada
>>>>> the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment
>>>>> and policing in Petitcodiac, NB.
>>>>> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
>>>>> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
>>>>>  Sincerely,
>>>>> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
>>>>> GRC Caledonia RCMP
>>>>> Traffic Services NCO
>>>>> Ph: (506) 387-2222
>>>>> Fax: (506) 387-4622
>>>>> E-mail
>>>>> Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
>>>>> Office of the Integrity Commissioner
>>>>> Edgecombe House, 736 King Street
>>>>> Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1
>>>>> tel.: 506-457-7890
>>>>> fax: 506-444-5224
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Justice Website <>
>>>> Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 14:21:11 +0000
>>>> Subject: Emails to Department of Justice and Province of Nova Scotia
>>>> To: "" <>
>>>> Mr. Amos,
>>>> We acknowledge receipt of your recent emails to the Deputy Minister
>> of
>>>> Justice and lawyers within the Legal Services Division of the
>>>> Department of Justice respecting a possible claim against the
>> Province
>>>> of Nova Scotia.  Service of any documents respecting a legal claim
>>>> against the Province of Nova Scotia may be served on the Attorney
>>>> General at 1690 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS.  Please note that we will
>>>> not be responding to further emails on this matter.
>>>> Department of Justice
>>>> On 8/3/17, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>>> If want something very serious to download and laugh at as well
>> Please
>>>>> Enjoy and share real wiretap tapes of the mob
>>>>> ilian.html
>>>>>> As the CBC etc yap>>>> ask them the obvious question AIN'T THEY
>>>>>> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
>>>>>> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament
>> baseball
>>>>>> cards?
>>>>>> 6
>>>>>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>>>>>> Senator Arlen Specter
>>>>>> United States Senate
>>>>>> Committee on the Judiciary
>>>>>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>>>>>> Washington, DC 20510
>>>>>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>>>>>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>>>>>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the
>> matters
>>>>>> raised in the attached letter.
>>>>>> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap
>>>>>> tapes.
>>>>>> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this
>> previously.
>>>>>> Very truly yours,
>>>>>> Barry A. Bachrach
>>>>>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>>>>>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>>>>>> Email:
>>>> Sunday, 19 November 2017
>>>> Federal Court of Appeal Finally Makes The BIG Decision And Publishes
>>>> It Now The Crooks Cannot Take Back Ticket To Try Put My Matter Before
>>>> The Supreme Court
>>>> Federal Court of Appeal Decisions
>>>> Amos v. Canada
>>>> Court (s) Database
>>>> Federal Court of Appeal Decisions
>>>> Date
>>>> 2017-10-30
>>>> Neutral citation
>>>> 2017 FCA 213
>>>> File numbers
>>>> A-48-16
>>>> Date: 20171030
>>>> Docket: A-48-16
>>>> Citation: 2017 FCA 213
>>>> CORAM:
>>>> WEBB J.A.
>>>> NEAR J.A.
>>>> Respondent on the cross-appeal
>>>> (and formally Appellant)
>>>> and
>>>> Appellant on the cross-appeal
>>>> (and formerly Respondent)
>>>> Heard at Fredericton, New Brunswick, on May 24, 2017.
>>>> Judgment delivered at Ottawa, Ontario, on October 30, 2017.
>>>> Date: 20171030
>>>> Docket: A-48-16
>>>> Citation: 2017 FCA 213
>>>> CORAM:
>>>> WEBB J.A.
>>>> NEAR J.A.
>>>> Respondent on the cross-appeal
>>>> (and formally Appellant)
>>>> and
>>>> Appellant on the cross-appeal
>>>> (and formerly Respondent)
>>>> I.                    Introduction
>>>> [1]               On September 16, 2015, David Raymond Amos (Mr.
>> Amos)
>>>> filed a 53-page Statement of Claim (the Claim) in Federal Court
>>>> against Her Majesty the Queen (the Crown). Mr. Amos claims $11
>> million
>>>> in damages and a public apology from the Prime Minister and
>> Provincial
>>>> Premiers for being illegally barred from accessing parliamentary
>>>> properties and seeks a declaration from the Minister of Public Safety
>>>> that the Canadian Government will no longer allow the Royal Canadian
>>>> Mounted Police (RCMP) and Canadian Forces to harass him and his clan
>>>> (Claim at para. 96).
>>>> [2]               On November 12, 2015 (Docket T-1557-15), by way of
>> a
>>>> motion brought by the Crown, a prothonotary of the Federal Court (the
>>>> Prothonotary) struck the Claim in its entirety, without leave to
>>>> amend, on the basis that it was plain and obvious that the Claim
>>>> disclosed no reasonable claim, the Claim was fundamentally vexatious,
>>>> and the Claim could not be salvaged by way of further amendment (the
>>>> Prothontary’s Order).
>>>> [3]               On January 25, 2016 (2016 FC 93), by way of Mr.
>>>> Amos’ appeal from the Prothonotary’s Order, a judge of the Federal
>>>>>> for being barred by the RCMP from the New Brunswick legislature in
>>>> 2004 (the Federal Court Judgment).
>>>> [4]               Mr. Amos appealed and the Crown cross-appealed the
>>>> Federal Court Judgment. Further to the issuance of a Notice of Status
>>>> Review, Mr. Amos’ appeal was dismissed for delay on December 19,
>> 2016.
>>>> As such, the only matter before this Court is the Crown’s
>>>> cross-appeal.
>>>> II.                 Preliminary Matter
>>>> [5]               Mr. Amos, in his memorandum of fact and law in
>>>> relation to the cross-appeal that was filed with this Court on March
>>>> 6, 2017, indicated that several judges of this Court, including two
>> of
>>>> the judges of this panel, had a conflict of interest in this appeal.
>>>> This was the first time that he identified the judges whom he
>> believed
>>>> had a conflict of interest in a document that was filed with this
>>>> Court. In his notice of appeal he had alluded to a conflict with
>>>> several judges but did not name those judges.
>>>> [6]               Mr. Amos was of the view that he did not have to
>>>> identify the judges in any document filed with this Court because he
>>>> had identified the judges in various documents that had been filed
>>>> with the Federal Court. In his view the Federal Court and the Federal
>>>> Court of Appeal are the same court and therefore any document filed
>> in
>>>> the Federal Court would be filed in this Court. This view is based on
>>>> subsections 5(4) and 5.1(4) of the Federal Courts Act, R.S.C., 1985,
>>>> c. F-7:
>>>> 5(4) Every judge of the Federal Court is, by virtue of his or her
>>>> office, a judge of the Federal Court of Appeal and has all the
>>>> jurisdiction, power and authority of a judge of the Federal Court of
>>>> Appeal.
>>>> […]
>>>> 5(4) Les juges de la Cour fédérale sont d’office juges de la Cour
>>>> d’appel fédérale et ont la même compétence et les mêmes pouvoirs que
>>>> les juges de la Cour d’appel fédérale.
>>>> […]
>>>> 5.1(4) Every judge of the Federal Court of Appeal is, by virtue of
>>>> that office, a judge of the Federal Court and has all the
>>>> jurisdiction, power and authority of a judge of the Federal Court.
>>>> 5.1(4) Les juges de la Cour d’appel fédérale sont d’office juges de
>> la
>>>> Cour fédérale et ont la même compétence et les mêmes pouvoirs que les
>>>> juges de la Cour fédérale.
>>>> [7]               However, these subsections only provide that the
>>>> judges of the Federal Court are also judges of this Court (and vice
>>>> versa). It does not mean that there is only one court. If the Federal
>>>> Court and this Court were one Court, there would be no need for this
>>>> section.
>>>> [8]               Sections 3 and 4 of the Federal Courts Act provide
>>>> that:
>>>> 3 The division of the Federal Court of Canada called the Federal
>> Court
>>>> — Appeal Division is continued under the name “Federal Court of
>>>> Appeal” in English and “Cour d’appel fédérale” in French. It is
>>>> continued as an additional court of law, equity and admiralty in and
>>>> for Canada, for the better administration of the laws of Canada and
>> as
>>>> a superior court of record having civil and criminal jurisdiction.
>>>> 3 La Section d’appel, aussi appelée la Cour d’appel ou la Cour
>> d’appel
>>>> fédérale, est maintenue et dénommée « Cour d’appel fédérale » en
>>>> français et « Federal Court of Appeal » en anglais. Elle est
>> maintenue
>>>> à titre de tribunal additionnel de droit, d’equity et d’amirauté du
>>>> Canada, propre à améliorer l’application du droit canadien, et
>>>> continue d’être une cour supérieure d’archives ayant compétence en
>>>> matière civile et pénale.
>>>> 4 The division of the Federal Court of Canada called the Federal
>> Court
>>>> — Trial Division is continued under the name “Federal Court” in
>>>> English and “Cour fédérale” in French. It is continued as an
>>>> additional court of law, equity and admiralty in and for Canada, for
>>>> the better administration of the laws of Canada and as a superior
>>>> court of record having civil and criminal jurisdiction.
>>>> 4 La section de la Cour fédérale du Canada, appelée la Section de
>>>> première instance de la Cour fédérale, est maintenue et dénommée «
>>>> Cour fédérale » en français et « Federal Court » en anglais. Elle est
>>>> maintenue à titre de tribunal additionnel de droit, d’equity et
>>>> d’amirauté du Canada, propre à améliorer l’application du droit
>>>> canadien, et continue d’être une cour supérieure d’archives ayant
>>>> compétence en matière civile et pénale.
>>>> [9]               Sections 3 and 4 of the Federal Courts Act create
>>>> two separate courts – this Court (section 3) and the Federal Court
>>>> (section 4). If, as Mr. Amos suggests, documents filed in the Federal
>>>> Court were automatically also filed in this Court, then there would
>> no
>>>> need for the parties to prepare and file appeal books as required by
>>>> Rules 343 to 345 of the Federal Courts Rules, SOR/98-106 in relation
>>>> to any appeal from a decision of the Federal Court. The requirement
>> to
>>>> file an appeal book with this Court in relation to an appeal from a
>>>> decision of the Federal Court makes it clear that the only documents
>>>> that will be before this Court are the documents that are part of
>> that
>>>> appeal book.
>>>> [10]           Therefore, the memorandum of fact and law filed on
>>>> March 6, 2017 is the first document, filed with this Court, in which
>>>> Mr. Amos identified the particular judges that he submits have a
>>>> conflict in any matter related to him.
>>>> [11]           On April 3, 2017, Mr. Amos attempted to bring a motion
>>>> before the Federal Court seeking an order “affirming or denying the
>>>> conflict of interest he has” with a number of judges of the Federal
>>>> Court. A judge of the Federal Court issued a direction noting that if
>>>> Mr. Amos was seeking this order in relation to judges of the Federal
>>>> Court of Appeal, it was beyond the jurisdiction of the Federal Court.
>>>> Mr. Amos raised the Federal Court motion at the hearing of this
>>>> cross-appeal. The Federal Court motion is not a motion before this
>>>> Court and, as such, the submissions filed before the Federal Court
>>>> will not be entertained. As well, since this was a motion brought
>>>> before the Federal Court (and not this Court), any documents filed in
>>>> relation to that motion are not part of the record of this Court.
>>>> [12]           During the hearing of the appeal Mr. Amos alleged that
>>>> the third member of this panel also had a conflict of interest and
>>>> submitted some documents that, in his view, supported his claim of a
>>>> conflict. Mr. Amos, following the hearing of his appeal, was also
>>>> afforded the opportunity to provide a brief summary of the conflict
>>>> that he was alleging and to file additional documents that, in his
>>>> view, supported his allegations. Mr. Amos submitted several pages of
>>>> documents in relation to the alleged conflicts. He organized the
>>>> documents by submitting a copy of the biography of the particular
>>>> judge and then, immediately following that biography, by including
>>>> copies of the documents that, in his view, supported his claim that
>>>> such judge had a conflict.
>>>> [13]           The nature of the alleged conflict of Justice Webb is
>>>> that before he was appointed as a Judge of the Tax Court of Canada in
>>>> 2006, he was a partner with the law firm Patterson Law, and before
>>>> that with Patterson Palmer in Nova Scotia. Mr. Amos submitted that he
>>>> had a number of disputes with Patterson Palmer and Patterson Law and
>>>> therefore Justice Webb has a conflict simply because he was a partner
>>>> of these firms. Mr. Amos is not alleging that Justice Webb was
>>>> personally involved in or had any knowledge of any matter in which
>> Mr.
>>>> Amos was involved with Justice Webb’s former law firm – only that he
>>>> was a member of such firm.
>>>> [14]           During his oral submissions at the hearing of his
>>>> appeal Mr. Amos, in relation to the alleged conflict for Justice
>> Webb,
>>>> focused on dealings between himself and a particular lawyer at
>>>> Patterson Law. However, none of the documents submitted by Mr. Amos
>> at
>>>> the hearing or subsequently related to any dealings with this
>>>> particular lawyer nor is it clear when Mr. Amos was dealing with this
>>>> lawyer. In particular, it is far from clear whether such dealings
>> were
>>>> after the time that Justice Webb was appointed as a Judge of the Tax
>>>> Court of Canada over 10 years ago.
>>>> [15]           The documents that he submitted in relation to the
>>>> alleged conflict for Justice Webb largely relate to dealings between
>>>> Byron Prior and the St. John’s Newfoundland and Labrador office of
>>>> Patterson Palmer, which is not in the same province where Justice
>> Webb
>>>> practiced law. The only document that indicates any dealing between
>>>> Mr. Amos and Patterson Palmer is a copy of an affidavit of Stephen
>> May
>>>> who was a partner in the St. John’s NL office of Patterson Palmer.
>> The
>>>> affidavit is dated January 24, 2005 and refers to a number of e-mails
>>>> that were sent by Mr. Amos to Stephen May. Mr. Amos also included a
>>>> letter that is addressed to four individuals, one of whom is John
>>>> Crosbie who was counsel to the St. John’s NL office of Patterson
>>>> Palmer. The letter is dated September 2, 2004 and is addressed to
>>>> “John Crosbie, c/o Greg G. Byrne, Suite 502, 570 Queen Street,
>>>> Fredericton, NB E3B 5E3”. In this letter Mr. Amos alludes to a
>>>> possible lawsuit against Patterson Palmer.
>>>> [16]           Mr. Amos’ position is that simply because Justice Webb
>>>> was a lawyer with Patterson Palmer, he now has a conflict. In
>> Wewaykum
>>>> Indian Band v. Her Majesty the Queen, 2003 SCC 45, [2003] 2 S.C.R.
>>>> 259, the Supreme Court of Canada noted that disqualification of a
>>>> judge is to be determined based on whether there is a reasonable
>>>> apprehension of bias:
>>>> 60        In Canadian law, one standard has now emerged as the
>>>> criterion for disqualification. The criterion, as expressed by de
>>>> Grandpré J. in Committee for Justice and Liberty v. National Energy
>>>> Board, …[[1978] 1 S.C.R. 369, 68 D.L.R. (3d) 716], at p. 394, is the
>>>> reasonable apprehension of bias:
>>>> … the apprehension of bias must be a reasonable one, held by
>>>> reasonable and right minded persons, applying themselves to the
>>>> question and obtaining thereon the required information. In the words
>>>> of the Court of Appeal, that test is "what would an informed person,
>>>> viewing the matter realistically and practically -- and having
>> thought
>>>> the matter through -- conclude. Would he think that it is more likely
>>>> than not that [the decision-maker], whether consciously or
>>>> unconsciously, would not decide fairly."
>>>> [17]           The issue to be determined is whether an informed
>>>> person, viewing the matter realistically and practically, and having
>>>> thought the matter through, would conclude that Mr. Amos’ allegations
>>>> give rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias. As this Court has
>>>> previously remarked, “there is a strong presumption that judges will
>>>> administer justice impartially” and this presumption will not be
>>>> rebutted in the absence of “convincing evidence” of bias (Collins v.
>>>> Canada, 2011 FCA 140 at para. 7, [2011] 4 C.T.C. 157 [Collins]. See
>>>> also R. v. S. (R.D.), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 484 at para. 32, 151 D.L.R.
>>>> (4th) 193).
>>>> [18]           The Ontario Court of Appeal in Rando Drugs Ltd. v.
>>>> Scott, 2007 ONCA 553, 86 O.R. (3d) 653 (leave to appeal to the
>> Supreme
>>>> Court of Canada refused, 32285 (August 1, 2007)), addressed the
>>>> particular issue of whether a judge is disqualified from hearing a
>>>> case simply because he had been a member of a law firm that was
>>>> involved in the litigation that was now before that judge. The
>> Ontario
>>>> Court of Appeal determined that the judge was not disqualified if the
>>>> judge had no involvement with the person or th>> lawyer. The Ontario
>>>> Court of Appeal also explained that the rules for
>>>> determining whether a judge is disqualified are different from the
>>>> rules to determine whether a lawyer has a conflict:
>>>> 27        Thus, disqualification is not the natural corollary to a
>>>> finding that a trial judge has had some involvement in a case over
>>>> which he or she is now presiding. Where the judge had no involvement,
>>>> as here, it cannot be said that the judge is disqualified.
>>>> 28        The point can rightly be made that had Mr. Patterson been
>>>> asked to represent the appellant as counsel before his appointment to
>>>> the bench, the conflict rules would likely have prevented him from
>>>> taking the case because his firm had formerly represented one of the
>>>> defendants in the case. Thus, it is argued how is it that as a trial
>>>> judge Patterson J. can hear the case? This issue was considered by
>> the
>>>> Court of Appeal (Civil Division) in Locabail (U.K.) Ltd. v. Bayfield
>>>> Properties Ltd., [2000] Q.B. 451. The court held, at para. 58, that
>>>> there is no inflexible rule governing the disqualification of a judge
>>>> and that, "[e]verything depends on the circumstances."
>>>> 29        It seems to me that what appears at first sight to be an
>>>> inconsistency in application of rules can be explained by the
>>>> different contexts and in particular, the strong presumption of
>>>> judicial impartiality that applies in the context of disqualification
>>>> of a judge. There is no such presumption in cases of allegations of
>>>> conflict of interest against a lawyer because of a firm's previous
>>>> involvement in the case. To the contrary, as explained by Sopinka J.
>>>> in MacDonald Estate v. Martin (1990), 77 D.L.R. (4th) 249 (S.C.C.),
>>>> for sound policy reasons there is a presumption of a disqualifying
>>>> interest that can rarely be overcome. In particular, a conclusory
>>>> statement from the lawyer that he or she had no confidential
>>>> information about the case will never be sufficient. The case is the
>>>> opposite where the allegation of bias is made against a trial judge.
>>>> His or her statement that he or she knew nothing about the case and
>>>> had no involvement in it will ordinarily be accepted at face value
>>>> unless there is good reason to doubt it: see Locabail, at para. 19.
>>>> 30        That brings me then to consider the particular
>> circumstances
>>>> of this case and whether there are serious grounds to find a
>>>> disqualifying conflict of interest in this case. In my view, there
>> are
>>>> two significant factors that justify the trial judge's decision not
>> to
>>>> recuse himself. The first is his statement, which all parties accept,
>>>> that he knew nothing of the case when it was in his former firm and
>>>> that he had nothing to do with it. The second is the long passage of
>>>> time. As was said in Wewaykum, at para. 85:
>>>>             To us, one significant factor stands out, and must inform
>>>> the perspective of the reasonable person assessing the impact of this
>>>> involvement on Binnie J.'s impartiality in the appeals. That factor
>> is
>>>> the passage of time. Most arguments for disqualification rest on
>>>> circumstances that are either contemporaneous to the decision-making,
>>>> or that occurred within a short time prior to the decision-making.
>>>> 31        There are other factors that inform the issue. The Wilson
>>>> Walker firm no longer acted for any of the parties by the time of
>>>> trial. More importantly, at the time of the motion, Patterson J. had
>>>> been a judge for six years and thus had not had a relationship with
>>>> his former firm for a considerable period of time.
>>>> 32        In my view, a reasonable person, viewing the matter
>>>> realistically would conclude that the trial judge could deal fairly
>>>> and impartially with this case. I take this view principally because
>>>> of the long passage of time and the trial judge's lack of involvement
>>>> in or knowledge of the case when the Wilson Walker firm had carriage.
>>>> In these circumstances it ca>> trial judge could not remain impartial
>>>> in
>>>> the case. The mere fact
>> that
>>>> his name appears on the letterhead of some correspondence from over a
>>>> decade ago would not lead a reasonable person to believe that he
>> would
>>>> either consciously or unconsciously favour his former firm's former
>>>> client. It is simply not realistic to think that a judge would throw
>>>> off his mantle of impartiality, ignore his oath of office and favour
>> a
>>>> client - about whom he knew nothing - of a firm that he left six
>> years
>>>> earlier and that no longer acts for the client, in a case involving
>>>> events from over a decade ago.
>>>> (emphasis added)
>>>> [19]           Justice Webb had no involvement with any matter
>>>> involving Mr. Amos while he was a member of Patterson Palmer or
>>>> Patterson Law, nor does Mr. Amos suggest that he did. Mr. Amos made
>> it
>>>> clear during the hearing of this matter that the only reason for the
>>>> alleged conflict for Justice Webb was that he was a member of
>>>> Patterson Law and Patterson Palmer. This is simply not enough for
>>>> Justice Webb to be disqualified. Any involvement of Mr. Amos with
>>>> Patterson Law while Justice Webb was a member of that firm would have
>>>> had to occur over 10 years ago and even longer for the time when he
>>>> was a member of Patterson Palmer. In addition to the lack of any
>>>> involvement on his part with any matter or dispute that Mr. Amos had
>>>> with Patterson Law or Patterson Palmer (which in and of itself is
>>>> sufficient to dispose of this matter), the length of time since
>>>> Justice Webb was a member of Patterson Law or Patterson Palmer would
>>>> also result in the same finding – that there is no conflict in
>> Justice
>>>> Webb hearing this appeal.
>>>> [20]           Similarly in R. v. Bagot, 2000 MBCA 30, 145 Man. R.
>>>> (2d) 260, the Manitoba Court of Appeal found that there was no
>>>> reasonable apprehension of bias when a judge, who had been a member
>> of
>>>> the law firm that had been retained by the accused, had no
>> involvement
>>>> with the accused while he was a lawyer with that firm.
>>>> [21]           In Del Zotto v. Minister of National Revenue, [2000] 4
>>>> F.C. 321, 257 N.R. 96, this court did find that there would be a
>>>> reasonable apprehension of bias where a judge, who while he was a
>>>> lawyer, had recorded time on a matter involving the same person who
>>>> was before that judge. However, this case can be distinguished as
>>>> Justice Webb did not have any time recorded on any files involving
>> Mr.
>>>> Amos while he was a lawyer with Patterson Palmer or Patterson Law.
>>>> [22]           Mr. Amos also included with his submissions a CD. He
>>>> stated in his affidavit dated June 26, 2017 that there is a “true
>> copy
>>>> of an American police surveillance wiretap entitled 139” on this CD.
>>>> He has also indicated that he has “provided a true copy of the CD
>>>> entitled 139 to many American and Canadian law enforcement
>> authorities
>>>> and not one of the police forces or officers of the court are willing
>>>> to investigate it”. Since he has indicated that this is an “American
>>>> police surveillance wiretap”, this is a matter for the American law
>>>> enforcement authorities and cannot create, as Mr. Amos suggests, a
>>>> conflict of interest for any judge to whom he provides a copy.
>>>> [23]           As a result, there is no conflict or reasonable
>>>> apprehension of bias for Justice Webb and therefore, no reason for
>> him
>>>> to recuse himself.
>>>> [24]           Mr. Amos alleged that Justice Near’s past professional
>>>> experience with the government created a “quasi-conflict” in deciding
>>>> the cross-appeal. Mr. Amos provided no details and Justice Near
>>>> confirmed that he had no prior knowledge of the matters alleged in
>> the
>>>> Claim. Justice Near sees no reason to recuse himself.
>>>> [25]           Insofar as it is possible to glean the basis for Mr.
>>>> Amos’ allegations against Justice Gleason, it appears that he alleges
>>>> that she is incapable of hearing this appeal because he says he wrote
>>>> a letter to Brian Mulroney and Jean Chrétien in 2004. At th>> both
>>>> Justice Gleason and Mr. Mulroney were partners in the law firm
>>>> Ogilvy Renault, LLP. The letter in question, which is rude and angry,
>>>> begins with “Hey you two Evil Old Smiling Bastards” and “Re: me suing
>>>> you and your little dogs too”. There is no indication that the letter
>>>> was ever responded to or that a law suit was ever commenced by Mr.
>>>> Amos against Mr. Mulroney. In the circumstances, there is no reason
>>>> for Justice Gleason to recuse herself as the letter in question does
>>>> not give rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias.
>>>> III.               Issue
>>>> [26]           The issue on the cross-appeal is as follows: Did the
>>>> Judge err in setting aside the Prothonotary’s Order striking the
>> Claim
>>>> in its entirety without leave to amend and in determining that Mr.
>>>> Amos’ allegation that the RCMP barred him from the New Brunswick
>>>> legislature in 2004 was capable of supporting a cause of action?
>>>> IV.              Analysis
>>>> A.                 Standard of Review
>>>> [27]           Following the Judge’s decision to set aside the
>>>> Prothonotary’s Order, this Court revisited the standard of review to
>>>> be applied to discretionary decisions of prothonotaries and decisions
>>>> made by judges on appeals of prothonotaries’ decisions in Hospira
>>>> Healthcare Corp. v. Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, 2016 FCA 215,
>>>> 402 D.L.R. (4th) 497 [Hospira]. In Hospira, a five-member panel of
>>>> this Court replaced the Aqua-Gem standard of review with that
>>>> articulated in Housen v. Nikolaisen, 2002 SCC 33, [2002] 2 S.C.R. 235
>>>> [Housen]. As a result, it is no longer appropriate for the Federal
>>>> Court to conduct a de novo review of a discretionary order made by a
>>>> prothonotary in regard to questions vital to the final issue of the
>>>> case. Rather, a Federal Court judge can only intervene on appeal if
>>>> the prothonotary made an error of law or a palpable and overriding
>>>> error in determining a question of fact or question of mixed fact and
>>>> law (Hospira at para. 79). Further, this Court can only interfere
>> with
>>>> a Federal Court judge’s review of a prothonotary’s discretionary
>> order
>>>> if the judge made an error of law or palpable and overriding error in
>>>> determining a question of fact or question of mixed fact and law
>>>> (Hospira at paras. 82-83).
>>>> [28]           In the case at bar, the Judge substituted his own
>>>> assessment of Mr. Amos’ Claim for that of the Prothonotary. This
>> Court
>>>> must look to the Prothonotary’s Order to determine whether the Judge
>>>> erred in law or made a palpable and overriding error in choosing to
>>>> interfere.
>>>> B.                 Did the Judge err in interfering with the
>>>> Prothonotary’s Order?
>>>> [29]           The Prothontoary’s Order accepted the following
>>>> paragraphs from the Crown’s submissions as the basis for striking the
>>>> Claim in its entirety without leave to amend:
>>>> 17.       Within the 96 paragraph Statement of Claim, the Plaintiff
>>>> addresses his complaint in paragraphs 14-24, inclusive. All but four
>>>> of those paragraphs are dedicated to an incident that occurred in
>> 2006
>>>> in and around the legislature in New Brunswick. The jurisdiction of
>>>> the Federal Court does not extend to Her Majesty the Queen in right
>> of
>>>> the Provinces. In any event, the Plaintiff hasn’t named the Province
>>>> or provincial actors as parties to this action. The incident alleged
>>>> does not give rise to a justiciable cause of action in this Court.
>>>> (…)
>>>> 21.       The few paragraphs that directly address the Defendant
>>>> provide no details as to the individuals involved or the location of
>>>> the alleged incidents or other details sufficient to allow the
>>>> Defendant to respond. As a result, it is difficult or impossible to
>>>> determine the causes of action the Plaintiff is attempting to
>> advance.
>>>> A generous reading of the Statement of Claim allows the Defendant to
>>>> only speculate as to the true and/or int>> best, the Plaintiff’s action
>>>> may possibly be summarized as: he
>>>> suspects he is barred from the House of Commons.
>>>> [footnotes omitted].
>>>> [30]           The Judge determined that he could not strike the
>> Claim
>>>> on the same jurisdictional basis as the Prothonotary. The Judge noted
>>>> that the Federal Court has jurisdiction over claims based on the
>>>> liability of Federal Crown servants like the RCMP and that the actors
>>>> who barred Mr. Amos from the New Brunswick legislature in 2004
>>>> included the RCMP (Federal Court Judgment at para. 23). In
>> considering
>>>> the viability of these allegations de novo, the Judge identified
>>>> paragraph 14 of the Claim as containing “some precision” as it
>>>> identifies the date of the event and a RCMP officer acting as
>>>> Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant Governor (Federal Court Judgment at
>>>> para. 27).
>>>> [31]           The Judge noted that the 2004 event could support a
>>>> cause of action in the tort of misfeasance in public office and
>>>> identified the elements of the tort as excerpted from Meigs v.
>> Canada,
>>>> 2013 FC 389, 431 F.T.R. 111:
>>>> [13]      As in both the cases of Odhavji Estate v Woodhouse, 2003
>> SCC
>>>> 69 [Odhavji] and Lewis v Canada, 2012 FC 1514 [Lewis], I must
>>>> determine whether the plaintiffs’ statement of claim pleads each
>>>> element of the alleged tort of misfeasance in public office:
>>>> a) The public officer must have engaged in deliberate and unlawful
>>>> conduct in his or her capacity as public officer;
>>>> b) The public officer must have been aware both that his or her
>>>> conduct was unlawful and that it was likely to harm the plaintiff;
>> and
>>>> c) There must be an element of bad faith or dishonesty by the public
>>>> officer and knowledge of harm alone is insufficient to conclude that
>> a
>>>> public officer acted in bad faith or dishonestly.
>>>> Odhavji, above, at paras 23, 24 and 28
>>>> (Federal Court Judgment at para. 28).
>>>> [32]           The Judge determined that Mr. Amos disclosed
>> sufficient
>>>> material facts to meet the elements of the tort of misfeasance in
>>>> public office because the actors, who barred him from the New
>>>> Brunswick legislature in 2004, including the RCMP, did so for
>>>> “political reasons” (Federal Court Judgment at para. 29).
>>>> [33]           This Court’s discussion of the sufficiency of
>> pleadings
>>>> in Merchant Law Group v. Canada (Revenue Agency), 2010 FCA 184, 321
>>>> D.L.R (4th) 301 is particularly apt:
>>>> …When pleading bad faith or abuse of power, it is not enough to
>>>> assert, baldly, conclusory phrases such as “deliberately or
>>>> negligently,” “callous disregard,” or “by fraud and theft did steal”.
>>>> “The bare assertion of a conclusion upon which the court is called
>>>> upon to pronounce is not an allegation of material fact”. Making
>> bald,
>>>> conclusory allegations without any evidentiary foundation is an abuse
>>>> of process…
>>>> To this, I would add that the tort of misfeasance in public office
>>>> requires a particular state of mind of a public officer in carrying
>>>> out the impunged action, i.e., deliberate conduct which the public
>>>> officer knows to be inconsistent with the obligations of his or her
>>>> office. For this tort, particularization of the allegations is
>>>> mandatory. Rule 181 specifically requires particularization of
>>>> allegations of “breach of trust,” “wilful default,” “state of mind of
>>>> a person,” “malice” or “fraudulent intention.”
>>>> (at paras. 34-35, citations omitted).
>>>> [34]           Applying the Housen standard of review to the
>>>> Prothonotary’s Order, we are of the view that the Judge interfered
>>>> absent a legal or palpable and overriding error.
>>>> [35]           The Prothonotary determined that Mr. Amos’ Claim
>>>> disclosed no reasonable claim and was fundamentally vexatious on the
>>>> basis of jurisdictional concerns and the absence of material facts to
>>>> ground a cause of action. Paragraph 14 of the Claim, which addresses
>>>> the 2004 event, pleads no material facts as to how the R>> engaged in
>>>> deliberate and unlawful conduct, knew that his or her
>>>> conduct was unlawful and likely to harm Mr. Amos, and acted in bad
>>>> faith. While the Claim alleges elsewhere that Mr. Amos was barred
>> from
>>>> the New Brunswick legislature for political and/or malicious reasons,
>>>> these allegations are not particularized and are directed against
>>>> non-federal actors, such as the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Legislative
>>>> Assembly of New Brunswick and the Fredericton Police Force. As such,
>>>> the Judge erred in determining that Mr. Amos’ allegation that the
>>>> barred him from the New Brunswick legislature in 2004 was capable of
>>>> supporting a cause of action.
>>>> [36]           In our view, the Claim is made up entirely of bare
>>>> allegations, devoid of any detail, such that it discloses no
>>>> reasonable cause of action within the jurisdiction of the Federal
>>>> Courts. Therefore, the Judge erred in interfering to set aside the
>>>> Prothonotary’s Order striking the claim in its entirety. Further, we
>>>> find that the Prothonotary made no error in denying leave to amend.
>>>> The deficiencies in Mr. Amos’ pleadings are so extensive such that
>>>> amendment could not cure them (see Collins at para. 26).
>>>> V.                 Conclusion
>>>> [37]           For the foregoing reasons, we would allow the Crown’s
>>>> cross-appeal, with costs, setting aside the Federal Court Judgment,
>>>> dated January 25, 2016 and restoring the Prothonotary’s Order, dated
>>>> November 12, 2015, which struck Mr. Amos’ Claim in its entirety
>>>> without leave to amend.
>>>> "Wyman W. Webb"
>>>> J.A.
>>>> "David G. Near"
>>>> J.A.
>>>> "Mary J.L. Gleason"
>>>> J.A.
>>>> JANUARY 25, 2016; DOCKET NUMBER T-1557-15.
>>>> DOCKET:
>>>> A-48-16
>>>> Fredericton,
>>>> New Brunswick
>>>> May 24, 2017
>>>> WEBB J.A.
>>>> NEAR J.A.
>>>> DATED:
>>>> October 30, 2017
>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>> For The Appellant / respondent on cross-appeal
>>>> (on his own behalf)
>>>> Jan Jensen
>>>> For The Respondent / appELLANT ON CROSS-APPEAL
>>>> Nathalie G. Drouin
>>>> Deputy Attorney General of Canada
>>>> For The Respondent / APPELLANT ON CROSS-APPEAL
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <>
>>>> Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 23:04:24 +0000
>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Higgs's rationale for a
>>>> snap-election was flawed bigtime N'esy Pas?
>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>> Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
>>>> Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
>>>> that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your
>>>> understanding.
>>>> If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
>>>> visit<>.
>>>> If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
>>>> (506) 453-2144.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Bonjour,
>>>> Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
>>>> Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
>>>> quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
>>>> Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.
>>>> Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus,
>>>> veuillez visiter
>>>> S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
>>>> Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
>>>> Merci.
>>>> Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
>>>> P.O Box/C. P. 6000
>>>> Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nou>> Email/Courriel:
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>> Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 20:04:18 -0300
>>>> Subject: Methinks Higgs's rationale for a snap-election was flawed
>>>> bigtime N'esy Pas?
>>>> To:,,,
>>>>,, "David.Coon"
>>>> <>,, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"
>>>> <>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
>>>> <>, "Kevin.Vickers" <>,
>>>>,, "dan.
>>>> bussieres" <>, "serge.rousselle"
>>>> <>, "greg.byrne" <>,
>>>> "Jack.Keir" <>, "tyler.campbell"
>>>> <>, "jeff.carr" <>,
>>>>,, markandcaroline
>>>> <>,,
>>>>, "steve.murphy" <>,
>> "David.Akin"
>>>> <>, Newsroom <>,
>>>>, "Jody.Wilson-Raybould"
>>>> <>, "Furey, John"
>> <>,
>>>> "David.Lametti" <>, mcu <>,
>>>> "Nathalie.Drouin" <
>, "jan.jensen"
>>>> <>, premier <>, premier
>>>> <>
>>>> Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "blaine.higgs"
>>>> <>, "robert.gauvin" <>,
>>>> "Ross.Wetmore" <>, "Shane.Fowler"
>>>> <>, pm <>, "PETER.MACKAY"
>>>> <>, "Katie.Telford"
>>>> <>, postur <>, postur
>>>> <>
>>>> David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
>>>> Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
>>>> Methinks I should not have been surprised to see the VERY CORRUPT CBC
>>>> block me in Facebook just like they do in Twitter and in the very
>>>> domain we all pay for with our tax dollars N'esy Pas?
>>>>  #nbpoli #cdnpoli
>>>>  CBC's Facebook Live answers questions about provincial election
>>>> Do you have questions about the election on Sept. 14? We have answers
>>>> CBC News · Posted: Aug 19, 2020 10:44 AM AT
>>>> David Amos
>>>> Content disabled
>>>> Methinks they will block me in Facebook just like they do in Twitter
>>>> N'esy
>>>> Pas?
>>>> BINGO
>>>> Your account has been banned until September 3, 2020. Reason: We have
>>>> banned this account for 15 days because we believe it is in violation
>>>> of our Terms of Use. For more information, please visit:
>>>> Higgs's rationale for no-snap-election deal is flawed, says political
>>>> expert
>>>> Three byelections must be held this fall
>>>> Jacques Poitras · CBC News · Posted: Aug 13, 2020 2:50 PM AT

On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 9:02 PM David Amos <> wrote:
Marysville Place
20 McGloin Street, 1st Flr.
Fredericton, NB E3A 5T8
Toll Free: 1-855-450-2010

---------- Original message ---------
From: LeBlanc, Dominic - député <>
Date: Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 9:03 PM
Subject: Automatic reply: RE The Killing of David Amos and His Family
To: David Amos <>

(English follows)




Nous accusons réception de votre courriel adressé à L’honorable Dominic LeBlanc, cp, cr, député de Beauséjour et nous vous en remercions.


Veuillez noter que nous recevons actuellement un volume élevé de correspondances. Veuillez prévoir un délai dans nos réponses.


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Pour toutes demandes des médias, veuillez contacter Kelly Ouimet à et Jean-Sébastien Comeau à

Merci et bonne journée.


Bureau de L’hon. Dominic LeBlanc, cp, cr, député
Député de Beauséjour





We acknowledge receipt and thank you for your email addressed to the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, P.C., K.C., M.P. for Beauséjour.

Please note that we are currently receiving a high volume of correspondence. This may mean a delay in our responding to you.


For emails related to specific issues from our constituents in Beauséjour, we will make sure to review your message and an employee from our constituency office will be in contact with you if necessary. If you have any questions or require clarification, you can always contact our office at the following phone number: (506) 533-5700.

If you are writing with respect to Minister LeBlanc's public safety duties, please direct your correspondence to our Public Safety department at


For all media inquiries, please contact Kelly Ouimet at and Jean-Sébastien Comeau at

Thank you and have a good day.


Office of the Hon. Dominic LeBlanc, P.C., K.C., M.P.
Member of Parliament for Beauséjour

---------- Original message ---------
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <>
Date: Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 9:03 PM
Subject: Automatic Reply
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

Due to the volume of correspondence addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be carefully reviewed.

We do not respond to correspondence that contains offensive language.


Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Arif Virani, ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada.

En raison du volume de correspondance adressée au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin.

Nous ne répondons pas à la correspondance contenant un langage offensant.

---------- Original message ---------
From: Moore, Rob - M.P. <>
Date: Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 9:03 PM
Subject: Automatic reply: RE The Killing of David Amos and His Family
To: David Amos <>

*This is an automated response*

Thank you for contacting the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P. office. We appreciate the time you took to get in touch with our office.

If you did not already, please ensure to include your full contact details on your email and the appropriate staff will be able to action your request. We strive to ensure all constituent correspondence is responded to in a timely manner.

If your question or concern is time sensitive, please call our office: 506-832-4200.

Again, we thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns.


Office of the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P.

Member of Parliament for Fundy Royal


---------- Original message ---------
From: Chong, Michael - M.P. <>
Date: Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 9:03 PM
Subject: Automatic reply: RE The Killing of David Amos and His Family
To: David Amos <>

Thanks very much for getting in touch with me!

This email is to acknowledge receipt of your message and to let you know that every incoming email is read and reviewed.  A member of my Wellington-Halton Hills team will be in touch with you shortly if follow-up is required.

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In your email, if you:

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Any constituents of Wellington-Halton Hills who require urgent attention are encouraged to call the constituency office at 1-866-878-5556 (toll-free in riding). Please rest assured that any voicemails will be returned promptly.

Once again, thank you for your email.

The Hon. Michael Chong, M.P.
Wellington-Halton Hills
toll free riding office:1-866-878-5556

Ottawa office: 613-992-4179


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---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 9:02 PM
Subject: RE The Killing of David Amos and His Family
To: <>, dominic.leblanc <>, rob.moore <>, mcu <>, <>, <>, martin.gaudet <>, Mark.Blakely <>, kris.austin <>, Mike.Dawson <>, Mike.Comeau <>, John.Williamson <>, andrea.anderson-mason <>, Ross.Wetmore <>, blaine.higgs <>, robert.mckee <>, Susan.Holt <>, hugh.flemming <>, <>, National Citizens Inquiry <>, Nathalie.G.Drouin <>, Robert. Jones <>

Marysville Place
20 McGloin Street, 1st Flr.
Fredericton, NB E3A 5T8
Toll Free: 1-855-450-2010

The Killing of David Amos and His Family

The Killing of David Amos and His Family

----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" To: "fundytides" ; ; ; "Brookes.Merritt" ; "terry.seguin" ; "Edith. Cody-R

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----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" To: "fundytides" ; ; ; "Brookes.Merritt" ; "terry.seguin" ; "Edith. Cody-Rice" ; "dan.ahlstrand" ; "dan. bussieres" ; ; ; "kelly. lamrock" "John.DeWinter" ; "John. Foran" ; "Edmonton Castledowns" ; "edmonton.highlandsnorwood" ; "edmonton.riverview" ; "edmonton.calder" ; "edmonton.centre" ; "edmonton.strathcona" ; ; "dean" ; "Harris. J" ; "IgnatM" ; "LaytoJ" ; "Duceppe. G" ; "shawn. graham" ; "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)" ; "secord" ; ; "nb. premier" ; ; "tony" ; ; ; ; "tracy" ; ;

Cc: ; "john.adams" ; "Barry Winters" ; Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 12:51 PM Subject: Yo Solicitor John Logan of the "The Place to BE" RE: The killing of David Amos and his "family" I just called the Military Police in Oromocto AGAIN

First I talked to one of your dumb Commissionaire pals as usual then I talked to a decent lowly Cpl who tried to play dumb as well. However he and I managed to a serious pow wow about you, the CSE (the boss John Adams in particular) and of course your butt buddy former Major Barry Winters. The liberals and their neo con cohorts in "The Place to Be" may be in hot water with the common folks over their pensions, NB Power, Caisse Populaires and Conflicts of Interests etc but I am certain all liberals in Canada would agree that Harper is in a lot more trouble for supporting the war mongering Zionist etc. In my humble opinion the blog of Mr Baconfat's is a definite breach of National Security N'esy Pas John Boy Adams of the CSE? FYI his is me talking about your fellow lawyers and burocrats etc and

all your DND pals as well about a year ago This your pal Mr Baconfat (aka Major Barry Winters) Correct? The evil Zionist can say all he wishes about his covert actions for liberal mandates and I enjoy reading it but threaten to kill my kids and I see red. Furthermore tell me who is he to speak for the CSE and the RCMP about mean old me? Like Col Logan he claims to be retired from the DND does he not? However I say once a FED always a FED. (I hold that opinion about "The Not So Good" Dr Bill Deagle and of course you too Mr Adams) What say you now Margaret Bloodworth and Ward Elcock? OR Anyone ? Anyone??? Me also thinks that Mr Baconfat should keep such heavy duty secrets to himself or there is truly a serious breach in National Security published on the Internet never mind what the crooked old judge working with the Torys law firm has to say about anything . N'esy Pas IGGY and Johnny Boy Laskin?

Friday, August 14, 2009 What does Amerika, the "Truther" movment, "God" and retards have to do with Canada We do not have to worry about comment from Little Dean and Dave...they are to uneducated to understand most posts So have you seen them, been annoyed or insulted by them, have you smelled their disease? Have you ever crossed the "medicine line" and seen some Yank being taken into custody because he just has..."this constitutional right to bear arms" Canada. I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends" demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing. American "veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying into the US policy. At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of my colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation. There was never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where there were deployed WMD. Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were concerned about the number of "boots on

the ground" for the occupation (and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy. There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was contrary to the lessons of Vietnam but also to the military thought, that folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others illucidated upon. "What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions are to met before US troop can redeploy? Prime Minister Jean Chretien and the PMO were even at the very preliminary planning stages wary of Canadian involment in an Iraq operation....History would prove them correct. The political preesure being applied on the PMO from the George W Bush administration was onerus American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian military assets even moreso It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantene operations in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi operation.... The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian lives and liberal political capitial.. and the priority of which ....not neccessarily in that order. Essentially Canada detemined to stay out of Iraq, paid the price, of a larger role in Afghanistan to enable US military assets to redeploy to Iraq. The US op in Afghanistan evolved from a US op, to a UN op, to a NATO / ISAF op. NATO countries other than Canada and the UK shun combat operations in Afghanistan..their rules of deployment and engagement mitigate against NATO troops engaging the Taliban. By design I am quite sure. But now the American Iraq op, is a great success. The "surge" worked. But alas now 127 Canadian soldiers are dead. The 2011 deadline is coming nigh....and President Barak Obama and NATO want Canada to consider extending the deployment of Canadian troops. The motives are different. The US wants to... needs to, as matter of national security, to defeat insurgency in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Our European allies want Canada to remain and continue to "punch above its weight" so European soldiers do not have to actually fight or die. That begs a few questions: "Nations do not have friends, nations have

interests" -Henry Kissinger. Is American national security re terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan compatable with Canadian national interests? If this country, Canada is going to be a continuing ally in "the war against terror"....should not our "friends and neighbours across the medicine line be more amenable in matters of trade, or just living up to their free trade agreements. If our "friends and neighbours" to the south want Canadians to fight side by side...maybe that 7 % Softwood lumber tariff was a mistake...or the buy American provision in the currant stimulus plan ought to be re thought. Our American "friends" give Israel roughly 3 billion dollars a year to be spent buying weapons systems from US defense survive (both Israel and US defense industries) Perhaps US dollars should flow to Canada to buy weapons systems and patrol aircraft and naval platforms...after all, aren't we your "friends and allies"? There is nothing similar with American culture, and politics between Canada and the US. Canada evolved into nation status and the US, revolted violently. This difference in the means we became nations...has greatly defined who and what we are. Our American "friends" look upon Canada as cultural, economic and political satrap.... Now to their great consternation they are finding out... that is NOT the case . Nothing good came to Canada by way of America. The military "schewir punct" should be defense of our continental shelf and the arctic. Canada does need to stop shipping unrefined bitumen to the US and totally refine it here and start building a pipeline for bitumen to Canada's west coast to sell to Asian and the Chinese market. It is more than past time to understand ..our American "friends" are not our friends at all. Or else it is: Bend over here it comes again.....KY anyone? Play dumb if you wish Mr Logan but according the Chucky Leblanc's blogger buddy Richy Baby Harris this is you CORRECT? If so then it is a small wonder that you not come to the phone in November of 2006 I have been dealing with the crooks in the CSE and the NSA etc since 2001 EH Johnny Boy? BTW I got this info from Richy Baby's blog. Col John Logan joined the Canadian Forces through the Regular Officer Training Plan on August 8, 1972 and during the next five years attended College Militaire Royal de Saint Jean and Royal Military College, Kingston. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (History with distinction) and was

commissioned in the rank of Lieutenant in May 1977. Upon completion of second language training, he was posted to 3 PPCLI in Esquimalt, B.C. During the next four years, he held various battalion appointments, including Rifle Platoon Commander, Assault Pioneer Platoon Commander, Company Second in Command and Company Operations Officer. In May 1980, he was promoted to the rank of Captain while serving with UNFICYP in Cyprus. In July of 1981 he was posted to 1 CBG HQ Calgary as SO3 Pers. Col Logan has attended CF Staff School, Toronto and has completed the Officer Professional Development Program and Field Officer Examinations (with distinction). In 1982 he resigned from regular force to pursue a career in law. He transferred to the Primary Reserve in 1983 and joined 1 RNBR, where he commanded B Company from 1983 - 1985. He was promoted to Major on 1 August 1984. In 1985, he graduated from the University of New Brunswick with a Bachelor degree in Law. In June 1985, he moved to Saint John and assumed the position of SO2 Ops/Trg with WNBMD HQ. He successfully completed MCSC in the summer of 1986. In October 1989 he transferred to 31 (Saint John) Service Battalion where he was employed as the Deputy Commanding Officer. He assumed command of the Unit and was promoted to LCol in February 1991. During his tenure as Commanding Officer, the Unit was judged the best Militia Service Battalion in Canada. In 1994, he relinquished Command of the Unit and assumed duties with Advanced Training at LFAA HQ. He commanded 30 Service Battalion during ARCON 95 and became the Director of Advanced Training and Chief Instructor of MCSC (Tutorial I and II) in September 1997. In 1998 he was appointed Deputy Commander of 37 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters in Moncton. In 2000 Col Logan returned to the position of Director of Advanced Training at LFAA and covers off one of the Directing Staff positions with Land Forces Doctrine and Training Systems. On 21 June 2003, Col Logan assumed command of 37 Canadian Brigade Group. In June 2006 he was appointed Assistant Chief of Staff Operations at LFAA HQ. Col Logan practiced law with the law firm of Patterson Palmer for fifteen years. He is currently a senior solicitor in the New Brunswick Office of the Attorney General, Legal Services Branch in the Corporate Commercial and Property practice group. He has been extensively involved in the community, holding such positions as Honorary Solicitor New Brunswick Command Royal Canadian Legion, Honorary Solicitor New Brunswick Branch Army Cadet League, Vice Chairman Rothesay Regional Joint Board of Police Commissionaires, Church Warden Trinity Anglican Church, Governor NB/PEI Division Canadian Corp of Commissionaires, Governor Certified General Accountants of New Brunswick and Chairman, Mental Health Review Board.

Posted by Richard A. Harris at 4:47 AM 0 comments

Hmmm Off the topic of NB Power I made the Youtube above after I heard the news about you on CBC and your dumb opinion about ATCOM and the Bank of Nova Scotia. Need I say BULLSHIT particularly after I watched a couple of Youtubes of Chucky Leblanc's last week and hearing Jacky bou McDougall yap on an on on CBC?. Franky Boy McKenna if the lawyer is legit with his god no doubt would affirm to priest in a confidential confessional booth that I love it when corrupt lawyers try to play dumb. Now try not to remember this old email to you after I called you when you got new political bosses EH Johnny Boy Logan? BTW I bet it is Davey Baby Myles who is singing that great tune. scroll down to see why I am laughing my arse off TOO TOO funny N'esy Pas Danny Boy Fitzgerald of QSLS??? David Amos wrote: Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2006 10:57:25 -0800 (PST) From: David Amos Subject: Cya'l in Court Johnny Boy To:, Your assistant Katherine Wilson really pissed me off after a long wait on hold to talk to you on the phone today. I read the news today and just shook my head at the nonsense of it all. Wilson claimed that she was well aware of my matters and that all of your associates employed as Crown Attorneys have advised me to the best of your abilities. How can that be? I have not been able to speak to any of you since I spoke to the crook, Jeff Mockler over two years ago and that was immediately after I came screaming out of jail in the USA. I saw red as I read his words to me then. They were obviously sent when he thought I would never get out of that Yankee jail. To date I have not received one response in writing let alone speak to anyone employed by the Crown as legal counsel, Despite the unbelievable volume of material I have faxed emailed and delivered in hand and byway of the Canada Post, you all failed to act within the scope of your employment and certainly do not deserve a raise. In fact you should all go to jail, not pass go and not allowed to accept even 200, dollars more

from the taxpayers of New Brunswick. The text of the fowarded email I sent last night to you political bosses and many others says enough about my pending lawsuits. the Governor General of Canada is the highest authority in Canada who speaks in the name of the Crown N'est Pas? Well I received that letter mere days before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA. Well you can easily see that she affirms over two years ago that I had done the right thing with regards to provincial law enforcement authorities just as Deputy Prime Minister Landslide Annie McLellan had suggested I do before I came back home to New Brunswick to run for a federal seat in the malevolent 38th Parliament. Whereas you refused to talk to me today Johnny Boy Logan, may I suggest that you talk to the RCMP or some of your associates starting with Jeff Mockler. I have had enough of your obvious malice. I will leave you to wonder as to who else will read my opinion of you and your legal cohorts in short order. Cya'll in Court.

Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos "Jan 3rd, 2004 Mr. David R. Amos 143 Alvin Avenue Milton, MA 02186 U.S.A. Dear Mr. Amos Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to my predecessor, the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding your safety. I apologize for the delay in responding. If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only suggest that you contact the police of local jurisdiction. In addition, any evidence of criminal activity should be brought to their attention since the police are in the best position to evaluate the information and take action as deemed appropriate. I trust that this information is satisfactory. Yours sincerely A. Anne McLellan"

Now read this bullshit judgement of the former Judge Graydon Nicholas about Chucky Lebanc's former media buddy who would not admit I ran for a seat in parliament in 2004 or the documents I served upon his boss at Rogers Kim Keith after you look at two current website on the INTERNET. Feel free to puke in the direction of John Foran. He thinks my children do not have RIGHTS? Yea right the dumb fat bastards stabbing his leader in the back Kelly Lamrock better start lining up legions of lawyers to argue one very seriously pissed off layman who LOVES to sue corrupt Attorney Generals.

Trust that the lawyers like Logan and the latest Lt Gov Graydon Nicholas will not have a prayer to argue the digital evidence of sexual harassment and death threat against my children. The chickenshit RCMP dude Jacques Boucher and I met in person in 2002 and he did witness my statements pertaining to many wrongs that were argued by the US Attorney in boston in sept of 2002. The very corrupt cops in the Fat Fred City Finest have been ignoring the same crimes for 6 years as they act as very wrongful aides de campe for a malevolent CROWN to harass me, steal my property and support my illegal banishment for the LEG in order to cover up their many wrongs. Veritas Vincit

Daily Gleaner | Courts/Crime As published on page A3 on November 26, 2005 By DON MACPHERSON A provincial court judge is worried the trend of drug addicts committing robberies will get someone killed, and it will probably be someone committing the crime, not the victims. Judge Graydon Nicholas presided over the sentencing of Jonathan Edward Feeney, 35, of Smithfield on Friday. The judge handed Feeney a prison sentence of two years plus a day for robbing an employee of the Smoke Shop at the Atlantic Superstore on Smythe Street on Oct. 13. Nicholas said it's just a matter of time before someone committing a robbery in the Fredericton area is shot. He said it's possible retail and service-business employees targeted for robbery will arm themselves, as is often the case in the United States. "If it happens south of the border, it's going to make its way up here," the

judge said. The number of robberies in Fredericton has spiked in the past couple of years, and they've been attributed to drug addicts desperate to get cash to score their next fix. Nicholas said these robberies have been small-time crimes but they carry significant consequences. Defence lawyer Ron Morris said Feeney became addicted to prescription painkillers after he was injured some time ago. "We're looking at another pathetic situation ... that's arisen from prescription drugs," he said. He said Feeney has spent $75,000 - stemming from the sale of a home and a motor-vehicle accident settlement - on drugs in a short time. Feeney's pre-sentence report indicated he had a good upbringing, Morris said, but drugs ruined his life. Nicholas pointed out that a happy childhood can rarely help once someone gets hooked. "Addiction to prescribed medicine does not discriminate," the judge said. At trial, the court heard that Feeney entered the Smoke Shop, went behind the counter, told the female clerk he was messed up and demanded money. Crown prosecutor William Corby said the threat wasn't explicit, but it still constituted a robbery. Morris said Feeney pleaded guilty right away to a string of crimes he committed in March and April. He admitted to his actions at the Smoke Shop, the defence lawyer said, but pleaded not guilty because he maintained it was a simple theft, not robbery. Corby said Feeney was sentenced to 16 months in jail for that spree of crimes - which included a break-in and several thefts. The prosecutor said that since the robbery was a part of that spree, the stiffer federal sentence should run concurrently with the previous sentence. "There was a stretch of time when Mr. Feeney was out of control," Corby said. He also pointed out that although he committed a robbery, there was no

weapon or actual violence, just the implied threat of violence. "In this particular case, the degree of violence is at the low end of the scale," Corby said. Both he and Morris agreed a minimum federal sentence of two years plus a day was warranted. In addition to that prison sentence, Nicholas also imposed a mandatory 10-year firearms prohibition and ordered that a DNA sample be taken from Feeney for a national criminal database. # posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 11:49 AM Comments: Kids snort ridilin up their nose? Are you serious? # posted by Anonymous : 8

N.B. judge rejects CD analysis as evidence in child porn case Last Updated: Thursday, August 9, 2007 | 3:32 PM AT CBC News A provincial court judge ruled Thursday against the Crown's attempt to enter a computer analysis of a CD as evidence in the trial of a Fredericton broadcaster charged with accessing child pornography. Dennis Melanson, 49, once hosted Melanson Live on Rogers Cable 10 and worked as radio station Fred FM's news director until he was charged in 2005. Crown witness Marcus Elson, a systems developer at Rogers Cable, told the court Thursday he found a single image of child pornography in a temporary internet file on a Rogers Television computer. The image was stored under the user name belonging to Dennis Melanson. Elson said at that point he stopped his search and saved the entire temporary file to a CD, which he handed to Rogers corporate investigator Gary Chaters. Chaters then gave it to Fredericton police. In testimony on Wednesday, the first day of the trial, Fredericton police said they no longer had possession of the CD, but that the Crown had a computer analysis of its contents. Crown prosecutor Kathryn Gregory tried to convince Judge Graydon Nicholas to accept it as evidence. Nicholas ruled against that, saying in the absence of the CD the analysis would be prejudicial to the defence.

On Wednesday, defence lawyer Howard Peters had argued about the admissibility of a 2005 police interview with Melanson. Fredericton police Const. Robb Costello testified that he interviewed Melanson in May 2005 during an investigation of one of Melanson's co-workers at Rogers television. Cameraman Gary Boole pleaded guilty to possession and distribution of child pornography in the fall of 2005. During Melanson's May 2005 interview at the police station, Costello told the TV host he was investigating computer use at Rogers Cable, and asked Melanson what he knew. Costello said he was surprised when Melanson told him he thought he knew what Costello was talking about, and that he was planning a show on the subject of child pornography. Costello said Melanson admitted to looking at questionable websites in his research for the show. Costello said he told Melanson things had just changed, and excused himself from the interview room. When Costello returned, he told Melanson he was now under investigation for accessing child pornography. The Crown said Melanson's statements that day were voluntary, and should be admitted in court. However, Peters argued police didn't let Melanson know if he was a witness or a suspect in the investigation, and that Melanson felt obligated to talk based on a comment made by Costello. Decision reserved Nicholas reserved his decision on the admissibility of the interview until later in the trial. RCMP Const. Jacques Boucher also testified that an investigation revealed two user IDs with access to the pornographic images, and that Melanson had access to both. Boucher said he was once a guest of Melanson's on his television show, and that following the show's taping he had a discussion with Melanson about doing a future show on child pornography. Boucher said that was in January or February 2005, right around the time the first images appeared on the computer. Rogers officials are expected to testify later in the trial.

----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" To: ; ; ; "checkup" Cc: ; "Ignatieff. M" ; "Duceppe. G" ; "Jack - M.P. Layton"

Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 7:09 PM Subject: So Derek Burney you yap on CBC with Rex Murphy before Obama comes up to see us but you don't call or write me Howcome?

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 11:31:18 -0400 Subject: RE Stephen M. Cutler Executive VP, General Counsel and he ad your company's Legal and Compliance activities worldwide To:,,,,,, Cc: "" ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 17:38:32 -0400 Subject: Anyone can check the pdf files hereto attached and call me back to stress test my ethics just like I am yours 506 756 8687 To:,,,,,,, jtravers

Cc: "" , "" , "" , ""

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 09:27:53 -0400 Subject: I just called both of you fellas. say hey to your buddy Chucky Leblanc, the RCMP and your Minister for me will ya? To:,, "Gilles. Blinn"

,,, Cc: "" , ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 15:21:04 -0400 Subject: It is not I who is unfortunate Ms. Mason To: Cc:,, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 14:26:31 -0400 Subject: Fwd: IF AbitibiBowater Inc. or you were ethical then you dudes would return phone calls and answer emails Correct Mr Heyer? To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 12:57:26 -0400 Subject: Fwd: IF AbitibiBowater Inc. or you were ethical then you dudes would return phone calls and answer emals Correct Mr Heyer? To: Cc: "" , "" , "johnw. betts" , "" , "" ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 12:37:07 -0400 Subject: IF AbitibiBowater Inc. or you were ethical then you dudes would return phone calls and answer emals Correct Mr Heyer? To: Cc:, "Nicholson. R" ,, I saw you dudes checking me out on the web. Now who should I talk to about you? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos 506 756 8687 Just Dave

By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,708 Domain Name ? (U.S. Government) IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice) ISP US Dept of Justice Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : Maryland City : Potomac Lat/Long : 39.023, -77.1993 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft Win2000 Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; DOJ3jx7bf) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jan 15 2009 11:23:24 am Last Page View Jan 15 2009 11:23:24 am Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Jan 15 2009 10:23:24 am Visit Number 6,708

Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,706 Domain Name ? (U.S. Government) IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice) ISP US Dept of Justice Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : District of Columbia City : Washington Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft Win2000 Browser Netscape 7.02 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20030208 Netscape/7.02 (CK-DNJ702R1) Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024

Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jan 15 2009 10:17:08 am Last Page View Jan 15 2009 10:17:08 am Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Jan 15 2009 9:17:08 am Visit Number 6,706

Investor Relations AbitibiBowater Inc. 1155 Metcalfe Street, Suite 800 Montréal, Québec H3B 5H2 Canada T 514 875-2160

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 10:35:39 -0400 Subject: I just talked to the Mayor perhaps he should have his lawyer call me now EH? tell him to say hey to your hero Danny Williams for me. To:, Cc: premier Gordon D. Giffin Senior Partner with the law firm McKenna, Long & Aldridge LLP. Mr. Giffin served as U.S. Ambassador to Canada from August 1997 to April 2001. He is a member of the boards of directors of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Canadian National Railway Company, Canadian Natural Resources Limited, TransAlta Corporation and Ontario Energy Savings Ltd. He is also on the Board of Advisors for Kissinger McLarty Associates. Mr. Giffin serves on AbitibiBowater's Audit, and Environment, Health and Safety board committees.

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 10:09:31 -0400 Subject: We just talked didn't we Arsehole?

To: Cc: "" ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 19:38:08 -0400 Subject: I am certain that all the liberal lawyers such as Allan Rock, Stephen Owen and Stephen Toope remember me EH Stockwell Day? To: "day. s" , stoffp1 Cc:,,,,,, Clearly some students and their teachers know where to look to get a hell of an education.about the economy from a dumb Maritimer EH? Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,698 Domain Name ? (Canada) IP Address 137.122.97.# (University of Ottawa) ISP University of Ottawa Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : Ontario City : Ottawa Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; GTB5; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; MS-RTC LM 8) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jan 14 2009 7:28:11 pm Last Page View Jan 14 2009 7:28:11 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Jan 14 2009 6:28:11 pm

Visit Number 6,698

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 16:23:33 -0400 Subject: RE: Federal Financial Oversight in Canada? Tell me another Mr. Davies right after you talk to the RCMP, INTERPOL and T.J. Burke. To:, "George. Bentley" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cc: "" , "" , "victor. boudreau2" Now that the economy is a tailspin for reasons that are largely YOUR cohorts' fault. What I would like to know is why the Dept of a Foreign Affairs and the Bank of Canada allowed the Americans to falsely imprison me in 2004 and why the RCMP did the same four god damend years later? ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 09:52:53 -0400 Subject: I heard you joking on CBC Ms. Francis and the lawyer Bill Rice bitching about the lawyer John Coffee and Tom Hockin bragging while I was calling Mr Bentley of a questionable panel. To:,,,,,,, Cc: "" , "martine. turcotte" ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 17:20:19 -0400 Subject: RE: the Brennan Center for Justice

To:,, Cc: webo ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 15:41:52 -0400 Subject: We just talked Mr. Vickery To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 14:06:57 -0400 Subject: we are talking To: Cc: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 13:41:18 -0400 Subject: what planet do Jean St-Gelais people from To:,,,, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 13:07:02 -0400 Subject: Fwd: You fellas at PARADIGMcalled me back EH Seth Moskowitz? (506 756 8687) To:, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 12:30:12 -0400 Subject: You fellas at PARADIGMcalled me back EH Seth Moskowitz? (506 756 8687" To:,,,,,,,,,,, Cc: webo The Investment Funds Institute of Canada 11 King Street West, 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 4C7 Phone: (416) 363-2150 Fax: (416) 861-9937

Susan Yellin, Director of Communications Email: Phone: 416-309-2317 The Quebec Investment Funds Council 1010 Sherbrooke Ouest bureau 1800 Montréal, Québec H3A 2R7 Phone: (514) 985-7025 Fax: (514) 985-5113 The Economic Club of Toronto 80 Richmond Street West Suite 501 Toronto, Ontario, Canada o_ads= PARADIGM looks forward to hearing from you. For questions regarding any of PARADIGM's products and services or to comment on our website please contact us at: Tel: 212. 271.3388 Fax: 212.271.3395 Email: Marketing/Client Services Seth Moskowitz : Ext. 401

The Vancouver Board of Trade World Trade Centre Suite 400, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3E1 Phone: 604-681-2111 / Fax: 604-681-0437 E-mail:

CAIR - NY (New York) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------475 Riverside Drive #246 New York, NY 10115 Contact Name: Nasir Gondal Main Telephone: 212-870-2002 Fax Number: 212-870-2020 Email: Website:

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 23:42:45 -0400 Subject: Perhaps you fellas should finally call me back now EH? 506 756 8687 To:,,,,, Cc: Naveed Majid Ph: (506) 455-7292

Professor D. Jack Gegenberg Dept of Math & Stats University of New Brunswick PO Box 4400 Fredericton NB Tel 506-453-4768 E-mail… Dr. Hussein Mouftah (Chair of CIC's Regional Directors Committee) 613-899-0058 (cell) ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 15:56:43 -0400 Subject: These are the pdf files I mentioned to Paul Jones' assistant and some lawyers within the OLIPHANT COMMISSION To:,,,,,,, "rick. skinner" , "rae. b" ,,,,,,,,, Cc: webo , "kirk. macdonald" , "jeff. mockler" The lawyers within OLIPHANT COMMISSION should study every link and every document I send them rather closely begining with the files with the following links. Myriam Corbeil and Giuseppe Battista should recall my doing with the Gomery Commission and Oliphant should rember me me from my doings with the "Montreal criminal lawyer Giuseppe Battista concurs. He says that the Quebec Court of Appeal appears to have "established the norm that in principle" when abuse of trust and the public purse is involved in matters of large-scale fraud a jail term is "required." "But it is important to note that the court maintained the quantum of the sentence," noted Battista. "In other words, they didn't touch the amount of the sentence but they said that it should be served in jail and not in the community." Somebody within Time Warner should check this file out ASAP EH? "Because AOL employees are just as diverse as AOL members, individuality is valued and personal skills are put to use. Our employees have ambition and ability; therefore, opportunities for career development and advancement throughout the Time Warner/AOL family are plentiful." Shannon O'Brien AOL Halifax Suite 600 — 1550 Bedford Highway Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 1E6

Canada (902) 832-1014 — Phone (902) 832-1015 — Fax The lawyer Paul Jones just has to know who I am. Paul Jones is Executive Vice President -- General Counsel and Regulatory Policy for tw telecom inc. Mr. Jones previously served as Senior Vice President - Corporate Development for Time Warner Cable Ventures and was Senior Vice President and General Counsel for Warner Cable Communications. Prior to joining Warner Cable, Mr. Jones served as Vice President, Strategy and Development for CBS, inc.'s publishing group. In 2004, President George W. Bush nominated Mr. Jones to serve a 5 year term on the IRS Oversight Board as one of the Board's "private life members." In 2006, the IRS Oversight Board elected Mr. Jones to serve as its Chairman. A native of Worthington, Ohio, Mr. Jones earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Yale University in 1968 and a Juris Doctorate degree from Yale in 1972. Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,668 Domain Name ? (Commercial) IP Address 64.236.208.# (AOL Transit Data Network) ISP AOL Transit Data Network Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : Virginia City : Herndon Lat/Long : 38.9553, -77.3881 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5 Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jan 12 2009 3:09:31 pm Last Page View Jan 12 2009 3:11:35 pm

Visit Length 2 minutes 4 seconds Page Views 2 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time Jan 12 2009 3:09:31 pm Visit Number 6,668

Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,637 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 64.129.127.# (Time Warner Telecom) ISP Time Warner Telecom Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : District of Columbia City : Washington Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 24 bits Time of Visit Jan 9 2009 3:59:42 pm Last Page View Jan 9 2009 4:01:05 pm Visit Length 1 minute 23 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click View my complete profile http://www.blogger.c...15428735081915360609 Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Jan 9 2009 2:59:42 pm Visit Number 6,637 Just Dave By Location > Visit Detail Visit 6,635 []

Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 64.129.127.# (Time Warner Telecom) ISP Time Warner Telecom Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : District of Columbia City : Washington Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1400 x 1050 Color Depth : 24 bits Time of Visit Jan 9 2009 2:29:07 pm Last Page View Jan 9 2009 2:29:07 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Jan 9 2009 1:29:07 pm Visit Number 6,635

Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,201 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 74.202.51.# (Time Warner Telecom) ISP Time Warner Telecom Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : Ohio City : Columbus Lat/Long : 39.9968, -82.9882 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR

1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Nov 19 2008 3:19:49 pm Last Page View Nov 19 2008 3:19:49 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Search Engine Search Words "david aufhauser" "david amos" Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Nov 19 2008 2:19:49 pm Visit Number 6,201

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 16:16:23 -0400 Subject: These are the pdf files I mentioned To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2009 19:38:24 -0400 Subject: Do you MPPs remember David Myles or even mean old me? Rest assured your old buddies in the CBC do EH Bill Casey? To:,,, Byron Prior , "Gilles. Blinn" , "oldmaison. wcie" , "" , porcupine007 Cc: garth , "" , "Casey. B" ,,,,, Feel free to have David Myles and his blogger buddies or the RCMP or the cops around Halifax Nova Scotia explain why I have had enough of their malice toward my family and I. In the "mean" time perhaps Garth Turner who should not be too busy these days can teach you Upper Canadians a trick or two about the fine art of politicking byway of Youtube and the blogs. Rest assured I

won't tell ya my secrets EH Mr. Canadiancrimenews? Everybody and his dog south of the 49th knows that I am a little busy stress testing the ethics of Greg Craig before his bos Obama takes the oath of office Correct Bill Casey? Maybe Garth Turner can explain to his old politcal/lawyer buddy Jimmy Flaherty byway of his blog what the Hell I am talking about the Wall Street Journal's Law blogs and why the transcripts of the Hearings of the US Senate Banking Committee on November 18th and 20th 2003 evaporated just before sub prime mortages began to smell bad to the common man. Garth knows everything EH? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2009 11:03:52 -0400 Subject: Whereas David Myles of QSLS enjoys watching politcs he should enjoy this email sent out long before Barack Obama takes his oath of office To:, Cc:,, Dan Fitzgerald ,, "Dewar. P" ,, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 14:10:17 -0400 Subject: Eliot Spitzer writes spin for the Washington Post while a former boss of HUD prays nobody says my name as he begs for a seat in the Senate? To:,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cc:,,,,, Lets just say that you nasty Yankees can't fool one dumb Maritimer Can they Mrs. Constantine? (check your voicemail) Perhaps your former boss, Rupert Murdoch should have his not so wise lawyers review the pdf files hereto attached and the files found in the following links Then read the Wall Street Journals's law blog. EH? Say hey to the brain dead Ted Kennedy and obama's lawyer the elusive Mr Craig for me will ya? This Blog is just too funny if one knows the sad truth of it all EH? "Murdoch has a special place in his heart for the Kennedy clan. It was Sen. Ted, who is gung-ho about his niece entering the family business, who granted the Aussie a waiver to buy the Post even though News Corp. owned Channel 5 in NYC. It's now payback time." Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2009 12:05:54 -0400

Subject: Hey Don Mills who must agree that you and Eliot Spitzer work very hard in corporate research but only one of us works for crooks EH? To:,,,,,,,,,, "Gilles. Blinn"

Cc: "" , "tomp. young" , ""

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 21:28:07 -0400 Subject: As I was researching Sam Zell today I discovered a Youtube provided by the Observer so I called it, KTLA, the LA Times, and Mr. Zells office.. To:,,,,, Cc: webo , checkup , newsonline , atvnews , "Robert. Jones"

I must say I like Mr. Zell's open frankness. I believe we may become friends if only because we have a similiar aproach to dealing with obvious matters and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance of sorts. (I am a mortorcycle mechanic and I believe that he likes them as as well) How it is his words that I am refering to. Clearly the man knows his business and he doesn't pull his punches and is quite prophetic. Considering the news these days Mr. Zell may be the man America needs to solve its Real Estate woes but i doubt Obama would seek his counse. The third reason for the overdevelopment, Zell said, was the advent of the HP 12 -- "one of the most wicked instruments that has ever been created in the real estate world." The revolutionary new calculator allowed aspiring developers to "do projections, on pretty paper with pretty lines," Zell said. The machine created "a world full of MBAs in windowless rooms on Wall Street playing with their HP 12s and coming up with economic justifications for what they were suggesting somebody else do with somebody else's money. This was truly a disaster. (For those of you who don't know what an MBA is: an MBA is somebody who

knows how to do the numbers but doesn't know what they mean.)" When asked the value of his U-M legal education, Zell said that although he "didn't remember shit from law school," the experience was "an extraordinary asset" because "it taught me to think, it taught me how to deal with problems." Need I say I like this guy? I must say while I was admiring Mr Zell's character and reading his words a nasty little reporter from the Chicago Tribune called me back after I had talked to Mr. Hunter's office. Just before that I managed leave a voicemail about Obama in one of Mr. Zell's offices in Chicago. As the young fella tried to sound like sort of big cheese and insulted me about the emails I had sent earlier, I merely dismissed him as the arsehole he is and told him I want to talk to Mr. Zell. Later I after making my way past some very dippy and rude women I also managed to speak to some man who was purportedly was the station manger at KTLA but he would not say his name. When that dumb bastard challenged me I did not mince words with him. Lets just say these minor men of the media mean less than nothing to me Check my work and you will see why. Now I only wish to speak to Sam Zell as I forward this email and someof the others to some serious bloggers who do not have any respect for the corporate media whatsoever for justifable reasons. . It appears to me by his words within the Youtube provided to the world by the Observer that Mr. Zell well understands my frustation with the prima donnas in the corporate media outfits he now controls. If I were he, I would do some more serious weeding in short order. As you can see I for one am doing my best to embarass the Hell out of the Crown Corp the CBC and its cohorts in BellGlobemedia. Whereas Mr. Zell was educated as a lawyer but practices the fine art of saving businesses heading for the grave I am certain he will understand why I sued three US Treasury Agents and a host of other snobby Americans seven god damned years ago which was long before the ecomony headed south and I have made my own accurate predictions. Press print on the pdf files and a sk yourselves why the US Senate Banking Comitee lost its records of a hearing I inspired five years ago and howcome I still have my records before you dare to call me a liar. Whereas Mr. Zell has made a deal to print the Wall Street Journal perhaps he should consider reading my words in a couple of its law blogs before any of his idiot associates in the media piss me off any further. I would not be a bit surprised if Rupert Murdcoh's lawyers made the links above go "Poof" in short order. Rest assured I saved my copies. That said I think Mr. Zell and I could have quite a pow wow someday EH Mr. Sinclair? Do ya think I will have a lot to say about David aufhauser and Eliot Spitzer and many others? Whereas Mr Zell appears to be a republican from Chicago and a man of common sense he is gonna love what I tell him about Obama and his cohorts. The sad part is his various reporters all around the USA have known the truth of my matters for many years. They have many ghosts to answer to in the New Year or my name ain't "Just Dave" nsource_audio You will find this email posted in the latest comment within the following blog and several others as well. Try googling you email address before you doubt my sincerity and dilgence in defence of my Clan. If the wiretap tapes I have can impeach Bush then they can also Impeach Obama because that lawyer has had a true copy for nearly five years. In truth I beleive he used my material as alever to become the keynote Speaker in Boston in july of 2004. Ask Teddy Kennedy. I dare ya. Some of the folks whose estates were pilfered with the assistance of bankers and lawyers etc are buried right beside his Mother, Rose. No shit. Whereas the Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC) checked out some of my words there recently perhaps you should too. after all I am blogging about you EH? Happy New Year??? Bah Humbug!!!

I wanna see the purportedly Free Press empoy the First Amendment and the Charter and the Justice Systems in two purported profound democracies functioning properly before I seek more joy. I have had more fun than than any ten of my ancestors already. I answer to their ghosts as I defend my seed or they will not allow me to rest in peace. Heres hoping Mr. Zell and I cross paths in short order. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos The New York Observer, LLC 915 Broadway, 9th Floor New York, New York 10010 (212) 755-2400 Toll-free: (800) 542-0420 Nancy Sullivan Executive Director, Communications 213-237-6160 Communications Department Los Angeles Times 202 W. 1st St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 KTLA-TV 5800 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-460-5500

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 17:00:19 -0400 Subject: Reporters looking for official Newsday comment on news items, call Deidra Parrish Williams at 631-843-3783 ??? Yea right Tim Knight, To:,, Cc:,0,5203939.htmlstory ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 16:41:10 -0400 Subject: I am on the phone right now 631-843-2700 To:

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 12:23:58 -0400 Subject: Mr. Gonzalez I called you now I am on the phone to Mr Wright may I suggest you lawyers make Mr. Burris aware of these files ASAP? To: "" Cc: "" , "" , "" ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 12:00:47 -0400 Subject: Mr Jones I opted to send the pdf file I mentioned by itself just to you dudes and Mr. Burris so the Feds would not bounce the first email back they have it all anyway EH? To:,,, Cc: Mr. Jones If you think that I don't know about big money best you think again. Look at just one of a crownd or worried people who have been checking my work lately. Mr. Braden I was not surprised that you would not come to the phone just now. We have crossed paths and your law firm and I have crossed swords before CORRECT? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,527 Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 198.140.63.# (Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC)) ISP Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC) Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : New York City : Staten Island Lat/Long : 40.5865, -74.1497 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us

Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; InfoPath.2) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Dec 30 2008 10:23:45 am Last Page View Dec 30 2008 10:23:45 am

May suggest again that you press print. and show it to a lawyer ASAP after you ask the cop Warren McBeath if i am lair or not and watch hime clam up bigtime(He is now in Ottawa). The RCMP seemed to be pretty pissed off today after what I did with them in their YOUTUBE There is quite of parade of strange cars going past the farm. It appears that my adveraries are trying hard to pick a fight with me. Rest assured I am up for it. Nobody can say that i don't keep good records

Subject: Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400 From: "Murphy, Michael B. (DH/MS)" To: January 30, 2007


Dear Mr. Amos: This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29, 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP. Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve Graham of the RCMP "J" Division in Fredericton . Sincerely, Honourable Michael B. Murphy Minister of Health

CM/cb Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500 From: "Warren McBeath" To:,,,,, CC:,,,, "Bev BUSSON", "Paul Dube" Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n Dear Mr. Amos, Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns. As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done. As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and theUS. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment policing in Petitcodiac, NB. It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors. Sincerely, Warren McBeath, Cpl. GRC Caledonia RCMP Traffic Services NCO Ph: (506) 387-2222 Fax: (506) 387-4622 E-mail From: "Lafleur, Lou" To: "''", "Lafleur, Lou" Subject: Fredericton Police Force

Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 15:21:13 -0300 Dear Mr. Amos My Name is Lou LaFleur and I am a Detective with the Fredericton Police Major Crime Unit. I would like to talk to you regarding files that I am investigating and that you are alleged to have involvement in. Please call me at your earliest convenience and leave a message and a phone number on my secure and confidential line if I am not in my office. yours truly, Cpl. Lou LaFleur Fredericton Police Force 311 Queen St. Fredericton, NB 506-460-2332 ________________________________ This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged. Any unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is prohibited. Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to anyone other than the intended recipient constitutes waiver of privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and then delete this communication and any attachments from your computer system and records without saving or forwarding it. Thank you. From: David Amos Subject: Re: I just called the House, Stan Carew, his Deputy Dog and the QSLS puppy David Myles who loves politicking after you promoted their website on air To:, "webo" , "" , "" , "nb. premier" , "nbpolitico" , "gypsy-blog" , "" , "tim4nm" , "tomp. young" , "" , "Richard Harris" , "bert. hudon" , "Duceppe. G" , "layton. j" , "Ignatieff. M"

, Cc:,, "Dan Fitzgerald" ,, "Dewar.P" ,, Date: Saturday, January 3, 2009, 6:57 AM

Davey Baby I truly do thank your for the email. Methinks that you should have took law as your mom suggested then you would not have made such a major Faux Pas. On CBC last I believe you talked of your great interest in politicking and would not mind a job in the UN or whatever. Thus it follows you know exactly who I am N'esy Pas? . May I suggest that you quit the BULLSHIT, sprout some balls and call me ASAP (506 756 8687) Before I take you and your snobby friends in Fat Fred City to blogger and Youtube hell with me and make you rather infamous like your local hero Chucky Leblanc? BTW Your QSLS website is not private and it is overseen by your buddy Danny Boy Fitzgerald. As you kids well know most of the things you dudes lament about we agree on. I have no understanding why you kids attacked me other that to have some malicious fun at my family's expense. Perhaps you nasty little dudes should try to make amends with me. It starts by picking up the god damend phone EH? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos On 1/3/09, wrote: > Hi David, > Thanks for the email. I just wanted to clarify a couple things. I did > not mention the website on the air let alone promote it. The group, which > I did mention because of a reference that was made in a phone call, was > formed as a way for friends to stay in touch (it's meant to be private). > Dan, a fellow Frederictonian, enjoys blogging about politics and was asked > to create his own site if that's what he was going to do, seeing as we > didn't necessarily agree with his views. and that the nature of that site > was different. that's the site you're talking about. That's his thing not > ours. Anyway, sorry for any confusion. > All the best in the New Year, > take care,

> David > > > On Sat, January 3, 2009 8:22 am, David Amos wrote: >> Now guess who is singing these tunes hereto attached. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 17:40:24 -0400 >> Subject: I sure hope you call me back Mr Hunter 506 756 8687 the >> lawyers and the cops can do nothing to stop me now To: >>, >>,,, "Robert. >> Jones" , "richard. >> dearden" , "Duceppe. G" >> >> Cc:,, >>,,, >> >> >> Too many people know the truth of my matters. >> >> >> My first lawsuit against the Crown is written >> >> >> If I don't hear from Mr. Duccppe right after the New Year it is in the >> mail and the circus begins >> >> Obama's lawyer Mr. Craig should be clever enough to understand that I >> can prosecute the capital crime of murder in the USA in a civil matter in

>> Canada. If not he should study the Canadain Criminal Code. >> His boss Obama will have no control over my litigation in Canada as we >> argue about the malice he practiced for the past four years towards his >> fellow American citizens in support of George W. Bush . Two of whom are my >> children. >> >> The pdf files that you people have already received from me and some >> have acknowledged are irrefuttable. However these wav files are Hell in a >> Handbaskert are they not? Shame on you all. >> >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond amos >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 16:00:08 -0400 >> Subject: How does Harper, the RCMP and CRTC and Bell Canada etc >> explain to anyone why I have police surveilance wiretap tapes? To: >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>, rob , kreicker >> , >>,,, >>,,,, >> Cc: "" >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 14:58:29 -0400 >> Subject: I will lay odds that Rob Horwood knows T.J. Burke and that >> you Yankees know of these mobsters EH? To:, >>, >>,, >> >> Cc: "" >> >>

>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 19:10:48 -0400 >> Subject: Feel free to lick T.J. Burke's nasty little arse and while >> you are at it have him explain the sound files attached will ya? To: >>, "" Cc: >> "" , >> "" , Dan Fitzgerald >> , Richard Harris , >> gypsy-blog , "nb. premier" , >> tim4nm >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 11:38:24 -0300 >> Subject: We just talked Mr. Hickey and Mr. Mellish shame on both of you >> lawyers To:, >> Cc:, >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 07:17:23 -0300 >> Subject: What you are hearing in the attachments is for real. The cops >> are crazy not I. To:, >> Cc:,,, >>, >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 14:12:19 -0300 >> Subject: Have a little listen to the Yankee mobsters they may wish to >> sue you crooks too To:,, >> >> >> Thank you. We have received your e-mail to >> . We will endeavour to respond as soon as possible. >> >> >> E-mail sent through the Internet is not secure and should not be used >> to send us confidential information. To send us an email securely,

use >> our >> online contact form available at >> >> Register now for Investor Centre, an online suite of self-service >> functions that will provide you with direct access to manage your >> securities portfolio - sign up today! Go to >> >> Or, view your security holdings on-line at >> just click on "Investors" and "Account Access". After logging in, you'll >> be provided view only access to your account details. You will require >> your Holder Account Number in order to complete your request. Your Holder >> Account Number can be located on the front of any >> statement, proxy, cheque or tax form and is generally 11 characters, >> starting with the letter "C" (eg. C0000012345). >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 08:52:00 -0300 >> Subject: Have alittle listen to the Yankee mobsters they may wish to >> sue you crooks too To:,, >>,,, >>,, >>, >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 12:24:06 -0300 >> Subject: Attn David Emerson and Stockwell Day I just tried to call Mr >> Skinner the IG of the DHS (1-800-323-8603) once again this is gettting >> beyond ridiculous To:,, >>, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,, >>,,, >>,,, >>, >>,, >> >> Cc:,,, >>,, >>,

>> >> >> For the record I wrote this email in a hurry while making many phone >> calls. I make no apology whatsoever for any honest mistakes in a time of >> great stress. My Farmer friend Werner Bock and must go out and secure the >> evidence of more of his cattle dying today while the RCMP laugh at our >> concerns with the DHS and his persecution. >> >> Whereas all my calls to the RCMP recently are always directed to some >> noname Commissionaires I just got off the phone with the purported boss >> of >> the Commissionaires Mr. Driscoll in his National Office to ask him why my >> concerns concern his people and not the RCMP. As usual he was too busy to >> talk to me so I called to talk Ms. Clowater one of his underlings in Saint >> John once again and she just tried to difer me to >> someone else as usual. >> >> To say that II am tired of people playing dumb would be an >> understatement on quite possibly the last day 39th Parliament sits this >> summer. It appears to me that your first line of defence in your support >> of public corruption boils down to retired RCMP and military people EH >> Stockwell Day? If So then So be it. They will receive Hard >> Copy of my material BEFORE we meet in Federal Court even though my old >> classmate from High School Bruce Noble and every law society and court in >> Canada have acknowledged that email and their attachments etc are >> very legal and very binding evidence. That is why Fat fred city has now >> web >> page email just like Mr. Harper's cohorts do N'est Pas Brucy Baby? >> >> >> For the record the dude who calls himself "freddybeachsleuth" is NOT >> me. The fact that he steals my name and thunder like the nasty bastard in >> Edmonton Alberta Dean Roger Ray did over a year ago should >> be of great concern to the RCMP. Correct? >>

>> Here are some of the people I called just now. >> >> >> >> >> >> Commissionaires National Office >> 100 rue Gloucester Street, Suite 201 >> Ottawa, ON K2P 0A4 >> T 613 688 0710 >> TF 888 688 0715 >> E >> >> >> I am doing as I just promised to the DHS and am posting this email on >> the Internet in several places immediately. This will be the first place. >> >> >> >> >> For the record the Irving media who are reporting the American >> nonsense byway of cut and paste of the Canadain Press are ignoring the >> fact >> that to Office of Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security >> answered me in November of 2003 with a complaint numbered C04-01448 and >> promised to investigate my concerns long before most Canadians had ever >> heard the name of Arar. >> >> Hell I complained to the DHS the instant Wayne Easter and the Office >> of Public Complaints Against the RCMP laughed at my concerns on November >> 18th and 19th, 2003. Ask the long gone Liberal Lawyer >> Landslide Annie. >> >> >> Now it is over six years later and the Irving media comes out with >> this BULLSHIT in their local rags? >> >> >> >> >> For the Record I gave the Irving rag called the Gleaner in Fredericton >> New Brunswick many documents supporting my concerns about my family's

>> safety and the lack of integrity of the US Treasury Dept in late January >> of >> 2002 after my wife and I met SGT Boucher of the RCMP and >> left our children in Canada for safe keeping while I took on many Yankees >> including the FBI while my wife argued many nasty bastards in court. This >> was long BEFORE the Yankee Department of Homeland Security or the Canadian >> Department od Public Safety ever came into existence. >> I began my private investigations into the abuse of my Clans' Rights >> and Interests in the fall of 2000 BEFORE George W. Bush was ever elected >> and long before September 11th, 2001 became a very important date in World >> History. That is a very simple irrefuttable fact >> affirmed in writng by the US Department of Treasury in February of 2002 >> over one year BEFORE the Yankees attempted to falsely imprison me in their >> very questionable prison in Cuba supported by false allegations of a >> presidential threat made against me by the crooks within Quincy District >> Court of Massachusetts on April 1st, 2003. >> These ARE the very same people who ordered my wife and children to be >> evicted from our home in 2005 without warrants or due process of law over >> a >> false claim of the lawyer Angel K. Troccoli about unpaid rent owed to >> nobody. She is the same lawyer whose false claims that I was stalking her >> while running for a seat in the 38th Parliament in Canada had me falsely >> imprisoned in October of 2004 as soon as I returned to the USA after >> explaining everything in great detail to the Police Commision of New >> Brunswick with a lawyer and my American wife >> witnessing it all. >> >> My concerns are the concerns of the DHS and the Department of Publi >> cSafety and WE THE PEOPLE of TWO purportedly profound democracies Rest >> assured we will meet in cout or my name ain't "Just Dave". >> >> >> >>

>> Office of Inspector General Hotline Information >> OIG Hotline >> If you have knowledge of fraud, waste, abuse, or allegations of civil >> liberties or civil rights abuses, or mismanagement involving Department of >> Homeland Security programs or operations, you can: >> >> >> DHS OIG Hotline Poster (PDF, 1 page - 1.80 MB) >> DHS OIG Hotline: 1-800-323-8603 >> Fax DHS OIG Hotline at: (202) 254-4292 >> Email us at >> Or write: >> Department of Homeland Security >> Washington, DC 20528 >> Attn: Office of Inspector General, Hotline >> When making a report convey as much information as possible such as: >> Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Complaints may be made anonymously >> or you may request confidentiality. >> >> For the record my concerns about rampant cross border public >> corruption are not anonymous or confidential ask the Sergeant at Arms of >> the US Senate whose lawyer I argued yesterday. I was suggesting that he >> uphold his mandate and arrest the President of the USA. Clearly some >> Yankees took my concerns seriously last night EH >> Stockwell Day? >> >> >> Just Dave >> By Location Visit Detail >> Visit 4,553 >> Domain Name ? (Network) >> IP Address 68.10.32.# (Cox Communications) >> ISP Cox Communications >> Location Continent : North America >> Country : United States (Facts) >> State : Virginia >> City : Roanoke >> Lat/Long : 37.2744, -79.9576 (Map) >> Language English (U.S.) en-us >> Operating System Microsoft WinNT >> Browser Firefox >> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: >> Gecko/20080404 Firefox/ >> Javascript version 1.5 >> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 800

>> Color Depth : 32 bits >> Time of Visit Jun 5 2008 9:24:03 pm >> Last Page View Jun 5 2008 9:24:03 pm >> Visit Length 0 seconds >> Page Views 1 >> Referring URL >> Search Engine >> Search Words "david r amos" >> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...04/just-dave_22.html >> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...04/just-dave_22.html >> Out Click >> Time Zone UTC-5:00 >> Visitor's Time Jun 5 2008 8:24:03 pm >> Visit Number 4,553 >> >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 19:03:41 -0300 >> Subject: I was not surprised when none of you called me back. You are >> all as crooked as Bob Rae and all cop, lawyers and parliamentarians >> correct? To:,, >>, >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2008 19:47:02 -0300 >> Subject: Murder is still a capital crime correct John Foran? What >> about the wiretap tapes in my saddlebags? To:, >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: May 16, 2008 11:27 AM >> Subject: Murder is still a capital crime correct Ben? Perhaps you should >> call the FBI and ask them if I am a liar To: >>, >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos

>> Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 08:53:37 -0300 >> Subject: Fwd: FwIt been over a year Chief Colicott and I received no >> answer from you Murder is still a capital crime correct? To: >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 06:00:53 -0300 >> Subject: FwIt been over a year Chief Colicott and I received no answer >> from you Murder is still a capital crime correct? To: >>,, >>, Cc: >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 15:31:22 -0300 >> Subject: Here is a little proof of what I just said to your lawyers is >> true To:,, >> >> >> For all general inquiries: >> Catholic School Centre >> Phone: (403) 298-1411 (Main switchboard) >> >> >> >> >> If you are a member of the media, please contact one of the following >> individuals to talk about potential story ideas, arrange interviews with >> spokespeople, follow up on a recent news release or discuss other >> news-related issues: >> >> >> >> >> >> Tania Younker >> Director, Communications >> Phone: 403-298-1363 >> Fax: 403-298-1483 >> Mark Budd >> Manager Informatics, CMSS/SSO/CS/CS-A >> Natural Resources Canada >> P.O. Box 4000

>> Fredericton, NB >> Canada E3B 5P7 >> >> >> Telephone: (506) 452-3634 >> >> >> >> Janet Sutherland >> Senior Communications Specialist >> Phone: 403-298-1134 >> Fax: 403-298-1483 >> >> >> E-mail: >> >> >> Just Dave >> By Location Visit Detail >> Visit 4,330 >> Domain Name ? (Network) >> IP Address 139.142.154.# (CALGARY ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL) >> ISP Bell Canada >> Location Continent : North America >> Country : Canada (Facts) >> State/Region : Alberta >> City : Calgary >> Lat/Long : 51.0833, -114.0833 (Map) >> Language English (U.S.) >> en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP >> Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 >> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR >> 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1) >> Javascript version 1.3 >> Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 >> Color Depth : 16 bits >> Time of Visit May 14 2008 12:07:16 pm >> Last Page View May 14 2008 12:07:16 pm >> Visit Length 0 seconds >> Page Views 1 >> Referring URL >> Visit Entry Page >> Visit Exit Page >> Out Click >> Time Zone UTC-7:00 >> Visitor's Time May 14 2008 9:07:16 am >> Visit Number 4,330 >>

>> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 13:02:51 -0300 >> Subject: We just talked Ms. Legget I must say you picked a bad day to >> play dumb EH? To:, >>, >>,, >>,, >>,, >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 14:59:42 -0300 >> Subject: Fwd: Perhaps you should call RCMP now EH Mr. Nugent? >> To:,, >> Cc:,, >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 14:47:58 -0300 >> Subject: Perhaps you should call RCMP now EH Mr. Nugent? >> To: >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 19:13:42 -0300 >> Subject: Fwd: Are you still laughing at me Roland Baby? Perhaps you >> should call RCMP now that people pissed me off overseas EH? To: >>,, >>,, >>,, >>,,, >>,, >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 11:43:29 -0300 >> Subject: Are you still laughing at me Roland Baby? Perhaps you should >> call RCMP now now that people pissed me off overseas EH? To: >>,,, >>,

>> Cc: "", "" >>, "", >> "", >> ""> >> >> >> The wind that blows off of our land carries the scent of your Bullshit >> over there Correct Frenchy? >> >> Ask one of your strange supporters overseas Danny Boy Fitzgerald why >> he supports your cover up of crimes and attacks my integrity right after >> you listen again to some portions of tapes of Yankee mobsters that I don't >> give a damn about but he certainly does and you should too. Nest Pas?. >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Sat, 10 May 2008 16:23:41 -0300 >> Subject: Can ya tell why I have no respect for lawyers Jamie? >> Shouldn't you call the RCMP now? >> To: >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 16:30:58 -0300 >> Subject: For the record Haney your office has had these emails for >> years and you refused to call me back long ago To:, >> Cc: >> >> >> You as Police Commisioner should be also well aware of what happened >> between the Cape Breton Police Force, at least two MPs and I last January. >> They all received these emails and I did receive many >> responses and false allegations since then Correct? >> >> Unlike you I do my home work and I never play dumb. Thats your forte >> not mine. Politics got you your fancy jobs. Of that I have no doubt. Our

>> conversation today was just malicious politicking that you were practicing >> on behalf of Cecil Clarke and his malicious assistant MacDonald CORRECT? >> >> >> For the record if some nasty bastard hollers at me I holler back like >> any proper Maritimer with any balls should. My father taught me that and >> the ghost of the Old Lady From Hell who was one of my best friends agrees. >> That is why he gave me his kilt. My father's ghost would be >> the first to tell any military dude that his wild but ethical child don't >> take orders from anyone and is fierce as hell without ever losing his >> temper. I ain't in your god damned army and I hate those who prompt WAR. >> Were peacekeepers my whole life and your new hero >> Petey Baby MacKay is the latest Minister of DEFeNCE NOT ATTACK that is >> why I wish to run against him in the election of the 40th Parlaiment >> whilst >> suing Her Magesty the Queen. >> >> Also for the record my father named me after his friend David Hornell >> (a military man should know who he was) and my mother named me after >> her favorite brother both men died so that nasty bastards such as yourself >> should not support the efforts of men in black who come at night and try >> take decent man away in front of their children just because he had proven >> that he had the evidence to impeach a Yankee President BEFORE the War in >> Iraq started. GET IT YET? Ask you boss the >> latest Attorney general to show you the hard copy of my material that has >> been in his office since August of 2005 before you dare to call me a liar >> SIR. >> >> >> Nonsense such as hollering etc don't work out to well with me EH? I >> immediately raise the stakes and set up the nasty bastard for a lawsuit. >> Perhaps you should contact you friends in the Police >> Commission in Fredeicton or the lawyer Paul Kenendy of the Public >> complaints Against Against the RCMP and ask them to forward to you

hard >> copy of my material so you can have lawyers check my work more thoroughly >> if Cecil Clarke and his cohorts won't tell you shit. Perhaps Nova Scotia >> should have a lawyer call me now EH Arsehole? I waited until I got a >> response from the Halifax PD requesting my material before I pounced on >> you once again. I will lays odd that you had a lawyer listening in on our >> converstion that is why you would not introduce me. CORRECT? >> >> For the Record I just sent you and your buddies in Halifax PD and some >> of their buddies evidence of murder once again. The Canadian Criminal Code >> is still in effect in Nova Scotia. Correct? Say Hoka Hey to the RCMP for >> me will ya? I will look forward to meeting you all in court and then once >> again in hell someday if there truly is such a place. Can ya tell ya >> pissed off the Wrong Maritimer Mr. Haney? You picked this fight not me. >> Say Hoka Hey to my MP Billy casey ofr me will ya? >> He has had Hard copy for wway past too long too and the recent ghost >> of far too many honourable Canadian soldiers are haunting me as they >> should >> you. >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> >> Rest Assured we will be disputing this and the following emails in >> court someday or my name ain't "Just Dave" As I watched somebody studying >> my words yesterday on the web I called the Halifax PD many times and >> nobody would talk to me or call back so I called you. A Police >> Commissioner can Play Dumb but at least computers don't >> bullshit. >> >> Just Dave >> By Location Visit Detail >> Visit 4,276 >> Domain Name ? (Network) >> IP Address 142.68.66.# (Aliant Telecom) >> ISP Aliant Telecom >> Location Continent : North America >> Country : Canada (Facts)

>> State/Region : Nova Scotia >> City : Halifax >> Lat/Long : 44.65, -63.6 (Map) >> Language English (Canada) >> en-ca Operating System Microsoft WinNT >> Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 >> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR >> 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506) >> Javascript version 1.3 >> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 768 >> Color Depth : 32 bits >> Time of Visit May 8 2008 2:51:23 pm >> Last Page View May 8 2008 3:19:47 pm >> Visit Length 28 minutes 24 seconds >> Page Views 2 >> Referring URL >> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...per-and-bankers.html >> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...per-and-bankers.html >> Out Click >> Time Zone UTC-4:00 >> Visitor's Time May 8 2008 2:51:23 pm >> Visit Number 4,276 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Thomas P. Haney – SBStJ, CD, BA, cdse, pcsc, plsc >> >> >> Tom Haney took up his appointment as the Director, Nova Scotia Police >> Complaints Commission on 21 August 2006. >> Prior to this, he was the Director of the Police Leadership Program at >> Dalhousie University, the CEO of Commissionaires of Nova Scotia and >> CEO of the Nova Scotia Safety Council. >> Tom has worked as a consultant in policy and democracy matters in >> Jamaica, Ukraine and for the Iraqi Electoral Commission as well as an >> advisor with the Haitian National Police. All of this followed a career as >> a Military Police officer which spanned nearly 30 years and included >> service in Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Somalia >> and Qatar. He holds a BA from St. Mary's University and is a graduate of >> the Executive Development Course of the Canadian Police College as well as >> the Canadian Forces Staff College. He lives in Chester, Nova Scotia

with >> his wife Lynden and has three children. >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 18:52:40 -0300 >> Subject: Hey Gary Tingley make sure Georges checks these ones out OK? >> I explained to Ms. Barnes the duties of an officer of the court >> To:,, >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 17:21:32 -0300 >> Subject: Cya'll in Court EH Martine Turcotte? >> To:,, >>,,, >> Cc: >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 15:20:17 -0300 >> Subject: Farmers picked a bad day to piss me off with Stockwell Day >> Checking my work EH Mr. Moore? >> To:,, >>,,, >>,,, >> Cc: >> >> >> Just Dave >> By Location Visit Detail >> Visit 4,100 >> Domain Name ? (Canada) >> IP Address 198.103.108.# (Solicitor General Canada) >> ISP GTIS >> Location Continent : North America >> Country : Canada (Facts) >> State/Region : Ontario >> City : Ottawa >> Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map) >> Language English (Canada) en-ca >> Operating System Microsoft WinXP >> Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 >> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) >> Javascript version 1.3

>> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 >> Color Depth : 32 bits >> Time of Visit Apr 22 2008 6:30:49 pm >> Last Page View Apr 22 2008 6:31:17 pm >> Visit Length 28 seconds >> Page Views 2 >> Referring URL >> Visit Entry Page >> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...-stewart-and-me.html >> Out Click >> Time Zone UTC-5:00 >> Visitor's Time Apr 22 2008 5:30:49 pm >> Visit Number 4,100 >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 11:07:15 -0800 (PST) >> Subject: Hey Mr Taft my father was in the RCAF too He named me after >> his friend named David Hornell. Because of them I did not have to go off >> to >> war. To:,, >>,,, >>,,, >> Cc:, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,, >>,, >> >> >> >> Here's hoping Dennis Kucinich and his fine looking British Redhead are >> paying attention for the benefit of us all EH? >> >> >> >> >> Lets just say that I am proud to have David's name and Uncle Raymond's >> too. >>

>> My old man and many other decent men who lived through it taught me >> to hate war. That said, there are some ghosts I must answer to someday and >> the top of the list is my father. I must do my best to see that no more >> honourable warriors become ghosts before their time for no reason that I >> will ever understand or I will not peace in peace someday. >> >> Check the time and date when I first sent this email. Clearly it was >> composed and sent before Captain Nichola Goddard was killed overseas (her >> family lives in your neck of the woods correct?) Didn't twenty some of >> your fellow liberals vote to support Stevey Boy Harper and his malice >> towards us all within the day of this email first being sent? We all know >> why don't we? >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> David Amos wrote: >> Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 07:30:39 -0800 (PST) >> From: David Amos >> Subject: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and >> put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow To: >> >> >> >> >> David Amos wrote: >> >> >> Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 >> 10:53:56 -0800 (PST) >> From: David Amos >> Subject: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and >> put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow To: >>

>> >> >> >> David Amos wrote: >> Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 >> 13:02:25 -0800 (PST) >> From: David Amos >> Subject: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and >> put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow To: >> >> >> >> David Amos wrote: >> Date: Sun, 21 May >> 2006 18:01:23 -0700 (PDT) >> From: David Amos >> Subject: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and >> put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow To: David Amos >> >> >> >> David Amos wrote: >> Date: Sat, 20 May >> 2006 16:57:59 -0700 (PDT) >> From: David Amos >> Subject: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and put a >> stop Harper's motion tommorrow To:, >>,, >>,, >>,, >>,, >> CC:, >>, >> >> Hey >> >> >> Before all the Parliamentarians argue and then vote to >> support further Canadian deaths in one of George W. Bush's Wars for Global >> Control for the benefit of his corporate cohorts perhaps, you >> should at least listen to the attachments if you do not wish to bother to >> read what Billy Casey and the Bankers got on May 12th. If I can assist in >> preventing the demise of just one more Canadian warrior in a malicious >> foreign war, all of my work will have been worth it EH? >>

>> If everyone ignores me as usual, I will not be surprised. >> At least I will sleep well with my conscience tonight because I know I >> have done my very best to stop the nonsense since early 2002 long before >> the War in Iraq began. None of you deserve to sleep well at all because >> you all supported Harper's orders to send our people to war even before >> the 39th Parliament sat this year. As far as I am concerned the blood of >> four very honourable soldiers can be found on your hands. Shame on all of >> you for not even bothering to honour our dead by lowering the flag on the >> Peacetower. As long as I have been >> aware and could consider myself a Proad Canadian, I thought we were >> peacekeepers rather than poorly paid hired guns for crooked corporations, >> corrupt politicians and their wicked Yankee bible pounding buddies. >> >> Veritas Vincit >> >> >> David Raymond Amos >> >> >> >> FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006 >> >> >> Senator Arlen Specter >> United States Senate >> Committee on the Judiciary >> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building >> Washington, DC 20510 >> >> >> Dear Mr. Specter: >> >> >> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man >> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters >> raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these >> are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact >> with you about this previously. >> >> Very truly yours,

>> Barry A. Bachrach >> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403 >> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003 >> Email: >> >> >> >> Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 00:00:53 -0700 (PDT) >> From: >> "David Amos" >> Subject: Jumping Jimmy >> Flaherty's jump boots versus Crosbie's old mukluks in a liberal Senate >> To:,, >>,, >>,, >>,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,, >>,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,, CC: >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >> >> Deja Vu Anyone? Anyone? >> >> >> That's what John Crosbie wore in 1979, the last time a budget >> brought down a Canadian government in a minority-Parliament situation. It >> proved to be a bad omen, given that the Conservative government of the day >> foundered on Crosbie's document. The mukluks proved to be symbolic of >> Joe Clark's short-lived administration -- overconfident >> and blind to convention. As Crosbie observed in his memoirs, Clark >> "decided >> to govern as though we had a majority, a decision that was as arrogant as

>> it was presumptuous." By RANDY BURTON — Saskatoon Star-Phoenix >> >> >> >> May 10th, 2006 >> >> >> Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Franky Boy >> McKenna, Deputy Chair, >> Minister of Public Safety, Stockwell Day, John Bragg and John >> Thompson, Directors >> President of the Treasury Board, John Baird, Chris Montague >> Legal Counsel >> Ministers James Flaherty, and Vic Toews C/o Jill Crosby, >> Bank Manager >> C/o Bill Casey MP TD >> Financial Group >> 103 Albion Street South, 620 Main >> Street >> Amherst, NS, B4H 2X2 Sussex, >> NB, E4E 5L4 >> >> >> W. Geoffrey Beattie, Director John >> Manley PC, Director >> David Allgood, Legal Counsel, E. >> Jennifer Warren, Legal Counsel >> C/o Sharon Armstrong, Bank Manager C/o Maria >> Cormie, Bank Manager >> Royal Bank of Canada Canadian >> Imperial Bank of Commerce >> 644 Main Street 761 Main >> St, >> Sussex, NB, E4E 7H9 Moncton, >> NB. E1C 1E5 >> >> >> >> RE: Blowing the whistle on big banks and corrupt politicians too. >> Hey, >> Flaherty's budget looming on the horizon tonight is gonna >> get the big OK from the Bloc EH? Well a mean old bike mechanic in the >> Maritimes has been waiting to chuck a wrench in the works of many a >> crooked beancounter. I just served your offices in hand some of the same >> material that Andre Arthur MP and Senator Kinsella received before the >> 39th Parliament began. I am also giving you other material

>> and a political rant that they did not receive. The legal counsel of all >> the monstrous Canadian banks have shown me their arses, two for a month >> and three for almost two years. It is high time to boot you bankers out >> off bed with the corrupt politicians you depend on to cover up wrongs or >> sue you bastards too. N'est pas? You can expect to see litigation against >> the Crown soon. The severe of lack integrity of people employed in public >> service to protect the public interests has caused me to prosecute a >> matter of public trust in Pro Se fashion. As is my right. I will do my >> best to hold accountable all those in public office, public service and >> the lawyers etc that have acted wrongfully against me. In the past I filed >> forms in the public record and in confidence, argued cops, sued treasury >> agents, lawyers, judges, an Attorney General who aspires to be a Governor >> and even a high priest. To no avail, I made thousands of phone calls, sent >> many more emails and sent mountains of letters proving my concerns and >> sincerity. To date no one has ever called me a liar but all of it was >> ignored all the same. If there were such a thing as an honest cop, lawyer >> or politician they could never deny that it is ridiculous that a >> whistleblower would have to go to such lengths to attempt to see Justice >> served in two purported Democracies. Pursuant to my quest for Justice, you >> will find enclosed hard copy of the material that I promised I would send >> to you before we meet in court. The copy of wiretap tape # 139 that all >> law enforcement authorities in Canada and the USA have refused investigate >> should be of the greatest concern to all of you right away. It is served >> upon you in confidence as officers of the court. Prepare to argue me about >> many more tapes and cases of other documents. The bankers and I may be >> arguing the Securities, Bank and Tax Fraud in the USA sooner than they >> think. The AT&T dudes should have known police surveillance tapes when >> they heard them. EH? Whether you admit it or not, I know I have served

>> upon you some of the irrefutable evidence that should have warranted the >> process to impeach George W. Bush years ago. All who sat in the 37th, 38th >> and now the 39th Parliament know why the Yankee DHS tried to take me away >> to Cuba on April 1st, 2003. It was because of my legitimate efforts to >> expose Bush and his cohorts BEFORE the War on Iraq began. For years >> legions of politicians, lawyers, cops, bankers and priests proved an >> Orwellian truth as they laughed at my ethical efforts to >> defend the rights and interests of my Clan. "In the time of universal >> deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" EH? Do you think your >> banks' investors will laugh like your lawyers did? By law and the rules of >> your professions you must conduct yourselves ethically and hold matters in >> confidence. I do not. Now it is a rebel rouser's turn to laugh as you turn >> page. Awful truths will put your fancy panties in a knot yet make me feel >> as free as my big balls do under my kilt. J Please fell free to sue me if >> you disagree but you, Stevey Boy Harper got your party its mandate with >> rhetoric claiming to crack down on crime and hold the government >> accountable. Now that Conservatives have had the reigns of power for over >> three months, Stockwell Day at the very least must be well aware of all >> the secrets the two previous liberal governments kept from you and us >> Common >> Canadian Citizens. The secrets about me that most other Canadians do >> not give a damn about, do concern me greatly. Ask the Commissioner, John >> Reid, he must know of the cover up of my efforts to expose the >> well known rampant cross border public corruption that has caused my >> little >> Clan to suffer so. His office hung up on me on the very day he >> was speaking about the Conservatives' new rules to Parliament. No doubt he >> knows of the evidence I have provided over the years to many Canadian law >> enforcement authorities that is considered a matter of public safety. Yet >> we all know it is not. Nevertheless it has caused three very corrupt >> Canadian Federal

>> governments and all Provincial governments to willfully support the malice >> of Yankee State and Federal governments acting wrongfully against me. WHY? >> Now Harper has shown us his true colours, too bad for you >> that the DHS did not manage to take me away to Cuba. EH Mr. Day? I must >> ask >> you in court someday soon if you have listened to the original wiretap >> tapes that I provided to CSIS and the RCMP before and after the federal >> election in 2004. It was done before I was falsely imprisoned in a Yankee >> jail. Why did the nasty Canadian Consulate officers in Boston refuse to >> accept any more of the Yankee wiretap tapes that my wife tried to give to >> them while I sat in jail held under the charges of "other" without bail or >> even being legally arrested or charged? As I sat in a jail in Beantown >> Eliot Spitzer, a >> Yankee in New York made the big score with my info. Yet he allowed >> Morgan Stanley to sue my wife? The 38th Parliament continued to ignore >> my plight throughout its mandate. As we all watched Bush pull off another >> very questionable election it appears only I saw Count Peter-Hans >> Kolvenbach fly to the USA to speak in >> aid of the very evil smoke and mirror show. EH? Whereas all Canadian >> authorities have ignored my pleas for assistance for three years, I must >> sue the Crown to seek relief under the Charter for my government's >> deliberate assistance in malicious prosecution and false imprisonment etc. >> Did you politicians think I >> was kidding when I said it in January on CTV News? The smirking newsman, >> Stevey Boy Murphy asked me clearly and I answered him >> plainly. It was watched live all over the Maritimes just minutes before >> the >> only time I was ever allowed to debate dumb Andy Scott in front of a live >> crowd as I ran against him for his seat in Parliament. Many common folks >> heard me say it and have commented about it in the months since. Some of >> them must have questioned some of their various MPs by now. I watched a

>> friend confront his MP, Greg Thompson in front folks of two ridings. He >> gave all other candidates running against two seated Conservatives a copy >> of the letter he served upon Thompson in hand. Now you have your copy too. >> Thompson in front of witnesses promised to respond in writing to >> his constituent before polling day three months ago. Just as I suspected, >> the new Cabinet Minister broke his promise. I know for a fact in 2005 Greg >> Thompson, Bill Casey and Andy Scott ignored other >> constituents of theirs who brought hard copy of my material to their local >> offices personally while I was being illegally prosecuted in the USA. >> Obviously our MPs Liberal or Conservative have no respect for >> their own constituents if they are kin or friends of mine. EH? Check the >> letter that Landslide Annie McLellan sent to me when she had Stockwell Day >> 's day job. Clearly she was compelled to answer >> me after so many high placed Yankees had already done so. She did what all >> Martinites have done in the past and blamed one of Chretien's >> arseholes, Wayne Easter for my plight as a whistleblower. Stockwell Day >> did >> you get off your Jet Ski to follow the lead of liberals such as a dumb PEI >> farmer and a very malicious political lawyer from Nova Scotia? You will >> not provide me any assistance whatsoever as is required by the mandate of >> your office? None of your underlings even the nervous Marshal dude will do >> me the simple courtesy of calling me back just like your political cohorts >> never did? Your little Newfy buddy, Rob Moore forgot something just as >> Landslide Annie as the >> Minister of Justice did when Easter was Solicitor General. She did not >> have any idea what mechanism a layman would employ to hold many a corrupt >> Parliamentarian >> accountable. The answer is so simple to me. Sue the Bastards. Didn't >> anyone >> notice I have done it in the past to many Yankees? I have changed my style

>> and waited until some very corrupt public servants were out of public >> office so that they could not employ the weight of a corrupt justice >> system against me. Vic Toews will have his job cut out trying to defend >> the malice of all three recent government mandates two of them liberal >> against one Proud Canadian. EH? J Whereas Federal Court in Canada does not >> allow me the right to a trial by jury and its Commissioner David Gourdeau >> has shown his arse too, I plan to do a double check in the USA. With luck, >> at about the same time my matters may begin in Fredericton, I will be >> seeking a jury in a Yankee Federal Court with a lawsuit against some very >> crooked Canadian political lawyers and their many Yankee associates acting >> against other Canadians, Yankees and me. In the "mean" time I have been >> lining up ducks while Jumping Jimmy Flaherty was drop kicking his wicked >> budget past the very confused corrupt clucking Chickenshits sitting as the >> opposition in the Chicken House. Tonight byway of the Bloc I am making my >> best fiercely political efforts to see that all Conservatives will be >> looking for a new day job far from the Hill in Upper Canada. Then I will >> give this material to other bankers when I judge the time is right. Any >> great mechanic knows that there is true magic in the timing of things. If >> a >> crook in opposition blinks and mentions me in a public forum even after >> the budget is allowed, it will be all over but the crying for George W, >> Bush and his lapdog, Stevey Boy Harper. Who may >> wish to mingle with the media soon is interesting. EH? If the bankers who >> did not wish to call me back last month want this material explained, it >> is the task of the Thomson dudes, Jealous Johnny Manley and Franky Boy >> McKenna to do now. I did my best >> to make certain they knew everything over the years. The Thomson dudes >> claim to know everything that goes on in court in Canada and the USA. The >> Upper Canadian lawyer was Minister of Finance etc in the 37th >> Parliament, and the Maritimer was our Ambassador to the USA under the

>> mandate of the 38th. They can explain the malice of Landslide Annie and >> her >> many cohorts in support of corrupt bankers etc. Better yet let the Yankee >> lawyer Michael Hefler and his Canadian counterpart Deborah Alexander >> explain their support of Putnam Investments, Brian Mulroney, Cendant Corp. >> and Franky McKenna's old BMO crowd etc. Tell me, do ya think my name came >> up when they cooked a little deal between Citigroup and Scotia Bank >> recently? Jennifer Warren should be capable of explaining why Garfield >> Emerson quit the Rogers outfit recently. Geoffrey Beattie of Thomson >> Corp no doubt can explain why David Allgood is playing dumb. Need I >> say that the brotherhood of the bar and bankers make me as sick as >> politicians do? The reason I ran against the aptly named lawyer, Rob Moore >> in 2004 should be painfully clear to all Canadians in recent days. Stevey >> Boy Harper is proving to all that he is a lapdog for Bush just like >> Franky Boy McKenna said of him years ago. I do not have put one word >> in the text of this letter in support of what many Proud Canadians are >> agreeing with in Frank Boy's political dogma speech years ago in support >> of the reelection of Rotten Ralphy Goodale. The fact that Moore is now >> Canada's Parliamentary Secretary for the Minister of >> Justice greatly offends me. All Canadians have the right to know why. >> If he or any other Canadian lawyer had acted as a proper officer of >> the court then my Clan would not be suffering from many wrongs right now. >> The Yankee Carpetbagger, David Lutz whom I had given this >> material to BEFORE Moore was elected in 2004 must agree. I am very curious >> what Rob Moore will say in Parliament in his own defense when I put him >> and Lutz in bed in a Canadian complaint. >> Rob Moore can explain to all Canadians why I think the blood >> of four very honourable Canadian soldiers and countless others can be >> found >> on his hands and that of his cohorts. In June of 2004 during a debate at >> the Moss Glen Legion we were questioned in front of many people including >> David Lutz, I stated my position clearly with regards >> to War. In defense of our warriors I said that they must get the best >> training and weapons possible, then be kept home to defend our country. >> That is their job. Lutz a Yankee draft dodger nodded in

>> agreement. Moore did not argue me because he did not need to. Less is more >> for Moore when matters are a sure thing. The Blue Coat got the seat he >> expected to win in Fundy just like my dog would have if she had worn his >> coat. However Moore and Lutz are lessor men than I because of their >> inaction as purportedly ethical men. If the lawyers in Moore and Lutz >> disagreed with all I wrote of them since, why didn't they sue me to >> protect their reputations? The answer is the same as I have proven in the >> turncoat Bad Boy Billy Matthews versus Byron Prior matter in Newfoundland. >> Politically appointed Judges like Derek Green or lawyers like Bernard >> Roy controlling the show in court or Inquiry only cover up and delay >> awful truths. It is important that public corruption be argued in public >> view quickly. Thus I will sue Crown. Before anyone attempts to deny what I >> have just stated, study this material closely. Look how sending this >> material to any of you is truly redundant. The evidence that you or your >> associates and I crossed have paths many times in the past is irrefutable >> despite the fact that I can prove my many letters, phone calls and emails >> that I sent over the years. Turn the page, lawyers. It gets worse for you >> J >> If any of you truly do not know who I am, it is the Fed's >> fault, not mine. I can easily prove that the Feds have done no service >> whatsoever for the public they have an obligation to serve. The fact that >> the Feds have done their worst to keep my legitimate actions a >> whistleblower secret with false claims such as confidentiality or public >> security further serves to prove my point about rampant public corruption. >> To refute the false claims of secrecy, I must point out >> that much of my work can still be found in the public record of many >> courts >> in Canada, the USA and on the Internet as well. Last fall my wife saw a >> copy of wiretap tape # 139 in the docket of a Yankee court that anyone >> could listen to. I had filed that copy in a sealed envelope with that >> court in order to protect the Fourth Amendment Rights of the people >> recorded on it. As you can see by the documents I have provided that one

>> year ago the District Attorney in Boston lost the many original wiretap >> tapes that I gave him in court in 2004. Nothing yet has been said about my >> lawyer in the USA sending 9 original wiretap tapes to the Senate >> Judiciary Committee in Congress this year on February 7th. So much for >> Yankees upholding the law EH? Canadians are no better. >> As you can see despite my wife and my lawyer's best efforts >> to stop them, the Yankees seized our home without warrants or due process >> of law. A couple more Yankee bankers and insurance dudes made out like the >> bandits they are. This was done while my children and I were in Canada >> last summer without a home. Nobody in Canada or the UN even bothered to >> care about our Human Rights. All of my pleas to the spendthrifts Adrienne >> Clarkson, Pierre Pettigrew and their >> replacements Michaelle Jean, Petey Baby MacKay were ignored despite our >> Canadian birthright and our rights under the Charter. Canada >> supported the theft of our property including many original wiretap tapes >> I >> had in my possession in our home. I have been recently informed that >> Yankees have sold all of my >> possessions at a public auction including the wiretap tapes. However, much >> to chagrin of Yankees, I have proven that I have many more wiretap tapes >> in Canada and elsewhere. The aforesaid malicious auction of my property >> was done while my Clan is still awaiting a long delayed trial about the >> illegal actions against us. Our property was supposed to be safely stored >> according to the rules of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of >> Public Safety until the matter was >> resolved. This latest malice begs the obvious question.. Whereas Yankee >> law >> enforcement authorities feel free to violate their Constitution and sell >> wiretap tapes of their citizens at public auction, why can't I do the >> same? Interesting question. EH? Why should I as a Canadian Citizen care

>> about the Civil Rights of Yankee mobsters and their families anymore when >> their evil government does not? Methinks I should sell a few on EBAY in >> Europe to see if I can >> recoup some of my losses ASAP. I could use the funds from the sale of the >> wiretap tapes to sue many lawyers etc in the USA and Canada. Look at the >> very dumb answers I got in 2003 from a crooked District Attorney in >> Massachusetts and the corrupt US Attorney in New >> Hampshire, before you try to claim that what I would be doing is >> illegal. The former is a good friend of Argeo P. Cellucci and the latter >> enforces federal code in the State where I now permanently reside. Both >> Yankees claim the tapes are not what I say they are but >> merely evidence in a probate action? What planet do Yankee lawyers come >> from? I can't be the only person on this planet who wishes to see George >> W. Bush impeached ASAP. Ask the fat dumb happy Yankee Michael Moore >> before you disagree. These tapes may fetch quite a price from story hungry >> dudes such as he. Truth is stranger than fiction and far more marketable >> and profitable with less money spent in production using real people >> instead of big name actors. Even clever lawyers must admit that wiretap >> tape # 139 makes one wonder what happened next. EH? Stay tuned dudes. >> Small portions of other tapes may be in your email inbox >> for you to listen to. Other politicians can read the text of this letter >> and listen to their Parliamentary email along with the rest of mine they >> have ignored for over three years. The many words of a fiercely political >> rant may be added as a postscript to the text of this letter and sent to >> the government's opposition first. I must be fair. You dudes got this >> letter first. My next email may cause quite a stir amongst the clucking >> Chickenshits in the House. Canadians should find it very interesting >> indeed if one or more the smiling bastards decide to mention my name to >> the >> Speaker.

>> How they vote against the political pollution of hot air from >> the windbags of Baird and Flaherty that is stinking up the House is >> critical to our future. I see no need to let all the cats out of the bag >> in this letter to you but for fun just check my work. See me teasing Derek >> Burney and his boss Brian Mulroney? They know the >> Barbarian at the gate who is me knows what lawyers hold the keys that >> lock all political parties together on both sides of the 49th parallel. >> One >> nasty Yankee's name is Harper too. J That smiling bastard's law office >> ain't too far from the UN. EH? Depending how far left you are Michael >> Ignatieff,Canada's Prince >> of Darkness or our Sexist Cerebral man knows the Yankee Harper quite well. >> Derek Burney and Karl Rove as aymen or Louis Freeh and the new >> General Counsel of the FBI as lawyers would likely agree with little >> ol me and on one thing. It is that bigassed Yankee lawyers like the one >> named Harper makes little liberal lawyers such as Humpty Dumpty, Land >> Slide Annie, Asinine Allan Rock, Franky Boy McKenna, and Johnny >> Jealous Manley look like the little lost puppies truly they are. >> Perhaps bankers etc will want Franky Boy McKenna to call some crooked >> cop he knows hanging out in his hometown to figure out how to handle me >> now. Before you do, check my work that I have provided to you to see what >> I have already given you many clues not to. I have had enough >> police harassment for any ten men to stand. My ghost or I will sue every >> cop that has tried to stop me from justifiably and legally seeking >> justice. There is no middle ground for any honest man to stand on in my >> battles against very corrupt justice systems in two purported Democracies. >> The >> interests of investors in many banks would be better served if the bankers >> chastised in public view a certain few employees who deliberately failed >> to uphold the law and protect the public's interests invested in their >> bank and many other publicly held companies. From a Canadian's perspective >> of the world I know that the interests of all Canadians are bought and

>> sold on Yankee stock markets everyday. I know of many lawyers who should >> be knocked off their high horses ASAP. In fact I just named some them. EH? >> Canadian politicians should know this before the vote on the >> budget becomes a matter of history. I truly believe that Conservatives >> will >> continue to follow Bush's lead for the benefit of the bankers whose HQ's >> surround Flaherty's office. Like Bush he will try to take our country deep >> into debt. Bankers and politicians will do what they wish with the world, >> tis true. Trust that I don't care the more the merrier for me in >> litigation. You dudes are about to meet a rather formidable layman in >> court. I have been studying and arguing law night and day for four years, >> all the while clearing each and every hurtle that rampant public >> corruption has thrown into my path to Justice. I will not pity any lawyer >> who chooses to stand in court beside the likes of Franky Boy, Landslide >> Annie and Humpty Dumpty. You can see >> that Harper has ignored the words of the Accountability Act with >> doubletalk >> if his pals need money for their party war chests. Our little Lord of NB >> and his buddy Brad Green affirmed that they knew the same truths that Rob >> Moore, >> Franky Boy and Landslide Annie did years ago. It was within a few days >> of the election and Humpty Dumpty's Third World boat named after his wife >> was caught in Nova Scotia bringing cocaine to Canada along with more Blood >> Coal. Humpty Dumpty employed lawyer's rhetoric and recused >> himself and Landslide Annie's underlings made the matter evaporate. Harper >> just looked away in support even as Humpty Dumpty picked Franky Boy to be >> our Ambassador within the year to obviously support the Yankee's malicious >> persecution of me rather than act within the scope of his employment as a >> public servant. If bankers do not understand my words, blame your own >> lawyers. David Allgood should have walked the talk of Chris Montague's >> words about Red Flags in his speech on Feb 11th 2005 and called me

back if >> he did not wish to argue me in court. When I called both of them Deborah >> Alexander, Ronald Sirkis and >> Jennifer Warren were past >> too late. They knew of wiretap tapes and Bank Fraud etc since 2004. This >> year after the Conservative government accepted Franky Boy's resignation >> and well before the TD Financial Group hired Franky Boy, I called his >> spokesperson Ruth McCrae. After a minor spit and chew ensued, she told me >> to sue her along with the law firm of McInnes and Cooper. A liberal talk >> show host Tom Young will soon affirm that I do not have to be asked twice >> to sue someone but I did call many partners of the aforesaid law firm to >> see if they agreed with Franky Boy and his outspoken gal. The words of the >> lawyer Costello, a partner who argues NB Power on behalf of the Venezuela >> and the silence of the rest affirmed that all apparently stood with >> McKenna including some of >> the former partners of Paterson and Palmer. Furthermore, Franky Boy should >> have disclosed everything about a potential lawsuit etc to the TD >> Financial dudes before accepting his new position. However I was >> very open and very honest with them as soon as I was aware of his new job. >> Now that >> Franky Boy and I are both back home in our old stomping grounds and I >> am on the warpath, John Manley may quit hustling the Ottawa Senators >> hockey >> team to CIBC. It would be wise to try to explain why Franky Boy praised >> Yankee success at pond hockey to the law partners of Burns and >> Levenson whom he partied with last fall instead of being a proper >> public servant and discussing with Yankees the failings of their partner, >> my Guardian Ad Litem Brian Bixby. J For my benefit, I made it a point to >> look into Stevey Boy Harper's pale blue eyes on June 19th, 2004 when he >> stopped in Sussex for ice cream the day after I debated Rob Moore the >> first time. We both knew each other at a glance. Lets just say I found >> nothing I admired behind Stevey Boy's eyes. His soul is far meaner than

>> Rob >> Moore's. With luck on my side, this year my fellow Maritimers should >> be entertained and educated in a three-ring circus of a long awaited >> monumental hoe-down in court. Our little Lord's justice system that his >> buddy, Cleveland Allaby was well paid to study in secret years ago will be >> the unwilling confused ringmaster to oversee the affair. When it comes to >> being showmen Franky Boy and I are on and even keel. We are both smiling >> bastards who crack a lot of jokes fearlessly in front of crowds. To his >> advantage, he is a lawyer whereas I am not. He is famous whereas I am not. >> Franky Boy is very wealthy, whereas I am not. >> On the other hand, I am >> honest whereas he is not. I have many friends that I can trust, whereas he >> does not. I have much evidence of many crimes he has covered up in his >> personal pursuit of lucre, whereas he has only fancy legal doubletalk. >> Franky Boy has climbed high up on the crooked totem >> pole of affluence pedaling his influence over common Maritimers without a >> common man's conscience that is lost to all lawyers. Franky Boy and his >> many pals in banks and companies such as the Carlyle Group may gain the >> whole world at the expense of their own souls. However one pigheaded >> ethical soul will try hard to hold them all accountable by just knocking a >> few off their high horses. I also know there are many souls in the >> Maritimes who were entertained and understand the >> meaning of the old story of David versus Goliath or my name ain't Dave. >> Watch me look into the eyes of the people I pick for a jury >> before I start chucking rocks in court. Stevey Boy Harper and his little >> lawyer Rob Moore would not understand why I am humming the old tune sung >> the dude who loved to hang around mobsters but many other old farts like >> me will. They will understand why I am writing the letter in April and >> delivering it in hand to my MP Bill Casey in May. (I am sending Duccepe >> and Fortier the same material Allan Rock and Franky Boy received last May)

>> To give the >> devil his due, that old dead Yankee Franky Boy sang "That's Life" very >> well. Methinks that Stevey Boy's big mistake was following the directions >> of Derek Burney and Karl Rove too closely. He really should learn to think >> for himself. He is flying too high in April for his own good in May. It >> seems that Harper don't even know that what goes up always comes down. The >> higher they go the harder they fall. Ask Humpty Dumpty. The clucking >> chickens in opposition may shoot his government down in May without the >> effect he desires. To challenge the opposition to unseat him just because >> he is momentarily higher in the polls is dumb beyond belief. If Mulroney >> and his cohorts think Harper can win a majority in the House next time >> around simply by blaming the opposition for causing the election, they do >> not remember Humpty Dumpty's big faux pas last year. I sincerely hope that >> next week holds a very bad day for many nasty political Maritimers who >> have kissed Upper Canadian fat fancy arses for years. It has always been >> Hard Times in the Maritimes >> and it is their fault. N'est Pas? Time will tell the tale. Right now I can >> only wish that my efforts help knock Jumping Jimmy Flaherty out of his new >> jump boots and into the Newfy, Crosbie's old mukluks from 1979. With any >> luck at all Luc Lavoie will not be so lucky anymore. He and all the other >> all clucking Conservatives will start singing for more Tequila from Sheila >> as Dominic LeBlanc learns how to play his Daddy's kazoo. As I look >> towards the horizon in the direction of far off Upper Canada, I will dream >> of Petey Baby MacKay and his very punky hunky dory sinking beneath the >> waves of bullshit that has kept him afloat for years. There is no denying >> that I will chuckle as I imagine his very nasty ex sweetyfart Belinda Baby >> picking up the phone and calling Magna Entertainment's Yankee VP Argeo P.

>> Cellucci and its General Counsel >> Don Amos. Her Big Daddy Franky may want to rip them new arseholes for >> in order to shove each other's head into. Clearly they did not do a good >> job protecting the interests of Stronach's publicly held company from one >> pigheaded Maritimer who is serious gambling man in the big game called New >> World Order. I am >> still gambling that there is no honour amongst thieves and somebody will >> blink in order to protect their own butt. I too am wondering and ain't >> betting on the ethics of any politician. For instance only a fool would >> bet on the ethics of Andre Arthur the Independent MP and if he will quit >> being as quiet as a mouse in the House. If the government goes down, I >> doubt he will get elected again. He had his chance to do the right thing >> just as Chucky Cadman did years ago. The Yankee midterm election is the >> biggest game in the world right now. Ask my Clan's Senator Teddy Kennedy. >> J >> I will wager that I do know why nobody wants to talk to or >> about me. The dark horse in this game is the one who will blink, when and >> where. Knowing who won't say a word is easy. Strangely predicting who may >> be honest is tough. How sad is that? For instance Senator Kinsella's >> malice against me was a nobrainer. I expected it about as much as that he >> would vote for Lynch in Fredericton. On the other hand Andre Arthur had no >> ethical reason whatsoever to ignore me particularly after reading things >> he has said in the past. His recent appointment to oversee the CRTC proves >> to me that he is a crooked as Hell. He must have known he was finally free >> from all the lawyers that had once chastised him in the past. They cannot >> hold him accountable for whatever he says in the House to a nationwide >> audience as an MP like they once did when he spoke on local radio. The >> chickenshit, Andre Arthur may be laying back and waiting for just the >> right point in time to start clucking into the Parliamentary record to

>> make >> history in his own best interests. I don't know. Nor do I care if he has a >> plan or is just holding to a backroom deal. I do know when we talked on >> the phone months ago, I could tell that he did not have any balls at all. >> The silence of a >> former big talking talk show host from Quebec spoke volumes to me months >> ago about why that Frenchman won't mingle with the media he now oversees. >> His appointment to the committee that oversees the very >> dudes who once tortured him, stinks of backroom deal and a political >> payoff >> to me. All Andre Arthur or anyone else in the House had to do this month >> or in the years before was to have the sand to stand up and ask the >> Speaker in a question period on the record simply state the >> following. "Who the Hell is David Raymond Amos and what the Hell is >> talking >> about?" There I even wrote the script for him just in case he or anyone >> sprouts some testicles real soon. If anyone acts like an ethical >> Parliamentarian, it will be >> Rob Moore's task to explain my affairs to the House. I will lay odds >> that if Andre Arthur or anyone else were certain that they could profit >> rather than suffer from such few words, they would. love to make history >> and become the hero who saved Democracy for us all. Nobody will talk to me >> for the same reason Arthur is silent to everyone else. It is based in >> political deceit. Justice is always a matter of political will rather than >> the way that it should be. I am just wise enough to know I can be the most >> effective in finding a little justice when the political process is flux. >> Bernie Shapiro's >> office and that of his fellow crook, Jean Fournier's have denied receiving >> anything of mine from Andre Arthur or Noel Kinsella. That makes me >> understand that I am on the right track this time. When Shapiro's office >> called me last year, they were nervous campers after I had made

Parliament >> uphold an act and give Fournier a job so that I could complain to him >> about Senator Joe Day. The far from ethical parliamentary counselors are >> quite likely hiding under a rug somewhere in the House and praying Baird's >> Accountability Act replaces them >> soon. Shapiro and Fournier are just playing dumb while waiting to duck out >> the back and scurry into the sunset with unearned severance pays in their >> purses. Once they are all out of public service, they will become just a >> few more paragraphs to me in a future complaint against many individuals >> out of public service I plan to sue. The rats abandoning Humpty Dumpty's >> boat like David Dingwall and Howie Wilson should offend anyone with half a >> mind. Most ordinary folks have all but forgotten the Dingwall affair but >> I doubt most did not even know who the dude Howie Wilson was or >> how he assisted Landslide Annie in making Humpty Dumpty's doings with >> Tainted Blood disappear on everyone else's watch but mine. Does anyone >> but me remember where the bad blood came from and who made the de al with >> whom? I do. This brings me to why I find the Bloc so interesting these >> days. I know Ducceppe is a crooked as the rest but some other Bloc may >> want to fill his shoes. Humpty Dumpty's loss was a given, to me. The loss >> of the Bloc and the Conservative gain was a surprise to everyone. It would >> be truly comical if their leader, Ducceppe were to act ethically on my >> behalf after all these years. It is not beyond the realms of possibility >> that he could be the next PM if the Bloc had the majority next time >> around. The other parties could be so decimated by his integrity that >> maybe a legion of Independents would inhabit the House. Less of a pipe >> dream would be that perhaps the Bloc could get the ten seats in Quebec >> from the Conservatives and truly make the Liberal history as well. C'est >> Vrai? >> I know what I just stated seems crazy but think about it for a >> minute. Ignore what crooked liberals such as the local talk show host, Tom >> Young may say of me being a nut. He retracted "the fool for a

>> client spiel" in another matter when it suited his political agenda. He >> knows I was not nuts in my predictions about picking Speakers, the Tanker >> Malley affair or wiretap tapes too. Young was not wise to >> challenge a man such as I to sue him on live radio. I ain't that foolish >> not to sue Jennifer Warren and Rogers Media J . Whatever liberals such >> as Young and his cohorts in Rogers say about me negative or otherwise on >> the radio almost two years later is gravy after I had made my mission >> known byway of his own program. I openly declared that it was my >> Securities Fraud issues that should >> most concern my fellow Maritimers. Soon it is my turn to fall silent in >> the >> text of this letter anyway. However before I do become truly silent you >> may wish to know that some of you will receive this letter in your email >> and see it posted on the Internet at about the same time the budget vote >> becomes history. I cannot give you time to run political damage control. I >> have long understood your wicked game of hear, no evil, see no evil and >> speak no evil for your own benefit and not the people you claim to serve. >> I know that the things like Freedom >> and Justice that lawyers claim are so important in a Democracy are merely >> myths. Bankers and lawyers know as well as I that Freedom does not have >> prayer because Justice is bought and sold everyday to the highest bidder >> in the marketplace and the courts. Money is all the beancounters care >> about as they count the percentage points of gain and lawyers follow suit >> in their fees for assisting in the malice against us all. The corrupt >> Yankees that you people support have taught me a lot about how to deal >> with many crooked Canadians. The answer is simple. Make Justice a matter >> of >> political will particularly in a time of War. Now that we all understand >> the wicked game, why mince words anymore? I am raising the stakes and >> laying some more of my cards on table before I summons you all to

court. >> You do not have much time to decide >> if I am bluffing or not. Lets just say I have no doubt whatsoever why the >> blog in CTV W5 website was deleted recently after it had stood for almost >> a year. I save all blogs long before they are lost in cyber space. The >> words of the one within CTV's W5 domain that was erased for the benefit of >> CIBC John Manley and the Thomson dudes will resurface >> somewhere else on the Internet in short order. Hard copy of the aforesaid >> blog and many others will be presented in various courts someday. Dempsey >> the lawyer, who has since fallen silent had apparently filed a complaint >> in BC about what anybody who has studied the banking profession knows to >> be true. Wise guys know the root of all evil is not exactly money but >> Filthy Lucre, the words that King >> James employed just once. Gain of >> control over the land is the name of the game. Money is just a clever >> paper >> tool that is based on nothing at all. The idea of money in the form of a >> banknote that is no longer based on gold but debt was invented and >> controlled by bankers and the same holds true for the notion of religion >> invented the banker's cohorts the Roman who turned into priests of one >> god. It is money I must attack and seek because it is what the lawyers who >> made the rules for the benefit of bankers and priests claim I must do in >> order to play their wicked game. I did so out of the gate years ago. If >> you bother to check my work you will see that I employed my right to have >> the freedom to have no religion at all to attack what the smiling bastards >> hold most dear, their money. The law is clear in matters of money and >> beancounters rely on such laws. It is against the law for a trustee to >> give money he holds in trust to any charity on his own accord. For a >> well-respected old lawyer to assist an ex FBI agent in his wrongs against >> the terms of a trust and without the knowledge and accent of the >> beneficiaries is interesting to say the least. To steal it and give it to

>> a church that the beneficiaries have no faith in is particularly offensive >> especially when the Cardinal's secretary is the offended person's cousin. >> When I exposed to the Feds the fact that the crooks had also >> hid some of the stolen funds in a bank account in the name of a person >> whose estate was long closed, things got really bad. The people who are >> supposed to enforce the law turned against me for the benefit of crooked >> bankers. It took me awhile to understand why the Feds were behaving so >> poorly. The reason was all the pension funds of government employees >> controlled by Putnam Investments and the fact that they owned half of the >> Brookline >> Savings Bank, another publicly held company. >> Perhaps you dudes should read the fine print of the >> whistleblower form 211 that I filled out many years ago. Whereas bankers >> and priests employ many puppets in the form of politicians, lawyers, cops >> and priests to play their deadly game of World Control for them, it is the >> puppets I must deal with day to day. However I always knew who were >> sending the people to act against me. Bankers invented money and the >> miserable bastards known as Jesuits invented lawyers. Correct? The real >> nature of the wicked game is World Control or New World Order just as the >> carpetbaggers named Bush love to say. Before you dare to call me a liar, >> have the local liberal lawyer Dominic Leblanc and non elected Cabinet >> Minister Michael Fortier study >> the material I just sent to them. It is the same material Franky Boy >> McKenna, Deborah Alexander of the Scotia Bank and Petey Baby MacKay >> from Nova Scotia for example got back in 2004. As I said in the CTV blog >> it >> is just the tip of the iceberg. J What I have just delivered in hand to >> the bankers and Bill Casey is different material than the liberals have >> ever received from me. Find the email within this material that the >> General Counsel of >> Bell Canada, Martine Turcotte sent me in 2004 and you will see that >> Bell Canada spent three days printing my files off the web. They still >> did not have it all by a long shot. Ask the serial killer and his cohorts

>> the Feds about that simple fact. As I said earlier in this letter now that >> the Stevey Boy Harper, a lapdog for the Bush regime has shown all >> Canadians that his nasty arse is flying too high, it is >> high time that someone gives it a boot ASAP. I will take license and >> employ >> some of Franky Boy McKenna's choice of words. The only hope I see on the >> horizon in far off Parliament Hill to see that that our democracy is >> served can be found within the personal greed of members of the Bloc >> Quebecois. Yet that is the very >> party that wants to break up our country. Thus I think that what I see >> must >> be a mirage to give me false hope. All Canadians can see the Liberals are >> wandering around lost in the far from deserted halls of the House with no >> leader in sight. The Liberals crippled up old German Shepherd wants to >> talk to high school kids and the media in the Maritimes about the future >> of the liberal party but the kids and nobody else seems to care about >> Humpty Dumpty anymore. Everybody wants >> to talk to the Conservatives and they won't talk to anybody unless Karl >> Rove and Derek Burney first bless the script. The annoying >> arsekissing terrier and boss of the NDP Jacky Jackass Layton is truly >> irrelevant. He has lost all credibility. Ask yourselves why the yapping >> little terrier is not willing to give the Conservatives the boot as he >> claims he did with the Liberals last year. Even Layton 's old buddy Bob >> Rae has quit the NDP >> and joined his old college roommate's liberal crowd of wealthy thieves. >> Rae >> wants to lead liberals out of the desert for selfish reasons of his own. >> The first thing Rae, a pal of Landslide Annie >> bragged of on CTV the morning he announced he was running for leader was >> of >> his work within the Security Intelligence Review Committee. It seems he >> has chosen to forget my emails to him or the phone conversation we had >> late in the week before. I know Rae knows that Marion McGrath, the General >> Counsel of the SIRC has refused to do her >> god damned job just like Franky Boy's old lieutenant Adleea Landry

does. >> Because of that Bob Rae felt free pat to his own back about the >> work he did with the SIRC? Marion MacGrath and many others whose names can >> be found within the enclosed documents have forever proven to me the >> malice of all politically appointed public servants. The cop, Dean Buzza >> of the arm of the RCMP known as IMET really pissed me off in March. I defy >> anyone to try to talk to the crooked lawyer, Paul Kennedy about him. IMET >> was created within a week or so of Ashcroft meeting with Easter in >> November of 2003. Amongst a host of public servants that know all >> too well what I say is true and ignore the law for personal gain is Rick >> Hancox and his cohorts within the New Brunswick Securities >> Commission. They are just like the lawyers of the Public Service >> Integrity Office, sneaky Howard Wilson, Bernard Shapiro, Jean T. >> Fournier and Paul Kennedy of the Public Complaints Against the RCMP >> crowd. All these people are worse than useless as tits on a bull. They are >> crooks. They should be fired and prosecuted immediately. At the very least >> the malicious public servants are definitely not entitled to severance pay >> a la David Dingwall. There are many honest Canadians in the Maritimes >> looking for work. They could be hired to replace the corrupt politically >> appointed bureaucrats we have now. I am part of that public these >> bureaucrats etc are supposed to serve. I am also one of those over fifty >> folks that the CARP50 dudes hustle about where to invest our money. If the >> Cop Dean Buzza and his cohorts in IMET who had talked to CARP had done >> their job while I was running for a seat in Parliament and truly >> investigated the spike in Income Trust trading, many a banker etc would >> have had their panties in a knot for months. Instead the cops hush the >> CARP dudes up for the benefit of Rotten Ralphy Goodale and >> his banker buddies? Furthermore the far west Conservative M.K. Braaton >> deletes my words about Income Trusts from his blog after he allowed a >> Yankee Deputy Dog to attack my rep while running for a seat against >> his cohorts? Harper who claims Maritime roots and yet calls us defeatists >> has done a little service for all Canadians and unseated the wealthy >> corrupt liberals. More importantly he has proven in a timely fashion that

>> he living is up to the Maritimer, Frank Boy's description of him when he >> had a fine breakfast out west with the fancy former Minister of Finance >> two years ago. A true Maritimer who will never admit defeat has given many >> bankers who have a lot to lose fair warning that they should not side >> with Harper against me. J Prior to printing this letter I will await the >> results of the budget vote. Just in case someone in the Bloc suprises me >> with a display of ethics. Yesterday and today I called many members of >> various entities known as Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, Bloc, US Congress, >> RCMP, FBI, CSIS, SRIC, the Fredericton Police Dept and New >> Brunswick Police Commission etc for the last time and waited one more >> day for someone honest to call me back. Nobody did and nobody ever will. >> Here is my humble opinion for what it is worth to the deaf ears >> of Upper Canadian bankers. Ed Clark should fire his new Deputy Chair of >> the >> TD Financial Group and his lawyer Chris Montague ASAP for the >> benefit of TD Bank's shareholders. Lawyers and politicians are far easier >> to replace than repairing a bank's damaged reputation. The same goes for >> the CIBC, John Manley and E. Jennifer Warren and of course the RBC and >> David Allgood. >> Yea I know I am dreaming but at least you can never say that >> you did not know before I send the text of this letter in a email >> everywhere I can think of. That said guess who just played you all like >> fiddle? I not only made you litigants against me in my sad complaints but >> I may make this letter the introduction for a book that >> I have been writing for years. It is called "Pro Se Once Removed" as >> named in the first complaint that I ever filed. It is not a bad piece of >> work for a layman but I am far more proud of the second complaint I filed. >> I have not shown it to anyone other than litigants against me. >> It is a very rare Prima Facia complaint about legal malpractice that >> any lawyer should study. It has caused several Bills to be inspired in a >> very corrupt Yankee Statehouse. Thomson dudes should query it sometime.

>> Two courts in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts must keep it >> in the public record forever. The matters began and ended in Dedham MA, >> hometown of Sumner Redstone and the stomping grounds of his old Harvard >> Law School pal, >> Charles J. Kickham Jr., my wife's evil cousin. The matters were >> delayed and dismissed over a year after my opposition to Cardinal Law's >> motion to dismiss was destroyed after the cases were removed illegally and >> doctored in federal court without any hearing whatsoever. Clark Kent >> Irvin, >> the former Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security should >> know all about Truth Justice and the American Way. Ask him if US District >> Court docket # >> 02-CV-11686-RGS or Norfolk Superior Court docket # 02 01113 are worth >> checking out. I legally signed the complaint in my wife's name as her >> attorney in fact after she had suffered a breakdown because of the >> wrongful actions against her by her kin and the justice system over mere >> matters of money. The Yankee Court accepted the sad complaint and filed in >> the last hour of work before July 4th, 2002. Within weeks I gave the US >> Secretary of State his copy byway of the Ambassador Argeo >> P. Cellucci to remind Yankees why their forefathers rebelled against >> the Crown (No taxation without proper representation). The rest is >> history. >> Now that I have chucked my wrench, I must deal with a far >> more important matter I have at hand. Whereas my family needs a roof over >> their heads, I looked around to see which Maritime crooks live handy to >> where I'm camped right now. I decided there are Three Stooges in each big >> party that I should sue soon. To the left I see the easiest of all, >> Whining Wayne Easter. Landslide Annie confirmed her >> pal's malice towards me during the 37th Parliament. Franky Boy McKenna is >> the very political banker/lawyer who worked against me in the USA under >> the mandate of the 38th Parliament for the benefit of Yankee banks. Plus >> he really pissed me off when he had too much fun with my G.A.L. while

my >> wife and kids were in the streets around Beantown. Franky Boy's old pal >> Andy Scot is a close tie with the Newfy Bad Boy >> Billy Matthews as the dumbest and nastiest of all Maritime >> Parliamentarians. It is the failure of the NDP and the Conservatives >> that they sit in the 39th Parliament today. To the right, are Rob Moore, >> Greg Thompson and Bill Casey for >> reasons I already explained. These Maritime Stooges have properties to >> fill >> the bill of my Clan's needs. I will sue them along with my G.A.L., Bixby's >> law firm in Canada in order to seek some immediate relief from the wrongs. >> I love teasing hostile laymen with a temper. >> Thus Wayne Easter and Greg Thompson will be a lot of fun in court. Ask >> the goddamned biblepounders Cardinal Law or Pat Robertson's song and dance >> man Johnny Never Been Good Ashcroft why I love to argue lawyers. Canadian >> lawyers should consider the following. Whereas the Crown stood with the >> USA and the Holy See against me it has caused the >> Queen to lose Sovereign Immunity in the USA on two counts. As soon as >> I crossed an international border with the former Governor General's >> blessings in hand and into a Yankee jail, all MPs should have paid >> attention. Instead they ignored the fact I was held under the charges of >> "other" before Clarkson made her last Speech from the Throne to >> allow the 38th Parliament to begin. J This is no conspiacy theory as >> liberal talk show hosts like to suggest. You are looking at hard copy of >> the proof of what I say is true. clearly before I went into the Yankee >> jail, I had notified many Canadian authorities and my Yankee lawyer etc >> that my US Mail to the Canadian Consulate in Boston had been blocked and >> directed elsewhere and that my Canadian Mail to the General Counsel of the >> RCMP >> had disappeared. That is Mail Fraud practised by two governments of two >> countries on the same day in order to cover up a conspiracy against me. >> The Canadian Consulate finally did come to visit me in

>> jail after a few days with prodding from my friends and relatives but my >> Yankee lawyer friend never did. The Canadian public servants were >> bearing hard copy of more false allegations that have since disappeared >> from the public record. I told the Consulate off and went back to my cell >> and said Bingo to myself. The nut of Sovereign Immunity in regards to the >> Crown, the Holy >> See and the USA was cracked not once but twice in October of 2004. >> You hold the proof in your hands. Call me crazy and put it in writing >> in fact, I Double Dog Dare Ya To. In closing I confess I have no false >> illusions. Any man with half a mind has understood for years why I must >> prosecute matters Pro Se. Ethical lawyers and politicians do not exist. >> They created the >> myth called Justice to suit their own selfish ends. I have no doubt >> whatsoever the weight of a corrupt justice system will try hard to smother >> my complaints. I expect all you to maintain standard operating procedure >> and ignore me as our government acts wrongfully on your behalf. I also >> know some common men like me will not. Some of us vote and invest money >> too. Some of us know our rights and interests are bought and sold on >> Yankee stock markets everyday for the benefit of >> crooks that ignore the public trust. Some of us are broke and can't vote >> but are fierce political animals when the evils of longstanding >> governments are insufferable. It is not only our right but it is our duty >> to do so. I also know that many Canadians were raised to Hate War and are >> proud that much of the World recognizes us as Peacekeepers. Even the dumb >> as a post Stevey Boy Harper, a Canadian lapdog of the Yankee moron, George >> W. >> Bush and the Yankee Norfolk County Sheriff and his equally dumb Deputy >> Dog, Robert F. O'Meara must know at least that. >> Cya'll in Court J >> >> >> Veritas Vincit >> >>

>> David Raymond Amos >> >> >> PO Box 234 >> >> >> Apohaqui, NB E5P 3G2 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Feel free to call! Free PC-to-PC calls. Low rates on PC-to-Phone. >> Get Yahoo! Messenger with Voice >> >> >> >> -------------------------------->> How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call >> rates. >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. >> >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. >> >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it >> now. >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! >> Search. >> >> >

> > > > > > >

----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Winters" To: "David Amos" ; "fundytides" ; ; ; "Brookes.Merritt" ; "terry.seguin" ; "Edith. Cody-Rice" ; "dan.ahlstrand" ; "dan. bussieres" ; ; ; "kelly. lamrock" "John.DeWinter" ; "John. Foran" ; "Edmonton Castledowns" ; "edmonton.highlandsnorwood" ; "edmonton.riverview" ; "edmonton.calder" ; "edmonton.centre" ; "edmonton.strathcona" ; ; "dean" ; "Harris. J" ; "IgnatM" ; "LaytoJ" ; "Duceppe. G" ; "shawn. graham" ; "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)" ; "secord" ; ; "nb. premier" ; ; "tony" Cc: ; ; ; "tracy" ; ;

Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 9:19 AM Subject: Re: Yo Kelly Baby Lamrock Mr Baconfat says Bernie Madoff is not justanother evil Zionist like him? DO YOU?

> Be advised that all of David Raymond Amos' e communications are infected > with spyware, malware and viruses. That includes all his attachments and > links. > > CSE reccomends that ALL recipients of E communications from Mr. Amos > block his messages. Be also advised that Mr. Amos is currantly under > investigation by the RCM Police and there are currant outstanding warrants

> for his arrest in the US > ----- Original Message ----> From: "David Amos" > To: "fundytides" ; ; > ; "Brookes.Merritt" > ; "terry.seguin" ; > "Edith. Cody-Rice" ; "dan.ahlstrand" > ; "dan. bussieres" > ; ; > ; "kelly. lamrock" "John.DeWinter" > ; "John. Foran" ; > "Edmonton Castledowns" ; > "edmonton.highlandsnorwood" ; > "edmonton.riverview" ; > "edmonton.calder" ; "edmonton.centre" > ; "edmonton.strathcona" > ; ; "dean" > ; "Harris. J" ; "IgnatM" > ; "LaytoJ" ; "Duceppe. G" > ; "shawn. graham" ; "Eidt, > David (OAG/CPG)" ; "secord" ; > ; "nb. premier" ; > ; "tony" > Cc: "Barry Winters" ; ; > ; ; "tracy" > ; ; > Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 10:24 PM > Subject: Yo Kelly Baby Lamrock Mr Baconfat says Bernie Madoff is not > justanother evil Zionist like him? DO YOU? > > > > > Remember this blog of yours about my family? Well I know who Mayor > Samson's lawyer is. Do you pussy? It did not surprise me that your > fellow bloggers such as Danny Boy Fitzgerald, Byron Prior, Richy Baby > Harris and the French bastard Chucky Lenlanc sided with you and > against my family and I. I am rather accustomed to greedy people and > their malice. However you do take the cake when it comes to blogger > with no balls. At least these very nasty Maritimers have balls enough > to have names and perhaps they will have the sand to argue in court > someday Pro Se. I doubt that any lawyer will even defend your > publication hence you have no name N'esy Pas? > > You know as well as I that not one politician, cop or lawyer on the > planet will argue the documents in the attched email so you must > falsely claim to all that my emails have bugs in the hope that folks > won't check it out. The sad part is many people have and quite simply

> don't dare to dispute it EH Kelly Baby Lamrock? > > > From: Barry Winters > Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 08:49:46 -0600 > Subject: Re: Mayor Samson thanx for your response Perhaps you should > study this email rather closely and have a wise lawyer call me ASAP > EH? > To: David Amos > > Friday, July 24, 2009 > The proof is in! > > MaxsBloodyUnderpants (9 hours ago) > Remove Block User > > david raymond amos is the father of his grandaughter reaghan,,,he had sex > with his daughter laura,,,no one else wanted to fuck that fat smelly bitch > Posted by Seren at 7:47 AM 0 comments > > ----- Original Message ----> From: "David Amos" > To: ; "dean Ray" ; "Barry > Winters" ; "Byron Prior" ; > "danadurf" ; "Richard Harris" > ; ; "webo" > ; "Nicholson. R" ; "abel. > leblanc" ; "dominic. leblanc" > ; "Cy. LEBLANC" ; > "Ignatieff. M" ; ; "Jack - M.P. > Layton" > ; > Cc: ; "Dean.Buzza" > ; "Paulette. Delaney-Smith" > ; "MichaelB. Murphy" > ; "John. Foran" ; "vanlop1" > ; ; ; > > Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 8:42 AM > Subject: Mayor Samson thanx for your response Perhaps you should study > thisemail rather closely and have a wise lawyer call me ASAP EH? > > I will publish this email in my blog in a heatbeat and a Yankee Lady > journalist by the name of Mary Ann Hennen will be callling you today. > I am done trying to reason with crooks. It is high time for me to shut > up to sue the CROWN. For the public record I will post Youtubes of my > calls to your offices and the RCMP >

> Veitas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 07:21:14 -0700 (PDT) > Subject: Here is the interview that the French bastard Chucky Leblanc > could never get EH Richy Baby Harris? > To:,, Byron Prior > > Cc:, "William J. Wagener" > , > > Richy Baby I am so pissed off this morning after I read published ont > he Internet about my daughter and grandchild I wrote this in a hurry > and am suggesting she take up her concerns about the malicious sexual > harassment of her and her daughter with the RCMP ASAP because the > smiling bastards have ignored her mean old man way past too long. she > certainly should sue some people too. Methinks that one of them should > be you because you claimed that I diddled her CORRECT RICHY BABY? > > So here goes my FINAL EMAIL TO YOU BEFORE WE MEET IN COURT. Fuck the > pelling and grammer suffer through it warts and all. In answer to your > dumb question once again I will be somewhat redundant but elaborate > further. The reason I kept sending Byron Prior. Chucky Leblanc and you > all the same and so many emails recently from my son'r email account > as a doublcheck is because you dumb bastards had offended him too. > Furthemore as you well know the Feds have a bad habit of killing my > emails accounts to I sent them to Werner Bock and others in the the > BCC line and blogged some of them as well so that they could never > totally dissapper. > > Anyone with half a mind can see that I was setting up you pal Mr > Baconfat53 and all you dumb Maritime bloggers up as witnesses either > for or against me in several lawsuits against the CROWN. Now that the > economy is in a tailspin and many Yankees are beginning to understand > my Integrity I will make some more Youtubes create a new blog and file > against the Crown after my kids go back to the USA at the end of the > summer. If the corrupt cops finally have their way and managed to get > me locked up once again very illegally my son who is now over 18 has > every right to to pick up where I left off and sue all you smi ling > bastards in the USA as well as Canada. You do understand that my kids > are Canaian citiazens too??? > > For the record I had hopes that you little pricks in the Maritmes were > merely stupid but when you all showed me your nasty arses after Danny > Boy Fitzgerald and Mikey Archibald did I knew you all were just greedy

> little chickenshits with your own malicious agenda and did not mean > one single word you writes as you a lament about injustices. May I > suggest that now that you pal T.J. Burke is no longer the Attorney > General of the "Place To BE" that you save my material that I gave > last year around your birthday in July and bring it to court when I > summons you to tesity either for or against me. We have lots to argue > and I tried hard to explain it to you during your several visits to me > last summer EH pussy? > > > > Clearly your blogger buddy Mr Baconfat53 posted the link to it within > his latest blog about mean old me when he posted my lated email in a > hurry . Methinks that like you your Zionist hero was drinking way too > much last night and really should read befor he writes EH pussy? > > FYI Werner Bock and the Yankee lady Mary Ann Hennen witht he TV show > in Long Island in New York on the phone to Chucky Leblanc's old buddy > the politcal lawyer and liberal Justice critic Dominic Leblanc. We all > know that malicious liberal will never do his job. Don't we???. I gave > you the documents he received and his liberal lawyer buddy on PEI shan > Murphy answered almost immediately in the spring of 2006. methinks > that his had long enough to take advisement from his lawyers What say > you pussy? All this bulshit went down years after I was bannished from > the Leg while running in the election of the 38th Parlaiment. Only > after I ran for a seat in the 39th Parliament in Fat Fred City against > your nasty little buddy Andy Baby Scot whose sneaky little wifey is > now the excutive director of the the liberal Party in the "The Place > To BE" did the liberals truly show their malicous colours and the big > yellow stripe up their back while Harper sent the GRC dudes > with the Yellow stripes on their pants against me old me. > > Mary Ann Hennen would like to encounter Chucky Leblanc and many of his > cohorts in Fat Fred City and ask them some tough questions about "The > Place to BE" for some Youtubes of her own and her TV Shos as well. > Need I say to hell with the CBC??? > > Call me crazy if you wish Richy Baby but at the very least you can > never deny that you truly pissed me for no good reason after I tried > to help you with your concerns about injustice. The obvious question > is WHY? Save your answer for court if you do not have the ball to > answer this email. > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > > P.S. Tell Chucky Baby that he and his "Ironhore" of a lawyer name ED > should study every word of your pals blog and pick sides ASAP. Now

> that he has got the boot from the cabinet Methinks that YOUR T.J. > Burke would not be a good horse to bet on against me inn Federal Court > What say you Richy Baby Harris stilll wish to continue to call me > crazy or pedophile like your evil buddies do? Methinks that you owe my > farmer friend Werner Bock an apology too. However you are not man > enough to do so. Are ya whimpy? > > > > > > > > > > > > Sort out the truth from fiction yourself Richy Baby. You will hear no > more from mean old me until we meet again in person. How dare you call > me a fucking pedophile. > > The anti, anti Freemason, anti, anti Israel, and anti blog, blog > > An option to blog stupidity > > Friday, July 24, 2009 > > David Raymond Amos.....Pedophile and retard > > David Raymond Amos when he isn't fucking his kids... harasses > bureaucrats, small Alberta town councils, politicians and stalks > individuals, like Ray Dean > > David Raymond Amos pedophile sent this to me...he called it "Hello from > Sylvan" > > I guess Mr.Amos being a rapist and pedophile doesn't recognize the > concept of ...rejection. > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: Robert Samson > Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 20:39:03 -0600 > Subject: Hello from Sylvan > To: David Amos > > Hello David: > I got your phone message and returned your call, but there was no > answer. Ilooked at you emails and I'm not sure what your point is. I

> have received emails from Dean Ray and they are rambling and abusive > and so I have him blocked from accessing my email. If there is a > specific issue that you feel requires my attention, please feel free > to email me. > Thank you > Susan Samson.. > > Dean Ray and David Amos...insane Bobsey Twins > > > Posted by Seren at 6:01 AM 0 comments > > > From: Barry Winters > Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 08:49:46 -0600 > Subject: Re: Mayor Samson thanx for your response Perhaps you should > study this email rather closely and have a wise lawyer call me ASAP > EH? > To: David Amos > > Friday, July 24, 2009 > The proof is in! > > MaxsBloodyUnderpants (9 hours ago) > Remove Block User > > > david raymond amos is the father of his grandaughter reaghan,,,he had sex > with his daughter laura,,,no one else wanted to fuck that fat smelly bitch > Posted by Seren at 7:47 AM 0 comments > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 13:28:26 -0300 > Subject: FYI Protective Services Department Sylvan Lake Phone: 403 > 887-1136 > To:,, dean Ray > , "Dean.Buzza" , > "Paulette. Delaney-Smith" , > "" , > vanlop1 , "Gilles. Blinn" > , Barry Winters , > danadurf , > Cc: webo , "Ignatieff. M" , > "" , "Duceppe. G" >

> > > > imbackteslacoils2001 > Susan Smason should not use a Hells Angels drug dealing biker as her > representative not to smart but this helps! > > imbackteslacoils2001 > A guy by the name of Brandon. The Rival taxi company used the same > colors breaking their own bylaws and showed they had the town > counsilors protecting them and just like Amos here they are drug > dealers. > > imbackteslacoils2001 > The corruption in Sylvan Lake goes as high as the mayor. Police > removed my registration and sticker off my license plate. I took on a > taxi job and almost immediately found that the town council slapped on > bylaws that run off the other cab drivers I worked for then a > provocateur was hired that harrassed me. > > DavidRaymondAmos > Perhaps everyone and in particular the Canaian lawyers speaking for > the kid in this video should compare the words and the Youtubes of > Dean Roger Ray aka Dirty Dicky Dean to decide who is a disinfo agent > working with the RCMP and who is not It is he who is pals with > baconfat53 and the Feds not I It is I who ran for public office four > times in Canada after Yankees attempted to take me to the questionable > prison pictured above after winning 4 judgements in lawsuits involving > the US Treasury Dept > > imbackteslacoils2001 > When will these crimes against Canadians be acknowledged. RCMP have > denied gangstalking does not exist when confronted! Provocateurs > intimidate bosses so the victims can never go to work and make plans > for normal lives! > > imbackteslacoils2001 > RCMP covered up crimes of cyberstalkers one is David Raymond Amos. > They continue to use provocateurs on jobs taking away jobs! They > threaten our lives another one is platooncomander. > > imbackteslacoils2001 > I was loyal to my country never questioned anything until CSIS > gangstalked me! RCMP denied the torture and refused to help my family > during a crisis claiming jurisdiction! imbackteslacoils2001 (4 hours > ago) Comment removed by author >

----- Original Message ----From: "Barry Winters" To: "David Amos" ; ; "Brookes.Merritt" ; "terry.seguin" ; "Edith. Cody-Rice" ; "dan.ahlstrand" ; "dan. bussieres" ; ; ; "kelly. lamrock" ; ; "John.DeWinter" ; "John. Foran" ; "Edmonton Castledowns" ; "edmonton.highlandsnorwood" ; "edmonton.riverview" ; "edmonton.calder" ; "edmonton.centre" ; "edmonton.strathcona" ; ; "dean" ; "tracy" ; ; "Harris. J" ; ; "IgnatM" ; "LaytoJ" ; "Duceppe. G" ; ; ; ; "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)" ; "secord" ; ; "nb. premier" ; ; "tony" ; ; "William J. Wagener" ; "kentp" ;

Cc: ; "splitting_the_sky" ; ; Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:00 PM Subject: Re: The killing of David Amos and his "family" would be....pesticide???

> To all of Mr. Amos' addressees; be advised that all Mr. Amos' e > communications are infected with viruses and spyware. Also be advised that > Google, FaceBook Twitter, several internet providers and most specifically > You Tube. designate all his e communications as spam > ----- Original Message ----> From: "David Amos" > To: ; "Brookes.Merritt" > ; "terry.seguin" ; > "Edith. Cody-Rice" ; "dan.ahlstrand" > ; "dan. bussieres" > ; ; > ; "kelly. lamrock" ;

> ; "John.DeWinter" ; > "John. Foran" ; "Edmonton Castledowns" > ; "edmonton.highlandsnorwood" > ; "edmonton.riverview" > ; "edmonton.calder" > ; "edmonton.centre" > ; "edmonton.strathcona" > ; ; "dean" > ; "tracy" ; > ; "Harris. J" ; > ; "IgnatM" ; "LaytoJ" > ; "Duceppe. G" ; > ; ; ; "Eidt, > David (OAG/CPG)" ; "secord" ; > ; "nb. premier" ; > ; "tony" ; > ; "William J. Wagener" > ; "kentp" ; > > Cc: ; ; "splitting_the_sky" > ; ; > > Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 12:15 PM > Subject: Re: The killing of David Amos and his "family" would > be....pesticide??? > > > WOW Stupid truly is as Stupid Does EH Mr Toews our latest Minister of > Public Safety? > > Please tell me ASAP why you don't care about the well being of my Clan? > > > > Thursday, February 18, 2010 > Not murder....pesticide! > > The assassination in Dubai was hardly murder. It was akin to what the > killing David Amos and his "family" would be....pesticide! > > Oh my my where are are Barry Baby? You are drowning in your own > bullshit. lets just say I wanna watch you go down for the last count. > Be careful whilst cleaning that nice 9mm of you brag of so often. As I > have say before you are more than dumb enough to shoot yourself in the > foot while it is in your mouth. Never forget I describes myself as a > sort of Forest Gumb character and that you can't fool me because I am > too stupid. On the otherhand a dumb maritimer played you like a fiddle > and YOU are the one who forever proves the "Stupid Is As Stupid Does"

> not I. Way out west and even in New Brunswick crazy people can be > forgiven almost anything even to the piont of cutting of heads and > eating innars etc It seems that crazy is some sort of strange excuse > much to the chagrin of your former Newfy blogging butt buddy Byron > Prior correct? Tell me will be your excuses and that of Dean Roger Ray > and Dana Durnford for all your death threats and sexual harrassment > etcetc ??? Naw let me guess. > > You know as well as I that I have called many people and discussed you > sick wackos over the course of the past year. hell you proved to for > me many far as i can gather you never worked at the U of A > under the name you use in your blog. If you have nobody will admit it > and you are not mentioned in any of the U of A documents EVER. > Furthermore you definitely did slam a Jewish Mayor and saw it is > published in a Neo Nazi website too boot. That fact alone makes you a > confusing character indeed. > > At least you are clearly a drunken spin doctor for Zionists and nobody > likes you not even a little bit. I suspect that your latest rants > caused you to lose all your friends even zionists should distance > themselves from you now. Wanna know why? Sure I'll tell ya but not for > your benefit because you will bullshit about it anyway. I tell it for > the benefit of the people that read my work after you smiling bastards > do your worst with it. You make it real real easy to convince people > something is very wrong with this picture. I thank you for that. There > is nothing more righteous making evil people fall on their own swords. > Yes the pen is mightier than the sword. > > RE; Zionists, Mossad, bankers, the Wall street Journal and "WET JOBS" > > FYI Mr Baconfat amongst your spam you sent everyone an email > containing this name William Zabel. I bet you don't even know who he > is. However I obviously introduced you to him again EH pussy? Here is > your clue he is the unamed lawyer for the zionist at the bottom of his > pool that is mentioned in the WSJ article about a MURDER. > > "A lawyer for Mr. Madoff wasn't reached for comment." > > I read that last and I went "POOF" for a bit. > > In January you bragged that you jettted back from Palestine (the poor > occupied state overrun by many a murderous zionist who enjoy killing > kids on bikes only in training for the Olympics) You tell the world I > am DEAD as you brag about the malevolent doings of the Mossad? Wow. > Lets just say you jerked my chain in January and made yourself far too > easy for me to put the screws to. I am enjoyed twisting them in real > slow. >

> > > Jeffry Picower, a longtime friend of Bernard Madoff and a figure who > had been under scrutiny in the criminal investigation surrounding Mr. > Madoff's fraud scheme, died on Sunday in Palm Beach, Fla., according > to police. > > The Palm Beach Police Department said they responded to a 9-1-1 call > just after noon Sunday from a woman who said she had just found her > husband at the bottom of their swimming pool. Mr. Picower, 67 years > old, was brought to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead. > > Accountant Jeffry Picower, shown in 2002, and a foundation run by his > wife made $7.2 billion in profits from investing with Bernard Madoff > since the 1970s, according to court documents. Mr. Picower denied that > he knowingly profited from the Ponzi scheme. > .Marcia Horowitz, a spokeswoman for the Picower family, said Mr. > Picower "had been in poor health." In addition to suffering from > Parkinson's disease, he also had "a number of heart-related medical > issues" for which he met regularly with cardiologists, she said. He is > survived by his wife, Barbara, and his daughter, Gabrielle. > > The police department said that it is conducting an investigation as > "standard operating procedure in any drowning." > > Mr. Picower, a billionaire, was one of several high-profile Madoff > investors initially viewed as victims of Mr. Madoff's fraud who was > later revealed to be among the biggest beneficiaries of it, having > booked billions of dollars in profits. Federal prosecutors at the U.S. > attorney's office in Manhattan are looking into whether Mr. Picower or > several other longtime Madoff associates had knowledge of or > complicity in the fraud, people familiar with the matter have said. > Mr. Picower has not been charged with wrongdoing. > > A court-appointed trustee recovering assets for Madoff victims alleged > that Mr. Picower knew or should have known of the fraud because he > requested -- and received -- outsized gains for his accounts. > > The trustee has leveled similar charges against other longtime > investors. For many victims of the fraud, the lawsuits represent the > best chance they have to recoup some of their losses. Collectively, > Madoff investors lost a total of $18 billion from the fraud, the > trustee said recently. > > The Picowers made $7.2 billion in profits from investing with Mr. > Madoff since the 1970s, according to court documents filed by the > trustee, Irving Picard. >

> In a lawsuit seeking the return of Mr. Picower's profits, the trustee > said the Picowers had two dozen accounts with Mr. Madoff and received > annual returns of more than 100% in 14 instances. He alleged that Mr. > Picower or an employee would request that certain gains be > "backdated." > > A lawyer for Mr. Picower denied the allegations, saying Mr. Picower no > knowledge of fraud until after Mr. Madoff was arrested last year. The > Picowers "were not perpetuating Madoff's Ponzi scheme by withdrawing > billions of dollars from their [Madoff] accounts," the lawyer wrote in > a court filing that attempted to dismiss the trustee's lawsuit. "If > anything, such large withdrawals would have placed an extraordinary > strain on the scheme." > > On Sunday, Ms. Horowitz, the family spokeswoman, said "progress was > being made toward a settlement with the Madoff trustee." David > Sheehan, a lawyer for the trustee, said there had been talks with Mr. > Picower's lawyers but it was unclear whether a settlement would have > been reached. "We will pursue the litigation with the same vigor > irrespective of Mr. Picower's passing," Mr. Sheehan said. > > A Bronx, N.Y., native, Mr. Picower earned a bachelor's degree from > Pennsylvania State University, a master's in business from Columbia > University and a law degree from Brooklyn Law School, according to > public records and former colleagues. In addition to philanthropy and > accounting work, Mr. Picower led buyouts of health-care and technology > companies. > > Mr. Madoff made regular visits to the Picower Foundation's office, and > the Picowers would speak about traveling with the Madoffs to Florida > for the weekend, Regina Mylan, who helped oversee the Picower > Foundation's grants earlier this decade, said in an interview earlier > this year. > > "They identified with them," she said. "They both came from modest > backgrounds." A lawyer for Mr. Madoff wasn't reached for comment. > > With a recommendation from Mr. Madoff, more than 20 years ago the > Picowers succeeded in buying a co-op apartment at an exclusive > Manhattan apartment building on Park Avenue, a longtime building > resident said. > > Write to Amir Efrati at > > "Standard operating procedure in any drowning" > > Interesting statement >

> So tell me Mr "all knowing" Zionist Did Mossad make a joke out of > doing a wet job to send a message to other nervous crooks? When I read > that BULLSHIT in the WSJ and figured it best to fall off the radar for > awhile at least until the Russians sat up and paid attention that is. > (: FYI I can't swim very well these day but I still float quite well > n'esy Pas? :) As you well know I proved to many they who I am. That is > a simply a very Proud Canadian who love his children is too dumb to > know fear. As you say I am no FED or a puppet for anyone. Thus I must > be crazy too CORRECT? > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > > P..S Before you don't bother to scroll down and review your madness > and my laments. Here is some more interesting news hot off the presses > for you to bullshit about today EH Mr Baconfat? > > Breaking: Small plane 'intentionally' crashes into Austin, TX, > building with FBI, IRS, Echelon offices --Official: Pilot > intentionally hit Texas building --Two injuries reported, officials > say --199 IRS employees worked in building 18 Feb 2010 FAA officials > tell CNN the plane was a Piper Cherokee PA-28. A federal law > enforcement official tells CNN that they believe the plane belonged to > Joseph Andrew Stack. The Internal Revenue Service in Dallas, Texas, > told CNN that the building is a federal IRS outsourced building. It > said 199 of its employees work there. CLG: Federal Bureau of > Investigation: Austin Resident Office 9420 Research Blvd # Iii400, > Austin, TX; Echelon Holdings Ltd 9420 Research Boulevard, Austin, TX. > [Details forthcoming.] > > Breaking: Former Bush Homeland Security Pick Gets 4 Years In Prison 18 > Feb 2010 Former New York City police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, who > was hailed as a hero alongside former Mayor Rudy Giuliani after the > Sept. 11 terror attacks and nearly became chief of the U.S. Department > of Homeland Security [under George W. Bush], was sentenced to four > years behind bars Thursday for eight felonies. Kerik admitted in > November that he lied to the White House, filed false taxes and > committed other crimes. "The fact that Mr. Kerik would use that event > (9/11) for personal gain and aggrandizement is a dark place in the > soul for me," said federal Judge Stephen Robinson. > > 'All the evidence points to a hit ordered by Tel Aviv.' Dubai points > finger at Mossad over Hamas assassination 18 Feb 2010 Officials in > Dubai have all but given up hope of catching the killers of Mahmoud > al-Mabhouh after admitting that Mossad is its prime suspect. Even if > the assassins were somehow identified, the United Arab Emirates has no > diplomatic relations with Israel, let alone judicial co-operation > agreements. Dubai police have never ruled Mossad out of their

> investigation but have stopped short of accusing Israel’s spy agency > directly until now. However, with at least seven of the eleven named > suspects in the case now revealed to have used the stolen identities > of Israelis with dual nationalities, officials in the Gulf state > concede that all the evidence points to a hit ordered by Tel Aviv. > > WHO: Add swine flu to regular flu vaccine 18 Feb 2010 The World > 'Health' Organization is recommending that swine flu be added to the > regular flu vaccine next season. WHO said in a statement Thursday that > it held a meeting this week to decide which flu strains should be > recommended to drug makers for their vaccines during the northern > hemisphere's next flu season, which begins in the fall. > > From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 19:19:05 -0300 > Subject: Robin give this lady a call she may be of some assistance to > you getting the word out. I already talked to her about you > To: Robin Reid > Cc: > > Edmonton Street News > 9566-106 A Avenue > Edmonton, Alberta T5H0S9 > Phone: (780) 428-0805 > Email: > Website: > Founded: November 2003 > Frequency of Publication: Monthly > Per Issue Circulation: 2,500 > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 18:46:58 -0300 > Subject: Thanx Linda > To: Linda > > I know of what you speak but if what was foretold were true about mean > old me then I would be one of the dudes to break the mold when it > comes to being a Rainbow Warrior or whatever. I am very ethical but > very fierce. A faintheart never won a fair lady so to speak. That said > I believe you sensed that we were kindred spirits of sorts and that I > was more than happy to have crossed paths with you. > > FYI the next day after you and I had talked this lady Ms. Powers > called from the Deputy Minister's office and could not be any nicer > if she tried. However she told me that they received no email from me > and I affirmed it was true because I saw that I was being blocked and > had even discussed the reason why with an honest IT guy in another

> Crown Corp (He un blocked me). Anyway ms Powers asked for my mails > again and did receive and discuss them with me (this just one of the > emails) > > I doubt that she will do anything with the info that they have known > for years but I wondered why the Feds were being so nice all of a > sudden. Then I heard the news about her new Minister leaving some > papers behind and I just laughed at the nonsense of it all. You > deserve to chuckle too. > > Best Regards > Dave > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos > Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 16:54:13 -0300 > Subject: Fwd: Remember Me Gary Lunn? Your former Deputy Minister and > her underlings in the National Energy Board are still playing dumb > To: > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos > Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 19:20:44 -0300 > Subject: Remember Me Gary Lunn? Your former Deputy Minister and her > underlings in the National Energy Board are still playing dumb > To:, > Cc: stoffp1 , "jack. keir" , > Mohawk Nation News , "" > , Richard Harris > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos > Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 19:08:03 -0300 > Subject: I just called again I was curious as to how you were going to > get back to me without asking for my INFO? > To: > > This info about my whereabouts is no longer acurate > > > > However this info is up to date CORRECT? > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> From: David Amos > Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 13:48:28 -0300 > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S > SDNY > To:,,, >,, >,,, > "" , "jonathan.dean" > , tucker , >,, > > Cc:,,, >,, "" > , "rick.hancox" , "Fred. > Pretorius" , "Dean.Buzza" > , vanlop1 , >,, >,, "Andrew. Krystal" > , Richard Harris > , "" > > > What kind of strange game is the US Justice Dept and the SEC playing > with me now Mr Litt? Rest assured I won't play it and many people know > that I never would Even though the corporate media won't talk about my > concerns about your actions, others certainly do. > > Here is just one example that still exists on the net. Even though > Danny Boy Fitzgerald hates this mean old Maritimer, at least > understands the meaning of the term Integrity and detests you people > more. I am merely wondering how much longer his blog will exist. You > know why EH T.J. Burke? > > > > You dudes know as well as I that my concerns are far greater that mere > matters of money and Bernie Madoff. Perhaps you should talk to your > associates in the RCMP and the INTERPOL ASAP Clearly I am trying hard > to make the whole world know about my concerns about the Feds' severe > lack of integrity EH H. David Kotz? > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: USANYS-MADOFF > Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 10:40:12 -0400 > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US

> ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY > To: David Amos > > -----Original Message----> From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS) > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 9:21 AM > To: David Amos; USANYS-MADOFF; Litt, Marc (USANYS) > Cc: webo;;; > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY > > Thank you for your response. > > Wendy Olsen > Victim Witness Coordinator > > -----Original Message----> From: David Amos [] > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:48 AM > To: USANYS-MADOFF; Olsen, Wendy (USANYS); Litt, Marc (USANYS) > Cc: webo;;; > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY > > Ms Olsen > > Thank you for keeping me informed. > > Yes unseal all my emails with all their attachments immediately and > make certain that the US Attorny's office finally practices full > disclosurement as to who I am and what my concerns are as per the Rule > of Law within a purported democracy. > > As you folks all well know I am not a shy man and I have done nothing > wrong. It appears to me that bureacratic people only use the right to > privacy of others when it suits their malicious ends in order to > protect their butts from impreacment, litigation and prosecution. > > The people in the US Attorney's Office and the SEC etc are very well > aware that I protested immediately to everyone I could think of when > the instant I knew that my correspondences went under seal and Madoff > pled guilty so quickly and yet another cover up involing my actions > was under full steam. Everybody knows that.the US Government has been > trying to keep my concerns about the rampant public corruption a > secret for well over seven long years. However now that a lot of > poeple and their countries in general are losing a lot of money people > are beginning to remember just exactly who I am and what i did > beginning over seven years ago..

> > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > 506 756 8687 > > P.S. For the record Obviously I pounced on these Yankee bastards as > soon as the newsrag in Boston published this article on the web last > night. > > > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#articleFull > > Notice that Nester just like everyone else would not say my name? It > is because my issues surrounding both Madoff and are NOT marketi ng > timing They are as you all well know money laundering, fraud, > forgery, perjury, securites fraud, tax fraud, Bank fraud, illegal > wiretappping and Murder amongst other very serious crimes. > > "SEC spokesman John Nester dismissed similarities between Markopolos > and Scannell's cases as "not a valid comparison." > > He said the SEC determined the market-timing by Putnam clients that > Scannell reported didn't violate federal law. Nester said the SEC only > acted after another tipster alleged undisclosed market-timing by some > Putnam insiders. > > Scannell, now a crusader for SEC reforms, isn't surprised the agency > is in hot water again. > > Noting that several top SEC officials have gone on to high-paying > private-sector jobs, he believes hopes for future employment impact > investigations. "It's a distinct disadvantage to make waves before you > enter the private sector," Scannell said." > > --- On Mon, 3/30/09, David Amos wrote: > > From: David Amos > Subject: Fwd: USANYS-MADOFF IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S > OFFICE SDNY > To:,, "oig" > ,,, >, "Dan Fitzgerald" > Cc:,, >,, >,, >, > Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 10:00 PM >

> Need I say BULLSHIT? > > > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#articleFull > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos > Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 00:03:13 -0300 > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S > OFFICE > SDNY > To:,, >, > Cc:, >,, jacques_poitras > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:40:55 -0300 > Subject: Fwd: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY > To:, MartiK1 , > "Paul. Harpelle" , Jason Keenan > , Kandalaw > Cc:, > > From: "Peck,Dave" > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 22:32:32 -0400 > Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT > INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY > To: David Amos > > I will be unavailable until 4/1/09. > > Deputy Chief MacNamara will be in charge while I am away. > > He can be reached at 254-4831 or email him at > > > I will not be checking emails or cell phone messages. > > Thank you, > > Chief Dave Peck > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> From: David Amos > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:32:18 -0300 > Subject: Fwd: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY > To:,, > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:19:35 -0300 > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY > To: > > -----Original Message----> From: USANYS-MADOFF > Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:06 PM > To: DAVID.RAYMOND.AMOS@GMAIL.COM > Subject: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY > > In United States v. Bernard L. Madoff, 09 Cr. 213 (DC), the Court > received a request from NBC and ABC to unseal all correspondence from > victims that has been submitted in connection with the case. This > includes your email to the Government. If the correspondence from > victims is unsealed, the victim's personal identifying information > including name, address, telephone number and email address (to the > extent it was included on the correspondence) will become public. The > Government must submit a response to the request by NBC and ABC by > Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Please let us know whether you consent to > the full disclosure of your correspondence, or whether you wish to > have your correspondence remain sealed for privacy or other reasons. > If you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed, please let us > know the reason. We will defend your privacy to the extent that we > can. Thank you. > > I looks like the US attorney in New York finally has to unseal my > emails that you dudes have been sitting on for quite some time for no > reason I will ever understand other than you are just a bunch of > chickenshits. > > I know NBC, ABC, your blogger buddies or any other media wacko will > never say my name but the pissed off folks that lost a lot of money > with Bernie Baby just may ask how the hell I am EH? > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > > >

> > From: David Amos > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:48:50 -0300 > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me > To: > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:29:42 -0300 > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me > To: > Cc: webo > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)" > Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 19:08:04 -0400 > Subject: RE: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me > To: > > On March 10, 2009, the Honorable Denny Chin provided the following > guidance for victims who wish to be heard at the plea proceeding on > March 12, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.: > > Judge Chin stated that there are two issues that the Court will > consider at the hearing: (1) whether to accept a guilty plea from the > defendant to the eleven-count Criminal Information filed by the > Government, which provides for a maximum sentence of 150 years' > imprisonment; and (2) whether the defendant should be remanded or > released on conditions of bail, if the Court accepts a guilty plea. > Judge Chin also stated that, at the hearing on March 12, 2009, he will > conduct a plea allocution of the defendant and then will announce > whether the Court intends to accept the plea. At that time, the Court > will solicit speakers who disagree with the Court's intended ruling. > > Assuming the defendant pleads guilty and his plea is accepted by the > Court, the Court intends to allow the Government and defense counsel > to speak on the issue of bail. The Court will then announce its > intended ruling on that issue. The Court will then invite individuals > who disagree with the proposed ruling on bail to be heard. > > The Court noted that there will be opportunity for victims to be > heard in the future on the subjects of sentencing, forfeiture and > restitution in advance of any sentencing of the defendant. The Court > also noted that it is not appropriate for victims who wish to speak > concerning sentencing issues to be heard at the March 12, 2009

> proceeding. > > A link to the a transcript of the March 10, 2009 Court hearing can > be > found on the website of the United States Attorney's Office for the > Southern District of New York: > > > > > -----Original Message----> From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS) > Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:56 AM > To: > Subject: FW: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me > > > -----Original Message----> From: David Amos [] > Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 12:58 PM > To:; Nardoza, Robert (USANYE); > USAMA-Media (USAMA); Olsen, Wendy (USANYS) > Cc: oig > Subject: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG > etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: "Sartory, Thomas J." > Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 07:41:20 -0500 > Subject: RE: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails > To: > > > Dear Mr. Amos, > > I am General Counsel at Goulston & Storrs. Your email below to > Messers. Rosensweig and Reisch has been forwarded to me for response. > While it's not clear what type of assistance, if any, you seek from > Goulston % Storrs, please be advised that we are not in a position to > help you. Please do not send further communications to any of our > attorneys. We will not be able to respond, and your communications > will not be protected by the attorney-client privilege. > > We wish you well in the pursuit of your concerns.

> > Sincerely, > > Thomas J. Sartory > > -----Original Message----> From: David Amos [mailto: > Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:18 PM > To: Rosensweig, Richard J.;; Reisch, Alan M.; > > Subject: Fwd: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails > > Perhaps somebody should call me back now. EH? (506 756 8687) > > > On 2/17/10, Barry Winters wrote: >> Oh Dear you are pathetic. The letter to the editor was a valid and later >> agreed to opinion by several readers. And I can not help if some one else >> quotes it.. >> >> And NO David did NOT call the U of A now or three years ago >> because >> it is against policy for any employment information to be given over the >> phone ever.... Nice try David. I guess that proves that you are >> pathological liar > >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: "David Amos" >> To: ; "Brookes.Merritt" >> ; "terry.seguin" ; >> "Edith. Cody-Rice" ; "dan.ahlstrand" >> ; "dan. bussieres" >> ; >> ; ; "kelly. lamrock" >> ; ; "John.DeWinter" >> ; "John. Foran" ; >> "Edmonton >> Castledowns" ; >> "edmonton.highlandsnorwood" ; >> "edmonton.riverview" ; >> "edmonton.calder" >> ; "edmonton.centre" >> ; "edmonton.strathcona" >> ; ; "dean" >> ; "tracy" ; >> ; >> "Harris. J" ; ;

>> "IgnatM" ; "LaytoJ" ; "Duceppe. G" >> ; ; ; "shawn. >> graham" ; "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)" >> ; >> "secord" ; ; "nb. premier" >> ; ; "tony" >> ; ; "William J. Wagener" >> >> Cc: "kentp" ; ; "Barry Winters" >> >> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 10:43 PM >> Subject: I have called several offices and nobody has ever heard of a >> "Barry >> Winters" working in the University of Alberta however >> >> >> I do see his BULLSHIT posted in a Neo Nazi webpage putting down a >> Jewish Mayor. Go figure EH Mr far from Ethical anti semite Zionist? >> >> >> >> Cydonia02-01-2009, 10:56 PM >> $1 Billion for homeless housing? >> >> Seems our Mayor’s Committee wants us to spend $1 on the homeless in >> Edmonton. You want me to pay taxes for what? :mad:For about 2500 >> people. Let’s do the math. That is $400,000 per person of taxpayers >> dollars you want to spend. What are you paying for? Gold faucets? >> Diamond encrusted lamps? How can you even think of spending $400,000 >> per person? My family’s housing, which we haven’t yet quite finished >> paying our long painful mortgage, factored for children, costs about >> $50,000 per person, not $400,000. >> >> Reader Barry Winters writes, “$1 billion to provide housing units for >> alcoholics, drug abusers, folks who can’t or won’t hold a job, or who >> won’t keep a housing unit in proper order.” >> >> Asked if it bothered him, if participants will drink alcohol and use >> illegal drugs in city-owned or supported units, our beloved Jewish >> Mayor replied, “No.” >> >> Please don’t spend other people’s money Mr. Mayor. And I add, why >> should I have to pay for someone’s else’s house? Get a damned job. >> :crazy >> >> >>

>> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: Barry Winters >> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 22:25:23 -0700 >> Subject: Re: You asked Mr Baconfat On May 6th you pissed on son you >> don't know andmoaned "For two years I rode the bus here in Edmonton" >> To: David Amos >> >> Oh Dear since when taking transit to work (the U of A at that time) and >> having the wife drive the car is .....not driving for two years? Indeed >> all >> new vehicles require to be registered, insured, and licensed. >> >> David you are indeed >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: "David Amos" >> To: ; "Brookes.Merritt" >> ; "terry.seguin" ; >> "Edith. Cody-Rice" ; "dan.ahlstrand" >> ; "dan. bussieres" >> ; >> ; ; "kelly. lamrock" >> ; ; "John.DeWinter" >> ; "John. Foran" ; >> "Edmonton >> Castledowns" ; >> "edmonton.highlandsnorwood" ; >> "edmonton.riverview" ; >> "edmonton.calder" >> ; "edmonton.centre" >> ; "edmonton.strathcona" >> ; ; "dean" >> ; "tracy" ; >> ; >> "Harris. J" ; ; >> "IgnatM" ; "LaytoJ" ; "Duceppe. G" >> ; ; ; "shawn. >> graham" ; "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)" >> ; >> "secord" ; ; "nb. premier" >> ; ; "tony" >> ; ; "William J. Wagener" >> >> Cc: "kentp" ; ; "Barry Winters" >> >> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 10:19 PM >> Subject: You asked Mr Baconfat On May 6th you pissed on son you don't

>> know >> andmoaned "For two years I rode the bus here in Edmonton" >> >> >> WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2009 >> A song, thoughts, funny articles and observations ...the dirt dug by >> David Amos. >> Saturday, January 27, 2007"Its all about me"Mr. Paul N McCulloch once >> wrote this about Remembrance Day:Remembrence Day...Posted on >> 2004.11.11 at 12:25I for one HATE remembrance day. It is a day of >> Hypocracy.the overtmessege: Lest we forget, never again, etc... they >> push that war isterrible, look at what these people had to go through >> for your freedom,never let that happen again, honour them for their >> sacrifice. >> >> TheUnderlaying messege: Look at what these men went through for you? >> ifthe situation arose, you should go as well. They gave their lives >> foryou, we honour them for that, why won't you give your life when >> thetime comes? war is glorious, people who die in war are honoured >> fordecades to come. dying in war is heroic.We all see the overt >> messege,but the REAL messege is almost subliminal, we don't quite know >> it isthere, or if we do we mostly brish it off. I used to hate >> remembranceday services, i hated the damned poem in flanders fields >> for themindless repetitive ritual of it. Now i hate the day all >> together...for the hypocracy, and mindless repetitive ritual of it >> all. >> >> I wrote this to the young man. >> >> Mr. McCulloch, before you blaze up, and toke up this evening >> inpeaceful, tranquil bliss, please remember this:It is gratifying to >> receive all those appreciative messages backing ourforces in >> Afghanistan. The men at the sharp end.The Paras put it >> succinctly;"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night, because >> rough men standby to do violence on their behalf"(close quote Barry >> Winters) >> >> Twenty-five Canadians were murdered on 9/11. Dozens of aircraft, >> allpotential flying bombs were diverted to Canadian airfields, that >> day,each one a potential catastrophe.Canadian trade, Canadian markets >> and millions of Canadians livelihoods,their ability to feed their >> families was impacted by this very real act of war. >> >> This attack, strike, "cassus belli" was planned, co-ordinated,and >> launched by Al Quida from a failed state run for terrorist by >> theTaliban.Denying Afghanistan and other failed states to terrorists >> and thosethat have issued a fatwah and declared global jihad against >> us, is what will keep us all safe here at home. As surely as my

>> Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry and ParaRegimental >> forefathers fought and died to protect Canada in generations >> past.....our troops do the very same now. >> >> Whence, no girls and few boys attended school in Afghanistan, >> sixmillion boys and little girls attend school. Six million children >> witha future thanks to the sacrifice of Canada, Canadians and >> fightingCanadian soldiers.Your thoughts about "subliminal" and "overt >> message" bespeak of your very small world. >> >> Your world is all about you. An Alberta ranch boy, a cowboy, lied >> about his age in 1943 to join the Canadian Army and on June 6, 1944 >> Walter Clifford Winters and his brother Delbert Winters landed on Juno >> Beach. Your grandfather andgreat-uncle. They did so because ....their >> worlds were large. >> >> I have served. I have no time for people and folks for whom it is >> "allabout me".It is indeed a good thing that I have decided that we >> shall never meet,nor speak.God Bless our soldiers and our Battle >> Group.Posted by snipernco at 11:50 AM 0 commentsThursday, January 25, >> >> I wrote this humorous article , yet alas it has offended Little David" >> >> >> 2007Viva la difference....noWomen are from Venus, men are...regular. >> Men are happy. Men are welladjusted. Men are at peace. Men are >> regular.Women eat fibre every day. Concern themselves greatly with the >> cleanliness of the commode or facility. Hell, some of them turn on >> thebathroom faucet. >> >> They worry about their health, and the prepare for the moment. And >> after all of that.....women are still mal-adjusted and weird.On the >> other hand once a day "everday" a man goes into the "readin room", >> with a cupa coffee and twenty minutes later...the place smellslike a >> well enjoyed dump. Out walks a well adjusted well evacuated man. >> >> The late Dr. MacIntirethe first heart surgeon in Edmonto said it best. >> "A good cigar, a pairof shoes and a good BM 'everday'" >> >> >> PM 0 commentsWednesday, January 24, 2007Public Transit and >> retards!This morning for the first time in two years I started up my >> truck. Itis a new truck, newly purchased, registered and insured. It >> is a bigtruck. It is a big ole diesel Dodge 3/4 ton Alberta screw you >> greenfreaks truck. >> >> For two years I rode the bus here in Edmonton. The fare is hi gh, >> theschedules bad, too many drunks, ersatz disabled and retards. There

>> isNO reason any intelligent person in Edmonton would use public >> transitfor any reason.Last week it was -25C and at 6:15 PM on one of >> the city's busiestthoroughfares, I waited 23 minutes for a bus. During >> that time,three "sorry Out of Service buses trundled past and one "Out >> ofService" bus stopped and the driver raced out to the adjacent KFC >> forthe Tooney Tuesday special. >> >> No one in their right mind would use public transit if they had >> anoption. I can not recount how many times I have relinquished my >> seatfor a some old guy or gal with a "walker". Always this "walker" >> ispiled high with shopping and the person pushing the damned thing is >> healthier than I.Yes, there must be some disabled transit >> system....but these folks using the same system as the rest of public >> simply is not working. No one is going to leave their cars at home to >> take a bus, to stand sosome poor guy with a motorized apparatus the >> size of a Toyota trucktake the space of a dozen other folk. >> >> That is the simple truth. You have welfare mamas with prams the size >> of Volkswagen mowing folksdown, whilst their "little darlings" are >> screaming. If it isn'tthe "white trash" making your daily commute the >> "bus ride from Hell",it is the unwashed, stale beer infused Indian >> that just has to sitbeside you.Yes indeed, there is something >> egalitarian as hell about all this butNO ONE will pay to "save the >> planet" and leave their car at home, toenjoy this little slice of >> heaven. Nor should they!Then you have your "droolers" and "gobbers". >> >> Some years ago there weresome billboards. Prominently pictured was >> some mongoloid...with the caption, "my place is in the community with >> you." On the one bus route I used to take there was a couple of folks >> from a group home that regularly used this transit route. One would >> sit on the front seats and spit on the seat beside him...every day. >> There was the one, forty year old "young mother" with the toy doll in >> the pram she had on thebus ...every day. Whilst indeed their place is >> "in the community" it isnot on public transit.So now I am "drivin >> agin"! Why should I use public transit, or careabout "saving the >> planet" if the powers that be can't run publictransit in a >> business-like, efficient and manner that satisfies andserves the >> customer? >> >> January 23, 2007It's ten o"clock do you know where Granny is?It's ten >> PM and do you know where your granny or Mama is? Try the >> localMcDonald's, she may well be there drinking "senior's priced" >> coffee andtrying to get picked up! >> >> Have you been to McDonalds and watched the same seniors at 9 >> AMreturning at 10 PM to socialize, drink cheap coffee and probably >> getlaid? Screw going to the bar, church groups or even senior celibacy >> forthat matter! Just go to McDonalds swill coffee, free refills for

>> seniors, and engage in a "menage et fifteen or twenty"! >> >> Here in Edmonton when one patronizes those "golden arches" one does >> notgo to the can and leave their breakfast or Edmonton Sun >> unattended.Your hash browns and newspaper are long gone before you can >> get back.Once I did catch some obstreperous, obdurate and unrepentant >> geriatric thief in the act. She looked at me and said "what"? >> >> I love the peace of leaving the little lady and family asleep on >> Saturdays and hitting Rotten Ronnie's for breakfast and the >> week-endeditions of both the National Post and the Globe and Mail.So >> here I am at peace with the world and the Globe and Mail and this >> frail looking thief is reaching over my breakfast to snag my >> NationalPost. I look at the miscreant and say," excuse me, that is >> mine".This elderly Jabba the Hut looking guy looks at me and >> says,"that's allright I'll give it back to you when I'm done". >> >> I look at "Big Al" andsay, "OK gimme yer car keys, I'll give "em" back >> to ya when I'm done"!Gramps has no sense of humour!There is always the >> imperious lady butting herself in front of you inline, and tapping her >> soggy coffee cup on the counter saying, "refill"!They are never alone. >> >> They are all "ganged up"! Many of thewomen "dress" for the occasion. >> It is ten PM at McDonalds and there'sgranny in her best jewellery, her >> fur coat and a condom in her purse,humming to herself "I'm lovin it"! >> >> Posted by snipernco at 8:48 AM 0 comments"Ready aye ready"The motto of >> the Canadian Army is "ready aye ready"! At Lundy's Lane itwas first >> uttered when a young British officer asked a frightened southern >> Ontario farm boy if he were ready for the night engagement. >> >> TheCanadian Army has a wonderful lexicon of nicknames for it's >> regimentsThe Hasting and Prince Edward County Regiment are, The Hasty >> Pees. TheSeventh Toronto Field Artillery are Seven Gun...well you get >> theidea.It's all about pride ....Canadian Pride! I need Corb Lund now >> towrite some kick ass music for this >> >> To Lundy’s Lane Yankees came, a country to steal Nothin to stop them >> but farm boys with musket and cold steel The faint rattle of musketry >> over yon hill, came the enemy to killIn the line scared but steady, >> ready aye ready they criedThe invaders came, and came, by the score >> they died Forevermore in Canadian army lore Ready aye ready! >> >> Rocky Mountain Rangers, Lake Superior Snake Rapers, Hasty Pees >> andLoyal EddiesReady Aye Ready!From Prairie fields to Flanders Fields, >> to the muddy bloody SommeAt the mercy of the gas and guns of the >> hun.That hill the Canadian Corps to take swornUp Vimy Ridge they >> advanced at the steady crying Ready aye ready!

>> >> Through the smoke, clouds the Red Ensign flying and a nation born.With >> shot and shell they sent em to hell leaving corpses to bury Crying >> Ready aye ready!Five Tribe, Seven Guns, Black Watch, Crazy Eights, and >> Kings OwnCalgary.... Ready Aye Ready!The RCAF over the cliffs of Dover >> flew fightin as part of the few. Smashed into the enemy, ready aye >> ready, to few owed much, by so many. >> >> Standin fast at El Alamein to Dieppe Bloody Dieppe in France we >> came.always ready aye ready!From Caen, the Falaise cauldron and the >> Causeway at WalcherenTo Ka Pyong and nameless Korean hills so >> many.With shock, fire, maneuver and shell they sent the fuckers to >> hell!Canadian soldiers always ready aye ready!Lincs and Winks, Eeks >> and Squeaks, Canadian Grenadier Guards, PrincessPatricia’s Canadian >> Light InfantryReady aye ready! >> >> Whenever Canada must make a stand even in a place like >> AfghanistanWhatever place Canadian soldiers journey to keep us >> safe.You mess with the best, you die like the rest! Ready aye >> ready!Our fightin regimental fathers that gave us our country and so >> muchmore.Our freedom and liberty, forever Canadian soldiers have >> foreswore.Ready aye ready!We sleep in peace at night because Canadian >> soldiers are ready to fight. >> >> The enemy isn’t in our backyard , thy sons are on guard, and you are >> free.Ready aye Ready!Grey and Simcoe Foresters, Princess Louise >> Fusliers , Hussars and Dragoons.Fort Garrys, Blue Puttees and the >> Glamour Boys of the 48 thHighlanders.Ladies from Hades...and Loyal >> Eddies!Ready aye ready!Van Doos, Gunners, zippers, Highlanders Little >> Black Devils andinfantryalways...........ready aye ready!Posted by >> snipernco at 6:40 AM 0 comments >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: Barry Winters >> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 21:54:11 -0700 >> Subject: Re: "I read the news today Oh Boy" Mr Baconfat and Peter Kent >> must beproud of their Mossad butt buddies EH Harper? >> To: David Amos , >>, "Brookes.Merritt" >> , "terry.seguin" >> , "Edith. Cody-Rice" , >> "dan.ahlstrand" , "dan. bussieres" >> ,, >>, "kelly. lamrock" , >>, "John.DeWinter" , >> "John. Foran" , Edmonton Castledowns >> , "edmonton.highlandsnorwood"

>> , "edmonton.riverview" >> , "edmonton.calder" >> , "edmonton.centre" >> , "edmonton.strathcona" >> ,, dean >> , tracy , >>, "Harris. J" , >>, IgnatM , LaytoJ >> , "Duceppe. G" , >>,, "shawn. graham" >> , "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)" , >> secord ,, "nb. premier" >> ,, tony >> ,, "William J. Wagener" >> >> Cc: kentp , >> >> To all of Mr. David Raymond Amos' addressees. All of Mr. Amos, e mail >> communications, attachments, linkas are infected with spyware, viruses >> and >> malware. That is been confirmed by Shaw security. >> >> Also be advised, Google, Shaw, Twitter Facebook Scrib and Microsoft >> lable >> all Mr. Amos e communications as spam. >> >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: "David Amos" >> To: ; "Brookes.Merritt" >> ; "terry.seguin" ; >> "Edith. Cody-Rice" ; "dan.ahlstrand" >> ; "dan. bussieres" >> ; >> ; ; "kelly. lamrock" >> ; ; "John.DeWinter" >> ; "John. Foran" ; >> "Edmonton >> Castledowns" ; >> "edmonton.highlandsnorwood" ; >> "edmonton.riverview" ; >> "edmonton.calder" >> ; "edmonton.centre" >> ; "edmonton.strathcona" >> ; ; "dean" >> ; "tracy" ; >> ; >> "Harris. J" ; ;

>> "IgnatM" ; "LaytoJ" ; "Duceppe. G" >> ; ; ; "shawn. >> graham" ; "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)" >> ; >> "secord" ; ; "nb. premier" >> ; ; "tony" >> ; ; "William J. Wagener" >> >> Cc: "kentp" ; ; "Barry Winters" >> >> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:27 PM >> Subject: "I read the news today Oh Boy" Mr Baconfat and Peter Kent must >> beproud of their Mossad butt buddies EH Harper? >> >> >> Buy this guy an atlas. >> >> 'An attack on Israel would be considered an attack on Canada' 16 Feb >> 2010 Junior Foreign Affairs minister Peter Kent is suggesting Canada >> stands ready to throw its full military weight behind Israel, telling >> a Toronto publication that "an attack on Israel would be considered an >> attack on Canada." His office says Mr. Kent, the minister of state for >> Foreign Affairs of the Americas, was merely "paraphrasing" what >> Stephen Harper has said in the past regarding Israel. "It’s not too >> far from what the [Prime Minister] has said," Norm McIntosh, Mr. >> Kent’s chief of staff, told The Globe. >> >> Britons had passport details stolen by 'Mossad death squad' 17 Feb >> 2010 British authorities are investigating how six British nationals >> apparently had their identities stolen by suspected Mossad agents on a >> mission to assassinate a Hamas leader in Dubai. The Foreign and >> Commonwealth Office confirmed that the identities used by six members >> of the 11-strong hit squad were those of real British passport holders >> living in Israel. "We believe the passports used were fraudulent, and >> have begun our own investigation," a spokesman said. >> >> 'Mossad assassination squad used British passports' 16 Feb 2010 Six >> suspects in the assassination of a senior Hamas official in Dubai >> entered the country using British passports, it emerged yesterday. >> Police in the Gulf state announced that they were hunting for 11 >> suspects for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a top Hamas commander, >> who was found dead in his Dubai hotel room on January 20. >> >> Israeli Hit Squad? Dubai Police Issue International Warrants >> --11-Person Team Used Disguises, Fake European Passports in Plot to >> Kill Top Hamas Leader 16 Feb 2010 All signs point to an Israeli hit >> squad, using fake passports and elaborate disguises, in the >> assassination of a top Hamas leader in a Dubai hotel room, according

>> to current and former intelligence officials. Police in Dubai have >> issued international arrest warrants for eleven people wanted in the >> murder of Mahmoud al Mabhouh, a Hamas military commander, who was >> found dead in his room at the five-star Al Bustan Rotana Hotel in >> Dubai. >> >> UK Embassy spying for US, Israel: Iran MP 16 Feb 2010 The British >> Embassy in Tehran has been gathering intelligence on Iran for United >> States and Israel, a senior Iranian lawmaker says. Deputy Head of the >> Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Esmail >> Kowsari told Fars news agency that "the US and the Zionist regime have >> been receiving intelligence [on Iran] through the British Embassy [in >> Tehran]." >> >> Iran: US acting as military dictatorship in ME [and elsewhere] 16 Feb >> 2010 Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki says the US is acting >> as a military dictatorship in the Middle East by killing countless >> number of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran's top diplomat made >> the comments in response to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who >> said Iran is "moving toward a military dictatorship." The Iranian >> minister raised questions about the US military dictatorship in the >> region and said that Washington has killed large numbers of Iraqi and >> Afghan civilians while Iran has accepted and helped millions of >> refugees from the two countries. >> >> Congressman says US should break Gaza blockade 14 Feb 2010 The United >> States should break Israel's blockade of Gaza and deliver badly needed >> supplies by sea, a U.S. congressman told Gaza students. Rep. Brian >> Baird, a Democrat from Washington state, also urged President Barack >> Obama's Mideast envoy to visit the Hamas-ruled territory to get a >> firsthand look at the destruction caused by Israeli's military >> offensive last year. >> >> Hidden enemy delays advance in Marjah 16 Feb 2010 US Marines and >> Afghan troops were bogged down by sniper fire and home -made bombs on >> the third day of their biggest offensive since the overthrow of the >> Taleban in 2001. Nato and allied forces were meeting fierce resistance >> in their battle to seize the Taleban’s main stronghold in southern >> Afghanistan, and were able to advance only 500 yards yesterday. >> Multiple firefights broke out in various areas in and around Marjah. >> >> Ottawa asks US not to use shared Guantanamo evidence --US forces in >> Afghanistan took Khadr prisoner when he was just 15 years old in July >> 2002. 16 Feb 2010 The Canadian government asked the United States not >> to use shared evidence to prosecute Canadian Guantanamo inmate Omar >> Khadr. Canada's Supreme Court ruled last month that Ottawa violated >> Khadr's rights by sharing his statements to Canadian officials with >> Washington. Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said Ottawa delivered a

>> diplomatic note to Washington "seeking assurances that any evidence or >> statements shared with US authorities as a result of the interviews of >> Mr. Khadr by Canadian agents and officials in 2003 and 2004 not be >> used against him by US authorities in the context of proceedings >> before the (US) Military Commission or elsewhere." >> >> How MI5 kept watchdog in the dark over detainees' claims of torture >> --Intelligence committee misled by MI5 evidence --Demands for reform >> after appeal court revelations 15 Feb 2010 It was in the middle of >> 2008 that Jonathan Evans, director general of MI5, delivered a >> bombshell confession to the previously compliant parliamentarians of >> the intelligence and security committee. He told them, in strict >> secrecy as usual, that assurances of MI5 innocence previously accepted >> without demur by the politicians had in fact been false. The >> committee, which was supposed to supervise MI5's policies, had already >> published a reassuring report on the basis of what it had been told. >> That report, based on testimony from Eliza Manningham-Buller, Evans's >> predecessor, informed the world that MI5 had been unaware of any >> ill-treatment dished out by its US allies to Binyam Mohamed. The >> opposite was true. As the appeal court has now finally revealed, >> detailed briefings had been supplied at the time by Washington on the >> CIA's "new strategy" for softening up Mohamed and others, for which it >> demanded British help. >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 21:44:18 -0400 >> Subject: I Never I repeat Never had a beer in my life You are the >> drunk not I Mr Baconfat >> To: >> Cc: Barry Winters ,, >>, "Brookes.Merritt" >> , "terry.seguin" >> , "Edith. Cody-Rice" , >> "dan.ahlstrand" , "dan. bussieres" >> ,, >>, "kelly. lamrock" , >> "John.DeWinter" , "John. Foran" >> , Edmonton Castledowns >> , "edmonton.highlandsnorwood" >> , "edmonton.riverview" >> , "edmonton.calder" >> , "edmonton.centre" >> , "edmonton.strathcona" >> ,, dean >> , tracy , >>, "Harris. J" ,

>>, IgnatM , LaytoJ >> , "Duceppe. G" , >>,, "shawn. graham" >> , "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)" , >> secord ,, "nb. premier" >> ,, tony >> >> >> Furthermore things are as I say. I am the dude that has a name and >> signs it to back upmy word. Check my work I love debating lawyers the >> more the merrier. Sue me or the CROWN should prosecute me about >> whatever you may believe is untrue. >> >> You are NOBODY but a stale fart in cyber space without one Mr Baconfat >> or Barry Winters or Robert Thompsett or whomever the hell you may wish >> to be tonight. I am definitely no pedophile nor do I have any criminal >> record whatsoever. However by what you have writtin I believe that you >> may be the pedo and the one with a criminal record. How come you could >> not drive for two years? >> >> Everybody knows I am a natural born Canadian citizen from a long line >> of Canadian's before it befored to the the god damned CROWN. you ain't >> fooling anyone with that nonsense/ All my ancestors are demanding that >> I hold you and all your very crooked cohorts accountable in an ethi cal >> fashion or die trying. I am honoured that the likes of you hate me. >> >> As you well know because of all the evil that you published about my >> family and sanctioning their killing as well I am on a mission >> bankrupt everyone in public office and law enforcement who ignored >> your malicious attacks on the folks of my family for the past year I >> plan to kick your poor as a mouse nasty arse zionist back to your so >> called promised land where you fucking belong. I want your pension >> money too. >> >> The last thing you are is a decent former Canadian military dude. I >> repeat I strongly doubt that you are even a Canadian at all and that >> you definitely act like a Mossad agent. Need I say Fuck Zionists and >> all who assist them or ignore their obvious evil? Anyone remember what >> happened to many a TRUE Jew in WW II? This miserable bastard and his >> butt buddies are using the tragic murder of millions to inspire more >> war for their greedy benefit DUHHHH? I have saved every word he has >> published or sent to me the CROWN in several provinces has lots to >> argue about its incompetence in defending Canadain citizens from his >> many wrongs. >> >> I must ask the obvious uestion. What did my forefathers fight for??? >> Did they make their sacrifices to protect a bunch of greedy whimpy >> politicians and lawyers? Or did they fight for the rights and liberty

>> of all Canadians which include mean old me and my children and yours >> too. Anyone? Anyone???? >> >> You silence has been deafening SHAME ON YOU ALL. >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> P.S. FUCK You too Arty Baby MacKay. Don't give me this old man >> bullshit. You are just a hit and run chickenshit like all the rest. >> You can't fool me because I am too stupid. You are a bigtime shit >> disturber on the Internet and behind the scenes in the very stinky NB >> Power deal. Deal with it and say my name. It is time to suck it up the >> spotlight is on you too Arty. It don't look good for a proper >> Maritimer to act like a pussy. thats is somethin shany baby \graham or >> his butt buddy TJ Burke would. Even the Yankees in Beantown know who >> that bullshitter is. >> >> On 2/16/10, wrote: >>> PLEASE GUYS. I'M OLD, I'M TIRED, YOUR STRESSING ME AND I AM NOT IN THE >>> SLIGHTEST BIT INTERESTED IN ANY OF THIS!!!!! PLEASE ... TAKE ME OFF THIS >>> LIST. >>> >>> On Feb 16, 2010 6:48pm, Barry Winters wrote: >>>> Tuesday, February 16, 2010 >>> >>>> No one ever listens to pedophile like David Amos >>> >>>> Everyone's "favourite" pedophile faggot David Amos is ..pissed again! >>>> The >>>> >>>> animal anglophone animal that claims he was "offered " a seat at >>>> Canada's "francophone only" Military College... CMR at Ste >>>> "crying in his beer "....again >>> >>> >>> >>>> Like the nasty puppy who just bullshitted me just now in his >>>> email.Nobody >>>> >>>> has the time to talk to me. Everybody knows I am no fan of anypolitcal >>>> party but at least the NDP lady was very nice and dealt withme >>>> ethically, >>>> >>>> knew my name and responded to me. More importantly for mean old >>>> me "NOBODY Will Say My Name" in thecorporate media. Google that >>>> expression and you will see why. Restassured I will do my best to file >>>> a

>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>

lawsuit or two against Canada, NewBrunswick, Alberta etc someday soon or die trying or my name aint"Just Dave".I told all you to beware of the Ides of March did I not? Well withLady Luck on my side i will Cya'll in Federal Court someday soon.Veritas VincitDavid Raymond Amos

Oh dear ...the faggot is distressed. David Amos is a akin to "chicken little" he threatened litigation against everyone and his dog for years. Its been said that the great American pastime is not Baseball...but litigation. Our American "friend" David Amos makes this old saw ,,,true

David Amos has no money, nor a case with a scintilla of merit to sue anyone. He is joke. David Amos claims to be a the "real deal", but authors will not write his bio, or story. Mainstream Radio Talk Shows refuse his phone calls. The Canadian Committee for Protection of Bloggers have blocked his e mails. A NewBrunswick public health nurse as threatened to call to the police due to his stalking behaviour.

David Amos lives on the charity of others...he makes NO living what he can sponge off of others. Indeed David has referred to his "farmer friend" Werner Bock...but alas Werner Bock would not refer to David Amos as a friend...he threw David out after an extended period of David Amos sponging a life off him.

The "ides of March" indeed! Posted by Seren at 2:31 PM ----- Original Message ----- From: "David Amos"> To:>;>; "Brookes.Merritt">; "terry.seguin">; "Edith. Cody-Rice">; "dan.ahlstrand"

>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>>>; "dan. bussieres">;>;>; "kelly. lamrock">; "John.DeWinter">; "John. Foran">; "Edmonton Castledowns">; "edmonton.highlandsnorwood">; "edmonton.riverview">; "edmonton.calder">; "edmonton.centre">; "edmonton.strathcona">;>; "dean">; "tracy">;>; "Harris. J">;>; "IgnatM">; "LaytoJ">; "Duceppe. G">;>;>; "shawn. graham">;>; "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)">; "secord">;>; "nb. premier">;>; "tony"> Cc: "Barry Winters"> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:40 PM Subject: So much for the brand new right wing party in Alberta ever doing theright thing EH Premier Shawn Graham?

Like the nasty puppy who just bullshitted me just now in his email. Nobody has the time to talk to me. Everybody knows I am no fan of any politcal party but at least the NDP lady was very nice and dealt with me ethically, knew my name and responded to me.

More importantly for mean old me "NOBODY Will Say My Name" in the

>>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>>

corporate media. Google that expression and you will see why. Rest assured I will do my best to file a lawsuit or two against Canada, New Brunswick, Alberta etc someday soon or die trying or my name aint "Just Dave".

I told all you to beware of the Ides of March did I not? Well with Lady Luck on my side i will Cya'll in Federal Court someday soon.

Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Shawn Howard - WRA Communications> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 13:20:32 -0700 Subject: Re: So much for New Brunswick and Alberta being owned by Zionists EH Premier Shawn Graham To: David Amos>

Further to your objectionable call and these two emails, you can remove me from all of your contact lists. I do not want to receive this type of information from you or anyone else and I have no interest in wasting any time even reading it. You are instructed to never contact me again.

>>> >>> >>>> Shawn Howard >>> >>> >>> >>>> On 16-Feb-10, at 10:08 AM, David Amos wrote: >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> >>>> From: Barry Winters> >>> >>>> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 09:12:41 -0700 >>> >>>> Subject: Re: To answer the obvious question Dr Secord Yes I was deeply >>> >>>> in Bernie Madoff pleading guilty that is why the Zionists are upset >>> >>>> To: David Amos> >>> >>> >>> >>>> I think I've made you famous. >>> >>> >>> >>>> Tuesday, February 16, 2010 >>> >>>> David Amos is now infamous >>> >>>> I write or frequently contribute to an Israeli (english) >>> >>>> publication. I >>> >>>> submitted it for next week's issue >>> >>> >>> >>>> The face of aniti-semitisim in Canada. There are roughly 850,000 Arab >>> >>>> "kanadians" in Canada., and their NGO's are funded (for now) >>> >>>> partially by >>> >>>> Canada's federal government. However that is soon to change. But

>>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>>

perhaps one of the most hate-filled and insane anti-Semitic voices belongs to one David Raymond Amos. As is the case with almost all racists he is not a successful man. Racism thrives in ignorance and David Amos is not an educated man. he lives in exceptionally meager circumstances in one of the poorest provinces in Canada.

David Raymond Amos wants the roughly 7 million Jews of Israel dead. He wants to recall Hitler's cattle cars and again send the Jews to their extinction in a very real way. He supports Iran and its genocidal nuclear weapons programme. David Amos claims that US authorities attempted to "render him" to Camp Delta at Guantanamo Bay I have confirmed however that there are multiple oustanding arrest warrants for him in the United States.

It matters not to Mr. Amos if you are a, Reformed Jew, Ultra-Orthodox, non-practising, Haredi, et al. If you live in Israel you are not

>>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>>

what he calls a "true Jew", but a "filthy Zionist" fit only for extinction . He claims that "palestine" is "occupied", notwithstanding the fact there has never been a "palestinian state".

In fact Mr. Amos equates "Zionism" with criminals the ilk of Bernie Madoff . Mr. Amos uses " filty zionist" so he won't caught using the epithet "fithy Jew".....But an anti-Semite, is an anti-Semite, is an anti-Semite. There are roughly 370,000 Jews in Canada and about 7,500 Canadian Jews have made alyiah to Eretz Israel since 1948. They are all what Mr. Amos refers to as "filthy zionists" as well.

It appears that Canadian anti-Semetism is centred in Canada's Maritime Provinces, where there seem to many of Mr. Amos' ilk and another vociferous anti-Semetic voice belongs to one Dana Durnford. I would indeed suggest to all that you check their "on line contribution" to Jewish hatred.

>>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>>

What these "mensch", what these animals are ignorant of is: Israel did NOT start this continuation of a war of over sixty years duration. The Arab League did. Five invading Arab armies did. As the Secretary General of the Arab League and Haj Hussieni ya Amin the Grand Mufti of Yersaylem demanded ..."a war of extermination and great slaughter." Of course ...nothing has changed. But this miniscule constituency of anti-Semic racism in Canada cares NOT for that indisputable fact.

David Amos and Dana Durnford perpetuate the propaganda and prevarications the several Canadian pro Jihadi newspapers in Canada promote. From Jihad unspun: The Jews caused WWI, the Jews caused the Great Depression, the Jews caused WWII. the Jews prepetrated 911 and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is...fact. All of these "newspapers" are being investigated by

>>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>>

the appropriate authorities.

The Canadian Government, the Harper Government has become more evenhanded and more sanguine in its support of Israel in recent times. Much to the chagrin of Mr. Amos and the rest of Aryan Nation and neo-Nazi constituency in Canada.

As always the abject ignorance of racists is exceeded only by their hypocrisy. America is building a "border wall" to keep " illegal aliens" drug runners " and terrorists in Mexico. Texas is territory that was arguably just as "illegally obtained" and occupied as Yesha. Yet where is the outrage? "Filthy Zionists" indeed!

----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos"> To: "secord">; "Barry Winters">; "Frank. McKenna">; "Dan Fitzgerald">;

>>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>>> Cc: "shawn. graham">; "kelly. lamrock">; "tracy"> Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 9:03 AM Subject: To answer the obvious question Dr Secord Yes I was deeply in Bernie Madoff pleading guilty that is why the Zionists are upset

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "DrCarley@GMAIL"> Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 14:22:40 -0400 Subject: Re: Dr Carley I managed to speak to Mylan Denerstein's assistant (212 416 6303) she said they were aware of you and are expecting these emails To: David Amos>

Thanks! When my supporters in NY demanded that AG Cuomo's office investigate my case at a "road show" Cuomo had in LI, he turfed it to Denerstein...whose only action was to allegedly have CPS interview Joey (while he is under torture). They said he is "fine", and closed the case (she did tell me on the phone that "it is hard to intervene when a

>>>> judge >>> >>>> has >>> >>>> made an order"). Take home long as child abuse is >>> >>>> judicially >>> >>>> condoned, there is nothing that can be done. >>> >>> >>> >>>> Dr c >>> >>> >>> >>>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> >>>> From: David Amos> >>> >>>> Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 13:15:12 -0400 >>> >>>> Subject: I called again to try to speak to the tax Ombudsman Paul >>> >>>> Dube >>> >>>> and many others. Need I say that I was not surprised that nobody >>> >>>> called me back to talk to me? >>> >>>> To:,, >>> >>>>, >>> >>>>, >>> >>>>,, >>> >>>>,, >>> >>>>,, >>> >>>>,, >>> >>>>,, >>> >>>>,,, >>>

>>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>>

Barry Winters>, dean Ray> Cc:,,,,,,,,,

Gordon O'Conner who appointed a lawyer from New Brunswick to be the Tax Ombudsmancan ask his former underlings such as legions of taxmen or Keith Ashfield, Pat Lynch, Greg Thompson, Brent Babcock or better the very evil lawyer Ward Elcock explain my troubles with corrupt taxmen and their many cohorts to the shy Ombudsman before we meet in a Federal Court. Nobody should deny that the former Governor General suggested that I take my concerns to court over five years ago. Perhaps O'Conner's purported fellow exmilitary man "Barry Winters" aka will continue with his obvious malice in an effort explain to the world why my concerns about lawsuits against the CROWN have no merit whatsoever. Cybersace has lots of room for many agruments but the PMO and the PCO offices should agree that the proper

>>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>>

veneue for important arguments involving taxation and the CRIOWN is the Federal Court in Fredericton New Brunswick. Whereas Paul Dube and his help wish to play dumb about the accountibilty of the CRA etc since he moved to Ottawa with the rest of the federal boyz he can send lawyers to New Brunswick to argue me about my right to no false imprisonment etc.

Need I repeat myself to explain why this Youtube channel of Dean Roger Ray and the blog of his associate in Alberta "Barry Winters " in particular offend my family the most and will cause the CROWN to pagreat y out a deal of money in the form of releif for its willful support of such obvious malice or my name ain't "Just Dave"?

Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos

---------- Forwarded message ----------

>>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>>

From: David Amos> Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 09:41:52 -0400 Subject: We just talked correct Mr Clarke? To: Cc: DannyWilliams>, Byron Prior>

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos> Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 09:35:12 -0400 Subject: I just called to talk then gave up I have no time to argue the fact that i am alive andt not in jail proves I don't make mistakes To:

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos> Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 10:44:12 -0300 Subject: I just called to talk to Congressman Alan Grayson To: Cc: Barry Winters>

Office of Congressman Alan Grayson 455 N. Garland Ave., Ste. 402

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Orlando, FL 32801 Phone: (407) 841-1757 Fax: (407) 841-1754

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos> Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 14:53:42 -0300 Subject: Yo Warren Tolman I Hope for the Benefit of ALL that somebody in ACORN pays attention to this email and my phone call EH? To:,, "warren.tolman">,, Cc:,


Boston ACORN

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196 Adams St. Dorchester, MA 02122 Phone: 617-436-7100 Fax: 617-436-4878,

Bronx/Manhattan ACORN 597 E. 139th St Bronx, NY 10454 Phone: 718-292-0070 Fax: 718-292-8846

Brooklyn ACORN 2-4 Nevins Street 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217 Phone: 718-246-7900 Fax: 718-246-7939

Buffalo ACORN 271 Porter Ave Buffalo, NY 14201

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Long Island ACORN 91 North Franklin #209 Hempstead, NY 11550 Phone: 516-481-6769 Fax: 516-481-6781

Suffolk ACORN Touro Law School, Room 203, Public Advocacy Center 225 Eastview Drive Central Islip, NY 11722 Phone: 631-650-2312 Phone: 631-881-4804 Fax: 631-967-2235

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos> Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 14:26:31 -0300 Subject: Before Jared Bernstein speaks I wish to register my indignation towards a malevolent beancounter

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To:,,, Cc:, editor>,, newsroom>, newsonline>, Barry Winters>

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ed Schultz broadcasts from 30 Rock in New York City!

Jared Bernstein, Chief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser to Vice President Joe Biden, joins the 2nd hour of Thursday's show to discuss the economy growth signaling an end to the recession.



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"You know what I tired of being called the Middle Class without us the United States would not run the way it is today so to me we are Primary Class the rich people think they run the Country and they are very wrong the only thing they do is find out a way not to pay their taxes as they should so us The Primary Class picks up their taxes they manage to avoid paying so I think we are far more important than the rich people. Just look at what Madoff did and got away with for years and years and all of us are going to pay for that in so many ways we will really not know."


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From: Kucinich for Congress> Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 11:29:18 -0400 (EDT) Subject: What Do We Stand For: Insurance Companies Or The People? To:

What Do We Stand For: Insurance Companies Or The People?

Dear Friends,

Click here to view video.

On MSNBC, The Ed Shultz Show (October 28) Congressman Kucinich stated: It's time to re-double our efforts to insist on a robust public option, that is the least we can do since the single-payer option has been taken out of the bill, leaving negotiated rates, a trigger capitulating to insurance companies. Without a robust public option the poor will pay more, the government will pay more, ending up in a larger bailout to the insurance industry. Your contribution will empower our efforts to fight for the single-payer, not for profit health care bill, HR 676.

>>> >>> >>>> Congressman Kucinich continued: We can't% >>> >> >> >


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